Professional Pasta N. 1 January/March 2017

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T h e i n t e r n at i o n a l m ag a z i n e f or Pa s ta P r o d u c e r s


Pasta Indian duty-free wheat import decision

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The countries where people eat best

N. 1 January/March 2017







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Year XXII - N. 1/January-March 2017

Editor in Chief

Claudio Vercellone Technical director Gianni Mondelli Scientific and technical committee Gianni Mondelli Technical production Maurizio Monti Wheat and flours technician Roberto Tuberosa Agricultural Genetics Editing Coordinator


Delia Maria Sebelin Advertising Massimo Carpanelli Edition, management, editorial, advertising and administration Avenue media Srl Via Riva Reno, 61 40122 Bologna (Italy) international partners India AgriBusiness & Food Industry The leading magazine in India about food processing sector Media Today Group, New Delhi - India Romania Anamob - Romanian National Association of Flour Milling and Baking Industries Turkey Miller Magazine / Degirmenci Dergisi World milling and pulses technologies magazine Parantez Group, Istanbul - Turkey Subscriptions office Subscription Ue countries € 45,00 Outside Ue € 60,00

Contents Editorial

Trump’s cut on free trade agreements by Lorenzo Frassoldati


features Nutrition

France, Japan and Canada, that is where people eat best by Delia Maria Sebelin



Indian duty-free wheat import decision by M.B. Naqvi


Raw materials

Spread of damaging wheat rust continues by Fao


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Facts & news Pasta’s friends Supplier news Events

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by Lorenzo Frassoldati Corriere Ortofrutticolo, Editor

Trump’s cut on free trade agreements Here we publish the editorial of Lorenzo Frassoldati, a business journalist as well as editor of Corriere Ortofrutticolo, a leading monthly publication for the fruit and vegetables sector in Italy. His observations make us reflect on what might happen to the pasta sector, especially made-in-Italy pasta. In fact, like fruit and vegetables, pasta is one of the most exported italian products. Cloudy skies loom overhead. What are the solutions to this trend? Frassoldati reels off some of them. It is up to entrepreneurs and institutions to be eager and capable to seize them or pasta makers - as well as fruit and vegetables operators will go on as they have always done: individually. The editorial staff


merica first, buy American». The day after Donald Trump took office at the White House, the rallying cry of his presidential campaign turned into the first concrete measure: Us out of Ttp, the TransPacific Partnership Trade deal with 11 emerging countries of the Pacific Area, such Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam and Brunei. The aim of the new American president is to protect employment in the States, in order for Us companies not to delocalize their plants and operations abroad, where labor is cheaper. The Ttp is the first treaty to fall under Trump’s ax. The next will definitely be Nafta, the agreement between Canada and Mexico that the new American administration is going to renegotiate as soon as possible. At this pace, it is pretty clear that also the Ttip, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between Europe and the United States is doomed to fail. It was already lagging behind among a multitude of problems and resistance in Europe, but now it can definitely be considered as dead. Is this the end of large-scale trade agreements that had marked the age of globalization and the return to bilateral January/March 2017





«Europe is playing defensively about new markets»

agreements between countries? It seems so. So much so that some countries that were left without Ttp, like Australia, New Zealand and Japan, are already working to sign an agreement among their large trade areas. In a nutshell, a return to bilateralism after the age of multilateralism, with all the consequences that this entails. As to fruit and vegetables, the Ttp would definitely have benefitted some countries that are already exporting, like Chile, Peru and New Zealand which hoped new markets would be open for them. If America is to bring up its drawbridge and shuts itself away into a golden isolationism/ protectionism («America first!»), the path for our fruit and vegetables towards foreign markets is expected to become more and more difficult and bumpy. We are not well trained for bilateral agreements and we often lose (let’s take Poland, for instance, that managed to bring its apples to China, whereas we have been talking about it for years…).

«It is necessary to try to boost consumption»

Europe is playing very defensively for the opening of new markets, so we have to get by. We shall focus on the domestic market, where it is necessary to try and boost consumption through real and effective promotional activities and not through the ordinary refrain “fruit and vegetables are healthy”, which has clearly proved to be ineffective so far. We shall call on politicians and institutions to wake up and keep their promises, giving concrete signals to the fruit and vegetables sector, by integrating it into internationalization programs/projects, like wine and other made-in-Italy leading products. We shall hope that the new feeling between Trump and Putin will lead the Kremlin to lift the embargo (if Europe lifts the sanctions). We shall work on China - even though it is not that easy - as it is always worth trying, considering the potential of that market.

This is the agenda that the Italian fruit and vegetables representatives shall set. A “control room” would be needed more than ever before, since everything has become more difficult in the Trump era. However, if we do not have it, oh well! We will go on this way with our inflamed individualism. It has worked so far, more or less.


Lorenzo Frassoldati Courtesy of and



January/March 2017

FACTS & NEWS Cargill Ceo: Us needs’ smart policies on trade

Us: Adm acquires specialty pasta business

In a blog posting on The Huffington Post’s website, David MacLennan, chairman and chief executive officer of Cargill - one of the nation’s largest agribusinesses - said the Minneapolis-based company absolutely relies on trade as part of its goal to improve global food security and nutrition. «We are a Us-based company, but we know that 96% of the world’s consumers live outside of the Us», Mr. MacLennan wrote. «We can’t afford to wall ourselves off from these markets, but that is the emerging trend». Citing data from the World Trade Organization, Mr. MacLennan said the number of non-tariff trade barriers has increased 2.5 times in the last 10 years. He called attention to president Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, David MacLennan, as well as talks revolving around chairman and Ceo the North American Free Trade of Cargill Agreement (Nafta). He indicated that Cargill is «eager begin work to modernize and improve Nafta, not dismantle it». «Inclusive trade agreements give American farmers and manufacturers better access to markets where they would otherwise face high barriers», Mr. MacLennan said, pointing to Usda data showing American agricultural exports to Mexico and Canada have more than quadrupled since Nafta was implemented: from $8.9 billion in 1993 to $38.6 billion in 2015.

Archer Daniels Midland Co. has acquired the assets of Caterina Foods, a manufacturer of specialty gluten-free and highprotein pastas. «Adm is continuing to deliver on our strategy to create shareholder value by expanding our capabilities downstream in the value chain», said Vince Macciocchi, president of Adm’s Wild Flavors and Specialty Ingredients business. «Caterina is a toll processor for our majority-owned Harvest Innovations and will be a key part of our growth plans for that important business. The addition of the Caterina business gives us yet another way in which to meet the needs of healthconscious consumers - in this case expanding our ability to produce specialty pastas from legumes and grains other than wheat». Caterina makes gluten-free and highprotein pastas in a variety of shapes Vince Macciocchi, and sizes from flours made from corn, president of Adm’s Wild lentils, peas, rice, quinoa and many Flavors and Specialty Ingredients business other grains and legumes.

Consumers don’t trust product labels Consumers today are passionate about food and it’s led to a culture of diligent label reading. Phil Lempert, consumer behavior analyst and “Supermarket Guru”, said it’s also led to an era of general mistrust by consumers. «Every time we see a survey coming out about consumer trends and how they feel about the food industry, we keep losing confidence, not gaining confidence», Mr. Lempert said. «We look at all the headlines taking place day after day about our food


supply, and many of us just understand that we’re not communicating properly to consumers». If food manufacturers want to boost credibility with consumers, he said, communication is the key. Today, people want to - and often need to - understand what is in their food. For many, their health is depending on it, he said, adding that implementing changes is the way to regain trust among consumers at both the product and store level. «This is not a fad; it’s not even a trend - he said - It’s reality».



January/March 2017

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pa sta’s friends China allows 14 Indian firms to export rice China has agreed to import aromatic basmati rice from 14 companies in India, opening a new vista for the country’s rice exports. The companies include Lt Foods, maker of the Dawat brand, Krbl, maker of the India Gate brand, and Kohinoor Foods. Five companies that wanted to export to China and were registered with the authority for phytosanitary certification, the National Plant Protection Organisation (Nppo), did not qualify and have been told to improve their quality before applying afresh.

China is one of the world’s largest importers of rice, but it had so far not allowed imports of basmati rice. Chinese prefer low aroma and shorter grain rice from India. The Chinese had earlier claimed basmati rice consignments contained beetles and were unfit for consumption, an allegation Indian authorities have denied. The Chinese finally agreed to inspect all 19 basmati rice-making companies in India registered with the Nppo last September. With this clearance, India can look to lower its trade deficit with China that has ballooned from $1.1 billion in 2003-04 to $52.7 billion in 2015-16.

Construction begins on new grain terminal in Odessa sea port Novotech-Terminal has begun construction on a new grain terminal in the Odessa commercial seaport, according to a report from UkrAgroConsult. The terminal will have the capacity of 3 million tonnes per year. Financially, the terminal construction was supported by Pivdenny Bank together with Llc Novotech-Terminal’s leasing partner Tekom-Lease. The new grain terminal will be located on the port’s berths n. 25 and n. 26 and will be able to accommodate vessels with lengths of up to 250 meters and draughts of up to 11 meters. The terminal will comprise a port elevator with a storage capacity of up to 110 tonnes. The construction is planned in four stages and is expected to be completed in 2019. The construction project already has passed all required examinations and approvals, according to UkrAgroConsult.

The land site for the projected construction has been leased out by the Odessa state regional administration for a long term.

Us food and nutrition trends in 2017 A coffee craze, a pasta comeback and a continued infatuation with protein are on tap as top Us food and nutrition trends in 2017. The International Food Information Council (Ific) Foundation compiled a list of hot topics for the year based on inhouse survey research and health professional expertise, plus other data and observations. Turmeric, jackfruit and kefir were among top Google searches in the past year, signaling increased interest in foods with health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Nearly half of consumers surveyed by the Ific Foundation indicated weight loss or weight management is a health benefit they would like to receive from the foods they eat, and a third listed increased energy, cardiovascular health, healthy aging or digestive health. Nearly 6 in 10 (59%) Americans strive to consume more whole grains, up from 56% in 2015 and 53% in 2014, Ific survey data also revealed. Meanwhile, pasta may be mounting a comeback, according to Google search trends. Pasta was one of the top five food trends in 2016, based on individual search terms, with “rigatoni” searches alone rising 26% from 2015 to 2016.




January/March 2017

Nu tri t ion

France, Japan and Canada, that is where people eat best by Delia Maria Sebelin


rance, followed by Japan and Canada are the top three countries in a new index measuring food and nutrition sustainability across 25 countries, representing two thirds of the world’s population and 87% of global Gross domestic product (Gdp). These three nations achieved the best scores for the production, distribution and consumption of food. Their agriculture is the most sustainable, food waste is lowest (including thanks to innovative policies to combat food) and where diets are the most balanced, without excesses or deficiencies, mindful of people’s health and the planet’s wellbeing. France takes first place above in part due to its innovative policies to fight food waste and the balanced diets of its


The Bcfn reveals the results of the Food Sustainability Index

population. Japan and Canada come second and third by virtue of their policies regarding sustainable agriculture and the widespread adoption of healthy balanced diets.

Obesity and malnutrition Countries that score lowest are India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and India and Egypt face a double challenge of obesity and malnutrition. Their use of resources (especially water) is also considered unsustainable, and they are losing food at the pre-consumer level. India is in last place in part because of its unsustainable management of water resources and the inadequacies in Indian people’s diets: it has the highest percentage of malnutrition among children aged under 5 years. Professional


Saudi Arabia and Egypt are 24th and 23rd in the ranking respectively, largely due to their excessive food waste and high levels of obesity.

Focus on Fsi The Food Sustainability Index (Fsi) was commissioned by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (Bcfn) Foundation January/March 2017

Nu tri t ion

and carried out by The Economist Intelligence Unit (Eiu) - the research arm of The Economist Group. It is the only index of its kind and revolutionises the way we look at food. For the first time, it provides an analysis of the world’s food choices not simply based on “taste”, but also on the overall sustainability of the food January/March 2017

system. This in-depth analysis culminated in a ranking of countries around the world which the food system is most sustainable based on 58 criteria across three pillars: sustainable agriculture, nutritional challenges and food waste. The objectives of the Fsi are to highlight the performance of various countries, establish comparable Professional


measurement criteria, provide examples of best practice and measure progress over time. «The slogan chosen for this Bcfn Forum is “Eat better. Eat less. Food for all”. It epitomises our view extremely concisely: if we eat better, not only will our health benefit as a result, but so will the wellbeing of the planet», explains


Nu tri t ion

Guido Barilla, Bcfn President. «The Food Sustainability Index will help us to understand where people eat the best around the world, not in terms of how good something tastes, but in terms of the sustainability of the food system, helping researchers and decision makers to understand where to focus research and policy choices. In my view, Italian food is the best in the world in terms of taste, but in terms of the food system, even though we are quite high up, we still need to do better», concludes Barilla.

Italy ranks sixth Italy country ranks a respectable sixth place, and it is among the top 10 countries for sustainable agriculture with positive scores for diversification in agriculture and management of water resources - and it is the best European country when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector. Moreover, Italy is one of the leading countries in the fight against food waste, as shown by the law passed last August (along with France, Italy is one of the few countries to have passed a

«Italy comes 6th, Us is 11th». law to tackle this problem). But Italians eat too much: the country comes third last in the ranking for overnourishment and second last for the proportion of overweight and obese children aged between 2 and 18 years. Good score, however, on how well-informed Italian

citizens are on the importance of having a balanced and healthy diet, such as Mediterranean diet. And yet, just as the rest of the world acknowledges this diet as the best in the world, data shows that Italians themselves are abandoning it, especially among the younger generations.

The countries with the most sustainable agriculture sector It is estimated that the global population will grow to 8.1 billion people by 2025, and that 95% of this growth will take place in developing countries. Meanwhile, our planet’s cultivable land is becoming increasingly scarce. Satisfying the global need for food means reducing waste, developing more sustainable production methods and techniques, improving the efficiency of the food system and making considered and careful choices about the use of land. The three countries with the most sustainable agriculture sector in the Food

«India and Saudi Arabia face the greatest food challenges» 16



January/March 2017


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Nu tri t ion

ÂŤIn Italy childhood obesity is a problemÂť Sustainability Index are Germany, Canada and Japan. Germany takes first place for sustainable agriculture, with excellent results in the management of water resources and the relatively low use of pesticides and fertilisers. Canada comes in second thanks to the high scores it achieved in the quality of its subsidies, the diversification of agricultural production and high productivity levels. At the other end of the scale are India, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt. The United Arab Emirates suffer from scarce water resources, low levels of environmental biodiversity and a significant environmental impact of agriculture on the soil. The biggest challenges for India include improving the management of water and finding a solution to the negative impact of agriculture on water resources.

Nutritional challenges Today, 795 million people around the world are undernourished, while 2.1 billion people are obese or overweight, and these figures continue to grow. The world is now faced with two key nutritional challenges: solving the problem of hunger and malnutrition around the

About Bcfn

The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (Bcfn) Foundation is a think-tank, founded in 2009, with the aim of analysing themes linked to food and nutrition globally. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Bcfn analyses the cause and effect relationships between food and economic, scientific, social and environmental factors. For more information:;




world and at the same time tackling the increase in the numbers of overweight and obese people. Both of these factors have long-term consequences such as higher costs for health services, but also mortality, life chances and economic productivity.

About nutrition quality France owes its high ranking to the quality of policy response to dietary patterns, such as tax on sugar in drinks. On the other hand, the countries which face the biggest nutritional challenges are India, Nigeria and South Africa. India is in last place mainly because of the inadequate diet of large sections of its population, with extremely high levels of malnutrition, while South Africa has seen a significant increase in the consumption of junk food along with continued challenges of under-nourishment among the poor. But while poorer countries try to combat hunger and malnutrition, rich countries are seeing an increase in the number of overweight and obese people. Indeed, on a global level, the number of overweight people has tripled since 1965. More specifically, there has been an increase from 3.2% to 10.8% among men and from 6.4% to 14.9% among women. This situation January/March 2017

Nu tri t ion

«Germany takes 1st place for sustainable agriculture»

could also be duplicated in developing countries which are going through what is defined as “premature obesity”: here the percentage of overweight children and teenagers has risen from 8.1% to 12.9% among boys and 8.4% to 13.4% among girls. Indeed, obesity rates are constantly increasing in developing countries, especially in the smaller nations, even though hunger continues to be a very real problem. There is where the two issues - obesity and malnutrition - collide, with a significant increase in illnesses

«France is at the top for nutrition quality»

connected to obesity such as Type 2 diabetes, strokes and cancer. The United Arab Emirates is currently ranked last for overweight and obesity, followed by Saudi Arabia and the Us. In the United Arab Emirates, 74% of the population is obese or overweight (BMI above 25), followed by Saudi Arabia (69.6%) and the USA (67.3%).

Micronutrients in the world The Fsi also highlights the frequent micronutrient deficiencies in medium and high income countries. Turkey, Mexico, Argentina, Russia and Brazil are in the last eight places for micronutrient deficiencies, even ranking behind lower income countries (such as South Africa, China, Indonesia and Colombia). Even Italy, Australia and Germany rank below poorer countries when it comes to iodine deficiencies. The problem of micronutrient deficiencies is currently underestimated,

despite being responsible for a series of conditions such as anaemia, stunted growth and night blindness.

Solutions against food waste France’s top ranking on food waste was achieved thanks to its holistic approach based on food education and new commercial practices. Italy is also in the top ten for providing incentives to companies and producers which donate food to those who need it most. This is a simple but innovative idea which could be copied in other countries looking to tackle the problem of food waste. According to the World Wildlife Fund, a third of all food produced is wasted (1.3 billion tonnes of food either goes bad in storage, is lost or becomes inedible during distribution, or is thrown away by retail food stores, restaurants and kitchens). This represent around four times the quantity of food needed to feed the 800 million people around the world who do not have enough to eat. Developed countries produce huge quantities of waste, mainly due to the fact that food is relatively cheap. Every year, the Us throws away around 46 million tonnes of food, with an average of around 40% represented by household waste. Europe ranks slightly better: according to data from the Fao, the food wasted in Europe could feed around 200 million people. However, food waste is also a problem in developing countries: in low and medium income countries, food represents a higher percentage of household expenditure, but in this case, food waste is lower. The countries where the most food is wasted are Saudi Arabia (427 kg per person per year), Indonesia (300 kg), Usa (277 kg) and the United Arab Emirates (169 kg). Delia Maria Sebelin Acknowledgements Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition




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Indian duty-free wheat by M.B. Naqvi Media Today Group

Farmers’ Unions dub the move as “anti-farmer”




January/March 2017

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import decision I

n India, the Centre’s decision to allow duty-free wheat imports, on grounds of falling stocks and rising prices of wheat, even as Rabi sowing is in progress, has embarrassed many senior officials in the Union Agriculture Ministry. The Ministry has been consistently maintaining that India had produced a bumper wheat crop in 2015-16, estimating the output at 93.50 million tonnes (Mt), up from 86.53 Mt in 2014-15. This was despite Government agencies procuring only 22.96 Mt of wheat in the last rabi marketing season (April-June), as against 28.08 Mt from the previous year’s crop. «We have no role in the decision (to permit zero duty imports). The Consumer Affairs and Food, Commerce and Finance ministries are the ones that have pushed for it, saying this was necessary because of domestic prices are flaring up», a senior agriculture ministry official is reported to have said. The Agriculture Ministry’s higher production estimates - disputed by the private trade, which pegged it much lower at 80-85 Mt in a drought year, aggravated by high temperatures and no winter rain - had led the Centre to raise the import duty on wheat from 10 to 25%. The enhanced duty was first made applicable until March 31, 2016 and then extended up to June 30.

Cbec notifications On June 17, the Central Board of Excise and Customs (Cbec) issued a notification continuing with the 25% duty «beyond 30.06.2016 and without an end date». January/March 2017




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«Farmers are forced to sell their crop at lower prices» duty-free - and that, too, «without an end date». This decision has come even as the Agriculture Ministry has reported higher wheat sowings in 2016, on the back of improved soil and subsoil moisture conditions from good monsoon rains and the timely onset of winter conducive to germination.

Consumer Affairs data

But in the following months, the dominant view within the Centre did not seem to subscribe to the Agriculture Ministry’s assessment of wheat crop availability. On September 23, the import

duty was suddenly slashed to 10%, to be effective until February 29, 2017 (the new crop’s arrivals start in March). In a Cbec notification, dated December 8, imports have been made totally

According to Department of Consumer Affairs data, wheat was selling in the second week of December at Rs 24 per kg in Delhi, up Rs 4 from this time three months earlier. This has been linked mainly to the Food Corporation of India’s precarious stocks position. The stocks, at 16.50 Mt as on December 1,

«Duty-free wheat import will not impact farmers» The ongoing wheat sowing will not be affected due to dutyfree import of the grain as the state-run Food Corporation of India (Fci) will procure it at Msp and protect farmers’interest, Agriculture Secretary, Shobhana K Pattanayak, said. «The decision (to scrap wheat import duty) has been taken by the Government taking into account the entire situation prevailing in the country. It will not impact sowing. It will not affect farmers as wheat is normally purchased by the Food Corporation of India», said Pattanayak. The Food Ministry has informed that farmers’interest will be taken care. «Whatever wheat is available, it will be procured by the Fci». Fci had procured about 23 million tonnes of wheat in 2015-16 and 28 million tonnes in the previous year, the secretary said. Asked if the Agriculture Ministry had opposed the decision to allow duty-free wheat import, he said, evading the question: «Please ask the minister because he is the highest authority who decides. It is not our decision».


In the center, the Agriculture Secretary, Shobhana K Pattanayak



January/March 2017

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«Wheat flour market had been demanding withdrawal of the duty»

were not only just below the 26.88 Mt level a year back, but also the lowest for this date since 2007. «Our focus is production and farmers. The other ministries, especially Consumer Affairs and Food, are more concerned about rising market prices. They feel imports are required, especially given low Government wheat stocks that may encourage hoarding and speculation», an agriculture ministry official said.

Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Outer Delhi. Bku has said it has already written to prime minister, Narendra Modi, asking for imposition of 40% import duty on wheat. «We want the prime minister to call representatives of all the ministries and departments that deal with farmer issues and hold a meeting with farmers

so that we can discuss our concerns», said Bku leader, Rakesh Tikait. «The decision taken at a time when many farmers have more or less completed sowing is cruel and antipeoples and will lead to distress sale during harvest», said Ajmer Singh, state president of Bku-Punjab. Wheat farmers maintain there was actually no shortage of wheat in the domestic market and the scarcity was artificially created by hoarders. «Farmers have sold their wheat for as less as Rs. 1.200 per quintal to private buyers and it is now selling much higher in the open market. The price has shot up due to hoarding, which is what should be targeted by the Government», said Yudhvir Singh, National General Secretary of Bku. Other farmers’unions are equally

Farmers demand 40% duty Farmer associations have raised a volley of protests against the latest decision, saying it would lead to distress sale of wheat during harvest. Members of the farmers’body, Bharatiya Kisan Union (Bku) have demanded that the decision to scrap import duty on wheat should be revoked immediately. Instead, a 40% cess should be imposed on imports to prevent distress sale during harvest, they suggest. Bku has members drawn from the

«The Government was probably left with no choice» 28



January/March 2017

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vehement in their criticism. They fear that farmers’income will be affected by the Centre’s decision. The decision is all the more unfortunate, they feel, at a time when the farming community is facing trouble meeting consumption needs due to cash crunch following demonetisation. The All India Kisan Sabha (Aiks) said Government agencies had failed to procure wheat at the minimum support price (Msp), and without an adequate number of open purchasing centres, farmers are forced to sell their crop at lower prices. «The decision of scrapping the import duty ahead of the winter wheat crop is aimed at helping agri-businesses by dumping wheat from foreign countries in India», Aiks president, Amra Ram, said. He said that big players in the wheat flour market had been demanding withdrawal of the duty, and this move was to suit their interests. Nirbhay Singh, leader of the Kirti Kisan Union in Punjab, said: «With easing norms for wheat imports, the Government has taken a detrimental step towards farmers’interest. We have seen it in every season that though the Government promises to buy crop at the Msp, yet farmers sell their produce in distress at a lower price for various reasons». «The Government has been saying that wheat sowing has not been impacted by demonetisation and the area of cultivation has increased. If the area has actually increased, and there are no other indications that wheat production will be down in the ongoing season, then why is the Government allowing import of duty-free wheat?», asks Ajay Jakhar, chairman of Bharat Krishak Samaj.

Industry’s import estimate According to industry estimates, India has imported around 2.1 million tonnes of wheat since last April. PS Nathan, a commodity broker from Chennai, said


India’s wheat shortage, a boon for Black Sea exporters

In a world with too much wheat, a shortage in India is proving a blessing for Black Sea exporters contending with lower prices. After tapping cargoes from Ukraine and top shipper Russia, India has turned to Bulgaria for the first time ever. The European nation, which collected a record crop this season, has already unloaded at least one cargo of soft wheat in India since December, people familiar with the matter said. An El Niño-induced drought cut India’s wheat output last season, forcing the world’s second-biggest user to boost imports to a decade-high, according to the Us Department of Agriculture. As traders predict the country may need between 3 million and 6 million tonnes, Bulgarian shippers have struck deals to supply 200,000 tonnes, estimated Martin Roussev, Ceo of exporter Vitagrain Bg in Sofia. «In a market which is so heavily supplied, India does bring some additional and very welcome demand», said Charles Clack, an analyst at Rabobank International in London. «We currently have an import estimate of 4 million tonnes for 2016-17 and hold a bias that this could be revised higher». India demand India purchased a record 1.5 million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat since the season began in July, replacing Thailand as the top buyer of the country grain, according to researcher UkrAgroConsult. Swiss trader Solaris Commodities shipped 48,000 tonnes of Russian wheat to India in November, the biggest ever cargo between the nations. Now Bulgaria is taking advantage. The Orient Lucky vessel carrying soft wheat from the country unloaded 25,000 tonnes at Mundra port, said people familiar with the matter.



January/March 2017


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«The Agriculture Ministry needs to improve its crop estimation machinery»

6.5 lakh tonnes of wheat, contracted at $215-240 a tonne is expected to arrive at Indian ports this February. Further, another 6 lakh tonnes of wheat, contracted at $197-212 a tonne from Ukraine and Russia is due to arrive at the ports in the same time period, he said.

Not economically prudent Farm experts point out that allowing duty-free imports of wheat in the middle of the sowing season, especially when farmers need to be incentivised to produce more of the crop that’s in short supply, isn’t an economically prudent decision. Nor is it politically the most expedient, when the country’s two largest wheatproducing states (Uttar Pradesh and Punjab) are headed for assembly polls early next year. But given the prevailing situation, the Government was probably left with no choice. Wheat stocks in the central pool have already depleted to nine-year lows. The new marketing season, beginning April, is likely to see reserves plunge below minimum buffer norms. With farmers short on cash following demonetization, production prospects for the wheat currently being sown seem uncertain. Based on meteorological forecasts, there have been warnings about production loss if temperature rises in crucial February-March period. But one thing is clear: the Agriculture Ministry needs to improve its crop estimation machinery and market intelligence systems. M.B. Naqvi




January/March 2017

R aw mat erial s

Spread of damaging

New races found in Europe, Africa and Central Asia by Fao



heat rust, a family of fungal diseases that can cause crop losses of up to 100% in untreated susceptible wheats, is making further advances in Europe, Africa and Asia, according to two new studies produced by scientists in collaboration with Fao. Professional


The reports, highlighted in the journal Nature following their publication by Aarhus University and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Cimmyt), show the emergence of new races of both yellow rust and stem rust in various regions of the world in 2016. January/March 2017

R aw mat erial s

wheat rust continues At the same time, well-known existing rust races have spread to new countries, the studies confirm, underlining the need for early detection and action to limit major damage to wheat production, particularly in the Mediterranean basin. Wheat is a source of food and livelihoods for over 1 billion people in developing countries. Northern and Eastern Africa, the Near East, and West, Central and South Asia - which are all vulnerable to rust diseases - alone account for some 37% of global wheat production. «These new, aggressive rust races have emerged at the same time that we’re working with international partners to help countries combat the existing ones, so we have to be swift and thorough in the way we approach this», said Fao Plant Pathologist, Fazil Dusunceli. «It’s more important than ever that specialists from international institutions and wheat producing countries work together to stop these diseases in their tracks - that involves continuous surveillance, sharing data and building emergency response plans to protect their farmers and those in neighboring countries». Wheat rusts spread rapidly over long distances by wind. If not detected and treated on time, they can turn a healthy looking crop, only weeks away from harvest, into a tangle of yellow leaves, black stems and shriveled grains. Fungicides can help to limit damage, but early detection and rapid action are crucial. So are integrated management strategies in the long run.

hectares of durum wheat in 2016, causing the largest stem rust outbreak that Europe has seen in decades. Experience with similar races suggests that bread wheat varieties may also be susceptible to the new race. TTTTF is the most recently identified race of stem rust. Without proper control, researchers caution, it could soon spread over long distances along the Mediterranean basin and the Adriatic coast. Various countries across Africa, Central Asia and Europe, meanwhile, have been battling new strains of yellow rust never before been seen in their fields. Italy, Morocco and four Scandinavian countries have seen the emergence of an entirely new, yet-to-be-named race of yellow rust. Notably, the new race was most prevalent in Morocco and

Sicily, where yellow rust until recently was considered insignificant. Preliminary analysis suggests the new race is related to a family of strains that are aggressive and better adapted to higher temperatures than most others. Wheat farmers in Ethiopia and Uzbekistan, at the same time, have been fighting outbreaks of yellow rust AF2012, another race which reared its head in both countries in 2016 and struck a major blow to Ethiopian wheat production in particular. AF2012 was previously only found in Afghanistan, before appearing in the Horn of Africa country last year, where it affected tens of thousands of hectares of wheat. «Preliminary assessments are worrisome, but it is still unclear what the full impact of these new races will be

Mediterranean most affected by new rusts On the Italian island of Sicily, a new race of the stem rust pathogen - called TTTTF-hit several thousands of January/March 2017




R aw mat erial s

on different wheat varieties in the affected regions», said Dusunceli. «That’s what research institutions across these regions will need to further investigate in the coming months». To offer support, Fao, in collaboration with its partners, is stepping up its efforts in training rust experts from affected countries to boost their ability to detect and manage these emerging wheat rust races.

As new races emerge, old ones continue to spread

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The already established Warrior - race of yellow rust - which came onto scientists’radars in Northern Europe and Turkey a few years ago - continued its aerial march in 2016 and is now widely present in Europe and West Asia. The Digalu (TIFTTF) race of stem rust continues to devastate wheats in Ethiopia, while the most well-known race of stem rust - the highly potent Ug99 -


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is now present in 13 countries. Having spread in a northward trend from East Africa to the Middle East, Ug99 has the potential to affect many wheat varieties grown worldwide as it keeps producing

new variants. Most recently, it has been detected in Egypt, one of the Middle East’s most important wheat producers. by Fao

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Una tradizione di famiglia




January/March 2017

supplier news

High quality solutions for pasta production: Anselmo Combined Line by Anselmo


ne of the most important companies worldwide in pasta equipment, Anselmo, installed its new Combined Line in Mersin Pasta Factory of Durum G覺da, producer of wellknown Arbella brand and top class supplier of most prestigious international private labels. The new line is able to produce 1500 kg/h of nests and 1.000 Kg/h of bows. With this new line,

Durum G覺da is now the only pasta producer of nests in Turkey and, considering the production capacity of previous bows line, one of the biggest producer of bows as well. According to the statement of the company, Durum G覺da has selected this innovative line confirming its trust in Anselmo, due to distinguishing technical and technological characteristics of Anselmo traditional lines, and the excellent after-sales assistance service, Durum G覺da has experienced since the beginning of their Pasta Business.

Unique constructive system Anselmo Combined Line is characterized by a unique constructive system, able to produce top quality nests with efficiency levels




January/March 2017

supplier news

never reached before for such a difficult product and to produce, as well, with the same line, bows in a very easy way with extremely short set up time. Change from nest to bows production (or vice versa), can be done with a simple instruction on the computerized line control system. The line will selfadjust all the production process parameters: ingredient dosing system, production capacity, speed of product transport system, drying parameters, storage of final product, etc. The line is equipped with a nest unit and two stamping machines which are installed in fixed position. Not necessary, therefore, to move anything but simply to activate, via SW, the selected equipment. Set-up time is, therefore, the same like a change from standard shape to bows, in a traditional short cut line while, from

January/March 2017

Bows to Nests, the set-up takes only 10 minutes; in other words, the time necessary to change the die.

High product quality and cost-effective investment The nest, as it happens on trays lines, is dried in the best way, since the air goes on the whole product surface. When released on the belt by the forming unit, the nests naturally “spread itself ” due to dough elasticity: this allows a better passage of the drying air and gives to the nest the traditional shape of the handcrafted product. Pasta producers can introduce nests in their assortment, avoiding spending money in a dedicated line. With a single line they can produce standard short cut pasta, or nests, or special short cut shapes (like bows or Jumbo



shapes), reducing the risk of capital immobilization for a line which, for several years, could not be saturated with the production of “special” products only.

Reliability and space saving Nests can be produced at extremely competitive costs, due to high line reliability. The line, as a matter of fact, is a special short cut line where, beside standard and special short cut shapes, it is possible to produce, as well, nests. For those pasta producers having limited available space this line represents an ideal solution. In the same space of a traditional short cut line (only a little bit longer), it is possible to get an assortment of products which, till yesterday, would have been possible only with two different lines.



Bühler Networking Days 2017 @ Interpack T

he Interpack is the most important and the largest trade fair for processing and packaging equipment. It will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany on May 4 - 10. Bühler will present its complete range of process solutions in an exciting experience world covering 1.700 square meters. In this unique environment that includes a bistro and a Solutions Space, Bühler will display its offerings for making chocolate products, cocoa, nuts, coffee, sweets, biscuits, cookies, crackers, cereal and energy bars, breakfast cereals, and snacks. Bühler is a global leader in processing solutions with 60% of all chocolate products, 40% of all industrially produced pasta, and 35% of all breakfast cereals made on Bühler technologies. The Buhler Networking Days 2017 @ Interpak will feature four core themes that strongly impact the food processing industry: sustainability, nutrition, food safety, and the growing importance of the Internet of Things. Highlights of the event are some 15 innovations, expert presentations on the four core themes, side events, and an exclusive networking dinner hosted by Bühler.

Providing sustainable delight for healthy consumers The pleasure of dining and the joy of sharing a delicious meal or snack, or the delight of giving beautiful chocolates are central to families, friendships and society. Good food brings us together and provides the platform for discussions, reconciliations, and creating our plans for the future.


Interpack in Düsseldorf is an opportunity to discuss future industry demands

As an industry, Bühler is proud to play such a significant emotional role in people’s lives while providing convenient nutrition. However, this role comes with a growing burden of responsibility as poor diets and lower activity levels contribute to rising levels of overweight and obesity. Meanwhile, consumer demands are rapidly evolving and the trend for more healthy foodstuffs with lower sugar or those that are gluten-free is becoming increasingly important. Food safety is another paramount issue that concerns consumers and the industry as rising contaminant levels are leading to recalls. Consumer awareness of the energy used by food manufacturers is also growing. We use one-third of the world’s energy to manufacture food, yet 30% of that manufactured food is lost or wasted. All these trends, and the questions that stem from them, have inspired Bühler for years to search for solutions. How Professional


can we maintain the level of enjoyment of food we consume while improving nutritional value without compromising on texture and taste? How can we carefully manage scarce raw materials such as cocoa and also reduce food waste? How can we turn nutritional challenges into business opportunities? And, how can we leverage the disruptive potential of the Internet of Things to improve transparency, food safety, and energy efficiency? The upcoming Interpack in Düsseldorf is a perfect opportunity to meet, discuss trends and future industry demands, and to share the benefits of the Bühler solutions that are already tackling these issues. For more information on the Bühler Networking Days 2017 @ Interpack, please visit For more information on the Interpack, please go to January/March 2017


Idma is everywhere, from Paris to China


he organizers of Idma, one of the most important international technology exhibitiongathering the flour, feed, rice, pulses, pasta and biscuit industries, continues to increase promotional activities around the world for 7th Idma which will be held in Istanbul on May 4-7 2017. Participating in significant events in four different countries, Parantez Fair

team is pleased with the interest for the event.

First step: Ethiopia Firstly participating in Iaom 27th Middle East and Africa Region Conference organized in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, 24 - 27 October 2016, Parantez Fair team met with millers from Middle East and Africa for committee

Parantez Fair team at Iaom in Ethiopia

January/March 2017

level participation to Idma Exhibition. These millers are looking forward to be in Istanbul in May.

Idma expanded to China Another international meeting platform of Idma was in China. The event’s organizers met with the industry representatives in the region during the Cicfo Grain - Cicfo Feed which was

At Cicfo Grain - Cicfo Feed in China





In Cyprus to meet Turkish millers

organized in China last November. It is the greatest and most effective exhibition gathering the grain and feed industry in Asia. During the exhibition, China agency of Parantez Fair presented Idma to the visitors and exhibitors in their own language.

In Cyprus to meet Turkish millers Participating in “Government policies and flour industry through 2023 that

At Jtic in Paris

was organized by Anatolia flour industrialists’association (Ausd) in Cyprus last November, Parantez Fair invited more than 200 Turkish flour millers to Idma 2017.

Meeting European millers in Paris Another significant event that Idma participated in was in France. The Jtic - International milling & cereal industries meeting - is one of the

most significant meeting platforms of European milling and grain industry. The 67 edition was organized in Paris on November 9 - 10. Having a booth at this event, Parantez Fair negotiated with European millers and grain industry representatives about the visitor participation, and made participation agreements with European based technology and equipment producers.

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January/March 2017

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