AWARDS AND CONTEST GUIDELINES DEADLINES: Section 1: December 13th at 11:59 Section 2: January 26th at 11:59 Section 3: DCON 2023 Email to with no exceptions to deadlines **unless approved by the Awards and Recognition Chair + Committee at least one week prior to deadline SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 13th December January 26th March 30th
& INTERNATIONAL As the 32nd District of Key Club International, our district is eligible to participate in the International Contest and Awards. The Awards and Recognition Committee of 2022-2023 reserves the right to submit submissions for International judging. The International Awards and Contests include: Sandy Nininger Distinguished Club Single Service Major Emphasis Club Poster Contest Club Video Contest Year In Review Contest Oratorical Contest Talent Contest INTERNATIONAL ONLY The following awards are available to clubs in the CNH KIWIN’S District but must be done independently and submitted to Key Club International. These awards will not be featured or presented at DCON. See Key Club International Guidebook for more information. Membership Growth Award Key of Honor
It is of the utmost importance that all criteria are read correctly and completed correctly. Be sure to include all required forms, recommendations, and signatures. These items vary by award and failure to abide by these parameters will result in disqualification. Double check that all steps are followed when submitting via email.
Any deviations from the judging criteria for any contest/award will result in immediate disqualification. Any suspicious activity (e.g forgeries) on an award submission will also result in disqualification. The Awards and Recognition Committee reserves the right to revoke recognition for inappropriate behavior or harassment.
Only one submission of either Non-Digital or Digital Club Poster is allowed per club.
Section Award Resources: General Resources:
AWARDS & CONTEST CATEGORIES Club Poster Non-Digital Club Poster Digital Club Website Division Website Club Video Club Newsletter Division Newsletter Club Merchandise Division Merchandise Club Outstanding Social Media Division Outstanding Social Media Distinguished Club Distinguished Club President Distinguished Club Vice President Distinguished Club Secretary/Team Distinguished Club Treasurer Distinguished Editor Distinguished Appointed Board Officer Distinguished Divisional Officer Advisor of the Year CNH KIWIN’S Member of the Year Resource Award Major Emphasis Program Minor Emphasis Program Most Improved Club Most Improved Division Partners in Service Sandy Nininger Medal Single Fundraiser Single Service Kiwanis Family Relations Governor’s Project Talent Show Contest Sid Smith Award Distinguished Senior Impromptu Essay KIK’S Spirit Awards Oratorical Contest Non-Traditional Scrapbook (Year in Review) Traditional Scrapbook (Year in Review) SECTION ONE SECTION TWO SECTION THREE
SUBMISSION OVERVIEW (ALL AWARDS) DEADLINE: January 26th, 2023 by 11:59 PST EMAIL SUBMISSION TO: NO EXCEPTIONS **unless discussed with the Awards and Recognition Chair + Committee at least one week prior to deadline EMAIL FORMAT: Subject: *Insert Name*, Distinguished *Insert Position*/ Award Name,*Insert Club Name*, *Insert Division Name* CC: Yourself Example: Maya Yates, Distinguished President, Rancho Campana High School, Turquoise Division Results will be announced at District Convention 2023
ALL ATTACHED FORMS CAN BE FOUND IN THE SECTION MANUAL DISCLAIMER: The decision of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contest. SUBMISSION OVERVIEW (ALL AWARDS) All awards (excluding the Talent Show submission) should be submitted by PDF + all links Talent Show Submission: A talent contest entry may take any form as long as it is entertaining and in good taste.
FOR ATTACHED FORMS, COPY THE LINK HERE INCLUDED: NOMINATION FORM, PROOF OF ATTENDANCE, CERTIFICATION If you wish to use your own forms, please create your own nomination form, proof of attendance, and certification DISCLAIMER: The decision of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regradings will take place after the results have been certified by the judges of this contest. SUBMISSION OVERVIEW (ALL AWARDS)
The Distinguished Club Award shall provide recognition to the CNH KIWIN’S Clubs that have demonstrated overall club excellence during the District administrative year. The CNH KIWIN’S Distinguished Club will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Entries shall use the Official Annual Achievement Report Form (attached). The Awards shall also enter all entries in the Club Achievement Awards program in the Distinguished Club program.
B) Entries shall be judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the club’s Annual Achievement Report. Clubs achieving a predetermined score shall be designated as a "Distinguished Club." The Key Club International Board shall set the minimum number of points required for this designation.
C) Only activities, which occurred during the administrative year (DCON 2022 to DCON 2023), shall be included in this report.
D) During the judging process, each entry shall be given a point total based on its achievement and qualities to determine which clubs shall be recognized for the Distinguished Club Award.
E) Disqualification from the Club Achievement Awards Program shall also constitute disqualification from the Distinguished Club Award (District).
F) The point value to achieve the Distinguished Club shall be a predetermined number set by the Key Club International Board of Trustees.
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Appointed Officer will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A maximum of two Appointed Board Officers per club may apply for this award.
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
- It may not exceed 25 pages (Dividers are not included in total page count)
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club appointed officer, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance.
- A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award.
- No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation, No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S)
15 Points
A DIVIDER is required between each of the sections līsted (5-9). It should include the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 5: Summary of Position (5 Page Limit)
Section 4 Page Limit: 2
This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form. 10 points Section 5 Page Limit: 5 SUMMARY OF POSITION Describe your position at
club. How does this position help KIWIN'S?
Section 6 Page Limit: 4 CHARACTER AND ATTITUDE How does the appointed board officer exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN'S member? 15 Points Section 7 Page Limit: 5 PUBLICITY How does the appointed board officer reach out to publicize KIWIN'S and the club? 10 Points Section 8 Page Limit: 6 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club, and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 15 Points Section 9 Page Limit: 6 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club appointed board officer. 10 points CLUB NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections. CRITERIA
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President, Secretary, or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished President will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A maximum of two Presidents per club may apply for this award.
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club appointed officer, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance.
- A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award.
- No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation, No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S)
15 Points
contact information 5 points
A DIVIDER is required between each of the sections
It should include the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 5: Summary of Position (5 Page Limit)
CRITERIA Section 4 Page Limit: 4 PRESIDENT CHECKLIST The checklist
be fully
with all
necessary E-Signatures and
Section 5 Page Limit: 2 PROOF OF ATTENDANCE This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.
līsted (5-9).
CRITERIA Section 6: Page Limit: 5 AGENDAS Presidents are responsible for facilitating all general and board meetings. In this section, provide exemplary agendas from at least TWO quarters Quarter 1: APR-MAY-JUN Quarter 2: JUL-AUG-SEPT Quarter 3: OCT-NOV-DEC Quarter 4: JAN-FEB-MAR 10 points Section 7 Page Limit: 4 GROWTH AND ACHIEVEMENT As a president, you oversee the success of your club. You and your board should be setting goals and eventually following through to achieve these goals. This section focuses on showcasing your club's accomplishments throughout the term (service, membership, etc). 20 Points Section 8 Page Limit: 5 KIWANIS RELATIONS How have you interacted with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis family members? How do you foster professional relationships with Kiwanis and advisors? 10 Points Section 9 Page Limit: 6 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club, and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 15 points Section 10 Page Limit: 8 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club president. 10 points
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2022
Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws
Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues
Administration: Led the majority of club general meetings and a minimum of eight (8) board meetings
Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings.
Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings
Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference
President Workshop: Attended the President Workshop at Officer Training Conference.
Divisional Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS
Reporting: Assisted Vice Presidents in training and Kiwanis family relations, assisted Secretary with timely submission of all reports (elections, monthly, and officer reports), assisted Treasurer with timely dues submission to Key Club International by December 1.
Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the CNH KIWIN'S Core Values, led by example, motivated the members, was receptive to new ideas, and made an effort to meet and welcome new members.
Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills, helped resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future club leaders.
WORK ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ATTENDANCE CONTINUED Club Communication: Communicated on a weekly basis with membership (via phone, electronic, in person, etc.), with the Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor, and with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Membership Education: Promoted active participation by new and returning members and promoted revitalization of inactive members. Division Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Regional Advisor PRESIDENT NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections.
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club Secretary, or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Vice President will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A maximum of two Vice Presidents per club may apply for this award.
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club vice president, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance.
- A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award.
- No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation, No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S)
15 Points
Section 4 Page Limit: 1 VICE PRESIDENT CHECKLIST The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary E-Signatures and contact information
is required between each of the sections
the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 5:
of Position
Page Limit)
Section 5 Page Limit: 2 PROOF OF ATTENDANCE This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form. 10 points
līsted (5-9). It
Section 6: Page Limit: 5 SUMMARY OF POSITION Describe your position at your club. How does this position help KIWIN'S? 20 points Section 7 Page Limit: 4 CHARACTER AND ATTITUDE How does the Vice President exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN'S member? 15 Points Section 8 Page Limit: 5 KIWANIS RELATIONS How have you interacted with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Kiwanis family members? How do you foster professional relationships with Kiwanis and advisors? 10 Points Section 9 Page Limit: 6 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club,and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 15 points Section 10 Page Limit: 8 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club vice president. 10 points CRITERIA
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2022
Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws
Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues
Administration: Attended the majority of club general meetings and a minimum of eight (8) board meetings
Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings.
Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings
Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference
President Workshop: Attended the Vice President Workshop at Officer Training Conference.
Divisional Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS
Reporting: Assisted Vice Presidents in training and Kiwanis family relations, assisted Secretary with timely submission of all reports (elections, monthly, and officer reports), assisted Treasurer with timely dues submission to Key Club International by December 1.
Leadership Qualities: Promoted and exemplified the CNH KIWIN'S Core Values, led by example, motivated the members, was receptive to new ideas, and made an effort to meet and welcome new members.
Leadership Skills: Developed effective problem-solving skills, helped resolve issues and promoted leadership development of future club leaders.
WORK ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND ATTENDANCE CONTINUED Club Communication: Communicated on a weekly basis with members (via phone, electronic, in person, etc.), with the Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor, and with the sponsoring Kiwanis Club. Membership Education: Promoted active participation by new and returning members and promoted revitalization of inactive members. Division Communication: Communicated on a monthly basis with the Division Lieutenant Governor and/or Regional Advisor VICE PRESIDENT NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections.
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President, Secretary, or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Secretary will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Due to the increasing number of members, many clubs hove two secretaries (Corresponding and Recording). Please indicate whether you will be applying for Secretary or Secretarial team in your E-Binder Title and Subject title of your email. If you are a secretarial team, two recommendations per secretary are required. Please indicate who the corresponding secretary is and who the recording secretary is. Please fill out the necessary forms accordingly.
B) A maximum of 2 secretaries or secretarial teams per club may apply for this award.
C) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
D) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
E) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
F) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club appointed officer, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance.
- A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award.
- No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation, No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S)
15 Points
Section 4 Page Limit: 1 SECRETARY CHECKLIST The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary E-Signatures and contact information 5 points
the sections
the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.)
Section 5 Page Limit: 2 PROOF OF ATTENDANCE This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form. 10 points A DIVIDER is
līsted (5-9). It should include
Section 5: Summary of
(5 Page Limit)
Section 6: Page Limit: 5 MONTHLY REPORT FORMS Secretaries compile an Excel Report Form and submit it to their respective Lt. Governors on a monthly basis. Include at least one sample report form each quarter. Quarter 1: APR-MAY-JUN Quarter 2: JUL-AUG-SEPT Quarter 3: OCT-NOV-DEC Quarter 4: JAN-FEB-MAR 20 points Section 7 Page Limit: 4 ORGANIZATION The Secretary's duty is to record minutes at all executive board and general meetings. Include at least one sample report form each quarter. Quarter 1: APR-MAY-JUN Quarter 2: JUL-AUG-SEPT Quarter 3: OCT-NOV-DEC Quarter 4: JAN-FEB-MAR How does the Nominee effectively organize the Club files? Comment of Secretary's organization. 15 Points Section 8 Page Limit: 4 PUBLICITY How does the secretary reach out to publicize KIWIN'S and the club? 10 Points Section 9 Page Limit: 4 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club,and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 15 points Section 10 Page Limit: 8 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club secretary. 10 points CRITERIA
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
ITEMS AND REQUIREMENTS Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2020 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster. Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings.
Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference
Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS Club Monthly Reports (MRF): Completed a minimum of five (5) MRFS
VICE PRESIDENT NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________
Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections.
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Treasurer will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A maximum two (2) Treasurers per club may apply for this award.
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words.
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath.
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided in the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a
treasurer as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. - A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award.
- No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation, No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S)
15 Points
contact information. 5 Points
form displays what projects you've attended,
served throughout the year, and
level you served.
A DIVIDER is required between each of the sections līsted (6-10). It should include the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 6: Club Dues (3 Page Limit)
Section 4 Page Limit: 1 TREASURER CHECKLIST The checklist must be fully completed with all the necessary E-Signatures and
Section 5 Page Limit:
how many hours you have
at what
Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.
Page Limit: 3
20 Points 10 Points 5 Points
20 Points 10 Points 5 Points 15
Section 6:
CLUB DUES AT LEAST 15 members turned in by.. November 1st, 2022
1st, 2022 January 26tht, 2022
Section 7 Page Limit: 5 CLUB MEMBERSHIP GROWTH If there is a: 66% to 100% increase 33% to 65% increase 0% to 32% increase How many members did the club have in the 2022-2023 year? How many members did the club have as of January 26th, 2022? What percentage of increased membership did your club have?
Points Section 8 Page Limit: 10 FUNDRAISERS Include fundraiser names, dates, summation of the purpose, budget, funds raised, effectiveness, and/or other information for each fundraiser showcased in the report. How many fundraisers did the club host? Average number of fundraisers held per month: Initial amount of money in the club treasury: Total amount of profits in all fundraisers: Decreased cost of convention per member: What were the funds and profits used for?
Points Section 9 Page Limit: 4 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club,and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used.
Points Section 10 Page Limit: 8 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club secretary.
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021.
Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2020.
Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws.
Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues.
Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster.
Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings.
Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Kiwanis Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings.
Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference.
Divisional Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS.
Member Education: Educated the membership on the purpose, value, and benefit of dues.
Fundraising for Service: Assisted with organization and implementation of fundraiser for charitable causes (i.e. Live2Learn, UNICEF, PTP, etc.)
TREASURER NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________
OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections.
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Editor will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A maximum one Editor per club may apply for this award.
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation , No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S) OF RECOMMENDATION
15 Points
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club president as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. - A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. - No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
contact information 5 points
A DIVIDER is required between each of the sections līsted (5-9). It should include the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 5: Summary of Position (5 Page Limit)
CRITERIA Section 4 Page Limit: 1 EDITOR CHECKLIST The checklist must be fully
with all the necessary E-Signatures and
Section 5 Page Limit: 2 PROOF OF ATTENDANCE This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.
Section 6: Page Limit: 5 SUMMARY OF POSITION Describe your position at your club. How does this position help KIWIN'S? 20 points Section 7 Page Limit: 4 CHARACTER AND ATTITUDE How does the editor exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN'S member? 15 points Section 8 Page Limit: 5 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, club,and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 10 points Section 9 Page Limit: 6 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a club secretary. 15 points CRITERIA
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
ITEMS AND REQUIREMENTS Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2020 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster. Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings. Board Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Meetings: Attended at least one (1) Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference Divisional Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS WORK ACCOMPLISHMENTS
EDITOR NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________
OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections.
PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Divisional Officer will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A member that is both a club and a divisional officer can only apply for this award OR their respective club position
B) A minimum of two (2) recommendation letters are required. A statement of nomination describing why the applicant deserves the award must be included.
- It must be no more than 500 words
- One inch margins in 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- The title must be the first line (centered and underlined) with the applicant's name and school underneath
C) E-Signatures: This application requires electronic signatures by the applicant and Faculty or Kiwanis Advisor. E-Signatures for this application are defined as names and contact information provided into the form. E-Signatures represent the fact that the individuals listed have approved the application and supporting documentation. These individuals may be contacted for further verification. Please do not use signatures or scanned photos of signatures.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted.
E) DISTINGUISHED: Requires the completion and submission of an E-Portfolio. The requirements of this E-Portfolio are explained below.
- The entire submission needs to be given in one E-Portfolio.
- It may not exceed 10MB.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 Personal Creation , No Form Provided COVER PAGE A. Name of Nominee B. Position and Term C. Home Club and Division D. Picture of Applicant E. E-Signatures & Certification: "I certify that the information in this e-portfolio is an accurate representation of the performance of the student in the position designated." Section 2 Page Limit: 1 NOMINATION FORM A. Name of Nominee B. Home Club and Division C. Name of Nominator D. Table of Contents E. Statement of Nomination Word Limit: 500 5 Points Section 3 Page Limit: 4 LETTER(S) OF RECOMMENDATION
15 Points
- These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a divisional officer as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should address both character and performance. - A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same award. - No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type. - Include the NAME, CONTACT PHONE NUMBER, and POSITION of person writing the recommendation for each letter.
10 points
5 Page Limit: 5 SUMMARY OF POSITION Describe your position at your division. How
this position
20 points A DIVIDER is required between each of the sections līsted (5-9). It should include the following information: - Section Title (1 Page Limit) (i.e.) Section 5: Summary of Position (5 Page Limit)
CRITERIA Section 4 Page Limit: 2 PROOF OF ATTENDANCE This form displays what projects you've attended, how many hours you have served throughout the year, and at what level you served. Make sure that the secretary or advisor certifies this form.
help KIWIN'S?
Section 6: Page Limit: 4 CHARACTER AND ATTITUDE How does the divisional officer exemplify the ideals of a KIWIN'S member? 15 points Section 7 Page Limit: 5 PUBLICITY How does the divisional officer reach out to publicize KIWIN'S and the club? 10 points Section 8 Page Limit: 6 COMMUNICATION Focus on your communication with division, advisors, clubs, and officers. Sample screenshots and emails may be used. 15 points Section 9 Page Limit: 6 MISCELLANEOUS This section may focus on any additional contributions you have made as a divisional officer. 10 points CRITERIA
This checklist must be completed in order for you to be recognized as Distinguished. You will need at least two individuals (Regional/Faculty Advisor AND Lt.G/RA) to verify that you have completed the items on the checklist. These individuals must place their initials or provide you with permission to place their initials in the appropriate column.
ITEMS AND REQUIREMENTS Membership This Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2021 Membership Last Year: Paid club membership dues by December 1, 2020 Service: Provided a minimum of 50 service hours as per Key Club International Constitution & By-Laws Club Status: Home Club is in good standing and has paid dues Club Directory/Roster: Updated, completed, and distributed the club directory/roster. Club Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of club general meetings.
Meetings: Attended at least eighty-percent (80%) of all club executive board meetings.
Meetings: Attended
Kiwanis Council Meeting or attended a minimum of three (3) general Kiwanis meetings Training Conference: Attended the Officer Training Conference or KIWIN'S Training Conference
Council Meetings (DCM): Attended at least six (6) DCMS
one (1)
DIVISIONAL OFFICER NOMINATION FORM NOMINEE INFORMATION: Name: ____________________ Nominated By: _____________________ Club: ______________________ Division: ____________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Complete the Table of Contents by listing the different focus areas in each application item, and by adding the page number for the listed sections. PROOF OF ATTENDANCE Please insert rows below/ use your own attendance log CERTIFICATION: The E-Signer has must be your club President or faculty/Kiwanis Advisor E-Signature:______________________ E-Signer's Email: ____________________ E-Signer's Position: ________________ E-Signer's Phone #:__________________ Name of Activity Date Level of Activity Service Hours Club Division District International
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
Advisor of the Year will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Each club in good standing is allowed to nominate an advisor to be recognized as the Advisor of the Year.
B) The selected advisor may be a Kiwanis advisor or faculty advisor, but not both. One submission per club.
C) Two recommendation letters are required (one from the respective school club president and one from another officer).
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Certificat ion INCLUDE CERTIFICATION (AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) Section 1 Page Limit: 3 EFFORT To what degree did the advisor assist the club officers? To what degree did the advisor assist club members? 20 points Section 2 Page Limit: 3 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Outstanding accomplishments of the advisor 30 points Section 3 Page Limit: 2 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION One from club president and one from other board officer. 20 points Section 4 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to his form. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Member of the Year will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Each club in good standing is allowed to nominate on advisor to be recognized os the Member of the Year.
B) The CNH KIWIN'S Member of the Year award applicant must not be on officer or hold a position in the club. In addition, the applicant must not be an applicant for the Sandy Nininger Medal award.
C) Two recommendation letters are required (one from an adult advisor and on from the respective school club president).
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Certificat ion INCLUDE CERTIFICATION (AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) Section 1 Page Limit: 4 ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP (INVOLVEMENT AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS) Showcase the applicant's involvement and accomplishments as a KIWIN'S member during the 2018-2019 term. Involvement on the club level, divisional level, and district level. Total service hours and percentage of club meetings, Divisional Council Meetings, and projects attended. 40 points Section 2 Page Limit: 3 LEADERSHIP Showcase the applicant's best characteristics. How has this applicant been an inspiration to others? 30 points Section 3 Page Limit: 2 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION One from club president and one from other board officer. 20 points Section 4 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to his form. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Major Emphasis Program will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Only one winner in the district contest will be eligible for entry into the International competition.
B) Submit a typed report in a pressboard/plastic report cover in Section 1 describing the club's involvement with the Major Emphasis Program. Each section within Section 1 must begin on a new page and have a heading specifying the section.
C) The official Major Emphasis report cover sheet must accompany each entry. It must be completed in its entirety.
D) The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting the personal development and social interaction of children during the year (from District Convention to District Convention). Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts.
E) Reports will be judged according to the amount of Major Emphasis program activity described in Section 1. Suitable recognition and awards will be presented to the CNH KIWIN'S Club with the best Major Emphasis Program Report in compliance with these rules.
F) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
1 Page Limit: 5
50 points Section 2 Page Limit: 3 Live2Learn Day What did your club do for your personal Live2Learn Day? 10 points
Page Limit: 2
TOP PROJECTS (5 MAX) List the top projects your club has performed and briefly explain what the project consisted of and how effective the project was to your community. How did these projects help Live2Learn? What was the plan? Was the project successful? How was the event publicized? What partnerships (Kiwanis or other) were formed?
Section 3
10 points
Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected. Basis for grading: 01% - 09% =1 point 10% - 19% = 2 points 20% - 29% = 3 points 30% - 39% = 4 points 40% - 49% = 5 points 50% - 59% = 6 points 60% - 69% = 7 points 70% - 79% = 8 points 80% - 89% = 9 points 90% - 100% = 10 points
Section 4
MATERIALS Other projects your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis throughout the year.
clippings, substantiating photos, etc.
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Minor Emphasis Program will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The applicant CNH KIWIN'S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S and Key Club International
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections
C) Please submit a completed Certification page (the following page after this) along with this award submission to the CNH KIWIN'S Club.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Page Limit:
Section 1
Page Limit:
Page Limit:
List the top projects your club has performed and briefly explain what the project consisted of and how effective the project was to your community. How did these projects help PTP? What was the plan? Was the project successful? How was the event publicized? What partnerships (Kiwanis or other) were formed?
points Section 2
3 VIRTUAL FALL RALLY What did your club do for Virtual Fall Rally?
points Section 3
Page Limit:
Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected. Basis for grading: 01% - 09% =1 point 10% - 19% = 2 points 20% - 29% = 3 points 30% - 39% = 4 points 40% - 49% = 5 points 50% - 59% = 6 points 60% - 69% = 7 points 70% - 79% = 8 points 80% - 89% = 9 points 90% - 100% = 10 points 10 points Section 4
4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Other projects your club implemented to address the Minor Emphasis throughout the year. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, etc. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Most Improved Club will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The CNH KIWIN'S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award based on the criteria on the following page.
C) Answer each section as a separate page and make sure it is titled by section.
Files must be submitted as a PDF and compressed to no more than 10 MB.
D) Answer the following questions:
How many dues-paid members were in the club at the end of last year?
How many events were held?
How many dues-paid members are presently in the club?
How often are your meetings held?
E) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
CRITERIA Section 1 Page Limit: 1 CLUB'S GROWTH How has the club improved since last year's KIWIN'S year? 30 points Section 2 Page Limit: 1 METHODS OF INCREASING MEMBERSHIP What innovative and creative ideas were used to increase membership? Were these efforts effective? Explain. 20 points Section 3 Page Limit: 2 CLUB ACHIEVEMENTS What did your club accomplish in terms of fundraising and service? 30 points Section 4 Page Limit: 1 K-FAMILY RELATIONS What K-Family activities was the club involved with? 10 points Section 5 Page Limit: 1 EVALUATION REPORT Why do you think the club deserves this award? 15 points Section 6 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Other projects your club’s improvement throughout the year. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, etc. 5 points
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis CLUB BOARD [ ] President [ ] Secretary [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Most Improved Division will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The CNH KIWIN'S division must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the division is deserving of the oward based on the criteria on the following poge.
C) Answer each section as a separate page and make sure it is titled by section.
D) Files must be submitted as a PDF and compressed to no more than 10 MB.
E) Answer the following questions:
How many dues-paid members were in the division at the end of last year? How many involved members? How many dues-paid members are currently in the division? What months were DCM's held?
F) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Section 1 Page Limit: 1 DIVISION’S GROWTH How has the club improved since last year's KIWIN'S year? 30 points Section 2 Page Limit: 1 METHODS OF INCREASING MEMBERSHIP What innovative and creative ideas were used to increase membership? Were these efforts effective? Explain. 20 points Section 3 Page Limit: 2 DIVISION ACHIEVEMENTS What did your club accomplish in terms of fundraising and service? 30 points Section 4 Page Limit: 1 K-FAMILY RELATIONS What K-Family activities was the club involved with? 10 points Section 5 Page Limit: 1 EVALUATION REPORT Why do you think the club deserves this award? 15 points Section 6 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Other projects demonstrating your club’s improvement throughout the year. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, etc. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Partners in Service will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Please attach the completed certification form to the award submission.
C) The activities described must cover the club's participation with the official partners of Key Club International performed between the 2021 District Convention and the 2022 District Convention.
D) Fill out every section on separate sheets of paper and labeled by section.
E) Submissions will be no more than 10MB and will be submitted as a PDF.
F) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Section 1 Page Limit: 5 PROJECTS Select 3 projects with any of the Partners in Service. The project performed with each partner must be on a separate sheet with the name of the partner at the top of the sheet. A description of the project, total service hours performed and funds collected if applicable should be reported.
points Section 2 Page Limit: 3 TOTAL MEMBERS INVOLVED Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected. Basis for grading:
01% - 09% =1 point 10% - 19% = 2 points 20% -
= 3 points 30% -
= 4 points 40% -
= 5 points 50% -
= 6 points 60% -
= 7 points 70% - 79% = 8 points 80% -
= 9 points 90% -
= 10 points 1) Give total members involved in top five Partners in Service Projects 2) Divide total members involved by 3 3) Percent involved [(result in 2/ (members in club)) *100] 30 points Section 3 Page Limit: 4
Other projects your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis throughout the year. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, etc. 30 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Sandy Nininger Medal will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The nominee cannot be an officer or CNH KIWIN'S Member of the Year applicant
B) The applicant must have a minimum of 10 service hours
C) The application must include (in this order):
1. A competed criteria sheet (on the following page) with the necessary information and proper signatures.
2. One letter of recommendation using the letter of recommendation form provided.
3. A Statement of Nomination describing why the applicant deserves the Sandy Nininger Medal
4. Newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to the report.
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Cover Page Section 1 INCLUDE CERTIFICATION (AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) Section 1 Section 2 Page Limit: 2 LETTER(S) OF RECOMMENDATION These are used as testimonies to support your overall E-Portfolio. Letters will portray the efforts you set forth to serving as a club member, as well as the growth you demonstrated throughout the past year. Letters should
and performance. -
award. -
each letter. Section 2 Page Limit: 2 Section 3 Page Limit: 1 STATEMENT OF NOMINATION Name of Nominee Home Club and Division Prompt: Explain how the applicant has given to the school and community "above and beyond the call of duty" Section 3 Page Limit: 1 Section 4 Page Limit: 5 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to his form. Section 4 Page Limit: 5 CRITERIA
address both character
A club officer may write no more than one recommendation for the same
No more than two letters may be included. Each letter may not exceed one page, single-spaced with 12 point type.
POSITION of person writing the recommendation for
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Governor's Project Award shall provide recognition to the CNH KIWIN'S Clubs for a commendable efforts towards raising awareness for Mental Health America.
The Governor’s Project Award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The applicant KIWIN'S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S and Key Club International
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections.
The Governor's Project Awards will recognize the club that exemplified an outstanding dedication towards *INSERT*. A minimum of 2 events are required and a maximum of three events may be submitted.
C) File must be submitted as a PDF and no more than 10MB
D) Please add a personal statement no more than 300 words about the importance of the Governor's Project, the experience offered from working with *INSERT*, and other details pertaining to events associated with this year's district project.
A) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.e accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Cover Page Section 1 SIGNIFICANCE What value did these projects bring? Briefly explain the events. 15 Points Section 2 PLAN Explain the projects. How was it organized? 20 Points Section 3 FINAL RESULTS Was the projects successful 30 Points Section 4 PUBLIC AWARENESS How was the event publicized? Add attachments if needed. 20 points Section 5 Total Members Involved Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected. Basis for grading: 01%- 19% = 1 point 20% - 39% = 2 points 40% - 59% = 3 points 60% - 79% = 4 points 80%- 100% = 5 points 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Sid Smith Award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Please attach the completed certification form in the award submission.
C) EACH PAGE of the essay must have the name of the school on the upper left hand corner and the signatures of the president(s) and faculty advisor on the upper right hand corner.
D) Fill out every section on separate sheets of paper and label each page by its section.
E) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Single Service Award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by the CNH KIWIN'S Club occurring on a single day, over consecutive days or recurring on different days. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service projects and fundraising efforts. In a recurring project, the same project must be must be repeated for the purchase of achieving the same service goal.
B) Entries shall use the official Single Service Report form (Page 113) and shall be submitted to the district for competition according to the guidelines as set by the district.
C) First place will be forwarded to Key Club International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club, district, or judging committee.
D) Only activities that occurred during the district administrative year shall be included of the report.
E) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Cover Page Section 1 NEED FOR SERVICE What sparked this service project 15 Points Section 2 PLAN Explain the project. How was it organized? 20 Points Section 3 FINAL RESULTS Was the projects successful 30 Points Section 4 PUBLIC AWARENESS How was the event publicized? Add attachments if needed. 20 points Section 5 Total Members Involved Total percentage of members involved in top five projects, at least one from each of the partners you have selected. Basis for grading: 01%- 19% = 1 point 20% - 39% = 2 points 40% - 59% = 3 points 60% - 79% = 4 points 80%- 100% = 5 points 5 points Section 6 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to his form. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Single Fundraiser Award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) A club is eligible if it is in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Fundraising date must be within DCON 2022 to DCON 2023. The fundraising event must have occured in a continuous block of time excluding planning. Entries that occured in discontinuous time periods will be disqualified.
C) Money received must be for the club's treasury (funds needed for charitable and administrative purposes) for an organization (e.g. March of Dimes, UNICEF, PTP, etc.) or a combination.
D) Club members and officers must be the organizers. Donations or awards from contests will not be considered.
E) A fundraiser sponsored by a school (e.g. International Week, Club Day), an organization (e.g. 24-Hour Famine), or another K-Family organization will not be considered.
F) Answer each section separately and label each section.
G) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home Club, Division Cover Page
the club need funds? Describe the need
15 Points
organized? 20 Points
30 Points
20 points
of members
the partners
01%- 19%
1 point 20% - 39%
2 points 40%
3 points 60%
4 points 80%-
5 points 5 points
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should
attached to his form. 5 points CRITERIA
Section 1 NEED FOR
Explain the
How was it
Section 3 FINAL RESULTS Was the project successful? How much money was raised, if any? What were the costs to carry out this project? What was the net profit (amount raised minus costs)? Did other K-Family clubs help in any way? If so, in what way did theseclubs contribute to the project?
Section 4 PUBLIC AWARENESS How was the event publicized? Add attachments if needed.
Section 5 Total Members Involved Total percentage
involved in
at least one from
you have selected. Basis for grading:
100% =
Section 6
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Kiwanis Family Relation will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The CNH KIWIN'S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award based on the criteria on the following page.
C) Answer each section as a separate page and make sure it is titled by section.
D) A Divider Page is needed in between each section.
E) Files must be submitted as a PDF and compressed to no more than 10 MB.
F) The Kiwanis Family includes: K-Kids, Builder's Club, Key Club, Circle K, Aktion, Club, and Kiwanis.
G) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Section 1
Page Limit: 3
List all events and projects held throughout the term that involved other parts of the Kiwanis Family. A description of each event or project should be provided. Date, Total Hours, and Member Involvement should be listed.
20 points
Section 2 Page Limit: 6
Pick up to three (3) events or projects and describe its impact on the community and the club's relationship with the other Kiwanis Family. Each event should have their own page(s). Answer the following questions throughout the this section:
- Was this the first event with them?
- What did you gain from this experience?
30 points
Section 3 Page Limit: 4
Newspaper clippings, substantiating photos, and other pertinent information may be included as appendices and should be attached to his form.
10 points
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
A) Any CNH KIWIN'S member in good standing is eligible to audition for the talent contest. In order to audition, the form included must be received by January 26th, 2023 B) A CNH KIWIN'S Club may submit up to two acts at DCON. C) A talent contest entry may take any form as long as it is entertaining and in good taste. Members should demonstrate their ability and entertainment in the form of a video audition. The most entertaining six to eight acts will be selected to appear in the District Convention Talent Show. Selection of acts by the judges will be final. D) The first and second place winners will be eligible to compete at the Key Club International Convention. E) No performance must exceed six minutes. F) Any materials (props, instruments, costumes, etc.) needed for each performance must be supplied by the contestants who participate in the performance. Pianos are available but the need for one must be noted on the application. G) Judging for this contest on the district level will be based on the following criteria and point values:
The Talent Show Contest will be conducted according to the following rules:
Entertainment Value…………..
Audience Response……………………………………20
20 points
30 points
and Confidence………………………………...10 points
points. Note: AT LEAST 60% of your group must attend DCON in the event that your submission is chosen as a finalist.
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone Number: _____________ Email: _______________________ Props:
Description of Act: The rules and regulations for this contest are understood. Any modification of the rules or negligence of the requirements will result in automatic disqualification.
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Resource Award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) The CNH KIWIN'S club must be in good standing with CNH KIWIN'S District and Key Club International.
B) Entries shall complete the necessary sections and complete the necessary documents explaining why the club is deserving of the award based on the criteria on the following page.
C) Answer each section as a separate page and make sure it is titled by section.
D) A Divider Page is needed in between each section.
E) Files must be submitted as a PDF and compressed to no more than 10 MB.
F) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Section 1 Page Limit: 3 RESOURCE TYPE Please explain what the resource is and how it helped your members, club/division. Please explain why this resource was made. 20 points Section 2 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Please attach the resource (links/ photographs/ images, etc.) 20 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
The Distinguished Senior award will be conducted according to the following rules:
A) Each club in good standing is allowed to nominate a senior.
B) The selected senior must be a paid dues member.
C) Two recommendation letters are required (one from the respective school club president and one from another officer).
D) E-Portfolio: The final submission for this contest includes an E-Portfolio. An E-Portfolio for this application is defined as one collective portfolio presenting the best pieces of documentation. This E-Portfolio should be a single PDF that includes the merged information. No hard copies will be accepted. Please attach a completed certification to your submission.
Cover Page Name of Nominee, Home CLub, Division Certificat ion INCLUDE CERTIFICATION (AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) Section 1 Page Limit: 3 EFFORT What did they do to make an impact on members? 20 points Section 2 Page Limit: 3 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Outstanding accomplishments of the senior. 30 points Section 3 Page Limit: 2 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION One from club president and one from other board officer. 20 points Section 4 Page Limit: 4 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Images of them at events, with others, etc. 5 points CRITERIA
CERTIFICATION This certifies that we have read this report and that the information on this report is accurate. We understand that all signatures are required and forgeries will result in automatic disqualification. KIWIN’S Club of __________________ Division: INITIALS POSITIONS E-SIGNATURE E-MAIL PHONE W/ AREA CODE ADVISORS [ ] Faculty [ ] Kiwanis [ ] Lt. G [ ] Regional Advisor
Maya Yates Awards & Recognition Chair