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Media Release (Source: Budkulo.com)

Posted on: January 24, 2025, at 2:12

Mumbai has a New Archbishop -

John Rodrigue

In Mangalore as the Saturday evening approached, the YouTube and news flashed the sudden message from HE Cardinal Oswald

Gracias of Mumbai that at 4.30pm Rome time the Holy Father Pope FrancisannouncedthatMumbaihas got a new Archbishop. Archbishop John Rodrigues, who was recently elevated as the Coadjutor Archbishop of Mumbai, has been appointed automatically astheNew Archbishop. The Cardinal said that he had submitted his resignation when he attained 75 years of age, five years ago and recently reminded the Vatican, and today this news brings forth a great Joy.

JOY for Mumbai, India and the worldwide church. Mumbai or earlier Bombay for centuries has been a second home to Mangalorean and GoanKonkani Catholics and their contributions havebeensignificant. OnFebruary 11, 2025, at a Formal solemn Mass the new archbishop will be ceremoniously installed officially.

Archbishop JohnRodrigues, Born on August 21, 1967, in Mumbai. His two elder brothers are priests. The eldest brother Savio Rodrigues is a priest ofthearchdiocese ofBombay andthesecond oneLuke Rodrigues is a member of the Bombay Jesuit province. Bishop Rodrigues was

ordained a priest on April 18, 1998, for the Archdiocese of Bombay. After ordination, he served as the assistant parish priest atSt. Michael Church, Mahim for a year, secretary of the Archbishop of Bombay during 1999-2000, and professor of Systematic Theology at St. Pius X College fornineyearsfrom2002.He served as the secretary of the Bombay archdiocese’ Priests’ Council during 2010-2013, dean of thestudies,St.PiusXCollege (20112013), Archdiocesan coordinator of the “Year of Faith” (2012-2013). Since 2013 he was the rector of St. Pius X College. He obtained a licentiate in Systematic Theology at

the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome.He was the rector of Basilica ofOurLadyoftheMount,Bandra,a suburb ofMumbai. Heserved asthe Bishop of Pune in difficulttimes with the diocese under Bishop Thomas Dabre. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay on May 15, 2013, and ordained bishop on June 29, 2013. He is the member bishop of the CCBI Commission for Bible since2019.

The story of the Archbishop's Mom and her three sons:

Corinne Rodrigues with her three consecrated sons, John, Savio and Luke. (courtesy: Father Savio Rodrigues.)

The indomitable Catholic mother, LateCorinneRodrigues, singlemom and parish activist, anextraordinary mother and catholic who truly gave heralltothechurch. ThisRodrigues

mother, founder president of the Hope and Life Movement of the Archdiocese of Bombay, inspired manyinhercommunity while being a humble single mother of three. Her husband died in 1975, leaving theyoung widow with three young boys to take care of.She did not let the odds deter her and she nurtured the faith and vocations of herthreesons,heronlytreasure. All three grew up to become priests: Rev Fr Savio is a parish priest in Mumbai, Rev Fr Luke SJ is vice provincial of the Jesuits in Bombay province and Bishop John, the youngest, isrector of theBasilica of Mount Mary’s in Bandra, Mumbai. Mother Rodrigues was a remarkable woman of faith and grace, whose life and mission was one ofservice asateacher, awife,a mother and awidow. Fr.Savio once mentioned “Mum made sacrifices andtaughtustomakesacrificesand shine on. Her sensitivity and ability to reach out to those in need was exemplary and remarkable: Visiting the sick in the hospital, purchasing groceries forahome-bound person, babysitting, organizing programs and outreaches for the widows … a generosity and zeal that was

inspirational, motivating and iconic.” TheRodrigues parentswere always actively involved in the parish and were both members of the Christian Family Movement (CFM), a network of small parish families, in the 1960’s. Savio describes his parents as “a very loving couple” involved in the community and enthusiastic regularly to enroll couples for Marriage Encounters, couple religious retreats. After thedeath of her husband, Rodrigues remained highly activeinthelifeoftheparish.

of Bombay had the first official meeting of the Hope and Life Movement, a support group for widows. Ten widows formed the core group of the movement and Rodrigues wasappointed asthefirst founder president. Under the dynamic leadership of Rodrigues, the movement grew over the years, extending its scope and activities. In 1993 the Latur earthquake struck India, killing more than 10,000 people and injuring about 30,000. To respond to the crisis, the movement extended its outreach initiatives, including visiting old andcrumbling homes,giving financialassistanceto families in Mumbai, and even helping to rebuild the dilapidated homes ofneedy widows.

The Hope and Life movement also contributed generously to the Church’s Earthquake Relief Fund. The work of this heroic lady and the movement spread through the country and before long Mumbai parishes started Hope and Life inspired parish units. Through her union with God in prayer. The Rodrigues lady “was able to discern what God wanted of her through

the various stages of her life, her Love for the Lord gave her the ability to see God’s hand inthe ups and downs oflife, and her ability to adapttosituations.”Fr.Savioadded.

In 2015, on the 30th Anniversary of the Hope and Life Movement, her son Bishop John Rodrigues, presided over the celebrations and he spoke movingly of this work. Giving a moving example of his family’s faith and charity Bishop John Rodrigues mentioned that for the family, Jesus was the rock guiding to face all trials, sorrows and pains with ease, constantly being aware of God’s presence, the atmosphere of prayer in our home, and the contact with priests, channeled them to find their Divine calling. Mrs Corrine Rodrigues died

in2000 leaving alarge legacy inher parish as well as three consecrated priest sons who continue to serve the community inspired by their mother’s teachings

The timeline of the New Archbishop: June1998 toMay1999 - Assistant, St. Michael’s Church, Mahim, June 1999 to May 2000Secretary to the Archbishop of Bombay,2000 to2002-Licentiatein Systematic Theology, Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, 2002 to 2011 - Professor of Systematic Theology, St Pius X College, Goregaon, 2003 to 2013 - Group Moderator, St.PiusX College, 2010 to 2013 - Secretary, Priests’Council, Archdiocese of Bombay, 2011 to 2013 - Dean of Studies, St. Pius X College, 2012 to 2013Archdiocesan Co-Ordinator of the ‘Year of Faith’, 20th April 2013Rector, St. PiusX College, 15th May 2013 - Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay, 29th June 2013Ordained Bishop at St. Michael’s Church,24thMay2023 -Installedof Bishop of Poona, 30th November 2024 - Appointed Co-adjutor of Archbishop of Bombay

Archbishop John Rodrigues was appointed Auxiliary Bishop by His Holiness Pope Francis in 2013. The HolyFather assigned himtheTitular See of Deultum. Bishop John Rodrigues is the Rector of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount, Bandra.Asapriest,hehasservedas the Secretary ofthe Priests’ Council and was on the Executive Committee of the Conference for Diocesan Priests of the Archdiocese ofBombay. Hewasalsoinchargeof the Diocesan programmes for the Year of Faith and presently heads theBandra and Borivali Deaneries. TheRoman Catholic Archdiocese ofBombay:

TheLatinRiteofworship, centred in the Bombay (Mumbai) city of the northern Konkan division of Maharashtra,India.Thearchdiocese has been a Metropolitan see since its elevation, by Pope Leo XIII on 1 September 1886. The seat of the EpiscopalSeeistheCathedral ofthe Holy Name (Bombay). It also administers an important minor basilica, theMount St Mary Church, in Bandra suburb of Bombay. As of 2006, the archdiocese had 277 diocesan priests, 283 religious priests, 383 male religious brothers and 1,530 religious sisters. The archdiocese serves a total of 506,976 Indian Catholics in 121 parishes across theGreater Bombay Metropolitan Area. The current archbishop is Oswald Gracias, who wasappointed on14 October 2006, by Pope Benedict XVI.


The Portuguese first reached the west coast of India when Vasco da Gama landed at Calicut in 1498. They finally established themselves at Velha Goa in 1510. In 1526 they established a factory in Bassein. In 1534, the islands of Bassein, Salsette, Bombay and Karanja were

ceded to the Portuguese by BahadurShahofGujarat.Inthisvery year, the Primate of the East Indies seated at Goa, was created and the whole of the northern Konkan region what was then Portuguese Bombay and Bassein, today better known as Greater Bombay Metropolitan Area formed part of that archdiocese. Missionary activities in Bassein (Burma), Salsette and Bombay commenced from 1534 onwards, thus laying the foundation for the future Archdiocese of Bombay. The Portuguese missionaries who accompanied the conquerors were the Franciscans,Jesuits,Dominicans and Augustinians.

In 1637, the Holy See established the Apostolic Vicariate of Idalcan, also called Bijapur or Deccan, on vast territory split off from the Metropolitan Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Goa.

In 1665, the Bombay Island was ceded to the British asa part of the marriage dowry to Charles II of England by Catherine of Braganza of Portugal. In 1669 the prediocesan jurisdiction was renamed

as Apostolic Vicariate of Great Mogul, exceptionally after the imperial Muslim prince above the princely states of Hind(ustan). The year 1692 marked an end to the Jesuit presence in Bombay.

The Decree expelling the Portuguese Franciscans from Bombay wasissuedbytheBritish on 24May1720.On17May1784 itlost huge territory to establish the Mission sui juris of Hindustan, nucleus of the Archbishopric of Agra. Later, the British allowed the Italian Carmelites to take charge of the Catholic community in Bombay. In 1794 the double jurisdiction was devised by the British, which let theminterfere inthereligious lifeof the Catholics. In 1820 it was renamed after it seem to Apostolic Vicariate of Bombay.

On 12 December 1853 the Carmelites asked to be relieved of the administration of the Bombay Mission. The Holy See accepted

their resignation and thus ended, after a period of 133 years (1720–1853), the Carmelite administration of the Vicariate of Bombay. On 16 February 1854 the Propaganda Fide officially divided the Bombay Vicariate into the northern Vicariate of Bombay, entrusted the Bombay Vicariate to the Capuchin Fathers (comprising the islands of Bombay, Colaba, Aurangabad, Khandesh, Malwa, Gujarat and Sindh as far as Kabul and Punjab) and the newly established southern Apostolic Vicariate of Poona (comprising the islands of Salsette and Bassein, and the regions of the Konkan and Deccanor Bijapur), entrusted to the Jesuit Fathers.

Finally, the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay was established by Pope Leo XIII on 1 September 1886. The archdiocese received territorial jurisdiction over Bombay Island and over the northern districts of the Vicariate of Bombay with Poona as a suffragan diocese. Mangalore and Trichinopoly were added as suffraganseesin1893,inwhichyear theFirst Provincial Council washeld (Acta et Decreta, Bombay, 1898).It

-Compiled from Media information By:Ivan Saldanha-Shet.

lost further territory repeatedly: on 20 May 1948 to establish the Diocese of Karachi (in Pakistan), on 5May1949 toestablish theDiocese of Ahmedabad, on 29 September 1966 to establish the Diocese of Baroda, in April 1988 to establish the Diocese of Kalyan and on 22 May 1998 to establish the Diocese of Vasai (its suffragan). It enjoyed papal visits from Pope Paul VI in December 1964 andPope JohnPaul IIinFebruary 1986.

Kids Kingdom International School

Mrs. Malusha Menezes, the principal of Kids Kingdom International School, Porvorim,Goa,encouraged her studentsto bring Christmas gifts to begivento 3L students.

Students brought stationery, toothpaste, toothbrush, washing soaps, bathing soaps, biscuits, water bottles, etc.

On 11th and 18th January, all these gifts were distributed to 35 students at the Government Primary SchoolRamdas,Panaji situated next to thePharmacy College, Panaji. It is a Kannada medium primary school.Though there are only 37 students for the current academic year, four teachers teach them. One teacher has been appointed exclusively to teach English. All these students are children of migrants from Karnataka who are settled down in Goa and are daily wage workers.

Sincethevarietyofgiftswere there,nottoshowpartiality,lotswere taken.Students were happy with this method and all students got a packet of biscuits and two gifts.

Twilight Years

Gathered together, like lost sheep taken to the kraal Wordlessly following the leader from one room to another Some there out of need for validation, while some.... Would rather have been doing something better instead

Senior Citizens annual check up day, how did we get here Surely I don't look like them, may well be the thoughts in mind

While there are those who wait in anticipation For something to worry about and share with one and all

Gathered together, each one's story quite different from the other

Wordlessly watching the world rush around them

A race they're only too familiar with, the rat-race of life That broke them body and mind, taking whatever it could

Senior Citizens annual check up day, a grueling experience

Much gratitude to disciplined young assistants, who orchestrate it all

The circle of life coming to a close for these battle-scarred souls

Sharing stories of their amazing children and Grandchildren

How useful is Vedic literature?

Dinkarray Mandaliya


Vedic literature developed over several hundred years, starting around 1900 BCE.First wasRigveda, and later, the other three Vedas, Upanishads, and other literature. Puranas are not strictly Vedic literature. They are later added to Vedic teachings. Likewise, various other literature, although written much later, gets added to Vedic literature.

Vedanta's philosophy is a guide towards self-realization. It teaches the ultimate reality known as Brahman, helping people understand their divine nature and achieve liberation through ethical living and meditation. To attain the knowledge of the true self (Atman) by realizing its oneness with the universal consciousness (Brahman).

Thisisusefulto people ofallfaiths. The Upanishads are ancient Vedic and post-Vedic texts containing denseandcomplexteachingsabout the nature of reality and the self. They offer profound insights into what it means to be human and connected to both theuniverse and the inner self. They were written during the transition from the ritualism of the Vedas to new religious ideasand institutions. The central theme is to know the true self.

The German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said of Upanishads: “TheUpanishadsaretheproduction ofthehighest humanwisdom, andI consider them almost superhuman in conception. The study of the Upanishads has been a source of great inspiration and a means of comfort to my soul. From every

sentence of the Upanishads, deep, original andsublime thoughts arise, andthewholeispervaded byahigh and holy and earnest spirit. In the whole world, there is no study so beneficialandsoelevatingasthatof the Upanishads. The Upanishads have been the solace ofmy life and will bethe solaceofmydeath.”

TheGitaisthemostreadanduseful book. It is narrated as a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna on the battlefield. In it, Krishna provides philosophical teachings to Arjuna about one’s duty (dharma), karma, yoga, the nature of reality, and achieving liberation (moksha). It is part of the epic Mahabharata. The advice Krishna gave Arjuna on the battlefield isadviceformankind. Vyas Muni, the writer of the Gita, included knowledge of the Vedas

and Upanishads in the Gita. It is possible that Vyasa Muni wrote the story of Mahabharat to incorporate Gitainto it.Idol worship hadnot yet started. In chapter 11, “Vishvarup Darshan,” of the Gita, Vyas Muni introduced Krishna as an incarnation of God. Idol worship started sometime around 400 CE during theGupta Empire. Literature produced during thelater period is more mythological. These are often highly imaginative. Take the mythological story of “Samudra Manthan”(churning oftheocean),a major Hindu myth about the creation of an elixir of immortality. The story is told in the Bhagvat Purana, Vishnu Purana, and Mahabharat. The gods anddemons churn the ocean to obtain the elixir ofimmortality.

The “Samudra Manthan” model is installed atSuvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, atourist attraction. Literature written at the end of the Vedic period, known as the Puranic period, contains mainly mythological stories, cosmogony, and the lives of deities. The mythological creation of the Deity Ganesha, with the head of an elephant and the body of ahuman, is considered the remover of obstacles and the patron of art and science. Indonesia has named a university GaneshaUniversity. One must be careful not to get trapped in mythology and leave aside the story's main theme. Understanding duty (dharma) is an

essential part of any sacred literature. What is important and often difficult is putting it into practice.

Among the very useful literature is “Patanjali's Yoga Sutra”, which is useful to the whole world. It is the theory and practice of Yoga. Daily practice of Yoga, pranayama, and meditation helps improve selfcontrol and maintainbetter health. Similarly, “Charak Samhita”, a treatise on Ayurveda, is useful for everyone. The texthaseight books and 120 chapters. Authored by Charaka. There is other useful literature on differentsubjects, such as astrology, that is not directly related toreligion.

Dr. Mohan Prabhu QC 94 Set to

Inspire with his Story "UZWAAD"

Though lifespanisseentobeonan upward trajectory due to various combined factors; one personality who has excelled in multi activities andlived lifeto thefullacross more than one continent, moving from place to place acquiring top class education and serving in high positions; a person of Indian/Mangalore origin after a full life, living finally as a Canadian for decades toreachasuper 94 yearsis wonderful. Many Konkani folk have rare lifetime achievements Dr. MOHAN PRABHU QC is indeed one who proved to be a true blue KONKANI PREMI who at age 90 years cameout with abook "Teach yourself Konkani" through English, "KonKanKit" a boon for young minds who dreamed in Konkani to learn their mother tongue even though they may not have set eyes on Kanara nor even heard their parents speak Konkani. Ninety-four 94 years on January 17, 2025 (Born 1931), is on the verge of releasing his life story of 145 pages ....."UZWAAD - THAT WAS MY

WORLD.BYMOHANPRABHU".This very readable book, I believe, is being welcomed by a lot of people around the globe in 2025 and cannotwait to read and profit tremendously and inmany ways be edified, inspired andenlightened.

His last book in 2020 is truly admired “Teach Yourself Konkani"KonKanKit”, is the result of love andadmiration oftheauthor forhis mother-tongue, and amazingly a one-man effort, aimed for the express need of the diaspora with no real knowledge of the language

but only a great admiration. A commercial and/or sales interest is totally absent in this book of 540 pages painstakingly, practically and systematically produced using vast knowledge of a 90-year-old after years of deep study and much thought and discussion. This is not abook orguide aimed atthenative Konkani speaker and pundits and will probably ignore the sincere purpose of this work of deep love. Words do not suffice to admire author Dr. Mohan, at an advanced age, skillfully coaxing the worn equipment at his disposal, amidst trialsofageandlife,toachievesuch a feat with concern for others and love ofhismother tongue, itproves -'someoneuptherecaresandloves him'.

This great work for the love of Konkani "Teach Yourself Konkani - "KonKanKit, Poileñ Pustak” a boon to overseas Konkani people with atouch of theculture in avery fresh and unique way. The sole objective of KonKanKit is to promote and spread Konkani to keep it alive andvibrant by attracting and encouraging new informal speakers; It is, therefore, for Beginners and those trying to beat theCorona blues too. The interested Konkani buff canuse the book to informally learn and perhaps guide people overseas in faraway lands, to know better the language of their illustrious forefathers. And soon to come on ourhorizon,ishisuniquelifestory.... UZWAAD.

Prolific Author: Dr. Mohan Prabhu's credentials: earned, BA, MA,LL. B (Bombay), LL.M (London), LL. D (Ottawa), QC (Canada)...An achiever, advanced in years, but highly active and alert, as can be seen by anyone glancing through the positive erudite system used in his book will be amazed. QC is Queens Council, in Former British ruled areas a very high Judge,

superior to the Supreme Court of high prestige. The author was born and raised in Mangaluru where he was immersed in Konkani which he wrote in Kannada script. He is not however a Konkani scholar/pundit as English has been the medium of all his education, law career in academia and in government, and of his writing, spanning six decades andallin theWest.Nonetheless, he has retained and developed his knowledge and skills to communicate in Konkani. Here is a wonderful personality, inside out a Konkani Catholic hailing from the

heartofMangaluru,Balmatta-from a forgotten quarter called 'Sanyasi Gudda" Araya Samaj Road. When this our protagonist was in search for his childhood roots and Sanyasi Gudda, he contacted potential sources here; though living for long in Canada, deep at heart is a "Mannina Maga” ‘Son of the Soil'. Heisapersonality thatstands out, officially known by typical Indian Konkani rename “Dr Mohan Prabhu".

of India's Independence, he joined the world of work in Mumbai and while employed, he gained academic degrees (BA, LL.B. and MA)from theUniversity ofBombay. In1960 hemoved toLondon where; while working at Unilever Ltd., he earned the LL.M. degree with Distinction from the University of London. Healsoearned adoctorate in Law (LL.D.)from the University of Ottawa. Mohan Prabhu was called totheLegalBarinfourjurisdictions: India (Advocate, Maharashtra), London (Barrister, Lincoln's Inn), Saskatchewan and Ontario (Barrister and Solicitor). He was awarded the rank of Queen's Counsel in1990.

HisRootsinMangalore: Mohan Prabhu (name at birth: Michael Antony Castelino, legally changed later), born in Mangalore January 17, 1931, son of Athanasius Peter Castelino. The author is the last maleofthe 5thline ofthe Castelino Clan-alarge family of11, hehas4 sisters left, all younger between 88 and 81.Mohan married his wife Clareen in Bombay (now Mumbai) onApril25,1965 atthewell-known St. Michael's Church, Mahim, the

families lived only 5 minutes away andhavelivedinCanadaeversince, with a year in New York, USA. Dr. Mohan Castelino Prabhu and his wife Clareen D’Souza Mudarth as per records of well-known Mangalore Konkani Community Genealogist have very noteworthy ancestors, abird’s eyeview here:

Dr. Mohan Prabhu (1931): His father Athanasius Peter Castelino (1886-1968) was an official of Fr. Muller’s hospital Kankanady, he oversaw the affairs of the hospital properties and supervised the building constructions for the hospital which in those times were always in progress. His grandfather was Mathew Castelino (1844), (son of Pedro Catelino, c1802); Mathew was a contractor at Bolar and is noted to have been responsible for the construction of

the first Ursuline Convent (now behind Rosario Cathedral) taken up by Mother Nympha Fernandez and completed in 1900. Presently it is “Ursuline Foundation House’ and houses the community heritage museum too next to Rosario Cathedral. It is noted that Salvador Castelino (c1770) is the first known founder of the family said to have beenacaptiveinSrirangapatna and aftertheend ofthecaptivity in1799 settled in Makale, around the present Shakthinagar.

D’Souza Mudarth, (1897-1957) who retired as district Registrar. His grandfather Bartholomew (c1775) was the first known member of this family, said to have hailed from Kirem and was a captive at Srirangapatna, at the end of the captivity settled in Mangalpette in Pezar. Clareen and her two sisters are distinguished in the education field inIndiaandabroad.

Their three children: Fiona Rita (54) only daughter, family physician at Texas Tech Health Centre in Lubbock, TX; Leighton Peter (53), investment specialist and ecommerce businessman (“roving”, currently in Ottawa), elder son and Clifton Michael (50), younger son, US and Canadian lawyer, now general counsel at aFrench bank in NewYork.

His Many Varied Books: The author,Dr.MohanPrabhuhasmany books on general and law matters to hiscredit, ... 1982-2017, Dr. Mohan Prabhu wrote severalarticles and chapters in books published by the WHO in its official magazines on environmental

Mrs. Clareen D’Souza Mudarth (1939): daughter of Casmir Monte

toxic chemicals, especially pesticides, environmental criminal laws in selected countries, including Canada and Germany, co-edited with Drs.

Günther HeineandAnnaAlvazzidel Frate.

Over the same period, Dr.Mohan Prabhu authored 11 editions of the Canadian Customs Act (down to 2012), three editions of Canadian Customs and Excise Laws(down to 2004), allpublished by Carswell, Toronto, and two books on international trade law:

thefirstin2014 onCanada’sImport andExport Laws(published byIrwin LawInc, Toronto), the second in 2017 on Import and Export Law in IndiaCanadaBilateral Trade(published 20December2017 by Thomson Reuters Canada of Toronto) whichwasreviewed bythis writer in 2018.

Mohan Prabhu’s life story of 145 pages ....UZWAAD- THATWASMY WORLD. BY MOHAN PRABHU. This very readable book, I believe, is being welcomed by a lot of people around the globe in 2025 and cannotwait to read and profit

tremendously and inmany ways be edified, inspired andenlightened.


Traveling is something I absolutely love, not just because I get to explorenewplacesbutalsobecause it allows me to relax and escape from household chores like washing, cleaning, and cooking. However, this passion of mine has been quite heavy on my husband's pocket. I often end up choosing

exotic destinations that fall into a higher price bracket, and my husband, wanting to keep me happy,neverhasthehearttosayno.

About amonth ago,wedecided to visitanupscaleresort thathadbeen the talk of the town. I had been eyeing this place for years, and

Sonal Lobo

when the prices finally dropped slightly, my husband surprised me by booking a stay. My happiness and excitement were beyond words I knew this trip would be one of the most memorable holidays ofmylife.

On adesignated day, we embarked on a journey of about six hours to reach this beautiful destination. True to its reputation, it was mesmerizing. Everything—from the warm reception to the wellappointed rooms, exceptional service, and the enchanting surroundings was simply fabulous. The experience truly made me feel like royalty.

After spending a wonderful time exploring the property and indulging in the spa, we decided to enjoy dinner. However, as soon as we entered the restaurant, Inoticed aslight commotion. Aman,likely in his late 40s, accompanied by a woman and two young girls, was yelling at the manager and a few stewards. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but my curiosity got the better of me. I quickly chose a seat

close to theirs, hoping to overhear the conversation. Don’t laugh at me—I’m a woman, and yes, I’m naturally curious!

Themanwasyellingatthetopofhis voice, oblivious to the fact that many people were watching him intently. He kept demanding, repeatedly asking, “Who is she to saythat?” referring to thewaitress nearby. His anger was directed at her, insisting she be removed immediately.

Despite repeated apologies from themanager andstaff,heremained steadfast inhisanger.Infrustration, heshovedachairasideandstormed towards another table. The woman with him followed quickly, speaking to himinalow,calming voice.

Curious about the commotion, I inquired aboutwhathadtranspired. I learned that the waitress had informed the woman not to sit at a particular table, as it was reserved for another family, and suggested they take the next available table. This seemingly minor incident had offended the woman, who then

complained to the man, sparking theheated altercation.

After a couple of minutes, the manager approached the man again, who was seated with the woman. He spoke with them for a few moments, then brought over the waitress. By this time, the waitress was in tears, clearly overwhelmed andfearful.

A short while later, we saw the waitress with folded hands, pleading with the man and woman, apologizing profusely, and begging for their forgiveness. After much pleading, the man finally relented, and the situation seemed to deescalate.

As the waitress, the manager, and others moved away from the table, the woman smiled warmly, kissed the man, and applauded him. Both appeared to revel in ashared sense of satisfaction and delight at what hadtranspired.

Witnessing the entire incident was deeply upsetting, not just for me but likely for most people around. The waitress was simply doing her

job,andwhileshemayhavemadea mistake, the way she was treated was entirely unjustified. The man and the woman accompanying him hadno right topublicly insulther in front ofsomany people.

What was particularly disturbing wastheattitude ofthewoman. Asa fellow woman, she could have stepped in to de-escalate the situation and discourage the man's rude behaviour toward another woman. Instead, she seemed to encourage him and even appeared to take sadistic pleasure in what transpired.

The little girls with them likely absorbed a very negative lesson from this encounter. It’s disheartening to think about the kind of example this behaviour set forthem.

Moreover, the resort staff should have stood by their employee, the waitress,insuchamoment. Instead, in an apparent effort to appease their guests, they allowed their staff member to be humiliated, which wastruly disappointing.

The rest of the evening, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole incident. Two quotes circulating on

the internet crossed my mind. Firstly, “A woman is another woman’s enemy,”and secondly, “Be loyal to the job but not the employer.” Both quotes seemed to resonate deeply with the situation I experienced. In the first case, a woman found sadistic pleasure in demeaning another woman, proving to be her enemy. It’s disheartening how often such dynamics playout,where instead of uplifting one another, some choose to tear others down. In the second case, the employer, who has a responsibility to uphold the dignity oftheiremployees, failedmiserably. This lack of support underscored the harsh truth behind the second quote.

Though the place itself was beautiful,andIhadgenuinely loved

being there,thisoneincident leftan unerasablemarkonmymemory.It’s remarkable how asingle experience can tarnish an otherwise pleasant setting.

"I just hope the man realizes that pleasing one woman does not justify demeaning another. Similarly, the woman should understand that if a man can disrespect a vulnerable woman, he could do the same to her someday. Disrespecting awoman andcausing her to shed tears is one of the gravest offenses, regardless of the mistake involved. Moreover, employers should recognize that their employees are human too, deserving respect and dignity in all circumstances."

Mangaluru: Floyd

D’Mello Cascia elected vicepresident of KNS, new office bearers chosen.

Media Release

Mangaluru, 20 Jan: At the meeting of the newly elected managing committee of Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS), held at DonBosco Hall,here, on Monday, January 20 to elect the new office bearers, Floyd D’Mello from Cascia was elected vicepresident for the term 2024-2026. Floyd also served as an assistant secretary for one term between 2018 and 2020 and General Secretaryfor2termsbetween 20202024.

Pamela Santos from Jeppu was unanimously elected asthe general secretary ofKNS.

Jerome Moras from Angelore was

chosen asasstsecretary, Moras had alsoserved asanassistant secretary foroneterm between 2004 to 2006. while Ivan Dsilva from Urwa was elected astreasurer.

Konkani Natak Sabha president, Fr Rocky D’Cunha (OFM Cap) conducted theelections.Thecharge wassubsequently taken over by the newly elected officebearers.

KNS office bearers for term 20242026

President -Fr Rocky D'Cunha Vicepresident -Floyd D’Mello General secretary -PamelaSantos Jointsecretary -Jerome Moras Treasurer -IvanD'silva


Parish Day Celebration Report –

St. Sebastian Church, Bendur

St. Sebastian Church celebrated its ParishDayonJanuary19th,withthe Feast of St. Sebastian. The celebration began at 4:45 PM with the distribution of candles to PPC members, sponsors, and benefactors, symbolizing their contributions and support to the parish community. The Feast Masscommenced at5:30 PM, presided over by the main celebrant, Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis

Vicar of Derebail Parish, alongside the Vicar, Rev. Fr. Walter D’Souza. They were joined by Assistant Priests Rev. Fr. Lawrence Cutinha, Rev. Fr. Vivek Pinto, Rev. Fr. Denzil Lobo,Rev.Fr.ArunLobo(Principalof Padua College), and priests from neighbouring parishes. Rev. Fr. Joseph Martis delivered a heartfelt sermon centered on the Parish Day theme, "Let us build a parish communityofhope."


As part of the Jubilee Year celebrations, nine crosses were blessed to be circulated among the homes in the parish, symbolizing unity and faith within the community.

The stage program began at 7:00 PM with a devotional prayer dance performed bythechildren,setting a

reverent tone for the evening. Vice President Mr. Vinod D’Souza extended a warm welcome to the guests and parishioners. This was followed by the PPC Secretary, Mrs. Patsy Britto, presenting the annual report, detailing the parish’s activitiesandachievements overthe pastyear.

A special highlight was the Parish Day group song, written and composed by the Vicar, Rev. Fr. Walter D’Souza, which was sung by the parishioners. The celebration also included a felicitation ceremony tohonour achieversfrom theparish:

• Mr.WilliamAntonyD’Souza, Mrs. MunitaVeigasRao, and St.Agnes Teachers Training Institute –Honoured for receiving the RajyotsavaAward.

• Ethan Paul Mascarenhas –Recognized for holding a national record in swimming and being selected to represent India at the SAARCGames.

• Dr. Denis Rodrigues and Dr. Reema Jenifer D’Silva –Commended for earning their Ph.Ds.

• Master Akin Crasta – Celebrated for securing 3rd place at the National Level Karate Championship.

• Mrs. Jane Sequeira –Acknowledged for receiving national-level appreciation from the Prison Ministry ofIndia.

• Joyson Sequeira and Joyline Sequeira – Honoured for winning

medals at the State Level Philatelic Exhibition.

Prizes for the sports and cultural competitions conducted during the year were also distributed. The championship trophy was awardedto Lotus,Ferns,andZenia Zones for their outstanding performances invarious activities. In his address, the Vicar expressed heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers, sponsors, and parishioners for their unwavering support and dedication to the parish community. He reiterated the importance of the Parish Day theme and encouraged continued unityand cooperation. The cultural program featured captivating performances, including a mesmerizing dance by CAL members and an elders' team, which left the audience enthralled. The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Deepak D’Souza, Convenor of 21 Commissions, acknowledging the effortsofeveryone involved.

Rev. Fr. Arun Lobo blessed the meals, and the parishioners came together to enjoy the dinner prepared at the church. The event was seamlessly hosted by Ms. MelaniLisha Dsouza,who served as

the Master of Ceremonies. The celebration was a testament to the spirit of togetherness and faith that defines the St. Sebastian Church community.

StAloysius students excel inACCA Global Exams

In an impressive demonstration of academic excellence, two students from St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) have earned the esteemed ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) affiliation while simultaneously pursuing their Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree. They are, Mohammed Rufaid A R and Jaston Arlen Dsouza. They have successfully cleared all ACCA papers, crediting their achievement to the university's supportive management anddedicated faculty.

St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) proudly celebrates the accomplishments of its Alumni, Clarence Mascarenhas, Lanson Fernandes, Nikitha Veigas, and Mohammed Mazin Abdul Rawoof, who havesuccessfullycleared their

ACCA examinations. These former students, who pursued a BCom program integrated with ACCA at the institution, exemplify the university's dedication to nurturing academic excellence and equipping students for globally recognized

professional qualifications.

In recognition of their academic achievements, the management,

vice-chancellor, and faculty of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, extend their congratulations to all the affiliates, expressing their best wishes for their future endeavours. This success underscores St Aloysius University's commitment to academicexcellence andtheholistic development ofitsstudents.

Bondel Fiesta 2025 – A Celebration of Diversity!

The St Lawrence Church and Shrine is delighted to host Bondel Fiesta 2025, proudly presented by Rohan Corporation andco-powered by InLand Infrastructure Developers Pvt. Ltd. This much-anticipated event promises to deliver an unforgettable experience for the entire family. Get ready for an exciting andvibrant celebration! This incredible event, set to take placeonJanuary25and26,2025, at thegrounds ofSt.LawrenceChurch, is more than just acelebration it’s a fundraiser dedicated to

supporting the church’s ongoing projects.

Experience two vibrant days filled with fun, cultural diversity, and a deep sense of community. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to come together, enjoy, and contribute to ameaningful cause!


Get ready to indulge in an extraordinary lineup of events and activities:

Culinary Delights: A variety of veg andnon-veg dishes, refreshing juices,andflavorful mojitos to

satisfyyour cravings.

Musical Extravaganza: Live Singing | Song Dedications | Spectacular BailaSession

Get ready to groove and feel the beats! Join us for an electrifying session where DJSuman,DJJeevan, DJ Sez and DJ Chayan will set the

stage on fire with their sensational mixes.

Highlights oftheEvent: Live Singing: Soulful performances thattouch your heart.

• Song Dedications: Dedicate your favorite tracks to your loved ones.

•BailaSession:Danceyourheartout to thoseirresistible beats!

Request YourTracks:

Your favorite songs will be played ondemand—whether it’sapersonal favorite or a track that gets everyone moving. Just drop your request and watch the magic unfold!

Thrilling Competitions: Crawling Baby Competition for the cutestlittle participants.

3-a-Side Mini Football for sports enthusiasts.

Solo Fancy Dress Competition to showcase your unique talent.

Bondel Fiesta 2025 – Pet Show Extravaganza!

Get ready for an exciting Pet Show at Bondel Fiesta 2025! Bring along your furry, feathery, or scaly companions to showcase their charm, talents, and unique personalities.

Bondel Fiesta 2025 – Flea Market Extravaganza!

Discover the charm of the Flea Market atBondel Fiesta 2025! Stroll through a vibrant array of stalls offering unique items, handcrafted goods, delicious treats, andmore.

Entertainment Galore:

Inter-Parish Variety Entertainment with exciting performances. PetShow for animallovers.

Mind-blogging housie games and TeamGamesto challengeyour wits. Unique game counters for endless fun.

FacePainting andCarnivalItems for thewhole family.

The"KaunBanegaCouponpati" quiz during the Bondel Fiesta is sure to be a hit! It's a fun twist on the popular quiz show, and it’ll keep everyone engaged with some exciting questions and even better prizes.

Mega Attractions:

3 Mega Housies for unforgettable experiences.

Mega Lucky Draw with exciting prizes.

Get readyto turnuptheheatwhere beats collide, and DJs take center stage!

Feel the energy as live music electrifies the atmosphere, with your favorite tracks played on demand. Request your songs and let the DJs spin on personal favoritestokeepthepartyalive.This isyour momenttovibe,groove, and make thenight unforgettable!


•25th January:2:00PMto10:00 PM

•26thJanuary:8:00AMto10:00 PM

Location: St. Lawrence Church & Shrine Compound, Bondel

This event is open to all, so gather your family, friends, and neighbors for a day filled with fun, laughter, andunforgettable memories. For more details, contact 0824 2481974.

Join us at Bondel Fiesta 2025, a joyful celebration of happiness and community! Experience endless entertainment, create cherished memories, and be part of this vibrant gathering. We can’t wait to seeyou there!

Karaval Konkans Australia creates

History with the Christmas Spectacular

“Ek Nathalaanchi Saanz” at Melbourne

15 December 2024 will go down in the history ofthe Konkani speaking community of Australia as one to remember. What started with the Mai So Kuswar workshop in November 2024 culminated in Ek Nathalaanchi Saanz 2024 at Melbourne with arecord turnout of over 300 like-minded individuals for a Konkani community Christmas event acrossAustralia.

The day began with a prayer to the Almighty led by Joe Sequeira. Following this, Christmas themed fancy dress was conducted for

children. Over thirty young kids participated, all dressed up in costumes. Itwas indeed heartening to see some of the kids take the stage and give their best through their costumes, sharing the true spirit ofChristmas with theworld.

What followed was an enthralling session of Christmas Carols by a group of carollers across all ages. The icing on the cake was the Konkani carols sung by everyone that surely got everyone present nostalgic about Christmas memories back home. The

musicians did a great job accompanying the singers whose voices blended so melodiously with the music. When it’s the yuletide season and carols all around, Santa cannotbe farandto thedelight of

allthechildren gathered, Santa

Clausmadethemuch-awaited entry sharing goodies with everyone. The program had Mitin Arora (The Agents)astheChiefguest.Mitinhas been a strong supporter of the

community for many years and leads areal estateorganisation that is working across commercial and residential real estate in addition o consulting services.

Everyone wasinfor asurprise when two individuals were honoured on

stage. Mrs. Celine D’Souza was felicitated forleading theMaincho

Kuswar workshop that has gained so much popularity. Konkani’s own famousson, Prajoth D’Sawasalso

felicitatedforbeing partoftheteam that has been nominated for the third time (winners twice earlier) for theGrammy Awards 2024. It is said the Konkani speaking community from the coastal (Karaval) region is blessed in talent. What transpired for the next hour

during the event was talent at its best - no showbiz, no laser shows rather pure talent in the form of song and dance that really had the guestsshellshockedyetyearning for more. Hula hoops, dances, musical recitals, karaoke and live singing all from the young ones of the Karaval Konkans Australia family giving us the conviction that the future is bright for the Konkani speaking community in Australia.Thelevel of performance displayed could possibly have been part ofsome of thetop talent shows inAustralia. TheAmericanAuctionconductedby MC Manoj Dsilva generated great interest among the audience that the volunteers found it difficult to keeppacewiththebids.Guests also had the opportunity to participate in theraffle which gave the winners fabulous gifts.

In a world where we order or cater food for the smallest crowd, the Karaval Konkans Australia Committee decided to cook for all the guests a traditional meal just as whatwas done backhome.

Kuswar prepared during Maincho Kuswar was beautifully wrapped and distributed to each family. Cakes, Kuswar, Pork bafat that was available for purchase was sold out within afewminutes.

A fantastic dance session by DJ Shane including the Baila, Pili, Line dancing, and all popular numbers, hadevery guest yearning formore. The event’s success could be summed upinthewords ofsomeof the guests who said they did not realis that five hours had passed by so quickly while others felt that the platform thatKKA wasacompletely new way of showcasing talent that

otherwise would not have been known.

KKAcommittee wishesisgrateful to all the sponsors, well wishes, supporters and volunteers without whothiseventwould nothavebeen possible. The committee has planned various events for the coming year and looks forward to creating memories with all Konkani speaking community members acrossAustralia.

KKA thanks every guest who were part of this historic “Ek Natalaanchi Saanz”, actively participating and support everyone asone big family truly demonstrating the essence of being afamily awayfromhome.

Sr Maria Naveena is the newly elected

Provincial Superior of the Apostolic Carmel,

Karnataka Province

Mangaluru, January 25: On Saturday, January25th, thesisters of the Apostolic Carmel, Karnataka Province, gathered in reverent prayer at St Ann’s Convent Chapel, invoking the Holy Spirit during the Eucharistic celebration presided over byRtRev.Peter PaulSaldanha, theBishop ofMangalore.

In the solemn atmosphere of the

chapter hall, the provincial chapter delegates assembled to partake in theelections.SrMariaNaveenaA.C. was chosen as the Provincial Superior of the province for a triennialterm. TheSuperior General, SrMariaNirmaliniA.Cpresided over theelections.

Joining her intheLord’s service, the elected councillors are Sr Rose Agnes, Sr Maria Reethika, Sr Maria Sudeepa, and Sr M Rosevera. Additionally, SrMarinaD’Cunhahas been entrusted with the role of Provincial Bursar.

Thenewly elected team will assume their sacred duties on27April 2025.

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