MsAlishaRuthSaldanha,analumna of St Agnes College (Autonomous),has secured the AllIndia 3rd Rank (AIR) and the 8thglobal rank in the Advanced Financial Management paper of ACCAduringtheJune2024session.
AlishasecuredtheAll-India1st Rank and6th RankworldwideintheAudit and Assurance paper of ACCA in September 2023 and the All-India 1st Rank and worldwide 2nd Rank in theFinancial Management paper of ACCAinMarch2023.
Agnes Institution. This is an outstanding achievement and a testament to her dedication, hard work,brilliance andcommitmentto excellence. It serves as an inspiration and encouragement to her peers, a reminder that with perseverance and determination, remarkable accomplishments are possible.
Alisha Saldanha is the daughter of Vernon and Patra Saldanha, who graduatedfromSt.AgnesCollegein May2024.
Ms. Alisha has actively participated andexcelledinthevariousinterand intra-collegiate festivals. The Principal,Faculty,andStudentsofSt. Agnes College (Autonomous) extend their heartfelt congratulations to Ms Alisha Saldanha for her outstanding achievement in the ACCA examinationandwishhercontinued successinherfutureendeavours.
Ms Alisha is a shining example of a student who excelled both in the classroomandbeyond.Withakeen
intellect and an insatiable curiosity, she consistently achieved top grades in her studies. Ms Alisha possesses a remarkable ability to balance her academic pursuits with a diverse range of extracurricular activities. This well-rounded approach to education has contributed significantly to her overall development and success. Ms Alisha has a quiet demeanour but possesses a unique strength and resilience. Ms Alisha has shouldered many responsibilities and has proved to be a capable leader. She has rendered her services to the college by being a Class Representative and has performed her duties to the best of her abilities. She was a student coordinator for several activities organised by the college. Ms Alisha hasbeenaresourcepersonandhas addressed many students on the importance of soft skills. She was alwaysreadytolendahelpinghand toanyteacherorfellowmate.
Dr. Paul Gerard Aquinas awarded the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) Degree in Social Work from Tumkur University
Dr Paul Aquinas is a Professor in the DepartmentofSocialWork,Mangalore University. He has over 30 years of post-graduate teaching experience in the field of Human Resource Management and Organization Behaviour area. He has successfully guided Scholars for their PhD in Business Administration and Social Work.
A prolific writer, Dr. Aquinas researched and published several Books,Researcharticlesintheareasof Organisation Behaviour and the Management of Human Resources and has presented papers on the topics in several international seminars and conferences. His books are used by over 60 Universities as material for theirDistanceEducationCourses. Besides being extensively published in India, his Books “Organisational Behaviour” and “Organisational StructureandDesign”wasselectedby the University of Northern Virginia, USA. HehasservedseveralUniversitiesand
Dr. Paul Gerard Aquinas was awarded the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) Degree in Social Work from Tumkur Universityinthe17th Convocationheld on 7th August 2024. The Degree was received from the Honourable Governor of Karnataka and Chancellor of Tumkur University Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot. The D. Litt was conferred for his thesis on “Talent Management System for Teachers in Higher Education Institutes and its Effects on Job Performance through IndividualJob-Attitudes” Prof. Paul Aquinas earned a PhD in Social Work from Mangalore Universityintheyear1995.Inaddition to his MSW Degree (Personnel Management and Industrial Relations), he also holds several other Degrees to his credit; MA (Economics), MBA (Marketing Management) M. Com (Costing), M. Com (Advanced Banking),andPostgraduateDiplomain MarketingManagement.
Autonomous Institutes as member of BoardofStudies(BOS)andExaminers (BOE) for MBA and M. Com courses. He is a Doctoral referee for Indian and Foreign Universities. Currently he is the Chairman Board of Studies (BOS) and Chairman Board of examiners (BOE), Chairman Doctoral studies (DOS) Post Graduate Department of Studies and Research in Social Work,
MangaloreUniversity.Heisalsoonthe DoctoralCommitteeexpertinBusiness AdministrationofotherUniversities. A seasoned Academician in his career spanning over 30 years, he has helped students negotiate their way through unfolding real-life situations and to make choices which has enabled them to navigate and determine how to experiencelife.
15th August: Assumption and Independence
15 August is a very significant day forus,IndianCatholics. Onthisday as Catholics, we celebrate with the Universal Church the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. And as Indians on the same day, we celebrate with our fellow countrymen, the Independence Day of our beloved country.So,itisadoubleortwofold
celebration. It is indeed our grace and blessing to celebrate the Independence Day of our country on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can hopeforspecialinterventionofOur Lady for our beloved nation as we honourherinaveryspecialwayon thisgreatday.
The dogma of the Assumption teachesusthatwhenherearthlylife was ended, Mother Mary was assumedbodyandsoulintoheaven and was granted this singular privilegeofsharinginthegloryand triumphofherDivineSon,OurLord Jesus Christ. Because she was immaculately conceived and remainedimmaculateandsinlesstill the end of her life, preserved both fromoriginalsinandpersonalsin,it wasonlyfittingandproperthatshe be assumed into heaven body and soul, not to allow her immaculate and holy body to be corrupted and decayed in the earth. We who are sinful creatures, even though our bodiesaredestroyedordecayedby returningto dust,can at least hope
to have our souls go to heaven to enjoytheeternallife,wonforusby Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection.Onedaywewillfinally be liberated and freed from the bondageofsin.Thus,wetoocanbe where our Blessed Mother and her Sonare.
On our Independence Day, I would like to remind you of the beautiful Constitution of our country which guarantees our rights and duties, especially fundamental rights and fundamental duties. The Indian Constitution is indeed one of the bestConstitutionsintheworld.And we express our profound gratitude toDr. BhimraoAmbedkarandother members of the Constituent Assembly for giving us this wonderfulConstitution.
Unfortunately, however, many citizens of our country, including law makers themselves, do not respect the Constitution, nor abide byitssacredtenets. Itisvery necessaryfor every citizen to be aware of his/her rights and dutiesenshrinedintheConstitution.
ThePreambleoftheConstitutionin a nutshell tells us what the Constitution basically contains and whatthebodyoftheConstitutionin detail elaborates. The Preamble reads: “We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constituteIndiaintoaSOUVEREIGN, SOCIALIST,SECULAR,DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression,belief,faithandworship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote
among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation,inourConstituentAssembly this twenty sixth day of November, 1949,doherebyADOPT,ENACTand GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.”
ThePreambleoftheConstitutionis so beautifully worded, and every word is pregnant with meaning. It tellsyouina nutshellwhat the vast bodyoftheConstitutioncontains.It upholds the fundamental Gospel values of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. Of course, it is the idealthatallcitizensmuststrivefor. However, we are painfully aware thatmuchofwhatisenshrinedand guaranteed in the Constitution is not realized on the ground. The ground reality is often very different. There are so many violationsofjustice,liberty,equality and fraternity guaranteed in the Constitution.Fundamental rightsof others are often violated and one’s own fundamental duties are not observed. Politicians, Bureaucrats,
Police,eventheJudiciaryitselfoften do not follow the tenets and preceptsoftheConstitution.Onlyat the higher level of Judiciary sometimes we can hope to get somejusticeandreliefbasedonthe Constitution.
We need to pray hard, create awareness of our rights and duties and as responsible citizens always observe the tenets of the Constitutionandteachotherstodo so.
+GeraldJohnMathias BishopofLucknow
TELOCA Battling Addictions in Mangaluru.
Occasionally we can see our communities in Mangaluru city celebrating Birthdays, Anniversaries and the like at various deserving and service-charged institutions who are contributing to lifting the humanvalues togreater heights andblessings.Recentlyaconcerned and generous caring lady, always veryblessedandorientedbyprayer and humane concern for those suffering, the least, last and lost; alongwithafewofherwell-wishers gathered to mark her 88th Birthday. At an age when most elders are licking their wounds,
pains and grouses or who have already gone to meet the creator; shewasagogwithideasonhow to cheer folks who needed it the most.....she made wants her need and reaching out to the deserving and spending quality time where it meant the most. It was a joy and inspiration full of blessings to see hercontributionsallaroundthecity for years now. And on this beautifulday, her Birthday was a blessingtonote,andIwasfortunate a witness to it all. Maybe this practice should be adopted and channeled by more folks and hold their celebrations where it can matter and make a greater impact from time to time and gradually make a better world which would positively, please and attract the mercies of the ALMIGHTY in more ways. Something that gifted folk canthinkofandemulate.
Southernendofthemain city. TELOCA now has three vital arms aroundMangalore City, providing the essential service and careforsufferingaddictswhodesire achangeofheart.Theothertwoare at Kulshekar and Ullal. The synergisticforcebehindallthethree goldstandardinstitutionsis Ma'am ClaraD'Cunha the admirable allrounder who fears no task, is the Trustee up front who runs TELOCA. She is also involved in leading and running all three units, a colossaltaskbyanymeasure. Sheis assisted by full time volunteers, MSWinternsandreliablerecovered individuals; students who come in fromtimetotimetooffertheirskills and labour in this noble cause and
benefit immensely. Mingling and interacting with all these struggling humans is a blessing and the awareness and positive feelings it creates simply contributes to makingafullhumanehumanoutof anyonewhochoosesit.
Oneseeshumanitarianandspiritual centres that revive the depressed, stressed and fallen humans in sickness and strife. A 'relevant' facility, TELOCA three humble tranquil homely places, that are constantly manned by humane volunteers, caregivers and workers. No one will gauge the revolutions that happen in unpretentiousandpracticalTELOCA in the lives of a lot of people, men andwomen. Setoveradecadeago by Ms Clara, a divinely motivated courageous lady. The environment at TELOCA is heavenly and serene just what is essentially prescribed forhealingthebody,soulandspirit.
Over the years, many have been treated with full success from various places, i.e. Bangalore, Mysore, Thirthahalli, Coorg, Udupi,Mangalore, Moodbidri, Belthangadyandmanyareasof
South Karnataka etc., also Kerala, Goa Mumbai and otherplaces too notsoknown. Duringtheirstaythe patients are given individual and group sessions, Individual counselling, family counselling, exposure to Alcoholics Anonymous meetingsandguidance.Patientsare anywhere between18 and 65 years old, illiterates, tertiary, graduates, postgraduates and professionalsaddictions have no barriers. Patients are generally brought in by family members,social workers, NGOs, churches, convents, well-wishers, doctors, hospitals, members of Alcoholics Anonymous, institutions andsometimespolice.
Ma'amClara - the angel of TELOCA: Just one unassuming courageous lady with a simple and strong personality, top class credentials underwraps, puttingingreateffort isMrs.ClaraD'Cunha,atrustee,she neverlooksupatawardsandofficial recognition.Sheisfortunatetohave the extraordinary gift of juggling multitasks efficiently - her family husband Rony, daughter Sheethal and son Atul, not only cooperate but admire her work and respect it to a high degree. Ma'am Clara not only has an MSW from Mangalore University specialised in medical psychiatry, but also is an MA in sociology; she also now is working on her M Phil. For more than ten years side by side with her studies shehasservedinseveralinstitutions in and around Mangaluru. 1998 to 2010: Clara worked in projects of Link De-addiction and counseling centre supported by Ministry of social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, mainly as a Project Coordinator and has attended many courses. She has beenaresourcepersonand
'Alcoholism among women' and more, as also a member of peer bodiesonaddictionactivities.Much ofheractivityhasbeenfocusedon, "Study of Socio-psychological problems faced by married women alcoholics; Causes and conditions responsible" and so on nowwidenedtoagreaterlevel.
It is amazing how Clara copes, she does not draw a salary as such, asked how with her down to earth approach she is able to deliver
wheremanygreatsfail,shesays"My focus has been on welfare of Alcoholicsandsufferingwomenand their families, without looking back whatitwillgivemeinthefuture.My folksaresupportiveandmanywellwisherswhocarehelpinmanyways which goes a long way, a tremendous contribution, though nothing is permanent. A divine designandblessinginallmattersis certain." Asked what TELOCA gets from the organised public sector in supportshejustshrugs,furtheritis very difficult for her to waste time standing before officials and politicians to meet the criteria. She is not inclined to list out what are the immediate needs for TELOCA, but she has indicated finance is paramount and from what can be seen on the spot utilities. Better staffing resources and modern facilitiesandsoonispartofthewish list. She can be contacted on isveryclearthatifgoodpeoplewho are tolerant, patient and caring like to come to the institution and contribute their time to help and contribute, it is most welcome, and theywillhaveblessedsatisfaction.
Presently around the city of Mangalore Three TELOCA Centres are operating under Ma'am Clara D'Cunha; to enable the opportunities to be made available conveniently and effectively. For this appreciation and gratitude must go to several large hearted generous concerned folk of Mangalore for their contributions, understanding and support. The threehomesareasfollows:
DISORDERNear MRF Mill, Niddel Gokarna Road,
DISORDERBehind St. Rita School, Cascia, Mangalore 575 001.
DISORDERMukkachery, Ullal, Mangalore – 575 020.
Statement : TELOCA (TEnder LOving CAre) Mangalore, a Public CharitableTrust,registered on3rd August2010,withthemainpurpose ofprovidingsupportintherecovery of people sufferingfrom Substance Use Disorder, to spread awareness about the dangers of Substance Abuse and organize programs and activities for theprevention of substanceabuse.
ObjectivesoftheOrganization: • To assist in the recovery of the people with substance use disorder. • To encourage females withsubstance,usedisordertoseek
treatment. • Toprovidecounseling, support and guidance to family members. • To minimize stigma surrounding the disease. • Publication and distribution of literature on alcoholism and Substance abuse • Research, education, training for the cause of rehabilitation of peoplewith substance use disorder • School, College and Public awareness programs • Follow up and encourage substance free life by celebrating sobriety. • Support for children of people with substance use disorder
• To associate with any other organizations having similar objectives.
Following facilities are made available for the inmates during their stay at TELOCA: • Voluntary and dedicated service from the members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Members of the Alcoholics Anonymous visit the Centre daily to share their Experience, Strength and Hope which is helping in the recovery of the inmates.
• Voluntaryservicefromothersocial workers, counselors and other NGOsareused. • StudentsofSocial Work Colleges: School of Social Work, Roshni Nilaya, St.Aloysius MSW College, Yenepoya, Srinivas college have conducted activities and sessions for the inmates of Teloca. • Individual counseling sessions on substance use disorder are taken bythe counselors of the facilityReferral Services. • The inmates for any medical and psychiatric problems are referred to - Wenlock District Hospital - Nirmala hospital, Ullal- Primary Health Centre, Ullal - Fr.Mullers Medical College - Yenepoya MedicalCollege -KshemaHospital, Deralakatte
Duringtheir30daysstaytheyare provided with: • Individual counseling • Group therapy • Counseling for the family members • Daily sessions by professional counselors and • Sharingoftestimoniesbymembers of the Twelve Step Programs: Alcoholics Anonymous, Nicotine Anonymous, Al Anon, Narcotics Anonymous • Indoor games • Recreation • Gardening, growing vegetables • Inmates will be taken to outside Alcoholics anonymous meetings. • Referral services • Voluntary and dedicated service from the members of AlcoholicsAnonymous.Membersof
the Alcoholics Anonymous visit the Centre daily to share their Experience, Strength and Hope which is helping inthe recovery of the inmates. • Voluntary service from other social workers, counselors and other NGOs are used. • The inmates for any medical and psychiatric problems are referred to - Wenlock District Hospital , Nirmala hospital, Ullal, Primary HealthCentre, Ullal, Fr.Mullers Medical College, Yenepoya Medical College,Kshema Hospital,Deralakatte.
Awareness and training programs: The centre has organized awareness programs for the prevention of alcoholism for teachers, students and at the community level. Social work students from School of Social Work Roshni Nilaya, St. Aloysius have actively joined hands inthis workofspreadingawarenessabout the ill effects of alcohol and drugs. • Regular awareness programs • Orientation and training for the MSW students of St.Aloysius College, Yenepoya, Srinivas and students of School of Social work
Alcoholics Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship of recovering alcoholdependents who help each other to maintain sobriety. EveryFridaytheinmatesofTELOCA were taken to A. A. meetings at St. Rita Cascia and Kulshekar parish. A A members come to the centre to shareabout their life of sobriety. They also speak to the patients individually ifrequired and help in getting connected to the A. A. meetings in their respectiveareas. Counseling and Support to Children of alcohol dependants As the children of the alcohol dependants suffer because
of their parentsaddiction, the children are provided with counseling and sessions on alcoholism as a disease.Follow up services All the patients admitted at the centre are provided with follow-up through telephonecalls,homevisit by social work students and reference to alcoholics’ anonymous meetings. Regular follow up at the centre is also organized.
Students of MSW, are placed in the recovery centre for trainingbysocialworkcolleges.The students placed in the centre for training attended the educational sessions which are conducted for the patients of the centre.Students are given orientation by the counselorsofthecentreandtrained totake case history of the alcohol and drug dependants. Students placed in the centre also took part with the patients during indoor andoutdoor play. Help the patient with craft work etc.
According to a World Health Organization study, between 2010 and 2017, alcohol consumption inIndia increased by 38 percent.“A steadyandsilentcontributortothis growth has been the increased consumption of alcohol among women who were till recently considered the obvious abstainers,” stated a survey by Community Against Drunken Driving (CADD). CADD,whoconductedthe survey in Delhi, found that “more women are drinking, andwomenare drinking
more.” Poverty amongunderprivileged communitiesin rural areas and affluenceamongurbanwomenwho find alcohol a “social lubricant” is the reason for increased drinking among women, it said. Clara D’Cunha, who was awarded the Woman of the Year Award by a Mangaloreclub,said:“Myfocushas been on the welfare of alcoholic women and their families. It’s a great satisfaction to make people feel good. I have always felt God’s blessinginallendeavors.”
Compiled: Ivan Saldanha-Shet with inputsfromTELOCA.
Ego Vs. Love
In a garden where feelings bloom, Love and ego share the same room.
Love is gentle, soft, and kind, Always caring, peace in mind.
Ego stands up tall and proud, Wants attention, needs a crowd.
Love will bow and say it's sorry, Ego waits for praise and glory.
Love forgives and lets things go, Ego holds on, won't let it show.
Love says "sorry," bends the knee, Ego waits for all to see.
By: Stany Jovin Menezes – Muscat / Pangla
Elders event at Nympha Sadan.
July28,2024wasamemorableday, withIndian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Central Council, Mangalore Diocese, hosted a heartwarming event, 'ಪ್ರವಾಲಂ -
tribute to seniors, looking into the past), at Nympha Sadan Senior Citizens home in Rosario area of
providing an opportunity for youth tointeractwithandlearnfromtheir lifejourneysandenhancethecheer forall.
in the area run by the Ursuline NYMPHASADAN,isoneof5homes Franciscan Sisters (UFS) of Mangalore. Established in 2007, presentlyitishometo23seniors,5 sisters,10caretakers,and6helpers, Sr. Dr. Saritha D'Cunha is the administrator. The event allowed
youth to delve into the lives and feelings of the elders, gaining valuable insights and fostering deeperconnections.
A short prayer led by Viola Lewis, Mijarc Asia Co-ordinator, launchedtheprogramme followed by a warm welcome from Sr.Dr. Saritha D'Cunha. The inauguration featured the elders cutting a cake, and the gathering wished them a happy Elders' Day. Fr. Ashwin Cardoza, Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese, in his presidential address emphasised thatOureldersareourwealth,they carry experiences and knowledge which have been passed on from our ancestors and anchorus to our roots. Not just today we have to celebrate and embrace them but everyday.
The youth then interacted with the elders,receivingtheirblessingsand good wishes. An action song presentation by the youth encouraged the elders to sing along, and they enthusiastically participated, thoroughly enjoying theevent.
World Day of Grandparentsis
celebrated every year on Sunday afterthefeastofStAnne.Thetheme for the past three years was “I am withyoualways”(Mt28:20)in2021; “In old age they still bear fruit” (Ps 92:15) in 2022; and “His mercy is from age to age” (Lk 1:50) for the year2023.Thethemeofthisyearis “Do not cast me off in my old age” (cf. Psalm 71:9). Pope Francis institutedGrandparentsDayin2021 with the theme “I am with you always.” The Pope said in his Angelus address on July 28, the fourth World Day of Grandparents, “The Day calls us to listen to the voiceoftheelderlywhosay,“Donot abandonme!”,andtoanswer,“Iwill not abandon you!” ThePopeurged all faithful to work “to strengthen the alliance between grandparents and grandchildren, between young peopleandtheelderly.”
Nihan Sequeira, Vice President of ICYM Mangalore Diocese, hosted the program. Glany and Prithesh Lobo, members of ICYM Central Council, shared their experiences. Winston Sequeira, President of ICYMMangaloreDiocese,delivered thevoteofthanks.
ICYM - Indian Catholic Youth Movement:
ICYM is a large Premier Catholic Youth Movement, spread across 627 districts in India. The ICYM functionsthrough13Regions&165 Dioceses. The dreams and aspirations of thousands of youths, animators, directors and bishops turned into a reality when CBCI (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India) had approved ICYM as a National Movement for the youth on 14th September 1999.
Currently in Mangalore diocese it functions under the banner of central council, with 12 deaneries and 124 parishes affiliated. Instituted in the Diocese as the catholic youth movement in the year 1947 in the Bejai Parish, it has been a premier youth organization of the Mangalore diocese.
ICYM ushers in a paradigm shift in the life of the 'Young Church'. The youth in India are in a dilemma of disunity and discrimination based on caste, creed, language and culture. Lack of true leadership, raising fundamentalism, alienation,
choking unemployment, corruption atalllevelsarethealarmingrealities of the day. In this new millennium with tremendous hope and aspirations, the members of ICYM are now ready to discover the new frontiers that unfold. It is in this distressful context that the ICYM addresses the need of young persons and works at empowering themintoactionnotonlywithinthe church but a conscious and deliberate immersion in the mainstream of secular life and activity in the heart of the world. Integral Development of Youth through Formation, Fellowship and Action being the main objectives of youth ministry, ICYM caters to varied needs of the holistic development of its young members.Withitsmotto-"ToLead, to Serve, to Shine" there is a lot to bedoneandawholecommunityto bewon.
NymphaSadan-AHomeforthe SeniorCitizens:
‘Nympha Sadan’ the Home for the SeniorCitizens,isanothermeansof service taken up by the Ursuline Franciscan Sisters, who had their birth in Mangalore in 1880, in
answer to the needs of the times. Nympha Sadan, started functioning on 1st July 2007 with just six residentsandhasbeenservingtens ofagedpeopleovertheyears.Itcan house upto 28 persons. It is situated in the heart of Mangalore City, behind Rosario Cathedral Church, Bolar, Mangalore; with good facilities in the area and selfcontained living space .
This Home is founded in honour of MotherNymphaFernandes,thefirst Superior of the Congregation, a great innovator, a visionary, who in her lifetime offered compassionate
helpandcompanionshiptothosein need. With deep gratitude to God and as a fitting homage to Mother Nympha, the Ursuline Franciscan SistersbuiltaHomefortheAged,a HomeforSeniorCitizens,nowithas severalintheregion. TheGoal: to bringwholenessintothelivesofthe Elderlywhowouldliketospendthe
latter period of their life in a peaceful and loving atmosphere. The objective is to provide reasonable comfort, peace and livingcaretotheaged,ataminimal contribution.
-VEEZNews Network,withinputs fromICYM....
KOTHAPATT Series V (International WebinarSeries)-Thankyou
Dear Respected Principals, HODs andtheConvenors,
I am very much pleased to enclose two e-Books (Kannada and Nagari scripts), which includes 20 selected short stories of Dr. Edward L. Nazareth, (one of the finest story writersinMangalore,whohasbeen writing stories since last 50 years) along with 6 papers presented during each of the webinars began on the 6th July 2024 and the valedictory webinar was being conducted on the 10th August 2024. I thank you for your association, which gave an opportunity to students from 11 collegesinGoatotakepartinthese webinars and helped us move forwardinbuildingnewbridgesthat can enable our students to
read/learnKonkanistorieswrittenin other scripts. These webinars were possible only with the help of Mr. Michael DSouza Dubai and Dr. Austin DSouza Prabhu who have been a constant support to our
efforts to promote Konkani. Specially Mr. Michael DSouza Dubai is helping various education institutes and charity organisations acrossvariousregions.
We have in the past conducted studiesontheshortstoriesofWilfy Rebimbus,Sirivont, and a comparative analysis of contemporary writers from Goa, Karnataka, Maharastraand Kerala. I liketothankyou,especiallyBaiAnju Sakhardande,whohasbeenthekey support to this mission. Bab Shailendra Mehta my co-editor of Poinnari and all the HODs of these colleges.
With Kind Regards ValleyQuadros AshawadiPrakashan
Ohio Attorney General Honors the D’Souza
Family as ‘Champions’
at Human Trafficking Summit 2024
Columbus, OH - August 7, 2024The Hyatt Regency Columbus was abuzz with anticipation on August 7th,asithostedtheDaveYost,Ohio Attorney General, 5th Annual Human Trafficking Summit 2024. The event brought together over 700 dignitaries, advocates, law enforcement agencies, healthcare professionals, and officials committed to combat human trafficking.
Recognition of The D’Souza Family OhioAttorneyGeneralDaveYost,in his welcoming speech, extended heartfeltgratitudeto'TheD’Souza
Family' for their unwavering dedication and relentless efforts in the fight against human trafficking bothinOhio andona global scale. Attorney General Yost lauded the D’SouzaFamilyfortheirremarkable courage and resilience. "The D’Souza Family stands as a testament to the power of the humanspirit.Theirjourneyfromthe depths of labor trafficking to
becoming champions of freedom and justice is nothing short of inspirational,"Yostremarked.
Contributions of Eyes Open International
Yost highlighted the D’Souza family's pivotal role in founding Eyes Open International, an organization at the forefront of combating human trafficking worldwide. Their work has been instrumental in raising awareness and providing support to countless victimsoftrafficking.
Presentation: ‘Focus on the Roots,NottheFruits
Asignificanthighlightofthesummit was the presentation by Harold D’Souza and his son, Rohan D’Souza, titled ‘Focus on the Roots, Not the Fruits’. Their insightful and thought-provoking presentation
underscored the importance of addressing the root causes of human trafficking rather than merely tackling its symptoms. Their advocacy and educational efforts aim to foster a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that perpetuate trafficking and inspire actionable solutions. HaroldD’SouzaspokeoftheUnited Nations,HumanRights30articles.
Ambassador Advisory Council Appointments
Adding to their accolades, Dancy D’Souza and Harold D’Souza have becomethefirstcoupletoserveon the Ohio Attorney General’s, Dave Yost,HumanTraffickingInitiativeas members of the Ambassador
Advisory Council. This prestigious appointment recognizes their tireless work and significant contributions to the anti-trafficking movement.
Thesummitprovidedaplatformfor the D’Souza Family to engage with several prominent figures in the fight against human trafficking, including Katherine Chon, Director of the Office on Trafficking in Persons, U.S. Department of Health andHumanServices;LindaMajeska Powers,DirectoroftheOhioHuman Trafficking Initiative; and Mark Kate
Waggoner, Anti-Human Trafficking Victim Advocate at the Office of Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost. These interactions facilitated meaningful discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas to strengthen collaborative efforts in theanti-traffickingarena.
TheD’SouzaFamily'sjourneyisone of indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve. Their story is a beacon of hope, igniting the flame ofcourageinvictimstoreclaimtheir freedom and dignity. Harold D’Souza, reflecting on his arduous yet triumphant path, shared, "My
journey is nothing short of impossible.ButasIalwayssay,'I.M.
Possible'. We must believe in our strength and the possibility of change."
The summit's success underscores the critical importance of collaborativeeffortsandcommunity involvement in the fight against human trafficking. The recognition of the D’Souza Family’s contributions serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated individuals and families can have in the global struggle for humanrightsandjustice.
Eyes Open International is a nonprofit organization founded by the D’Souza Family, dedicated to combating human trafficking through awareness, education, and advocacy. The organization aims to empowervictims,supportsurvivors, andworktowardstheeradicationof modern-dayslaveryglobally.
Mother MaryAloysiaA.C. Tenth
Endowment Lecture held at StAgnes College
TheMotherMaryAloysiaA.C.Tenth Endowment lecture was organised by the IQAC of St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, at the Centenary Auditorium on 31 July. The day also marked the 104th establishment day. The invited resource person forthelecture was Mrs Linda Fernandes, Digital Content Creator# “That Quirky Mamma.” The Convenor of the program, Dr Ita D’souza, IQAC co-
ordinator welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person. Mrs Malavika Adyanthaya, HOD, department of Computer Applications was the M.C. and navigated the program. All the dignitaries first payed due respect tothefounderMotherMaryAloysia A.C. by adorning her portrait with flowers.LindaFernandes,inhertalk
“The Influencers Guide: Building Long-Termsuccesswithconsistency
and resilience, stressed on how students should take life’s ups and downs in their stride and focus on what truly matters in their life and notonfancynothingswhichdonot last long. She told them that their focusshouldbetheireducationand their future goals. She narrated her lifejourneyasacontentcreatorand
how she made use of the wit and humour that she always had and friends and well-wishers who encouragedhertotakeitforwardin abigwayandmakealotofpeople happy with her unique sense of humour. She felt that humour is a niche that all people relate to. In April 2023 she won the Best Influencer Award, and later in the category of Mom Blogger-comedy and entertainment. She said it was anuphilljourneythoughasshehad goodtimesaswellasbadtimes.But all this is a part and parcel of an influencer’s life. She has collaborations with brands like Star
Bharath,RealmeandPondstoname afew.
She advised students not to get disheartenedbynegatitivity. It’s not the likes but the content that matters.” Be authentic, be real and know the difference between constructive criticism and trolling” shesaid.Shewasopentoquestions, and students enthusiastically asked her many questions, which she answeredwithgreatpatienceand humility.
The other dignitaries present were thePrincipalSrDrVenissaA.C.,P.G. Coordinator Sr Dr Vinora A.C., Administrator Sr Carmel Rita A.C. Vice Principal Sr Roopa Rodrigues A.C., members of the IQAC, faculty ofUGandPGandstudentleadersof bothUGandPGcoursesofstudy.Dr Kavyashree dean P.G. delivered the voteofthanks.
St Aloysius celebrated Feast of St Ignatius Loyola
The feast of St Ignatius of Loyola was celebrated with festivity and fervour in the Loyola Hall at St Aloysius PU Campus on 31st July 2024. Amid red alert and heavy overnight pour, the enthusiasm never lacked among the crowd. Aloysians filled with true spirit of spirituality and Sanctimony thronged the venue in large number.
ThemaincelebrantfortheEucharist was Fr Kenneth Crasta, Assistant
Director of St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, he was accompanied by Rev Fr Melwyn Joseph Pinto, SJ Rector of St Aloysius Institutions and Rev Dr Praveen Martis SJ, Vice Chancellor, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) and other Jesuits from themaincampusandBeericampus along with guest priests from the MangaloreDiocese.
The theme for the celebration was taken from the Ignatius Ideology
“Go Forth and Set the World on Fire”. Fr Kenneth in his homily beautifully summarized the prominenceofthetheme. Fr Melwin Pinto SJ, post the Eucharist addressed the students
amalgamating the theme and the needofthedaystressedontherole of youth to recollect and live with theIgnatiusspirit. Thecelebrationwascomperedby MsFayeRodrigues,astudentfrom
Degree College. Dr Melwyn DCunha, Pro Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) proposed vote of thanks. The EucharistpreparationandExecution was monitored by the Campus MinistryteamofStAloysiusDegree and Students from AICUF association.
Ph.D. awarded to Ms Severine Pinto of St Aloysius
Ms Severine Pinto, Associate Professor,DepartmentofEnglish,St
Aloysius(DeemedtobeUniversity), has been awarded Ph.D. for her thesis “Web of Human Relationships in Select Novels of J.M. Coetzee” from Srinivas University,Mangaluru. ShewassuccessfullyguidedbyDrA. Lourdusamy, Research Guide at SrinivasUniversity,Mangaluru. She is the proud daughter of Mr Marcel Pinto & Mrs Agnes D’Souza fromBantwal,Karinganaandwifeof Mr Francis Louis DSouza from Kadaba.
St Aloysius holds National Conference on "Energy Harvesting Techniques: Tapping the power of Nature"
The Postgraduate Departments of Physics and Mathematics of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) Mangaluru organized two days National Conference on the topic "EnergyHarvestingTechniques:
Tapping the power of Nature" in associationwithAssociationofPhysics Teachers of Mangalore University on 23-24 July 2024. The Conference organizedinlinewiththeseventhgoal ofUNSustainableDevelopmentGoals. The Conference is sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board(SERB),NewDelhiandtheevent issupportedbyMRPL,Mangaluru. TheNationalSeminarwasinaugurated by Prof. Shaikh Faruque Ali, Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras on 23July 2024at 9.30am. In hiskeynoteaddresshespokeonthe
possibilities of generating energy all accessoriesusedinourdailylife.
Rev. Dr Melwyn D'Cunha SJ, Hon'ble Pro-Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) Mangaluru presided over the function. He, in his presidential remarks, stressed the need of harvesting the renewable energy, preserving the natural resourcesandsavingtheenvironment andthenature.
Dr Praveen C Ramamurthy, Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru spoke about the newmoleculesdiscoveredmimicking thenature.
DrKSNarayan Professor, Chemistry andPhysicsofMaterialsUnit,JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru spoke about the possibilitiesofnewsolarcellmaterials.
Dr Nagesh S Kini, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Vimano EWA Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru spoke about Flowbatteriesandhowtheycanmeet the future need of the energy requirements.
DrChandraShekharaShettyConvener of the seminar welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest.
Ms Anupriya Shetty Co-convener of
the conference proposed vote of thanks.
On 24 July 2024, Dr Vasudha Hegde, Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Dr P.M. Aneesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics,
Central University of Kerala and Dr Anindita Roy, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Maharashtra spoke on various topics of Energy conservation andharvesting
The Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher
Association of St. Agnes PU College was held on Wednesday, July 31, in the Auditorium.
The programme began with an
Lobo, Lecturer in Mathematics, welcomed the gathering and introduced the distinguished chief guest of the day, Mrs. Lydia Lobo, Administrator, LINK Rehabilitation Centre. Mrs. Lydia Lobo in her address to the parents highlighted the crucial role they play in their ward’s holistic development. She commended the parents for showing up in large numbers despitethe inclementweather.This was proof of how invested they were in their child’s welfare. She went on to elucidate on how rampant alcohol and drug abuse has become and how it has spread its tentacles in every stratum of society. She highlighted the contributing factors that lure youngsters and eventually lead to addiction. She advised the parents about the deleterious impact of cellphones and gave pointers on howtonavigatetheirchildrensafely acrossthisminefieldbyestablishing clear lines of communication and
cherishing the quality time spent withthem.
Thiswasfollowedbythereadingof the minutes by the PTA Secretary, Mr. Mathew Antony. The PTA staff representative, Mrs. Venitia Rasquinha,presentedthereportfor theyear2023-24.
ThePrincipal,Sr.NorineD'Souza,in her presidential address, emphasised the need for students to be regular to classes, up to date intheirstudies,andscorewellinthe internal assessments, as it will impact their overall percentage in the final exams. The Treasurer, Mr. Joel Fernandes, read out the financialstatementfor2023-24.
Ms. Anjali Rai from the Science stream, Ms. Ashmitha Lora Pereira fromtheCommercestreamandMs.
*RACHANA Catholic
Alisha Thimmaiah from the Arts stream, were felicitated for their impressive achievement in the Second PUC board exam 2023-24. Thesubject teachersofthetoppers werealsohonouredontheoccasion by the Chairperson Dr. Sr. Maria RoopaAC,JointSecretary,StAgnes Institutions; PTA Vice-President, Prof Joselyn Lobo and PTA Joint Secretary,Dr.DivyaDamodhar.
Mrs. Hariet Moras compered the meeting ably and guided the proceedings. The PTA Joint Secretary, Dr. Divya Damodar, proposed the vote of thanks; the PTA Vice-President, Prof Joselyn Lobo;thePTAExecutiveCommittee Members, and the faculty were an integral part of the occasion. The programme concluded with the NationalAnthem.
chamber of
Commerce and Industry* Mangalore holds talk on
*Trending Strategies in Modern Business*
Rachana Catholic Chamber of CommerceandIndustryMangalore, aforumofCatholicEntrepreneurs ProfessionalsandAgriculturists
organized an enlightening event titled "Trending Strategies" at St. Sebastian Church Hall on 27th July 2024. Theeventcommencedwithprayer ledbyFrAshwinCardozaDirector
ICYM,DioceseofMangalore. President Mr John B Monteiro deliveredaheartfeltwelcometothe guest speaker, dignitaries and members. He emphasized the essenceoftheevent'stheme,
setting the stage for an evening of learning,networkingandupdating.
Guest Speaker Dr Molly S.
Chaudhury, Director of Manel
Srinivas Nayak Institute of ManagementwasintroducedbyMr
The speakers’ insights into modern business strategies highlighted challengesand provided innovative
ideas to stay abreast of changing trends, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and organic farming. She said welcoming or embracing new trends, updating we with current technologyisjustimportanttostay
The talk followed by an interactive session added glory and made the session an interesting one. As a gestureofappreciation,amemento was presented to the Speaker Dr Molly S Chaudhury acknowledging hervaluablecontribution.
Mr. Ivan Dsouza, MLC, Government ofKarnataka,andMr.StanyAlvares, President of the Karnataka Konkani SahityaAcademy,werehonoredfor theirleadershipachievements.
They were introduced by Past Presidents Mr. Gilbert Dsouza, and Mr.RoyCastelinorespectively.
SpeakingontheoccasionMLCIvan Dsouza expressed his gratitude to the president & members of Rachana for the honour. While briefinghispoliticaljourneyMrIvan said Rachana made its own office years back when Mr John Monteiro was the president and now as we celebratetheSilverJubilee,wemust look for some land followed by building for various activities of
Rachana. He assured his full pledged support and called on members to make use of the availableopportunities.
Mr Stany Alvares also thanked Rachanaforthehonourandsought the support of members in the divine work of Konkani language andculture.
MrNaveenLobowasalso recognisedforbeingnominatedthe member of Karnataka Konkani SahityaAcademy.
A significant highlight of the event was the unveiling of the Rachana Silver Jubilee program date, scheduledforNovember3,2024.
Lionel Aranha a leading Chartered AccountantaswellasaProfessional Trainor, accompanied by the past presidents, governing body members, and the Chairperson of the Rachana Silver Jubilee CelebrationsMrs.MarjorieTexeira.
The President made important announcements regarding upcomingeventsandinitiativeslike Environment Preservation Day by
Rachana and a program for Entrepreneurship Aspirants in association with ICYM Central Council,Mangalore
President of ICYM Central Council
Mr Winston Sequeira and other office bearers were guest participants.
The program was maticulously arranged by convenor Mr Nelson Monteiro.
The Secretary, Mr. Vijay Lobo, proposedthevoteofthanks.
TheprogramwascomparredbyCA VikramJudeSaldanha
The "Trending Strategies” event by Rachana was a resounding success, offering valuable insights, fostering networking opportunities, and celebrating the achievements of its members. It stands as a testament to a vibrant and dynamic community committed to continual growth and learning in modern businesses.
Mangaluru, August 5, 2024: St Aloysius Deemed to be University, Mangaluru, inaugurated the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Sustainable Family Business and Entrepreneurship: India Vision 2030" today. The programme, organizedbytheSchoolofBusiness and Management, aims to foster
entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices among faculty members, research scholars, and students.
CA SS Nayak, Senior Partner, M/S S S Nayak & Associate, Chartered Accountants, was the chief guest, whileRevDrPraveenMartisSJ,Vice Chancellor, presided over the programme. Other dignitaries present included Dr Alwyn D'Sa, Registrar of St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Dr Denis Fernandes, Director of Arrupe Block, Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean, School of Business and Management, and Coordinator
of the FDP, Dr Mamatha, Associate Dean, School of Business and Management, and Mr Ayush G Kottary,Co-CoordinatoroftheFDP.
In his presidential address, Rev Dr Praveen Martis SJ emphasized the need for universities to incubate entrepreneurship among students andacademicians,enablingthemto becomejobcreatorsratherthanjob seekers. The programme, fully subscribed with around 50
participants from across India, and willrununtilAugust10,2024.
The inaugural programme began with a lamp-lighting ceremony by the dignitaries, followed by a welcome address by Dr Rajani Suresh. Mr Ayush G Kottary proposedthevoteofthanks,andMr ManojFernandes,AssistantDeanof School of Business and Management, compered the programme.
St Joseph’s School, Bengaluru
The First Inter School Fest Arcanum: ‘Beyond the Ordinary’
It was evident that the celebration of St. Joseph's School Bengaluru's centennial, which took place on 1st
and 2nd August 2024, was a huge success. The festival “Arcanum” (meaning mystery/secret) included a wide range of competitions and events that enthralled both attendees and competitors. Mr. Ian Thomas, the Chief Executive Officer of the TEAM Multi-Academy Trust, was the event's Chief Guest. His words of encouragement struck a chord with everyone, and his
presence really enhanced the celebration.
Through events like Syntheto, an exciting music competition where severalschoolbandsexhibitedtheir individual styles and electrified the audience with electric performances, the inter-school fest highlightedtheabilitiesof students from famous schools in Bengaluru. Zenith Arc, where players' skills, teamwork, sportsmanship, and dedication were showcased in tough and difficult basketball battles.MootCourtwasaforumfor prospective attorneys to practice their advocacy and present their cases, impressing judges with their eloquenceandlegalunderstanding. Students interested in pursuing careers in sports management turned up in large numbers for Athlos, an educational event that provides insights into managing and organizing sports. Participants in Identity Theft, an event that emphasized public speaking and critical thinking, had the opportunity to demonstrate their intelligence and problem-solving skills.
The pupils' engagement and passion were admirable since they promoted a sense of community and togetherness. Student’sFeeback:
1. The event was fun, but it also gave ustheopportunitytocultivatealot of skills that would benefit us later on. The event was fascinating all around! remarked Occulus participantsDhravinandHuzaifa.
2. As itwasmyfirst personalityevent, I felt a lot of anxiety. It's created a high standard and inspired me to take part in more of these kinds of events.WillattendifArcanumhasa second edition!” declared Deshna, an Identity Theft participant.
3. Wegainedfantasticexperienceand exposure from this festival. Two of oureventheads,IshitaandSheana, stated, "We gained knowledge on how to plan events, work together, and develop team management abilities.
4. It improved our ability to communicate with strangers and
taught us how to view the world fromvariousangles.Anotheroneof our event coordinators, Anyaa, added, "It also gave me the chance tomakealotofnewfriends."
Overall winners St. Joseph's Boys HighSchoolreportedthatArcanum wasrunextremelyprofessionalfora firstedition,withtimemanagement being an outstanding feature. Also, St. Joseph's University Vice President Mr. David Sagairaj paid a visittothecampus.Theeventswere carried out with a great deal of spontaneity and under intense supervision, and the kids exceeded theirexpectations.
With a DJ night featuring DJ Rubz and DJ Paddy that was open to all attendees, parents, and kids, the festival ended on a high note and left everyone anticipating the next amazing Arcanum event.
St Raphael Church Inaugurates Parish Pastoral
Plan 2024-25 and conducts Seminar on Liturgy
Parish Pastoral Plan 2024-2025 was inaugurated at St Raphael Church Badyar by Rev. Fr Naveen Pinto
JudicialVicarDioceseofMangalore on Sunday 4th August 2024 during theEucharisticcelebration. Parish
Pastoral plan has been designed to strengthen the spiritual, pastoral and social needs of the Parish Community. Parish Pastoral plan was prepared in collaboration with parish associations and various commissions of the church. Parish Priest Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta in his introduction highlighted the theme of the plan “Prayer, Service and Unity” intheParishCommunity. SeminaronLiturgy,Choirand
Responsibilities of the ward leadersandrepresentatives.
After the mass a training program was held on the importance of Liturgy, Role of Choir, and responsibility of the ward leaders andrepresentatives. RevFrNaveen Pinto was the resource person for the training session. Total 110 parishioners actively participated in the program. Program was well organized and appreciated by all. Parish Pastoral Parishad, Choir group, Commission for Liturgy, commission for small Christian community shared the responsibilities.
St Aloysius holds AGM of AntiRagging and Drug Prevention Cell
On August 9, 2023, St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University)
Mangaluru,heldtheAnnualGeneral Meeting of its Anti-Ragging and DrugPreventionCell.
The meeting was attended by several key figures, including Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis SJ, Vice Chancellor of the university, Dr Roshan Monteiro, the Coordinator, along with external members such as Dr Deviprasad, Joint Director of Collegiate Education, Dr Thomas Scaria, Advocate, Santhosh Peter D’Souza, Dr Srinivas Bhat and Madam Faizunnisa K M.
Additionally, registrars, directors of various blocks and hostels, counsellors,specialofficers,staff
members, and student representativeswerepresent.
Duringthemeeting,Rev.Fr.Praveen Martis SJ addressed the gathering, emphasizing the university's strong commitment in organizing preventive programs designed to curb ragging and drug abuse. He highlighted that the university has aneffectiveAnti-RaggingandDrug Abuse Cell, supported by counselors,valueeducationclasses, andvariousassociationactivities,all working together to implement theseinitiativessuccessfully.
Dr Deviprasad, Joint Director of Collegiate Education in Dakshina Kannada, commended the college foritsproactiveeffortsinorganizing preventive initiatives. He emphasizedtheimportanceofsuch programs and suggested that the university could serve as a role model for other colleges. He also requested the university's support in organizing Training of Trainers (TOT) programs for other institutionsinMangalore,tofurther expand the impact of these preventivemeasures.
CertifiedAddictionProfessionaland Trainer, highlighted the importance ofconductinganimpactanalysisto measure the effectiveness of awareness programs among students.
Dr Srinivas Bhat, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, stressed that university policies should be designed to actively prevent students from engaging in such harmful activities. Advocate Santhosh Peter D’Souza suggested fostering interactions between senior and junior students to help them become better acquainted, which could potentially reduce instancesofragging.
Madam Faizunnisa K M, Sub Inspector, North Police Station Bandar, Mangalore, expressed her support for the college's initiatives. She assured the gathering that the police would fully back the university in introducing and implementing such preventive measures.
coordinator of the Anti-Ragging and Drug Prevention Cell, welcomed the gathering and provided an overview of the activities organized during the 2023-24 academic year. He emphasized that the cell would operate in accordance with UGC guidelines. The activities were focusedonraisingawarenessabout anti-ragging and anti-drug abuse, notonlyamongstudentswithinthe university but also in the broader Mangalorecommunity.
Ms. Sweedal Daphne D'Souza, the university's Counsellor, proposed the vote of thanks, expressing her gratitude to all the participants for their active involvement in the meeting and for their continued supportintheuniversity'sinitiatives against ragging and drug abuse. She acknowledged the valuable contributions of the speakers and attendees, ensuring that the efforts towardscreatingasafeandhealthy environment for students would continuewithcollectiveenthusiasm anddedication.
Dr. Roshan Monteiro, the
Annul Feast Day at St Lawrence Church & Shrine, Bondel
Theme of the Feast: “A life of prayer is a gift of God.”
Message of the Feast: If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer (Matthew 21:22)
At the annual feast of Bondel St Lawrence church & shrine the celebrationwasledbytheMostRev.
Dr. Wilfred Gregory Moras, Coadjutor Bishop of Jhansi. Most Rev. Dr. Wilfred Gregory Moras celebratedtheHolyEucharistonthe eve of the Annual Feast of the ShrineofSt.LawrenceinBondelon Saturday, 10 August 2024 at 10.30.a.m. A significant number of pilgrimsanddevoteesfilledevery
available space in the shrine to partakeinthegrandcelebration
Most Rev. Dr Wilfred Gregory Moras, Coadjutor Bishop of Jhansi began the celebration saying " A LifeofPrayerisagiftofGod"
ThesolemnityoftheHolyMasswas profoundly enhanced by the inspiring homily delivered by Coadjutor Bishop Moras emphasized the profound message ofSt.TeresaofAviladescribed
prayer as an intimate conversation with God, emphasizing that it is a way to deepen one's relationship with Him. She believed that three important virtues are essential for prayer: humility, detachment, and loveforothers,“dyingtooneselffor others is real prayer" is vividly illustratedbytheexampleofFather
Abraham. Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac, as commanded by God. Similarly, Abraham’s intercession for the people of Sodom highlights his deep compassion and commitment toothers.
Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Parish Priest,Rev.FrPeterGonsalves
Principal St Lawrence Medium Eng. School,RevFrWilliam D’SouzaAsst Priest, Rev Fr Andrew D'Souza and other various priests from city Deanerycelebratedthemass.
The melodious choir was from Bondel under the leadership of Dr Suraj.
Priest of St Lawrence shrine felicitated the newly Coadjutor Bishopwithabeautifulshawl,flower bouquet and a memento, he extendedhisheartfeltthankstothe Bishop, the priests who celebrated, and all who participated in the Mass.
group visited the shrine among them were Newly elected MLC Mr Ivan D’Souza, Mr Joachim Stany Alvares, president of the Karnataka KonkaniSahityaAcademy During their visit, they had the opportunity to meet with the Coadjutor Bishop of Jhansi, Most Rev.Dr.WilfredGregoryMoraswho waspresentattheshrine,alongwith the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Andrew. The convener of the shrine, Mr. Prakash Pinto, and members of the shrine committee were also in attendance, welcoming the guests withwarmthandhospitality.
The closing ceremony of the Feast ofStLawrence'sChurch,Bondelwas celebrated with grandeur and devotion on Saturday 10 August 2024 at 6.00 p.m. Rev. Msgr. Duming Dias Bishop of Karwar Diocese. was the main celebrant. In his homily, Bishop Duming Dias
delivered a profound message on the essence of prayer, He outlined three simple yet powerful steps: first, cultivating a deep desire for God'spresenceinourlives;second, inviting Christ into our hearts and dailyroutines;andthird,placingour hopefirmlyinChrist.
Bishop Dias also emphasized the significance of family prayer, pointingouttwoessentialelements: prayer brings God closer to us, and prayer fosters a bond with our fellow beings the neighbors and lovedoneswhomGodplacesinour lives
Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Parish Priest, Rev Fr James D'Souza, Vicar Forane -City Varado ,Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves,RevFrWilliamD'Souza , Rev Fr J.B Saldanha, Rev Fr J.B Crasta Rev. Fr Santhosh Rodrigues and various priests from the city , other parishes & Other congregation concelebrated the mass..
Rev Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza, Parish Priest of St Lawrence shrine, felicitated the Bishop with a beautifulshawl,flowerbouquetand a memento, extended his heartfelt thanks to Rev. Msgr. Duming Dias BishopofKarwar&allthepriestsfor
celebrating and participating in the mass.
Thechoirgroupofchildrenfrom Bondel parish captured the minds andheartsoftheParishioners.
Rev Fr Andrew Thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the nine novena and the feast. Special thanks to the Liturgy Committee, Shrine Committee, Parish Council members, Divine Word TV and team, Media Committee, Vehicle Parking Team, Volunteers, the Ladies Association aswellasthoseinchargeofLights, Band Sponsors, Sound, and Decorations. Fr Andrew wish everyonewhogatheredajoyfuland blessedfeast.Itwasinspiringtosee people of all religions visiting the shrine and expressing religious unityduringthefeast.
Rev. Fr. James D'Souza, the vicar Foranetookamomenttospeakand extend his heartfelt gratitude to Rev.Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza the parish priest for his unwavering
dedicationandservicetotheparish. HeacknowledgedRev.Fr.Andrew's tireless efforts and commitment to his ministry, at the Bondel Church & Shrine, praising the impactful wayhehasbeenleadinghisParish.
Rev. Msgr. Duming Dias Bishop of Karwar Diocese , Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Parish Priest, Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves,RevFr William D'Souza, Rev Fr J.B Saldanha PRO Of Mangalore Diocese, Rev Fr J.B Crasta, various priests from the city & other parishes , Mr John D'Silva, Vice president, Mr Santhosh MisquithSecretaryPPC,MrPrakash Pinto Convener Shrine Committee, Meena Barboza Convener Media Committee along with guest priest were present duringtheclosingceremony.
Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academyforthe2024-2027termat a recent ceremony held at the Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) building.
Advocate Anil John Sequeira, a native of Borimar in Bantwal taluk, achievedaremarkablemilestoneby securing success in the Karnataka Civil Judge Examination 2023. At just 25 years old, he cleared the Prelims, Mains, and interview stages, making him the youngest Civil Judge (Judicial Magistrate) in Karnataka.
Mr Roshan Lobo from Vamanjoor parish, an esteemed advocate and former editor of ‘The Search’ magazineforYCS/YSMIndia(20132016), was elected as the International Secretary General of the International Young Catholic Students(IYCS).
Additionally, the newly elected member of the Karnataka Legislative Council (MLC), Mr Ivan D’Souza, and Mr Cyprian Monteiro were also invited to receive the honor but were absent from the event.
Thefelicitationprogrammewaspart of the diocesan pastoral parishad meeting, which saw the attendance of diocesan officials, priests, nuns, andlayleaders.
During the same event, the second edition of the Pastoral Plan of the Diocese of Mangalore for the years 2024-2026 was unveiled. Most Rev. Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore,VeryRev.MsgrMaximL. Noronha,Vicar General,andRev. Fr. FaustineL.Lobo,Coordinatorofthe Pastoral Plan, jointly released the PastoralPlanbook