Machine Learning and AI
by: Brian Chapman
3ds Max – Industry Insights ➲A
cceleration of online activity helps to boost 3D in the digital universe. As 3ds Max professionals standing at the forefront of the 3D realm, we can take advantage of the momentum. For this article, we will present areas expanding in this era of acceleration and how we can take advantage of it.
MACHINE LEARNING AND AI Machine learning is advancing in technology at an incredible speed, impacting nearly every industry. We encounter machine learning daily. Netflix, Google, and Amazon use machine learning to target users to offer suggestions for content, searching, and shopping. Machine learning helps solve complex problems from estimating cancer risk, to determining the price of homes. I will present a simple (perhaps crude) explanation of the machine learning process. Imagine ten people in a room. Five have red shirts, and five have blue shirts based on various characteristics of the people. We present a problem for the computer: determine which shirt ten different people should be wearing. The computer will attempt 6
to accomplish these tasks using complex algorithms. This process is called machine learning. A key strength of machine learning is the computer’s ability to accept and review near-infinite levels of data. For example, in the scenario with the ten people I provided, we could limit the computer to only having the gender of the people or input everything from what types of films the people like to anomalies in their DNA. The computer will attempt to categorize and classify data, making their decision based on that input. With the ability to accept infinite levels of information, no requirement for sleep, never aging, becoming exhausted, or dying, machine learning has extraordinary advantages. So, let me explain how this impacts us who work with 3D. To generate professional 3D content, manipulating video and photography is one of our most common tasks. A few of these
Figure 1 December 2020