Hot tub safety
& maintenance Cleaning your hot tub
Subletting with us
This is a really big part of taking care of your hot tub. There are a few things you need to make sure are always kept clean. The Health & Safety Executive Guidance (HSG282) ‘The control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems’ explains how to manage and control these risks. Please see the table overleaf, an extract from the main requirements as described in the current official guidance, this document may be downloaded free from the HSE website using the following link: www.hse.gov. uk/pubns/books/hsg282.htm. and we strongly advise that you do so.
If you choose to sublet using the managed letting scheme, we will take on the responsibility of the tub during the period it is being let for. You can be assured that your hot tub is managed within the guidelines laid down, for the dates it is being let out on. Unfortunately, we do have to charge for this service. This needs to be paid on a monthly basis. You will also need to ensure your hot tub is left empty when passed over to us.
We also advise you to follow any other recommendations from the hot tub manufacturer and/or supplier. However, we expect you to maintain your hot tubs to a safe condition to ensure the safety of your family, your guests and others using the park.