Avalon Park Sun Orlando June 2021 Edition

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Wellness with Jen: Summer Lovin When kids get bored, they get crazy and to be quite frank, they can really get on your nerves, am I right??! It can be tempting to plop them in front of the TV or hand them an iPad or video game controller. While I am not trying to suggest that your kiddos can absolutely, without a doubt, NEVER watch TV or use technology, the speech therapist in me does feel the need to remind the world to put the technology down, especially for the littles. Not only is it not great for their brain development, but it is so important to be present with your kiddos and enjoy life with them to the fullest. On a side note, though, I do get that there are some moments in life when you just need 5 seconds, especially in the world’s current situation. In those moments, take the time you need. I like to work in pockets of time. During the summer months, it can be hard to keep the kiddos busy and entertained. Here are some fun ideas for being present with your kiddos during the summer while making lasting memories and keeping everyone sane <3 LEMONADE STAND! Don’t worry, we are not about to hype the kids up on lemonade full of processed ingredients. You have to be a label reader when advocating for your children’s health... and your own for that matter. Many store bought processed lemonades contain high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin “natural flavors” - this is a great cover up for adding a bunch of crap and labeling it “natural” :-O Who would have thought?? So here is a perfect lemonade recipe for your lemonade stand: 14 cups water 1 cup fresh lemon juice 1 cup demerara sugar 8 drops Young Living Lemon Vitality Essential Oil 1 Drop Lavender Vitality Essential Oil optional drop of Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil - some people find this to be too strong for their tastes. I love it! Adult Beverage addition to the lemonade stand, if you so choose ;-) Mojitos!

2 shots rum 1 shot agave syrup ½ squeezed lime sprig of mint splash of soda water 1 ½ cups ice 2 drops Spearmint Vitality Essential Oil 4 drops Lime Vitality Essential Oil By adding Young Living vitality essential oils into your foods and drinks, you are adding support to your immune system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, and more! PAINT! Paint paper, paint rocks, paint the driveway, put on some old clothes and get messy. BUG HUNTING! Read a book about bugs and go out for a walk to see what you can find. I recently saw a cute little bug collection activity in the under $5 section at Target. PLAY DOUGH! I hate the smell of store bought play dough, ick! There are some really simple DIY play dough recipes out there, and you can add essential oils to make it smell great and benefit your little ones at the same time. Here’s the simplest recipe: 1 cup water 1 cup salt 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 3 cups flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch Mix water, salt, oil, food coloring (if you choose) and essential oils (if you choose) in a bowl. Gradually add flour and cornstarch until the mixture reaches the consistency of bread dough. PLAY! My fav oils to add are Young Living Lavender, Seedlings Calm, Gentle Baby, Peace & Calming, Cedarwood, or any kind of citrus oils. When summer comes to an end, it can be sad for both the kiddos and the Mommies and Daddies. Even though there are crazy times during summer when you might be counting down the minutes until school returns, there are many more moments that make you think “I wish that these moments could last forever”. Make the memories last by collecting mementos of your summer activities. Pictures, sea shells,

sand, flowers,... and make a summer memories scrapbook or shadow box. Fill an empty bottle with sand and sea shells from your beach trip. Make a necklace or bracelet out of the sea shells or flowers that you collected over the summer. I know it is easy to feel like you don’t have the time for any of this, especially if you are like me and don’t get the summer months off from work with your kids, but do your best to make some summer memories, even if it is just a walk in the evening time after daycare/summer camp and work. Slather on the bug repellent (I’ve got a great natural recipe if you need one!), head out for a walk, collect some amazing colors from nature or just point out everything great in nature that you see and draw of picture of everything that you remember when you return home. Pack a picnic and head to the park for a picnic dinner. Whatever it might be, do what you can to make some amazing summer memories. I found this really great website, www.familyeducation.com with many great ideas for family activities and so much more! *I have done extensive research on products and companies and choose to recommend Young Living products whole heatedly. Young Living has a Seed to Seal promise that guarantees from the time that the seed is selected and planted to the time that the product arrives on your doorstep, no harmful ingredients will come in contact with that product at any step along the way. Young Living goes as far as testing their soil and using their own essential oils to protect against pest in lieu of using harmful pesticides. Young Living performs their own testing in addition to third party testing to guarantee that you receive the most effective and most beneficial products.

Follow me on social media or shoot me a message if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Summer, everyone! Jen Cosby jcdiamondwellness@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/yljennifercosby https://www.facebook.com/groups/ oilshowyouthewayed/ https://www.instagram.com/jen_cosby/

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Articles inside

Fourth of July in Avalon Park

pages 1, 22

The Jetsetters Update

page 33

Lighthouse Central Florida Receives Two Grants for Vision Rehabilitation Services

page 33

OCPS Students Paint Rain Barrels to Benefit Art Program

page 33

Kiwanis Club Update

page 32

The Future Promise of Bithlo

page 31


page 30

Wellness with Jen: Summer Lovin

page 29

Utilizing the Power of Prayer All Year

page 28

Welcome to June: Professional Wellness Month

page 19

Orange County Elections Office Website Certified Accessible

page 18

Vision 2050: Orange County Government Needs Your Feedback Regarding Zoning Code, ‘Orange Code’

page 18

Summertime Fun: How to Find it as an Entrepreneur

page 17

Getting Out of A Dark Place in CRM

page 16

Star Wars Month at Avalon Mail Center

page 14

Meet You at The 5th Floor

page 13

Avalon Park Foundation Update

page 9

Orange County Government and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Provide Options for Proper Disposal of Worn U.S. Flags

page 7

Staying Healthy During the Summer for Seniors

page 6

Florida Day Trips for the Summer

page 5

From the Desk of Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero

page 4

Coffee Hour with BEAT

page 2
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