ವೀಜ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ 379

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Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda [1914-1973] was born Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto,

Star Kanarite Deepak Paladka

Bags Honours & Doctorate in Dubai.

Star Well known Konkanirooted, film personality and successful Businessmanhailing from Moodbidri operating from Dubai - Deepak Paladka was conferredHonoraryDoctorate at theAnnual Convocation Event on December 13, 2024, organized by the European International University (EIU), Nouran Education, andMCMAcademy,heldinthePark Regis Hotel Ballroom in Dubai. Mr. Paladka received the honorary Doctorate degree and trophy from Dr. Edward Roy Krishnan, Founder of EIU Paris, and Dr. Raheel Asgar. Also,Central Global University, Georgia, also conferred an honorary Doctorate degree on Mr. Paladka, acknowledging his exceptionalachievementsinvarious fields, including his significant contributions to society. Both accolades serve as an acknowledgment of Dr. Paladka’s extraordinary impact across multiple domains, highlighting his role as a state, national, and international achieverand role model. These degrees symbolize a deep appreciation for his tireless dedicationandhiseffortstoinspire

others through his remarkable journey.

The convocation ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, faculty members, fellow graduates, and Mr. Paladka’s friends and

family,andthepublicwhojoinedin celebrating this monumental achievement.Theeventalsosaw32 young graduates being awarded their degrees, making it a truly memorable and inspirational evening. Mr. Paladka’s journey stands as a beacon of hope and motivation, inspiring individuals across generations to pursue excellence and make a positive impactintheirrespectivefields.

In his remarkable acceptance Speech, Dr. Deepak Paladka expressed gratitude to the institutions, mentors, and his

beloved fans and loved ones. “This is not just a personal achievement,” he said, “but a testament to the support, encouragement, and guidanceIhavereceivedfrommany remarkable individuals along the way.” He dedicated his achievements to his family, friends, and mentors, emphasizing the importanceofhardwork,resilience, and the continuous pursuit of finesseandthehighestprofessional standards. Mr.Paladkapromisedto honor the responsibility of the title by continuing his service to society andhisfieldsofexpertise.

Mr. Deepak Paladka is a prominent personality in the world of entertainment, having acted in numerous Tulu, Konkani, and Kannada movies, captivating audiences with his talent and versatility. Recently, he expanded his repertoire by appearing in a Punjabi film, further solidifying his reputation as a dynamic and accomplished actor. His contributions, however, extend far beyond the screen. As a leader in business management and a committed social worker, Deepak Paladka has consistently laboured

to bring about meaningful change andupliftthedeserving.

While receiving the honorary doctorate, Deepak Paladka expressed his happiness and gratitude, saying, "I stand before you today with a heart full of gratitude and humility as I accept thisDoctoratecertificate.Thisisnot just a personal achievement; it is a testament to the support, encouragement, and guidance I have received from many remarkable individuals along the way." His words reflect the deep appreciationheholdsforthosewho havehelpedhimonhisjourneyand acknowledge the collective effort behindhissuccess.

"First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to the institution for recognizing my work andforgrantingmethishonor.Iam proud to be part of such a distinguishedacademiccommunity, and I will carry the knowledge and values I have gained here with me for the rest of my life. To my mentors and professors: your unwavering belief in me, your guidance, and your expertise have beenindispensablethroughoutthis

journey. You have inspired me to push the boundaries of knowledge and to approach challenges with resilience and curiosity. I am truly fortunatetohavelearnedfromeach ofyou,topassontoposterity.

To my family and friends: your constantlove,patience,andsupport have made this achievement possible. You have been my foundation and my strength, and I dedicate this moment to all of you. Without your encouragement, this day would not have been possible. This certificate represents years of hard work, determination, and the pursuit of knowledge. However,Irecognizethatthisisnot theendofthejourney;rather,itisa new beginning. I am eager to continue learning, growing, and contributing to the field, and I will strive to honor the responsibility that comes with this title. Thank you all for being part of this remarkablemomentinmylife.Iam deeplyhumbled,andIlookforward to the future with a renewed sense ofpurpose and commitment to the pursuitofknowledgeandserviceto others." His speech reflected his deep appreciation for those who

have supported him and his commitment to continuing his journey of growth, learning, and service. The event also saw 32 young graduates being awarded their degrees, adding to the significance of the occasion and making it a memorable and inspirational evening for all. The ceremony not only celebrated Deepak Paladka’s remarkable achievements but also highlightedtheaccomplishmentsof the new graduates, reinforcing the importance of hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of knowledge. It was a truly inspiring moment for everyone in attendance.

Casuallytalkingtoastrangerabout Deepak D'Silva, was taken aback when hesaidsomethinglike....I am so happy for a loving pal called Deepu. Never have forgotten when I was stuck in Abu Dhabi in a legal battle, a known person who was assisting me in all ways, got Deepu too to meet me. The concern and empathy he showed and giving me cashinDirhamsformyexpenditure,

in the absenceof a source of income. A renowned name in the film industry too, and a real charmer. God bless all who conferred the honour to him which waswellnotedbyallauthoritiesand well deserved by him for his sincerityandhumblenessGodbless all who came into his life, andmakinghim who he is today. Stay blessed always and fill us with fun, laughter, and social service. God gives him all the strength to carry out his work and rise to theheightsoffame.

Recap: Deepak D Silva, popularly known as Deepak Paladka is a businessmanand Indian film actor and stage artist known for his work inTulucinema.Heisbestknownfor his role in Tulu film Nirel (2014) which won 5 awards including the best movie award at Tulu Cinemotsava2015.Laterheactedin Dhand(2015)whichisthefirst Tulu language movie released in Australia and UK. Deepak Paladka also acted in the Konkani movie Ek Aslyar Ek Na, which was released in UAE, Israel, Kuwait and India. As a stage actor, he appeared in almost 15-20 Konkani, Tulu, Kannada

dramas and stage plays. He also gave programmes in Radio like 105.4 Radio Spice Dubai and 93.5 Red Fm. After having appeared in stage shows and radio Deepak Paladka made his debut as a lead comedy actor in the first international tulu film Nirel which was shot internationally. Deepak was selected for themoviethrough an audition. Before his breakthroughinTulufilmslikeNirel and Dhand, Deepak was a stage artist, performing in Konkani stage plays both in India and Dubai. He was also part of a winning team in the Bale Thelipale Comedy Drama competition held in Dubai a few years ago. Deepak Paladka is stationedhereinDubaiforthepast 25 plus years, all through with reputed Corporates in Senior positions. Tolistouthishitmovies:

ThreeKonkaniMovies-EkAslyarek na, Benddkar, Zanvoy no 1; Three Tulu movies - Nirel, Dhand, Ammer Polisaaa; TwoKannada moviesAsathoma Sadgamaya, Kathe Mugidhidhe; One Panjabi movieMiyaBiwiRaaji KarengePaaji

Back home In India, Deepak’s wife, Roshni, runs successful businesses, includingCrystalAgency&Services and Roshni’s Ladies Beauty Parlour. Thecouplehastwoequallytalented children, Crystal and Aarush, who continue to inspire with their accomplishments. VEEZ wishes a Great future to Dr. Deepak Paladka ,family and Associatesin NEW YEAR 2025 and so also ALLto VEEZreaders. -Compiled for VEEZ Weekly By: IvanSaldanha-Shet.


Adventmeans"arrival"andsignifies thestartofaneventorthearrivalof aperson.

In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a fourweek season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. It is a time to reflect on the unexpectednatureofJesus’humble birth and join in the anticipation of when he will come again to reunite HeavenandEarthonceandforall.

For us who believe Jesus to be the incarnation of God and the longawaited Messiah —Advent is a shared experience of meditation and prayer that celebrates the arrivalofJesus.

For Christians around the world, Advent refers to the four weeks leading up to Christmas, where communities remember and celebrate the arrival of Jesus and join in the hope of his ultimate return.

Unfortunately, due to the western influence, in India too, activities proper to Christmas Season (24 December night to Feast of Epiphany in January) begin during Advent! For example, Carols singing, Christmas celebration. Exception could be made to Christian schools and colleges, who have one week of Christmas vacation. Hence, if they wish, they could have a Christmas function during the last week of Advent.

The saddest part of the Christmas celebration now, is the organizing competitions of crib, star, carols, and the Christmas Tree .Instead ofenlighteningthelaityonthetrue meaningandsignificanceofAdvent, priestsandnunsareinvolvedinthis web of worldly spirit of competitions . Instead of competitions, can’t we encourage children to make cribs, stars, and use local trees and plants as Christmastrees?

WithourParishPriest,wevisitedall those houses where children made cribs and stars. As youngsters we also enjoyed the Christmas sweets shared by the families during the visit.

IfIwasinThomasStephensKonknni Kendr from 1986 to 2012 (first at Miramar and later Porvorim, Goa), I made mango and cashew trees as our local Christmas tree. I always believedandtookthetroubletoset a trend with creativity and originality, rather than blindly imitatingothers.

Without knowing the origin of the Christmas tree, our people keep plasticChristmastreeswithartificial decorations in churches, convents, andhomes,andeverywhere!!!L

During my boyhood days in my parish, there were no competitions for Christmas and religious things.

Let us observe the true spirit of the AdventSeason, sothat we canfully prepareforthejoyoftheChristmas Season.

PratapanandaNaik,sj 16thDecember2024

Priya Menezes Lobo

MKCA,USA Celebrates Christmas – 2024

December 14, Chicago: The Mangalorean Konkan Christian Association celebrated its 23rd Annual Christmas Celebration at St. Hubert’s Church Hall at Hoffman Estates,Illinois.

In Konkani language, it is popularly called as Natal Fest, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated by all the Christians worldwide on December

25th. There was a general Holy Eucharist, where the MKCA

membersandguestsattended. The first and second readings at the Masswere read bythe members of MKCA, Dominick Carrabotta and SavioPais. TheCulturalprogramwasinitiated

by the welcome note from the President of MKCA, Leonard Lobo Shenoy. Inhiswelcomeaddress,he presented the agenda of the program and meaning of Kuswar and traditions followed in greater Mangalorean areas back in India. He thanked members and guests for their staunch support in the successofseveralannualprograms. HethankedtheParishPriest,Rev.Fr.

the venue. He elicited their comments and suggestions in improving the quality of the future

programs. He thanked organizing committee members for their unconditionalsupportinorganizing thisNatalFest.

Thecompeeroftheprogramand currentSecretaryoftheAssociation

SavioPaiswelcomedallthe audiencetohavetheappetizers. All of them enjoyed the ethnic appetizers.

Savio conducted several group activities for children, couples and adults. Thechildrenpresentedtheir

spirited participation while adults relived their younger age! The members and children sang Christmas Carols. The grand entry of Santa Claus (Austin Prabhu) thrilled the young children present. Santa entertained the children with presents with Christmas gifts. The audience present was excited to takepictureswithSanta.

Savio Pais thanked all the organizing committee for their relentless support in the success of theprogram. Herecognizedallthe members who supported in preparing Christmas Kuswar under theleadershipoftheVicePresident CharelAlsamurrai.

The program culminated with a sumptuous ethnic dinner. Under effective DJing by Queenie Mendonca, the audience enjoyed the dance to the tunes of Konkani, Hindi,KannadaandSpanishsongs.

A Brief History



Authors: InsightsintoColonialGoa (5th Edition)

PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle Fordetailsaboutthebookand authorssee: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D

QPYSL1F?ref_=pe_93986420_77495 7520

This primer is composed for the Indo-Portuguese diaspora, whose main groups GEMs (Goans, East-Indians, and Mangaloreans) are widely scattered across the Luso-andAnglo-phoneworlds.The

article should be of interest to students of colonial history both in the colonized and the colonizer countries. Many in the Lusosphere may be unaware that the historical nameforIndiawasBharat.Similarly, manyintheAnglosphere(including India) probably may not know that Portugal is often called Lusitania, the name given totheregion when itwasaRomancolony.

Readers desiring to learn aboutthe “who,what,where,when, and why” of colonial events are encouraged to read the abovementioned 600-page book. Portugaloccupiesthesouthwestern borderofEurope;noneofitstowns and villages is far from the Atlantic. The two factors consequentially shaped her colonial history and economy. Due to history, geography, and occupation, the denizens were excellent mariners, who exploited and benefited from the Atlantic positioned in their backyard.

TheAgeofDiscoverybeganin the 14th century when Iberians

recovering from a long period of colonizationwereattheforefrontof political-military ferment.Thanks to proto-Industrialization, the Iberians harnessed the natural energy of wind and water; still reflected by windmills and watermills scattered across the Iberian landscape. Sponsored by Prince Henry, the country harnessed wind-power for sailing, his drive devoted to global exploration, shipbuilding, traveling theseastoseek newlands through systematic progress in navigation andcartography.Formanyreasons, Europe sought new lands with the specific goal of reaching Spice Paradise in Asia. Spice trade made Asian and Italian city states prosperous (as recounted by accountsofMarcoPoloandothers); and Iberia at the end of the EuropeanSilkRoadpaidthehighest pricesofthosecommodities.Before the era of refrigeration and winter hay, spices were used to preserve meats,fishandvegetablesafterthe fall harvest. Also touted, wellblended spice combinations gave flavor,aiddigestion,tonethebody, provide self-healing benefits, stimulatedigestion,andpreventthe creationoftoxins.

Most European countries sailed west to reach east, following the Ptolemaic model of the world and voyages of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). While

Columbus had to do his own research and convince various monarchs to sponsor his trip, Lisbon’s king handed Vasco da Gama (VG) the task; with the direction of travel. Both navigators spent time at the Naval School at Sagres, knew of and used the northeast or trade winds for their initial push in the Atlantic. Staying north of the equator, Columbus used his navigation forte of dead reckoning and the North Star for fixed reference. Under Prince Henry’s direction, the Portuguese assiduously explored Africa’s west coast hoping to reach India by circumnavigating Africa. While VG was on his Voyage of Discovery (1497-99), sailing south of the equator using celeste navigation,

Columbus, still intent to reach east by sailing west, was on his third trans-Atlantic Enterprise of the Indies voyage; when for the first time he touched the American continent.Columbus’andVG’sfeats ended the realm of sailing myths; the world had to rethink its Ptolemaic model with global changestofollow.Columbusonhis fourth and final voyage could have discovered the Pacific – the breakthroughtoAsiaandtheIndian Ocean,insteadofBalboa;butitwas not to be; he was close but not enough. Florentine Amerigo Vespucci, businessman-turned-

explorer,sailingunderaPortuguese flag was the first to call his landing on South America a new world (insteadofanextensionofAsia)and lefthislegacyandnameforthenew continent. Qualms were raised that in going west, there may be a new countryandoceantocrosstoreach

Asia; and the world has a larger diameter.

The 16th century, Lisbon capitalized onitsAsiansuccesswithaperiodof consolidation; two centuries before her European rivals were familiar with the Indian Ocean (IO). Lisbon caught-up with Spain with an annualarmadaof15-20shipscalled CarreiradaIndiacrossing the IO. Ships returned overloaded with spices, drawing new maps and spotting lands from Brazil to Japan. While Portugal saw valuable spices starting with the Voyage of Discovery, the pivotal event occurred in 1510 when Mhalu Pai Vernekar (of Verna, Goa) and Thimayya (Timoja) invited Admiral Afonso Albuquerque (AAA) to

acquire Goa by force from the Sultan of Bijapur, who ruled the taluka of Tiswadi / Ilhas with its strategic inland port. This incitement was orchestrated with the blessings of the ruler of Hampi.

For Lisbon, the Age of Discovery ended by 1515; while her European rivalsstillhadtogetoutofthegate. LisboncouldnotkeepherAsiatrade andrichesasecret;temptingtraders androyalhousesinEuropetofollow herexample.

While Vasco da Gama was the pinnacle figure during the Age of Discovery, AAA’s success was the highpoint of the Age of Consolidation. For AAA, Goa would be Lusitania’s keytoIndiaandAsia, as well as the military, bureaucratic and religious headquarters of her maritime trading empire - Eastern Empire (EE) consisting of trading postscalledfeitoriasincoastalAsia. Theselandsofscenicsplendorwere among the 40+ littoral microcolonies forming ‘ a pearl necklace’ along the IO. Each toehold experienced a marked increase in trading activities, benefiting both thenativesandthecolonizer.Across Asia, the forts were the sentinels

from where Lusitanos monitored their security, trade, economic strengths,andweaknesses.Feitorias witnessed traders and settlers from Europe and India, affluence and population explosion. On the annual convoy, thousands of pioneersand settlersarrived after a grueling6–10-monthvoyagewitha third of the men and ships lost in transit. They were sailors, traders, soldiers and bureaucrats; mostly convicts,rejectsofsocietyandlandhungry sons with no inheritance. Theshiphadnomess-room;sailors atethewaytheysleptonanyempty deck space. One hot meal a day of salted beef, pork or fish which was packed in barrels of brine or salt supplemented, if possible, by catches of fresh fish; with olive oil, cheese and daily quota of 1.5 liters of wine. Depending on supply, drinking water was rationed. The menbatheinsaltwater.Iftheships were becalmed, they took a dip in theocean.Thehairandbeardgrew throughthetrip.Tothenatives,the new arrivals appeared as shaggy tribe – unshaven, harried, wearing threadbareclothes,badlyinneedof ashowerandhaircut.Truthbetold, they urgently needed clean, fresh

drinking water and a relaxing time far from the bobbing water. After settlingin,thenewarrivalslivedthe lifeofabonviveurwithPortuguese Saudade– melancholy. In 16th/17th century, Lisbon and Goa

represented the Axis-Mundi of the world. The two cities by the sea proudly displayed their Baroque domes,Renaissancepalazzi/piazzas which appeared bathed in gold in theearlymorningandsettingsun.

An Islamic view of the miraculous birth of Jesus ('Isa)

The festivals and prime stories of different faiths around me have always fascinated and attracted me to study and I have had the good fortune to write about a few. A request to write on "CHRISTMAS" was a challenge, not simple. I planned carefully as there is no scope formisinterpretationand put togetherafairaccount,Iamgladto present it to you, the readers of VEEZIllustratedWeekly.

Birth of Jesus is believed to be miraculous but, have we wondered what power lies behind the birth of thiskind'SelflessRedeemer',whom

many people worship and idealize to this day and will continue to do for eternity. The Qur’an’s (the holy book of Islam) chapter 19 labeled 'Surah Maryam' (Book of Mary), the chapter that holds the truth behind the birth of Jesus 'Isa talks to us aboutthismiracleinIslam.

Maryam (Mary) gave birth to Jesus('Isa) as a virgin but she faced immense humiliation because folks believed it to be sinful. It is mentioned in the Qur’an that Jesus ('Isa) started talking as an infant to defendhismotheragainstthe cruel world. Now that is the power of God. The Qur'an describes how Maryam, who is considered purest inhumanform,waschosenbyAllah to be the mother of a special child. The angel Jibril (Gabriel) appeared to Maryam and informed her that she would conceive of a child, despite being a virgin. When Mariamquestionedhowitwouldbe possible, the angel says that that is thecharismaofAllahwhoholdsthe powertodoanythingHewants.

The period of her labor till the expulsionisdescribedsobeautifully that the compassionate support from Allah during thebirth will cause shock and dread that will tingle down your spine. In the Qur’an verses 22-26 of Surah Maryam, as Maryam begins to experience labor, she took refuge under a palm date tree. When she was in unbearable pain, she was instructed to shake the palm tree, andthefreshdatesfellassheshook the tree, and a stream of water appeared nearby to comfort her during childbirth. When Maryam brought back Jesus to the community, people judged her believing she had committed sin as shehadachildoutofwedlock.Like I mentioned earlier, Jesus ('Isa) speaks as an infant defending his mother that he is the servant of Allah and Almighty has recognized HimaProphet.

In Surah Al-Imran of The Qur'an emphasizes Maryam's spiritual statureandpurityandthat Maryam was divinely chosen for a unique mission because of her faith and righteousness. Her selection was not random but a part of GOD's grandplan. ThereisaverseinSurah

Al-Mu'minun that says that AlmightymadethesonofMaryand Mary herself, a sign and sheltered them on high ground. While the Qur'an does not name the location, some Islamic scholars interpret this verseasreferringtoaplaceofsafety that Allah provided to protect Maryamandherson.

In Islamic belief, Jesus ('Isa) is given one of the highest places among the greatest Prophets, however it is notbelievedthatheisasonofGod. TheQur'anrepeatedlyaffirmsJesus’ humanity and being a prophet of Allah, with his mission focusing on guiding the Children of Israel and calling them to monotheism. Islam also teaches that Jesus ('Isa) will return to earth one day, before the day of judgement and fight against

the Dajjal (false prophets) and malevolentfigures.

The Author Ms.Taaliyanaaz. : Masters of Engineering, postgraduation, currentlyinterningat an IT company. Nurturing a deep passion for writing since young. As awriteratheartandanavidreader, devotes free time to crafting words that inspire and connect. Alongside honing skills as a software

developer, pursuing every opportunity expressing love for free-lancewriting.


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BCOM (2334025) has won the GoldMedalinthePowerlifting Competition held in Udupi on 15th December 2024. Competinginthe76kgweight class, Alisha achieved an incredibletotalliftof325kgand was awarded the prestigious titleofBestLifter.Theeventwas organized by Team Don’t Look Back under the Dakshina Kannada Powerlifting Association, affiliated with the Karnataka Powerlifting Association. Heartiest congratulations,Alisha!

The First Noel

It's the season of lights, it's the season of hope, wherever you go

In celebration of Savior King, born 2024 years ago Shelterless, in an arid land, running for their lives, and yet He lives

Today Is welcomed with cries of joy from pole to pole across the globe

Oh let us make place in hearts and homes, for the Holy Child

And remember the sacrifice made that we may live in eternity

May every home be filled with love and laughter

May Peace be upon the earth and every nation far and wide

As we gather for the celebratory mass, let us pray as one Lifting those suffering, starving, sad and lonely

Offering in prayer where one cannot reach in on our own Trusting God will do the rest, in answer to His Miraculous Birth

Oh let the church bells ring loud and clear across land and seas

Destroying all evil and cleansing His world and all His people

Silencing the guns and rockets, and bringing His peace upon all

May Christmas blessings sparkle across the skies and light all our path

IfthewarbetweenRussiaandUkrainewilllastforthreetofiveyears,is thereanychancethatRussiawillreversecourseinthefuture?


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Mostimportantly,whenRussiansturnonhimitwillstop 76.2Kviews

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The unicorn horn sparkled extra brightly

When school ended, Avery flew over to pick up her best furry friend, Hunter, from doggy daycare. Hunter, a fluffy, playful puppy, wagged his tail so fast it looked like a little helicopter! They trotted off together, laughing and barking, to Abba and Ajji's house. Abba and

Ajji's home was magical this time of year. The Christmas tree sparkled with twinkling lights, and there were ornaments shaped like tiny unicorns, candy canes, and little presents. Avery gasped in delight and ran to touch each decoration gently. She and Abba played a game of "Find the Glitter Star" while Ajji showed Avery a special snow globe with dancing reindeer inside. Soon, the delicious smell of fish curry filled the house. Abba had cooked Avery, her favorite recipe. It wassotastythatAverycouldn'tstop smiling. After dinner, she made a funny face at Mommy Unicorn, who had just arrived to pick her up. Mommy laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes. As the evening ended,AveryhuggedAbba,Aji,and Hunter tightly. She flew home with Mommy, her heart full of joy from all the fun she had that day. Tucked into her cozy bed later that night, Avery whispered to herself, "Today was the best day ever."

Make Memories, For They Live Forever!


AstheArcticblastsweptin,itturned brutally cold, with the wind chill plummeting to a biting minus (-)28 degrees Celsius. "Frigid" doesn’t evenbegintodescribeit.

Yet,midstthisunforgiving cold, my heart warmed yesterday when, out oftheblue,Margaretcalled.Shejust wanted to say hello and reminisce about our college days—nearly five decadespast.

Whatfollowedwasnothingshortof magic. The joy of reconnecting felt like the uncontainable glee of a toddler, bubbling over with pure happiness.

It didn’t take long for me to recognize how vibrant Margaret’s life has become. She’s enterprising andintentionalatlivingabalanced, fulfilling life. A seasoned traveler, she embarks one international trip every year, alongside countless adventures across India with her close-knitgroupofladyfriends.


Her contagious positivity radiates warmth,makinganyonefeelatease evenjusttalkingtoher.Whatstruck me most was her resilience. Even afterlosinghersoulmateeightyears ago, she’s built a life full of joy and purpose. “We made beautiful memoriestogether,”shesaid,“andI cherish them until we reunite in eternity.”

Today, she finds happiness in the company of her loving son and his family with whom she lives. Honestly, what more could one ask for? I couldn’t help but feel a tinge ofenvy.

Butthemostsurprisingpartofour conversationwasyettocome.

We delighted to reminiscing about our college days, the campus, lecturehalls,andthemanysmallbut vividmomentsinbetween.

As the conversation meandered, Margaretmentionedthatherhouse is in Bangalore but originally hails fromKundapura.


“Well, then how did you end up in Aloysius?” I asked. Kundapura seemed far too distant for a daily commute.

“I stayed at Girls Hostel during PU,” sheexplained.

Ah, the ladies’ hostel! It was a place welloutofboundsforusboys.Yet, we all heard about Miss Mary, their formidablewarden.Mycousin,who stayed there while doing her MA in Literature, often spoke about how terrifyingshewas.

“Yes,MissMarywasaterrorforus,” Margaret laughed, the warmth of shared nostalgia evident in her voice.

Memoriesoftheroadleadingtothe campus gate came rushing back to me. I could vividly recall the girls walking in groups, always keeping close to the wall, while the boys sometimes deliberately lingered near the entrance, hoping for a fleetingmomentofattention.

The time we grew up in was different. Traditions, customs, and cultureenforcedarigidgendergap, even on college campuses. It’s no wonder we rarely spoke to one another, let alone form friendships. Thestrictrules,theawkwardnessof our age, and the conservatism of our society made everything a confusingtangle.

Still, I wouldn’t change a thing. Those were the finest days of our lives brimming with innocence, infatuations,dreams,ambitions,and theunfilteredjoyoffriendship.

“Oh, actually, I spent quite a bit of my life in Mangalore,” Margaret addedcasually.


“My maternal family is from Kadri, andIendedupdoingmyschooling inMangalore,”shesaid,asifitwere themostnaturalthingintheworld. It all started to make sense. Back then, Mangalore was the educational hub, attractingaspiring students from nearby towns and villages. It had some of the finest schools and colleges, and families with ambition sent their children theretostudy.


“From first standard to tenth, I studiedatMilagres.”

Wait.Myheartskippedabeat.Fora moment, the room seemed to brighten as my mind scrambled to processwhatI’djustheard.

“Wait,what?YouwenttoMilagres?” Istammered,incredulously.

“Yes, from first standard to SSLC,” sheconfirmedwithalaugh.


ImagesfromOneHundredYearsof Solitude, Gabriel García Marquez’s 1967 best seller, flashed briefly through my mind—the mythical town of Macondo, where coincidence and magical realism dancedhandinhand.

Andthenithitme.Itwasmyturnto surpriseher.

“You know,” I began, almost breathless, “I studied at Milagres too—from first to fourth standard. TheBhoichoSchool!”

Her voice showed widened astonishment.

Which meant we’d been classmates sincefirstgrade,notjustPU!

For years, I’d harbored a quiet dream of reconnecting with my BhoichoSchoolclassmates.Itwasa dream that had lingered and aged withme,eversinceIleftMangalore.

left Mangalore. Not because I was forcedtoleave,butbecauseIchose to.Iwantedto. WhenIwasbarelyfifteen those sweetest years when life begins to stirwiththemagicofemotions,the rushofinfatuation,andthewonder ofdiscovery—Ileft.

The wider world beyond my little town of Mangalore had called to me, a world seemed mesmerizing, inviting, full of promises, and so vastly different from everything I’d known.

My maternal house stood near the Mangalore railway station, much like Dan D’Souza’s just a stone’s throwaway.

Even from their kitchen, we could hearthesteamengines,thescreech of brakes, and the rhythmic rolling of train wheels, mingling with the lively cacophony of crowds rushing in and out of the station. Those soundsetchedanindeliblemarkon mychildhood.

Many evenings as a young boy, I’d Walk along the railway tracks with

Maai,ashortcutheadingtowardthe open fields now the Stadium. Back then, the stadium hadn’t even been built.

We’dcrossthosevastfieldstoreach MCRoad.Beforeenteringtheopen expanse, we’d encounter a railway crossing. I remember vividly: manually operated gates that closed a few times a day to let the trainspass.

Often, the gates would shut just as wearrived,forcingustowait.

“Stay right here, ”Maai would command with a stern tone, her fingerpointingfirmlytotheground. “We must obey the rules. No questionsasked.”

Yet, even as she stood resolute, she’d let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh,howlongdowehavetowait!”

It was a snapshot of life then— simple, patient, and steeped in routine.

ButIdidn’tmindwaiting.Ilovedthe smell of burning coal. The granite "metal" spread between the rails often looked charred from the fiery fragments of coal spilled by the engine.

That burnt scent, coupled with the sight of a distant steam engine approaching,feltmagicaltome.My six-year-oldheartlongedtoseethe train appear, inching closer with its deafening, rhythmic rickety-rack clatter. It wasn’t just noise; it was music. Pure magic, as the huge engineandbogiesrollby.

Theover-bridge,abitfarahead,was like the magical barrier in between platforms 9 and 10 in Kings Court station.Themagicalbarrierallowed only those with magical abilities to access the platform 'nine and three fourth,' from which students board the Hogwarts Express, for others essentially "disappeared" into the wall,intheHarryPorterseries.

Yet sometimes we are forced to wait,waitand,towait...

Those moments the rhythmic clatter of wheels, the hiss of escaping steam, and the fading horn were nothing short of enchanting, as the train

disappeared under the over-bridge likethatmagicbarrier.

“Where do these trains go, Maai?” I’dask,myeyeswidewithwonder.

“To faraway lands, Mhoje” she’d reply, her words stirring an ache of curiosityandlonginginmychest.

“I want to go too,” I’d say with conviction.

“Where do these trains go, Maai?” I’dask,myeyeswidewithwonder.

“To faraway lands, Mhoje” she’d reply, her words stirring an ache of curiosityandlonginginmychest.

“I want to go too,” I’d say with conviction.


And so, a dream was born. When I growbigenough,Iwillgotoaland faraway.

That moment arrived whenI completed my PU. Without hesitation, I accepted an admission letter from a college in a distant

land place I could only reach by train.

That's when my journey began, takingmebeyondtheYekkuroverbridge where trains seemed to vanishintomystery.Suddenly,there were endless miles of fields, shimmering rivers, sprawling woods, bustling cities—all unfolding outside the train window asIsatgluedtoit,mesmerized.

It was magical. And equally exhilarating.Therewerenewplaces, new languages, new foods, unfamiliar religions, vibrant festivals,freshfaces,and,ofcourse, new friends waiting to be discovered.

That journey didn’t stop there. It carried me across oceans to lands even farther away places I had neverdaredtodreamof.

And yet, even now, a part of me often returns to that railway crossing, standing silently, waiting forthetrain. Itfeelsasthoughtimepausedthere. My heart left a small fragment of it

remains in Mangalore, my lovely town.

excitement. “Not sure if you rememberMrs.Alva?”

Thosememoriescontinuetobloom within me. Mangalore, as dear as it was, couldn’t fully nurture the love and belonging I sought during the tenderyearsofsweetsixteen,atime when life’s emotions are most vibrant.

Today, it was an extraordinary thrill to meet someone with whom I’d once learned to count numbers, recite the ABCs, and sing nursery rhymes. Memories of festivals, school plays, and the joyful innocence of childhood resurfaced asMargaret,andIreminiscedabout thosepreciousyears.

“Margaret,” I said, my voice warm withnostalgia,“Ihaveaveryspecial place in my heart for the Milagres school.” “Itcertainlywasawonderfulschool. I did high school also there,” affirmed Margaret, her voice too lacedwithnostalgia.

“My mother was a teacher at Milagres,” I said, unable to hide my

“Who? Mrs. Alva?” Margaret exclaimed,herfacelightingup.“She was my class teacher in 8A! I rememberherverywell.”


“Of course,” she replied, her tone warm and animated. “She was such a loving person. In fact, she treated me very specially like her own child.”

“That’s so wonderful to hear, Margaret.”

“Do you know why?” she added, with affection in her voice. “I’m related to her. She knew my mom well they were closely connected, you know. That’s why she always showedmethatextracare.”

Isn’tlifejustbeautiful?Unbelievably so.

Here we were two people separated by over 60 years and 14,000 kilometers brought together by sheer coincidence to relive memories we unknowingly

shared as tiny toddlers in our first standardclass.

As I finished jotting down my journalentryfor theday, her words lingeredinmymind.

“My husband was such a wonderful person,”she’dsaid,hervoicetinged withbothsorrowandpride.“Hewas so active and full of energy. We traveled so much together. His principle in life was, ‘Let us create memories,becausememoriesnever die.”

So true, my dear friend Margaret. Memoriesneverdie.

Outside, it seemed like the snow had begun to fall. Gentle, swirling snowflakes danced through the air, blanketingtheworldinwhite.

It looks like we’ll have a white Christmasafterall.

Perfect—justwhatIalwayshopefor, likeeverychilddreamingofwonder, magic,andjoy.Sothatwecanmake somemorebeautifulmemories,yet again.


Wishing the Veez family a Merry Christmas!



Religion is essentially a belief system.Thismeansthatreligionisa set of beliefs and practices created by humans.It implies a perspective that views religion as a product of humancultureandevolution.

Dinkarray Mandaliya

Christianity began based on the teachingsofJesus.Islambeganwith the revelations of prophet Muhammad. The origin of Hinduism is not known. Buddhism began based on the teachings of

Siddharth Gautam, later known as Buddha.DetailsoforiginofJudaism appearstobemythological.

Religion by belief in higher power gives support in life, moral values, sense of belonging and social support, and some understanding of spirituality. Though, there have beenmanywarsduetoreligion.

Religiousextremismexists,morein Islam.


Hindu Religion, original name Sanatan Dharm, is developed over a long time. It started with composing of Veda (4) from 1500 BCE onwards or earlier and composing of Upanishads (108) between 600 BCE and 300 CE. Vedas and early Upanishads were passed on orally since there was no written script during that period.

The tales of Rama, Krishna, Shiva and other Gods are detailed in ancient Hindu scriptures like the Ramayana and Mahabharata written by sage Valmiki and sage Vyas. These are part of Hindu

mythology developed after Veda and Upanishad period. They are ancient Indian epics that weave togetherstoriesaboutgods,heroes, and philosophical teachings. Includes supernatural elements. Beingintheformofstories,arevery popularasagainstVedas.

There are many Puranas, 18 main and18minor.Thesecoververywide topics. Samudra Manthan, which is based on mythology, depicted at the Bangkok airport and the largest Hindu Temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia,isfrom VishnuPuran.

TantraandYogapracticesalsoform partofHinduphilosophy.

[Hindus generally believe in reincarnation.The core belief in Hinduismissaṃsāra,whichisthe ideathathumansareinacycleof deathandrebirth.Whenaperson dies,theirsoul,oratman,isreborn intoanewbody.

Hindusbelievethatactionsinlife determine the atman's rebirth.Good actions lead to positive merit, while bad actions leadtonegativemerit.

Hindus believe that living in accordancewiththescriptureswill

eventuallyleadtomoksha,whichis whentheatmanisabsorbedinto Brahman.]


Veda are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. There are four Vedas developed during different time periods.

Rigveda 1500 - 1200 BCE

Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda 1200-900 BCE

These contain 20379 mantras narrating many hymns (religious songs, praise to God), including the GayatriMantra.

TheVedascontainprayersto Hindu gods and goddesses, such as Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna, and Surya, religious instruction, rituals, animal sacrificeandmythologicalaccounts.

Rig Veda contain the first known reference to the Indian caste system. The Vedas are written in Vedic Sanskrit and are considered Hinduism'soldestscriptures.

Surprisingly there was no written script developed, and they were passed down orally until they were writtendownafter500BCE.

Prior to present Devnagari script, Vedas were written in Brahmi script. Brahmi script remained in use between 300BCE and 400 CE. The rock edicts of King Asoka are writteninBrahmiScript,period250232BCE.

[Also surprising is that the Indus valley civilization of India which existed prior to Vedic civilization between 3300 to 1900 BCE had written script. There was a gap of 500 years between the two civilizations.

Alsowrittenscriptwasdevelopedin other parts of the world. TheIndusValleyCivilizationwasone of the three earliest civilizations, along with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

The Indus Valley Civilization is knownforitsurbanplanning,baked brick houses, drainage systems, water supply systems, and clusters of large nonresidential buildings.The civilization's inhabitants also developed techniques in handicraft and metallurgy.

Archaeologists have discovered thousands of seals from the Indus Valley Civilization,most commonly

made of steatite (soapstone), featuring carved animal depictions like bulls, elephants, rhinoceroses, andunicorns,oftenaccompaniedby a set of symbols that remain undeciphered, suggesting their use for trade and identification purposes;the most famous example is the "Pashupati Seal" depicting a central figure surrounded by animals. ]

Pashupatiisinthecenter. 2900BCE

The religion of the Indus Valley Civilizationisnotknown. Itisatopic of speculation. The deity worshiped couldbePashupatiorShiva.Swastik symbols appear on some seals. However, there is no written evidence and no structures for worship.]


The Upanishads are a collection of ancient Sanskrit texts that are the foundation of Hinduism:The Upanishads were composed between 600 BCE and 300 CE and werecreatedbymultipleauthors. 108Upanishadsareknown,ofwhich thefirst 12 are theoldestandmost importantandarereferredtoasthe principalormain.Theauthorshipof

most Upanishads is unknown. All Upanishadsareassociatedwithone of the four Vedas. The Upanishads are also known as Vedanta, which means "the conclusion of the Vedas". The Upanishads are a collection of lessons that explore themes such as the nature of the self, the nature of being, and the afterlife.Theyarethebeginningofa philosophical tradition in India and arethebasisfortheVedantaschool ofphilosophy.

Upanishads are transition from the ritualism of the Veda into new religious ideas and institutions and the emergence of the central religiousconceptofHinduism.Deal with meditation, Philosophy, consciousness and knowledge. This changecouldberelatedtoarrivalof Buddha, 563 BCE, and spread of Buddhism after King Ashoka, 250 BCE, made Buddhism a state religion.

While the hymns of the Vedas emphasize rituals, the spirit of the Upanishads is inherently opposed to ritual and sacrifice (of animals in yagna). Some Upanishads launch

attacks of increasing intensity on theritual.TheKaushitakiUpanishad asserts that "external rituals such asAgnihotram offered in the morning and in the evening, must be replaced with inner Agnihotram, theritualofintrospection",andthat "not rituals, but knowledge should be one's pursuit". The Mundaka Upanishad declares how man has been called upon, promised benefitsfor,scareduntoandmisled intoperformingsacrifices.

TheUpanishadsincludesectionson philosophical theories that have been at the foundation of Indian traditions. Includes one of the earliest known declarations of Ahimsa (non-violence) as an ethical precept.Discussion of other ethical premises such as selfrestraint, truthfulness,charity, nonhypocrisy, compassion, and others are found in the oldest Upanishads andmanylaterUpanishads.

German 19th century philosopher ArthurSchopenhauer,impressedby theUpanishads,calledthetexts"the production of the highest human wisdom".


Media Critics May Be Targets if Kash Patel

Leads Federal Bureau of Investigation

Kash Patel, whom U.S. President elect Donald Trump nominated to lead the FBI, says he will pursue governmentandother"gangsters"


Kash Patel is expected to be confirmed by the United States Senate as the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Republican Senator John Cornyn told radio host Hugh Hewitt this week. "People I know and who I trust speak well of him andI’m lookingforwardtomeeting withhim,”Cornynsaid.

Lastweek,President elect Donald J. Trump posted on Truth Social that he was "proud to announce that Kashyap‘Kash’Patelwillserveasthe

next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Kash is a brilliant lawyer, investigator, and ‘America First’ fighter who has spent his career exposing corruption, defending Justice, and protecting theAmericanPeople.”

In 2023, Patel published a book,GovernmentGangsters:The DeepState,theTruth,andtheBattle for Our Democracy.The book is about "A sinister cabal of corrupt law enforcement personnel, intelligence agents, and military officials at the highest levels of government (who) plotted to overthrowapresident...Thisisn’tthe synopsis of a fictional spy thriller. Thisiswhatisactuallyhappeningin theUnitedStatesgovernment."The book summary continues, Patel, “pulls back the curtain on the Deep State, revealing the major players and tactics within the permanent governmentbureaucracy,whichhas spent decades stripping power

awayfromtheAmericanpeopleand theirelectedleaders."

Trump praised the book as “A brilliant roadmap highlighting every corrupt actor, to ultimately return our agencies and departments to work for the American People…we will use this blueprint to help us take back the White House and remove these Gangsters from all of Government!” The book, which was aWallStreet Journalbestseller, has received 4.8 starsfromnearly1,800reviewerson Amazon.

“We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government, but in the media," PateltoldtheWarRoompodcastof Steve Bannon, a Trump ally. "Yes, we’re going to come after the peopleinthemediawholiedabout American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you. Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’llfigurethatout.But,yeah,we’re puttingyouallonnotice.”

Kashyap(Kash)PramodPatelserved as the Chief of Staff of Defense SecretaryChrisMillerduringpartof

Bannon`sWarRoom WarRoom.org 2,124episodes

the last Trump Administration, 2016-2020. In 2020, Trump considered naming Patel as the deputydirectoroftheFBI and the director of the CIA, which decisions Trump abandoned after strong opposition from his senior officials.

Earlier, Patel served as the Deputy Assistant to President Trump and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. He also served as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence. In 2020, in this capacity, he helped “lead efforts to remove senior career intelligence officers whom Mr. Trump felt didn’t support his efforts to pursue adversaries,” according toThe Wall Street Journal.

Before joining the Trump Administration, Patel was the

National Security Advisor and SeniorCounselfortheU.S.Houseof Representatives Permanent Select CommitteeonIntelligence.In2017, whileinthisrole,Patelwasreported tobethemainauthorof“TheNunes Memo,” a document alleging that top officials of the Justice Department allegedly carried out surveillance of Trump’s team membersduringthetransitionfrom President Barack Obama’s administration.

Earlier, Patel was a terrorism prosecutor at the Department of Justice and its Liaison Officer to JointSpecialOperationsCommand. He began his career as a public defender, trying cases ranging from murder, to narco-trafficking and financial crimes in jury trials in stateandfederalcourts.

A native of New York, Patel completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Richmond, in Virginia, before earning his law degree from Pace University, New York. He got a Certificate in International Law from University College, London,andisanicehockeyplayer andcoach.

PatelwasbornandraisedinGarden City, Long Island, New York.His parents have family ties in Gujarat, India. Patel’s mother is from Tanzania and father from Uganda,NDTVreported. In 1970, his parents immigrated to the U.S. viaCanada.

"Mr. Patel’s ongoing dissemination of disinformation and overt threats against our free press and against perceivedpoliticalopponentsofMr. Trump’s premised on false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election are beyond the pale. It wouldmakea mockeryoftherule oflaw forhimtobecomeoneofthe nation’s chief law enforcement officers," the Legal Defense Fund said in a statement. The fund is an an "organization fighting for racial justice."

"Trump’s lawyers have already threatened or taken legal action against" theNew York Times , theWashingtonPost,CBS, ABC,Penguin Random House, and others,notesDavidRemnick,editor oftheNewYorker.

Today, the National Police Association (NPA) issued a


"proudly (expressing) our full support for Kash Patel's nomination to serve as the next Director of the Federal BureauofInvestigation.KashPatel's extensivecareerinnationalsecurity, lawenforcement,andpublicservice has demonstrated his unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law, defending justice, and protectingtheAmericanpeople."

Patel's nomination has to be approved by the U.S. Senate. "Even among Trump loyalists,"CNNreports, "Patel is widely viewed as a controversial figure and relentless self-promoter whose value to the president-elect largely derives from a shared

disdain for established power in Washington."

Former Trump national security adviserJohnBoltoncomparedPatel to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin’s leader of secret police, the NKVD, telling CNN: “The Senate should rejectthisnomination100-0.”

"It is the honor of a lifetime to be nominated by President Trump to serve as Director of the FBI," Patel said in a statement following the announcement. "Together, we will restoreintegrity,accountability,and equal justice to our justice system and return the FBI to its rightful mission: protecting the American people."

A Legacy of Love and Leadership: Honoring

Harold D’Souza’s Transformative Journey

As the world marks Harold D’Souza’s 60th birthday on December 17, 2024, millions across the globe look to him as a beacon ofhope,resilience,andleadershipin the fight against human trafficking. Harold has transformed his own harrowing journey from slavery to success, hurt to happiness, fear to freedom, and abuse to activism— into a mission that empowers communities and individuals to standagainstmodern-dayslavery.

Born in humble circumstances, Harold’s life is a testament to the powerofdeterminationandthewill tocreatechange.Fromasurvivorof trafficking in the United States to a

celebrated global advocate, he embodies the spirit of resilience. Harold’s message is simple yet profound:“Love,care,faith,respect, empowerment,andfreedombegin from the home.”This philosophy has been the cornerstone of his advocacyandhisfamily’sjourney.


In honorof their courageousfather, Harold’s sons, Bradly and Rohan D’Souza, surprised him with an unforgettable birthday gift: skydiving in San Francisco, California. Leapingfrom anairplane at 13,000 feet, Harold called it“the bestgiftofmylife.”The experience notonlysymbolizedaliteralleapof faith but also echoed the fearless spiritwithwhichhehasapproached life’schallenges.

Harold’s pride in his two sons is evident, and for good reason. Despitethetraumatheyenduredas a family, Bradly and Rohan have emerged as shining examples of resilience and success. Bradly has been a dedicated professional at Tesla, working for Elon Musk for over a decade, while Rohan is a talented tennis professional based inChicago.Together,theyrepresent the strength and unity of the D’Souzafamily.

The D’Souza Family: A Legacy of Giving

The D’Souza family is not only united by their shared experiences but also by their commitment to giving back. They dedicate their time,talent,andtreasuretocreatea worldfreefromexploitation.Harold and his wife, Dancy, co-

founded Eyes Open International (EOI), a non-profit organization focusedonraisingawarenessabout human trafficking and educating communities worldwide. Their work has garnered recognition from the United Nations and other internationalorganizations.

The spirit of service runs in the family, with Rohan D’Souza serving as the youngest board director of EOI. His leadership ensures that the organization’s mission continues to inspire and empower the next generation.


Harold D’Souza’s 60th birthday is not just a personal milestone but a celebration of his journey as a global changemaker. As a leader, mentor, and role model, Harold has touched countless lives, proving thattransformationispossibleeven inthefaceofimmenseadversity. His story resonates with people from all walks of life whether they are survivors seeking hope, advocateslookingforinspiration,or families striving to create a

nurturing environment. Harold’s unwavering belief in the power of love, care, and respect to foster empowerment and freedom continuesto guide hisworkand his family’smission.


The bond shared by the D’Souza family is a powerful reminder of what unity, faith, and resilience can achieve. Together, they have turned pain into purpose, trauma into triumph, and challenges into opportunities to serve. Harold’s journey is not just a personal success story but a beacon of hope for all who seek to make a difference.

As Harold D’Souza celebrates six decades of extraordinary life, the worldjoinshiminhonoringalegacy built on courage, compassion, and commitment. His journey is a

powerful testamentto the idea that true change begins at home—and that love, faith, and family are the foundationofabrighter,freerfuture forall.

Here’s a delicious and aromatic

mutton curry recipe for you:


For Marination: 500g mutton (goat or lamb, cleaned and cut into pieces)






For the Curry: 3 tbsp cooking oil or ghee


2 medium tomatoes, pureed or finelychopped



1cupofwaterorasneededSpices: 2bayleaves




1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp coriander powder


1 tsp red chili powder (adjust to taste)

1 tsp turmeric powder Fresh coriander leaves, chopped (for garnish)


1. Marinate the Mutton: In a bowl, mix mutton with yogurt, gingergarlic paste, turmeric, red chili powder,andsalt.Cover

Will Arnab Ghatak, Former McKinsey Partner, FaceU.S. Criminal Charges

MartinElling,ArnabGhatak’sformer McKinsey colleague, faces up to 20 years in prison for obstruction of justiceoverPurdueopioidcase.


Martin Elling, a former McKinsey & Co.seniorpartner,pledguiltytoday to “knowingly destroying records, documents and tangible objects withtheintentto impede,obstruct and influence” an investigation, the United States Department of Justicesaidinastatement.

From 2017 onwards, McKinsey advisedPurduePharmaonthesales and marketing of its extendedrelease opioid drug, OxyContin, including on how to “turbocharge” salesofthedrug.In2017,McKinsey

consultants advised the Sackler family members, who then owned Purdue, that opioid sales can be boosted by giving distributors a rebate for every overdose attributable to pills they sold, according to a report inThe NewYorkTimes.

This advice was given at a time when thousands were dying each year from opioid overdoses. In the U.S., from 1999-2018, nearly 450,000 people died from overdoses involving opioids, including prescription and illicit opioids. Compared to the general population, a patient who receives three months of prescribed opioids is 30timesmorelikely tooverdose anddie.

Theopioidsarenormallyprescribed by doctors to patients with severe pain, resulting from major medical procedures, cancer, or acute physical injuries. But many patients whotakethedrug,cangetaddicted

to it. Also, federal and state investigators found some drug companies had aggressively promoted sales of their highly addictive opioid drugs, in order to boostprofits.

Elling faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release and a fine up to $250,000 for the obstruction of justice charge. A judge will determine any sentence. Elling, 60, was the Director of the client services team for approximately 30 of McKinsey’s engagements with Purdueandwasinvolvedinsecuring the consulting engagement for McKinsey.

Today, McKinsey agreed to pay $650 million to resolve a criminal andcivilinvestigationintothefirm’s consulting work with Purdue. This includes a forfeiture of over $93 million, reflecting all the money McKinsey was paid by Purdue from 2004 to 2019. McKinsey is a privately owned consulting firm with 45,000 employees in more than 65 countries, with its main officeinNewYorkCity.


Connecticut, manufactures, markets, and sells prescription opioids, including OxyContin, Butrans,andHysingla.

In 2013, Arnab (Arnie) Ghatak, a consultantatMcKinsey,emailedhis colleagues that, a meeting in which he and other McKinsey colleagues persuaded the Sacklers to aggressively market OxyContin, “went very well,” theNewYorkTimesreported.

InJuly2018,Ellingallegedlyemailed another senior partner reportedly Arnab Ghatak: “Just saw in the FT (FinancialTimes)that[Purdueboard member] is being sued by states attorneysgeneralforherroleonthe [Purdue] Board. It probably makes sense to have a quick conversation withtheriskcommitteetoseeifwe should be doing anything other [than]eliminatingallourdocuments and emails. Suspect not but as things get tougher there someone might turn to us.” According to court documents, the Justice Department states, “forensic analysis of Elling’s McKinsey-issued laptop found that Elling in fact removed materials related to McKinsey’s work for Purdue from

the laptop, as well as a Purduerelated folder from his Outlook emailaccount.”

Arnab Ghatak was fired by McKinsey in2021.

HeearnedajointMD,MBAfromthe University of Pennsylvania, 2001, and a Bachelors in Molecular Biology from Princeton University, 1996.HeisthesonofMitaliGhatak and Subhatosh Ghatak. His father was amechanicalengineer forthe city of Columbus, Ohio, and his motherworkedataMedicaidoffice.

In April this year, Ghatak sued his formeremployerMcKinseyaccusing itofdefaminghimand makinghim a "scapegoat" to distract attention from its work advising Purdue and other manufacturers of opioid pain medications,Reutersreported.

InanearlierLinkedInprofile,Ghatak statedhewasaseniorpartneranda leader of the Global Public Health practice at McKinsey. The earlier post also stated that he was on the boards of the Global Fund for

Children and Pangaea Global, an AIDS philanthropy. Currently there is no mention of him on the sites ofeitherofthesephilanthropies.

In his lawsuit, Ghatak alleged that McKinsey and its global managing partner, Bob Sternfels, lied to the U.S. Congress and the public about hisroledeletingemails.Ghataksaid McKinseyknewnoevidenceexisted of him improperly deleting emails yet had promoted the narrative "to create a scapegoat as a diversion from their own decades long work in non-abuse deterrent opioids," accordingtoReuters.

Cynthia Munger’s son is recovering from opioid addiction after being prescribed Purdue’s OxyContin more than a decade ago as a high school baseball player with a shoulder injury. Pushing for Purdue ownersandcompanyofficialstobe charged with crimes, she toldAP,“Until we do that and we stop accusing brick and mortar andnotindividuals,nothing willchange…”

Can Indian Companies Build Global Mobile

Phone Brands

Indianeedstotransformfrom world’ssecondlargestmobile phoneassemblertoamanufacturer saysSunilMani


India has emerged as the world's second-largest mobile phone producer.Thisyear,forinstance,the valueofApple'siPhonesassembled in India is projected to reach $10 billion(₹85,000crores).Infiscalyear 2013-14, the industry's output including iPhones, was $3 billion (₹26,700 crores); ten years later, 2022-23, production soared nearly 14-fold to $41 billion (₹3,50,000 crores).

Intheprocess,Indiahassuccessfully reduced its dependence on imported mobile phones. In 2014, fouroutoffivephonessoldinIndia were imported; in 2023 one out of fivephoneswereimported.

Meanwhile, smartphone exports surged from $11 billion in 2022-23 to $16 billion in 2023-24, making India the third-largest exporter of the device. The United States is the largest destination, accounting for $6 billion in 2023-24, more than a third of the total exports of smartphones from India. This reflects a shift towards assembling quality products for premium markets.

Between 2013-14 and 2022-23, the smartphone industry in India achieved a compound annual growth rate of 42%. However, this growth trajectory has not been steady, with renewed momentum since 2020-21, likely due to expanded benefits under incentive schemes.

Suchremarkablegrowthcaninpart beattributedtopolicyinitiativeslike the Phased Manufacturing Programme (PMP) and the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme. These programs incentivise domestic production by limiting imports of low-value componentswhilepromotinghighvalue additions. Also, the government of India has pressured Apple, Samsung and other foreign vendors to shift their production to India, in order to serve one of their largestmarkets.

Despite robust output growth, the smartphone industry faces the critical challenge of using more componentsmanufacturedinIndia. Ameasureoflocalisation theratio ofgrossvalueaddedlocallyinIndia to gross output reveals concerning trends. While official statistics on mobile phone value addition by local manufacturers in India are limited, data from the broadercommunicationequipment sectorprovidesomeinsights.

According to the Annual Survey of Industries, the value-added ratio of smartphone manufacturers in India was just 8% in 2021-22. This

indicates an industry that mostly imports components for assembly, contributing very little domestically inaddedvalue.Amongotherthings, the low level of localisation undermines India's ambitions to create a fully self-reliant mobile phonemanufacturingeco-system.

Part of the reason is the lack of component manufacturing and insufficient investment in research anddevelopmentinIndiabyApple, Samsung and other foreign mobile phonevendors.

Another factor is that India lags in acknowledging registered global patents.Litigationbyforeignmobile phone suppliers against Indian competitors over patent infringement further complicates matters.Foreigncompaniessuchas Ericsson frequently prevail in disputes with Indian firms due to the courts favoring patent owners. For instance, a recent ruling by the Delhi High Court mandated that royalties paid to foreign phone vendors be calculated based on end-device pricing rather than chipset pricing, significantly raising licensing costs for Indian assemblers.

India’s lack of recognition of global mobile telecom patents impacts domestic manufacturing in several ways. Indian manufacturers largely operate as local contractors who rely heavily on foreign companies for almost all the technology. Apparently,contentwiththeprofits they make, the Indian manufacturers have little interest in building components and enhancingthedomesticvalueofthe products they assemble. Also, they apparently not be motivated to spend their capital to innovate and competeontheglobalmarkets.

Not surprisingly, while India is the world’s second-largest manufacturer of mobile phones after China, Indian mobile phone manufacturers have no strong patentportfoliosthatcanhelpthem expand in the global markets. Also, unlike Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, and other Chinese brands, Indian companies have no major global brands.

To address these challenges, India mustimplementpoliciesofrewards and penalties to push local manufacturers to focus on innovation and patent generation. These include investing in research and development and fostering partnerships between the Indian Institutes of Technology and industry. Also, strengthening the intellectual property framework will help Indian companies create and hold patents, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the global market.

InJuly,2023,theIndiangovernment unveiled initiatives aimed at empowering domestic companies to secure patents in 6G and other emerging mobile technologies. Central to these initiatives is the Bharat 6G Alliance, a collaborative effortthatunitesacademia,industry leaders, and research institutions. This alliance is tasked with establishing frameworks for intellectual property rights and creating testbeds controlled environments that enable researchers and businesses to experiment with new technologies

and develop innovative products andservices.

The economic impact of the smartphone assembly boom in India is substantial. Between 2021 and 2024, the PLI scheme alone contributed $12 billion (₹1,10,000 crores)togovernmenttaxrevenues while catalysing production worth $163 billion (₹12,55,000 crores)— demonstrating its costeffectiveness. Furthermore, approximately 300,000 direct and 600,000 indirect additional jobs, notably for women, have been createdsincefiscalyear2021.

Despite these accomplishments, several challenges remain that couldimpedethesector'spotential, even as an assembler of imported smartphones. These challenges include high input tariffs, which are a result of complex tariff structures on imported components established by the Indian government to ostensibly protect domestic mobile phone manufacturers. Such tariffs elevate costsinIndiacomparedtocountries likeVietnamandChina.

To tackle these issues and maintain the growth momentum, the government is contemplating extending the Production-Linked Incentive scheme beyond 2026. Additionally, there are plans to introduce new incentives aimed at boosting domestic production of critical inputs while simultaneously reducing tariffs and lowering productioncosts.

Given restrictions and major local competitors in China, India is the largest market for Apple, Samsung, and other foreign vendors of smartphones. Indian policy makers ought to use this as leverage to push foreign vendors to further expand production of their devices in India, as well sharply raise their sourcing of local components. Perhaps policy makers can thereby help Indian manufacturers create globalsmartphonebrands.

*SunilManiisavisitingprofessor, Centre for Development Studies, andAhmedabadUniversity,bothin India. The views expressed are personal.

Co-founder Arvind Jain’s Glean

Rides the AI Wave

SiliconVallely-basedGlean,valued at$5billion,offersanAI-powered platformasaworktoolfor employees

(Photo:ArvindJain,co-founder Glean.)


Since November 2022, when OpenAIlauncheditsChatGPTonline tool, artificial intelligence (AI) has dominatedtechnologyspendingby major corporations as well as

boosted valuations of AI related companies.

The big gainers range from Microsoft-backedOpenAI,valuedat $157 billion in its October funding round,andchipmakerNvidia,which hasrisennearlyten-foldtoamarket valueof$3trillion,to32AIstartups which attained $1 billion plus valuations in 2024, according toCBInsights.

Glean,aPaloAlto,California, based AI startup, has seen its value more than double in 2024. It was valued at $4.8 billion at its latest funding round in September, while raising morethan$260million.

AI is forecast to transform businessesinwaysthat“promisesto be as big or bigger than the internet, mobile, cloud, and other major technology shifts of the past century,” Glean co-founder Arvind Jainsaidinablogpost.

Glean is using AI to connect and understand the data, people, processes, and context of an employee’staskswithinacompany.

In September, it introduced a new version of its AI platform with a set ofadvancedpromptingcapabilities.

Among customers, Glean’s Work AI Assistant is one of the tools employees use at work everyday,inadditiontochat(Slack, Teams, or other), email, calendar, video conferencing, and office productivity suite. Customers average fivequeries per day on the Glean platform, about as often as peopletypicallysearchthewebwith Google.

In the year ended September 2024, Gleanmorethantripleditsbusiness, serving companies in telecommunications,banking,retail, travel, social networking, manufacturing, semiconductors, andelectronics.

Using Glean, for instance, Deutsche Telecom has built an "employee concierge which brings both world knowledge, along with the hundreds of internal knowledge bases to thousands of our employees' fingertips," Jonathan

Abrahamson, Chief Product & Digital Officer at the German telecom company says in a Glean blogpost.

“Similar to how some people now reach for ChatGPT before Google, Glean Chat can answer some questions even more effectively than a search can,” Art Chaidarun, Principal Software Engineer at Duolingo, an online language learning tool, says in a Glean blog post.

Investors in Glean include major Silicon Valley venture capital firms KleinerPerkinsandSequoiaCapital, as well as SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Glean reportedly has around 700 employees.

Gleanwasco-foundedin2019bya team of four engineers. “In our personal lives,” states a blog on Glean’s website, “we have tools to help us find pretty much whatever

we need. Why don’t we have the searchtoolsweneedatwork? And that was the beginning of Glean.”

PriortoGlean,co-founderandChief Executive Arvind Jain co-founded Rubrik, 2014 to present, which operates in cloud data management.Earlier,heservedasa Distinguished Engineer at Google, 2003-2014, where he led various teams in Search, Maps, and YouTube.

Jain was a founding engineer at Riverbed Technology, 2002-2003; worked at Akamai Technologies, 1999-2002;andstartedhiscareerin the U.S. as a software engineer at Microsoft,1997-1999.

Jain earned a Masters, computer science, from the University of Washington, 1996-1997; and a BTech, computer science, Indian InstituteofTechnology (IIT),Delhi, 1992-1996.

Co-founder Vishwanath TR leads Glean's technical infrastructure teams. Prior to Glean, he spent nearly a decade as a Principal Software Engineer at Facebook,

2010-2019, working on areas like News Feed ranking, Ads, and DeveloperPlatform.Earlierhewasa software engineer at Microsoft, 2002-2010, tackling web services and developer platforms. He also workedatZambeelandOracle.

Vishwanath earned an M.S., computer science, University of Texas, Austin, 1997-1999; and a BTech, Computer Science, from IIT Delhi, 1993-1997.

Tony Gentilcore, another cofounder, leads Glean's Product Engineering team. Earlier, while at Google, 2006-2016, he helped modernize the web search results page and founded and led Chrome'sSpeedTeam.Heearneda B.S. in electrical and electronics engineering from the St. Louis University,2000-2004.

Piyush Prahladka, the fourth cofounder, built Glean’s core search product, 2019-2023, according to hisLinkedInprofile.Lastyear heleft tofoundastartup,instealthmode, which is building a tool to manage work.


Uber, 2017-2019, on Uber Transit and Uber Shared Bikes; and spent over a decade at Google, 20052017, including on the core search ranking team and building Google Helpouts. He earned a Bachelors in computerscience,fromIIT,Bombay, 2001-2005.

SpendingonAIisforecasttonearly triple from $235 billion in 2024 to $635 billion in 2028, according to techresearchandadvisoryfirmIDC.

Spending on generative AI tools and products, similar to those sold by Glean, is estimated to rise to $210billion in2028.


2024 to build a platform which will provide a business with tools needed to create “custom generativeAIexperiencesgrounded in their unique company knowledge” to improve workflows andproductivity.

“Youcan’tdriveAItransformationin a company without first getting its employees to embrace AI. After all, it’s AI-centric employees who will ultimately create AI-centric companies,” Arvind Jain says in a Glean blog post. “We believe that every employee, in every role, in every company, can leverage AI daily to exponentially increase their impact.”

Mangalorean Catholic Association of Washington


Celebrates “

MCA Christmas Party & Masquerade Ball

2024” on Saturday, December 7, 2024.

The Mangalorean Catholic Association of Washington DC/Virginia and Maryland celebratedtheirChristmaseventon Saturday, 7th December 2024 to a packed crowd at the Mid County Community Recreation Center, Maryland. Approximately 150 plus attendees relished the opportunity to meet in-person with friends and families.

The event was titled “Christmas PartyandMasqueradeball2024 ’ wasaninstanthitandwasanightto remember! It became an absolute blast, filled with laughter, dazzling costumes,andfestivecheer,making the evening unforgettable for everyone who joined us. It was the enthusiasm, warmth, and presence of each guest that made our gatheringtrulyspecial.

The mother-daughter duo of Carol Rodrigues and Alisha Rodrigues carriedouttheprogramsasthe

Emcees by engaging the crowd to run the program so smoothly, making it fun and lively. Then the Emcees invited everyone to gather for a group picture, capturing the festive spirit of the evening.

Following this, the committee members and their spouses officially opened the Christmas party with the Masquerade Ball. Soon after, other couples joined in, filling the dance floor with joy and celebration.

TheSantagame wasahighlight,he broughtinmuchjoyandexcitement totheeventbymakingthechildren joyous. This was a joyous moment and created wonderful memories for all the families gathered at the venue. Many children helped

actively in the event, Alina DSouza as Elf helping Santa, and the young boys, Joshua and Jayden Noronha leading the carol singing with the guitar.

The highlight of the event was the Masquerade Ball. The judges

secretly selected the best-dressed participantsinfourcategories:Male, Female,Boy,andGirl. BestDressed Male: Jerome Fison, Best Dressed Female: Louise Brown, Best Dressed Girl: Rachel Dsouza, Best DressedBoy:Noah D’Cunha.

The ladies gave an excellent dance performance and shared their talent and made the event unforgettable. The President, Julia Dante, gave thanks to many individuals who helped as donors and provided

other services. Special thankswere offeredto-

Donors-MichaelMenezes – Dream Vacations; Vivin and Maryl Kuriakose – General Manager at Gaithersburg Marriott, Dr. Devdas ShettyandSandyaShetty;theDante

family; Lovee and Jerome Faison, Avie Fernandes, Clint Almeida, and ouranonymousdonors. Raffle prizes – Many individuals sponsored raffle prizes for the event.Theirgenerosityhasnotonly brought excitement and joy to our

participants but also significantly contributedtothesuccessofMCA.

Appetizers-Efegia Mendes, for preparing wonderful and delicious appetizers.

Caterer-AbigthankyoutoJewelof India for catering the tasty and deliciousfoodfortheevent.

DJ - MCA Vice- President cum DJ Clement Noronha’s great selection of music added so much fun to the event, and we truly appreciateyourcontribution!

Volunteers – The people who workedtirelesslybehindthescenes, Prema DSouza for the food set up andcleanup,Saritha D’Souza, Meryl Kuriakose, Harry D’Souza, Neil and Neviel D'Cunha for their incredible support. The attendees and their families worked tirelessly to put together this splendid event. Their dedication and efforts have made this Christmas party a truly magical experienceforallofus.

MerlynMathiasannouncedthenew committee for the year 2025-2026 on behalf of the Election Committee, thatconsistedofthree people, Juliet Vas, Julia Dante and herself.




VicePresident-Neviel D’Cunha



Jt. Treasurer - Stephanie Albuquerque


Traditionalfood-IreneD’Cunha,for preparing the traditional pork curry whichaddedaspecialandauthentic touchtoourmeal.


HarryDsouza,AnithaFurtado,Jessy Dsouza, Prema Dsouza, Clint Almeida, Clement Noronha, and JuliaDante.

Neviel D’Cunha delivered a brief speech on behalf of the new committee. The President, Julia Dante, thanked the Advisory Committee, for their guidance and support. Esmie Wright and James Dante, jointly expressedtheirappreciationforthe effortsofthecurrentcommittee on behalf of the Advisory Committee (Juliet Vas was absent).. Following this, they initiated the presentation of the plaque to honor and appreciate the work done by President Julia Dante, who, in turn, awarded the plaques to each committeememberandrecognized thecontributions.

There were many spot prizes and raffle prizes conducted throughout the event. It was proof that the Masquerade theme was very well received and executed at the Christmasevent.

Astheysay,picturessayathousand words. So, a few pictures of the celebration have been included in thisarticle.

Grand Harmony Christmas Celebration Held at Bajal

Mangalore:TheHarmonyChristmas celebration, organized under the aegis of the St. Mother Teresa Forum, was held with great

enthusiasm on Friday evening at Pakaladkka in Bajal.

The event, titled Sauharda Christmas 2024, was celebrated in collaboration with Kavubail Shri Mahalingeshwara Temple, Holy Spirit Church, Bajal, Mohiuddin

Jumma Masjid, Pakkaladka, Pakkaladka Yuvaka Mandala (R), and Janata Vyayama Shale (R). The celebration took place on Friday, December20th,2024,at6.00pmat the Pakkaladka Yuvaka Mandal Grounds, Bajal.

Inaugurator Walter Nandalike, the founder of Daijiworld, emphasized that humanity is the greatest religion.Heurgedeveryonetofocus on self-transformation rather than expecting others to change. Stressing the importance of respecting all religions, he stated that it is inappropriate to view people of other faiths with prejudice.

Chief guest Rev. Fr. Andrew D'Souza, parish priest of Bajal Church,remindedeveryonethatwe areallchildrenofGod,notenemies

butfriends.Hepreachedthatloveis the essence of all religions, and we should live together harmoniously and with love.

Chairing the event, Roy Castelino, President of the Mother Teresa Forum, spoke about the forum's mission to respect and understand allreligions.Hesharedthattheyare workingtospreadlovebyfollowing the path shown by Mother Teresa. Expressing gratitude, he noted the growing support and encouragement from people over theyearsfortheforum's

commendable initiatives.

Local corporator Praveenchandra Alva extended his good wishes for the event. The forum’s general secretary, Sunil Kumar Bajal, delivered introductory remarks, highlighting the forum’s background, objectives, and journey. The program was compered by Stany Lobo, who also extended a warm welcome.

Prominent attendees included Muhammad Riaz, Vice President of PakaladkkaMohiuddinJamaMasjid; RamachandraAlva,Administratorof

Kauwbail Shri Panchalingeshwara Temple; Dikshit Bhandari, President of Pakaladkka Youth Association; Ashok Enelmar of Janata Vyayama School; and principals of St. Joseph’s School and High School in Bajal.

The event began with a musical performance by Father Walter Albuquerque Choir. It featured a prayer song by St. Joseph’s School Bajal team, singing by the Leo Ranipura group, a Christmas tableau by St. Joseph’s High School Bajal, dances by Pakaladkka Youth Dance Academy, and a skit by

Kalakul troupe of Mandd Sobhan.

Santosh Kumar Bajal managed the program proceedings, while treasurer Dolphy D'Souza coordinated the cultural events. Deepak Bajal delivered the vote of thanks.

22 Christmas hampers will be distributed to 3L families on or before22ndDecemberinthename of 3L Friends. Each hamper has snacks worth one thousand rupees ina nicejute bag.Thesesnacks will notgetspoiledfortwomonths. Christmasisanoccasionforsharing, caring, andlovingall, especiallythe

marginalized3L childrenandadults ofanyfaith,region,andculture. 6familiesbelongingto3Laregiven provisions, Children and adults of 9 families are provided with new

clothes to share the joy of Christmas.

Jim Ronn has rightly said, "Only by givingareyouabletoreceivemore thanyoualreadyhave."

Christmas Gifts

35studentsfromItoIVstandardof the Government Primary School, RamdasPanajiGoaweredistributed Christmas gifts (each student with 170 rupees worth bath towel and 200 pages exercise book) by the Friendsof3L.

Besides the above students, two kindergarten students (a boy and a girl) were given new school bags worth 300 rupees each. The youngestkidwasgivenabathtowel and a two hundred page exercise book.

All the 38 students were asked to pickupachit.SushmitaLamaniwas the luckiest girl. She got the chit with the number 25. She was given a gift worth rupee 110 (a drawing book and a crayon set). Students

wereexcited withjoytoreceivethe Christmas gift. All got gifts withoutcompetition.

In Goa all those who attend Government schools are economically the poorest of poor students.Friendsof3Lreachout to the Government Primary School, near the Pharmacy College, Panaji, Goa.

We have the desire to reach out to many more students who are studying in Government Primary Schools. But at present our hands donotreachwhereourvisionis.

“Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouragedofman.”


145 year Sagaof Forming Menand Womenforandwithothers.......

StAloysiusDeemedtobeUniversity belongstoanetworkofeducational institutions administered by the members of the Society of Jesus, a religious Order which runs schools, Colleges and Universities in more than105countriesintheworld. The members of the order, popularly known as Jesuits, have acquired a reputation for excellence in the quality of education. Some of the distinguished Jesuit institutions of higher education in India are St Xavier’s University in Kolkata, St Xavier’s College in Mumbai, Loyola College in Chennai, St Joseph’s College in Trichy, Xavier Institute of Labour Relations (XLRI) in Jameshedpur, and Xavier University in Bhuvaneshwar. These and many other highly acclaimed centres of learningaremanagedbytheJesuits anddeeplyrootedinJesuitvaluesof competence, commitment, Compassion and conscience driven by the pursuit of excellence. Established in 1880, St Aloysius prides itself in its history of 145 years. Thousands of students who have passed through the portals of this institution have rendered outstanding service to humankind not only in India but across the globe. Despite its status as a minority institution, the University has been imparting high quality education to all sections of society regardless of caste, colour, language, region or creed. The motto of the University, “Lucet et Ardet” which means “shine to enkindle” has inspired countless

students to become men and womenwithandforothersandthus bring light and joy into the lives of people. It is for this reason that Jesuit education has become a frameofreferenceforevolvingnew paradigmsinhighereducation. TheUniversityhasbeenassessedby the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and secured ‘A’ Grades in the I and II Cycle in the year 2004 and 2009 respectively. In the III Cycle, our college secured ‘A’ Grade with

CGPA 3.62 out of 4 in 2015. It has attained yet another distinctive achievement by securing the highest A++ Grade with the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.67 out of 4 in the fourthcycleofNAACAccreditation.

The College is rated as one of the best higher educational institutions

in the state and the country with thesedistinctivegrades.

The Peer Team expressed their satisfactionandappreciationforthe great strides the institution has been taking and growing from strength to strength. The team commended the efforts of the

institution towards enhancing its credentials in all areas of higher education aligning its vision to the local, regional, national and global needs. The campus culture that represents diversity, equity and inclusion, the talent pool of students in sports and cultural

performances, environmental initiatives and decentralization of governance were some of the salient features of the institution highlightedbythePeerTeam. Besides this, the Institution also secured several awards from the UGCandotherpublicbodiesbodies

in earlier years. The NIRF-2021 RankingawardedbytheMHRD,the institution has been ranked at 95 among the Colleges in India, featured in top 3 colleges of Karnataka. Over 6000 institutions across India participated in this assessment. The University has secured 80th and 58th rank

respectively in 2023 and 2024 respectively which are on par with someoftheselecthighereducation institutions in India. The institution wasawarded“CollegewithPotential forExcellence”StatusbyUGCinthe year 2009 which helped in upgrading the Science laboratories and providing state-of-the-art infrastructuralfacilitiesforresearch. It has also awarded “Star College Scheme” by the Department of Biotechnology,GovernmentofIndia

in2012andupgradedwith“College withStarStatus”in2016.

The 145-year-old Higher education institution has emerged as Mangaluru’s premier educational hubwithlakhsofstudentswhohave passed out of its portals, earning laurelsinvariedfieldsandmakinga

difference in the lives of people imbibed with the core values of its AlmaMater.

As a multidisciplinary University, St Aloysiusoffersdiversecutting-edge undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D.Programmesalongwithmore than 150 add on Certificate and Diploma programmes. The institutionhasbeenratedasoneof

thebestinthecountryinallcriteria asaUniversitywithA++rankunder NAAC with CGPA of 3.67 out of 4. Theuniongovernmenthasselected the University under DDU Kaushal Kendra for offering Bachelors in Vocation Programmes (B.Voc.) in various trades training students for cuttingedgecareers.

The University has implemented Outcome Based education (OBE) and student attainment levels have been mapped under Bloom’s Taxonomy regularly. The Konkani Institute, established in 1980, is

another example of the efforts of the college to promote research in Konkani language, literature and culture.ItalsooffersaDiplomaand PG Diploma in Konkani. The Biotechnology Finishing School Scheme offers specialized training for select students with hands on training in the cutting-edge industries.AllPGdepartmentshave beenrecognizedasresearchcentres bytheMangaloreUniversity

In April 2020, St Aloysius College responded quickly to the challenge ofCovid-19pandemicandlaunched an exclusive e-learning portal (sacelearning.com)ofitsown.Themain

aim of launching the e-learning portal is to offer various types on online activities to engage the staff and students to follow continuous learning in spite of the pandemic. More than 50 free online certificate courses were offered to students and the public. More than 4,000 students and teachers from more than300institutionsfromIndiaand abroad took part in these courses. This initiative has enhanced the public image of the College at the globallevel.Inaddition,theCollege has been organizing several webinars on very contemporary

topics during the pandemic and that initiative has received global recognition. The exclusive institutional e-learning portal, on the other hand, will continue to serve the educational and career growth needs of student communitiesacrosstheglobe.

Continuing the legacy, the University has launched many new and innovative undergraduate and postgraduate programmes from 2024. The curriculum has been designed to suit the aspirations of the New Education Policy with a multidisciplinary approach and driven by skill acquisition for employment prospects including project and internship-based learningoutcomes.

Keeping in mind the needs and aspirations of students from different backgrounds, the College has evolved into a customized shift system. The institution believes in imparting career-oriented education and its students’ jobready as they graduate. It has several embedded undergraduate

programmes with Apprenticeships as well as internships leading to gainful employment. All the programmes and courses are designed in line of the NEP-2020 with multidisciplinary approach, cutting edge knowledge and skills for21st Century. Thestudentenrolmenthasgrownin leaps and bounds in the last few yearsandcurrentlymorethan7,000 students pursue their higher education in the University. The learner-friendlycampuscultureand pedagogical practices have attracted thousands of students to theUniversity.Theplethoraofinterdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary programmes offered by the College have facilitated holistic learning outcomes and resulted in extensive placements with lucrative packages ofsalaries.

The distinctive achievements of the college in recent years have been a testimony for the excellenceattained:

1. OurrankingintheNational


2. (NIRF) conducted by MHRD, Government of India has been 44 among all the Colleges in India in 2017. The NIRF ranking has been consistently within 100 for the last few years – It is ranked at 58 in the 2024NIRF.

3. The University has been brought under 2 (f) and 12 (B) of UGC regulations.

4. The College has been declared a “College with Potential for Excellence”bytheUniversityGrants Commissionsince2009.

5. The “STAR College Scheme” conferred by the DBT, Government of India has been upgraded to “STAR Status”in2016.

6. The University Grants Commission hasawarded“DDUKaushalKendra” totheCollegeforofferingBachelor of Vocational programmes (B.Voc.) in2015.

7. KarnatakaStateGovernment,which had sanctioned “BTFS Finishing School” earlier, has now selected (2017) the college under the

scheme of “BiSEP” [Biotechnology SkillEnhancementProgramme].

8. The college was brought under grant–in-aid by Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka

9. The College has uploaded the data of All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)-2016-17, MHRD, Statistics Division, Government of India.

10. The University has registered under UUCMS, NAD, APAAR and otherGovernmentportals.

11. TheUniversitywasranked3at the All-India level among all Colleges under the Campus Swacchta Scheme. This has been a rarest of recognition for the green initiativesinthecampus.

13. Under the PARAMARSH SchemeoftheUGC,theCollegehas beenselectedtobeamodalmentor College to support 5 NAAC nonaccredited Colleges in training and preparing them for NAAC accreditation.

14. College has been awarded the prestigious DBT-BUILDER Scheme for Inter-disciplinary Research in Biosciencesin2021.


• The institution has excellent infrastructural facilities with 02 centres extending over 50 acres of land. Adequate number of classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, cutting-edge electronic gadgets, the high-speed internet connectivity with Wi-Fi facility and adequate libraries, both at UG and PG levels have been widely acknowledged by various expertcommittees.

12. The College has been recognized as a Centre of Research capacity Building under UGCScheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India’s developing Economy (STRIDE- COMPONENT I). We are one among the 34 College that have been chosen by UGC for this Scheme. The College has proposed the research Project ontheStudyoftheCulturaldiversity ofCoastalKarnataka.

• The University has more than 7000 students at various levels. Our students have excelled not only in academics but also in cultural, sports & games and many other fields of performance. The college has all the wings of NCC and NSS units.Infact,ourcollegeistheonly onecollegeintheuniversityareato haveallthethreefull-fledgedwings ofNCC.

• Theemphasisonskilldevelopment, personality development, language proficiency along with academics has enhanced the employability skills.Therehavebeenmanyadd-on programmeswhichaddvaluetothe degreeprogrammes.Thecreditable achievements of the students include passing the NET examinations, research entrance examinationsofreputedinstitutions ofexcellenceandplacements.

• The Vision and the Mission of the college lays thrust on social consciousness. Only a compassionate and empathetic person can be instrumental in the inclusivedevelopmentofsociety.In this direction, the social extension activities undertaken bythe college deserve a special mention. The college has created a separate Centre for Social Concern (CSC) which regulates, monitors and promotes social empowerment activities.

• The University has established two incubation Centres on the campus to promote start-ups and entrepreneurshipinitiatives.

• Each undergraduate student has to fulfill social service activity as specifiedfor20hoursineachofthe first two years. The programme is titled“SAHAAYA”.

• Studentshavebeenofferedfacilities like sports, recreation, photocopying, health check-up, disabled friendly structures, photocopyingcentres,co-operative stores, buggies, drinking water, sanitation, Al-Kshema Dhama, etc. There are separate student hostels ineachofthecentresforbothmen and lady students. The student cooperative store caters to the stationeryneedsofstudents.

• Postgraduate students must spend a minimum one week in a remote village selected for this purpose under “Village Exposure” programme staying with families accompaniedbyteachers.

• Radio Sarang 107.8 FM, the Community Radio reaches out to thesurroundingareasofMangalore for 16 hours a day in five different local languages through several programmes promoting and spreading awareness on local culture,language,health&hygiene, economic and social aspects of life. The community radio has bagged multiple National Awards for promoting local language and culture.

• The University has a sprawling and aesthetically designed campus with several green zones and ecofriendlysystems.

• The world-renowned paintings in thecollegechapelattractthousands of foreign and domestic tourists. The University Museum with rare collectionsisanaddedattraction.

• StAloysiusInstituteofManagement

and Information Technology (AIMIT) was established in2009. Located in Beeri, Kotekar, Mangaluru, AIMIT offers a range of postgraduateprogramsinthefields of management and information technology. With a peaceful, clean andeco-friendlycampusalongwith hostel facilities for both boys and girls,AIMITprovidesaperfectblend of academic excellence and careerorientedprograms.

Alumni - SACAA

The University has a vibrant Alumni base engaging itself continually in the projects and activities of the institution. SACAA, the St Aloysius College Alumni Association has been responsible for bolstering the infrastructure, public image and liaisingwiththeAlumninetworksall over the world. The College feels proud that some of the excellent talents in leadership, entrepreneurship and social service ofnationalandinternationalrepute have been the products of this college. Sri K S Hegde, Former Speaker of the Lok Sabha; DR TMA

Pai, Founder of the Manipal Group, Sri George Fernandes, eminent political leader;SriJusticeSanthosh Hegde, Former Lokayukta; Sri K V Kamath,BRICSBankChairman;DrK V Rao, International Physicist; Sri T MAPaiwhohasbeeninstrumental in establishing the renowned Manipal University; Sri K. K. Venugopal, the present Attorney

General; Sri Aravind Adiga, Man Booker prize winner; Sri Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX; Dr K Ullas Karanth, leading Conservation Zoologist;KLRahul,Cricketer;area few personalities among many others who have made a mark in public life by living a life that is typicallyAloysian.


1. Late Dr T M A PAI, Founder, Manipal University Educationalist
2. George Fernandes, Former Defence Minister Politician
3 Aravind Adiga, Winner of Man Booker Prize,2009 Author
5. K K VENUGOPAL, 15th Attorney General Of India Jurist
Justice Santhosh Hegde, Former Lokayuktha, Govt of Karnataka Jurist
7 Dr Devi Prasad Shetty, Renowned Cardiologist Surgeon, Pholonthrophist Health Care
Dr. Ullas Karanth, Leading Tiger Conservationalist Eco Scientist
U T KHADAR, Speaker of the Karnataka
Ivan D’souza
12 K. L. Rahul Indian team cricketer

St Aloysius University holds

The NSS Annual Special Camp 2024-25, organized by St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University) at GovernmentHigherPrimarySchool, Eliyala, Kowdoor, was inaugurated with a vibrant ceremony on

November 27, 2024, at Kowdoor Arts Centre, Glarida Estate, Kowdoor. The program featured inspiringaddressesbydistinguished guests, including Rev. Fr. Melwin PintoSJ,RectorofSt.Aloysius

Institutions, Dr Denis Fernandes, Director, Arrupe Block, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru Dr. Alwyn D'Sa, Registrar of St. Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru and Ms. Vijayalakshmi, Headmistress of the host school. The lighting of the ceremonial lamp marked the beginning of a week-long journey of service, with 98 enthusiastic volunteers and 6 NSS Programme Officers.

Daily flag hoisting ceremonies, cultural events showcasing traditional folk art, and enriching guest interactions became highlights of the camp. Volunteers, undertheleadershipofNSSofficers, undertookimpactfulinitiativessuch as spoken English classes at the Host School, wall paintings with social science subject themes, plantation drives distributing 106 saplings to the localities, road cleaning, and school ground cleaningandbeautification.

Additionally,afiresafetyawareness session by professional officer Mr. Sathya Raj and a program celebrating the Indian Constitution’s 75th anniversary enriched the community's knowledgeandengagement. The Valedictory Programme of the NSS Annual Special Camp 2024-25 was held on December 3, 2024, at KowdoorArtsCentre,GlaridaEstate, Kowdoor. The Chief Guest, Mr. P. Kishan Hegde, a renowned Yakshagana artist and convener of

fiveYakshaganaMelas,deliveredan inspiring valedictory address. Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis, S.J., ViceChancellor of St. Aloysius Deemed to be University, presided over the event.OtherdignitariesincludedDr. AlwynD'Sa,RegistrarofSt.Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mr. Balakrishna Madivala, SDMC President, Government Higher Primary School, Eliyala, Kowdoor, Mrs. Sujatha, President of Grama Panchayat, Bailoor, and Mrs. Shree vidya, PDO, Grama Panchayat,

Bailoor. A detailed report of the seven-day camp was presented, highlighting the impactful activities undertaken. Awards for Best Camper, Best Cultural Performer, Best MC, and Best Team were


distributedtorecognizeexceptional contributionsoftheNSSVolunteers during the Camp. The event concludedwithgratitudeandpride, marking the successful culmination ofthecamp. This transformative camp exemplified the NSS spirit of community service and environmental sustainability, leavingalastingimpactonboththe participants and the local community.

St. Agnes School CBSE, Mangalore


Mangalore, December 2024: St. Agnes School CBSE, Bendore, formerlyknownasSt.AgnesEnglish Primary School, is proud to announce the celebration of its

Diamond Jubilee, marking 60 glorious years of excellence in education, faith, and service to the community. This significant milestone reflects the institution’s remarkablejourneyfromitshumble beginnings to becoming a premier CBSEschool,settingabenchmarkin holisticeducation. In1914,MotherAloysiafoundedSt.

Agnes with a Secondary English MediumSchoolandboarding facilities in Bendore. In 1964, Sr. M. VirgiliaA.C.transitionedthePrimary School to English Medium, responding to parental requests. Officiallyrecognizedin1965,the school thrived under the Apostolic CarmelSisters.Akeymilestonewas the construction of a two-storied block in 1998 under Sr. Juliana Mathias A.C.’s leadership. St. Agnes English Primary School transitioned into St. Agnes School CBSE in the year 2016, embracing modern educational standards while

preserving its rich heritage and values. This Diamond Jubilee celebrates 60 years of empowering students, shaping character, and building a brighter future for generations to come. The Diamond Jubilee celebrations will take place on Wednesday, 18th December 2024, featuring the following events:

1. Holy Eucharist Celebration

Time: 8:30 AM

Venue: St. Sebastian Church, Bendore

MainCelebrant:MostRev.Dr.Peter PaulSaldanha,BishopofMangalore

2. Grand Jubilee Program

Time: 3:45 PM

Venue: St. Agnes Special School Grounds,Bendore

The Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of St. Agnes School (CBSE), will be graced by Sr. Dr. Maria Roopa A.C., Joint Secretary of St. Agnes Institutions,asthePresident,andSri Mathew C. Ninan, M.A., M.Ed., DirectorofLittleRockIndianSchool, Brahmavar, as the Chief Guest. Guests of Honour include Rev. Fr. Walter D’Souza, Parish Priest of St. Sebastian Church, Bendore; Sri Venkatesh S. Patgar, DDPI (Admin), Dakshina Kannada; Sri Naveen D’Souza, Corporator of Bendore Ward, Mangalore City Corporation; and Sri H. R. Eshwara, Block EducationOfficer,MangaloreSouth. We warmly invite the alumni, and well-wisherstojoinusincelebrating thishistoricoccasionandbeingpart ofourcontinuinglegacy.

The event will showcase cultural performances, a reflection on the school’s inspiring journey, and a tribute to its legacy of nurturing young minds and fostering excellence.

St Aloysius holds International Conference on "Emerging Trends in Insurance and Investment: A Roadmap for 2025"

The department of Business Administration, School of Business and Management, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) in association with Domestic and International Relations Cell, organised a one-day International Conferenceon"EmergingTrendsin Insurance and Investment: A Roadmap for 2025" on 14th December 2024 in Robert Sequeira Hall.

Prof Steven M Corey, President of theUniversityofOlivet,USAwasthe chiefguestandkeynotespeaker.He spoke on the Contemporary Issues inInsurance:AGlobalPerspective.

Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Vice Chancellor, St Aloysius (Deemed to

be University) Dr Alwyn DSa Registrar of the College and Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar of the University, Dr Denis Fernandes, Director of Arrupe Block, Dr Mamatha, Associate Dean, School of Business Administration, Ms Claret Vinayak Pereira, Head of the Department of Business Administration, Dr Roshan Fredrick DSouza, Mr Chethan Shettigar, Convenor of the Conference, Prof. Gregory Brown, and Prof. Daniel Green, Heads of the University of Olivet,wereonthedais.

Rev De Praveen Martis, in his presidential remarks, thanked the HeadsoftheUniversityofOlivetfor their collaboration to this

conference and sharing the knowledgeabouttheinsuranceand investment. He briefed about the programmes available in the UniversityofOlivet.

During the conference, there were two technical sessions. Dr T Mallikarjunappa,Professor,JusticeK S Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte (Deemed to be University), Karkala, spoke on “Stock market Investment - Challenges and Opportunities in 2025” and Mr

Kumble Narasinha Prabhu, CEO, M/s Kumble Investments & Financial Advisors, Mangaluru, spoke on the topic “Insurance and Risk Management – Emerging TrendsandChallenges”.

Binni Chan compered the program. Mr Chethan Shettigar gave the insights of the Conference.Claret Vinaya Pereira welcomed the gathering and introduced the guests.Dr Mamatha proposed the voteofthanks.

Christmas Celebration for Differently Abled and Prison Ministry Held in Mysore Diocese

Mysore, December 15, 2024: The Mysore Diocesan Commissions for the Differently Abled and Prison Ministry India organized a grand Christmas celebration at the Catholic Center Hall, Bannimantap, Mysore. The event began with a solemnHolyMasspresidedoverby the Apostolic Administrator of the Mysore Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, Archbishop (Emeritus).

Following the Eucharistic celebration, a vibrant cultural program was performed by differently abled children from various institutes, including Mercy Convent, Srirampura; Montfort School;SnehaKiranSpasticSociety; and Spandana Special School. The audience enthusiastically cheered the children for their excellent and heartwarming performances. Tomarkthefestivespirit,giftswere distributed to all 100 differently abled children by Archbishop BernardMoras.Complementingthe celebration,thechildrenfromDivya

Krupa, Vidya Jyoti School, and the St. Anne’s Luzern postulants added to the joy of the occasion with prayer dances and melodious Christmas carols. The audience included differently abled children, their parents, and caretakers from various institutes. In his address, Archbishop Bernard Moras emphasized the Catholic Church’s commitment to inclusiveness for all children, regardless of ability or talent.

Quoting the compassionate love of His Holiness Pope Francis for differently abled children, he underlined the Church’s

responsibility to ensure they feel welcomed and cherished. Notably, this was the first such large-scale event for differently abled children in the Mysore Diocese.

The Chief Guest, Ms. Esthelle D’Souza, Secretary of the Commission for the Differently Abled in the Karnataka Region, shared her inspiring journey of raising her 23-year-old differently abled child, despite societal pressures to abort. She extended her support and encouragement to parents raising children with disabilities, promising assistance whenever needed.

The event also honored Brother Jayaprakash, Superior General of DDS, who was felicitated by Archbishop Bernard Moras for his dedicated service in the Prison Ministry. Coordinators from Prison Ministry Units in Mysore, Nanjangud, K.R. Nagar, Chamarajanagar, and Madikeri presentedreportsontheirimpactful work in prisons across their respective regions. The celebration was made possible

through the generous sponsorship ofgiftsbythefacultyandstaffofSt. Joseph’s Nursing College and M/s Lunars Company as main donors.

The program was beautifully compered by Ms. Bernie Fernandes and Ms. Reena, with soulful choir accompaniment led by Mr. Nitin and his team. Fr. Thomas Baros welcomed the gathering, and Sr. Mable D’Silva, SCB, delivered the vote of thanks.

The event concluded with a festive servingofcake,tea,andfoodforall participants.

Prominent attendees included Monsignor Alfred Mendonsa (Vicar General), Fr. Joseph Marie (Coordinator of Diocesan Commissions), Fr. Sebastian (FinancialAdministrator),Fr.Abilash (Bishop’s Secretary), Fr. Thomas Baros (Secretary, Commission for the Differently Abled), and Dr. Michael Noronha (Diocesan Secretary, Prison Ministry India).

The Christmas celebration was a memorable occasion, bringing together faith, inclusivity, and the festivespiritofgivingandjoy.******

Career Guidance Programme

St Agnes PU College successfully hosted a career guidance programme, "Pathway to

Possibilities: Career Choices after 10+2," aimed at class 10 students andtheirparentson15December

2024. The event provided valuable insights into academic and career pathways after 10+2, enabling participants to make informed decisions about their future.The keynote speaker was renowned

career counselor Dr Ananth Prabhu G, who shared his expertise to help students identify and explore suitablecareers.Interactivesessions with accomplished IITians, NITians, anddoctorsfromVividyaCoaching

Team were also arranged. The inputsfromcurrentstudentshailing frommedicalandengineeringfields enhanced the event. Participants gained practical tips on preparing forcompetitiveexamslikeNEET,JEE, and CET, along with valuable guidance on opportunities in commerceandarts.

The event, held at the St Agnes PU College Auditorium, received an overwhelming response, with participants appreciating the discussions as it equipped them with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the rocky road to success.

To ensure accessibility, the programme was broadcast live for students residing outside Mangalore, thereby attracting a diverseaudience.

The session which began with an invocation to the divine and ably compered by Ms Carol, Lecturer in Mathematics. The Principal, Sr Norine D’Souza warmly welcomed the august gathering, while Ms Venissa,LecturerinChemistry

expressed gratitude on behalf of the management. The session also screened snippets of the extracurricularandculturalactivities of the college. The initiative was a modest attempt to inspire and guide students towards a sparkling future.

St Aloysius University felicitates Rajyotsava

Awardee Sri Kanyan Sadashiva Shetty

St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), holds a felicitation program to Karnataka Rajyotsava Awardee 2024 and a proud alumnus, Sri Kanyan Sadashiva Shetty on 17th December 2024 in LCRIhall.

Rev.MelwinJosephPinto,Rectorof St Aloysius Institutions, Rev. Dr Melwyn DCunha, SJ., Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr AlwynDSa,RegistraroftheCollege, DrRonaldNazareth,Registrarofthe University,DrIshwarBhat,Director,

Xavier Block, Ms Sahana, Coordinator, Ms Shilpa DSouza, Institutional Officer were on the dais.

After the felicitation, Kanyana Sadashiva Shetty expressed his gratitude by recalling his student life at Aloysius College. He recalled the contribution of the college and the teachers to achieving great success in his life as an entrepreneur. While explaining his achievements in the field of business,headvisedthatevenifone startsanybusiness,onecanachieve success if one gains in-depth

knowledge about the subject and works hard. He advised the young science students to turn challenges in life into opportunities and make greatcontributionstosociety.

Rev. Dr. Melwyn D’Cunha, the ProVice Chancellor of the university, in

his felicitation speech said that Shri SadashivaShettyisaseniorstudent who has become a role model for the current students through his achievements. He also said that the students should understand his path of achievement carefully and give even more achievements to society.

Rector,Rev.Fr.MelwinJosephPinto said that Kanyana Sadashiva Shetty has become a proud student of AloysiusInstitutebyearninganame as an entrepreneur and providing

financial assistance to many poor people in society. He said that his contribution to many other literary activities in society is also commendable. He also said that such activities of Mr Shetty have givengreat inspirationto the social programsofStAloysiusCollege.

Dr Ishwara Bhat, Director of Xavier Block welcomed the gathering. Ms Sahana, Coordinator of the Programme proposed the vote of thanks.

Nitte University is proud of Dr. Fatima D'Silva, Principal of Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences, for her contribution to the field of academics. Your dedication inspires us all congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

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