LeAF Project e-Book

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eTwinning Project report 2017 - 2018

Project features Artistic

One-word project evaluation through online collaboration of all partners (AnswerGarden and WordItOut).

Project themes

Seasons of the forest

Christmas cards

Guess what?interactive games


Meeting the nature

Sound of the forest


Project evaluation

Art&Craft workshops to image the aspect of the forest in all Season. Forest in miniature made from different materials Paintings Exhibition in schools and online Seasons poems and songs. Making houses for birds and preparing the food for them Making decorations from the natural materials

Christmas brought us together through postcards. The wishes expressed in English and in the national language were an opportunity to learn a bit of the most beautiful wishes in each of the partner countries' languages. Christmas Cards were made by students, the theme being Christmas Tree. Wonderful cards were exposed in the classroom, making form them a tree of wishes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=MYuK60QdKRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=eeeDlNIp2l0


We loved to play! In school or online (together), we had a very good time and we learned more about the forest and more English. The games on computer, educational soft, online games, all were an opportunity to know each other and collaborate better. Acrostic poems Crosswords Find the animal footprint Find the animal voice Scavenger Hunt Puzzles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=owv_g47Qos4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=vgSyY8Q5KXQ

The common Lapbook was an interesting way to work together and find more things about the forest in our partners’ countries. 4 groups, 6 partners in each one, created and sent by ordinary post their lapbooks.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=JiUxTAyN-lc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zeFZjpSaCw&t=4s

We love Nature! Keep your eyes open and you’ll see the beauty of the nature! So, we went outside to meet the nature.

We did many activities: Excursions to the forest Taking care of the plants, birds‌ Knowing the trees Observing the seasons changes Playing games Visiting paper factory



https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=8mEbD1iOYWY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKPRXeMBqcY https://padlet.com/soonke2/79nd82pw3lk7

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=8mEbD1iOYWY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsiYbgYEAKc

The beauty of the forest is its sound too: birds, insects, waterfall, rivers, the wind moving the leaves… All this fascinated us both in classroom as outside, in our expeditions through the nature. We discovered all kind of species of birds during our activities:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U2cUv5qp7A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHALom2lAco https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=48_bMBz0PcU https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1047823512116396035 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUSm9EuHGRg

Watching videos Drawing and painted birds Art&Craft – birds toys and decorations Photographing birds in our environment Creating a poster for the Year of the bird event Singing like birds – with instruments or our voices


http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/crossword-puzzles30068.html https://www.mindmeister.com/1014252646?t=30fLA1EjJ2

We worked together at the beginning during the process at the final stage of the project.

https://www.discovertheforest.org/what-to-do/ https://issuu.com/aureberusca/docs/calendar_2018 https://issuu.com/aureberusca/docs/leaf_common_dictionary

Our most important collaborative activities: Creating a project Logo – contest


Common Calendar 2018 https://issuu.com/aureberusca/docs/_leaf_-_little_explorers_and_forest https://www.storyjumper.com/book/index/55951445/The-Magic-Forest

Common LeAF Dictionary


Collaborative Acrostic Poems


Online games


Common Christmas tree song


Common stories


Common Bird Magazine


Online events


Decalogue to protect the forest


Virtual Eco-corner


Online cooperation between teachers

https://padlet.com/ber_aura/lejkqjz5l1e8 https://www.storyjumper.com/book/showframe/51635355/Little-pine-tree#page/1

Using ICT during the all steps of the project: documentation, communication, collaboration, editing presentations, videos, online events


Single-word evaluation of the project The evaluation was a very important part of our project and it was made through many interesting and creative ways. Besides the usual questionnaires, the evaluation of the project has become another challenge regarding the students' creativity in the use of ICT tools: Using a Padlet for our common evaluation board Using WordCloud, WordArt Using AnswerGarden

Online Party – evaluation of the project during the event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYvUBIYQEdc

Using video interview


“Through this project and collaboration with other schools, we have admired the natural landscape of other countries and we make new and interesting friends. Children learned how to love and respect forests and nature. Little friends remember that “the forest is a source of life”. Λίτσα Γαζιώτου (Litsa Gaziotou) 1st Kindergarten of Prosotsani, Greece

"Our journey to the world of knowledge about forests has come to the end. Through all our activities we have acquired new friends, a lot of imagination and creativity, and we learned a lot about protecting the forest and the environment in general! So… Save the forest…Save the environment ... just Save life !!! And remember ... Live Exciting And Free !!! - LEAF" Vassiliki Tsoukalou – Agio Pnevma's Kindergarten-Greece

“LeAF, a project where students have learned to know, care for, appreciate, value and love forests and the environment around us.” Celeste Morales Grande CEIP “Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya”, Spain

“LEAF it was a project of dream!!! We were discovering, we were learning together, but first and foremost we had a great time and met many friends. And all this under the slogan "Learning about forest (leaf)". Edyta Karwowska Szkoła Podstawowa nr 16 im. T. Halika w Warszawie, Poland

“LeAF a request of the secrets of forest. A collaborative project that inspired us to love and respect forest. For us FOREST IS LIFE” Maria Kleidara 2o Nipiagogeio Kilkis, Greece

“The project was fantastic! Students gained a lot of knowledge about forest plants, animals and their protection. There were many collaborative activities such as magazine, e-book and video conference which let us know better each other. Thank you for ability to participate in this project!” Sonata Liaudanskienė Telšių “Germantas” progimnazija,Lithuania

It was perfect project. All of my students loved all the activities. We are happy to be a part of this project. Thanks! Mustafa ATLI Kırkağaç Atatürk ortaokulu, Turkey

It was a unique opportunity for the 4th graders of Smila Lyceum , Ukraine, who participated in eTwinning project for the first time. We enjoyed learning about forests and from each other at the same time. We learnt how to take care of the environment and live in harmony with nature. It was great fun to learn and perform new songs to make a video. Making lapbooks got us to use our creativity and artistic skills. Thanks a lot to all our project partners for collaboration. Tetyana Yarmysh Educational complex “Lyceum-school LEADER” Ukraine

The 4th graders of Cherkasy Collegium “Berehynia”, Ukraine, enjoyed this project and were happy to take part in most activities. They developed their linguistic skills, they observed, compared, did experiments and small research, made crafts, expressed themselves creatively, went on excursions and met with specialists. Due to the project they enriched their knowledge and their experience about the forest and its life, realized its usefulness and learned about the danger that threatens the forest and its ecosystem. It was a great project with excellent cooperation between partners and schools. Thanks a lot to all project partners! It was a pleasure for us to work with you! Svitlana Lenarska Collegium “Berehynia”, Ukraine

Danijela Jevtić - OŠ Radoje Domanović, Serbia Chrysoula Tampaki - 12 Dimotiko Sxolio Iraklio Attikis, (12th Primary School Iraklio Attikis ), Greece Aneta Gierczak, Szkola Podstawowa nr.2 im. Jana Wyplera, Poland M.Esenay KASIM, Karatay Fevzi Çakmak Anaokulu, Turkey Donatella Ravera - I.C.S San Maurizio Canavese (Primary school), Italy

To see if a project is good, you must follow the satisfaction level of students participating in the project. No matter how modest we may be, the spectacular results are those that give us the measure of satisfaction. We have the most diverse and creative results. Each image in this book, each link show the extraordinary success registered by our project in all partner schools. A working team, united by the same interests, a team of creative teachers is the key to the success of a project. And we had this team who knew how to mobilize students in the most diverse and enjoyable activities. Thank you to my team! Thank you to all the students involved! You are the best! Project coordinator, Aurelia Berusca – Elementary School Nicolae Titulescu, Bucharest, Romania

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