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Missingthe Mark:InvitingPM Modi to a Christmas Reception Ignores thePlightofPersecutedChristians Statement

THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT HAS BEEN SIGNED BY CLOSE TO 200 PEOPLEINCLUDING:TusharGandhi, Annie Raja, Father Cedric Prakash, John Dayal, Prakash Louis, Pamela Philipose, Brinelle D’souza, Aloysius Irudayam, Shabnam Hashmi, Lisa Pires, Minakshi Singh, Abha Bhaiya, and Vinod Pande.

The persecution of Christians in India has been a growing concern over the past few years. According to various reports, there has been a

significant increase in violence and harassment against Christians, particularly in rural areas. One of the main reasons attributed to this alarming rise in persecution is the resurgence of Hindutva nationalism, which has led to an increase in anti-minorities sentiment, specially targeting Christians and Muslims. Many religious nationalist groups, such as the Bajrang Dal and the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), have been accused of inciting violence against Christians across many states.

According to the Evangelical

Fellowship of India (EFI), there were 327 incidents of violence against Christians in 2021 alone. In 2022, over 300 attacks against Christians were reported across the country, with many incidents going unreported . The United Christian Forum(UCF)reported486incidents of anti-Christian violence in 2022, including 115 incidents of physical violence and 357 incidents of intimidation and harassment. The UCF monitored trend listed 127 incidentsintheyear2014,whenthe Modigovernmenttook overpower. Presently, January 2024 to November2024,Indiahasrecorded 745 incidents of Christian citizens being attacked for their faith. Churches and Christian institutions have been specifically targeted in many incidents. In 2021, at least 15 churches were vandalized or set on fire across India . In 2022, several churches were attacked, including a church in Delhi that was vandalized byagroupofHinduextremists.The May 3rd Manipur riots witnessed the destruction of over 200

churches and countless lives lost.

These incidents of anti-Christian violence have been linked to Hindu nationalistgroups,whichhavebeen accused of receiving support from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ¹. The Indian government has been criticized for not doing enough to protect the rights of Christians and other minority groups.

The persecution of Christians in India has raised concerns internationally. In 2021, at least 17 human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, cosponsored a Congressional briefing to request the US Government to take action against the growing persecution of Christians in India .

In 2021, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) placed India on its "Countries of Particular Concern" list, citing the country's "systematic, ongoing, and egregious" persecution of religious


Simultaneously, 13 state governments have now enacted anti-conversion bills, which are being blatantly abused to wreak havoc on the lives of Christian citizens.

It's surprising that despite the growing persecution of Christians, prominent members of the Christian hierarchy have chosen to engage with Prime Minister Modi, who has been criticized for his inaction in protecting the rights of Christians. Mr Modi has been seen in recent days with members of the hierarchyatChristmasprogrammes. Heisbeinginvitedon23December 2024 by the CBCI at a Christmas celebrationinNewDelhi.

We seethisasan attempt bysenior institutional leaders of the Christian community to legitimise the government's inaction on Christian persecution.

We call upon the Christian leadershipto voice these concerns andholdtheprimeministerashead of the government accountable for theprotectionofChristiansinIndia. Symbolic gestures do little to address the issue hatred generated against the community, and the resultant targeted violence, harassment, arrests, and incidents of ostracization in several parts of thecountry.

49. Dr Olav

50. Dr. Cynthia Gonsalves


70. HazelD'Lima Profession:SocialWork Mumbai

71. Humaira

Rahman Muslimwomen’sforum Newdelhi

72. Ignatius.

Robert Maanaveeyam KOLLAM

73. JamesVaiphei EvangelicalOrganisation Imphal

74. Jangminlun

Touthang Teacher Imphal

75. JennieD'Souza SrExecutiveInsurance Mumbai

76. JenniferMirza RetdfromIskraFilms Mumbai

77. Jerald KeralaPrateeksha Ernakulam

78. JileySingh Newlifefellowship Church Delhi Delhi

79. JohnBeevors Reverend. Hull

80. JohnDayal Writer Delhi

81. JohnFernandes Business Margao

82. JohnSolomon Doctor Chennai

83. JoseKavi Journalist Delhi

84. JosephD'costa Softwareengineer Mumbai

85. Josephine

Joseph Individual Bangalore

86. JudeMathais Service Mumbai

87. JuliusTudu Advocate Guwahati

88. JYOTSNA S. FERNANDES Homemaker Mumbai

89. KKhongsai Professor Kanggui

90. Kalpana programmer nagpur

91. LalimaSingh Retiredteacher NewDelhi

92. Lalit Kumar

Sunariya Prayer Delhi

93. LalitaDeonalli Individual Mumbai

94. LauraVaz Psychologist Mumbail

95. Lianlalthuam Police Tura

96. Libania Concernedcitizen DELHI

97. LisaPires RetiredTeacher Goa

98. LouisDhan Selfemployed Dibrugarh

99. LunFitton Editor London

100. M G Devasahayam ForumforCatholicUnity Bangalore

101. Maanik Mahna Filmmaker NewDelhi

102. Manga DPK NewDelhi

103. Manju Activist Delhi

104. MarciaDCunha ICWM, St John the Baptist Church,Thane Thane

105. Margaret Sisters For Christian Community Vassi

106. Margaret Rosair FRIENDSOFNano Chennai

107. MariaWilliam St.JosephsChurch Kamplar

108. Mariazinha Carvalgo ReligiousSister Goa

109. MaryBaite AssistantProfessor Churachandpur

110. MaryGrace Researcher Manipur

111. MathewNJ Management Cochin

112. MatildaPinto Retiredfrom Govtservice Mumbai

113. MaureenD'Sa Retired Mumbai

114. MavoorVijayan PurogamanaKalaSahithya Sangam Kozhikode

115. MiminKipgen Service Vizag

116. MinakshiSingh UnityinCompassion Delhi

117. Mohammad Faizan NA Delhi

118. Mohammed Turab Montfort Social Institute, Ramanthapur, Hyderabad Hyderabad

119. MohdImran MuslimWomen'sForum NewDelhi

120. Moi Private Churachandpur

121. Mridula Mukherjee Historian NewDelhi

122. NHaokip PSU Guwahati

123. NaazishShah Lawyer Mumbai

124. NancyVaz Retiredteacher Mumbai

125. NanditaNarain Associate Professor (Retd),St. Stephen's College,DelhiUniversity Delhi

126. NavaidHamid Secretary, Peoples' IntegrationCouncil NewDelhi

127. Neetu Kumar gowda PastorJail Ministry Delhi

128. Nehlemlal

Haokip KUKIcommunity NewDelhi

129. Nirmala ApostolicCarmel Delhi

130. Noella de Souza Missionaries of Christ Jesus Mumbai

131. Noorjahan Diwan Socialworker Ahmedabad

132. Ouseph Puthenpura varghese Kristu jyoti HSS, chethipuzha Kottaysm

133. PNSereng None NewDelhi

134. PVShebi SocialActivist Trissur

135. Pamela Philipose Journalist NewDelhi

136. PatsyKhan

137. Pausonmuan

Concerned for Human Rights and Respect for ReligiousFreedom Baddi

Suantak Students Churachandpur

138. PintuKumar SGM ARWAL

139. PMTony Bagaicha Ranchi


141. PrakashLouis Bihar MigrantHub Patna

142. Pramilla Elaine Barretto Retired Margao.Goa

143. PranavDas Congressleader Rajnandgaon

144. Praveen

Kolluguri IndiaLabourSolidarity London

145. Pravesh Socialworker DelhiNCR

146. Prema Rainbow Home of Seven Sisters Guwahati

147. PrernaGarg Aconcernedcitizen Rudrapur

148. PriyaDharshini Delhiforum Newdelhi

149. Raja Rabbi Hussain Independent Delhi

150. Rajeev Freelance Solan

151. Rajender Kumar Theatreactivist Delhi

152. Rajendra PrasadBoddapati Activist Hyderabad

153. RajkumarBidla Local.governments in LondonBorough, th London, the United Kingdom

154. Rama HRInitiative Delhi

155. RameshDixit

156. Ranjan

Professor in Political Science (retd), Lucknow University. Lucknow

Solomon Free-lancewriter Goa

157. Ravi Netto Retired Mumbai

158. RensonVM Indian Human Rights Movement Kochi

159. RockySharon Advocate Shillong

160. RogerSamuel K&SENTERPRSES DwarkaNewDelhi

161. Rosamma

Thomas None PalatownKerala

162. Runu Chakraborty Independent activist and freelanceprofessional Gaziabad

163. RuthFurtado Teacher Vasai

164. SGolandaz Engg Mumbai

165. Sachin M

Bhusari Freelance Mumbai

166. Sancia

Sequeira Teacher Mumbai

167. Sandhya

Honawar Advertising Mumbai

168. Seigoulen

Mate Student Chandel

169. Selwyn

Almeida Dentist Mumbai

170. Shabnam Hashmi ANHAD NEWDELHI

171. Shafeeq

Mahajir Advocate Hyderabad

172. Shafkat Documentarymaker SRINAGAR

173. Shailet

Fernandes Mumbai

174. ShajiThomas service CHENNAI

175. Shameera Concernedcitizen NewDelhi

176. Sharmeela de

Vas S.V.DeVasAgency Mumbai

177. SiamiVaiphei Teaching London

178. SrRosemary Teacher Bangalore

179. Sr.Jansi

Alanrose Librarianretired Nagercoil

180. Sunny

Oommen YMCA Kollam

181. SusaiSebastian Civilsocietymember NewDelhi

182. TaraRao Active citizen Bangalore

183. Thanga Profession Manipur

184. Thanglalsam Engineer Guwahati

185. Thresiamma

Philip Religious Kolkata

186. Tushar A. Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Foundation Mumbai

187. VedaJoseph Advocate VillupuramTamilNadu

188. VidyaSuresh Teacher Bangalore

189. VijayPandian Business Mumbai

190. VijayanMJ South Asian Solidarity Collective NewDelhi

191. Vikram Indian Christian Unity Forum Bangalore

192. VinodPande Filmmaker Mumbai

193. Virgil Gideon

Raju Charteredaccountant Mumbai

194. WilliamRebello Consultant Mumbai

195. YousufSaeed Independent NewDelhi

196. ZakirHussain Electrician Bangalore

For my birthday, you are organising in my name,


- *Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ

Dear Leaders of the Christian CommunityinIndia,

Greetings of peace, love, joy and hope- to each one of you, as you preparetocelebratemybirthonce again!

Ihavejustcomeacrossaninvitation, that some of you are planning to celebrate my birthday on 23 December 2024, in Delhi. A great ideaindeed– congrats!!Mybirthas the Saviour of the world must be

as Chief Guest...!

celebrated! Do go ahead and enjoy yourselves.However,Imustconfess that your choice of Chief Guest at my birthday party, confuses me tremendously; in fact, I am aghast! Obviously, you will point fingers to meandsaytomethatduringmylife on this earth, I was wining and dining with tax- collectors and prostitutes and damned sinners of every hue on the horizon. I have absolutelynodoubtthatyouwould convenientlysaythistome.Besides, you would also take me on my own words,unhesitatinglyquotingme,“I havecomeforthesinner…!”

Havingsaidthis,Iwouldliketostate clearly, strongly and unambiguously:

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas

ChiefGuest...thesmallfarmer/s .

You are aware of the suffering that they have been subject to. Their lands have been snatched away fromthem;theyaregivenarawdeal forthecropstheyproduce;theyare being denied a just Minimum SupportPrice(MSP).Rememberthe four anti- small farmer laws which are currently in cold storage, designedtohelpthebigcorporates who have already built huge granaries? Even today several small farmers are fasting, they want their voice to be heard. I would have been delighted if you had invited one of them for my birthday and giventhemavoicetoexpresswoes, just listened to them. You seem to forget that the first to be invited to celebrate my birthday were the Shepherds. they were the Chief Guests- poor and simple, excluded and exploited, living on the peripheries. They came in haste to worship me! Mummy Mary and Papa Joseph had time for them and receivedthemwiththewarmth,love and joy which so profoundly definedthatfirstChristmasnight.

Chief Guest...the Human Rights Defender/s. Umar Khalid, Sudha Bharadwaj, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreiraandothers.MyFatherhada clear plan, he chose the Magi, the oneswhowererelentlesslypursuing the truth; the ones who had the courage to follow the Star, despite all odds. The Magi took a stand against the wiles of Herod and refused to toe his line and fall into the trap of his machinations. They took a visible and vocal stand for truth and justice, as they took a calculated decision to go home by another route. There are so many Human Rights defenders who are silenced, hounded and harassed, incarcerated and even killed. Remember our beloved late Fr Stan Swamy? How nice if one of these, who so meaningfully epitomise the spirit of the Gospel, was accorded the pride of place at my birthday party!

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas Chief Guest …a peacemaker ; someone who has the courage to internalise and actualise peace, justice, harmony, joy and fraternity. There are millions of them in India

today – simple, ordinary, voiceless, sensitive people who have a genuine concern for others. who reach out to others. That first Christmas night, the angels sang in one voice, “Glory to God in the highestandonearthpeacetothose onwhomhisfavourrests”On his first Christmas as the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis referred to the song of the angels as “asongthat unites heaven and earth.” . He invited everyone to join in this little song. He called it “asongforevery manorwomanwhokeepswatch throughthenight,whohopesfora betterworld,whocaresforothers whilehumblyseekingtodohisor herduty.” Pope Francis said,“the songoftheangelsgivespraiseand glorytoheaven,whileatthesame timepromisingpeacetoearthand allitspeople.”Itis,indeed,asongof peace.

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas Chief Guest, …the ‘other’! Remember the people of Egypt? Theyprovidedme,myMumandmy Dadwithshelter,safetyandsecurity. They accorded us a warm welcome. They treated us as one like them, integrated us in their society, gave

us all that we needed. It was not easy being refugees, strangers/ foreigners from a distant land. Todaywetendtodiscardthesevery people so easily. They are discriminated against; their houses are bull-dozed, and the most derogatory language is being used against them. My mother always woreahijab–itwasanintegralpart of her culture and tradition. Today wehave reached thelowest rung of pettinessaswedeterminewhatone should wear and eat, see and read. It would be an excellent choice to haveoneofthemastheChiefGuest atmybirthdayparty!

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas ChiefGuest…atribal/anAdivasi. Theindigenouspeoplesarethesoul of a nation. The natives – the original inhabitants of the land. Their jal,jungle,jameen – all their natural resources are being snatched away from them. Their identity is being destroyed. Having a Kuki-zo tribal from Manipur, would be ideal. Since early May 2023, they have been bruised brutalised and battered; most of themhavelosteverything.Manyare

dead, others just surviving in makeshift refugee camps. Their plight is terrible,unbelievable–aclassiccase of man’s inhumanity to man. Imagine how wonderful it would be ifoneofthemwasinvitedtobethe ChiefGuest!

For my birthday, you are organisinginmyname,INVITEas ChiefGuest …thepoorandthe vulnerable : there are so many of them in the country today: the casual labourers, the migrant workers, the fisher folk and other indigenous coastal people, the vegetable vendors and slumdwellers, the ones who are trafficked, the unemployed, the Dalits, the OBCs, the women and those from the LGBTQIA+ community, the bonded persons and abused children. the list is endless indeed. Besides you forget thatIambornaPalestinian–wowit would have been terrific to have a Palestinian as the Chief Guest and take a stand against the ruthlessnessoftheIsraelifascists

Sadly, you seem to miss the spirit and message of Christmas – as you concentrate on power, privilege,

position, possessions and pride. One can never invite someone as Chief guest, who has tried to destroy the sanctity of the Constitution, prevented people from freely practising and propagationone’sreligionandeven suffocated freedom of speech and expression. Lies, corruption, hate and violence are mainstreamed in the country today. Minorities and other vulnerable sections of society are at the receiving end of a brutal regime.Don’tfoolyourselves;thisis neither dialogue nor meaningful interactions. I took a stand against the Caesars, Pilates and Herod’s of my time. Can you learn from me? You forget that my birth took place in a stable. I am aware that you will do absolutely nothing to change things. That is the tragedy! Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in ‘God Is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas’remindsus,“Whoamong us will celebrate Christmas correctly?Whoeverfinallylaysdown allpower,allhonour,allreputation, all vanity, all arrogance, all individualism beside the manger; whoeverremainslowlyandletsGod alonebehigh;whoeverlooksatthe childinthemangerandseesthe

glory of God precisely in his lowliness.”

Finally, enjoy yourself! Sorry, in conscience, I will NOT be in your midst! But of course, you will NOT eveninvitemeforthebirthdaybash you are organising in my name! No problem! Ipreferto be withthose,I have truly come for- the least, the lostandthelast! HappyChristmas!

Yourbrother,friendandSaviour, Jesus 21December2024

(*Fr.CedricPrakashSJ isa renowned human rights, reconciliationandpeaceactivistand writer.

Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com)

Portugal’s Colonialism in Asia (1510-1961)

A Brief History

Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition)


For details about the book and authors see:


In addition to Goa, the importantoutpostswereBomBahia (1534-1661),Mangalore(1526),and Bassein (1534). Yet these decades were marred by wars, intimidation and displacement of natives and land-grab efforts of the ruler, actions resulting in the increase in the number of White--Mestizos (mostly male) settlements defending Goa. Over time, the sultansmadenumerousattemptsto regain their lost land and control of the spice trade by ejecting the LusitanosfromtheEE.Therepeated wars and famines created waves of the Mangalorean diaspora, whose aim was to escape the chaos, wars, rising taxes, conscription, and epidemics. The EEs reflected a mix of prosperity for some and a nightmare for others. Lisbon replaced Pax Islamiyah with Pax Lusitania, created a Maritime Silk Lane in the IO - defactomilitaryeconomic supremacy from Africa’s west coast to Japan; imposed a toll atseveralchokepointsintheIO.

In Europe, across the border, Queen Isabella felt cheated by Columbus’ claims of reaching Asia;

referring to capsicum as chilipeppers; she annulled some of his awards.

Spainhadtowaitfordecadestosee any return on its efforts and investments. Lisbon’s riches surpassed Europe’s rulers at a time when Spain and other rivals were still muddling through the exploration of the Americas. Spain souredonhereffortsandColumbus – The Admiral of the Ocean died in obscurityasabrokenman.

The world witnessed

Lusitanian Globalization effectively its trade cartel which removed trade barriers; created lucrative financial opportunities through the triangulation of shipping, trade, and hegemony within Asia and Europe. The palace made a handsome profit in the process, which paid for the commoditiesshippedtoLisbon.For

example, Lisbon transported 30,000 Kgs of spices annually from its colonies, earning a profit of 45,000 pounds; other goods garnered 150,000 pounds. Goa took its rightful place on the world map; considered “The Singapore” of the day.Yet,today’sGoawasdefinedas far back as 1788, when Lisbon acquired its “New Conquest” territories, after which the turbulence of the first half of colonialismabated.

Wealth from trade with colonized areas in Asia, Africa, and Brazil allowed Lisbon to outcompete Spain, its larger neighbor. HistoryacceptsLisbon heraldedthe AgesofEDE(Exploration,Discovery, and Expansion), C&C (Conquer & Control), C&M (Capitalism & Mercantilism); her political-socioeconomic influence echoed all over Europe. Dom Manuel contributed more to the world of the time than his contemporaries Ferdinand and Isabella / Maximillian / Charles V / CharlesIofSpain;LouisXII/Francis IofFrance;andHenryVIIandVIIIof England. Manueline architecture was a fusion of European and fanciful Islamic taste left from Andalusia. VG’s feat in the first

century transferred more wealth and spices to Europe than Columbus. Europe was in an economic boom, as the Americas gave them ‘fur fashion (by shipping animalpelts),Asiagavethemspices andluxuriesfortheirdailymilieu. Catholic priests and nuns sailedwiththesettlerstoministerto the Lusitanos. Lisbon’s focus was never on saving native souls, so 45 yearsafterdaGamalandedinIndia, the Pope sent Francis Xavier,

cofounder of the Jesuits, to spread the Good News contained in the Gospels. When hearrived in Goa in 1542, Francis was gravely disappointedbythebehaviorofthe colonists.Afterwritingcriticalletters to the king and seeing no credible action,heleftGoafourmonthslater to work in non-Lusitano territories of South India, Malaysia, and Japan. HediedonhiswaytoChina,merely

a decade after he landed on the subcontinent.

The colonizers established schools to attract and keep settlers, and to create a small cadre of educated natives. The Jesuits and other religious orders stationed in Goa diligently worked to achieve their mission of educating the population starting in the early 16th century.Thecurriculumwaslikethat used in seminaries in postReformation Europe – focus on mastering the 4 Rs, music, and the Latin alphabet. The introduction of books raised the education system to a more structured level. Entire villagestookadvantageofthecostfree, parish-linked education system. GEMs were educated despite their diversity in terms of caste, class, religion, languages spoken at home, socioeconomic status, residence, their parents’ occupation, property ownership, or education level. This was in sharp contrast to the education system in colonial America, where the first formalschoolsforthelandedgentry opened in the late 1700s with a limited curriculum; free public schools were founded well into the 1800s. In Asia, some families with

hereditary occupations resisted education. They perceptively and intuitively feared that education would break their children’s link to thelandandtraditionalskills.

Inthesubsequentdecades,the natives through a process of acculturation adopted a combined life of tradition and change with education, affluence and impact of thecolonistsanddiaspora.Whether HindufestivalswereChristianizedor Christian festivals Indigenized, or both is up for debate. Ancient traditions deep seated in many celebrations and festivals represent ethnic and cultural heritages. Their memoryisenshrinedinplacenames and folklore. Myths, tales, and historical anecdotes are handed downorallyfromonegenerationto the next. Unfortunately, legends have become ensconced as history, along with reality-based lessons for community living. They convey strong messages and values that educatepeopleaboutwhotheyare! Storytelling holds the knowledge of native culture and is the key to the continuation of the heritage. GEM festivals, which originated in a rural settingandwereassociatedwiththe rustic past, continue to be

celebrated in the cities. Even during colonialism, generations of natives preserved their caste along with its social and economic aspects including respect for and access to society, resources, and lifestyle. The upper castes, irrespective of religion, continued to be wealthy, holding powerful positions. Today, because of education, mobility, and diaspora remittances the stratificationisnotrigid.

The European settlers came to Asiatodiscover,hold,andoccupied. Lisbonsentthousandsofitscitizens to ships equipped with overcrowded quarters and unappetizing food to sail over turbulent seas. Relocating to the east provided the newcomers with freedom, rights, privileges, and protection to settle. They enjoyed the prospects of trading, live a better life, own land, and lord over slaves and indentured labor. Those coming to Asia did not have to face the bleak winters, poor diets, or primitive wilderness of the Americas. However, merely traveling to India, a voyage which took six to 10 months, was a dauntingtask.Incomparison,sailto the Americas took one to two

months. In both regions, settlers suffered miserable weather. Asian summer peak displayed cloudless skyandhumidoven-likeheatwhich endedwiththeonsetofmonsoon.

Religious orders through their monasteries transplanted new farming techniques and crops between Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Imported seeds of American corn, potatoes, tomatoes, chilies, tobacco and beans transformed agriculture and diet, thereby eliminating starvation. As a food crop, beans nourish the soil, rather than rob it of its nutrients by their “nitrogen fixation ability.” Bacteria from beans absorb over one hundred pounds of nitrogen from the atmosphere per year, per acre, and transfer it to the soil in whichtheygrow.Agriculturistshave succeeded in identifying plants that can sequester nitrogen and carbon, permit the soil to serve as “ a sink,” andeliminatetheneedforchemical fertilizers. This eco-system protects the environment, soil, and water. Beans are essential ingredients in a vegetariandietandhighlyregarded inAyurvedicmedicine.Itisreported the monks introduced fifty new speciesofplantstoIndia.

Manmohan Singh, Indian ex-PM and architect of economic reform, dies at 92




Former Indian PM Manmohan Singh'slifeandlegacy

Former Indian prime minister ManmohanSinghhasdiedattheage of92.

Singh was one of India's longestserving prime ministers and he was considered the architect of key liberalising economic reforms, as premier from 2004-2014 and before thatasfinanceminister.

He had been admitted to a hospital in the capital Delhi after his health conditiondeteriorated,reportssay. Among those who paid tribute to Singh on Thursday were Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who wrote on social media that "India mourns the loss of one of its most distinguishedleaders".

Modi said that Singh's "wisdom and humility were always visible" during their interactions and that he had "made extensive efforts to improve people's lives" during his time as primeminister.

Priyanka Gandhi, the daughter of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and a Congress party member, said thatSinghwas"genuinelyegalitarian, wise, strong-willed and courageous untiltheend".

Her brother Rahul, who leads Congress,saidhehad"lostamentor andguide".

SinghwasthefirstIndianleadersince Jawaharlal Nehru to be re-elected after serving a full first term, and the first Sikh to hold the country's top post. He made a public apology in parliamentforthe1984riotsinwhich some3,000Sikhswerekilled.

But his second term in office was marred by a string of corruption allegations that dogged his administration. The scandals, many say, werepartially responsible for his Congress party's crushing defeat in the2014generalelection.

Singh was born on 26 September 1932, in a desolate village in the Punjab province of undivided India, which lacked both water and electricity.

After attending Panjab University, he took a master's degree at the University of Cambridge and then a DPhilatOxford.

While studying at Cambridge, the lack of funds bothered Singh, his daughter, Daman Singh, wrote in a bookonherparents.

Singh was often called the

"accidentalprime minister"

"Histuitionandlivingexpensescame to about £600 a year. The Panjab University scholarship gave him about £160. For the rest he had to depend on his father. Manmohan was careful to live very stingily. Subsidised meals in the dining hall were relatively cheap at two shillings sixpence."


as "completely helpless about the houseandcouldneitherboilanegg, norswitchonthetelevision".


Singhrosetopoliticalprominenceas India's finance minister in 1991, taking over as the country was plungingintobankruptcy.

Hisunexpectedappointmentcapped a long and illustrious career as an academicandcivilservant-heserved as an economic adviser to the government and became the governorofIndia'scentralbank.

In his maiden speech as finance minister, he famously quoted Victor Hugo,sayingthat"nopoweronEarth can stop an idea whose time has come".

That served as a launchpad for an ambitious and unprecedented economicreformprogramme:hecut taxes, devalued the rupee, privatised state-run companies and encouragedforeigninvestment.

The economy revived, industry pickedup,inflationwascheckedand growth rates remained consistently highinthe1990s.

Singh was born in Gah, an underdeveloped village in what is nowPakistan


ManmohanSinghwasamanacutely awareofhislackofapoliticalbase."It isnicetobeastatesman,butinorder tobeastatesmaninademocracyyou first have to win elections," he once said.

When he tried to win election to India's lower house in 1999, he was defeated.Hesatinsteadintheupper house, chosen by his own Congress party.

The same happened in 2004, when Singh was first appointed prime minister after Congress president SoniaGandhiturneddownthepostapparently to protect the party from damaging attacks over her Italian origins. Critics, however, alleged that Sonia Gandhi was the real source of power while he was prime minister, andthathewasnevertrulyincharge.

Critics said Mr Singh always played secondfiddleto SoniaGandhi


The biggest triumph during his first five-yeartermwasto bring Indiaout

of nuclear isolation by signing a landmark deal securing access to Americannucleartechnology. But the deal came at a price - the government's Communist allies withdrew support after protesting it, and Congress had to make up lost numbers by enlisting the support of another party amid charges of votebuying.

A consensus builder, Singh presided over a coalition of sometimes difficult, assertive and potentially unruly regional coalition allies and supporters.

Although he earned respect for his integrityandintelligence,healsohad a reputation for being soft and indecisive. Some critics claimed that the pace of reform slowed, and he failed to achieve the same momentum he had while finance minister.


The biggest triumph during Mr Singh's first five-year term was to bring India out of nuclear isolation

bysigninga landmarkdealwiththe US

When Singh guided Congress to a second, decisive election victory in 2009,hevowedthatthepartywould "risetotheoccasion".

Buttheglosssoonbegantowearoff andhissecondtermwasinthenews mostly for all the wrong reasons: severalscandalsinvolvinghiscabinet ministers which allegedly cost the country billions of dollars, a parliament stalled by the opposition, and a huge policy paralysis that resulted in a serious economic downturn.

LKAdvani,aseniorleaderintherival BJP party, called Singh India's "weakestprimeminister".

Manmohan Singh defended his record, saying his government had worked with "utmost commitment and dedication for the country and thewelfareofitspeople".


Singhadoptedthepragmaticforeign policies pursued by his two predecessors. Hecontinuedthepeaceprocesswith Pakistan - though this process was hampered by attacks blamed on Pakistanimilitants,culminatinginthe

Mumbai gun and bomb attack of November2008.

He tried to end the border dispute with China, brokering a deal to reopen the Nathu La pass into Tibet whichhadbeenclosedformorethan 40years.


Singh with his daughter Upinder Singh (R) and his wife Gursharan Kaur(L)

Singh increased financial support for Afghanistan and became the first Indian leader to visit the country for nearly30years.

He also angered many opposition politicians by appearing to end relationswithIndia'soldally,Iran.


A studious former academic and bureaucrat, he was known for being self-effacing and always kept a low profile.His social mediaaccount was notedmostlyfordullentriesandhad alimitednumberoffollowers.

A man of few words, his calm demeanour nevertheless won him manyadmirers.

Responding to questions on a coal scandal involving the illegal allocationoflicencesworthbillionsof dollars, he defended his silence on theissuebysayingitwas"betterthan thousandsofanswers".


Singh's opponents accused him of involvement in a coal scandal in 2012

In2015hewassummonedtoappear in court to answer allegations of criminal conspiracy, breach of trust and corruption related offences. An upset Singh told reporters that he was"openforlegalscrutiny"andthat the"truthwillprevail".

After his time as premier, Singh remained deeply engaged with the

issuesofthedayasaseniorleaderof the main opposition Congress party despitehisadvancingage.

In August 2020, he told the BBC in a rare interview that India needed to take three steps "immediately" to stem the economic damage of the coronavirus pandemic, which had sent the country's economy into a recession.

The government needed to provide direct cash assistance to people, makecapitalavailableforbusinesses, andfixthefinancialsector,hesaid.

History will remember Singh for bringing India out of economic and nuclear isolation, although some historians may suggest he should haveretiredearlier.

"Ihonestlybelievethathistorywillbe kinder to me than the contemporary media, or for that matter, the opposition parties in parliament," he toldaninterviewerin2014.

Singh survives by his wife and three daughters.


Tonight, I woke up unexpectedly, just past 1:00 a.m., with a peculiar sense of restlessness. The day had beenfullybusybutenjoyable stretch spent visiting relatives, laughingovermeals,andbaskingin thewarmthoffamilialbonds.Yet,as I lay in bed now, the unease persisted.

To calm my mind, I reached for the usualdistractions.Iscrolledthrough WhatsApp, hoping foralively


conversation among friends, but nothingsparkedmyinterest.

On Facebook, I browsed travel groups for tips to prepare for an upcoming vacation bucket-list destination on another continent. Instead of excitement, the preparations felt overwhelming, almostlike aburden.

Shifting my focus, I checked the statusofanonlinegiftordermyson had placed for Christmas. Normally,

theanticipationoftrackingshipping updates would bring a little joy, but nottonight.

I turned to YouTube, looking for comfort in my subscribed channels talks on stoicism, Taoism, and existentialism. Surprisingly, even thesefailedtoresonate.

Meditation seemed uninspiring. Reading a book felt like too much effort.Music,myusualsolace,didn’t appeal. A walk? Impossible in the biting December cold, with snow blanketingtheground.

In the end, I turned to my journal— a trusted companion through every seasonofmylife.Writingoftenfeels like a quiet conversation with myself, and as my thoughts began to flow onto the page, clarity emerged.Slowly,therestlessenergy eased,givingwaytoreflection.

Therealizationstruckme:weareon the cusp of 2025. There is something profoundly grounding about the transition from one year to the next. Time moves steadily forward, transforming days into months,monthsintoyears.

Thisthreshold,thispausebeforethe new year begins, feels like an invitation to reflect, to take stock, andtocherish.

As I looked back, gratitude flooded my thoughts. The year had been kindtome.Irevisitedmychildhood home and spent time with my brothers. I traveled with friends, read meaningful books, and pursued small but delightful goals like the hilariously awkward attempt to learn the guitar. These memories are treasures, reminders ofayearwell spent.

This annual exercise—sitting quietly, reflecting on the year gone by, has always been meaningful to me. It’s a chance to acknowledge the highs and lows, to find lessons in the challenges, and to embrace gratitude for the joys. Have you tried it? If not, consider making it partofyourownyear-endritual. It’s simplebutprofoundlyrewarding.

Perhaps the most beautiful part of this past year has been reconnecting with old friends. After years apart, we found our way back to one another, rekindling bonds

that had never truly faded. This renewal of friendship has been a source of immense joy and hope, a reminder of life’s most enduring gifts.

As I close my journal tonight, my restlessness is dissipating. In its place is a sense of peace—a quiet gratitudeforthepastandahopeful anticipationofthefuture.

With the new year just around the corner, I am ready to embrace whateveritbrings,withaheartfull


Here, I am not able to contain the purebliss,joyandthehopeitbrings as I think about another year dawning on us, when we will together share many more days of friendshipandhappiness.

That truly calmed my mind - my soul.




The Ramayana, also known as Valmiki Ramayana, traditionally attributedtoValmiki,isasmrititext from ancient India, one of the two important epics of Hinduism, the other being the Mahabharata.

The Ramayana isan ancient Indian epic that tells the story of Rama, and his quest to rescue his kidnapped wife, Sita. Rama is the eldest son of King Dasharatha. According to the complex story, RamaisexiledtotheforestwithSita andhisbrother,Lakshmana,where

Sita is abducted by Ravana.Rama must defeat Ravana and return to the throne of Ayodhya.

The Ramayana is a classic tale of good triumphing over evil and teaches lessons on morality and ethics.Ramaisconsideredtheideal son,husband,andking,and embodies the concepts of dharma, or duty, honor, and loyalty.

TheRamayanaisaSanskritepicthat consists of nearly 24,000 verses divided into seven chapters, or kāṇḍa. This epic becomes interesting with Hanuman burning Lanka. The story of Ramayana was passed down orally for centuries before being written down.


TheRamayanahasinfluencedHindu lifeandculture,anditsmainfigures are important in the cultural

consciousness.It has been adapted into many regional languages and artistic mediums, including dance, theater, opera.


The Mahabharata isan ancient Indianepicpoemthattellsthestory of a war between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, for control of the kingdom of Hastinapur:The Mahabharata is written by the sage Vyasa.

The Mahabharata is a complex narrative that includes the war, philosophical discourses, and smaller stories.One of the most famouspartsoftheMahabharatais the BhagavadGita,aphilosophical discourse between Arjuna and Krishna that takes place before the war. TheMahabharataisoneofthemost

important texts in Hinduism, along with the Ramayana.Itisa source of informationaboutthedevelopment of Hinduism between 400 BCE and 200 CE.


TheBhagavadGita,oftenreferredto as the Gita, is a Hindu scripture, datedtothesecondorfirstcentury BCE, which forms part of the epic Mahabharata. It is a synthesis of various strands of Indian religious thought, including the Vedic concept of dharma, yoga, Karma,

jnana, and bhakti.

The Bhagavad Gita, was written bythe sage Vyasa, who is credited with authoring the Mahabharata, the epic in which the Gita is embedded as a dialogue between ArjunaandKrishna.


Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical posture, breathingexercises,andmeditation to improve physical and mental health:

Yoga originated thousands of years ago in India as a spiritual practice rooted in philosophy. The word "yoga"comesfromtheSanskritroot yuj, which means "to join" or "to unite".

Yoga's goal is to achieve selfrealization and a state of liberation, ormoksha.

Yoga can help withimproving

posture, flexibility, strength, and balance



There are many different styles of yoga, ranging from gentle to physicallydemanding.

In the United States, yoga typically focusesonthreemaincomponents:



Dyana: Meditation

Tantra is an esoteric yogic tradition that developed on the Indian subcontinent in both Hinduism and Buddhism. [1]

TheearliestdatefortheTantratexts related to Tantric practices is 600CE, though most of them were probably composed after the 8th century onwards. Very little is known about who created the Tantras.



the use of mantras, and thus they are commonly referred to asMantra-Marga("PathofMantra") inHinduism. Mantra-Yana("Mantra Vehicle") andGuhyamantra("Secret Mantra") in Buddhism.

Tantric meditation is a spiritual practice that aims to achieve deep transformation within the mind and body by utilizing various forms of energy, including sounds (mantras), visualizations, colors, and breathwork, to access heightened states of awareness, often focusing on the concept of "kundalini" energy flowing through the body's chakras, with the goal of achieving expanded consciousness and unity with the divine; unlike traditional meditation, it actively engages with these energetic aspects to bring aboutamoreprofoundexperience.

KeypointsaboutTantricmeditation: Rituals: Invoking deities through visualizationsandyoga

Breathing: Pranayama, or breathwork


Unlike othermeditationpractices, tantric meditation actively works with subtle energies within the body, visualized as light, sound, or

color, to manipulate and direct them.


Tantric practices often involve focusing on the kundalini chakras energy centers in the body, to balance and awaken them through visualizationand breathwork.


Chanting specific mantras (sacred sounds) and using yantras (geometric symbols) can be key components of tantric meditation to focus the mind and direct energy.


Due to its active engagement with subtle energies, tantric meditation is considered a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Can be practiced by individuals: Due care is to be taken while learningasitinvolvesahighlevelof energy. Ateacherisrecommended


Tantricmeditationcanbepracticed by individuals without a partner, focusing on inner energy and awareness rather thanphysical intimacy.

Tantrismhasbeensopervasivethat all of Hinduism and Buddhism after the eleventh century are influenced byit.

Annual Christmas Programme, Sneha


The Christmas spirit was alive and thriving at the Snehalaya Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center in Manjeswaram as they celebrated their annual Christmas programme, Sneha Milana-2024. The event was graced by the esteemed guests including Shilpa Dyavaiah IPS, the

District Police Chief of Kasaragod, Dr. Shivaprakash D.S, the District Surgeon and Superintendent of Wenlock District Hospital in Mangalore. The guest of honor included Fr. Loius Mariadas, the Parish Priest of InfantJesusChurchinHosangadi,

Fr. Cyril D Souza, the Chaplain of Snehalaya, Mr. Joseph Elias Menezes, the Director of Fortune Life Wealth Pvt. Ltd Delhi and Proprietor of PTI Consultancy in Bombay, and Mr. Refeeq Master, a motivational speaker from Mangalore. The evening was filled with joy and laughter as the GG100 Chorus Team from Mangalore entertained the audience with beautifulmusic.

The host of the event, Geo D'silva, kept the energy high as the guests enjoyed the festivities. Bro. Joseph Crasta, the Executive Director of Snehalaya, warmly welcomed everyone to the programme while Mrs.OliviaCrasta,theSecretarycum Trustee,bidthevoteofthankstoall attendees. Overall, it was a heartwarming and joyful celebration that brought smiles to thefacesofallwhoattended.

Christmas Sauhardya Koota at Bajjod

“God became man and dwelt among us”. To share the message love, peace and joy of Christmas with our non-Christian brethren a Sauhardya Koota was organised at Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi, on Sunday December 22nd morning. The function was Presided over by Fr. Dominic Vas, parish priest and theGuestsofhonourwere:Keshava Maroli,corporator;NaveenD’souza, Corporator; James Praveen, Corporator; Dharmayya, retired

deputypolicecommissioner;Dinesh Kumar, retired ASI and Bhuganga, retired ASI.

The program began with a prayer song by the parish catechism children.Mrs.IrenePintowelcomed thegathering.ThenalltheGuestsof honour lighted the lamp which was followed by a beautiful dance performed by the parish children. Then Keshava Maroli, the local Corporator, spoke and said that Christmas is a feast of love, joy and harmonywhichshouldbringallthe

people irrespective of caste, creed and religious together. He wished everyone the greetings of Christmas.TheAltarserversenacted beautifully the birth, ministry, the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Fr. Dominic Vas, parish priest, gave a beautiful Christmas Message. The quoted the Sloka from Bhagavad Gita and compared the birth of Christ with Bhagvan Krishna. The central message of Christmas is “Godlovedmankindsomuchthat

he gave his only son. And God (Christ) became man and dwelt amongus.HebroughtusPeace,joy and love.” So all of us should not built walls in our interpersonal relationships, but we have to build bridges as all of us are God’s

children and same God dwells in each one of us. Sri Prakash Saldanha, PPC Vice president, proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Rikita Cutinha compered the program. Many nonChristians brethren participated in

the program, and Christmas Cake were distributed to all of them bringing cheers and joy of Christmas.


Carol gayonanchie spordhent

Poilem inam' amchea pongddak

Zoitachi xabaski diunk

Veng marli mhojea golleak

Natalam yetalim-vetalim

Spordhent inamam jikhot aslim

Jikhlolea pavtti tuji veng favtali

Punn poilie vengechi ub vegllich asli.


Tuzo poilo Natalancho amrut kis

Aiz meren mhoji nhid piddear korta

Hozar kis uprant polear chhapleat

Tujea poilea kisacho dag azun zollta.

Lino Baptista Dourado


Jeppu, St Anthony’s Charity Institute Spreads the Christmas Spirit with Joyful Celebration

Jeppu, Mangalore, December 22, 2024: The vibrant atmosphere at St Anthony’s Charity Institute was a testament to the Christmas spirit as residents, priests, and well-wishers gathered to celebratethe birthof

ChristonDecember22,2024. The event was graced by several distinguished dignitaries, including Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, who presided over the celebration. Chief Guests

SriIvanD’Souza,HonorableMLCof Karnataka, and Sri D. Vedavyasa Kamath, Honorable MLA of Mangalore South Constituency, were present to share their insights andgoodwill.GuestsofHonor

included Smt. Jacintha Vijay Alfred, Corporator of Falnir Ward, and Shri Bharth Kumar S., Corporator of JeppuWard.

The Bishop, in his presidential address, praised the institute's remarkableservicetosocietyovera century. “The Ashram has been a beacon of light and hope by shelteringtheneedy,orphaned,and helpless. It is a place where God’s graceandpresencearereflectedin

the residents. What you do unto these, is done unto God,” he remarked, emphasizing the institute’smissiontoupholddignity and love for humanity. Chief Guest Sri Ivan D’Souza, Honorable MLC,

highlighted the true essence of Christmas. “Christmas calls us to share love with our brethren and liveinsolidarity.ThisAshramandits residents are the best examples of lovemanifestedineachother'scare,

despite their weaknesses and frailties,” he said, inspiring the

Sri D. Vedavyasa Kamath, MLA of

Mangalore South Constituency, commended the institute’s efforts

to honour service providers during the celebration. “Recognizing the

services of people around us and honouring them with respect and dignity is the best way to celebrate Christmas,”hestated.

The event featured the distribution ofChristmasgiftstotheresidents,a touching gesture symbolizing the joy of giving. The audience was captivated by carol singing accompaniedbyalivelybrassband.

Adding to the festivity, the Konkani movie “Christachem Janan” (The Birth of Christ) was screened, leavingthecrowdinawe.

Fr J.B. Crasta, Director of the institute, warmly welcomed the gathering. The program was

meticulously compered by Mr Aloysius D’Souza, and Fr Avinash Pais rendered the vote of thanks. Fr Gilbert D’Souza, Chaplain, Fr Avinash Pais, assistant director, Fr Nelson Peris, the assistant director were among other dignitaries on the dais. Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes, director Canara Communication Centre, and Mr Roy Castelino, PRO and Mr Marcel Monteiro were presentamongthemany.

Theeveningstoodasatestamentto the Ashram’s unwavering commitment to uplifting the marginalized. As the Bishop aptly concluded, “Bringing joy and happinessandsharinglovewithour littlebrethrenhasbeenthepulse of everyonewhovisitsthisAshram.”

The celebration left the attendees inspired, embodying the true meaning of Christmas – love, joy, andtogetherness.

Send your articles, poems, stories, news items to: veezkonkani@gmail.com A global e-Weekly.

Lakhappa and Christmas

In 1996, Lakhappa H. a Kannadiga Hindu, by profession a motorcycle pilot (in Goa those motorcyclists who are available to be hired to transport passengers are called pilots)livingatSt.Inez,Goawentto Pota, Kerala with his family, to free himself of his vices. There he was healed. He wanted to be a Catholic. But he could not get a Catholic priest or knowledgeable Catholic person to instruct him in Catholic faith. Hence, he continued as a Hindu. As a sign of gratitude to Jesus for his inner healing, he started to invite his neighbours for the Christmas lunch. Since then, every Christmas day he started to serve Christmas mealto 200plus to his neighbours at St. Inez and

Bambolim. On 31st March 2013, Lakhappa and his family were baptizedas Catholics aftera year of religiousinstruction. On 25th December 2024 Lakhappa completed29yearsofhisgestureof serving Christmas meal. This year approximately 125 people came to his home for the Christmas meal. Thenumberhasdecreasedbecause inhisneighbourhoodafewfamilies

have become “Believers” and they toofollowtheexampleofLakhappa, toservetheChristmasmeal.

Lakhappa and his family have been accepted and respected in the St. Inez parish. His son Govind was a youth leader in his parish. He continuestobethelector(onewho reads in the church during Mass) and Eucharistic Minister. He is ever readytoservetheparishioners. Lakhappa is a generous person towards his family members and others.IfhecansharehisChristmas

joy with others, we who claim Catholics for 3 to 5 centuries, surely should share our joy by inviting others,especiallythelessprivileged people. I hope and pray that the noble generous action of Lakhappa willinspireusto followhisexample

27th December2024

Rev Francis Clooney’s Insights from Catholicism, Dostoevsky, Tagore, and the Upanisads

Rev Francis Clooney’s memoir, Hindu and Catholic, Priest and Scholar, offers spiritual and lifelessons says Cherian Samuel*


FrancisX.Clooney,S.J.,aprofessor attheHarvardDivinitySchool,isthe author of 29 books. His latest, published this year, is Hindu and Catholic, Priest and Scholar: A LoveStory.

The central theme of the memoir, which Clooney says is the “inner story” of his life, is God’s grace. He writes, “At every stage of my life, I have received far more than I have given…even in midlife, I could not have imagined ending up where I amtoday.”

Clooney, 74-years-old, notes that hislifeandhisworkare“stubbornly intertwined, indeed, inseparable”. No part of him “makes sense on its own, without the others: priest and scholar,HinduandChristian”.

The first part of the memoir covers theoriginsandgrowthofClooney’s intellectual and spiritual identity between 1966 and 1993. In the second part, Clooney tells the story of his career as a teacher at Boston College (1984-2005) and Harvard University(2005-present.)

Clooney was born into a middleclass Irish Catholic family in Brooklyn, New York. His father James was a New York City policeman who became a social worker for Catholic charities. His mother Irene wasa homemaker. He had an older sister Mary and a younger sister Regina. The family moved from Brooklyn to Staten Island,NewYork,whenClooneywas amonthold.

His parents were “loving and conscientious”andhisearlylifewas “uneventful, quiet, and happy in an ordinary way.” When he was baptized in August 1950, Clooney was given the name, Francis Xavier, afterthefounderoftheJesuitorder, Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556). Loyola traveled to India from Europe in 1540 to spend his life in Asia. In 1973, Clooney began traveling to

Nepal and India, making nineteen tripssofar.

Reading was a Clooney family tradition, “always visiting the local public library”, with the parents setting “a great example”. James also wanted his children to spend the summer reading and “did not believe” in them working summer jobs.

After primary education at St. Christopher’s School, Staten Island, Clooney was selected to the Regis High School, New York City, 19641968. At that time, the all-male school which has been tuition-free sinceitopenedin1914,wasreputed to be the best Jesuit school in the United States. At Regis, Clooney recalls,“itwasgoodformefinallyto be in a class with peers clearly smarterthanme.”

Clooney was drawn to Russian novels, especiallyBrothers Karamazovby Fyodor Dostoevsky. He writes that the classic novel “gave words, even as I was reading it, to the primal tension in my comingofageasaspiritualbeing.”


he was fifteen, Clooney had the “defining religious experience” of his life. He “felt a very strong presence, a physical nearness” that he“knewtobeGodcomingtome.” Clooney embraced the experience tomeanthathecouldfromthenon “beonly-for-God.”

Clooney learned later that his religiousexperiencewas“analmost commonplace claim in Hindu and Buddhist mystical traditions.” His “recognition of God-everywhere” paved the way for welcoming the “world of Hindu wisdom and experience” into his life when he reachedKathmandu,Nepal,in1973.

(Photo:FrancisClooney,S.J.,center, duringavisittoIndia,2023.)

InAugust1968,afterinterviewsand the mandatory psychological testing, Clooney was accepted as a

novice in the Jesuit Order. He was one of seventeen young men to enter the Jesuit novitiate in Poughkeepsie, New York. The late 1960s, with the Vietnam War and anti-war protests, were a time of turmoil in American life and overall decline in the membership of the Jesuit Order. Only three of the cohort of seventeen made it to the ordination. Clooney notes that the “diminishment is essential to the American Jesuit story…a purification,astrippingawayofego, freeing us of illusions of inevitable upwardprogress.”

In September 1970, Clooney completed the three vows of Jesuit formation: obedience, poverty, and chastity. Becoming a Jesuit “widened my small world…(and) introduced a bold set of submissions and restraints that wouldintensifyandfocusmylife.”In 1973, Clooney received a BA in Philosophy and Classics from FordhamUniversity,NewYork.

To meet the Jesuit requirements, Clooneywantedtoworkatachurch in India, rather than in the U.S., for three reasons: (i) he admired Mahatma Gandhi and Mother

Teresa; (ii) Sanskrit, the ancient language of Hinduism, was of the same family as Latin and Greek, so thathe couldextendhisknowledge of classical languages; and (iii) he wantedtoliveamongthepoor.

Clooney clarifies that he was “not one of the innumerable young people seeking spiritual nourishment in the East,” since the “presence of God in my life was alreadyenoughformanylifetimes.”

He choseNepal sinceat that time it was nearly impossible for an American to get a visa to teach at a Christian school in India. From July 1973 to August 1975, Clooney lived and taught at St. Xavier’s, Kathmandu, Nepal, a Jesuit-run residentialschoolfor classes6–12.

Clooney found Kathmandu as a “placeofspectacularbeauty,along history, and ancient cultures not ruined by colonialism,” a great setting for reimagining “what it meanttobeaJesuitinthelatterhalf ofthetwentiethcentury.”

Slowly, Clooney “entered in small waysintoHinduculture.”Duringhis very first visit to a temple - of the

goddess Durga (Kali) outside the Kathmandu valley – he “found the experience in an odd way in harmony with the rich piety and ritualism of my own Catholic faith growingup.”

He began to read books by Indian authors, starting withGitanjali(Garland of Songs), a book of 103 poems by Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), a Bengali Hindu writer. Tagore wrote Gitanjali in 1912, at a time of loss of his wife, daughter, and son. The book won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Clooney has cited Gitanjali on innumerable occasions to show what he means by an “openness to God” is an “openness to everyone and everything around us.” Clooney’s plan to learn from Hinduism had “suddenly come alive…inthekindredspiritofTagore, singerofsongs”.

To teach “moral science” to ninth graders, Clooney turned to the storiesofgodsandheroesofHindu and Buddhist tradition as well as passages from the Bhagavat Gita, that were more meaningful to his Nepali students. Clooney writes, “Unlesswearewilling to learn from

our students, we cannot effectively teach them”. It was the classroom energy that sparked and energized his teaching in the decades to follow.

In 1974, Clooney became a vegetarian by accident. Some students complained that despite their “rhetoric”, the Jesuits were servedmeatatleasttwiceadayand thestaffandstudentsperhapsthree timesaweek;thelocalpeoplecould affordsmallservingsofmeatonlyat festival time. Clooney decided not to eat meat at all, in solidarity with the students and the local community.

In 1975, Clooney returned to the U.S., to study theology at the Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, which becametheSchoolofTheologyand MinistryatBostonCollege.

Two years in Kathmandu had changed Clooney and he “did not want to fit back” into the American life. He missed “proximity to real poverty, small moments of bereftness, lack, marginalization.”

Clooney also experienced personal challenges during his first year at Weston,“thehardestinmyfifty-five yearsasaJesuit.”Hewas“confused, not sure of what I wanted.” One morning, as he stood on the rocks by the ocean, in the warmth of the rising sun, Clooney suddenly felt a wordless reassurance from God: “You are in the right place; stay where you are; do not panic or run; all will be well.” After that moment, while his doubts were not gone, Clooney knew his mission and “direction in life.” He remained a Jesuit,stuckwithhisstudies,though still bored, and did the best he could.

At Weston, Clooney completed his formation as a Catholic priest and Jesuit and was ordained as a priest

Intellectually as well, the questions raised by Clooney’s time in South Asiahad“noplaceinthecurriculum or life of the community.” Despite the“eruditionandgenerosity”ofhis professors, Clooney was “bored by most theology courses.” He was “anxious that my experience is not talkedandtaughtoutofexistence.” He “did not want to be given answers”, but “wanted to be forced tothink”.

in1978,whenhewastwenty-seven. HealsoearnedanM.Div.degree.

It was during his doctoral studies that Clooney was able to become a scholar,“learningtotravelbackand forth between the worlds of Americanacademeandthenew

(Photo:FrancisClooney,S.J.,center, duringavisittoIndia,2023.)

world I had visited for the first time inKathmandu.”

ForhisdoctoralstudiesinHinduism, Clooney chose the University of Chicago’s Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations

(SALC), in part to work with professor JAB (“Hans”) van Buitenen,whohaddonepioneering workonRāmānuja,thegreattheistic Vedanta theologian of the eleventh century. Like other Jesuits before him, Clooney was interested in the Vedanta’s teachings on ultimate reality (brahman), the self (ātman), and the power of a unitive and liberative knowledge of ātman/brahmanthat frees one fromthisworld.

Unfortunately, van Buitenen died the very month Clooney arrived in Chicago, September 1979. Though he initially contemplated packing up,Clooneydecidedtostaysincehe was challenged by his work at SALC anditsstellarfaculty.

Clooney found SALC to be refreshinglygenteelandcommitted to language study, the reading of texts, and, as needed, historical study, and field work. It was also a “deeply humane department,” he writes. He had listed “theology” as his scholarly discipline for his doctoral exams. A.K. Ramanujan, the department chair at the time, courteously told Clooney, “We are not prepared to examine someone

in the area of theology. But since you have studied in that field and areaJesuit,wewillforegotheexam and give you a pass without further testing.”

Such courtesy, Clooney notes, “would never have been extended to me in a divinity school or in a Catholictheologydepartment.”The department also had the “great grace of generally leaving us alone todoourwork.”

At SALC, Clooney spent years reading texts in Sanskrit and Tamil, the South Indian language which became pivotal in his life. Clooney was also interested in the Upaniṣads,ancientHinduscriptures, and in the great “scholastic commentarial traditions” arising fromthestudyofthetexts.

InSeptember1982,Clooneyarrived in Chennai, India, on a Fulbright scholarship, after completing his PhD coursework and exams. He followed the advice of Ramanujan regarding the “immeasurable side benefits to spending time there, meeting people, learning, and adapting to every aspect of the culture.”HefeltathomeinChennai

right away, including enjoying idlis, dosas, coconut chutney and other South-Indian vegetarian food and attending Tamil music and dance concerts.

Clooney bicycled everywhere, and walkedtotemplesinMylapore,“the ancient heart of Madras (Chennai)”. Clooney became the topic of conversation since he frequented neighborhoods far from the tourist areas.HespokealittleTamilaswell and found the people friendly, writing that he is “ever grateful to thepeopleofMylapore.”

During a visit to Goa by train, for a Fulbrightconference,Clooneyspent a day in Old Goa near the tomb of St.FrancisXavier,praying“foratime in the presence of the saint after whom I was named.” Though he “received no great enlightenment thatday”,he“didhaveasensethat I was exactly where I needed to be, therebythesaint’stomb,pondering my own future mission and where Godmightleadme”.

Returning to Chicago in December 1983, Clooney worked on his PhD thesis under the supervision of Edwin Gerow, a Sanskrit scholar.

Clooney completed the dissertation by May 1984,Thinking Ritually: RetrievingthePurvaMimamsaof Jaimini , which became his first publishedbookin1990.

Clooney’s study of Mimamsa “immediately stimulated and nourished a fresh approach to Vedanta”, which was the school of Hindu thought that had interested him from the start. Vedanta was famous in the West, following the pioneering efforts of Swami Vivekananda, who “stressed the unityunderlyingallexperience.”

Like other Jesuits before him, Clooney was interested in the Vedanta’s teachings on ultimate reality (brahman), the self (ātman), and the power of a unitive and liberative knowledge of ātman/brahmanthat frees one fromthisworld.

“Learning from Hindu traditions,” Clooney writes, “has pushed and stretched and torn a bit all I had known before. Mimamsa gave me access to a way of thinking that Western and Catholic systems can never digest. Vedanta has shown me how patient reading affords us

life-transforming insights, with an intensity that is not often matched in unpracticed experience. The poetry of the alvars and a millennium of commentary on it have touched my heart and soul, right where Christ has touched and enlightenedme.”

Clooney taught at Boston College’s TheologyDepartment,from1990to 1997andearlierfrom1984to1989. HisfinalvowsasaJesuit,“expressive of a complete and irreversible selfsurrender,”tookplaceonDecember 3, 1993; marking the feast of St. Francis Xavier. He also taught at OxfordUniversity,2002-2004.

Clooney found Boston College, which is run by Jesuits, had “a very

good community” with 140 Jesuits, including professors, administrators, doctoral students, and retirees. He initiated the Jesuit Postmodern project, organizing regular gathering to share their work in progress, guided by two questions: “What are you working onnow? How isitofinterest to you asaJesuit?”Theoutcomesofthese efforts were published in a 2005 book,Jesuit Postmodern: Scholarship,Vocation,andIdentity inthe21stCentury . In2005,Clooney’smovetoHarvard came as a surprise to “those who knewmeandassumedIwouldbeat (Boston College) my whole career.” He did not apply for a position at Harvard since “I was surely too Catholic for Harvard in its modern secular persona, or the Divinity School with its low-church Protestantdemeanorandemerging low-church multifaith persona.” Clooney therefore was surprised to receive a call from the Dean of the Harvard Divinity School, “inquiring whether I would consider accepting a tenured position.” Being the only candidate under consideration, all Clooney had to do “was to meet

with a search committee, talk with students, give a lecture, and then wait, as the faculty voted and the administration ruminated, until it wasallapproved.”

Clooney found Harvard “breathtakingly diverse, possessed ofafabulousfacultythatleadsinso many fields, and wealthy beyond the dreams of other universities.” Except at Regis High School, he has “never been among so many really smart and talented people, working side by side, and sometimes even workingtogether.”

Attimesthough,Clooneyfoundthe conversations to be “parochial, too insular, too secure within the general liberal discourse of the modern and postmodern West, where religion has its place, and mustbekeptinthatplace.”But,the “less predictable and less community-oriented climate of Harvard” has kept him alert. In Harvard’s “disparate environment,” Clooney finds his “voice as a Harvard professor who remains a Catholic priest.” Clooney writes he “was happier at (Boston College), but Harvard has been more interesting.” At Harvard, he has

“experienced a kind of homelessness, as if on a mission to an unfamiliar principality of some sort”.

Since 1997, Clooney has assisted as apriestonweekendsatOurLadyof Sorrows, a Catholic church in Sharon,Massachusetts.

His goal in all his writing, and the memoir, “is to provide exercises, work to be done by readers themselves, inquiring into the deep currentsoftheirownlives.”Thisisof course a very Jesuit approach, with “alloflifeasaseriesofintellectualspiritualexercises.”

Clooney concludes by suggesting that perhaps “a sadness deeply infuses”thememoirbecauseof“the empathy and powerlessness of the

intellectual who sees and feels compassion, even if they do not act in any way adequate to what they see.”Further,“weneedtobedeeply troubledbytheworldaroundus,by what we do and fail to do for our sisters and brothers in need. We need to speak and teach and write more vulnerably and honestly, however arcane our studies must be.”

Clooney notes, “Finally, there is love.”Thisisbecause“loveisthekey to all that I have lived, been given, struggled to keep alive and honest andvulnerable.”

*CherianSamuel,awriterbasedin Washington DC, retiredfrom the World Bank. He earned a PhD in economicsfromtheUniversityof Maryland.

11 music videos in Konkani language, you need to watch if haven’t.

Music Industry is one of the most important industries in the field of Entertainment, gaining huge revenueandprovidingemployment forlargenumberofpeople.

In the first decades of the 2000s, the music industry endured drastic changes with the advent of widespread digital distribution of music via the Internet. Nevertheless, along with the other industries, Mangalorean Konkani Music Industry has also immensely contributed & has kept growing in the last decade, bringing out fresh talents. We must be thankful to platforms like Youtube and Instagram where many young generation artists from our community are showcasing their talents. We had beheld gems like Wilfy Rebimbus, Mick Max, Henry D’Souza, Melvin Peris and a lot of other talented musicians. These iconic singers of our music industry

will always have an extraordinary placeinourheartsandundoubtedly cannot be overturned but our era alsohassomeofthebestmusicians fromourcommunity.

I would personally recommend the below 11 music videos which deserve more escalation from our audience.

1) Eklonchbosun Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =jqBQIAnrt1g

A musical hit with a classical flavor by JM Ragaas Muzik Creations ( Jason&Morvine)isanexceptionally brilliant shot video in Bulgaria and few portions in Kuwait. The video is around 6 minutes which will bring out the nostalgic feelings of pure young love. The beautiful landscapes of Bulgaria and the lead actors are the visual treat for the audienceinadditiontothesoothing music.



Link:HarGhadi...remindsmeofyou . Konkani Video Song 2021. -


The romantic hit produced by APD Music and sung by Lavita Lobo & Projoth D’sa premiered on March 13, 2021. The main leads Jokshith and Shiny simply won hearts with their innocent face & charm, with equally great backing by the supporting cast. The video covers beautiful locations including Yamuna Water Sports and CaribbeanResortinMulki.

3) BindaasMog

Link: BINDAS MOG | New Konkani


starring an adorable pair of Dixon Rodrigues & Merula Pinto. The video of 4 minutes capturing the various scenic beauty of Goa truly mesmerizing hearts. The female lead singer Joshal Sweedal is a surprising element who was exceptionallybrilliant.

4) MangalorePori

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =3xzrqgEnkfc & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =f-xyq8yMPLo

This one cannot be said to be romantic but a peppy song with wonderful choreography. The link also has Tulu version with same singers LVS & Munita Veigas Rao and produced by APD Music. The video is around 5 minutes and 30 seconds. This dance number is packed with great energy & high spirits.

AnotherProjothD’sasonginthelist & produced by Praveen Fernandes

5) Sun Meri Shehzadi |Konkani Version(Tanntana)




This video by Konkann Creations, sung by Johnny Miranda with lead pairs of Nitin Machado & Princita Rodrigues, is inspired from Hindi Song “Sun meri shehzadi” which is again a remake of famous song starring Ajay Devgan & Raveena Tandon. Along with the music, the video editing and screenplay deservesmuchmoreappreciation.

6) EklenchTum



=xm856tpzSqY&list=RDxm856tpzS qY&start_radio=1

Abeautifulstoryofanintrovert guy inthebackdropandthecouragehe gathered to express his feelings to the girl whom he had always been in love, is heartwarming. The end could be surprising for some while thevideowitharound6.45minutes, will make you feel that it is much shorterwhentheclosingcreditswill start. The music is beautifully

rendered by Ashwin D’costa and producedbyPraveenFernandes.

7) TuyeAnjaa



A teenage love story in the backdrop and video around 4:28 minutes, produced by Sparkle Production has introduced new singer Calvin D’souza to the Mangalorean music world. The singerwhoisalsothemaleleaddid a remarkable job in both the departments. Jeesa Mendonca, the female lead captivated the emotions of a shy college girl was delightful.

8) BirbiroPavs

Link:BIRBIROPAVSIKrisbenMusicI Ft. Prathap Menezes & Reya

DSouza I Singers: Shilpa & RynelYouTube

Thismusicvideowillremindof80’s and90’s retrostyleofromancewith PrathapMenezesandReyaD’souza playing the lead. The song is beautifullysungbyShilpaCutinha& Rynel Sequeira with lyrics penned

by Christopher Roshan Lobo & produced by Krisben Music with most of the part being shot at Palace Garden, Kaup will be one of the most romantic rain songs to be remembered.



This video produced by Falcon Trackers, is a beautiful depiction of love, romance, and emotions in its purest form. Penned by Dony Correa with beautiful metaphors and sung by Projoth D’sa & Joshal D’souza.Theclimaxwillsurprisethe audienceconnectingeverychordof this song. The main leads Cleaon D’sa and Shelwyn Mathias with other supportingcast &technicians hadahugeroleinmakingthevideo asuccess.



=7pTQL25MDcU&lc=UgyBfQA1Hkj T9_yIqC14AaABAg

produced by APD Music, featuring the power couple Rohan & Venisha Fernandes is not only the musical but also the visual treat for the audience showcasing the scenic locationsinUK.Theentirevideowas shot and edited on an Iphone but the quality is worth praising. Sung by none other than the beloved voice of Mangalore, Shilpa Cutinha andmusicdirectionbytheGrammy award-winner Vanil Veigas is truly a reminiscent of the Indian Music industry.

11.RityaBotaann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =L1eCQK9ZClc

This musical journey with a background story filled with emotions, suspense and romance situated in the late 80’s will sweep youoffyourfeet!

Releasedin2024,themusic video

DirectedbyDJMervin,producedby DL Productions and playback singingbyAshwin D’costa &Joshal Sweedal D’souza will take the audience to a magical journey during monsoon season in late 1980’s of southern India. The star cast includes Elton Mascarenhas,

Wencita Dias and Dolla Mangalore, thepopularyesteryearstarin

Fish Curry

Ingredients For the Curry: 500g fish (any firm fish like tilapia, cod, salmon, or kingfish) 2 tablespoons oil(coconutoilpreferredforcoastal flavors)1teaspoonmustardseeds1 sprig curry leaves (optional, for SouthIndianstyle)1mediumonion (finely chopped) 2 medium tomatoes (pureed or chopped) 2-3 green chilies (slit lengthwise) 1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste 1 cup coconut milk (or water for a lighter curry) Tamarind pulp (1 tablespoon,soakedandstrained, or



use 1 teaspoon vinegar for tang) Freshcilantro(chopped,forgarnish)

Spices: 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder1teaspoonredchilipowder 1 teaspoon coriander powder 1 teaspoon cumin powder 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder

Salt to taste


___ Instructions: Prepare the Fish

Clean and pat dry the fish pieces. Marinate with turmeric powder, red chili powder, and salt. Set aside for 15-20 minutes. Sear the Fish (Optional)Heat1tablespoonoilina panandlightlyfrythefishpiecesfor 1-2 minutes on each side. This step prevents the fish from breaking apart in the curry. Remove and set aside. Make the Base Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a deep pan. Add mustard seeds and let them splutter. Add curryleavesandsauté briefly. Add the chopped onions andsautéuntilgoldenbrown.Stirin the ginger-garlic paste and cook untiltherawaromadisappears.Add Tomatoes and Spices Add the tomato puree and cook until the oil starts to separate. Mix in the spices:

turmeric, chili powder, coriander powder, and cumin powder. Stir well.SimmertheCurryAddcoconut milk and tamarind pulp. Mix well. Adjust the consistency by adding waterifneeded.Bringthecurrytoa gentle boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cook the Fish Gently add the fish pieces to the curry. Cover and

simmer for 8-10 minutes, until the fish is fully cooked and absorbs the flavors. Finish Sprinkle garam masala powder and garnish with fresh cilantro.

___ Serve: Serve the fish curry hot withsteamedrice,naan,orparathas forasatisfyingmeal.Enjoyyour flavorfulFishCurry!

Bandhutva Christmas 2024:

A Celebration of Faith and Culture Featuring The Christmas Tableau & Santa Lawrencenara Mahatme Yakshagana at St Lawrence Church and Shrine Bondel.

On the joyous occasion of Christmas, St. Lawrence Church and Shrine hosted a Bandhutva Programme on Sunday, 25th December 2024, at 5:30 PM in the church compound. The event showcasedabeautifulTableauof

the Birth of Jesus and an engaging Yakshagana performance depicting the life of our beloved patron, St. Lawrence.


prayersong,followedbyawelcome dance, Christmas carols, and Christmas songs performed by studentsfrom St.LawrenceSchool, Presentation Convent, St. Lawrence Kannada Medium School, Bondel Church Choir. Children from

Balagraha School, UMI Convent

Novices, Novices from Presentation

Convent, VidyaJyothi School Children,,andBetharram Brothers

also showcased their talents throughvibrantperformances.

During the program, Parish Priest Rev.Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza & Rev. Fr William D’Souza Asst Parish Priest, Mr Santhosh Misquith-PPC Secretary felicitated three academically bright students from underprivileged families of St Lawrence School – Aishatul Sumaiya, Vedana & Ranjini, were extended financial support for their education. Together along with

their parents, Superiors from all convents, they symbolically cut the Christmascake.

The Christmas Tableau, written and directed by James Master and coordinated by Jason Fernandes, werefelicitatedwithashawlbyRev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza. All the parishioners took part in the Tableau, showcasing their talents and contributing to the beautiful presentation. SpecialrecognitionwasgiventoMr.

Vincent Menezes from Kokkada Parish, who has portrayed Santa Claus for the past 25 years, spreading joy and proclaiming the good news across Mangalore and Udupi districts. He was honored with a shawl and garland by Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza and Rev. Fr William D’Souza in appreciation of his dedicated service and cheerful contributionstothecommunity.

In his heartfelt message, Mr. Vincent Menezes emphasized the true spirit of Christmas, urging everyone to embrace love, happiness, and unity, free from religious discrimination. He called for the promotion of humanity and environmental responsibility and beautifully sang a song celebrating

the Birth of Jesus. Additionally, he sharedapowerfulanti-drugandGo Green message, encouraging the community to come together for a betterandhealthierfuture...

For the first time, a two-hour Kannada Yakshagana performance depictedthelifeofSt.Lawrenceina mesmerizing and heartfelt manner was compiled and executed by Shri G. K. Salian. The play, beautifully enactedbytalentedperformers,left the audience deeply moved and thrilled by their captivating portrayal of our patron saint’s life and legacy at the conclusion of the Yakshagana performance, Mr. G.K. Salian was felicitated by Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza for his heartfelt love and message for the Christian community and our beloved Patron Saint, despite being a non-Catholic. Rev. Fr Andrew expressed his sincere gratitude, thanking him wholeheartedly for thiswonderfulprogram.

The much-anticipated Lucky Draw results announced during the Bandhutva Programme, which was organised by the Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM), were one oftheevent'shighlights.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, acknowledging the congregation sisters and the large number ofparishioners gathered to celebrate the event. The evening wasatruereflectionofunity,joy,

andthespiritofChristmas. The programme was gracefully compeered by Master Denith and Miss Anvilla, who added charm and enthusiasmtotheeveningevent.

Photography & Report: Meena SerraoBarboza

Milagres Church Mangalore celebrated Christmas with fervor andenthusiasm.TheParishPriestFr BonaventureNazarethwasthemain celebrant, Fr Michael Santhmayor preached on the occasion explaining the significance of the

birthof Christ borninBethlehem to human Life. Frs Robin Santhmayor, Udaya Fernandez, Gerald Pinto concelebrated at the Mass. Around three thousand people joined the celebration. The Joy and festal greetingswerebeingsharedby

cutting the cake by the vice president and the secretary of the Parish Pastoral Parishad. Cake and juice were shared among the people, and they felicitated each otherexchangingthegreetings.

The Christmas Season begins after the sunset on the 24th December and ends on the Feast of Epiphany in January.

Thecentre andfocus ofChristmas is definitely not










ChristmasCards andGreetings





ChristmasSweets andPastries







ChristmasPlants andFlowers

ChristmasCustoms Andmanyotherthings.


Without Jesus all the above are meaningless external things and rituals combined with pomp and show. These secondary and tertiary things have either replaced or sidetracked Jesus the centre of the Christmas festival. Unfortunately, the meaningful Christmas festival, without Jesus has become a highly commercializedhedonisticactivity.

The Nativity of Jesus reminds us Bethlehem is the place of his birth.

Calvary in Jerusalem is his place of death and resurrection. Christmas and Easter are the two sides of the same coin of the life of Jesus. Nativityremindsthejoyofhisbirth. Calvary reminds his glory after the passionanddeathonthecross.The Nativity of Jesus brings joy and Easter brings meaning and hope in ourlives.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember 3L (least, last, lost);

Friends of 3L who support this Mission; orphans, poor widows, marginalized people, refugees, displaced people, people affected by wars, violence, discrimination, and injustice, bedridden sick people, lonely and elderly senior citizens, unjustly convicted prisoners, victims of addictions, bonded labourers, and all those longing for justice , peace , joy , and meaning in theirlives.

members a grace filled joyful CHRISTMAS .Ipray that Jesus who came to redeem the world, fill your heart and home with His Divine Presence, Blessing,Peace ,andJoy .

On behalf of 3L students and their families, I wish you and your family


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BCOM (2334025) has won the Gold Medal in the Powerlifting Competition held in Udupi on 15th December 2024. Competing in the 76kg weight class, Alisha achieved an incredibletotalliftof325kgand was awarded the prestigious titleofBestLifter.Theeventwas organized by Team Don’t Look Back under the Dakshina Kannada Powerlifting Association, affiliated with the KarnatakaPowerlifting


O Star of Hope!

In the context of the war in Palestine and Israel, and in many parts of the world there exists political turmoil, we have a star shining bright, giving us hope. It means praying not only for peace but also for the courage to be instruments of that peace and hope. We are reminded of Pope Francis’ words: “Peace is not merely the absence of war but a work of justice” (Evangelii Gaudium, 218).

This holy night also reminds us that darkness does not have the final word. The Gospel of John declares, “The

light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Even in the face of war and turmoil, the birth of Christ assures us that God’s light cannot be extinguished. This light is not just an abstract concept, but a living reality embodied in every act of love, mercy, and forgiveness.

In the stillness of a winter's night, A star shines bright, a guiding light.

Amidst the shadows of war's cruel hand, It whispers peace across the land.

Through the echoes of conflict, a message clear, The Christmas Star brings hope, drawing near. In the hearts of the weary, it ignites a flame, Reminding us all, we are not the same.

Political tensions may rise and fall, But love's gentle call transcends it all. For in the darkness, where despair may creep, The star's soft glow stirs dreams from sleep. Let us gather beneath its radiant glow, Embracing the warmth that we all long to know.

For every soldier, every child in fear, The Christmas Star shines, its promise sincere. So, as we celebrate this season of grace, May we find unity in our shared human space. With hope as our compass, let kindness impart, The enduring message of the Christmas Star.

Jesuit of Karnataka Jesuit Province. Currently Dean of Studies at Vidyaniketan, South Indian Common Juniorate, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. My email id: anushdcunhasj88@jesuits.net

English medium school was awarded Kasturi lalita pai and Kasturi Raghunath Pai Konkani study scholarship for scoring highestintheclassinKonkani.Chief guest of the program Anand G Pai handedoverthechequetoher.This issponsoredbyKasturiRajendraPai of Thane. Ajith Kamath the correspondent and Dr. Kasturi Mohan Pai secretary of the school werepresent.

B Vidya Baliga of 10th Std Nalanda


St Agnes School illuminated a glorious milestone with the grand celebrationofitsDiamondJubilee,

Luminage , held on December 18, 2024,attheStAgnesSpecialSchool Ground. The festivities of the day began with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass at St Sebastian Church,

Bendore, Mangaluru, at 8:30 a.m., setting a tone of gratitude and reverence for the day. The day commenced with a dignified

Entrance Procession, wherein six emblematic offerings were

ceremoniously presented at the altar.Theseincludedlamps,a plant, a globe, a basket of fruits, the Jubilee insignia, and a representation of healing, each embodying profound significance andcollectivelycommemoratingsix transformative decades of educational excellence. This was further accentuated by an illuminated frame in the church bearing the number 60, adorned with sixty candles, serving as a radianttributetothismilestone.The Eucharistic Mass was led by Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore, joined by Rev Fr Walter D’Souza,RevFrVivekDeepakPinto, Rev Fr Lawrence Cutinha, Rev Fr

Rupesh Madtha, Rev Fr Jagadeesh Pinto, and Rev Fr. Melwin D’Cunha OCD. This sacred moment seamlessly segued into the grand Luminage celebration, a historic event that honoured 60 years of relentless pursuit of excellence in education, cultural vibrancy, and holistic development. It exalted the enduring legacy of the past, honouredthevitalityofthepresent, andenvisionedafutureresplendent withpromiseandpotential.

The evening commenced with a grand Guard of Honour, where the distinguished dignitaries were ushered in amidst the majestic strains of the school band and warmlygreetedwithfloralbouquets upon their arrival at the venue. The procession featured Sr Dr Maria Roopa, Joint Secretary of St Agnes Institution and the esteemed President of the event; Sir Mathew C. Ninan, Director of Little Rock Indian School and the illustrious Chief Guest; accompanied by an august assembly of Guests of Honour, including Rev Fr Walter D’Souza, Parish Priest, St Sebastian Church, Bendore ; Sri Naveen D’Souza,Corporator,BendoreWard, MangaluruCityCorporation;SriH.R.

Eshwar, Block Education Officer, Mangaluru South; and the revered Principal, Sr Maria Sarika; Sr Meena Fernandes, vice principal; Mr Liston DerricD’Souza,VicePresidentofthe Parent-Teacher Association. Their dignifiedpresencelentunparalleled grace to the proceedings, imbuing the occasion with profound significance. The formal commencement was marked by the Opening Chorus , invokingblessingswithamelodious harmony that set the tone for the evening. This was followed by a WelcomeDance,afusionofclassical and contemporary styles, symbolizing unity and inclusivity. A series of captivating performances showcasedthetalentsandcreativity of students across all grades. The younger stars delighted the audience with an action song, FamilyBondinMotion , celebrating familial love and school life. The adventurous spirit of Grade 2 students shone inJourneyThrough theWild,anenergeticdepictionofa safarithroughdanceanddrama.

Grade 1 students raised awareness about an urgent global issue with Groove to the Plastic Beat , a poignant performance addressing

plastic pollution. Meanwhile, Grade 4 students revived nostalgia with Reviving the Indigenous Spirit , highlighting traditional games that emphasize teamwork and joy. In United in Rhythm, Diverse in Harmony , Grade 3 students beautifully illustrated the strength of unity in diversity through a vibrant display of cultures and traditions.Thehighlightoftheevent was theJubileeSongby Grade 6, a melodious tribute to six decades of achievementsandaspirations. The occasion further unfolded with a heartfelt welcome address by the Principal, Sr Maria Sarika, whose words infused the gathering with enthusiasm and a sense of pride. She painted a vivid tapestry of the day’s significance, eloquently connecting the milestone of the Diamond Jubilee with the timeless values of brilliance, resilience, and unity symbolized by the diamond. Her reflections emphasized how, much like a diamond, the legacy of the institution shines with excellence, forged through dedicationandpolishedovertime. The stage program, a pivotal segment of the celebration, began with the recognition of exemplary

principals, teachers, and outstanding students. The event highlighted St Agnes School's unwavering commitment to nurturing talent across diverse fields, with a particular focus on academics and sports. Krithi (Grade III)andAdwikaK.P.(GradeVII) were recognized for their national-level achievements in roller skating and athletics, while Reishan Maria Fernandes (Grade VII), who advanced to an international spelling championship, was also honoured. The President, Sr Dr Maria Roopa A.C, and the Chief Guest, Mr Mathew C. Ninan, presented mementos to these stars andtheirparents,inspiringothersto striveforexcellence.

The retired principals were lauded for their exemplary leadership, which has greatly shaped the school’s legacy. The invaluable contributions of Sr Virgilia, Sr Mary Emmanuel,SrMaryJacqueline,SrM Paulina,SrMariaSheila,SrNunciata, Sr Roshan A.C, Sr Julian Mary, Sr Marie Alice, Sr Hilda Mathias, Sr Jyothi Saldanha, and Sr Maria Gracilda were acknowledged with deep reverence, particularly their roles in advancing the school’s

academic standards, including the establishment of the CBSE curriculumandthesecuringofCBSE affiliation. Sr Dr Maria Roopa A.C. bestowed shawls upon the esteemed Sisters, while Dr Mathew C. Ninan offered a fruit basket, and Rev Fr Walter D'Souza presented mementos and Principal Sr Maria Sarika A.C. honoured them with garlands, a symbol of deep reverence for their visionary contributions.

The occasion also served to recognize the invaluable contributionsoftheretiredteaching and non-teaching staff. Esteemed educators including Mrs Florine Sequeira, Mrs Esperance Letitia Fernandes, Mrs Shantha Kumari, MrsMaryLobo,MrsStella D’Souza, Mrs Saguna R. Prabhu, Mrs Annitta Patrao, Mrs Selma Mathias, Mrs Mercedes Nazareth, Mrs Gracilla Pereira, and Mrs Nayan Dias, who nurtured young minds, were applauded for their dedication. Non-teaching staff members includingMrsLouisaRodrigues,Mrs Irene D’Souza, and Mrs Lily Fernandes, known for their nurturing care and efficient work, were also celebrated. The Principal,

SrMariaSarikaA.C,honouredthem withshawls,TeacherNishaoffereda garland, Sr Dr Maria Roopa A.C offered a fruit basket, and PTA Vice PresidentMrListonDerrickD’Souza bestowed a memento upon the non-teachingstaff. A moment of profound admiration graced the evening as Sr Maria Sarika A.C., the esteemed Principal of St. Agnes School a luminary of vision and resilience, was honoured for her unwavering commitment to excellence. In a gesture of deep respect, Sr Dr Maria Roopa A.C. bestowedshawluponher,SrMeena adorned her with a garland, Sir MathewC.NinanandRevFrWalter presented a fruit basket and memento, and Sr Maria Sarika was furtherrecognizedforhersteadfast dedication to nurturing St Agnes School as a sanctuary of learning and values. The tribute stood as a testament to her extraordinary leadershipandenduringlegacy.

As the evening continued, the audience was further enlightened by the thoughtful addresses from the distinguished dignitaries. Sri H.R. Eshwar, in his address, lauded the school as a premier institution, emphasizing its commitment to

holistic development. He commended the faculty, teachers, andtheprincipalfortheirexemplary dedicationandefficiency.Hefurther urged parents to actively collaborate with the school and their children to foster educational excellence.

Sri Naveen D’Souza acknowledged the profound contributions of the Apostolic carmel sisters across various educational domains, lauding them as beacons of inspiration and selfless service. He extolled Mother Aloysia as a visionaryleader andfondly recalled his encounter with Sister Olivia 25 years ago, whose guidance was instrumental at the inception of his politicaljourney.

Rev Fr Walter D’Souza emphasized education’s transformative power and hailed St Agnes School as a beacon of excellence. He commended the principal and teachers’ dedication, the alumni’s achievements, and stressed staying connected with one’s alma mater. Hefurtherhighlightedthenecessity ofimpartingvaluesalignedwiththe evolving needs of students, nurturingbothmindsandhearts.

Sri Mathew C. Ninan, a luminary in education, addressed the gathering with a compelling vision for transforming the learning landscape. He extolled the AC Institute for its commendable service to society, particularly the invaluable contributions of the sisters,andhighlightedtheschool’s ethosofinclusivity,ensuringnoone is marginalized. He also urged parentstoinstillintheirchildrenthe virtues of good speech, good manners,andempathy,essentialfor shaping character. Concluding with reflections on Christmas, he emphasized its true message beyond giving—lies in fostering unity,love,andmutualappreciation, remindingallthattheworldisone.

Sr Dr Maria Roopa, a visionary leader, emphasized the paramount importance of holistic education, blending academic excellence with moral and spiritual growth. She underscored the indispensability of cultural harmony in fostering a cohesive society and reaffirmedthe institution's mission to nurture integrity, compassion, and leadershipinstudents.

Duringthevoteofthanks,SrMeena Fernandes A.C, esteemed vice

principal, articulated profound gratitudetothedignitaries,parents, teachers, and sisters for their unwavering support and contributions. She underscored the pivotal role of appreciation in fosteringaspiritofunityandmutual respect. As a mark of esteem, mementoes were conferred upon the distinguished dignitaries, lending a ceremonious conclusion totheevent. The atmosphere of reflection and celebration was further enriched by a documentary that chronicled the milestonesandlegacyoftheschool, followedbyasuccinctannualreport that highlighted the achievements of the past year. The sense of reflection and celebration deepened as the stage was set for the cultural program, beginning with a mesmerizing tableau performance, Chronicles of a Legacy . This evocative presentation transported the audience through the illustrious history, vibrant present,andpromisingfutureofthe institution. Grade 7 students enthralled the gathering with Nature’sSymphony , a dance drama celebrating the harmony of the five elementsofnature.

The audience was captivated by a theatrical rendition of The Two GentlemenofVerona , showcasing the dramatic flair and expressive storytelling skills of the students. This was followed by Cultural Kaleidoscopeby Grade 8, a unique portrayal of the integration of Karnataka and Ladakh’s cultural heritage, echoing CBSE’s artintegratedpedagogy. The evening culminated in Empowering Minds, Expressing Hands , where Grades 9 and 10 students presented an aweinspiring dance drama on the transformative power of education, seamlessly transitioning into a rhythmic tutting dance, displaying creative hand movements that symbolized innovation and progress. The grand celebration concludedonahighnotewiththe

entireassemblyjoiningintheschool Anthem, reaffirming their collective commitment to the school’s values and aspirations. The ceremony was adeptlyorchestratedbytheMasters of Ceremony: Tr Josephine, Tr Neesha, Tr Shweta, alongside studentsfromacrossallgrades. The Luminage celebration was a magnificenttributetosixdecadesof brilliance, leaving an indelible mark onallpresent.Itcelebratedthepast, rejoiced in the present, and envisioned a future brimming with opportunities and achievements. With every note, performance, and gesture, the event reinforced the legacy of St Agnes School, serving as a beacon of inspiration for generationstocome,emergingasa luminous guide to boundless aspirations and profound achievements.

Grand Launching of Rohan Estate

Mukka Riverside

Rohan Estate Mukka is a residential layout developed along the banks of the Nandini River, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and security. This layout is designed for acomfortablelifestyle,harmonizing with nature, and has evolved into a resort-style residential development. The design and surroundings offer a peaceful retreat,idealforluxuriousliving.

Luxury Resort-Style Residential Development

Rohan Estate Mukka is not a resort itself, but a residential layout designed in a resort style. It stands tall in the lap of nature, providing a high-end, luxurious living experience like that of a resort. This layout offers residents the opportunity to experience an elite resort-stylelife.

The development is strategically located between the river, sea, and national highway, taking full advantage of the natural environment. The construction integrates natural wealth with luxurious amenities, creating a resort-like residential area. The riverfront has been developed with a specially designed boundary wall, adding to the aesthetic appeal and tourismpotentialofthearea.

Such a luxurious layout is unprecedented in the coastal region. The rare combination of riverfront location and an attractive developmentinaprimeareamakes

Rohan Estate Mukka a highly sought-afterresidentialcommunity. Rohan Corporation’s developments stand out for their unique design and appeal compared to other real estatecompanies.

Rohan Corporation: A Leader in RealEstate

Rohan Corporation, a pioneering name in Mangaluru's real estate sector, is known for creating attractive and high-quality residential layouts in prestigious locations.Thecompanyemphasizes site selection before finalizing any

project, ensuring the location is idealforfuturedevelopments.

Rohan Corporation revolutionized the real estate market, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, by introducing Rohan Square in Capitano, a massive project that attracted buyers quickly, selling up to 90% of homes and commercial spaces within a month. This innovative approach brought significantprofitstoinvestors.Later, the company created a massive residential development in Pakshikere, completing sales within thestipulatedtime.RohanCitynear Bijai, offering 7.5% annual guaranteed returns, is another example of the corporation’s successful ventures. Through these projects, Rohan Corporation has been reshaping the cityscape of Mangaluru.

Special Features of Rohan Estate


• Riverfrontresidentiallayout

• Gated community for enhanced security

• International-qualityclubhouse

• Marina for recreational boating activities(boatingandkayaking)

• Infinityswimmingpool

• Separate swimming pool for children

• Family restaurant within the community

• Cyclingtrack

• Walkingtrack

• Outdoorgym

• Yogalawn

• Meditationcenter

• Spa

• Life-sizechessboard

• Children’splayground

• Skatingrink

• Badmintoncourt

• Billiards

• Multipurposehall

• Lodgingfacilities

• Amphitheater

• Security features: CCTV cameras, large compound wall, and secure entrancegate

• 40-footconcretemainroad

• 30-footconcreteinternalroads

• Attractivesolarstreetlighting

• 24/7securityatthemainentrance

• Aestheticlandscaping

• Vastu-compliant plots

• Rainwater harvesting and water purificationplant

• Undergrounddrainagesystem

• Suitable for both investment and homeconstruction

• Bankloanfacilities

• Supermarketwithinthecommunity

• Specialemphasisongreenery

• Future layout management by the corporationitself

Estate Mukka is not only an excellent residential option but also aprime investmentopportunity.

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