Bird magazine

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LeAF eTwinning Project



2018 Year of the Bird


2018, we mark the centennial of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the most powerful and important bird-protection law ever passed. In honor of this milestone, nature lovers around the world are joining forces to celebrate the “Year of the Bird” and commit to protecting birds today and for the next hundred years.”

National Geographic

School “Nicolae Titulescu� - Bucharest, Romania About birds - the Lark In spring, as soon as you hear the song of the lark waving in the air, you know that winter was defeated and warmer days begin. He is a traveling bird, who returns to our plains when the spring really enters. You hear it sing only when it rises to the sun and it's the only bird in the world to sing while flying. It makes its nest on the ground, in the wheat fields, and in our country there are protected areas where the larks live and where the hunting is forbidden. There are almost a hundred species in the family of larks, but only a few come to us.

Activities about birds Making Birds toys to decorate our classroom

Listening the birds song!

Knowing the birds of the forest and their song

Painting birds!

Watching birds (Photos taken by 3rd grade students) seagull Photo: Sara S.

Swan on Lake Herăstrău, Bucharest, Photo: Persina

house finch Stork Photo: Sara

goldfinch Photos: Sara G.

Swallow in nest Photo: Victor

Ducks Photo: Rebeca

School “Nicolae Titulescu” - Bucharest, Romania Poster

SPnr 16 im. T. Halika in Warsaw, Poland STORK Stork is a favourite bird of Poland. They usually live near shallow bodies of water where they wade through the water, and catch small animals, like frogs, crabs, or small fish. Many species of stork are migratory, they spend the summer and the winter in different places. There are 19 different species of stork. In Poland when you see the stork it means that spring is coming. Probably the best known stork is the White Stork. It is known to build large nests in high places, like on chimneys. Stork nests are often very large. They may be used for many years. Beforehand, people believed storks were monogamous, that they only had one partner in life. More recent research has shown though, that they may change partners. They are attached to a nest almost as much as to a partner.

SPnr 16 im. T. Halika in Warsaw, Poland


SPnr 16 im. T. Halika in Warsaw, Poland

Our birds

Humming-bird- autor: Nina, 1c

SPnr 16 im. T. Halika in Warsaw, Poland

SPnr 16 im. T. Halika in Warsaw, Poland


1st kindergarten of Prosotsani Greece The swallow Swallows are small birds with dark, glossy-blue backs, red throats, pale underparts and long tail streamers. Highly adapted to aerial feeding, they have a distinctive appearance. They are extremely agile in flight and spend most of their time on the wing. They are widespread breeding birds in the Northern Hemisphere, migrating south in winter. Swallows are found in areas where there is a ready and accessible supply of small insects. They are particularly fond of open pasture with access to water and quiet farm buildings. Large reedbeds in late summer and early autumn can be good places to look for pre-migration roosts. Swallows can be seen from March to October.

Activities about birds Collage swallows in the sky

1st kindergarten of Prosotsani Greece Poster

CEIP “Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya” - Spain Eurasian eagle-owl The Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) is a species of eagle-owl that resides in much of Eurasia. It’s found in many habitats but is mostly a bird of mountain regions, coniferous forests, steppes and other relatively remote places. It is a mostly nocturnal predator, hunting for a range of different prey species, predominantly small mammals but also birds of varying sizes, reptiles, amphibians, fish, large insects and other assorted invertebrates Size: 62 to 72 cm Width: 1.55 to 1.80 m Weight: males, 2 to 2.7 kg - females, 2.5 to 3.2 kg Longevity: Approximately 20 years Setting: 1 to 4 eggs in January / February Incubation: 35 days Flight: approximately 60 days

CEIP “Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya” - Spain FIVE LITTLE OWLS POEM

CEIP “Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya” - Spain Why birds are so important for life? 1.

Some birds help to fertilize flowers.


Some birds help to control weeds.


Bird-watching provides stress relief for humans.


Fruit-eating birds helps spread fruit seeds.


Some birds provide pest control.






outbreaks and recycle nutrients.

CEIP “Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya” - Spain

The winner poster of the project’s contest

I. Calvino - San Francesco al Campo - Italy Blue tit The blue tit is in Vauda forest. The colourful combination of blue, yellow, white and green makes the blue tit one of the most attractive birds. The blue tit is 12 cm long and weighs 11 grams. It has strong paws and its body is robust. Blue tit nests in any suitable hole in a tree, wall, or stump, or an artificial nest box, often competing with sparrows. They eat small insects, spiders, fruits, seeds and nectar.

Our activity on the blue tit was the observation and the drawing ... these are our masterpieces

I. Calvino - San Francesco al Campo - Italy Poster

Agio Pnevma’s Kindergarten-Greece Birdwatching at Lake Kerkini In the north-west part of Serres Prefecture, just 40 Km from the town of Serres and about 100 Km from Thessaloniki, we can meet one of the most beautiful places in Greece, Lake Kerkini. Its unique wetland has been declared as National Park according to Ramsar Convention and it is one out of ten wetlands of International Importance of Greece. The lake offers the ideal conditions for bird watching. It is one of the best places in Europe for natural watching of about 300 rare and protected bird species that live and breed here. It is no coincidence that many scientists and amateurs from around the world visit us every year for their research.

Agio Pnevma’s Kindergarten-Greece Playing with birds … We learn the birds with the help of a dice game. ❖

We have 4 dice with bird images corresponding to 4 boards with the same pictures. We divide the children into 4 groups and each group gets the pieces of a bird image/puzzle. They throw their dice in turn and whenever they find a bird they put a smile-face on the corresponding table and a piece in the puzzle. Winner is the team that will first complete the puzzle and its board.

Agio Pnevma’s Kindergarten-Greece Playing with birds ‌ We learn the birds with the help of a dice game.

Agio Pnevma’s Kindergarten-Greece


1rst Kindergarten of Kalloni, Lesvos,Greece The Blackbird It is a widespread bird not only in Greece and Europe, but also in Russia, Asia, North Africa, and even in Australia and New Zealand. It is a medium sized bird that does not exceed 29 centimeters and is easily recognized by the blacksmith, its bright plumage, the orange-yellow, almost amber-colored beak, and the yellow narrow eye ring that envelops its large eyes. The adult female has a grey-green plumage, brown throat and vague chest ribs. The beak is dark, while the tail in both genders is far away. The blackbird is endemic but also migratory bird. By the end of autumn many birds of the species migrate to our country from the northern frozen countries like Russia, Scandinavia, to spend the winter in warmer places. The blackbird can make his appearance where there is green. Alluvial, parks, ravines, fences, forests, hollows shrub lands are places that prefer to live and breed. Mountains and cities are its main habitat.

Apart from the man who hunts him for his meat, which is considered a delicious dish but also imprisons him to enjoy his melodious song, he is also hunted by his natural enemies, which are other predatory birds or even snakes, hedgehogs, cats , ferrets, foxes, etc. When looking for his food, the blackbird throws low over the ground and looks for trees and roots in the trees to find olives, grains, cum, insects, earthworms, berries and fruit from fruit trees. It is one of the first birds to make his nest in March. With thin twigs, greens, hairs, mud and wings, he skillfully carries out the construction of a basking ornate nest. There she breeds 3-6 blue-eyed eggs with reddish brown spots and by the end of June, when the reproductive period ends, she still breeds 2-3 times. Each pair occupies its own area and the males do not hesitate to get injured to protect their area from other birds of their kind. The impressive chanting of the quill has a loud, clear, melodic sound that sounds from February until about July. It attracts the female with sweet calls while in the autumn and in winter she sighs mildly. English: Common blackbird. Binomial nomenclature: Turdus merula

1rst kindergaten of Kalloni, Lesvos, Greece

our activities

1rst Kindergarten of Kalloni, Lesvos,Greece


KIRKAGAC ATATURK SECONDARY SCHOOL TURKEY The little budgie bird is one of the most popular pets in the world, ranking just behind dogs and cats, and it's no wonder. This affectionate, cute bird is small and inexpensive, and if trained properly a budgie can mimic human speech. The origin of its formal name-Budgerigar-- is a mystery, but by any name, this little bird is a charming companion for most pet owners.

KIRKAGAC ATATURK SECONDARY SCHOOL TURKEY Budgies Are One of the Smallest True Parrot Species

They're not the smallest parrots -- that distinction belongs to the parrotlet -- but budgies are quite tiny. Most budgies in captivity average between 7 or 8 inches from the beak to the tip of the tail. Wild budgies in their native habitat of Australia are even smaller.


Some people refer to budgies by their full name (Budgerigars), and some call them parakeets. Neither is exactly wrong, but neither is 100 percent correct, either. There are many different types of parakeets, and they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some parakeets, like the Indian Ringneck Parakeet, are very large, reaching lengths of up to 16 inches from head to tail, while budgies are much smaller. Because of these vast differences in size and more, it is more accurate to refer to these birds by their true name.


5o kindergarten of Drama Greece Barrows stay in our country all the year. During Winter have difficulties to find food. Our children decided to help them. They hung the food that they made in our trees which are in the yard of our school..

2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece


The bird of PEACE

2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece

Activities about birds

2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece

Learning about Birds A book for Birds

Asterenia and the birds

Birds singing

2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece

Birds in Art

Paintings with Birds from Gallery of Metalliko Kilkis, Greece

2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece


Telšių “Germantas” progymnasium Lithuania Mute Swan Mute swans are white, red beak. Adults of this swan typically range from 140 to 160 cm (55 to 63 in) long. The mute swan is one of the heaviest flying birds. Live in stagnant waters (lakes, ponds) or in slow rivers. Mute swans lay from four to ten eggs, and the female broods for around 36 days.The cygnets do not reach the ability of flight before an age of 120 to 150 days.

Telšių “Germantas” progimnazija Lithuania Activities about birds

Learning about birds

Telšių “Germantas” progymnasium Lithuania


Other posters

Smila Lyceum 'Lider, Ukraine

Karatay Fevzi Çakmak Anaokulu

Why birds are important?



Madalina, Bucharest

David, Bucharest

Sara S., Bucharest

Livia, Bucharest

Maria, Bucharest

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