The Illinois Lion, Lioness, Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 4 - Issue 1, July 2016
New Leader for MD1 Mark Williams With His Wife Maggie Council Chairperson, State of Illinois, Multiple District 1 1
They live with a cat, Mr. Spottlenose, loosely named after a Charles Dickens character family name from the novel Martin Chuzzlewit. Mr. Spottlenose being a previously abandoned sole, who made his home with Lion Mark and Maggie, insists they also donate to the local animal shelter to “help the less fortunate”! And they do…………………
WHO IS MARK WILLIAMS? Getting to Know the Council Chair, Lion Mark Williams Lion Mark (a member of the Princeton Lions Club) has completed the year as the Immediate Past District Governor of the District 1-BK after having served as its first Governor.
From Centennial Council Chair 2016-2017:
A Lion since the early 1990’s he has served Lions in many capacities of Club, District and State levels.
Lions of Illinois,
He is Graduate of Lions Clubs International’s Advanced Lions Leadership Institute as well as the Faculty Development Institute.
Well, here I go. When this is read, I will be back from Japan along with the newly installed 2016-2017 MD-1 District Governors. It is well to reach out and thank the 2015-2016 Council of Governors and Lion CC Steve Anton and his “Partner in Service” Lion Gail for their year of service. They are all “Past” officers now but very much a part of our Illinois Lions Team! We will still rely on their assistance and experience for years to come!!
Using the skills learned from Lions he as held programs and classes in various District and Multiple District events including District Officer Training (Club and Cabinet level) the MD-1 Forum and Vice-District Governor School (VGETS). Lion Mark will be teaching at RLLI this fall and at GETS/VGETS next year as well. Teaching Lions is his passion. Public Service also extends to serving with the BiCounty (Bureau and Putnam Counties) Emergency Management Agency volunteer as well as a registered National Weather Service “Storm Spotter”.
As for OUR new Council, what can I say? This will be an historic occasion…we will be THE Centennial Council. Yes, back in 1917, it all started here! Right here in Illinois! And THIS will be the year leading up to the Century Celebration of Lions Clubs International. I am honored and proud to be a part of that. And this group will be ready for leading both their Districts and the State in this “Year of Celebration”. We have elected an “Executive Committee” (Lion DG Jerry Eiffert is Vice Council Chair, Lion DG Pam Graney is Council Secretary and Lion DG Barb Lahtinen is Council Treasurer) that has already started their work for the Council and Illinois Lions. Yes, there is still work to be done in the Districts and the State, with goals to achieve for all, but working together as a team, WE can, and WE will, get it done!
Lion Mark and his wife Maggie have lived in Princeton since 1990. They built and opened a small Dry-Cleaning Shop (Cannon Cleaners) which they have operated since 1993. In addition to general cleaning and laundered shirts they specialize in the care of old garments and articles requiring delicate care. Being avid collectors they both like to look for interesting things when traveling on vacations and weekends. These largely Historical 18th and 19th century articles range from clothing, books, newspapers, photographs, china dolls, artworks, dishware, and other items large and small, fill their home to “almost bursting” as Maggie likes to say!
As for me, when my Lions journey started back in the early 1990’s little did I think it would lead to this culmination of my Lions career, the Council Chair of the Centennial Council, and the honor it entails to be a part of our Celebration Year in such a capacity.
Antique shops and flea markets occupy a lot of their free time, historical sites and parks the rest. Reading, watching movies are but a few of the home activities (when they are home)
All I can say is WOW! There is a quote of Lincoln’s I rather like to use as it really signifies our place in time and in many ways our Lions Emblem, the one with the
Lion facing in each direction. One direction represents the Past, the other represents the Future. The L in the middle, well that represents where we are now, in the Present. Here is the quote, can you see the like symbolism. ……..
thought of the next, but for the LION friends and mentors who have pushed me along the path, to the Present where we are now, it is them who are responsible for any success I achieve. Lastly, my wife Maggie more than deserves a nod for her support in all of my (our) Lions activities and Life in general.
“There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite.” – Abraham Lincoln (attributed to Lincoln by William H. Herdnand)
Thank you for the opportunity to SERVE! Lion Mark Williams, Centennial Council Chair Lions of Illinois
Anyway, I do wish to thank the 2016-2017 Council for electing me, and thank all the Lions who have pushed me along the trail. In each step forward, I really never
Chicago and giving away buttons, pins and helping Lions to fill out reservation forms for the convention. We saw lots of enthusiasm from world lions to visit next year to Chicago to attend Lions 100 Years Celebration. Those who did not attend 99th International Convention in Japan, you have an opportunity to see 2016 pictures and 30 video clips which I placed on my facebook page. If you see all of this, you may experience more than some of those lions went to attend convention in Japan in person. Most of all highlights captured by my lens are here for you to see.
Editorial: We just finished our Association’s 99th International Convention in the city of Fukuoka, Japan. It was one of the best conventions of recent years. We really climbed the mountains and showed Japanese people what Lions do worldwide. The best thing I liked the most is – Volunteers. Going out of the way to help and guide. No matter they understand the language or not, they will remove their iPhone from their pocket and google information to help Lions to reach their destiny. Can our volunteers in Chicago repeat this behavior and enthusiasm to help our worldwide guests of LCI? It is a challenge we the lions in Illinois have to take and train our volunteers to do the right thing. International Parade was wonderful; even though it was not that great as the parade in Hawaii last year. Last year’s parade was more joyful, cheerful and enjoyed by all. This time may be the rain ruined the spirit of parade as many participants were wearing raincoats, carrying an umbrella which was distraction to live parade. Many Lions who visited Fukuoka entire week’s rainy showers completely disappointed their spirit of tourism. Couldn’t go our too much and explore Japan after spending so much money for airfare and hotel stay. My wife liked her brand new electric scooter which helped her to move around at the dome and other facilities. Centennial Host Committee Lions were busy canvassing next year’s 100 th convention in
As we are heading to Chicago to celebrate our 100 th convention, we the Lions of MD1take a active role in making this convention in Chicago the greatest one of all time of the history of World Lionism. We witnessed various uniforms, colorful dresses, costumes, we the Lions of MD1 must come up with 3
members complete level one within three months of becoming a member. The focus is on -who Lions are -our vision of humanitarian services -the organizational structure -the responsibilities that come with being a Lion a uniform which will attract world lions like above logo with multi colors and enthuse us who take part in our parade entry. We must do something serious now so that all Lions in MD1 who want to take part can purchase this uniform and wear it proudly during the parade. This responsibility falls on Centennial Council of Governors under the leadership of Council Chair Mark Williams. Let us have one heck of a procession to attract world lions with our sparkling uniform from MD1.
The second level, which should be completed within six months of membership, focuses on
-PDG Austin D’Souza, Your Editor
-developing humanitarian service projects that meet community needs
-developing relationships at the club level -enhancing organizational skills at the club level The Advanced Mentoring Program also has two levels. Level one considers results with the emphasis on
-completing such projects with efficiency and effectiveness
GLOBAL LEADERSHIP CORNER: Jama Wahl This is the first in a series or articles on the Lions Mentoring Program offered by Lions Clubs International. This article will provide a brief overview. The following articles will consider each of the components.
The second level focuses on replication. The intent is to -develop others for leadership -encourage long range growth and participation at the club and district level To participate in the Lions Mentoring Program takes four steps:
So, what is the Lions Mentoring Program and how can it impact you as a Lion, your club, and service to your community?
1. Contact your club president who will connect you with a mentor/mentee 2. Download the Basic or Advanced Mentoring Guides or order the guides through the Membership and New Clubs Department 3. Complete the program 4. Submit documentation to LCI and receive a lapel pin
The ultimate goal of the Lions Mentoring Program is providing high quality and meaningful service to our communities. By assisting Lions to develop their personal skills and knowledge base, the Lions Mentoring Program prepares Lions to be leaders within their clubs that bring projects that are well organized and significant to those served. There are two parts to the program.
Opportunities exist by completing the Lions Mentoring Program for individual Lions, club, and communities. Are you ready to take the challenge?
The Basic Mentoring Program is divided into two parts. The first level considers the responsibility of being a Lion. Clubs are encouraged to have all new 4
The next article in the series will take a closer look at the components of the Basic Mentoring Program.
sprucing up the exterior of a senior citizen’s home and yard, constructing a wheelchair ramp for someone who needs one, beautifying a local park and more. Don’t forget that such projects are photo-ops. Send those photos, with an accompanying article or caption, to your local newspapers (if they still exist). Post them on your website and on Facebook.
-Jama Wahl, MD1 Global Leadership Chair
GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP CORNER: July 1st is just about here, if not already past. That means one thing for most Lions: Happy New Year! I suspect that almost every Lion that reads this article knows that July 1st is the start of a new Lion Year. Many of the 2015-2016 Lions Club Presidents look upon July 1st with a sense of relief and a smile on their face. They have passed the gavel on to their successor and are now PAST President.
Under community events: Did they experience the level of member involvement that they had hoped while planning the event(s)? Did their community support their event(s)? Some clubs hold events where the club is the sole organization involved. Others participate in an event with other organizations. Regardless, make sure you have sufficient publicity BEFORE the event. Remember the line in the movie Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come”. People will not plan on attending an event if they don’t know about it. Take photos of this year’s event to be used in publicity for next year’s event. There is something that could help your club do a little better than last year: a few extra members. If you had a few extra members your club could raise a few more dollars than last year. You could also have some additional hands helping with service projects. Those community events should be easier with increased manpower. Start recruiting those potential members now. There is absolutely no reason to wait until Fall.
July 1st is also a time for a new beginning. Every club should take a look at what they did this past year. They should consider the number of fundraisers conducted and the number of individuals and organizations that were helped. They should also consider the number of service projects that were performed. Further, they should consider the community events that they hosted or in which they were involved. Under fundraisers: Were they able to help individuals and groups as much as they would have liked? If they raised a few more dollars, might they have reached their goals? Most clubs have their “favorites” when it comes to writing checks. Has your club considered sending a donation to an organization that is new to them? When considering a new beneficiary, contact that organization to request a guest speaker for a future meeting. They can tell your members what they do and answer your questions. After that, your Board can decide if they want to recommend making a donation. Under service projects: Did they actually roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty while helping someone or some entity in their community? (This does not include writing checks.) Some of the usual service projects include
Lion Paul Gergolla, PDG MD-1 GMT Coordinator Phone: 630-858-8073 Email: 5
Illinois, Inc., Post Office Box 127, Hopedale, IL 61747-0127. Thank you in advance and see you on October 22, 2016 at the Embassy Suites, 100 Conference Drive, East Peoria, IL. Yours in Service, PDG Austin D’Souza, Ph.D., Your President. Lions from Multiple District 1 – Lions of Illinois
LETTER TO PDG’S OF ILLINOIS As your MD1 State of Illinois President for the year 2014-2016, I have a humble request to all PDG’s of Illinois. Our Annual Meeting will be held on October 22nd, 2016 to hold our Annual Elections to elect new officers – President, Vice President and SecretaryTreasurer. This year we have a golden opportunity to welcome our sitting International President Chancellor Bob Corlew and his lovely wife Dianne. It never happened in the history of our PDG organization of MD1. Let us come in big numbers to show our unity of PDG’s in Illinois. This meeting will take place at 4:00 p.m. and will end at 5:00 p.m. Then we can attend MD1 2017 Kick-off Party with our Centennial International President. Let us give a MD1 Lions welcome to our president. This day, October 22nd we are also going to have MD1 Fall Rally with various seminars of your choice to attend and gain extra knowledge and wisdom in Lionism worldwide. This session includes a lunch. Registration and lunch cost is $25. If you register for seminar, lunch and dinner, cost is only $50. If you want to register Kick-off Reception and Dinner, cost is $30. You do the math and see where you can save more money. I will register for the entire day’s events and pay only $50. You can’t beat this price for seminars, lunch, kick-off party and dinner. Page #6 of this magazine has the registration form to be filled out and mailed. Please make a copy of this form and send with your check to: Lions of
getting ready to step-in to the parade at the 99 th LCI Convention in Fukuoka, Japan.
Some MD1 Lions at the International Officers Reception held at Hilton SeaHawks, Fukuoka, Japan where every attendee received International President Bob Corlew’s – “New Mountains to Climb” lapel pin.
Lions of Illinois Foundation - 2016 Sight & Sound Sweepstakes Winners
Prize $5,000 $1,000 (1) $1,000 (2) $1,000 (3) $1,000 (4) $1,000 (5)
Winner Galena Lions Club Jani Robinson Mendenhall Anthony Mayer Rick McElmurry Carolyn Hrabusicky Susan Hastings
Sold by / Club Galena Lions Club Kevin Mendenhall - Robinson Lions Club Elmer Ragland - Waterloo Lions Club Rick McElmurry Joseph Hrabusicky - St. Jacob Lions Club Susan Hastings
$500 (1) $500 (2) $500 (3) $500 (4) $500 (5) $500 (6) $500 (7) $500 (8) $500 (9) $500 (10)
Jill Farrell Bill Baskin Jim Rischar Michael Krys Paul Doane Chicago Beverly Ridge Lions Club Margarita Carrillo John Wartinbee Carol McCann-Kojima Christopher Lions Club
Edmond Farrell - Chicago Central Lions Club Randy Ferguson - Johnston City Lions Club Timewell Lions Club No seller listed Walt Powell - Monticello Lions Club Chicago Beverly Ridge Lions Club Margarita Carrillo - Chicago Southeast Lions Club John Wartinbee - Elmhurst Lions Club Lydia Ellis - Swansea Belleville Midtown Lions Club Christopher Lions Club
$250 (1) $250 (2) $250 (3) $250 (4) $250 (5) $250 (6) $250 (7) $250 (8) $250 (9) $250 (10)
Mark Vanhecke McHenry Lions Club Lanark Lions Club Richard Kraft Ted Dinkelman Jean and Roman Luck Ann Breier Char Genta Lansing Lions Club Tim and Viv Mahaney
Christian Cooper - Rockford Noon Lions Club McHenry Lions Club Lanark Lions Club Richard Kraft Wendy Erickson - Algonquin Lioness Club Patricia Bennett Pat Malinowski - Gardner Lions Club Martha Young No seller listed Tim Mahaney - Libertyville Lions Club
D J D -J -BK G A F
District D M CN M CN --
Carbondale Lions President Don Boehne (l) presenting a Certificate of Membership to new member, Karl Maple.
Carbondale Lions President Don Boehne (l) presenting the May Lion of the Month Award to Lion Daryl Meier. Daryl attends meeting on a regular basis, volunteers for most club civic projects and his physical, mechanical and electrical expertise are most helpful during Pancake Days. Congratulations to Daryl.
Members of the Streator Hardscrabble Lions hoist the flags for Memorial Day, Flag Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. Shown working hard in the photo are Lions Mark Ferguson, Ed and Pat Sopko, and Donna Mikolajczyk. Flags were purchased through a community fund raising effort led by Lion Jim Olmsted, a veteran of the Air Force.
The speaker for the May 27 Carbondale Lions Club meeting was Ken Johnson, retired physics instructor from Southern Illinois University. Ken spoke on 'What Is a Self-Driving Car?' Johnson 9
Volunteers included Mark Berkowitz, Gordon
began his employment at SIU in 1970 and retired in 1998. His passion is teaching and he has written and updated a very successful physics textbook. He enjoys keeping up with technology and has taught several high technology classes for Southern Illinois Learning In Retirement. Ken provided a power point presentation as well as providing all attendees with a handout which high lighted his presentation. He discussed the two types of self-driving cars: . autonomous and .semiautonomous. The autonomous vehicle does not require a driver. You tell it where to go, press the go button and you are at the car's mercy for the entire trip. The semi-autonomous vehicle has a steering wheel, gas and brake pedals. The car can drive itself, but the driver can take over at any time. The reason major car manufacturers are looking into self-driving cars is that human beings are terrible drivers. 94% of road accidents are caused by human error which results in 33,000 deaths per year. The first hurdle to developing selfdriving cars is our reluctance to 'give up the wheel.' The second hurdle is to get all 50 states and the federal government to agree on a common set of rule and regulations. A self-driving car could cost upwards of $100,000 and could be on the road in 5 to 6 years. A major downside to self-driving cars is the number of people in insurance, taxi and aftermarket business who might lose their job.
White, Jim Dooley, Jerre Pfaff, Karl Bartelsmeyer, Mort Levine and Larry Meyer.
Kelsy Pudlas, a 2015 recipient of an Oregon Lions Club Scholarship, spoke to the Oregon Lions Club members about the challenges of her first year of college as a Music Therapy Major. From Left to right: Kelsy Pudlas and Dr. Seth Anderson.
On Tuesday, May 31st, Oregon Lions members gathered at McDonalds in Oregon to present McDonald’s manager Matt Plock with a certificate of appreciation for his longstanding community service. His generosity continues to help support and improve our community.
On a beautiful May 30 morning, seven Carbondale Lions Club members erected the American Flags along Main Street in honor of Memorial Day.
town. For example, hey partnership with the Lights Fantastic Parade, the Cardboard Boat Regatta, and Carbondale Main Street. In addition to these events, a Brew Fest is scheduled for next spring and Live on Main is again scheduled. Last year, an Illinois Aviation Conference was held at the Southern Illinois airport and they hope to bring is back on a regular basis. But, the MAIN EVENT(s)! A total solar eclipse will occur over the Carbondale area on August 21, 2017 (1:22 pm) and again on April 8, 2024. This rare occurrence is expected to bring 30,000 to 50,000 visitors into this region in 2017 when the sun will go totally dark for about 2 minutes and 37 seconds (average). Carbondale just happens to be the epicenter for both events, something that usually doesn't happen but once every 375 years. With only 3000 commercial lodging units available in southern Illinois, St. Louis is encouraging visitors to stay in the Gateway City and drive the 2 hours to the Carbondale area. Locals are considering renting their home or rooms in their home to visitors as well as their property for camping. Unfortunately, the fall semester of SIU begins on that same day and many parents will be bringing their students to town on that weekend. Where to stay? Where to eat? SIU is reluctant to change their start date since many eclipse activities will be taking place on campus which requires student workers. This is really an event to plan for and the Tourism Bureau will launch a website in a few weeks. So, stay tuned. Tell your friends and neighbors and order your porta potties now as well as pray for a clear day on August 21, 2017.=======
Photo from left to right: Lion Wayne Cole, Lion Penny Cole, Mr. Matt Plock, Oregon Lions Club President Chris Martin and Lion Tom Duym. Text and photos submitted by Lion Jean Hoff. -----------------------------------------------------------------The speaker at the June 3 Carbondale Lions Club meeting was Lion Cinnamon Wheeles Smith, Executive Director of the Carbondale Convention and Tourism Bureau. Cinnamon is a native Carbondale resident, has a degree from Southern Illinois University and is currently working toward a Master's Degree. She has been with Carbondale Convention and Tourism for four years. The main purpose of the Tourism Bureau is to generate growth in the community by attracting visitors. The Bureau generates revenue from the hotel/motel tax and state grants. Their office recently moved to the center of Carbondale north of the Civic Center in order to be more visible to visitors and provide easier access to city offices. They create a Visitors Guide along with other materials that they provide visitors as well as mail throughout the world. There are 40 certified tourism bureau's throughout the state that receive state funding. They concentrate in bringing events into Carbondale that will bring large crowds into
The Stillman Valley Lions again donated $500 to the Meridian Middle School's library for the purchase of the award winning book series. The 7 students in the picture read all 20 of last year's 11
books. About 100 students read at least 3 of the books. Total checkouts for the book series exceeded 1400. The donation fills two of the objectives of Lions Clubs International: supporting our youth and promoting literacy. Pictured from the left are Grant Ogden, librarian Dana Brooks, Grace Lagerhausen, Chase Dorsey, the books, Micah Johnson, Micah Johnson, Katelynn Hurst, Myah Gorzynski, Sydney Needs, SV Lions President elect Dan Janes. MAROA LIONS: The Maroa Lions had a Mrs. Nancy Conway speak to us recently about a wonderful mission that she runs with the help of 30 or so friends and church members. She calls her work the Solders Freedom Box Project. She finds military folks who are deployed around the world and gathers and ships about 50 large boxes each quarter and many more at Christmas time. She read amazing letters that she has received from these service men and women. The material is from a list of staples to snacks, books, videos, music, newspapers, etc. She is headquartered in Oreana, Illinois and provides a wonderful service. She is shown with Lions Trevor, Stoy and Steve receiving our check for $200 to assist with huge Postage Fees.
induction ceremony was conducted by Athens Lions Club president Larry Baughman.
The Athens Lions Club is proud to offer the 2016 Robert E. Henning Memorial Scholarship program for graduating seniors from Athens High School who plans to enroll in a university, trade or vocational school, Business College or technical training program. Three $1,000 scholarships were presented during the senior awards program on May 26 2016. This year’s recipients were Howard Kline, Kellie Conover, and Andrew Daniels. (Pictured from L to R) The Athens Lions Club started the scholarship program in 1992. It was then named the Robert E. Henning Memorial Scholarship in 1995. Since the start of the program, the Athens Lions Club has awarded $64,200 in scholarships. This scholarship is offered by the Athens Lions Club in memory of Robert E. Henning, remembering his love of life and service to the community. He was a respected leader and exemplified the meaning of community service through his participation in many activities and organizations in the Athens area, including the Athens Lions Club and Athens Community Park.
ATHENS LIONS: On Wednesday May 4, 2016, the Athens Lions Club inducted three new members into their club. This puts the number of current members at 36. Pictured below are the new members with their membership certificates. The
The Athens Club selected the winners from applications made available to all seniors at Athens Community School District 213. Winners from submitted applications were based mostly on financial need and community service.
CASEY LIONS: Casey Lions club is now selling truck raffle tickets they can be purchased at First Neighbor Bank in Casey and Casey State Bank or any Lions club member. You can also post on this Facebook page and we will get it to you. Any questions call 217-549-7668. MARSHALL LEOs: Club went to the Burnsides Nursing Home and put on a “show” of their pretty dresses and formal wear for the residents. The Marshall LEOs do other social activities throughout the year at the Nursing Home.
MT. ZION LIONS: Mt Zion lions club will held a
PARIS LIONS: At the Shriner’s Annual BBQ Event, the Paris Lions Club handed out pencils during the parade. They were able to give 30 free Diabetic Retinopathy screenings as a means toward early detection of diabetes.
“farewell” party for their building on Saturday June 11th, 7 pm to midnight at the lions center. The Mt Zion lions club/park foundation will no longer own the building come July. This event will be open to the public with snacks provided and a full open bar. Entertainment will be provided by The Brothers Odd Band. They will raffle 2 wheelbarrows of booze and donation buckets will be there for future Lions Club projects, so bring your cash!
ALTAMONT LIONS: Thanks to the sponsors – Altamont Lions Club and the Oswego Locker, the winners of 2016 1st Annual BBQ contest are: Pork - Jerry Stewart and Ribs and overall – Mike Shields. Stewart and Ribs and overall
WARRENSBURG/LATHAM LIONS: The W-L Lions Club awarded three one thousand dollar
Rochester Club Member:
Lions New
Stephen Norgaard
scholarships at tonight's Warrensburg-Latham High School Academic Awards. Scholarship recipients were Sean Johnson, Joe Green and Mikaela Wattleworth. Presenting the scholarships was Lion Calvin Hollon. Congratulations to these exceptional W-L seniors.
WITT LIONESS: 4th Annual Witt Labor Day Run/Walk September 4, 2016 (No Rain Date) Sponsored by Witt Lioness. Pre-register by August 1, 2016 to guarantee T-shirt. Where: Grandstand on Broadway @9:00 a.m. $20.00 per person. Onsite registration begins @ 8:00 a.m. (no guarantee for a t-shirt). Run/Walk starts at 9:00 a.m.
VANDALIA LEOS CLUB: Vandalia leos took a day to clean trash and did a great job sprucing up the areas they covered.
Mahomet Lions Club New Member: Marty Vogel 14
WESTVILLE LIONS: Annual Labor Day weekend event held over 100 years at Westville and organized by the Westville Lions will have a variety of activities, plus the raffle. Raffle information is listed on attached poster in previous page.
DISTRICT 1-M CONVENTION DISTRICT GOVERNOR KEVIN MENDENHALL SAYS, SAVE THE DATE!! Mehring, President Gary Buatte, Board Members Larry Ingalls and Paul Ray.
Members of the Red Bud Lions Club met June 13 at the Red Bud Winery for their annual awards night. Special awards were presented including the announcement of Lion of the Year. Pictured from left: Lion Larry Mehring, Rookies of the Year Kurt Nortin and Terry Heller, Lion of the Year Mark Vogt and Past President Matt Piel.
District 1M Convention is scheduled for September 23-24, 2016 in Decatur. Details will be forthcoming as this date was not available at the Convention Center earlier in the spring. Can't wait to see everyone again! John Joseph Honiotes, Patricia Hopewell Duda, John Hilliard, Roger Fanning, Steve Boettger, Alan Barak, Ron Mueller.
Red Bud Lions Club members and spouses gathered at the Red Bud Winery on June 13 for their annual awards night followed by entertainment. Following the meal, catered by Lisa’s Market Street Grille, officers for the 2016-2017 year were installed by Ruben Owen, past District Governor 1CS of Sparta. Owen acknowledged the club and all of its accomplishments throughout the year. Awards were then presented by Lion Larry Mehring and receiving the top honor of being named as the Lion of the Year was Mark Vogt. Mehring also presented the Rookie of the Year awards to Kurt
Red Bulls Lions Club officers installed by past District Governor 1CS Ruben Owen for the 20162017 year include in front, from left: Lions Tamer Dean DuFrenne, Secretary/Treasurer James Walker, Tail Twister Robet Doty and Immediate Past President Matt Piel. Second row, Recorder Loren Harms, Second Vice President Pete Rau, Board Member Clem Esker and First Vice President Ken Williams. In back, Membership Chairman Larry
Nortin and Terry Heller. Installed as new officers were: President Gary Buatte, First Vice President Ken Williams, Second Vice President Pete Rau, Recorder Loren Harms, Secretary/Treasurer James Walker, Tail Twister Robert Doty, Lions Tamer Dean DuFrenne, Board Members Clem Esker, Paul Ray and Larry Ingalls and Membership Chairman Larry Mehring. Matthew Piel was also recognized as the immediate past president. Lions members receiving recognition and pins for years of perfect attendance were: Gary Buatte, Kurt Nortin, Terry Heller, Curt Harms, Matt Piel and John Preston - 1, Mark Vogt - 2, Paul Ray - 6, Pastor Mark Nebel - 8, Paul Schrieber - 12, Ken Williams 13, Clarence Guebert - 14, Clem Esker, Gary Howe and Norman Pautler - 15, James Walker - 20, Larry Ingalls - 21, Dean DuFrenne - 22, John Meyer - 24, Loren Harms and Robert Doty - 27, Pete Rau - 41, Charles Mudd - 53 and Larry Mehring - 55. Mark Vogt also received a 25 year pin and certificate. Entertainment was provided by Miss Jubliee. June 4, 2016 fourteen District 1-D Lions Clubs joined to sponsor the Annual Fish & Fun at Rock Cut State Park. The day was for children and adults with disabilities from Northern Illinois. There were 5 pontoon boats for rides on Pierce Lake, 5 horse drawn wagons for rides around the park. There was face paint and tatoo with balloon art. There was a bubble machine that the children young and old alike chased after. There were clowns with balloons, The Lion was there, Hammy from the Ice Hogs showed up and there was fishing off the Lions Park Fishing pier. Three fish (one perch and two bluegills) were caught but the highlight was the 6
painted turtles that were caught and let go. On top of this was great music that all could dance to. This was ended with a lunch of hot dogs, chips and water. It took 85 Lions from the different clubs to
pull this off. We had 250 children and adults with a total of 386 with their sponsors. Some were in wheel chairs, walkers, and crutches. All had a great time.
SITTING GOVERNOR PASSED AWAY! Elmer David Ragland, 79, of Waterloo, IL, died June 18, 2016, in Columbia, IL. He was born April 8, 1937, in Pinckneyville, IL. Elmer was a member of Waterloo Lions Club and was District Governor for the Lions District 1-CN and was a Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee for 2 years. He had lifetime membership in the Lions Club International Foundation. He was a Melvin Jones Fellow and a 3-year Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow. 16
He is preceded in death by his parents Clarence & Flora (nee Hottes) Ragland; sisters-in-law Catherine Ragland & Lorraine Cleveland; & 2 half-sisters, Anna Mae Atkinson and Mary Rath. Elmer was an active member of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Waterloo; Waterloo Lions Club, Quadrilles Square Dance Club and Sister Cities of Portaloo. As an expression of sympathy, the family prefers memorial contributions to: Lions of Illinois Endowment Fund, The ALS Association, St. Louis Regional Chapter or St. Paul UCC, Waterloo.
Elmer retired as District Manager from Aramark Uniform Services (formerly Todd Corporation) after 42 years of service. He worked 38 of those years in Morton, Illinois where he had many friends, was a Morton Lions Club member, Morton Whirl-A-Way Square Dance Club and member of Community United Church of Christ. Elmer enjoyed playing cards, square dancing, gardening, lawn care, grilling and watching St. Louis Cardinals games and other sports. He loved spending time with his family and friends and attending his grandchildren’s events.
He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Luanne P. Ragland (nee Bollmeier); daughters Kimberly (William) Bretwisch, Linda (George) Mueller and Sheila (Michal) Hoadley; grandchildren Matthew (Ashley) Mueller, Melissa (Mike Stearns) Mueller, Kelly (Jesse) Anderson, Nicholas (Abbie O’Ryan) Bretwisch, Chloe (Brock) Blankenship, Cayle (Taylor) Klein, Bailey Hoadley & Caleb Hoadley; great grandson Titus Blankenship; brothers Donald (Eva) Ragland, Jimmie (Sheryll) Ragland & Leo (Eva) Cleveland; brother-in-law Daryl (Verleen) Bollmeier; sister-in-law Corinne (Robert) Perry; nieces, nephews; & cousins. 17
Gentry, and Bingo Chairman Lion Gene Bradford, calling the game.
Picture 3: Lions Bingo at Genoa Days, June 8-11, 2016.
The Genoa Lions would like to report that the Club hosted 5 sessions of Bingo during Genoa Days and would like to thank the Community for supporting our efforts. The Genoa Days queen Kendall Bacon called an early game on Thursday and Genoa Days King Collin Stratton called a game later that evening. Both received scholarships for being the King and Queen from the Chamber of Commerce. The Genoa Lions were assisted by both of their scholarship winners, namely, Abigal Pahnke and Brianna Campbell. 2015 scholarship winner Nicole Hebel came back for a second year of volunteering.
District 1A held their Annual New Officers Training Sessions at the WillowSsprings School in June, 2016. All presenters were given a Certificate of Appreciation.
The following Lions were Bingo Callers, Lion Gene Bradford, President Bob Becker, and Lion Rene’ VanDerHeyden. The following Lions worked the crowd and paid and collected the money: Lions: Jeff Baker, Gini Baker, Bob Becker, Gene Bradford, Mike Dreska, Hector Feliciano, Josh Haka, Jerry Helland, Bill Holdridge, Todd Merritt, Chad Pacey, Mike Ross, Jim Sanford, Debbie Gentry, Jim Wilson
Riverside Township Lions held their Governors Visit. Governor Ralph Zarada installed club’s new officers for the year 2016-2017. The Genoa Lions would like to report that the Club has installed its officers for the 2016-2017 year. Past District Governor Jim Kloepping was at the club meeting to install our new slate of officers and was happy to induct our newest member Carolyn Haber as well.
Picture 1: Lion Rene’ VanDerHeyden assists Genoa Days Queen Kendall Bacon while she calls Bingo during Genoa Day on June 9, 2016
Here is the current slate of officers President: Lion Dale Pelley st 1 Vice President: Lion Jerry Helland membership Chairman 2nd Vice President: Lion Gene Bradford & Lion
Picture 2: Lions working during Genoa Days Bingo, from left to right: Lion Gini Baker, Lion Debbie
15th. Past District Governor Jim Kloepping was at the club meeting to help install our new slate of officers and was happy to induct our newest member. Carolyn Haber of DeKalb is the newest member of the Genoa Lions Club and was sponsored by her friend Lion Flo Kutz. Both of these ladies are in their golden years but have a lot more to give to their community and Lions International as well. Congratulations Lion Haber and Lion Kutz because everyone knows that many hands make for light work. The Genoa Lions invite anyone to consider membership in their local Lions Club especially if you live in the Genoa-Kingston area. Please contact Genoa Lions Membership Chairman Jerry Helland at or Lion Secretary Rene’ at for more information about joining a local lions club.
Secretary: Treasurer: Directors:
Lion Rene’ VanDerHeyden Lion Todd Merritt Lion Greg Cravatta Lion Jim Sanford Lion Gini Baker Lion Chad Pacey Sr. Tail Twister: Lion Mike Dreska Jr. Tail Twister: Lion Joe Wilkinson Newsletter Editor: Lion Deb Gentry Immediate Past Pres. Lion Bob Becker, Jr.
Rene’ A.VanDerHeyden, Genoa Lions Secretary Photographs: Lion Past District Governor Kloepping inducts Carolyn Haber into the Genoa Lions Club on June 15 at the Vet’s Home in Genoa. Her sponsor Lion Flo Kutz looks on.
Photograph of the current Genoa Lion Officers, taken June 15, 2016 If you might like to join the Genoa Lions please contact membership chairman Jerry Helland at or club secretary Rene’ VanDerHeyden at for more information.
Oakbrook Terrace Lions Mike Fortuna (l) and Paul Zubinski (r) welcome Ronald McDonald before he goes into the Ball Room to greet the children and their families at the annual “Someone Special” event at Drury Lane in Oakbrook Terrace. The Genoa Lions would like to report that the Club continues to diversify as it welcomes another female member into the Club on Wednesday, June 19
fished at the local lake (everyone caught a fish). Lion Dick Shindel was the ChairLion of the Picnic and the Fishing Clinic. He led Lion volunteers who helped kids bait hooks, catch fish and then release them back into the water. Teachers and interpreters in the Sycamore-based Northwestern IL Association (NIA), a regional special-education cooperative, assisted with the event. Personnel of the NIA and member school districts, which are located in 10 northwestern counties of Illinois (Boone, Carroll, DeKalb, Jo Daviess, Kane, Lee, Stephenson, Whiteside and Winnebago) work together to develop comprehensive services for children with special needs.
Lions everywhere like to have fun!! Hanover Park Lions couldn’t pass up the chance to act like clowns with Walgreen’s “Red Noses.” Remember that promotion not long ago?? HP Lions took advantage of it and had fun!! -----------------------------------------
North Aurora Lion says there is a Lions Club in Hong Kong. (actually, there are quite a few!). He visited Victoria Peak, the highest point in the city. “Super crowded here as most cities I visited,” he says. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Algonquin Lions Club President Vince Daniello presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Lion Brett Sandblom.
(l to r) Everett “Shorty” Best, Yorkville; Lion Kathy Long; Kathy Reuter, Northeastern IL Association Hearing Services Supervisor; Lion Dick Shindel, Picnic/ Clinic Coordinator; Lions Arvid Meyer and Jerry Spirk. Aurora Noon Lions Club hosted its 14th Annual Picnic and its 1st Fishing Clinic for deaf and hearing -impaired students in early May at Phillips Park in Aurora. Forty students attended the picnic
Waterman Lion Leonard Johnson presents Scott McClure, sixth and seventh grade social studies teacher at Indian Creek Middle School in Waterman, a check for $195 to fund the purchase of a set of 2017 Caudill books. The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award is given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. The award is named in honor of Rebecca Caudill, a writer from Urbana, Illinois. “The award is given in recognition for her literary talent and the universal appeal of her books which have touched the hearts of many children and young adults,” according to the Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award website.
the Aurora club. Club President Lion Michelle Needham says: “Selling items that people need, such as brooms, plus items that people crave, such as candy, pancake breakfasts, pasta, and pizza dinner, has been a staple of Lions’ fundraising efforts for decades.”
PDG Austin D’Souza, Editor of your magazine received his 49th LCF Progressive Melvin Jones Recognition at the
Sandwich Lion Rich Lindner (c) presented Samantha Collins (l) and John Sauer (r) each with a Lou Brady Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,000. The Lions congratulate these two deserving young people on outstanding high school careers.
99th LCI Convention held in Fukuoka, Japan. LCIF Chairperson Immediate Past President Joe Preston pinned PDG Austin.
At the Stakeholders Senior Citizen dinner, Waterman Lion Dale Gaston shows the 18-month calendar the club will be selling at the Waterman Lions Club Summerfest and Antique Tractor Show. The show is
Lion Jerry Spirk, past Pres. of Aurora Noon Lions Club, revived broom sales in 2012 after a halfcentury hiatus from the 1960s when Lions sold brooms door to door for about 20 years. Brooms available include a children’s model, $5; a kitchen model, $10; a corn model, $12; and a push broom, $15. O’Cedar Co. in Paxton IL supplies brooms to 21
all day Saturday, July 16, at Waterman Lions Park.
Wheaton Lions Club welcomed three new members to its club on May 17th. (l to r) Lions Ronald Birchall, Tom Boyton, and Tom Dunn.
(l to r) Linda & George Villa, representatives of the National Federation of the Blind – Illinois receive a check from Naperville Noon VP, Lion Steve Hertzberg, George is also blind.
At the May 25th DeKalb High School Awards Night, Malta Lions Club President Lion Dennis Heins presented $1,000 scholarships to Olivia Hankins (l) and Matthew West (r). ------------------------------------------------------------------As a District 1A tradition, during the first week of June Incoming Governor Ernie Lapid, First Vice District Governor Pat Duda, Second Vice District Governor Howard Swacker were installed at the William Tell Holiday Inn Banquet Hall. During this ceremony MD1 Council Chair Steve Anton inducted new member Governor Elect Ernie Lapid’s better half as new member to their club – Chicago Philippine Lions Club. In the picture, DGE
This is how Malta Lions sell 500 dozen roses in their small town! Good job, Lions!
Ernie Lapid very carefully pinning Lions lapel pin on
New member of the Stillman Valley Lions Elizabeth (Liz) Johnson was inducted into the club when Zone Chair Steve Boettger visited the club. Liz grew up in Kirkland and is working at the Stillman Bank. Pictured L to R are Liz's sponsor Dan Janes, Liz and Zone Chairman Steve Boettger. (Photograph in previous column.)
his wife Edna Lapid.
Harvard Lions club participated in the Milk Day parade featuring the Costumed Lion and Leos members. The Milk Day Festival celebrated it's 75th year , while our lions club celebrated their 74th year of serving the community by offering help for the hearing and sight impaired, educational scholarships and civic projects, such as the Disc Golf Course in town. To Join the volunteers call 815-648-2316. Riding the float are: Liz Grace, Leo President, Ashley Tafur, Kaylyn Marquez, , In the Lion costume is 2016-17 Leo President Gerardo Contreras Esquivel, Not seen are Brenna Uppleger, Dylan Keys
Pictured: LIF Trustee from 1A Lion Frank Kirar and his wife, II DGE Howard Swacker and his wife, I DGE Pat Duda and her husband, DGE Ernie Lapid and his wife, DG Ralph Zarada and his wife and IPDG Terry D’Souza and her husband at the District Officers’ Installation Ceremony in District 1A.
Roger Bruner was honored by PDG Paul Lindstrom 23
for his sixty years of service to Lions. Photo from left to right: Chris Martin, Roger Bruner and Paul Lindstrom. Marc Mongan is awarded a trophy by Chris Martin and fifty/fifty winner at the Car Show.
Show that was held at Oregon Park East by the scenic Rock River in Oregon on June 19th. A large crowd enjoyed viewing over 100 vintage cars each of which have been carefully restored and kept in mint condition by their owners. Those present were able to enjoy an early morning pancake and sausage breakfast catered by Oregon Lions. This was followed later in the day by Lions pork chops and brats hot off the grill. The Oregon Lions Club Car Show has become an event that vintage car owners and community members look forward to every year.
Oregon Lions Club Car Show winners.
Oregon Lions Club’s Newly installed officers for 2016-2017. Back row from left to right: Past District Governor Paul Lindstrom, Oregon Lions Club President Seth Anderson, Mike Hoff, Joe Slowiak, Secretary Chuck McCourt, and Rob Arneson. Front row from left to right: Carri Anderson, Jim Hoff, Treasurer Sandy Arneson, Mary Jo Moser and Duane Moser.
Oregon Lions outgoing President Chis Martin is given a Certificate of Appreciation by Secretary Chuck McCourt. Oregon Lions met at Maxon Manor Restaurant in Oregon on Thursday, June 23rd for the installation of new officers. Past District Governor Paul Lindstrom introduced each new officer and explained their new responsibility to the club members. Outgoing President Chris Martin was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by Secretary Chuck McCourt for serving as Oregon Lions Club President on three different occasions. Oregon Lions' Members were grateful for sunny skies and lower humidity for their Fathers' Day Car 24
Previous Column - The Durand Lions Club gave outgoing president Lion Linda Johnson a Foundation Fellow. Shown is Foundation Trustee David Waller, Past Foundation Trustees Gordon Grande, PID Russell Sarver and Steve Boettger.
Some MD1 Lions from their hotel to the convention site in Fukuoka, Japan Below: MD1 Lions participating in International Parade in Japan.
Welcome to the New Durand Lions Club Officers, President John Cressman, 1st VP Ruth Ryder and 2nd VP Barry Hendrickson.
IPCC Steve Anton and CC Mark Williams in Japan. Below: Some MD1 Lions after MidWest Breakfast in Fukuoka, Japan.
MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited & Published by PDG Austin D’Souza, Ph.D. for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.