Audubon Center of the North Woods
News from the North Woods
Spring/Summer 2014 Volume 40, Issue 1
A proud leader in environmental education and renewable energy In This Issue Keeping the Direct Connection 1
Keeping the Direct Connection
Budding Future
Budding Future
by Melonie Shipman, Co-Director
by Bryan Wood, Co-Director
Porcupine Points
From Our Kitchen
Wish Lists
“Don’t touch that dial!” used to be an advertising phrase to keep us from changing TV stations because the promo was that something exciting was coming up. Then the phrase became “put down that remote” – again because something appealing supposedly was coming on the television screen. Now the latter phrase might be useful to encourage us to go outdoors.
Most people don’t get to do what they love for a living. I fortunately am not one of them. Being a part of the Audubon Center of the North Woods creates an excitement for me every day I head into work. I see the impact we make with learners of all ages through our educational programs. I feel the positive energy in the groups that attend here. I know the dedication our staff brings to their jobs every single day. It is not common to find these qualities at just any organization, but as you know, the Center is not just any place. We have impacted hundreds of thousands of lives over our lifespan and are recognized as a leader in the Midwest for environmental education. Every year we strive to reach wider audiences through new programs and initiatives.
The Importance of Scholarships Upcoming Events
5 6-7
Spotlight on Schools
Volunteer Spotlight
FY2013 Summary
Thank You
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Help Ty with our spring maple syrup operation Dinner at the Lake kitchen and cleanup assistance
Upcoming Events See our website for details Maple Syrup Day March 29, 2014 Food & Farms Weekend April 4-6, 2014 Women’s Wellness & Adventure Weekend, May 2-4, 2014 Mother’s Day Brunch May 11, 2014 MN Phenology Network Conference, May 16-18. 2-14 MDHA Forkhorn II Camp June 9-13, 2014 Road Scholar ® ‘Migration Mysteries’, June 8-13 & June 15-20 MAEE Annual Conference June 20-22 Exploring Lake Superior’s South Shore, June 22-28, 2014 Road Scholar ® Family ‘Woods, Water , Wisdom’, July 20-25, 2014 WSF Summer Institute August 4-6, 2014
Instead of going outdoors, many youngsters choose to spend up to nine and half hours of a precious day sitting at a computer on social media. There have been many articles already written about how, for all the worldwide technology, people are actually less deeply connected as the connection is increasingly indirect. We went from the face-to-face visits and letters of colonial times, to the telephone in which there is at least a vocal connection, to the computer in which there is no direct element with the other person(s). It amazes me to see young sweethearts walking hand-inhand and texting someone else. Boy, doesn’t that make someone feel special. Such a distancing also permeates education. We have webinars, on-line classes, and distancedelivered programming. A proposal introduced to several nature centers years ago was for encouraging urban youth to go birding. The speaker was mega into technology and thought technology should be provided so a student could be on a hike, take a photo of a bird, and then look at an app to identify the bird. Hmmm, I missed the part where they were learning how — continued on page 4 —
One area that we have made a conscious effort to improve environmentally is through our Food Service. With a new focus on scratch-cooking (making meals from whole ingredients, not processed); we are making healthier and better tasting meals for our participants. Cooking with whole foods also reduces packaging and costs. By buying locally from farmers when seasonally allowable we support the community and reduce our environmental impact. By purchasing beef and pork products from a certified organic farm in western Wisconsin, we are ensuring the meats that are served at our meals are free of hormones, antibiotics and chemicals and that the animals were raised humanely, grazing on the foods they evolved to eat. There are a number of reasons to move towards these kinds of foods, but — continued on page 3 —