Avalon Park Foundation Update The Firecracker 5k is around the corner, register early to save. Online discounted preregistration is open. Looking for volunteer opportunities? You got it! Go to our website Avalonparkfoundation.org and sign up to volunteer at a 5k or the Back 2 School Bash. At the Avalon Park Foundation, we are dedicated to encouraging friends and neighbors to take part in positively influencing our community through service. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2021 AND OUR SCHOLARSHIP
RECIPIENTS! Grace Foley Scholarship Recipients: Natalie Garay, Rafael Cardenas, Riley Roth, Dawn Royster, and Elizabeth Kyhos. Ed Lynt Legacy Award Recipent: Katheen Avella. WELCOME TO OUR NEW DIRECTOR! This Spring we welcomed a New Director to our Board. Avalon Park Resident, Mary Lynn Foley, has joined our team and is very excited to serve with us at the Avalon Park Foundation.