Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 2 Languages – Kannada & English. Publi
Model MANAGEMENT ಆನಿಾಂ Astra
Group ಹಾಾಂರ್ಚಾ
Teen,Miss,Mr,MrsKaravali pageant ಸಿಧಾಾಾಾಂತ್ Miss Teen
Karavali 2024
Miss Teen Kravali 2024 Winner
Ashna Jewel Dsouza Ferar
Congratulations dear Aashna who participated in the "UP'S MODEL MANAGEMENT Astra Group presentsMissTeen/Miss/Mrs./Mr.
Karavali 2024" pageant, where she was awarded the title of Miss TalentedandcrownedasMissTeen
Karavali 2024. It's held in A J Grand hotelSundayevening@Mangalore.
Cinema, Church and Catholics
Dr.Charles Lobo
Recently I got an opportunity to attend the premier show of Poyonn- the new Konkani film produced by Melwyn Peres on 15 September2024atBharatMall.The showwasprecededbyalongprayer lead by the Catholic Priest who prayed for its success. The prayer was led by Fr. Clifford Fernandes, Parish Priest of Cordel Church. The Priest prayed for all the actors and actresses, for Konkani film producers, the financiers, viewers
and all the rest involved in its production. Bishop Emeritus Dr. A.P. Dsouza was also present, and he spoke about Melwyn Peris and his contribution to music and wished success to his project. He gave his blessing at the end of the prayer session. The movie was screened at 4PM.
Poyonnis a story of the challenges facedbyabornsingerandMusician andthegreatsacrificemadebyhim forthesakeofcancerpatientsinthe Palliative care while himself facing death. The idea of this article is not to review or criticize the Movie. No doubtitisagoodattempt.
Theideaofthisarticleistodescribe the big Poyonn in our attitudes towards Cinema in the last 100 years.
It was by chance I stumbled upon the minutes of the meeting of the Directors of Sodalities and other Catholic Societies dated 11 November 1927 published in the Mangalore- the organ of the Catholic Association of South CanarainApril1928.Rev.M.Coelho, SJ was in the Chair. Other members who attended the meeting were Rev.R.F.C.Mascarenhas(founderof Bethany),Rev.A.J.Dsouza,Rev.A.E.
Colaco,VeryRev.A.M.L.Vas,Rev.L. Dsouza, Rev. A. Ambruzzi, Rev. H. Buzzoni,andRev.A.M.Colaco,SJ. The resolutions passed as per the minutesarereproducedbelow:
1)That the Directors of Men’s and Women’s SodalitiesandHeadsof CatholicSocietiesenlightenparents onthedangersofthecinema .
3)That the programme of every dramaticentertainmenttobeheld in a Catholic Institution or to be presidedoverbyaPriestshouldbe submittedforapprovaltothehead oftheInstitutionortothepresiding Priest.
4)That the Konkani Catholic Truth Societyberequestedtoundertake the further publication of plays suitableforsuitablefortheCatholic stage.
5)ThattheDirectorsofSodalitiesmeet once a year, the Director of the Men’sSodalitybeingtheconvenor.
6)That a committee consisting of ………….beappointedtoconsiderthe coordinatingoftheactivities(such asfeasts,processionsandsocials)of the various Sodalities among themselves and those with the Parishesandreport.
7)Thattheseresolutionsbesubmitted to his Lordship the Bishop for approval.(Sd/-M.ColacoSJ) Afterreadingtheaboveminutesof
2)ThattheDirectorsofBoysandGirls Sodalitiesadopttherulethatno memberofanySodalitymaygoto the Cinema without the permissionoftheparentsandthe consentoftheDirector.
1927, I wondered about the presence of the Priest and the Bishop at the premier show of the Movie in Bharat Mall. Surely the Poyonn of the Catholic community in Mangalore was not an easy one hundred years ago. At every stage, the Big Boss was watching the Pilgrims Progress. Para 1 and 2 highlighted above, shows that the cinema was supposed to have evil influence on the faithful. Therefore, the instruction was given to enlighten on the dangers of the Cinema. There was no Raknno (MagazineoftheDiocese)in those days to give publicity. The Truth Society was given this job of publication. Going to the Cinema was not prohibited but it had to be done with the permission of the parents and the Director of the Sodality. Mind you this was the age of the black and white movie and the silent one too. The first theatre of Mangalore Hindustan Cinema had been just started in 1926 by Kochikar Vittaldas Pai which later becamefamousasNewChitra.
RajaHarishchandraisthefirstmovie produced in 1913 by Dada Saheb PhalkeinIndia.Itwasasilentmovie with Marathi and English intertitles. The watching of TheLifeofChrist (1906) by the French director Alice Guy-Blache inspired Phalke to replace Christ with Rama and Krishna for Indian audience. That is how RajaHarishchandrawas born. The period from 1890 to 1920 was the era of silent movies. In 1921, BhishmaPratignawas produced in Telugulanguage.KeechakaVadham (1917) and Vigathakumaran(1928) were other films in Tamil and Malayalamlanguages.AlamArawas thefirstIndiansoundfilmproduced in1931.Productionoftheso-called Masala films started after the second World War. Therefore, the movies in those days were based mainlyonspiritualsubjects.Despite this the Directors of the Sodalities imposed the above cited restrictions.
Mogacho Aunddo (Love's Craving)was the first Konkanilanguage film, released in 1950.It
was directed and produced by Al Jerry Braganza, a native of Mapusa, Goa.The film starred Leena Fernandes, who is considered the first leading lady of Konkani cinema.HeisknownastheFatherof Konkani Movies. (Source: Konknni Cholchitram by Isidore Dantas, 2010)
Thismoviewasfollowedbythetwo evergreen movies Amchem Noxib (1963) and Nirmonn (1965) . The songs of these movies like Molbavoilo dov , Beknnaita Pai , Mogachem Tarum , Manddo Goencho , DolMujaBai , YeMoga TumMojaSuka,etc.areclassicsand are being played and sung during the weddings in Mangalore. Rita Lobo was the heroin. They are not forgottenevenafter60years. They have become a benchmark in every way for the Konkani Movies produced since then. Although many movies are being produced now, very few movies have succeededtorisetotheirleveleven
after so much improvement in technologyandfilmproduction
imes have changed. The English movie the Passion of Christ has influenced many people to change their lives. Cinema is no more seen as a danger to one’s soul and for Pilgrim’sprogress.Itispromotedby the guardians of the soul in a big way.ThefilmOsmitaireceivedgreat support from all the Parishes and the Konkani knowing people. There is no doubt that Konkani movies have become box office hits when ‘blessed’ by the Parish Priests and the promotion is made through them. No doubt Poyonn will also succeed.
Mangaluru, Sep 16: The highly anticipatedpremiereoftheKonkani movie ‘Poyon’ took place at Big Cinemas on Sunday, September 15, leaving audiences captivated. The debutfilmbySangeethGhar,Poyon tells the heartfelt story of a young musician’s journey, beautifully set against a captivating musical background.
Director Joel Pereira expertly depicted the musician's life, filled with moments of joy, sorrow, and competition. The emotional depth of the movie resonated with the audience, moving many to tears by theend.
The premiere was attended by several esteemed guests, including Bishop Emeritus Dr Aloysius Paul D'Souza, who extended his best wishes to the film’s producers,
MelwynPerisandNeethaPeris.The Bishop shared a personal
connection with Melwyn, recalling his early days as a singer and his contributionstoKonkaniliturgy.He remarked, "Melwyn Peris began singing at the age of 6 and never looked back, creating wonders in Konkani music. His contributions to theliturgyhaveearnedhimthetitle
'Man of the Church’. Today, alongside his wife Neetha, he has produced this film. While he says this is his final project, I believe it marks a new journey in his entertainment career. I wish Poyon greatsuccessintheatres."
Other notable attendees included Luvi Pinto, president of Mandd Sobhann,StevanPinto,andNeetha
Producer Melwyn Peris expressed his gratitude to sponsors, artists, and supporters, proud of the movie'sreception.
The event's blessings were led by Manu Bantwal, who served as the masterofceremonies.
With its powerful storytelling and memorable music, Poyon is poised to be a landmark film in Konkani cinema.
Poy'nn - A Journey Begins Today Congratulations Melvyn Peris
In theheart ofKonkani’stimelesslore, Wheremelodiesdanceandspiritssoar, A legendarises,bothhumbleandgrand, MelvynPeris,withguitarinhand.
Yourmusichasbeenthesoul’sembrace, A soothingrhythm,agentle grace, Througheverysong,in everychord, A storyissung,ajourneyexplored.
A journeythroughlife,boldandbrave, Fromsongstothe screen,thestory unfolds, Withheartbeatsof music,andtalesuntold.
Mangaloreawakenstoanewdawn’slight, Asyourfilmtakesflightonthisspecialnight, Theatreshum withan eagercheer, For Poy'nn,ajourneyweallholddear.
Witheachstrumof yourguitar’ssweetsound, In everysong,deepmeaningisfound, Andnowincinema,your artexpands, Touchingheartsacrossdistantlands.
Themagicofmusic,thestrengthof the soul, ThroughPoy'nn,yougiveusavision whole, A journeyof life,of dreams,of strife, A celebrationof love,of music, oflife.
Yourhandsthatoncestrummedinmoonlitserenades, Now craftafilmwheremelodycascades, Withsongsthatechothroughthe night, Andstoriesthatineveryheartignite.
Weseeyour passion,wehear yourvoice, In thisfilm,inthisjourney,weallrejoice, For Poy'nn ismorethana movieon screen, It’sareflectionof all thathasbeen.
Congratulations, Melvyn,onthisgrandfeat, A masterpieceof soundandvision complete, MayPoy'nnsoartoheights unknown, Asyourmusicforeversetsthetone.
Tothelegend of Konkani, toyourguidinghand, Westandinawe,asyou helpusunderstand, Thatmusicislife,andlifeisasong, AndthroughPoy'nn, thatjourneymovesalong.
Maythisfilmtravelfar,andtoucheveryheart, A shiningworkof artfromtheverystart, MelvynPeris,your legacygrows, WithPoy'nn,your brillianceforevershows.
Bishops from Udupi, Manchester unite for KCA UK's Monti Fest, 20th anniversary
ByArunNoronha - Manchester, UK
Manchester, Sep 12: KCA UK
Manchester celebrated Monti Fest and their association's 20th anniversary with grandeur and fanfare.
The Konkani Cultural Association (KCA) UK is the leading Mangalorean Konkani Association in the United Kingdom, which celebrated its 20th anniversary along with Monti Fest. The celebrationwasdoublyspecialsince it marked the anniversary of 20 successful years of togetherness.
KCA started as an association of a few families but has grown
substantiallysincethenandhasnow become a household name among Mangalorean Konkani speaking peopleintheUK.
The celebration was held in Wythenshawe Forum Leisure Hall
on September 7 for over 600
from across the United Kingdom. It wasacelebrationthatcombined
GeraldIsaacLobo,BishopofUdupi, Indiaand Rt Rev John Arnold, Bishop of Salford, UK and Fr. LawrenceNoronha.
As Fr Lawrence read the Word of God, Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi delivered the homily emphasizing four values that Pope
Francis advocates in his book Amoris Laetitia, addressing the pastoral care of families – Presence of God, Love, Prayer, & witness to faith, explaining each value so beautifullythatittouchedbothkids andadultsequally.
ThefirstreadingwasreadbyJames RaviPinto,andthesecondbyJyothi Mendonca. Wilson Coelho read the responsorialpsalm.
At the end of the holy mass, Stany Rodrigues thanked all three celebrants of the mass and everyoneelseinvolvedinpreparing for the mass, including the stage set-up, choir, etc. The entire stage and hall decoration was done by RianaLobo,RonyLoboandteam.
Theholymasshada beautifulchoir prepared and presented by Stan Mendonca, voices training and keyboard by Rohan Fernandes, keyboard by Mukesh Kanan, and guitarbyCliftonFernandes.
Bishop Gerald blessed the Novem (new harvest), which was later distributed to everyone through milkandcake.FollowingtheNovem distribution, the celebration continued with a KCA group song
composedbyStanMendonca,sung by all current and past committee members and a welcome candle dancewasperformedbyKCAladies and Bharatanatyam performed by the KCA girls, both choreographed bySonalMendonca.
After the welcome, the celebration progressed towards a formal segment,whichbeganwithaformal ceremony of honouring and felicitation,withthechiefguestand guest of honour on the dais. The event was also graced by Navendu Mishra (Labour MP for Stockport) and Vimal Choksi (Councillor)
AlltheKCApresidentsofthelast20 years were felicitated for their excellent leadership to shape the association - Ronald Lobo, James Ravi Pinto, Santhosh Pinto, Stany Rodrigues, Stan Mendonca, Marina MonisandSujithRodrigues.
Thechiefguestandguestofhonour were also felicitated. Udupi Bishop felicitated the Salford Bishop with the special souvenir he specifically boughtfromMangalore.
President Sujith Rodrigues formally welcomed all the dignitaries and all the guests who had gathered to venerate Mother Marys feast and thanked everyone for their generous contribution, sponsorship andsupportforthefeast.
Both Bishops and parliament members addressed the gathering, congratulating KCA UK on completing 20 years and applauding for building a noteworthy community experience for everyone and growing spiritually.
The KCA women's throwball team was called on to the dais and they were recognised for being champions of the Throwball Tournament2024organisedhosted by MUKA Nottingham for the secondsuccessiveyear.
Joseph Sequeira and Anthony Mary did the compeering for the entire felicitationprogramme.
All other Mangalorean Konkani Associations current serving presidents were felicitated for their servicetothecommunity–Godfrey Sequeira from MUKA, Rohan Fernandes from NEKA, Samson D’Cunha,representativeofSKA. MukeshKannan,whohasbeenpart of KCA since its inception in providingmusic,wasrecognisedfor contributingtothecommunity.
AtraditionaldeliciousMangalorean vegetarian meal was prepared and servedwithseveraldishes,including Sanna, Kuvalo Kadi, Sange, Karathe, Moog, Sane, Karamb, Rice, Daal, Lanche, and Vorn. Many KCA UK families were involved in preparing this delicious meal at their homes. The whole catering service was well managed by Ronald Lobo, Jyothi Mendonca, Martin Saldanha, Dominic Kumar, Vincent Rodrigues. Kenny Dsa, Joel, Cyril Pinto, Benson Moras, Santhosh John, Ashwan Dsouza, Rachit Patel , Mario Cornelio and Simson D'Souza assistedwithcateringmanagement. Milton Dsouza, Nishan Mendonca, VincentDiasensuredsaferecycling. The entertainment segment after lunch featured performances by KCA Junior Kids, Senior Kids (both choreographed by Sonal Mendonca), KCA Adult dance choreographed by Stephi Martis, and NEKA group dance choreographed by Rohan Fernandes, Christelle Furtado, and Sonal Mendonca. The afternoon concludedwithaguidedline dance led by Sinol Mendonca, Reshal, Richelle Rodrigues, and Shanelle Mendonca.
Entertainment continued with comedy skits performed by Ronald Lobo, Vinod Barboza, Praveen Mendonca, Lainet Pinto, and Ajith D’Souza. Ajith D’Souza also entertained the guests with songs during the lunch break. The guests enjoyed the Konkani Qawwali performed by Praveen Mendonca, Stan Mendonca, Wilson Coelho, Ravi Pinto, Joshua Dsouza, Jeston Sequeira, Stany Rodrigues, and Mukesh Kanan. The event had a raffle draw and winners went away withfabulouscashprizeswhichwas conducted by Ravi Pinto and SanthoshPinto.
Theculturaleventwascomperedby JosephSequeiraandVinodBarboza. Wilson Coelho, Vinjoy Rego, and Ajith Rego handled the event's photography and videography, while Vinjoy Rego and Ajith Rego also managed the LED screen display, presentation, and technical aspects.
Santhosh Pinto gave the vote of thanks, expressing heartfelt gratitude and thanking everyone whodirectlyorindirectlysupported making the Monti Fest and 20th Anniversarycelebrationwasagrand success.
KCA UKthanked all the sponsors and all those who supported and contributed in whichever way possible for the event, seeking Mother Mary's abundant blessings on them always. KCA UK is alsoexpressed gratitde to the Forum management, JoJo sound strangers & Digital screen set up Pixelworld.
Varietiesofsoftdrinksandwaterfor kids and adults was sponsored by Arun Noronha, Liza Barboza, Benson Moras and Rony Pasanna. The event concluded with tea and the biscuits which were sponsored by Flavy Lobo, and a live band with lively baila session, with musicians Mukesh Kannan, Clifton Fernandes, Rajesh Mascarenhas, and Navya Mukeshleadingtheperformance.
"Memories To Treasure"
New Book By Dr.Michael Lobo
Dr Michael Lobo is a Mangalore based respected and well known scientist, writer and genealogist of theKonkaniCatholicCommunity of Kanara who really needs no introduction. His sacrifice for the Konkani Community worldwide is supreme and as is the case with such personalities largely goes unsung in their lifetimes; this is so particularly with Mangalore folks whoassumeadifferentstaturethat
is erroneously seen by more common folks as ego and exclusivity(maybethewatermarkof the inquisition and captivity?)human nature is largely a mystery andriddle.Whatever,thisgreatman is now rarely seen and never honoured as is due. I just received the latest of his many beautiful books,forthelastfewmonths,after the death of Patrick his brother which depressed him, he has
occupied himselfin this family memories record that is indeed a treasure of 100 pages (A4), printed on glossy art paper and as always seen in his books packed with information and 120 plus antique photographs and diagrams etc which will capture even a person whoisnotfamiliarwiththefamilyor Mangaloreanethos.
The painful deaths of the author's two siblings and specially the suffering, illness and last days of Partick caused inexplicable trauma to Michael who for a while was understandablywithdrawn untilhe
recouped with his organising the formidable expose of "Old world vintage Wedding Photographs" at his place and organising medical camps inmemoryofPatrick;taking the healing further the compiling and printing of this book now in September 2024. This work of affection and love would have released his mind to get back in shape. The book cover depicts his two younger brothers who passed on, the contents and many pictures are of family generally which provide an insight into the communityassuch.Afewpageson mathematical interests and Music/popsongs&Singersgivethe simple book a wholesome shape.
There is always today a complaint that family and kindred spirit is gone and is being further eroded? This is visibly true to the externals perhaps. However, it can often be subtly seen as very much existing deep inside the human psyche and aflamethatissomehowkeptwarm by the Supreme. The practicality of largerfamilieslivingtogetherinthe spirit and manner of times gone by is simply not possible and practicable given the normal
essential demands of the modern andAIage. Siblings'careofparents is today a different matter altogetherandtheshapeisfarfrom what was and will be. Siblings and kith and kin are isolated and separated from each other not that the human sentiment and feelings have become hardened or diluted; butmanyrealtimefactorsandlife's cares and responsibilities are ruling and throwing up warped images. There is no doubt as far as practicallyvisible thatmostwho do well are ever ready to support and carefortheirkithandkininthebest way possible by providing for it in thespiritofdutyandgenerosity'to give and not count the cost'.
Dr. Michael it can be practically observedinhisactionsandwritings, has always put community, culture andfamilyinahighplaceofpriority, value and respect in every possible measure.Thisfactclearlysurfacesin his work for historic CASK (Catholic Association of South Kanara) and even in the reshaping of the limp "Mangalore" magazine which gave it a shiny reputation and demand. ThisBooknow,'Memories To Treasures" amply sums up the
inner sentiments and feelings of dear Dr. Michael (now 71 yrs old) and the true underlying spirit of manyofthiscommunityofKonkani Catholics of Mangalore and a wide cross section of humanitycircumstances and vagaries of human life in today’s crime ridden andpsychologicallysickpoliticsand commerce are painting cruel warped pictures - the underlying compassionate caring human is always there and will be. Noteworthy is the loneliness faced now by Dr. Michael in the huge family mansion is not an easy matterandasuitablesolutionhasto materialize considering that Dr. Michael is now 71 with frail health and living with minimal care. Itisnodoubtthateverymemberof the community and others interestedtoomustbeawareofDr. MichealLobo'slifeandworkforthe largercommunityandreadsomeof his writings as well. He expressly invitesallconcernedtogetintouch with him and collect this latest treasure book before stocks exhaust: "Memories To Treasure” which will prove along with his many books a true valuable
*** Contact For Dr.Michael Lobo : 'Camelot', Bijay Church Road, Mangalore-575 004. Karnataka.
E-MAIL Cal l: 91-824-2212349 or 91-9844112364.
NOTE : Just now Dr.Michael has arranged to exhibit a number of excellent vintage photographs of old MangaloreFamiliesathis compound inBijay. Allinterested are invited to visit and enjoy themselves.
-By: Ivan Saldanha-Shet
*Media Report: Celebration of Monti Fest by United Loretto Friends*
The United Loretto Friends, commonly known as 'ULF', was established in 2019 by a group of like-minded individuals who shared a vision centered on "Unity & Service’’.
On September 14,2024,the United Loretto Friends (ULF) gathered at Smana Hotel in Burdubai to celebrate Monti Fest, honoring the NativityofMotherMary.Thefestive event brought together over 125 parishioners and guests in a remarkable display of unity and communityspirit.
The celebration commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Donald Noronha, the evening's Emcee. Delightful children participated in a
charming procession, encircling the beautifullyadornedstatueofMonti Saibin (Infant Mary) with flowers. Mrs.JevitaRodriguesledthegroup in prayer, creating a spiritually uplifting atmosphere as attendees sang traditional hymns, including "Sokkod Sangatha Meliya" and "Moriek Hogolsia." The children joyfully presented flowers to the Infant Mary, embodying the festive spirit.
Prior to the stage program, the Blessed Novem was distributed, setting the tone for the evening. Rev.Fr.VictorFernandes OFMCAP, assistant parish priest and Spiritual Director of St. Mary's Mangalorean Community -SMMC,Dubai, expressed his happiness at joining
the ULF for this significant event.
Renowned Konkani activist and founder of the Daiji Dubai Writers Forum, Dayan D'Souza Mukamar, spoke passionately about the importance of Monti Fest, underliningitsculturalsignificance.
Mr. Joseph Mathias, coordinator and member of the SMMC Core Team, as well as the managing director of Merit Freight Systems in Dubai, UK, and Mangaluru, was another distinguished guest at the event. President Mr. Rupesh Pinto extended a warm welcome to all dignitaries andthe gathering, while Mr. Lloyd Rodrigues, Secretary (2023-2024), presented a detailed report highlighting ULF's activities and charitable efforts throughout 2023-2024.
Blessed Novem was distributed, setting the tone for the evening.
Rev.Fr.VictorFernandes OFMCAP, assistant parish priest and Spiritual Director of St. Mary's Mangalorean Community -SMMC,Dubai, expressed his happiness at joining the ULF for this significant event.
Renowned Konkani activist and founder of the Daiji Dubai Writers
Forum, Dayan D'Souza Mukamar, spoke passionately about the importance of Monti Fest, underliningitsculturalsignificance.
Mr. Joseph Mathias, coordinator and member of the SMMC Core Team, as well as the managing director of Merit Freight Systems in Dubai, UK, and Mangaluru, was another distinguished guest at the event. President Mr. Rupesh Pinto
extended a warm welcome to all dignitaries andthe gathering, while Mr. Lloyd Rodrigues, Secretary (2023-2024), presented a detailed report highlighting ULF's activities and charit able efforts throughout 2023-2024.
In recognition of his relentless dedication to supporting communities across religious and castelines,Mr.NoelD'Almeidawas honored for his invaluable contributions. Additionally, Mr. Vivian Fernandes and Mrs. Mashrel Cutinho were welcomed as new members of the core committee,
alongside the newly elected office bearers for 2024-2025. To further enhance the festivities, Mr. Donald Noronha organized a series of engaging spot games that brought joy and laughter to the attendees. Members of ULF also delighted theaudiencewitha lively danceandskitperformance,adding an exhilarating element to the evening. A heartfelt vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. Gretta Fernandes,aCulturalSecretary.
Guests relished a delicious vegetarianDinner(NovemJhevaan), complemented by the traditional dessert, vorn. The celebration culminated in a vibrant baila dance session led by DJ Wilson, encouraging everyone present to joininandcreatelastingmemories. Lovelin Dmello was on hand to capture the essence of the festivities.
Overall, Monti Fest 2024 was a resoundingsuccess,celebratingnot just the birth of Holy Mother Mary but also reinforcing the bonds of the Canara Catholic Christian community in the UAE. The event served as a powerful reminder of the enduring faith, unity, and camaraderiethatdefinethisvibrant and close-knit community far from home.
Leading Together
Leadership isn’t just a title to wear, It's about showing strength and showing care. It’s not about being the one on top, But helping others reach the spot.
It's lifting them up when the path is tough, And building trust that's strong enough. It's listening first, speaking kind, Creating a space where all can shine.
True leadership isn't about command, But helping others to reach their plan.
By: Stany Jovin Menezes – Muscat / Pangla
(Our Beloved Native - Mangalore)
M - Many are the people of this beautiful serene town who long to see it again and again
A - Always painted for them in childhood memories of the simple life they led in the pleasant greenery amongst familiar things.
N - Never to be forgotten, taste of the plain congee and salted mango, with a little tangy chilli
G - Gone forever are those old days and styles of the palatial houses
A - Always full of guests we loved to entertain amidst the laughter and singing of old songs
L - Loving, kind people of those forgotten times.
O - Overwhelming one with love.
R - Rare kind hearts had they then. Simple joys to keep them happy and content
E - Evergreen are those days in our beloved MANGALORE ....the first love of our life.
By: Mrs Marie Saldanha (1926-2004)
Monti Fest / The Feast of Mother Mary’s Nativity was celebrated with great pomp at St Lawrence Church, Bondel.
The feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary popularly known as "Monti Fest" was celebrated in a solemn way at St Lawrence Church, BondelonSundaySeptember8,2024.
Thefestivitiesbeganat7:30a.m.inthe Church Mini Hall with the blessing of new paddy corns and the offering of flowers to the Infant Mary. Rev. Fr. AndrewLeoD’Souza,theParishPriest, led the prayer service for the blessing of new corn. Following this, children presented flowers to the Infant Mary. A procession with the band, singing hymns in honour of Mother Mary, proceeded to the church with Parishioners.
Rev. Fr. Peter Gonsalves Principal St Lawrence English Medium School Bondel presided over the solemn festal Holy Mass. Rev Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza,ParishPriest,RevFrWilliam D’Souza,AsstParishPriest,Rev.FrArul Betharram, Rev. Fr Theo Pinto concelebratedthemass.
offered deep reflections on the significance of the three important feasts celebrated today: the Birth of MotherMary,theNewCornFeast,and theGirlChildFeast.
1. The Birth of Mother Mary, highlighting heras a symbolofpurity, grace,andhope.MotherMary’sbirth is a moment of joy for the Church, as shewaschosentobringJesusintothe world. Mary’slifeisamodeloffaith and sacrifice, and through her birth, humanity was given the gift of a mother who intercedes for us and guidesusclosertoherson,Jesus.
2. New Corn Feast, , By sharing this meal, families not only express their thankfulness for the food but also celebrate the deeper connection they havewithoneanother,rootedinGod's blessings, sharing the corn as an expressionofloveandgratitude.
Lastly, the Girl Child Feast. He compared the girl child to Mother Mary, highlighting her strength, compassion, and readiness to serve. He called upon the devotees to protect, nurture, and uplift girls, acknowledging them as gifts and
blessings that play a vital role in buildingthefamilyandtheChurch.
Fr. Andrew D’Souza extended Monti Fest greetings to all parishioners and those living abroad, expressing gratitude to those who supported the feast financially. Special thanks were given to the PPC Members, Volunteers, and ICYM Members for their tremendous support during the novena & feast. The Liturgy & choir
led by the children were undoubtedly thehighlightofthecelebration. Following the Mass, the Gurkars distributed blessed new corn to the Parishioners, sugarcane was distributed to the Children and Parishioners. Parishioners exchanged Joyful greetings and well-wishes for thefeast.
Khristachem Janan, Konkani Cinematic Play
The First production of Konkani Natak Sabha (R), Mangalore was releasedatBigCinemas,BharatMall on 9th September 2024 @4:30p.m. It is a preparation to celebrate the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, the birth of Jesus Christ declared by His Holiness, Pope Francis. More than 100actorsinandaroundMangalore acted in this movie. This movie was directed by a famous comedian of Mangalore Mr. Adolphous Cutinha
(Dolla, Mangalore) and Melwin D'Almeida. Before the screening of the movie there was a short stage programme. Most Rev. Aloysius Paul D'Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese was the Chief Guest. He addressed the gathering appreciating the good works done by the Konkani Natak Sabha for 81 years with the motto of "ನಾಟಕ
Konkani Natak Sabha has gone one step
ahead by moving from Natak to cinema.
Rev. Fr Denis D'Sa, PRO of Udupi Diocese congratulated the KonkaniNatakSabhafor becoming digital. Rev. Fr Rocky D'Cunha, the president of Konkani Natak Sabha welcomed the gathering and
distributed the mementoes to the dignitaries.Theotherdignitarieslike Mr. Stany Alvares, the President of Konkani Sahithya Academy, Rev. Fr AndrewD'Souza,theParishPriestof Bajal, Mr. Anil Lobo, Chairperson of MCC Bank, Mr. Adolphous Cutinha,
Mr. Melwin D'Almeida the Director & Co-director, Mr. Joel Pereira the Music Composer were present on the stage. Mr. Floyd D'Mello proposed the Vote of thanks and
Mr. Preetham compared the programme. The movie was attended by priests and religious sisters, benefactors, actors and the members of the Konkani Natak Sabha. The movie was well appreciated by all. The theater was filledwith410audience.
Gifts on Nine Days for My Needy Neighbour”
– Monti Fest
at Jeppu a Unique Way
AFeast of Devotion, Togetherness and Gratitude
Following the tradition, this year's feastoftheNativityofMotherMary was marked by the devotion and enthusiasm of the faithful. The preparations began nine days prior withnovenaprayers.Childrenwere
encouragedtoembracethevalueof charity by participating in the initiative "Nine Gifts on Nine Days for My Needy Neighbour," where they brought offerings along with flowers each day. It was
heartwarming to see the little ones arrivingwithgiftstobe sharedwith others.
On the feast day, devotees gathered at Infant Mary’s Convent at7:40AM.Theceremony
commenced with Rev. Fr. ChetanLoboblessingthenewcorn, followed by a procession to the church. Flowers were offered to Mother Mary, accompanied by hymnspraisinghergraciousness.
The Mass began at 8:10 AM, led by Fr. Chetan Lobo as the main celebrant, joined by Fr. Felix MonteiroandParishPriestFr.Maxim D'Souza. In his homily, Fr. Chetan Lobo delivered a profoundly
moving and inspirational message, emphasizing the role of Mother Mary as the Universal Mother, a symbol of love, compassion, and guidance for all of humanity. He spoke about her timeless virtues and how her maternal care extends
beyond boundaries. Fr. Lobo also highlighted the critical importance ofempoweringthegirlchild,urging the congregation to recognize the inherent dignity, strength, and potential of women and girls. He encouraged families and society to
foster an environment where girls are uplifted, educated, and supported, emphasizing their vital role in shaping the future. Furthermore, Fr. Lobo spoke passionately about the essence of unity, both within families and the Church community. He stressed the significance of fostering harmonious relationships built on love, respect, and understanding, callingoneveryonetoworktowards creatingaspiritoftogethernessand mutual support. This unity, he explained, is the foundation of a strong and vibrant community, reflecting the very essence of the Churchasafamilyoffaith.
After the Mass, a delicious breakfast was served, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the faithful to gather and share in fellowship. The distribution of sugarcane, a traditional symbol of abundance and celebration, further enriched the festive spirit. This simple yet thoughtful gesture not onlydelightedthechildrenbutalso brought smiles to the faces of all present, adding a sense of communal joy and togetherness. The shared meal and the distributionofsugarcanebeautifully complementedthespiritualessence oftheday,fosteringadeepersense of connection among the parishioners as they celebrated the feast in unity and gratitude. The Sugarcane was sponsored by Mr LouisSantos&Family,FatimaWard. For the last 13 Years he has sponsored the Sugarcane to the entireparishcommunity.
The Perpetual Profession of
Sister Mary Joan of Jesus
The Perpetual Profession of Sister Mary Joan of Jesus was held at AdorationMonastery,PoorClaresin Milagris on 9th September 2024.
The solemn Eucharistic celebration washeldat11.00a.m.,presidedover by very Rev. Fr Maxim Noronha, VicarGeneralofMangaloreDiocese. TheEucharistwasconcelebratedby manycapuchinfathersincludingthe DirectorofFatherMuller Charitable Institutions. Rev. Fr. Rocky Dcunha, Superior of St. Anne's Friary welcomed the gathering and read out the papal blessing imparted by his Holiness Pope Francis. Rev. Fr. Jude Thaddeus, the Religious AssistantforthePoorClaresinIndia and Bangladesh was present. The programme was attended by the relativesofsisterMaryJoanandfew religious sisters. The celebrant is homily stressed the importance of special religious occasion to spend 24 hours before the blessed sacrament and thanked the sisters all the Adoration Monastery for theirprayerfulsupportindioceseof Mangalore.TheDevineworldtvdid the live screaming and Mr. Stany Dcunhadidthephotography.
during the festal celebration at St Raphael Church Badyar. Parish priest Fr Roshan Crasta along with the Parish Council members and
mediacommitteeofficiallyunveiled the logo and launched Parish website FrRoshanCrastathankedtheparish mediacommitteeheadedbyMelroy Veigues and Vivian Serrao and all members, for their hard work and coordinationtodesignnewwebsite. Mr Stany Pinto won the logo designing contest. Mrs Clarine DSouzaconductedtheprogram.
St Aloysius holds one-day Workshop
'Posa Vosar 2024' for PU Students
TheDepartmentofKannada,School ofLanguageandCultureStudies,St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University) organized a one-day workshop titled 'Posa Vosar 2024' for PU students on 10th September 2024 atLCRIhall.
Public Instructions was the chief guest and inaugurated the programme. He, in his speech said that the students should engage themselvesinagriculturealongwith education.
Rev. Fr. Melwin Joseph Pinto, ProChancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), said that SatyanarayanBelerihasbeenarole model for others in the field of agriculture by processing, preserving and cultivating various varietiesofrice.
Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), said that farmers andsoldiersarethemostimportant assetsofourcountry.Hesaidthatif the soldiers are protecting the country, the farmers are providing rice to the country. Satyanarayana
Beleriisarolemodelforallofus,he added.
Dr Narendra Rai Derla, Professor, Government First Grade College, Puttur.wastheresourceperson.Dr. Dr. Alwyn D’Sa, Registrar of the College, Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar of the University, Rev. Dr Melwyn D’Cunha, Pro-Chancellor, Dr Mahalinga Bhat, HOD of Kannada Department and student coordinatorswereonthedais.
During the programme,
Satyanarayana Beleri, Jayanna CD, Dr. Narendra Rai Derla, Dr. VishwanathBadikanawerehonored forrenderingnotableservicesinthe respectivefields.
Dr Dinesh Nayak compered the program. Dr. Mahalinga Bhat welcomed the gathering and gave theinsightsofPosaVosar2024.Dr. Vishwanath Badikana proposed the voteofthanks.
Bengaluru: FKCA celebrates
Fest 2024
Bengaluru, Sep 19: TheFederation of Konkani Catholic Associations (FKCA) celebrated the Nativity of Mother Mary, or Monti Fest, with heartfelt devotion and joy at the KonkanSamudaiBhavan,Chellikere. Theoccasion,whichalsodoubledas familyday,broughttogetheralarge gathering of families from FKCA’s affiliate associations to honor Mother Mary and celebrate community togetherness.
The event began with a prayer service led by Fr Richard Pais, who
blessedthefreshlyharvestedpaddy, a symbol of gratitude and abundance. Attendees participated in the traditional flower offering to MotherMary,followedbyasolemn
festive mass, accompanied by the beautiful voices of the Catholic Konkani Association, Dasarahalli choir.
In his homily, Fr Richard traced the origins of Monti Fest from Goa to the Dakshina Kannada and Udupi regions. He reflected on how these cherished traditions have been passed down over generations and continue to be celebrated within families,preservingfaithandvalues.
The cultural programme was expertly conducted by MC Pavan Pinto,whosetthestageforaseries of engaging performances. ChairmanRobertCutinhawelcomed theaudience,andcultural secretary Sharon Rego led the gathering in prayer with the hymn Baal Moriye Namo.
Amajorhighlightofthedaywasthe unveiling of FKCA’s newly designed logo, a significant step forward for the federation. Sharon Rego introduced the task force behind the logo design Antony D’Souza, Vinod Monteiro, Nigel Fernandes, Peter Anil Rego, Noel Sequeira, Robert Cutinha, Sharon Rego, Smruthi D’Souza, Nishal Preetham D’Souza, and Joel Galbao who were called to the stage to unveil the new emblem alongside former chairpersonsandofficebearers.
The transition from the old logo to thenewonewascapturedinavideo compiled by Smruthi D’Souza, an active member of FKCA’s media team and part of MKCK, Mudla. As thelogowasrevealed,theaudience also saw the unveiling of the standee banner. Sharon Rego explained the significance of each element within the logo,
highlighting how it represents FKCA’s mission, values, and cultural identity.
Adding to the celebration, FKCA’s newly redesigned website was launched with another transition video created by Smruthi D’Souza. The revamped website reflects FKCA’s updated vision while maintainingitsstrongconnectionto the community. Sharon Rego expressed gratitude to all who contributed to this transformation, particularlyFrFaustineLobo,whose effortswereinstrumentalinshaping thenewdirection.
The event also recognized the winner of the tagline contest, with Clayton Peter Menezes announced as the winner. President Vinod Monteiro of Konkani Samudai, Jayanagar accepted the award on his behalf, further adding to the celebrations.
The cultural programme was filled withdelightfulperformances.Aaron Fernandes from MKCK delivered a stirring rendition of Mujhya Mai Gava Mujya Shehra by Wilfy Rebimbus,whileEvaD’Cunha,Emily D’Cunha, Avalynn Fernandes, and Shanel Fernandes captivated the audience with their trio dance
performance. Stephan Machado fromKCWARTNagarhadeveryone laughing with his engaging standupcomedyroutine.
In a special moment of recognition onfamilyday,FKCAhonouredAida D’Cunha, former FKCA chairperson and president of BKCS Koramangala, along with her husband Francis D’Cunha. Aida’s service and contributions to the community and society were highlighted and she expressed her heartfeltthanksforthesupportshe received throughout her journey. Nigel Fernandes - vice chairman of FKCA gave a brief about Aida D'Cunha.
Monteiro from Konkani Samudai, whosangGhulobhachyaFantyak. The celebrations concluded with a lively American Housie, by Arun Fernandes, Former FKCA chairpersonwhichkept participants entertained, adding a fun element to the event. Diana Saldanha and Shalet Dias emerged the first and second prize winners respectively, general secretary Vincent D’Souza gave a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the day. Benedicta D'Souza conducted theprayerbeforemeals. Theeventwrappedupwithashared meal, reinforcing the sense of togetherness and reflecting the spirit of community that was presentthroughoutthecelebration.
Mangaluru: KNS set to stage Pradeep
Barboza's ‘Phalyam Poleyam’ on Sep 22
Daijiworld Media Network -
Mangaluru Sep 18: Exciting news fordramaenthusiastsinandaround Mangaluru! KNS will be staging ‘Phalyam Poleyam’, a celebrated comedy drama by the renowned Pradeep Barboza, famously known as the ‘Comedy Prince’. The performance is scheduled for Sunday, September 22, at Don BoscoHall,startingat5:30pm.
The play is directed by the experienced duo Jerome Moras Anjelore and Mellu Valencia,who
bring their creative vision to this production. Musical arrangements have been crafted by DJ Robin, enhancing the overall theatrical experience.
The cast features a talented ensemble, including Cletus Lobo, Arun, Jyothi, Rita Fernandes, Loy Rego, Robin Sequeira, Jerome Moras, Greeshma, Mellu Valencia, Richard Sequeira, Judy Pinto, and Deepak. The stage design is being managedbyAlwynBajal,knownfor his work in ‘Christache Janan’, with assistance from Jerry Concesso, Lucy, Austine, Jossy Theodore, and Danel Jason. Makeup for the production is being handled by Giriyappa Iddya. Entry free. Seats availability is based on first come firstserve.
‘Phalyam Poleyam’ has previously enjoyed success in Gulf countries, earning acclaim for its engaging storyline and realistic humour. Do not miss this opportunity to experienceadelightfuleveningof comedy.
AI Workshop in Udupi Empowers Church Leaders to
Embrace Technology for Pastoral Ministry
UDUPI,18SEPTEMBER2024 –Ina first-of-its-kind event, the Diocese of Udupi’s Commission for Social Communication hosted a transformative workshop titled "AI & Church: Harnessing Artificial
Enhanced Pastoral
Ministry". The event, held at AnugrahaPastoralCentre,gathered priests, religious sisters, and lay faithful to explore how AI can be
integrated into Church ministry, enhancing communication, outreach, and administrative functions.
The workshop was officially inauguratedbyMostRev.DrGerald Isaac Lobo, Bishop of Udupi, who made a statement about the Church’scommitmenttoembracing technologybydigitallyinaugurating the event. In a symbolic gesture, BishopLoboscannedaQRcodeon the screen, which unveiled the
Church’s progressive approach to science, technology, and AI. This momentwasasignificantreflection oftheChurch’sopennesstomodern advancements and its mission to incorporateAIforthegreatergood ofpastoralcare.
Bishop Lobo, with his optimistic approach, stated, “We, as pastoral workers working with the present generation, must speak the language of the times and become potential users of technology to be more productive and efficient. We are far behind compared to other tech-savvy countries. AI tools need to be integrated into our workplaces to foster meaningful communications that benefit our community.”
FrA.I.FernandesandMrLeoVictor demonstratedpracticalexamplesof how AI can be applied in Church settings, focusing on automating routine administrative tasks and utilizing AI tools to generate religious content, streamlining ministry operations. They inspired participants with real-world AI use cases, showcasing the immediate benefits AI offers to Church management and pastoral work. Additionally, they discussed the future potential of AI in diverse contexts such as faith education, social outreach, and environmental stewardship, broadening the scope ofAI'sroleinministry.
The workshop included sessions on the basics and fundamentals of prompting Generative AI and Conversational AI tools like ChatGPT and Copilot. Participants were introduced to a range of AIpowered technologies, including Text-to-Image, Text-to-Video, 3D Animation, Text-to-Voice, Text-to-
The workshop featured two key speakers: Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes, Google-certified AI coach and Director of Canara Communication Centre, Mangalore, and Mr Leo Victor Zalki, Oracle-certified AI expert and Director of Oxidane Enviro Llp. Their sessions highlighted how artificial intelligence can streamline pastoral operations, optimize communicationstrategies,andhelp the Church engage with communitiesinamorepersonalized andeffectivemanner.
Music, Instant PowerPoint Presentations, as well as AI-driven Graphic Design and Illustrations. These tools demonstrated how AI could simplify creative and administrative tasks, making them more efficient and accessible for church-relatedprojects.
Rev. Fr Denis D’Sa, PRO of the Diocese of Udupi and Secretary of the Commission for Social Communication, shared his thoughts on the workshop’s success,stating,“Thiseventmarksa new chapter in how we approach pastoral ministry. Technology, particularly AI, has the power to transform our mission, and today’s workshophasequippedourleaders with tools to better serve the community.”
The event left participants inspired and motivated to adopt AI tools in their ministries, with many
expressing a desire for continued learning in this field. The Diocese plans to offer additional workshops and training to further the integration of AI into Church activities. Formore informationon upcoming events and courses, visit
1."Bishop Gerald Lobo Advocates for AI Integration in Church Ministry at Udupi Workshop"
2."Diocese of Udupi Hosts Innovative Workshop on AI for EnhancedPastoral Care"
3."Church Leaders in Udupi Learn to Harness AI for Effective Ministry andOutreach"
4. "AI in Ministry: Udupi Diocese HostsGroundbreakingWorkshop forChurchLeaders"
Michael D’Souza, a ray of hope in community
empowerment: Bishop Dr Peter Paul Saldanha
Mangaluru, Sep 17: “Quoting the words of St Bernard, Pope Francis recently said that we should always listentothepoor.Inmyexperience as the bishop of Mangalore for the pastsixyears,povertyisnotlimited to financial difficulties alone. Loneliness, family separations, and abandonment also constitute poverty," opined Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore. He was addressing students and parents after inaugurating the Michael D’Souza and Family Educare Endowment (Revolving) Fund and disbursing interest-free educational loans to deserving studentspursuinghighereducation at Mother Teresa Hall, CODP, Nanthoor.
a saying that a nation without a vision perishes. Similarly, a community needs a vision to combat poverty. Our Savior Jesus Christ has provided us with that vision,andthereisnoreasontolose hope. The foundation laid on Peter is strong enough." Congratulating Michael D’Souza and his family membersFlaviaD’Souza,daughters
our family, we learned even more aboutempathyandcaring."
Referencing Luke 16:10, she added, “’The man who can be trusted in little things can be trusted in great; the man who is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in great’. If we, as a community, decide to contribute whatever little we can toward uplifting the underprivileged around us, we can makethisworldabetterplace."
The bishop urged students to be grateful for receiving interest-free educational loans and encouraged them to repay the loans systematically to maintain the revolvingfund.Theprogrammewas compered by Richard Alvares, a member of the Educare committee, and Reena D’Costa, Educare coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks.
Nisha, Rochell, and son Manu, the bishop compassionately remarked, "TheMichaelD’Souzafamilyisaray of hope in the upliftment of the underprivileged in our community and society. His firm belief in ‘empowering through education’, initiatedbackin2013,hasproduced
doctors, engineers, and other professionals, empowering thousands of families. Over the last 11 years, 3,300 students have benefited from the Educare programme under Michael D’Souza through CODP. He is a source of inspirationtomany,andsocietywill rememberhispioneeringroleinthe movement of empowerment througheducation."
On this occasion, Flavia D’Souza, along with Nisha D’Souza, handed overachequeofRs75,00,000tothe bishop.Theeventwasgracedbythe presence of Michael D’Souza trust advisor, Fr Valerian D'Souza, CODP assistant director Fr Lawrence Cutinha, and CODP directorFr
Bishop Saldanha symbolically distributed scholarships to three deserving students during the event, and in total, 84 students will receive Rs 74,42,000, as mentioned by Fr Vincent D’Souza in his introductory welcome address. The programme commenced with a prayer song led by CODP staff. Fr VincentD’Souzaalsowelcomedthe gathering and introduced the guestsonthedais.
Flavia D’Souza, Nisha D’Souza, Fr Valerian D’Souza, Stephen Pinto, Oswald Rodrigues, Henry D’Souza, and Lionel Aranha were honoured by the bishop with a shawl and a gardenplantonbehalfofCODP.
On behalf of the Michael D’Souza family, Nisha, daughter of Michael D’Souza,expressedgratitudetothe dioceseofMangaloreandCODPfor giving their family the opportunity to participate in the mission of spreading empathy and love throughcharity.
Quoting lines from a popular song by Mathew West, Nisha said, "God has created us to do something, especiallytocarryonHismissionof sharingandcaring.Wereceivedthe values of sharing and caring from ourparentsandgrandparents.After beingblessedwithaspecialchildin our family, we learned even more aboutempathyandcaring."
“’The man who can be trusted in little things can be trusted in great; the man who is dishonest in little things will be dishonest in great’. If we, as a community, decide to contribute whatever little we can toward uplifting the underprivileged around us, we can makethisworldabetterplace."
The bishop urged students to be grateful for receiving interest-free educational loans and encouraged them to repay the loans systematically to maintain the revolvingfund.Theprogrammewas compered by Richard Alvares, a member of the Educare committee, and Reena D’Costa, Educare coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks.
Udupi bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo appointed chairman of CCBI Pastoral Plan Facilitation Committee
Udupi, Sep 16: BishopGeraldIsaac Lobo of the Diocese of Udupi has been appointed as the chairman of CCBI Pastoral Plan Facilitation
Committee, during the CCBI Executive Committee Meeting held on September 11, headed by Philip Neri Cardinal Ferrao, president of theCCBI.
The Facilitation Committee, under the guidance of Bishop Lobo, will ensure the effective dissemination and implementationof the Pastoral Plan of the CCBI, “Journeying towards a Synodal Church: Mission 2033.”
This Committee will play a crucial role in monitoring, reviewing, assisting and encouraging the secretaries of the commissions, directors of the departments and coordinators of the Apostolates of the CCBI at the national, regional anddiocesanlevels.
Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalves, vicar general, Diocese of Udupi, the clergyandlayfaithfuloftheDiocese of Udupi have extended their heartfelt congratulations, prayers and best wishes to Bishop Gerald Loboonthisappointment.
Gladson Almeida elected prez, Jovita is VP of Mangalore Cultural Association, Doha-Qatar
Doha, Sep 17: Gladson Almeida, a well-known face among the Konkani speaking community in Qatar and long-time executive committee member and another familiar face among the Qatar KonkanispeakingcommunityJovita Pereira D'Souza have unanimously been elected president and vicepresidentrespectivelyofMangalore
CulturalAssociationQatar(MCA)for theyear2024-26.
The elections for the post of MCA president and vice-president were held during 14 th Annual General Body(AGM)ofMCAheldrecentlyat the Kanjani Hall of IICC, Doha here. The AGM began at 6 pm. Merlyn Dsouza, emcee for the evening welcomed the gathering.
a brief insight into the association’s activities for the past 17 Years. The advisory members in attendance were Felix Lobo, Wilfred Fernandes andJerryPinto,whowereinvitedto the dais along with President Aloysius D'Souza, vice-president Sandeep Noronha, general secretary Gladson Almeida, and treasurerShaliniMendonca.
President Aloysius D’Souza addressed the gathering with his welcome speech.General secretary Gladson Almeida presented the annual report for the year 2023 –2024 which included all events conductedbyMCAandallthegood workdonefortheneedybackhome andinDoha.
For the first time the annual report was presented with audio visual presentation. All the activities conducted by MCA in the last year weredisplayedonthescreeninthe form of pictures and videos. This report was duly accepted by the members and was approved by the president and advisories. vicepresident, Sandeep Noronha presented the financial report for the year 2023 - 2024, which was accepted by the members and approved by the president and advisories.
Advisory members, Felix Lobo and Wilfred Fernandes addressed the audience, and their heartfelt words resonated with the audience. Felix
Lobo spoke about the upcoming election for president and vicepresident posts and assured his supporttothenewcommittee. Later it was time for the outgoing president Aloysius to express his feelings.Presidentexclusivelyspoke about all the good deeds done by the MCA during his tenure. The president then called all the executive members on stage, presented them with mementos, and thanked them wholeheartedly. The committee was then dissolved by the president, making way for a new committee for the coming 2 years2024-2026.
Past president and MCA honorary member,ArthurPais,conductedthe elections for president & vicepresident for the term 2024–2026. He read the criteria for selecting president and vice president as per the MCA constitution.
GladsonAlmeidawasnominatedby the audience to run for the president’s post. And he was unanimously elected as the president of the association for the term 2024 - 2026. Nominations for the post of vice president were put on the floor thereafter and Jovita
Pereira D'Souza was nominated for the vice-president’s post and was unanimously elected as the vice-president of MCA for the term2024-2026.
The newly elected president, Gladson Almeida, is well-known in Konkani circles in Doha and back home.Asmulti-lingualwriterhehas been known for his rational thoughts and pro-humanitarian viewsoncurrentandcontemporary affairs. His interest and active involvement spans across various fields including poetry, music, sports, public speaking etc. He has been actively involved in sociocultural activities back home and in Qatar. He first joined the MCA executive committee in 2022 as generalsecretary.
Post his election, Gladson Almeida addressed the gathering and thanked all for electing him with trust and said that new executive committee will be announced shortly.
Vice-President Jovita Pereira D'Souza has been actively involved with MCA since 2013 in the executive committee and has worked in various positions. An adept hand in handling critical
responsibilities, she is also known forhersingingandcomperingskills.
She also thanked everyone for electinghertothisnewpositionand assured to her best.
Cultural programmes began with a group medley singing by little stars Rachel Helma Fernandes, Reuben Harsh Fernandes, Sanuel Jayden Dsouza, Raynel Aaron D'Souza, Ciara Meghan Fernandes, Jeston Sandeep Noronha, Aldon Cutinha andRaizelLasrado.Followingthisa scintillating dance by Doha’sfamed young dancers Siona Angel D’Silva, Nicole Crasta, Dionna Britto and Eeshal Dcunha enthralled the audience. The dance was choreographed by Derick Crasta. Gladson Pinto and Santhosh D’Cunha, the latest melody makers ofDoha, then regaledtheaudience with their melodious singing.
Sandeep Noronha proposed the vote of thanks at the end of the culturalprogrammes.Emceeforthe evening Merlyn invoked the grace before meals. Scrumptious dinner wasenjoyedbyallasonebigfamily. The entire evening was brilliantly compered by talented Merlyn
Dsouzainhersignatureuniquestyle andhumour.
The programme ended at 9 pm, and there were around 125 membersinattendance.
Mangalore Cultural Association (MCA) is one of the pioneer community organisations in Doha Qatar, affiliated to the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC), under the aegis of Embassy of India, Qatar. MCA is actively involved in organizingmajorsocial,culturaland sports events and supporting the community at large in Doha and backhomeinthenative.
MCAcameintoexistenceintheyear 2008, primarily to foster closer relations between people hailing from native land and residing in DohaQatarandtoprovideplatform and promote native values and culture amongst residents and youngergenerationinQatar.
MCA’s mission is to improve the lives of the less fortunate children back home, by supporting them financiallytomeettheireducational needsandignitehopeinthemfora
bright future. Currently, there are hundredsofstudentspursuingtheir primary education and hundreds of less fortunate people availing medical aid throughkind-hearted supportandbenevolence.
Along with this, MCA is also at the forefront of promoting Konkani language and culture through its variousinitiatives and programmes. MCA Kala Puraskar and Seva Puraskar which comprise a citation, a memento and a cash component
ofRs1lac,areaimedatrecognising stalwarts who have contributed immensely to the field of Konkani literature and language and those who have selflessly rendered yeoman’s service to the society.
MCA has time and again provided an excellent stage to various Konkani artists, singers, dancers, comperes and actors from back hometoshowcasetheirtalentatthe internationallevel.
St Aloysius University hosts Workshop on
‘Caring for Our Common Home’
St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) in a collaborative effort with the Jesuit Higher Education Association of South Asia(JHEASA), South Zone, successfully hosted a three-day workshop titled ‘Caring for Our Common Home’ from September 13th to 15th, 2024. The workshop, in line with the Jesuit ApostolicPreferenceofCareforOur Common Home, focused on fostering a deeper connection with natureandpromotingsustainable
Theeventsawparticipationfrom55 students representing Jesuit institutions across South India, including Loyola College of Social Sciences, Trivandrum; St. Joseph's College, Trichy; Arul Anandar College, Madurai; Loyola Degree College, Bangalore; St Joseph's University, Bangalore; Loyola Academy,Telangana;LIBA,Chennai; St Xavier's College, Tamil Nadu; LoyolaCollege,Chennai;StJoseph's
College, Hassan; and the host institution, St Aloysius Deemed to beUniversity,Mangaluru.
The workshop was inaugurated on September 13th, with Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis SJ, Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius Deemed to be University, presiding as the chief guest.TheworkshopwasledbyRev. Dr. Melwyn D’Cunha SJ, JHEASA South Zone Coordinator, alongside Mr Glavin Thomas Rodrigues, the staffcoordinator.
In his opening remarks, Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, emphasized the urgent need for collective responsibility in addressing environmental challenges and caringforcreation.
Over the course of three days, participants engaged in a series of interactive sessions designed to promote environmental stewardship.Thefirstsession,ledby Mr. Glavin Thomas Rodrigues, Chief Co-ordinator of the Centre for EnvironmentalConcern,highlighted
‘Eco-Friendly Ways of Living’, encouraging students to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.Followingthis,DrSanaSheikh and Ms. Akshita Amin from the DepartmentofBotanyledasession on organic farming, introducing participants to practical farming methodsthatsupportsustainability. Theday’ssessionsconcludedwitha discussion on Waste management and Vermicomposting, led by Ms. SaviaD'SouzafromtheDepartment ofZoology.
A guided campus tour allowed participants to experience the university’s eco-friendly initiatives firsthand.Duringtheworkshop,Rev. FrMelwinJosephPinto,SJ,Rectorof St Aloysius Institutions, addressed the gathering at the Museum, inspiring participants to embrace thevaluesof sustainabilityandcare for the earth. He highlighted the university's initiatives in promoting eco-friendly practices and sustainabledevelopment.Theother placesincludedtheChapel,Al-Vana:
Sustainable Biodiversity, Al-Kshema Dhama, and the Medicinal Garden, all of which showcased the university’s commitment to biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices. The Al-Vana visit was expertly guided by Mr Arjun Mascarenhas, who provided an in-depth understanding of the institution's biodiversity conservationefforts. Theseconddaybeganwithanearly morning bird-watching and photography session led by Mr.
Kiran Vati,followedby an excursion to Shobhavana to explore the medicinal garden. Participants also visited the historic Savira Kambada Basadi, a Jain temple known for its intricate architecture and cultural heritage. The day continued with a trip to Soans Farm, where students learned about organic farming and biodiversity conservation, and ended with a visit to Tannirbhavi Beach, where Mr. Glavin Thomas Rodrigues led a session on marine biodiversity and discussed the
impact of pollution on coastal ecosystems. Onthefinalday,participantsvisited thePilikulaZoologicalandBotanical Garden, guided by Dr Divya, the Veterinary Officer, who provided
insights into local biodiversity conservationefforts.
The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony and feedback session, during which students shared their experiences and reflected on the skills and knowledge they had gained over thethreedays.
Thishands-onworkshopprovideda unique opportunity for participants to deepen their connection with naturewhilelearningpracticalways to promote environmental sustainability. Aligned with the Jesuitvaluesofcareforcreation,the workshop equipped students with the tools and inspiration to actively engage in environmental conservation efforts in their communities.
Father Muller inaugurates national conference
2.0’ on clinical skills education
Mangaluru, Sep 19: Father Muller
Charitable Institutions (FMCI) inaugurated the highly anticipated SKILL EDUCON 2.0 on Thursday September 19 at the Father Muller Convention Centre in Kankanady; a nationalconferenceonclinicalskills education. Organized by the medical education unit of Father Muller Medical College and the Father Muller Simulation and Skill Centre,theeventgatheredover250 participantsfromacrossthecountry to discuss challenges and innovationsinmedicaleducation.
The ceremony commenced with a prayer choir by students, followed by a warm welcome from organizing chairperson Dr Nagesh KR. The chief guest, Dr Thomas V Chacko, director PSG-FAIMER Regional Institute, dean medical education and professor, department of community medicine, Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla, Kerala, emphasized the importance of stayingupdatedwithadvancements
in medical education, remarking on the need for institutions to continuously adopt the latest tools and technology for both doctors and students. He highlighted the role of simulation-based training in creating a safe learning environment that improves the quality of medical graduates and patientsafety.
healthcare, noting that constant innovation and excellence in training are essential for producing top-tiermedicalprofessionals.
The inaugural ceremony was presided over by dignitaries including Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo designate director FMCI and administratorFMHMC&H,FrJeevan George Sequeira administrator FMMCH, Dr Anthony Sylvan D’Souza dean FMMC, and Dr Lulu Sherif,headofSimulationandSkills Centre.
A series of workshops will be conductedoverthenextthreedays, including hands-on skill stations and simulation scenarios, alongside an exhibition showcasing essential medical training equipment from various healthcare tech companies like Tech4hc, Nasco Healthcare International, Virta Med, Kyoto Kagaku and Med Vision. The conference aims to foster collaboration and knowledgesharing among medical educators andprofessionals.
The event concluded with a vote of thanksfromorganizingsecretaryDr Rithesh D’Cunha; the event was
comperedbyJosmithaandSheetal, encapsulating the spirit of innovation and community in advancingmedicaleducation.
St Aloysius launches the book ‘Ahimsa Ki Kavita’
ThebooklaunchofAhimsaKiKavita (EchoesoftheBhoodanMovement) took place on September 13, 2024, at the LCRI Hall, during the Hindi Day Week celebrations organized by the Faculty of Languages and Cultural Studies, Hindi Department, St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University),Mangaluru.
The book, edited by researcher Vivek Kumar Shaw and Assistant ProfessorLiluKumari,isacollection of poems and songs centered around the Bhoodan Movement initiated by Acharya Vinoba Bhave. This book brings together poems from renowned and regional poets of the Bhoodan era, compiled from various magazines and journals. Additionally,itfeaturesaninterview with Gautam Bajaj, who was closely associatedwithVinobaBhaveinthe Bhoodan Movement, focusing on the role of poets involved in the movement. The event was graced bychiefguestDr.B.R.Pal,Chief
Manager - Rajbhasha (MRPL), Mangaluru, along with the university's Vice-Chancellor Dr. Rev Praveen Martis S.J., Registrar Dr. Alwyn Dsa, Director of Xavier Block Dr.EshwarBhatt,DirectorofArrupe Block Dr. Denis Fernandes, Head of the Hindi Department Dr. Mukund Prabhu, Dr. Mahboob AliNadaf, Dr. Sandhya U. Sirsikar, Dr. Govind Thapa Chetry, Ms. Roysi Rekha Braggs,andMrs.ShailaD’Souza. Editor Vivek Kumar Shaw highlighted the impact of the Bhoodan Movement on Hindi
literature, explaining that Vinoba Bhave'slongmarchwasn'tsolelyfor land donation. Bhave was fostering human connection, aiming to establish a non-violent, exploitation-free, and egalitarian society, while working to make the landless and poor self-reliant. He bridged the societal divide while spreading Gandhian ideals. Program coordinator Lilu Kumari discussed the various backgrounds related to the Bhoodan Movement, emphasizing that its path was one of Sarvodaya (universal uplift) and
non-violence. Vinoba Bhave stressedthatlandshouldbelongto thosewhoworkonitandsoughtto bring about a change of heart among landlords, encouraging themtowillinglydonatelandtothe poor.
A significant highlight of the program was the prize distribution ceremony, recognizing the achievementsofstudentsinvarious Hindi-related competitions. The Registrarofthe universitydelivered thepresidentialaddress,reinforcing the institution's commitment to languagepreservationand promotion.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, expressing gratitude to everyone, program coordinator and Assistant Professor of the Hindi Department, Dr Govind Thapa Chetry, acknowledged the support of students, teachers, and many dignitaries of the university. The event was attended by university deans, heads of various departments, faculty members, guests, students from different departments, and many staff members.
Arts Exhibition organized by St Agnes College
The UG Department of Arts of St Agnes College (Autonomous) organized Renaissance of Arts through an Exhibition on September20,2024.
The occasion displayed a visual brilliance and radiance of Art, architectural monuments, Epigraphy, sculptures, artefacts, Ancient civilizations, psychological concepts, journalism, fine arts, Painting, Graphics, Applied Art,
Commercials, evolution of human society, interactions, cultural relationships worldwide, Music, Literature, Philosophy and various concepts around arts which showcased the students' imagination,passionandawareness
through a remarkable display of creativemodelsandcharts.
The arts exhibition elevates the period focused on the theme “Artissance”.RenaissanceisaFrench word meaning “rebirth.” It refers
toa period in ancient civilization that was marked by a revival of Classicallearningandwisdom.
Sr Dr M Venissa AC., the Principal inaugurated the exhibition, expressing her views on the
significanceofarts.Sheappreciated the students for their creativity, potential, interest, passion, resourcefulness and eagerness in organising this Exhibition. She addressed that “Education is an investment for life and you need to
ignite your curiosity, enthusiasm andzealtoimplanttheseteachings in our minds which can be of great reference in future life and for the society”.
A wonderful and insightful session on the topic “The Art of Story Telling” was conducted by the speaker Mr. Prajath Kumar Hegde, Lecturer and Research Scholar, Department of BSc Visual Communication and Journalism, St Aloysius(DeemedtobeUniversity). This session covered the topics of Visual arts, humanities, literaryarts, performingarts, Cave painting,
Printing, Cinema, Importance of photography, Documentary and Advertisement were discussed, and insightssharedbythespeaker.
The exhibition attracted students and received great appreciation from the visitors. This event was coordinated and compered by Rajwa Quasim A, Student
Coordinator and Vice president, Arts. This event began with an invocation by Sr Ribanika andteam followed by Anusha welcoming the speaker. The review was given by Thanmayee and Sampoorna proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. R. Nagesh, Dean of Arts & languages and other faculty members of Arts streamwerepresentfortheevent.
Uttara Kannada Konkani Catholic Association (UKKCA) celebrates annual day, Monti Fest in Bengaluru
Bengaluru, Sep 15: The Uttara Kannada Konkani Catholic Association (UKKCA), Bengaluru, held its Annual Day and Monti Fest celebrations on September 15, 2024, at St Patrick's Church, Bengaluru. The event began with a HolyMassinKonkani,celebratedby the chief guest, Msgr. Richard Rodrigues Vicar General from the Diocese of Karwar. Following the Mass, members of the association offered flowers to Blessed Mary, marking the traditional Monti Fest devotion.
After the religious service, the communitygatheredfortheUKKCA
Annual Day celebrations, which included the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM). The special guest for the occasion was Mr. Nivedith
Alva, son of senior Congress leader Margaret Alva from Kumta. Both Msgr. Richard Rodrigues and Mr. Nivedith Alva graced the occasion
During the event, UKKCA took the opportunity to honor senior members of the association as well as students who had excelled in
their academic pursuits. The celebration concluded with a fellowship meal in honor of the Monti Fest, a symbolic gesture of unity and festivity. The event witnessedtheparticipationofmany Catholic Christians originally from UttaraKannadawhohavesettledin Bengaluru, making it a memorable day for the community with their presenceandaddressedgathering.
St Aloysius holds CHEMERGENCE 2024 -
The Department of Chemistry, School of Physical Sciences, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) organised "CHEMERGENCE 2024”
…. EmpoweringFuture Chemists - a Pre-University Fest showcasing the intriguing realm of chemistry on 12th September 2024 in LCRI hall. The fest not only highlighted the wonders of chemistry but also underscoredthecrucialroleofbasic sciences in shaping modern advancements.
Capt Brijesh Chowta, MP, Dakshina Kannada was the chief guest and inaugurated the programme.Rev.
Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Rev Fr Melwyn Joseph Pinto, Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Rev Fr Prashanth Madtha, Dr Alwyn DSa, Registrar of the College, Dr Ronald Nazareth, RegistraroftheUniversity,MsSunil
Kunder, President, SACAA, Dr Viola Rodrigues, Programme coordinator of Chemistry, Dr Rachel Nathasha, HODofChemistry,MsHencilPinto, programme coordinator and Ms Shilpa DSouza, Institutional Development Officer were on the dais.
Capt Brijesh Chowta was honoured during the programme. He in his speech,reminiscedhiscollegedays
as a NCC student. He remembered all his teachers and classmates. He saidthathisjourneyasanAloysian.
Speaking about the need of Chemistry,he also said that St Aloysius created Chemistry within him.He remembered Sri Jeorge Fernandes,theformerMPashisrole model.As aNCC Cadet, he had the chanceofbeingaparticipantduring the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath.He encouraged the students to make use of the
tremendous potential within them andbearolemodelforothers.
Guest of honour, Rev. Fr Prashanth Madtha shared his experience with Capt. Brijesh Chowta as his Principal.
Rev.DrPraveenMartisinhisspeech said, explained about CHEMERGENCE and chemistry as part of our life. He spoke on the founder of Polymer and poly tetra ethyleneandexplainedhowits
Rector,RevFrMelwinJosephPinto, in his speech said, there is a great needof scientistsandinnovationin science. He spoke about the scholarships available for science students and availability of great jobs. He urged the students to exchange ideas among one another.
Dr Alwyn DSa welcomed the gathering. Ms Jenisha, student of II
BSc compered the programme.Ms Hencil Pinto proposed the vote of thanks.
Following the inaugural program, a seriesofengagingchemistryevents took place throughout the day, including a Chem Forum, Chromo Chemistry, Chemistry around me, Capture the color, Chem music, Celebrity scientist,Panelgame,Star of Chemergence, Chem play, Chemagination,Frolicinthewarof
reactions, spin change and chemigraphy.
The valedictory program commenced at 3:30 PM in Fr LF Rasquinha Hall, LCRI graced by esteemed dignitaries such as Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) as the President, along with the directors of the science blocks, Dr IshwaraBhatandDrAshaAbraham, the Head of the Department, Dr RachaelNatashaMary,theProgram
CoordinatorofChemistry,DrVinola Rodrigues, and the Convenor of Chemergence, Ms Hencil Pinto. Dr. Rachel delivered the welcome address.
Dr. Ishwara Bhat congratulated all participants for their active involvement in the program, highlighting the value of learning andinteraction.Heemphasizedthe significance of continued collaboration in future programs andencouragednetworkingamong
students.Dr.Bhatalsospokeonthe crucial role chemistry plays in everydaylife.
In his presidential address, Dr. Ronald Nazareth congratulated the teachersfromparticipatingcolleges for inspiring their students to actively engage in the program. He encouraged students, emphasizing that consistent daily improvement willhelpthemreachtheirgoalsand
achieve success. Dr. Nazareth highlightedtheimportanceofbasic sciences, urging students to pursue their passions. Healsounderscored thesignificanceofhighereducation in science and the pivotal role of research in advancing the field. Ms Jyothi Vaz, assistant professor from thedeptofChemistryproposedthe Vote of Thanks. Ms Nazreena, student of PG Chemistry compered theprogramme.
Chemergence 2024 concluded with Little Rock Indian School, Brahmavar, emerging as the overall champion, while Expert PU College, Valachil, secured the runner-up position. The chemistry fest saw participation from 30 colleges with around 450 students. The event proved to be an enriching experience, marked by extensive learning, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing throughout the day.
SACAA holds Annual General Body Meeting
St Aloysius College Alumni Association (SACAA) successfully held its Annual General Body Meeting on Thursday, 19th
September 2024 at Sahodaya Hall, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University)Mangaluru.
The key discussions included the presentation of the previous AGM Minutes, financial report, message by outgoing President, strategic plans for the forthcoming year and also the Election for the Office Bearers were conducted during the AGM.
The following members were elected as office bearers for the term 2024-2026: Mr. Anil Kumar J, President; Mr Sumith Rao, Vice President; Mr Conrad T Nazareth, Secretary; Mr Venu Sharma, Jt. Secretary; Dr Zeena Flavia Mendonca,Treasurerand Executive CommitteeMembers,MrEdmund
J.B. Frank, Mr Michael D’Souza, Mr AllanColaco,DrAratiShanbhag,Mr Santhosh Kumar Kadri, Mr N.G. Mohan,MrSunilKunder,MsSavitha Maria D’Souza, Mr Stephen Pinto andMrDenisAlbertLobo.
After the handing over the ceremonytothenewlyelectedteam of Office Bearers, the newly elected President, Mr. Anil Kumar J., delivered the acceptance speech. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, S.J., SACAA Director and Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto,
S.J., Patron, addressed the gathering. Mr Conrad T Nazareth proposedthevoteofthanks.
What are some photos from the Second World War that show soldiers not as killing machines but as just people?
An america soldier found a new friend (I think this is the Battle of the Ardennees)
A Sicilian civilian give indications to an American soldier
Australian soldiers chilling out in second line
Manfredi Falcetta
AICS football Tournament-
Milagres Central School Champion
An exhilarating football match was held AICS Football tournament, D.K in boys under-17 category at SDM SchoolAshoknagar,Mangalore. Around 34 School Team had participated all over the district, Milagres Central School Under-17 boys’ team secured champion against Canara Cbsc School Under17 boys’ team of AICS Football tournament.
The captain of the team was ALHAN School Under-17 boys teams led, Physical Director Mr Keshava Naik displayedexceptionalskillandteam work to emerge victories Both the teams were coordinating their best to give tough competition to the opponentteam.