Audubon Center of the North Woods
Spring/Summer 2015
News from the North Woods
Volume 41, Issue 1
Experience Your Environment
The Power of Nature by Bryan Wood, Executive Director
It seems paradoxical – the only constant is change. But truer words have never been spoken, especially in today’s digital age where we are more connected, more informed, more tuned in, but also more likely to feel like we are falling behind. There has never been a time in history where the rate of change has happened so fast. At some point, you may have felt the need to slow down, to get outside and get back in pace with the rhythm of nature. Now more so than ever, people need the chance to get away, to remember that the rate of change can be measured in seasons and cycles, not just hours and days. But why is that, why do we have that internal tugging to be outside, what do we gain? John Muir once said “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” The ability of nature to amaze, to inspire, and to center us truly is powerful.
As has been said before, “Nature holds the answers to questions that have not yet been asked.” A few decades ago, no one was asking what impacts nature had on children’s learning and behavior. But fast forward to today and we live in a society with an epidemic of child behavioral and cognitive disorders. We all know that getting children outside is good for them physically, but recent research findings published on the Children and Nature Network illustrate that nature has real, quantified benefits to children’s behavior and learning as well. Findings such as a) children with ADHD who regularly play in green settings have milder symptoms than children who play in built outdoor and indoor settings, b) children with ADHD concentrate better after a walk in nature, c) nearby nature reduces stress in children, d) nearby nature boosts children’s cognitive functioning, and e) hands-on outdoor learning increases children’s engagement and enthusiasm to learn and teacher’s motivation to teach.
There is something innate within us all that needs access to and time in nature. With indoor time increasing every year for our society’s youth, we at ACNW are more determined than ever to help facilitate those nature experiences for children. It’s why we offer residential environmental educational programs reaching over 4,000 k-12 students each year, why we authorize 6,600 k-12 students in our 32 environmentally focused charter schools across the state, and why we offer a number of youth camps during the summer. Simply put, the more time we can get children in nature, the better off they will be, as will our society. Thank you for being a part of all of this and making it possible. Your patronage and generosity allow us to make a difference in the lives of children every year. You make a difference, you have a real impact, and I am truly grateful for your support. In This Issue Power of Nature..........1
Summer Camps............5
Spotlight on Schools...6
Snowy Owl Sightings..3
Wish Lists..............3 & 6
It’s Maple Syrup Time..4
Thank You......................7
Upcoming Events.............4