Australia China Business Review Issue 012 October 2018

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2018年十月 · 第12期

Education initiatives WA private sector stepping up to lure more students Page 6 教育改革

西澳逐步对留学生敞开怀抱 第6页

Plugged into electric cars Explorers unfazed by industry push to reduce cobalt use Page 18 电动车的如意法宝

矿企毫不担心钴矿使用量下滑 第18页

Sparkling debut CAPI toasts Melbourne hospitality for export growth Page 22 初露锋芒

墨尔本饮品商CAPI庆祝出口大获成功 第22页

Sherwood Luo Managing director Greenland Australia Photo: Ryan Stuart

罗晓华 绿地澳洲公司总经理 图片来源:Ryan Stuart

Walking tall

Development giant shakes off short-term challenges to build Australian portfolio




contents 目录

12 From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 4

ACBR is one year old – and making an impact


Cover story | 封面故事

12 Global developer Greenland walks tall with $2bn Australia portfolio




40 News | 新闻

22 CAPI toasts Melbourne hospitality to drive China growth


Picture story | 图画故事

40 China National Day Celebrations




34 18 Education | 教育 6

Private sector’s lessons to revive ailing WA education 西澳教育业重振旗鼓

Property | 地产

10 Chinese still see value in Australian property despite imposts


Resources | 能源

18 EV revolution keeps cobalt plays in game


Opinion | 观点

24 Spooked foreign property investors run into Australia’s ‘ghost tax’


26 Getting the signal through noise of Chinese investment


28 Will the new Australian leadership construct a reset of relations with China?


32 Keeping mobile consumers loyal


34 Australia-China relations and the challenge for Chinese Australians



2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen Translator Vanessa Huang AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

PH: (08) 6216 9899 Postal Address 1F, 76 King Street Perth WA 6000

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and has come from sources deemed to be reliable, Australia China Business Review takes no responsibility, unless expressly indicated, for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of opinions, statements and comments does not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. Content within this publication is protected by Australian copyright law and may not be reproduced without express written permission by Australia China Business Review. 免责声明 Australia China Business Review已经采取所有措施来确保本刊 物 所 包 含 的 信 息 是 准 确 的,而 且 是 来 自 确 认 可 靠 的 消 息 来 源,除 非 明 确 指 出,对 于任何不准确的信息Australia China Business Review 不负任何责任。刊物 中意见、声明和评论不代表 Australia China Business Review 立场。 本刊 物 的 内 容 受 澳 大 利 亚 版 权 法 保 护,未 经 Australia China Business Review 的书面许可,不得转载 4


DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基


ACBR is one y OCTOBER is always a special month in China, heralding the start of Golden Week – the commemoration of the founding of the People’s Republic. In that context, it is fitting October is also a special month at Australia China Business Review, as it marks our first anniversary since launching in early October 2017. With 2017 marking the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations with China, in addition to the China-Australia Year of Tourism, our timing could not have been better to launch a bilingual magazine focused on cultivating and encouraging closer business links between the two countries. Our first magazine also heralded another significant anniversary – 30 years of the Channar joint venture between Sinosteel and Rio Tinto. Our first cover story featured exclusive insights into the deal that helped create Western Australia’s iron ore industry from one of the leaders in the Australian Chinese business community, David Sun. One of our biggest achievements came in just our third edition, which showcased WA Premier Mark McGowan’s plans to stoke closer economic ties with China through tourism and education. Another highlight of the past 12 months was our interview with CNOOC Australia managing director Yongfeng Lu, another leader in Australia-China business, who provided a glimpse into China’s biggest energy company’s massive investments in Australia’s oil and gas sector. Other prominent executives gracing the cover of ACBR included education pioneer Rod Jones, Huawei’s Australian chairman



editor’s desk 主编的话

》 周年庆——他山之石,可以攻玉

ear old – and making an impact John Lord, leading Peking University academic Jia Qingguo and China Wu Yi chairman Qiu Liang Xin. Looking back at the past 12 months and taking stock of the evolving geopolitical environment, it’s certainly been an intense journey here at ACBR. We’d like to extend our thanks to those who have supported us from the start, including the Australia China Business Council and the China Chamber of Commerce in Australia, both organisations which have assisted us making an immediate impact from our launch. We would also like to thank Chinese Consul-General Lei Kezhong for his continued support of our publication, and our goal of solidifying the economic relationship between Australia and China. ACBR is also grateful to the line-up of expert columnists and contributors, as well as all the photographers, graphic designers and translators who have been instrumental in helping the magazine make its initial mark in the Australian business media sector. To all those who have made themselves available for interview for the magazine – thanks to you as well, there are so many fascinating stories out there that we will continue to tell. And of course, thanks go out our readers, who have supported us from the beginning. Without you there would be no ACBR. For the next 12 months, and beyond, ACBR will continue pursue our aim of providing a blueprint for future economic success and business collaboration between China and Australia, and hopefully achieve our goal of ‘bringing business closer’. WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

十月,是中国的特殊月份,标志着黄金周的 开始——纪念中华人民共和国成立。

此情此景,十月也是《澳中商讯》值得纪念的 月份,因为自《澳中商讯》2017年10月初面 世以来,恰逢整一周年。 2 0 1 7 年 是 澳 中 建 交 4 5 周 年,也 是 澳 中 旅 游 年。在这千载难逢的契机,我们推出一刊专 注于鼓励两国间更密切商业往来的中英双 语读物。

首期杂志的出版也伴随着另一个重要的纪 念 日 —— 中 钢 集 团 与 力 拓 集 团 的 恰 那 合 营 铁矿项目30周年。

《澳中商讯》首个封面故事是对澳大利亚商业 领导者孙晓轩的独家采访与评论,他是一位对 澳洲矿业发展起着决定性作用的领袖人物。

让我们引以为傲的是第三期杂志,西澳州州 长 马 克 · 麦 高 文 接 受《澳 中 商 讯》独 家 采 访, 并详尽分析了澳洲如何通过旅游和教育,与 中国建立紧密经贸合作关系。 在过去的十二个月中,还有诸多值得一谈的事 情,比如对中海油澳大利亚董事总经理吕永峰 先生的采访,他也是促进中澳业务的另一位领 导者,吕先生详细介绍了中国最大的能源公司 如何在澳大利亚油气领域大规模投资。

当 然 也 有 幸 邀 请 其 他 杰 出 人 物 登 上《 澳 中 商讯》封面,其中包括:教育业先锋罗德·琼斯

(Rod Jones), 华为澳大利亚董事总经理 约翰·洛德(John Lord),北京大学国际关系 学院院长贾庆国教授和中国武夷集团董事 长邱亮新先生。

回首过往一年, 《 澳中商讯》对不断变化的地 缘政治环境深度剖析,这无疑是极具挑战性 的一段历程。

我们要感谢至始至终支持我们的读者朋友, 包括澳大利亚中国总商会和澳大利亚中国 工商业委员会。两大商会在《澳中商讯》成长 的道路上鼎力相助,对我们的发展起到了决 定性作用。 还要感谢中国驻珀斯总领事馆雷克中总领 事对我们媒体的大力支持,同时指引在巩固 加强澳中经济关系的方向上不断前行。

《澳中商讯》同时感谢专栏作家和撰稿人,以 及所有摄影师、平面设计师和翻译人员,他们 帮助本刊物在澳中商业媒体领域开创了先河。 致 所 有 接 受 我 们 采 访 过 的 朋 友 —— 也 感 谢 你们为我们的读者讲述、分享种种精彩的故 事,我们将继续将此精神传达给读者。 当然要感谢那些从一开始就支持我们的读 者们——没有你们,就没有《澳中商讯》。

未来, 《 澳中商讯》将持之以恒追寻目标—— 为澳中经济与商业合作绘制蓝图,并努力实 现“更紧密商业合作”的愿景。

ACBR will continue pursue our aim of providing a blueprint for future economic success and business collaboration between China and Australia

《澳中商讯》将持之以恒追寻目标——为澳中经济与 商业合作绘制蓝图。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018




Private sector’s lessons to revive ailing WA education Dan Wilkie AUSTRALIA’s international education sector is on a high – enrolments are increasing exponentially, and the country’s top institutions of higher learning are reaping huge profits. Department of Education statistics showed there were 565,975 international students enrolled at universities, colleges, English language course and schools in Australia at the end of June, an 11 per cent increase on the same time last year. Chinese nationals made up the bulk of that increase, with students from the People’s Republic rising by 31 per cent over the same period. The growth has resulted in education becoming Australia’s third-largest export industry, providing an economic impact of $33.2 billion in 2017, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. But while most institutions of are celebrating a record-breaking run of enrolments, the mood could not be less jovial in the state once considered to be the pioneer of Australian international education – Western Australia. Data from WA’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry showed that in the first three months of 2018, international student com6


mencements declined by 13 per cent, compared with the same period in 2016. “At the moment it couldn’t be worse,” Phoenix Academy principal Robynne Walsh told Australia China Business Review. “Western Australia is bleeding and even a massive tourniquet wouldn’t help it. “We think we’ve hit rock bottom, but I don’t think we have. “It’s flatlined for us, in terms of the full-fee, independent student visa. That has really flattened.” Mrs Walsh has been working in international education for nearly three decades, establishing Phoenix Academy in 1989 with her husband, Brian Walsh, at the Leederville campus of Perth Finishing College, which closed its doors the previous year. Since then, Phoenix has grown to become a multi-faceted training organisation offering pathway courses to WA’s top universities alongside English-language classes and corporate training. “If we were a business that just relied on the independent student visa system we would be in desperate straits,” Mrs Walsh said. “But because we have so much diversified activity and we have the projects and tender opportunities, we will be fine. This has just forced us to be more creative.


澳大利亚的高水准国际教育业再度攀升,国 家顶级教育机构也因此盆满钵盈。 澳大利亚教育部统计数据显示,截至今年6 月底,就读于澳大利亚高校、专科学院、语 言中心、及其它教育机构的国际学生总人 数为565,975人,较前一年同期增长11%。 据澳大利亚统计局数据表明,教育业已发 展成本国第三大出口产业,2017年该产业 总收入为332亿澳元。

多数州正因生源充足而欢欣鼓舞,但曾经 的国际教育先锋——西澳大利亚州,情况 却不容乐观。 来自西澳工商协会的数据显示,2018年的 第一季度,国际学生的入学率较2016年同 期下降13%。

“ 目 前 教 育 业 水 深 火 热 ,”澳 大 利 亚 凤 凰 学院的院长罗彬·威尔士女士(Robynne Walsh)接受《澳中商讯》采访时表示。

“西澳州正陷入经济低谷,即 便是重大措 施也无济于事。” “我们曾以为教育业已触底,但事实也许 远不止如此。”

“高额学费以及低价值学生签证,使西澳 教育行业萎靡不振。”



RISING International student enrolments at Australian institutions such as the University of Sydney are at an all-time high, just not in Western Australia. Photo Shutterstock 节节攀升 悉尼大学及诸多澳大利亚教育机 构的国际学生入学人数创下历史新高,遗 憾的是,这种情况在西澳并未出现。图片来 源:Shutterstock

“Phoenix has been around a long time, we own all of our real estate and we don’t have any equity from any other party, so we are well set up to weather the storm, but nobody really can see the light. “Rod Jones hasn’t been able to make a difference with the new Study Perth, we haven’t been able to engage the (WA) premier to sit down and say: ‘This is really quite serious’. “There is an industry that’s been neglected, and it’s lost.” Mrs Walsh said one of the biggest challenges for WA institutions was that there was no real incentive for students to enrol in the state. International students, Mrs Walsh said, preferred to enrol at institutions in emerging education destinations such as South Australia and Tasmania, states which offered pathways to permanent residency for occupations that were in high demand. “Every single state has a system where if you tell me you have done an undergraduate or postgraduate degree they receive recognition or permanent residency points,” she said. “Every state has something, except Western Australia. “We give nothing, not one point, so that’s one of the big challenges. WA is seen to be a closed state. “Even though the research shows that 70 to 80 per cent of students don’t intend to stay, it’s the image and it’s the perception that we are closed for business and they are not welcome.” WA Premier Mark McGowan announced in August that a new occupation list would be introduced to offer graduates a pathway to permanent residency, a move to bring the state more in line with the rest of Australia which was welcomed broadly by the education sector. Against that backdrop, initiatives continue to flow out of WA’s private sector, which is stepping up to reverse the declining enrolment numbers. One of Phoenix’s newest initiatives was the establishment of a joint venture college in China, at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Under the joint venture, students will study for a year in China, then six months in Perth before enrolling in WA universities’ second-year programs. The college was officially opened by Mr McGowan and Education Minister Sue Ellery WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

RELATIONSHIPS Phoenix Academy and Infant Jesus Primary School staff presenting at an education conference in Hangzhou. Photo: Phoenix Academy 志同道合 凤凰学院和Infant Jesus小学的 员工们在杭州市景成实验学校荣获殊荣。图 片来源:凤凰学院

威尔士女士已经在国际教育领域工作了 近30年,她和丈夫布莱恩·威尔士(Brian W a l s h )先 生 于 1 9 8 9 年 在 珀 斯 市 的 Leederville区创办凤凰学院,校址前身 为已经关闭的珀斯女子精修学校。 至今为止,凤凰学院已经发展成为一个多 元化的培训机构,为有意愿就读西澳顶级 高校的学生提供升学课程,同时还开办英 语课程和企业培训。

的最大挑战是,学生没有理由完成学业后 继续留下。

她同时提到,国际学生更倾就读于南澳大 利亚州和塔斯马尼亚州,这些地区可以为 移民列表上的紧缺职业提供永久居留权。

“每个州都有自己的移民系统,完成本科 或硕士学位便会得到相关认证或移民加 分。”她说。

“如果我们机构仅依赖于学生签证业务, “ 除 西 澳 州 以 外 的 每 个 州 都 有 一 些 优 惠 政策。 应该早已陷入绝境。”威尔士女士表示。 “由于我们不仅提供多元化的服务,而且 开展多种教育项目以及投标能力,因此没 有深陷泥潭。这也促使我们变得更具有创 造力。” “ 凤 凰 学 院 开 办 多 年 ,土 地 是 我 们 自 己 的,独家控股,所以我们有足够信心能穿 越这场风暴,但实话说,目前没有人能看 到希望的曙光。”

“罗杰·琼斯(Rod Jones)主席所带领的 西澳大利亚州教育新推广署无能为力,我 们也无法与西澳州州长坐下来畅谈问题 的严重性。” “ 这 个 产 业 一 直 遭 到 忽 视 ,直 至 覆 水 难 收。”


“我们没有提供任何相应政策,这成为吸 引留学生的巨大难题,西澳州一直被认为 是个封闭的地方。 “研 究 表 明,7 0 - 8 0 % 的 国 际 学 生 毕 业 后 不会选择留下,这说明了西澳州的商业封 闭性,以及对留学生的消极态度。” 西 澳 州 州 长 马 克 · 麦 高 文( M a r k McGowan)于今年8月宣布,政府将推出 全新的职业名单,为毕业生提供获得永久 居留权的新途径。此举将使西澳与其它州 接轨,广受各大教育机构称赞。

该形势下,西澳各大部门相继采取行动, 以扭转生源不足的局势。 澳大利亚凤凰学院最新举措之一,即在中 国上海交通大学成立一所中澳合办学院。 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



as part of their delegation to China in November last year. Mrs Walsh said there was also considerable opportunity for growth in junior education and teacher training. “The Chinese are really fascinated about the inquiry method of learning,” she said. “The Chinese method of education is very much memorisation and rote learning, where the children are passive. “We call that teacher-centred, the teacher is the guru, stands out the front and the children memorise and are tested on it. “What we have taught them is we have what we call the student-centred way, where the teacher encourages the students how to teach themselves. “We teach students how to learn and then they will do the work for themselves. We don’t tell the answers, we teach them how to find the answers themselves. “It’s like flipping the whole concept of education around, so they are fascinated.” Another fresh initiative to boost WA’s international enrolments was recently unveiled by AIMS Immigration and Relocation Specialists, which has entered a partnership with the China Australia Business College of Shanxi (CABCS). Under a memorandum of understanding signed last month, AIMS and CABCS plan to 8


bring between 600 and 1,000 Chinese students to Australian universities each year. AIMS WA managing director Nicholas Tay told Australia China Business Review the initial focus would be on funnelling students into WA universities. However, the opportunity would also be provided to study at Australia’s top institutions, including Monash University, University of Technology Sydney, University of Queensland and Australian National University. Formal discussions with each of Australia’s top 10 universities were continuing, Mr Tay said. However, he said that without increased government support, attracting the best and brightest students to WA would remain a significant challenge. “The private sector is pushing WA, but the government has to put WA on the world map, on the global stage,” Mr Tay told Australia China Business Review. “What I understand is that the government is spending around $2 million on advertising our universities in WA, but you will be amazed that in Melbourne that they are spending $20 million. “We need to do something about that, to promote WA education and to promote WA tourism. WA tourism is not advertising the state to the Chinese market especially.

“If we have both the government and private industry pushing WA, there will be significant benefits to the local economy.” Mr Tay said alongside the state government’s proposed visa changes, a wave of purpose-built student accommodation projects in the Perth CBD would be a significant boost for the industry. “Being in the CBD, it is more accessible, they can travel north or south (to university campuses), so it is definitely very beneficial if we have student accommodation in the city,” Mr Tay said. “In every parent’s mind, they want their kids to attend good schools. “That’s not just pertaining to China, but everywhere else as well. “One of the assurances we can give to parents is that we are here to chaperone their kids in a sense. “We are not just putting them in schools, we are implementing a system that will help the family back home in China to monitor their performance, their livelihood and their results. “That gives a certain benefit for the parents. We can sort out their accommodation, help to facilitate their landing easily, and more comfortably. “Hopefully this will be a stepping stone for more students to come.”



Even though the research shows that 70 to 80 per cent of students don’t intend to stay, it’s the image and it’s the perception that we are closed for business – Robynne Walsh 研究表明,70-80%的国际学生毕业后不会选择留在西 澳,这说明了西澳州的商业封闭性,以及对留学生的消 极态度。——罗彬·威尔士

COLLABORATION Western Australian institutions are partnering with Chinese counterparts to develop new and enhance traditional teaching methods. Photo: Shutterstock 同力协契 西澳州的教育机构正在与中国同 行合作,开发加强传统教学的全新方法。图 片来源:Shutterstock 在中澳合办学院中,学生将在中国完成一 年课程,之 后 在珀 斯 学 习六 个 月,方可 直 接进入西澳州的高校进行第二学年。

州长麦高文和教育部部长苏·埃勒里(Sue Ellery)于去年11月访华时宣布学院的正 式成立。 威尔士女士表示,在初级教育和教师培训 领域也拥有诸多合作机会。

“中国人非常沉迷于对学习方法的探 索。” “中国更偏向应试教育,学生相对被动。”

“我们将次方 式称 之 为 教师 主 导 式学 习, 老师即权威,学生在老师教授课程的基础 上接受测试。 “我们教育模 式为 学 生 主导 式 学 习,老 师 鼓励学生为自己而学。”

和山西华澳商贸职业学院计划每年招收 600至1,000名中国学生赴澳留学。

AIMS公司的西澳大区董事总经理尼古拉 斯·泰伊(Nicholas Tay)接受《澳中商讯》 “珀斯CBD交通便利,因此在此区域建立 采访时表示,初衷是将中国学生送入西澳 学生公寓是一举多得的。 知名高校。 “父母都希望自己的孩子能够就读于名 然而这一举措也将给澳大利亚其它顶级 校。” 教育机构提供良机,包括莫纳什大学、悉 尼科技大学、昆士兰大学以及澳大利亚国 “不仅中国人这么想,而且全球通用。” 立大学。

泰伊先生表示,与澳大利亚十大高校正在 进行洽谈中。

但 他 同 时 提 出 ,如 果 政 府 不 加 大 支 持 力 度,西澳若要吸引最优秀的学生到来依然 困难重重。

“各部门都在推广西澳,但政府需要将西 澳推上国际舞台。” 泰伊先生告诉《澳中 商讯》。

“澳大利亚老 师教 学 生 学习 方 法,由 他 们 自行完成任 务,老 师 不 会给 予 标 准 答案, “西澳政府花费约200万澳元来宣传本州 而是指导学生如何找寻答案。 的各大高校,但你会讶异于,墨尔本竟然 “这如同在澳大利亚将中式教育理念全 花费高达2,000万澳元进行市场推广。 部颠覆,所以中国学生们很感兴趣。” “我们需要做一些可以实实在在促进西 另外一个促进西澳招生的新项目,由大型 澳教育和旅游的事情。西澳旅游局甚至还 移民中介AIMS公布,该机构已与中国山 未曾在中国市场单独投放广告。 西华澳商贸职业学院建立合作。 “如果有政府和其它行业联合推动,当地 经济水平将会有显著飞跃。 根据上月签署的学术合作备忘录,AIMS WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

泰伊先生表示,除了州政府提出的签证改 革方案,在珀斯CBD地区为学生建造学生 公寓项目也将再次提振该行业。

“我 们 可 以 向 家 长 承 诺,孩 子 将 在 A I M S 得到无微不至的关照。”

“我们不仅把学生送入学校,更是通过系 统化的管理来帮助父母了解学生的日常 表现、生活状况及学习成绩。

“这将极大的帮父母分忧。因为可以协助 学生解决住宿问题,让他们轻松愉快地安 顿下来。

“希望这能成为西澳州接下来生源不断 的敲门砖。”

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



华人投资者的掌上 明珠——澳洲物业 Chinese still see value in Australian property despite imposts

Australia offers a stable environment, safety, quality educational institutions, and high quality of life – Carrie Law 澳大利亚可以提供安全舒适的环境、 优质的教育体系以及高品质的生活 ——罗嘉莉



地产 本刊记者

Staff reporter CHINESE property investors still see Australia as good value, despite higher stamp duties and other government fees across the country, according to leading online real estate portal Juwai’s Chinese Global Property Investment Report showed mainland Chinese residential and commercial international property purchases in 2017 hit an all-time high of $US119.7 billion ($164.7 billion), an 18.1 per cent increase on 2016. In Australia and New Zealand, however, investment fell by 23.2 per cent in 2017 to $US18.4 billion. While $US17.4 billion of that investment occurred in Australia, chief executive Carrie Law said the total value fell by 26.8 per cent, on the back of Chinese capital outflow controls, restrictions on bank financing and new foreign buyer taxes and restrictions. (More details on foreign buyer taxes, p24). Juwai said $US15.1 billion was invested in residential real estate, while $US3.3 billion was funnelled into commercial property assets. Top destinations for buyers were Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, the Gold Coast, Canberra and Perth. Notwithstanding the fall in spending, Ms Law said Juwai expected moderate growth in Chinese property investment in Australia in 2018. “Despite the higher stamp duties, Chinese still see Australia as longterm value,” Ms Law said. “The majority of our residential buyers are purchasing for their own use, because they have children studying or working here, or because they plan to visit regularly or to retire here. “Australia offers a stable environment, safety, quality educational institutions, and high quality of life.” But Ms Law said the outlook for Chinese commercial property investment was much less certain than for the residential sector. “Sources like KPMG suggest that Chinese commercial real estate investment accounts for one-third of all Chinese corporate direct investment in the country,” she said. “Political tensions between the two countries have a greater impact in creating uncertainty with corporate commercial real estate investors than they do with individual investors buying residential property for their own use.” Juwai’s estimates of Chinese investment in Australian property differs from that of the Foreign Investment Review Board, which released data for the 2016-17 financial year in May. The FIRB said Chinese property investment was valued at $15.3 billion in 2016-17, a $16.6 billion fall compared with the previous year. Ms Law said Juwai’s estimates were based on several series of data from industry sources. “We used industry data to estimate that there were about $100 billion of new dwelling sales last year, and about one quarter of those went to foreign buyers,” she said, “Chinese buyers accounted for about three quarters of foreign buyer spending. “That yields about $17.4 billion in estimated Chinese residential investment.” Outside of Australia, the United States was the highest value destination for Chinese investment, at $US41.8 billion, however, the rate of investment fell by 31.9 per cent. Chinese investment surged highest in Asian property, with $US32.9 billion of spending representing a 352.4 per cent increase on the previous year. Europe also experienced a significant uplift in Chinese property investment, rising 227.9 per cent to $US25.6 billion. Ms Law said Juwai expected Chinese investment in global property would increase by between 3 per cent and 8 per cent over 2017. “That would bring 2018 levels up to around $US123.3 billion to $US129.3 billion globally, Ms Law said. “We believe this growth to be sustainable and rational.” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


房地产门户网站居外网(称,尽管澳洲各地的印花 税和其他费用高居不下,但中国投资者始终认为澳大利亚地产物 有所值。

来自居外网的《全球华人购房报告》显示,2017年,华人在境外住 宅和商用房的投资总额达到创纪录的1,197亿美元,较2016年同 期增长18.1%;然而在澳大利亚和新西兰的投资下滑了23.2%, 总额下降至184亿美元。 居外网首席执行官罗嘉莉(Carrie Law)表示,由于中国对资本 外流的控制、对银行融资的限制以及澳大利亚新出台的外国买家 税收政策,其中在澳大利亚的投资总额为174亿澳元,整体下降 了26.8%。 对澳大利亚和新西兰住宅地产投资共计151亿美元,商业地产投 资则为33亿美元。

买家的首选目的地依次是墨尔本、悉尼、布里斯班、阿德莱德、黄 金海岸、堪培拉和珀斯。 罗嘉莉表示: “华人在澳地产投资将在2018年转暖,尽管印花税 提高,但华人依旧认为澳大利亚物业具有高保值率。”

“因为有孩子在这里工作学习,或者计划定期来这里养老度假, 多数买家购买的均为自住房;澳大利亚可以提供安全舒适的环 境、优质的教育体系以及高品质的生活。” 另一方面,罗嘉莉表示中国商业地产投资前景远不及住宅领域。

她表示:“ 毕马威(KPMG)分析显示,在中国对澳商业投资中,近 三分之一用于置办商业地产。由于澳中紧张的政治局势,商业投 资所受的影响要远超民用自住投资。”

居外网的“华人在澳地产投资评估”有别于澳洲外国投资审查委 员会(FIRB)的数据,FIRB于今年5月份发布数据显示,2016-17 财年中国地产投资总额为153亿澳元,较上年度的166亿澳元有 所下降。

“我 们 根 据 行 业 数 据 进 行 评 估,去 年 澳 大 利 亚 新 房 交 易 额 约 为 1,000亿澳元,其中约四分之一为外国买家,同时中国买家约占外 国买家总数的四分之三。”罗嘉莉表示。 “中国买家预计贡献174亿澳元”

美国仅排在澳大利亚之后,作为华人投资的另一大热门。418亿 美元的投资较上年下降31.9%。 中国对亚洲其他国家的地产投资也飙升至有史以来最高水平,投 资总额高达329亿美元,较上年同期增长352.4%。 欧洲也受到了来自中国投资者的高度关注,同期投资额同比增长 了227.9%,攀升至256亿美元。 罗嘉莉表示,居外网预计华人对全球地产的投资将比去年增长 3%-8%,投资总额将达到1233-1293亿美元。


IN DEMAND Melbourne remains Chinese investors’ preferred destination for investment in Australian property, Juwai says. Photo: Shutterstock 炙手可热 居外网表示,墨尔本仍然是中国投资者澳大利亚地产 的置业的首选。图片来源:Shutterstock 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



Global developer Greenland walks tall with $2bn Australia portfolio

VISION Sherwood Luo, pictured at Sydney’s Primus Hotel, is furthering Greenland’s ambitions of creating better communities in his leadership of the global developer’s Australian operations. Photo: Ryan Stuart 凌云之志 罗晓华掌舵世界级开发商的澳洲业务,他正在进一步推进 绿地澳洲公司创造更优质社区的雄心。图片来源: Ryan Stuart





全球地产领袖——绿地集团 20亿澳元昂首进军澳洲


2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 PATHWAYS Sherwood Luo has urged Australian financiers to ease restrictions on lending to foreign property investors, on the condition that they can prove their wealth. Photo: Ryan Stuart 围魏救赵 罗晓华敦促澳大利亚银行放 宽对外国房地产投资者的贷款限制,前 提是这类投资者能够证明财产的合法 性。图片来源:Ryan Stuart

Property markets in Australia’s major cities are still at a healthy level, so we will continue to treat Australia as a strategic destination for investment – Sherwood Luo

澳大利亚几大房产市场仍然处于良性阶段,所以我们需始 终以澳洲市场为战略投资地。——罗晓华

One of the early movers among Chinese developers in Australia remains optimistic about its long-term prospects, despite rapidly falling foreign investment in real estate and challenges emerging for investor finance. Dan Wilkie A FOREIGN developer entering a new market with a proposal bigger than anything that’s ever been built may seem like an overly optimistic plan. But for Greenland Australia, making a Sydney property debut with the city’s tallest residential building was not baseless bravado, it was simply standard operating procedure. Established in China in 1992, Greenland Holdings Group is one of the People’s Republic’s most prolific developers, with projects in 90 Chinese cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Chongqing and Guangzhou. Greenland has established operations in 13 cities in nine countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia. Alongside some of the world’s biggest buildings, Greenland’s international portfolio includes more than 70 luxury hotels, operated by some of the world’s top hotel brands, including Ritz Carlton and Marriott as well as six bespoke in-house brands. 14


Greenland, which holds an asset value of more than $US130 billion ($181 billion) and is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, has appeared in Fortune magazine’s Global 500 list for the past seven years, rising to 252nd in 2018. In Australia, its portfolio has quickly swelled since landing in 2013 to comprise seven projects with a collective end value of more than $2 billion. Its Australian showpiece is Sydney’s Greenland Centre, a 67-storey, 235-metre tower that will become the city’s tallest residential building once completed, and its third-tallest building overall, behind commercial complexes Deutsche Bank Place and the Citigroup Centre. Designed by local architecture firms BVN and Woods Bagot, and being built by Probuild, the Greenland Centre embodies the developer’s desire to make an immediate impact in new markets, Greenland Australia managing director Sherwood Luo said. “Where we enter a new market, we seek to secure iconic sites to develop landmark buildings,” Mr Luo told Australia China Business Review.

Since its foundation, Greenland has become synonymous with super high-rise development, with 23 buildings of more than 300 metres tall under construction or completed around the world, four of which are ranked in the world’s top 10 in height. While Australian planning policies do not permit development of such height, Mr Luo said Greenland Australia had nonetheless focused on developing a multi-faceted community at each of its sites. “In China, our developments are quite different in comparison to projects in Australia,” he said. “If we consider the size of the project, in China because of the huge population, most projects are a large size, sometimes up to a million square metres. “We are creating new communities for a city’s growth. “But we have learned something from this kind of large-scale development. “We found that if we can provide more convenient facilities for the purchaser, the project will become more popular and become more liveable for the future occupants.”



LANDMARK Sydney’s Greenland Centre will be the city’s tallest residential building, and third-tallest overall once it is complete. Image: Greenland Australia 独一无二 悉尼绿地中心项目将是悉尼最高 的住宅楼,届时它也是全城第三高建筑。图 片来源:绿地澳洲公司

尽管外国房地产投资持续 降 温 ,投 资 者 融 资 面 临 挑 战,但是作为中国在澳开发 商先驱者之一,绿地澳洲公 司始终对澳洲市场长期前 景持乐观态度。

ATECERNATIS asperum quibusa est, quos sectation cupta si dolorat emporio ruptam doluptatur. Photo: 将会通过与现有的发展计划相似策略,确 保他们的供应链将以符合道德规范的方式 运作。


初来乍到的外国地产开发商进入全新市 场时,直接提案一项远超当地平均规模的 项目,此举似乎过于乐观与鲁莽。

但对于绿地澳洲公司而言,有信心建设悉 尼最高建筑并不是毫无根据的虚张声势。 相反,只需步步为营即可达成。 绿 地 控 股 集 团 于 1 9 9 2 年 在 中 国 成 立,是 中国最具实力的开发商之一。投资项目遍 布中国90个城市,其中包括上海、北京、香 港、重庆和广州。

绿地集团也在马不停蹄的进军国际市场, 目前足迹跨越九个国家的13座城市,其中 包括美国、加拿大、英国、德国、西班牙、韩 国、泰国和马来西亚。 除 了 世 界 级 知 名 建 筑 外 ,绿 地 控 股 全 球 版 图 还 拥 有 7 0 多 家 豪 华 酒 店 ,这 些 豪 华 酒 店 均 由 世 界 顶 级 品 牌 经 营 ,包 括 丽 思 卡 尔 顿 、万 豪 以 及 六 个 精 准 定 位 的 超 大 型品牌。

绿地集团坐拥超过1,300亿美元(合1,810 亿澳元)资产,并在上海证券交易所上市。 在过去七 年 中,绿 地 集 团一 直 出 现 在《财 富》全球500强企业名单中,今年更是荣升 至第252位。 自绿地澳洲公司强势登陆澳洲市场后,其 投资额迅速扩大,七大工程项目融资总额 超过20亿澳元。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

悉 尼 绿 地 中 心 是 绿 地 集 团 在 澳 洲 的 标 志 “由于两国人口基数不同,我们在中国的 性建筑,这是一座67层高、235米的塔式建 规模往往很庞大,甚至高达百万平方米。” 筑一经建成,即成为悉尼第一住宅高楼, “绿地为城市的发展提供了新型社区。但 同时也是悉尼第三高建筑,仅位于德意志 我们也务必要从以往的超大规模的建设 银行(Deutsche Bank Place)商区和花 中取长补短。” 旗集团中心(Citigroup Centre)之后。 绿地澳洲公司总经理罗晓华表示,悉尼绿 “依多年经验,为消费者提供更便捷的设 施,项目则会更受欢迎,住户也会感觉宾 地中心项目是由本地设计师事务所BVN 至如归。” 和 伍 兹 贝 格 联 手 打 造 ,同 时 由 建 筑 巨 头 Probu i l d 负 责 工 程 建 设。该 项 目 体 现 出 绿地寄希于在新市场新环境中大显身手。

罗先生告诉《澳中商讯》: “当进入全新市 场时,我们定位在一线城市的黄金地段, 打造地标性建筑。” 自公司成立以来,绿地已成为超高层建筑 的代名词,其中23座高300余米的建筑已 坐落在世界各地,其中四座建筑高度位居 世界前十。 罗先生说,尽管澳大利亚规划政策不允许 开发商建设此类超高层建筑,绿地仍然专 注于发展综合性大型社区。 同时他提到“我们在中国的工程项目与澳 大利亚截然不同。”

罗先生说,自1992年绿地集团在上海以国 有企业的身份成立以来,始终贯彻着“绿 地,让生活更美好”的企业宗旨。

罗先生表示,绿地中心项目总价值2,500 万 澳 元、占 地 面 积 为 2 , 0 0 0 平 方 米,集 舞 蹈、戏剧、音乐、电影和视觉艺术设施为一 体的现代文化创意中心,甚至包括大型超 市、便利店、医疗设施和儿童保育中心。 悉尼绿地中心项目是绿地澳洲公司在澳 首个地标性塔楼建筑,此外,绿地还在毗 邻的原悉尼水务局旧址上开发包括172 间客房的新奢华主义五星级商务酒店-铂 瑞,整体项目于2015年12月完成。 绿地的另一个项目为高19层、共135间奢 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 NEXT LEVEL Greenland’s Omnia has been designed to add new levels of luxury living to Kings Cross-Potts Point. Image: Greenland Australia 空前绝后 绿地的Omnia项目为Potts Point-Kings Cross地区带来全新奢华主 义风景线。图片来源:绿地澳洲公司

The ‘create better living’ philosophy, Mr Luo said, had been Greenland’s trademark since it was established in 1992 as a stateowned enterprise in Shanghai. At Greenland Centre, Mr Luo said a $25 million, 2,000-square metre creative hub would provide dance, theatre, music film and visual facilities alongside resident amenities that included a full-range supermarket, convenience stores, medical facilities and a childcare centre. The Greenland Centre also complements the first project Greenland completed in Australia – the neighbouring Woods Bagot-designed heritage restoration of the original 1939 art deco building at 339 Pitt Street, which was opened in December 2015 as the Primus Hotel. Another of Greenland Australia’s projects, the 19-level, 135-apartment luxury Omnia, has been designed to be a new entrance statement for the rapidly gentrifying Potts PointKings Cross entertainment precinct. Two-storey penthouses will cater to premium buyers at Omnia, who will also be given the opportunity to entertain guests at a dedicated entertainment room and store fine wines in a private cellar. “When we design a building, we work with our consultants, our architects and engineers to try to find out what will be most suitable for the site, and for the potential future lifestyle of our purchasers,” Mr Luo said. “So, when people move in, they will be liv16


ing in a very good environment and they will enjoy living there.” Mr Luo, who has a master’s degree in architecture from Tongji University in Shanghai, said Greenland Australia’s better living strategy also involved the appointment of local planning, design and architecture firms. Alongside Woods Bagot, Greenland Australia has worked with renowned local architecture firms Durbach Block Jaggers, Architecutus, KANNFINCH, WMK Architecture and Bates Smart. “My architecture background provides me with a better understanding of the ideas that the architect presents and provides a better understanding of how people will live in and use the building and how they will enjoy the living environment,” Mr Luo said. “But we also believe that local smarts can bring more benefits to the local people and the local market. “Local people have a better understanding of the culture and the environment and the climate. “We respect this local wisdom and work with local consultants to deliver the project.” Mr Luo said Greenland Australia would continue to focus its efforts on Sydney’s development market, while also evaluating potential opportunities in Melbourne and Brisbane. “Greenland regards Australia as a long-term strategic investment destination,” he said.

“We are still focused mainly on the Sydney market, which has changed a little bit from last year until now, I believe it is become a more normalised market. “The previous several years, the market had become too hot, and it may take some time to adjust. “But from a long-term point of view, property markets in Australia’s major cities are still at a healthy level, so we will continue to treat Australia as a strategic destination for investment.” While Greenland Australia has been largely insulated from China’s capital outflow restrictions, thanks to its early market entry and the ability to recycle capital from its initial projects, Mr Luo said a short-term challenge for the company was dealing with changes in Australian government policy towards foreign buyers. Foreign investment in Australian real estate has plunged in recent years, following the introduction or increase of fees relating to offshore purchasers. The latest Foreign Investment Review Board statistics, for the 2016-17 financial year, indicated that foreign investment in Australian property fell by $47 billion as compared with the previous year, including a $16.6 billion fall in the value of properties sold to Chinese investors. At the time of release, the FIRB blamed the introduction of new fees as the main reason behind the fall, but at the same time, foreign buyer surcharges have either been increased or installed in every Australian jurisdiction other than Tasmania and the Northern Territory. While acknowledging the short-term impacts as borne out in the figures, Mr Luo remained optimistic the situation would resolve itself in the long term. “The 4 per cent additional surcharge (in New South Wales) may not be a significant barrier for people who believe Australia is the right property investment for them,” he said. “But I have noticed that another more significant difficulty for overseas buyers is bank policies, and not being able to be able to provide funding for debt. “If we can somehow modify this policy, on the condition that the potential buyer can provide proof that they are very healthy financially, that will help more investors come into the market, and also protect the banking system.”



GLOBAL SCALE Greenland’s China operations are responsible for four of the ten tallest towers worldwide. Photos: Greenland Australia 全球顶级 在全球十大最高建筑,绿地控股 集团独揽其中四座。图片来源:绿地澳洲 公司

Where we enter a new market, we seek to secure iconic sites to develop landmark buildings – Sherwood Luo 当进入全新市场时,我们不断寻求在一线城市的黄金地 段,打造地标性建筑的机遇。——罗晓华

装公寓的Omnia,其坐落于繁华的Potts Point-Kings Cross区域(悉尼歌剧院 旁),是对 该 地块 独 一 无二 的 景 观 优质 资 源的有效开发。 O m n i a 项 目 顶 层 为 复 式 结 构,满 足 高 端 客 户 的 需 求 。住 户 还 可 在 私 人 文 娱 室 为 亲 朋 好 友 接 风 洗 尘 ,更 可 在 私 人 酒 窖 一 品佳酿。

罗先生表示: “ 当我们打造一个项目时,我 们会与专业咨询顾问、设计师和建筑师一 同探讨,找寻使住户感觉最为舒适的居住 环境,也为住户提供最理想的生活形态。” 同时他提到: “ 当住户入住时,将会感觉在 如此环境下生活,泰然自得。”

罗先生拥有上海同济大学建筑学硕士学 位,他表示,绿地澳洲公司秉承“让生活更 美好”企业宗 旨,其 战 略还 包 括 与 当地 规 划局、设计师事务所和建筑事务所合作。 除 伍 兹 贝 格 建 筑 事 务 所 外 ,绿 地 澳 洲 公 司同时还与当地多家著名建筑事务所 合作,如 Durbach Block Jaggers、A r c h i t e c u t u s 、K A N N F I N C H 、W M K Architecture 和Bates Smart。

“我的建筑学教育背景使我与建筑师沟 通时如鱼得水,并全面且详细地模拟体会 到用户入住后的所想所感。”罗先生说。 “但我们也相信选择本地建筑师可以为 当地人民及市场谋求福祉。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

“本地建筑师对当地文化、大环境、甚至 气候都有更深入的了解。

“我们尊重当地的文化,也敬重前人的智 慧,更期待携手各行业精英,共同打造此 类超大型项目。”

罗先生表示,绿地澳洲公司将继续专注于 发展悉尼市场,同时也会评估墨尔本和布 里斯班的潜力。

“绿地把澳大利亚视为一个长期战略投资 目的地。

“ 我 们 始 终 如 一 聚 焦 悉 尼 市 场 ,去 年 至 今,它瞬息万变,但是我们相信它已成为 更规范化的市场。

最 新 的 外 国 投 资 审 查 委 员 会( F I R B ) 2016-17财年的统计数据显示,与去年相 比 ,澳 大 利 亚 房 地 产 的 外 国 投 资 减 少 了 470亿澳元,其中包括中国买家销售下降 的166亿澳元。 与此同时,FI RB将房市萎靡 的主要原因 归咎于相应税收的增加。但纵观全澳,除 塔斯马尼亚州和北领地州外,其余各大州 都增加了外国买家房产税。

罗先生也承认这将对销售带来短期冲击, 但是信心不减。长远来看,此类危机将不 攻自破。 罗先生说: “对于澳大利亚房市充满信心 的 人 而 言,新 南 威 尔 士 州 4 % 的 附 加 费 并 不会成为拦路虎。”

“ 早 在 数 年 前 ,悉 尼 市 场 已 经 炙 手 可 热 , 目前需要花时间来针对市场进行相应调 “但是我也提到过海外买家面临另一个 整。” 更大的阻碍,即银行贷款政策。该政策并 不支持他们在本地银行贷款购房。” “其实从长期利益来讲,澳大利亚几大房 产市场仍然处于良性阶段,所以我们需始 终以澳洲市场为战略投资地。”

由于绿地很早就进入了澳洲市场,资金可 以从早前投资项目中回流,所以在很大程 度 上 ,并 未 受 到 中 国 海 外 投 资 限 制 的 影 响。罗先生也表示,公司现阶段的挑战是 合理应对澳大利亚瞬息万变的政策,以及 对外国买家可能造成的影响。

“如若海外买家能提供证据表明其海外 稳定资金来源,我们定不遗余力去向本地 银行争取修改贷款政策。这样将有助于帮 助更多投资者进入澳洲市场,同时协助银 行规避风险。”

在澳洲政府提高外国买家购房印花税以 及其它相关费用后,今年澳房市的外国投 资大幅下降。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018




EV revolution keeps cobalt plays in game





Dan Wilkie COBALT explorers remain unfazed by an industry push to engineer the material out of electric vehicle batteries, saying exponential growth occurring in new energy vehicle sales will spur significant global demand, even if the proportion of cobalt used in each battery is halved. Since the end of 2016, the price of cobalt traded on the London Metal Exchange has more than doubled as global supply – most of which comes from mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo – has struggled to keep pace with growing demand. Surging demand for cobalt has been driven by a rapidly increasing take-up of electric vehicles, particularly in China, with the metal a key ingredient in lithium-ion batteries. Battery manufacturers responded to the scarcity by seeking to use less cobalt, with Tesla founder Elon Musk and Japan’s Panasonic both making worldwide headlines with their plans to achieve zero cobalt usage. But that’s not necessarily bad for prospective cobalt producers, according to the Sean Gregory, chief executive of cobalt explorer Barra Resources. Speaking at the 2018 World Mining Summit, hosted in Perth in September by Clariden Global, Mr Gregory acknowledged that a substitution of materials away from cobalt was occurring, but remained confident around the growth prospects for new producers. “The main battery chemistry at the moment is 6-2-2, which is six parts nickel, two parts magnesium, two parts cobalt, but the industry is moving towards an 8-1-1 chemistry – moving from 20 per cent cobalt in the battery to 10 per cent cobalt in the battery,” Mr Gregory said. “That’s driven by the necessity of the supply shortage. “But despite that reduction in proportion, the growth is still exponential.” Cobalt Blue chief executive Joe Kaderavek, also presenting at the World Mining Summit, was similarly dismissive of the potential for the metal to disappear from lithium-ion batteries. Mr Kaderavek said the technology required to reduce cobalt to around 10 per cent of the material in an electric vehicle battery would not be widely available until around 2022. “You are approaching the theoretical limit of how much cobalt you can rip out of the cathodes,” Mr Kaderavek said. “Cobalt is, in my terminology, like a glue. “It effectively provides a stabilising agent for the cathode while it is going through tremendous shocks. “The 8-1-1 chemistry represents the theoretical minimum for cobalt in a cathode. “Interestingly, when you see an 8-1-1 car in 2022 and beyond, it will come with its own thermal management software, it will have a WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

The exciting bit is while all of the big brand names are doing it, the real growth is actually coming from our friends in China – Sean Gregory 但最出乎我意料的是,虽然所有国际汽车制造商都在大 力发展电动车,但是真正推动需求的却是我们的中国朋 友。——肖恩·格雷戈里


钴矿勘探公司毫不担心电动车电池原料改 革所带来的冲击,并表示即使每块电池中钴 的比例减半,新能源汽车销售的增长指数将 刺激全球钴矿大量开采。

自2016年底以来,由于全球供应紧缺,其 中来自刚果的大部分矿石已经难以跟上 激增的需求量,因此伦敦金属交易所交易 的钴价翻了一倍以上。 电动车产业的快速增长推动了对钴的需 求,特别是在中国,电动车主要由锂离子 电池驱动。

电池制造商通过寻求减少使用钴来应 对 稀 缺 问 题,特 斯 拉 创 始 人 埃 隆 · 马 斯 克 (Elon Musk)和日本松下都计划实现去 钴电池。 但 据 钴 矿 生 产 商 巴 拉 能 源 公 司( B a r r a Resources)首席执行官肖恩•格雷戈里 (Sean Gregory)称,这对未来的钴生产 商来说并非是坏事。 今 年 九 月 ,格 雷 戈 里 先 生 在 由 知 名 机 构 Clariden Global在珀斯举行的2018年 世界矿业峰会上演讲时表示,很多厂商在 寻找钴的替代品,但是他仍然对新兴生产 商的增长前景充满信心。

“目 前 的 主 要 电 池 化 学 成 分 是 6 - 2 - 2 —— 分别是六份镍、两份镁、两份钴。但行业正 朝 着 8- 1- 1的方向前进,把电池中的钴含 量从20%降为10%。”格雷戈里先生如是 说。

“这是由于钴矿供应不足所带来的必要 改革。 “尽管比例下降,但钴矿增长指数仍然有 所增加。”

Cobalt Blue集团首席执行官乔·卡德拉 维克(Joe Kaderavek)也出席了该峰会, 同样对锂离子电池完全脱离钴元素的可 能性予以否定。 卡德拉维克先生表示,2022年之前,钴含 量减少到电动汽车电池材料约10%,这样 的技术无法得到广泛应用。

“目前技术正在接近理论值的最大值,我 们可以从阴极中去掉多少钴。” “我将钴称之为‘胶’。”

“它可以有效地为阴极提供稳定剂,同时 也能承受巨大的冲击。” “8-1-1化学比例代表了阴极 中理论最小 含钴量。

“ 有 趣 的 是 ,当 你 在 2 0 2 2 年 之 后 看 到 一 辆8-1-1的汽车时,它将配备 特殊的热管 理软件,而且汽车软件中将内置一个断路 器,以阻止过度使用电池。” 卡 德 拉 维 克 先 生 表 示 ,他 根 据 C o b a l t B l u e 的 预 测 而 判 断,保 守 估 计 未 来 十 年 中,钴需求将增长70%。

2022年,Cobalt Blue重点发展新南威尔 士州布罗肯希尔(Broken Hill)附近的 Thackaringa钴矿矿区,该公司的目标是 生产无需精炼则直接对接电池制造商的 矿石。

该公司已与LG公司就Thackaringa项目 进 行 合 作,LG 作 为 跨 国 电 子 工 业 巨 头 的 化工部对此项目未来数年的钴矿生产提 供咨询服务。

“ L G 掌 握 对 前 沿 技 术 的 评 估 能 力 ,这 对 我们来说非常重要。因为我们将在2022年 才开始生产,他们会告诉我们届时的标准 和规格”卡德拉维克先说。

NEXT GENERATION Surging demand for new energy vehicles in China has boosted confidence among aspiring cobalt producers. Photo: Kym Kyung Hoon/Reuters 次世代 中国新能源汽车的需求激增,同时 令钴矿生产商信心倍增。图片来源:Kym Kyung Hoon/路透社

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


RESOURCES | 能源 circuit breaker built into the software of the car to stop you overstressing the battery.” Mr Kaderavek said Cobalt Blue’s forecasts, which he described as conservative, indicated cobalt demand would grow by a factor of 70 per cent over the next 10 years. Cobalt Blue is aiming to begin production at its Thackaringa operation near Broken Hill in New South Wales by 2022, with the company aiming to bypass the refining industry and produce a material that will readily feed into the battery manufacturing sector. The company has partnered with LG at Thackaringa, with the multinational electronics giant’s chemicals division advising Cobalt Blue on what the industry will demand from cobalt producers in coming years. “They understand where the technology is today to meet specifications, but importantly for us, because we won’t be in production until 2022, they will tell us where the specifications will be in 2022,” Mr Kaderavek said. “The last thing I want to do as a CEO is to build and commission a plant which will be technologically obsolete by the time it’s in production. “The one thing you can guarantee in the battery space is there will be a lot of evolution between now and 2022.” Mr Gregory said confidence in the cobalt sector was driven largely by the rapidly growing electric vehicle sector, which is responsible for around half of the global demand for cobalt. Bloomberg’s Electric Vehicles Outlook 2018 report indicated that by 2025, global electric vehicle sales were expected to hit 11 million. The report said electric vehicles would likely account for 19 per cent of all passenger vehicle sales in China, 14 per cent in Europe and 11 per cent in the United States. Bloomberg said it expected electric vehicle to increase pace in the mid-2020s, as reduced costs of battery manufacturing brought vehicle prices more on par with internal combustion engine vehicles. “In many jurisdictions it’s actually presently cheaper to purchase an electric vehicle than it is to buy a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle,” Mr Gregory told the World Mining Summit. “That’s in those jurisdictions where there are generous government subsidies, such as California, the UK and Japan. “When you look at the total cost of ownership, the total cost of a vehicle … the running costs and the maintenance over the life of the vehicle are lower, such that over the life of the vehicle it actually makes economic sense in those jurisdictions.” There are around 34 other industrial uses for cobalt which account for the other 50 per cent of demand, including in mobile telephones and other personal electronics, and jet aircraft engine manufacturing. Barra Resources, which counts Barminco 20


founder Peter Bartlett’s private investment vehicle FMR Investments and diversified mining group Mineral Resources as its biggest shareholders, is advancing plans to develop a 1.5 million tonnes per annum cobalt operation near Norseman, in Western Australia, in a 50:50 joint venture with West Perth-based Conico. Barra and Conico’s Mount Thirsty tenements are in an area Mr Gregory described as having the potential to emerge as ‘Cobalt Valley’, where a handful of ASX-listed players, including the Mark Creasy-backed Galileo Mining, are pursuing the development of several high-grade deposits. He said while major automotive manufacturers such as Tesla, BMW and Volkswagen made worldwide headlines with their electric car commitments, it was Chinese manufacturers such as BYD, BAIC, Kandi and Great Wall that were behind the rapid growth. “All of the automakers have invested heavily in this space,” Mr Gregory said. “But to me the exciting bit is while all of the big brand names are doing it, the real growth is actually coming from our friends in China. “China is the largest car market in the world, and significantly so. “In terms of EV production, you can see that quarter by quarter sales growth is being led by China, over half of the electric vehicles being sold are in China and the most rapid growth is coming from China. “It’s driven of course by their government, they have very strong government policies

and when the Chinese government sets policies, they get met.” Another factor helping prospective cobalt producers, Mr Gregory said, was the structural dynamics of global cobalt supply. Mr Gregory said the vast majority of cobalt produced worldwide was a by-product of nickel and copper mining. But he said the high costs of processing relating to geological factors in nickel and copper deposits, meant that producers were not necessarily incentivised to increase production of cobalt as a by-product as its price increases. Mr Gregory said there were also specific challenges to increasing supply in the DRC, which produces around 68 per cent of the world’s cobalt. “Within the DRC there are some very large mines no doubt run ethically, but there is also a lot of artisanal mining employing child labour and so forth,” he said. “UNICEF estimates that there are 40,000 children working in those mines for as little as $3 a day. “What we are seeing with the multinationals, with the Apples and the Samsungs and so forth, their investors and their investment funds are demanding to see that people take ownership for the fully supply chain, both upstream and downstream. “These companies are now auditing the source of their cobalt, and the intelligence that we are getting from the market is there is around about a $2 per pound premium for a product which can demonstrate it has come from an ethical source.”



SPARK Sean Gregory expects global electric vehicle sales to grow at such a rate that even if the amount of cobalt used to manufacture batteries is halved, there will be a significant surge in demand for the material. Photo: Clariden Global 跃马扬鞭 肖恩·格雷戈里预测,全球电动汽车行业将呈指数级增 长,即便电池中钴的含量下降,但钴矿价格仍会持续攀升。图片来 源:Clariden Global “作为首席执行官,我绝不会委托一家已 被时代所淘汰、技术过时的合作方。 “我非常肯定一件事,从今天起直至2022 年,电池领域将会千变万化。”

格雷戈里先生表示,对钴行业的信心主要 受快速增长的电动汽车行业的推动,该行 业约占全球钴需求的半数以上。

彭博社(Bloomberg)发布《2018电动汽 车展望》报告预测,到2025年,全球电动汽 车销量预计将达到1,100万辆。

该报告称,电动汽车可能占中国机动车车 总销量的19%,欧洲为14%,美国为11%。

彭博社预测,电动汽车将在2020年代中期 加速发展,因为电池制造成本大幅降低, 所以电动汽车价格与内燃机汽车价格达到 同等水平。 格雷戈里先生在世界矿业峰会说到: “在 许多行政辖区,购买电动汽车实际上比购 买传统内燃机汽车更便宜。”

“许多行政辖区比如加利福尼亚、英国和日 本政府都会对电动汽车行业进行大力补贴。 UNDER SCRUTINY Artisinal miners working at the former Tilwizembe copper-cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2016. Photo: Kenny Katombe/Reuters 严密监视 2016年在刚果的前Tilwizembe 铜钴矿工作的手工采矿者。图片来 源:Kenny Katombe/Reuters WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

“当 你 考 虑总体的购置成本时(车辆的总 成本)——电动车运行成本和车辆寿命维 护成本相对较低,因此车辆的整个使用寿 命期间,它实际上对于这些行政辖区具有 经济意义。 钴约有34种其它工业用途,占钴总需求量 的50%,其中包括手机和其它个人电子产 品以及喷气式飞机发动机制造业。

Barminco公司创始人彼得·巴特利特 (Peter Bartlett)是富达投资(FMR)和 矿业集团Mineral Resources的最大股 东,同时巴拉能源公司将与位于西珀斯的 Conico公司合营(以50:50的合资形式) ,计划对西澳州Norseman附近矿区每年 生产150万吨钴矿石。

“毫无疑问,中国是全球最大的汽车市场。 “在电动汽车生产方面,你可以看到中国 的销售增长率逐季增长,超过一半的电动 汽车销往中国。毋庸置疑,中国是全球增 速最快的地方。

“这当然是由政府所推动的,他们有非常 优越的政策。政策一经制定,所有人便会 全力以赴。” 格雷戈里表示,另一项有助于未来钴矿生产 商的原因则是,全球钴矿供应的结构变化。

格雷戈里先生表示,目前全球绝大多数钴 很难形成独立经济矿床,通常是铜矿或镍 矿的副产品。

但他表示,与镍和铜矿床地质因素有关, 正 如 格 雷 戈 里 先 生 所 描 述 的 那 样 ,巴 拉 高加工成本也意味着,生产商不一定会因 为钴价上涨而加大钴矿产量。 能 源 公 司 和 C o n i c o 公 司 合 营 的 Mo u n t Thristy矿业项目将带来犹如“钴矿山谷” 刚果的供应增加也面临着严峻挑战,刚果 般的繁荣景象,其中包括大把澳交所上市 钴产量约占世界总产量的68%。 且极具实力的大型矿业集团,比如矿业领 袖马克·克雷西(Mark Creasy)坐镇的伽 “在刚果国内有很多正规经营的矿企,但 利略矿业公司(Galileo Mining),正在着 也会有不少黑矿坑雇佣童工来采矿。” 手开发高品位矿床。 “ 据 联 合 国 儿 童 基 金 会 估 计 ,有 4 万 名 儿 他 表 示,虽然特斯拉、宝马和大众等主要 童在此类矿床工作,每天仅需支付他们3 国际汽车制造商在电动汽车领域持续受到 美元。” 关注,比亚迪、北汽、康迪和长城等中国汽 “我们看到有很多跨国公司,比如苹果公 车制造商也正紧追猛赶。 司和三星公司等(手机生产需要钴元素), 格 雷 戈 里 先生说: “所有的汽车制造商都 他们的投资者和投资基金要求完整把控上 在这个领域投入了大量的人力物力。” 下游整条供应链的各个细节。

“但 最 出 乎我意料的是,虽然所有国际汽 车制造商都在大力发展电动车,但是真正 推动需求的却是我们的中国朋友。

“这些公司现在正在审核其钴的来源,而 我们从市场上获得的消息是,每磅产品的 保费约为2美元,以证明其合法来源。” 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


NEWS | 新闻 INFLUENCER Langham Palace Hotel’s Jacqui Lo was part of a 10-strong delegation of China’s hospitality elite that experienced the best of Melbourne’s bars and producers. Photo: Lucy Deitz 影响者:Langham Place酒店的雅基·罗 (Jacqui Lo)作为十大受邀人物之一,参观 游览了墨尔本顶级酒吧和生产商。图片来 源:露西·戴茨(Lucy Deitz)


CAPI toasts Melbourne hospitality to drive China growth Dan Wilkie PREMIUM beverages manufacturer CAPI has showcased the best of Melbourne’s hospitality scene to 10 of China’s top food and beverage influencers, as part of an innovative initiative to grow its export business. CAPI has been exporting its range of soda, tonic and mineral waters to China for about 12 months, with more than 350,000 bottles being distributed across Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Tianjin in that time. Established in 2012, the company exports to 12 countries, including South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Fiji and Singapore. It has become one of Australia’s most award-winning beverage manufacturers, including the accolade of World’s Best Sparkling Beverage at the World Beverage Innovation Awards in 2017 for its yuzu soda. 22


Chief executive Emma Evans said the China export opportunity emerged after CAPI received a substantial number of inquiries from prospective distributors through its website. However, Ms Evans said a 2015 trip to China, in which she and CAPI founder Pitzy Folk visited five cities, highlighted a need for engagement and education with Chinese consumers around its range of products. “It was such an eye opener, not only in terms of opportunity but also in that every city was demanding something different and had different styles of venues, different palates, and different levels of skill in their mixology,” Ms Evans told Australia China Business Review. “That really got us on the hunt for someone who could be our brand manager as well as our importer and didn’t just want to shift containers. “We knew that we could do that because we were getting such a huge amount of inqui-

ry, but we wanted to actually build the brand and be able have it known if you were talking to people in the market.” Following the China trip, Ms Evans said CAPI partnered with Shanghai-based boutique beverages importer and distributor Craft Republic, which at the time had no non-alcoholic options in its portfolio of highend spirits and liqueurs. CAPI’s products were subsequently launched at Shanghai’s heralded rooftop bar Highline, at an invitation-only event where the city’s top bartenders could experiment with a wide range of spirits and CAPI’s mixers. Ms Evans said the event was the genesis of CAPI’s China marketing initiatives, where instead of having the product stocked in supermarket fridges or shelves, it was available at high-end hospitality venues. “We work predominantly well in the food or hospitality industry, whether that’s bars, restaurants, hotels, or coffee shops where you can actually tell a story and interact with someone who understands quality,” she said. “From the get go, we were quite focused on the brand, protecting the brand, educating the market and upholding our Australian and Melbourne values whilst localising to China, but not getting sucked into the vortex by putting the products online and praying for the best. “We really took on quite a methodical view of operating a business and a brand. “The opportunity for premium products and craft is quite significant and the thirst is


there, but only if it comes with the education and the support. “I just don’t think you can simply export your products and just pray for the best.” Ms Evans said the second phase of CAPI’s China expansion was to engage industry leaders with influence, who would ultimately become ambassadors for the brand. She said CAPI invited 10 high-profile food and beverage experts from Shanghai, Chongqing, Hong Kong and Beijing to spend three days with the company in Melbourne, experiencing the city’s best restaurants, small bars and craft spirits producers. Influencers who took part in the initiative included Michael Chen, founder of The Cannery in Shanghai; Marcia Ciocca, from Hope & Sesame in Guangzhou; Douglas Williams from B’s Beijing’s Muse Group; and Jacqui Lo, from Hong Kong’s Langham Palace Hotel. “We felt that the more that Victoria or Mel-


高端饮料制造商CAPI向10家中国顶级食 品饮料商展示了墨尔本的最佳酒店服务 体验,这是该公司发展海外业务的创新举 措之一。 CAPI在整年内向中国出口苏打水、奎宁 水和矿泉水,向上海、北京、重庆、广州、深 圳、武汉和天津出售超过35万瓶饮品。 该公司成立于2012年,足迹遍布全球包括 韩国、日本、马来西亚、斐济和新加坡等12 个国家。

它已成为澳大利亚最受赞誉的饮料制造 商之一包括在2017年的世界饮料创新盛 典上明星产品“柚子苏打水”荣获的“全球 最佳起泡饮料奖”。 该 公 司 首 席 执 行 官 艾 玛 · 埃 文 斯 表 示,在 CAPI官网收到大量客户问询后,一个面 向中国市场全新的契机出现了。 然而埃文斯表示,2015年中国之行,她和 CAPI创始人皮特兹·福克(Pitzy Folk)走 访了五个城市后,对中国消费者惊人的需 求及产品本身的普及极为重视。

埃文斯女士 在 接受《澳 中商 讯》采 访时 表 示: “ 中国令我大开眼界,中国各地迥然有 异,不仅提供的机遇、需求不同,而且饮食 习惯、口味、风格都不同,甚至连调酒师技 能也千差万别。”

“这使我们下定决心去寻找一位中方合 伙人,来负责CAPI在中国的品牌宣传及 建立,而绝不仅仅只管理物流运输。 “ 我 们 信 心 满 满 ,因 为 之 前 收 到 大 量 询 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

The opportunity for premium products and craft is quite significant and the thirst is there, but only if it comes with the education and the support – Emma Evans 优质的产品和工艺是极 为重要的,而且是供不应 求的,但前提是要有足 够的产品普及和供应支 持——艾玛·埃文斯

价。但我们更愿意打造具有高知名度的品 牌,市场上无人不知无人不晓。”

中 国 之 行 后 ,埃 文 斯 表 示 ,C A P I 与 总 部 位于上海的精品饮料进口商和分销商 Craft Republic合作,但在当时,它并未 酿造顶级无酒精利口酒(liqueurs)和烈酒 (spirits)。 CAPI的产品随后在上海著名的天台酒吧 Highline推出,这是邀请制的活动,上海 顶级调酒师尝试将全球各种烈酒与CAPI 的新产品所混合。

埃文斯表示,这一事件是CAPI在中国市 场营销活动的起源。在中国,该项目没有 在超市冰箱或货架上存放产品,而是在高 端酒店场所提供。

“我们的产品无论在食品业还是酒店业 都成绩斐然,包括酒吧、餐厅、酒店亦或是 咖啡厅在内,在这些地方你能听到行家对 我们产品的评价。”


bourne was exposed to China that maybe we could get more products over there,” Ms Evans said. “A portfolio from Australia can be quite a powerful message.” Ms Evans said the event was such a success that CAPI would repeat it on an annual basis, while also develop similar initiatives for new export markets such as in California, Japan and Taiwan. “CAPI is all about partnerships, collaboration and innovation; I went to China in June to hand deliver all of the invitations,” Ms Evans said. “Many of the guests either own multiple venues or some of them even consult, which is a lot bigger in Asia than here. “CAPI is going to be front of mind for them as they move forward, but also the connection and the contacts that we’ve built, relationships are more than just knowing someone.”

埃文斯表示,CAPI在中国扩张的第二阶 段,是让行业领袖参与进来,他们最终将 成为品牌大使。 CAPI邀请了来自上海、重庆、香港和北京 的十位知名食品饮料专家,与该公司在墨 尔本进行为期三天的合作,体验墨尔本顶 级餐厅、酒吧和工艺烈酒生产商。

参与该计划行业影响者包括上海The Cannery餐厅的创始人迈克尔·陈;广州 Hope & Sesame酒吧的玛西亚·西欧卡 (Marcia Ciocca);北京缪斯的道格拉 斯·威廉姆斯(Douglas Williams);香 港Langham Place酒店的雅基·罗。 埃文斯表示: “ 我们觉得,维州和墨尔本越 来越多的出现在中国消费者眼前,或许我 们能在中国销售更多产品。”

“来自澳大利亚的一系列产品就是非常 有力的证明。” 埃文斯表示,活动非常成功,CAPI将其升 至每年都要开展的活动。同时也会为美国 加州、日本和台湾等新出口市场制定类似 的策略。

“ 从 一 开 始 ,我 们 就 专 注 于 品 牌 建 立 、保 护品牌、产品普及以及传播澳式价值观, 最终形成海外品牌本土化。但千万不要把 产品放在线上销售,久利之事勿为,众争 “ C A P I 完 全 致 力 于 合 作 、协 作 及 共 同 创 新;今年6月我重返中国,并亲自派送邀请 之地勿往。” 函,”埃文斯女士说。 “我们对企业经营和品牌管理有着系统 “许多贵宾拥有各样场地,有些甚至会表 化的认知。 示要帮忙,亚洲可比澳洲市场要大得多。” “优质的产品和工艺是极为重要的,而且 是供不应求的,但前提是要有足够的产品 “ 我 们 所 建 立 的 关 系 网 络 、人 脉 绝 不 仅 仅 是 为 了 认 识 某 些 人 ,而 是 在 他 们 前 进 普及和供应支持。 道路上,CAPI将作为首要考虑的合作对 “我并不认为出口产品是一件简单的事, 象。” 祈祷也毫无用处。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



700 words

The latest changes are likely to have a chilling effect for many (Chinese investors) looking to purchase property

最新的政策改变或给大量(中国投资者)购房者带来 寒蝉效应(指人民害怕因为言论遭到国家的刑罚,或 是必须面对高额的赔偿,不敢发表言论)。 DENISE HONEY | 丹尼尔·哈尼


Spooked foreign property investors run into Australia’s ‘ghost tax’ THE spectre of Australia’s vacancy tax is about to become real for foreign residential property owners, with substantial penalties looming for those who miss the deadline. A year after the Federal Government introduced the vacancy tax rules, labelled a ‘ghost tax’, the first returns are starting to become due – and up to 15,000 foreign investors will be expected to provide evidence on the vacancy status of their properties in the past year. The new rules are the latest in a series of federal and state imposts on foreign buyers, led by the Chinese, designed to reduce the impact of foreign ownership on housing affordability, particularly in the core property markets of Sydney and Melbourne. Under the vacancy tax, foreign owners of residential property face a minimum vacancy tax of $5,200, and even occupied properties could incur a $52,500 penalty if the owner fails to meet the deadline to lodge a return with the Australian Taxation Office declaring occupancy of their assets. Further, if they fail to keep the necessary records to prove occupation, they could be hit with an additional penalty of $52,500. Even then, owners would still be liable to pay the vacancy fee. 24


For a property worth more than $4 million, that could equate to combined penalties and fees of over $150,000 —even if the property has been occupied throughout. While the ‘ghost tax’ is intended as a financial incentive for foreign owners to make their dwellings available for rent and increase available housing in Australia, it raises the question of whether foreign buyers might be scared away by the long-term implication of the new rules. Foreign owners must lodge a vacancy tax return every year, keep records for at least five years after selling and keep evidence regarding who is using their property, running the risk of significant financial penalties if they fail to do so. The immediate challenge facing foreign owners who bought a residential property since May 2017 is identifying when they will need to submit their vacancy review, and how they will go about proving whether the property was vacant or not. While the burden of this tax on foreign buyers is hauntingly clear, the impact on foreign sales in the Australian residential market is not. Chinese buyers remain Australia’s biggest investors in real estate but, according to sta-

tistics published in the Foreign Investment Review Board’s 2016-17 annual report, the size of their investment more than halved from $31.5 billion in 2015-16 to $15.2 billion in 2016-17. Overall, FIRB real estate approvals plunged from 40,149 in 2015-16, to 13,198 in 2016-17. But there have been a number of factors that may have contributed to this reduction, including the introduction of FIRB application fees, stamp duty and land tax surcharges for foreign purchasers, tighter Chinese capital controls and weaker Australian property market conditions. For Chinese buyers, the residential property market continues to become more hostile in Australia and while it has not yet reached New Zealand levels – where foreign buyers have been banned – the latest changes are likely to have a chilling effect for many looking to purchase property. Denise Honey, Pitcher Partners Pitcher Partners is an association of independent firms located in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Newcastle. Pitcher Partners is an independent member of Baker Tilly International.



Foreign buyer fees - Australia 澳大利亚海外买家费用

QUEENSLAND Stamp duty – $15,925 Mortgage registration - $187 Transfer fee – $1,307 Foreign buyers surcharge – $35,000 Total government fee = $52,419

WESTERN AUSTRALIA Stamp duty - $17,765 Mortgage registration - $171.20 Transfer fee - $261.20 Foreign buyers surcharge (for properties purchased after 1 Jan 2019) – $35,000 Total government fee = $33,197.40


印花税-$15,920 抵押登记费- $187 过户费- $1,307 海外投资者附加费 – $35,000 政府共计收费 = $52,419


印花税-$17,765 抵押登记费- $171.20 过户费- $261.20 海外投资者附加费(于2019年1月1 日以后实行) – $35,000 政府共计收费 = $33,197.40



Stamp duty - $23,928.60 Mortgage registration - $145 Transfer fee - $145 Total government fee = $24,218.60

Stamp duty - $21,330 Mortgage registration - $163 Transfer fee - $3,992.50 Foreign buyers surcharge - $35,000 Total government fee = $60,485.50


印花税-$23,928.60 抵押登记费- $145 过户费- $145 政府共计收费 = $24,218.60


印花税-$21,330 抵押登记费- $163 过户费- $3,992.50 海外投资者附加费 – $35,000 政府共计收费 = $60,485.50

澳洲房租空置税将会成为海外投资者的噩 梦,逾期缴纳空置税更将面临巨额罚款。

联邦政府在推出征收房屋空置税一年后,房 屋空置税也被业界称为“幽灵税”。超过一万 五千名海外投资者在首轮调查中,将需要向 政府提交其物业空置的情况说明。 联邦政府制定出的最新房屋空置税征收是 为减少海外投资者在澳洲拥有过多的房产 权,尤其是针对中国投资者在澳洲核心房地 产市场 – 悉尼和墨尔本。 在最新的空置税新条例下,海外投资者将面 临至少5,200 澳元的空置税征收。若海外投 资者未能在澳洲税务局限定的日期内提供 物业空置情况,即使是未空置的房产也会收 到高达52,500澳元的罚款。

如果海外投资者没有持续提供有效的房产 空置证明,同样也会面临52,500澳元巨额罚 款。换言之,缴纳空置费已成为每个海外投 资者责任与义务。 对于价值超过四百万澳元的房产,若逾期提 供房产空置证明,总罚款将会超过十五万澳 元(即使房产未被空置)。





Stamp duty - $25,070 Mortgage registration $116.80 Transfer fee - $1,267 Foreign buyers surcharge – $35,000 Total government fee = $61,453.80

Stamp duty - $12,100 Mortgage registration - $145 Transfer fee - $386 Foreign buyers surcharge - $3,750 Total government fee = $16,381.00

Stamp duty - $18,247 Mortgage registration $135.09 Transfer fee - $206.98 Foreign person duty $15,000 Total government fee = $33,589.57

印花税-$25,070 抵押登记费- $116.80 过户费- $1,267 海外投资者附加费 – $35,000 政府共计收费 = $61,453.80

印花税-$12,100 抵押登记费- $145 过户费- $386 海外投资者附加费 – $3,750 政府共计收费 = $16,381.00

印花税-$18,247 抵押登记费- $135.09 过户费- $206.98 海外投资者附加费 – $15,000 政府共计收费 = $33,589.57



空置税的实施可以促进海外投资者对澳洲 可用房产更有效的利用,并为其带来更高租 金的收入。但是这同时产生了一个疑问 - 那 就是海外投资者是否会对这些长期实行的 新政产生恐惧,从而减少海外投资规模甚至 另择他处。 海外投资者需每年向政府提供房产空置的 情况报告,在房产销售后需保留其至少五年 的物业空置记录,并且保留用其房产使用人 的有效证据。否则,海外投资者也将面临高 额罚款风险。 从2017年5月开始,海外户主均面对同样的 难题,即何时提交房产空缺审查,以及如何 证明房产是否有人居住。

即使政府出台物业空置税对海外投资者的 负担令人难以置信,但并未对澳房产的海外 销售产生影响。 中国买家虽仍是澳洲房地产业的最大投资 者,但据海外投资审核委员会(FIRB)20162017年的年度报告统计表明,中国买家的 投资规模从2015-16年的315亿澳元减少到 2016-2017年的152亿澳元。


NEW SOUTH WALES Stamp duty - $17,990 Mortgage registration $141.60 Transfer fee - $141.60 Foreign buyers surcharge – $40,000 Total government fee = $58,273.20


印花税-$17,990 抵押登记费- $141.60 过户费- $141.60 Foreign buyers surcharge海外投资者附 加费 – $40,000 政府共计收费 = $58,273.20

纵观全年,FIRB房地产审批数量从20152016年的40,149个下滑至2016-2017年的 13,198个。

但是,构成这一数据下滑的因素众多,其中 包括新增的FIRB审批费用,印花税和土地 税附加费,中国的海外投资政策缩紧以及澳 大利亚房地产市场疲软。 房地产市场新规的改变对于中国买家来说 是不利的,虽然还没有到达像新西兰那样的 管制制度 – 海外投资者无权利在新西兰购 入任何物业。但此次空置税新规的出台,无 形对中国买家产生了寒蝉效应(指人民害怕 因为言论遭到国家的刑罚,或是必须面对高 额的赔偿,不敢发表言论)。 丹尼尔·哈尼, 博诚会计师事务所(天职国 际)

天职国际澳大利亚Baker Tilly Australia 成员所正名为博诚会计师事务所,于澳大 利亚各大城市设有分所,包括墨尔本、悉尼、 珀斯、阿德莱德、布里斯班以及新南威尔士 州。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



Winning the hearts and minds of the public and developing a strong social contract has become an essential part of successful Chinese investment in Australia 如何赢得人心且与民众并肩前行, 是中国在澳投资的必修课。

LUKE HURST | 卢克·赫斯特

拨云见日,中澳投资论 Getting the signal through noise of Chinese investment IT is no surprise China continues to be the top source of new foreign investment proposals in Australia in the current global economic climate, according to data from the Foreign Investment Review Board. Yet, while the approval rates for Chinese projects are high (the FIRB rejected just three out of more than 14,300 international proposals in 2016-17), it is a series of high-profile and highly public cases of potential Chinese capital setting the tone for this critical bilateral investment relationship. From Huawei’s exclusion from tendering for Australia’s 5G network, to Hong Kong-based CK Group’s $13 billion bid for Australia’s east coast gas pipeline network, ‘controversial’ Chinese investments have continued to claim the headlines and fuel fiery debate. Amid the noise, it is worth taking stock of the Australia-China investment relationship, and where it’s heading. A recent business forum in Melbourne organised by Asialink Business and CAANZ (Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand) helped flag the signals and chart a course to navigate the noise.

Changing investment landscape

According to research from KPMG and the University of Sydney, Chinese investment in Australia dropped to $US10.3 billion ($13.3 billion) in 2017, a fall of about 11 per cent. This is despite continued investment in commercial real estate, renewed investments in mining and a rise in healthcare backing. 26


The decline reflects trends in global international investment flows from China during the year, as well as changing regulatory, political and economic landscapes. The report noted Australia remained the second largest recipient country of accumulated Chinese investment, after the US, with $US99 billion since 2008. And while there were about the same number of deals in 2017 as 2016 (100), the average deal sizes fell, with 76 per cent of them below $100 million. Another interesting trend was that, while the total volume and value of state-owned enterprises investment dropped for the first time since 2014, investment by private Chinese companies increased to 83 per cent of the total deals volume in 2017.

Delicate balance

Foreign investment has been essential to Australia’s economic development. But, as shown by the Huawei example (and potentially by the CK bid), there is a delicate balance between protecting national interests, managing public perceptions, and ensuring the best long-term outcomes for the economy. The investment tightrope walk is becoming more difficult as Chinese projects that are more ‘visible’ to average Australians – like phone networks and real estate – move to the top of foreign investors’ wishlists. Huawei’s exclusion from the 5G network comes amid rising public concern about the overall level of Chinese investment in Australia.

The 2018 Lowy Institute Poll showed a sharp rise among Australians, who say the government is “allowing too much investment from China”; almost three quarters (72 per cent) now take this view (up from 56 per cent in 2014). The rising public anxiety in Australia is not lost on investors. Previous research by the Lowy Institute has also found that “Chinese investors do not feel as welcome in Australia compared to other countries”. But it’s worth remembering we have been down this road before. Japan, for example, is now one of our most established investment partners. Yet support for Japanese investment declined from 64 per cent in the early 1970s to just 49 per cent in 1989. At the peak of negative sentiment, a Japanese-Australian joint tourist venture on Sydney Harbour was blocked due to its potential impact on the environment and public access to the foreshore. Economist Ross Garnaut noted at the time that the decision “caused this highly publicised case to generate perceptions in Japan that discriminatory policy was being applied”.

Winning hearts and minds

Against this backdrop, winning the hearts and minds of the public and developing a strong social contract has become an essential part of successful Chinese investment in Australia. To their credit, many Chinese investors are taking note. MMG, one of the Chinese investors that

观点 blazed the path in Australia, captures their social commitment in its motto – ‘we mine for progress’. Formed in 2009 when Chinese state-owned enterprise China Minmetals Corporation (CMC) acquired the majority of assets of Australian mining company OZ Minerals, MMG was not the first major investment by a Chinese stateowned enterprise in Australia. But CMC broke the mould in how it established the structure of the new subsidiary, acquiring not just MMG’s physical assets, but its talent and brand, and creating an English-speaking board and representatives from both MMG and CMC to maximise expertise and transparency. This approach has led to outstanding results, taking MMG’s enterprise value from $1.3 billion at acquisition to $14 billion today. And, as Chinese investment moves away from

mining and resources towards sectors that are more visible and relate to personal data or critical infrastructure, fostering this social contract is becoming even more critical to success.

澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(FIRB)数据 显示,在当前全球经济环境下,中国依旧是 澳大利亚外商投资的主要来源国。


中方在澳项目的批准率相对较高(20162017年,外国投资审查委员会在审核14,300 余份国际商业计划书后,仅否决了三份),种 种高度透明且公开的实例表明,中国潜在资 本为双边关系及商业发展奠定了基础。

华为(Huawei)被排除在澳大利亚5G网络基 建竞标外;总部位于香港的长江和记实业集 团(CK Group)以130亿澳元收购澳大利亚 东海岸天然气管道运营商,这些颇有争议的 中国投资不断登上各大头条,并引发激烈争 论。 众说纷纭,是时候要正确看待两国关系及明 确未来发展了。

亚联商务(Asialink Business)和澳大利亚 新西兰特许会计师协会(CAANZ)近期在墨 尔本举办商业论坛,旨在协理企业从鱼龙混 杂中获得真知灼见,认清当前形势,同时制 定解决。 投资变革

出自毕马威(KPMG)和悉尼大学的联合报 告显示,2017年中国对澳投资降至103亿美 元(约合133亿澳元),降幅约为11% 中国对商业地产的投资持续攀升,对矿业的 投资卷土重来,医疗保障方面也得到相应重 视。 对澳投资下降呈现出中国在全球国际投资 大环境下的发展趋势,以及政府监管、政治 与经济格局的发展及变化。 报告指出,2008年至今,澳大利亚仅次于美 国,是中国对外投资的第二大国,总额约为 990亿美元。

尽管2017年的交易数量与前一年大致相同( 共100笔),但平均交易规模有所下降,其中 76%的交易金额低于1亿澳元。 另一值得注意的分析显示,中国国有企业对 澳投资总额自2014年以来首次出现下滑,中 国民营企业投资份额占2017年总交易额的 83%。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

Navigating the noise

When navigating this complex landscape, the community needs to know their interests are well protected by the existing investment institutional architecture, which they are. But they also need to understand the array of benefits that come with foreign capital and how to make the most of these opportunities. These benefits go well beyond money. The positive spillovers can include technology transfer, knowledge and innovation exchange, jobs and increased access to global value chains. Our regional neighbours are alive to the broad scope of these benefits.

外国投资对澳大利亚的经济发展至关重要。 然而正如华为的案列(也包括长江实业收购 案)所示,在保护国家利益、尊重民众意愿和 确保经济长期发展之间,三方间存在着微妙 的关系。 伴随着移动网络和房地产等行业的兴起,这 些与澳大利亚民众日常生活息息相关的领 域,也成为外国投资者的必争之地。

继华为被澳5G网络招标拒之门外后,民众 对于中国投资方的担忧日益加剧。

2 0 1 8 年 澳 大 利 亚 洛 伊 研 究 所( l o w y Institute)的民调显示,近四分之三(72%) 的民众认为政府批准了过多来自中国的投资 (高于2014年的56%)。 然而投资者并未因此而退缩。

罗伊研究所(Lowy Institute)此前的研究发 现, “与其他国家相比,目前中国投资者在澳 大利亚并不受欢迎。 ” 这种情节似曾相识。

日本是澳大利亚最稳固的投资伙伴之一,然 而对日本投资的支持从上世纪70年代初的 64%降至1989年的49%。 在负面情绪最严重的时期,位于悉尼港的一 家澳日合资旅游企业因公众反对而被禁止 进入部分景区。

经济学家罗斯•加诺特(Ross Garnaut)当 时指出, “这一事件在日本引起了轩然大波, 尤其是对相关反歧视政策的提案与热议。 ” 深得民心

如何赢得人心且与民众并肩前行,是中国在 澳投资的必修课。 值得称赞的是,许多中国投资者已注意到一 点。

五矿资源有限公司(MMG)是在澳大利亚开 疆辟壤的中国投资方之一,以“开采美好未 来”为其企业信念,同时对社会作出郑重承诺。


South-East Asia, for example, has become a beacon for investors looking for opportunities in the digital economy. Cases like Japan’s SoftBank partnering with China-based Didi Chuxin to invest $US2 billion in Grab, the dominant ride-hail startup, or Alibaba’s $US4 billion investment in Lazada to fuel the rapidly growing e-commerce market are becoming increasingly common. Encouraging open discussion will help foster a clear understanding of how the investment landscape is changing and where the opportunities and risks are, to ensure we can walk the tightrope between community perceptions, national interests and economic prosperity. Luke Hurst is director of research and information at Asialink Business, Australia’s National Centre for Asia Capability. He has a PhD in international economics from ANU. 五矿集团对新子公司设立的传统模式进行 改革,不仅合并五矿资源的实体资产,同时 收纳其人才和品牌;由母子公司的双方代表 共同创建全新本土化董事会,最大限度提高 专业水平和管理透明度。

这种模式取得了显著成果,五矿资源的市值 从收购时的13亿澳元上升到如今的140亿 澳元。 此外,中方在澳投资从采矿业和能源等行业 逐步转向那些更触手可及、贴近民生数据以 及民用基建等相关行业,因此尊重民意、赢 得民心至关重要。 勇往直前

民众需要知晓的是其利益一直受到投资机 构的保护。

同时需要了解外商投资所带来的诸多益处, 以及如何充分利用这些机会。 益处远非投资收益一方面,同时包括技术转 让、创新改革、增加就业以及进入全球资本 市场的机会。 我们的邻国已经清醒意识到这些益处的广 泛性。

譬如东南亚地区,已经发展成全球技术应 用、外资投资、数字创新等互联网经济的先 驱。 日本软银集团(SoftBank)与总部位于中 国的滴滴出行(Didi Chuxin)联合投资20 亿美元收购搭车领域崭露头角的创业公 司Grab;阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba)投资40 亿美元收购来赞达(Lazada);这些投资推 动着电子商务行业的迅猛发展,并且日趋 普遍。 鼓励民众表达意愿有助于了解投资环境的 变化,机遇探索与风险规避,以确保能够在 尊重民意、国家利益和经济繁荣三者之间兼 权尚计。

卢克·赫斯特是澳大利亚亚联商务 五矿资源有限公司(MMG)成立于2009年, (Asialink Business)的科研信息部董事。 母公司中国五矿集团(CMC)收购了澳大利亚 他拥有澳大利亚国立大学的国际经济学博 矿业公司OZ Minerals的主要资产。 士学位。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 Jieh-Yung Lo is a Chinese-Australian writer, researcher and commentator. He tweets at @jiehyunglo. 罗介雍是一名澳大利亚华裔作家、 研究员和评论家,关注推特网账户 @jiehyunglo


Will the new Australian leadership construct a reset of relations with China? THERE’S an old Chinese idiom, 一朝天子 一朝臣, which in broad translation means when a new leader takes the mantle a change of subordinates will also occur. This was indeed the case for Scott Morrison, who became Australia’s 30th prime minister after two spills for the Liberal Party leadership in August. A change of prime minister led to a change of ministers, with former defence minister Marise Payne becoming foreign minister and former environment and energy minister Josh Frydenberg appointed treasurer. And by far the biggest China critic under the previous Malcolm Turnbull government, former minister for international development and the Pacific, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, was left out of the Morrison ministry. Following Mr Morrison’s elevation to prime minister, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered its congratulations to him, and said: “China stands ready to work with the new Australian government to move forward bilateral ties along the right track.” The question we are all asking ourselves is, given the challenges in Australia-China relations and issues left behind by Mr Turnbull and Julie Bishop (former foreign minister), will this 28


change in leadership lead to a reset of Australia-China relations? Since the elevation of Mr Morrison, Chinese media have been quick to point out the prime minister’s record as treasurer, who under his tenure blocked two foreign investment applications, both of which were bids by Chinese companies. Those decisions received heavy criticism by the People’s Republic of China government, which accused Australia of adopting ‘protectionist’ attitudes. But at the same time, Mr Morrison had also championed greater economic engagement with China, which remained the largest source of approved foreign investment by both number and value in Australia. He certainly did not give a good first impression when in the two days as acting home affairs minister, released a joint statement alongside Communications Minister Mitch Fifield expressing the government’s position to adhere to the incoming Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms to disqualify companies that were “likely subject to extra-judicial directions from a foreign government that conflict with Australian law”. While the statement does not reference any company in particular, Huawei Australia con-

firmed it had received advice from the government that it would be banned from participating in Australia’s 5G network. Since becoming prime minister, Mr Morrison has not specifically addressed these actions. Instead, Foreign Minister Marise Payne emphasised in a TV interview no particular company was singled out and the decision by the National Security Committee was made to solely protect Australia’s national interests and security. What I have noticed under Mr Morrison is the reduction of political rhetoric and megaphone diplomacy from the government. An example was when the PM was asked about the Chinese government’s ban of the ABC news website, he refrained from engaging in political commentary and instead acknowledged China’s ability to make its own decisions as a sovereign country. Megaphone diplomacy through the media has been a real point of contention for both countries and, judging by Mr Morrison’s response, he is not interested in adding further fuel to the fire. The change of leadership and personnel appeared to have had an immediate impact on the bilateral relationship reset.



澳大利亚新总理可否 重建澳中关系? 中国有句谚语“一朝天子一朝臣”,寓意当 权者发生变动时,下属也会随之变动。

斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)于今年 八月继自由党两次连任后出任澳大利亚 第三十任总理。 各部长职务伴随新总理上台后发生调 整,前 国 防 部 部 长 马 里 斯 · 佩 恩(Ma r i s e P a y n e )当 选 外 交 部 部 长 ,前 环 境 和 能 源 部 部 长 乔 什 · 弗 伦 登 伯 格( J o s h Frydenberg)出任财政部部长。

塞 塔 · 菲 拉 维 沃 斯( C o n c e t t a F i e r r a v a n t i -We l l s )作 为 前 国 际 发 展 和 太 平 洋 事 务 部 部 长 ,是 前 总 理 马 尔 科 姆·特恩布尔领导时期澳中关系最大的 反 对 者 ,被 排 除 在 莫 里 森 领 导 班 子 成 员 之外。 中国外交部对莫里森出任澳大利亚总理 表示祝贺,并提出: “ 中方愿与澳大利亚新 一届政府共同努力,推动中澳关系沿着正 确轨道进一步向前发展。” 鉴于前总理特恩布尔先生及前外交部部 长朱莉·毕晓普(Julie Bishop)的遗留问 题,民众对于新任领导下的澳中关系心存 疑虑。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

莫里森上台后,中国媒体迅速指出其出任 财政部部长期间,曾经两次驳回外国投资 项目,而这两项申请均来自中国。

这 被 中 方 政 府 严 厉 谴 责 ,指 责 澳 大 利 亚 持“保护主义”态度。 尽管如此,莫里森支持与中国进行长期经 济合作,中方在澳的投资规模与投资总额 依旧排在第一位。

然而他在担任代理内政部部长的两日 内 ,并 未 给 民 众 留 下 较 好 的 第 一 印 象 。 其 与 通 讯 部 部 长 米 奇 · 法 菲 尔 德(M i t ch Fifield)联合声明,出于国家通讯安全考 量,支持“因与澳法律冲突,取缔部分外企 在澳经营资质”的改革法案通过。 尽管该声明没有提及任何一家公司,但华 为公司已经证实收到来自政府的回应,声 称将禁止其参与澳大利亚5G网络的建设 工作。 莫里森出任总理后并没有特别提及这些 行为。

然 而 外 交 部 部 长 马 里 斯 · 佩 恩( M a r i s e Payne)在一次采访中强调,没有任何一 家公司被区别对待,澳大利亚国家安全委 员会(National Security Committee)

的决定仅仅是为了维护澳大利亚的国家 利益与安全。

值得注意的是,莫里森当局正减少公开发 表政治言论和扩音器外交。

当莫里森被问及有关中国政府对ABC新 闻 网 站 的 限 制 一 事 ,他 没 有 发 表 政 治 评 论,而是表明中国作为一个主权国家有能 力做出自己的决定。 通过媒体进行扩音器外交一直是澳中两 国 争 论 的 焦 点 ,而 莫 里 森 并 没 有 火 上 浇 油。

CRUCIAL CALL Scott Morrison (right) and Josh Frydenberg’s looming decision on CK Infrastructure’s bid for gas pipeline group APA Group has the potential to shape public opinion of Chinese investment in Australia. Photo: Reuters 事关重大 斯科特·莫里森(右)和乔什·弗伦 登伯格即将对长江基建集团有限公司收购 澳大利亚天然气管道经营商APA集团一案 进行表态,而此举必会对两国商业往来有举 足轻重的影响。图片来源:路透社 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



On the Belt and Road Initiative, Australia should be more open to be an active participant but at the same time, advocate to ensure it is transparent and adheres to international standards and obligations

澳大利亚应积极响应和参与中国的“一带一路”倡议,同时应 确保信息公开透明,并遵循国际准则及履行义务。

After meeting with Ms Payne on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the relationship could “get back on track”. A statement from the China’s Foreign Ministry, released after the Wang-Payne meeting claimed the Morrison government “has expressed a desire to adopt a more positive policy toward China” and that “we hope it will be helpful for the relationship to learn from past experience, and return to a more healthy development path”. It seems the positive policy mentioned according to Mr Wang is the Australian government’s willingness to stick to the one-China policy as Beijing is putting increasing diplomatic pressure on the global community over Taiwan’s international standing. Taking a cue from Mr Turnbull’s reset speech, Ms Payne said after the meeting “a strong, positive, contributing China is exactly the sort of thing that I think the world community wants to see”. For the Morrison government, the imme30


diate test will be its response to Hong Kongbased CK Infrastructure’s proposed $13 billion takeover of Australia’s APA Group. Despite receiving the greenlight from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, the bid has attracted criticism from government and crossbench senators who believe the proposal would be a national security risk despite CK Infrastructure being a Hong Kong publicly listed company. The PM and the treasurer’s decision will determine Australia’s attitudes towards China-linked foreign investment into its domestic infrastructure and to a larger extent, Australia’s relationship with China. Another immediate issue facing Mr Morrison is Australia’s response to China’s growing presence and influence in the South Pacific and his approach to the Belt and Road Initiative. In the case of the Pacific, Australia has every right to ask questions but, rather than taking a reactionary approach, Australia, as the principal player in the South Pacific, should identify partnership and collaborative opportunities

with China and Pacific islander countries on common ground issues such as economic and infrastructure development and responses to climate change. On the Belt and Road Initiative, Australia should be more open to be an active participant but at the same time, advocate to ensure it is transparent and adheres to international standards and obligations. Moving forward, I believe an official visit to China by Mr Morrison will set a path to the rebuilding of mutual trust and cooperation. And in return, he should propose to host President Xi Jinping. Amid tensions around the second banning of Huawei and strategic competition in the South Pacific, responses from both foreign ministers indicate the resetting process is off to a positive start. At this stage, it seems Australia’s leadership change is indeed leading towards a reset in the bilateral relationship. However, only time will tell whether this momentum will last.


澳大利亚领导人改选或使澳中两国关系 起死回生。 中国外交部部长王毅在联合国第七十三 届会议期间与澳大利亚外交部佩恩部长 会晤表示,两国关系将会“重回正轨”。

中国外交部于王毅部长与佩恩部长会晤 后的一份 声 明 指出, “中国 注 意 到 澳大 利 亚新一届政府表示愿采取积极的对华政 策 ,希 望 这 有 助 于 中 澳 关 系 汲 取 以 往 教 训,重回健康 发展 轨 道。中 方 愿 在 相互 尊 重基础上,同澳方重建相互信任。” CONNECTOR Australia’s federal government has been urged to participate in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which has the potential to drive an unprecedented construction boom in the Asia-Pacific Photo: Shutterstock 秉轴持钧 澳大利亚联邦政府需对中国的“ 一带一路”倡议迅速做出回应,该倡议有可 能掀起亚太地区前所未有的建设热潮。图片 来源:Shutterstock WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


澳大利亚政府向王毅部长表示愿意坚持 一个中国政策,反对“台独”。

议做出回应,将是莫里森面临的另一个迫 在眉睫的问题。

总部位于香港的长江基建集团有限公司 (CK Infrastructure)出资130亿澳元 收购澳大利亚天然气管道经营商APA集团 (APA Group),这对莫里森政府来说无 疑将是考验。

澳大利亚应积极响应和参与中国的“一带 一路”倡议,同时应确保信息公开透明,并 遵循国际准则及履行义务。

“ 国 际 社 会 希 望 看 到 一 个 强 大 、积 极 、有 贡献的中国。”佩恩女士在前总理特恩布 尔卸任仪式时表示。

尽管收购已获取澳大利亚竞争与消费者 委员会(Australian Competition and Consumer Commission)批准,却招致 了政府和评论员的热议,其评论长江基建 集团有限公司是来自香港的上市公司,此 次收购将引发国家风险。

澳大利亚新总理与财政部部长的裁决, 将会表明澳大利亚与中国就在澳基础设 施 建 设 一 事 的 立 场 ,以 及 澳 中 之 间 的 关 系。 如何看待中国在南太平洋地区日益增强 的影响力,以及如何对中国“一带一路”倡

澳大利亚在南太地区具有高度的话语权, 与其采取保守态度不如表明立场,应当与 中国及其它太平洋国家明确战略合作伙 伴关系、达成合作共识;如推动经济和基 础设施建设的发展,以及应对气候变化。

展望未来,相信莫里森访华之旅将会为重 建澳中之间的互信与合作关系铺平道路。 同时邀请中国国家主席习近平来澳进行 友好互访。

两国外交部部长就再次禁止华为公司在 澳 发 展 问 题 、以 及 对 南 太 平 洋 地 区 战 略 竞 争 造 成 紧 张 局 势 的 回 应 ,将 会 重 建 良 好开端。 澳大利亚领导层变更似乎会对澳中关系 的重新调整起到推波助澜的作用。 时间会见证一切。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



Chinese consumers are exhibiting increasingly mature traits, particularly younger ones, and are much more likely to be loyal to brands that connect with them and push their buttons 中国消费者日渐成熟,年轻人对于特定需求具有更高的 品牌忠诚度。



Keeping mobile consumers loyal CHINESE consumers have long been known as the world’s most fickle consumers. For years foreign brands have hoped to win their loyalty employing initiatives that worked in western markets, but had little effect halting Chinese shoppers’ infidelity. One of the best-known case studies is Tesco, which announced its successful Clubcard from the UK would be its “secret weapon” in conquering the China market. Instead, it turned out to be another valuable lesson about the need for foreign brands to understand and localise for Chinese consumers. China’s retail sphere has vastly evolved since Tesco retreated from China in 2013, but some characteristics remain. Until recently, China had very few brands or marketing. As a result, consumers have not grown up with the inherent brand loyalty we often see in the West, such as having our parents or grandparents faithful to the same washing powder or cars when plenty of competition persists. The limited historic attachment to brands is amplified by the hundreds of new products launching in China every day, trying to yell the loudest and offer the most to lure consumers.



In many ways, the overwhelming number of launches and resulting competition fuels Chinese consumers’ lack of trust in products. This can provide a platform for brands to build loyalty based on trust and other factors. There are brands which have successfully cultivated loyalty among Chinese consumers. The largest-scale example is Alibaba, which has enticed hundreds of millions of shoppers to religiously log into its shopping and payment apps daily. The company has a natural advantage as Chinese consumers are more loyal to shopping platforms than individual brands themselves. The result is most online shopping is happening on platforms that enable consumers to easily compare brands and prices, and the experience is consistent and relatively transparent. Alibaba employs numerous tactics to increase loyalty, from events such as beach parties, to better customer service, to their justlaunched paid-loyalty program. Its program paid off when other brands can’t even get consumers to use their free loyalty offers. Alibaba’s program is centred around discounts valued at nearly ¥2,000 ($291) a year

across Tmall Supermarket, Tmall Global, Youku,, Xiami Music, and film ticket service Taopiaopiao for members in a strategic move that will likely see them shopping around a little less. Deals and discounts still resonate with Chinese consumers at all levels, yet all is not lost for brands which want to focus on other ways to win and keep the hearts of their target markets. Chinese consumers are exhibiting increasingly mature traits, particularly younger ones, and are much more likely to be loyal to brands that connect with them and push their buttons. It’s just a case of understanding what those buttons are. This article was originally published on http:// Mark Tanner is the founder and managing director of Shanghai-based China Skinny. Through his agency he has worked with over 150 international brands such as IKEA, Colgate, Tourism Malaysia, ANZ, Westpac and IHG on their China market entry and growth strategies, trend analysis, branding and new product development.


中国消费者被全球公认为最挑剔的消费 者之一。 外国品牌长期采用在西方市场行之有效 的策略来赢得消费者的忠诚度,然而这些 策略对中国消费者几乎毫无作用。

最著名的案例当属乐购(Tesco)公司,乐 购曾夸下海口,其风靡英国的会员制度将 成为其征服中国市场的“秘密武器”,结果 不言而喻。 此类反面教材不断告诫着外国公司,需要 充分了解中国消费者,并入乡随俗。

自乐购于2013年退出中国市场后,中国的 零售市场有了翻天覆地的变化,但有些根 深蒂固的 特 质 是难 以 改 变的。时 至 今日, 中国商家至今依旧很少有品牌与品牌营 销的意识。 因此,大部分中国消费者缺乏像西方消费 者一样与某品牌共同成长的经历,譬如父 辈对某洗衣粉或某汽车品牌保持从一而 终的品牌忠诚。 每天涌现数以千计的新产品,疯狂吸引着 消费者的眼球,从而弱化了人们对现有品 牌的认同与忠诚。

新产品的不断问世以及随之而来的竞争, 加剧了中国消费者对于产品的不信任。这 同时也是品牌可根据信任及其它因素来 建立忠诚度的最佳契机。

最著名的例子应数阿里巴巴集团 ( A l i b a b a ),每 天 成 功 吸 引 数 亿 消 费 者 登录其购物和支付平台。 中国消费者对于购物平台的忠诚度高于 独立品牌本身。

在线上平台上进行购物,消费者可以轻松 地对品牌与价格进行对比,购物体验更加 持久化和透明化。

阿里巴巴集团采用多种策略来提高忠诚 度,从海滩派对等活动,到提供更好服务, 再到近期推出的付费会员计划。



马克·坦纳(Mark Tanner)是上海China Skinny公司的创始人兼董事总经理。该公 司与超过150家国际品牌进行合作,如宜家 (IKEA)、高露洁(Colgate)、马来西亚旅游 局(Tourism Malaysia)、澳新银行(ANZ) 、西太平洋银行(Westpac)和洲际酒店集团 (IHG),为客户制定进入中国市场的战略 发展、趋势分析、品牌策略,以及新产品研发 服务。

该付费会员计划预计折扣价为每年2000 元人民币(约合291澳元),为天猫超市、天 猫国际、优酷网、饿了么、虾米音乐、淘票 票会员提供战略合作服务,将会有效降低 消费者网购时间。 团购和打折活动对于吸引中国消费者具 有一定效果,对于专注其他方式来赢得市 场并保持其核心地位的品牌来说,这也未 尝不可。

中国消费者日渐成熟,年轻人对于特定需 求具有更高的品牌忠诚度。 了解年轻人的需求才是关键所在。

LOYALTY CHALLENGE Bombarded with new brands almost daily, Chinese consumers are increasingly open to trying new products. Photo: 忠诚考验 日益涌现的新品牌冲击着消费者 的忠诚度,中国消费者越来越愿意尝试新产 品。图片来源:Shutterstock

一些品牌成功培养了中国消费者的忠诚 度。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 MYTHBUSTER Gareth Evans says many concerns over Chinese influence in Australia, and other countries in the region, are ill-founded or exaggerated. Photo: Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria). 流言止于智者 加雷斯·埃文斯称,一些人毫 无根据地指责中国带给澳洲太多负面影响, 并表示担忧,这种极不负责任的言论是错误 的,这种担忧更是杞人忧天。图片来源:澳华 社区议会(维多利亚州)

GARETH EVANS | 加雷斯·埃文斯

Australia-China relations and the challenge for Chinese Australians AUSTRALIA needs to approach its relationship with China in a spirit of multi-dimensional engagement and to build mutual respect by recognising China’s emerging status as a rule maker in international relations, according to Gareth Evans. As relations between the two countries show some signs of repair after recent tensions, Professor Evans, Chancellor of Australian National University, argues Australia should not just see China purely in economic and trade terms. “We should be trying to build mutually beneficial connections at multiple levels, not just see the country as a one-dimensional economic partner,” he said in a recent speech to a key Chinese-Australian audience in Melbourne. “We should not hold back in making clear our own commitment to democratic and human rights values and … we should be prepared to push back when China overreaches externally. “But we should be looking to build a new maturity, and a new complexity, into our relationship.” Following is an edited version of a keynote address delivered by Professor Evans, a former foreign minister of Australia and former president and CEO of the International Crisis Group, gave to the Chinese Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter) Conference in August, titled Australia-China relations and the challenge for Chinese Australians.



“Chinese Australians make up a hugely significant component of our non-Anglo, non-European, multicultural Australia, whether they be recent arrivals or from families living among us for many generations – and this year we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first recorded Chinese-born settler in Australia, Mak Sai Ying, who arrived in 1818. The figures speak for themselves: 1.2 million Australians (5.6 per cent of the overall population) have Chinese ancestry, whether from the mainland PRC (People’s Republic of China), or from forebears living in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia or elsewhere in SouthEast Asia or the wider world. Net migration is outpacing births in our population growth and people born in China are now the largest single group of migrants, accounting for 15.8 per cent of the total. Of the more than 550,000 international students now in Australia, 31 per cent of them – around 170,000 – come from China, with 125,000 in our universities, making a huge contribution to their financial viability. And Chinese Australians are not only present among us in large numbers: you already make a fantastically valuable contribution to our society, particularly in business and the professions – although not yet, it has to be acknowledged, and this is a matter of concern, in the public sector, politics or the media on the scale your numbers, high levels of educational attainment and other talents, and socio-economic standing in the wider community should be producing. What I think is unarguably true for the fu-

ture is that this community of yours is going to become an ever more indispensably valuable resource as we all come to terms with the reality that the rest of the 21st century is not only going to be the Asian century, but very much the Chinese century. The spectacular rise of China, accompanied as it has been by a recently accelerating decline in the authority and credibility of the United States, has changed the focus from what has gone right with China – including hauling more than 800 million people out of poverty in just a few decades, and generating an economic boom from which there has been no greater beneficiary around the world than Australia – to what could go wrong. Concerns about China’s influence in this and other countries in the region – as ill-founded or exaggerated as many of them might be – have created a situation where Chinese Australians are coming under scrutiny and suspicion, to the extent in some cases even of being thought to be potential fifth-columnists, in a way we simply have not seen before, and in a way in which all of us here find profoundly distressing. A bleak view is that we may be condemned to seeing some of the concern about Chinese Australians’ commitment hovering around, at least on the fringes of public debate, as long as it takes to become obvious that China is no more likely to become a military threat to Australia than Italy or Greece or India, and that in that context Chinese Australian are no more likely to become fifth-columnists than Italian Australians or Greek Australians or Indian Australians.



澳中关系—我们面临新挑战 加雷斯·埃文斯(Gareth Evans)称,澳大 利亚需要本着多维参与的精神来处理与 中国的关系,承认中国作为新兴市场的规 则制定者地位,并建立相互尊重的关系。 澳洲国立大学校长埃文斯教授表示,澳中 关系在近期持续的紧张局势下出现了一 些缓和,并指出澳大利亚不应该纯粹从经 贸角度来看待中国。

埃文斯在近期墨尔本举办的一个澳中听 众会上表示 : “我 们 应 该努 力 在 多 层面 建 立互惠互利的关系,而非仅仅视中国为单 一的经济伙伴。”

“我们在民主 和人 权 问 题上 不 应 妥协,当 中国过度干涉时也应进行有效回击。” “但是澳中之间应当寻求以一种开花结 果式的新关系。”

以下是前澳大利亚外交部部长、前国际危 机组织(International Crisis Group) 总 裁 兼 首 席 执 行 官 埃 文 斯 教 授 ,于 今 年 八 月 在 维 州 澳 华 社 区 议 会(C h i n e s e Community Council of Australia (Victoria Chapter))会议中发表的题为《 澳中关系—我们面临新挑战》的公开演讲。

INTEGRATION Chinese citizens lined the streets in Sydney earlier this year to celebrate the city’s Lunar New Year festivities. Photo: Reuters 文化交融 今年年初,华人在悉尼的街道上 欢庆中国的农历新年。图片来源:路透社 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

澳大利亚是多元文化国家,华裔——不论 是扎根于澳的老华侨还是初入澳洲的新 移民,该群体被认为是除英裔和欧洲裔以 外,另一个不可或缺的族裔之一。据澳大 利亚历史记载,1818年,麦世英(Mak Sai Ying)是首位来澳的华裔移民,至今已有 两百年历史。

数据表示,目前有120万澳大利亚人(占总 人口的5.6%)具有中国血统,包括来自中 国内地、中国香港、中国台湾、越南、柬埔 寨和其它东南亚地区乃至全球的华裔。 在澳大利亚人口增长中,移民人口增速超 过本地人口新生增速。其中中国人是最大 的移民群体,占移民人口总数的15.8%。

55万名在澳国际留学生中有17万来自中 国,约占留学生总数的31%, 其中12.5万 人在各大高校就读,为澳大利亚做出了巨 大的经济贡献。 在澳华裔不仅人数众多,更有相当一部分 拥有高等学历和社会地位,他们为澳洲的 社会建设立下汗马功劳,尤其是在商界和 很多专业领域更是成绩显赫。 众所周知,二十一世纪不仅是亚洲世纪更 是中国世纪,在澳华人必将成为社会不可 或缺的高价值群体。 美国公信力下降的同时中国迅速崛起,中 国在短短几十载使八亿人口脱离贫困。毋 庸置疑,随着中国经济的不断发展,澳洲 将成为最大受益者。 因为担心中国影响力扩散到其他地区及 国家,很多华裔面临过毫无道理的道德指 控,甚至以调查间谍的名义受到盘查。在

这之前从未发生过类似情况,这样的怀疑 与猜忌让我们感到十分沮丧。

一个消极的观点是:或许我们一度怀疑澳 洲华裔的忠诚度。但从军事角度看,与意 大利、希腊和印度相比,澳洲华裔不可能 做间谍(意大利、希腊和印度籍议员数量 远大于华裔议员),中国更不会对澳大利 亚构成军事威胁。 对于中方过度干涉的疑虑,我不认为当下 或者未来存在任何威胁,但是需要花更多 时间来说服部分澳大利亚人。 我们现在最为担忧的是在澳华人会因澳 中两国的关系恶化带来连带伤害,好比自 2017年初以来所经历的种种。

自前总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)于8月7日在新南威尔士大学 发表完演讲以后,我们可以确信最严重的 政治风暴已经过去。中国实行的外交冷处 理包括——拒绝澳部长级官员访问、强制 取消贸易展销会以及警告在澳中国留学 生等,现已正式结束。 是否全面恢复正常关系尚不得而知,也不 清楚这样发展下去的后果。但是有必要了 解到事情的缘由,并探讨未来长期合理发 展的道路,以确保在澳华人不受到连带伤 害。

澳中关系曾经几度面临重大挑战,194972年(建交之前)、1989-91年(天安门事 件之后)、1996年(台海危机时霍华德呼吁 围堵中国)、2008-09年(陆克文的“诤友” 演讲)。 澳中两国关系历经风雨,双方也都立志前 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



We should be looking to build a new maturity, and a new complexity, into our relationship 澳中之间应寻求一种花开结果式的新关系。

Whatever concerns we may legitimately have about Chinese overreach externally – and I will come back to this – I don’t see the Chinese leadership now and into the future as an exception. But it may take some time for some in Australia, as elsewhere, to become persuaded of that. The more immediate concern we all have is that Chinese Australians become collateral damage in an environment of bad bilateral relations, of the kind we have been experiencing since early 2017. Since (former) prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s University of NSW speech on August 7 it may be that we can be confident the worst storms have passed, and that the days of Beijing practising ‘doghouse diplomacy’ – declining to host ministerial visits, forcing the cancellation of trade fairs, threatening to stop students coming here and so on – are now over. But it is not yet completely clear that we are out of the woods, or what price we will have to pay to stay there, so it is important that we understand what went wrong, and why, and explore what might be necessary to keep our relationship on a sustainably positive path in future – and in the process keep our Chinese Australians out of the collateral damage firing line. Australia-China relations have been in the freezer before, notably in 1949-72 (before recognition), in 1989-91 (post-Tiananmen), in 1996 (with John Howard seen as calling for containment in the context of Taiwan) and in 200809 (beginning with Kevin Rudd’s ‘zhengyou’ speech at PKU [Peking University], with its unwelcome observation that a true friend is critical friend). Each such period has passed when both sides have decided to move on, seeing larger benefits for both sides in constructive relationship. What has made the 2017-18 difficult to escape is that it has been fed by at least four distinct causes. First, there were a series of statements by senior Coalition government figures seen as insensitive, disrespectful, involving megaphone diplomacy or all of the above. 36


(Then) foreign minister Julie Bishop said in Singapore in March 2017 that China would not fully realise its potential until it became a democracy. Mr Turnbull said in December 2017, at the time of introducing new foreign interference and espionage legislation, that (deliberately using Mao’s canonical phrase) Australia had ‘stood up’ against outside efforts to interfere in our internal affairs. The then deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce in January 2018, commenting on the US National Security Strategy identifying China as a ‘strategic competitor’, said it had the capacity to ‘overrun’ Australia. And, also in January 2018, then minister for international development and the Pacific, Concetta Fieravanti-Wells, accused China of funding ‘useless’ infrastructure projects and ‘roads that go nowhere’ in the Pacific. I don’t for a moment think we should ever be excessively deferential in our foreign policy – not least in relation to China, whose statecraft, as Kevin Rudd rightly put it, ‘respects consistency and strength and is utterly contemptuous of weakness’. But it has always been the case in international relations that words are bullets, and one has to be particularly careful how one uses them – particularly publicly, and especially so in Asia where face is always so culturally important. It seems that Mr Turnbull has at last learned this lesson: his language at UNSW was appropriately emollient, and the Chinese side reacted accordingly. The second factor in the freeze has been the tumultuous debate over alleged Chinese undue influence and interference in Australian domestic politics and higher education, which inevitably generated a very negative reaction from Beijing. That debate was initiated by a Fairfax Media/Australian Broadcasting Corporation investigation in June 2017 and fuelled subsequently by media articles by former prime ministerial adviser John Garnaut and the book Silent Invasion by Clive Hamilton, not to mention some apparent backroom contributions

from ASIO and the Australian intelligence community, all purporting to describe how Communist Party of China organs like the United Front Work Department were infiltrating Australian institutions, including with the help of high-profile Chinese-Australian political donors and businessmen Chau Chak Wing and Huang Xiangmo. The smoke here was not entirely without fire, with the exposure in particular of former Senator Sam Dastyari’s naivete in trading party donations for policy support, but there has been much more speculation than hard evidence when it comes to most of the other claims of undue influence, for example in the university sector in relation to influence on curricula, pressure on lecturers, and intimidation of and by PRC students, and perhaps of Chinese Australians as well. That said, it was legitimate for the Australian Parliament this year to enact legislation, as other countries have done, strengthening protections against interference by other governments general, including creating a register for individuals or entities undertaking activities on behalf of ‘foreign principals’ and introducing new offences, including the theft of trade secrets on behalf of a foreign government. China remains unhappy about the way in which media and public commentary constantly singled out China in the debate, even if the legislation itself did not, but seems now prepared to not let this legislation be a continuing irritant in the bilateral relationship, but it does remain unhappy about the way in which media and public commentary constantly singled out China in the debate. The third factor contributing to the freeze has been Chinese concern that Australia is overreacting to perceived security risks from Chinese investment and other commercial activity. While the issue has arisen previously around transport and communications infrastructure – including the Port of Darwin and NSW power lines – the really cutting edge continues to be the future of Huawei. The telecommunications giant was banned from participating in the National Broadband



EXCLUSION The Australian government’s decision to cut Huawei out of building the country’s 5G network is at the sharp edge of Sino-Australian relations. Photo: Reuters 排斥异己 澳大利亚政府已决定将华为排除 在国家5 G网络基建项目之外,这是澳中关 系重归于好所必要面临的难题。图片来源: 路透社

关系恶化的第三个因素为,中国担心澳大 利亚对中国投资和其它商业活动的安全 因素有过激反应。

此问题也曾发生在交通和通讯设施上, 包括达尔文港和新南威尔士州海底电缆 铺设项目-此举迫使华为在澳业务举步维 艰。 华为于2013年被禁止参与澳大利亚的国 家宽带网络建设,如今政府又试图禁止华 为参与5G网络建设。 行。但当下2017-18年澳中外交危机至少 存在如下四个原因。 首先,执政党高层官员对中国采取了麻木 不仁、不尊重、扩音器式的外交言论。

2017年3月,澳大利亚外交部部长朱莉·毕 晓普(Julie Bishop)在新加坡公然声称 中国无法成为合格的地区领导,并质疑了 中国的政治体制。

同年12月。前总理特恩布尔引入全新外国 干预及间谍 法 的同 时, (特 意 使 用 毛泽 东 的名言)澳大利亚“站起来了”反对外部干 涉澳洲内政。

2018年1月,时任副总理的巴纳比·乔伊斯 (Barnaby Joyce)对美国国家安全战略 (US National Security Strategy)罗列 中国为美国“战略竞争者”一事发表评论, 认为中方这种势头也会蔓延至澳大利亚。

时任澳洲国际发展和太平洋事务部部 长 德 康 塞 塔 · 菲 拉 维 沃 斯( C o n c e t t a Fieravanti-Wells)于2018年1月污蔑中 国为“没用”的基础设施建设投入资金,以 及在太平洋区域“无路可走”。不可否认, 对于中国的外交政策无需低三下四,正如 陆克文曾提 到 的,中 国 的治 国 方 略“尊 重 一致性并扬长避短,面对强权绝不低头。” 但是,在国际 关系 中 言 语即 子 弹,必须 注 意在公众场合的言谈举止,面子文化在亚 洲尤为重要。 看起来前总理特恩布尔最终学到了这一 点:他在新南威尔士大学的语言和用词明 显 柔 和 了 许 多 ,而 且 中 国 也 对 此 有 所 回 应。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

第二个因素,围绕中国对澳大利亚国内政 治和高效的过度影响及干涉而引发的激 烈争论,不可避免的引起了中国政府的强 烈不满。

争论先于2017年6月的费尔法克斯媒 体(Fairfax Media)与澳大利亚广 播公司(Australian Broadcasting C o r p o r a t i o n )的 调 查 报 道 ,伴 随 前 总 理顾问约翰·高安西( John Garnaut) 的 媒 体 文 章 和 克 莱 夫 · 汉 密 尔 顿( C l i v e H a m i l t o n )的《 无 声 的 入 侵 》 (Silent Invasion),以及“幕后黑手”澳大利亚情 报组织的推波助澜。他们集体将矛头指向 中国统战部对澳大利亚的渗透,其中包括 得到澳洲华裔政治捐款人及商人周泽荣 和黄向墨的内部协助。 无火不成烟,无风不起浪。由于前参议院 山姆·邓森(Sam Dastyari)用支持中国 的政策来换取对工党的捐款,整个事件被 无线放大。但是其余关于中国干预并没有 确凿证据,比如对于影响学校课程、教师 被施以压力、恐吓中国留学生以及澳大利 亚华裔等。

虽说如此,但今年澳大利亚的立法也是合 理的。正如多数国家一样,加强保护本国 内 政 及 防 治 他 国 干 涉 ,其 中 包 括 强 制 代 表“海外资本”的个人与集团登记注册。同 时应完善法律,例如对外国势力窃取本国 商业机密的限制等。 中国对澳媒体和澳政府中不时出现的“中 国威胁论”声音表达强烈不满。即便没有 立 法 ,但 对 于 澳 媒 体 不 断 挑 衅 中 国 的 行 为,中国提出全面抗议。

华为指出,其本身是一家民营企业,其运 营符合澳大利亚法律法规,就像在其他国 家 及 地 区 一 样 ,会 严 格 遵 守 当 地 法 律 法 规。 但是澳大利亚国家安全机构始终担心,在 中国政治干涉下,若华为参与可能存在安 全隐患。因为中国政府有可能要求中国企 业为国家情报工作提供支持与合作。 而对于此类问题,最好的解决方案是,询 问中国可否接受来自美国或者其它外资 公司对敏感行业的介入。

如果中方无法接受,那么这场纷争则会戛 然而止。 自2017年初以来,澳中双方出现外交政策 分歧。澳大利亚的外交政策被认作严重向 美国倾斜,然而在特朗普政府上台后其政 治经济不稳定的情况下,实属无法理解澳 大利亚仍身先士卒的行为。 有关中国在南中国海问题的领土主张和 军事化活动,澳大利亚无疑是最坚定的反 对者之一(至少在口头上),而中国不承认 2016年海牙常设仲裁法院的一纸裁决,这 也让中国官媒称澳方为纸老虎。

澳方也采取了一些措施,比如加入“印太 战略”——其中包括美国、印度、日本还有 澳大利亚,这个联盟以竭力遏制中国为目 的。尽管该联盟处于初级阶段,还没达到“ 四 方 会 谈 ”已 深 入 各 国 海 军 及 官 员 的 程 度,但印度方面仍然不愿让澳洲加入与美 日的年度马拉巴尔海军演习。 澳大利亚对中国“一带一路”倡议基础设 施建设以及地缘战略影响表示担忧,尤其 是可能进入南太平洋地区的情况下,民众 2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018



We can best reinforce our position in the Pacific by lifting our own game rather than overtly trying to undermine China’s

澳大利亚可通过提升自己的实力来巩固其在太平洋 的地位,而非公然破坏中国地位。

Network in 2013, and discussions are currently under way within the Australian Government regarding its exclusion from participating in Australia’s 5G network. (The company has subsequently been excluded). Huawei insists it is a private employee-owned company and operates in line with Australian regulation and laws, as it does elsewhere. But Australian national security agencies remain concerned about the possible technical vulnerability of the whole system, in the context of Chinese laws which allow Beijing to order businesses to ‘support, cooperate with and collaborate in national intelligence work’. The best answer to Chinese hostility to Australia and others making security-based judgments barring Chinese investment has always been to ask whether China itself would accept a comparable investment in sensitive sectors from a US or other foreign company. If it manifestly would not, it is hard for the indignation to be sustained. The remaining factor contributing to the bilateral freeze since early 2017 has been differences over foreign policy, with Australia seen to be jumping excessively to US tunes – not unusual in the past but perhaps seen as less understandable in the context of the new Trump administration’s highly erratic behaviour in the region. We have certainly been among the firmest opponents – at least rhetorically – of China’s overreaching claims and militarising activity in the South China Sea in defiance of the ruling in 2016 of The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration, which led to Chinese state-run media calling Australia a paper cat. We have joined in taking some steps to give new life to the ‘Quad’ – the US/India/ Japan/Australia grouping seen by China as a polarising alliance dedicated to China’s containment, although this has not yet developed further than four-way talks between each country’s admirals and officials, with India remaining reluctant to have Australia join its annual Malabar naval exercise with the US and Japan. And we have expressed some concern 38


about the geostrategic implications of China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative, particularly in its possible reach into the South Pacific, reinforcing concerns that China is has been using its aid program for political advantage there. None of these issues need be showstoppers for cordial future bilateral relations, but each of them needs to be handled carefully. We can best reinforce our position in the Pacific by lifting our own game rather than overtly trying to undermine China’s, which has not been as extensive or intrusive as sometimes painted. We should recognise the essential legitimacy of the scale and ambition of the Belt and Road Initiative, be a little less anxious about its regional security implications, and prepared – with appropriate commercial caution – to be an active participant in the enterprise, as the government now seems to be. The most difficult issue to handle is the South China Sea, where China’s overreach has been visible, and troubling to many countries in the region. While Beijing manifestly does not want to provoke violent conflict anywhere, it is clearly intent on recreating as much of its historical hegemonic, tributary relationship with its southern neighbours as it can get away with, and it is important in this context that – if that overreach continues, and diplomatic efforts currently being renewed to smooth the waters with an agreed ASEAN-China maritime Code of Conduct make little progress – there be some pushback. I would support that in the form of so-called freedom of navigation exercises in the contested waters, preferably not alongside the US but rather the key regional players Indonesia and Vietnam. A more positive, and I suspect potentially most productive, way of restoring some real, lasting mutual respect into the Australia-China relationship, would be for Australia to more overtly accept the legitimacy of China’s demand to be now not just a rule-taker but a participant in global rule-making. And in that context we should aim to work much more closely with China on the

whole range of global and regional public goods issues – from climate change to arms control, from terrorism to health pandemics, from peace-keeping to responding to mass atrocity crimes – on which Beijing has in recent times been playing a more interested and constructive role than has generally been recognised. The critical point – and I am glad to see last year’s Foreign Policy White Paper spelling this out fairly clearly – is that Australia needs to approach our relationship with China in a spirit of multi-dimensional engagement. We should be trying to build mutually beneficial connections at multiple levels, not just see the country as a one-dimensional economic partner, crucial for our prosperity but to be treated warily and confrontationally on anything to do with security issues in the hope and expectation, almost certainly now misguided, that the US will do the heavy lifting for us on that front. None of this means becoming Beijing’s patsy, any more than we should be Washington’s: we should not hold back in making clear our own commitment to democratic and human rights values and, as I have said, we should be prepared to push back when China overreaches externally. But we should be looking to build a new maturity, and a new complexity, into our relationship. The signs are already there that the wider community is not nearly as concerned about China as a threat or source of unacceptable influence and interference as some, including those in our security and intelligence community, would like us to believe. Putting the tensions of the past two years behind us will also go a long way to ensuring that the anxiety and discomfort that Chinese Australians have unquestionably been feeling in this difficult environment will not be repeated.” Gareth Evans is Chancellor of the Australian National University, former foreign minister of Australia, former president and CEO of the International Crisis Group.


情绪愈演愈烈,即中国试图利用其援助计 划在当地谋求政治利益。

所有问题都不一定影响到未来两国双边 关系,但每一个都需谨慎处理。 澳大利亚可以通过提升自身实力来巩固 其在太平洋的话语权,而非公然诋毁中国 地位,甚至将“中国威胁论”无限放大。

澳大利亚应 该 意识 到 中 国“一 带 一 路”倡 议的规模及合法性,更无需担心国家安全 影响。正如目 前政 府 所 作所 为,从 商业 角 度适当谨慎即可。

最棘手的问题当数中国南海问题,中国的“ 过度扩张”令该地区周边国家感到不安。

虽然中方显然不希望以此引发暴力冲突, 但这作为中国在全球展现话语权的举措, 可能会使现 有 外交 努 力 付之 东 流。目前, 多方正努力起拟中国和东盟国家的“南海 行为准则”单 一磋 商 文 本草 案,但 效果 甚 微。 从个人角度出发,我支持在有争议的海域 展开“航行自由”军演。最好与美国撇清关 系,而是携手区域同盟盟友印度尼西亚和 越南。

关于澳中双方如何重建真实、持久且相互 尊重的两国关系,我认为最行之有效也是 最积极的方法为:澳大利亚需更加公开的 接 受 中 方 合 理 要 求 —— 承 认 中 国 目 前 绝 不仅是规则接受者,更是全球规则的制定 者。

我们应当在全球问题上更紧密地与中方 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

进行合作,从气候变化到军备控制,从反 恐行动到传染病防治,从维护和平到到打 击犯罪。中国政府作出的贡献和取得的成 绩 是 有 目 共 睹 的 ,别 让“ 旧 观 念 ”蒙 蔽 双 眼。 更关键的是,我很欣慰能从澳大利亚去年 的《外交政策白皮书》中清晰地看到:澳大 利亚需以多种沟通方式处理澳中两国关 系。


IN FOCUS Chinese President Xi Jinping has maintained it is not China’s policy to involve itself in political affairs of other countries. Photo: Reuters 历历可辨 中国国家主席习近平一再强调, 中国绝不干涉任何国家的内政。图片来源: 路透社

我们应该努力在多层面建立互惠互利的 关 系 ,而 非 仅 仅 视 中 国 为 单 一 的 经 济 伙 伴,这点对澳大利亚的繁荣至关重要。但 在希望与期待中也要谨慎对待一切与国 家安全有关的问题,相信美国届时也不会 袖手旁观的。 这一切并不意味着我们要成为中国或美 国的“傀儡”,正如我之前所说,澳大利亚 不接受在民主与人权问题上妥协,如若中 国 有“ 越 界 ”行 为 ,澳 大 利 亚 必 将 进 行 反 击。

已 有 迹 象 表 明 ,更 广 泛 的 澳 洲 社 会 群 体 对“中国威胁论”并不担忧,也并未像澳大 利亚安全情报组织那样坐立不安。 就让过往两年的紧张局势随风而逝吧,无 论是谁都不愿看到紧张的澳中关系再次 上演,尤其是那些夹在两国间一度紧绷神 经的澳洲华裔同胞们。 加雷斯·埃文斯(Gareth Evans)是澳大利亚 国立大学校长、前外交部部长、前国际危机 组织主席兼首席执行官。

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018




China National Day Celebrations Hosted by the Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in Perth

中国驻珀斯总领馆举行国庆招待会 10






图画故事 3





1 EVENT Consul Wei Liang, The Economic & Commercial Section of the Consulate General of China in Perth, with prominent members of the China Chamber of Commerce Australia. 年度盛典 驻珀斯经商室商 务领事魏亮与澳大利亚中 国总商会部分企业领导共 贺盛事。 2 Pierre Yang, state member for Gosnells. 西澳州上议院议员杨帅先生

3 SHINING LIGHT WA state politician Pierre Yang is proud of all AustralianChinese. 昆山之玉 西澳州上议院议员 杨帅先生是华人的骄傲。 4 WELL-ATTENDED Guests enjoyed the event. 广受赞誉 宾客对此次活动赞 不绝口。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU


5 INTERACTION Australian and Chinese businesspeople regard this event as an excellent opportunity for communication.

9 DISCERNING Local entrepreneurs collaborate with potential Chinese partners at the annual event. 心明眼亮 越来越多的本地企 此呼彼应 无论是澳洲人还是 业家通过中式官方活动来寻 中国人,都将此类活动视为交 找中国合伙人。 流的绝佳机会。 10, 11 MEANINGFUL 6 RESPECT Using chopsticks The event aims to provide a platform to bring the proficiently is another way government closer to the to show respect, even in business sector. business. 尊敬文化 熟练使用中国传统 意义非凡 中国驻珀斯总领事 馆举办活动也旨在为澳中政 餐具-筷子,被视为对中国文 商间紧密交流的提供平台。 化的尊敬。 7 Mike Nahan, Western Australian Liberal leader and Leader of the Opposition. 澳大利亚反对党领袖麦克· 纳罕

8 Chinese Consul-General Lei Kezhong. 中国驻珀斯总领事雷克中

Photos: Australia China Business Review.

图片来源: 《澳中商讯》

2018年十月 | OCTOBER 2018


China Nat ional Day CELEBRATIONS 2018


Thursday 25 October 2018 6:00pm, Formalities 6:30pm Perth Town Hall, Cnr Hay St & Barrack St, Perth Book now via Eventbrite The Chai Dragon (pictured above) and other gifts from the City of Nanjing to the City of Perth will be on display at the celebrations

Lucy’s Beach, Greenough Western Australia Photo: Xiaoyuan Zhou

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