Mangaluru, Jan 31: St Francis Xavier Church, Bejai, Mangalore in associationwiththeCatholicSabha, BejaiUnitorganisedaprayerservice in commemoration of the Sixth Death Anniversary of Shri George Fernandes,formerUnionMinisterof India on Wednesday morning, 29th January, 2025 at St Francis Xavier Church,Bejai.
Holy Mass was celebrated in the church by Rev. Fr J. B. Saldanha along with Rev. Fr Peter
After the Holy Mass, people gathered at his grave in the Bejai Cemetery to pay homage to him. Rev. Fr J. B. Saldanha led the prayer service. Mr Rohan Sequiera, President of Catholic Sabha, Bejai Unit and Mr Ashok Pinto, Vice President,BejaiChurchParish
Member of Parliament, Mr. Brijesh Chouta, MLA Mr. Vedavyas Kamath, ExMayorandCorporatorMr.Sudhir Shetty, Konkani Lekhak Sangh GurkarMr.RichardMorasandmany others visited his tomb and prayed forhisrepose.
In VEEZ Weekly last week, we all read about Dr Mohan Prabhu all of 94 years and all his erudition and super publications and his forthcoming memoirs, which is eagerly awaited by many - a sure best seller with Mangaloreans. It is my privilege tosubmit the first part of a two-part narration by Dr. Mohan himself, on life in
ancient Mangalore. His old word artistic and intellectual narration can find no substitute in this 21st century…. Please read on in his own words and style a grand idea. Few remaining old timers andyoungKodialbuffs,theworld over reading VEEZ will go electric to recall what their elders would have told them and add much mosstotheirwheels.So,readand enjoyaonceinalifetimestory….
In this article the writer goes back in time to his early days in Mangalore when the town and a large part of undivided India were under the British Raj. He was born, raised and educated upto High
School in the town and moved to Bombay on the eve of Independence at the age of sixteen where he lived, worked and studied for the next thirteen years before leaving India over six decades ago. The memoirs encapsulate only a limited aspect of the town’s social andculturallifethathewasexposed to,thepeoplehemet,theplaceshe visited, and his experience at a young age. The writer admits that thememoirsarelacedwithpersonal anecdoteswhichhecouldnotavoid referring to and asks readers to excuse him for the same.
The writer adds that during the BritishRajMangalorewashiswhole worldandthathedidnotimaginea bigger world existed beyond it. However, he confesses that even after being away from the town for seventy-five years, Mangalore has never been away from him. The writer observes that he has found no place on this globe that he has livedinorvisitedinthelast62years afterleavingIndiathathadsomuch peace and harmony amidst social and cultural diversity within such a small urban area as Mangalore in pre-Independent India.
By : Mohan Prabhu, Ottawa, Canada....[a Canadian citizen and lawyer of Mangalorean origin]
August 15 this year marks India’s anniversary of Independence. Freedom at the stroke ofAugust14,1947midnight was the biggest draw on earth, if I recall, when a giant television set erectedatFloraFountaininBombay beamed live the momentous historical event of the relinquishment and transfer of power by Britain to India, by the handing over of the keys to
Rashtrapati Bhavan by Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last Governor General appointed by Britain, signifying the end of British rule, and their acceptance by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on behalf of the people of India. India became a sovereign country. Coinciding with India’s Independence Day were three of my own personal milestones: the end of student life atsixteen;theendofthefirstphase of life in Mangalore which marked the beginning of my own life independent of parental control, and the beginning of the second phase in Bombay with my first job as an LDC in the Indian Army’s Central Ordnance Depot in Kandivili, a week after Independence. India’s Golden Anniversary in 1997 also marked the end of my service in the Public Service of Canada, the beginning of myretirementyears, andtheendof
the second stage of my life.
During my early days under the British Raj, the world was reeling under the Great Depression which lasted ten years and was followed by the Second World War which lasted another five years. Employment prospects were bleak after the War and opportunities were few. The Depression era passed me by. I had no idea of the plight of ordinary families like ours. I heard very little about the War other than the tragic news that my mother’s cousin was killed in the Burmese jungles when the bomber planehewasflyinghadbeenblown out of the sky by the Japanese.
Every family had been issued ration cards for essential food items and kerosene oil, to conserve them for the war effort. We also had to supplementricewithwheatanduse chicory in coffee. Nor do I remember the freedom struggle, except vaguely. I heard that several agitatorshadbeenroundedup,and saw them being taken away in police paddy wagons to the Munsif’s Court just across the College campus. I knew nothing
abouttheSaltmarch,theSwatantra movement, nor Mohandas Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru’s visits to Mangalore. There were no broadcasts as people didn’t have radio stations. It was a “quiet” rebellion unlike the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.
Although it is now 75 years since I left Mangalore, I still have vivid memories of life as I experienced during that first phase. Mangalore wastheonlyworldIknew,andeven to this day I remember every bit of the town and rural areas that I visited with my father, or with my brother, or with a couple of friends, includingthenamesofneighboursI had met (all but two have passed on),itstopographyandlandmarks.I also came to know a few social aspects of society, the caste and inheritance systems, religious
affiliations and institutions; folklore andculturallife,feastsandfestivals; the languages spoken by the people; and the myriad ways by which each segment of society differentiated itself from the rest. Some of these I had witnessed, but many I had only heard about. Law and order in the town were strictly maintained by the police wearing red custodian caps; criminal activity was rare. However, despite all their differences, Manglurgars lived in peace and harmony, though barely communicating with one another except when need arises.
Mangalore’s Topography: For a better understanding of these memoirs, I will begin with topography. Mangaloreisacoastal town built on seven or more hills and surrounded by two mighty rivers,theNetravatianditstributary theGurpur,alsocalledPhalguniand Kulur.AtsomepointintheWestern Ghats, the tributary separated and flowed westwards, and as its flow was blocked by a sandbar created by the Arabian Sea, it turned south parallel to the Sea and met the Netravati which had turned west towards the sea. Together the two
emptiedintotheseaatapointnear Kasargod.Thesandbarwhichforced the tributary to change course, shielded the land from encroachment, but it also created the need for ships to anchor at sea itselftounloaditscargoonlighters, and passengers on launches, to carry them into town and beyond. Five of the hills on which the town was built were quite familiar to me, starting with the one where my first home was located; the next, where my second home was located; the third hill over which I walked to school, sometimes twice a day; and the fourth was the continuation of that hill on the top of which my schoolwaslocated.Thefifthhillwas behind our first home, but separated by woods and a stream, leading to my maternal grandparents’ house. All the hills werelow,gentlyinclined,sowalking was not a problem. The Netravati River in the east and south, and its tributary, the Gurpur river in the north and west, encircled the town, making it a river island, with just a narrow strip of sandbar between land and sea. The Western Ghats which separated Mangalore from theDeccan plateau,weretoofarto
My first home was in the Sanyasi GuDDa valley, below road level, where I lived for about four years. The road above bore the same name and branched off Balmatta Road which 2 led to the town centre. The hill got its name from the sanyasis (hermits) who lived in thevalleyasacommunityinguDsul orcadjanhouses.Myhomewasthe onlyremnantoftheirhabitat,and it was unique because there were no similar houses in town. My father was a tenant of UCS Bhat, a prominent vakil who lived in a mansion above on a private lane, hidden from our view. Our guDsul along with the wood burning oven of Mona Vas’ iconic Bakery, which
was directly across at street level, was a gateway to the sposh neighbourhood. There were no houses in the middle tier of the hill as trees had not been cleared. On the top tier was the District Collector’s House. Sanyasi GuDDa road connected Balmatta road and providedaccesstocentretown.Our guDsul and the adjacent three or four houses were below road level and to gain access to the road, we had to climb several steps.
Over the next thirteen years, until
the eve of Independence, my next home was in the Kankanady Hill valley. InthetoptieroftheHillwas the Kankanady Hospital and Leprosy, founded in 1890 by Father AugustusMullerandco-foundedby Dr. Lawrence Fernandes, Chief Surgeon, whose surgery and living quarters were in a lane directly across the Administration Building. On either side of that building, and radiating from it, were patient words. The Women Leper’s ward was to the left of the building (and directly above Kankanady Road), and in front of it was the women’s inpatient ward and on the opposite sidewasmen’sin-patientwardwith LeperMen’squartersbeyondit.The Asylum Chapel connected the two Leper wards. In the middle tier of the Hill there were several houses, and in the valley on either side of Kankanady Road, several more, including ours, which was the second house on the south-east border of the urban area. From there a raised road over paddy fields, for vehicular traffic and pedestrians, connected Kankanady toPadil,Nagori,Angeloreandother villages. It was the only southeastern highway to the Western
Ghats. The first structure on the urban border was a two-floor building,withtheupperfloorfacing theroadandonthelevelwithit;the lower floor was below road level and facing our house. The owner, Angela D’Sa (Angelbai) lived on the lower floor. She was the unmarried elder sister of Rayappa D’Sa, a police constable, who lived in the middle tier, justabovealaneacross fromus.
Ourhousebackedontopaddyfields which were about ten feet below and during the monsoon they were inundated. To our right was Uggappa Bhandary’s farmhouse and in front of it were two paddy fieldswhichhecultivatedwithapair ofbuffaloes.AngelbaiandUggappa Bhandary were our only two neighbours on our side of the Kankanady Road; others on the same side were further up and except for two, we did not know or communicate with them. On the oppositesideoftheroadtherewere several friendly neighbours. All our neighbours, except Rayappa D’Sa’s twoyoungestchildren,Valerianand Lucy, have passed away; Valerian (Vallie) D’Sa is a couple of years
older to me and has settled in Kuwait,andLucyMascarenhas(now 101) lives in Urwa. I had known Vallie and Lucybai (and their four brothers and parents) when they were our neighbours. I visited them occasionally, and Rayappa D’Sa often stopped by our house to chat for a few minutes before going to hishome.AsrecentlyasXmas2017, I visited Lucybai after over 85 years. The south-eastern section of the Kankanady Hill was in pristine condition. I remember we had a picnic in the middle part of that section and, on another occasion, one Mr. Mendonca, an avid bird hunter who was staying with us for a few weeks before he got his own place to live, took me on a shikari whenhebaggedastork.Ourhouse was owned by the Kankanady Hospital. There were two wells on the property, one for us and the other for the Hospital. Water from the latter was pumped and carried through underground pipes to the hospital on the top of the Hill. The pump and the machinery, which were enclosed in a separate structure,operatedabouttenhours each day. Because of the pump, the wholeofthepremiseshadaunique
address: Pumpwell Compound.
Balmatta and LightHouse Hills: Balmatta Hill which stretched along the opposite side of Balmatta Road as one goes North, and after about amileofevenroad,theLightHouse Hill, were two other hills I used everyweekday on my way to school.Balmatta Hill sloped all the way down to Falnir. On its eastern slope facing Balmatta Road, several newhouseshadcomeup,butatthe bottomtherewasadisgustingpitin whichthoTees, who collected human waste from household toilets in open buckets, dumped theirpreciousload.Thestenchfrom the pit permeated the whole neighbourhood. Passers-by were forced to hold their nose while walking on that stretch. Further up, after its intersection with Mercara HillRoadwhichwenttoBendore,
were Shanti Cathedral, the motherhouse of the Basel Evangelical Mission on the right, and its printing press, hosiery factory and showroom, on the left. The showroom held periodic sales, and I remember my mother buying some underwear for the family. Also, I remember the factory manager’s son Subrayan who was myclassmatein high school. A little further from that point, at an intersection, the road split into two, the left section went down to the towncentreHampankatta,pastthe
Ladies’ Club and tennis courts, and the right section went up to Light House Hill. The first structure on the top of the Hill was the historic Tipu Sultan’s Lighthouse after which the Hill was named. Opposite the Lighthouse was the
IdgahhallofprayerofMuslims.Ina lane next to the Lighthouse was St. Aloysius college. It was founded in 1890, the same year as Fr. Muller’s Kankanady Hospital, and was built on land donated by Lawrence LoboPrabhu, a prominent philanthropistofMangalore.
People of Mangalore: Of the approximately 73,000 inhabitants recorded in the 1931 Census, sixty percent were Hindus. Mohammedans (or Muslims), who were called Moplahs or Bearys, and Christians,were large minorities together numbering about 25,000 or about a third. Jains and other religious groups were less than 5%. Mahars and other untouchables, such as koragas and thoTees were the lowest castes and small. Most Christians who belonged to the RomanCatholicfaith wereGoans in
origin, including my ancestors. A small number were locally converted, some by Catholicmissionaries and others by the Basel Evangelical Mission which hadbeenfoundedin the year1834. Convertsfromthelatterwerecalled Mission Christians. Mangalore society was heterogeneous, multicaste,multiculturalandmultilingual. Eachperson and community preciselyknewtheirplaceinsociety and lived, as it were, in silosunmindful of the presence of others around them. Hindus, Christians and Mohammedans, the three major communities had their own educational, health care and religious institutions, and even banking, industrial and trading enterprises. They were generally self-dependent.
Caste was the defining feature not only of Hindus butalso of Catholics and other Christians, and to some extent. even among Muslims. On the top of the hierarchy were the threeancient classes, which in the period of Hinduism, deteriorated intocastes:theBrahmiin,Kshatriyas, Vaisyas. Sudras were regarded as lower in caste. But much lower on
the totempole were mahars, koragas and thoTees. Even among the low castes there were lower ones. Christianity did not eliminate the caste system. Catholics of Goan origin continued its practice. This was glaring from their treatment of localconvertswhoweredrawnfrom lowcastes.Theyweresegregatedin churches, required to enter by side doors and to take their seat on the left wing of the church during service. They were labelled as “compounders” as the church provided houses to them on land held in its name by the bishop, “novo Christao', etc. Intermarriage was frowned upon by Catholic bamoN; if one maried a Basel Mission convert, the couple was ostracized by the Catholic parents.Inheritance was governed by personal law: Hindus had the joint family system with coparceners; the malayalee nayars had marumakkathayam; and Bhandaris and other Tuluvas had aliyasantan. Sheshu, wife of Uggappa Bhandary, our neighbour farmer,oftencomplainedaboutthis inequity to my mother which I overheard. The Married Women’s PropertyActof1937gave
the wife certain property rights. A deceased Christian’s estatedevolved according to the Indian Succession Act of 1925. Marriage customs varied among religious groups. Catholic weddings were generally a threeday affair: the Ros, nuptials and porthapoN. Nuptials were a church ceremony. Theywere preceded by Ros on the eve and followed by porthapoN the day after. While Roscoconut milk was poured on the vokal’s hair, vovyos were sung reminding her not to forget her parents,etc.Asimilarceremonywas held for the novro in his house. Dinner followedwith a limited numberofclosefamilyinvites.
Dinner on the wedding day was lavish with many invited guests. My sister’s wedding dinner was almost a wash out as it was pouring catsand dogs. The kitchen was “taken over” by a renowned cook, Davidam and his crew, to prepare themeal.Theguestswereseatedon the floor of a specially erected pandaland servedonkolo(plantain leaves). A little salt and pickle were sprinkled on the top corner of the kolo, and a gobLo was kept beside
each guest. A young server went around to pourdrinking water in it. At the end of the meal, either vorn or payasam was served as desserton the same kolo if it had been licked clean and, if not, on a new one. Leftovers were given to the hospital lepers who were hangingaround(byinvitationofmy father). For the porthapoN, close relatives were invited to dinner. A few days later, the bride was taken in procession to her novro’s house andgivento the careofher waiting mother-in-law. I walked with the partyallthewaytoKunTikan,about 3or4milesawayfromKankanady.
IrememberallthesewellasIwas11 when my sister got married. It was war time.People wore different clothes also differed - literally a riot of colours and fashions. Clothes identifiedthecommunitytowhicha personbelonged.Theyalsomarked their status in society. The cast of some Hindus can also be further recognized by marks or vermillion dots on theirforehead or by a shenDi. Some donned topees, Moplahs wore round white caps. A fewChristians tied a munDas, like the Madrasi Iyengar Brahmins;
novros, Hindu or Christian, usually wore it during the wedding ceremony. The predominant men’s dress was a white dhoti and shirt; Malayalees wore white munDu, Beary’s wore coloured lungi.Married women dressed in multi-coloured saris, but widows wore black, as a sign of mourning; Bangalore and Benares silk saris were their favourite. Young girls worekirgi-bazu. Women with long, loose black dresses, with a niqab covering their head, were Muslims or Christian nuns as the latter had copiedtheirhabitsfromtheformer. Saris wornby women and dhotis wornbymendidnotneedtailoring.
Clothes that required tailoring werestitchedeitherathomeorbya tailor. Ready-to-wear clothes were not sold in shops.Names usually indicate a person’s religion and often the cast. Well before a meeting, one can easily guess whether a person is a Catholic, Mohammedan, Hindu or Parsi, and even that person’s native province. Catholics had Portuguese names; Mohammedans had Muslim names; and Hindus, their own popular names. Unlike Catholics and
Mohammedans,Mission Christians werenotrequiredtochangenames. --------------------------------------
END of Part 1 of 2....Next Part to follow
By: Ivan Saldanha-Shet.
Annual get together event of All Banks' Christian Employees Association held
Media Release
Mangaluru,Jan27: 'AnnualMeet2025',anannual get together event of All Banks' Christian Employees Association (ABCEA) was held on 25th January 2025 at Don Bosco Hall,Mangaluru.
The programme commenced at 7.00 p.m. with the Anthem Song of ABCEA.
The President of ABCEA welcomed thegatheringandinhisPresidential address he said ABCEA has completed 24 years of its existence and is stepping to Silver Jubilee Celebrations in this year. He also said that during this 2024-25 year they have helped two beneficiaries for their medical treatment amounting to ₹75,000/- and an amount of ₹50,000/- was donated
to Ave Maria Palliative Centre, Vamanjoor during Christmas time. Mrs Delphine Pais read out annual reports for the year 2023 and 2024. 8 children of the Bank Employees andmembersofABCEAwere
The amount of ₹50,000/- was donated to the parents of the late GloriaRodrigues of Bajpe under TragicDeathReliefFund.
Chief Guest of the program, Mr. Robert DSilva Ex AGM of Canara Bank briefed about present Customer Service in Banks, digitalisationandcautionedabout
After the stage program cultural and games activities were conductedbyMrs.RitaDSouza. The programme was compered by Mr. Dolphy Saldanha and vote of thanks was proposed by Vice PresidentMr.FrankMiranda.
Greetings and a big Thank you MydearAustinbab, Compliments of the season to you and your family.I just wanted to send you a little note to say hello andgreetyouinthenew year.
I also want to thank you very much fortheVEEZmagazinethatyoutake time and much effort to publish
and keep all of us Mangaloreans in touch with our hometown, our home language and culture.
I particularly liked the article you recently published on Dr Mohan Prabhu who is now 94. He has contributed a lot to his
hometown although he has been out of the country since many decades. His heart and soul are still there with his beloved Mangalore. His book enabling people to learn our mother tongue Konkani is truly a labour of love and that too at the ageof91!
His recently completed memoirsUzwaaD is truly very inspiring, and hislifestoryspeaksofwhatasingle simple human being can achieve despite all odds and difficulties. Kudos to this great man!
Thank you for featuring many great personalities of Mangalorean origin
and their contributions to the community and to the world at large.
You too are one such person as Uncle Mohan who has never forgotten his motherland and has greatly contributed to our Mangaloreancommunity.
You are much appreciated for your love and service to our community.
Sending you lots of love and my best regards and wishes.
Caroline Gengan
There's a beauty in young love that has to be experienced at least once
There's a magic that makes young love invincible and everlasting
You will never understand the above unless you've walked the path
Not feeling the ground beneath your feet or enjoying funny friends
There's deep heartache and longing in every moment apart
There's total dedication to be the best version of yourself
Time takes on a new meaning, too short when together, to long apart
Life's only purpose becomes how to escape this world of people
What is this power that totally takes over, leaving one senseless
What is this insanity that makes one forsake the love of family
Renouncing kingdom for the love of a simple commoner
A total stranger who promises less than you already had
Young love oh how captivating you are with your feverish intensity
Young love improves every organ as your blood surges through
Breathless anticipation for just a sight or a brush of your hands
I wonder if young love still exists in this new calculative world
-By: Molly Pinto.
By Nirmla Johnson
In halls where prayers rise like mist, Where hands are clasped and heads are kissed, There blooms a poison, veiled and coy, A shadow cast by pride’s alloy.
The need to shine, to claim the light, To stand where crowns and robes gleam bright, Breeds envy’s whispers, seeds of lies, That tarnish truth beneath the skies.
A heart that seeks another’s fall, A soul that thrives on gossip’s call, Speaks sermons loudly, with pious tone, Yet fights to keep its seat, its throne.
The air is thick with jealous gaze, As whispers weave their shadowed maze, And those who rise through honest toil Are targets, bound by envy’s coil.
What would Christ, in wisdom’s grace, Say to this fractured, prideful race? Would He applaud the hunger’s plea To climb above in vanity?
No, He would bend, with love profound, To lift the low, the lost, the bound. He’d shun the seat of honored fame, And serve the least, in love’s pure name.
Stop the race for crowns and thrones, Release the pride that cuts and hones. Roll your sleeves, your heart made pure, For love of others, deep and sure. Why fight for seats, for fleeting power? Why let falsehood bloom and flower?
To serve, not self, is life’s true creed, To meet each soul’s unspoken need.
Let hands not wound, but heal and mend, Let hearts with selfless love extend.
An organization built on pride Will crumble, hollowed, from inside.
Instead, let purpose be the guide, And cast insecurity aside. For love transcends what man can see, And service sets the spirit free.
So, ask yourself, in every fight, Am I the darkness, or the light? Let’s be the change, the humble voice, To lift the world, to love by choice.
By Nirmla Johnson
-*FrCedric PrakashSJ
On28January2025,thewell-known Calcutta daily ‘The Telegraph’ carried an article entitled ‘Rubyour eyes:HinduRashtraConstitutionto be unveiled at Mahakumbh on
Basant Panchami’ . The seemingly innocuous inside-page article speaks volumes not only of the insidiousyetmeticulousplanswhich are being made, but also of the calculated attempts to destroy the secular character of the nation and ultimately the sanctity of the ConstitutionofIndia.
Thenewsitemhighlightsthata501page document, prepared by a 25member committee of scholars, draws inspiration from the Ramayana, the rules and teachings of Krishna, Manusmriti and Chanakya’s Arthashastra. The socalled ‘Constitution’ based on the Hindutva ideology, is expected to be unveiled at the Mahakumbh on Sunday2FebruarywhentheHindus celebrate ‘Basant Panchami’. Whether it will take place is anyone’s guess; the painful fact, however, is that no one from the ruling regime, who swear by the Constitutionofthecountry,hashad thecouragetosaythatverythought of propagating such an idea should beregardedasanti-national!
The committee which has put together this Constitution is known as the ‘Hindu Rashtra Samvidhan Nirmal Samiti’ and apparently consists of so-called scholars of the ‘Sanatan Dharma.’ Swami Anand Swaroop Maharaj, patron of the committee, told reporters at the Mahakumbh, that their target was to make India a Hindu nation by 2035. (their original plan was to make India a Hindutva- nation in 2025 – thecentenaryyearofthe RSS-buttheirplansfailedmiserably whentheydidnotgettherequired numbersinthelastParliamentary elections- to make any undemocratic Constitutional changes).
The key provisions in the proposed ‘Constitution’include:
• Mandatory Military Education: Every citizen of the Hindu Rashtra will be required to undergomilitaryeducation.
• Harsher Punishmentfor Theft: The constitution proposes stricter punishment for theft and other crimes. (apparently there is no word on
‘corruption’–whichistheforte oftherulingregime)
• Tax Exemption for Agriculture: The tax system will be revamped, with agriculture beingcompletelytax-free.
• Unicameral Legislature: The Hindu Dharma Parliament will be a unicameral legislature, with members known as DharmikSansads.
• Minimum Voting Age: The minimum voting age has been fixed at 16 years, with only those belonging to Sanatan Dharma allowed to contest elections.
• The Rashtradhyaksh , the chief of the country, would be chosenbythree-fourthsof the elected members of the legislature
Swaroop reiterated, “Humanvalues are in the nucleus of our Constitution, which has been preparedby14scholarsfromnorth and 11 from south India. Our Constitution is not against other religionsbutthosewhoarefound involved in anti-national activities willfaceharsherpunishmentthan
whatisawardedtothemcurrently…. Over300amendmentshavebeen madeintheIndianConstitutionin the last seven decades, but our scripturesarethesameforthelast several thousand centuries. There are127Christian,57Muslimand15 Buddhistcountries.EventheJews haveIsrael.ButtheHindus,whose populationisover175croresacross theworld,havenoHindunation.”
The writing has been on the wall since a long time now: the attacks on the Christians in 1998-99, in different parts of India and particularlyintheDangsDistrictand other areas of South Gujarat becameinternationalheadlines.The GujaratCarnagein2002whenmore than 2000 Muslims were murdered, many more brutalised and even raped and thousands of others having to leave forever a place they once called their home –was perhapstheblackestchapterinpost –independentIndia. Over the years, and particularly since2014,when the BJPseizedthe reins of power once again – every effort is being made to denigrate and demonise the minorities of
India and especially the Muslims, the Christians and the Sikhs; they have also been derogatively referred to as ‘terrorists’, ‘converters’ and ‘Khalistanis’, respectively. There is a systematic move to paint the minorities as ‘anti-national’! Personnel and properties of the minority communitiesareregularlytargeted
The Judiciary –and particularly, the Supreme Court – has been one bastion of hope for the minorities, given its fundamental role and responsibility in protecting the letter and the spirit of the Constitution. Unfortunately, in the recent past, the Judiciary at various levels seem to have abdicated this non-negotiable duty – of impartiality, objectivity and of not siding with any faith and/or ideology. There are facts and other indicatorstosubstantiatethis!
Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, a sitting judge of the Allahabad High Courtisaclassic example!
On 8 December, he addressed the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) legal cell, in Allahabad High Court on ‘Uniform Civil Code–A
Constitutional Imperative’. He argued in favour of a Uniform Civil Codeanddemandedforchangesin the Muslim personal laws. His speech smacked of blatant ‘majoritarianism’ saying that India should function according to the wishes of the “majority,” meaning Hindus! Justice Yadav assured the VHP gathering that as the Ram MandirwasconstructedinAyodhya after years of “sacrifices by our ancestors,”the Uniform Civil Code would also become a reality soon. “DidyouimagineseeingtheRam Mandirwithyourowneyes?Butyou didseeit.Manyofourancestors madesacrificesforit,inthehopeof seeing Ram Lalla freed and witnessing the construction of a grandtemple.Theycouldn’tseeit butdidtheirpartandnowweare witnessingit.”.Likewise,hesaidthat the country would get a UCC. “That dayisnotveryfar,”he emphatically declared. On 17 December, he was summoned by the Chief Justice of India to appear before the Collegium regarding his remarks. A month later, he writes to the Chief Justice, saying he stands by his
remarks which, he maintained, did not violate any principle of judicial conduct.
The remarks of Justice Yadav are justthetipoftheiceberg.Therewas the case of a Christian Pastor who had died, being denied the right to burial in his native village in Chhattisgarh by the village panchayat. After knocking at all doors in his State, his son had to seek justice from the Supreme Court. On 27 January, the twomember bench of the Supreme Courtdelivereda splitverdictinthe case.Itdirectedthatthebodyofthe pastor be buried at a Christian graveyard 20 km away and asked the State administration to provide all support. Since the body was already in the morgue for almost three weeks,the judgementdidnot feel it appropriate to refer the mattertoalargerbench.
Justice BV Nagarathna, however, strongly upheld the secular character of the Constitution. In her path-breaking judgment she assertedthat,"Itissaidthatdeathis agreatleveller,andweneedto remindourselvesofthis.Thisdeath has led to divisiveness among
villagersontherighttoburial.The appellant says there is discriminationandprejudice,”She notedthatthe HighCourt accepted a suggestion that displaced the practices being followed in the village."Thedeathofthepersonhas given(way)todisharmonysinceit was not solved by the village panchayat. Panchayat has been takingsideswhichledtothecasein highcourtandSupremeCourt.”She pointed to the police affidavit that says a Christian convert cannot be allowed burial on the village grounds. "This is unfortunate and violates Articles 21 and 14 and furthers discrimination on the grounds of religion. The State cannotdenyequalitybeforethelaw. HowcouldASPBastargivesuchan affidavit and what was the authority? it betrays the sublime principle of secularism." Sadly, however, the other Justice thought otherwise, and the Christian Pastor had to be buried far away from his village.
On 27 January, Uttarakhand introduced and began implementing the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) which most legal and Constitutional experts find highly
discriminatory. It is clearly aimed at targetingsectionsoftheminoritiesparticularly Muslims and Christians. The law, among other things, does not challenge patriarchal provisions in Hindu civil law, for instance, on the guardianship of a minor boy or unmarried girl going to the father, and only after him, to the mother. Strangelyenoughthelawwillnotbe applicabletoScheduledTribes,with the CM saying, “Wehavekeptour scheduledtribesmentionedunder Article342oftheConstitutionout ofthiscodesothatthoserightscan be protected!” So, the question being asked is how ‘Uniform’ is this code?
There is plenty else happening all overthecountry abouttherightsof minorities and to the cause of secularism. The tribal Christians in
Manipur have been suffering since May 2023. In UP, a Christian Pastor and his wife have been convicted under the State’s draconian antiConversionlawwhilstseveralothers are languishing in jail. In every one of them – there is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing, just that they were conducting prayer meetings or having a Bible in their house. The anti- conversion laws in several states ruled by the BJP, not only violate Article 25 enshrined in theConstitutionisbutalsoablatant attempt to discriminate against the minorities. ‘Ghar wapasi’ which is alsoaconversionexercise,doesnot come into the ambit of this law. Amit Shah in his election campaign in Maharashtra promised that such a law would be introduced in that Statetoo! The list is endless indeed! Mobs stormed the gates and the grounds the Jesuit –run Andhra Loyola College in Vijayawada, demanding
that they are entitled to use the private premises as per their whims and fancies. The High Court of Gujaratrecentlyupheldthedecision oftheGujaratStateforacentralised process for recruiting teachers and principals in religious and linguistic minority educational institutions. The UP Chief Minister on Republic Daypubliclyassertedthat‘Sanathan Dharma’ is the religion of the country! Then there is the Waqf (Amendment) Bill 2024 which is supposedtobetabledinParliament during this current budget session; A united opposition, however, has slammed the government on the passage of the draft report on the Waqf Amendment Bill saying they had no say, and all their amendments were defeated, and that only the amendments presented by the ruling party were taken up and considered. With frightening regularity, one reads about how minorities are targeted forwhattheyeat andwear, seeand read!
Intellectual and social activist Professor Apoorvanand writes an incisive and hard-hitting article in ‘The Wire’ (29 January 2025). The
article entitled, ‘The Loneliness of Being Christian in India’, is replete with incontrovertible facts. He emphatically states, “butashuman beings,wemustask:whatkindof countryisitwhereonlyChristians must worry about attacks on Christians,andtherestofsociety remainsdeaftotheirconcerns?The prime minister of India issues statementsaboutviolenceagainst ChristiansoutsideIndia,butinIndia, Christiansarebeingattackedand arrestedforhavinganddistributing Bibles, and churches are being targeted.DuringChristmasseason, he visits churches and meets
religiousleadersbutletstheblood ofChristiansflow.AreonlyHindus allowedtopreachtheirreligionin India? WhatProf.Apoorvanandstateswith angst,isanundeniablefact!Thereis a method in their madness, there is no doubt about it! The rot, we all know, starts at the top! At stake is the secular character of our nation and the future of democracy in our country- which is being destroyed systematically! We must wake up nowandact withother like-minded womenandmen!
1 February2025
(Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights, reconciliation and peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com )
PhilomenaandGilbert Lawrence
EuropehasitsshareofJesuithaters, and India has its share of Christian haters. Over the centuries, the two biases have often converged,
resulting in the build-up of many myths about colonialism in India. Unfortunately, arm-chair cynical authorsrecyclethesemythsanduse them in quotes with references. In doing so, they take advantage of
less-than-knowledgeable readers living on different continents. These myths are often made up to advance the author’s agendaandpointofview,apractice especially prevalent during the struggleforindependence.Truthbe told, through ignorance or naïveté, wemayhavequotedthesemythsin our prior writings. Knowledgeable authorsshouldtaketheopportunity to revisit the topics and debunk the mythsto correcttherecord.
Case in point: On the exposition of the body of St. Francis Xavier (FX) –a once-in-a-decade event held in Goa in December 2024 – a respected local newspaper publishedaprominentlocal writer’s derogatory commentary on the saint’s lifeduringPortugueserulein Goa. Other writers in India and abroad have made similar claims. Perhaps it was possible to make unsubstantiated statements in past centuries but certainly not in the 21st century, when in-depth, documented information is easily accessible.
commentary, "Francis Xavier was never particularly ‘saintly’ in all the years of his life and career that dovetailed along – and became synonymous with –Portugal’srapid and rapacious 16th-century maritime expansion across the IndianOcean."
Facts: The above statement is a broad-brush claim which contradictshistoricalevents,thelife and work of Francis Xavier. FX arrived in Goa in 1542, spent only four months there; later working in the non-Portuguese territories of SouthIndia,Malaysia,andJapan. He diedin1552onhiswayto China.
Thefollowingarethedateswhen thePortugueseacquiredvarious outposts:
• VascoDaGamasetuptrading postsinMalindi, Cochin, Quilon,andCannanorein 1498.
• WithMalindi’shelp,Viceroy AlmeidaconqueredMombasa andKilwain1505,thereby dominatingEastAfrica;builta fortinCeylonin1508.
Quote in question: According to the opening statement of the
• AfonsodeAlbuquerque conqueredKuryat,Ormuz,
Muscat,Socotra(1507);Goa (1510);theMalaccastraits (1511),Canton,linkingwith Moluccas(1513).
• Lisbongotlandingand tradingrightsinChaul, locatedonIndia’swestcoast, in1512;Calicutin1513; Mangalorein1526;Damanin 1531;Bombay,Salsette,and Basseinin1534,andDiuin 1535.Portugalbuiltalarge fortinDiubecauseitserved as EstadodaIndia’s(EE’s) northerndefensepoint; Quilonprovidedthesame protectionatEE’ssouthern perimeteronIndia’swest coast.
• FreakofNatureencounters/ outpostsinBrazil(1500), Seychelles(1503),Ceylon (1505),Japan(1543),Formosa/ Taiwan(1544).
Commentary: Except for Goa, Calicut, and Diu, which were subdued by war, often local rulers invited the Portuguese to build feitorias and make port-of-calls in their realm to increaseeconomic prosperity, trade, and income of their farmers. The feitorias did not
tax the natives; and provided a measure of protection to the raja fromneighboringkingsastherulers of Cochin and Cannanore chafed under Zamorin of Calicut; the sultans of Bassein and Bombay Is. chafed under the moguls; and the Sultan of Malindi chafed under rulers of Mombasa and Kilwa. The presence of a feitoria also reduced piracyinthearea.
While Goa was acquired by force in 1510, it was the local leaders Mhalu Pai Vernekar (of Verna, Goa) and Thimayya (Timoja), who personally luredAlbuquerque to forcibly acquire Goafrom their nemesis the Sultan of Bijapur, who ruled the taluka of Tiswadi / Ilhas, which included a strategic inland port. This inducement was orchestratedwith the blessings of the ruler of Hampi, the monarch of the Vijayanagar Empire. The threedimensionalchesswasorchestrated so that the Hampi Raya could preserve the supply of the Mideast horses for the Vijayanagar cavalry; while the Portuguese expended their own men, matériel, and financial resources to safeguard the sheltered port at Tiswadi.
Lisbonexpanded its toehold in Goa (HQ ofEasternEmpire)in1543with a quid pro quo settlement with the SultanofBijapur’ssuccessors.
From the analyses of the correspondence between FX and the king in Lisbon, it is obvious that there was no love lost between the Spanish priest and the Portuguese nobility in Lisbon and in Goa. Portugal’s empire-building in the East was completed more than two decades before FX landed in Goa. Credit must be given to both the parties, who, with very different agendas, head on their separate
paths; and both succeeded in achieving their own goals. Later historians and writers, including the British authors, tried to muddy the waters and connect the two to dilute their individual successes or judge them with guilt by association.
PhilomenaandGilbertLawrence, Authors:Insights intoColonialGoa PublishedbyKindleandAmazon FormoreInformationonthebook, TableofContents,andaSample Readplease see:Insightsinto ColonialGoa:FifthEdition
This newsletter on issues affecting GEMs (Goan, EastIndian, and Mangalorean): “Demystifying Colonial Myths.”
Knowing and preserving history is to protect the past for the future! Knowing and understanding the past helps us to understand ourselves better. Grasping the scope of one’s inheritance should give a more nuanced base to make our decisions.To the diaspora, the land has the ashes of its ancestors and is the abode of our deities and saints. We hope to unfreeze the events by presenting to the readers when,why,andhowofpastevents.
We hope you enjoy reading this aspectofGEMhistory. Thereisalot of‘foodforthought.’Pleaseforward the article to your relatives, friends, peers, Indian and Iberian chat sites. Sharing history shares our cultural heritage; and the work is for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to sharethiswithyou. Also uploaded on the Amazon's book platform is the fifth edition of our book with a much-expanded sectionontheinternal(withinIndia)
andexternal(International) diaspora. For more Information on the book, Table of Contents, and a Sample Read please see: Insights intoColonialGoa:FifthEdition Authors Philomena and Gilbert are of Goan descent and received their degreesinEducationandMedicine, respectively, from the University of Bombay (Mumbai). Gilbert was also awarded the Fellow of the Royal
College of Radiology degree in London, England, and received his medicalcredentialsintheUS,where thecoupleresides.
Sincerely, PhilomenaandGilbertLawrence Authors: InsightsintoColonialGoa PublishedbyKindleandAmazon
Dinkarray Mandaliya
The Invasion of Bengal in 1203 by Bakhtiyar Khilji shows how illprepared Indian Kings were. MuslimsalreadyhadcapturedDelhi, and the king of Bengal, Laxman Sena, remained sleeping. Bakhtiyar Khilji, a very brave and intelligent Muslimleader,attackedBengalwith a small army. He attacked very fast, and when he entered Nabadwip, only18horsemencouldremainwith him. Othersfollowedhim. However, instead of giving resistance, King Laxman Sena ran away to save himself. Bakhtiyar looted and
established his kingdom of Bengal in a short time. Bakhtiar burnt Nalanda and slaughtered Buddhist Monks who could not escape to Tibet.
After building up his army, he invaded Tibet in 1206 with a large army of 10000. Tibetans were well prepared.TibetansallowedBakhtiar toenterthevalley. Bakhtiyarlooted some villages. However, Tibetan gorillasencircledhisarmyandkilled most of the Bakhtiyar’s army. Bakhtiyarhadashamefuldefeatand couldescapewithonly100soldiers.
He got injured and sick. In a few days, unable to protect himself, he was killed by his fellow man. However, the Muslim kingdom continued in Bengal, resulting in today’s Bangladesh and a large population of Muslims in Bengal andAssam.
The present government is well prepared for outside aggression, but the general public's condition has remained the same: they are unable to protect themselves from internal domination by Muslims. Hindusarenotabletotakereligious or other processions from the vicinityofMuslimneighborhoods.
Gandhiji was very unhappy about this situation. Gandhiji wrote in his book “The Hindu-Muslim Unity” on pages35-36:
“My own experience confirms the opinion that the Musalman, as a rule, is a bully, and the Hindu, as a rule,isacoward.Ihavenoticedthis in railways trains, on public roads, andinthequarrelswhichIhavehad theprivilegeofsettingup.Needthe Hindu to blame the Musalman for his cowardice? Where there are cowards, there will always be
bullies. TheysaythatinSaharanpur the Musalmans looted houses, brokeopensafesand,inonecase,a Hindu woman’s modesty was outraged. Whose fault was this? Musalmanscanoffernodefencefor execrable conduct; it is true. But I, as a Hindu, am more ashamed of HinducowardicethanIamangryat theMusalmanbullying.Whydidnot theownersofthehouseslooteddie in the attempt to defend their possessions? Where were the relatives of the outraged sister at the time of outrage? Have they no account to render of themselves? Mynon-violencedoesnotallowme to run away from danger and leaving dear ones unprotected. Between violence and cowardly fight, I can only prefer violence to cowardice”.
Unity. First, we should have unity among Hindus. Unless Hindus are united and strong, Hindu-Muslim unity is not possible. Seventy-seven years passed since Gandhiji died in 1948, and the situation has not changed. It has gotten worse. Muslims have become more aggressive. This is not only in India but all over the world, including Europe. Cowardice has not gone outofHindus,althoughpointedout byGandhijiverybluntly. IfHindusorpeopleofanyother
religion want to live peacefully with Muslims, they must become stronger individually and remain united. You do not have to go to them and fight. What is needed is verysimple: Remainunited, not run away, but help others in trouble. To improve your health, walk for an hour or run for half an hour daily and eat healthy food. Strength will giveyouconfidenceandcourage. The question is, although it looks very simple and easy, why does the situationremainthesame?
Columbus,OHIO. “Whenlifebreaks you into pieces, it’s an opportunity
to rebuild yourself stronger. The journey from pain to purpose beginswithfaithandresilience”.
ThesewordsdefineHaroldD’Souza, a man who transformed unimaginablesufferingintomission of hope, empowering millions worldwide.
ThejourneyofHaroldD’Souzaisnot just a story of survival but a testament to the unbreakable human spirit. Once trapped in the harrowing cycle of labor trafficking, D’Souza has transformed his pain into purpose, emerging as a global advocate against modern-day slavery. On January 29, 2025, his voice echoed through the halls of the Ohio Statehouse, where nearly 250 advocates, survivors, and communityleadersgatheredforthe 2025 Human Trafficking Prevention Awareness Statehouse Advocacy Day.
Theevent,apowerfulassemblyof policymakers, activists, and survivors, was opened by Kirsti Mouncey, President & CEO of the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking. Mouncey set the tone for the day, emphasizing the power of prevention and collective action.
ShethenwelcomedHaroldD’Souza, a distinguished member of the Survivor Advisory Council for the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking,tosharehisinsightswith theesteemedaudience.
D'Souza, a globally recognized leader in the fight against human trafficking, spoke passionately
abouttheoften-overlookedcrisisof labor trafficking. With unwavering conviction, he urged communities to recognize the hidden signs of exploitation and to take proactive steps in dismantling trafficking networks. His call to action was simple yet profound: Humans Over Human Trafficking” a movement initiated by Collaborative to End Human Trafficking advocating for human dignity, justice, and the eradicationofexploitation.
The Advocacy Day featured a distinguished lineup of speakers, each playing a vital role in Ohio’s fight against human trafficking:
Mary Kate Waggoner, Anti-Human Trafficking Advocate at the Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Initiative, Kara B. Wente, Director of the Ohio Department of ChildrenandYouth,KelliCary, State Anti-Trafficking Director at the Office of Criminal Justice Services, State Representatives Tracy M. RichardsonandJoshWilliams. Their collective voices underscored the urgent need for prevention, protection, and policy reforms to safeguard vulnerable populations. From legislative measures to survivor-centered initiatives, the speakers highlighted Ohio’s commitment to eradicating human trafficking.
was an urgent plea to the public: Take the PLEDGE atCollabToEndHT.org.
The pledge is more than a statement,itisacommitmentto:
1.Educate oneself about the realitiesofhumantrafficking.
2.Spread awareness within communities.
3.Beaforceforgoodbyrefusingto exploit or harm another human being.
against exploitation in all its forms. Together, we can create a world where no one is bought, sold, or enslaved.
Harold D’Souza’s fight for justice has never been a solitary one. His anchor wife, Dancy, and their incredible sons, Bradly and Rohan havestoodbyhim,facinghardship, stigma, and struggle with unwavering resilience. Together, they swam through the storms of suffering and slavery to reach the shores of success, all while carrying a smile and an unshakable belief in hopeandhumanity.
Their journey is a testament to the poweroffamily,faith,andfortitude.
Thefirststeptoendingtraffickingis awareness, but awareness alone is notenough,saidD’Souza.Wemust act. We must pledge to stand
The D’Souza family’s ability to transform their darkest moments into a beacon of light for others is nothingshortofextraordinary.Their courageinspiresaglobalmovement for justice, dignity, and the protectionofeveryhumanlife.
Harold D’Souza addressed at the Statehouse; “My foundation is
basedonsevenvalues;Consistency, Continuity, Change, Creativity, Courage, Commitment and Compassion”.
As the day concluded, there was a shared sense of hope, unity, and renewed determination among attendees. The powerful words spoken within the Statehouse walls served as a reminder that every individual has a role to play in endinghumantrafficking.
Harold D’Souza, standing as a beacon of resilience, left the audiencewithasimpleyetprofound message:
Freedom is not a privilege; it is a human right. When we choose compassion over cruelty, justice over silence, and action over indifference, we pave the way for a future filled with peace, happiness, andfreedom.
Formoreinformationonhowtoget involved,visitCollabToEndHT.org
An Exploration of Mahatma Gandhi's Efforts to Foster Harmony
Mahatma Gandhi, a beacon of peace and non-violence, dedicated his life to the service of humanity.
His endeavors were not limited to achieving political freedom for India; Gandhi was equally passionate about fostering unity among the diverse communities of India, particularly among Hindus. His vision of a harmonious society wasrootedintheprinciplesoftruth, non-violence,andinclusivity.
TheBackground India, a land of myriad cultures, languages,andreligions,hasalways
been a mosaic of diversity. The Hinducommunity,withitsvastarray of traditions and practices, forms a significant part of this tapestry. However, historical, social, and economic factors have often led to divisions within this community. Caste, regional differences, and socio-economic disparities have played a role in fragmenting Hindu society.
Gandhi's approach to unity was deeply influenced by his spiritual beliefs and his understanding of human nature. He believed in the inherent goodness of people and the power of love and empathy to overcome differences. His philosophy was not merely theoretical; it was reflected in his actionsandthewayhelivedhislife.
Central to Gandhi's vision was the concept of 'Sarvodaya' or the welfare of all. He believed that true happiness and progress could only be achieved when every individual, irrespective of caste, creed, or
economic status, enjoyed a dignified life. The idea of 'trusteeship' was another cornerstone of his philosophy, where the wealthy and privileged were seen as trustees of their wealth, responsible for the welfare of the less fortunate.
One of the most significant barriers to unity among Hindus was the practice of untouchability. Gandhi was vehemently opposed to this practice and worked tirelessly to eradicate it. He coined the term 'Harijan'or'childrenofGod'torefer to the Dalits, emphasizing their equal status in society. Gandhi's campaigns, such as the Harijan Sevak Sangh, aimed at uplifting the Dalits and integrating them into mainstreamsociety.
Gandhi also supported movements that challenged the exclusion of Dalits from temples. He believed that true spirituality could not coexist with discrimination. His support for the Vaikom Satyagraha in Kerala and the temple entry movements in other parts of India werecrucialstepstowardsachieving social justice and unity among Hindus.
Gandhisawinter-castemarriagesas an effective means of breaking downcastebarriers.Heencouraged such marriages and even organized them to set an example for society. He believed that the union of individuals from different castes would foster understanding and unity.
Gandhi's vision of unity was not limited to social aspects; he also addressed economic disparities. He championed the cause of rural upliftment and self-sufficiency. His
emphasis on 'Swadeshi' or the use of locally producedgoodsaimed at empoweringruralcommunitiesand reducing economic inequalities. Gandhi's initiatives, such as the promotion of khadi and village industries, were steps towards achieving economic unity and selfreliance.
Gandhibelievedthateducationwas a powerful tool for social change. He advocated for an education system that imparted not only academicknowledgebutalsomoral and ethical values. He emphasized character building and the development of a sense of duty towards society. By instilling these values, Gandhi aimed to create a generation that was committed to theidealsofunityandharmony.
Non-Violence and Conflict Resolution
Gandhi's principle of 'Ahimsa' or non-violence was central to his efforts in fostering unity. He believed that violence only bred more violence and division.
Gandhi's approach to conflict resolution was based on dialogue, understanding, and empathy. His methods of non-violent resistance, such as Satyagraha, were not only political tools but also means to resolvesocialconflictsandpromote unity.
Despite his efforts, Gandhi faced significantchallengesandcriticisms. The deeply entrenched caste system, economic disparities, and regional differences were formidable obstacles. Gandhi's stanceoncertainissues,suchashis emphasis on non-violence, sometimes drew criticism from those who felt that more radical measures were needed. However, his unwavering commitment to his principles and his ability to inspire people across different strata of society were testament to his enduringlegacy.
Gandhi's efforts to foster unity amongHindushaveleftanindelible mark on Indian society. His
teachings continue to inspire movements for social justice and equality. The principles of Sarvodaya, trusteeship, and nonviolence remain relevant in addressing contemporary issues of divisionandinequality.
Many contemporary movements continue to draw inspiration from Gandhi's philosophy. Organizations working for the upliftment of marginalized communities, promotion of inter-caste marriages, and rural development often cite Gandhi's principles as their guiding light.Theemphasisondialogueand non-violence in resolving conflicts remains a cornerstone of many social and political movements in India.
Gandhi's influence extends beyond India.Hisprinciplesofnon-violence and social justice have inspired leaders and movements worldwide. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and many others have acknowledged Gandhi's impact on
their struggles for civil rights and equality. The global recognition of Gandhi's contributions underscores the universal appeal and relevance ofhisvisionofunityandharmony.
Mahatma Gandhi's efforts to foster unity among Hindus were integral to his broader vision of a just and harmonioussociety.Hisunwavering commitment to the principles of truth, non-violence, and inclusivity serves as a timeless beacon for humanity. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary society, Gandhi's teachings remind usofthepoweroflove,empathy, and collective responsibility in buildingaunitedandequitable world.
- Dr.AustinPrabhu,Chicago (Courtesy: AI)
Konkani Lekhak Sangh Karnataka –
A voluntary association exclusively formed with the sole intention of promoting Konkani language and
literatureintheyear2018.Fromthe year 2022, Konkani Lekhak Sangh decided to select and honour a Konkani writer who has immensely contributed to Konkani literature. For the year 2025, Konkani Lekhak Sangh award has selected a wellknown Konkani writer Mrs. Alice Fernandes (Shalini Valencia). Theawardconsistsofacashprizeof ₹25000/-,acitationandaMemento.
In 1965, at the age of 16, she took up writing. From 1965 to 1971 continued writing in various KonkanimagazineslikeMithr,Jhelo, Raknno,Kannik,VavradyanchoTallo etc. After a 30-year break from
literaryservice, she took up the pen again after 2002 and has been writing for Konkani newspapers Jhelo, Divo, Kutmacho Sevak, Raknno, Dirvem, Naman Balok Jeju, Milarchem Milan for 22 consecutive years. In her nearly 28
yearsofliterarycareer,34poems,30 short stories, 200 articles have appeared in various Konkani newspapers. Held responsibility as Vice-President of Konkani Writers’ forum “Konkani Lekhakancho Ekvott” for three years. She has received honors from “Konknni Lekhakancho Ekvott”, Raknno and Dirvem magazines and won the consolation Prize for Short Story in Raknno Literary Competition. The award will be conferred at a
function on February 15, 2025, at 6.30 p.m., at Sandesha Premises, Sandesha Foundation, Bajjodi, Mangaluru.
Konkani WriterShalini Valencia
PenName:ShaliniValenciaand Asha,Milar
Literary Service:
• In 1965, at the age of 16, she pennedaquestionfortheJulyissue of the weekly “Mitr”withaLetterto TheEditor.
• In 1965, the first poem was publishedintheSeptemberissueof “Mitr” weekly
• In 1966, the first short story was published in the May issue of “Jhelo”monthly
• From 1965 to 1971 continued writing in various Konkani magazines like Mitr, Jhelo, Raknno, Kannik,VavradyanchoTalloetc.
• In 1970 “To Taka Ashelo” and in 1971 “Tum Sukhi Ja” two novels were translated to Konkani from
English and published by ‘Salak’ publication.
• One story each of her has been published in the story collections “Phulam Ani Pakllyo”, “Gulob Ani Sallkam”, “Lharam Ani Taram” edited and published by Salak Prakashan.
•Aftera30-year break from literary service, she took up the pen again after 2002 and has been writing for Konkani newspapers Jhello, Divo, Kutmacho Sevak, Raknno, Dirvem, NamanBalok Jeju, Milarchem Milan for22consecutiveyears.
• In her nearly 28 years of literary career, 34 poems, 30 short stories, 200 articles have appeared in variousKonkaniperiodicals.
•Continually contributed articles to the Ladies section of Raknno Weeklyin2014-15.
•WiththePenNameAshaMilarher articles are being published in Dirvemweeklymagazinefrom2006 tillnow.
shehasbeentranslatingandwriting stories from other languages with thetitle “InternetKannyo”.
• Three of her articles have been broadcast by Mangalore Akashvani withself-recitation.
• For a period of 8 years, she has served as a member of the editorial board of the church bulletin “MilarchemMilan”.
• Held responsibility as VicePresident of Konkani Writers’ Association “Konkani Lekhakancho Ekvott” forthreeyears.
• Awards received by Shalini Valenciaare:
•Honoredonits10thanniversaryof “Konknni LekhakanchoEkvott”.
• Honored with other authors by Raknnoweekly magazine.
• Honored on Dirvem weekly magazinecompletingitsfiveyears.
• Under the pen name Asha Milar,
•Won the consolation Prize for
Short Story in Raknno Literary Competition.
Shalini Valencia as a writer is very
proud of the fact that in the last 28 years of her literary journey, no editor of any newspaper has rejectedanyofherwritings.
Philomena Lawrence
Gilbert Lawrence
Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition) PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle
For details about the book and authors see: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DQPYSL1F?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
felicitated for her services to Konkanni Culture and Tiatr
“Indeed, we are proud to work in association with Flora bai. The foundation that we laid for the building of a cultural bridge between Goa and Mangalore is indeed shaping well. Madam Flora bai Castelino has indeed done a greatservicetoKonkani.Let'sfortify this bridge together“ said Michael Gracias from Goa.
The Milagres Church Mangalore organizedtheParishDayon26.1.25. The celebration began with the MasscelebratedbytheParishPriest and concelebrated with the priests of Milagres. The cultural program was at the Milagros Church premises. The sisters under the Parish invoked God's blessings
through Prayer song. The Vice president Mr. Sylvester Mascarenhas welcomed the assembly. The chief guest of the Occasion Chevalier Clarence Pais wasintroducedbyDrSandraFarias. Thesecretaryreadthereportonthe activities of the previous year. The hostelers of Milagres nursing
college entertained with a song. The whole Parish was divided into four zones who presented 20 minutes of each program on differenttopics. Theywereawarded trophies for their best performance. The chief guest highlighted the status of Milagres Parish. He also brought to the notice of the people hiseffortstoeasetheissuesandthe costfactoron probationofthe Will. The parish priest appreciated the efforts of the parishioners and the leadership that has emerged through the performance arranged bythezones. Allparticipatedinthe grand dinner organized on the occasion.
Rishal Melba Crasta secured 1st place in the super singer season 5 competition which was held in Bangalore.Congratulationsmydear daughter. Thanks to almighty god for being with us always.... For this competition we travelled to Bangalore 7times and that paid off and would like to thank all the family members and friends for supportingRishal....Iwouldalsolike to thank Aloysius P. U College principal Fr. Clifford, Degree principal Fr. Praveen Martis and registerAlwynDsaandallthepriest
and nuns of Udupi and Mangalore dioceseforalwaysencouragingand supporting Rishal. I would also like to thank Michael sir and Ronald Colaco sir and Edwin D’Mello Australia,LeoRodriguesAbuDhabi, JosephMathiasDubai.... Andfinally, Iwouldliketothankeachonefor
supporting Rishal.... We are grateful to all of you. And a very special thanks to Vikram sir, Fayaz sir, Sunil Kaushiksir,Shruthima’am,Ashoksir and the entire Gopalan mall team. Thanks for the opportunity and thanks to all the musicians lead by RoopithfromMangalore.
TheSt.LawrenceChurchandShrine proudly hosted Bondel Fiesta 2025, anextraordinaryeventpresentedby RohanCorporationandco-powered by In-Land Infrastructure DevelopersPvt.Ltd. HeldonJanuary25and26,2025,at the scenic grounds of St. Lawrence Church, this vibrant celebration was morethanjustafestival.Itservedas
afundraisertosupportthechurch’s ongoing projects, combining community spirit, cultural diversity, and charity into an unforgettable experience.
The challan for the Fiesta 2025 was officially inaugurated by Mr. Walter Nandalike, Managing Director of Daijiworld Media Network Pvt. Ltd., marking the beginning of this
vibrant celebration. Joining him on thedaiswereesteemedguestssuch as Mr. Rehman Kunjathbail, Mr. SrinivasSalian,theparishpriestRev. Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza, Assistant Parish Priest Rev. Fr William D'Souza, Principal of St. Lawrence English Medium School Rev. Fr PeterGonsalves,PPCVicePresident Mr. John D'Silva, Secretary Mr. Santosh Misquith, and the event coordinator,Mr.ManojLewis.
The guest of honor, Mr. Walter Nandalike, addressed the gathering with profound words, stating, "Bondel Fiesta 2025 is a celebration for people of all religions and communities. It embodies the spirit of diversity, demonstrating that despite our differences, we are united as one." He extended heartfelt congratulations to the Bondel Parish Community, the parish clergy, and everyone in attendance, commending their
collective efforts in fostering unity andharmony.
On Jan 26th at 6.00 p.m. the formal program began with a warm welcome from PPC Secretary Mr. Santosh Misquith, who greeted the
esteemed chief guests and attendees. Each guest was honored with a traditional shawl and the Fiesta memento, symbolizing the community’sgratitudeandrespect
for their presence and contributions.
The distinguished guests, including Mayor Manoj Kumar of Mangalore City, Mr. Rohan Monteiro-Founder & CEO of Rohan corporation, Mr. Ron’s London, Mr. Pravin Tauromarketing Head Daijiworld Media, Mr. Shahnawaz from Hotel Mandara, Kadri, Mr. Raymond Taccode from Pingara, Rev.
Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza -Parish Priest, Rev.Fr Peter GonsalvesPrincipal Lawrence Eng. Med. School, Rev. Fr William D'Souza, Asst Parish Priest, Vice President John D'Silva, Secretory Mr. Santosh Misquith PPC, Mr. Manoj Lewis FiestaCoordinator,Mr.StanyBela-
Director Daijiworld Media, Mrs. Hilda Teacher, and Mr. Maxim Rodrigues, participated enthusiastically, making the programagrandsuccess.
The honored guests distributed prizes to the winners of various competitions held throughout the day, recognizing and encouraging talent from all age groups. Cash prizesandtrophiesincludedawards for the fancy dress competition, Crawling Baby, Pet Show, Football, andtheinter-parishcompetition-
Kala Sanz, where Cordel Parish secured first place, followed by Ukkinadka Parish second place and Urva Parish in third places, respectively.
The speeches by the dignitaries emphasizedtheimportanceofunity andbrotherhood.
MrMayorManojKumarpraisedthe Fiesta as an inclusive event, stating, “Fiesta is not only a celebration but a platform that unites people from all religions, fostering harmony and love. Such initiatives should continue throughout the year to spreadthis messageofunity.”
Rev.Fr Andrew for his vision of creating a wonderful shrine and organizing an event that encouragesbrotherhood.
Rev. Fr Andrew highlighted the Christianethosofloveandequality, saying, “Fiesta is an opportunity to meet our brethren, no matter their religion. At the end of the day, we are one, worshipping the same God.”
The competitions, including the pet show, fancy dress, and inter-parish events, attracted large crowds and showcased the talents of the community.
The mob dance performed by the youthandchildrenofourparishwas awesome! Their energy, coordination, and enthusiasm truly captivated the audience, adding a
dynamic and vibrant touch to the event.
Parishioners showcased their incredible singing and dancing talents throughout the day, adding vibrant energy and joy to the Fiesta 2025celebrations.
Fiesta 2025 concluded with a resounding message of unity and love,leavingalastingimpactonthe community. As the sun set over Bondel Fiesta it was clear that the event had brought people closer, celebrating the true essence of togetherness.
The NCC Cadets of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, have excelled in the Prime Minister Rally during the Republic Day Parade 2025 held in Delhi. As the Rally theme this year was ‘Our Yuva Shakti Realise Vikisit Bharat’, the All-India InterDirectorate Competition and All India Overall Championship Trophy 2025 was organized, and the Championship was bagged by NCC Karnataka&GoaDirectorate.
NCC Army Wing, 18 Kar Battalion Mangalore Group had the honour as Flag Bearer of RDC 2025 at the Prime Minister Rally under All India WinnersBannerandTrophy.
It’saproudmovementtoStAloysius (DeemedtobeUniversity)andtoall the Mangaloreans that SUO Gagan R Shekar, a student of I BSc from St Aloysius (Deemed to be university),
CWOSteveRichardSumithD'Souza of NCC Air Wing of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, 6 Karnataka Air Sqn NCC, Mangalore, NCC Directorate Karnataka and Goa was selected all
over India to brief the Chief of Defence Staff, Defence Secretary, Chief of Army Staff and Chief of Air Staff at the Air Wing display of the
Hall of Fame at the Republic Day Camp2025.
Besides this, CPL Shivakiran P C, I
B.Sc., CDT CPL Amita Kumari, III
B.Sc., CDT Tharun Thimmaiah, II
B.Sc. and LFC Nathan Shawn Rebello, III B.Com. selected to represent Karnataka & Goa
Directorate in the RDC 2025 at Delhi.
SUO Gagan R Shekar was trained under the leadership of Lt Col Gracian Sequiera, Commanding Officer,18KarBnNCCMangalore,Lt ColPrakashRai, ADMOfficer,18Kar
Bn NCC Mangalore Group and under the guidance of Rev Dr Praveen Martis S J, Vice Chancellor of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Capt Shakin Raj, Associate NCC Officer, St Aloysius (DeemedtobeUniversity).
CWOSteveRichardSumithD'Souza wastrained underthe leadership of Wing Commander Praveen Bishnoi, the Commanding Officer of 6 Karnataka Air Sqn NCC, Mangalore and Fg Offr Dr Alwyn Stephen Misquith,theANOofNCCAirWing of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University).
students at the University, congratulatetheaboveNCCCadets for their great achievement and wish them well in their future endeavors.
“I believe, a movie should not carry a message and become a tool of propaganda. It should entertain people and take them to the world of imagination. Movies should
Mangaluru: TheSchoolofArtsand Humanities, Department of Journalism and Visual Communication in association with KarnatakaBankorganizedShooting Stars(SS)2025,anationallevelfilmmakingcompetitionandseminarat St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) campus, on Thursday, January30,2025. The chief guest of the inaugural programme, Nagathahalli Chandrshekhar, Kannada director and screenwriter inaugurated the event and said, “Cinema is a blend of arts, science, and commerce. Cinemabecomesaproductandend stage. It is a thread of science, language, and literature. It is only when we all come together, cinema issuccessful.”
always build a critical sense and creativeworld”,headded. Presidentoftheprogramme,Rev.Dr Praveen Martis SJ, Vice Chancellor, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University)said,“Intherecentworld of mass media three 3 Cs are very important – Creativity, Confidence, andCollaboration.Creativityplaysa
vitalrole.Jesuitpedagogyalsodeals withit.Experienceisveryimportant along with reflection, action and evaluation.A movie hasthatpower, and collaborative efforts can bring changetotoday’sworld.
The guest of honour, Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar, St Aloysius (Deemedto be University) lauded
theeffortsofthedepartment. Interactive sessions by speakers Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar and BadekkilaPradeep,voiceartistsand actorswereorganizedalongwithan arrayofcompetitiveevents.
The event concluded with a valedictory programme for which
the chief guest was ‘Daskath’ fame Deekshith K Andinje, President and the guest of the programme were Dr Charles V. Furtado and Dr Alwyn Dsa,respectively.
Speaking on the occasion, Deekshith said, “The role of producer and director is as important as of the actor. It’s a joyous moment to see a Tulu film likeDaskathgoingpanIndia.Ithank the cinema lovers for making the movieagrandsuccessandtakingit tothe50th day.”
Dr Charles and Dr Alwyn wished all thesuccessforShooting Stars2025 andcongratulatedthewinners.
Alva’s College Moodabidiri emerged as winners of the event andStAgnesCollege(Autonomous) baggedtherunnersup.
Journalism and Visual Communication, Prajath Kumar Hegde, staff convenor, student coordinatorsAnirudhaMannajeand Govind,andotherswerepresent.