Intravascular Quarterly | IQ | May 2021

Page 25



With deep gratitude, we thank Marcia Ryder, PhD, MS, RN, FNAP, outgoing AVA Foundation (AVAF) President for her work and as she moves into a two-year term as Presidential Advisor. Amy BardinSpencer, Ed.D, MSc, RRT, VA-BC™ will become president in May. We believe that transitions are important times to provide updates on the work of the AVAF. For the past year, the board of directors has been laserfocused on rebuilding the Foundation for a greater purpose, starting with the recruitment of highly connected, committed, and capable board members. The Foundation has developed a new vision, mission, and core beliefs. This laid the groundwork for an innovative strategy to establish multidisciplinary approaches to prevent vascular access patient harm “The Board and staff have worked tirelessly and well beyond the committed time to reorganize

the infrastructure of the Foundation, provide administrative support to its functions, outreach to explore partnerships and alliances, and share knowledge and passion for patient safety,” said Ryder. “I am grateful for the leadership of Dr. Ryder and the AVAF Board over the past year,” said Bardin-Spencer. “I look forward to guiding the AVAF forward and building on the strategic vision and mission.” We are proud to have recruited seven new board members, who represent a multidisciplinary group of advanced practitioners, each with diverse specialized areas of expertise and perspective. (Meet them on page 22.) The AVAF has established several committees that include: Budget and Planning, Bylaws and Policy, and Fundraising; an Industry Task Force was also formed to assess potential benefits to the specialty. Each group is working to ensure alignment with AVA, the founding organization of AVAF, and supporting the developmental needs for initiatives.

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