Celebrating Motherhood
AVA honors the grace and courage of women. We thought of no better embodiment of AVA women than the women we admire most, our mothers. Motherhood is one of the greatest challenges and biggest blessings in a woman’s life, a testament to her strength and gentleness. Mothers today balance life and work. We salute all mothers’ passion and perseverance. We’re also grateful for the love and support our mothers have given us. From the moment we first open our eyes, they’re the first ones we cry to, the first ones we depend on. No one knows you better than your mom. On May 8, we celebrate that special bond a mother builds with her kids. We dedicate this very special collection to all the moms out there. We created pieces that listen to her needs and honor her beauty.
The Collection While designing this collection, Chris was mindful of creating silhouettes that are flattering and comfortable, while still staying true to his aesthetic. “I imagined a mother and her daughter bonding on a weekend afternoon or on a relaxing summer vacation,” Chris says. “The modern woman is time-starved. She’s busy balancing her professional and personal lives. So those moments with her daughter become even more special.” The collection makes use of light and playful silhouettes that work well both for a mother who wants no frills yet impeccable style, or a child who needs clothes that let her run and play. Chris also chose a color palette that fits the colors of the season, and that would make the women wearing them feel young and fresh. The matte satin fabric is light and easy, perfect for the summer weather.
“The modern woman is time-starved. So those moments with her daughter become even more special.�
Sophia Maxi Dress Php 2,099.00 In Small, Medium, Large Mommy’s go-to lounge wear outfit that’s great for both weekend getaways and Sunday’s best. The long, graceful silhouette is designed for comfort. The adjustable ribbon belt lets you show off your figure any way you like. Wear it with an empire cut, drop waist, natural waist, or even sans the belt entirely. Wear this piece according to how you feel that day.
Little Lady’s Sophia Belted Dress Php 1,399.00 For Ages 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 For sweet little girls to lovely young ladies, this could be your daughter’s first dress-up outfit. The ribbon belt is adjustable and removable so the dress can hug her just right. In this dress, she’s comfortable and absolutely adorable!
Now available at AVA.PH
Sophia Maxi Dress in Black
Little Lady’s Sophia Belted Dress in Black
Thyia Shirt Dress Php 1,899.00 In Small, Medium, Large A good button down is a great addition to every woman’s closet. Its simple, yet crisp and tailored cut gives your outfit an instant facelift. We’ve given the Thyia shirt dress some added personality with a contrast collar and lace trim accent.
Little Lady’s Thyia Shirt Dress Php 1,399.00 For Ages 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 You’re never too young to rock a little tailoring! Our sweet button down shirt dress is given an added flair with a contrast collar and lace trim detail. Don’t be fooled. Despite being tailored, this dress is still comfy as any shift dress with its soft, light fabric.
Now available at AVA.PH
Thyia Shirt Dress in Peach
Little Lady’s Thyia Shirt Dress in Peach
Alexa Two-Tone Dress Php 1,999.00 In Small, Medium, Large This is our glammed up version of your everyday go-to dress. We’ve updated the classic shift dress with raglan bell sleeves and this season’s hottest colors. The added details help you look more puttogether while retaining the style’s comfort and fuss-free wearability. Style it up with a pair of pumps or down with your favourite sandals and you’re good to go!
Little Lady’s Alexa Two-Tone Dress Php 1,299.00 For Ages 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 This dress gives your little one the freedom to play with its roomy shift silhouette and wide bell raglan sleeves. Its light matte satin fabric makes it just fancy enough to be a perfect outfit for children’s parties.
Now available at AVA.PH
Alexa Two-Tone Dress in Black and Pink
Little Lady’s Alexa Two-Tone Dressin Black and Pink
Alexa Two-Tone Dressin Mint and Grey
Little Lady’s Alexa Two-Tone Dress in Mint and Grey
Alexa Two-Tone Dress in Peach and Grey
Little Lady’s Alexa Two-Tone Dress in Peach and Grey
Calla Blouse Php 1,699.00 In Small, Medium, Large A shorter version of the Alexa dress, this top is for days you feel like throwing on your favourite pair of jeans or a cute skirt. It provides the same comfort and ease as the dress, with even more styling options.
Little Lady’s Calla Blouse Php 1,099.00 For Ages 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 Our short version of the little lady’s Alexa dress, the Calla blouse is for kids who prefer to play in shorts or pants. They come in an array of summer’s fresh colors. The bell sleeve detail gives the versatile top an added feminine detail.
Now available at AVA.PH
Calla Blouse in Black
Little Lady’s Calla Blouse in Black
Calla Blouse in Baby Blue
Little Lady’s Calla Blouse in Baby Blue
Calla Blouse in Yellow
Little Lady’s Calla Blouse in Yellow
Meet Sjöfn, AVA’s Youngest Muse Five-year old Sjöfn Léonie Loot Besler was the sunshine of this collection’s lookbook shoot. Sjӧfn (pronounced “S-you-feen”) was a total pro, counting her shots and even suggesting poses! This budding German-Filipino model has already done a shoots and fashion shows for the likes of SM & Mommy Mundo. She quickly got into character, bonding with “Pretend Mommy” Emerald on and off camera, while real mommy Paola helped us get genuine giggles from Sjöfn from behind the scenes. We quickly learned that she also had a quirky sense of humor. Her favourite trick (which we embarrassingly fell for) was “look there’s a spider!” and then darting away. Her favourite treat? Stick-O’s! Her charming smile, bright personality and already impressive professionalism tell us that this little girl’s modelling career is headed to great heights
Chris Diaz
@chryzdiaz chrisdiazdesigns@gmail.com
When one is asked to describe Chris Diaz’ design aesthetic, one word always seems to come up: romantic. Chris’ designs are characterized by his love for graceful silhouettes and unmistakably feminine details. We immediately fell in love with his vision of creating a collection dedicated to the most important woman in our lives: our mothers. Chris’ story started in a different world. He graduated with a degree in Interior Design from PSID and practiced for a few years before devoting himself to fashion. The love for designing clothes had always been there, as he dabbled in making gowns for his friends and teachers in high school. Chris found his first job in fashion working for an export company straight out of high school. It was this foundational experience that sparked a serious interest in a fashion career. Chris has received recognition from various local and international fashion competitions. He was a contestant on the MEGA Young Designers competition in 2002, joined the Accessories Division of the Concours International des Jeunes Creatures de Mode in Paris in 2005, and won Best Evening Wear Designer Malaysia International Fashion Awards in 2006. 2006 was also the year Chris first joined Philippine Fashion Week, where celebrity stylist Liz Uy christened him as one of the “Fashion Designers to Look Out For.” He has since joined PhFW for mutlitple seasons, and is now one of the regular designers to exhibit their collections at Manila Fashion Festival.
ABOUT AVA AVA is th e le ad in g on lin e fa s h i o n bra n d i n t h e Philippine s . O ur pur pos e is t o ma ke l i f e bea u t i f u l throu g h d e s ig n an d te ch n ol o gy. We started AVA b e caus e w e f e l t F i l i p i n o w o me n d eserved t o e x pe r ie n ce b e a u t y ev ery da y. F ro m emerg ing d e s ig n e r s an d s ma l l bu s i n es s o w n ers , t o estab lish e d b r an d s an d in d i e l a bel s , AVA’s p rev i o u s c ollab ora tion s in clud e Twe e t i e De Le o n - G o n za l ez, Vania Rom off, K im J on e s , Ro s e n t h a l Tee a n d t h e Prof ession al M od e ls A s s oci a t i o n i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s . We c elebr ate Filipin o cr e at i v i t y. We h o p e t o s h a re t h e b eauty th at th e P h ilippin e s bri n gs i n des i gn - dri v en markets. AVA is b acke d b y K ick s tar t Ven t u res ( t h e v e n t u re c apital fu n d of Glob e Te le co m) , H a t c h d Di gi t a l , a n d the S eg ovia Gr oup. At th e 2 0 1 2 Du bl i n We b S u mmi t , AVA was n am e d as on e of t h e t o p 1 0 0 mo s t p ro mi s i n g startups in th e wor ld . AVA is t h e f i rs t F i l i p i n o f a s h i o n b rand to b e fe atur e d as a ca s e s t u dy a t H a rv a rd Bu siness S ch ool.
The Chris Diaz x AVA Collection is now available for pre-orders. Delivery starts on May 27, 2016Â