Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 2 Languages – Kannada & English. Publi

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*Dr Edward Nazareth's* talk during his felicitation organized by *Konkani Lekhak Sangh* recently.


A Loving Tribute to ‘Civil Liberties’ Crusader

Patrick B D'Sa of Mangalore.

Journeying through the life, every human being encounters a variety of experiences and people. Every one of these is placed in different slots and memory plays a strange role in valuingeach thing.

OnSeptember24,2024,thenewsof the passing away of a person who could be attributed to qualities and renowned as diverse as the colours in a rainbow hit many off guards. It was a known fact that P B D'Sa was not well and in advanced stage of Prostate Cancer for a while, but the impactofthenewswasinexplicable.

I am aware that many from a wide crosssectionofsocietyanddifferent walksoflifefeltastrongtugattheir heartstrings and were in sorrow. Most human beings may recall little about a person who crossed life's path, but no one forgets the

goodness, cordial attention, and words of one who meets when one yearnsforahandtoholdandanear to hear. Inthis contextthistowering person and personality Patrick B D'Sa becomes relevant. For this reason it’s appropriate to pay tribute to a large-hearted human who was a pillar and example of Human Rights, Liberties and fair play to numerous persons - the least, last and lost.

He was to those looking for courage, a shield, a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on a person sent by Almighty GOD. With total equanimityandnodifferentiationof caste, creed or colour, Patrick or PB as he was known, was a go to person. In this background the rare and great reaction and impact of many people of different statutes

could be seen quietly grieving and sorrowful and this will surely be felt for a time. Such men are rare and even though they have due to various factors faced the heights of rejection and isolation have never ever lost their dignity and integrity and people in very high places had extraordinary regard and value that cannot be fathomed. His reward he already enjoys and will for all eternity. HeisaHerothatonenever sings enough aboutand will remain largely unsung.


Patrick D’Sa was born on May 20, 1941,andliveda meaningfullifefor 83 grand years. He was the second of four siblings born to John F.M. D’Sa and Pauline Concepta Rego. His older brother was Norbert (deceased at 19 years), followed by Patrick, then Percy, and the youngest, Leslie (also deceased). Tragically, Patrick lost his mother at the tender age of 15, and after the passing of his eldest brother, Norbert, he took on the responsibility of caring for his younger siblings. On January 29,

1966, Patrick married Winifred D’Souza, and they shared 58 years of enviable love and companionship. Patrick is survived by his wife, Winifred, his children Prem/Veena, Preetha (Preetika), Priya/Pradeep, and Praveen/Veera, and his cherished grandchildren Ishan, Varenya, Nikhil, Moksha, Neil, Alicia, andAbigail.


Inhisearlyyearshiscommitmentto family and work took deep root. Although his responsibilities as a businessman and social activist often limited the time he could spend at home, he left his family with unforgettable consistent memories.Notonlydidthechildren adorehim,butsodidhisniecesand nephews. Regular movie shows, Nanking Chinese restaurant, and more were family favourites. His treats with the famous IDEAL ice cream, family pack, a treat all loved was his wayof showing love.

Onefondestofmemorieswaswhen he announced a fun outing as a reward for shining his old Ambassador car. Family meant the

worldtohim,especiallyhisbrothers, whom he loved dearly. The admiration was mutual, as his brothers held him in high regard. Food he ate to live, ate whatever was there gratefully. His disciplined nature was evident in all aspects of his life all through. He was also a devout admirer of Mother Teresa, often finding comfort in praying to her. He often said Mother Teresa had appeared in one of his dreams; itwasconsolingtonotethatnunsof the local Mother Teresa Convent were present at his secular last journey.


PBD'Sahadadeepaffectionforthe city of Mangalore, recognising its great potential and the remarkable capabilities of its people. He was eager to witness the city's growth and development and believed passionately in the intelligence and talent of Mangalore's youth. As a true lover of nature, he always cherished the environment and often expressed his hope that more individuals would choose to stay in Mangalore, contributingnotonlyto

its progress but also to the advancementof India as a whole.

PB often referred to the proverb, "Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond". He believed it was often wiser to stay in a familiar environmentwhereonecouldmake a significant impact, rather than move to a larger, more competitive place where one might feel insignificantoroverlooked.Forhim, Mangalore was that "small pond" with immense potential, where he and others could make a real difference - and many saw him as a big, kind fish. His dedication to the environment was evident in his actions. For years, he took it upon himself to water the plants along the roadside, all the way from Valencia to Gerosa School, and he createdasmallgardeninfrontofhis building, opposite Roshni Nilaya. His efforts were a testament to his love for the nature and his commitmenttopreservingit.Lotsof people have unashamedly acknowledged and appreciated his love for the nature.


Patrick B D’Sa was a fearless man, a true fighter and survivor. Throughout his life, he faced numerous challenges, including direct attacks on his life. In 1989, he was illegally taken into police custody and beatenfor standing up forsomeonewhohadbeentortured by the authorities. Despite the brutality, he never wavered in his support for justice. In 2003, PB faced another life-threatening situation when he was attacked by goons at his Blue-Chip computer centre.Theattackwasplannedtobe fatal, but his unwavering determination and "never say die" spirit and good wishes pulled him through. His courage in the face of adversitytrulydefined hischaracter. Many derive strength and courage fromhim.AttheFr.Muller'shospital Fatima Ward, he was treated with police security and even the then BishopofMangaloreandmanyVIPs visitedhim. Hewaswise,intelligent, and well-informed.


Over the years, P B D'Sa founded several organizations that reflected his diverse interests and commitment to the community:

**RoyalTuffFootweariswell-known for manufacturing footwear, bags, andother items.

** Blue Chip Computer Academy has trained many people of all ages to become computer literate.

**HewasthefirsttoinitiatetheAllIndia PUCL movement in Dakshina Kannada, and for several years, he worked to help people who were facing injustice.

He was one time the National Vice President to the Peoples Union forCivilLiberties(PUCL),NewDelhi.

** He was a Chief Trustee of Freedom Foundation, a registered trust.

** Secretary, People for Social Reforms, a RegisteredTrust.

**ThepastPresidentofRotaryClub of PortTown, Mangalore.

** Past President of Karnataka backward Christian association.

** Former Trustee of New Mangalore Port Trust

** Founder and President of the IndianChristianServiceAssociation.


In late 2014, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which had already spread. The news was devastating for him and the entire family. However,overtime,heacceptedhis diagnosis and learned to cope with the illness. His strength of will was remarkable. Throughout his life, he has been a pillar of strength for the entire family. His calmness and patience in the face of challenges were inspiring. No matter what the situation was, he never panicked, and he never let the opinions of society affect him. He remained focused on what mattered and held thefamilytogetherlikearock,atrue survivor, enduring multiple lifethreatening challenges. He survived two to three heart attacks, underwent two angioplasties, and faced repeated battles with pneumonia, chronic kidney disease, persistent urinary infections,

hypertension, diabetes, and even a COVID-19 infection—all the while battling the prostate cancer. His resilience was a testament to his indomitable spirit. His end was because of chronic renal failure. In death he appearedintotal peace.


In 2015, the decision to donate his body to science was made, marking animportantmomentinhislife.The conversationaroundbodydonation was taken forward by his daughter Preetika, he with his characteristic selflessnessanddesiretocontribute to the greater good, was insistent and proceeded with the formalities joyfully and started motivating others too. His last journey was thoroughly civil and secular with no religiousprayersandrituals,flowers, and trappings. A donation box was placed, and proceeds went to MotherTeresa Charity Convent.

Throughout this journey, his wife anddaughterPreetikahavebeenhis primary caretakers. There were difficult moments times when he was demanding, unable to enjoy food, and frequently complaining

about the lack of taste. He would ask for different kinds of food, and then constantly apologizing and later thanking all for everything. His family will miss him every day, they are grateful for the immense love shared and the countless memories to forever cherish.

TheFamilyisgratefultoFriendswho in so many ways have supported them during the past 10 years: JusticeMichaelFSaldanha,formerly oftheBombayHighCourt,andlater Judge of High Court of Karnataka, who has been his very close friend and support at all times. Mr. S.K. Sanil, Mr. Francis Saldanha, Mr. Betram Pinto, Mr. Mohammed Kabeer who were there during his journey supporting him in all his endeavours.

Profound gratitude is acknowledged for the dedicated careandsupportprovidedbyallthe medical staff and attendants during

his hospital stays. Their compassion andhardworkweretrulyinvaluable. A special mention goes to those who played a significant role caring overthepasttwoyears.Gautam,his caretaker, and attendant was there for him whenever he was admitted to the hospital. Gautam constantly kept PB in good humour. Bhavya, his daily caretaker, lovingly bathed him and cared for him with the tenderness of caring for a child. Lavappa and his family were always ready to help us, offering their supportinshiftingandtransporting whenever needed. The concern and care of the various family members, friends have been the mainstay and deeply appreciated forall times.

“HE IS GONE” - a poem by David Harkins that daughter Preetika came across which sums all up fittingly ......

Youcanshedtears that he isgone, oryoucansmile becausehe has lived. Youcancloseyoureyes andpraythat hewill comeback, oryoucanopen youreyes andseeall hehas left.

Your heart canbeempty becauseyoucan't seehim, oryoucanbefullofloveyoushared. Youcanturnyourbackontomorrowandliveyesterday, oryoucanbe happyfortomorrowbecauseofyesterday. Youcanrememberonly that he is gone, oryoucancherishhis memoryandlet it liveon. Youcancryand closeyourmind,beempty and turnyourback. Or youcan dowhat he'dwant: smile, openyoureyes,loveandgoon. Wechoosetosmile,openoureyes,love,andlivealifethatisasbeautiful andmeaningful as his was.

-Adapted for VEEZ from Eulogy by Preetika (Daughter of P B D'Sa)

Deepest condolences from Veez Konkani & English e-Weekly publishedfrom Chicago, USA

Current Activity of Dr. Michael Lobo, Bijey:

September - October 2024.

PleasenotethatcurrentlyDr. Michael has arranged to exhibit several excellent vintage photographs of oldMangaloreFamiliesathis compoundin Bijay. All interested are invited to visit and enjoy the rare vintage display.

Newbookreleased ‘Memories toTreasure’ -Now Available.

The city's enlightened community admire Dr Michael Lobo of Bejai. In the last 25 years, his popularity has spread the world over for his documentation/publications and providing information on history, genealogical and so on. His works have brought him recognition wherever Mangalore origin folk are thereinmanypartsoftheworld. Dr Michael Lobo is a respected scientist, writer, historian and genealogist oftheKonkaniCatholic community. He needs no

introduction. His sacrifice for the Konkani community worldwide is appreciated. This great man now is rarely seen and never honoured dulybythesociety.

Thelastfewmonths,afterthedeath of his brother, he has immersed himselfinatributebook,'Memories to Treasure'. Indeed, a treasure of 100 pages, printed on glossy art paper with deep information and 120 plus antique photographs and diagramsetc.,thisbookwillcapture even a person who is not familiar with the family or Mangalurean ethos. The book cover depicts his two younger brothers who passed on, the contents and many pictures are of local families, which provide an insight into the larger communityassuch.Afewpageson mathematical interests and

music/popsongs&singersgivethe simplebookawholesomeshape.

DrMichaelinhisworkandwritings, has always put community, culture and family in a priority, value and respect in every possible measure. The latest of his many books now, 'Memories to Treasures" amply sums up the inner sentiments and feelingsthetrueunderlyingspiritof many of this community of Konkanis of Mangaluru and a wide cross section of humanitycircumstances and vagaries of human life in today’s crime ridden andpsychologicallysickpoliticsand commerce are the great hurdles. The underlying compassionate caring human is always there and willbe.

Itisnodoubtthateverymemberof the community and others interested must be aware of Dr MichealLobo'slifeandworkforthe largercommunityandreadsomeof his writings as well. He expressly invitesallconcernedtogetintouch with him for this latest book: 'Memories to Treasure' which will prove along with his many books trulyvaluabletreasure.

Pavoor Uliya illegal sand mining - Catholic Sabha

organizes massive protest Pic by Stanly Bantwal

Like-minded groups, including Catholic Sabha, ICYM, YCS, and Mother Theresa Vichara Vedike, staged a massive protest against illegal sand mining in the district and the administration’s apathy towards the issue on Friday, September27,infrontofMini

Vidhana Soudha in Mangaluru.

The protest aimed to raise awareness about the illegal sand mining allegedly carried out with the tacit approval of local officials. Several prominent leaders, including Alwyn D'Souza, president

of Catholic Sabha Mangaluru, former presidents Stany Lobo and Dolphie D’Costa, and Fr Manohar, parish priest of Farangipet Church, were present to support the causeAddressingtheissueofillegal sand mining, Muneer Katipalla,

leader of the CPI(M) Karnataka, accused the geology and mining department and local police of beingcomplicitintheillegalactivity. He alleged that officials are protecting sand transport vehicles and accepting monthly bribes to

numerous protests by residents of Pavoor Uliya, authorities remain unresponsive.

Katipalla expressed deep concern for the residents of Pavoor Uliya,

stating that the lives of 40 families are under threat due to the unchecked illegal mining. He warned of stronger protests if the administration fails to take immediate action. Addressingthecrowdattheprotest, Sunil Kumar Bajal emphasized that thefightisnotjustforPavoor Uliya but also for Ullal Hoige and Ranipura. He stated that although the affected residents are few, the support for their cause is widespreadacrossthedistrict."This protest is between the administration and the common people. The thousands gathered herestandwiththeislandresidents, and we will continue to fight until justice is served," Bajal said.

Roy Castelinho, another speaker, voiced his frustration with local authorities.Hestated,"Wehavelost faith in the administration. The district commissioner and departmental officials are ignoring our efforts to expose this illegal sand mining. This suggests their involvementinthedestructionofan entire island." Castelinho vowed to shiftthefighttothestreets,stating

thatthepeopleareunitedagainst theongoinginjustice.

Mangaluru: Daijiworld TV celebrates 10 years of media excellence with grandeur


Daijiworld Media NetworkMangaluru(SB)

Mangaluru, Sep 21: Daijiworld TV marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 10th anniversary with a grand event at Milagres Jubilee Hall. The celebration drew distinguished guests from the media, government, business, and cultural sectors, reflecting the channel'swide-reachingimpact.


Sudhir Kumar Shetty, former presidentofUAEExchange,wasthe chief guest and lauded Daijiworld’s influence on coastal Karnataka. "Daijiworld has established itself as a respected brand in coastal Karnataka, recognized by people worldwide. Its authenticity and commitment to cultural diversity resonate with its audience. Broadcastinginfivelocallanguages, Daijiworld TV has set a record in visual media. The channel’s motto, 'UnitePeople,'isatestamenttothe

unique vision of Walter Nandalike andhisteam.IwishDaijiworldmany more years of success and hope it achieves international recognition in the global media landscape," he said.

Habeeb Rahman, a prominent guest, praised Daijiworld TV's journey. "In today’s digital age, where everyone is a media person with mobile devices, media verification and ethics are often neglected in the race for breaking news. A decade ago, the media landscape was different, and

Daijiworld emerged during those challenging times, remaining steadfast in verifying news and adhering to ethics. This dedication has made it a trusted brand for the coastal Karnataka community, especially those in the Gulf. I am proud to be a loyal follower of Daijiworld,"Rahmansaid. Reflecting on Daijiworld’s early challenges, Rohan Monteiro, a key figure in the event, shared, "Daijiworld faced stiff competition and technical limitations in its early days. However, the passion and perseverance of the management team transformed Daijiworld into a recognized brand in coastal Karnataka. Today, it delivers exceptional service and remains both viewer-friendly and community-oriented."

Walter Nandalike, founder of Daijiworld Media Pvt Ltd, in his address, reflected on the channel’s journey. "Reaching ten years is a significant milestone for us. While we’ve received appreciation for our strategy and uniqueness, I believe westillhavealongwaytogo.These ten years reflect our progress, but resting on our laurels could hinder our growth. I see my directors as

family, and together, we form a strong team that drives our creativity and uniqueness. I extend my heartfelt thanks to our advertisers, the backbone of our operations, and to our viewers and well-wisherswhohavesupportedus throughoutthisjourney."

The celebration includeda heartfelt recognition of the Daijiworld TV team. Directors Melwyn Rodrigues, Lawrence D'Souza, and Ronald Nazareth welcomed the dignitaries with flower bouquets. Alexis Castelino presented mementos to the guests, while Dayan D'Souza Mukamar honored long-serving team members, including news anchor Chetan Shetty, video journalist B.S. Jeevan, and productionmanagerC.K.Prashanth, who have been with Daijiworld TV since its inception. Stephan

Mascarenhas and Praveen Tauro recognized close associates who traveled from abroad to join the celebration.

Fr Denis D'Sa, PRO of Udupi Diocese, honored the first graduates of Daijiworld’s Sound Engineering Course. As part of the celebration, the media house launched a Journalism course, with Vivek Alva of Alvas Educational Institutions unveiling a video presentation of the new program. The evening featured a captivating musical performance by renowned singer and TV reality show judge Mohammad Iqbal, alongside SowmyaBhat.

Theeventwasgracedbyprominent figures, including Capt Brijesh Chowta, MP for Dakshina Kannada; Vedavyas Kamath, MLA of Mangaluru South; Umanath Kotian, MLA of Mangaluru North; Ivan D'Souza, MLC; Ramanath Rai, former minister; J R Lobo, former MLA; and Khader Shah, head of the Information Department. A large number of advertisers, close associates of Daijiworld, and members of the media fraternity were also in attendance, adding to thegrandeuroftheoccasion.

Kasargod: Snehalaya

De-addiction Centre to be inaugurated on Oct 2


Kasargod, Sep 28: For the past 15 years, the Snehalaya Charitable Trust has been dedicated to establishing an Ashram for individuals with mental illnesses near Pavoor in Manjeshwar. The organization has provided them with shelter, medical care, and rehabilitation, successfully assisting more than 1,300 residents. With government recognition and public praise, the services rendered by the organization have become wellknown. Now,Snehalayaisaddressinganew social challenge: addiction. The organization is taking a significant step to combat this issue by creatingan‘Addiction-FreeSociety’. Thisinitiativewillfocusonproviding care, treatment, and rehabilitation for all types of addiction, which is increasingly affecting youth, adolescents, and women, and


The new Snehalaya De-addiction Center will be inaugurated on October 2 at 9:30 am at the Snehalaya Institute, Bachalike.Michael D Souza, Indian non-resident entrepreneur from Dubai, will officially open the center,Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of Mangalore diocese, will bless the center. Deepak Valerian Tauro, assistant dean of Delhi diocese will be present as the chief guest.

The keynote addresses will be delivered by Vijayalakshmi Shibaruru, renowned journalist and AtmadasYami,multi-religioussage.

Additional speakers include U T Khader, Speaker, government of Karnataka, A K M Ashrafah, MLA, Manjeshwar, Kunhambhu, MLA, Uduma and Walter Nandalike, founderofDaijiworldmedia.

More than 50 distinguished guests, over 100 donors, and thousands of spectators, fans, and well-wishers are expected to be present at the significantevent.

Snehalaya’s Journey

August 26, 2009, is St Mother Teresa's 99th birthday. Had she lived then, she would have entered thecenturyoflife.AlthoughMother Teresa, who left this world with a remarkableservicetohumanitythat has been shining for centuries, passed away, the Snehalaya organization was started in Mangaluru on her 99th birthday. The Snehalaya organization has completed 15 successful years following the ideals and inspiration ofMotherTeresa.

On that day, Joseph Crasta, an ordinary auto driver in Mangaluru, saw two homeless people lying like

orphans by the side of the city’s main road. His heart raced. He placedbothbrothersinhisautoand brought them to his house. He fed them, shaved them, and gave them a good bath. He administered first aid to their injuries. These brothers did not belong to his religion or town. The smile on their faces and thewaytheyreactedmadehimfeel fulfilled inside. Coincidentally, knowingthatitwasMotherTeresa's birthday, he felt that this act of kindness was divinely inspired. He was convinced that God had provided him with this motivation andopportunity.

The initiative ‘Rome was not built in a day’ began in 2006 after Joseph’s acts of service. While Joseph was standing in a queue near the fish market in his auto, a truck loaded withfishcausedicetomeltandflow into a nearby canal. He saw a mentally ill woman starving and drinking the dirty, unclean water. When he saw her pitiful condition, the words from the Holy Bible echoed in his mind: "I am hungry, haveyougivenmeanythingtoeat?" Joseph immediately rushed to a nearby hotel, bought food for her, andgaveherabottleofcleanwater

todrink.Thesparkleinhereyes,the smile on her face, and the satisfaction she felt were like experiencingGodhimself.

Sincethen,Josephbegan providing mid-day meals to people who collected food from garbage and dustbins. He started by sacrificing hislunchofRs100.Thissmalleffort resulted in providing meals to around 40 people every day, continuinguntil2009.

Meanwhile, he noticed that many patients he saw on the streets were without proper care, and many wounded individuals needed special attention. These individuals were taken from the streets of Mangaluru andadmitted to various social institutions. When these institutionsbecameovercrowded,it became necessary to find an alternative system for rehabilitating the destitute, the helpless, the mentally ill, and the lost vagrants. Refugee children and many runawaychildrenwerepresentedto the then competent ‘D K District Child Welfare Committee’ and were easily rehabilitated. However, when there was no accommodation for menandwomen,Josephdecidedto develop the house where he had

initially cared for the two brothers. This house was named‘Snehalaya’. Justfivedaysbeforehewastobring the two brothers’ home, Joseph received his share of his father's property. With this, he bought 21 cents of land with an already built house.

Snehalaya is a shelter of hope for thementallyill,neglected,destitute, and elderly. ‘Snehalaya’ is a loving home where individuals are united by emotional bonds irrespective of caste, creed, and religion. It has enoughfacilitiesfor300residentsin a three-bedroom independent house,withmorethan800ofwhom have been reunited with their families by 2023 for a happy life acrossIndia.

From a common man rescuing two mentallychallengedindividuals,the journey started from a three-room rented house, saving 1,600 homeless people from the streets, and sending more than 1,300 residents back to their homes. Today, it is a haven for 300 residents. The separate systems for men and women, and the rehabilitation of more than 1,300 residents who have been cared for here, along with the challenging

taskoflocatingtheiroriginalhomes and reuniting them with their families, have been made possible through the blessings of God, the cooperation of donors, and the dedicatedeffortsofthestaff.

Today,SnehalayaCharitableTrustis attheforefrontoftheservicesector through various programs. The projects undertaken in the last 15 yearsinclude:

1. Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Center for Men (2009): The Snehalaya Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Center is a model facility in Kasargod district. Hundreds of awards have been given for the service provided by this center. Currently, 300 mentally ill refugees are being provided with healthy food, medical assistance, andtreatmentactivities.

2. Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Home for Women (2019): A facility with special amenities for womenwasinauguratedonJanuary 26, 2019. It currently serves as a treatment center for 90 homeless women with mental and social issues.

3. Free Mid-Day Meal for Patient Attendants – ‘MANNA’: Since 2015,afreemid-daymealhasbeen

providedto700peopleeverydayat Wenlock District Government Hospital,Mangaluru, under the name ‘Snehalaya Manna’, for patient attendants and hungry people, without fail, under any circumstances.

4. Other Social Programmes/Services:

▪ Free ambulance service for socioeconomically backward families, for hospitalizing patients and transporting deceased bodies for cremation.

▪ More than 3,000 food kits were distributed to poor families, transgender individuals, HIVaffected people, and sex workers in remote areas during COVID-19. Arrangements for health and necessary transportation were also provided.

▪ Reliefcampswereorganizedduring the Kerala floods, Coorg landslides, andlockdownperiods,amongother emergencies.

▪ Workers from North Karnataka, Bihar,UttarPradesh,Jharkhand,and otherpartsofNorthIndia,whowere stranded at state borders due to lockdowns,wereprovidedwithfree, healthy food prepared in

Snehalaya’s kitchen at the Talapady border (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)for15days.

▪ During the COVID-19 pandemic, houses were built for 16 families in dire need in Dakshina Kannada and Kasargod districts with the support ofdonorsandlocalcontributions.

▪ Subsidies were provided for over 100 poor students for higher education. Additionally, various programs of social concern have been conducted, including World AIDSDay,WorldMentalHealthDay,

World Harmony Day, and national festivals.

▪ Thenumberofvisitstotheinstitute has exceeded 15,000, and 8-10 students do their internships every year.

▪ The book ‘A Man with a Mission’, published about the organization and its founders, has been selected for the graduation course of BCA students at Mangalore University. ThisEnglish-languagepublicationis anotableinitiativeofthepublishing house.

Curtain raiser for Konkani movie ‘Payann’ held in Dubai amid prominent


Dubai, Sep 22:The highly anticipated Konkani moviePayann , set to release on October 13 in the UAE, held a special curtain raiser event at Winney's Restaurant in Karama, Dubai. The event was an exclusive, invitation-only program attendedbyprominentfiguresfrom the Konkani community and enthusiasts committed to promoting Konkani language, culture,andcinema.


The event featured a distinguished panel of guests of honor, including Alwyn Pinto, Laveena Fernandes, James Mendonca, Joseph Mathias, andNelsonRodriks.

community members


James Mendonca and Joseph Mathias addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of promoting Konkani cinema and the rich cultural heritage of Konkanispeaking communities. They highlighted the cultural value of cinema as a medium to spotlight real-life issues, raise awareness on societal topics, and the need to support local artists to ensure that Konkani films receive the recognition they deserve, both regionallyandglobally.


AlwynPintoprovidedinsightsabout theupcomingmovie,sharingdetails about its storyline, cast, and the broader vision behind its creation. The audience received his words with enthusiasm, many eagerly anticipating the film’s release in Dubai and Abu Dhabi on October 13.


Theatmosphereattheticketlaunch was warm and festive, with attendees celebrating Konkani cinema and fostering a deeper connection with their roots. The event was well-received by the select invitees, many of whom are

passionateadvocatesforpromoting Konkanilanguageandculture.

The short and sweet morning program was smoothly hosted by Roshan D’Silva, who ensured the event ran seamlessly, engaging the audiencewithenergyandcharisma.

As the Konkani community in the UAE looks forward to the film's release, this ticket launch marks a significant step towards elevating Konkanicinemaandbringingittoa broaderinternationalaudience.The filmmakers and supporters are not only showcasing the beauty of the language and culture but also settingthestageforfuture productions.


• Dubai:Star Galleria Cinema, Hyatt Regency, Deira, Dubai, 4:00 PM, October13,2024.

• AbuDhabi:Star Cinema, Al Wahda Mall,AbuDhabi.


• Dubai:Contact050 4583930,055 5306057,052 2530710,050 1636014,0526675475

• AbuDhabi:Royal Institute of Music and Arts:+971 50 439 4968; BroadwayEvents:+971503229684 ViewersareinvitedtoenjoyPayann, a movie that celebrates love, hope, andtogetherness!

KNS celebrates 81st annual day, bestows Kalakar Puraskar on eminent theatre persons

Mangalorean Catholic Association of Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia

(MCA DMV) Celebrates ‘Monti Fest 2024’

ThefeastoftheNativityofOurLady was celebrated on Saturday, September14,2024,bymembersof the Mangalorean Catholic Association of Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. The annual celebrationtookplaceat the St.Leo the Great Catholic Church, Fairfax, Virginia. Mary Star of the Sea CatholicChurchinIndianHead,MD. Theeventwaswellattendedbyover 180 guests, including both familiar facesand newcomers,and it was an indicationthattheorganizationwas growing.

The service began with the

veneration of Infant Mary at the Church’s outdoor grotto. While the

linedupoutsidethechurchcarrying flower baskets with fresh flowers fromtheirgardenstoveneratebaby Mother Mary. Everyone joined the choir in singing the hymns ‘Sokkad

Sangatha Melyam’ and ‘Moriyek Hogolsiyam’ as children showered baby Mary withflowers.

After the flower offering, Fr. Devan, the Parish Priest of Corpus Christi

Church in Aldie, celebrated Mass. The choir and liturgy were led by Malin Noronha, with Clint Almeida and Reynel Castelino providing guitar accompaniment. It was truly

inspiring to see the children participating in the choir through hymns and readings. The group moved over to the Church in procession for the festive Mass,

which was done partly in Konkani and partly in English. Everyone participated and sang several Konkani hymns during the Mass. The priest praised the choir, saying

that listening to the children's angelic voices made him feel as though he was in heaven. At the close of Mass, MCA Secretary Renita Nazareth offered thanks to the coordinators, choir members, and volunteers.

Afterward, everyone gathered for a group photo by the altar. Then everyone proceeded to the school gym hall for the traditional Monti festluncheon.

Clement Noronha, Vice President of the Mangalorean Association of DC/MD/VA, welcomed everyone warmly. He humorously remarked on how, each time the group meets and talks, they discover distant family connections. Fr. Dewan blessed the fresh seeds (‘novem’) that was just received from India. Later, the blessed ‘novem’was crushed, mixed with milk, and distributed to all attendees.

The hall was beautifully decorated by the MCA committee, with food tables adorned with banana leaves and other traditional items. The

luncheon featured a traditional MontiFestmeal,withhome-cooked vegetarian dishes prepared by each MCA family. President of MCA, Julia Dante invited Celine Rodrigues Prabhu to lead the grace before meals and all the grandparents joinedher.IreneD'cunhasharedthe significance of the festival that is celebrated as one family. The deliciousvegetarianlunch,prepared byalltheattendees,featureddishes like sannas,pothrade,rice,channa, bende, sango, vegetable curry, sambar, gosalen, karam, beetroot andpickle.Themealwastoppedoff with the delicious, traditional Mangalorean dessert, ‘vorn.’ As members enjoyed their meals, they fondly reminisced about their childhood days in India, all while catching upwith one another. After lunch, the committee organizedatalentshowforkidsand families to showcase their talents. Clint Almeida expertly hosted the event.Highlightsincludedasongby Yuvonne Castellino, a duet by the Noronha brothers Joshua and

Jayden—and a Konkani folk dance performed by Merlyn Mathias, Ancilla Fernandes, and Wilma Andrade and an energetic remix of Konkani and Bollywood dance by Anitha Dsouza, Shanaya Dsouza, and Flavia Rebello. Julia Dante thanked everyone involved – MCA members, guests, volunteers, participants, and all who contributed behind the scenes for the dedication and commitment to making this event a success. A sincere thank you to the committee membersandtheirfamiliesfor all their supportand hard work. Special mention was made to V James Dante for coordinating the logistics of booking the venues and arranging the priest for the mass, Juliet Vaz for sharing with us the Statue of Infant Mother Mary, Santhosh and Prash Sequeira for arranging the fresh corn from India and Valerian Cardoza (Tanya’s Dad) for his help in coordinating the smooth running of the food during lunch and all the volunteers who helped make the eventa success.

The festivities ended with a delightful round of Indian masala teaservedwithaselectionofsavory and sweet snacks, leaving everyone with fond memories of the day. At the end of the day, it was a wholesomeandfuneventfilledwith endless laughter, buzzing activity, lively conversations, new connections, and an atmosphere of love.

The committee has been receiving compliments from both new members and guests during and after the event that motivates them to perform even betterat the next events.

Some of the pictures of the event are posted on this article but if you want to see more, please check out the facebook page at oreandcmdva/

The next event of MCA is the Christmaspartythatwillbeheldon December 7th, 2024. Please save the date. You can stay updated on activities, events, and information on Mangalorean Catholic Association of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia by visitinghttps://www.mangaloreana

Wilson Olivera Nite: Musical extravaganza for noble cause on Jan 1, 2025


Mangaluru, Sep 23: Kick-start the New Year with an unforgettable night of music, laughter, and dance as Konkani music legend Sangeeth Sardar- Wilson Olivera brings his 56thmusicalshowtolifeonJanuary 1, 2025, at the Bondel church grounds. This highly anticipated event, starting at 6 pm, is a charity

show in aid of the St Lawrence Church&Shrine,Bondelrenovation project.

Known for his heart-touching lyrics and captivating voice, Wilson Olivera,ashiningstarintheKonkani music galaxy, promises to light up the night with his sensational performance. His past shows, known as ‘Wilson Olivera Nites’, haveconsistentlydrawnfullhouses, thanks to their powerful melodies and high-energy performances. Witheighthitmusicalbumsandthe soundtrack for the acclaimed KonkanimovieNoshibachoKhellto his credit, Olivera has won the hearts ofKonkanimusiclovers

aroundtheworld,fromMangaluru andMumbaitoDubaiandbeyond.

Expect 16 melodies from Wilson Olivera’s popular and latest compositions,alongwithribtickling comedy skits and energetic dance performances.Theeventpromisesa complete entertainment package, leaving the audience both mesmerized and with a belly full of laughter.


Ronald Olivera is a distinguished master of ceremonies, fluent in five languages-English,Konkani,Hindi, Kannada, and Tulu. He has hosted major Konkani Nites of almost all popular Mangalurean composers, likeWilfyRebimbus,HenryD’Souza, MelwynPeris, WilsonOlivera,Claud D’Souza, Mic Max, Maxim Perira, Lancy Moras and Goan Nightingale Lorna. Ronald has also anchored

eventsforotherIndianartistessuch as Kottayam Nazir, Nadarsha and S Janaki,aswellasmanyinternational events,ofwhichmanybroadcaston live TV.

Asaleadingcorporatetrainerinthe Middle East, he has coached over 5000 youngsters and corporate employees in public speaking and leadership.

Roshan D’Souza- Angelore, the musicalgeniusbehindthescoresof the Konkani films Noshibacho Khell and Payan, has directed music for over200Konkanimusicalbumsand orchestrated more than 100 Konkani musical shows. Known for his signature symphonic style, he will blend Wilson Olivera's compositions with his unique

symphonies for a night to remember. In recognition of his contributions, he was honored with the prestigious Kalakar Puroskar Awardin2014,institutedbyMandd Sobhann and sponsored by Carvalho Ghorannem. A young and innovativemusiccomposer,Roshan has introduced a new trend in Konkanimusicworldthatresonates stronglywiththeyouthandisbeing embraced by emerging composers. after music arranger, accomplished guitarist, singer, and dedicated music teacher,hisworkcontinuestoshape and influence the Konkani music

A galaxy of vocal stars including Ashwin D’Costa, Pradeep Pinto, Prashant Pinto, Joseph Mathias, Stuart Olivera, Velita Lobo, Zeena Pereira and Shilpa Cutinha will lift the evening with their harmonious voices, accompanied by backing


Prepare for a laughter riot as Stephen Machado, Lancy Rodrigues, Lucy Aranha, Anil Menezes, and Rennie Menezes the well-loved Kuwait Express group deliver rib-tickling humour thatwillhaveonerollinginhisseats.

The iconic Urban Groove dance troupe, choreographed by the renowned Avil D’Cruz, will get

everyone on their feet with their infectiousmoves.Aperfectblendof grace and energy, they are set to makethenighttrulyunforgettable. Theeventwhichactsasafundraiser for the renovation of the Bondel church will also showcase the proposed plan of the to-be renovated church during the funfilledevening.

Proposedplanofrenovated church

Themusicalspectacleissettoblend soulfulmusic,hilariouscomedy,and captivating dance—all for a good cause. is the media partner and Radio Daijiworld as the radiopartner.


Meeting, recorded a net profit of 10.45

Crores, declared10%dividend

M.C.C. Bank Ltd has performed extremelywellunderallthefinancial parameters during the Financial Year 2023-24 and has declared a dividendof10%toitsshareholders.

The Bank has earned an unprecedented net profit of Rs.10.45 Crore for the first time in the history of the Bank in the FinancialYear2023-24.

The Bank has convened its 106th Annual General Meeting at Loyola Hall, St Aloysius P.U. College, Kodialbail, Mangalore, on Sunday, the 22nd of September 2024 at 11 am. The Chairman of the Bank, Sahakara Ratna Mr Anil Lobo presidedoverthemeeting.

Tributes were paid to the members who passed away in the previous year. The meeting began with a prayerledbythestaff.

The meeting started with the


of lamp by Chairman Sahakara Ratna Mr Anil Lobo, Vice Chairman Mr Jerald Jude D’silva and Director

MrDavidDsouzaandofferingfloral tributestotheFounderofthebank, P.F.XSaldanhabyChairmanMrAnil Lobo,ViceChairmanMrJeraldJude D’silva, Members Mr Edmund Frank (ExViceChairmanofMCCBank).Mr Rons Bantwal, Mr Rohan Monteiro (Managing Director, Rohan Corporation), Mr Louis Pinto, (President Mand Sobhan) and Mr Pius L Rodrigues (Ex. Director, Karnataka Pollution and Control Board).

While addressing the meeting the Chairman said that, “during the FY 2023-24 the bank has earned a record net profit of Rs.10.45 crore, with a total deposit of Rs.635.70 crore recording an increase of 10% over the previous year; the total advances of Rs.444.88 crore recording an increase of 25.21%

over the previous year; working capitalofRs.752.95crore(growthof 10.03%) and share capital of Rs.31.21crore(growthof14.07%)as on31.03.2024.TheNPAoftheBank has been reduced to 1.12% comparedtotheNPApercentageof 2022-23 at 1.37%. The provision coverage ratio stood at 78.34% of the total NPAs. The Return on Assets (ROA) of the Bank stood at 1.39%. The bank is adequately maintaining the CRAR (Capital to Risk Assets Ratio), which stood at 23.06% as of 31st March 2024, well abovetherequiredrateof9.00%as per the Reserve Bank of India. The bank’s business turnover increased from Rs 933.25 crore to Rs 1,080.58 croreasof31stMarch2024thereby crossed Rs 1000 crore business in the FY 2023-24. The Bank has opened its 17th branch at Brahmavara after a gap of 22 years. Theoverallperformanceofthebank was highly satisfactory. He thanked all the customers, members, staff and well-wishers who were responsibleforthisachievement.

While on the subject he informed that Reserve Bank of India has accorded necessary permission to extend the area of operation of the

BanktotheentirestateofKarnataka and has permitted to open new branches. He thanked all the Directors,membersoftheBankand stafffortheirunstintedsupportand cooperation for the above achievement. He emphasised the importance of the contribution made by the borrowers who are responsible for the growth of the business, achievement of higher profitandreductioninNPAbytheir prompt repayment of loans. He informed the members that bank has been providing loans at competitive rates of interest and sought their support by recommending the bank with good proposals. Further, he informed regarding the future of the Bank in theensuringyear,i.e.openingof10 new branches, shifting of Udupi, Moodbdiri, Karkal and Kulshekar branches to the new premises keepinginmindtheconvenienceof the customers, provision of digital banking facilities like google pay, Phone pay, UPI, etc. and extending the branches to whole state of Karnataka. He also informed that the Bank has already prepared the plan of action for the next 10 years after discussing in detail about the

vision, mission and the goals. He sought constructive suggestions and the cooperation from the membersforimplementationofthe above plan to take the Bank to the greaterheights.

Vice chairman Jerald Jude D’Silva readtheminutesofthe105thAGM.

The audited financials of 2023-24, audit report and compliance, programme of activities for the financial year 2024-25 and budget for the year 2024-25, amendments to the byelaws of the bank, were presented before the AGM and wereapproved.

TheChairmananswered/clarifiedall the queries raised by the members during the meeting and assured that the efforts would be made to implementtheirsuggestionsmade


Directors Mr Andrew D’Souza, Joseph M. Anil Patrao, Dr Gerald Pinto, David D’souza, Elroy Kiran Crasto, Roshan D’Souza, Herald Monteiro, J.P.Rodrigues, Vincent Lasrado, Melwin Vas, Mrs Irene Rebello, Dr Freeda D’Souza, Professional Directors C.G.Pinto, Sushanth Saldanha, General Manager Sunil Menezes, Deputy General Manager Raj F. Menezes werepresentatthemeeting.

GeneralManagerMrSunilMenezes welcomed the members, Mr Owin Rebello, Branch Manager Brahmavara Branch compered, and Chairman Sahakara Ratna Mr Anil Lobo proposed the vote of thanks. The meeting concluded with the NationalAnthem.

Roy Castelino elected president of Karnataka Catholic Think Tank


Bengaluru, Sep 25: The Karnataka Catholic Think Tank, a collective of professionals from various sectors, held its annual General Body Meeting today at Shubhbodhana, Karnataka Regional Catholic Pastoral Centre (KROSS), Da Costa Layout,Bengaluru.Themeetingwas attended by the Archbishop of Bengaluru and 15 other bishops fromacrossKarnataka.

During the meeting, Roy Castelino wasunanimouslyelectedasthenew president of the think tank, under theaegisof the Karnataka Regional CatholicBishopsCouncil(KRCBC).


In addition to Castelino’s appointment, Jacob Crasta and Antony Mendonsa were chosen as vicepresidents.ClaraFernandes,the regional secretary for laity, was elected secretary, with Nirmala takingontheroleofjointsecretary.

The Karnataka Catholic Think Tank brings together professionals from diverse fields such as law, civil

services, education, media, and healthcare. It plays a vital role in addressing societal challenges and providing expert counsel to the ChurchinKarnataka.

Feast of St Padre Pio was celebrated at St Anne’s Friary Beja

DivineMercyretreatcentreon23rd September. The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament began at 9.30 am followed by the procession. Rev Dr Rocky D’Cunha, superior of St Anne’sFriaryblessedthestatueand

the vehicle which is used in the procession to expose the blessed sacramenttothepublic. Nearly500 devotees participated in the procession.At10.30amtherewasa solemn concelebrated high Mass

diocese. He in his homily highlighted the aspect of peace

preached by St Francis of Assisi. St Clare,StBonaventure,StMaximilian precided over by Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha, parish priest of BejaiandthePROofMangalore Kolbe,popeFrancisandStPadrePio himself. To become the instrument of peace what is required today is love, forgiveness and hope in our families and society. Rev Dr Rocky D’ Cunha distributed candles to those who came forward to be the

murdom and thanked the pilgrims and all those who helped for the grand celebration. Rev Dr John Baptist Saldanha distributed the candle to the pirgents. Rev Fr Richard Quadros animated the benediction.Around1200devotees, 40 priests and few religious sisters attendedtheceremony.

Twenty-first anniversary of the Legion of Mary celebrated in the Diocese of Shimoga

Shivamogga, September 23, 2024: The twenty-first anniversary of the Legion of Mary "Mount Mary Comitium" of the Diocese of Shimoga was celebrated on September 22, 2024, at Good Shepherd Church, Gopala, Shivamogga.

In the morning at 8:00 a.m., Legion of Mary members prayed the Rosary. At 8:30 a.m., Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of the

Diocese of Shimoga, celebrated the Holy Eucharist and preached a homilyonthelanguageofGodand the language of human beings. He also explained how Mother Mary understood the language of God in her life and invited the faithful to followinherfootsteps.

After the Mass, Legion of Mary membersproceededtothehallina procession. A stage program was organized at Good Shepherd

Church Hall, where children performed a prayer dance. Mr. Arokianathan, Treasurer of the Legion of Mary, welcomed the dignitaries: Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga; Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza, Legion of Mary Diocesan Spiritual Director; Rev. Fr Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Parish Priest of Good Shepherd Church, Gopala; Rev. Fr Biju, Parish Priest of Infant Jesus Church, Sharavathinagar, Shivamogga;Rev.FrLancy Barthalomeo D'Souza, Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception Church, NewTown,Bhadravati;Rev.FrStany D'Souza, Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shivamogga; Rev. Fr Pius D'Souza, Director of SMSSS; Sr. Elize, Shivamogga; Sr. Marie Evline, Sharavathinagar; Sr. Maria, Karehally; and Legion of Mary PresidentMr.AnthonyDias.

Mr. Vijay Ratna Kumar read the annual report, and the Legion of Mary Diocesan Team honored the parents of the priests and religious who had given their sons and daughterstotheChurch.


SJ appreciated the service of the Legion of Mary in the Diocese of Shimoga. He statedthat the Legion of Mary and SVP were like two hands in the service of the Diocese and congratulated the dedicated services of its members. He then blessed them and was honored by theSpiritual DirectorandComitium members.

Spiritual Director Fr. Franklin D'Souza, in his message, spoke about motivating more faithful to join the Legion of Mary and asked the members to inspire others. He

appreciated the role of the Legion of Mary in the parishes. Fr. Stephen Maxi Albuquerque, Fr. Stany D'Souza, Fr. Biju, Fr. Lancy D'Souza, andFr.PiusD'Souzaalsogavethem messages. PresidentMr.AnthonyDiasthanked everyone, and Mrs. Kavya from Hariharcomperedtheprogram.

The Mount Mary Comitium organized the program, and 180 Legion of Mary members participatedfromthefourdeaneries oftheDioceseofShimoga.

The Episcopal city Deanery and Chair in Christianity had jointly organised a convention at Fr Muller medical College

At the Hospital Convention Centre this evening between 5.30 to 8.00 pm., the Varado Pastoral Parishad members and the Parish Pastoral Parishad members of 11 Parishes were present. The program began withtheprayersongledbytheBijai Parish. The Dean Fr Bonaventure Nazareth introduced the program and highlighted the occasion of convention and welcomed the gathering. The Fr Muller medical College hospital presented the kavalihighlightingthepast,present and future of the church. The main topic was presented, and the speakers were introduced by Fr Maxim d Souza. Rev Dr. J.B.Saldanha spoke on the state of affairsbeforetheVaticancouncil11 andhighlightedthechangeslinking ittoday'sstateofaffairs.Mr.Francis

DCunhaspokeontheopportunities ofthelayfaithfulinthechurchtobe involvedandRevDrAntonyGeorge Pinto enumerated the present day challengesthattheClergy,Religious and lay faithful face in the Holy Mother the church .Jeppu Parish

enacted the Parable of the Sower, the Bendur Parish youth presented the values of the family insisting on bonding,tobesuccessfulinlife. The Bishop Peter Paul Saldanha, appreciating the Mangalorean community, called on the

commitment in service and synodality. He also explained the

relevance of the church to the modern times. The moderator stated the necessity of the Parish Pastoral Parishad, the commissions

and the stipulated bodies of the churchtobuildupacommunityand the status of the people of God. Dr Ritesh and Dr Shannon compared the program. Mr John d Silva proposed the vote of thanks. The participants appreciated the input sessions. All joined the dinner with the sense of joy and togetherness. Around560peoplewerepresent.**

KarnatakaKonkaniSahitya Academy

Under the joint patronage of St Joseph the workers Church vamanjoor and "Sangati vamanjoor". celebrated "Konkani Kala Sambharam" at vamanjoor Auditorium onSeptember22nd.

On the dais, we had Chief Pastor of City Zone and Parish Priest of Vamanjoor Church, Rev. Father JamesD'Souza, Assistant Parish Priest of Vamanjoor Church Father Ivan Ashwin D’Souza, Mr. Dolphy Casia Senior writer Vamanjoor.

Mr Charles Pais Vice President Vamanjoor Church, Mr Patrick Lobo Member, "SaangathiVamanjoor."

Mr. Shekhar Gowda director Sesu Gowda Kudmi Folk Art Society, Kompadav,Mr.KeshavRaiKamatha

businessman Vamanjoor, Mr. Sunil Siddi Mundugod Yallapur., Mrs.

Sapna Crasta, Member of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy, Program Coordinator

Mr. Roshan M. Kamathwas present

onthe stage.

The dignitaries inaugurated the program by playing drums.

Sapna Crasta was honoured on the dais for her achievement and being selected as the member of the Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy.

Mrs. Sapna Crasta Vamanjoor welcomedthegathering.Mr.Patrick Lobothankedeveryone.

The program was compered by Mr. SunilPintoandMrsLavinaMenezes. There was blissful and mesmerizing performance depicting the Konkani culture andtradition.

The programme ended with brass band and baila.

Meet the musical prodigy from Mangaluru - Angela Sarah D’Almeida, a Grade 5 student of Mount Carmel Central School, has taken the international music stage by storm! ���� She clinched First Place with Honours at the International Youth Music

*Budkulo News Cafe* *Ronald Gomes* is elected as the new *President*of *CatholicAssociation ofSouthKanara(CASK).*

Speaking at the General Body MeetingofCASKaftertheelection.

CompetitioninNovember2023and had the incredible honor of performing and representing India attheprestigiousDiMienneCentre in New York on September 1st, 2024. ���������� Angela’s journey doesn’tstopthere!Shealsosecured the Platinum Prize in Vocal Music (Junior category, 8-10 years) at the Universal Stars Music Competition 2024 – Season1, and won the Gold Prize at the BEETHOVINCI International Music Competition 2024! ���� Angela is the proud daughter of Dr. Vivian D’Almeida and Dr. Joylene D’Almeida from Maryhill, Mangaluru. Let’s cheer for this young musical star as she continues to shine on the global stage!

Entries for Dr. T. M. A. Pai Best Konkani Book Award 2023 are invited. Last date for receipt of entries is31st October 2024.For more details contact:

Davanagere,Harihara,September8, 2024: Annual Feast of Harihara Matha, Minor Basilica which is known as "Feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary" celebrated at MinorBasilicaofOurLadyofHealth, Harihara in a grand manner. Ocean

of people from all corners of Karnataka as well as outside Karnataka witnessed Annual Jatra MahotsavofHariharMathaBasilica. Every street of Harihar Town was filledwithpeople.

Historyhasitfromtimeimmemorial that according to the tradition a non-Christian devotee, while taking a bath, accidentally fell into the swelling river Tungabhadra on whose banks Harihar is now situated. Being on the verge of

drawing and in great fear of death, he saw the floating statue of Our LadyofHealthandcaughtholdofit, and that eventually saved his life. Thereafter on reaching home, his wife and children, on touching the statueofOurLadyofHealth,were

miraculously and providentially healed of their diseases –tuberculosis and paralysis respectively. Then onwardshe dedicated himself completely to the service of Our

Lady and his house to the glory of theMother.Soonafterhisdeath,he waslaidto restina place where his house existed. Later, that same housewasconvertedintoaChurch, whichissituatedonthebanksofthe River Tungabhadra. This Shrine has

been frequented by the people of Karnataka, irrespective of Caste, LanguageandReligion.Nodoubt,it cansurelybecalledthe“Vailankanni ofKarnataka”.Thenin1833,FrBigot is reported to have built a prayer hallinHarihar.

During the Annual Feast, the original statue of Mother Mary is installed in a place adjacent to the Church. People form a queue spreading around 2 to 3 kilometers waiting patiently for their turn to haveadarshanoftheMotherMary, holding coconut, candles, flowers and offerings with an intention to keepthematthefootoftheMother Maryandreceivetheblessings.

Harihar is a Town situated in Davangere District of Karnataka. ErstwhileMysuruKings,followedby the British. Harihar, though belongingtoMysurustate,waspart of Chitradurga Division. Later in 1875 AD, the British Government brought together a few adjacent villagesunderHariharandformedit a taluk centre with the establishmentofatalukoffice.

A new Church dedicated to Our

Lady of Health was built on 31st August 1992 by Rev. Fr Jesu Rakshaka Nadhan and inaugurated byMostRev.DrIgnatiusPinto,then BishopofDioceseofShimoga.

On 27th May 2012 during the time of Rev. Fr Stany D'Souza with the efforts of then Bishop Most Rev. Dr GeraldIsaacLobo,(presentlyBishop of Udupi) the Shrine was officially declaredasaDiocesanShrineofthe DioceseofShimoga.

During the time of Rev. Fr Anthony PeterandwiththeeffortsofPresent Bishop Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ,theVaticanhasraisedtheShrine ofOurLadyofHealth,Harihartothe status of a Minor Basilica on 18th September2019.

This is the third shrine in Karnataka tohavereceivedthestatusofMinor

Basilica after St. Mary's Minor Basilica in the Archdiocese of Bangalore and St. Lawrence Minor BasilicaintheDioceseofUdupi.The officialcelebrationofthismilestone washeldon15thJanuary2020,with Holy Eucharist celebrated by CCBI President His Eminence Cardinal Philip Neri, Archbishop of

Archdiocese of Goa and Daman togetherwithBishopsofKarnataka.

The theme for the feast of our lady of health this year 2013 was - "The Purest Life of Mother Mary - Our BeaconofHoliness". The festal celebration commenced with the flaghoistingon30thAugust2024at 5:30pm by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimogawithmanydevotees.

The novenas were held from 30th August to 7th September 2024 at 5:30pmalongwiththeRecitationof the Rosary in procession, Novena prayers, floral homage and celebration of Holy Eucharist with preaching on a given theme by the main celebrant & the healing adorationwithbenediction.

On September 7th, the concelebrated High mass was in Kannadaat5:30pmbyMostRev.Dr Duming Dias, Bishop of Diocese of Karwar together with Most Rev. Dr FrancisSerraoSJ,BishopofDiocese of Shimoga & clergy. The Eucharisticcelebrationwasfollowed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer service for

the sick by Fr Franklin D'Souza and Fr Roman Pinto. The prayer service wascontinuedon8thSeptemberas wellfrom2:30pmto3:45pm.

TheFeastofNativityof OurLadyof Health was celebrated on 8th September 2024. The Feast Day began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist from 5:15am in Kannada, 6:15am in Telugu, 7:15am in Malayalam (Syro Malabar Rite) by MostRev.DrJosephArumachadath, Bishop of Diocese of Bhadravati, 8:45aminTamil,10aminEnglishby

Most Rev. Dr Duming Dias, Bishop of Karwar, 11am festal Mass in Kannada by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga. At 1:15pm Mass in Konkani, 2:30pm healing adoration by Yesusparsha Team. 4pm Mass in Kannada, 5pm Solemn procession and 8pm Thankngiving Holy EucharistinKannada.

Intheeveningthechariotdecorated with Chrysanthemum was blessed by Rev. Fr George K. A., Rector and Parish Priest at 5:00pm and was taken in procession in the prominent streets of Harihar Town. As the procession moved people

belonging to the other religions stood on either side to have a Darshan of the Mother and receive blessings. The roads were cleaned anddecoratedwithrangoli.

Thousandsofdevoteesreceivedthe special graces and blessings showered on them and their families through the Devotion of Mother Mary. Lakhs of devotees of Mother Mary flocked together with all their petitions and thanksgiving forthefavourstheyreceived.

Rev. Fr Roshan Pinto and Rev. Fr Alvin Stanislaus were the convener of the feast. Rev. Fr Roman Pinto and Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza were the Emcees, Rev. Fr Lawrence D'Souza were in-charge of the liturgyandRev. FrRegiSDBled the choir. Many Priests and Religious Sistershelped in makingthefeasta success.

Rev. Fr George K. A, Rector of Our Lady of Health Basilica, thanked all those who helped in making this feastasuccess.

On September 9th celebration of Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in

Kannada at 8:00am, 10:30am, 3pm &6pmfortheintentionsofthe peoplelivinginthevicinity.

St Aloysius inaugurates Centre for InterReligious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue

St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) inaugurated a new centre “Centre for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue” And organised Milad-un-Nabi conveying the important teachings ofProphetMohammed[PBUH]with

great reverence and harmony on 25th September2024inLCRIHall. The program was presided over by Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis, SJ, Vice Chancellor of St. Aloysius (Deemed tobeUniversity),whiletheGuestof HonourwasRev.Fr.VishwasJoy

Misquih, SJ, Finance Officer of the University.Theeventalsowelcomed Chief Guests Ms. Nazma Farooqi, ACP Mangalore, Mr. Venu Sharma, andRev.Fr.AnisioMota,SDB.

Ms. Nazma Farooqi, in her address, highlighted the significance of inter-religious festivals celebrated across India, especially in Mangaluru, reflecting unity in diversity.Mr.VenuSharmafollowed withathoughtfulexplanationofthe concept of Dharma, comparing its role in both ancient and modern times. Rev. Fr. Anisio Mota, SDB, emphasized the importance of

mutual respect and equality in Christianity, reinforcing the messageofuniversalbrotherhood. In his presidential address, Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis, SJ, spoke about the importance of religious dialogue and cultural harmony fostered by the University, highlighting its commitment to interfaith understanding. The event also featured captivating culturalperformances.Thestudents presented a traditional Duff dance, ledbyArfandhisteam,showcasing the deep cultural roots of Islamic tradition.Askitdepictingthelife

and teachings of Prophet Mohammed [PBUH], directed by Sumith and Noel, and written by Liya and Mehwish, was performed by Sumith and his team. The skit beautifully encapsulated the Prophet's values of love, compassion,andpeace. The program’s inauguration décor wasdonebyMuskaanandIlfa,while Ms. Vidya Rathod, one of the student coordinators, gave the welcome address. The speakers were introduced by Jeswin Pinto, Raihaan Rafique, and Arpitha Peter. Manuscript reading was conducted

by Prajwal K, Anson Monterio, and Mohammed Hashim, adding depth to the event’s intellectual engagement.

Thevoteofthankswasdeliveredby student coordinator Ms Aavya A, expressing gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of theprogram.

The entire event was compered by Mr Shaan and Ms Aliya, whose

eloquenthostingkepttheaudience engaged throughout this meaningful celebration of interreligiousunity.

The significance of Milad-un-Nabi was a testament to St Aloysius University's commitment to fostering peace, harmony, and mutual respect through interreligiousandinterculturaldialogue.

Corporate Day celebrated at St Agnes College

On corporate day, the Student Council organized an Awareness session on Road Safety and CybercrimeonSeptember26,2024.

Anupam Agarwal, IPS, The

The event commenced with the guard of honour and the college band escorting the chief guest and the speaker of the day Mr Anupam Agarwal, IPS, The Commissioner of Police, Mangaluru,Karnataka to the Mother Mary Aloysia Centenary Auditorium.

Sr.Dr.VinoraA.C.,PGCo-ordinator, welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest Mr

Commissioner of Police who is an experienceoncommitmentandlaw enforcement leading to a lasting impact. The college also felicitated Mr Anupam Agarwal, IPS, for his remarkableaccomplishment.

towards excellence in this competitiveworld.

He sensitized on the various topics around Cyber fraud, Road safety and Drug substance Abuse which revolves around the current crimes inthesociety.

The event had an interactive Q&A session. The program began by invoking God’s choicest blessings through a prayer song led by the college choir. To symbolize the essence of warmth the dignitaries

inauguratedthe event by lighting thelamp.

Various events were organised on this occasion. Sr Roopa Rodrigues AC, Vice principal, Mrs. Shubharekha, Registrar, Mrs. Malavika Shetty, Staff Coordinator, HOD’s, deans and faculty members graced this occasion with their presence. The program was compered by Ananya Madhu and Ivin Sequeira and Privy D’Souza, UG student president proposed the voteofthanks.

St Agnes College conducted a Seminar on Contemporary Humanitarian Concerns

TheDepartmentofHistory,StAgnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organised a Seminar on Contemporary Humanitarian Concerns onSeptember26, 2024.

Theprogrammewasinauguratedby the Vice Principal Sr Roopa Rodrigues A.C. In her inaugural message she encouraged students to actively participate in such

deliberations and benefit from them. She emphasized to be compassionate to people around and urged to be focussed on the growing threats in the society and to look forward for potential solutions to these concerns. The first session of the Seminar was conductedbyMsJuliaScheidewind,

onthe topic – ‘Ultra Nationalism in

Europe: Challenges Ensuing Democracy’. Ms Julia Scheidewind highlighted the consequences of Ultra Nationalism and its effects on democracy. She stressed on the significance of fundamental

democratic rights among immigrants. She expressed her viewsontheriseofNewNazismand theimposingthreattohumanitynot justinEuropebuttheworldatlarge. Acknowledging herservice

rendered as a journalist, an academician and as a broadcaster Ms Julia Schneidewind was felicitated on this occasion.

The Second Session of the Seminar was conducted by Dr Vishanz Pinto, Former Head of the Department of

History, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) Mangaluru on the topic ‘HumanMigration:AnOverview’.Dr Pintogaveaglimpseonthetheories of human migration across the world and provided a historical review on the various phases and circumstances of migration.

Student Representatives of various colleges affiliated to Mangalore University participated in the

Seminar. The Seminar provided a resourcefulinsightandanimpactful interaction with the resource persons.

Dr Meera, Convener of the Seminar and HOD of History welcomed the gathering and introduced the resourcepersons.MsTiffanyBarrett, Faculty of History compered the programme. Mr Aldrin Karkada proposed the vote of thanks.

Ocean of People witnessed Annual Jatra Mahotsav of Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Health, Harihara

Davanagere,Harihara,September8, 2024: Annual Feast of Harihara

Matha, Minor Basilica which is known as "Feast of the Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary" celebrated at MinorBasilicaofOurLadyofHealth, Harihara in a grand manner. Ocean of people from all corners of Karnataka as well as outside Karnataka witnessed Annual Jatra Mahotsav of Harihar Matha Basilica. Every street of Harihar Town was filled with people.

Historyhasitfromtimeimmemorial that according to the tradition a non-Christian devotee, while taking a bath, accidentally fell into the swelling river Tungabhadra on whose banks Harihar is now

situated. Being on the verge of drawing and in great fear of death, he saw the floating statue of Our LadyofHealthandcaughtholdofit, and that eventually saved his life.

Thereafter on reaching home, his wife and children, on touching the statue of Our Lady of Health, were miraculously and providentially healed of their diseases –tuberculosis and paralysis respectively.

Then onwards he dedicated himself completely to the service of Our Lady and his house to the glory of theMother.Soonafterhisdeath,he was laid to rest in a place where his house existed. Later, that same house was converted into a Church, whichissituatedonthebanksofthe River Tungabhadra. This Shrine has been frequented by the people of Karnataka, irrespective of Caste, LanguageandReligion.Nodoubt,it cansurelybecalledthe“Vailankanni ofKarnataka”.Thenin1833,FrBigot is reported to have built a prayer hall in Harihar.

During the Annual Feast, the original statue of Mother Mary is installed in a place adjacent to the Church. People form a queue spreading around 2 to 3 kilometers waiting patiently for their turn to

have a darshanof the Mother Mary, holding coconut, candles, flowers and offerings with an intention to keepthematthefootoftheMother Maryand receive the blessings. Harihar is a Town situated in Davangere District of Karnataka. Erstwhile MysuruKings,followedby the British. Harihar, though belongingtoMysurustate,waspart of Chitradurga Division. Later in 1875 AD, the British Government brought together a few adjacent villagesunderHariharandformedit a taluk centre with the establishmentof a taluk office.

A new Church dedicated to Our Lady of Health was built on 31st August 1992 by Rev. Fr Jesu Rakshaka Nadhan and inaugurated by Most Rev. Dr Ignatius Pinto, then Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga.

On 27th May 2012 during the time of Rev. Fr Stany D'Souza with the efforts of then Bishop Most Rev. Dr GeraldIsaacLobo,(presentlyBishop of Udupi) the Shrine was officially

declaredasaDiocesanShrineofthe Diocese of Shimoga.

During the time of Rev. Fr Anthony PeterandwiththeeffortsofPresent Bishop Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, the Vatican has raised the Shrine ofOurLadyofHealth,Harihartothe status of a Minor Basilica on 18th September2019. This is the third shrine in Karnataka tohavereceivedthestatusofMinor Basilica after St. Mary's Minor Basilica in the Archdiocese of Bangalore and St. Lawrence Minor BasilicaintheDioceseofUdupi.The official celebration of this milestone washeldon15thJanuary2020,with Holy Eucharist celebrated by CCBI President His Eminence Cardinal Philip Neri, Archbishop of Archdiocese of Goa and Daman together with Bishopsof Karnataka.

The theme for the feast of our lady of health this year 2013 was - "The Purest Life of Mother Mary - Our Beacon of Holiness". The festal celebration commenced with the flaghoistingon30thAugust2024at

5:30pm by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga with many devotees.

The novenas were held from 30th August to 7th September 2024 at 5:30pm along with the Recitation of the Rosary in procession, Novena prayers, floral homage and celebration of Holy Eucharist with preaching on a given theme by the main celebrant & the healing adoration with benediction.

On September 7th, the concelebrated High mass was in Kannada at 5:30pm by Most Rev. Dr Duming Dias, Bishop of Diocese of Karwar together with Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese ofShimoga&clergy.TheEucharistic celebration was followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and prayer service for the sick by Fr Franklin D'Souza and Fr Roman Pinto. The prayer service was continuedon8thSeptemberaswell from 2:30pm to 3:45pm.

September 2024. The Feast Day began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist from 5:15am in Kannada, 6:15am in Telugu, 7:15am in Malayalam (Syro Malabar Rite) by MostRev.DrJosephArumachadath, Bishop of Diocese of Bhadravati, 8:45am in Tamil, 10am in English by MostRev.DrDumingDias,Bishopof Karwar, 11am festal Mass in Kannada by Most Rev. Dr Francis Serrao SJ, Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga. At 1:15pm Mass in Konkani, 2:30pm healing adoration by Yesusparsha Team. 4pm Mass in Kannada, 5pm Solemn procession and 8pm Thankngiving Holy Eucharist inKannada.

The Feast of Nativity of Our Lady of Health was celebrated on 8th

Intheeveningthechariotdecorated with Chrysanthemum was blessed by Rev. Fr George K. A., Rector and Parish Priest at 5:00pm and was taken in procession in the prominent streets of Harihar Town. As the procession moved people belonging to the other religions stood on either side to have a Darshan of the Mother and receive blessings. The roads were cleaned and decorated with rangoli.

Thousandsofdevoteesreceivedthe special graces and blessings showered on them and their families through the Devotion of Mother Mary. Lakhs of devotees of Mother Mary flocked together with all their petitions and thanksgiving forthe favourstheyreceived.

Rev. Fr Roshan Pinto and Rev. Fr Alvin Stanislaus were the convener ofthefeast.Rev.FrRomanPintoand

Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza were the Emcees, Rev. Fr Lawrence D'Souza were in-charge of the liturgy and

Rev.FrRegiSDBledthe choir. Many Priests and Religious Sisters helped inmakingthe feasta success.

Rev. Fr George K. A, Rector of Our Lady of Health Basilica, thanked all those who helped in making this feasta success.

On September 9th celebration of Holy Eucharist will be celebrated in Kannada at 8:00am, 10:30am, 3pm & 6pm for the intentions of the people living in the vicinity.

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