ACBR Issue 013 November 2018

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2018年十一月 · 第13期

Australia to Anji Design opens doors for Post Architecture Page 6 世外桃源

从澳洲到中国安吉 第6页

Tech metals Explorers poised to benefit from rare earths revolution Page 10


矿企盈利反转,受益稀土价格上涨 第10页

LNG expansion Former premier calls for China gas project Page 24 推而广之

前州长力挺中国天然气项目 第24页

Benjamin Pollack Chief executive Urbis Australia Photo: Ryan Stuart

本杰明·波拉克 Urbis澳洲首席执行官 图片来源:Ryan Stuart

Hong Kong

calling Greater Bay Area provides base for Urbis’ global growth



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contents 目录

From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 4

Tech metals pique ACBR reader interest


Cover story | 封面故事

14 China’s ‘other grand plan’ opens Urbis’ international opportunities


28 China’s diet shift opening doors for Aussie producers 澳洲食品如何把握中国商机


Opinion | 观点

30 China’s rural revitalisation having a big brand impact


From Australia to Anji, architecture speaks a common language 从澳洲通往安吉,从碧海青天走向青山绿水


36 Getting the signal through the history: Australia-China relations

Property | 地产 6

20 Going cray pays off for Mandurah Cruises

32 World politics explainer: Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power

Agribusiness | 农商

Tourism | 旅游


40 LNG on the green corridor and piracy in the South China Sea


Resources | 能源

10 ASX plays stepping up amid rare earths revolution


24 Former premier says China can underpin next wave of WA LNG investment

西澳前州长宣称:中国将成为推动西澳液化天然气投 资的中坚力量


2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen Translator Vanessa Huang AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

PH: (08) 6216 9899

DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基


Tech metals pi

Postal Address 1F, 76 King Street Perth WA 6000

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and has come from sources deemed to be reliable, Australia China Business Review takes no responsibility, unless expressly indicated, for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of opinions, statements and comments does not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. Content within this publication is protected by Australian copyright law and may not be reproduced without express written permission by Australia China Business Review. 免责声明 Australia China Business Review已经采取所有措施来确保本刊 物 所 包 含 的 信 息 是 准 确 的,而 且 是 来 自 确 认 可 靠 的 消 息 来 源,除 非 明 确 指 出,对 于任何不准确的信息Australia China Business Review 不负任何责任。刊物 中意见、声明和评论不代表 Australia China Business Review 立场。 本刊 物 的 内 容 受 澳 大 利 亚 版 权 法 保 护,未 经 Australia China Business Review 的书面许可,不得转载 4


WITH 12 months’ worth of Google Analytics data now available to peruse, we here at Australia China Business Review are starting to get a good insight into the browsing habits of our readers. Since was launched in November 2017, our website has attracted more than 110,000 unique visitors – an average of more than 9,100 each month. After a slow initial start – with readership averaging less than 2,000 unique visitors over our first three months online – word started to get out. In March, our readership passed through the 10,000 mark for the month for the first time, hitting 12,753 unique visitors. Our best-performing month was May, with more than 23,000 unique visitors arriving on our website. Overall, it was the technology metals sector that proved most popular with our readers over our first 12 months, with Western Australian mining operations becoming a new central focus of Australia-China business collaboration. Six of our 10 best-read articles were related to lithium or vanadium, minerals central to the China-led lithium-ion battery, electric vehicle and renewable energy revolutions.



editor’s desk 主编的话


que ACBR reader interest Other hot reads included detailed analysis of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the opportunities looming for Australian business, while some big acquisitions in the health supplements space, including the CITIC-backed acquisition of Nature’s Care and BY-HEALTH’s purchase of Life Space, also captured the imagination of our readers. Interestingly, the top ranked story in Australia’s iron ore sector – the first frontier of Australia-China business collaboration - was ranked just 31st – an indication of the burgeoning interest in emerging areas of opportunity for Sino-Australian business. Technology, particularly around digital payments, was also another highly-sought after topic, with four of our 20 best read articles relating to payment systems such as Alipay landing in Australia as retailers seek new ways to tap into big-spending Chinese tourists. Unsurprisingly, tourism has also been of great interest to ACBR readers, after China became Australia’s biggest source of foreign visitor arrivals earlier this year. Initiatives capturing attention included China Southern Airlines’ expansion plans and how the Western Australian regional town of Geraldton has developed its own China-focused tourism sector.


根据近12个月“谷歌分析数据”显示结果, 《 澳中商讯》对读者的浏览习惯产生了浓厚的 兴趣并进行了一系列深入调查。

从2017年11月《澳中商讯》网站上线以来, 吸引了超过11万的读者,这也就意味着,每 个月至少有9,100名读者在线浏览我们的 网站 千里之行,始于足下。在网站正式投入运营 的 前 三 个 月 里 ,我 们 的 平 均 浏 览 量 尚 不 足 2000人次。质疑的声音开始频频出现。

并 等 也 吸 引 了 相 当 一 部 分 读 者 的 兴 趣 ,这 里面就包括了中信集团所支持的中国财团 收购Nature’s Care和BY-HEALT集团与 Life Space之间的并购案。 有趣的是,曾经铁矿原石贸易是澳中双方商 业 合 作 中 的 佼 佼 者 ,也 是 澳 中 商 业 合 作 的 奠基石。但时至今日,该贸易额仅排在第31 位。这一变化表明澳中两国商业合作已经进 入多元化阶段

同年5月,我们的网站浏览量超过2万3千人 次 ,开 创 了《 澳 中 商 讯 》网 站 上 线 以 来 的 最 高浏览量。

科 技 方 面 ,关 注 点 主 要 集 中 在 电 子 支 付 方 面 ,这 也 是 另 一 个 备 受 追 捧 的 热 点 ,在《 澳 中商讯》最受欢迎文章TOP 20榜单中有4 篇与支付系统相关,如支付宝在澳大利亚登 陆为广大商家带来了吸引中国游客的新机 遇等。

在我们的前十篇最受欢迎文章榜单中,其中 6篇的主要内容都涉及锂或钒,这两种矿物 是中国领航的锂离子电池、电动汽车和可再 生能源革命的核心。

旅 游 业 中 令 人 瞩 目 的 举 措 包 括 两 项 :中 国 南方航空公司的扩张计划和西澳著名小镇 杰拉尔顿应如何吸引“中国特色”游客的注 意。

2 0 1 8 年 三 月, 《 澳 中 商 讯》的 平 均 阅 读 量 首 次突破1万大关,吸引了12,753人次。

总体上来看,在过去的一年中,随着西澳的 采矿业成为澳中两国商业合作投资的新焦 点,稀有金属板块也吸引了越来越多读者的 关注。

其 他 的 关 注 热 点 主 要 集 中 在 中 国“ 一 带 一 路”倡议给澳中两国之间的合作带来的各种 影响,接下来就是保健品巨头之间的收购合

今年年初,统计数据表明中国游客已成为澳 洲 旅 游 市 场 的 主 力 军 ,因 此《 澳 中 商 讯 》的 读者们对旅游业的兴趣日益浓厚也在情理 之中。

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



From Australia to Anji, architecture speaks a common language Architecture is proving to be a common language across cultures for Nic Brunsdon, who has designed a boutique resort to be built in China’s ancient and historic Anji bamboo forest.

PICTURESQUE Nic Brunsdon said he was blown away when he first visited the vast bamboo-covered mountains of Anji county in Zhejiang Province. Photo: Shutterstock 如临仙境 尼克·布伦斯登(Nic Brunsdon) 说,他自己在第一次见识到浙江省安吉市 那被竹林覆盖的山坡时,就已深深折服,留 连忘返。图片来源:Shutterstock 6




从澳洲通往安吉,从碧海青 天走向青山绿水

对于位于中国安吉原始竹林的安吉精品度假村的设计师—— 尼克·布伦斯登而言,建筑是一种可以跨越语言和文化的障碍 的存在。


2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


PROPERTY | 地产 SENSITIVE POST- architecture’s Anji resort has been designed to integrate with an ancient Chinese village as well as the site’s natural sloping hills. Image: POST- architecture 独一无二 由POST- architecturee公 司 设 计 的 安 吉 度 假 村 ,还 原 了 中 国 原 始 村 落 的 模 样 ,设 计 理 念 也 与 中 国 古 代 相 类 似 —— 顺 势 而 为 ,度 假 村 整 体 随 着 山 体 的 倾 斜 ,错 落 分 布 。图 片 来 源 :P O S Tarchitecture

Dan Wilkie PRIOR to landing in the People’s Republic for the first time, Perth-based architect Nic Brunsdon’s idea of China was closely tied to the bright lights and bustling boulevards of Beijing. But after visiting the site of a proposed boutique hotel in China’s historic Anji county in Zhejiang Province, a region made internationally-famous by the 2000 Ang Lee film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Mr Brunsdon’s impression of China could not be further removed. “It was just mind-blowing, it’s so beautiful there,” Mr Brunsdon told Australia China Business Review. “I’d always had an idea of China in my mind, and it wasn’t this. “It’s beautiful, quiet and untouched nature. It’s just wonderful.” Mr Brunsdon, who has visited Anji county five times in the last two years, considers the opportunity to design a boutique hotel in such a location more of a privilege than simply just another commercial opportunity. The chance to design the natural spa-based resort for a consortium of Shanghai-based private investors arose after Mr Brunsdon’s firm – POST- architecture – won an international design competition for a boutique development in Tedjakula, on the northern coast of Bali, Indonesia. One of the owners of that development is part of the consortium delivering the Anji hotel, a 50-room resort to be built in the remnants of a village built around natural



springs, which is estimated to have stood for thousands of years. “Our role has been going back over the site and working out how to integrate the existing built heritage and cultural heritage into a modern or contemporary hospitality context,” Mr Brunsdon said. “It’s super exciting, and it really is a feather in our cap.” Mr Brunsdon said the appointment of POST- architecture was indicative of resort development in modern China, with local developers or syndicates seeking international input to create unique experiences to capture a new generation of Chinese tourists, who are travelling in record numbers. “It was a nice congruence of a good client who had a good understanding of the market but wanted a fresh set of eyes,” he said. “China is looking to the world to bring expertise, innovation or novel thought around different ways of doing things architecturally. “Our role was to come in with some fresh eyes, bring in a global perspective, but really tease out what’s special about this place and this culture.” Mr Brunsdon said POST- architecture’s approach to the resort tied in to the firm’s architectural philosophy, which is closely tied to the notion that human perspectives, responses and experiences can be quite universal, even across broadly disparate cultures. “There is a cultural layer that sits on top of it, but that’s a much more minor consideration when you are talking about things like comfort, relaxation and calming and in-

tegration with nature, that’s prevalent across everyone,” Mr Brunsdon said. “It’s an approach that we take with every project, we try not to be specialists. “We love a challenge and think the most honest and respectful thing you can do for the client is to treat each brief as new and unique and deserving of deep interrogation. “We really try to not provide cookie cutter responses or a thin line of specialisation that we then apply across everything. Each place we look at we say: ‘what is this about and how do we tease out its own special opportunities’?” The special opportunities at the Anji resort include incorporating the natural springs at the site to become a featured part of the hotel’s design, while the rooms themselves have been spaced out in clusters to take advantage of unique topography and to provide uninterrupted views of the surrounding bamboo forests. Other facilities on offer at the resort, where construction is expected to start next year, on schedule for a 2020 opening, include events spaces for weddings and conferences, a restaurant, office space and a library. Mr Brunsdon said the aim of the resort was to create something that would not only appeal to Chinese domestic tourists, but also international travellers seeking new experiences. “We hope it will open up new China opportunities if we do it well,” he said. “There’s a big market there, especially in domestic tourism, but potentially international tourism as well. “We want to pitch this at an international level, so domestically in China it is seen and known as desirable, but it also starts placing places like this on a global map. “This will be something for those international experiential tourists that are seeking special, unique, high-end, one-off experiences that you can’t find elsewhere.”



TAILORED Each room at the Anji resort has been designed to provide guests with their own view of the surrounding bamboo forests. Image: POST- architecture 量身定做 安吉度假村内的每间客房各有 不同,每间客房都可以从不同的角度上, 领略周围竹林的风韵。图片来源: POSTarchitecture


在 第 一 次 出 发 中 国 之 前 ,珀 斯 土 生 土 长 的建筑师尼克·布伦斯登对中国的印象仅 限于北京的灯火通明的夜晚和车水马的 街道。 但在参观了一家位于中国浙江历史名城 安吉县的精品酒店之后,他彻底改变了对 中国的印象。安吉竹林因2000年著名导演 李安拍摄电影《卧虎藏龙》时,曾在此取景 而 名 声 大 噪,在 尼 克 · 布 伦 斯 登 亲 临 此 地 后,这片竹林从此成为了他心中不可磨灭 的一颗朱砂痣。

任命POST- architecture 公司为设计公 司这一举措,从侧面体现了中国当前度假 村的发展趋势:由当地开放商主导或与国 际企业联合等方式,为中国旅游的新生代 主力军创造一无二的用户体验。

“能够拥有这样的客户说我们公司的荣 幸,客户对当前旅游度假村的市场十分了 解,但是仍坚持本心不随波逐流,这一点 非常难得。

“中国现正在全球范围内寻找与建筑学 领域外的设计专家创新思想或新颖思想, 正所谓‘旁观者清’。

“ 那 是 一 幅 惊 心 动 魄 摄 人 心 魂 的 美 景 。” “我们的将以全新的视角看待问题,同时 布伦斯登先生告诉《澳中商讯》。 引入全球视角,分析什么原因铸就了这个 地方和它的文化。 “我印象中的中国并不是这个样子的。 “这是一种和 谐、静 谧 不经 雕 琢 的自 然 美 景。这样的景色无与伦比。 布劳斯登先生在过去两年中曾五次到访 安吉县,他将能够在此设计酒店视为一种 荣耀,而不仅是一个商业机遇。 布 劳 斯 登 先 生 就 职 的 P O ST- a rch i t e c ture公司,在举办于印度尼西亚巴厘岛北 部 海 岸 Te d j a k u la 地 区 的 国 际 精 品 开 发 设计大赛中拔得头筹后,公司有机会为上 海私人投资财团,设计天然水疗度假村。

这一开发项目的投资者之一同时也参与 了安吉度假村的开发,安吉度假村共拥有 50间客房,度假村位于一个被泉水环绕的 千年古城的遗迹中。

“我们的工作其实就是一个观今鉴古的 过 程 —— 如 何 将 古 城 遗 迹 与 现 代 建 筑 相 结合以及如何将古城的历史文化遗产融 入现代化的 酒 店体 系 当 中。”布 劳 斯顿 先 生说。

布 伦 斯 登 先 生 提 到 ,P O S T- a r c h i t e c ture公司对度假村的态度与该公司的建 筑哲学密切相关,就好像人们的想法和反 应与自身经验息息相关一样,超越了文化 的限制。

“这其中还蕴含着文化的意味,但当人们 谈到诸如舒适、放松和平静以及与融入大 自然这些感受时,无论中西文化,在这点 上表现出惊人的一致性。”

“我们十分努力地避免提供千篇一律的 答案或者是事无巨细。每一个项目只有在 我们考察过的情况下 才能回答出:这个项 目是什么?我们应该如何放大自身优势?” 安吉度假村的优势在于拥有天然泉水资 源并将这一资源与酒店设计完美融合。同 时,酒店客房的设计是将其巧妙地融合在 当地文化中、错落分布、利用独特的地形 以及确保每一间客房都能够将竹林美景 一览无余。 度假村的其他配套设施,预计将于明年开 始施工,计划于2020年投入使用。这些配 套设施包括礼堂,餐厅,办公区和图书馆 等。

布劳斯登先生表示,建造度假村的目的不 仅仅是满足中国本土游客的需求,也同时 希望能够吸引更多的外国游客前往参观。

“如果我们做得够好,我们当然希望度假 村的开放能够为中国旅游业开启新的篇 章。

“仅仅依靠国内旅游业发展所带来市场 已然十分巨大,但同时我们也希望可以吸 引更多的外国游客。

“我们的计划是将安吉度假村在全球范围 内进行推广,因此在中国国内,安吉度假 “这就是我们对每一项目所采取的做法, 村是“理想”但的代名词,我们也相信安吉 我们尽量避免去做一个专家,而是关注每 度假村在世界范围内也会占有一席之地。 一个项目特点。 “对于那些寻求在其他地方找不到的特 “我们喜欢挑战自我,在公司的角度上来 殊 、独 特 、高 端 、一 次 性 体 验 的 国 际 体 验 看,对客户最大的尊重和诚实,就是将每 游 客 来 说 ,这 绝 对 是 一 次 难 以 忘 怀 的 体 一份提案都做都引人入胜,发人深思。 验。”

“( 能 够 参 与 其 中 )让 我 们 感 到 受 宠 若 惊。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



ASX plays stepping up amid rare earths revolution Dan Wilkie BEIJING’S environmental crackdown is opening a new frontier for Australia-China resources collaboration, with ASX-listed rare earths explorers well-positioned to benefit from a government-led push for a cleaner industry. Part of the emerging generation of technology metals, rare earths are crucial ingredients in industrial magnets, which are used in electric vehicle motors, robotics, wind turbines and consumer electronics. A report by Global Market Insights predicted the international rare earths market to be worth more than $US20 billion by 2024, on the back of expected increased uptake of electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as wind turbines for renewable power generation. The group of 17 elements, commonly found throughout the earth’s crust but difficult to extract, is split into two geological classifications – light rare earths, which mainly comprise the elements neodymium 10


and praseodymium, and heavy rare earths, which are rich in dysprosium and terbium. Global supply of the elements, and sources outside of China, are so scarce the United States did not include rare earths in its wide-ranging list of tariffs on $US250 billion worth of Chinese goods. For light rare earths, China accounts for more than 80 per cent of production and processing, with ASX-listed Lynas Corporation the only major producer outside of China with its Australian mining and Malaysian processing operations. But last month a Malaysian politician said Lynas’ Malaysian processing plant should be closed, sending the company’s stock spiralling and causing nervousness in the global rare earths market. Heavy rare earth mining and processing is also dominated by China, and until recently, there was no production outside of the country. The dominance of the rare earths market by the People’s Republic encapsulates a lot of what trading partners worry about.

The elements were perceived as strategic two decades ago by leader Deng Xiaoping, who compared it to the Middle East’s oil bounty. He instructed Chinese state-owned companies to dig deep, and they did - assisted by a horde of smaller private miners that drilled in haste, polluted liberally, and drove prices so low it became uneconomical for many foreign rivals to stay in business. In 2018, however, Chinese production of rare earths is on the decline, as environmental crackdowns force miners to eschew low-cost but highly pollutive methods of extraction. According to a report by global consultancy Adamas Intelligence, the Chinese central government has moved to limit the country’s rare earths production to 45,000 tonnes for the second half of 2018 – a five year low. That move has spooked manufacturers, including Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic, which recently said it was moving to find fresh supply. “We have been diversifying our procurement channels, building partnerships with



MILESTONE Northern Minerals’ recently commissioned Browns Range operation is the first source of heavy rare earths outside of China. Photo: Northern Minerals 冲云破雾 Northern Minerals 近期在 Browns Range运营的项目是中国本土外 的第一个重稀土来源。

澳交所稀土公司在行 业革命中崛起 丹·威尔基

中国政府的环境整治政策为中澳能源行 业合作开辟了新的前沿,众多澳交所上市 稀土探矿公司在注重环境保护形式下的 市场中会处于领先地位。

作为新兴技术金属的一部分,稀土是工业 磁体中的关键成分,广泛应用于电动汽车电 机,机器人,风力涡轮机和消费电子产品。

《Global Market Insights》的一份报 告预测,到2024年,国际稀土市场的价值 将超过200亿美元,原因是电动和混合动 力汽车以及可再生能源发电的风力涡轮 机的需求增长。 通常在地壳中蕴藏但难以提取的17种元 素被分为两种地矿类型 - 轻稀土,主要包 括 钕 和 镨 元 素 ,以 及 富 含 镝 和 铽 的 重 稀 土。

全球稀有金属资源除中国之外非常稀缺, 因此美国在其价值2500亿美元的中国商 品广泛关税清单中没有包括稀土。 对于轻稀土,中国包揽了分项行业生产和 加 工 总 量 的 8 0 % 以 上 ,在 澳 交 所 上 市 的 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

Ly n a s 公 司 是 在 中 国 之 外 唯 一 一 家 拥 在 澳大利亚采矿和马来西亚加工的主要生 产商。

但上个月,马来西亚政客表示,Lynas的 马来西亚加工厂应该关闭,导致该公司的 股票起伏不定,并引发全球稀土市场的紧 张情绪。 重稀土采矿和加工也由中国主导,目前还 没有其他国家可以提供稳定供给。 中国在稀土市场的垄断地位引起了许多 贸易伙伴的担心。

二十年前,领导人邓小平将这些稀有金属 视为战略要素,可以媲美石油资产对于中 东地区的重要地位。

他要求中国国有企业深入挖掘,他们如实 执行 - 在一大批小型私人矿企的帮助下, 他们匆忙钻探,污染环境,导致开采价格 如 此 之 低 ,让 许 多 外 国 竞 争 对 手 苦 不 堪 言。 然而,在2018年,中国的稀土产量下降,因 为环境保护政策的出台迫使矿工们避开 低成本高度污染的传统开采方法。

根据全球咨询公司Adamas Intelligence 的报告,中国中央政府已将本国的稀土产 量限制在2018年下半年的45,000吨 - 五 年来的最低点。 此举震惊了众多制造商,其中包括日本松 下,后者最近表示正在寻找新的供应。

“我们一直在多样化我们的采购渠道,与 供应商建立合作伙伴关系,并努力减少稀 土的使用,”松下说。

在 此 背 景 下 ,总 部 位 于 西 澳 大 利 亚 州 的Northern Minerals公司在最近从 Browns Range项目生产其首批重稀土 精矿后,势必会成为新兴供应商中的热点。 虽然Northern Minerals拔得头筹, 但它只是少数几家在澳大利亚证券交 易所上市的具有重要稀土资源的勘 探 项 目 的 公 司 之 一 ,其 他 公 司 还 包 括 Arafura Resources,Hastings Rare Metals,Alkane Resources,Peak Resources,Greenland Minerals and Energy,Crossland Uranium 和 Victory Mines. 稀土也是一系列技术金属之一,其中还包 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


RESOURCES | 能源 STRUCTURAL CHANGE Many of China’s rare earths operations are unsophisticated and highly-pollutive, drawing the ire of regulators seeking to clean up the country’s environment. Photo: Reuters/David Gray 架构重组 许多中国稀土项目都属于不成 熟、高污染项目,引起了国家环保组织的高 度重视。

our supplier and working to reduce the use of rare earths,” Panasonic said. Against that backdrop, Western Australia-based Northern Minerals has positioned itself to benefit from a scramble for new sources, after recently producing its first heavy rare earths concentrate from its Browns Range project. While Northern Minerals is the most advanced, it is one of a handful of ASX-listed exploration plays with significant rare earths resources, a stable that includes Arafura Resources, Hastings Rare Metals, Alkane Resources, Peak Resources, Greenland Minerals and Energy, Crossland Uranium Mines and Victory Mines. Rare earths are also one of a suite of technology metals, which also includes lithium and vanadium, that has become a priority of Western Australia’s state government, as it seeks to establish the state as a world-leading production province. Northern Minerals is midway through commissioning its pilot plant at Browns Range, with 100 per cent of the facility’s output to be sent to Lianyugang Zeyu New Materials Sales Co, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Rare Earths Group. Guangdong Rare Earths Group is one of



five major heavy rare earths producers in China, having been established in Guangdong Province in 2014. The company is aiming to improve the international competitiveness of China’s rare earth’s industry by diversifying its supply base. Northern Minerals’ pilot plant was officially opened in July by Western Australia’s Regional Development Minister Alannah MacTiernan, a milestone which marked the establishment of the first source of heavy rare earths outside of China. Midway through October, Northern Minerals announced to the ASX a $4 million plan to boost its output through the introduction of ore sorting technology, which will improve the grade of the feed to the processing facility, which in turn will increase the amount of rare earth oxides that can be produced by the plant. Managing director George Bauk said enquiries to take up the increased production were “going through the roof”. “We are getting a lot of enquiries, but you can see everyone is being very cautious about how they go about it,” Mr Bauk told Australia China Business Review. “One thing they don’t want to see and

what we don’t want to see is a major increase in rare earth prices. “The wrong increase in prices destructs demand. Alternatives kick in and a while heap of things come into play and we don’t want that. “We want a supply chain where everyone is winning and every person along the supply chain is making money.” Mr Bauk said shifting from production of a mixed rare earths carbonate to a separated product would also open new global offtake markets. “Some people misunderstand that with industrial minerals, it’s not about volume, it’s about specification,” he said. “People want a quality product, people don’t buy bruised apples, they buy shiny, neat green apples. “So you have to make sure that the product meets all the specifications. “At the moment, we produce a mixed rare earths carbonate, and that product fundamentally can only be bought by the Chinese because the rest of the world doesn’t have downstream capacity. “For us, it’s all about making sure that we sell a product that people want to buy.” -with Reuters


括锂和钒,这已经成为西澳大利亚州政府 的优先考虑因素,因为它试图将该州建成 世界领先的科技金属生产州。

Northern Minerals正在Browns Range 地区进行新设备的调试,该工厂100%的产 量将被送往广东稀土集团的全资子公司连 云港泽宇新材料销售有限公司。 广东稀土集团是中国五大重稀土生产商 之一,于2014年在广东省成立。 该公司旨在通过多元化供应来提高中国 稀土行业的国际竞争力。 Northern Minerals的工厂于7月由 西澳大利亚区域发展部长Alannah Ma cT i e r n a n 正 式 启 用,这 是 一 个 里 程 碑,标志着在中国以外建立第一个重稀土 来源。

10月中旬,Northern Minerals向澳大 利亚证券交易所宣布了一项400万美元的 融资计划,通过引进矿石分选技术来提高 产量,这将提 高加 工 设 施的 进 料 等 级,从 而增加设备产出稀土氧化物的数量。

“我们不想看到,也是大家不想看到的情 况就是稀土价格飙升。

“不适时宜的价格飙升会扼杀潜在市场 需求。同时也会有其他意料之外的事扰乱 市场,这也是我们不希望看到的。

“我们希望实现供应链上下游的公司都 能共赢,每个环节参与的人都能赚到钱。”


SCARCITY Manufacturers such as Honda are engineering new electric motors for its hybrid cars which use no heavy rare earths materials. Photo: Reuters/Issei Kato 强弩之末 诸如本田汽车之类的生产厂商早 已在混合动力车上停止使用重稀土材料。

鲍克先生表示,从混合稀土碳酸盐的生产 转向分离独立产品也将开辟新的全球采 购市场。

“很多人对工业原料都有误解,不是关于 数量,而是关于规格。

“人们都想要优质的产品,就好比人们不 会买腐烂的褐色苹果,他们会购买有光泽 的,外表整洁的青苹果。

“保证产品规格符合客户需求是重中之 重。

“ 目 前 ,我 们 生 产 混 合 稀 土 碳 酸 盐 ,该 产 品基本上只由中国公司购买,因为世界其 总经理乔治·鲍克(George Bauk)表示, 他地区没有下游产能。 产量增加后前来咨询的人络绎不绝。 因地制宜地进行生产是目前生产阶段的

“我们收到了 很多 客 户 咨询,但 你可 以 看 出询价过程 中 大家 都 十 分谨 慎。”鲍克 先 生告诉《澳中商讯》。




2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 ASIA APPROACH Benjamin Pollack said Urbis established Cistri Hong Kong to help shape rapidly growing urban precincts around Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Area. Photo: Ryan Stuart 亚洲法则 本杰明•波拉克表示,Urbis设 立香港分公司Cistri,致力服务于由大湾区 及周边快速发展的城市。图片来源:Ryan Stuart

China’s ‘other grand plan’ opens Urbis’ international opportunities One of Australia’s biggest names in economics, planning and design is has gone direct to Hong Kong to capitalise on an unprecedented wave of city-making and urban development. Dan Wilkie IT is known colloquially as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s ‘other grand plan’ – a wide ranging policy initiative designed to integrate 11 cities surrounding the Pearl River Delta in southern China. And while the Greater Bay Area hasn’t gotten the global headlines that the Belt and Road Initiative has enjoyed, it is nonetheless expected to play a similarly vital role in not only China’s future economic development, but also that of the entire Asia-Pacific. Highlighted by the recently-opened 55-kilometre Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, the Greater Bay Area will provide new links and shorter travel between Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, Foshan, Zhaoqing and Jiangmen – cities which have a combined population of more than 67 million. With a collective GDP of more than 14


$US1.56 trillion, the Greater Bay Area’s economy is larger than Australia’s and Spain’s, and just behind that of South Korea. Forecasts indicate the population of the Pearl River Delta will double in the next 20 years, with China’s central government aiming for the area to become its version of Silicon Valley, while also becoming a globally significant centre for scientific and technological innovation. It is that future growth that has attracted planning and design firm Urbis Australia to establish a Hong Kong office, under its global brand Cistri. Urbis Australia launched Cistri in Singapore in 2016, with the firm earlier this year selected ahead of a highly-credentialed international field to undertake master planning for a 20-year redevelopment of the heralded Orchard Road precinct. “Urbis has been doing work internationally for decades, with a strong emphasis on economics, particularly retail and property

economics,” chief executive Benjamin Pollack told Australia China Business Review. “Over the last three to five years we started to see growing interest in Asia, particularly in South East Asia, so the decision was made in July of 2016 to extend that retail economics offering beyond Australia with a physical presence in Singapore. “That was both to provide a greater proximity to not only our Middle Eastern work, but also the opportunities that we were seeing coming out of China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and so on. “We are expecting further growth and that’s extended beyond economics to urban design, master planning and landscape design as well. “It’s that important nexus between urban design, master planning and economics that is a real cornerstone of the Cistri brand, and it’s something that’s really been driving the Urbis brand in Australia.” The vast opportunities emerging in Hong




一位澳大利亚知名的经济、规划及设计专家已动身前往香 港,追赶这史无前例的城市建设和开发浪潮。 丹·威尔基

众所周知,中国国家主席习近平的粤港澳 大湾区规划包含诸多方面的政策与计划, 旨在对中国南方珠三角地区的九个城市 和两个地区进行统一整合。 尽 管 粤 港 澳 大 湾 区 规 划 并 未 像“ 一 带 一 路”倡议一 样 备受 全 球 瞩目,但 预 计其 将 对中国未来乃至整个亚太地区未来的经 济发展谱写新的篇章。

根据近期通车的长达55公里的港珠澳大 桥的数据显示,粤港澳大湾区将为珠三角 地区带来更 便 捷的 交 通,通 南 彻 北。粤 港 澳大湾区规划包含珠三角地区的11座城 市:香港、澳门、广州、深圳、珠海、东莞、惠 州、中山、佛山、肇庆 、江门,其人口总数 超过6,700万。

大湾区GDP总值超过1.56万亿美元, 其经 济规模超过澳大利亚(1.32万亿)和西班牙 (1.31万亿)全国GDP,仅居韩国(1.53万 亿)之后。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

据估计,未来20年内珠三角地区的人口将 翻一番。中国政府旨在将其打造成为中国 版“硅谷”,并且大湾区也将成为全球重要 的科技创新中心。

正是这种未来的增长趋势牢牢抓住了澳洲 著名规划及设计公司Urbis的眼睛,Urbis 公司以其在亚太地区子公司——Cistri的 名义在香港设立了办事处。

最初,澳洲Urbis公司于2016年在新加坡 创立了子品牌Cistri。今年年初,该公司凭 借国际领先的权威认证,成功竞标新加坡 著名的乌节路地区未来20年总体重建规 划项目。

澳洲Urbis的首席执行官本杰明·波拉克 告 诉《澳 中 商 讯》: “几 十 年 来 Urb i s 一 直 致力于开展国际工作,并重点强调经济方 面——特别是零售业和房地产经济。

“ 在 过 去 的 三 到 五 年 里 ,我 们 对 亚 洲 地 区,特别是东南亚地区的兴趣日益增长。 所以2016年7月,公司决定将零售业服务

扩 展 到 澳 大 利 亚 境 外 ,并 在 新 加 坡 开 展 业务。

“这样做既是为了更好地满足我们在中 东地区的需求,同时也是为了让我们接触 到更多的来自中国、马来西亚、菲律宾、印 度尼西亚、越南等国家和地区的机遇。 “我们期待进一步的业务增长,这种增长 也 不 单 单 指 经 济 分 析 范 畴 ,更 是 扩 展 到 了 城 市 设 计 、城 市 总 体 规 划 和 景 观 设 计 等。 “ 把 城 市 设 计 ,城 市 总 体 规 划 和 经 济 分 析有机的结合,是旗下公司Cistri的品牌 特 点 ,同 时 也 是 其 在 真 正 意 义 上 推 动 了 Urbis品牌在澳大利亚发展的根本。 波拉克先生表示,正是中国内地和中国香 港高速发展所带来的机遇,使我们成功设 立了新办事处。今年上半年,通过与经验 丰 富 的 经 济 学 家 菲 奥 娜 · 沃 特 斯(F i o n a Waters)所领导的当地咨询机构沃特世 金融公司(Waters Economics)的成功 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



Kong and China, Mr Pollack said, led to the establishment of a new office, a presence bolstered earlier this year by a merger with local consultancy Waters Economics, which is led by experienced economist Fiona Waters. “(The merger) was about Urbis’ real purpose around shaping cities and communities and looking at urbanisation issues and the opportunities available in Asia, and how we can continue to reach our footprint up into Asia,” Mr Pollack said. “But equally, as a creative practice, diversity of thought, diversity of perspective is critically important. “Australia has its own issues around density, around urbanisation, around affordability and liveability and around quality amenity, and I think there are great examples of that in Asia that Australia can learn from.” Cistri Hong Kong is led by director Andy Lewis, who has had more than 40 years’ experience in landscape design and urban planning throughout Asia and the United Kingdom. Mr Lewis said Cistri’s approach represented a new model of planning and development for the Greater Bay Area. “Although the Hong Kong office is very new, Fiona and I have worked for many years in the Hong Kong-China and regional markets and have developed a particular expertise in the economic basis for highly dense 16


urban environments, but also from a master planning and design point of view,” Mr Lewis told Australia China Business Review. “In very dense Asian cities, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore, where development costs and investments are huge in terms of land price and construction costs, investors need to be assured that they are going to get a return on their investment and that what we plan and design and develop is going to be efficient and successful in every sense of the word. “That’s not just financially successful, it’s socio-economic terms, environmental, in terms of urban design and vibrancy etcetera. “(Around the Greater Bay Area) Hong Kong is obviously pretty well-developed and so are Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but a lot of the others are not and what we are focusing on is how to create new cities that will be successful. “What is the right mix of land uses and economies, of industries or employment opportunities? “Once you’ve established that, what type of population base do you need to service those opportunities and what sort of environment do you need to create to attract the right people and the professional skills?” Mr Lewis said initial meetings with Hong Kong and China-based developers had sparked immediate interest in the company’s

ICONIC One of Cistri’s biggest wins to date has been a 20-year master planning deal for Singapore’s heralded Orchard Road. Photo: Urbis/Cistri 独一无二 Cistri最大的项目之一是中标新 加坡首开先河的乌节路(Orchard Road)长 达20年的总体规划项目。图片来源:Urbis/ Cistri


合并,使我们在这方面的业务得到了巩固 与提高。

“合 并 后,Urb i s 在 城 市 规 划 与 社 区 建 设 上的业务得以进一步增强,同时接触到更 多亚洲的全新的城市化趋势所带来的机 遇与挑战,以及如何融入当地并持续拓展 我们的足迹,”波拉克先生如是说。 “但同样,这项合并极附创造性,其“百家 争鸣”式的并购思路和发展观点才是重中 之重

“澳大利亚的城镇规划发展自身也存在 一些问题,尤 其是 在 人 口密 度、城 市化 程 度、承载程 度、宜 居 程 度以 及 周 边 配套 基

础设施等方面。同时我认为亚洲有诸多优 秀的案例值得澳大利亚借鉴。


安迪·路易斯(Andy Lewis)是Cistri香港 办事处的负责人,他拥有在亚洲和英国长达 40余年的景观设计、城市规划的从业背景。

“在诸如香港、新加坡等人口高度密集的 亚洲城市中,开发成本和投资成本(包括 土地价格和建筑成本)必将是巨大的,投 资者需要得到项目回报的有关保证,并且 我们所提供的规划和开发方案无疑是可 以交付的。

“虽然香港办事处刚刚成立,但我和菲奥 娜在中国内地、香港以及周边市场具有多 年的工作经验,并且在高度密集城市化的 经济数据分析、总体规划和设计观点等方 面有独到见解。” 路易斯先生透露给《澳 中商讯》。

“(大 湾 区)众 所 周 知 ,香 港 、广 州 和 深 圳 作 为 国 际 一 线 城 市 ,已 经 发 展 成 发 达 城 市。但是相比之下,粤港澳大湾区中的其 他城市仍有很大差距。所以我们业务重心 就是帮助它们发展为国际一线城市。

路易斯先生表示,Cistri将为大湾区的规 划和发展带来一种全新模式。

“成功开发不仅意味着可观的财务回报, 更是从城市规划和城市活力等方面考量 的社会经济学意义上的成功。

PROXIMITY Cistri Hong Kong will also help the firm service projects in South East Asia, such as this retail precinct in Da Nang, Vietnam. Image: Urbis/Cistri 近水楼台 Cistri香港公司同时也致力服务 于东南亚其它地区,比如越南岘港的大型购 物中心。图片来源:Urbis/Cistri WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



suite of services, particularly how Cistri and Urbis are able to use data to inform development or investment decisions. “We haven’t formally won them yet, but we are working on two master plan proposals that are a very large scale,” he said. “You can immediately see that potentially there are some issues. “People have a vision, but if they don’t have that solid evidence base from the economics side as well as the planning side, then that vision may not necessarily come to fruition in the way they would like to see. “Chinese and Hong Kong developers are certainly not conservative - this speaks to the scale and levels of investment required. “It’s more a question of trying to keep their feet on the ground. “All of them have a very grand vision, and it’s really a question of processing that and working with these people to come up with realistic development options.” The establishment of Cistri in Hong Kong, Mr Pollack said, would also assist Urbis Australia in deepening its relationship with sev-



eral Chinese development groups, including Dalian Wanda, Yuhu, Country Garden, Far East Consortium and Golden Age, among others. “Certainly, what we’ve noticed through the Singapore presence is the opportunity to build on those relationships and build a greater depth of relationship,” Mr Pollack said. “We are still bedding down our merger in Hong Kong, but that’s one of the opportunities that we see going forward – in the same way that we are sharing expertise, we’ll be building on relationships as well. “The general mindset of every developer is to maximise the opportunity and the potential return. “If you look at a company such as Greenland in Australia, they are using local architects who understand the environment, local planners who understand the regulations. “So, while everyone wants to push the envelope to an extent, there is also the acknowledgement that it has to come to a point where there is an executable master plan or design of development.”

PLANNING Cistri is helping shape the next wave of tourist-oriented development in Cambodian travel hotspot Shianoukville. Image: Urbis/Cistri 志在必得 Cistri正在帮助柬埔寨热门旅游 城市西哈努克城(Shianoukville)推动新一 轮旅游浪潮。图片来源:Urbis/Cistri


“这更像是一个如何让他们平衡理想与 现实的问题。

“如何合理 地 在土 地 类 别规 划、经济 和 工 业发展效益以及就业机会三者中找到平 衡点?

“一旦你明 确 了方 向,你需 要 多 大人 口 基 数来满足这些条件?你需要创建什么样的 环境才能吸引高质量人才以及发展专业 技能? 路易斯先生表示,在与中国内地和香港开 发商的初步会谈中,开发商当即对公司的 全套服务产生了浓厚兴趣,特别是Cistri 和Urbis如何合理使用大数据为发展或投 资决策提供支撑信息。

“我们还未 签 订正 式 合 同,但 我 们正 在 起 草两项超大规模的总体规划提案。 “或许你会敏锐地对其产生质疑

“投资者往往充满愿景,但如果他们没有 掌握经济、规 划方 面 的 可 靠的 依 据,那 这 个愿景很可能跟他们期望失之千里。

“中国内地和香港的房地产开发商都不 是保守派,这也从侧面表现出未来投资规 模及高度。


“他们都有远大目标,但如何在这些宏伟 蓝图和更切实际的开发选项中进行取舍, 是需反复推敲与斟酌的。 波拉克表示,Cistri香港办事处的建立有 助 于 加 深 澳 大 利 亚 Ur b i s 公 司 与 一 些 中 国本土开发商的联系,这其中包括大连万 达 、玉 湖 、碧 桂 园 、香 港 远 东 和 盛 世 集 团 等。


VISION Andy Lewis brings more than 40 years of planning and design experience to Cistri Hong Kong. Photo: Urbis/Cistri 眼界开阔 安迪·路易斯为Cistri香港公司里 带来了超过40年的规划和设计经验。图片来 源:Urbis/Cistri

“当然,我们通过新加坡办事处深切的体 会到,建立并深耕这些关系的重要性, “波 拉克先生说。

“尽管香港分公司还处在合并后的磨合 期,但是其中孕育着大量的机遇,每次行 业交流都是一次拓展关系的好机会。 “每个开发商最关注的就是投资回报的 最大化问题。

“比如在澳洲发展的中国绿地控股集团, 他们聘请熟悉当地环境的澳洲建筑师和 熟识当地法规的规划师。 “虽然大家都希望在一定程度上挑战极 限,但不得不承认,其必须在可实现的总 体规划或开发设计指导纲领范围内。

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



Going cray pays off for Mandurah Cruises Dan Wilkie WHEN Myrianthe Riddy and her husband Peter bought a small cruise operation in Mandurah in late 2016, Mr Riddy saw it as an opportunity to follow in his father’s footsteps and add a lobster fishing boat to the fleet. In a serendipitous twist, Mrs Riddy recognised the need to develop a broader range of products to get a quick return on the couple’s investment, and thanks to a change of Western Australian legislation to allow recreational rock lobster fishing, Mandurah Cruises’ wild seafood adventures were born. “When we bought the business, we wanted to grow the business in the international market, but we also wanted to do things that were very authentic to Mandurah,” Mrs Riddy told Australia China Business Review. “Mandurah of course is famous for its crabs and its cray fishing” “So, we thought about what kind of customers would be interested in coming on a 20


high-end cray fishing tour or a crabbing tour. “Chinese customers are well-known for their love of western rock lobster, so we realised that if we wanted to generate a quick return on our investment, we needed to get quite good at Chinese tourism.” China’s appetite for western rock lobster, colloquially known as a crayfish, is well documented – the industry is worth around $500 million to the state’s economy each year, with most of the lobsters caught off the WA coast shipped live to China. The export industry’s been boosted by the 2015 China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, which repealed high tariffs on Australian seafood that had previously stifled the sector’s growth. Western Australia’s state government also recently relaxed tight regulations governing recreation fishing of western rock lobsters, part of push to stimulate new tourism markets. The new rules, which allow for year-round recreational lobster fishing, subject to strict

quotas, allowed Mrs Riddy and her husband to develop a wild seafood experience – a three-hour tour that departs from the picturesque Mandurah estuary, cruising past pods of playful local dolphins en route to a lobster-laden reef around half an hour offshore. Guests are given the opportunity to hook up and pull in lobster pots, are educated about the lobster fisheries and the lobsters themselves, then return to the calm waters of the estuary to enjoy a sumptuous feast of local seafoods, including the lobsters they just caught, washed down by the finest Western Australian wines. “What you can do a lot of in WA is charter fishing, you find a guy with a charter boat, who is probably a professional fisherman, and he will take you out fishing,” Mrs Riddy said. “But there aren’t that many boats that give you a really nice, luxurious experience. “So, for us to make money straight away, we knew we had to make our guests feel like ‘wow, this is luxurious, this is a bit different from what else is in the market’, because you



ESCAPE Mandurah Cruises’ Reel Affair II offers the chance to experience an authentic fishing expedition just off the Mandurah coast. Photo: Mandurah Cruises 世外桃源 曼杜拉邮轮公司(Mandurah Cruises)的游轮Reel Affair II让您有 机会在曼杜拉海岸体验真正意义上的海 钓。图片来源:曼杜拉游轮公司

曼杜拉的”龙虾号” 丹·威尔基

2016年末,当麦润德·瑞迪(Myrianthe Riddy)和她的丈夫彼得(Peter)在西澳州曼 杜拉市购买了一家小型邮轮公司时,瑞迪追 随着父亲的脚步,破釜沉舟在船队中增加一 艘龙虾捕捞船。 出人意料的是,瑞迪女士意识到产品多样 性是资金迅速回拢的必要手段。这时西澳 政 府 立 法 有 所 变 化 ,休 闲 捕 龙 虾 不 再 违 法,于是曼杜拉游轮公司的“龙虾之旅”就 此拉开序幕。

“当我们收购 这家 公 司 时,我 们 当然 希 望 能够扩展国际市场,但我们更想为当地做 一些真正有意义的事情。”瑞迪对《澳中商 讯》提到。 “曼杜拉地区以野生蓝蟹和龙虾闻名。

“ 所 以 ,我 们 不 禁 思 考 ,什 么 样 的 客 户 会 对高端的龙虾捕捞之旅或捕蟹之旅感兴 趣呢? “中国顾客对西澳岩石龙虾的钟爱是世 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

界闻名的,于是我们灵光一现,意识到迅 速回笼资金的当务之急是我们就必须成 为中国旅游业的专家。”

中国对岩石龙虾的贡献可谓历历在 目——该产业每年为澳洲带来约5亿美元 收入,大部分在西澳海岸捕捞的龙虾都是 通过海运生鲜链运往中国。 2015年中澳自由贸易协定(ChinaAustralia Free Trade Agreement)取消 了澳大利亚海产品的高额关税,澳大利亚 的水产业迎来新的春天。 西澳大利亚州政府最近还放宽了对岩石 龙虾休闲捕捞的监管制度,此举在一定程 度上大大刺激了旅游业的发展。

新政策允许在严格的时段内进行龙虾捕 捞(非专业捕捞),瑞迪女士一家从此便开 发 了 独 特 的“野 生 龙 虾 捕 捞 行 程”—— 约 三小时的海上捕捞旅行。从风景如画曼杜 拉离港,沿途会看到数不胜数的海豚,在 捕捞龙虾的礁石附近停留约半个小时左 右。

游客能够亲身体验捕捞龙虾的全过程,更 加深入地了解龙虾捕捞产业和龙虾本身, 然后返航至平静的河口享受来自当地海 洋的珍馐,当然还有他们亲自捕捞的、已 经经过西澳顶级葡萄酒洗礼过得龙虾。 瑞 迪 女 士 说“ : 在西澳你能体验到的就是 租船捕鱼,你可以去找一位租船捕鱼的渔 民,他会满足你的要求。

“但不是每一艘船都能带给你极尽奢华 和无微不至的体验。 “ 所 以 ,如 果 我 们 想 要 提 高 收 益 ,我 们 必 须让我们的客人惊叹到‘这绝对是一场独 一无二的豪华之旅’,你可以在任何一艘 渔船上度过一段美好的时光,但是相信我 你不想错过过量身定的豪华旅程。

“最为重要的是我们尽可能地让游客参 与到捕捞中来,去亲身体验。 “我不希望游客们只是在一旁拍拍水手 捕捞的照片,如果游客能亲自参与,同时 满载而归,这样既有参与感,又能牢牢掌 握有关龙虾的知识。” 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



can just go out on a fishing boat and you’ll have a wonderful time, but it’s probably not tailored and luxurious. “What’s important to us is that our tour is as hands-on as possible. “We don’t want guests watching our crew and take photos, we want them to handle the lobsters and understand how we fish for them, and hopefully to go away with a bit of learning about the creatures.” Mrs Riddy estimated that more than 2,500 Chinese tourists have experienced the tour since its launch in late 2017, while its profile was steadily growing in Chinese tourism markets. She put the tour’s success down to her and her husband’s attention to detail, particularly with regards to the fit-out of the fishing vessel, the Reel Affair II. “We had to be able to get guests to pay a certain price point,” Mrs Riddy said. ADVENTURE Pulling in pots is a popular feature of the lobster tours. Photo: Mandurah Cruises 身临其境 亲身体验捕捞龙虾的乐趣是当地 旅游的一大卖点。图片来源:曼杜拉游轮公 司 22


“These are people are international tourists and they will be staying at hotels such as The Westin in Perth, they’ll be dining at Nobu and the like. “They are used to certain standards, so we had to try and replicate that, as far as you can, with a cray fishing boat. “The cray fishing boat that we bought was a pretty beaten up one, it was a very good boat when we bought it but it had been used by nine guys who lived on it for sessional cray fishing “We spent six months restoring it to make it cosmetically nice and completely safe for passengers. “It’s a very attractive boat now, I think it’s probably the only cray fishing boat in Western Australia with pot plants on board.” Mrs Riddy said after just more than a year of operating the tours, Mandurah Cruises was looking to expand its fleet, having already

converted another of its boats into a cray fishing vessel, and plans in motion to purchase another. And while many may balk at the hard work that running a swiftly expanding tour operation may entail, Mrs Riddy said she was looking forward to the next phase of China-focused Mandurah Cruises growth. “Chinese guests are all up to have fun - they are always very high energy and fun to look after,” she said. “What I’ve learned is that Chinese people are massive foodies, and sitting around, eating and talking is what they love. “They are hugely sociable, and they share a sense of bonding over food that Australians don’t share. “Aussies bond over beer or alcohol, while alcohol appears to be a lower component of Chinese socialising and food is a much higher component.”


瑞迪女士估算自2017年以来,大概接待了 游客约2,500人,当然这一数字还在持续 的稳定增长中。

她讲成功的秘诀总结为她和她丈夫对细 节 的 把 控 ,特 别 是 在 即 将 下 海 的 捕 捞 船 Reel Affair 二号生倾注了毕生的心血。

瑞迪女士对我们说: “我们的服务必须满 足客户的身份与需求。”

“大部分客人都是来自全世界其他国家 的 旅 客 ,他 们 会 住 在 珀 斯 的 威 斯 汀 酒 店 (The Westin in Perth,五星酒店),会 在松九信幸餐厅(Nobu米其林餐厅)用餐 等。 “他们已经习惯了一定的标准,所以我们 尽可能的在龙虾捕捞船上延续他们的习 惯标准,让游客感受到宾至如归。

“我们购买的这艘龙虾捕捞船其实是二 手货,当然它曾经也是一艘不可多得的捕 捞船,只是在经历了多人使用后,才略显 陈旧。 “我们花费了半年的时间来重新改造这 艘船,并且将整艘船的安全指数升级,更 适用于旅客使用。

“它现在已经焕然一新,我想这应该是澳 洲境内唯一一艘在甲板上配有绿植的船。 瑞迪女士称在这一项目经营一年之后,曼 杜拉游轮公司准备在一次扩大其船队规 模 ,我 们 已 经 改 造 好 了 第 二 艘 龙 虾 捕 捞 船,并计划再买第三艘。


精 力 充 沛 ,与 他 们 的 相 处 过 程 也 十 分 融 洽。

“我意识到了中国人的确‘民以食为天’, 能坐下一饱口福永远是他们的最爱。 “ 他 们 非 常 善 于 交 际 ,尤 其 是 在 饮 食 方 面,表现出一种澳大利亚人所不具备的凝 聚力。 “总而言之,澳大利亚人的社交离不开美 酒,中国人的社交离不开佳肴。”

尽管许多人可能会对快速扩张的旅游业 务可能带来的艰苦工作感到犹豫,但对于 瑞迪女士一家,她期待着以中国市场为重 心的进一步扩张。

“ 中 国 游 客 都 是 来 享 乐 的 —— 他 们 总 是 DELICIOUS After hauling in their catch, the boat returns to the Mandurah estuary for a seafood feast. Photo: Mandurah Cruises 饕餮盛宴 海钓之旅结束后,这艘游轮当即 返回曼杜拉河口带您享用海鲜盛宴。图片来 源:曼杜拉游轮公司


2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


RESOURCES | 能源 EXPORTS Woodside Petroleum’s Pluto operation is underpinned by sales agreements with Japanese players Kansai Electric and Tokyo Gas. Photo: Woodside Petroleum 同心协力 由伍德赛德能源公司(Woodside Petroleum)所发起的“Pluto”项目已与日 企关西电器(Kansai Electric)和东京燃气 (Tokyo Gas)达成合作。

Dan Wilkie FORMER Western Australian premier Colin Barnett has urged the current state government to pursue and facilitate the development of a new large-scale liquefied natural gas project to cater for growing Chinese demand. Increasing LNG consumption as part of China’s energy mix has been one of Beijing’s top priorities in its push to cut back its reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. China’s central government has mandated for LNG to make up 10 per cent of the country’s total fuel requirements by 2020, up from around 5 per cent currently. That commitment has already spurred many of the world’s biggest oil and gas players to ramp up expansion plans in Africa, the Middle East and North America, with estimates indicating that 200 million tonnes of new supply will be needed through to 2030, 24


equating to capacity additions of between 25mtpa to 30mtpa each year. Speaking at the annual Australia-China LNG Forum, hosted by the Western Australian Chinese Petroleum Association, Mr Barnett said the establishment of a new LNG development in WA would be a “worthy objective” for the coming decade. “The North West Shelf project was originally built as a project for Japan,” Mr Barnett said. “The nearly completed Ichthys project is a second LNG project for Japan. That is welcome, but perhaps it is time for a China project. “China’s demand for gas is expected to accelerate from the mid-2020s onwards. “It could be a brownfield expansion of an existing project, or better still a new greenfield project.” Mr Barnett said Australia’s LNG export industry was one built on overseas investment and driven by the private sector.

“For a China project, the best way forward is to follow the earlier approach of the North West Shelf Project,” Mr Barnett said. “That is, the combination of Chinese, Australian and international partners on an equal equity basis along with China being the foundation customer for the majority of the gas. “There should also be capacity for expansion into the future. “The result would be a secure project structure for all parties.” In that context, he said a China LNG project would represent both an economic opportunity and a symbol of the growing relationship between Australia and China since diplomatic relations were established in 1972. “A China LNG project for the next decade is almost certainly going to be based on conventional gas rather than shale gas,” Mr Barnett said. “That means a site somewhere along Australia’s north west coast and most likely adja-



西澳前州长宣称: 中国将成为推动西澳液化 天然气投资的中坚力量

Former premier says China can underpin next wave of WA LNG investment


西 澳 州 前 州 长 柯 林 · 巴 奈 特( C o l i n Barnett)敦促现任州政府继续推动和促 进新的大型液化天然气项目的开展,以满 足中国日益增长的天然气需求量。

中国政府持续增加液化天然气的使用比 重,致力于 减 少对 传 统 燃料 的 依 赖,以 及 减少温室气体排放。 中国政府已出台相关政策,明确了到2020 年,天然气 占 一次 能 源 消费 比 例 从“十 二 五”的5.9%将提升至“十三五”的10%。 这一政策的出台,促使全球几大石油和天 然气公司加大了对非洲、中东和北美地区 的投资计划。预计到2030年,将新增加液 化天然气供应量2亿吨,相当于每年增加 产能2500万吨到3000万吨。

在由西澳华人石油协会所主办的“澳中液 化天然气年 度 论坛”上,前 州 长 巴 奈特 先 生表示,在西澳开展新的液化天然气项目 将为未来十年的行业发展奠定基础。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

巴奈特先生在会上坦言: “西北大陆架项 目最初是为日本开发的一个项目。”

“而进入收尾阶段的液化天然气项 目‘Ichthys’是日本在西澳境内开发的的 第二个液化天然气项目。我们非常欢迎日 本在西澳进行投资开发,但现阶段中国对 液化天然气的需求将成为西澳液化天然 气产业发展的主力军。

“预 计 中 国 对 天 然 气 的 需 求 量 将 在 2 0 2 5 年前后进入加速增长阶段。” “这可能是在建项目的延伸,亦或是新项 目的契机。

巴奈特先生表示,澳大利亚出口液化天然 气是建立在海外投资的基础上,并由私营 企业所推动发展的一个行业。

“对于中国的项目而言,最好的方法就是 遵循早期‘西北大陆架项目’的开采方法。 “换言之,随着中国对液化天然气需求的 上涨,澳中双方及与其它国际合作伙伴的


“同时,现有天然气资源也应做好可持续 开发的准备。 “如此行之,对各方都将是一种保障。

在这一背景下, 巴奈特先生表示中国在澳 涉及的液化天然气项目将为中澳双方带 来巨大的发展机遇。同时,这一项目的落 成也会成为中澳双方自1972年建交以来 的一座里程碑。

“未 来 十 年 , 中 国 的 液 化 天 然 气 开 发 项 目 应该会以常规天然气的开发作为基础,而 并非页岩气。”巴奈特先生说。

“这就意味着位于澳大利亚西北海岸线, 与卡那封盆地(Carnarvon)或布劳斯盆 地(Browse)相邻的区域将大有可为。 “一经确认,那么随之而来天然气开采的 选址及所开采的天然气类别将成为两大 重点。” 卡那封盆地作为西澳大利亚州的的液 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



cent to the either the Carnarvon or Browse basins. “If it is to happen, then site selection and gas source become the two critical issues.” While Western Australia’s Carnarvon Basin is the state’s dominant area for LNG production, with four operating export projects – the North West Shelf, Pluto, Gorgon and Wheatstone – Mr Barnett said there were serious constraints for any potential expansion.

OPPORTUNITY Colin Barnett has described the development of a China LNG project in WA as a worthy objective. Photo: Reuters 风云际遇 柯林·巴奈特(Colin Barnett) 认为中方在西澳投资的液化天然气项目 极具价值。 26


One major constraint is the historical nature of the Burrup Peninsular, the location of the Pluto and North West Shelf projects, and the world’s biggest collection of ancient rock art. Chevron’s Gorgon is also constrained by its natural environment, located on Barrow Island – an A-class reserve that features a number of animal species found nowhere else on the planet. Mr Barnett said the Browse Basin was the new frontier for WA LNG, but operators in the area have faced a complex mix of environmental and social issues. Japan’s Inpex was forced to establish processing facilities for its Browse Basin gas fields in Darwin, after it could not find a suitable site in WA’s Kimberley. Woodside Petroleum also ran into issues in its bid to establish processing facilities in the Kimberley, abandoning its proposal after a series of legal challenges and rising costs. “The longer-term development of the Browse Basin gas reserves remains unresolved,” Mr Barnett said. “Woodside’s second option was floating LNG, but this is not a small gas field, as evidenced by the proposal being for three floating production vessels. “That plan has now been replaced by a

third option to pipe gas south to the North West Shelf project. “That doesn’t make a lot of sense with closer undeveloped resources in the adjacent Carnarvon Basin, including Woodside’s recent acquisition of the large Scarborough gas field. “It also ignores the issue of what happens with future gas discoveries in an under-explored Browse Basin. “The Browse Basin will ultimately need its own LNG project.” Port Hedland, however, could provide the potential to open undeveloped resources in the Browse Basin, Mr Barnett said. He said Port Hedland does not face the same environmental constraints as the Carnarvon Basin or the Burrup Peninsular, and its existing shipping channels and port infrastructure, developed for the iron ore trade, could support future gas processing, chemical plants and minerals processing. “An LNG project for China as a greenfield project is a bold aspiration for the coming decade,” he said. “Despite the thousands of kilometres of Western Australian coastline, our recent history has shown that the options for a site are surprisingly limited. “Port Hedland could be the solution.”


化 天 然 气 主 产 区 ,目 前 已 有 四 个 出 口 的 液 化 天 然 气 开 采 项 目 —— 西 北 大 陆 架、Pluto、高登(Gorgon)以及惠斯通项 目(Wheatstone)。巴奈特先生表示,这 一现状严重限制了该区域天然气开采项 目的未来发展。

其 中 主 要 的 限 制 因 素 包 括 ,布 里 半 岛 (Burrup Peninsular)的历史性 质、Pluto项目和西北大陆架项目的开发 或影响当地古代岩画艺术遗址(全球最大 古岩画遗址)。 雪佛龙公司(Chevron)的高登项目也同 样受到其周边自然环境的限制,这一项目 的所在地巴罗岛(Barrow Island)是A级 自然保护区,这里拥有着一种地球上独有 的动物物种。

巴奈特(Barnett)先生表示,布劳斯盆地 作为西澳液化天然气开发新晋的前沿产 区,其开采部门同样也面临着环境及社会 因素的双重考验。 日 本 帝 石 石 油 开 发 公 司(I np e x)在 西 澳 金伯利地区(Kimberley)寻求合作未果 后,被迫与达尔文市(北领地州首府)布劳 斯盆地天然气气田达成合作协议。

伍德赛德能源公司在金伯利地区建立的 天然气项目在配套设施方面也遇到了一 些问题,同时一系列法律纠纷和巨额成本 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


“布劳斯盆地中可用于长期发展的天然 气储量至今仍未探明。 “巴奈特先生提到。 “伍德赛德的第二个选择是海上液化天 然气开采项目,这不同于在小型气田上进 行开发,而是如提案中所述利用三个海上 漂浮式开采平台来进行作业。” “该计划现已被第三种方案所取代,就是 将天然气通过管道从南部输送到西北大 陆架项目。



他说: “中国新晋投资建设的液化天然气 项目是未来十年的发展的重中之重。

“尽管西澳的海岸线长达数千公里,但根 据近期的历史研究表明,气田开发的选址 实际上面临诸多限制。 “黒德兰港的横空出世或许会扭转乾 坤。”

“但这对伍德赛德公司最近收购的大型 气田“Scarborough”来说,并没有多大 意义,因为邻近的卡那封盆地中尚有未开 发的天然气储量。 “同时,目前布劳斯盆地储量尚未得以证 实,忽略此问题或将产生潜在风险。

“布劳斯盆地最终仍需自身的天然气项 目。 巴 奈 特 先 生 说 ,黑 德 兰 港( P o r t Hedland)可以为布劳斯盆地尚未开发的 天然气资源带来得天独厚的优势。

黑德兰港不会像卡那封盆地或伯里半岛 那样面临同样的自然环境限制,而且其具 备铁矿石贸易开发所需的航运渠道和港 口基础设施,足以满足未来天然气加工、

TRANSITION LNG imports are becoming an increasingly critical element of China’s energy mix. Photo: Reuters 能源转型 进口液化天然气在中国的能源 结构中占有越来越重要的地位。 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


AGRIBUSINESS | 农商 DIET SHIFT Rising Chinese livings standards are driving soaring demand for high-quality meats and other proteins, according to COFCO Australia CEO Bruce Li. Photo: GIWA 健康饮食 中粮集团澳大利亚总经理布鲁斯· 李(Bruce Li)提到:随着中国人民生活水 平的不断提供,人们对食品的要求也越来越 高,高品质的肉类和其他蛋白质逐步成为人 们选择的主流。图片来源:西澳州粮食协会 GIWA

China’s diet shift opening doors for Aussie producers Dan Wilkie CHINA’S growing need for high quality proteins is opening opportunities for agricultural producers in Western Australia, particularly in beef and grain production. That’s the view of the Australian head of China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), the state-owned enterprise entrusted with ensuring secure food supplies are available for the 1.4 billion people living in the People’s Republic. Speaking at the Grain Institute of Western Australia’s annual forum in October, COFCO International Australia chief executive Yebin (Bruce) Li said food security had become a key challenge in China, particularly with the significant rise in living standards among the country’s burgeoning middle class. Mr Li said as living standards have lifted in China, food consumption habits had changed markedly, moving away from traditional staples such as rice, towards dairy products, wheat and high-quality meats. “As people’s living standards have improved, they have become more concerned with their health,” Mr Li said. “This middle class, their consumption has really changed and improved, and has been the driving factor for the food industry and the agribusiness industry as well. “As a business working in the Chinese food industry, we really need to recognise how it’s changed, why it’s changed and how it may also change in the future.” 28


Mr Li said one of the near-term opportunities for WA producers was in the beef sector – with a current shortfall of 2 million tonnes per year expected to blow out to 5 million tonnes per year by 2025. “Because of the weather in China, and because of the soil, we lack production of high-quality meats,” Mr Li said. “By 2025, we will more than double our imports, and for beef, cost-wise, Brazil and the United States is more competitive, but quality-wise, Australian-produced beef is better. “Chinese people are more concerned with quality and more concerned with health, so in the future there is potential to import more products from Australia.” The opportunity to satisfy China’s growing appetite for beef has also been identified by Pardoo Beef Corporation, which owns an innovative cattle station in the arid Pilbara region of Western Australia. Pardoo Beef Corporation is investing $200 million in WA’s Pilbara to create a worldclass wagyu beef industry through the development of large-scale irrigation systems, tapping into the state’s second-largest water source, the underground Canning Basin aquifer. Addressing a recent agribusiness-focused event hosted by the Committee for Economic Development of Australia in Perth, Pardoo Beef founder Bruce Cheung said his goal was to create an industry worth more than $1.8 billion by 2031. The Singaporean businessman purchased

Pardoo Station in 2014 and immediately set about enhancing the operation’s production profile through modern irrigation techniques. The station’s capacity has already increased from around 5,000 head of cattle when Mr Cheung first bought the station, while he said he expected the herd to grow to more than 40,000 animals by 2022. Irrigating the land has also provided the ability to provide more feed, which has resulted in a better-quality herd and higher export prices for Pardoo cattle, most of which is exported to China. Mr Cheung said traditionally, cattle farmers in WA’s north had been able to earn between $800 to $1,000 per head of cattle. That number has grown to between $6,000 and $8,000 at Pardoo, he said. Mr Cheung said Pardoo Beef had also invested heavily in improving the genetics of its herd, using genes sourced from the original exporter of wagyu in Japan. “We feel that to further value add, we will need to further improve the branding of our product,” Mr Cheung said. “That branding can only be improved by quality. “We have a very pristine environment here. I think in the past we have not been proactive in how to use that to our advantage. “If we try to promote WA beef, or a regional beef as a branding, that would potentially create value. “The other thing that I see as a massive benefit of WA to have for the beef industry is some of the feed available. “The true buzzword in north Asia now is free range and non-GMO. In both of those categories, the potential is there for WA to perform very well. We just haven’t promoted ourselves as that.” Also speaking at the GIWA forum, WA Minister for Regional Development Alannah MacTiernan said enhancing the state’s agricultural

农商 links with China was a clear priority of the state government. Ms MacTiernan said at a time when political relations internationally had been strained, it was important for WA to push forward with its economic partnership with China. “Inbound investment is something that we want to encourage, and where we can develop Chinese investment to capture new markets and opportunities, that is especially welcome,” Ms MacTiernan said. Ms MacTiernan said Shanghai Ground Food Tech’s investment in Brownes Dairy in

November last year was a good example of how a local agribusiness could be enhanced by foreign investment. “Brownes had been going through a difficult period with oversupply problems and Shanghai Ground had the capital to invest in processing and the desire to develop the supply chains into new markets, which is really important,” Ms MacTiernan said. “But we’ve also seen investment in cattle and sheep stations, agritourism, wine, irrigation expansion and land development in the north of the state, so there are plenty of



中 粮 国 际 澳 大 利 亚 公 司( C O F C O International Australia,以下简称中粮 澳洲 )提到:中国对高品质蛋白质的需求不 断加大极大地刺激了西澳州农业的发展,尤 其是在牛肉食品加工业,家畜饲养业和粮食 生产业方面。 中粮集团作为一家国有企业,肩负着确保全 中国14亿人口的食品安全重任。

中粮澳洲总经理布鲁斯先生今年十月在西 澳州粮食协会举办的年度论坛上表示,随着 中产阶级的不断壮大和人民生活水平的不 断提高,食品安全问题已成为政府工作的重 中之重。

人民生活水平的提高使得消费者的饮食习 惯发生了翻天覆地的变化,逐步从从大米等 传统主食向乳制品类,谷物类以及高品质肉 类转变。 在人民生活水平不断提高的同时,对自身健 康的重视也随之而来。 中产阶级的消费习惯与之前相比存在天壤 之别,也正是这种高标准的消费习惯主导着 当今中国的食品行业和农业的发展。

“作为中国食品行业中的领军者,我们十分 好奇这其中到底发生了怎样的变化,为什么 会产生这样的转变以及未来这一趋势将如 何发展。”

李先生提到近期对西澳食品产业的发展机 会集中在牛肉加工业方面——中国现阶段 的牛肉供应量缺口每年高达两百万吨,预计 在2025年这一缺口将扩大到每年五百万吨。

“由于中国气候和土壤条件的限制,我们高 品质的肉类资源十分匮乏。

“到2025年,我国的肉产品进口量将翻一 倍,在价格方面,巴西和美国更具优势;但如 果以品质考量,将澳洲牛肉视为首选则实至 名归。 “中国人民对食品质量和食品健康越来越 看重,我们坚信,未来中国将有机会向澳洲 进口更多的产品。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

澳大利亚帕都牛肉公司(Pardoo Beef Corporation)也发现了中国牛肉市场的巨 大潜力,该公司在西澳干旱的皮尔巴拉地区 (Pilbara region)拥有一个高科技养殖场。 帕都牛肉公司(Pardoo Beef Corporation)计 划向西澳的皮尔巴拉地区投资2亿美元,通过 对西澳州的第二大水源以及坎宁盆地地下蓄 水层的开发和利用,形成一个大规模灌溉系 统, , 搭建一个世界级的和牛牛肉产业平台。 帕都牛肉公司的创始人张先生近期在由澳 大利亚经济发展委员会 (Committee for Economic Development of Australia) 在珀斯所主办的一场以“农业综合企业发展 重点”为主题的活动上提到,他的目标是到 2031年,帕都牛肉公司能够成为一个市值 逾18亿美元的集团。

这位新加坡商人在2014年收购了帕都农场 (Pardoo Station),并立即着手通过现代 灌溉技术来提高该公司的生产水平。

张先生在收购这家农场时,农场的饲养总量 已经增加到5,000头左右,预计到2022年, 该畜群数量将增加八倍。 对土地进行灌溉大大提高了土地的饲养能 力,这些因素使得帕都牛肉的质量不断攀 升,价格更是水涨船高,这些牛肉中的绝大 部分都是出口到了中国。 张先生透露给记者,传统上西澳北部地区 的养殖户在平均每头牛可获益800澳元至 1,000澳元。 但这一数字在帕都牛肉公司,已提升到每头 牛6,000澳元至8,000澳元。 帕都牛肉公司在基因技术上投入了大量资 金,试图通过对日本和牛的基因研究来加强 本地和牛的质量。


opportunities. “If we can align that investment with the expansion of opportunities, that makes sense, because we do know to some extent, in areas like horticulture, if you bring on more product without bringing on a new market all we do is drive down the return to farmers. “When we are considering growth, we need to consider where that growth is going to go and make sure that we’ve got those two things in alignment. “We see that as an important pathway for foreign investment.”

“如果我们尝试着去推广西澳牛肉或者以 西澳牛肉作为品牌出现,应该会为西澳饲养 业带来更大的经济利益。 “在我看来,西澳牛肉行业的另一项得天独 厚的优势在于饲料本地就可以提供。

“时下,人们更青睐于产自北亚有着“散养” 和“非转基因”双标签的牛羊肉。西澳的绝大 多数农产品都符合这两种标准,只是我们还 没有意识到这样宣传能带给我们哪些好处。 ” 在西澳州粮食协会GIWA论坛上,西澳地区 发展部部长阿兰纳赫·迈科迪亚南(Alannah MacTiernan)说,加强西澳州同中国的农业 交流是州政府的工作的重中之重。 在国际政治关系紧张的时候,推进西澳与中 国的经济伙伴关系发展,就显得尤为重要。

迈科迪亚南女士表示: “我们当然鼓励西澳 企业的对华投资,同时我们也更欢迎更多的 中国企业在西澳进行投资,扩大市场份额以 及为西澳发展创造更多的机会。”

迈科迪亚南女士表示,去年11月 上海广 泽 食 品 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司 .( S h a n g h a i Ground Food Tech)对布朗斯乳品有限公 司(Brownes Dairy)的投资,证明了外资注 入可以增强本地农业综合企业的实力。

“布朗斯经历了一段产能过剩的困难时期, 上海广泽食品科技股份有限公司有资本对 其投资,同时也希望能够将供应链发展到新 市场,这一点非常重要。 “但我们也看到了在西澳北部对牛羊养殖 场、农业旅游、葡萄酒、灌溉扩张和土地开发 的投资,因此西澳的经济发展拥有巨大潜力。

我们认为,为了附加值的进一步增长,帕都 牛肉更需要提高自身的品牌效应。

“如果我们能将投资与扩大市场同期进行, 能够将优势放到最大化。因为我们确信,在 某种程度上,特别是农业中,在不开拓新市 场的情况下选择增加产品产量,后果就是造 成农民收入的大幅下降。

“我们拥有着纯原生态的饲养环境,但在过 去,却没有人将这一优势发挥到淋漓尽致。

“我们认为这是境外投资者投资的重要途 径。”

而品牌效应的提高只能通过提高产品质量 得以实现。

“当我们考虑增产时,我们需要明确发展方 向与市场需求的一致。

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018




China’s rural revitalisation having a big brand impact TEN years ago, the average dairy farm in China had three cows. With millions of peasants tending postage-stamp sized lots, educating them on basic farming techniques such as responsible pesticide use was nigh impossible. Each batch of milk from each farm needed to be picked up by someone, who’d deliver it to a slightly larger carrier, who’d deliver it to a slightly larger operator, and so on. The fragmented supply chain was inefficient, difficult to track and the number of connection points made it more susceptible to scandals. The melamine scandal in 2008 proved to be an eye-opener for Beijing – it was the catalyst to increase focus on building a more efficient and professional agricultural sector. This was never going to be an easy task. After China opened up in the 1980s, the government broke up Chairman Mao’s giant communes into individual plots which were dished out to rural households. Still today, China has about 200 million farms and more than 90 per cent of them are less than a hectare. Although average wages in China remain much lower than in the US, it is cheaper to produce pork in the US due to industrialised farming and cheaper feed. It can cost three times more to produce a bottle of wine in the popular wine growing regions of Western China than in Australia. Food security is vitally important for China and has been declared a “class one issue.” One impact of the trade war is the wakeup call concerning China’s reliance of US Soybean imports, providing more impetus for self-sufficiency. On September 26, Beijing released a five 30


year ‘Rural Revitalisation’ plan to achieve a delicate balance of simultaneously opening the agricultural economy to the world while upgrading its domestic agricultural sector and forging links between farms, processors, input suppliers and service providers. The plan is likely to speed up the farming industrialisation that is already happening, albeit not as quickly as Beijing would like. Chinese dairy farms with more than 1,000 cattle have increased from 10 per cent to 19 per cent between 2009-2018, with the top end of town being driven by large corporates and state-owned enterprises. Traditional smaller plots are seeing farmers retire and, with their children in the cities, there is no one to tend the land so they are consolidating and being managed by larger operators using more modern equipment. Even foreign brands are investing in local farming and bringing much needed skills and technology with them, such as Zespri kiwifruit grown in Henan Province, Starbucks and Nestle coffee beans in the hills of Yunnan, and Fonterra farms in Hebei. China is increasingly adopting new technology in its rural sector. Agritech is improving efficiencies in farming, from China’s DJI drones that fertilise the land, to modernisation of equipment and integration of the Internet of Things. Taobao and JD have long been an avenue for farmers to sell their produce directly to consumers, and a host of under-the-radar platforms are becoming large businesses in their own right.

A good example is Meicai, a B2B app which helps farmers sell their vegetables to restaurants. Its latest round of funding has valued the app as much as $US7 billion. The little-known app founded in just 2014 is now worth almost five times what Geely Auto paid for Volvo eight years ago. What does this all mean for foreign food and beverage brands? The natural advantages of safe and efficient imported food sources are likely to continue to diminish in China. Brands will need to adjust their positioning and messaging and continue to innovate in the medium term to retain a point of difference over local competitors. This has happened in the electronics industry, and is currently happening in the auto industry, cosmetics and even fashion. Virtually all industries should be keeping an eye China’s homegrown production upping their game. There will remain a premium for foreign food and other category brands who understand the market well, but they may have to work a little smarter – something China Skinny can assist with. This article was originally published on http:// Mark Tanner is the founder and managing director of Shanghai-based China Skinny. Through his agency he has worked with over 150 international brands such as IKEA, Colgate, Tourism Malaysia, ANZ, Westpac and IHG on their China market entry and growth strategies, trend analysis, branding and new product development.



RURAL More than 90 per cent of farms in China are small operations of less than a hectare. Photo: Reuters 安常守故 中国超过90%的农场为占地不到 一公顷的小型农场。图片来源:路透社

中国农村经济振兴对海外品 牌的深远影响

十年前,典型的中国牧场是平均只拥有三 头 奶 牛 、数 百 万 农 民 各 自 经 营 的 小 块 土 地,对他们进行诸如杀虫剂的正确方法等 基本耕作技术培训几乎是不可能的。

由专人把每一批来自牧场的牛奶送至一 个规模稍大的承运人处,再由承运人送至 一个规模更 大 的经 销 商 那里,以 此 类推。 支离破碎的 供 应链 效 率 低下、难 以 追踪, 大量的节点使其更容易产生安全隐患。 2008年的三聚氰胺丑闻震惊了全国,它促 使人们更加关注高效、专业的农业部门建 设。

而 这 绝 非 易 事 。2 0 世 纪 8 0 年 代 改 革 开 放 后,中国政府把毛泽东建立的农村人民公 社分成单独 的 农田,分 配给 农 村 家 庭。直 至今日,中国仍有大约2亿块农田,其中超 过90%的田地面积不足一公顷。

速度,但必将会加速正在发展的农业产业 化进程。 2009年至2018年期间,由于大型企业以 及国有企业的带动,中国拥有超过千头奶 牛的牧场比例从10%增长至19%。 农民退休、青壮年劳动力迁至城市使得传 统的小块农田无人照看,因此大型经营者 正在使用更为现代化的设备进行土地整 合与管理。

海外企业也在投资中国本土农业,并带来 相应技术与科技,例如河南省的新西兰佳 沛猕猴桃果园(Zespri kiwifruit)、云南 山区的美国星巴克(Starbucks)和瑞士 雀巢咖啡豆(Nestle coffee beans)农 田 以 及 河 北 的 新 西 兰 恒 天 然(Fo nt e r ra farms)牧场。

中国农村地区越来越多地采用高新科技。 尽管中国的人工成本远低于美国,但由于 农业科技正在提高农作效率,从大疆无人 美国的工业化养殖和价格更低廉的饲料, 机为土地施肥到设备的现代化和物联网 美国生产猪 肉 的成 本 反 而更 低。同 样,中 (Internet of Things)整合。 国西部的葡萄酒产区酿造一瓶葡萄酒的 成本是澳大利亚的三倍。 长期以来,淘宝(Taobao)和京东(JD)是 农民向消费者直接销售产品的渠道,许多 食品安全问题在中国已成为首要焦点。贸 不知名的农产品平台也正通过不懈努力 易战的影响之一是敲响了中国的进口大 而不断壮大。 豆警钟,这同时全面提振了内需。 9月26日,中国政府颁布了乡村振兴战略 的首个五年 规 划,以 推 动农 业 全 面 升级、 农村全面进 步、农 民 全 面发 展 的 同 时,农 村经济全面 对 外开 放 ;以及 在 农 场、加 工 厂、上下游供应商之间建立微妙的平衡关 系。 尽管该规划或未能达到政府预期的推广 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

美菜网(Meicai)就是一个很好的例子, 其平台建立于B2B的APP上,以帮助农民 把蔬果销售至餐厅。其最新一轮融资使该 APP的估值高达70亿美元。

这对海外餐饮品牌意味着什么?在中国, 进口食物来源的安全性和高效性等自然 优势可能会持续减弱。 海外品牌需要调整其产品定位和信息传 递,并在中期内持续创新,才能与本土竞 争对手形成显著差异化。

这在电子设备产业已经有所体现,同时也 对汽车、美妆、甚至时尚等产业产生影响。 各个行业都应该密切关注来自中国本土 同行的影响力。 增进对中国市场的进口食品及其它品牌 的了解仍行之有效,但也需要一些更聪明 的做法— China Skinny 可以就此提供 帮助。

原文发表在http://www.ChinaSkinny. com

马克·唐纳(Mark Tanner)是上海China Sk inny 公司的创始人兼董事总经理。该 公司与超过150家国际品牌进行合作,如 宜家(IKEA)、高露洁(Colgate)、马来西 亚旅游局(Tourism Malaysia)、澳新银 行(ANZ)、西太平洋银行(Westpac)和 洲际酒店集团(IHG),为客户制定进入中 国市场的战略发展、趋势分析、品牌策略, 以及新产品研发服务。

这款APP于2014年刚刚成立,如今估值几 近八年前被吉利汽车(Geely Auto )的沃 尔沃汽车(Volvo)价值的五倍。

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 James Laurenceson Australia-China Relations Institute 詹姆斯·劳伦森 澳大利亚中国关系研究院


World politics explainer: Deng Xiaoping’s rise to power BY orchestrating China’s transition to a market economy, Deng Xiaoping has left a lasting legacy on China and the world. After becoming the leader of the Communist Party of China in 1978, following Mao Zedong’s death two years earlier, Deng launched a program of reform that ultimately saw China become the world’s largest economy in terms of its purchasing power in 2014. Last year it accounted for 18.2 per cent of total global purchasing power, compared with 15.3 per cent for the United States.

What happened?

A major turning point was the 3rd Plenum of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which took place in December 1978. For the three decades prior, production in China was structured around a central planning model: collectivised agriculture in rural areas and state-owned industrial firms (SOEs) in urban regions. The prices of goods and services were also fixed by the government rather than determined by supply and demand. Deng recognised that the outcomes produced by the planned economy were poor, with more than 60 per cent of the population living in poverty. That’s why he launched a series of measures such as opening the economy to foreign trade and investment. 32


He summarised his distinctly pragmatic rather than ideological approach to development with the phrase, “It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice”. Under Deng, the market wasn’t given free rein immediately. There was no reform of the ‘big bang’ variety seen in former centrally-planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. Rather, in the words of Barry Naughton, China’s economy was simply allowed to “grow out of the plan”. For example, state-owned firms were not sold off to private entrepreneurs at the outset. Rather, privately-owned companies were permitted to emerge alongside SOEs. This gave Chinese consumers choices and the competition forced SOEs to become more responsive to market demand and efficient in their production practices.

The impact of the reforms

The outcomes of Deng’s reforms have been without historical peer. The latest data put the proportion of China’s population living in poverty at less than 1 per cent. Of course, despite hundreds of millions being lifted out of poverty, this does not mean that all Chinese are rich: average incomes are still only around one-third of those in Australia. The reasons Deng’s reforms proved suc-

cessful can be traced back to two key factors. The first is policy logic. John McMillan and Barry Naughton showed that the newly-emerged private sector played a crucial role in improving the Chinese economy’s overall efficiency. Another key consideration was that China benefited from its starting point. Jeffrey Sachs and Wing Thye Woo pointed out that in 1978, most Chinese people were poor and living in rural areas. Compared with other centrally-planned economies such as the former Soviet Union, this made the task of shifting labour from producing low-productivity agricultural output to higher productivity industrial goods easier. Just how far along the path to a market economy has China come? That depends on the measure and the part of China’s economy under focus. Last month, Meixin Pei, a professor at Claremont McKenna College in the United States, pointed to China’s state sector as evidence its economic growth would slow. He wrote that China’s economy was “nowhere near as efficient as that of the US”. And the “main reason for this is the enduring clout of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs), which consume half of the country’s total bank credit, but contribute only 20 per cent of value-added and employment”.



LEADERS Around one third of the world’s economic growth over the past decade has come from China. Photo: Jason Lee/Reuters 一马当先 过去10年间,中国占全球经济 增长的三分之一。图片来源:杰森·李 / 路透社


邓小平带领中国从计划经济向市场经济 转型,此举给中国乃至全球留下了深远的 影响。 毛泽东逝世两年后,邓小平于1978年正式 成为中国共产党的领导人。此后,邓小平启 动了一项改革计划,最终使得中国在2014 年成为全球最大经济体(按购买力计算)。

截止至2017年中国占全球总购买力的 18.2%,而同比美国仅为15.3%。 回首过往

于1978年12月召开的中国共产党第十三 届三中全会是一个重要的历史转折点,。 此前的30年间,中国的生产力围绕中央计 划经济进行:农村地区农业集体化和城市 地区工业企业国有化。商品价格和服务由 政府决定,而非取决于供需关系。

邓小平意识到计划经济产生的严重后果, 甚至导致超过60%的人口生活在贫困中。 他因而推出一系列的措施,例如开放对外 贸易和投资。 他表明自己在发展过程中注重成效而非 意识形态: “ 不管黑猫白猫,捉到老鼠就是 好猫。” 在邓小平的领导下,市场经济在控制范围 内匀速前线。在前中央计划经济的中欧和 东欧,也并没有出现“大爆炸”式的改革。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

杰弗里·萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)和胡永泰 取而代之, 用巴瑞·诺顿(Barry Naughton)的话来说,中国经济仅仅被允许“计 (Wing Thye Woo)指出,多数中国人于 划外增长(Growing Out of the Plan) 1978年均为穷人,且生活在农村。与前苏 联等其他中央计划经济体相比,劳动力从 。” 低生产率的农业产出转向生产率更高的 例如国有企业从始至终没有出售给民营 工业产品变得相对容易。 企业,然而民营企业允许与国有企业进行 中国在走向市场经济的道路上已走多远? 兼并。 这带给中国消费者更多的选择,竞争迫使 国有企业对市场需求做出更为积极的回 应,即生产效率的提高。 改革的影响


最新数据显示:中国当前贫困人口比例不 到1%。尽管数亿人已摆脱贫困,但这不意 味着所有中国人均为富人,中国人均收入 仍然只有澳大利亚人的三分之一左右。 邓小平进行改革的原因可以追溯到两个 关键因素。 首先是政策的逻辑性。

约翰·麦克米兰(John McMillan)和巴 瑞·诺顿(Barry Naughton)的研究表 明,新兴的私营经济体在整体提高中国经 济效率方面起到关键作用。 另一个关键因素则是中国相对较低的起 点。

这取决于具体衡量标准以及当下中国受 到中央扶持的经济板块。

美国克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院(Claremont McKenna College)的裴敏欣(Minxin P e i)教 授 于 上 月 表 明 :中 国 的 国 有 部 门 是中国经济增长将放缓的有力证据。他表 示,中国经济的“效率远不及美国”,而造 成这种局面的主要原因是中国国有企业 的持久影响力,其消耗了中国银行信贷总 额 的 一 半 ,但 只 贡 献 了 2 0 % 的 增 值 和 就 业。” 裴敏欣教授给出一个重要的数据,国有企 业可能占中国增值产出和就业的五分之 一,这意味着现有五分之四的增值产出和 就业均来自邓小平的私营经济体。 时代变革

彼 得 森 国 际 经 济 研 究 所( P e t e r s o n Institute for International Econo m i c s )的 尼 古 拉 斯 · 拉 迪( N i c h o l a s Lardy)经研究得出结论:2011年间,包含 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 CHANGING SPEEDS China’s pace of reform has slowed under current President Xi Jinping. Photo: Reuters 待势乘时 在现任国家主席习近平的领导 下,中国改革的步伐正在进一步调整。图片 来源:路透社

Yet, perhaps unwittingly, Pei makes an important observation. SOEs may account for one-fifth of China’s value-added output and employment. But that means four-fifths now comes from Deng’s private sector.

Contemporary relevance

Careful work by Nicholas Lardy at the Peterson Institute for International Economics has concluded that by 2011, China’s public sector, including SOEs, only employed 11 per cent of China’s labour force. As a comparison, in 2013, Australia’s public sector accounted for 18.4 per cent of total employment. In other words, at an aggregate level and in terms of employment, the private sector is more prominent in China than in Australia. An OECD study in 2010 found that 87 per cent of China’s 523 industrial sectors were highly competitive. They observed that this compared favourably with international standards, including with the US. Commentators like Minxin Pei are correct that China’s SOEs do benefit from government policy support, such as cheap loans from state-owned banks. But the data nonetheless point to China’s private sector being hyper-competitive in the sense that despite such discriminatory poli34


cies, the sector as a whole has continued to thrive. In a 2016 paper for a Reserve Bank of Australia conference, Nicholas Lardy highlighted that in terms of output growth, profitability and indebtedness, private Chinese industrial firms outperform SOEs by a wide margin. The prominent and vibrant role the private sector plays in China today means that its economic growth may be more sustainable than some of its critics imagine. That said, the pace of economic reform has slowed under current Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, who took over in 2012. Arguably the slowdown dates back even further. For example, in terms of subjecting Chinese firms to increased competition from overseas firms, China’s trade-weighted average tariff in 2000 stood at 14.7 per cent. After entering the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001, this fell dramatically to 4.7 per cent by 2005. Since then, no further progress has been made. In fact, in 2016 the figure was higher at 5.2 per cent. Similarly, four decades after Deng began to allow foreign investment into the manufacturing sector, other parts of China’s economy, particularly the so-called “commanding heights” of the economy such as energy, tele-

communication and finance, remain curtailed or off limits entirely. Overall, China is less open to foreign investment than high-income countries and many emerging markets as well. This lack of reciprocity is at least partly responsible for much of the international community’s criticisms of China’s economy today. Jason Young, the Director of the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre wrote last week that the current US-China trade war is really a “dispute over what models of political economy are deemed fair and legitimate economic policy-making in today’s highly-integrated global economy”. Over the past decade, around one-third of the world’s economic growth has emanated from China. Countries like Australia have been leading beneficiaries, with China buying $116 billion last year. China’s economic growth, and therefore the world’s, will be more assured if Deng’s reform legacy is reclaimed by China’s current crop of leaders. Just announced tariffs cuts and new openings for foreign investment are steps in that direction. James Laurenceson is Deputy Director of the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney.


国有企业在内的中国公共部门只雇佣了 中国劳动力的11%。 相比之下,2013年澳大利亚公共部门就业 人数占总就业人数的18.4%。

换言之就总体发展水平和就业而言,中国 的私营经济的表现比澳大利亚更为突出。

世界经合组织(OECD)的一项研究发现, 在中国523个工业部门中,87%的行业竞 争 非常激 烈。这一 观 察 结果 表 明,该比 例 与包含美国在内的国际标准相比是非常 有利的。 这种现象进一步证明了像裴敏欣这样的 评论人士的观点是正确的,中国国有企业 很大程度上得益于政府的政策支持,比如 国有银行的低息贷款。

数据表明,尽管中国政府出台了一些歧视 性 政策;但 从 某种 意 义 上来 讲,中 国私 营 经济仍然处于强有力的持续发展期。 于澳大利亚储备银行(Reserve Bank of Australia)2016年一次会议上发表的一 篇论文中,尼古拉斯·拉迪强调:就产出增 长、盈利能 力 以及 债 务 水平 而 言,中国 民 营企业的表现远远好于国有企业。 如今中国的私营经济充满活力,中国的经 济增长可能比一些批判人士想象的更具 可持续性。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

数据表明,在2012年上任的现任国家领导 人习近平的领导下,中国经济改革的步伐 已逐步进行调整。

经济调整可以追溯到更早之前。例如让中 国企业面临来自海外企业日益激烈的竞 争,中 国 2 0 0 0 年 的 贸 易 加 权 平 均 关 税 为 14.7%等。

中国于2001年加入世界贸易组织(WTO) 后,这一比例到2005年急剧下降至4.7%。 此后没有重大突破,直至2016年小幅提高 至5.2%。

同样在邓小平允许外国投资进入制造业 40年后,中国经济的其他领域,特别是所 谓的“制高点”行业例如能源、电信和金融 仍然受到限制或者完全禁止参与。


如果邓小平改革开放的市场化精神被中 国现任领导班子所继承,中国的经济增长 乃至世界的经济增长将更有保障。此前宣 布的削减关税和对外国投资的新开放政 策正是朝着这个方向做出的努力。 詹姆斯·劳伦森(James Laurenceson) 是悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)澳大利亚中国关系研 究院(Australia-China Relations Institute)的副院长。

总体而言,中国对外国投资的开放程度不 及高收入国家和许多新兴市场国家。

这种缺乏互惠互利的做法在一定程度 上招致了国际社会对中国经济的诸多 批 评 。新 西 兰 当 代 中 国 研 究 中 心( N e w Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre)的执行总监杰森·杨 (Jason Young)上周表示, 当前的美中 贸易战实际上是“关乎在当今高度一体化 的全球经济中,何种政治经济模式被视为 公平与合法的经济决策的争论。”

2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 Ken Meng CEO of Australia China Business Review 孟敬亭 《澳中商讯》CEO

KEN MENG | 孟敬亭

是澳大利亚改变了中国,还是 中国改变了澳大利亚 澳中两国的经济联系不断增长,从贸易来看,两个国家对彼此 的依存度已经超越了其他任何国家。

Getting the signal through the history: Australia-China relations The economic ties between Australia and China were improving; from the perspective of trade, the two countries have become more dependent on each other than any other bilateral relations. Eight years is a period of great significance for the Chinese. From the ultimate victory in the eight-year war (revised 14-year, according to a more recent historical observation) of resistance against Japanese aggression to the Hong Kong- Zhuhai – Macao Bridge was recently successfully opened to traffic after eight-years hard working, every eight-year achievements of China caused a sensation worldwide. Australia, a country is going to mark its 47th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with China, participated in the Expo 2010 Shanghai and the China International Import Expo (CIIE) in 2018. In the past eight years, did Australia and China live in harmony or run in opposite directions? Analysis from a business perspective may offer a clear answer. The eventful year of 2009 is still fresh in the minds of people who keep close tabs on Australia and China. CHALCO (Aluminum Corporation of China Limited) was thwarted in its deal with Rio Tinto. In July that year, high-level contacts between China and Australia were abrogated by the Chinese government due to Stern Hu and the Rio Tinto espionage case. Australia made its most massive investment as an exhibitor—A$ 83 million—at the Expo 2010 Shanghai, with 7 million visitors to the Australian pavilion. 36


One of the earliest countries to start the construction of its pavilion at the Expo 2010 Shanghai, Australia cooperated with the Chinese government to promote the Expo. Stephen Smith, then foreign minister of Australia, said in an article that the Australian government hoped to leverage the Australian Pavilion, including its business, communication and cultural programs, to further the Australia-China relationship. According to a speech by Kevin Rudd, the economic ties between Australia and China were improving; from the perspective of trade, the two countries have become more dependent on each other than any other bilateral relations. Australia’s main exports to China were minerals, base metals and raw materials. Mineral products have always been Australia’s Primary source of export to China, accounting for 70% of the total since 2010. Ten commercial agreements with a total value of over US$ 8.8 billion, seven of which cover resources and energy sector, were inked in the following month when Xi Jinping, the vice president of China and Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister, held talks in Canberra, Australia. Australia-China relations got back on track. Misery loves company. In 2017, Australia re-

fused to be a party in the Belt and Road Initiative. In December of the same year, when the Australian Prime Minister Turnbull publicly stated that China’s influence was interfering with Australian politics, Australia-China diplomatic relations deteriorated rapidly. Then, a slew of confusing political and business interventions cropped up one after another: Australia passed the anti-foreign interference legislation, while the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a notice that “the Chinese citizens in Australia should watch out for their own safety” and a warning to Chinese students to Australia. (Nearly 200,000 Chinese students study in Australia, and international education is Australia’s third largest export sector.) Australia banned Huawei and ZTE from supplying 5G network equipment, and top Australian executives were “collectively absent” from the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018. The list can go on and on. China-Australia relationship has reached a “freezing point” since the past 30 years. The changes proved to be a bitter pill for Australia to swallow. In the first half of 2018, after having expressed the willingness to visit China for many times, the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop finally met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during the G20 Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Buenos Aires



TRADITIONAL Australia Pavilion, three event areas titled “Journey”, “Discover” and “Enjoy” that reveal the exotic species, rich culture and liveable city in this magical land. Photo: Shutterstock 澳洲风情 澳大利亚展馆,澳大利亚 “旅 行” 、 “发现”和“畅享”三个活动区,讲述这 片神奇大陆上奇异的物种、丰富的文化 和宜居的城市。 图片来源: Shutterstock

八年,对所有中国人来说都是极具意义的 一个时间段,从战争年代的八年抗战最终 取得胜利(现已修订为十四年抗战),到近 期举世闻名的港珠澳大桥历经八年风雨成 功通车近期举世闻名的港珠澳大桥历经八 年风雨成功通车,中国的每一个八年取得 的进展无一不让全球为之震撼。而反观与 中国建交即将进入第47周年的澳大利亚, 从2010年参加上海世博会再到2018年的 中国国际进口博览会,这八年与中国究竟 是分是合是情同手足是背道相驰?从商业 角度剖析,或许更为清晰。 密切关注澳中两国动态的人不会忘记多事 之秋的2009年,密切关注澳中两国动态的 人不会忘记2009年的多事之秋,中国铝业 增持力拓集团失败,当年7月,从胡士泰力 拓间谍案到中国政府就此取消中澳两国高 层官员之间的互访。

2010年5月,中国上海世博会横空出世,这 是澳大利亚作为参展方投资规模最大的一 次,达8,300万澳元,接待超过700万名游 客。 澳大利亚是本届世博会启动建馆最早的国 家之一,并积极配合中国政府对世博会进 行大力宣传。澳大利亚时任外交部长斯蒂 芬·史密斯(Stephen Smith)就澳中关系 撰文表示,澳大利亚政府希望利用澳大利 亚国家馆——包括其相关的商业、交流及 文化项目——来进一步加强迅速发展的澳 中关系。 陆克文发表讲话: “澳中两国的经济联系不 断增长,从贸易来看,两个国家对彼此的依 存度已经超越了其他任何国家。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

当 时 ,澳 大 利 亚 向 中 国 出 口 最 主 要 的 是 矿产品、贱金属和原料等初级产品。矿产 品一直是澳大利亚对中国出口的主力产 品,2010年以来,占中国从澳大利亚进口 总额的比重一直保持在七成以上。 在接下来的一个月中,时任中国国家副主 席习近平与时任澳大利亚总理陆克文在澳 大利亚首都堪培拉举行会谈,双方签署10 项总值逾88亿美元的商业协议,其中有7项 涵盖资源和能源领域。 至此,澳中关系重回正轨。

无独有偶,2017年澳大利亚拒绝对接“一 带一路”倡议,同年12月,时任澳大利亚总 理特恩布尔公开发表“中国影响力正在干 预澳大利亚政治”言论,澳中外交关系迅速 恶化。紧接着,一系列扑朔迷离的政商相互 干预事件不断上演,澳大利亚通过反外国 干涉法,中国外交部发出“提醒赴澳大利亚 中国公民注意安全”通告以及对赴澳留学 生的警告(约20万中国学生在澳留学,而国 际教育是澳大利亚第三大出口产业。),澳 大利亚禁止华为和中兴向其供应5G网络 设备,澳大利亚高层“集体缺席”2018年博 鳌亚洲论坛等等。 中澳关系将至近30年来的冰点。

在尝到苦果之后,2018年上半年,时任澳大 利亚外长毕晓普多次表达访华意愿,终于在 5月份在布宜诺斯艾利斯出席二十国集团 外长会期间应约与中国外长王毅进行会晤, 并表示“澳方高度重视中国,认为中国的发 展是重大机遇而非威胁,中国的持续成功有 利于澳大利亚,也有利于全世界,这才是澳 政府及社会各界对中国的主流看法。”

并在8月东亚合作系列外长会期间,她再度 表示: “澳方希与中方加强沟通,坦诚交流, 增进了解和互信,推动澳中各领域合作尽 快得到恢复和发展。” 前后反复无常的政治倾向让很多批评家直 呼“看不懂”。但不可否认的是,澳大利亚 此举似乎修复了持续近半年的两国外交问 题。

然而自2010年上海世博会相隔八年,同样 是中国上海,同样的全球瞩目大型商业活 动,首届中国上海国际进口博览会(CIIE) 于11月5日正式开幕。这将是世界上第一个 以进口为主题的大型博览会,是国际贸易 发展史上的首创之举。不但有商品与服务 产品的交易,也有参展国家的投资环境博 览,而且由于有多国元首出席,而成为中国 另一场主场外交的盛会。 超过200个澳大利亚品牌参与本次博览会, 涵盖食品饮料、农产品、保健品、生物医疗、 教育以及专业服务等多个领域。 自2015年中澳自贸协定达成以来,98.5% 的澳大利亚商品都以免税或者优惠的价格 出口至中国。

据澳大利亚统计局统计,2017年中澳双边 贸易额为1,256亿美元,增长19.6%。其中, 澳大利亚对中国出口764.5亿美元,增长 25.6%,占澳大利亚出口总额的33.1%,提 高1.5个百分点。 中国继续保持为澳第一大贸易伙伴、第一 大出口目的地和第一大进口来源地。 (澳大 利亚从2010年中国第七大贸易伙伴下降 至第八位。) 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018



2009-10& 2017-18 Australia Exports to China trade volume 2009-10& 2017-18 澳大利亚对中国部分出口商品贸易额

Australia Exports to China

Iron ores & concentrates (US Billions)







Education-related travel services & Personal travel services (US Billions)

Fashion & Textiles (US Billions)

Beverages & Tobacco (US Billions)

Total (US Billions)









服务贸易(教育和旅游等) (亿美元)


食品饮料烟草(亿美元) 总额(亿美元)

Chart 1 from the Australian Bureau of Statistics | 图表1 来源:澳大利亚统计局

in May. According to Bishop, Australia attaches great importance to China and believes that China’s development would be a significant opportunity rather than a threat. She said that China’s continued success was beneficial to Australia and the world, and this was the mainstream view of the Australian government and communities on China. At the East Asia Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in August, Bishop added that Australia hopes to have an open, candid dialogue with China to enhance mutual understanding and trust, and foster bilateral cooperation in all areas as soon as possible. The erratic political tendency put many critics into a spin. However, there is no denying that Australia’s move seems to have repaired the diplomatic issues that has lasted nearly half a year between both countries. Since the Expo 2010 Shanghai, another largescale commercial event—the first CIIE—kicked off on November 5 in Shanghai. This exhibition is the world’s full-scale import expo, and the first of its kind in the history of international trade development. It features trade in goods and services, and an investment environment expo for country exhibitors. Moreover, the presence of many heads of state makes it another occasion for China’s diplomacy. More than 200 Australian brands participate in the CIIE, covering food and beverage, agricultural products, health products, biomedicine, education and professional services. Since entered the China-Australia FTA agreement in 2015, 98.5% of Australian goods have been exported to China tax-free or at special prices. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the bilateral trade in 2017 stood at US$ 125.6 billion, up by 19.6%. Of this, Australia’s 38


exports to China were US$ 76.45 billion, an increase of 25.6%, accounting for 33.1% of Australia’s total exports, up by 1.5 percentage points. China remains Australia’s largest trading partner, the major export destination and the biggest source of import. (Australia dropped from China’s seventh largest trading partner in 2010 to the eighth place.) Last month, Australian state Victoria signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative with China, which marked the first Belt and Road cooperation agreement signed by China and an Australian state government. At the same time, after the reshuffle of the government of the Commonwealth of Australia, new Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne visited China this month at the invitation of Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Over time, the economic ties between Australia and China have been deepening. In addition to rising energy exports, other diversified exports include services, education, tourism, food, and health products, to name but a few. Regarding service trade, Australia’s service exports to China have grown at an average annual rate of 15% over the past decade. Today, the volume of exports to China in this area is higher than that of the US and the UK combined. On the front of food, Treasury Wine Estates, the parent company of Penfolds, has joined hands with COFCO Wine & Wine, and announced a strategic cooperation with Luzhou Laojiao Group (a well-known liquor group in China). Unsurprisingly, Australia overtook France to become China’s largest bottled wine exporter this year; Australia’s dairy exports saw annual sales of A$ 3 billion, while China had

replaced Japan three years ago as its largest export market, with sales of A$ 933 million in China in 2017. On the front of education, Australia is gradually catching up with the UK and becoming the second largest destination for Chinese students. Chinese students account for upwards of 38% of international students in Australia, bringing in tens of billions of Australian dollars in income. Given the Chinese economy’s driving impact on Australia, complementary industries of the two countries, and the strategic interdependence, different industries enjoy enormous development potential. China’s philosophy of “a good government and a united people” may also apply to Australians. Only an intimate bilateral relationship can bring forward greater bilateral trade. Political harmony is without a doubt the necessary primary condition for Chinese enterprises and the Chinese market and is the icing on the cake for Australian companies. On the other hand, it is the most sensible thing for Australian enterprises to participate in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Even as Australia-China relations reach the nadir, Andrew Forrest, chairman of the Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, said during the Boao Forum for Asia that the Belt and Road Initiative would bring tremendous market opportunities to Australia’s mining, energy, agriculture, tourism, education, and other service industries. In the past eight years, we have seen a soaring Chinese economy and Australia’s export transformation. In the eight years to come, the government and the enterprises need to learn from the past and join forces for greater future success.



Global Exhibition in China (2019) | 2019年中国国际展会一览(部分) 2019 Exhibitions of China (Part)



Location 地点

Extra Info


Beijing | 北京

1,800 exhibitors and over 117,000 professional visitors



Beijing | 北京

More than 3,000 exhibitors from the whole industry chain



Suzhou | 苏州

More than 1,200 exhibitors from the whole industry chain


Harbin | 哈尔滨

Has successfully held 16 sessions


Shanghai | 上海

One of the biggest and most influential annual events is in the worldwide and China’s tourism industry

Exhibition | 2019上海中国国际食品饮料展览会


Shanghai | 上海

3,0000+ domestic and overseas professional buyers

中国国际食品、肉类及水产品展FMA CHINA


Asia’s largest meat and aquatic exhibition

2019 Shanghai International Wine EXPO | 2019上海国际葡萄酒红酒 展览会wine exhibition

Guangzhou | 广州


Shanghai | 上海

2019 International Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Intermediates | 2019世界制药原料中国展CPHI


Shanghai | 上海

Has successfully held 18 sessions



100,000+ domestic and overseas professional buyers

2019 China International Food Exhibition | 2019第19届广州国际食品

Shanghai | 上海

展暨进口食品展览会Food Exhibition


More than 160,000 visitors are expected

2019 China Information Technology Expo | 2019深圳电子产品制造

Guangzhou | 广州



150,000+ domestic and overseas professional buyers

2019 Shanghai International Lithium Battery Industry Fair | 2019上海

Shenzhen | 深圳



Shanghai | 上海

More than 600 exhibitors from the whole industry chain

2019 ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA | 2019亚洲国际水果蔬菜展览会


Hongkong | 香港

More than 800 exhibitors from the whole industry chain

2019 China International Trade Fair for Apparel Fabrics and Accessories | 2019中国国际纺织面料及辅料(秋冬)博览会


Shanghai | 上海

More than 4,600 exhibitors from the whole industry chain


Changsha | 长沙

3,2000+ domestic and overseas professional buyers

2019 Guangzhou International Travel Fair | 2019广州国际旅游博览会 China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition | 2019中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会

2019 China International Offshore Oil & Gas Exhibition (CICOE) | 2019 Suzhou Annual International Partnering Conference | 2019苏州 2019 China International Dairy Expo (2019 Harbin International Dairy Expo) | 2019中国国际奶业展览会 & 2019哈尔滨中国国际奶业展览会 2019 Shanghai World Travel Fair | 2019上海世界旅游博览会SWTF

2019 Shanghai International Import and Export Food & Beverage 2019 China International Food, Meat and Aquatic Exhibition | 2 019

CES Asia 2019 | 2019上海国际消费电子展会INTERNATIONAL CES 2019 Asian Natural and Health Nutritional Products Exhibition |

2019 China Meat Expo | 2019长沙肉类产业国际贸易展销会Meat Expo China




Guangzhou | 广州

Shanghai | 上海

1,029+ exhibitors

Best Gold 100 Show Extension Overseas

Australia China Business Research can assist enterprises to communicate with all exhibitors and arrange related matters, including the purchase of group air tickets and related logistics and transportation. |《澳中商讯》可协助企业与所有展会方进行沟通及相关事宜安排,包括团体机票购置及相关物流运输

上个月,澳大利亚维多利亚州与中方签署 了“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录。这也是澳 大利亚各州区政府同中方签署的首个“一 带一路”合作协议。同时澳大利亚联邦政府 重组后,应中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅 邀请,澳大利亚新外交部长佩恩(Marise Payne)于本月访问中国。 随着时间的推移,澳大利亚与中国的经济 关系一直在拓展和深化,除不断攀升的能源 出口外,其它出口产品更加多样化。包括服 务、教育、旅游、食品、保健品等多个领域。

例如服务贸易领域,在过去的十年中,澳大 利亚对中国的服务出口年均增长率为15% 。如今该领域对华出口量比对美国和英国 的总和还要高。 食品领域,奔富红酒母公司富邑集团频频 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

联手中粮名庄荟,同时澳大利亚富邑葡萄 酒集团和泸州老窖集团(中国知名酒业集 团)宣布达成战略合作。不出所料,今年澳 大利亚已经超过法国成为中国最大的瓶装 葡萄酒出口国;澳大利亚乳品出口年销售 额为30亿澳元,中国在3年前取代日本,成 为第一大出口市场,2017年在中国销售额 达到9.33亿澳元。

教育领域,澳大利亚正在逐渐超过英国, 成为中国海外留学生的第二大目的国, 而中国留学生在全澳国际留学生中占到 38%以上,为澳大利亚带来上百亿澳元的 收入。 由于中国经济对澳洲巨大的带动作用与中 澳产业的高度互补性,以及战略上的相互 依赖性等,各行业发展潜力仍十分巨大。 中国的“政通人和”思想或许同样适用于澳

大利亚人,只有亲密无间的两国关系,才能 带来更大的双边贸易额。政治和谐对于中 国企业和中国市场无疑是首要必要条件, 对于澳企也必然是锦上添花的。 另一方面,澳企积极参与到中国的“一带一 路”倡议是时下最为明智的做法。哪怕是在 澳中关系冰点期间,澳交所上市公司FMG 集团主席安德鲁-弗里斯特在博鳌论坛期 间表示, “一带一路”倡议将为澳大利亚的 矿业、能源业、农业、教育业和其他服务行 业带来巨大的市场

这八年让我们看到了中国的经济腾飞,也 看到澳大利亚的出口转型,在接下来的八 年中,无论是政府还是企业,需做到前车 之 鉴 ,后 事 之 师 ,强 强 联 手 ,方 可 共 谋 大 略。 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 Captain Walter P Purio CEO of LNG Marine Fuel Institute Walter P. Purio船长–液化天然气 船用燃料机构(LNG Marine Fuel Institute) CEO

WALTER PURIO | 沃尔特·普里奥

LNG on the green corridor and piracy in the South China Sea MOST people associate piracy with the likes of swashbuckling Captain Jack Sparrow, but the reality is much darker — and much less suited for a Disney family film. In its annual report, Oceans Beyond Piracy estimates more than 5,500 seafarers and crewmembers were affected by piracy and armed robbery, including kidnapping, hostage-taking, and death in 2017. Add in an estimated $6 billion in lost revenue due to higher insurance rates, disrupted logistics, longer shipping times, and other inefficiencies, and modern-day piracy is a very real issue for the international maritime community. And while most news stories focus on hijacked ships along the Somalian coast of East Africa, the area with the most pirate attacks in the last few years has been the South China Sea, the marine highway of the Green Corridor. The South China Sea averages 150 reported piracy incidents annually but has seen as many as 550 in recent years. Even that higher number may be vastly underreported. “The exact numbers are hard to decipher because victims want to avoid time-consuming investigations, bad publicity, accusations of lax security, and higher insurance premiums,” explains Morgan Deane in an Epoch Times report. The area is a popular region for piracy for several reasons: • High traffic. $5.3 trillion of trade annually — 30 per cent of the worldwide maritime traffic — passes through the South China Sea, including all European goods to China and nearly all oil being transported from the Persian Gulf to Southeast Asia. More traffic means more potential piracy targets. 40


• Geography. Myriad tiny islands, plenty of narrow channels, and ample hiding places make effective policing difficult. • Unresolved territorial issues. Increased conflict over China’s presence in the South China Sea, rising in part from China’s creation of 1200 hectares of man-made land mass, has threatened the stability of the region. More conflict leads to less cooperation and more opportunity for piracy. All global actors need to understand the importance of cooperation and collaboration that can lead to positive solutions to a dangerous dilemma. • Unemployment and poverty. Piracy is rarely someone’s lifelong ambition; instead, it’s a means to an end, with that end being survival. “The ransoms for captured crew members or profits from black market sales become a vital part of economies that are often in shambles and provide steady pay checks for youths that have few other options to support themselves and their families,” Mr Deane wrote. Add in the large increase in global shipping in recent years, coupled with the overall reduction in the number of crew needed to man even large vessels, and it’s clear to see why eradicating piracy will continue to be a priority. In particular, Australia’s economy relies heavily on maritime trade, and as such the country is extremely concerned about activity in the South China Sea. Other countries with a vested interest in securing sea trade in the area, including India, Japan, and the United States, join Australia in looking for solutions. Known as “The Quadrilateral Security Dia-

logue,” or simply “The Quad,” these countries have made strides in combating piracy around the globe through greater private security measures, increased anti-piracy exercises, shared information, and increased military presence and surveillance. But to truly make progress against the scourge of piracy in the South China Sea, an even greater international response is needed. And that means eyes are turning to China. Experts agree that to effectively address piracy in the area, multilateral support is crucial. Many potential solutions exist, such as a joint coast guard system with common patrols, stricter laws and enforcement, and humanitarian assistance to address the economic issues driving individuals to piracy. For instance, China’s disputed land masses could be put to a positive international purpose and be used for bases for fighting crime including piracy, human smuggling, drug trade, and more. “Additionally, such joint/combined bases could be used as forward staging areas for conducting humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations,” suggests John Powers in the Sydney Morning Herald. Such joint efforts would be great proof points to back up China’s claims that it wants greater cooperation with Australia and the rest of the world. “The failure to resolve numerous and overlapping disputes has turned the South China Sea into a zone of anarchy,” writes Dana R. Dillon in The China Challenge. China’s cooperation is needed to move the area beyond anarchy and toward a more secure trade corridor, the Green Corridor, to the benefit of all.



FLASHPOINT China has been flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea. Photo: Reuters 安常守故 中国超过90%的农场为占地 不到一公顷的小型农场。图片来源:路 透社

覆巢之下,焉有完卵——中国南海海盗事件 多数民众印象中的海盗来源于电影《加勒 比 海盗》中 滑 稽的 杰 克 船长,或 是 迪士 尼 影 片中的某 些 海盗 角 色,然 后 现 实 中,海 盗事件是异常严肃与血腥的。 据非盈利组织OBP(Oceans Beyond Piracy)年 度 报 告 指 出 :在 2007年,超 过 5,500名海上工作人员和船员遭到海盗的 武 装抢劫,其 中包 括 绑 架及 劫 持 人 质,甚 至导致人质丧生。

高 额的保险 费 用、滞 后 的军 备 系 统、缓 慢 的后勤等等低效因素,直接导致约60亿美 元的损失;海盗事件对于所有国际海事部 门来说是异常棘手的问题。 尽管多数新闻报道都聚焦在东非索马 里 海 岸 被 劫 持 的 船 只 上 ,然 而 在 过 去 几 年 间 ,海 盗 袭 击 最 多 的 海 域 却 是 中 国 南 海——LNG绿色走廊的必经之路。

中国南海平均每年发生150起海盗事件, 但是近年来该数字飙升至550起。 甚至这组数据也是被远远低估的。

摩根·迪恩在某报告中解释道: “ 确切的数 字很难被统计,因为受害者往往比较忌讳 长 期调查、负 面宣 传、安全 疏 忽 的 指责 以 及更高的保险费用等。” 该地区海盗猖獗的原因如下:

高流通量 每年有5.3万亿美元的贸易量经 过中国南海,约占全球海运总量的30% , 其中包括所有运往中国的欧洲货物,以及 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

几乎所有从波斯湾运往东南亚的石油。高 流通量意味着为海盗提供更多作案目标。 地理位置 不计其数的小岛、狭长的通道以 及海盗充足的藏身之处使得警务工作变 得困难。

领土争议 环绕中国南海的问题不断升级, 部分反对者认为中方建造的占地1,200公 顷的人工陆地对该地区的稳定构成了威 胁。复杂的政治舆论导致更少的国与国合 作和更多的海盗趁虚而入的机会。所有全 球参与者都需要明确合作的重要性,建立 双边或多边合作可以为当前处境积极寻 求解决方案。 落后与贫困 很少有人会主动选择行走于 刀尖上,更多人走上海盗的不归路是由于 生活所迫。 迪恩先生写道: “船员被俘后的赎金和黑 市销售的利润,是构成海盗经济收入的重 要组成部分,这诱惑了那些无路可归的年 轻人。”

近年全球航运的大幅增长,同时海运全球 大裁员,彻底根除海盗一事必然刻不容缓。 由于澳大利亚的经济严重依赖于海运贸 易,因此澳方非常关注中国南海动向。 美日澳印四方作为该地区海上贸易有既 得利益的国家,共同寻求解决方案。

美 日 澳 印 的“ 四 方 安 全 对 话 ” (The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue)表

示,将通过采取更加全面的安全措施、加 强反海盗演习、信息共享以及增加军事力 量和区域监控等措施,在打击全球范围内 海盗犯罪早日取得进展。

若要真正在打击中国南海海盗问题上获 得突破,国际社会需要作出更大的回应, 这意味着目光将转向中国。

专家们一致认为,多边支持对于有效解决 该地区的海盗问题起着至关重要的作用。 可行性解决方案例如:联合海岸警卫队共 同 巡 逻 、更 加 严 格 的 法 律 与 提 高 执 法 力 度、通过人道主义援助从根源上解决海盗 不断增加的问题(消除贫困)。

例 如 ,在 有 争 议 的 领 土 问 题 上 可 以 发 挥 更为积极的国际影响力,用以打击海盗、 人口走私、毒品贸易等犯罪活动。约翰·鲍 尔斯(John Powers)在《悉尼先驱晨报》 (Sydney Morning Herald)提出建 议: “中国南海可以用作开展人道主义援 助和救灾行动的前沿阵地。” 这样的共同努力将会进一步表明中国与澳 大利亚及世界其它地区加强合作的决心。

“领土争议将中国南海地区推至国际舆 论 的 风 口 浪 尖 之 上 。”丹 娜 · 犹 龙( D a n a R. Dillon)在《中国的挑战》 (The China Challenge)一书中写到。

中国需要进行多方合作使该地区摆脱当 前状态,为全球提供更安全的贸易通道, 也为LNG绿色走廊的发展添砖加瓦。 2018年十一月 | NOVEMBER 2018


Connecting the Bilateral Business Community Connecting the Bilateral Business Community Connecting the Bilateral Business Community Connecting Connecting the the Bilateral Bilateral Business Business Community Community Connecting the Bilateral Business Community

The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is Australia’s premier The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is Australia’s premier The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is Australia’s premier The The Australia Australia China China Business Business Council Council (ACBC) (ACBC) isbusiness is Australia’s Australia’s premier premier business organisation dedicated to enhancing opportunities The Australia China Business Council (ACBC) is Australia’s premier business organisation dedicated enhancing business opportunities business organisation dedicated to enhancing business opportunities business business organisation organisation dedicated dedicated toto to enhancing enhancing business business opportunities opportunities and trade between Australia and China. business organisation dedicated to enhancing business opportunities and trade between Australia and China. and trade between Australia and China. and and trade trade between between Australia Australia and and China. China. and trade between Australia and China. ACBC is a membership based, non-profit, non-governmental ACBC based, non-profit, non-governmental ACBC amembership membership based, non-profit, ACBC ACBC is is is isaisa awith membership membership based, non-profit, non-profit, non-governmental non-governmental organisation branches inbased, all states and territories innon-governmental Australia. ACBC a membership based, non-profit, non-governmental organisation with branches in all states and territories in Australia. organisation with branches in all states and territories in Australia. organisation organisation with with branches branches ininall states states and and territories territories inin Australia. organisation with branches inall all states and territories inAustralia. Australia.

Become an ACBC member and benefit from its networks Become an ACBC member and benefit from its networks Become an ACBC member and benefit from its networks Become Become an an ACBC ACBC member member and and benefit benefit from from its its networks networks Become an ACBC member and benefit from ACBC membership entitles you to a diverse network of influential individuals

ACBC membership entitles you to diverse network influential individuals ACBC membership entitles you a WA diverse network of of influential individuals ACBC ACBC membership membership entitles entitles you you to to aa ato diverse network network ofof ofinfluential influential individuals and businesses large and small. ACBC keeps abreast theindividuals constantly ACBC membership entitles you to a diverse diverse network individuals and businesses large and small. ACBC WA keeps abreast of the constantly and businesses large and small. ACBC WA keeps abreast of the constantly and and businesses businesses large and and small. small. ACBC ACBC WA WA keeps keeps abreast abreast of ofthe the constantly shifting naturelarge of Australia-China relations supported by anconstantly Executive and businesses large and small. ACBC WA keeps abreast constantly shifting nature of Australia-China relations supported by an Executive shifting nature of Australia-China relations supported by an Executive shifting shifting nature nature Australia-China Australia-China relations relations supported supported bybyan Executive Committee withofof expertise in property, government and professional services. shifting nature of Australia-China relations supported an Executive Executive Committee with expertise in property, government and professional services. Committee with expertise in property, government and professional services. Committee Committee with with expertise expertise ininproperty, property, government government and and professional professional services. services. Committee with expertise in property, government and professional services. Our members come from the resources and energy, services, agricultural, Our members come from the resources and energy, services, agricultural, Our members come from the resources and energy, agricultural, Our Our members members come come from from the the resources resources and and energy, energy, services, services, agricultural, agricultural, Our members come from the resources and energy, agricultural, education, professional and health sectors. Throughout theservices, year, ACBC and education, professional and health sectors. Throughout the year, ACBC and education, professional and health sectors. Throughout the year, ACBC education, professional and health sectors. Throughout theyear, year, ACBC and education, education, professional and and health health sectors. sectors. Throughout Throughout ACBC ACBC and and ACBC WA professional host networking opportunities and events tothe keep members up toand ACBC WA host networking opportunities and events to keep members up to ACBC WA host networking opportunities and events members up ACBC WA host networking opportunities and events to keep members up ACBC ACBC WA WA host host networking networking opportunities opportunities and and events events totokeep keep members members up uptoto to to date with latest trends in business development. date with latest trends in business development. date with latest trends inbusiness business development. date with latest trends in business development. date date with with latest latest trends trends inin business development. development.

For further details contact ACBC WA branch for a Membership Prospectus. For further details contact ACBC WA branch a Membership Prospectus. For further details contact ACBC WA branch for a Membership Prospectus. For further details contact ACBC WA branch a Membership Prospectus. For For further further details details contact contact ACBC ACBC WA WA branch branch forfor for a for a Membership Membership Prospectus. Prospectus. ACBC WA T: +61 8 6189 7844 ACBC WA T:T:+61 88 6189 7844 ACBC WA +61 6189 7844 Level 4,WA 77 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 ACBC WA T:8 +61 8 7844 6189 7844 ACBC ACBC WA T: E: T: +61 +61 6189 8 6189 7844 Level 4, 77 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 E: Level 4, 77 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000 E: GPO 2550, Perth WA 6831 Level 4, 77Georges St Georges Tce, Perth WA E: Level Level 4,Box 4, 7777 St St Georges Tce, Tce, Perth Perth WA WA 6000 60006000E: W: E: GPO Box 2550, Perth WA 6831 W: GPO Box 2550, Perth WA 6831 W: GPO Box 2550, Perth WA W: GPO GPO Box Box 2550, 2550, Perth Perth WA WA 6831 68316831 W:W:

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