Inabel: Tradition with a Twist

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Tradition With A Twist

We live in an industrial world that values speed and efficiency and is predisposed towards convenience and mass market goods. We believe that there’s a great deal of good that comes with modernization but also, that there exists a delicate balance that needs to be maintained. We believe that there’s value in maintaining our ties to the past. We believe that there is space in the contemporary world for something artisanal and lovingly made by hand. In sharp contrast to factory-produced goods, the inabel fabric is handwoven on ancient looms by Filipino women. It takes 2 weeks just to set up a pattern on a loom and a loom can produce only about 2 meters of fabric a day. The process is intricate and time-consuming, the result, breathtakingly beautiful.

A Living Fabric Infused With History Every thread, every knot, meticulously designed by the master weavers of Ilocos, the Philippines

The inabel fabric is a handwoven textile that is intimately connected to the people who create them. The tradition of weaving is passed down from one generation to another along with the stories that emerge from the fabric’s patterns. The fabric itself is an expression of the culture, identity and history of the ancient Filipinos, often depicting the harvest cycle and symbols of prosperity.

We designed the collection around the inabel fabric because we wanted to create modern products that are infused with our identity as a people.

Just a few yards of inabel takes several months to craft. The patterns themselves, have been passed down from generation to generation and tell the story of the ancient Filipinos.

Inabel Apparel We revisited Inabel for AVA’s first summer collection of 2016, with the intent of introducing the native textile not just for home accessories, but for women’s wardrobes as well. You may expect native weaves in traditional Filipiniana attire. But in this case, we wanted to try a playful, fresh approach. The result - tradition with a summer twist! We designed the collection with summer in mind. We took cool, comfortable silhouettes that flatter various women’s figures and injected an inabel twist to them. These tops are versatile and easy to style so you can go from weekend to workplace in a snap. We’ve created staple pieces that are uniquely Filipino

Women’s Sports Shirt Php 999.00

This classic look gets an instant lift with a contrast hidden placket made of inabel. A basic sports shirt is essential to every woman’s wardrobe. It’s an easy, no fuss top for those out-of-town trips and lazy Sundays. The subtle hint of Inabel gives your preppy ensemble a little added personality.

Now available at AVA.PH

ON TOLA: Interchangeable watch in Washed Camel from Lamer and Path shorts from Banggo Niu

ON TOLA: Black Skater Sports Skirt from Arin and Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

ON TOLA: Dark Denim Classic Style Peanut Jeans from Monkee Genes and Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

Layered Flounce Top Php1,299.00 This piece reflects quintessential Filipino fun, bright personality. As a nation famous for its sunny weather and disposition, we created an easy breezy top that’s perfect for summer. Our layered flounce top isn’t only comfortable in the hot weather; its tent cut is also flattering on any figure. The flounce top features inabel straps that instantly add a bright contrast to the matte satin fabric.

Now available at AVA.PH

ON TOLA: Path Shorts from Banggo Niu and Blanc Tennis Elastic Femme from Bensimon

ON TOLA: Teal Shorts from Tweetie De Leon x AVA, Crystal Open Bangle Agate from Laia and Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

ON TOLA: Pleated Culottes from Rosenthal Tee x AVAand Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

Sleeveless Tunic Php1,399.00

This piece screams boho-chic. The inabel neck and hem accents complete the look. The long cut and boxy figure gives the piece a laid-back feel and a forgiving silhouette. This tunic top would make a great cover-up at the beach, or as your OOTD for your summer site-seeing adventures.

Now available at AVA.PH

ON TOLA: Dark D Classic Style Pean from Monkee Ge Navy Tennis Elly A

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ON TOLA: Dark Denim Classic Style Peanut Jeans from Monkee Genes and Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

ON TOLA: Dark Denim Classic Style Peanut Jeans from Monkee Genes and Navy Tennis Elly Ado from Bensimon

ABOUT AVA AVA is t he lead ing onl in e fa s h i o n b ra n d i n t h e Ph il ippines. Our pur pos e i s to ma k e l i fe b e a u t i fu l t h ro ugh design and t ec h n o l o g y. We star t ed AVA bec ause w e fe l t F i l i p i n o w o me n de se rv ed t o ex per ienc e b e a u ty e ve ryd a y. F ro m e m e rging designer s and s ma l l b u s i n e s s o w n e rs , t o e st abl ished br ands an d i n d i e l a b e l s , AVA’s pre vious c ol labor at ions i n cl u d e Tw e e t i e D e L e o n Gon za lez , Vania Rom off, K i m Jo n e s , R o s e n t h a l Te e a nd t he Prof essiona l M o d e l s A s s o ci a t i o n i n t h e Ph il ippines. We c ele b ra te F i l i p i n o cre a t i vi ty. We h ope t o share t he b e a u ty t h a t t h e P h i l i p p i n e s br in g s in design-dr iv en ma rk e ts . AVA is bac k ed by K ic k st a rt Ve n tu re s ( t h e ve n tu re capit al f und of Globe Te l e co m) , Ha tch d D i g i ta l , an d t h e Segov ia Group. A t t h e 2 0 1 2 D u b l i n We b S u m mit , AVA was nam ed a s o n e o f t h e to p 1 0 0 m o st prom ising st ar t ups i n t h e w o rl d . AVA i s t h e fir st Fil ipino f ashion br a n d to b e fe a tu re d a s a case s t udy at H ar v ard Bu s i n e s s S ch o o l .

The Summer + Inabel Collection is now available for pre-order. Delivery starts on May 11, 2016Â

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