Audubon Center of the North Woods
Spring/Summer 2015
News from the North Woods
Volume 41, Issue 1
Experience Your Environment
The Power of Nature by Bryan Wood, Executive Director
It seems paradoxical – the only constant is change. But truer words have never been spoken, especially in today’s digital age where we are more connected, more informed, more tuned in, but also more likely to feel like we are falling behind. There has never been a time in history where the rate of change has happened so fast. At some point, you may have felt the need to slow down, to get outside and get back in pace with the rhythm of nature. Now more so than ever, people need the chance to get away, to remember that the rate of change can be measured in seasons and cycles, not just hours and days. But why is that, why do we have that internal tugging to be outside, what do we gain? John Muir once said “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” The ability of nature to amaze, to inspire, and to center us truly is powerful.
As has been said before, “Nature holds the answers to questions that have not yet been asked.” A few decades ago, no one was asking what impacts nature had on children’s learning and behavior. But fast forward to today and we live in a society with an epidemic of child behavioral and cognitive disorders. We all know that getting children outside is good for them physically, but recent research findings published on the Children and Nature Network illustrate that nature has real, quantified benefits to children’s behavior and learning as well. Findings such as a) children with ADHD who regularly play in green settings have milder symptoms than children who play in built outdoor and indoor settings, b) children with ADHD concentrate better after a walk in nature, c) nearby nature reduces stress in children, d) nearby nature boosts children’s cognitive functioning, and e) hands-on outdoor learning increases children’s engagement and enthusiasm to learn and teacher’s motivation to teach.
There is something innate within us all that needs access to and time in nature. With indoor time increasing every year for our society’s youth, we at ACNW are more determined than ever to help facilitate those nature experiences for children. It’s why we offer residential environmental educational programs reaching over 4,000 k-12 students each year, why we authorize 6,600 k-12 students in our 32 environmentally focused charter schools across the state, and why we offer a number of youth camps during the summer. Simply put, the more time we can get children in nature, the better off they will be, as will our society. Thank you for being a part of all of this and making it possible. Your patronage and generosity allow us to make a difference in the lives of children every year. You make a difference, you have a real impact, and I am truly grateful for your support. In This Issue Power of Nature..........1
Summer Camps............5
Spotlight on Schools...6
Snowy Owl Sightings..3
Wish Lists..............3 & 6
It’s Maple Syrup Time..4
Thank You......................7
Upcoming Events.............4
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News from the North Woods
Spring/Summer 2015
by Walt Seibert, Development Coordinator
Social Entrepreneurism at the Audubon Center of the North Woods is not a new concept. When Mike Link and his family came to the land that is now the Audubon Center of the North Woods, he did not think of himself as an entrepreneur, except the kind that cut wood to keep the family warm! In fact, Mike was a social entrepreneur as defined by George Williams College in Williams Bay, WI: “… social entrepreneurs transform society. They see a problem - poverty, hunger, injustice, the environment - and work to find an accessible, ethical, and long-term solution.” Like many others, Mike saw the inattention of the public to the environment and set about to bring it to the forefront in Minnesota and the upper Midwest. He was in a position to do something about it and he did. Working with many other like minded people, Mike was positioned to make a difference by helping to bring visibility of environmental issues to the public in general. A prime example of his work was that ACNW became and remains the largest authorizer of public charter schools in the state of Minnesota – this is all about creating environmentally literate citizens for vocational and avocational pursuits. That is social entrepreneurism! YOU helped make it happen. I’m talking about individual supporters who believed and still do that the mission of ACNW warrants their philanthropic gifts year after year. What Mike did and Executive Director Bryan Wood does today is made possible by YOU. You make a difference. THANK YOU! Walt Seibert, Development Coordinator, can be reached at or 952-200-9867.
“A person has made at least a start of discovering the meaning of life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.”
Thrivent Choice Dollars Giving back has always been important to Thrivent and its members. Thrivent has provided more than $174 million to help congregations, educational institutions and other nonprofit organizations through the Thrivent Choice charitable grant program since its 2010 introduction. Eligible members age 16 and older have the power to recommend how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable grant funds using a vehicle called Choice Dollars. By directing Choice Dollars, eligible members can recommend how to distribute some of Thrivent’s charitable funds among thousands of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including congregations, camps, schools, seminaries, campus ministries and more. (The Audubon Center of the North Woods is an approved organization to receive grant funds.)
Thrivent Action Teams:
It’s easy to take action on a cause you care about to help strengthen your community as you guide others to be wise with money and live generously. Thrivent Action Teams are memberled projects – fundraisers, one-time service activities or educational events- that can be completed within 90 days. If your project is approved, you’ll receive resources – including T-shirts and seed money – to help you get started. For more information, call Mitch Haber at 218-384-4400.
D. Elton Trueblood
Please consider including the Audubon Center of the North Woods in your will. For more information, contact Walt Seibert, our Development Coordinator, at 952-200-9867 or
Information for your legal counsel (including samples of language for any type of bequest) can be found on the support page at 888-404-7743
Spring/Summer 2015
News from the North Woods
Snowy Owl Sightings wish list
by Jeff Tyson, Wildlife Coodinator
Most birders have a species that has eluded them for some time. Until 2012 that species for me was a Snowy Owl. That winter I made eight trips up to the Duluth/Superior area but time after time I came up empty. Finally, on my eighth trip that winter, a friend I was with spotted the bird in an industrial area of Superior, Wisconsin. I’ll never forget the thrill of seeing that Snowy Owl for the first time in the “wild.” That is an experience I love to share by taking our intern staff out looking for owls. Last winter the east coast of the United States experienced a very large influx of Snowy Owls in an event called an irruption. Birds normally in the arctic were sighted in the southeast United States. Previously it was thought that these irruptions were due to lack of food and that these birds were starving. But banding research has shown that the majority of these birds are in good body condition. Ornithologists now hypothesize that they are likely moving south due to high survival rate of young the previous year, combined with decreased prey population. This year there has been another Snowy Owl irruption, this time centered more in the Midwest. On this year’s staff owling trip we came across three Snowy Owls and a Northern Hawk Owl on our first attempt. With the large number of Snowy Owls in
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Minnesota this winter they are drawing a lot of attention from birders and non-birders alike. The irruptions are providing an opportunity for us to learn more about these periodic visitors. While we know Snowy Owls eat lemmings on their breeding grounds, they have been observed hunting birds, even other raptors, during southern irruptions. It was previously thought that Snowy Owl movements were limited to traveling south; however, research is showing that some birds move farther north in the winter. Further research found that these birds are wintering out on the pack ice hunting eiders, a sea duck. It is not surprising that some birds choose to travel farther north, as one researcher noted a Snowy Owl was able to survive temperatures of -135 F for five hours without significant ill health effects. With the influx of Snowy Owls into our region, this is a perfect time to observe one in the wild, especially if you have not yet had the opportunity to see one. Sightings are spread throughout Minnesota including the Twin Cities. You can check for recent sightings on and Please be respectful and keep your distance from the owls, as it can be stressful for the birds if they are repeatedly flushed from their perch. So grab a pair of binoculars and try to see one of these arctic visitors!
The Audubon Center has a wish list on of items that would assist us with animal care, materials for education programs, and field guides for staff reference. You can make your gift go further by shopping through Amazon Smile and having a portion of your purchase price be donated to the Audubon Center (no additional cost to you). To locate our wish list: 1) Visit If you have not chosen a charitable
organization, you’ll be prompted to Select a Charity. Type “Audubon Center of the North Woods” in box at lower right and click search.Click ‘Select’ next to Audubon Center or the North Woods in your search results.
2) Mouse over ‘Wish List’ in the upper right corner of your screen. 3) Choose Find a Wish List or Registry
4) Enter “Audubon Center of the North Woods” into the search box. 5) From there you can view our wish list (currently 2 pages)
Friend a Wild Critter Help support the care of any of our resident education birds and animals through our “Friend a Wild Critter” program. Your donation goes towards housing, medical care, food and enrichment items, to help encourage natural behavior in our non-releasable birds and mammals. As part of the adoption process, you will receive a 4x6 magnet photo of the animal, an “Adoption Certificate”, a personal and natural history of “your” animal, recognition in our newsletter, and a tour of the ACNW wildlife facility. For more information, please contact Jeff Tyson, our Wildlife Coordinator, at or visit our website. 888-404-7743
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News from the North Woods
Meet Our New Lead Cook Leah Ness I live in nearby Hinckley and have worked in the food industry for almost 30 years. To be able to come to work and be surrounded by the beautiful lakeside scenery is definitely a plus of working at the Audubon Center of the North Woods. I have lots of animals of my own - chickens, cats and 2 horses so working in this wildlife-rich setting makes me feel at home in my work environment. In my free time, I love to garden and ride my horses.
It’s (Almost) Maple Syrup Time by Clarissa Ellis, Program Specialist
Spring/Summer 2015
2015 Spring/Summer Programs Visit the CALENDAR OF EVENTS on our website Mar. 21 ........Maple Syrup Day/Brunch Apr. 17-19.....Food & Farms Weekend Apr. 18..........Dinner at the Lake May 1-3.........Women’s Wellness & Adventure Weekend May 8-10......Spring Phenology Weekend May 10..........Mother’s Day Brunch June 5-7........Birding Bonanza Weekend June 6...........Dinner at the Lake June-Sept ����Summer Camps for youth, families and adults (see next page) Please note: The correct date for our upcoming Maple Syrup Day is March 21, 2015
Winter in Minnesota is long and cold – there’s no denying it. Minnesotans deal with it in a variety of ways. Snowbirds migrate to warmer places for the whole winter. Others take a tropical vacation. Winter enthusiasts go snowshoeing, cross country skiing, ice fishing, snowmobiling or winter camping. Bird watchers travel far and wide looking for winter migrants like Snowy owls. Gardeners pour through seed catalogues and make garden plans. Maple syrup makers inventory the firewood supply, and order bottles, labels, tubing, buckets, and all of the necessary syrup making supplies. ACNW sugar bush manager and maple syrup maker extraordinaire Ty Johnson is busy gearing up for this year’s syruping season. All equipment and staff need to be ready to go as soon as the weather conditions are just right. In order to have a sap flow, the temperatures need to be above freezing during the day, and below freezing at night. Once this happens, tapping of the trees can begin. The maple syrup season runs for approximately one month – mid-March to mid-April – ending when the buds of the trees begin to open. The Center has had a maple syruping operation on site since 1973. The technology and number of trees tapped has changed a bit over the years; from tapping a few trees and collecting sap with birch bark baskets and boiling sap with hot stones in a hollowed out log, to tapping approximately 500 trees and collecting sap with metal buckets, plastic bags and a pipeline system, and cooking sap in our antique wood fired 150 gallon chamber evaporator. Thousands of school children and families have attended maple syruping programs at the Center in these 42 years. One of the season’s highlights is the annual Maple Syrup Brunch and Program. This year the date is March 21. Keep your fingers crossed that winter is on its way out by then, and maple syrup season is in full swing.
Reservations are REquired
Maple Syruping at the Center then and now
In the photo above from 1973, Mike Link teaches a maple syrup class. At right, current maple syrup operations are overseen by Ty Johnson, who is pictured here stoking the wood-fired evaporator in the Sugar Shack. 888-404-7743
Spring/Summer 2015
News from the North Woods
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2015 SUMMER CAMPS A plethora of nature-focused summer camps...something for everyone: youth, families and adults. Details and online registration can be found on our Calendar of Events at
June 28 -July 3 – Outdoor Adventures:
July 5-10 – Summer Family Escape:
June 7-12, June 14-19, Aug. 23-28, Aug. 30-Sept. 4, Sept. 6-11 – Migration Mysteries: Raptors on the Wing, Wolves in the Wild & North Country Settlers (Road Scholar® #5745): Experience life
The Great Outdoors abound with adventures! Experience white water rafting and canoeing on the Wild and Scenic Kettle River, outdoor rock climbing at Robinson Park and Ely’s Peak, biking on the Munger Trail and Jay Cooke State Park, Skywalk High Ropes course, Low Ropes Challenge course, indoor rock climbing and more! If adventure is what you seek- this is your week!
July 26-31 – Ways of Wildlife:
Spend the week learning about caring for captive animals and learning about the lives of animals in the wild. We’ll care for the non-releasable wildlife at the Audubon Center, go on field trips to see wolves, bears, and fish, identify animal tracks, and learn animal identification skills. In addition to our time with animals we’ll also traverse the high ropes course and have time to cool off in Grindstone Lake.
Aug. 2-7 – Backpacking the Superior Hiking Trail:
Hike one of the top 10 hiking trails in the country - the Superior Hiking Trail (SHT)! Gain wilderness backcountry skills and explore lush forests with rocky cliffs, serene inland lakes, and thundering waterfalls that empty into Lake Superior. Back-country camp amidst picturesque landscapes and cool off in the clear trout streams and in-land lakes along the North Shore.
Aug. 9-14 – BWCA Expedition Camp: Paddling and camping
in the incredible Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) is the quintessential MN experience. The most beloved wilderness area in the world, the BWCAW’s 1.3 million acres of pristine lakes, rivers and forests is home to gray wolves, black bears, moose, beavers, bald eagles, loons and more! Learn wilderness canoe and camping skills and experience the beauty of MN’s Boundary Waters!
Aug. 16-21 – Hooked on Fishing: Spend a week doing all things fishing at the Audubon Center! We’ll practice the basics of casting and knot tying, fish Grindstone Lake from shore and from boats, learn to fillet and cook fish, learn about fish habits and habitats, and make our own lures.
Take an extended 4th of July holiday break and treat your family to a week of discovery, learning and fun! Our weeklong family program offers age-specific programming in the mornings and all-family programs in the evenings and afternoons. Whether you’re looking for water activities, hiking, nature learning or total relaxation, we have something for you!
July 12-17 – Woods, Waters, & Wildlife: A Family Nature Adventure at the Lake (Road Scholar® #4966): The forests, fields, ponds and lakes of MN’s North Woods hold exciting environmental lessons for you and your grandchild. Search for reptiles and amphibians, meet impressive birds of prey, discover the hidden life of beavers and learn about the natural behavior of wolves. Feel the rush of adventure on our rock climbing wall and high ropes course, and enjoy making traditional Ojibwe crafts.
July 17-19 – St. Croix Family Canoe Camp:
Share a fun-filled camping experience with your family along the Wild & Scenic St. Croix River between MN and WI. Paddle canoes down the easy-flowing water, viewing ancient petroglyphs along the way. Close to the Twin Cities, the river is a great location for a scenic and easygoing weekend family getaway. Enjoy games, activities and campfires on the banks of the beautiful St. Croix.
July 31-Aug. 2 – North Shore Family Camp Experience:
Are you new to camping or just looking to explore a new part of MN? ACNW staff will lead you in exploring several parks along Lake Superior’s North Shore. We’ll provide all the gear, food and transportation, and naturalist led hikes for all ages of participants.
in the magnificent North Woods as we examine seasonal bird populations; the region’s top predator, the gray wolf; and trace human stories and experiences from the Ojibwe Indians, through the French-Canadian Voyageurs and big-pine Lumberjacks.
June 20-28, Aug. 1-9 – A Walking Discovery along Lake Superior’s South Shore (Road Scholar® #21937):
Led by noted experts Mike Link and Kate Crowley, enjoy a unique experience and absorb a wealth of knowledge amid beautiful settings through daily walks and field trips along Lake Superior’s south shore. Learn about natural history, geology, plant and animal life, human impacts including logging, mining, commercial fishing, current challenges and cultural connections with the Ojibwe.
Aug. 16-23, Sept. 13-20 – Minnesota’s Boundary Waters: Paddling Sigurd Olson’s Canoe Country (Road Scholar® #21938):
North Country icon Sigurd Olson was one of America’s most influential conservationists, a beloved nature writer. Award-winning author, musician and wilderness guide Douglas Wood will lead us as we examine Olson’s life and legacy, then embark on a journey of discovery, paddling and camping in the BWCAW. Learn about the region’s geology, forests, plants and animals. Hands-on learning experiences with evenings around the campfire and readings from Olson’s books.
Sept. 11-13 – Women’s Superior Hiking Trail LodgeBased Weekend:
Partial, need-based scholarships are available for all our youth summer camps
Experience one of the country’s most popular trails amongst a community of strong women in one breathtaking weekend! The Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) offers brilliant vistas of Lake Superior while winding through the lush forests of the MN’s north country. Learn backpacking basics while being immersed in the serenity of the wilderness, the spend evenings in comfortable lodging on the lake. 888-404-7743
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News from the North Woods
Spring/Summer 2015
Spotlight on schools
General Wish List
In 2003, ACNW became a sponsor of charter schools in order to further its mission of environmental education and expand its educational programming. In response to statutory change in 2009, ACNW renewed its commitment to charter schools and became an approved charter school authorizer in December 2010. Since that time, ACNW has grown to become the largest authorizer of charter schools in Minnesota by number of schools authorized. ACNW authorizes charter schools as a vehicle to advance our mission and vision by instilling a connection and commitment to the environment in the schools we authorize, thus allowing our schools to work towards a healthy planet where all people live in balance with the Earth.
We are in need of the items below. Remember, your ‘in-kind’ donations are tax-deductible. More ‘wished for’ items can be found on our wish list – see page 3 for more information.
School Milestones Congratulations to the following schools for reaching these milestone years of serving students in Minnesota: l 10 Years – Metro Schools [Minneapolis], Northern Lights
Community School [Warba], & Swan River Montessori Charter School [Monticello] l 15 Years – Aurora Charter School [Minneapolis], Crosslake Community School [Crosslake], & Riverway Learning Community [Winona] And special congratulations to the World Learner School for reaching its twentieth year of operation since opening in 1995! l 20 Years – The World Learner School [Chaska] The World Learner School has been authorized by ACNW since 2011. WLS was founded in 1995 as a small school with less than a dozen students. Today the school serves over two hundred students! The World Learner School’s continued mission is to create a school that supports an experiential collaborative learning program that empowers children to achieve their potential as unique individuals in their classrooms and in their communities.
School Expansions
n utility trailer n reliable, fuel-efficient car for interns n canoes n canoe trailer n cordless and electric tools (saws, drills, etc.) n industrial-size washer & dryer n pressure sprayer n twin mattresses in excellent condition n handheld GPS units n firewood n topsoil for butterfly garden n cross country skis & snowshoes for very small kids n backpacking expedition packs n sleeping bags in excellent condition n ice machine n large mixing bowls n table lamps n spade shovels n cultural site items (glass bead necklaces, flints, non-working flint-lock rifle, replica leather clothing, leather and hides, cast iron cauldron) n bobcat/skidster n ATV n rubbermaid bins n lawn sweeper n Montreal Voyageur Canoe
l Noble Academy [Minneapolis] recently broke ground at their
new school site in Brooklyn Park. The new facility will be over 95,000 square feet and will be able to accommodate over one thousand students (double the current school’s capacity!). l In November, Voyageurs Expeditionary School [Bemidji]
officially opened the school’s Middle School addition to house its middle school students. The classroom spaces the middle school students were previously using are being repurposed into Technology and Engineering classrooms.
We demonstrate respect, care and passion for the earth, all people and all living things
We strive for excellence in everything we do through integrity, open communication and teamwork
Individuals are valued, engaged and appreciated for their unique contributions
We believe in life-long learning through positive shared experiences with the natural world
Our efforts encourage others to recognize their interconnectedness with the earth through their actions
School Awards AFSA High School [Vadnais Heights] was selected as a National Chapter Finalist, Model of Innovation -Student Division at the 87th Annual National FFA Convention. AFSA was one of 11 finalists for this award out of hundreds of applicants across the nation. The National Chapter award recognizes a chapter’s excellence in the standards of development as outlined by the National FFA. To become a finalist for this award, a chapter must show significant student development in the areas of Leadership, Healthy Lifestyles, Career Success, Scholarship, and Personal Growth. AFSA was also awarded the 3-Star Chapter Award by the National FFA Organization, and was recognized on stage at the National FFA Convention last October in Louisville, KY. 888-404-7743
Spring/Summer 2015
News from the North Woods
Thank You!
We would like to acknowledge and thank all those individuals and companies who have contributed to the Audubon Center of the North Woods (since our last newsletter) as well as the schools who visited us this academic year. Through your support and patronage, we are able to provide the best environmental education opportunities for people of all ages.
Donations, Memberships & Memorials Osprey yy Don Arnosti yy Paul Egeland yy Tammy Fleming yy Dick & Connie Glattly yy Steve McNeill yy Jim & Wilda Obey yy Sam Rankin yy Don & Barbara Shelby yy Foundation Terhuly yy Mary Ellen Vetter
Eagles yy Julie Holly yy B. Wayne Johnson
Moose yy Thomas & Phyllis Mahan yy Jim Peter yy Walt Seibert yy Marilyn Thompson yy Marilyn & Lowell Ueland yy James & Audry Waggoner
Loons yy Pam Brumfield yy Franklin & Gisla Crosby yy Rodney & Sue Foss yy Karen & Louis Geislinger yy Wesley Haut yy Paul & Lisa Jeanetta yy Mark Lex yy Rex Lindberg yy Pamela Nelson yy Roger Parsons yy Walt Seibert yy Nancy Sommer yy Thrivent Financial yy Tom Torborg yy Maxine Wallin yy Bryan & Kat Wood
Otters yy Jerry Ammerman yy Cindy Appleman yy James Azarski & Nancy Werner-Azarski yy Donna & Jerold Bahls yy David & Jill Baum yy Sue Behrends yy Mike & Nancy Bennett yy Berchin’s A & W Restaurant yy Beth Blank yy Barbara Blechinger yy Susan Bradford yy Margaret Brandel yy Becky Bundschuh yy Chris & Sheri Camper yy Marcia Cheney yy Harry Cloft & Sherry Jester yy Currie Pangerl & Associates yy Kathy DeDeyn yy Carolyn Dindorf yy Cynthia J Fay M.D.
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yy Richard Flint yy Kathy Gallagher-Burton yy Anna Gerenday yy Lois Gernbacher yy Gordon Andersson yy Janet Green yy David Greenberg yy Richard & Patricia Hapke yy Larry & Cookie Heikes yy Julie & Dean Hovey yy Thomas & Susanne Inman yy Tad Johnson yy Phyllis Kahn yy Susan Kostka yy Charles & Hope Lea yy Don & Marlyee Lee yy Sharon & Antoni Lewandowski yy Dennis & Nancy Liebelt yy Rex Lindberg yy Mike Link yy William & Candice Marx yy James McBride yy Jim McCreary & Gretchen Olson yy Carol Mizuno yy Lois Norrgard yy Yvonne Paffel yy George & Joann Perdrizet yy Christine Peterson yy William Pomper yy Roberta Reilly yy Roman Rowan & Connie Fortin yy Eric & Jacqulyn Saunders yy Glen & Darlene Scott yy Jim & Mary Sloan yy Elaine & Robert Smith yy Charles & Loretta Sprado yy Stan & Susanne Meyer yy Marcia & Burt Sundquist yy Elaine Thrune yy Roger Trapp yy Paul Vartanian & Joanne Smyth yy Don & Mary Verbick yy Charles & Catherine VonRueden yy Chip & Michy Wells yy Larry Whitaker yy Louise White yy Robert & Lynn Widger yy David T. Williams
Cranes yy Tim Agen yy William & Claudia Anderson yy Donna Anderson yy Lillian Antonelli yy Nancy Arnosti yy Emily Baker yy James Beaudry yy Jones Kathy Borst yy Tom Bottern
yy Sue Breska yy Rebecca & Rob Brunette yy Marty & Peggy Carlson yy Elizabeth Charbonneau yy Clifford Johnson yy Kathleen Cruz yy Cassandra Dinehart yy Larry & Nancy Dolphin yy Ashley & David Edge yy European Roasterie Inc yy Ronald Falk yy Rick Fletcher yy Roger Forman yy Bill Foss yy Paula Frakes, M.A. yy Freiberg Cleaning Services yy Judy & Ron George yy Anna May Goyette yy Ricker Erika & John Hammerschmidt yy Robert & Bonnie Hanley yy John Helland yy Ruth Hiland yy Kristin Hogquist yy Peter & Gladys Howell yy Charlie Huber yy Dale & Judy Johnson yy Clarence Johnson yy David Johnson yy Jane & Brian Kise yy Kimberly Korb yy Lisa Kotasek yy Mary & Rudy Kraus yy Barbara Krig yy Scott & Mary Lagaard yy Joe Lessar yy Robert Lininger yy Nina Manzi yy Jean Martell yy Marshall & Anne Marie Mckay yy Patty McQuiston yy Krista Menzel yy Robert & Marveen Minish yy Gary & Patty Mondale yy Daniel & Mary Nicklay yy Fred Nyline yy Jessica Ostrov yy Josh & Sarah Parsons yy Carole Pederson yy Mark & Erica Peterson yy Liz Pomper yy David Salmonson yy Patrick Schifferdecker yy Dan Schoepke yy Carolyn Serrano yy Bruce Shervheim yy Deedree Stukas yy Doug Thoraldson yy Matthew Toavs yy Valerie Tremelat yy Jill Waataja yy Lynette Wallin yy Peter & Patricia Webster
See the next page for member benefits ØØ yy Doug & Kathy Wood yy David & Margo Zentner
Friends yy Rose Adams yy Ross Anderson yy John Arthur yy Konval & Jean Bergum yy William Bruins yy Kathy Carroll yy Ann Crowley yy Kathleen Crowley yy Thomas & Mary Dolan yy Elaine Duvall yy David Eagan yy Eleanor & David Johnson yy Arnold Fonder yy Karol Gresser yy Steve & Alice Gruber yy Susan Hankerson yy Nancy Haugen yy Investment Centers Of America, Inc yy Dorothy & George Jamison yy Meagan Keefe yy Dee & Greg Koivisto yy Rebecca & William Krenke yy Jean LaFlash yy William Lancaster yy Gary & Betsy Larson yy Dennis & Nancy Liebelt yy Rex Lindberg & Dee Kotaska yy Howard & Lynne Markus yy Beverly McComb yy Roger Meyer yy Madeline Miller yy Jenna Moon yy Shelia Moran yy Sara Neumann & Dan Penny yy Johnathan & Ruth Paradise yy Sue & Don Rogers yy Michael Russell yy Donald & Wildie Swanson yy Tim & Joyce Tabor yy Barb Wojahn
In Memory of Robert Rosscup yy Sylvia Marcotte In Memory of Irma Sokolski yy Douglas & Kathy Wood In Memory of Susan Thompson yy Sherry & William Bixby In Memory of Henry Winkels yy B & J Launderette Co. In Memory of Dayle De Cercq in support of Teacher Training yy Wild River Audubon
Honorary In Honor of Lee Dybvig yy Nils Dybvig & Michelle Braley In Honor of George Jamison yy Dr. Shaun & Kristin Jamison In Honor of Todd Noel yy Mike & Mary Noel In Honor of Don Shelby yy Robert Cohen In Honor of Dayle De Cercq yy Wild River Audubon
Scholarship yy Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis Frank Buckingham Wilderness Scholarship Fund
yy Joann & George Perdrizet
Grants yy Carolyn Foundation yy Jack & Claire Dempsey yy Henriette Fey Grindstone Lake Fund yy Alvin & Ruth Huss yy International Assoc. of Avian Trainers & Educators yy Joanne Kendall yy Marvin P Verhulst Foundation yy Minnesota Historical Society yy John & Lynn Stevens
In Memory of:
Friend a Wild Critter
In Memory of Henriette Fay yy Steven & Judith Seidmeyer In Memory of Dorothy Janes yy Don Janes In Memory of Gayle Bullis yy Wayne & Patti Roberts In Memory of Ray Marcotte yy Linda Marcotte In Memory of Marlin Meyer yy Sylvia Marcotte In Memory of Bradley Parker yy Camelle Parker In Memory of Bud Peters yy Marilee & John Eberhart In Memory of Shirley Prue yy Sylvia Marcotte
yy Cindy & Denny Appleman yy Leah Holloway yy David & Debbie Johnson yy Toby & Sue Morgan yy Mounds Park Academy
In-Kind Donations yy Clair & Mary Baum yy Sheri Bergeron yy Bill & Sherry Bixby yy George Jamison yy Sam & Diana Rankin yy Joe & Geri Sausen yy Gary Schmidt yy Bryan Wood 888-404-7743
Audubon Center of the North Woods Experience Your Environment
P.O. Box 530, Sandstone, MN 55072 Phone: 888-404-7743 or 320-245-2648 Fax: 320-245-5272 Email:
If you would like to save resources and would prefer to receive this periodic newsletter electronically (PDF) via email instead of US mail, please send an email to
Visit our website! News from the North Woods Volume 41, Issue 1—Spring/Summer 2015 Bryan Wood, Executive Director Laurie Fenner, editing/layout Published twice yearly by Audubon Center of the North Woods Mail, call or email us your inquiries and ideas.
Printed with soy-based inks on carbon-neutral paper containing 100% post-consumer waste
GIVE The Audubon Center of the North Woods is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations of any size are appreciated. By becoming a member of the Audubon Center of the North Woods, you provide the essential support we need to continue to provide quality environmental educations to thousands of people every year.
Membership Categories CRANES $50-99
MOOSE $500-$749
OTTERS $100-249
EAGLES $750-$999
LOONS $250-$499 OSPREY $1000+ PLANNED GIVING - visit the Planned Giving section of our website under ‘Support’
All Members receive: l 10% discount off merchandise in our store l 10% off youth and family camps l 10% off Schwyzer Lodge l Our periodic printed newsletter l Our e-newsletter (optional)
Membership Benefits ØØ
l Invitations to special events
To instill a connection and commitment to the environment in people of all communities through experiential learning.