ACBR Issue 010 August 2018

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2018年八月 · 第10期

Movie magic Feature films promise economic, cultural link Page 6 电影魔力

影业主导经济文化领域合作 第6页

Conversion capacity Lithium processors’ global investment Page 12 产能转化

锂加工商吸引全球投资 第12页

Prestige property Luxury homes outperforming market Page 20 高端物业

豪宅销售逆势而上 第20页

John Lord Chairman Huawei Australia Photo: Philip Gostelow 约翰·洛德 华为澳大利亚公司总经理 图片来源:菲利普·葛斯特罗

Making connections

Huawei’s tech vision for Australia’s competitive future



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contents 目录

From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 4

Business bonds grow stronger amid political rifts

逆境求存 通者必生

16 Huawei exclusion clouds Australia’s tech growth potential 华为被拒,澳大利亚技术发展前景成谜

Deepening the engagement – making films for China’s booming box office

深化交流 – 乘中国影业之风,破中澳合作之浪

30 What bubble? Record-breaking venture capitalists charge ahead

中国风险资本业一片热络 或许不会沦为泡沫

32 Taking healthier noodles to Chinese plates


20 Prime property performs as wider prices plunge



Resources | 能源

10 WA leads global shakeup in lithium processing

News | 新闻 6

34 Universities help makers get slice of cheese growth Property | 地产

Cover story | 封面故事

Agribusiness | 农商


12 Survival of the finest: miners reboot as smog-hit China seeks high-grade ore

中国治霾刺激高品位铁矿石需求 矿商调整策略适者 生存

Opinion | 教育

22 How Australia can play a role in China’s ‘connectivity’ drive


26 Every discussion is a form of negotiation in China


36 China edging closer to tech supremacy


38 Week a long time in trade stoush


40 China looks to next phase of curbing shipping emissions



2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

PH: (08) 6216 9899 Postal Address Unit 2c, 330 Churchill Avenue Subiaco, Western Australia 6008

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and has come from sources deemed to be reliable, Australia China Business Review takes no responsibility, unless expressly indicated, for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of opinions, statements and comments does not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. Content within this publication is protected by Australian copyright law and may not be reproduced without express written permission by Australia China Business Review. 免责声明: Australia China Business Review已经采取所有措施来确保本刊 物所包含的信息是准确的,而且是来自 确认可靠的消息来源,除非明确指出,对 于任何不准确的信息Australia China Business Review 不负任何责任。刊物 中意见、声明和评论不代表 Australia China Business Review 立场。 本刊 物的内容受澳大利亚版权法保护,未经 Australia China Business Review 的书面许可,不得转载 4


DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基

逆境求存 通者

Business bond IF Australia and China are meant to be drifting apart geopolitically, someone forgot to tell the business sector. While debates over foreign influence and national security threaten to drive a wedge between Australia and China, economic and industrial links between the People’s Republic and the Lucky Country are only becoming closer. This is particularly evident in Western Australia’s resources industry, which was home to one of the cornerstones of early Australia-China economic collaboration – the 1987 iron ore joint venture between Sinosteel and Rio Tinto. In 2018, it is the China-led lithium boom which is breathing new life into WA’s economy, and bringing Australia and China closer together. Along with the approval of an additional $516 million investment by one of China’s biggest lithium players, Tianqi Lithium, to expand its Greenbushes joint venture in WA, three new mines began producing commercial quantities of lithium concentrate in recent weeks. Most of the output from the newly minted operations of Pilbara Minerals, Altura Mining and Tawana Resources is heading to conversion facilities in China, to eventually become feedstock for the booming lithium-ion battery manufacturing sector. Northern Minerals’ Browns Range mining venture also promises to bring the two countries closer, satisfying a Beijing-led edict for the country’s rare earths producers and processors to find supplies outside of China. Output from the mine, which began pilot production in late July, is also destined for a Chinese offtake partner. Full details on these mining initiatives are on our web portal,



editor’s desk 主编的话


s grow stronger amid political rifts The burgeoning battery minerals sector is poised to be a boon for the WA economy and, coupled with recent announcements of iron ore expansions by the industry’s biggest players, has analysts predicting a return to strong growth in coming years. It also created a buzz for a delegation of business elites from Shanghai’s prestigious Dashang Business School, which was recently welcomed to the state by its leading institution of higher education, the University of Western Australia. The delegation was impressed and intrigued by the wide range of investment opportunities when it toured the state last month, indicating that business and politics are certainly not always on the same page. It is a stark contrast to what’s occurring between the United States and China, with President Donald Trump’s escalating trade war beginning to have an impact on a wide range of businesses, big and small, operating in both countries. One can only hope Australian and Chinese businesses alike can continue to look past short-term political concerns and carry on with their strong history of mutually beneficial economic cooperation.

一些人猜测澳中地缘政治方面注定要分崩 离析,但别忘了澳中间商业的密切往来。

尽管对外来影响与国家安全方面的争议持 续威胁着澳中关系,但中国与这“幸运之国” 间的经济产业链却日趋紧密。 其在西澳州能源行业中表现地淋漓尽致: 早期澳中经济合作的奠基石之一——1987 年中钢集团和力拓公司的恰那铁矿合营 项目。 2018年,中国引领的锂热潮为西澳经济注 入鲜活新生命的一年,将中澳双方紧密联系 在一起。 随着中国锂业龙头天齐锂业对 Greenbushes合资企业的顺利注资(51.6 亿美元),其规模得到进一步扩张。最近几 周,三座新矿已出产高质量锂精矿。

Pilbara Minerals、Altura Mining以及 Tawana Resources三家矿企最新的大部 分矿石直接销往中国,为中国蓬勃发展的锂 电池业添柴加火。

Northern Minerals在布朗山脉(Browns Range)的矿企基于中国矿业方面规则(中 国稀土矿矿企和加工商可以在境外寻求供 应方),承诺加大对两国关系的贡献。

该矿于7月下旬投产,也标志与中方正式成 为合作伙伴。

请前往我们的官网(查看更 详细矿业项目介绍。

锂电池业的兴起无疑为西澳经济发展带来 福音,加之矿业巨头公开发布有关铁矿石方 面持续扩产的消息,不可置否,未来几年矿 业大潮将再度席来。 教育方面,受到西澳最富盛名的高校西澳大 学的邀请,上海大商学院商业精英代表团队 的到来也引起了热议。 代表团于上月访澳之后,表达了对西澳广阔 投资前景的浓厚兴趣。这表明商政之间并非 总为连根共树。 这与中美间的现状形成了鲜明对比,美国总 统唐纳德•特朗普掀起的贸易战升级,严重 影响着两国的各行各业。 人们更多寄希于,澳中悠久的经贸合作关系 可以持久稳定发展,同时尽可能避免受到短 期政治影响。

It is the China-led lithium boom which is breathing new life into WA’s economy, and bringing Australia and China closer together

中国引领的锂热潮为西澳大利亚的经济注入鲜活的新 生命,同时拉近了中澳双方关系。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


NEWS | 新闻

深化交流 – 乘中国影业之风, 破中澳合作之浪 Deepening the engagement – making films for China’s booming box office 6




Dan Wilkie IT’S not your typical Australia-China business collaboration, with no iron ore, gourmet food products or health supplements in sight, but an initiative coming out of Perth promises just as deep an economic connection, and an even closer cultural link. Perth-based digital media production house Legend Media Group is launching a brace of four Chinese-Australian feature-length films, to tap into exponential growth occurring in China’s movie industry. Chinese box office takings overtook those of the United States for the first time in the first three months of 2018, with $US3.17 billion ($4.28 billion) of sales, compared with $US2.85 billion in the US, according to a report by HSBC Global Research. HSBC said China had more than 444,000 cinema screens, more than any other country, with developers rolling out an average of 27 new screens each day to cater for the deluge of demand from Chinese filmgoers. However, international opportunities to capitalise on China’s cinema boom are few and far between, with the industry strictly regulated to protect local production. Since 1994, a quota has limited the number of overseas films that can be screened at Chinese cinemas, beginning at 10 per year, increasing to 34 per year in 2012. To bypass the quota, Legend Media, which features prominent Western Australian mining executive Bronwyn Barnes as its chairperson, is pursuing its film projects under a co-production framework. Joining Ms Barnes at Legend are Y-Hsiu Camille Chen, writer and director of the 2010 film Little Sparrows, and Darren Cooper, a property industry stalwart who was elected in December as national president of the Urban Development Institute of Australia. “The idea is, once you’ve delivered a project under the joint venture framework, then


珀斯市提出的一项非典型性中澳合作倡 议,该倡议与传统铁矿石、食品或保健品 无关,其标志着除紧密的经济合作外,中 澳将进一步深化文化交流。

总部位于珀斯的数字媒体制作公司传奇 传媒集团(Legend Media Group)将推 出四部中澳长篇电影,开拓中国电影业的 指数式增长。

根据汇丰全球研究中心的一份报告显示, 中国票房收入在2018年第一季度首次超 过美国,票房收入为31.7亿美元(42.8亿 澳元),而美国则为28.5亿美元。 汇丰表示,中国拥有超过44万4千个电影 屏幕,远远领先于全球其他国家。为了满 足中国电影观众的需求,开发商每天平均 推出27个新荧幕。 然而,在国际上可以利用中国电影热潮 的机会少之又少,而且为了保护当地电 影,中国的电影行业受到严格监管。


电影院上映的海外电影数量。从一开始的 每年10个电影配额,到2012年增加到每 年34个。 为绕过中国进口片配额的高压线,传奇传 媒的主席为西澳州矿业董事布朗温·巴恩 斯)寻求合作框架下的电影项目。

《传奇巴恩斯女士(Ms Barnes at Legend)》由2010年上映的电影《小麻 雀(Little Sparrows)》的编剧和导演陈 玉秀和房地产大鳄达伦·库珀(Darren Cooper)合作,后者于12月当选为澳大利 亚城市发展协会的全国董事。 “一旦你在合资框架下拍电影,那么影片 会被认为是在中澳两国合拍的,”陈女士 说道。

“这样我们可以享受澳洲政府的优惠补 贴。实际上,澳洲政府10年前就出台了此 类优惠补贴政策。”

陈女士告诉《澳中商讯》,传奇媒体的电影 将在中澳两国拍摄,并用中英双语,具体 拍摄视影片内容而定。

Australia has officially missed out on all of the other Belt and Road opportunities, except the culture piece and that’s exactly where Legend comes in – Y-Hsiu Camille Chen

澳大利亚已经正式错过了除文化领域外所有“一带一路”所带 来的机会,而这正是传奇传媒集团的突破口。——陈玉秀

CONNECTORS Yu-Hsiu Camille Chen (left), Bronwyn Barnes and Darren Cooper are drawing on Chinese culture and Western Australia’s unique setting to underpin their feature film initiative. Photo: Philip Gostelow

IN DEMAND Cinema visitation in China is being driven by the country’s increasingly wealthy middle class. Photo: Reuters

牵线搭桥 陈玉秀(左),布朗温·巴恩斯和 达伦·库珀正在运用中国文化和西澳独特 的背景来实现他们的电影梦。图片来源: 菲利普·葛斯特罗 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

蔚然成风 中国的电影业受到日益富裕的 中产阶级的积极推动。图片来源:路透社

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


NEWS | 新闻 GROWING Chinese audiences are flocking to cinemas almost as fast as developers can roll out new screens. Photo: Reuters 突飞猛进 中国电影院的观众上座速度几 乎赶超新屏幕推出的频率。图片来源:路 透社

it is considered to be both made in China and made in Australia,” Ms Chen said. “That allows us to also access government subsidies and support in Australia – the Australian government actually set this all up 10 years ago.” Ms Chen told Australia China Business Review Legend Media’s films would be shot in both WA and in China, in English and in Mandarin, depending on the setting. “Yes, we are making movies, but really we are in the export market,” Ms Chen said. “We are exporting our ideas, so the fundamental difference between exporting resources to China versus exporting intellectual property is it requires a deeper understanding of the end users, of our target audience, and that’s ultimately the difference that Legend offers. “We know how important China is. Most of the focus has been on resources, but when we look at China it is quite important to know where the business opportunities are. “I always see the buzzword – the emerging middle class – this really is the driver behind all of the Chinese consumption and so on and so forth. “What most people overlook is not only the emerging middle class, who are hot on travelling, quality produce or aspiring for a foreign lifestyle, part of it is actually consumption of entertainment.” Ms Chen said she believed there had been a misalignment of drivers over the past decade, with just seven co-production projects launched between Chinese and Australian film producers, and only four making it to market. 8


“In order for the story to work in China, it needs to appeal more greatly to the Chinese audience,” she said. “So that is the misalignment. Our concept is very simple – first of all we are targeting a female audience, because women are driving cinema visitation. “Secondly, we are targeting a mature audience because they are quality driven, and also they have time and money. “On top of that, we are overlaying it with strong Chinese cultural elements, so we think we’ll hit the sweet spot.” Co-production also allowed the film projects to come under the auspices of China’s wide-ranging Belt and Road Initiative, Ms Chen said. “Other than resources and infrastructure, the last focus of Belt and Road is deepening social and cultural exchange,” she said. “To be absolutely frank, Australia has officially missed out on all of the other Belt and Road opportunities, except the culture piece and that’s exactly where Legend comes in. “The key is not only you need to get content right, you also need to get your political alignment right, and this is not the strongest suit of most filmmakers.” Legend Media’s first project – Flow – is expected to go into production in March and take about 12 months before it is released. Mr Cooper said discussions were continuing with several Chinese co-production partners, with the most advanced talks under way with state-owned Shandong Film Productions Co. “This is where our approach has had to be a bit nuanced, because we aren’t following a traditional Australian model of making movies where we are strongly subsidised by government,” Mr Cooper said. “We are fortunate to be in the position where we have the capacity to fund it ourselves, so we are approaching this first and foremost as a commercial venture. “The reason we need government support is not for funding, it’s for endorsement, because that carries so much weight in China.” Mr Cooper said government support in Australia had come in the form of the City

of Joondalup, which introduced Legend Media to local government authorities in its sister city Jinan in Shandong Province, where the Chinese production of Flow will take place. “One of the key things about the project is we are linking two sister cities in Joondalup and Jinan,” Mr Cooper said. “With each of these movies, there is a fair amount of content that’s going to be shot here and a fair amount that’s going to be shot in China. “Flow is centred on Perth’s northern beaches, so the City of Joondalup and Edith Cowan University have been great supporters.” Both Mr Cooper and Ms Chen believe the films will not only produce a commercial return for Legend Media, but also provide flowon effects, particularly in the WA and Shandong tourism industries. “We see that there are a great deal of cross-sector benefits and government priorities that can all start with one world-class feature film,” Ms Chen said. “It’s marketing, it’s PR, and the fact is, WA is not known to the Chinese middle class. “The knowledge is minimal, so how do you compete in the market when people don’t even know you exist? “That’s the reality, but once you have a film, WA is going to be widely circulated and promoted. “The idea that WA is China-friendly and China-ready is really important. “The same thing applies to us as a WA entertainment and media company, we are China-ready and China-friendly.”


“我们在拍电影,但我们也确实在出口市 场,”陈女士说道。

“我们正出口这一理念,向中国出口资源 与出口知识产权的根本区别在于,它需要 更深入了解最终用户和目标观众,而传奇 能做到这点。”

“我们知道中国市场极其重要。大部分人 聚焦在能源方面,但是了解中国商机同样 重要。”

“我经常看到流行语- 新兴中产阶级 - 这 确实是所有中国消费等背后的驱动因素。 “多数人忽视的不仅是新兴中产阶级,中 产阶级热爱旅游、追求优品或向往国外生 活,实际上,有一部分是娱乐消费。” 陈女士表示,中澳合拍影片在过去十年没 有得到正确的推动,中澳电影制片人仅合 拍了七部影片,而其中只有四部上映。

“要想影片在中国广受欢迎,需要对中国 观众更具吸引力,”她说道。

“这就是定位不精准。我们的理念非常简 单:首先,我们的目标是女性观众,她们才 是去电影院看电影的主力。” “其次,我们的目标是成年观众,他们侧 重影片质量,也有时间和金钱。”

“坦白来说,澳大利亚已经正式错过了除 了文化作品之外所有“一带一路”所带来 的机会,而这正是传奇的突破口。”

“关键在于,你要保证影片内容健康、政 治立场正确,但大多数电影制作人难以做 到这点。” 传奇媒体的第一个影片项目《涌流 (Flow)》预计将于今年3月开拍,从拍摄 到上映或需约12个月的时间。

库珀先生表示,他们正与几家中国电影制 作商接触,与国有的山东电影制作公司进 行最高级的谈判。

“这是我们的拍摄方法必须有点细微差 别的原因,我们没有遵循传统的澳大利亚 电影制作模式,所以我们享受政府的大力 补贴,”库珀先生说道。 “我们很幸运能够拥有足够的拍摄资金, 因此作为一个商业企业,我们正接近这一 首要目标。 “我们需要澳洲政府支持的原因不是为 了资金,而是为了获得认可,因为中国很 重视这层关系。”

“最重要的一点,我们将融合大量的中国 文化元素,所以我们应该会满足观众的需 求。”

库珀先生表示,他们最先获得的澳洲 政府的支持来自君达乐市(City of Joondalup),该市把传奇媒体介绍给其姐 妹城市,中国山东济南的当地政府部门。而 《涌流》的将在济南拍摄中国的拍摄部分。

“除了资源和基础设施, “一带一路”的最 后一个重点是深化社会和文化交流,”她 说道。

“所有这些电影中,每一部都是在中澳两 国合作拍摄。

陈女士表示,合拍可以让电影项目获得在 中国大力推广的“一带一路”倡议的支持。



“《涌流》取景以珀斯的北部海滩为中心, 所以君达乐市和埃迪斯科文大学(Edith Cowan University)给予我们大力的支 持。” 库珀先生和陈女士都相信,这些电影不仅 会为传奇媒体带来商业回报,还能起到宣 传推广的作用,特别是推动西澳和山东的 旅游业。

“我们看到,很多跨行业效益和政府优惠 政策都始于一部世界级的剧情片,”陈女 士说道。 “这是市场营销和推广。事实上,中国中 产阶级对西澳并不熟悉。”

“他们对西澳知之甚少。如果你没什么存 在感,那如何能在市场上争得一席之地?” “现实就是如此。一旦你发行了新电影, 在西澳就会得到广泛传播与推广。 “西澳欢迎中国客人,满足中国客人需 求,这个观念非常重要。

“同理,作为面向中国市场的西澳娱乐媒 体公司,我们不仅万事俱备,而且与其亲 密无间。”

“该项目的关键一点是我们把君达乐市 济南市两个姐妹城市联系起来,”库珀先 生说道。

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


RESOURCES | 能源 NEW STRATEGY Iron ore giants such as Rio Tinto are investing heavily to recalibrate their operations to satisfy China’s need for higher-grade ore. Photo: Rio Tinto/Sinosteel 随机应变 为满足中国对高品位铁矿石的 需求,力拓等矿业巨头正大举投资并重新 调整运营策略。图片来源:力拓集团/中钢 集团

中国治霾刺激高品位铁矿石需求 矿商调整策略适者生存

Survival of the finest: miners reboot as smog-hit China seeks high-grade ore Muyu Xu and Manolo Serapio Jr Reuters FOR miners seeking to cater to the changing appetite of China, the world’s biggest iron ore importer, all eyes are on Tangshan, the country’s biggest steel-making city and the drastic measures it’s taking to rein in pollution. It recently told mills in the city that production cuts, initially set at 10 to 15 per cent and in place from May to November, need to go further with some companies facing curbs of up to 50 per cent during the summer. Tangshan has also warned mills they could face closure if they don’t meet emission targets by October. The steps are at the forefront of a crackdown by Beijing, which recently flagged a widening of anti-smog targets to 82 cities from 28 now. The impact on pricing for iron ore has been dramatic and miners are scrambling to revamp their strategies in response. For lower-grade ore, where the iron content is below 60 per cent, discounts to higher-grade material have widened significantly. In contrast, premiums for high-grade pellets, which can be shovelled straight into a steel furnace and do not go through a highly pollutive process called sintering, have surged. “The era for China to buy cheap low-grade ore in order to be cost effective has passed,” 10


Zhang Kun, a Beijing-based iron ore trader at Concord Fortune, said. “What China needs now and in the future will be more sophisticated ore, with higher iron and lower impurity content.” The slew of industry initiatives includes a makeover for Rio Tinto’s flagship iron ore product, sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters. Its Pilbara Blend fines, the benchmark for fines, will have less alumina and will be less pollutive after part of the blend was removed and launched as a separate medium-ore grade called RTX last week, they said. “The main purpose of this move is to maintain the competitiveness of our mainstream product, PB fines, in the Chinese market after seeing smaller premiums in the past quarter,” said a company source, who was not authorised to speak to the media and did not want to be identified. Rio Tinto declined to comment on its product line-up. Of the big four iron ore miners, Brazil’s Vale stands to benefit the most from the market shift, particularly from the jump in Chinese demand for pellets – one of the few options for mills when output curbs kick in on heavy smog days. “Our inventory for sintered ore is running low due to frequent production curbs,” said a

manager at a domestic steel mill in Tangshan, declining to be identified, as he was not authorised to speak to media. “I am willing to pay whatever it costs to replenish and add stocks for pellets.” The benchmark price for 65 per cent iron content pellets has shot up by a fifth over the past year, according to Metal Bulletin, while the premium on pellets over 62 per cent fines surged to $US56.84 a tonne on July 6, not far off a record $US65.40/t reached last October. Vale produces nearly a third of the world’s pellets for export and has restarted some ‘idled’ pelletising plants to account for a dropoff in output after a 2015 dam disaster closed its Samarco venture in Brazil with BHP. And it has a leg up on rivals with high-grade fines due to its massive S11D iron ore mine in Vale’s rich-grade Carajas resources complex that started shipping out ore last year. China’s use of pellets is around 12 to 13 per cent of its iron ore consumption, low compared with Europe where it is 33 per cent, according to consultancy CRU International, adding that imports account for just 13 per cent. China’s annual pellet consumption was expected to increase 14 per cent over the next five years to around 160 million tonnes as Brazil boosted pellet production and more pellet became available elsewhere, Erik Hed-

能源 borg, senior analyst for iron ore at CRU, said. By contrast, of the other three, only Rio currently has a presence in pellets although that is not in Australia from which it ships most of its iron ore. Instead the name of the game is improving the quality of fines, with BHP and Fortescue Metals Group recently announcing new mine investments. BHP said last month it would spend $US2.9 billion on its South Flank iron ore project, aiming to raise the average grade of its its Western Australian iron ore to 62 per cent from 61 per cent. And in May, Fortescue signed off on a $US1.28 billion mine and rail project, also in WA that is expected to yield ore closer to 62 per cent. Fortescue is under pressure due to the discount for lower-grade ore. Prices for 58 per cent ore, a similar level to Fortescue’s product, have been trading at a discount of about 40 per cent to the 62 per cent benchmark since the start of the year.

Muyu Xu和Manolo Serapio Jr 路透社

对于希望给中国供应铁矿石的矿商而言,他 们都在关注唐山,以及唐山为治理污染所采 取的强力措施。中国是全球最大的铁矿石进 口国,唐山是中国钢产量最大的城市。 近期,唐山通知本市的钢铁企业,原定5-11 月期间减产10-15%的指标需要进一步扩 大,一些公司夏季可能最高要限产50%。

唐山也告诉这些企业,如果到10月时排放不 达标,工厂可能要关门。 这些措施处于中国治理污染的前沿。本月中 国政府将治霾目标从此前的28个城市扩大 到82个。 这对于铁矿石价格产生很大冲击,矿商赶忙 调整策略进行应对。 低品级铁矿石对高品级铁矿石的贴水已然 大幅扩阔。 相比之下,高品级铁矿石球团的升水则大 涨。球团可直接进钢炉,不需要经过高污染 的烧结过程。

“中国为了节约成本而购买廉价低品级铁 矿石的时代已经过去了,”港富集团驻北京 的铁矿石交易员Zhang Kun称。

“中国目前和今后需要的是含铁量高、杂质 含量低的更高品级的铁矿石。 ”

知情消息人士对路透社称,业界的一系列举 措中,包括全球第二大铁矿石企业力拓对旗 舰铁矿石产品的改造。 他们称,指标粉矿力拓皮尔巴拉混合(PB) 粉将降低氧化铝含量并减少污染,此前力拓 去除了PB粉的部分混矿,并已于上周单独 分离成为名为RTX的中品级矿粉。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

What China needs now and in the future will be more sophisticated ore, with higher iron and lower impurity content – Concord Fortune’s Zhang Kun 中国为了节约成本而购 买廉价低品级铁矿石的 时代已经过去了,—— 港富集团Zhang Kun


Profits for Fortescue have been hit hard, with earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) tumbling 31 per cent on weak prices in the six months to the end of December. By contrast, Rio’s iron ore EBITDA climbed 16 per cent in the same period, while Vale’s rose 6 per cent and BHP’s gained 3.5 per cent. Fortescue, whose China sales dropped to 89 per cent of total sales in January-March from 95 per cent in the previous financial year, is now looking to other markets to take on more of its lower-grade ore. “We are also continuing to develop markets across all the growth economies with customers in North and South-East Asia and India,” Binjun Zhuang, group manager for China business development at Fortescue, said. Robust profits for Chinese mills had helped drive demand for higher-grade ore, he said, but added that when profitability moderated, mills would refocus on input costs, increasing demand for products like Fortescue’s.

“面对过去一季升水收窄的情况,此举的主 要目的是保持我们主流产品--PB粉在中国 市场的竞争力,”一位公司消息人士称。由于 未被授权向媒体谈论此事,该消息人士要 求匿名。

未来五年铁矿石球团年消费量料增加14% 至约1.6亿吨,因巴西将提高铁矿石球团生 产,其他地方的铁矿石球团供应也将增加。

四大铁矿石厂商之一的巴西淡水河谷,应该 会是市场态势转变下的最大受惠者,尤其是 中国对铁矿石球团需求的跳升。在重度雾霾 天气启动限产时,铁矿石球团是钢厂为数不 多的选项之一。

他们反而是将焦点放在改善铁矿粉的品质, 其中必和必拓和Fortescue Metals Group Ltd(FMG)近期都宣布新的矿脉投资。


“由于频繁的限产,我们的烧结矿石库存较 低。 ”唐山一家钢厂的经理表示。由于未获授 权接受媒体采访,他拒绝透露身份。 “我愿意不惜一切代价购买铁矿石球团去 填满仓库。 ”

据《金属导报》 ,指标含铁量65%的铁矿石球 团过去一年飙升了20%,其较含铁量62%的 铁矿石球团升水在7月飙升至每吨56.84美 元,距离去年10月创下的纪录高位65.40美 元不远。 全球用于出口的铁矿石球团中,由淡水河 谷产出的占到近三分之一。该公司已经重 启了一些原本闲置的铁矿石球团矿场,以弥 补2015年Samarco矿溃坝事故后产量的下 滑。Samarco是淡水河谷与必和必拓的合 资事业。 该公司在高品级铁矿粉上较竞争对手来得 有优势,因该公司Carajas综合园区S11D铁 矿石矿脉规模庞大,当地于去年开始出货。 根据顾问机构CRU International,中国 铁矿石球团消费量占整体铁矿石消费量的 12-13%,低于欧洲的33%,该机构并称这部 分进口仅占约13%。 CRU资深分析师Erik Hedborg表示,中国

反观其他三家业者当中,只有力拓有生产铁 矿石球团,不过不是在澳洲生产;力拓铁矿 石主要输出地为澳洲。

必和必拓上月表示,将耗资29亿美元在 South Flank铁矿石项目,目标是将其西澳 铁矿石的等级从61%提高至62%。

5月时,Fortescue批准了一项12.8亿美元的 西澳洲矿脉及铁路项目,预料当地铁矿石产 出等级将较接近62%。 FMG则因较低品位矿石的折价而承压。年 初以来,与Fortescue产品类似的58%铁品 位的铁矿石报价较62%品位指标报价折价 约40%。

Fortescue受到重创,在价格走软打压下, 截至12月底的六个月,未计利息、税项、折旧 及摊销之利润(EBITDA)大跌31%。 反观同期力拓铁矿石业务EBITDA上涨 16%,淡水河谷涨6%,必和必拓涨3.5%。

今年1-3月,FMG对中国销售规模占销售总 量的比重从上财年同期的95%降至89%,目 前正寻找其他市场来扩大吸纳其较低品位 的矿石。

“我们也在继续发展所有增长型经济体的 市场,客户覆盖北亚、东南亚和印度,”FMG 中国商务发展总监庄彬俊表示。

他表示,中国钢铁厂强劲的获利助推了对更 高品位矿石的需求,但也指出,当盈利能力 放缓时,钢厂将重新关注投入成本,加大对 FMG等类似产品的需求。 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018




WA leads global shakeup in lithium processing Dan Wilkie WESTERN Australia is facing fierce competition in its ambition to become the world leader in lithium, with the industry’s biggest players ramping up processing and mining operations across the globe. Demand for lithium – a key ingredient in the rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles and consumer electronics – is expected to more than quadruple by 2025, sparking major investment across lithium deposits. Along with investment in new mining operations, the world’s biggest lithium processing groups are also spending heavily on conversion facilities, with the metal requiring significant chemical conversion to become lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide, which is then used to manufacture batteries. United States-based Albemarle is the worldwide leader in lithium conversion, with a market share of about 18 per cent, according to commodities research house CRU. Albemarle, an industrial chemicals giant, is followed by Jianxi Ganfeng Lithium Co, on 17 per cent; Chilean group Sociedad Quimica Y Minera (SQM) 14 per cent; and Tianqi Lithium 12 per cent. Of the remaining 39 per cent, US-based FMC Corporation holds the largest market share at 5 per cent. 12


However, there are more than 20 lithium capacity expansion and new construction projects either under way or being planned across the globe. A wave of new processing investment in WA, worth more than $2.5 billion, promises to shake up the global lithium order, as miners move to add value to the largest resources of hard rock lithium in the world. Tianqi is building what will become one of the world’s biggest lithium processing operations in Kwinana, an industrial suburb in the south of WA’s capital, Perth. Shenzhen-listed Tianqi has a market capitalisation of around $US9.5 billion ($12.8 billion) and is planning to raise at least $US1 billion from a float on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange later this year, with part of the proceeds expected to be used to finance its investments. The company is investing heavily to challenge Albemarle as the dominant player in conversion, including a proposed $US4.3 billion acquisition of a 24 per cent stake in SQM, which is awaiting approval from Chile’s anti-trust regulator. If the deal goes ahead, Tianqi would secure three seats on SQM’s eight-member board. In Kwinana, Tianqi is developing a $700 million lithium hydroxide plant, which will produce 48,000 tonnes per year of bat-

tery-grade lithium hydroxide from spodumene concentrate mined at the company’s Greenbushes joint venture, 250 kilometres south of the plant. With two phases of construction already approved, Tianqi is also considering the potential of adding a third stage to the Kwinana plant. In addition, Tianqi and its joint venture partner, Albemarle, recently approved a third phase of expansion at the Greenbushes mine, the world’s largest hard rock lithium deposit. The companies will invest $516 million at Greenbushes, increasing the mine’s production capacity to 1.8 million tonnes of spodumene concentrate annually by 2021. Albemarle is also not sitting idly in its processing operations, planning a $560 million lithium hydroxide plant near Bunbury, which will have a capacity of up to 100,000tpa.

INTENSIVE Lithium-bearing ore, known as spodumene, requires chemical conversion to be suitable for battery manufacturing. Photo: 技术核心 硬岩型锂矿石,被称为锂辉石, 需经化学转化为适用于电池生产的原材 料。图片来源

Near Tianqi’s Kwinana operations, SQM is partnering with ASX-listed Kidman Resources on a plan to build a 37,000tpa lithium carbonate conversion plant, which will convert ore from the companies’ Mt Holland joint venture near Southern Cross in WA’s Yilgarn region. A capital cost for the facility will be released with a feasibility study later this year. Diversified ASX-listed mining group Mineral Resources is also spending big on lithium processing, revealing last month its Wodgina operation in the north of WA could more than double its underlying earnings. Mineral Resources has forecast capital expenditure of $US600 million to build a pair of lithium hydroxide processing facilities at its Wodgina operation, which would each have an output of 28,000tpa. The company, which has put a 49 per cent stake in the Wodgina mine on the market, said the operation would deliver $600 million in annual earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortisation. Mineral Resources achieved EBITDA of $464 million in the 2016-17 financial year. Junior lithium miner Neometals is another WA-based ASX-listed player with processing ambitions. In June, Neometals, which has also developed a lithium battery recycling process, entered an option agreement with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to sub-lease a plot of industrial land where it plans to build a lithium hydroxide refining facility. Neometals is planning to establish a 10,000tpa refining facility to upgrade spodumene concentrate from the Mount Marion lithium mine, the second largest hard rock deposit worldwide. The company operates the mine as a minority joint venture partner, with Ganfeng Lithium and Mineral Resources each holding a 43.1 per cent stake, and Neometals 13.8 per cent. A final investment decision on the processing facility is expected to be made midway through next year. Collectively, the investments have injected new hope into WA’s economy, which is beginning to show signs of emerging from its prolonged downturn of resources sector investment. WA Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety director general David Smith said developing the state’s lithium processing capacity was a key priority of the WA government. The government committed $5.5 million in its recent state budget to boost the Minerals Institute of WA’s efforts to develop and manufacture battery metals. A Lithium and Energy Materials Taskforce has also been established to further progress the industry. “This positioning of the state across the value chain will further diversify Western WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


西澳大利亚正面临激烈的竞争,以实现其 成为全球锂业领导者的雄心壮志。业内 企业巨头正在全球各地加大加工和采矿 业务。

到2025年,电动汽车和消费电子产品中充 电电池的关键原料——锂的需求预计将 增长四倍以上,从而引发对锂矿床的大规 模投资。 除了对新采矿业务的投资,全球最大的锂 加工集团也在转换设施上投入巨资,这种 金属需要大量的化学转化,才能变成碳酸 锂或氢氧化锂,然后用于制造电池。

根据大宗商品研究机构CRU的数据,总部 位于美国的雅宝公司是全球锂转换领域 的领导者,市场份额约为18%。 紧随工业化学品巨头雅宝公司的是江西 赣锋锂业股份有限公司,占17%;智利矿 业化工企业SQM集团,占14%;以及天齐 锂业公司,占12%。 在剩下的39%中,总部位于美国的FMC 公司占有最大的市场份额,为5%。

然而,目前全球有20多个锂电池扩容和新 建项目正在进行或正在规划之中。 随着矿商开始为世界上最大的硬岩采锂 持续投资,西澳大利亚的这一轮价值超过 25亿美元的锂业订单,在全球矿业掀起轩 然大波。 天齐锂业正在西澳首府珀斯南部工业郊 区奎纳纳(Kwinana)地区,建造全球最 大的锂加工厂之一。

在深交所上市的天齐锂业目前市值约为 95亿美元(合128亿澳元),并计划今年下 半年在香港交易所上市,融资至少10亿美 元,其中部分资金预计将用于投资。

该公司正大举投资,以挑战美国雅宝 (Albemarle)公司在转换业务中的主 导地位,包括拟斥资43亿美元收购智利 SociedadQuímicay Minera(SQM)矿 业化工24%的股权。智利矿业化工SQM 目前正等待智利反垄断监管机构的批准。 如果交易顺利进行,天齐锂业将获得SQM 8人董事会的3个席位。 在奎纳纳,天齐锂业正在开发一个耗资7 亿美元的氢氧化锂工厂,该工厂每年将生 产4.8万吨电池级氢氧化锂,这些氢氧化锂 来自于该公司在该工厂以南250公里处的 格林布希斯合资企业开采的锂辉石精矿 由于已经批准了两个阶段的建设,天齐锂 业也在考虑为奎纳纳工厂增加第三个阶 段的可能性。

此外,天齐锂业和它的合资伙伴美国雅宝 公司最近批准了在全球最大的硬岩锂矿 格林布希斯矿进行第三阶段的扩建。

两家公司将在格林布希斯矿投资5.16亿 美元,到2021年将该矿的产能将提高到每 年180万吨锂辉石精矿。 雅宝公司也没有闲置其加工业务,计划在 班伯里(Bunbury)附近建造价值5.6亿 美元的氢氧化锂工厂,该工厂的产能将高 达10万吨。

在天齐锂业的奎纳纳矿区附近,SQM正在 与澳大利亚证券交易所上市的Kidman



Resources合作,计划建造一座3.7万吨 的碳酸锂转换工厂,该工厂将转换来自西 澳大利亚州耶尔加恩(Yilgarn)地区南 克罗斯附近的Mt Holland合资企业的 矿石。 今年下半年,将对该设施的建设成本进行 可行性研究。

澳交所上市的矿业集团Minerals Resources也在锂加工上投入巨资。上 月据该集团透露,其在西澳北部的沃吉纳 (Wodgina)业务可能会使其基础收益 增加一倍以上。 Mineral Resources公司预测,在其沃 吉纳业务中建造一对氢氧化锂加工设施 的资本支出为6亿美元,每个设施的产出 为2.8万吨。

该公司已将沃吉纳矿49%的股份投放市 场,并表示,这项业务将在利息税、折旧和 摊销前带来6亿美元的年收益。

2016-2017财政年度,Mineral Resources实现4.64亿美元的年度收益。 年轻的锂矿厂商Neometals是另一个在 澳交所上市的志向远大的公司。

今年6月,Neometals公司也开发了锂电 池回收流程工艺,同时卡尔古利市-博尔 德市(Kalgoorlie-Boulder)签订了一项 选择协议,该协议将分租一块工业用地, 并计划在那里建造一座氢氧化锂精炼厂。 Neometals计划建立一个1万吨的炼油 厂,以精炼来自全球第二大硬岩矿山马 里恩山(Mount Marion)锂矿的锂辉石 精矿。

该公司以少数合资伙伴的身份经营该矿, 赣锋锂业和Mineral Resources分别持 有43.1%的股份,Neometals持有13.8% 的股份。 预计将在明年中期做出加工设施的最终 投资决定。

总体而言,这些投资为西澳大利亚州的经 济注入了新的希望,西澳经济开始显现跨 出长期资源部门投资低迷的颓势。

西澳大利亚矿业部,工业监管和安全部部 长大卫·史密斯说,发展该州的锂加工能 力是西澳大利亚州政府的一项重点工作。 政府承诺在其最近的州预算中投入550万 美元,以促进西澳矿业研究所开发和制造 电池金属的努力。

此外,还成立了锂​​和能源材料特别工作 组(Lithium and Energy Materials Taskforce),以进一步推动该行业的发展。 史密斯在接受澳大利亚《澳中商讯》采访 时表示:“西澳州对自身的价值定位,将使 其进一步迈向经济多元化。”

“这对于创造长期就业岗位和最大限度 地造福当地社区至关重要。”

史密斯先生表示,需要进行大量分析,才 能正确理解西澳当前电池原料业面对的 机遇和挑战,当然也包括与中国市场的 关系。

他说,与卤水锂矿商相比,西澳矿企和加 工商很可能利用其竞争优势来满足快速 增长的锂需求,缩短交货时间并快速启动 运营。 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


RESOURCES | 能源 Australia’s economy,” Mr Smith told Australia China Business Review. “This is critical in creating long-term jobs and maximising benefits to the local community.” Mr Smith said significant analysis was needed to properly understand the current opportunities and challenges for WA in the battery materials value chain, including markets such as those in China. He said WA miners and processors could potentially exploit specific competitive advantages over brine producers in meeting the rapidly rising demand for lithium, with short lead times and quick startups of operations compared with their counterparts. “In terms of lithium mining and processing opportunities, WA has the largest resources of pegmatite-hosted (hard rock) lithium in the world and it’s quickly developing its lithium ore supplies and downstream processing infrastructure,” Mr Smith said. “WA’s development of strategic industrial areas designed to support the development of downstream process activities means the state is becoming an increasingly affordable option for downstream processing. “These projects are taking advantage of low-cost power, natural gas, access to chemical supplies and proximity to infrastructure and port facilities.”

China growth

While WA investment is soaring, expansion plans are also advancing in the market leader for lithium conversion – China. Tianqi, which operates two 17,000tpa lithium carbonate producing facilities in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, and Suining City, Sichuan Province, is in the planning phase for two additional conversion plants. One of the plants will be located in Suining City’s Anju district, where Tianqi signed an investment agreement with the local government to invest ¥1.5 billion ($300 million) to build a new 20,000tpa lithium carbonate processing facility. Tianqi’s Australian representatives declined to provide details of the company’s second new China plant. At the same time that Tianqi is expanding, Ganfeng Lithium is also assessing its opportunities after filing for an initial public offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that could raise up to $US1.5 billion. Ganfeng, the world’s third largest lithium compounds producer, has interests in six lithium operations worldwide, in Australia, Argentina, Ireland and China. Once its IPO is complete, Ganfeng is expected to not only be highly acquisitive, but also significantly expansive, as it increases its capacity in line with growing demand. Another major Chinese player, Shandong RuiFu Lithium Co, which has offtake agreements in place with Australian miners Pilbara Minerals, Core Exploration and Galaxy 14


Resources, is midway through an expansion of its Taian, Shandong Province, lithium carbonate production facility. Shandong Ruifu has a current production capacity of more than 5,000tpa of lithium carbonate, while it is expanding that plant to more than 20,000tpa. Work is also progressing on a 10,000tpa lithium hydroxide plant.

American ambitions

In South America, SQM is investing $US525 million to boost its production capacity through 2021. The company currently has annual lithium carbonate production capacity of 48,000 tonnes, with expansion plans under way to reach 100,000tpa by next year. SQM is also awaiting board approval for the next phase of expansion at its lithium carbonate plant, located in Chile’s Salar de Atacama region, which would boost its production capacity to as much as 180,000tpa.

WA has the largest resources of pegmatite-hosted (hard rock) lithium in the world and it’s quickly developing its lithium ore supplies and downstream processing infrastructure – David Smith

西澳拥有全球最大的伟晶岩 (硬岩)锂资源,并且正在迅 速发展其锂矿石供应和下游 加工基础设施 ——大卫·史密斯

FMC Corporation is delivering a similar investment in South America, at its Salar del Hombre Muerto lithium mining and processing operation in Argentina’s Catamarca Province. FMC produces around 21,000tpa of lithium carbonate equivalent at its Argentina plant, with a $US300 million expansion plan to double its production by next year announced late last year. Also in Argentina, miner and processor Orocobre, which is listed on the ASX and TSX, has begun early works on the second phase of its Olaroz lithium carbonate facility, which will increase its capacity by 25,000tpa to 42,500tpa for a $340 million spend. Orocobre is also advancing plans to build a 10,000tpa lithium hydroxide facility in Japan, in joint venture with Toyota Tshuho Corporation. US-focused miners are also in on the investment bonanza.

The US was home to the world’s largest lithium industry until the late 1990s, until Chilean miners launched brine pool extraction operations at a lower cost than the US hard rock mines. Last year, the US produced just 2 per cent of the world’s lithium supply, but the country is home to around 13 per cent of the world’s lithium resources, according to the US Geological Survey. Lithium operators in the US say the political stability of the country and its 21 per cent tax rate are operational advantages, while there is also a critical shortage of lithium in the US domestic market. In response to growing demand, Albemarle is assessing re-opening a North Carolina mine it shut down about 25 years ago. Lithium Americas Corp is also moving on the lithium boom, developing one of the world’s five largest deposits in Nevada. However, LAC, which is in a partnership with SQM on a lithium brine project in Argentina, has to develop a new extraction technique for its Nevada deposit, as no lithium-from-clay operations exist globally. Another lithium hopeful, Piedmont Lithium, listed on the Nasdaq and ASX, is developing a vertically integrated lithium mining and processing operation in the Carolina Tin-Spodumene Belt, located about 40km west of Charlotte, North Carolina. Piedmont recently purchased a plot of land in nearby Kings Mountain, where it plans to construct a lithium hydroxide plant to convert spodumene concentrate from its proposed mine to battery-grade lithium chemicals. The company expects to complete a pre-feasibility study for the project by early next year, with a scoping study indicating the operation could produce 22,700tpa of lithium hydroxide. Despite the significant competition, and growing international investment, WA mines chief Mr Smith still held high hopes WA was set to become the world’s leading lithium-processing province. “Regions like China and Chile have traditionally had cost advantages over Australia’s hard rock deposits as the result of lower energy and capital costs associated with production from brine-based lithium sources,” Mr Smith told Australia China Business Review. “However, these areas are becoming increasingly under threat from frequent extreme weather events and an increasing focus by governments and environmental groups on the environmental consequences of mining brine lakes. “WA has a transparent, democratic and free market system of governance, which offers a low sovereign risk to potential investors. “This secure investment environment underpins the state’s position as a world leader in the mining and petroleum sectors.”


“就锂的开采和加工机会而言,西澳大利 亚拥有世界上最大的伟晶岩(硬岩)锂资 源,并且正在迅速发展其锂矿石供应和下 游加工基础设施,”史密斯先生说。


Power play – lithium processors charging up 电力系统——锂处理器充电

“西澳大利亚州旨在支持下游工艺活动发 展的战略性工业区的发展意味着该州正成 为下游加工的一种更优选择。” “这些项目正在利用低成本的电力、天然 气、化学品供应以及靠近基础设施和港口 设施的优势。” 中国发展

一方面西澳大利亚州的投资正在飙升,另 一方面扩张计划也在推动锂转换业的市场 领导者—— 中国。 天齐锂业在江苏省张家港和四川省遂宁市 经营两座年产能逾1.7万吨碳酸锂的生产 基地,目前正在规划另外两座转化厂。

LHE – Lithium hydroxide LHE - 氢氧化锂 LCE – Lithium carbonate LCE - 碳酸锂

其中一家工厂将位于遂宁市安居区,天齐 锂业与当地政府签署投资协议,投资15亿 人民币(约3亿澳元)建设一座新的年产逾 2万吨的碳酸锂加工厂。


天齐锂业在澳代表拒绝透露该公司在中国 第二个工厂的更多细节。 天齐锂业扩张的同时,在向港交所提交首 次公开发行(IPO)申请后,赣锋锂业公司 也在评估其融资机会,该公司可能筹资15 亿美元。

Processing investment ($A)


赣锋锂业是全球第三大锂化合物生产商, 在澳大利亚、阿根廷、爱尔兰和中国拥有 六家锂电池业务。

另一家中国主要生产商山东瑞富锂公司 (Shandong RuiFu li Co .)正在扩建 山东泰安的碳酸锂生产设施,该公司已 与澳大利亚皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)矿业公 司、Core勘探公司和Galaxy Resources 公司达成协议。 山东瑞福目前的碳酸锂生产能力超过五 千吨,同时正在将该工厂的产能扩大到两 万吨。 正在建设的还有年产一万吨的氢氧化锂 工厂。 美国雄心

在南美,SQM投资5.25亿美元,以在2021 年之前提高产能。

该公司目前的碳酸锂年产能为48,000吨,目 前正在进行扩建计划,明年将达到10万吨。 SQM还在等待董事会批准其位于智利阿 塔卡马大区地区的碳酸锂工厂的下一阶段 扩建,这将使其年产能提高至18万吨。 FMC公司在南美洲进行类似的投资,在其 位于阿根廷卡达马尔卡省(Catamarca Province)的Salar del Hombre Muerto锂矿进行了开采和加工业务, FMC在其阿根廷工厂生产约2.1万吨的碳 酸锂当量,去年晚些时候宣布的一项3亿 美元的扩张计划将使其产量增加一倍。 同样在阿根廷,在澳交所和多伦多证券交 易所上市的矿业公司和加工商Orocobre WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

Tianqi Lithium


美国富美实 公司

Mineral Resources



智利矿业 化工

$560 million

WA $700 mil. 西澳 7.0亿澳元

Chile $707 mil.* $404 million 智利 7.07亿澳元


$808 million


$340 million**

Western Australia, China

Chile, Western Australia

Argentina 阿根廷

Western Australia


52,000LCE, 37,000LCE


56,000 LHE

25,000 LCE,


中国 3.0亿澳元

Western Australia

Additional processing capacity (tpa)

100,000 LHE 48,000LHE, 20,000LCE



Mineral Resources

Orocobre 3.4亿澳元

China $300 mil. WA TBD.

Investment location 投资地点

一旦完成首次公开募股(IPO),随着需求 的增长,赣锋锂业的产能也将随之增加, 预计赣锋不仅具有高度收购欲望,而且规 模也将显著扩大。



西澳, 中国

西澳 待定

智利, 西澳



*Does not include proposed Kwinana investment with Kidman Resources | *不包括与基德曼公司合作的Kwinana投资项目 **Does not include proposed Japan joint venture with Toyota Tshusho | **不包括拟议中的日本与丰田通商的合资企业

公司,已经开始其Olaroz碳酸锂工厂第二 阶段的早期工作,该工厂将花费3.4亿美元 将产能增加2.5万吨,达到4.25万吨。 Orocobre还与丰田通商合营项目,推进 在日本建设1万吨氢氧化锂工厂的计划。 以美国为首的矿商也参与了投资。

直到上世纪90年代末,美国还是世界上最 大的锂产业的所在地,直到智利矿企推出了 比美国硬岩矿成本更低的盐湖卤水提锂。 根据美国地质调查局的数据,美国约拥有 全球13%的已发现锂资源,但去年其仅占 全球锂产量2%。

美国的锂运营商表示,其政治稳定和21% 的税率是运营优势,而美国国内市场的锂 也严重短缺。 为了满足不断增长的需求,雅宝公司正在 评估是否要重新启用一座大约25年前关 闭的北卡罗来纳州的矿井。

美国锂公司也在推动锂的繁荣,在内华达 州(Nevada)开发了世界五大锂矿之一。

然而,与位于阿根廷的锂盐项目的SQM合 作的LAC,必须为其内华达矿床开发一种 新的开采技术,因为全球没有从粘土中提 取锂的先例。 另一家锂矿企业Piedmont Lithium( 在纳斯达克和澳交所上市)正在北卡

罗来纳州(North Carolina)夏洛特市 (Charlotte)以以西约40公里处的卡罗 来纳(Carolina)锡- 锂辉石带内开发一种 垂直一体化的锂开采和加工业务。 皮埃蒙特最近在Kings Mountain附近 购买了一块土地,计划在那里建造氢氧化 锂工厂,将锂辉石精矿转化为电池级的锂 化学品。

公司预计明年年初完成该项目的前期可行 性研究,并进行范围研究,表明该项目可 生产2.27万吨的氢氧化锂。 尽管如此。由于竞争激烈,国际投资不断 增加,西澳大利亚矿业部部长史密斯先生 仍然对西澳有望成为世界领先的锂加工基 地抱有很高的希望。 史密斯先生在接受澳大利亚的《澳中商 讯》采访时表示, “相比智利和中国等拥有 卤水锂矿的国家,澳洲的硬岩锂矿山需投 入更多的资金与精力。”

“然而,这些地区正越来越多地受到极端 天气事件的威胁,政府和环保组织也越来 越关注盐湖开采的环境后果。 “西澳大利亚州拥有透明,民主和自由的 市场治理体系,这给潜在投资者带来较低 的主权风险。 “这种安全的投资环境巩固了国家在矿业 和石油行业的世界领先地位。” 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 FUTURE Australia risks falling behind not only on technology but also on economic growth if competition is not encouraged in the technology sector, says John Lord. Photo: Philip Gostelow 居安思危 如果澳大利亚不鼓励技术行 业展开竞争,那么未来澳大利亚可能要 面临技术发展和经济增长同落后的风 险,约翰·洛德如是说。图片来源:菲利 普·葛斯特罗

华为被拒,澳大利亚 技术发展前景成谜

Huawei exclusion clouds Australia’s tech growth potential





Dan Wilkie SHUTTING out one of the biggest global investors in telecommunications technology from building Australia’s next generation mobile networks would be a massive blow to the country’s international competitiveness. That’s the call by Huawei Australia chairman John Lord, amid growing international scrutiny over the security of Huawei-built communications infrastructure. While Mr Lord, a member of the Victorian Government’s Defence Council who served in the Royal Australian Navy for 36 years, achieving the rank of Rear Admiral, has a vested interest in Huawei’s participation in the next level of mobile internet technology in Australia – 5G – a look at recent history reveals he may have a salient point. Despite the investment of tens of billions of dollars into the National Broadband Network, Australia is ranked 54th in the Speedtest Global Index, a monthly international ranking of broadband internet speeds. Shenzhen-headquartered Huawei has had nothing to do with Australia’s NBN, thanks to the federal government barring it from participating in the $49 billion infrastructure upgrade in 2012. As it’s been rolled out across the country, the NBN has been plagued by cost blowouts and myriad consumer complaints that it fails to deliver what the government set out to do – fast internet for all. The government has urged consumers and commentators to wait until 2020, when the NBN is scheduled to be completed, to judge the network’s performance. But Mr Lord, who described Huawei’s exclusion from the NBN as an initial shock, said the limited pool of bidders for NBN works had likely contributed to its perceived poor quality. “Whenever you exclude a key player, you can end up with not enough competitive bidding,” Mr Lord told Australia China Business Review. “What you do by having enough competitors in, it’s not only competitive price bidding, it’s the technology. “It’s very easy for ICT companies to get very lazy if they don’t have competition in bidding. “And when I say lazy, it’s lazy in technology. They won’t reinvest in technology to ensure their technology is the best. “That’s the importance of competition.” The official line from the federal government to justify Huawei’s exclusion, which


澳大利亚将电信技术行业中最大的全球 投资者拒之门外,不让其参与建设国内新 一代移动网络,这会对澳大利亚的国际竞 争力造成沉重的打击。 国际上对华为所建通信基础设施的安全 性审查日益增加,在此形势之下,华为澳 大利亚董事会主席约翰·洛德发出了这样 的呼声。

约翰·洛德先生是维多利亚州政府国防委 员会的成员,曾在澳大利亚皇家海军服役 36年,获得海军少将军衔。虽然他可受益 于华为入局建设澳大利亚新一级移动互 联网技术,即5G技术(即第五代移动通信 技术)。但是从近些年来看,我们能发现他 的一些鲜明观点。

尽管澳大利亚针对国家宽带网络计划投 资了数百亿美元,但是在衡量宽带互联网 速度的月度国际排名Speedtest全球指数 中,澳大利亚仅排名第54位。

2012年华为被禁止参与澳大利亚价值 490亿美元的网络基础设施升级,所以这 家总部位于深圳的公司迄今为止与澳大 利亚的国家宽带网络计划毫无瓜葛。

澳大利亚在全国范围内推广国家宽带网 络计划,目前备受成本井喷和大量消费者 投诉的困扰,因此政府希望借助其为全国 提供快速互联网连接的目标仍未实现。 政府力劝消费者和评论员等到2020年再 行评价国家宽带网络计划的网络性能,因 为届时这项计划才有望落实完毕。 但是,洛德先生表示可能国家宽带网络计 划竞标商寥寥无几,从而导致网络出现可 感知程度的不佳体验。他认为华为被禁止 参与国家宽带网络计划就是这项计划遭 受的第一个打击。

洛德先生在接受《澳中商讯》采访时说: “ 任何时候如果把重量级参与者拒之门外, 就会造成投标竞争力不足。”

“天下熙熙,皆为利来,群雄逐鹿对西澳 来说绝对是百利而无一弊。因为除了能使

Two thirds of the world’s millionaires are going to be in Asia by 2030 – there is going to be huge demand, a very educated population, and if Australia is not going to be part of that technologically, it is going to lose – John Lord

到2030年,全球三分之二的超级富豪都将集中在亚洲,他们接 受过良好的教育,具有巨大的消费能力。从技术发展的角度而 言,如果澳大利亚置身事外,惨败在所难免。——约翰·洛德 CUTTING EDGE Huawei spends more than $US15 billion each year on research and development, including development of a driverless car that can be controlled by its flagship handsets. Photo: Reuters 前沿领域 华为每年的研发经费为1500多亿美元。其研发对象包括一 款支持华为旗舰智能手机控制的无人驾驶汽车。图片来源:路透社


2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 came at a time the company had been shortlisted for a $1 billion NBN contract, were concerns over cyber security. Huawei, which is active in more than 170 countries, says no inspection has ever found any backdoor vulnerability in its equipment, while it has always maintained it is a private company not under Chinese government control and not subject to Chinese security laws overseas. “Every country has its national security concerns and deals with them in different ways,” Mr Lord said. “If you go to countries like the UK and Canada, we have actually set up cells where we test our equipment because that’s what they wanted. “In the UK, it’s a government-funded cell with government-cleared employees, while in Canada it’s a third-party cell, which is outsourced, and they check equipment. “Different countries use different methods. “We are working with New Zealand to set up a cell to test 5G, and in Europe we are working with Belgium in a similar regard. “Every country has its national security concerns and they deal with those concerns and mitigate them in those ways.” Nonetheless, the concern that the Chinese government could force Huawei to hand over sensitive data has been echoed in the United States, where Huawei is barred from doing business. International news agency Reuters also reported recently that a British government report indicated technical and supply chain issues with Huawei-manufactured equipment could expose the country’s telecommunications networks to new security risks. The international scrutiny has contributed to mounting speculation the Australian government is preparing to exclude Huawei from tendering on the 5G mobile network. However, Mr Lord said he believed that speculation was incorrect, with discussions between Huawei and the federal government continuing and a timeline for the 5G rollout yet to be released. “We are still briefing different government agencies about the 5G setup,” Mr Lord said. “Separately, we are having discussions with government about mitigating any risks they consider by using an overseas company in different parts of the 5G network, and that’s similar to discussions that we’ve had over the years.” Mr Lord said he believed some of the consternation over Huawei’s presence in Australia’s technology sector had been bred by unfamiliarity with the company’s operations, and an overarching fear of the unknown. “In Australia, we’ve always gotten our technology from Europe or the US, they’ve been the traditional sources. “We’ve never gotten technology from anywhere else, particularly from Asia. “Lo and behold, out comes this company 18


from China which is world-leading, which is offering technology ahead of the traditional sources. “That is very hard for some Australians and Australian security agencies to get their mind around the fact that new technology may not come from the traditional sources.” Mr Lord said if Huawei were barred from the 5G network, the exclusion would cause significant impacts in the business sector. Huawei is already a major supplier of mobile network infrastructure to some of Australia’s biggest telcos, with estimates indicating around 50 per cent of the country’s population uses its equipment each day – knowingly or not. Any exclusion of Huawei participation in the upgrade to 5G would result in those telcos, including Optus, Vodafone, Hutchison Australia and TPG, having to replace and rebuild infrastructure across its networks, which could become an extremely costly exercise. Job losses would also result, Mr Lord said, particularly at Huawei, which currently employs more than 700 people across its offices in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide. At risk also would be Huawei’s involvement in the communities in which its operates, from its sponsorship of the Canberra Raiders NRL side and AFL team Gold Coast Suns, to its charitable donations to groups such as indigenous education group Clontarf Foundation and the Tour de Cure cycling initiative, which raises funds to help children living with cancer. In addition to the potential cost of exclusion, Mr Lord said blocking Huawei from being involved in 5G would essentially stop Australia from receiving the newest and most innovative communications technology.

Huawei’s annual spending on research and development last year was around $US15 billion ($20.2 billion), ranking the company in the top five of all companies worldwide in that regard, and the top-ranked ICT provider. “There isn’t anyone out there that’s going to be able to replace us,” Mr Lord said. “We are competing against Asia, we are trying to maintain our standard of living and we are trying to maintain our level of technology. “I don’t think we can afford to be behind the eight-ball any more in technology. “Two thirds of the world’s millionaires are going to be in Asia by 2030 – there is going to be huge demand, a very educated population, and if Australia is not going to be part of that technologically, it is going to lose.” Mr Lord said the rise of the Asian century would become even more limiting to Australia’s growth, unless the discussion led by the media and government over national security was combined with the country’s economic and industrial outlook. “Asia is getting bigger and more and more companies with technology are going to come out of there,” he said. “Australia needs a good platform to be able to go forward and accept Asia technology here, US alliances there and other arrangements here. “That doesn’t mean you don’t criticise countries like China or any other country, but we just need a solid base where whenever we make a decision it takes into account all of the factors – it takes into account our long-term strategic interests, our economic interests and our security interests. “That discussion has got to happen in the future if Australia is really going to position itself well in an Asian future.”

SOCIETY John Lord says Huawei’s international strategy is to deeply embed itself within the communities it operates. Photo: Philip Gostelow 回馈社会 约翰·洛德表示,华为的国际战 略就是深深扎根于其开展业务的所有社 区中。图片来源:菲利普·葛斯特罗

近日国际新闻机构路透社也报道称,英国 政府的一份报告显示,华为制造的设备存 在技术和供应链方面的问题,因此英国的 电信网络可能会面临新的安全风险。

在国际审查的推动下,越来越多的人猜 测,澳大利亚政府准备禁止华为参与5G移 动网络的招标。 不过,洛德先生表示,他认为这种猜测纯 属无稽之谈,华为和澳大利亚政府之间仍 然在商讨之中,5G技术的部署时间也尚 未公布。 洛德先生说: “我们还在向不同的政府机 构介绍5G技术。”



(NRL)球队堪培拉奇袭队(Canberra Raiders)和澳大利亚澳式足球联盟 (AFL)球队黄金海岸太阳队(Gold Coast Suns)。同时投身慈善事业,给当 地教育集团克隆塔夫基金会(Clontarf Foundation)以及为癌症儿童筹资的治 愈之旅(Tour de Cure)自行车巡回赛提 供善款。华为若被禁,这些互动也会中断。 澳大利亚如果把华为拒之门外,就要自食 其果,付出这些潜在的惨痛代价。此外,洛 德先生表示,澳大利亚禁止华为入局5G移 动网络,无异于拒绝接受最新的、最具创 新性的通信技术。

What you do by having enough competitors in, it’s not only competitive price bidding, it’s the technology – John Lord 天下熙熙,皆为利来,群雄逐鹿对西澳来说绝对是百 利而无一弊。因为除了能使竞标价格更低之外,还可带来前 沿科技。——约翰·洛德


“如果竞标时没有竞争压力,信息与通信 技术类公司往往容易变得不思进取。 “我说的不思进取是指在技术方面的不 思进取。他们不会再投资,不追求完美的 技术。 “这就是竞争的重要性。”

华为被踢出价值10亿美元的国家宽带网 络计划合同名单后,澳大利亚联邦政府官 方就此做出回应,表示这是出于网络安全 方面的关切。 华为在全球170多个国家开展业务。他们 回应表示,在检查旗下设备时,并未发现 任何后门漏洞。同时华为坚称他们是一家 私营公司,并不受中国政府控制,在海外 也不受中国安全法律的限制。 洛德先生说: “每个国家都会有国家安全 方面的关切,他们会采取不同的检测方 式。”

“在英国和加拿大这样的国家,我们确确 实实建立了检测中心,检测设备的安全 性,因为我们所做正是他们所想。

“我们在英国的检测中心由英国政府出 资建立,员工也都经政府批准在中心工 作,而我们在加拿大是与一家外包的第三 方检测中心合作,由他们来检测我们的设 备。” “不同国家采用的方式都不尽相同。”

“目前我们正与新西兰方面合作,准备建 立一个5G技术检测中心,同期我们和比利 时也展开该领域的合作。” “每个国家都有他们的国家安全方面的 关切,各个国家就是通过这些方式来消除 安全顾虑。” 即便如此,因为担心中国政府可能会逼迫 华为交出敏感数据,美国还是采取了相应 的行动,禁止华为进入美国市场。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

另外,我们还在与政府讨论,如何在5G网 络的不同方面使用一家海外公司的技术, 降低他们关切的任何风险,它和多年以来 我们展开的讨论并无差异。” 洛德先生表示,他认为某些人对华为的运 营方式一无所知,对未知事物心存恐惧, 所以当华为进入澳大利亚技术领域时,他 们便会惊慌失措。

“澳大利亚一直以来都依赖于欧洲和美 国提供的技术,这些地方就是传统的技术 来源。” “澳大利亚从没有获得源自其他地方的 技术,特别是源自亚洲的技术。”

“看吧!这家全球领先的中国公司现在已 经抢在老牌供应商的前面,推出了新的 技术。”

“新技术竟然不是出自老牌供应商之手, 这对于一些澳大利亚人和澳大利亚安全 机构而言,简直匪夷所思。”

洛德先生表示,如果华为被拒在5G网络大 门外,商业部门将会受到重大影响。 对于澳大利亚一些最大的电信运营商而 言,华为俨然使重要的移动网络基础设施 供应商。据统计,约半数澳洲人每天在有 意或无意中都使用了华为的设备。

不管澳大利亚采取何种行为禁止华为 参与5G移动网络升级系统,包括澳都斯 (Optus)、沃达丰(Vodafone)、和黄澳洲 (Hutchison Australia)以及TPG等运 营商在内均需全部更换并重建旗下所有 网络,成本极为昂贵。 洛德先生表示,华为若被禁会导致大量失 业,尤其表现在公司内部。华为目前在悉 尼、布里斯班、墨尔本、珀斯和阿德莱德均 设有办事处,所聘员工超过700人。 华为与其开展业务的社区也有密切互 动,他们赞助澳大利亚国家橄榄球联盟

去年,华为的年度研发经费约为150亿美 元(约合202亿澳元),在全球所有公司中 位列前五,在信息与通信技术供应商中高 居榜首。 洛德先生说: “现在还没有哪家公司能把 我们取而代之。”

“我们正与亚洲展开竞争,既要竭力维持 我们的生存标准,又要努力保持我们的技 术水平。” “在技术竞争中,我想我们不能再让自己 陷入岌岌可危的境地之中。”

“到2030年,全球三分之二的超级富豪都 将集中在亚洲,他们接受过良好的教育, 具有巨大的消费能力。从技术发展的角度 而言,如果澳大利亚置身事外,惨败在所 难免。” 洛德先生说,亚洲纪元的崛起将进一步限 制澳大利亚的经济增长,除非媒体和政府 主导讨论国家安全问题时能够综合考虑 澳大利亚的经济和工业前景,才不至于受 此影响。

“亚洲日益强大,更多技术公司会像雨后 春笋般冒出来,”他说。

澳大利亚需要一个良好的平台,接受和妥 善安置亚洲技术、美国合作商以及其它厂 商之间的关系,海纳百川,才能踏步向前。

“这并不是说我们不再严审像中国这样 的国家或任何其他国家,而是我们只是 需要一个坚实的基础,决策之时我们可 以在这个基础上将所有因素纳入考虑范 围——考虑我们的长期战略利益、经济利 益和安全利益。”

“如果澳大利亚确实有意在亚洲驱动的 未来中寻求一席有利之地,那么未来就需 要在讨论国家安全问题时,也综合考虑澳 洲经济和工业前景。” 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018




Prime property performs as wider prices plunge Staff reporter AUSTRALIA remains a land of opportunity for international property investors despite price plunges across the country, as prestige homes continue to provide growth prospects in key locations for foreign buyers. Fresh figures indicate capital growth across Australia’s biggest housing markets – Sydney and Melbourne – all but screeched to a halt in the first six months of 2018, ending more than 10 years of sustained price rises. Market analysts CoreLogic said last month median home values in Sydney were down 4.5 per cent compared with June last year, the most significant decline since 2008. Annual price increases in Melbourne and Brisbane have also dropped to about 1 per cent, down from double-digit growth in 2017. In Perth, CoreLogic said median prices fell by 2.1 per cent over the 12 months to the end of June. Prices have taken a hit because of a convergence of factors limiting demand – new fees 20


on foreign purchases, tighter lending criteria and new regulations restricting capital outflows for Chinese investors. While the latest data from the Foreign Investment Review Board showed China was the leading country for Australian property purchases in 2016-17, that investment fell by more than half of the previous financial year’s value to $15.3 billion. The weakness across Australian markets has prompted institutional investors such as hedge fund Totus Capital to shift assets out of the country, anticipating the housing slowdown would increase downward pressure on the Australian dollar. But at the same time that wider markets are falling, and investors are pulling out, the value of prestige properties has continued to climb in Australia’s major cities. Knight Frank’s Australian Prime Residential Review, which analysed the top 5 per cent of each market by value, revealed that Sydney recorded capital growth of 8.7 per cent in prestige properties in the year to March 31,

contributing to a rise of 61.7 per cent since March 2008. Melbourne’s prime property annual growth was 8.3 per cent in the year to March 2018, ranked globally as the 10th best-performing city and contributing to 10-year growth of 60 per cent. In Perth, prime properties achieved capital growth of 2.8 per cent between the first quarter of 2017 and the first three months of this year. Knight Frank described 2017 as an exceptional year for prime property, with 371 transactions valued at more than $3 million each – a 29.3 per cent rise on the previous year. In the first quarter of 2018, the total number of prime sales in Perth equalled 29 per cent of the total achieved in 2017, indicating another strong year of transactions was under way. Overall, the Knight Frank report showed that Australia’s prime residential market was likely to remain in the top five destinations where ultra-high net worth individuals were

地产 PERFORMING Luxury properties in Sydney recorded capital growth of 8.7 per cent in 2017, at the same time median prices were winding back in the wider property market. Photo:


The Australian prime residential market has, and continues to, travel at a different pace to the mainstream housing market – Knight Frank’s Michelle Ciesielski 澳大利亚高端物业持续影响着主流地产市场 -莱坊国际的米 歇尔·切西尔斯基

成绩傲人 2017年,悉尼的高端物业同期 资本增长8.7%,与此同时,普通物业地产 市场中,中位价格正逐渐回落。图片来源:

keen to invest, with the demand coming from China, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. In 2017, the number of ultra-rich people in Australia grew by 9 per cent, reaching 1,260 with a collective net worth of $US269 billion ($365 billion). Globally, around 23 per cent of ultra-high net worth individuals plan to buy a residential property outside of their home country in 2018. Australian residential property remains an attractive proposition for these investors, despite recent weakness, measured by the amount of housing space an investor can buy with $US1 million.

In Monaco, $US1 million buys 15 square metres of living space, compared with 22sqm in Hong Kong and 25sqm in New York City. In Sydney, that same amount buys 49sqm, while Melbourne luxury homes offer a rate of 91sqm per $US1 million. Brisbane and Perth offer an even better value proposition, with $US1 million offering 117sqm and 126sqm of luxury floor area, respectively. “The Australian prime residential market has, and continues to, travel at a different pace to the mainstream housing market with quite diverse key drivers across the country,”

Knight Frank director of residential research, Michelle Ciesielski, said. “The base of prime property demand follows wealth trends, rather than the dependence on growth in income for mainstream residential markets. “Over the past 10 years, prime markets have performed well, but with a more gradual capital growth than experienced in the mainstream markets. “Not growing as far in the first place, there is still solid growth being recorded in the prime residential markets at a time when mainstream is cooling, as seen in Sydney and Melbourne.”


投资者正在撤出。反观,澳大利亚主要城 市的高端物业价格继续攀升。

然是一个有吸引力的提议,尽管近期市场 疲软,以投资者可以用100万美元购买的 住房面积来衡量。

尽管全国范围内房价暴跌,澳大利亚仍然 是国际房地产投资者的机会之地,高档住 宅价格的高居不下成为外国买家最坚实 的后盾。

最新数据显示,澳大利亚最大地产市 场——悉尼和墨尔本房市增长在2018年 前半年戛然而止,十多年的房价上涨周期 也告于段落。

权威地产研究机构CoreLogic表示,上 个月悉尼房价中值较去年6月同期下降了 4.5%,这是自2008年以来的最大跌幅。 墨尔本和布里斯班的房价同比涨幅也已 从2017年的两位数增幅降至1%左右。

在珀斯,CoreLogic表示截至6月底的12 个月里,房价中值下跌了2.1%

由于限制需求的因素趋同,价格受到了冲 击。这些因素包括:对外国买家征收新费 用,放贷标准收紧,以及中国投资者资本 外流限制的新法规。 尽管外国投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)的最新数 据显示,中国是2016年至2017年澳大利 亚购房数量最多的国家,但这一投资较 上一财年减少了半数以上,降至153亿美 元。

澳大利亚市场的疲软促使对冲基金Totus Capital等机构投资者将资产转移至境 外,预计房地产市场放缓将增加澳元的下 行压力。 但与此同时,中低端物业价格表现低迷, WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

莱坊(Knight Frank)的《澳大利亚 高端物业评论》(Australian Prime Residential Review)分析了每个市场 价值最高的前5%,结果显示,截至3月31 日的一年中,悉尼高档住宅的资本增长为 8.7%,自2008年3月以来增长了61.7%。

截至2018年3月,墨尔本的主要房地产年 增长率为8.3%,在全球排名第10,为10年 来60%的增长做出了贡献。 在珀斯,高端物业在2017年第一季度和 今年前三个月之间实现了2.8%的资本 增长。

莱坊将2017年形容为高端地产的特殊年 份,其中371宗交易的估值均超过300万 美元,较上年同期增长29.3%。

在2018年第一季度,珀斯的高端地产销售 总额占到2017年总销售额的29%,这意味 着又一个强劲的交易年正在进行。 总而言之,莱坊报告显示澳大利亚的主要 住宅市场或许仍是超高净值个人热衷投 资的前五大目的地,需求来自中国,马来 西亚,新加坡和香港。

2017年,澳大利亚的超级富豪人数增长了 9%,人数达到1,260人,集体净资产达到 2,690亿美元(3,650亿澳元)。

在摩纳哥,100万美元可以购买15平方米 的居住面积,相比之下,香港为22平方米, 纽约市为25平方米。 在悉尼,同样的价格可以买到49平米,而 墨尔本的豪宅价格则为91平方米/ 100万 美元。 布里斯班和珀斯提供了一个更好的价值 定位,100万美元分别提供了117平方米 和126平方米的豪华建筑面积。

莱坊住宅研究主管米歇尔•西舍尔斯基 (Michelle Ciesielski)表示: “ 澳大利亚 高端物业持续影响着主流地产市场,以不 同驱动因素覆盖全澳。”

“财富趋势才是高端物业需求的基础,而 不依赖于主流住宅市场的利润增长。” “过去10年中,高端物业表现良好,但资 本增长比主流市场更为缓慢。

“在主流住宅市场降温之际,黄金住宅市 场的增长势头依然强劲,悉尼和墨尔本的 情况就是如此。”

在全球范围内,约有23%的超高净值人 士计划在2018年之前在本国以外购买住 宅物业。 澳大利亚住宅物业对这些投资者来说仍

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018




澳大利亚如何在中国的“互联互 通”进程中发挥作用

How Australia can play a role in China’s ‘connectivity’ drive AS its economies have matured, and liberalisation has seen trade barriers progressively fall, a new challenge has emerged for Asia-Pacific economic integration – connectivity. The physical infrastructure enabling the movement of goods, services, capital, information and people across borders has failed to keep pace with the region’s high-speed growth and industrialisation. In recent years, China has made addressing these so-called ‘infrastructure gaps’ a focal point of its foreign policy in the region. Given Australia’s profound economic, social and political enmeshment with Asia, government and business need strategies for how to engage with the transformations these Chinese connectivity efforts will produce. The infrastructure gaps plaguing Asia are a widely known problem. The region has a strong set of international institutions connecting its economies, including ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), their associated policy dialogues, and more than 50 bilateral free trade agreements. But when it comes to physical connectivity – roads, rail, air and sea ports, energy and telecommunications linking economies – there is a worrying undersupply. These infrastructure gaps have become one of the principal barriers to trade, investment, economic integration and development in the region. Best estimates indicate Asia-Pacific econo22


mies will need to make a staggering $1.5 trillion of infrastructure investments per year, every year, from now until 2030. In a historic move, China has taken the lead in efforts to close these regional gaps. In late 2013, the Chinese government unveiled two regionally focused infrastructure initiatives. The first was the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which promised to build new infrastructure platforms connecting Europe, Africa and the Middle East to Asia. The second was the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the world’s first multilateral bank exclusively dedicated to infrastructure projects. These initiatives were part of a new phase in Chinese foreign policy, where it intends to go from being an ‘institution taker’ to ‘institution maker’ in global economic governance. China is unique in focusing its foreign policy efforts on infrastructure and connectivity, as this is a domain other major powers and international organisations in Asia have hitherto not prioritised. Importantly, the BRI and AIIB offer distinct and functionally differentiated models. The BRI is a broad mobilising initiative, under which Chinese agencies are supported to develop in regional infrastructure projects through bilateral negotiations with host countries on a case-by-case basis. Conversely, the AIIB is an inter-governmen-

tal development bank with 66 members, which makes loans to infrastructure projects under a rules-based policy framework with multilateral governance oversight. In essence, the BRI offers a Chinese-led bilateral model, while the AIIB is a regionally led multilateral organisation. While both initiatives aim to close infrastructure gaps, they offer two different governance models to solve this common problem. These Chinese initiatives have posed a dilemma for Australian government and businesses – how to balance opportunities against potential risks? On one hand, these are very welcome initiatives: they promise to add at least $140 billion to the Asian infrastructure funding pool, and signal China’s intention to work cooperatively with partners to solve a pressing regional problem. Given the protectionist headwinds sweeping the global economy today, their positive impact should not be understated. On the other, there are also distinct risks facing Australian participation: • One concerns project governance, and how the economic, social and environmental risks of complex cross-border infrastructure will be managed. • Another concerns institutional competition, and the need to ensure these initiatives support rather than detract from the work of other regional governments and organisations.



Australia would benefit from a clear, coherent and externally communicable policy on participation in China-led infrastructure initiatives 澳大利亚应参与中国区域基础设施倡议,并从其清 晰、连贯和对外交流政策中受益。

随着经济日益成熟,贸易壁垒逐渐减少, 亚太经济一体化面临新的挑战——互联 互通。

促进商品、服务、资本、信息和人员跨境流 动的物质基础设施,未能跟上该地区的高 速增长和工业化步伐。 近年来,中国已将解决这些“基础设施缺 口”作为其在该地区外交政策的重点。

鉴于澳大利亚与亚洲密切的经济、社会和 政治关系,澳大利亚政府和商界需要制定 战略,以应对中国互联互通努力将带来的 转变。 众所周知,基础设施缺口是长期以来困扰 亚洲关键问题。 亚太地区拥有一系列强大的国际机构,将 其经济联系在一起,包括东盟(东南亚国 家联盟)、亚太经合组织(亚太经济合作组 织)的相关政策对话,以及50多项双边自 由贸易协定。 可一旦涉及到实体连接——公路、铁路、 海空港口、能源和电信连接经济体时,便 存在令人担忧的供不应求问题。这些基础 设施缺口已成为该区域贸易、投资、经济 一体化和发展的最主要障碍之一。

最新预测表明,从2018年至2030年,亚太 经济体每年在基础设施领域的投资需求 为1.5万亿美元。中国带头努力缩小亚太 地区差距,完成了历史性突破。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2013年末,中国政府推出了两项以地区为 重点的基础设施计划。 首先是“一带一路”倡议(BRI),该倡议承 诺建立连接欧洲、非洲和中东与亚洲的新 基础设施平台。

第二项是亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB), 这是世界上第一家专门从事基础设施项 目的多边银行。 这些举措是中国外交政策新阶段的一部 分,中国计划在全球经济治理中从“机构 接受者”转变为“机构制造者”。 中国将外交政策的重点放在基础设施和 互联互通方面,这是独一无二的,因为这 是亚洲其他大国和国际组织迄今尚未重 视的领域。

重要的是, “一带一路”和亚投行提供了独 特且功能差异化模式。

“一带一路”是一项广泛且积极运筹的倡 议,在该倡议下,中国的机构将根据具体 情况与东道国进行双边谈判,支持其在区 域基础设施项目中发展。

反观亚投行,这是一个拥有66个成员的政 府间开发银行,它在基于规则的政策框架 下,通过多边治理监督向基础设施项目提 供贷款。 本质上, “一带一路”提供了中国主导的双 边模式,而亚投行则是区域性主导的多边 组织。

虽然这两个项目都旨在缩小基础设施的 差距,但它们提供了两种不同的治理模式 来解决相同的问题。 中国的这些举措给澳大利亚政府和企业 带来了两难境地——如何平衡机遇与潜 在风险?

一方面,这些举措非常受欢迎:它们承诺 至少为亚洲基础设施融资池增加1400亿 美元,并表明中国打算与合作伙伴携手解 决紧迫的地区问题。

鉴于目前席卷全球经济的保护主义逆风, 其积极影响不应被低估。 另一方面,澳大利亚也面临着明显的风 险:

一个是项目治理,以及如何管理复杂跨境 基础设施的经济、社会和环境风险。 另一个涉及机构竞争,需要确保这些举措 支持而不是减损其他地区政府和组织的 工作。 CONSTRUCTION China has taken a leading role to boost connectivity in the Asia-Pacific by addressing infrastructure gaps. Photo: 大兴土木 中国在促进亚太地区互联互通 方面发挥了主导作用,解决基础设施缺 口。图片来源 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018



• A third are geopolitical risks, as these initiatives have become linked to issues of rivalry and conflict between China and other great powers in the region. Australia is not alone in facing this dilemma. Indeed, practically every country in Asia is currently having a policy debate about how to best engage with China’s new infrastructure initiatives. However, this debate has proven especially challenging in Australia. Viewing the initiatives as an economic opportunity but strategic risk, Australian policy has at times vacillated and, at others, been ‘half-in, half-out’. This is not an outcome that will enable Australia to engage with these transformative initiatives, or have an effective voice to shape their future development in ways compatible with its national interests. Australia would benefit from a clear, coherent and externally communicable policy on participation in China-led infrastructure initiatives. The AIIB provides such a mechanism for Australian government and businesses. The body can function as a ‘governance guarantee’, which reduces the risks facing regional infrastructure projects. This is due to the unique features that distinguish the AIIB from the BRI: • The AIIB has a well-defined and transparent set of governance policies, which ensures international best practices are maintained and evaluated for all funded projects. 24


• It has formal partnerships with several other development banks, particularly the Asian Development Bank and World Bank, which brings in trusted and high-capacity partners. • As a multilateral, rather than Chinese-led, institution, its projects have a degree of legitimacy and regional buy-in that reduces the risk of political tensions. In this way, the role of the AIIB in an infrastructure project offers a guarantee to involved parties it will be subject to good governance, involve reliable partners, and is less likely to be a source of geopolitical risk. The AIIB provides an ideal mechanism for Australian actors to confidently participate in China-backed infrastructure in the region. There are several steps Australia can take to make use of the AIIB in this manner. First, Australia needs a clear policy on engagement with Chinese infrastructure projects, which can be communicated to external parties. There is considerable ambiguity – both in the region, and in China – over where Australia sits. This prevents Australia participating in, let alone shaping, the future of regional connectivity schemes. Second, Australia should leverage its founding membership of the AIIB to augment the role of the new bank. A key area is the AIIB’s ‘Project Preparation Special Fund’, where Australian technical capacity in project design could make a major impact.

Third, Australia can work with third parties – particularly Indonesia, Vietnam and India – to develop and pitch projects to the AIIB. This will ensure the bank has a ready pipeline of well-designed projects, as well as improve Australia’s bilateral economic relations with these key partners in the region. Importantly, we must remember the policy stakes are high. In the past five years, efforts to transform connectivity in Asia have rapidly gathered pace. And for the first time in its history, China is taking the lead to help address a key regional economic problem. This is a positive development, and one Australia cannot afford to sit out. Yet transformative infrastructure projects inherently pose risks. Australian government and businesses need to find ways to participate in a manner that reflects the country’s commitment to transparency, good governance and a rules-based regional order. An AIIB-based strategy provides the governance guarantees that make such Australian engagement possible. This article has been adapted from a speech delivered to a Belt and Road Initiative symposium hosted by the Australia-China Relations Institute and Deloitte at the University of Technology Sydney. Jeffrey Wilson is Senior Lecturer in International Political Economy and a Fellow of the Asia Research Centre at Murdoch University, Perth.



INVESTMENT Beijing unveiled its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 2013, the world’s first multi-lateral bank exclusively dedicated to infrastructure projects. Photo: 不遗馀力 2013年,中国政府公布了其亚 洲基础设施投资银行,这是世界上第一家 专门从事基础设施项目的多边银行。图片 来源

The AIIB provides an ideal mechanism for Australian actors to confidently participate in China-backed infrastructure in the region

亚投行(AIIB)为澳大利亚参与者提供了理想的途 径,使他们能够充满信心地参与到中国在该地区支 持的基础设施建设。

第三是地缘政治风险,因为这些举措已与 中国与该地区其他大国之间的竞争和冲 突问题联系在一起。 事实上,澳大利亚并非唯一面临这种困境 的国家。几乎所有亚洲国家目前都在就如 何更好地参与中国的新基础设施项目展 开政策辩论。 然而,这场辩论在澳大利亚尤其具有挑战 性。澳大利亚将这些举措视为经济机遇, 但也存在战略风险。澳大利亚的政策有时 会摇摆不定,有时也会“半途而废”。 这不是使澳大利亚能够正确参与这些变 革性举措的结果,也未能发表符合本国利 益的有效意见,也并不符合以本国利益为 未来发展方向的有效表达。

澳大利亚应参与中国区域基础设施倡议, 并从其清晰、连贯和对外交流政策中受益。 亚投行为澳大利亚政府和企业提供了这 样的途径。

该机构可以发挥“治理保障”的作用,降低 地区基础设施项目面临的风险。 这正是由于亚投行与众不同的特点:

亚投行有一套明确而透明的治理政策,确 保国际最佳实践得到维护,并对所有资助 项目进行评估。 它与其他几家开发银行建立了正式的 合作关系,尤其是亚洲开发银行(Asian development Bank)和世界银行 (World Bank),它们带来了值得信赖的 顶级合作伙伴。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

作为一个多边而非中国主导的机构,中国 的项目具有很大程度上的合理性和区域 支持,从而降低了政局紧张的风险。 通过这种方式,亚投行在基础设施项目 中的作用,为相关各方提供了保证,即亚 投行将受到良好治理、拥有可靠的合作伙 伴,而且极不可能成为地缘政治风险的 来源。 亚投行为澳大利亚参与者提供了理想的 途径,使他们能够充满信心地参与到中国 在该地区支持的基础设施建设。 澳大利亚可以采取若干步骤,以这种方式 利用亚投行。

首先,澳大利亚需要一个明确的中国基础 设施项目参与政策,可以与外部各方沟通。 无论是在澳大利亚还是在中国,都存在着 相当大的模糊性。这阻碍了澳大利亚参与 区域互联互通计划的未来,更不用说规 划了。 其次,澳大利亚应该利用其亚投行创始成 员国的优势,增强新银行的作用。

重要的是,我们必须记住,政策事关重大。 过去五年,亚洲互联互通改革步伐加快。 中国有史以来第一次率先帮助解决一个 关键的区域经济问题。

事态正朝着积极的方向发展,澳大利亚不 能袖手旁观。然而,转型基础设施项目本 身也存在一定风险。 澳大利亚政府和企业需要找到正确的参 与方式,以反映该国对透明度、良好治理 和基于规则的地区秩序的承诺。

基于亚投行的策略提供了治理保证,澳大 利亚很有机会参与其中。 本文摘自悉尼科技大学澳中关系学院和 德勤联合举办的“一带一路”研讨会上的 讲话。

杰弗里·威尔逊(Jeffrey Wilson)是国际 政治经济学高级讲师,同时也是珀斯默多 克大学亚洲研究中心的研究员。

一个关键领域是亚投行的“项目筹备专项 基金”,澳大利亚项目设计的技术能力可 以产生重大影响。 第三,澳大利亚可以与第三方——尤其是 印尼、越南和印度——合作,为亚投行开 发和推广项目。

这将确保该银行拥有精心设计的项目,并 改善澳大利亚与该地区这些主要合作伙 伴的双边经济关系。

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018




Every discussion is a form of negotiation in China A guide to a complex art ON a recent flight home from Shanghai, I overheard a fellow business traveller’s phone call to his boss in Australia in which he lamented his company’s follow-up talks with a prospective Chinese partner had not gone well. He appeared angry and frustrated, and said he could not understand it, especially as both sides had seemed to get off to a great start the previous month. In fact, the Australian team had been so positive, they had rushed back to China to clinch the deal. Unfortunately, this scenario is an all too common experience among Australian businesses. In their eagerness to forge an agreement, many businesses still overlook the essential cultural drivers that shape relationships – and impact on outcomes –with Chinese counterparts. Indeed, negotiations in a Chinese context are a complex art. In the current environment, it is more important than ever to navigate your prospective partnerships with extra care. So, how can businesses ensure their negotiations not only get off to a good start, but also remain on course and lead to long-term, mutually rewarding outcomes? Understand cultural drivers: The Chinese word for negotiations, ‘tan pan,’ combines the characters meaning both ‘to discuss’ and ‘to judge’. 26


Negotiations in China are an ongoing and dynamic process. It’s essentially a process to build trust, so that both parties can achieve a common outcome. Negotiating effectively in China means understanding and accommodating your counterpart’s different approach, and devising a strategy that will deliver long-term benefits for both sides. While there is no blueprint for success, it’s important to recognise the deep-seated Chinese cultural practices, worldviews and behaviours that have a strong impact. These cultural norms are often rooted in the spiritual and philosophical codes of Confucianism (which underlines social relationships), Taoism (which emphasises holistic thinking) and Buddhism (which encourages harmony). Seek mutual gains: When we assist businesses with their Chinese negotiation strategy, it can be useful to apply the Mutual Gains Approach developed by the Consensus Building Institute. This framework helps inform a strategic approach that can be adapted and ‘nuanced’ to accommodate China’s distinct cultural, business and social environments. Based on hundreds of cases, the Mutual Gains model identifies four steps for negotiating better outcomes while protecting reputation and relationships – preparation, value creation, value distribution, and follow-through. These steps are not just about achieving a

‘win-win’ outcome, but rather applying careful analysis and good process management. Obviously, each step in the process needs to be carefully nuanced to fit the Chinese context. Prepare by building guanxi: From a Chinese perspective, relationship and trust are paramount. It may seem cliched, but guanxi – which translates literally as relationships – is the most covered topic in China negotiation literature. Given the fundamental importance of guanxi, building a robust relationship with your Chinese counterpart at the beginning of a negotiation, should be one of the most important aspects of your preparation. In doing so, relationship building enables a better understanding of their business, commercial drivers and the key people involved. This will put you in good stead for both the negotiation itself and enabling commercial alignment. This cannot be rushed. Newcomers may be treated with a degree of caution and it’s important to invest time and effort, including travel and meetings, to understand your potential partner and develop trust. Intermediaries may also need to play a role. As the CEO of a major Australian financial organisation commented to me, it took him 10 years to build a strong relationship, but when the time came for negotiating a multi-million



By carefully managing cultural differences, you can achieve mutually beneficial business outcomes at the negotiating table

只要能合理消除双方文化差异,便可在谈判席 上达成共赢。

走进中式商务谈判 谈判艺术指南

在最近一次从上海回家的航班中,我无意 听到一位商务旅行者与他澳洲老板的通 话,他在电话中抱怨与一位中国潜在合作 人的后续谈判进展并不顺利。 他看起来既生气又沮丧,说他无法理解这 是怎么回事,尤其是双方明明在上个月已 达成了共识。 事实上,澳大利亚团队的态度非常积极, 他们为达成协议而火速赶到中国。

不幸的是,这种情况在澳大利亚企业中已 成常态。 在他们渴望达成协议的时候,许多企业仍 然忽视了消除文化层面的差异才是与中 方建立关系的重中之重,其会直接表现在 结果上。 的确,中国背景下的谈判是一门复杂的 艺术。

在当前环境中,要格外慎重地选择未来合 伙人。

那么,企业如何才能确保他们的谈判不仅 能够取得良好的开端,而且还能继续保持 良好的发展态势并带来长期的、互惠互利 的成果呢?


理解文化差异:汉语中的“谈判”,结合了“ 讨论”和“判断”两个意思。

中国的谈判是一个持续不断的动态过程。 它本质上是一个建立信任的过程,这样双 方就可以达成共识。 在中国进行有效的谈判意味着理解和适 应对方的不同做法,并制定一项为双方带 来长期利益地战略。 虽然成功没有捷径,但认识到中国根深蒂 固的文化习俗、世界观和行为习惯的强大 影响力是至关重要的。

这些文化规范往往植根于儒家思想(强调 社会关系)、道教(强调整体思维)和佛教( 鼓励和谐)的精神和哲学规范。

寻求互利:当我们协助澳企制定面向中 国的谈判策略时,应用共识达成研究所 (Consensus Building Institute)制 定的共赢模型(MGA)会非常有效。

该框架有助于为战略方法提供信息,使其 能够适应和“巧妙”地适应中国独特的文 化、商业和社会环境。

基于数百个案例,共赢模型确定了四大步 骤,以在谈判中取得更好的结果,同时保

护声誉和关系,其分别为准备工作、价值 创造、价值分配和跟进。

这些步骤不仅仅是为了实现“双赢”的结 果,而是应用仔细分析和良好的流程管理。 显然,该进程中的每一步都需要小心仔 细,以适应中国的环境。

为关系建立而做好准备:从中国的角度来 看,关系和信任是至关重要的。

这似乎有些陈词滥调,但“关系”却是中国 谈判艺术中涉及最多最广的话题。 考虑到关系的重要性,在谈判开始时与中 方建立密切的联系,应该是你准备工作中 最重要的一方面。 在这样做的过程中,建立关系能够对其业 务、商业驱动力和涉及的关键人物充分 了解。 这将为谈判本身和促进商业合作提供良 好基础。因此不可急于求成。

应谨慎对待与新面孔的首次接触,重要的 是投入时间和精力,包括旅行和会议,以 了解你的潜在伙伴并建立信任。中介机构 也需要发挥一定的作用。

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


OPINION | 观点 EVOLVING Doing business in dynamic locations such as Shanghai’s Lujiazui District can be a challenging proposition for foreign firms. Photo: 时代变迁 在上海陆家嘴等充满活力的地 区经商,对外国公司来说绝非易事。图片 来源

Building a robust relationship with your Chinese counterpart at the beginning of a negotiation, should be one of the most important aspects of your preparation 在准备工作中最重要的环节,就是谈判初期与中方建立密 切的关系。

dollar deal, the negotiation was completed within three weeks and implementation was very smooth. Create value: Creating value is about uncovering shared interest and doing so before committing. This phase is about exploring questions like ‘what issues do we value differently; what options are we prepared to propose’? In a Chinese context, several common barriers often arise during this phase. For example, Chinese negotiators are often particularly sensitive to the concept of face, and will work hard to avoid direct conflict. Making a negotiator lose face will be very detrimental. Rather than raising it at the negotiation table, to get to the bottom of tricky or sensitive issues, it can be useful to leverage informal opportunities, such as dinners or social gatherings, private conversations or trusted intermediaries, to find a solution. Other challenges can arise around differing communication styles and approaches to hierarchy, and the level of detail, which the Chinese side may request. Focus on the means not just the ends: When it comes to distributing value and achieving



follow through, building trust is key to achieving successful outcomes. Almost all Chinese or Australian executives that have clinched a successful partnership will tell you a business deal in China should be a long-term agreement, not a quick one-off. Having a local Chinese colleague in your negotiating team can help build this trust, by fostering relationships and buffering confrontations or discomforts. And even after the deal is signed, it’s crucial to continue to build trust. Many deals have fallen apart because the leaders negotiated hard, signed the deal, and then handed it over. In fact, in many cases in China, a contract is just a starting point. Some Chinese counterparts may see the contract more as a symbol of partnership and will look to renegotiate the wording even after the contract has been signed. This can lead to misunderstanding, for instance, with the Western side viewing Chinese counterparts as unreliable, and the Chinese side perceiving their Western partners as inflexible.

Creating good guanxi, reciprocity and investing in relationships will help minimise this misunderstanding. Get support when you need it: Obviously, navigating business negotiations in China’s dynamic, evolving and volatile environment is fraught with challenges. But the highly complementary nature of the Australian and Chinese economies and business interests stands most organisations in good stead to unearth and leverage mutual gains in their negotiations and partnerships. And the good news is, that as the Australia-China economic relationship matures, support, resources and training are available, as well as the opportunity to learn from other business success stories. By carefully managing cultural differences, you can achieve mutually beneficial business outcomes at the negotiating table. Nick Henderson is director of the China Practice at Asialink Business, Australia’s National Centre for Asia Capability. Nick has more than 17 years’ experience in assisting diverse businesses to enter and grow in China, particularly with the Australian tourism sector to get China-ready.


正如澳大利亚一家大型金融机构的首席 执行官对我说的,他花了10年时间建立起 牢固的关系,但当谈判达成数百万美元协 议的时候,谈判在3周内就完成了,实施非 常顺利。 创造价值:创造价值是指在在合作前,发 现更多共同利益。这一阶段是关于探索一 些问题,比如“双方对待某些问题的不同 侧重点;双方准备提出什么应对方案”。 在中国文化中,这阶段经常会出现一些常 见问题,也就是常说的万事开头难。 例如,中国谈判者往往对面子概念特别敏 感,他们会尽量避免直接冲突。让谈判者 丢面子是非常不利的。 与其在谈判桌上提出尖锐问题,搞清楚棘 手且敏感的问题的底线,还不如利用非正 式的机会,如晚宴或社交聚会、私人谈话 或是可信赖的中介,找到解决方案。

其他难题可能体现在不同的沟通习惯和层 级方法,或是中方可能要求的细节程度。 过程比结果更重要:在涉及到价值分配和 后续落实的过程中,建立信任是取得成功 的关键。


几乎所有成功建立合作关系的中澳高管 都会告诉你,与中国的商业交易应该是一 份长期协议,而不是一次性的快速协议。 在你的谈判团队中,应有一名中国当地员 工,他可以通过培养关系和缓冲对抗或不 适来帮助建立这种信任。 即使在协议签署之后,继续建立信任也是 至关重要的。许多交易都以失败告终,是 因为领导者经过艰苦谈判,签署了协议, 之后却因信任问题而不了了之。 事实上在中国,多数情况下合同只是一个 起点。一些中国同行可能更多地将合同视 为合作的象征,并且即使在签订合同后也 会寻求重新谈判措辞。 这可能导致误解,例如,西方人认为中国 同行不可靠,中方认为他们的西方伙伴不 灵活。


高度互补性,使大多数组织都能在谈判和 合作中发掘并达成互惠互利。

同时好消息是,随着澳中经济关系的成 熟,两国可以获得支持、资源和培训,以及 从其他商业成功案例中学习的机会。 只要能合理消除双方文化差异,便可在谈 判席上达成共赢。

尼克•亨德森(Nick Henderson)是 澳大利亚国家亚洲能力中心的亚洲智库 Asialink中国业务主管。尼克拥有超过17 年的协助多元化企业进入中国市场及后 续发展的经验,尤其针对澳大利亚旅游业 面向中国市场相关业务。

而建立良好的、互惠和投资的关系将有助 于减少这种误解。 同心并力:显然,在中国充满活力却又瞬 息万变的环境中进行商务谈判充满了挑 战。 但澳大利亚和中国经济以及商业利益的

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


NEWS | 新闻

中国风险资本业一片热络 或许不会沦为泡沫

What bubble? Record-breaking venture capitalists charge ahead Kane Wu and Julie Zhu Reuters CHINA’S venture capital scene has been on fire this year, and a record-breaking run to unicorn status by a Chinese coffee startup suggests it is not cooling yet. Luckin Coffee took just six months to reach a $US1 billion ($1.35 billion) unicorn valuation, a performance that is helping boost investor appetite for Chinese startups, even as they estimate that valuations are far outstripping US ones. At Hong Kong’s recent RISE technology conference, a key stop on the Asian venture capital circuit, investors told Reuters startups in China were 30 to 40 per cent more expensive than their US counterparts and, in some cases, were even valued at twice the price. “If I put my US lenses on, this is insane,” said Edith Yeung, partner at 500 Startups, a California-based venture capital firm. But, she said, the calculus for investors was the sheer size of the Chinese market, noting that the WeChat social media platform had 30


three times more daily users than the population of the US. “Everything is sort of relative,” Ms Yeung said. Luckin Coffee typifies the optimism evident in China’s startup scene. The Beijing-based coffee delivery company only began operating in January and has plans to expand its 660-strong network to challenge Starbucks, with 3,400 stores. Detractors point out that Luckin’s fast growth has relied heavily on cut-price promotions and warn it also faces heavy competition from other chains such as Canada’s Tim Horton’s. Its backers still see value, however. “Luckin’s valuation is not cheap or lofty – it’s reasonable,” David Li, head of Centurium Capital, said. The former head of Warburg Pincus Asia Pacific led Luckin’s recent $US200 million financing round and maintains it is not a conventional startup, pointing to a management of experienced, serial entrepreneurs. At the other end of the scale from Luckin sits Ant Financial, the Chinese payments giant

that became the world’s largest unicorn in June when it secured $US14 billion in fresh cash that valued the company at $US150 billion. In search of the next Ant, Sequoia Capital China, the local arm of the Silicon Valley-based venture capital giant, is close to raising 15 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) in its fifth yuan-denominated China-focused fund, the largest of its kind. “Lots of China’s rising sizeable tech companies are promising and still fast-growing and rely on fundraising for further growth,” Zhou Kui, a partner at Sequoia Capital China, said. “We are increasing our fund size to capture those opportunities.” The firm’s recent investments include Bitmain Technologies, a Chinese bitcoin mining equipment maker, Pinduoduo, a fast-growing e-commerce firm, and the self-driving startup, On average, a startup in China reaches unicorn status about 18 months quicker than its US equivalent, according to Pitchbook, an industry data provider. “There is a lot of aggression and hunger,”

新闻 FAST MOVER Established in January, Luckin Coffee has plans to expand from 660 outlets to 3,400 stores. Photo: Reuters


On average, a startup in China reaches unicorn status about 18 months quicker than its US equivalent – Pitchbook

一日万里 瑞幸咖啡于今年1月成立,计划 将门店数量从660家扩大到3400家。 图片来源:路透社

平均而言,中国一家初创企业要达到独角兽级别要比美 国的可比初创企业少花约18个月的时间。 ——行业数据提供商Pitchbook

Jixun Foo, managing partner at GGV Capital, said. “It’s important to recognise the amount of talent and capital that’s pouring into this market. That’s capitalising on a lot of change.” Beijing’s deleveraging campaign, which has driven up borrowing costs, slowed the economy and aggravated already tight market liquidity, could potentially affect fundraising for funds and companies, some investors warned. For now, however, venture capitalists are confident they can exit via either an IPO or a sale. Hong Kong is readying for a series of blockbuster tech deals, led by smartphone maker Xiaomi’s $US5.4 billion float in July, the world’s biggest tech IPO in four years.

Despite a relatively weak debut by Xiaomi, the earliest investors in the company still made 866 times their initial investments at the IPO price, said Hans Tung, San Francisco-based managing partner with GGV, which invested in Xiaomi from day one. “The next two to three IPOs will determine whether people will come in big numbers,” Mr Tung said. The trump card for those shrugging off bubble fears in China is the presence of other deep-pocketed buyers, including Alibaba Group, Tencent Holdings and SoftBank Group, with its $US100 billion Vision Fund. The three have shelled out about $US45 billion since 2015 across 71 investments in Chi-

nese tech companies, according to Thomson Reuters data. Chinese venture capital funds have so far performed better than their global peers, delivering a multiple of money – the total return on investment – of 1.72 times, compared with their US peers’ 1.59 times, according to May data from eFront, which analyses about 4,000 funds. Tay Choon Chong, China managing partner at Vertex Ventures, an arm of the Singapore state investor Temasek Holdings, shrugged off concerns that any nascent bubbles posed a real danger to the wider venture capital scene. “It’s like beer. You need the right amount of bubbles for it to taste good,” said Mr Tay, who has been investing in China since 2009.

Kane Wu 和Julie Zhu 路透社

一个合理水平,”大钲资本(Centurium Capital)负责人黎辉表示。

经吃紧的市场流动性进一步恶化,这可能 会影响基金和企业的融资。

中国风险资本行业今年十分热络,一家中 国咖啡业初创公司创纪录的筹资活动,更 显示风险资本业景气尚未降温。

瑞幸咖啡的估值仅仅花了六个月的时间就 达到“独角兽”企业的10亿美元门槛,这样 的表现有助于提振投资人对于中国初创企 业的兴致,尽管这些企业的估值远高于美 国企业。

本月香港RISE科技大会是亚洲风险资本 圈的重要活动,多位投资人向路透社表示, 中国初创企业要比美国新创业者贵上3040%,有部分的估值甚至高出一倍。

“如果我从美国的角度来看,这实在是很 夸张,”加州风险资本业者500 Startups合 伙人Edith Yeung表示。 不过她表示,投资人心理的算盘打的是中 国庞大的市场,提到微信社交媒体平台每 日活跃用户数是美国人口的三倍有余。

“某种程度而言,所有事情都是相对 的,”Yeung称。

瑞幸咖啡是中国初创企业乐观景象的经典 案例。这家总部位于北京的咖啡业者刚在1 月开始运营,计划扩大超过660家的门市网 络,挑战拥有3,400家门店的星巴克。 批评者指出,瑞幸咖啡的迅速增长严重依 赖于降价促销,并警告称,该公司还面临加 拿大Tim Hortons等连锁咖啡店的激烈 竞争。 但支持者仍然看好瑞幸咖啡。

“瑞幸咖啡的估值不便宜也不太高,处在 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

黎辉曾任美国华平投资集团亚太区总裁, 牵头了瑞幸咖啡最新一轮的2亿美元融资。 他认为瑞幸不是传统的初创公司,有着经 验丰富、曾连续成功创业的管理层。 与瑞幸咖啡形成对照的是中国支付巨头蚂 蚁金服。蚂蚁金服6月份获得140亿美元新 融资,公司估值达到1,500亿美元,成为全 球最大独角兽企业。 矽谷风投巨头红杉资本的中国子公司红杉 中国正在寻找下一个蚂蚁金服,其第五只 专注中国的人民币基金接近完成筹资150 亿元人民币(23亿美元),在同类基金中规 模最大。

“中国正在崛起的大型科技公司很多都前 景光明,并且仍然在迅速增长,依靠融资实 现进一步增长。我们正扩大基金规模以抓 住这些机会,”红杉中国合伙人周逵表示。 红杉中国最近的投资对象包括:中国比特 币挖矿设备生产商比特大陆、成长迅速的 电商公司拼多多和自动驾驶初创公司小马 智行。

据行业数据提供商Pitchbook,平均而言, 中国一家初创企业要达到独角兽级别要 比美国的可比初创企业少花约18个月的 时间。 纪源资本的管理合伙人符绩勋表示: “市场 有大量的陷阱和机遇”

“要非常重视涌入市场的人才和资本的数 量。这才是在善用市场的瞬息万变。”

一些投资者警告,中国政府的去杠杆措施 拉高了借款成本,使得经济放缓,并且让已

不过目前而言,风投界人士对于通过IPO或 转让股权方式退出还是抱有信心。 香港将迎来一系列重磅科技公司上市交 易,打头的便是小米7月份54亿美元的在港 上市案,这是四年来全球最大的一宗科技 企业IPO。

纪源资本旧金山管理合伙人童士豪表示, 尽管首秀表现相对低迷,但按照IPO价格, 小米最初的投资者还是取得了866倍的回 报。童士豪也是在最初就投资了小米。

“接下来的两三笔IPO的表现将决定人们 是否会大规模涌入,”他说。

一些投资者不担心泡沫问题,他们的定心 丸来自其他实力雄厚的投资方,包括阿里 巴巴、腾讯控股、软银集团及旗下1,000亿 美元的愿景基金。

汤森路透的数据显示,自2015年以来,这 三家公司向中国科技公司共投资71笔大约 450亿美元。 分析了大约4,000只基金的eFront 5月数 据显示,中国风投基金迄今的表现好于海 外基金,整体投资回报率为1.72倍,高于美 国同行的1.59倍。 新加坡国有投资机构淡马锡控股旗下 Vertex Ventures的中国管理合伙人Tay Choon Chong就不担心新生泡沫会给广 泛的风投业带来真正的危险。 就像啤酒一样,要有适量的泡沫才好 喝,”Tay说。他从2009年开始在中国投 资。 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


NEWS | 新闻


Taking healthier noodles to Chinese plates Staff reporter IT is not quite selling ice to Eskimos, but it’s close – an Australian company is taking on the challenge of selling noodles to the Chinese. But ASX-listed Holista Colltech believes it has no need for slick sales pitches or smoothtalking salesmen to achieve its goals, with its product – a patented low glycemic index noodle – expected to speak for itself. Holista chief executive Rajen Manicka said the company began developing the low-GI noodles about three years ago, in response to the growing epidemic of diabetes, particularly in China. Dr Manicka said a study published in 2013 in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicated 42.9 per cent of Chinese adults were pre-diabetic, which would likely result in one in every four of them contracting diabetes. 32


“That’s a statistic which will scare anybody,” Dr Manicka told Australia China Business Review. “China is increasingly affluent, it is producing a new billionaire once every three weeks. “It is a tremendous rise of affluence but coming with it are all the diseases of affluence – obesity, diabetes and hypertension. “They have the money, they need to find solutions.” One solution, according to Dr Manicka, is Holista’s noodles, the first such product worldwide to achieve a glycemic index of 38. “While there has been a lot of innovation in bread, there is high-fibre bread, high-protein bread, gluten-free bread and the like, there has been no innovation in noodles in 1,000 years, health-wise,” Dr Manicka said. “There are different iterations – glass noodles, long noodles, flat noodles, but nothing that talked about the health the noodle will give you or the health it will convey on to you.

TASTY Noodles are a staple in Chinese cuisine, but there has been little to no health innovation in centuries. Photo: Shutterstock. com 一成不变 面条是中餐的主食之一,但几个 世纪以来几乎没有什么健康方面的创新。 图片来源


听起来好像把冰块卖给爱基斯摩人—— 一家澳大利亚公司正发起向中国人出售 面食的挑战。

但澳交所上市的Holista Colltech公司 相信,它并不需要华丽的说辞或伶牙俐齿 的推销员来实现自己的目标,而其公司的 明星产品(低升糖指数的专利面食,下文 简称低糖面条)便可为自己代言。Holista 首席执行官拉贾· 曼尼卡博士表示,大约 三年前开始研发针对糖尿病患者的低升 糖指数面食,全球糖尿病患者不断增多, 中国的糖尿病患者增量尤为严重。

曼尼卡博士说, 《 美国医学协会杂志》 (Journal of the American Medical Association)2013年发表的一项研究表 明,42.9%的中国成年人患有糖尿病前期, 这可能导致四分之一的人患上糖尿病。 曼尼卡博士在接受《澳中商讯》采访时表



INNOVATOR Rajen Manicka says it will be quite some time before any competitors catch up with Holista’s patented noodle formula. Photo: Holista Colltech 革旧立新 拉贾· 曼尼卡博士说,Holista 的专利面条让其他竞争者望而兴叹。 图片来源:Holista Colltech

“China needs a low GI version of this staple food. “The alarming rise of diabetes in China further strengthens our value proposition for the country’s emerging upper-class population.” Holista, which was founded in Malaysia before listing on the ASX in 2009, recently signed a distribution deal with Express Trading Canada to take its low GI noodles to China, with a $C15 million ($15.3 million) minimum order in the first year of the arrangement, doubling to $C30 million in the second. Express Trading will target supermarkets and restaurant chains in major Chinese cities, as well as maintain listings on e-commerce platforms operated by Alibaba Group and, in addition to a dedicated WeChat selling platform. Dr Manicka said the noodles had been developed specifically for the Chinese market, with Express Trading selected from a wide range of suitors, which emerged after the company announced its low GI noodle breakthrough to the stock exchange late last year. “We were inundated with calls from Australia, from Canada, from China, asking how they could take it into the Chinese market,” Dr Manicka said. “We decided to go with Express Trading because they had a much stronger value proposition in terms of the numbers they were prepared to sign up with, and also they were already doing that business as a model, shipping high-end Canadian products into highend Chinese homes. “They were doing abalone, lobsters, honey, high-end biscuits, high-end Canadian wines into affluent homes, and that’s exactly what we wanted to achieve.” The patented noodle formula includes okra, lentils, barley and fenugreek, with the product endorsed by Diabetes Canada and the Glycemic Index Foundation. Next up for Holista, which Dr Manicka said would remain strictly a research and development company that licenses its products to manufacturers and distributors, were low GI pancakes, muffins, breads, cookies and biscuits. He said the company had also been approached to develop low GI dumplings and mooncakes for the Chinese market. WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

There has been no innovation in noodles in 1,000 years, health-wise – Rajen Manicka

千年来,面食在健康方面并未有重大突破。——拉贾· 曼尼卡 示:“这组数据令人不寒而栗。”

“中国人越来越富裕,每三周就有一位新 亿万富翁诞生。

“财富增长迅速,但“富贵病”也随之而 来——高血压、高血糖(或糖尿病)和高血 脂。” “他们往往很富有,却缺少正确的解决方 案。”

根据曼尼卡博士的说法,Holista面条即 为解决方案之一,这是全球首个让升糖指 数降低至38的产品。 曼尼卡博士说:“虽然面包有很多花样,包 括高纤维面包、高蛋白面包、无麸质面包 等,但1000年来面条在健康方并未有重 大突破。”

“面条的类型繁多——米粉(米线)、长 面、板面等,但并未对消费者提供任何关 于面食健康的信息。 “中国需要这种升糖指数较低的主食。

“中国糖尿病病例惊人的增长速度进一 步坚定了我们的信心,我们致力服务于这 部分新兴的上流社会人群。”

Holista科技生物公司成立于马来西 亚,2009年正式在澳交所上市。近期,其集 团控股的美国子公司Holista Foods已 与加拿大Express Trading公司签订一 份协议,将由后者向中国出口低糖面条。 预计产品销售额第一年可达到1,500万加 元(1,530万澳元),第二年上升至3,000 万加元。

Express Trading将定位于中国主要城 市的超市和连锁餐厅,除了专门的微信销 售平台外,还将在阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)和京东(运营的电商平 台上进行销售。 曼尼卡博士表示,这种面条是专为中国市 场所研发的。去年年底,该公司的低糖面 条在美国证交所取得重大突破,之后从众 多竞争者中挑选了Express Trading作 为商业伙伴。

“我们接到来自澳大利亚、加拿大、中国 的电话,客户咨询什么时候在中国可以买 到低糖面条。”曼尼卡博士说。

“我们之所以选择Express Trading,是 因为他们在准备签署的订单上有更强的 价值主张,而且经验丰富、业务纯熟,他们 把加拿大的高端产品运送至中国的高消 费人群。” “他们将鲍鱼、龙虾、蜂蜜、高端饼干、高 端加拿大葡萄酒运向中国高端人群,这恰 恰与我们想要实现的目标所契合。” 低糖面条配方包括秋葵、扁豆、大麦和葫 芦巴,并受到了加拿大糖尿病协会和血糖 指数实验室所的大力推崇。 曼尼卡博士说严格意义上讲,Holista仍 将是一家专业研发公司,会将产品的制造 和销售工作分配给相关企业。Holista的 产品包括低糖煎饼、松饼、面包、曲奇和 饼干。 他表示,该公司希望接下来研发低糖饺子 和低糖月饼。 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018




Universities help makers get slice of cheese growth Staff reporter TWO leading Australian universities are partnering with China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO) and Suzhou’s Soochow University to facilitate Australian manufacturers’ entrance into China’s rapidly growing cheese market. Monash University and the University of Queensland are launching a joint symposium to be held in Beijing in October, in collaboration with some of the world’s biggest cheese manufacturers alongside COFCO and Soochow University. International manufacturers confirmed to attend the symposium include China’s Mengniu Dairy, Denmark’s Arla Foods, New Zealand-based Fonterra and France’s Sodiaal. A wide range of Australian manufacturers have also been invited to participate with Bega Cheese the largest group to have confirmed its attendance to date. Cheese is one of the fastest-growing categories of China’s dairy market, with consum34


ers increasingly targeting imported products. Valued around $350 billion, the Chinese dairy market is expected to be worth around $500 billion by 2020. Research by market analysts Mintel indicates cheese consumption grew by between 15 and 25 per cent between 2015 and 2017, compared with the wider dairy market, which grew by around 6 per cent over the same period. Mintel said while Chinese consumers were regaining confidence in domestic milk sources and products, imported options remained their preference. However, while the industry was experiencing rapid growth, COFCO acting director of consumer insight and market research, Guo Fei, said there remained a lack of awareness in China of how to consume cheese products. Ms Guo said outside of Mongolia, where cheese and other dairy products had been part of the traditional diet, cheese was viewed as a western food among the Chinese population. “There are different cheese products in the

CHOICE Chinese supermarkets, especially in tier one cities, offer a wide range of imported and domestic cheese products. Photo: 琳琅满目 在中国超市中,尤其是一线城市 的超市中,大量进口和国产奶酪制品均有 出售。图片来源 本刊记者

澳大利亚两所知名大学正在与中粮集团 (COFCO)以及苏州大学合作,旨在共同 推进澳企进入中国,以满足奶酪制品的飞 速增长的需求。 莫纳什大学、昆士兰大学携手中粮集团和 苏州大学以及全球知名奶酪企业,即将 于十月在中国北京共同开展一场学术研 讨会,

已确定出席本次研讨会的国际制造商有: 中国蒙牛乳业、丹麦爱氏晨曦集团(Arla Foods)、新西兰恒天然集团(Fonterra) 以及法国索地雅乳业公司(Sodiaal)。 期间众多澳大利亚制造商也受邀参与其 中。

奶酪是中国乳品市场目前需求量增长最 快的商品之一,同时越来越多的消费者会 首选进口产品。

目前中国乳制品需求约为3500亿美元,预 计两年后将上涨至5000亿美元。

农商 market and there are different uses and scenarios, however, Chinese people do not have the knowledge on how to use different types of cheese products,” Ms Guo told Australia China Business Review. “The challenge for producers is to allow Chinese consumers to get used to these types of product.” Growth in cheese consumption, Ms Guo said, was largely occurring in China’s tier one cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen, with consumers seeking cheese for its nutritional properties as well as taste. “In these cities, you can find young people who have had a learning experience abroad, they have the knowledge of how to use cheese products,” Ms Guo said. “They then influence their friends, so in tier one cities, producers will meet smaller challenges to launch their products.” Ms Guo said the symposium would provide the opportunity to educate Chinese consumers, as well as establish a network between the Australian and Chinese dairy industries and research institutes. The symposium will enable international manufacturers to discover Chinese cheese preferences, in order to fully penetrate the growing market. “We have found that some products that perform very well in Denmark, in Australia or New Zealand, however, for the Chinese consumers, they have very different feelings,” Ms Guo said. “For Chinese consumers, they really like sweet, soft cheeses which are full of milk flavour, and more mild cheeses, as compared to other tastes. “However, we try to make a balance between nutrition and taste before we try to educate the consumer.” Ms Guo said Australian manufacturers had a real opportunity to capitalise on the country’s reputation for high-quality, nutritional food products by providing new cheese options. “For all Chinese people, they think Australia is a very good source for food,” Ms Guo said. “If we ask consumers how they feel about food that comes from Australia, they would say ‘it must be very natural’. “Also, they know that Australia is famous for health supplements, so they also get an image that Australian products are nutritious. “However, for a lot of Chinese people they cannot tell the difference between products that come from abroad – not just compared between Australia and New Zealand, they also cannot tell the difference between other western countries like those in Europe. “So, we suggested for Australian producers, don’t just mention the environmental benefits, try to tell Chinese consumers the unique things they have that other countries don’t have – they need to have a clear country image for their cheese products.” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


Valued around $350 billion, the Chinese dairy market is expected to be worth around $500 billion by 2020

目前中国乳制品需求约 为3500亿美元,预计两年 后将上涨至5000亿美元。

据市场分析机构英敏特(Mintel)调查显 示,中国人在奶酪制品的消费从2015到 2017年间由15%上涨到25%,而总体来看 乳品市场同期仅有6%的上浮。

LEARNING Guo Fei says Australian cheese manufacturers have the opportunity to help educate Chinese consumers. Photo: COFCO

然而,尽管产业正在飞速发展,中粮集团 消费者行为及市场研究副主任斐郭(音 译)认为,中国人对奶酪制品的消费意识 仍有待提高。

西兰表现良好的产品。但对中国消费者来 说,他们或持有不同看法,”郭女士说。

英敏特(Mintel)数据表明,中国消费者 对国产奶源以及牛奶制品似乎重拾了信 心,但进口产品仍然为其首选。

郭女士说,在外蒙古,奶酪制品和其他乳 制品长久以来作为传统食物,而中国人仍 将其看作是一种西方食物。

“市面上有各式各样食用方法和功效的 奶酪制品,但中国人似乎缺乏识别这些 奶酪产品种类的知识”郭女士对《澳中商 讯》说。 “生产商所面临的挑战则为能否让中国 消费者了解并逐渐习惯去食用这种食 物。”

“奶酪制品的消费增长主要体现在中国 北京、上海、深圳这样的一线城市,消费者 不仅仅为满足味蕾,更多的是为了其丰富 的营养价值” “在这些城市不难看到一些有过留学经 历的年轻人,他们往往具备选择奶酪制品 的能力。”郭女士说。 他们会影响到周边朋友,所以在一线城 市,生产商推出新产品时不会遇到太大阻 力。” 郭女士表示,此次研讨会将为中国消费者 提供普及机会,并在澳大利亚和中国的乳 品行业和研究机构之间建立联系。 本次研讨会将使国际制造商能够发现中 国人对奶酪的偏好,以充分渗透到不断增 长的市场中。


传道授业 斐郭女士认为此时的澳大利亚 的奶酪制造商可以帮助中国消费者更加 了解奶酪制品。图片来源:中粮集团

“对于中国消费者来说,他们真的很喜欢 甜的、松软的、奶味充足的奶酪,还有比其 他味道(比如酸奶酪、蓝纹奶酪)更温和的 奶酪。” “然而,在我们为消费者普及奶酪知识之 前,应试着先调整奶酪的营养与口感。”

郭女士表示,目前澳企拥有全新机遇,合 理利用澳大利亚产品高质量的口碑、高营 养食品去打开中国市场。

“所有中国人都认为,澳大利亚出产优质 食品。”郭女士说。 “如果我们询问消费者对澳洲食品的感 受,他们会说‘澳洲食品绝对纯天然’。

“此外,他们知道澳大利亚以健康营养品 而闻名,所以他们也会联想澳产食品必然 会营养丰富。 “然而,对于很多中国人来说,他们无法 准确区分海外产品——不仅仅是在澳大 利亚和新西兰之间,他们也很难分辨其 他西方国家的产品有何区别,例如欧洲 诸国。

“所以,我们建议澳大利亚的生产商,不 要只提到环境优势,应告诉中国消费者澳 产商品独一无二且他国不具备的特点。他 澳企需要为其奶酪产品勾勒出一个清晰 鲜明的地区标识。” 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018



In 2018 consumers view 82 of China’s biggest 100 brands as highly or moderately innovative

在2018年,消费者认为中国百大品牌中的82个为高 度和适度创新的。 MARK TANNER | 马克·唐纳

中国科技业的弯道超车之路 China edging closer to tech supremacy CHINA has been abuzz with tech chatter over the past few weeks. You are probably thinking that’s nothing new, but the significant change in tone has piqued our interest. IPOs for Xiaomi and Tencent Music, and the expansive 2018 China Internet Report have been grabbing headlines, but beneath all that many experts are starting to ask: has China taken the mantle from Silicon Valley as the leader in tech? In the blink of an eye China has done the unthinkable and transformed its cheap, ‘copycat’ perception into that of a world leader in innovation. And this trend is contagious among China’s brands both in and outside of the tech sector – in 2018 consumers view 82 of China’s biggest 100 brands as highly or moderately innovative. Leading the pack, the stories of Xiaomi and JD are representative of how brands in China are tracking. Xiaomi founder Lei Jun proclaims his company is “a new species”, blending internet services within its product suite and shrugging off classification as a hardware company. JD notes it has spent 12 years as a retailer and wants “the next 12 years to be as a technology company”.



We even just saw Luckin Coffee creating an innovative, new retail-type model to combat one of the last truly unchallenged foreign mega-brands, Starbucks. As the world begins to notice what these dynamic Chinese brands are doing, it pays to keep in mind what this has meant for the average Chinese consumer and what they expect from brands across all aspects of consumer engagement. A few examples: Social: Half of WeChat accounts lost followers in 2017. We have seen a dramatic rise in gaming, VR, animation and development within accounts to try stand apart on social media. The boom in mini-programs has only exaggerated this, and many foreign brands are in dire need of rethinking their WeChat approach. Retail: Many consumers (61 per cent) think pop-up stores provide more attractive shopping experiences. Retail is constantly in flux, with opportunities and pitfalls abound for brands that are not diligent. In China’s uber-competitive space, popups can bring the grunt shoppers are looking for as they increasingly crave an experience. Advertising: China in 2018 is a different an-

imal, and misaligned messages are throwing good money after bad. Tired or uninformed advertising has seen many brands fall short in China, yet some well-considered research and understanding can see a brand ride the wave. Last month through a challenging but well-embraced campaign, Nike captured the end of the mollycoddling one-child policy, with a huge national push to get children into sports and activity, and the competitive and individualistic millennials ascending into parenthood. As everyone in China knows, the market moves faster here than anywhere, and for that reason many brands will fall in the wake of its constant innovation. China Skinny ensures our clients are on top of, and ahead of, market trends. This article was originally published on http:// Mark Tanner is the founder and managing director of Shanghai-based China Skinny. Through his agency he has worked with over 150 international brands such as IKEA, Colgate, Tourism Malaysia, ANZ, Westpac and IHG on their China market entry and growth strategies, trend analysis, branding and new product development.


过去几周里,科技话题一直是中国人关注 的重点。 你或许认为这并不是什么新鲜事,但这种 显著变化极大地激起了我们的兴趣。

小米和腾讯QQ音乐的首次公开募股以及 2018年中国互联网报告一直备受瞩目。最 重要的是许多专家开始提出这样一个问 题:中国是否已从硅谷手中夺过科技领域 的领头羊宝座? 仿佛在刹那间,中国已将天马行空变成现 实,并从世人眼中廉价仿造者的身份成功 转变为世界创新领导者。

这种趋势在中国科技行业内外都具有传 染性;在2018年,消费者认为中国百大品 牌中的82个为高度和适度创新的。 小米和京东的故事是这一群体的代表,展 示了如何对品牌追踪。 小米的创始人雷军宣称他的公司是“一 个新物种”,在其产品生态系统中融合了 互联网服务,并摆脱了任何硬件公司的 分类。

京东指出,他们现在已经花了12年时间作 为零售商,并希望“未来12年成为一家科 技公司”。

我们甚至看到瑞幸咖啡的创新零售模式, 以对抗无可争议的外国超级品牌——星 巴克咖啡。 随着这些充满活力的中国品牌的所作所 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

为越来越受到全球关注,我们应该记住这 对普通中国消费者的意义以及他们在消 费品牌各个方面参与程度的期望。 以下是几个例子:

社交:2017年,有一半的微信公众号在流 失关注者。

我们已经看到游戏,VR,动画和帐号开发 方面的巨大增长,并试图以此在社交媒体 上脱颖而出。 微信小程序的兴起更是延续了这一点,很 多外国品牌迫切需要重新定位其在微信 公众号的运营计划。

零售:61%的消费者认为快闪店提供更具 吸引力的购物体验。 零售业不断变化,对于那些不够努力的企 业来说,机遇和陷阱比比皆是。在当今竞 争激烈的中国市场中,快闪店可以为购物 者带来他们一直以来向往的购物体验。


强好胜、极具个性、却又即将为人父母的 千禧一代的青睐。

众所周知,中国市场的发展比任何地方都 要快,因此许多品牌在面对日新月异的市 场创新时,可能会逐渐被淘汰。

灼见公司(China Skinny)确保我们的客 户处于领先地位,且更早了解市场趋势。 该文最初发表于。

马克•唐纳是总部位于中国上海的China Skinny公司的创始人兼董事总经理。通过 他的企业,他与宜家、高露洁、马来西亚旅游 局、澳新银行、西太平洋银行和洲际集团等 150多个国际品牌合作,在中国市场准入和 发展战略、趋势分析、品牌推广和新产品开 发等方面进行了合作。.

广告:2018年的中国已是另一番光景,错 误的信息不仅误事还费钱。 许多品牌在中国投放乏味且没营养的广 告,导致无法攻克市场难题,这种现象似 乎已司空见惯。然而,经过深思熟虑和深 度研究的品牌广告往往会掀起波澜。

上个月,耐克公司成功抓住了独生子女政 策的末班车,推出一项富有挑战性同时广 受欢迎的活动,其活动在全国范围内鼓励 青少年积极参与体育活动,同时斩获了争

BIG TECH Xiaomi’s Hong Kong IPO raised $4.72 billion, the world’s biggest technology float in nearly four years. Photo: Reuters 科技巨头 小米公司在香港的IPO融资筹 得472亿美元,这是近4年来全球最大的科 技股。图片来源:路透社 2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018



The simple reality of the trade environment is that upheaval is the new normal

目前贸易环境明显的现实是,动荡已成为一种 新常态。 DARRYL DAISLEY | 达瑞尔·戴斯利

Week a long time in trade stoush Feel like you have whiplash? You are not alone, writes Darryl Daisley, who has been tracking the rapid tit-for-tat trade war between China and the US. VOLLEYS on both sides of the Chinese and American trade war are increasing. In recent days, there has been a raft of actions by each of the world’s two biggest economies — any one of which could have significant implications for business. And while there’s still appetite to mitigate the damage through dialogue and the pursuit of new trade deals, it is not clear which country has the capacity to ease tensions any time soon. Consider the pace of the changes across just one week in July. On Monday July 23, Beijing announced a range of measures, including tax cuts, infrastructure spending and new loans to business with the goal of reinvigorating economic growth, which has begun to slow in recent months. The announcement was a sign China was looking for new ways to revitalise its economy as the trade war with the US escalated. The tax cuts for business were worth about $US10 billion and come on top of much bigger injections of funds into the banking system in May and June that were aimed at boosting activity. The Chinese government says the new stimulus is intended to help the country cope with “an uncertain external environment”. By Tuesday, the Trump administration had announced up to $US12 billion in emergency 38


aid to farmers to counter Republican dissent over the president’s disruptive trade policies. The aid was also designed to help farmers deal with tariffs from Mexico and other countries besides China, which have imposed levies on US products in response to American tariffs on steel and aluminium. The emergency aid package might have been welcomed by US farmers but it also signals trade tensions are unlikely to be resolved in the near future. Farmers are expected to start receiving payments by September. On Wednesday, there was actually a silver lining: this time with the US and European Union appearing to step back from the brink of a new round of tariffs. Despite playing down expectations with a series of aggressive tweets in advance of the meeting between Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the meeting ended with an unexpected announcement of a process to avoid further tariffs. Messrs Trump and Juncker said they had agreed to hold off on proposed car tariffs, and the EU would work with the US to resolve the dispute on steel and aluminium while pursuing a bilateral trade deal. This boded well for Thursday, where shares on Wall Street surged. Newspaper USA Today noted that if trade wars could be measured by stock markets,

“(then) as a measure of who’s winning the trade dispute, the US has a clear lead over China and its other trading partners”. News and markets publisher Bloomberg was less enthusiastic. There were two kinds of trade wars, it said, dangerous ones and dumb ones. “The second is the kind that hurts the country, even if it succeeds. So far, unfortunately, much of President Donald Trump’s trade war has been of the latter variety,” it said. By Friday, global markets appeared almost content, but the dizzying ride does leave you wondering about what the next week could bring. The simple reality of the trade environment is that upheaval is the new normal and that Wall Street is so far not exerting much pressure on a return to certainty. The other big theme will be the unfolding story of China’s stimulus program — and what that means for its other trading partners. Week to week, it remains uncertain as to what positions will be adopted by key players in the global market. Tensions are likely to continue and the future is unclear. What does it mean for business? When the global environment is this unstable, you need to be speaking to your advisers far more often, given the blow that could affect your business or supply chain could arrive overnight. Darryl Daisley is director of Pitcher Partners.



ESCALATING The pace of change in the USA-China trade spat is bewildering for analysts and market watchers. Photo: Reuters 不断升级 对分析师和市场观察员来说, 中美贸易争端的变化速度令人膛目结舌。 图片来源:路透社


“你受到影响了吗?其实不仅仅是你有这种感觉”达瑞尔·戴斯利写道。 他一直密切关注中美之间针锋相对的贸易战。 中美贸易争端不断升级,双方都在不断 加码。

最近几天,全球最大的两个经济体都采取 了一系列行动——任何一方都可能对商 业领域产生重大影响。

尽管双方有意通过对话和寻求新的贸易 协议来减轻损害,但短期内仍不明确究竟 由谁来主导紧张局势的缓解工作。


上个月23日,北京宣布了一系列措施,包 括减税、基建支出和商业贷款,以重振经 济增长。近几个月来,经济增长开始放缓。 这一信号标志着,随着中美贸易战升级, 中国正在寻找重振经济的新方向。

对企业的减税额度约为100亿美元,并在 5月和6月向银行系统注入更多资金,旨在 提振经济。

这一紧急援助计划或许受到美国农牧场 主的欢迎,但也表明,未来短期内贸易紧 张局势似乎不会得到解决。因为预计农牧 场主将在9月前才会受到补偿。

到周五,全球市场似乎都在观望,这周目 不暇接的变化让你迫切想知道下周还会 发生什么。

尽管在唐纳德•特朗普与欧盟委员会主 席让-克洛德·容克进行会晤前,特朗普仍 然发布了一系列咄咄逼人的推文,但最终 还是出人意料地宣布了这项避免进一步 征税的协议。

另一个大看点则是中国经济刺激计划的 开展,以及这对其他贸易伙伴意味着什 么。

周三,新希望的出现:这一次,美国和欧盟 似乎已从新一轮关税边缘做出让步。

特朗普和容克表示,他们已同意推迟拟议 中的汽车关税,欧盟将与美国合作,在达 成双边贸易协议的同时,解决钢铁和铝 争端。 其也预示着第二天情况好转,所以周四华 尔街股市飙升。

中国政府表示,新的经济刺激计划旨在帮 助中国应对“不确定的外部环境因素”。

《今日美国报》指出,若可通过股市来衡 量贸易者的话, “(那么)作为衡量贸易争 端输赢的一个指标,美国显然领先于中国 及其他贸易对手”。

这些援助还旨在帮助农牧场主应对来自 墨西哥和中国及其他国家的关税问题。中 国对美国产品征收关税,以回应美国对中 国钢铁和铝的关税。

“后者会直接伤害到国家,哪怕它‘成功’ 了。不幸的是,截止到目前,唐纳德·特朗 普总统的大部分贸易战都属于后一种类 型,”彭博社如是说。

截至周二,特朗普政府已宣布向美国农牧 场主提供120亿美元的紧急援助,以对抗 共和党对总统破坏性贸易政策的异议。


目前贸易环境明显的现实是,动荡已成为 一种新常态,而华尔街迄今没有对回归确 定性施加太大压力。

日复一日,全球市场的关键参与者将采取 何种立场仍有待明确。 紧张局势可能仍会持续,未来也充满不确 定因素。 这对商业意味着什么?当全球大环境如此 不稳定时,你需要更频繁地与你的顾问讨 论,因为对你业务的巨大影响或对供应链 的打击可能会在一夜之间袭来。 达瑞尔·戴斯利是佩屈会计师事务所董 事

媒体彭博社却并不乐观。它表示,贸易战 只分两种类型,极度危险的和极度愚蠢 的。

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018


OPINION | 观点 Captain Walter P Purio CEO of LNG Marine Fuel Institute Walter P. Purio船长–液化天然气 船用燃料机构(LNG Marine Fuel Institute) CEO

WALTER PURIO | 沃尔特·普里奥


China looks to next phase of curbing shipping emissions WITH China hosting seven of the world’s 10 busiest ports, the need to address shipping-related air pollution is a critical element in addressing the country’s air quality. In late 2015, China’s Ministry of Transport announced an action plan for implementing Ship Emission Control Zones (ECZ) in the coastal regions of the Yangtze River Delta Region, the Pearl River Delta Region and the Bo Sea Region. The plan applies to most vessels operating within the ECZ boundary, and aims to reduce emissions by requiring the use of higher-grade marine fuels. While the new fuel sulphur limits are a marked improvement over previous global limits (fuel sulphur limits of 5,000 parts per million as compared with 35,000ppm), it is still significantly higher than the 1,000ppm limit within Emission Control Areas (ECA) determined by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). In addition to the differing sulphur limits, there are other discrepancies in regulations between IMO-designated ECAs and China’s ECZs, including: Timelines. IMO ECAs and China’s ECZs have different implementation schedules. For instance, the Chinese sulphur limit does not apply to all ports until January 1, 2019. 40


Inclusion of NOx (nitrogen oxides). Currently, China’s ECZs address only sulphur, while some of IMO’s ECAs address NOx as well. Applicability. The IMO ECAs include all vessels within the boundary areas, while China excludes fishing, sport and military vessels. Boundary extensions. The Chinese ECZs extend 12 nautical miles offshore, including parts of the coastline, while the ECA boundaries extend between 100 and 300 nautical miles offshore, including the whole coastline. While the current action plan presents significant steps towards addressing domestic — and by association, global — air quality, China is still lagging behind IMO recommendations in reining in its shipping-related emissions. Fortunately, there are some signs the Chinese government will take even greater strides in its efforts to improve air quality, potentially moving as far as adoption of IMO ECA regulations. The open door. Despite its less stringent regulations, the Chinese government has left the door open for imposing tighter limits. A key element of the MOT’s Action Plan was the potential for decreasing the sulphur limit to 0.1 percent (1,000ppm) — in line with the IMO’s ECA limits for sulphur — after an evaluation in 2019.

Enforcement efforts. China has not just been setting regulations, it’s been enforcing them. Between April and November 2016, Shanghai’s enforcement agency inspected 1,858 ships, caught 55 ships violating the rules and issued more than 690,000 yuan ($136,800) in penalties, Fung Freda reports in Climate Home News. These enforcement efforts demonstrate China is not just paying lip service to pollution abatement, but is serious about making an impact. Key partnerships. Air pollution abatement is a complex issue, one that is difficult for any single entity to address. It requires government, industry, and public education and action. Organisations such as the World Resources Institute have begun working alongside governments to educate and inform stakeholders. “We have developed guidelines to evaluate emission inventories and the social impact of maritime air pollutions,” WRI research associate Su Song said. “We are conducting training programs in several Chinese cities such as Qingdao and Guangzhou, with the aim to test our methodologies and influence the policies by science-based evidence.”

观点 Pressure from outside. As of 2018, China produces the most air pollution in the world and contributes 18 to 35 per cent of global air pollutant emissions, according the Geoscientific Model Development journal. Because China’s air quality affects the rest of the global community, it has and will continue to be the target of political pressure to continue to reduce its pollution levels. Irrefutable science. As recently as 2017, well after the MOT Action Plan’s publication, Chinese Health Planning Commission officials were publicly declaring there was no data to support a link between poor air quality and cancer. As more and more studies provide solid proof of the health risks of air pollution, China will have to react and step up its game to reduce emissions. Spillover effect. If IMO global SOx (sulphur oxides) and NOx limits continue to tighten, more and more ships will be required to lower 由于中国拥有全球十大繁忙港口中的7 个,因此解决航运排放问题是中国管控环 境空气质量的关键因素。

2015年底,中国交通运输部宣布了《珠三 角、长三角、环渤海(京津冀)水域(ECZ) 船舶排放控制区实施方案》。

该方案适用于在全球碳排放控制区 (ECZ)水域内运营的大多数船舶,旨在 通过要求使用更高等级的船用燃料来减 少排放。

新的燃料硫限值与以往的全球限值相比 有显著改善(燃料硫限值为5000ppm,之 前为35000ppm);但它仍远高于国际海 事组织(IMO)确定的排放控制区(ECA) 内1000 ppm的限值。 除了不同的硫含量限制外,国际海事组织 指定的全球碳排放控制区与中国的ECZ 之间的法规还存在其他差异,包括:

时间规划。国际海事组织全球碳排放控制 区和中国的ECZ有不同的实施时间表。例 如,在2019年1月1日前,中国的硫含量限 制不适用于所有港口。 含氮氧化物。目前,中国的ECZ只涉及硫 磺,而全球碳排放控制区也涉及氮氧化 物。

适用性。全球碳排放控制区包括边界区域 内的所有船只,而中国则不包括渔船,游 轮和军用船只。 扩展范围。中国的ECZ为12海里,包括部 分海岸线,而ECA边界则在需扩大到100 至300海里,包括整个海岸线。

虽然目前的实施方案在解决国内(以及相 关的)全球空气质量问题上迈出了重要步 伐,但中国在控制航运相关排放方面仍然 落后于国际海事组织的建议。 幸好有迹象表明中国政府将在改善空气 质量方面取得更大进展,可能会采用国际 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

China is not just paying lip service to pollution abatement, but is serious about making an impact 中国不仅仅是在减少污 染方面做出口头承诺,而 且认真对待产生影响


开放性。尽管中国政府的规定相对宽松, 但它仍为实施更严格的限制敞开了大门。 在2019年的评估之后,交通部实施方案的 一个关键要素是有可能将硫含量限制降 低到0.1%(1,000ppm)这与国际海事组 织对硫含量的ECA限制是一致。 执法工作。中国不仅制定了法规,而且在 贯穿落实。

Fung Freda在《Climate Home News》 中报道,2016年4月至11月间,上海执法 机构检查 了1,858艘船只 ,抓获 了55艘 违反规定的船只 ,并处以了超过69万元 人民币(合136,800澳元)的罚款。 这些执法行动表明,中国不仅在减少污染 方面做出口头承诺,而是认真对待产生 影响。

关键合伙人。减少空气污染是一个复杂的 问题 ,任何单个实体都难以解决。它需要 政府、企业、公共教育等众志成城。 世界资源研究所等组织已开始与各国政 府合作,对利益攸关方进行教育和宣传。

“我们已经制定了有关评估排放清单和 海洋空气污染的社会影响的指导书,”世 界资源研究所研究员宋苏(音)说。

“我们正在青岛和广州等几个中国城市 开展培训项目,目的是通过科学证据来检 验我们的方法并影响政策。”


their emissions, regardless of what China does. And as more ships switch to other fuel options, China can increase its own regulations without incurring additional burdens. Impact on commerce. If all else fails, a blow to the pocketbook will force China to move air quality up on its list of priorities. In recent years, poor air quality has forced a number of airport closures from Shanghai to Beijing to Xinjiang. Consider lost productivity, the costs of poor health, the loss of commerce, and more … and the costs of pollution add up to billions. According to Fortune magazine “the Chinese government said directs costs amounted to $200 billion a year in 2010”. We may not see China moving as fast towards limiting shipping emissions as other parts of the world. However, the signs are good that the government will continue to increase its efforts to improve the country’s air quality. 宣称,没有任何数据可以证明恶劣的空气 质量和癌症之间存在必然联系。 但随着越来越多的研究表明空气污染对 健康的危害,中国将不得不采取措施,加 大减排力度。

溢出效应。如果国际海事组织的全球硫 氧化物和氮氧化物限制继续收紧,那么无 论中国怎么说,都将被要求更多船舶降低 排放。 随着大量船舶转向选择其他燃料,中国 可以在不增加负担的情况下加强自己的 监管。

商业影响。如果所有这些都失败了,对经 济的打击将迫使中国把空气质量提升到 优先考虑名单上。

近年来,恶劣的空气质量迫使从上海到北 京再到新疆的许多机场关闭。 考虑到劳动力流失、透支健康、商业损失 等代价,损失高达数十亿美元。 据《财富》杂志(Fortune)报道, “ 中国政 府表示,2010年的管理成本达到了2000 亿美元。”

我们可能不会看到中国像世界其他地区 一样快速限制航运排放。不过有迹象显 示,政府将继续加大改善空气质量的力 度。

外界压力。据《地球科学模型发展》数据显 示,截至2018年,中国空气污染最为严重, 占全球空气污染物排放量的18%至35%。 由于中国的空气质量影响到全球其他地 区,中国将持续受到全球环保政治压力的 目标。

科学依据。就在2017年卫生部行动计划公 布之后,中国卫生计划委员会的官员公开

2018年八月 | AUGUST 2018



TheAustralia Australia China China Business Business Council Council (WA) and The and China China Chamber Chamber of of Commerce Commerceinin Australia(CCCA) (CCCA)(Perth (PerthBranch) Branch) invite invite you to exhibit Australia exhibit at at the theChina ChinaInternational InternationalImport Import ExpoininShanghai Shanghaifrom fromNovember November 55 to 10, 2018. Expo CIIEisisaaChinese ChineseGovernment Government backed backed event, event, with CIIE with hosts hosts the the Ministry Ministry of ofCommerce Commerceofofthe the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. Thisisisunique uniqueininChina, China, itit signifies signifies their their view view of This of firmly firmly supporting supporting trade tradeliberalisation liberalisationand and economic globalisation, opening the Chinese market to the world. economic globalisation, opening the Chinese market to the world. STRONGPURCHASE PURCHASEDEMAND, DEMAND, A A STRONG LARGENUMBER NUMBEROF OFPROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL LARGE PURCHASES: PURCHASES:

150,000 domestic and foreign professional 150,000 domestic and foreign professional purchasers will participate in the Expo; and purchasers will participate in the Expo; and • Chinese enterprises from across China and • Chinese enterprises from across China and Merchants from across the globe will be Merchants from across the globe will be there to do business. there to do business.


Enterprises over 100 countriesinand regions arefrom expected to participate CIIE. regions are expected to participate in CIIE. • The following supporting activities will be • The following supporting activities will be held during the Expo: held• during the Expo: matchmaking Supply-demand • Supply-demand matchmaking meetings; meetings; • Seminars; and • • Seminars; and Product releases. • Product releases.


1. 1. Country CountryPavilion Pavilionfor forTrade Tradeand andInvestment, Investment,this thisisis exclusively for country exhibitions, not business exclusively for country exhibitions, not business transactions. The Australian Government will be transactions. The Australian Government will be exhibiting in this Pavilion. exhibiting in this Pavilion. 2. Enterprise and Business Exhibition 2. Enterprise and Business Exhibition a) Trade in goods: a) Trade in goods: 1. High-end Intelligent Equipment; 1. High-end Intelligent Equipment; 2. Consumer Electronics & Appliances; 2. Automobile; Consumer Electronics & Appliances; 3. 3. Automobile; 4. Apparel, Accessories & Consumer 4. Goods; Apparel, Accessories & Consumer Goods; 5. Food & Agricultural Products; and 5. Food & Agricultural 6. Medical Equipment Products; & Medicaland Care 6. Products. Medical Equipment & Medical Care Products. b) Trade in services: b)1.Trade in services: Tourism; 1. Tourism; 2. Emerging Technologies; 2. Culture Emerging Technologies; 3. & Education; 3. Creative Culture &Design; Education; 4. and 4. Service CreativeOutsourcing. Design; and 5. 5. International Service Outsourcing. 6. Trade Forum 6. International Trade Forum

Please see the China International Import Expo information pack and application forms for further ForInternational further information to submit applications please contact Lucy Please see details. the China Importand Expo information pack and application forms Palermo, Events information and Communications Manger on (08) 6189 7844 or email for further ACBC details.(WA) For further and to submit applications please contact Lucy (WeChat Lucy_Clare_Palermo). Palermo, ACBC (WA) Events and Communications Manger on (08) 6189 7844 or email (WeChat Lucy_Clare_Palermo).

View of Gwalia and Leonora from Tank Hill at sunset Goldfields Region Western Australia Photo: Tourism WA

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