ACBR Issue 011 September 2018

Page 1


2018年九月 · 第11期

Uncorking opportunity Winemakers toast cultural connection Page 6 后福无量

酒庄主举杯庆贺文化交融 第6页

Big spenders China’s changing face of consumption Page 12 挥金如土

探索中国消费行为学 第12页

Melbourne apartments Developers bring Chinese scale down under Page 28 维州商机

中国力量征战墨尔本 第28页

Mary Hackett Director LNG Marine Fuel Institute Photo: Philip Gostelow

玛丽·哈克特 董事 LNG船用燃料研究协会 图片来源:菲利普·葛斯特罗

LNG surge

Gas players bet big on China’s clean future



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contents 目录

From the editor’s desk | 主编的话 4

Agribusiness | 农商 6

WA government policy undercuts resilient property


Winemakers toast a cultural connection 澳洲酒庄大梦初醒

Property | 地产

Cover story | 封面故事

18 Gas players bet big on China’s clean future

28 Chinese apartment developers build big in Melbourne

News | 新闻

Resources | 能源


12 Wealthy, mobile and elusive: chasing China’s consumers


30 Foreign firms flock to the second tier



24 Steelmakers, batteries drive new era in manganese


Opinion | 教育

32 Blockchain may become as common as WeChat


36 South Korea sets sail with subsidies



2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


Publisher DDK IN THE ZONE PTY LTD trading as Australia China Business Review Editor in chief Dan Wilkie

主编: 丹•威尔基


from the

Managing director Ken Meng

董事总经理: 孟敬亭

E: Graphic design GRAFFIK Printing Daniels Printing Craftsmen AUSTRALIA CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW 澳中商讯

PH: (08) 6216 9899 Postal Address Unit 2c, 330 Churchill Avenue Subiaco, Western Australia 6008

Disclaimer While all care has been taken to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and has come from sources deemed to be reliable, Australia China Business Review takes no responsibility, unless expressly indicated, for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of opinions, statements and comments does not constitute endorsement by Australia China Business Review. Content within this publication is protected by Australian copyright law and may not be reproduced without express written permission by Australia China Business Review. 免责声明: Australia China Business Review已经采取所有措施来确保本刊 物所包含的信息是准确的,而且是来自 确认可靠的消息来源,除非明确指出,对 于任何不准确的信息Australia China Business Review 不负任何责任。刊物 中意见、声明和评论不代表 Australia China Business Review 立场。 本刊 物的内容受澳大利亚版权法保护,未经 Australia China Business Review 的书面许可,不得转载 4


DAN WILKIE | 丹·威尔基


WA governme AN interesting email hit my inbox regarding the resilience of Western Australia’s property sector, not long after the state opposition reignited debate over the appropriateness of applying a tax to foreign buyers of residential property. The email contained the results of a 30year study on Australian capital city real estate markets, singling out which cities were the hottest performers across five-year market cycles. What stood out was that Perth had the best five-year period (between 2003 and 2007) of any city over the study, driven by record population growth flowing from the mining investment boom. During that time, property prices in Perth increased by 140 per cent, the Property Investment Professionals of Australia study showed. By comparison, Sydney – the city most property watchers would likely consider to have the nation’s hottest market – did not record five-year growth of more than 85 per cent over the study period. The study showed Perth was never the worst performing capital over any five-year period, an indication the city’s property sector was able to hold value despite the resources-related boom-bust nature of the WA economy. It should have also been a handy selling tool for real estate agents keen to introduce WA property to a new age of foreign investors seeking a value proposition outside of the rapidly peaking markets of Sydney and Melbourne – when Perth falls, it doesn’t fall far.



editor’s desk 主编的话


nt policy undercuts resilient property But the WA government’s insistence on installing a foreign buyer levy erodes that competitive edge somewhat. From January 1, all offshore purchasers of houses in WA will be subject to a tax of 7 per cent of the property’s value, bringing the state closer in line with other jurisdictions in Australia. For a government that seems desperate to repair its budget issues, that seems like a logical impost. That is until you crunch the numbers. Foreign buyers make up such a small proportion of the property market in WA (1.26 per cent in 2016-17) that the impost is likely to have little impact on the state’s finances. The McGowan Labor government is dealing with a Liberal Party legacy of debt – $40 billion of it – and sees the foreign buyer levy as a sensible way to pay some of that down. But its own projections indicate the impost is likely to raise only $123 million between 2019 and 2022. That line of thinking also seems to downplay the impact investment in new housing, particularly by offshore purchasers, can have on a state’s books. Even in the middle of one of its most prolonged downturns, the WA property sector contributes $31.8 billion annually to WA’s gross state product, 205,000 direct jobs and $6.4 billion in taxes. In that context, wouldn’t a better budget repair measure be to provide incentives to stoke investment in new housing? Surely that would have more impact than a tax that’s going to pay down 0.3 per cent of the state’s debt over three years?


在反对派重新点燃关于向外国买家征收房 产税的争论之后不久,我收到一封关于西澳 大利亚房地产行业报告的邮件。

这封电子邮件包含了对澳大利亚主流城市 地产市场长达30年的研究结果,指出哪些城 市是五年市场周期中表现最活跃的城市。 引人注目的是,珀斯的五年周期(2003年至 2007年)是同比最优,这是由矿业投资热潮 带来的创纪录人口增长所推动的。

澳大利亚房地产投资专业人士的研究显示, 在此期间,珀斯地产价格大幅上涨140%。 相比之下,大多数业内人士可能会考虑澳洲 最热门的市场——悉尼,在研究期间,悉尼 五年增长也达到85%以上。 研究显示,所有澳大利亚城市里,珀斯从未 在五年周期表现垫底,这说明尽管西澳经济 依赖于矿业的周期性,但珀斯房产仍具有较 高的保值度。

对于那些热衷于将西澳地产引入新时代的 地产中介来说,这也是一组辅助销售的数 据。在悉尼和墨尔本的快速增长见顶的市场 之外,外国投资者正在寻求新目标——就算 珀斯房价会跌,也不会跌至谷底,甚至崩盘。 但西澳政府坚持对外国买家增税,极大地削 弱了这种竞争优势。

从今年1月1日起,所有在西澳购房的海外买 家将缴纳相当于房产价值7%的税,使西澳 与其它州看起来更像一个整体。 对于一个迫切需要加强修正财政预算问题 的政府来说,这项税收看起来合情合理。 直到你算笔账后才恍然大悟。

外国买家在西澳的地产市场中所占比例极小 (2016-17年为1.26%),看起来这一比例对 西澳州财政来说无足轻重。 麦高文工党政府正在处理自由党遗留下的 400亿澳元债务,并将这笔对外国买家的征 税视为一种明智之举来偿还部分债务。

但根据政府预测显示,2019-2022年期间,这 笔税收总额仅可能达到1.23亿澳元。 这一思路似乎也淡化了对新住房投资的影 响,尤其是对海外买家的影响。而这恰恰会 严重影响政府收入。

即使是在漫长的经济低迷期,地产业每年 为西澳GDP贡献318亿澳元,同时带来20万 5000个直接就业岗位和64亿澳元的税收。

在这种情况下,难道一项优化后的预算政策 不应该更好地刺激地产投资吗? 确定用整整三年仅偿还0.3%州债务比吸引 外国买家更重要吗?

Wouldn’t a better budget repair measure be to provide incentives to stoke investment in new housing? 难道一项优化后的预算政策不应该更好地刺 激房产投资吗?

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018




西澳大利亚大南方产区的两个酒庄正 在探索发掘中国广阔市场的潜力,中国 的文化交互与商业发展同样重要。

Winemakers toast a cultural connection A pair of wineries from Western Australia’s Great Southern are finding that uncorking the potential of China’s lucrative market is just as much about cultural experience as it is about business.





Dan Wilkie EVEN a quick look at Australian export data reveals how attractive China has become for Australian winemakers. The latest figures from industry representative group Wine Australia show exports to China were worth more than $1.12 billion in the year to June 30, with more than 180 million litres being shipped from Australian vineyards to the People’s Republic. And with China’s ever-growing middle class increasingly seeking out new culinary experiences, the market is only expected to grow further, with Wine Australia forecasting the $2 billion mark is not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. It’s quite a turnaround for the wine industry, which until the ratification of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement in 2015, was grappling with the conundrum of what to do with millions of litres of excess wine with no apparent market. “Three or four years ago there was this great wine lake in Australia,” Rockcliffe owner Steve Hall told Australia China Business Review. “I think that great wine lake has shifted in bottles to China, and the next big problem is going to be finding enough grapes to make wine. “The market is so enormous, there is room for a lot of people.” Mr Hall’s Rockcliffe vineyard, located near Denmark in the pristine Great Southern region of Western Australia, has been exporting wine to China since around the same time the ChAFTA was introduced. Rockcliffe exports around a third of its total production to China, with sales in the 2018-19 financial year forecast to reach $1 million. Mr Hall said the size of the Chinese market, along with the lowered barriers to entry, made it an extremely attractive proposition for the Australian wine sector. “We can sell more in five days to China than we do in the whole of Australia in a year,” he said. “That’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but the effort one has to go through to sell wine in Australia is substantial.” That’s not to downplay the lengths Mr Hall has gone through to establish his China presence, however. Mr Hall said Rockcliffe had launched its own label, Peaceful Bay, to drive its China sales, after the winery’s initial efforts to cap-


仅粗略查看澳洲葡萄酒出口数据,酒能发 现中国对澳洲酒庄的吸引力有多大。 来自澳大利亚葡萄酒行业代表机构 Wine Australia的最新数据显示,在截 至6月30日的一年中,对中国出口的葡 萄酒价值超过11.2亿澳元,共计超过1.8 亿升。

随着中国日益壮大的中产阶级群体对生 活品质的追求,市场会进一步增长。Wine Australia预测,出口额达到20亿美元只 是时间长短的问题。 2015年签署的《中澳自由贸易协定》对葡 萄酒行业来说是一个转折点。之前,该行 业一直因产能过剩而愁云惨淡。

“三四年前,澳大利亚的葡萄酒储量非常 惊人,”Rockcliffe酒庄庄主史蒂夫·霍尔 (Steve Hall)在接受《澳中商讯》采访时 表示。 “我认为,澳大利亚的葡萄酒储量已经转

移到了中国,而下一个大问题就是找到充 足的可用于酿酒的葡萄。”


霍尔先生的Rockcliffe葡萄园位于 西澳大利亚大南方产区,紧邻丹麦市 (Denmark),自《中澳自由贸易协定》签 署以来就向中国出口葡萄酒。 Rockcliffe酒庄三分之一产量直接销往 中国,2018-2019年度销售总额达到100 万澳元。 霍尔表示,中国市场规模之大,准入门槛 的降低,让澳商心驰神往。

他说: “同样的产品(Rockcliffe),在中 国卖五天的销量,比在澳洲卖一整年还要 高。”

“听起来确实很夸张,反观在澳大利亚推 广销售葡萄酒需要九转功成的精神。” 这并不是说霍尔先生在中国很轻松就能 完成销售。

You need to understand the culture but it’s not easy to understand the culture – Steve Hall 深入理解当地文化并非易事,但是必不可少 ——史蒂夫·霍尔

RESPECT Steve Hall says understanding Chinese culture should be any exporter’s top priority. Photo: Jess Wyld Photography

CHARACTER Chinese consumers are attracted to the story around a wine’s origin, as much as they are the taste. Photo: Jess Wyld Photography

相敬如宾 史蒂夫·霍尔表示,理解中国文 化才是所有出口商的首要任务。图片来 源:Jess Wyld Photography

扬长避短 对中国消费者来说,葡萄酒的口 感与酒庄文化同样重要。图片来源:Jess Wyld Photography


2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



italise on the growing Chinese demand for quality imported wines were met with some specific challenges. “My original thought was that we could go in with the branding that worked in Australia,” Mr Hall said. “But initially they didn’t like some of our labels. “They were made for China, but they were made for China by someone in Sydney, who wasn’t Chinese. “With the labels, they are very particular, and they are particularly important for someone who can’t read English. “You want to be distinctive with your label, but you don’t want to break the rules. “For example, you can’t put Chinese on the label, because if you do that, it looks Chinese, and they don’t want Chinese, they want Western products.” Along with the new, China-focused branding, Mr Hall has also employed a Shanghai -based Chinese national, Jessica Zheng, to handle sales and marketing, after previously having used various sales agents and distributors. Like many other industries, Mr Hall said success in the China market was not an overnight proposition; rather it was built on longterm commitments.



Mr Hall said he travelled to China at least four times each year, hosting wine education events with potential distributors or attending trade shows. “Developing the relationship is what takes the time,” he said. “It’s not instantaneous. People will make a mistake if they think they can go to China, they’ll meet somebody, and they will order a container of wine. They won’t, in my experience. “You need to understand the culture but it’s not easy to understand the culture. “The way that things are done in the West is you turn up to a meeting and you do a deal. “But if you go into China thinking that’s going to happen, it won’t happen, you’ll get upset and they will go buy from someone else. “It doesn’t seem to matter what the quality of the wine is, what really seems to matter is if they like you.” For Rockcliffe’s Great Southern neighbour, Singlefile Wines, gaining a foothold in the China market was as much about good fortune as it was about producing good wine. Singlefile chief executive Patrick Corbett said his winery’s China journey began during WA’s mining development boom of 2007 to 2011, after several Chinese nationals who vis-

ited the cellar door expressed interest in taking wine back to China in bulk. But Mr Corbett said none of those discussions ever went anywhere because neither party could agree on price. “I think there was a cultural element there of people liking a discount and a special deal, which just didn’t suit us,” Mr Corbett said. “Because we’re such a small producer, it’s about quality and it’s about small quantities at a premium price rather than large volumes.” However, Mr Corbett said a chance visitor validated his stubbornness to not budge from the premium price point. That visitor was Tony Wang, founder of electronics manufacturer HKE Group, who was looking for a premium Australian wine partner that could supply wines to his three art galleries. “The discussions started reasonably slowly, we spoke a lot for two years, he placed a small order and out of respect to him we went up and visited him and his family in China,” Mr Corbett said. “The first step for us was to visit him and his family and understand his lifestyle, his history, and so on and so forth. “That really solidified the relationship and



PROMOTION Singlefile Wines uses virtual reality technology to demonstrate the pristine nature of its Great Southern vineyard to customers in China. Photo: Singlefile 绝佳创意 Singlefile酒庄在中国使用VR 技术来原景重现其位于大南方产区的葡萄 园。图片来源:Singlefile LOCAL FACE Jessica Zheng leads Rockcliffe’s China marketing strategies in Shanghai. Photo: Jess Wyld Photography 土生土长 在上海,郑女士主导Rockcliffe 酒庄在华策略。图片来源:Jess Wyld Photography 霍尔表示,Rockcliffe酒庄推出自己的商 标“和平湾” (Peaceful Bay),以推动其 在中国的销售。当初尝试满足中国对优质 进口葡萄酒上涨的需求时,也遇到了一些 艰巨的挑战。

“我最初的想法是,我们可以利用澳大利 亚的品牌入驻中国市场。”


“这些为中国市场量身定做的酒是由身 处悉尼的澳洲人制作,而非真正了解情况 的中国人。 “有些酒标十分特殊,尤其对于那些看不 懂英文的海外客户来说。 “有些时候你想要在不违反规定的情况 下,提供差异化的酒标。

“举个例子,直接把中文放到酒标上就不 是明智之举。中国消费者希望购买传统的 西方产品而不是中国产品。”

对于Rockcliffe的大南方邻 居,Singlefile酒庄来说想要在中国市场 站稳脚跟和生产优质红酒一样,都需要 运气。

霍尔先生在多次尝试各种销售及渠道中 介以后,为了更好的推行全新的中国品牌 营销,雇用了长居北京的中国人郑女士。

Singlefile首席执行官帕特里克·科贝特 (Patrick Corbett)说,酒庄的中国业务 起源还要追溯的到2007至2011年间西澳 州矿业繁荣发展带来的商机,特别是中国 人到访酒庄后表示想要大量进口澳洲红 酒到中国。

霍尔说,他每年至少去中国四次,与潜在 的经销商举办葡萄酒宣传品鉴活动,或者 参加贸易展览。

“特殊优惠或者折上折似乎是中国商业 文化的一部分,但显然不适用于我们当时 的生意。

霍尔表示,像许多其他行业一样,中国市 场的成功并非一蹴而就,而是建立在长期 承诺的基础上。


“关系的发展不是立竿见影。如果人们认 为他们到访中国,偶遇客户然后就收到一 个集装箱的订单那么他们就大错特错了。 因为这种情况根据我以往经验来看,根本 不会发生。 “深入理解当地文化并非易事,但是必不 可少。 “西方的做事方式就是会面就是为了直 截了当的做生意。

但是科贝特先生说到最终这些谈判没有 任何实质性结果的主要原因是因为价格 谈不拢。

“归根结底我们只是小型精品酒庄,专注于 生产少量高端的酒而不是商业化的量产酒。 然而,一位偶然的访客再次印证了科贝特 先生执着于高端酒的理念是正确的。

这个人就是托尼·王先生,电子设备生产 商HKE集团的创始人,当时也在为他的画 廊积极寻找澳大利亚高端酒的合作伙伴。 科贝特先生表示: “这次商业会谈进行的 不紧不慢,在沟通了大约两年多以后王先

生定了少量的酒,出于尊重我们也到中国 拜访了他和他的家人。”

“我们想拿出诚意,先拜访王先生,结识 他的家人,深入了解他们的生活习惯,背 景诸如此类。

“这一举动为日后双方的合作奠定了基 础,我学到的第一课就是充分了解客户和 他的家庭对发展合作关系至关重要。 “在沟通一段时间过后,王先生向我透露 在中国文化里他们深信路遥知马力,日久 见人心。只有充分了解对方才能做出长期 的投资决定和规划。

“当时双方已经沟通了差不多有四年的 时间,自此之后的12个月内谈判有了突破 性的进展。 “目前我们正在王先生的商铺里搭建红 酒展示厅,同时他也在其中一个画廊内设 立酒窖,并且紧锣密鼓地在中国12个城市 拓展销售渠道。”

科贝特先生表示,Singlefile每年大约有 4000箱高端红酒销往中国,目前总年产量 稳定在12000箱。 像Rockcliffe一样,科贝特先生说 Singlefile需要开发全新的销售战略,特 别是在酒窖销售这个环节。

“但这在中国行不通,这种行为会让客户 感到失望,并转投其他公司。 “在交易过程中,让客户喜欢和信任你似 乎比产品本身的质量更加重要。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



My first lesson was that making that family connection was extremely important – Patrick Corbett

我学到的第一课就是充 分了解客户和他的家庭 对发展合作关系至关重 要——帕特里克·科贝特

my first lesson was that making that family connection was extremely important. “The talking continued for a while, and he mentioned to me that there is something in the Chinese culture that they like to know someone for 1,000 days before they start making longer-term investment decisions. “We must have been talking for about four years at that stage, and about 12 months ago, things got fairly serious quite quickly. “We’ve now built a showroom in one of his properties, he’s set aside a part of one of his art galleries as a cellar door, and we are employing agents in 12 different cities in China.” Mr Corbett said of Singlefile’s production of around 12,000 cases of wine per year, 4,000 of them ended up in China. Like Rockcliffe, Mr Corbett said Singlefile had to develop completely new sales strategies, particularly at the cellar door. “We’ve done it quite differently to how I would do it in Australia,” he said. “It’s almost like a jewellery store, where you don’t necessarily go in to try wines like at a

PARTNER Patrick Corbett (left) says Singlefile’s China success could not have come without the support of Tony Wang. Photo: Singlefile 金石之交 帕特里克·科贝特(左)表 示,Singlefile酒庄在中国的成功离不开 托尼·王先生。图片来源:Singlefile 10


wine bar, you go in to learn about the brand, the story and see the bottles, rather than necessarily taste the bottles. “What we have found is it’s not as sophisticated a market compared to Australia from a taste point of view. “Our experience, and Tony’s advice, is you need to give some quality cues to assist the Chinese in understanding where you sit on that quality spectrum. “Particularly because his other business is the art gallery, the showroom is something that’s in keeping with that.” Mr Corbett said the vast differences in Chinese buying behaviour in comparison with that of Australians was another learning experience. “People seem to be more brand loyal in China than here,” he said. “It’s not uncommon to get a pallet order at the gallery. “Often it is CEOs, who buy on behalf of a company who will then use it as their gifting wine. “To buy a pallet of wine that’s 50 or 60

dinners over the course of 12 months, so it’s solved a problem.” While acknowledging it would be tempting to see how far Singlefile could push the China wine boom, which he described as only just beginning, Mr Corbett said the winery would likely cap its China production in the near future. “We have made the decision that we want to stay focused on the quality end, rather than chasing volume,” he said. “It is about having that discipline to ensure that we are focused on quality. “There are opportunities that are presented that appear easy to say yes to in the short term, but could have a detrimental impact on the business in the long term. “The reason Tony was interested in Singlefile was that when the price discussions started, we said ‘no discounts’. “He said he knew then that our focus was quality, and that was actually a very important quality cue for him. “He spent a lot of time getting to know us.”


“这种销售战略和澳洲本体截然不同。” 他说。

“有点类似珠宝商店的经验方式,就好像 你不会像在酒吧品酒那样尝试各种产品, 而是首先去认知、熟识和感受某个品牌。 “相比于澳大利亚,我们发现中国市场消 费者品鉴红酒的能力并没有那么成熟。

“托尼给出的建议,也是结合我们的经验 来说,我们需要提供更多相关对比依据以 便更好的帮助消费者掌握该类产品所处 的品质阶梯。 “红酒品质的横向纵向对比和王先生的 画廊质感交相呼应。

科贝特先生表示理解中澳买家消费习惯 的巨大差异也是他们在中国的学到的重 要一课。

“在中国,消费者对品牌忠诚度更高一些。 “有时候画廊一次性卖出一个托板的酒 也是司空见惯。 “大多都是一些高管代表公司购置一些 礼品酒。


“一次性购买一个托板的酒相当于解决 了未来12个月50-60次晚宴用酒的问题。 科贝特先生认为,中国葡萄酒业的繁荣才 刚刚开始,他对Singlefile酒的发展充满 期望。但他同时也表示,该酒庄可能在不 久的将来限制其在中国的产量。

“公司发展方向还是专注于品质而非数量。 “这就要求我们严于律己,始终如一的追 求卓越品质。


DISCERNING Once a market simply for red wines, Chinese consumers are embracing lighter styles such as Chardonnay. Photo: Singlefile 独具慧眼 曾经红酒主导中国市场,如今更 多中国消费者欢迎比如霞多丽等白葡萄 酒。图片来源:Singlefile

“有些机遇短期看来难以拒绝,但长期来 说对整体生意存在负面影响。

“促成Singlefile和王先生合作主要原因 就是我们从一开始就决绝打价格战,并且 坚持到现在。 “他表示从这一点判断我们的工作重心 在产品质量上,拥有这样品质的合作方对 他来说十分关键。 “所以才决定分配时间和精力进一步了 解我们”

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


NEWS | 新闻

Wealthy, mobile and elusive: chasing China’s consumers Dan Wilkie DISCERNING, big spending and sophisticated – they are the focus of any consumer-facing corporation and the backbone of many a global growth ambition. But as rapidly as China’s wealthy new consumers have attained discretionary spending power, they have also become increasingly difficult for international brands to understand and reach. Earlier this year, China moved past the United States and became the world’s biggest retail market – with more than $US1,463.8 billion ($2,031 billion) in sales in the first quarter of 2018, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. In the US, retail sales amounted to $US1,306.7 billion in the same period. And it’s not just rapid sales growth that has made the Chinese market an attractive proposition, with the nation’s consumer landscape evolving more rapidly than any other international market. 12


Chinese e-commerce is the world’s biggest online marketplace, with more than $US300 billion in sales in Q1 2018 driven by the simple convenience and astonishing pace that is the reality of shopping online in the People’s Republic. E-commerce giant recently boasted it made 90 per cent of its Chinese domestic deliveries within 24 hours, with 57 per cent of those arriving within 12 hours. JD even offers delivery within 30 minutes in select cities, using drones and other technologically sophisticated automated delivery processes that give an indication the future of retail has already arrived in China. Payments are made in the digital space in China more than in any other country, with physical wallets quickly becoming ‘forgotten’ as smartphone-based platforms such as WeChat Pay and Alipay have become preferred payment methods. Alibaba Group’s high-end Hema Supermarkets are also driving technological innovation to the next level, offering consumers instant

insights into the origin and authenticity of imported products as quickly as the shopper can scan a QR code. At the same time, Chinese consumers are faced with a daily barrage of hundreds of new brands, making an entry to the China market a challenging proposition, even for retailers and manufacturers, which are well-known in their home countries. Marketing expert Mark Tanner, who has helped more than 150 international brands make their Chinese market entry as the founder of Shanghai-based firm China Skinny, said on average, 160 new consumer products were launched every day in China. “If you add wealth management products, tourism products, new apps and new websites, it goes up to more than 500 new products per day, and they are all singing out, trying to get attention,” Mr Tanner told Australia China Business Review. “It’s phenomenal. But nothing is that special for them anymore because they are just bombarded every day.



There’s these cities that no one has ever heard of and they are going to account for half of the growth of the middle class – Mark Tanner 这些城市大多鲜为人知,却占据了中产阶级家庭增长的 半壁江山。——马克·唐纳

不 固 定、不 好 懂、不 差 钱: 追逐中国消费者 丹·威尔基

独具慧眼、出手阔绰和饱谙世故——他们 是所有商家关注的焦点,也是全球市场的 中坚力量。

中国新兴的高端消费者迅速获得主宰市 场的权力。他们在国际品牌商眼里也变得 愈发难懂。

今年年初,中国一举超越美国,成为世界 上最大的零售市场。据中国国家统计局的 数据表明,2018年第一季度,中国的零售 额超过14638亿美元(合20310亿澳元)。 而美国的同期零售额为13067亿美元。

除了快速的销售增长使得中国市场富有 交易魅力,国内的消费者景观也比其他国 际市场发展地更快。 中国电商是全球最大的线上交易市场,在 中国网购不但极为简易,而且惊人的快 捷。其今年第一季度销售总额超过3000 亿美元。 电商巨头京东网近期骄傲地宣布,已实现 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

57%的订单在12小时内完成交付,90%的 订单在24小时内完成交付。

京东甚至在部分城市内做到仅需半小时 完成交付,譬如使用无人机或者其他高科 技智能化物流运送 。其表明零售业的未来 注定在中国。 数字支付在中国的应用程度远高于全球 平均水平,由于智能手机支付平台(例如 微信付款和支付宝)成为主流付款方式, 实体钱包随后将会被人们抛之脑后。

阿里巴巴集团的高端盒马鲜生超市也引 领技术创新更上一层楼。顾客只需扫二维 码,即可看到进口产品的真实原生信息。 与此同时,中国消费者每天面对成百上千 新品牌的信息轰炸。这使得入驻中国市场 变成了一项重大挑战,即便那些原产地家 喻户晓的零售商和制造商也是如此。

总部位于上海的China Skinny公司创始 人马克·唐纳曾经帮助150多个国际品牌 进入中国国市场。他表示,中国每天推出 160种新快消品已习以为常。

“如果你将目光转向理财、旅游产品、新 APP和新网站领域,就会发现每天有超过 500个高度曝光吸引关注的新产品上线。” 唐纳先生接受《澳中商讯》采访时如是说。 “听起来很惊人,但是对他们来说已经稀 松平常了,毕竟每天都被信息轰炸。”

“在许多情况下,消费者更精明,他们更 有可能购买那些优质进口产品,但进口产 品的竞争则更为激烈。

OPENING Hangzhou has a much lower global profile than cities such as Beijing, but its GDP in 2016 was worth more than $220 billion, growing at a rate of more than 9 per cent each year. Photo: 展望全球 杭州的全球影响力虽然没有 北京那么高,但是其2016年GDP超过了 2200亿澳元,并且以每年9%以上的速度 增长。图片来源 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


NEWS | 新闻 “In many cases the consumers are more sophisticated, they are more likely to buy those premium, imported products, but it is significantly more competitive. “The consumers are so used to all these new products that a lot of these exotic things are not that novel any more, they are not that special.” Mr Tanner said the usual first step for an international brand was to land in one of China’s big four cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. “If you look at a city like Shanghai, everyone will go there, it’s an easy, convenient place to do business, it’s a direct flight from most places, but everyone is trying to sell there, everyone is trying to enter the market,” Mr Tanner said. “It’s convenient, the food’s good, there are good hotels, most people speak English so, from a foreign brand perspective, that’s where a lot of them start.” However, Mr Tanner said that strategy was increasingly providing limited benefits, with China’s lesser-known cities providing better opportunities, if manufacturers and retailers were willing to take on the additional challenge of entering a more unknown or complex market. “Lower tier cities are much more appreciative of new products – they don’t have the same saturation, they don’t have the same competitiveness and they still find imported products to be a little bit novel,” he said. Mr Tanner said a crucial factor in China’s consumption growth that was not yet well understood outside of the country was that most of the growth in Chinese spending power was occurring outside of its major destinations. In tier one cities, research by China Skinny shows there are an estimated 16 million households, whereas in the second tier, made up of around 23 Chinese cities which have gross domestic product of between $US68 billion and $US299 billion, there are around 38 million households. The third tier is even larger, with 229 cities with GDP of between $US18 billion and $US67 billion having more than 75 million households across them. Mr Tanner said recent forecasts indicated China’s middle class would grow by more than 50 million households between 2016 and 2020, with half of those households likely to be located in cities that were not ranked in China’s largest 100. “There’s these cities that no one has ever heard of and they are going to account for half of the growth of the middle class,” Mr Tanner said. “They are all going to be wanting good, safe, healthy products.” That desire for safe and healthy products was providing the opportunity for Australian food and beverage players, Mr Tanner said. Australia as a brand had a strong following 14


in China, thanks to its clean environment and reputation for high-quality products, he said. And while denizens of China’s lower tier cities are generally more parochial than those who live in the major cities, preferring domestic brands over imported, consumers still perceive Australian products as premium, safe and healthy, particularly among those who have visited Australia. Mr Tanner said Tourism Australia research showed that 58 per cent of Chinese visitors to Australia each year came from non-tier one cities, and that by travelling to Australia, consumers developed an affinity for Australian-made goods. “(Tourism Australia) has found that 27 per cent of Chinese overall consider Australian food and beverage to be good, but for those that have visited Australia, it goes up to 69 per cent,” Mr Tanner said. “There are a lot of positives coming out of that 1.4 million Chinese tourists that come to Australia each year, and that will be reflected in demand for products.” However, Mr Tanner said while there was no doubt growing opportunities for foreign brands to service the needs of China’s lesser-known cities, those cities also provided significant challenges. “They are complex, they are even more weird, wacky and unknown than the likes of Shanghai and Beijing, and they are much more difficult to navigate,” he said. “Just finding service providers and distributors that really understand those markets is much more challenging than the well-trodden paths of Shenzhen, Shanghai or Beijing, where most distributors that are working with foreign brands are based. “They will claim to have the country cov-

ered and they will claim they can get to all these cities, but I am yet to meet a single distributor that has everything covered.” Another big challenge, Mr Tanner said, was to tailor a strategy for each individual market, a move many retailers overlooked in favour of a generic ‘China strategy’. “If you look across China, there are phenomenally varied lifestyles, climates and tastes, so it’s worth keeping that in the back of your mind,” he said. “Brands are increasingly looking to connect at an emotional level, but it’s quite different in each city, even across the tier one cities. “We’ve spoken to a lot of consumers around China, and the themes that have resonated are quite different. “Guangzhou is a 30-minute fast train trip from Shenzhen, but they are just completely different. “If you look at Guangzhou, it’s an old city, most people there speak Cantonese, then just down the tracks in Shenzhen, it’s got a migrant population that has come from all over China so the common language is Mandarin. “In Guangzhou, a lot of the people there are millennials, they live at home with their parents or their only see their parents most nights and on the weekends.

CHOICE Chinese supermarkets offer consumers a wide range of products imported from across the globe. Photo: Shutterstock. com 五花八门 中国的超市给消费者提 供了来自全球的各种商品。图片来 源



Every time a tourist comes here from mainland China, 99 per cent of them will be asked to purchase products and send them home – Keong Chan 绝大多数中国内地的游客都会帮亲朋好友购置一些当 地特产——陈强

LINING UP Shanghai is attractive to foreign manufacturers, but its retail market is becoming crowded as brands battle for their slice of the growing spending power of Chinese consumers. Photo: 门庭若市 上海对外国制造商极具吸引 力,但是上海的零售市场变得越来越 满溢。各个品牌都试图在中国日益增 长的消费力中获得一席之地。图片来 源

为澳洲食品十分优质,而在来过澳洲的中 国人里,数据直线飙升至69%。

“从每年来澳旅游的140万中国游客中获 得了许多好评,从对产品的需求上可以反 映出来。” “消费者对所有的这些新产品都屡见不 鲜,甚至进口产品都很难引起他们的关 注度。

唐纳先生表示,国际品牌通常登陆中国会 首选北上广深超线城市。

“像上海这样让人趋之若鹜的都市,无论 是生活还是工作都相对方便,并拥有通向 全球的直飞航班。但是,大量居民接踵而 至,大量企业争先恐后展开销售。”唐纳先 生如是说。 “这里极为便捷,食物新鲜,酒店豪华,多 数人会讲英语,所以从外国品牌的角度来 看,这里是他们在中国扬帆起航之地。”

然而,唐纳先生表示入驻超线城市的策略 所能带来的利益变得越来越有限。如果制 造商和零售商愿意面对未知且复杂市场 所带来的挑战,或许转战二三线城市可以 获得更多良机。

“反观二三线城市,由于仍未饱和与低竞 争力,他们对于新进口产品接受度更高、 更关注,同时更具新鲜感。”

唐纳先生表示,中国消费增长的一个决定 性因素还没被外企所理解,那就是中国消 费力的大部分增长实际产生于超线都市 之外。 China Skinny的调查显示,一线城市 有大约1600万户家庭,而在23个二线城 市里,有约3800万户家庭,贡献680亿到 2990亿美元不等的GDP总额。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

三线城市的跨度更大,由229个城市组成, 拥有至少750万家庭,GDP总额在180亿 美元与670亿美元上下浮动。 唐纳先生表示,最近的预测表明,中国的 中产阶级在2016年到2020年之间还会增 长5000万户,其中半数会出现中国前100 大城市以外的地方。

唐纳先生表示,近期有预测报告显示中国 中产阶级家庭数量将在2016到2020年激 增至少500万,其中半数增长来自于中国 排名前百的城市以外。

唐纳先生表示: “这些城市大多鲜为人知, 却占据了中产阶级家庭增长的半壁江山。 消费者逐渐渴望更加优质、安全和健康的 产品。正是这种渴求为澳洲食品商家提供 了宝贵的商机。 唐纳先生指出,澳洲品牌在中国家喻户 晓,闻名于其高质量环境以及盛产高质量 产品。 并且中国二三线城市的居民相较于一线 城市更加本土化,偏爱本国产品而非进口 产品。特别是对于那些曾到访过澳大利亚 的消费者来说,澳产品牌依旧是高端、安 全和健康的象征。

唐纳先生说,澳大利亚旅游局的调查表 明,每年有58%的中国游客并非来自于一 线城市。消费者与澳洲商品通过旅游业建 立起了密不可分的联系。


然而,唐纳先生也表示,尽管在中国二三 线城市里,外国品牌提供服务的机会在增 长,但重大挑战也随之而来。

“与上海和北京的消费者截然不同,中小 城市消费者想法复杂多变,令人捉摸不 透,引导他们购买新产品困难重重。

“比起在深圳、上海、北京这样大多数经 销商都训练有素的城市,这里光是想找到 懂行的服务供应商和经销商就已经很难 了。” “他们声称已经覆盖了全国或是触及任 意区域,但是我还没见过一个能包办一切 的经销者。” 唐纳先生表示,另一个难关则是为每个区 域量身定做市场策略,而不是所谓的“中 国策略”所能涉及。

“如果你纵观中国,会发现各地的生活方 式、气候、乃至口味都大不相同,这点要牢 牢记住。 “企业越来越关注情感层面的联系,但是 在每个城市,甚至在每个一线城市,都大 相径庭。

“我们和中国各地的众多消费者有过直 接对话,而能引起他们共鸣的主题真的是 五花八门。 “广州到深圳只需三十分钟高铁车程,但 这两座城市全然不同。”

“广州历史悠久,多数人讲粤语;而沿线 而下的深圳则海纳百川,汇集全中国的人 才,通用普通话。 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


NEWS | 新闻 NEW MODEL AuMake International’s daigou hubs combine the convenience of Chinese retail with Australian-manufactured products. Photo: AuMake International 推陈出新 澳卖客的代购中心将澳产商品 和中国零售的便利性完美结合。图片来 源:澳卖客

“Whereas people from Shenzhen have all travelled from somewhere else, some may see their parents once every Chinese New Year, or a few times a year. “That’s just two tier one cities – when you go into the lower tier cities there are significant variations, and you can’t localise for every city, but it’s worth keeping in mind.”

Daigou shoppers

Back in Australia, AuMake International chairman Keong Chan is keenly aware of the challenges that suppliers encounter in seeking a foothold in China. AuMake, which listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in October last year, has been developing a unique distribution strategy of targeting Chinese tourists and consumers when they visit Australia. Mr Chan said AuMake had based its retail distribution model on the ‘daigou’ shopper, Chinese citizens who purchase goods for customers in mainland China while visiting other countries, often earning a significant mark-up on the retail price. AuMake has established a network of retail stores, known as daigou hubs, showcasing a range of Australian-made products known to be popular with Chinese consumers such as milk formulas, wool products, health supplements and honey. AuMake’s network, which recently expanded by five stores with the acquisition of retail chain Kiwi Buy, has created a new pathway for Australian suppliers to reach Chinese consumers by tapping into the psyche of daigou shoppers. “Every time a tourist comes here from mainland China, 99 per cent of them will be asked to purchase products and send them home,” Mr Chan said. “Even our chairman, Peter Zhao, he’s a qualified accountant, he’s a professional, and he still has friends and family asking him to send products back to China. “He doesn’t put a margin on it, he just has to do it. That’s normal, but he still needs to make the decision about what to buy to send back.” 16


Complementing AuMake’s retail network is its manufacturing arm, which recently entered a partnership with New Zealand’s second biggest dairy co-op to develop a range of A1 and A2 milk formulas for the Chinese market. AuMake also owns its own medicinal honey brand, Medigum, and a range of health supplements that are manufactured under the Health Essence brand. Mr Chan said AuMake had been able to successfully launch its own products and give a leg-up to other suppliers with daigou shoppers by providing alternatives to popular products that were providing limited returns. “From a daigou’s point of view, they understand that it’s very hard for them to make a decent income from selling popular products, because of declining margins, so they are always looking for new products and brands,” Mr Chan said. “They’ve just never had someone providing all the necessary tools and marketing material to make that easier. That is a big deal for us and we spend a lot of time thinking about that. “The fundamental question here is why some brands really dominate. “There is a handful of them, infant formula brands and the likes of Blackmores and Swisse – there is a huge gap between them and everyone else. “That is why AuMake was established, to bridge that gap.

“We know the consumers want it, and we know that there are really good suppliers out there in Australia who have amazing products and there is just a gap in between.” Mr Chan said it was important for Australian suppliers with ambitions of an entry to China to not underestimate the power of the daigou shopper and, perhaps more importantly, to dismiss the stereotype of desperate buyers snatching tins of baby formula from supermarket shelves. “If your market is China, you really can’t do it without their support,” he said. “A lot of people have tried, believe me, a lot of brands that we know, even quite large and well-known brands, they have gone straight to China and in six months’ time they’ve come back because it’s like a drop in the ocean. “How do you promote your brand and your product in a market where you are competing with brands from all around the world and the market moves so fast? “Then there is a realisation – all the Chinese that live in Australia are the ones we really need to engage with to have the best chance of success. “Lots of people have tried and a lot of money and time has been spent trying to go direct to China. “If you are a global brand, that’s probably a bit different, but for everyone else, even for the popular brands in Australia at the moment, they still need the daigou, that’s just the way it is.”


“就连我们澳卖客的首席财务官赵泊翔, 也时不时会应亲朋好友的要求带货回中 国。” “广州有许多千禧一代,他们和父母同 住,每晚或周末都能见到父母。”

“而深圳人习惯旅居,部分人可能适逢春 节才跟家人团聚,甚至常年在外。”

“这仅仅是两座一线城市的对比,二三线 城市的区别更大。所以就算你无法针对每 个城市做出相应调整,但不同区域不同情 况需牢记于心。” 代购顾客

将目光放回澳大利亚,澳卖客执行主席陈 强(音译,Keong Chan)先生敏锐地观察 到澳商在中国立足时所遭遇的挑战。

澳卖客去年10月起在澳交所上市,以来访 澳洲的中国游客和消费者为目标,发展出 独特的分销渠道。 陈先生表示,澳卖客以澳洲代购为基础进 行零售分销模式(即造访他国时,为中国 内陆消费者代买的中国人,往往在原价上 增加部分利润)。

澳卖客建立起称之为代购中心的零售店 网络,提供各种在华人消费群体中热销的 澳洲制造产品,例如配方奶粉、羊毛制品、 保健品和蜂蜜等。 澳卖客收购了连锁店Kiwi Buy的五个门 店,开辟出一条由澳商直接接触中国顾 客、并直接满足海外代购需求新通道。 陈先生指出: “绝大多数中国内地的游客 都会帮亲朋好友购置一些当地特产”。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

“他没必要加价,只要能把东西带回去就 好。不过他仍然得想带哪些商品回去”

澳卖客的零售网络空缺将由其生产部门 填补,该部门近期和新西兰第二大奶制品 公司合作开发了诸多面向中国市场的A1 和A2配方奶粉。

澳卖客旗下也囊括蜂蜜品牌Medigum, 以及Health Essence品牌所制造的多种 保健品。 陈先生表示,澳卖客已经成功地推出属于 自己的产品,同时还能提供那些供不应求 商品的替代品,来帮助其他供应商及代 购者。

“从一个代购者的角度出发,卖爆款产品 的实际利润很低,所以他们总是寻找新的 替代品和品牌。 “从没有人能为他们提供改善市场的一 切所需。对此我们想了很久,这也对我们 而言也至关重要。


重要的是,千万别人云亦云敌视那些拼死 拼活从超市货架上抢购奶粉的代购们。

“如果你定位于中国市场,你就离不开代 购者的支持。 “实话说,很多家大业大、耳熟能详的品 牌,曾经进入中国市场不到半年光景,就 一败涂地全军覆没了。

“在日新月异且必须面对全球众多品牌 竞争的舞台上,你究竟该如何推广你的品 牌及产品呢? “只有一条路——需要接触所有在澳居 住的中国人,他们才是我们成败的关键 所在。

“很多人都试图花费大量时间和资金,想 打入中国市场。

“对于某个全球级超线品牌而言,情况可 能略有不同。但除它们外,目前仅仅在澳 洲火爆的品牌仍然需要代购支持。无需多 言,事实就是如此。”

“这里的疑问是,为什么有些品牌能主导 市场。

“某些大牌和其他的品牌之间有着巨大 差距,比如婴儿配方奶粉Blackmores和 Swisse。 “这也是澳卖客之所以能建立起来填补 市场空白的根本所在。

“我们知道顾客想要买,也知道一些能提 供优质产品的澳商想要卖,而我们所要做 的就是为商家和客户之间牵线搭桥。” 陈先生认为,对想要入驻中国的澳商而 言,切忌低估代购者的影响力。或许更为

GROWTH FACTOR Keong Chan says Australian suppliers should not underestimate the impact daigou shoppers can have on business. Photo: AuMake International 增长因素 陈强表示澳洲的供应商不应该 低估代购者对贸易的影响。图片来源:澳 卖客 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



LNG巨头押宝中国 新能源政策 Gas players bet big on China’s clean future

FUTURE FUEL The Chinese government is seeking more LNG imports as the clean-burning gas replaces coal in the country’s power generation mix. Photo: 方兴未艾 由于LNG代替中国发电能源 结构中的煤炭,中国正紧锣密鼓寻求更 多进口LNG。图片来源:Shutterstock. com 18




Dan Wilkie CHINA is ushering in a new era for the global energy sector as the populous nation’s demand for liquefied natural gas soars – driving a multi-billion dollar investment wave by the biggest oil and gas players after a long spending hiatus. Appetite for investment in the LNG industry has been dampened in recent years by fears of a large supply glut, with spending on new projects and processing facilities all but drying up following the worldwide collapse in energy prices in 2014. Investors had also been spooked by massive costs of projects under development, including Chevron’s $US54 billion ($73 billion) Gorgon project off the coast of Western Australia, or Royal Dutch Shell’s $US14 billion Prelude LNG, the world’s first floating processing facility. But sentiment has shifted rapidly in the past 12 months, with rising oil prices combining with strong energy demand from China to breathe confidence into the sector. China has sharply boosted its imports in recent years, as it shifts from coal-burning plants to LNG for its expanding energy needs, part of a wide-ranging plan to reduce greenhouse emissions. “The supply-demand balance definitely looks more favourable towards producers these days,” said Philippe Sauquet, head of gas at France’s Total, the world’s second largest LNG trader after Royal Dutch Shell. “China will continue to make the real difference in demand. I don’t see them slowing down. They are shifting attention to building more and more infrastructure.” Analysis by global research house Bernstein indicates that more than 200 million tonnes per year of new supply will be needed through to 2030, equating to capacity additions of between 25mtpa to 30mtpa each year. Bernstein said global demand for LNG grew by 12 per cent in 2018, forecasting 10 per cent growth this year. In response, the world’s biggest LNG players are again ramping up expansion plans. Qatar, the incumbent biggest LNG producer, is preparing to expand its processing facilities by about a third, to produce up to 108 million tonnes per year by 2024. United States-based Exxon last year spent $US2.8 billion on a 25 per cent stake in Eni’s


随着稠密的人口对液化天然气的需求激 增,中国正跨入全球能源行业的一个新时 代。在历经一段漫长的青黄不接后,最大 的石油和天然气巨头掀起了一波数十亿 美元的投资热潮。

近年来,由于对供应过剩的担忧,液化天 然气行业的投资需求遭到抑制。2014年全 球能源价格暴跌之后,用于新项目和加工 设施的开支几乎枯竭。 投资者也因开发项目的巨额成本望而 却步,包括雪佛龙在澳大利亚西海岸投 资的价值540亿美元(合730亿澳元)的 Gorgon 项目,以及荷兰皇家壳牌价值 140亿美元、全球首个浮动结构Prelude LNG项目。 但过去12个月,随着油价不断上涨,加之 中国强劲的能源需求,市场人气柳暗花 明,使得该行业信心倍增。

中国近年来大幅增加了进口,从燃煤电厂 转向液化天然气,进而满足日益扩大的能 源需求。这是“广泛计划”的一部分,旨在 减少温室气体排放。 法国道达尔天然气业务主管Philippe Sauque表示:“如今,供需平衡显然对生

产商更有利”。该公司是继荷兰皇家壳牌 之后的全球第二大液化天然气贸易商。

“中国将继续发挥需求方面的重大作用。 我不认为他们放慢了步伐。他们只是将重 心转向更多的基础设施建设”。

全球研究机构伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)的分 析表明,到2030年,每年需要新增2亿吨以 上的稀土供应,相当于每年新增2500万吨 至3000万吨的产能。 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)还表示,全球对液 化天然气的需求在2018年增长了12%, 预计今年将增长10%。

对此,全球最大的液化天然气企业再次加 快了扩张计划以示回应。

作为目前最大的液化天然气生产国,卡塔 尔正准备将其加工设施扩大约三分之一, 到2024年每年生产1.08亿吨液化天然气。 去年,总部位于美国的埃克森美孚公司斥 资28亿美元收购了埃尼(Eni)在莫桑比克 的Rovuma天然气项目中25%的股权, 该项目估计拥有85万亿立方英尺的天然 气资源。 此项目将在2023年至24年期间每年生产 1500万吨液化天然气。

ADVOCATE Mary Hackett says Australia’s gas sector must act now to ensure it reaps the benefits of the China-driven explosion in LNG demand. Photo: Philip Gostelow 民心所向 玛丽·哈克特表示,澳大利亚的天 然气行业须见机而作,以确保其从中国主 导的LNG市场的需求激增中获益。图片来 源:Philip Gostelow WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



Rovuma gas project in Mozambique, which holds an estimated resource of 85 trillion cubic feet of gas. The company and its partners, China National Petroleum Corporation and Korea as Corp, will make a final investment decision next year on whether to proceed with the project, which could produce 15 million tonnes of LNG per year by 2023-24. Shell is also considering major investment, nearing a final decision on whether to proceed on its first new LNG project since 2011, LNG Canada. The company also expects to consider expansion of an LNG processing plant in Nigeria, which it operates with Total and Eni. Meanwhile BP and its partner Kosmos Energy are set to decide on whether to develop the Tortue gas field off the coast of Senegal and Mauritania by next year. Australia, however, seems to be in danger of missing out of the global investment wave, unless the country’s high costs of development are reduced, according to leading oil and gas executive Mary Hackett. Ms Hackett, who spent 17 years at Woodside Petroleum and three years at GE Oil and Gas, a Baker Hughes Company, said Australia’s ambitions of becoming the global leader in LNG were in danger of being surpassed not only by Qatar, but also the emerging USbased shale gas revolution. “Australia’s LNG industry and Australia’s oil and gas industry has got to prove itself on a global stage,” Ms Hackett told Australia China Business Review. “The widening of the Panama Canal means that there is ready access from the US to the 20


Asian market for LNG, which links back to our push to ensure that Australia remains incredibly competitive in the LNG world, otherwise there will be cheaper fuels available from elsewhere. “Certainly, China and Japan have created a much bigger market for LNG than was previously seen, and they were early adopters. “They have been committed for this for 20 to 30 years, so this isn’t a new evolution for China or Japan, but that commitment has stayed. “They have seen LNG as a clean fuel, as an efficient fuel and meeting the need of reducing carbon emissions. “Ironically, China gets treated as a polluter, but it is quite ironic that they have been the early adopters and it now gives them the ability to accelerate that philosophy of gas as a clean fuel.” The United States’ ambitions of becoming a major supplier to Asia could yet be tripped up by the escalating trade war between it and China, after China proposed new tariffs on US LNG imports. China, which became the world’s second biggest LNG importer last year, included LNG in July in a list of $US60 billion worth of US goods, raising a significant barrier to US LNG exports. US gas exporters are also looking at expansions, with about two dozen companies seeking to build LNG export terminals. Any tariffs imposed by China on US gas could limit those companies’ ability to secure foundation buyers to underpin the finances of the proposed projects. Nonetheless, Ms Hackett said Australia’s

gas industry, which became the first worldwide to export LNG to China in 2006, could not afford to sit idly by as other players expanded operations to supply the world’s fastest-growing market in China. Ms Hackett also serves on the board of directors for the LNG Marine Fuel Institute, a not-for-profit organisation that is campaigning for the global take-up of LNG as the fuel of choice for the shipping industry. The International Maritime Organisation has provided the impetus for LNG MFI, with strict requirements controlling greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry to be established by 2020, forcing global shipping players to evaluate alternative fuel solutions. LNG MFI has also been driving the Green Corridor initiative, which calls for the development of LNG-fuelling infrastructure across the iron ore and coal trade route between northern Australia and China. The Green Corridor has attracted the backing of some of the world’s biggest export groups and shipbuilders, including iron ore giants Fortescue Metals Group, BHP and Rio Tinto, shipbuilders Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and DNV, Woodside and the Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute. Ms Hackett said LNG MFI was also in discussions with several large players covering the full spectrum of Chinese industry for participation in the Green Corridor. She said the development of a virtual LNG pipeline from Australia to China would place Australia-based producers at the forefront of Chinese demand, while also opening the

封面故事 CLEAN OPTION LNG bunkering and refuelling facilities are being pitched as a solution to emissions control requirements in the shipping industry. Photo: Shutterstock. com


The next wave major LNG projects facing approval decisions in 2018-19

精益求精 目前,液化天然气贮存和补给设 施支撑新航运业排放控制要求解决方案。图 片来源

Volume Startup (mtpa)




Nigeria LNG Train 7


Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Shell, Total, Eni



LNG Canada


Shell, Petrochina, Kogas, Mitsubishi, Petronas




Senegal, Mauritania

BP, Kosmos



Lake Charles


Shell, Energy Transfer



Sabine Pass Train 6





Golden Pass LNG USA

Qatar Petroleum, Exxon, Conoco 2023




Exxon, Eni


Qatar expansion


Qatar Petroleum, Exxon, Conoco 2023



Source: Reuters

该公司及其合作伙伴——中国石油天然 气集团公司和韩国公司——将于明年就 是否继续推进该项目做出最终投资决议。 壳牌也在考虑进行重大投资。对其自 2011年以来的首个液化天然气项目LNG Canada,壳牌也即将做出是否继续的最 终决定。

该公司也考虑与道达尔和埃尼集团(Eni) 合作,在尼日利亚扩建一座液化天然气加 工厂。

与此同时,英国石油公司及其合作伙伴 Kosmos Energy将决定是否在明年之前 开发位于塞内加尔和毛里塔尼亚海岸的 Tortue气田。 然而,澳大利亚石油和天然气行业的高管 玛丽•哈克特(Mary Hackett)表示,除 非降低澳大利亚的高发展成本,否则极有 可能错失全球投资浪潮。

哈克特女士在伍德赛德石油公司 (Woodside Petroleum)工作了17年,在 贝克休斯(Baker Hughes)公司通用电气 (GE Oil and Gas)工作了3年。她表示,澳 大利亚成为液化天然气全球领导者的豪 情壮志,不仅可能被卡塔尔超越,还可能 被美国新兴的页岩气革新所超越。 哈克特在接受《澳中商讯》采访时表示: “ 澳大利亚的液化天然气行业和油气行业 必须接受国际舞台的审视。”

“巴拿马运河的扩建意味着,美国对于进 入亚洲液化天然气市场已准备就绪。因此 我们需要努力确保澳大利亚在此领域保 持绝对优势的竞争力,否则,将会被更便 宜的燃料供应商所取代。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

“当然,作为最早的采用者,中国和日本 为液化天然气创造了一个比以前更大的 市场。

动全球采用液化天然气作为航运业的首 选燃料。

“他们认为液化天然气是一种清洁燃料, 是一种高效燃料,能够满足减少碳排放的 需要。”

LNG船用燃料协会也一直在推动“绿色走 廊倡议”,该倡议呼吁在澳大利亚北部和 中国之间的铁矿石和煤炭贸易路线上发 展LNG加注基础设施。

“他们已经为此付出了20到30年的努力, 所以这并不是中国或日本的新兴产业,但 这种信念依然如故。”

“讽刺的是,中国被视为环境污染者,但 更讽刺的是,他们本是天然气的早期采用 者。这会鞭策他们发展使用天然气作为清 洁燃料的理念。 在中国提议对美国液化天然气进口加征 新关税后,美国成为亚洲主要供应国的雄 心可能会因中美贸易战升级而受挫。

去年,中国成为全球第二大液化天然气进 口国。今年7月,中国将液化天然气列入价 值600亿美元的美国商品清单,这使得美 国液化天然气的出口壁垒重重。

美国天然气出口商也在考虑扩张,约有24 家公司寻求建造液化天然气的出口终端。 中国对美国天然气征收的任何关税,都可 能限制这些公司在获得基础买家、为拟议 中的项目提供资金支持等方面的能力。 尽管如此,哈克特女士表示,在其它企业 扩大业务、以供应中国这个全球增长最快 的市场之际,澳大利亚天然气行业不能充 耳不闻。2006年,澳大利亚成为全球首个 向中国出口液化天然气的国家。

Hackett还担任LNG船用燃料协会 (LNG MFI)的董事会成员。液化天然气 船用燃料协会是一个非盈利组织,旨在推

国际海事组织大力支持LNG船用燃料协 会。到2020年,实现严格控制航运业的温 室气体排放,迫使全球航运企业评估替代 燃料解决方案。

“绿色走廊倡议”吸引了全球最大的进出 口商和造船商的支持。其中包括铁矿石巨 头FMG、必和必拓和力拓、造船商Mitsui O.S.K. Lines和DNV、伍德赛德以及上 海商船设计研究院。

哈克特表示,LNG船用燃料协会还在与几 家涵盖中国整个行业的大型企业讨论参 与“绿色走廊”的事宜。 她说,澳中间对LNG达成共识,将会使澳 大利亚的天然气生产商成为中国需求的 先锋,同时也为开发规模较小的天然气田 埋下伏笔(这些气田在目前的液化天然气 环境中尚不可行)。

“我们在液化天然气、原材料、资源和矿 石出口方面成绩斐然,它们并驾齐驱,”哈 克特说道。 “很明显,我们应该在燃料生产、资源生 产、资源运输等方面做到物尽其用,并将 其发展成一个完整的产业。”

“如果我们在澳大利亚建立了燃料供应 能力,中国也可以采用同样的技术进行匹 配,以便在中国进行点对点运输和装仓, 并在澳大利亚进行供油。” 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


COVER STORY | 封面故事 COMPETITION US-based shale gas producers are looming as Australia’s biggest competition to supply China. Photo: 互争雄长 澳大利亚竞争中国LNG市场 的最大对手是美国的页岩气生产商。图 片来源

possibility of developing smaller gas fields, which were not yet viable in the current LNG climate. “We’ve created this marvellous outcome in terms of LNG exports, we’ve created a massive outcome in terms of raw materials, resources and ore exports, and they sit side by side,” Ms Hackett said. “It just seems so obvious that we should be leveraging that capability in terms of fuel production, resources production, transport of those resources and developing that into an industry. “If we build up a fuelling capability in Australia, that can be matched in China using that same technology to allow point to point transport and bunkering in China and bunkering in Australia. “That is very much a closed loop system where we can partner and get better outcomes. “Once you have built out the marine solution, then the entire transport supply chain starts to become available, you have given

yourself the ability to build out small-scale LNG if that’s what you choose to do, or the whole bunkering fuel supply chain. “That then becomes something that can be replicated elsewhere in the world.” Ms Hackett said China was central to the outcome of both LNG transport fuel and the creation of a virtual LNG pipeline. “We have to create the availability of LNG as a fuel in this South-East Asian region,” she said. “We can see elsewhere in the world that it’s evolved rapidly, and there is a massive vacuum in terms of China, Japan, Australia and Singapore. “There is a huge opportunity to create that infrastructure around this particular region, and right now it doesn’t exist.” Ms Hackett said shipping companies and LNG producers needed to embrace a sense of urgency as we got closer to 2020. “Right now, the urgency is on three fronts,” she said. “First off it’s creating a solution for 2020,

for IMO, that’s purely from a marine perspective, it has to be now and literally now. “That’s crucial that it starts and continues now, and the clear intention of the long term is understood. “Secondly, we will see the merging of the supply and demand curves by 2022, and you don’t build an LNG plant in a day so that ability to meet that demand is critical because otherwise there will be less clean fuels used in preference and that’s the wrong outcome. “We really have to understand the shift in demand and supply and meet it. “The third one is that the US are coming and our ability to provide and meet that demand is important, but also to do it in a cost-effective and efficient way is really important. “Right now, those three events are creating a massive sense of urgency, and how we respond as a region together with China is going to dictate our fortune for the next 50 years essentially.” – with Reuters

China gets treated as a polluter, but it is quite ironic that they have been the early adopters and it now gives them the ability to accelerate that philosophy of gas as a clean fuel – Mary Hackett




“这在很大程度上是一个闭环系统,我们 可以在这个系统中合作,事半功倍。”

“一旦你建立了海洋解决方案,那么整个 运输供应链开始变得可用,你就有能力随 心所愿地建造小型液化天然气,或者整个 燃料补给供应链。 “这样这个解决方案就能在世界其它地 方被复制。”

哈克特表示,中国是液化天然气运输燃料 和共识达成建设的核心。

“我们必须在东南亚地区创造液化天然 气作为燃料的可用性,”她说。

“在世界其他地方,我们可以看到它在迅 速发展,而在中国、日本、澳大利亚和新加 坡都存在着巨大的空白。 “在这个特定地区建立基础设施是一个 巨大的机会,因为现在根本没有基础设 施。”

哈克特表示,随着我们接近2020年,船运公 司和液化天然气生产商需要保持紧迫感。


“首先,当下须为国际海事组织准备一 个2020年的方案,这纯粹是从海事的角 度来看的。至关重要的是从现在开始持 之以恒,并且清晰地理解长期目标的意 图。

“其次,到2022年,我们将看到供需曲线 的融合,你不可能在一天内建成一座液 化天然气工厂,因此满足这种需求的能力 不容忽视,否则将导致清洁燃料使用的减 少,弄巧成拙。我们必须了解并满足供需 的动态变化。”


COSTLY Chevron’s $US54 billion Gorgon operation in the north-west of Australia was plagued by cost blowouts during construction. Photo: Chevron 一筹莫展 雪佛龙公司在澳大利亚西北部价 值54亿美元Gorgon业务受到施工期间成本 失控的困扰。图片来源:雪佛龙

“第三点,美国即将参与竞争,我们提供 和满足需求的能力很重要,但寻求更经济 实惠的方法也同样重要。”

据路透社分析, “目前,这三件事正在制造 一种巨大的紧迫感,而我们如何与中国比 肩共同应对,基本上将决定我们未来50年 的命运。”

中国被视为环境污染者,但讽刺的是,他们本是天然 气的早期采用者。这会鞭策中国形成使用天然气作 为清洁燃料的理念。—— 玛丽·哈克特


2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



The thing that’s most exciting about manganese demand is that there is a lot of research going around substituting the lithium, nickel and cobalt in lithium-ion batteries with manganese – Neil Marston 最令人兴奋的是,对锰的需求意味着,一系列研究将围绕以 锰来代替锂电池中的锂、镍、钴等物质而展开—— 尼尔·马 斯顿(Neil Marston)

Steelmakers, batteries drive new era in manganese Staff reporter INTEREST is rising in Australian manganese, as China’s steelmakers continue to produce at the highest levels on record and battery manufacturers seek supplies of the metal, which is also a key ingredient in lithium-ion batteries. As the biggest steelmaking country in the world, China is also the largest importer of manganese ore, consuming around 80 per cent of worldwide production. Chinese customs data showed manganese imports in China were up 15 per cent in the first half of 2018, compared with the same period last year, as the nation’s steel manufacturing sector enjoys a sustained boom, in terms of both output and price. The booming Chinese steel industry in 2018 has come as a surprise to some market watchers, who expected reduced output as Beijing mandates the closure of its highest-polluting plants and shifts production to newer, more efficient mills. 24


While it is still to early to tell what sort of impact the US-China trade war will have on the sector, with steel a tariff target on both sides, the strength of the market has been a boon for Australian Securities Exchange-listed manganese players. Unlike the increasingly crowded lithium market, there are just a handful of listed players with exposure to manganese. Currently, manganese production is dominated by South African operators, which produce about 36 per cent of the world’s supply. The next biggest producing country is Australia, which accounts for about 15 per cent of production. Of Australian miners, the biggest producer is South32, which operates the Groote Eylandt manganese mine in the Northern Territory in a joint venture with Anglo American. OM Holdings is also producing manganese ore in the NT, at its Bootu Creek mine, while Jupiter Mines is mining manganese in South Africa.

On the exploration side, there is a brace of manganese hopefuls on the ASX boards, including Bryah Resources, Pure Minerals, Element 25, Pacifico Minerals and Spitfire Minerals. Bryah Resources managing director Neil Marston told Australia China Business Review infrastructure constraints in South Africa would likely curtail any ambitions of increasing supply, opening the door for new market entrants from Australia. Mr Marston said outside of the steel sector, significant changes in the dynamics of the manganese market were providing a boost of confidence for junior players. “The thing that’s most exciting about manganese demand is that there is a lot of research going around substituting the lithium, nickel and cobalt in lithium-ion batteries with manganese,” Mr Marston said. “It can be just as efficient or be more efficient than those other elements. “If that occurs and the uptake of electric vehicles is greater than projected, or even just



PROSPECTS Neil Marston says there’s a lot to be excited about in the small-cap manganese sector. Photo: Perth Media/Jess Wyld Photography 远景展望 尼尔·马斯顿表示,小型锰行业充 满商机。图片来源:Perth Media/杰丝·怀尔 德摄影工作室

钢 材、电 池 推 动 锰 矿 进入新时代 本刊记者

一方面,中国的钢铁制造商保持有史以来最 高产量;另一方面,电池制造商也在寻找锂 电池中的关键金属原料的供应,因此人们对 澳洲锰矿的兴趣也与日俱增。 中国作为世界上最大的钢铁制造国,同时 又是锰矿石的最大进口方,锰矿消耗约占 全球80%。

中国消费者数据显示,国内的钢铁制造业 在产量和价格上都持续繁荣。与去年同期 相比,2018年上半年间中国的锰进口量上 升了15%。 虽然中国下令关闭高排污工厂,将生产方 向转向更高效的新厂,使得部分市场观察 者断言钢铁产量将会下跌,但是今年出乎 意料的不减反增。 尽管现在预测中美贸易战对于钢铁行业 的冲击为时尚早,考虑到钢铁在中美双方 均为征税商品,该影响对在澳交所上市的 锰矿企业而言,无疑是福音。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

和愈发满溢的锂市场不同,持有锰的上市 公司屈指可数。 目前,南非经营者主导锰矿开采,供应全 球需求量36%左右。

澳大利亚作为全球第二大产地,开采量约 为15%。 澳洲的采矿公司中,西澳South32矿业 金属有限公司是最大锰矿商。该企业在 北领地和英美资源集团合资运营Groote Eylandt锰矿。

勘探采矿巨头OMH集团旗下的北领 地Bootu Creek 项目也出产锰矿。此 外,Jupiter Mines公司在南非进行锰矿 开采。另一些澳交所上市矿企极为看好 锰矿未来,并着力于新锰矿的勘探工作, 包括 矿产勘探公司Bryah Resources, Pure Minerals, 锰矿企业Element 25, Pacifico Minerals 和Spitfire Minerals等公司.

Bryah Resources的常务董事尼尔·马斯 顿(Neil Marston)向《澳中商讯》表示,

受限于南非的基础设施,其可能会阻碍增 加供给。但这一因素实则为新加入市场的 澳企打开一扇窗。 马斯顿先生认为,除了钢铁产业,锰市场 动态的重大变革也为新入企业打了一剂 强心针。

“最令人兴奋的消息是,对锰的需求意味 着,一系列研究将围绕以锰来代替锂电池 中的锂、镍、钴等物质而展开。”马斯顿先 生表示。 “锰的效能可能和上述金属所比肩,甚至 更胜一筹。”

“倘若果真如此,在电动交通工具上能取 得替代效果,或者超出预期,都将极大影 响锰的高端供应链,因此我们预测锰的价 格会强势走高。” Bryah公司于去年十月在澳交所上市, 为了更好满足市场需求,正加速其在西 澳Bryah Basin地区的勘探以及锰开采 作业。 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



reaches the levels which are projected, its going to contribute significantly to the high-end part of the manganese supply chain, so we’re looking at strong prices going forward.” Bryah, which listed on the ASX in October last year, is fast-tracking exploration and development of its manganese operations in Western Australia’s Bryah Basin to capitalise on the rising demand. The company’s holdings include the his-

MOUNT MANGANESE Bryah Resources’ Western Australian tenements are considered particularly high grade. Photo: Perth Media/Jess Wyld Photography 胜券在握 Bryah Resources能源公司的高 品味锰矿床位于西澳大利亚州中西部地。 图片来源:Perth Media/杰丝·怀尔德摄影 工作室 26


toric Horseshoe South mine, which was shut down in 2011 by its previous operator, Mineral Resources, after it produced more than 1 million tonnes of manganese ore since the 1940s. Mr Marston said Bryah, and other potential Australian producers, had been bombarded with inquiries from steelmakers and battery manufacturers at the International Manganese Institute’s annual conference, held in Malaysia in June. “In the battery space, we have had inquiries from Chinese manufacturers of manganese sulphate, who are looking to increase production, mainly due to an increased demand for manganese in batteries,” he said. “Their supply at the moment is coming out of low-grade mines in China, which won’t cut the mustard for their next round of expansion. “The direct response we had to us just being at that conference was quite impressive.” Mr Marston was also bullish regarding the future demand from the traditional user of manganese, China’s steel sector. He said China’s trillion dollar infrastructure

initiative, Belt and Road, would play a huge role in increasing demand for manganese. “For every tonne of steel that is made, there are 10 to 20 kilos used in the production process,” Mr Marston said. “It’s an essential element, you can’t make steel without manganese. “Part of the Belt and Road strategy is this huge network of railways being developed. “About 32 per cent of all steel production in China this year is going to go to railways in China, not taking into account railways that the Chinese manufacturers are building outside of China. “I think everyone is probably under-calling future steel demand. If this Belt and Road strategy is to run its full course, it will be just phenomenal. “We’re just at the start of the process and there are trillions of dollars’ worth of investment to follow. “Every railway you build uses millions of tonnes of steel, and I’m sure the Chinese won’t be buying steel from Australia to build their railways.”


Bryah公司持有矿产中包括,曾在2011 年被前任运营者Mineral Resources 关闭的Horseshoe South mine 矿。Horseshoe South mine从20世纪 40年代起已经出产超100万吨锰矿石。

马斯顿先生表示,在六月份于马来西亚举 行的国际锰协年会上,Bryah公司及同行 受到钢铁商和电池商的大量咨询。

“在电池方面,我们接到过中国的硫酸 锰制造商的咨询。主要因为电池制造需 要更多锰矿,该制造商希望能增加电池 产量。 “现在他们的锰原料供应主要来自于中

国本土低品味矿区,而受限于原材料,使 得他们难以扩大规模。

“这次简明扼要的会议让我们收获良多。” 马斯顿先生极为看好锰矿传统使用 者——中国钢铁业的未来需求。

他表示中国的万亿级基础设施倡议“一 带一路”将对锰的需求增长起到决定性 作用。

“生产一吨钢材需要溶入10-20吨锰,” “无锰不成钢,因此锰至关重要。”




“今年中国32%的钢材将用于国内铁路 建设,而这还不包括他们在境外承接的铁 路项目。”

“我认为大家都在瞄准未来钢材需求增 长。当然如果‘一带一路’倡议逐步落实, 那这种上涨趋势是毋庸置疑的。 “目前还在起步阶段,日后将会有价值数 万亿澳元的投资跟进。 “每条要修建的铁路都需要几百万吨钢 材,由于澳洲钢材成品价格较高,我相信 中国并不需要从澳洲进口。”

RISING Demand for maganese is up not only in its traditional industry - steelmaking - but also the battery sector. Photo: 灸手可热 不仅传统炼钢行业对锰矿有大量 需求,而且电池行业也急迫需要锰能源。图 片来源 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018




Chinese apartment developers build big in Melbourne

Major China-backed projects under construction – Melbourne 主要中国投资的建设项目-墨尔本 Project

Far East Consortium 远东财团

West Side Place Stage 1 西界高级公寓第一期


3L Alliance 三联置业

Queens Place 皇后公寓大楼


Hengyi Australia 澳洲恒益

Swanston Central 斯旺斯顿公寓大楼


Dahua Group 大华集团

Hawthorn Park 霍索恩高级公寓


Aurumstone Group Aurumstone 集团

388 Lonsdale Street 388 朗斯代尔街



LANDMARK 3L Alliance’s Queens Place will be among Melbourne’s tallest buildings once complete. Image: Multiplex/3L Alliance 一鸣惊人 隶属三联置业的皇 后公寓大楼(Queens Place) 一经建成,将成为墨尔本最高 建筑。图片来源:Multiplex/ 三联置业 28


Number of dwellings



Source: Urban | 来源:Urban



Staff reporter PROPERTY developers backed out of China and Hong Kong are pushing on with some of Melbourne’s biggest residential projects, amid declining investor activity and high levels of supply. In recent years, Melbourne has emerged as a favourite destination for Chinese property buyers, attracted by the city’s prestigious universities and cultural offerings, as well as a lower price of entry than Australia’s hottest real estate market, Sydney. But a report by global property agency JLL indicated buyers in Melbourne, particularly the inner city, had become increasingly selective in response to negative commentary around high levels of apartment supply. “Anecdotally, over the past 12 months most developers have reported sharply declining interest from offshore purchasers,” JLL said in its latest Melbourne Apartment Market report. “This was confirmed in the recently released FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board) data, which showed a 67 per cent decline in the value of approvals for residential property in 2016-17. “A variety of factors have contributed to this, including the halt on foreign investor lending by local banks, increased tax imposts by state and federal governments and the tightening of capital controls in China.” Despite the uncertainty, JLL’s report showed construction started on a handful of major projects in the past three months, boosting the number of apartments under construction in the city to more than 19,600. Data from property market analytics group Urban shows China- or Hong Kong-backed developers 3L Alliance, Far East Consortium, Aurumstone Group, Hengyi Australia, Dahua Group, Newsky Group and a joint venture between Growland Group and Poly Developments Australia make up a big chunk of that pipeline. Urban, which compiles Australia’s largest database of new building developments, said that group of developers collectively had 5,840 apartments under construction in Melbourne, with a further 966 being actively marketed. One of the biggest China-backed projects on Urban’s database, 3L Alliance’s $1 billion Queens Place, was one of the recent construction starts, with building giant Multiplex starting work on the first stage of 815 apartments in late June. Queens Place, located on a prominent site in Melbourne’s CBD, which was acquired by 3L alliance in 2014 for $135 million, comprises a pair of 80-storey towers atop a retail and commercial precinct, including laneway shops and restaurants. Jointly designed by Cox Architecture, Fender Katsalidis Architects and Hecker Guthrie, Queens Place also includes a range of luxurious lifestyle amenities, including private cinemas, a library, a poker and mahjong room, a cigar bar and a karaoke suite. Multiplex is also building Hengyi Australia’s Swanston Central, 72-storey, 1,035-apartment tower, which will be the tallest Melbourne building outside of the CBD once completed. Hengyi, a subsidiary of mainland China developer Shandong HYI, is expecting the first stage of settlements at the project, which is in Carlton, to occur within months. Hong Kong-owned Far East Consortium is responsible for another mega Melbourne project, with its $2.6 billion, 2,600-dwelling complex, West Side Place, being built by Probuild. West Side Place, a four-tower behemoth designed by Cottee Parker, will create the tallest hotel in the southern hemisphere once completed, with a 263-room Ritz-Carlton hotel in the top levels of the project’s biggest tower, which will soar to an impressive 81 levels. Another big project, Dahua Group’s $300 million Hawthorn Park, moved into the construction phase in July, with local building outfit Hickory appointed as head contractor. Hawthorn Park comprises 368 apartments to be built on a 12,282-square metre site in Hawthorn East. WWW.ACBR.COM.AU



由于投资逐渐回落和较高供应水平,中国内地和香港的地产商纷 纷转战墨尔本,进行大型楼盘开发。 近年,由于众多知名高校和丰富的文化底蕴,以及比澳洲大热 门——悉尼更低的买入价格,墨尔本已成为中国购房者趋之若鹜 的城市。 但是知名地产咨询企业仲量联行(JLL)在报告中表示,消费者对 高端物业的选择上愈发挑剔,尤其是墨尔本市区的楼盘。 仲量联行在最新一期的墨尔本公寓市场报告(Melbourne Apartment Market report)中提到, “在过去的一年中,大部 分开发商吐露,海外购房者所带来的利润正在不断下滑。”

此现象在外国投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)最新发布的数据中被证实,2016-2017年度,房地产收益 下降了67%。

诸多事实导致了销售的下滑,其中包括:停止向海外投资人借贷, 联邦以及州政府税收增加以及中国缩紧的海外投资政策等。 抛开不确定性因素,仲量联行报告指出,在过去的三个月里,部分 地产商已经动工,在建公寓超过19,600套。

地产市场分析公司Urban从大数据中得出,中国内陆或香港投资 的三联置业(3L Alliance),远东财团(Far East Consortium) ,Aurumstone集团,澳洲恒益地产(Hengyi Australia),大华 集团(Dahua Group),新昊集团(Newsky Group)以及高地集 团和澳洲保利集团(Poly Developments Australia)的合营企 业等组合成了不可忽视的力量。 Urban公司汇聚了澳洲最大的新建筑数据库,他们表示上述开发 商在墨尔本拥有近5,840套正在建设中的公寓房,届时其中966 套会向市场全面开放。

Urban数据表明,三联置业注资10亿澳元的皇后公寓大楼 (Queens Place)是其中最大的工程,将在近期开工。建筑巨头 Multiplex公司将在六月底开工,一期工程量为815套。

皇后公寓大楼坐落于墨尔本CBD的黄金地段,在2014年被三联 置业以1.35亿澳元的价格收入囊中。这是一栋商住两用80层多 功能建筑,其中包括众多底商和餐厅。

皇后公寓大楼由科克斯建筑事务所(Cox Architecture),建 筑设计公司FK(Fender Katsalidis Architects)与Hecker Guthrie建筑工作室共同打造,拥有一系列奢华高端的便利设 施,包括私人影院、图书馆、棋牌麻将室、雪茄酒吧和KTV套间。

Multiplex正在建造归属澳洲恒益地产(Hengyi Australia) 的斯旺斯顿公寓大楼(Swanston Central),该楼高72层,共计 1,035套公寓。建成后,将成为墨尔本CBD区域以外的最高建筑。

恒益地产是中国山东HYI集团的子公司,对即将在卡尔顿区 (Carlton)坐落的一期建筑工程充满信心。

香港远东财团投资了另一项位于墨尔本的庞然大物——西界高 级公寓(West Side Place),它由Probuild建筑商进行建造, 共注资26亿澳元,是一栋开发规模达到2,600间的高端酒店式公 寓。

西界高级公寓由四座巨大的塔楼组成,Cottee Parker建筑设计 事务所(Cottee Parker)完成全部设计工作。共占263间房、高 81层的丽思卡尔顿酒店将占据最顶层,同时也是面积最大的区 域。一经完工,它将成为南半球最高的酒店。 大华集团注资3亿澳元的霍索恩高级公寓(Hawthorn Park)是 另外一项庞大的工程,本地的西科瑞集团(Hickory)作为开发 商,已部署于今年七月正式开工。 霍索恩高级公寓位于霍索恩东部(Hawthorn East),占地面积 12,282平方米,拥有368间公寓。 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


NEWS | 新闻

ADVANCING Hefei is China’s fastest-growing city, with more than 73 per cent GDP growth from 2012 to 2017. Photo: 与日俱增 合肥是中国发展最迅 猛的城市,2012年到2017年,其 GDP增长率超过了73%。图片来 源

Foreign firms flock to the second tier Staff reporter FOUR of the top five fastest-growing cities in China are outside the country’s big four of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, with second tier cities becoming increasingly attractive landing spots for foreign companies. Analysis by Dezan Shira & Associates’ China Briefing indicates that Hefei, capital of Anhui Province, is the country’s fastest-growing metropolis, with its gross domestic product rising by more than 73 per cent between 2012 and 2017. According to a survey by China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Hefei has become the third-most attractive city in the People’s Republic for foreign talent, just behind Shanghai and Beijing. Hefei was named as a pilot city China’s Made in China 2025 initiative, while the city is aiming to achieve a GDP of more than ¥1 trillion ($200 billion) by 2020. China Briefing said Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, was the second fastest-growing city over the half decade, with 72.6 per cent GDP growth. 30


Yangzhou released plans last year to become a hub for strategic emerging industries, such as new energy, new medicine, novel materials, energy conservation, high-end manufacturing, and biotechnology, with the aim of generating output of ¥700 billion from those sectors by 2020. Yangzhou was followed by Shenzhen, Chengdu and Nantong, at 72.09 per cent, 70.7 per cent and 69.7 per cent GDP growth, respectively. By comparison, GDP growth across China over the same period was 59.3 per cent. The next generation of Chinese graduates were keenly aware of the growth trends, China Briefing said, with 40 per cent of 90,000 graduates surveyed as part of a research report on China’s employment market saying they would like to work in emerging cities such as Chengdu, Hangzhou and Chonqing. Just 27 per cent hoped to work in first tier cities, the survey said. China Briefing said increasing costs of labour, housing and land had led to many international companies seeking out second tier cities for Chinese investment. It said lower tier cities had also put in place

a wide range of business incentives designed to attract investment, including a variety of entrepreneurship and housing subsidies. “The rise of lower tier cities has also brought huge investment opportunities in the daily consumption, education and elder care markets,” the report said. “Consumption growth in second, third and fourth tier cities is nearly 1.5 times larger than that of first tier cities, according to the 2017 Consumption Upgrade Big Data Report, jointly released by China UnionPay and “However, some analysts claim that, for the short term, second and third tier cities will continue to suffer from talent and capital disadvantages over emerging and first tier cities, which have more abundant cash flows. “Nevertheless, as the government continues to restrict population growth in first tier cites, many businesses and talented individuals may still choose to settle in lower tier cities as they continue to offer lower living costs and a variety of investment incentives.”



Foreign investment in China’s fastest growing cities 中国最快发展城市外商投资情况

Consumption growth in second, third and fourth tier cities is nearly 1.5 times larger than that of first tier cities – China Briefing report

GDP Growth 2012-17 (%)

Foreign Direct Investment 2017 (RMB)

Hefei 合肥


20.38 billion ($4.07bn) 203.8 亿 (40.7亿澳元)

Yangzhou 扬州


8.1 billion ($1.62bn) 81 亿 (16.2亿澳元)

Shenzhen 深圳


49.95 billion ($9.97bn) 499.5亿(99.7亿澳元)

Chengdu 成都


67.77 billion ($13.53bn) 677.7亿(135.3亿澳元)

Nantong 南通


16.33 billion ($3.26bn) 163.3亿(32.6亿澳元)

China overall 中国平均


878 billion ($175.26bn) 8780亿(1752.6亿澳元)

City 城市

二三四线城市的消费增 长率是一线城市的1.5 倍 – 中国简报(China Briefing report)



Sources: China Briefing, MOFCOM | 来源:中国简报,中华人民共和国商务部



中国发展最迅猛的前五大城市没有任何 一座位于北上广深(北京、上海、广州、深 圳),二线城市对外商极具吸引力。

根据德苏•希拉(Dezan Shira)联合中 国简报(China Briefing indicates)分 析指出,中国发展最快的都市是安徽省 会——合肥,五年间其GDP增长率超过了 73%(2012年到2017年)。 中国国家外国专家局(China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs)调查显示,合肥紧随上海和北 京之后,成为对外商最吸引力的第三大 城市。

合肥成为《中国制造2025》的首个试点城 市,预计其GDP将在2020年实现超过1万 亿元突破。

中国简报表示,江苏省扬州市是近五年来 中国发展速度排名第二位的城市,拥有 72.6%的GDP增长率。


扬州市去年计划成为战略性新兴产业的 发展中心,其中包括新能源,新制药,新 材料,节能,高端制造业和生物科技领域, 并预计整体收益在2020年突破7000亿元 大关。 深圳,成都和南通市位列扬州之后,分别 拥有72.09%,70.7%和69.7%的GDP增 长率。 相比,中国同期平均增长率为59.3%。

中国新一代毕业生敏锐的意识到了中国 中小城市的发展趋势,中国就业市场报告 表示,参与调查的9万名毕业生中,超过 四成受访者倾向在新兴城市就业,例如成 都、杭州和重庆。

仅有27%的毕业生寻求在一线城市就业。 中国简报称有增无减的劳动力成本,高额 场地租金令许多外企对一线城市望而却 步,转而投身于二线城市。

政策为吸引更多投资,例如多种创业项目 以及住房补贴。

“同时,中小城市的日用品、教育和养老 市场的崛起也为外企带来了巨大投资商 机。”

“据中国银联联合京东金融共同编制的 《2017年消费升级大数据报告》显示,二 三四线小城市的消费增长率是一线城市 的1.5倍。”

“然而,一些分析师宣称,短期内,二三线 城市将会持续受限于人才和资本的不足, 与新型及一线城市充裕的现金流市场形 成了鲜明的对比。” “即便如此,随着政府持续限制一线城市 的人口增长,越来越多的企业和高端人才 选择留在二三线城市发展。较低的生活成 本以及诸多奖励机制也是鼓励他们留下 的重要因素。”


2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



Blockchain is a nascent technology, and widespread adoption, profitability and expertise is yet to come 区块链是一项最新科技,其使用范围、收益性以及专 业性还未曾可知。


Blockchain may become as common as WeChat IF there is one country where blockchain will succeed, it is China. Nowhere has a larger, more underdeveloped or fragmented amount of data to manage in logistics, supply chains and other areas. There are also the counterfeit scandals from fine wine to condoms filling social feeds and state media. Even on booming cross-border e-commerce platforms – promoted as the bastion for legitimate products bought directly from the source – fakes are all too common. In fact, 40 per cent of cross-border cosmetics sold during last year’s Singles’ Day turned out to be counterfeits. There is no shortage of reasons why the Chinese are the least trusting consumers on the planet. As a result, hundreds of solutions have surfaced to provide traceability for genuine fare. Unfortunately, few of these have the scale and widespread acceptance to tempt consumers to download the app or engage other tools to legitimise a product. Many of the systems themselves can be faked, with phoney QR (quick response) codes pointing to bogus websites falsely claiming a product’s authenticity. Blockchain is the first tracking standard that is receiving widespread acceptance from consumers, businesses and government in China. Alibaba and are investing large sums 32


into blockchain and President Xi Jinping calls it a “breakthrough” technology. About 41 per cent of Chinese startups that received funding in the first quarter of 2017 were blockchain related. Cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shanxi, Henan, Guiyang and Hangzhou all have policies actively encouraging blockchain development, with Hangzhou pledging investments of $US1.5 billion ($2.06 billion) in the technology. It was one of the most talked about topics at the World Economic Forum’s 2017 Davos meeting, where it was estimated 10 per cent of global GDP (gross domestic product) would be stored on blockchain by 2027. It’s still important to remember blockchain is a nascent technology, and widespread adoption, profitability and expertise is yet to come. Blockchain will not replace the internet; it is a data infrastructure that sits on it. Nevertheless, like any new technology, there are countless prospectors hoping to cash in, several unanswered questions and many misnomers related to blockchain. Here are four myths about blockchain. 1. You can store anything you want on blockchain, cheaply. As blockchain data is held across thousands of servers, storage is not cheap. Ziga Drev, founder of blockchain solution provider OriginTrail, notes that blockchain was not designed for large amounts of data, but

the ultimate aim of the technology requires it to “optimise the way business is done across multiple companies”, such as with supply chains. This does take some data. Fortunately, OriginTrail has overcome the challenge of expensive scalability, storing only ‘fingerprints’ of data on the blockchain itself, which costs cents, or even a fraction of a cent for low cost FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) products, where fingerprinting can be done on a batch level. 2. Using blockchain in the supply chain is just about authenticity assurances. While blockchain provides traceability for products that are sensitive to counterfeits and tampering, it also increases efficiencies leading to cost reduction. Currently, 10 per cent of all freight invoices contain inaccurate data, including duplication, wrong freight mode charges and incorrect fees. This leads to disputes, as well as many other process inefficiencies in the logistics industry. By powering leaner, more automated and error-free processes, blockchain can achieve cost savings across the supply chain and provide benefits spanning as wide as healthcare to legal contracts. The transparency, robustness and decentralised nature of blockchain will see it expand far beyond the practices seen today. One example is blockchain startup Wings,



下一个微信——区块链的风靡之路 若说区块链会在某地大获成功,那无疑必 将是中国。 在物流、供应链及其他领域内,中国庞大 且支离破碎的数据急需处理,这在全球范 围内绝无仅有。 从高档葡萄酒到计生用品,再到近期曝出 的假疫苗事件,假冒丑闻不绝于耳。

即便是在蓬勃发展的跨境电子商务平台 上,哪怕直接从电商直接购买“合法产品” 最终被鉴定为假冒伪劣的现象也屡见不 鲜。 在去年的天猫双十一光棍节节期间,约四 成海淘化妆品被证实是假冒产品。 中国人已成为这个星球上最缺乏信任感 的消费者群体,其原因不必一一赘述。

刹那间成百上千种解决方案摆在桌面,为 消费者提供追溯机制 不幸的是,真正被消费者所接受,且具有 一定规模的合法APP或其它工具实则凤 毛麟角。

许多系统本身就可以伪造,通过扫描手机 二维码链接到虚假网站,并通过此类网站 欺诈消费者。 区块链是首个被中国消费者、企业和政府 普遍接受的追溯标准。 阿里巴巴和京东正在向区块链投入巨额 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

资金,中国国家主席习近平称其为“突破 性”技术。

2017年中国第一季度获得融资的创业公 司中有41%与区块链有关。

上海、广州、山西、河南、贵阳和杭州均出 台了相关政策积极支持区块链的发展。杭 州已表示将投资15亿美元(20.6亿澳元) 发展区块链科技。

这是2017年达沃斯世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum’s 2017 Davos meeting)上最受关注的话题之一,预计 到2027年,区块链对全球GDP的贡献将 占比10%。 区块链是一项最新科技,其使用范围、收 益性以及专业性还未曾可知。区块链不会 代替互联网,它只是一种起辅助作用的基 础数据。 正如任何的新科技一样,不计其数的探索 者希望深入其中并获益于此,然而,一些 有关区块链尚未解决的难题和诸多误解 令人们望而却步。 以下是四个常见的区块链误区。

1. 你可以在区块链中廉价存储任何数据。 因为区块链数据贯穿于数以千计的服务 器,所以其存储费用并不廉价。

区块链解决方案供应商OriginTrail的创 始人萨格·多雷伍(Ziga Drev)指出,区

块链并不是用来大量存储数据的,但其最 终目的要求它“优化跨多个公司的业务方 式”,比如供应链。这确实需要一些数据。 OriginTrail目前已经攻克了昂贵的扩展 性带来的挑战,只在区块链上记录下数据 的“指纹”,这样做的成本非常低。而对于 低成本的快速消费品,这种成本会更低, 因为“采指纹”可以成批进行。 2. 在供应链中使用区块链仅仅为确保其 真实性。

区块链不仅为容易被假冒的产品提供追 溯机制、保驾护航,也可提高效率,从而降 低成本。

近期,10%的货运发票中都存在不真实数 据,其中包括复印、货运方式收费有误以 及费用数额出错等等。这会引起一些争端 以及物流业的其他流程效率低下。 通过提供更精简、自动化和零误差的处理 流程,区块链可以在整个供应链中实现成

FRONT LINE Blockchain technology is emerging as a solution to fighting fake goods in China. Photo: 一马当先 区块链科技的崛起是解决中 国假冒伪劣产品的一把利刃。图片来 源 2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018



a Shanghai-based P2P flight-booking service enabling travellers to buy and sell tickets to anyone, anywhere. Wings founder Stephen Yuan praises the blockchain backbone, “allowing the platform to verify every ticket transaction at every point of sale, millions of times a day”. 3. I’ve heard all about blockchain but I’m not aware of any real-world success stories. China’s most innovative companies have been quick to jump on the blockchain wagon. There is no shortage of examples of implementation – such as the more than 400 brands and 11,000 SKUs (stock-keeping units) on alone which have blockchain tracing – but success stories are harder to find. Fear not, they are coming, such as CheongKwan-Jang red ginseng, which implemented

COMMITMENT Along with innovative delivery methods, is investing heavily in blockchain to ensure the goods it supplies are authentic. Photo: 势在必行 随着交易方式的革新,京东大量 投资区块链为保证产品的供应货真价实。 图片来源 34


blockchain tracing on JD this year and saw sales increase more than 500 per cent yearon-year between March to May, according to an email from a JD representative. Another JD initiative, AI-supported Running Chicken, enables consumers to scan a QR code on the bird’s foot to check raising days, feed, as well as time periods for regular checks and disinfection activities, information about the production and testing companies all stored on blockchain. Every batch of the premium chickens has sold out. “We are building long-term trust, beginning with products customers really care about,” Josh Gartner, VP, international corporate affairs at JD, said. “They’ve never had real visibility into the supply chain before, so this is a big deal. “Blockchain traceability will completely change the standard for trust throughout global retail.” Yimishiji, a Shanghai-based online farmers’ market selling organic and local produce, incorporated blockchain to enable customers to trace purchases from farm harvest to distribution centre to the ‘last mile’ delivery. “As an added benefit, by connecting the data points, blockchain also showed its potential to efficiently uncover any data discrepancy,” Matilda Ho, founder and CEO, said. Yimishiji and blockchain partner OriginTrail won an innovation award from the Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Centre in China for the initiative.

4. My businesses and my suppliers need to replace our IT systems to integrate blockchain. We’ve heard from businesses concerned about the upheaval and expense involved in replacing existing infrastructure to implement blockchain. Fortunately, as long as key touchpoints are already digitalised, blockchain is ERP-agnostic (enterprise resource planning) and can plug and play into existing systems. There are a host of businesses offering solutions such as OriginTrail and DECENT, a blockchain-based content distribution platform. Blockchain has many benefits selling in China, but beyond the hype, companies considering blockchain should evaluate if there will be legitimate benefits from cost reductions and efficiencies, and/or if their brand or product will fulfil a consumer need by assuring them of the authenticity of their products. Regardless of whether it is currently the right fit for your business, blockchain is something you’ll be hearing a lot more about. This article was originally published on http:// Mark Tanner is the founder and managing director of Shanghai-based China Skinny. Through his agency he has worked with over 150 international brands such as IKEA, Colgate, Tourism Malaysia, ANZ, Westpac and IHG on their China market entry and growth strategies, trend analysis, branding and new product development.



MOVEMENT Alibaba Group’s Singles’ Day has become a cultural phenomenon, but 40 per cent of cross-border cosmetics sold last year turned out to be fakes. Photo: Alibaba Group 任重道远 天猫双十一单身节已成为众所 皆知的购物节,但经证实,其售出四成的 跨境化妆品是假冒产品。图片来源:阿里 巴巴

本节约,并利好诸多行业如医疗保健和法 律合同等。 区块链透明、稳健和去中心化的本质使得 未来它的应用将非常广。 其中一个例子就是区块链创业企业 Wings。这家上海企业提供P2P航班预定 服务,允许旅行者购买和出售机票给任何 地方的任何人。 Wings创始人Stephen Yuan表示,区块 链使得平台能够每天以数百万次的频率 验证机票销售的真实性。

3. 所有人都在说区块链,但还未听说过现 实中成功的案例 中国最具创新精神的企业面对区块链纷 至沓来。

实施区块链的例子应有尽有,比如在京 东,多于400个品牌和11000SKU(库存单 位)均使用区块链进行追踪技术,但是成 功的案例就相对难找了。 据京东某代表的一封邮件显示,无需担 心,韩国正官庄(Cheong-Kwan-Jang) 红参就是一个即将成功的典范,其在京东 商城上利用区块链追踪,今年3-5月的销 量同比增长500%。 另外一个来自京东的实例,应用人工智能 技术的走地鸡养殖,消费者能通过扫描每

只鸡脚下的二维码,查询它们的饲养天 数、饲料、检查频率和消毒等步骤,所有关 于生产和检测的公司信息均存储在区块 链中。每批优质的走地鸡都供不应求。

京东国际公关业务副总裁乔什·加特内 (Josh Gartner)表示, “我们正从产品 消费者真正关心的地方入手建立长期信 任关系。

“他们此前从未真正深入了解供应链,所 以这意义重大。 区块链追踪机制将彻底改变全球零售业 的信任标准。”

一米市集是一家位于上海的线上农夫市 集,所售产品为有机本土产品,并使用区 块链技术,使得消费者能够追踪产品从农 场收获,到配送中心,再到最后一公里运 送的全流程。

一米市集创始人兼CEO 玛蒂尔达·霍 (Matilda Ho)表示, “这样做的额外好 处是,通过连接数据点,区块链显示出能 高效发现任何数据偏差的潜力。”

一米集市和区块链合伙人OriginTrail成 为了首个由中国沃尔玛食品安全合作中 心颁发的创新奖项的获得者。 4. 我的企业和供应商必须更换IT系统以 便融入区块链。

听过很多人对更换已有设施以实施区块 链所涉及麻烦和费用的担忧。 目前关键接触点已经数字化,区块链 已经能融入现行系统了。不少企业已 经能够提供解决方案,比如上文提到的 OriginTrail和Decent。

区块链在中国的销售可以为企业带来诸 多益处,然而在天花乱坠的炒作下,想要 运用区块链技术的企业还应当考虑是否 能够获得成本减少和效率增加方面的合 法权益,或者他们的品牌或产品是否能够 满足消费者对产品真实性的需求。

不管区块链是否能为你的企业保驾护航, 但它定会逐渐被众人所知。 该文最初发表于。

马克•唐纳是总部位于中国上海的China Skinny公司的创始人兼董事总经理。通过 他的企业,他与宜家、高露洁、马来西亚旅游 局、澳新银行、西太平洋银行和洲际集团等 150多个国际品牌合作,在中国市场准入和 发展战略、趋势分析、品牌推广和新产品开 发等方面进行了合作。.

Blockchain is the first tracking standard that is receiving widespread acceptance from consumers, businesses and government in China

区块链是首个受到中国消费者、企业和政府广泛接 受的追溯标准。 WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


OPINION | 观点 Captain Walter P Purio CEO of LNG Marine Fuel Institute Walter P. Purio船长–液化天然气 船用燃料机构(LNG Marine Fuel Institute) CEO

触类旁通——且看韩 国如何重振航运业

South Korea sets sail with subsidies SOUTH Korea, once a world leader in shipping and shipbuilding, is aiming to reclaim its leading edge as global demand grows for cleaner, greener LNG-powered vessels. But the country’s strategy, which involves deploying huge subsidies to the struggling sector, has ruffled its rivals. South Korea’s shipbuilding sector was on the brink of collapse in 2016 after reeling from almost two decades of declining demand and increased competition. A global economic slump in the early 2000s, massive overcapacity in the shipping industry, low freight weights, and increased competition from Chinese and Japanese yards combined to turn the once-robust South Korean shipyards into near graveyards. China in particular has usurped much of South Korea’s power, namely because its state-owned enterprises can undercut pricing. China is known for being willing to lower prices to win orders, says Denis Petropoulos, president of Bramer Group Asia, in The Maritime Executive. “China is capable of stealing the market from its competitors because it will win favour by pricing itself down,” Mr Petropoulos says. But not all is doom and gloom. There is a window of opportunity for South 36


Korea in the form of demand for LNG carriers. The country’s shipbuilders, Samsung Heavy and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, are the most popular shipbuilders for LNG tankers, according to Reuters. Together, they are responsible for almost half of the LNG carriers operating worldwide. South Korea is known for its particular expertise in LNG builds, putting it in an enviable position as demand for alternative-fuel vessels is predicted to continue to rise. But the specialised skills set that has given South Korea a competitive edge in the LNG market is starting to erode. “China is already starting to build them, and by 2020 it will be churning them out,” Wendy Laursen, news editor of The Mining Executive, predicted in 2016. Meanwhile, shipbuilding rival Japan is being helped by its weaker currency the yen, making it more competitive against South Korea’s stronger won. However, the South Korean shipbuilding industry is too big an employer and too critical to the country’s economic health to be allowed to fail. In order for the country to ensure the health of the industry in the long term, it must maintain its position as a leading supplier of LNG vessels.

WALTER PURIO | 沃尔特·普里奥 To do so, South Korea’s government and its maritime ministry have been working hand-in-hand with industry on a number of efforts. South Korean president Moon Jae-in stated in early 2018 the government would develop special measures to spur “innovative growth of the shipbuilding industry,” with almost $2 billion in subsidies for replacing older vessels, according to Jamey Bergman in LNG World Shipping. In April, the country’s Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced it would be underwriting 200 ship orders. This was followed in July with the state-sponsored Korea Ocean Business Corporation announcing it would issue guarantees and make additional investments to support the industry. Other public-private projects include: • Government and public sector orders for LNG-powered vessels, including two 200,000-tonne bulk carriers to operate South Korean and Australian routes. Alternative fuel vessels are seen as a more expensive alternative to traditional fuel and less attractive to private companies. As a result, government underwriting will stimulate demand. • Lower port-use rates and tax cuts to encourage LNG-powered vessels to use South Korean ports, and efforts by the South Korean government to turn its coast into a regional LNG bunkering hub. • A government bailout of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering to the tune of $2.6 billion in 2017, and a refocus of the company’s efforts on alternative fuel and fuel-efficient ships, including LNG vessels. Subsidies and other governmental assistance to shore up a floundering shipbuilding industry is nothing new. China and India, for instance, have both employed the practice. “Subsidies worked well for Indian yards in the 2000s, and a new range of subsidies has been made available since the start of (2016),” C.R. Venugopal, division head of plan approvals at the Indian Registry of Shipping, is quoted as saying.


But not everyone is happy with the government’s decision to provide public-sector assistance to the industry. Japan, in particular, has made no secret of the fact that it feels the subsidies provided by its main rivals — China and South Korea — are unfair and are ‘warping’ the market. It has reached out to the World Trade Organisation for relief. In addition, the European Union Commission is investigating South Korean subsidies, after complaints by Denmark and other member states. Denmark alleges the subsidies violate the free trade agreement between the EU and South Korea. However, because of the huge impact the 韩国曾领航全球海运和造船业,随着全球 对更清洁环保的液化天然气船(下文简称 LNG船)需求的与日俱增,韩国志在东山 再起。

然而国家对不景气行业的巨额资金补贴, 却扰乱了其竞争对手。 在饱受“低需求”和“高竞争”双重困扰近 20年后,韩国造船业于2016年终于不堪 重负,走到了濒临衰败的边缘。

21世纪初期,全球经济危机、造船业产能 严重过剩、低运输量、以及来自中国和日 本同行的竞争压力,令曾经所向披靡的韩 国造船业至此一蹶不振。 中国是韩国造船业的心头大患,换言之, 中国国企具有大幅价格优势。

Bramer Group Asia集团董事长丹尼 斯·彼得罗普洛斯(Denis Petropoulos) 在海事执行(The Maritime Executive)会议上表示,众所周知,中国 愿意利用更低的价格来竞标。 彼得罗普洛斯指出, “由于价格优势,中国 可以从竞争中脱颖而出,从而抢占其他竞 争者的市场份额。”但并不是所有企业都 会因此而走投无路。 韩国就在LNG船的巨大需求中寻找到了 一线希望。

据路透社报道,韩国LNG船制造巨头—— 三星重工和大宇造船,两家企业几乎包揽 了全球近半数液船制造的订单。 韩国LNG船领先的制造技术和可代替燃 料需求激增,使其在全球造船业中遥遥领 先。然而,目前韩国的优势地位受到了前 所未有的挑战。 The Mining Executive的新闻主编温 蒂·劳尔森(Wendy Laursen)曾在2016 年预测: “中国已经着手LNG船的制造工 作,并于2020年进行大规模量产。” WWW.ACBR.COM.AU

The government appears determined to work with the private sector to ensure a viable maritime industry and a strong country as a whole

政府决定与私营企业强强 联手,此举为海运业注入新 活力,同时确保强国之路。 与此同时,另一个竞争对手——日本,正 受到日元贬值的帮助,将会在弱势货币日 元的帮助下,与韩元进行分庭伉礼。造船 业的走势对韩国良性经济影响极为重大, 只许成功不许失败。 为了确保国家经济的长期发展,韩国必须 保持其LNG船制造业的重要地位。

为了顺利完成该目标,韩国政府、韩国海事 局与造船业携手并进,付出了诸多努力。 据杰米·伯格曼(Jamey Bergman)在全 球LNG船大会上发言称,韩国总统文在寅 在2018年初宣布韩政府将颁布LNG船舶 建造激励计划,包括拨款近20亿澳元作为 替换旧式动力的津贴。 其余公私合营项目包括:

•政府及企业的LNG船订单,包括两艘20 万吨往来韩国-澳洲航线的运输船。与传 统燃料相比,可代替燃料船只因其价格昂 贵对私营企业缺乏吸引力。因此,只得政 府出台相应需求刺激政策。 •利用较低的港口使用率和减少税收来 激励LNG船使用本国港口,在政策刺激 下,将韩国沿海港口转变成为区域性的 LNG船只仓储燃料中心。


maritime industry has on a country’s economy, it’s likely Japanese President Shinzo Abe’s and the EU’s complaints will fall on deaf ears. The economic health of South Korea is dependent on the health of its shipyards, and the government appears determined to work with the private sector to ensure a viable maritime industry and a strong country as a whole. The LNG Marine Fuel Institute understands and supports the vital role governments play in enabling industry’s integration of LNG as a transition fuel in order to strengthen economic ties between nations, and create a new global employment sector and reduce the harmful effects of ship emissions. 日本直言,其主要竞争对手中国和韩国为 产业提供补贴的做法是不公正的,可能会 导致市场恶性循环,并向世界贸易组织寻 求援助。 另外,欧盟在丹麦等成员国的抗议下,对 韩国补贴政策展开调查。丹麦宣称政府 补贴违反了欧盟与韩国签署的自由贸易 协定。

然而,由于海运业对于一个国家的经济有 着举足轻重的影响,日本首相安倍晋三以 及欧盟部分成员国的抗议也无济于事。 某种角度上讲,韩国经济可否稳健发展取 决于其造船业的运行状况,政府决定与私 营企业强强联手,此举为海运业注入新活 力,同时确保强国之路。 LNG船用燃料机构(The LNG Marine Fuel Institute)理解并支持政府在燃料 转型及整合中起到的重要作用。其目的是 为加强各国之间的经济纽带并创造全球 化新型行业,并在减排方面做出突出贡 献。

•韩国政府在2017年为大宇造船集团提 供了约26亿澳元的资助,并让企业发展重 点重新聚焦在可代替燃料和燃料节约方 面,其中包括LNG船舶。 政府为走下坡路的造船业提供补贴和资 助不足为奇。例如,中国和印度都在采取 此类措施。

印度船舶登记局的审批负责人C.R. Venugopal表示, “鉴于本世纪初的补贴 政策对于印度造船业行之有效;2016年 初,新型补助又接踵而至,” 但并不是所有人都赞成政府向该行业提 供拨款的决定。

2018年九月 | SEPTEMBER 2018


China Nat ional Day CELEBRATIONS 2018


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