Energias alternativas ingles

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Catalog 2014 | 2015

understanding new energies

Contents All at a glance

Imprint Contact leXsolar GmbH Strehlener Str. 12- 14 01069 Dresden Germany Phone:

+49 351 - 47 96 56 0


+49 351 - 47 96 56 111

E-Mail: info@lexsolar.com Web:


General Manager: Ronny Timmreck Proxy Holder: Michael Dietrich Local court Dresden HRB 22097 Branch office Asia: leXsolar Asia Sdn Bhd Suite 17-08, Level 17, Wisma UOA II, 21, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia phone:

+603-216 35 558


+603-216 35 578





design and realisation: new experience werbung und design


About leXsolar


The leXsolar theme worlds


Product overview


leXsolar novelties
























leXsolar-Turnkey Solutions




Cooperations and references



Together with you we will ...

What we stand for:

Scan and watch the video:

... explain renewable energy technologies – from the scientific principles to their applications – to let students and adults understand new energies.

• Our products and our service are oriented towards you! You, as customer, are our focus.

... generate enthusiasm for renewable energies. ... take part in the turnaround in energy policy.

„I am working for 100%

„New energies represent, to

renewable energy. With

me: new technologies, new

leXsolar I am able to build

education, new jobs, new

the required founda-

perspectives!leXsolar makes

tions in education.“

your perspectives possible!“


Founder and General Manager

„I vouch for the high

„ For me, ’understanding new

didactic quality of the

energies’ means reinforcing

leXsolar products and their

synergies between education

instruction manuals. “

and economy. To this end, I


• We are innovative! Because only modern teaching materials ensure a successful education. • We provide the highest quality: Durable products with experiments that really work in class.

Founder and Proxy Holder

develop individual and creative

„From purchasing to order pro-

strategies with and for you.“


Product Manager


cessing – I guarantee customer oriented processes and will

„I monitor the quality of Marketing and Sales Director

help you with any problems. “

our products and look forward to your suggestions for improvement.“


„My job is to ensure that our products are always at the

Krzysztof Szynal

cutting edge of technology.“


Acquisition Manager

Quality and Production Manager „ From the moment of ordering, I make sure that your products arrive safely

Product Developer

and in perfect condition at their destination.“

„I’m responsible for the

„I apply our high quality

„I work on creative and

implementation of the

standards in production –

technical solutions to

leXsolar software and

which is why I rarely have

ensure efficient visual

make sure that our

to deal with repairs.“


IT runs optimally.“

Michél Vieweger 4


Manuela Fischer

Production and Service


Ivonne Macielag

Production and Distribution

Graphic and Product Designer


Gemeinsam The leXsolar mit Ihnen Theme worlds werden wir

Scan and watch the video::

Energies exciting us Technology spanning theme worlds

The leXsolar-Theme worlds reflect the wide spectrum of renewable energies. You can find • ...erneuerbare Energietechspecialized educational products- for nearly all nologien erklären von den

leXsolar-SmartControl is the innovative measuring and control system for all leXsolar

practice relevant technologies.

naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen bis zu den Even for related technologies that will play a Anwendungen - damit decisive role in the future of our energy supply, Schüler, Studenten und like energy storage and energy efficiency, leXsolar offers Erwachsene suitable products neue Energien verstehen. • … Begeisterung für erneuerbare Energien wecken. • … zur Energiewende beitragen.

experiments. With the leXsolar-Academy, you have access to



a comprehensive training course for all topics.

Photovoltaic (PV) is the

Energy efficiency and energy saving are crucial elements in creating a renewable energy supply.

The leXsolar products are fully integrated to

leXsolar experimentation kits and modern app

direct conversion of light into electricity by means of solar cells.

maximize learning success. The leXsolar-LearningApps are the fusion of technologies.

Page 20

Page 63

leXsolar-SmartGrid The term SmartGrid stands for the connection and control of energy producers, stores and consumers into an „intelligent power grid”.

leXsolar-Wind Wind power currently has the largest share of the renewable energy production.

leXsolar-EStore The use of storage technologies is a requirement for a sustainable turnaround in energy policy.

Page 56

leXsolar-Academy Page 28

We convey comprehensive knowledge regarding renewable energy technologies and make you into a competent expert for your students and colleagues.

Page 52

leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Solar thermal technologies can not only be used for heat energy. Concentrated solar thermal energy can also generate electricity!

Page 76

leXsolar-H2 Fuel cells can convert hydrogen (H2) into electricity – one possible solution to the storage problem of renewable energies

Page 48

leXsolar-BioFuel Bio fuels can easily be stored and replace fossil fuels in vehicle traffic.

Page 36



We bridge the gap between the digital learning world and the leXsolar experimentation kits.

Measure, operate, control via USB, wirelessly or just manually. The highlight, however, is the completely platform independent software.

Page 44 Page 70


Page 14


Every age bracket and educational group has specific needs and different learning methods. To ensure a maximal learning success for every user, the leXsolar-product families are divided into various product lines.

leXsolar Small Series

leXsolar Medium Series

Kindergarten and Elementary School

Middle school Junior high school

Children have a natural drive to research and want to discover the world around them. At the same time, the cornerstone for school education is set in kindergarten and elementary school. Connect those two aspects and let children discover the topic of renewable energies in the form of playful experiments. As a result, children are able to develop early awareness for renewable energies and learn how they function.

In secondary education, knowledge developed from elementary school is deepened and consolidated: initially it is experience-oriented working and later becomes more and more scientific. Both can be achieved with the products of the leXsolar Medium line. With the aid of experienceoriented experiments, inspire your students and increase their focus. At the same time, students are motivated for the following scientific experiments.


Designed for the small yet big in application – these are the products of the leXsolar Small series. Simple experiments and playful learning take priority which is why the experiments are all self-explanatory. In the enclosed brochures you can find background information which is easily comprehensible even for those without a scientific background. The products can be used by the hands of children as well as adults, and at the same time they are robust so they can withstand the eagerness of experimentation.

understanding new energies

leXsolar Large Series Secondary school

Compact in size, inexpensive in acquisition and comprehensive in the fields of application, the leXsolar Medium series offers you a mixture of simple qualitative and challenging quantitative experiments. The provided instruction manual contains extensive background information and operating instructions. The products of the leXsolar Medium line are delivered in sturdy plastic boxes. Common school supplementary equipment like measuring devices and cables are not included.

High Schools prepare for a university education as well as an engineering education. To meet these requirements you can carry out practicallyoriented experiments regarding scientific elements of the renewable energy technologies. A special feature of the leXsolar Large series is the modular design to extend the fields of application to further grades or topics.

leXsolar Ready-to-go Series For flexible users

The leXsolar Large line is adapted to the latest curricula and is ideally suited for the application within scientific teaching. For this reason, leXsolar-PV Large has been awarded with the Worlddidac Award. The products allow mainly quantitative student-based experiments and deal especially with the physical basics of particular renewable energy technologies. In school, already existent auxiliary equipment such as multimeters, cables or similar are not included.

„Ready to go“ – the name says it all. Everything is enclosed in a robust aluminum case and ready for use at any time – in or even out of school. For this reason all necessary accessories, such as measurement devices and cables, are included. Like the leXsolar Large series, the Ready-to-go- series offers a wide area of different experiments – from simple entrylevel experiments to more challenging advanced experiments. All in one, immediately and everywhere, these are the keywords, which best describe the Ready-to-go series. It is the most flexible solution for all users: schools, industry or extra-curricular clubs.


Kindergarten | Elementary School

Middle school/ Junior high school



Secondary school

Adult Education

Large Ready-to-go PV Photovoltaic


leXsolar product overview

leXsolar-PV Small

Understanding new energies – for each type

leXsolar-PV Medium Expansion Measuring without measurement devices

of school and age group. This overview helps you to choose the appropriate leXsolar products.

leXsolar-PV Large

You do not know which product is suitable for your curriculum? Give us a call - We will be happy to advise you!

leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go

Detailed information about the products can be

Wind Wind power

leXsolar-Wind Medium Expansion Measuring without measurement devices

found on the product pages of this catalog and in our online shop at www.leXsolar.com

leXsolar-Wind Large

leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go

H2 Fuel cell technology

leXsolar-H2 Small

leXsolar-H2 Medium

Scanning the QR code on every product page will take you directly to the corresponding page

leXsolar-H2 Large

of our online shop. There, you will find prices, product videos and detailed specifications.

leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go

leXsolar-BioFuel Large

Biofuel Biomass fuel

leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go

leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go

leXsolar-EStore Large

ThermalEnergy Solar thermal EStore Storage technologies

leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go

Fields of application On the product pages, the following symbols will show you which curriculum this product is designed for.

6 Age

SmartGrid networking renewable energies

leXsolar-SmartGrid Small

Physics Technology Chemistry lessons

leXsolar-SmartGrid Large

leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go

leXsolar-Esave Ready-to-go


ESave energy efficiency




leXsolar novelties 11.

Measure, operate, control

SOFC-fuel cell 3


World novelty: SOFC fuel cell

This year, the H2 product category comes up with a world novelty and now includes the world’s first SOFC fuel cell for the educational sector. Different technologies like PEM-, ethanol- or SOFC-fuel cells can be compared regarding their characteristics and application possibilities. The hydrogen for this can easily be produced and stored with the leXsolar-H2 Charger and the leXsolar-H2 Storage.

22. leXsolar-SmartControl leXsolar-SmartControl is the universal measuring and control system for leXsolar products. The SmartControl modules completely replace multimeter and power supplies and are also computer controllable. The intelligent software enables the usage of any mobile device without the need for additional apps.


Thermal Energy

Smart grids 12

The experimentation system leXsolar-Thermal Energy was completely reworked and extended with multiple application-oriented parts. One focus of this extension is on the CSP technology („Concentrated Solar Power”) and a Peltier element for direct thermoelectric energy production.The basic experiments about the solar thermal energy conversion have been revised and brought up to date regarding their technical application.

E-Mobility 5

leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go 2.0



leXsolar-EStore Large

Important basics of storage technology are made understandable for the educational sector with the experimentation system leXsolar-EStore Large. The highly topical issue „E-Mobility” and other applications are examined through interesting qualitative and quantitative experiments. Through the analysis of different battery types highly relevant questions regarding storage problems of renewable energies are answered in an understandable way.


leXsolar-SmartGrid Large und Ready-to-go

The combination of renewable energy sources and energy storages into a Smart Grid is one of the hot topics of our energy supply. The new releases of the leXsolar-SmartGrid theme world enable students to build Smart Grids themselves and test them with diverse scenarios. The complex topic doesn’t stay purely theoretical because the Smart Grid requires the student`s full attention. Like in real life, the consumers want to be supplied with energy at all times.

66. leXsolar-LearningApps The new theme world leXsolar-LearningApps bridges the gap between the digital world and the leXsolar experimentation kits. Thus, it combines the advantages of both in a unique way. The leXsolar-LearningApps provide interactive instruction manuals for leXsolar kits and use the multimedia possibilities of today’s technology to make sure that the kids can understand renewable energies even better.

LearningApps 13



leXsolar-SmartControl leXsolar-SmartControl is an innovative measuring and control system for experiments. It is compatible with every leXsolar product and replaces measuring equipment and power supplies for the experiments. Every module is easy to handle, highly durable and flexible. The measuring and control modules can be operated manually through touch controls, via USB or wirelessly with a PC or a tablet. For this, either a leXsolarUSBConnect or a leXsolar-WirelessConnect is plugged onto the SmartControl module. Measuring and control is then done with the corresponding software. And the highlight: Each student can use his or her own device without additional cost or extra software installation!


1 • • • •

Fully compatible with the leXsolar plug-in system Replaces measurement devices for voltage and current in all experiments Replaces power supply in all experiments

Touch controls

2 • • •

• •

Modern touch-sensitive technology Easy and intuitive handling Durable through omission of mechanical switches

Measure and control via USB


leXsolar-USBConnect is plugged onto the SmartControl module Measuring and control possible with every PC

Measure and control wirelessly


leXsolar-WirelessConnect is plugged onto the SmartControl module Measuring and control possible with every Wi-Fi enabled device: Tablet, smartphone, PC, Mac, … Measuring at complex experiments without need for test leads!


5 • • • •

Platform independent software, runs on all systems (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, …) Premade scenarios for all leXsolar experiments Free definition of measuring tasks Usable by every student with own device without additional installation

Computer based measuring is a thing of the past!Today, we have SmartControl!There are no limits to your experiments: Measure, operate, control via USB, wirelessly or just manually. The highlight, however, is the completely platform independent software which allows every student to work with their own device.







leXsolar-SmartControl examples of use 1-4 Measure and control manually

1 • •

SmartControl modules replace multimeter and power supply Suitable for all experiments of the leXsolar-Medium and –Large lines


Wireless measuring (Individual PC)

3 • • • •

Control and power supply • • •

Measure voltage and current Replaces multimeters Read measurement values directly off the display

• •

ireless measurement with PC W Wireless control of power supply with PC Suitable for all experiments of the leXsolar-Medium, -Large and Ready-to-go series No cable entanglement as all modules are connected wirelessly

Sample experiment:

Power supply of leXsolar-Wind generator module For experiments with leXsolar-Wind

leXsolar-PV Large Experiment 8.1 I-V characteristics of a solar cell

Required SmartControl modules •

• • •

Measure power and energy, like on a real electricity meter Relay function for control Read measurement values directly off the display

• •

• • • • •

ower supply of leXsolarP Lighting module For experiments with leXsolar-PV

Page 19

Computer-based measuring via USB

2 • • •

• • •

Sample experiment:

Usage of different devices for a multitude of experiments in class

Required SmartControl modules

• • •

Wireless data acquisition and control of experiments with any Wi-Fi enabled device Suitable for all leXsolar experiments, especially leXsolar-SmartGrid Advantage: students with a mobile device don’t need a PC or tablet

Sample experiment:

leXsolar-Wind Medium Experiment 9 „Influence of wind direction”

Mobile Devices / using multiple PCs


Data acquisition with PC via USB Control the power supply with PC via USB Suitable for experiments of moderate complexity, especially for the leXsolar-Medium line

Required SmartControl modules

PowerModule for power supply of wind machine IV-Module for voltage measurement at the wind turbine 2 leXsolar USBConnect Or SmartControl Medium

• • • • • •

Page 19


PowerModule for power supply of lighting module IV-Module for voltage measurement IV-Module for current measurement 3 leXsolar-WirelessConnect 1 leXsolar-WirelessStick Or SmartControl Large

PowerModule depending on experiment IV-Module depending on experiment SmartMeter depending on experiment Corresponding number of leXsolar-WirelessConnect 1 SmartControl Large per student 1 SmartControl Server per class

Page 19




The PowerModule replaces the power supply in the leXsolar experiments. With manual operation the voltage can be changed incrementally in 0.5V steps from 0 to 12V. When using the software, the voltage can be altered continuously and even be set time-dependent.

The IV-Module is able to measure current and voltage and therefore replaces the conventional multimeter completely. Changing between current and voltage measurement is done by a touch field.

Technical data

Technical data

Item-No. 9100-05

• • • •

Output voltage 0-12V DC Maximum current 2A Voltage increment 0.5V (manually) or continously (software) Input voltage 110 - 230 V AC

Item-No. 9100-03

• •

Voltage measurement 0…12V Current measurement 0…1A

The SmartMeter is a power meter and energy meter. An integrated relay function, which is controlled by a touch field, can interrupt the electric flow through the SmartMeter.

With leXsolar-USBConnect every SmartControl-Module can be connected to a PC via USB. Then, using the SmartControl software measurement values can be taken and the experiments can be controlled. USBConnect is simply plugged onto the respective module.

Item-No. 9100-01

Technical data •

Item-No. 9100-10

The WirelessStick is the equivalent of the WirelessConnect for the PC. It enables wireless data logging with a single PC.

Components • • • • •

x 9100-03 IV-Module 2 1x 9100-05 PowerModule 3x 9100-01 USBConnect 1x 9100-11 SmartControl Software Batch of test leads


Power measurement 0…12W Energy measurement 0…200mWh Relay function usable manually or via software


Item-No. 9101

If mobile devices are used, an extra SmartControl Server and a leXsolar-WirelessConnect for every SmartControl Module are needed .

leXsolar USBConnect

• •

leXsolar-SmartControl Medium SmartControl Medium provides a convenient collection of SmartControl modules for every product of the leXsolar-Medium series. There is no need for additional measuring instruments, power supplies or cables.It also includes enough leXsolar-USBConnect to conduct all experiments with a PC.

leXsolar-SmartMeter Item-No. 9100-04


leXsolar-SmartControl Large Item-No. 9102

leXsolar-WirelessConnect Item-No. 9100-02

leXsolar-WirelessConnect enables wireless measuring and control of all SmartControl-Modules. WirelessConnect is simply plugged onto the respective module. A leXsolar-WirelessStick for a PC or the SmartControl Server for mobile devices is needed to receive the data.

SmartControl Large provides a convenient collection of SmartControl modules for every product of the leXsolar-Large series. There is no need for additional measuring instruments, power supplies or cables. Additionally, a SmartGrid can be built through the combination of the included SmartMeter modules and multiple leXsolar products. The package also contains three leXsolar-WirelessConnect which allow wireless control over the experiments using a Windows-PC. If mobile devices or other platforms are used, an extra SmartControl Server is needed.

extras available

leXsolar-SmartControl Server


The SmartControl Server is needed for the application of mobile devices and when using multiple PCs. The server is pre-configured and immediately fit for use. There is no need for additional software.

The SmartControl Software enables data logging and control of the SmartControl modules. The software includes digital versions of almost all leXsolar experiments and thus replaces printed manuals.

Item-No. 9100-08


Item-No. 9100-11


9100-08 leXsolar-SmartControl Server

Components • • • • • • • •

2x 9100-03 IV-Module 1x 9100-05 PowerModule 2x 9100-04 SmartMeter 3x 9100-02 WirelessConnect 1x 9100-11 SmartControl Software 1x 9100-10 WirelessStick 1x L3-01-012 Plastic box Batch of test leads




leXsolar-sunstick Item-No. 1101

Discovering solar energy playfully is the basic idea of the leXsolar-sunstick. Due to playful experiments, children from the age of 5 learn how photovoltaic works. As a result, awareness for these future technologies can be raised at an early stage. . The leXsolar-sunstick meets the highest requirements on both product quality and also didactical quality. It is extremely robust which is why it is excellently suitable for deployment in kindergarten and elementary schools.

Experiments • • • • • • •

Fascinating optical illusions and effects The sunstick as propeller The carousel on your desk The sunstick as engine with slow or fast spinning driving wheel The sunstick as mobile The sunstick as alarm device (with the horn module The pocket light without battery (with the lamp module) and many more

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1101-01 leXsolar-sunstick crank wheel 1x 1101-02leXsolar-sunstick wooden stand 1x 1100-03 leXsolar solarmodule, 1,5V, 420mA 1x 1101-03 leXsolar-sunstickwood wheel 1x L2-03-002 leXsolar-sunstick foot 1x L3-01-002 Packing 2x L2-02-007 Rubber band for the crank 1x L2-06-002 Connection wire, 25cm, black 1x L2-06-003Connection wire, 25cm, red 1x L2-02-006Propeller 1x L2-06-005Sunstick horn module 1x L2-06-004 Sunstick LED module 1x 1100-56 Color disks Set II Detailed manual

Photovoltaics (PV) is the direct conversion of light into electrical energy with the help of solar cells. With the leXsolar-PV product family, the basics of this technology and its applications can be understood.





leXsolar-PV Small

leXsolar-PV Medium

What is a solar cell and what is a solar panel? What can be powered with a solar cell? How should you orientate the solar panel to the sun? These questions and many more can be answered using leXsolar-PV Small. All experiments are designed in a qualitative fashion which are geared specifically for young students in Elementary School, Jr. High and Early High School.

The leXsolar-PV Medium offers a wide range of experiments involving photovoltaics. It is an inexpensive and compact product and allows qualitative research using consumer modules like the buzzer or engine. Additionally, the product allows the use of more challenging experiments like measuring the characteristics or the temperature dependency of a solar cell.

The leXsolar-PV Small combines a budget price with leXsolar quality and longevity.

The leXsolar-PV Medium is not expandable and includes, unlike its bigger brother the leXsolar-PV Large, a bit less scope of delivery. Therefore, it is the cheapest PV-product in its class.

Item-No. 1115

Item-No. 1102

With the integrated hand crank the students themselves generate the needed energy. Thus, there is no external power supply required.

Key data • • • •

Playful understanding how a solar cell works Qualitative experiments with solar cells Specially developed for young children High-quality, durable components

Experiments • • • • • • • • • •

The solar cell as energy source The solar cell powers the motor The solar cell powers the buzzer Difference between solar cells and solar panels Power dependence on the area of the solar cell Power dependence on the angle of incidence Power dependence on level of illumination Shading effect of solar panels From muscle power to electrical current Colour mixtures and optical illusions


Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1100-02 Solar panel 0.5 V, 840 mA 1x 1100-07 Solar panel 1.5 V, 280 mA 1x 1602-01 Base unit - small 1x 1100-25 Buzzer module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color screens with mounting 1x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 2x L2-06-033 Short circuit plugs 1x L3-01-012 Plastic tray 75 mm depth includes inserts 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals 1x 1100-20 Lighting module 1x 1602-02 Handgenerator

extras available • •

L3-03-029 Student´s manual leXsolar-PV Small page 68 L3-03-053 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-PV Small page 69

Key data • • • •

Understanding the functionality of a solar cell and its physical basics Understanding the applications of a solar cell Allows both simple and challenging experiments Includes detailed manuals for more than 20 experiments

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Series and parallel connection with solar cells Power dependence on the area of the solar cell Power dependence on the angle of incidence Power dependence on the level of illumination Internal resistance of solar cells Inhibiting and conducting direction in illumination and darkness IV characteristic and fill factor of the solar cell IV characteristic of the solar cell dependence on the level of illumination Power dependence on temperature Shadowing effect of solar cells in series connection Shadowing effect of solar cells in parallel connection Starting current and operating current of the buzzer/ horn Colour mixtures and optical illusions

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3x 1100-01 Solar panel 0.5 V, 420 mA 1x 1100-19 Base unit 1x 1100-20 Lighting module 1x 1100-21 Diode module 1x 1100-23 Potentiometer module 1x 1100-25 Buzzer module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color screens + mount 1x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 1x 1102-01 Box 1102 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-01-020 Insert 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

extras needed • • • •

1x 9100-03 IV-module 1x 9100-05 Power module 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red 25 cm

page 66 page 65 page 66 page 66

extras available • • •

L3-03-031 Student‘s manual leXsolar-PV Medium L3-03-055 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-PV Medium 1x 9101 leXsolar-SmartControl Medium


page 68 page 69 page 19

14 leXsolar-PV Large Item-No. 1103

Correlating school physics with practical usage of the photovoltaic cells is a specialty of this system. These unique didactic innovations are the premier choice when it comes to experiments related to solar energy since it has won the Worlddidac Award. The system has been conceived in such a way that most experiments can be conducted in normal room lighting. An external power supply is not necessary for these experiments.

Key data • • • •

Basics of photovoltaics learnable Mainly quantitative experiments Expandable for age group 12 to 15 years Worlddidac Award winner

The leXsolar lighting module (included) is required only for a few experiments – which can be operated with a student‘s power supply. Additionally, the product is expandable with „Measurements without Measuring“. This expansion allows further qualitative experiments for students between the ages of 12 to 15. .

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Series and parallel connection of solar cells Power dependence on the area of the solar cell Power dependence on the angle of incidence Power dependence on the level of illumination Determination of efficiency ratio of energy conversion Internal resistance of solar cells Dark characteristic curve of solar cell Inhibiting and conducting direction in illumination and darkness IV characteristic and fill factor of the solar cell IV characteristic of the solar cell in dependence on the level of illumination Dependence of the solar cell power on temperature Shading of solar cells in series connection Shading effect of solar cells in parallel connection The solar cell as a transmission analyser Power dependence on the frequency of the incident light

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3x 1100-01 Solar panel 0.5 V, 420 mA 1x 1100-02 Solar panel 0.5 V, 840 mA 1x 1100-19 Base unit 1x 1100-20 Lighting module 1x 1100-21 Diode module 1x 1100-22 Resistor module 1x 1100-23 Potentiometer module 1x 1100-24 Gear motor module 1x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 1x 1100-30 Color filters 1x 1103-01 Box 1103 1x L3-01-004 Top insert 1x L3-01-005 Bottom insert 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

extras needed • • • • •

page 66 page 65 page 66 page 66 page 66

extras available • • • •


1x 9100-03 IV-module 1x 9100-05 Power module 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red 25 cm 1x L2-06-016 Thermometer

1x 1106 MwM for PV-Large (Measurements without Measuring device) page 66 L3-03-033 Student´s manual leXsolar-PV Large page 68 L3-03-055 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-PV page 69 1x 9102 leXsolar-SmartControl Large page 19


12 leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go Item-No. 1105

The name says it all: this fully equipped experiment system can be used wherever you are without further components. This kit already includes all necessary ancillary equipment, like measuring equipment, and is delivered in an aluminum case with heavy-duty foam inserts. The scope of experiments ranges from simple trials that show the basic characteristics of the solar energy, to more challenging experiments dealing with topics like IV characteristics or temperature dependency of solar cells. Because of the large range of potential experiments, the product is also suitable for internal workshops in companies as well as a demonstration kit for sales representatives.

Experiments Photovoltaics electricity basics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Series and parallel connection of solar cells Power dependence on area of the solar cell Power dependence on the angle of incidence Power dependence on level of illumination Power dependence ratio of energy conversion Internal resistance of solar cells Dark characteristic curve of solar cells Inhibiting and conducting direction in illumination and darkness IV characteristic and fill factor of the solar cell IV characteristic of the solar cell in dependence on the level of illumination Power dependence on temperature Shading effect of solar cells in series connection Shading effect of solar cells in parallel connection The solar cell as transmission analyser Power dependence on the frequency of the incident light


Components Optics • • • • • • • •

Differences in brightness Tilting of the solar cell Diffuseradiation Direct radiation Albedo radiation Color characteristics Color mixtures Optical illusions (Benham disk)

Key data • • •

Extensive experimental system photovoltaics All necessary equipment is included Qualitative and quantitative experiments

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3x 1100-01 Solar panel 0.5 V, 420 mA 1x 1100-02 Solar panel 0.5 V, 840 mA 1x 1100-19 Base unit 1x 1100-20 Lighting module 1x 1100-21 Diode module 1x 1100-22 Resistor module 1x 1100-23 Potentiometer module 1x 1100-24 Gear motor module 1x 1100-25 Buzzer module 1x 1100-26 Light bulb module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color discs including mount 1x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 1x 1100-30 Color filter 2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter 1x 2105-00 Power supply L2-05-024 Weight 20 g

• • • • • •

2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red 25 cm 1x L2-06-016 Thermometer 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals 1x L3-01-009Aluminium case PV Ready-to-go 1x L3-01-047 Insert PV-Ready to go

extras available • •

L3-03-035 Instructions manual leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go page 68 L3-03-055 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-PV page 69




leXsolar-Wind Medium 2.0 Item-No. 1403

leXsolar-Wind Medium is the optimal beginner package for the topic of wind energy. Even for a small price it allows the most important basic experiments regarding wind energy. Many experiments are of a qualitative nature and are designed for grades 6 to 8. Nevertheless, quantitative experiments are not neglected and there are a range of possible applications up to grade 10. leXsolar-Wind Medium also contains the new leXsolar-Innovations of the wind familiy (refer to page 32-33 for details) and has an experimental scope without equal in this price range.

Experiments • • • • • • • •

Influence of the wind speed Start-up wind speed at a wind turbine Examine color wheels using a wind turbine Comparison of two, three and four-blade rotors (quantitative and qualitative) Characteristic curves of a wind turbine Influence of the wind direction (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the rotor blade pitch (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the blade shape (quantitative and qualitative)

Components • • • • • • • • • • • •

extras needed

extras available • • •

L3-03-071 Student´s manual leXsolar-Wind Medium page 68 L3-03-098 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-Wind Medium page 69 1x 9101 leXsolar-SmartControl Medium page 19

1x 1602-01 Base unit small 1x 1100-23 Potentiometer module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color discs with mounting 1x 1400-22 wind turbine module 1x 1400-08 LED-module 2 mA, red 1x 1400-12 Wind rotor set 1x 1400-19 Wind machine 1x 1403-01 Box 1403 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-01-104 Insert universal Wind 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CDwith manuals

• • • •

1x 9100-03 IV-module 1x 9100-05 Power module 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-014 Test lead, red, 25 cm

page 66 page 65 page 66 page 66

The leXsolar-Wind theme world enables the understanding of the basic principles of using wind energy and also the practical applications of this technology.



14 leXsolar-Wind Large 2.0 Item-No. 1404

This system provides you with all the answers you need concerning the basics of using wind energy. With the help of curriculum-based trials, it discusses different topics which are necessary for understanding the functions of wind power plants. The study of how wind speed, wind direction or rotor type influences the power output are only some examples of possible experiments. Both, qualitative experiments for students from age of 11 to 13, and complete quantitative trials for physics lessons until the age of 19 are described in detail. For the qualitative trials, the expansion “Measurements without Measuring devices“ is required.


Experiments • • • • • • • • • • •

Influence of the wind speed (quantitative and qualitative) Start-up wind speed of a wind turbine Comparison of the start-up wind speed of a Savonius and a three-blade rotor Changing the turbine voltage by connecting several consumers Examine the wind speed behind the rotor Energy balance sheet of a wind turbine Calculating the efficiency of a wind turbine Storing electric energy Energy conversion in a wind turbine Examine color wheels using a wind turbine Comparison of a Savonius rotor and a three-blade

• • • • •

rotor (quantitative and qualitative) Comparison of two, three and four-blade rotors (quantitative and qualitative) Characteristic curves of a wind turbine Influence of the wind direction (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the rotor blade pitch (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the blade shape (quantitative and qualitative)

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x1100-19 Base unit 1x 1100-22 Resistor module 1x 1100-23 Potentiometermodule 1x 1400-01 Savonius rotor 1x 1400-07 Capacitor module 220 mF 2,5V 1x 1400-08 leXsolar-LED module 2mA, red 1x 1400-12 Wind rotor set 1x 1400-19 Wind machine 1x 1400-22 Wind turbine 1x 1404-02 Box 1404 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-01-023 Insert 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

extras needed • • • •


page page page page

66 65 66 66

extras available • • •

For the most of the experiments manuals with different difficulty levels are available: qualitative experiments for the grades 5 to 8 and quantitative manuals for older students. The expansion „Measurements without Measuring devices” (Item-No. 1106) is necessary for the qualitative experiments. With the help of the expansion anemometer (1400-02) the direct determination of wind speed is possible. The expansion enlarges the scope of experiments through additional experiments. .

1x 9100-03 IV-Module 1x 9100-05 Power Module 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red, 25 cm

• •

1x 1400-02 Anemometer page 67 1x 1404-01 MwM for Wind-Large (Measurements without Measuring devices) page 66 1x L3-03-072 Student´s manual leXsolar-Wind Large page 68 1x L3-03-057 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-Wind page 69 1x 9102 leXsolar-SmartControl Large page 19


leXsolar innovations

Topic Wind



leXsolar-Wind rotor set Item-No. 1400-12 The leXsolar-Rotor blades have a realistic profile and torsion and are based on real life rotors. Thus, they are the only ones on the educational market that allow for truly realistic experiments. The innovative and easy to use system of rotor blades and different hubs allows for a multitude of rotors. The following parameters can be varied:


• • •



Blade profile : optimized profile or „windmill”style Number of blades : 1-,2-,3- or 4-bladed rotors Blade angle (the so called pitch) : 20°, 25°, 30°, 50° and 90°

leXsolar-Wind machine Item-No. 1400-19 To ensure reproducible experiments with wind energy, a laminar flow field is necessary. Until now, this was only possible with big and expensive wind tunnels. The innovative design of the leXsolar-Wind machine achieves this in a compact, inexpensive device that reaches a wind velocity of up to 7m/s. It is powered with 4…12 V DC.


leXsolar-Wind turbine module Pro Item-No.1400-22 It is essential for technical training experiments to be realistic and related to practice in order to maintain the student’s motivation. This is why the leXsolar- Wind turbine is modeled after real wind energy plants and, thus, allows the students to make the connection to real life.



12 leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go 2.0 Item-No. 1405

True to the tradition of the Ready-to-go series, this system enables the maximum number of experiments without the need for additional accessories. It comes in a sturdy aluminum case and is location-independent. Expansion “Measurements without Measuring“ and “Anemometer” expansions are already included. With the leXsolar Wind Ready-to-go, you will be able to answer any questions you may have concerning the basic concepts of using wind energy. The leXsolar Wind Ready-to-go is also suitable for in-house workshops, for example, for use by sales representatives.


Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Influence of the wind speed (quantitative and qualitative) Start-up wind speed at a wind turbine Comparison of the start-up wind speed of a Savonius and a three-blade rotor Changing the turbine voltage by connecting several consumers Examine the wind speed behind the rotor Energy balance sheet at a wind turbine Calculating the efficiency of a wind turbine Storing electric energy Energy conversion in a wind turbine Examine color wheels using a wind turbine Comparison of a Savonius rotor and a three-blade rotor (quantitative and qualitative) Comparison of two, three and four-blade rotors (quantitative and qualitative) Characteristic curves of a wind turbine Influence of the wind direction (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the rotor blade pitch (quantitative and qualitative) Influence of the blade shape (quantitative and qualitative)


Other Application Tests These additional interesting experiments are included in the curricula but only have an indirect correlation to the subject of wind energy: • •

Air resistance of different objects RPM Measurement of the wind generator

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1100-19 leXsolar base unit 1x 1100-22 Resistor module 1x 1100-23 Potentiometer module 1x 1100-25 Buzzer module 1x 1100-26 Light bulb module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color discs - Set I 1x 1400-01 Savonius rotor module 1x 1400-19 Wind machine LX 1x 1400-22 Wind turbine 1x 1400-07 Capacitor module 0.22 F/ 2.5 V 1x 1400-08 LED module 2mA, red 1x 1400-12 Wind rotor set 1x 1400-16 Mount for anemometer module 1x 2105-00 Power supply 2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter 2x L2-06-012 Test lead black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead red, 25 cm 1x L2-06-014 Test lead black, 50 cm 1x L2-06-015 Test lead red, 50 cm 1x L2-06-027 Anemometer module 1x L3-01-024 Aluminum case Wind-Ready to go 1x L3-01-050 Insert Wind-Ready to go 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

Key data • • •

Fully equipped experiment system concerning wind energy Innovative components like variable rotor blades and laminar wind field Location-independent and flexible use possible

extras available • •

L3-03-073 Instructions manual leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go page 68 L3-03-123 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go page 69




leXsolar-H2 Small Item-No. 1213

What is a fuel cell and what does it do? What is an electrolyser and, using this device, how can water be broken down to its component elements? What can be powered with a fuel cell? These questions, and many others can be answered doing the experiments with the leXsolar-H2 Small. All experiments are designed in a qualitative way for young students from Elementary through early High School. No extras are necessary because the included hand generator produces the necessary electric power. The leXsolar-H2 Small combines a budget price with leXsolar quality.

Key data • • • •

Understanding how a fuel cell works by playing and interacting with it Qualitative experiments with a fuel cell No measurement devices needed Didactic instructions of high quality

Experiments • • • • • •

Converting muscle power to electrical energy What is an electrolyser? How water can be split? What is a fuel cell? Powering the motor with a fuel cell Powering the buzzer with a fuel cell

Components • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1213-02 Reversible fuel cell - small (including electrolyser) 1x 1213-01 Gas storage module (with storage for hydrogen and oxygen) 1x 1602-01 Base unit small 1x 1100-25 Buzzer module 1x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color screens with mount 1x 1602-02 Hand generator 2x L2-06-033 Short circuit plugs 1x 2115 Plastic tray with 75mm depth included 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

extras available • •

L3-03-041 Student´s manual leXsolar-H2 Small page 68 L3-03-102 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-H2 Small page 69

The hydrogen fuel cell technology is a potential key component solving the problem of storing renewable energies. That is because renewable energy can be stored as hydrogen (H2) and then later transformed into electricity. The leXsolar-H2 theme world allows for basic and practicerelated experiments for physics and chemistry class.





leXsolar-H2 Medium

leXsolar-H2 Large 2.0

Item-No. 1214

Item-No. 1218

This product was completely reworked and now contains the world’s first SOFC-fuel cell for educational purposes. Together with the already established PEM-fuel cells and the components of a complete solar-hydrogen cycle (electrolyzer, PEM fuel cell and solar module), this product represents the most comprehensive fuel cellexperimentation system on the educational market. The electrical consumer (motor) allows for realistic and demonstrative experiments. Highly didactical instruction manuals complete the product. leXsolar-H2 Large can be used in physics and chemistry class as well as in technology class. The product can be expanded with two additional PEM-fuel cells to illustrate the stacking of fuel cells. The expansion ethanol-fuel cell demonstrates a third fuel cell technology.

With the leXsolar-H2 Medium a broad variety of experiments dealing with fuel cell technology can be conducted. The product is equipped with a reversible fuel cell combining electrolyser mode and PEM fuel cell mode in one handy and robust unit. With the included solar module a solar-hydrogen cycle can be set up and investigated in detail. Using the electrical load modules (motor and bulb) one can conduct demonstrative and practical trials as well. Accessories needed for the experiments, like cables or multimeters, are not included with the kit. High-quality, didactic instructions complete this product.

Key data • • •

Understanding the fundamentals of electrolysis and fuel cells Quantitative experiments with reversible fuel cells Didactic instructions of high quality

Experiments • • • • • • • • • •

What does a solar cell do? Preparation of the reversible fuel cell What does an electrolyzer do? What does a fuel cell do? Dark IV curve of the solar module Light IV curve of the solar module IV characteristic curve of the electrolyzer IV characteristic curve of the fuel cell Faraday and energy efficiency of the electrolyzer Faraday and energy efficiency of the fuel cell

extras available • • •

1x L3-03-043 Student`s manual page 68 leXsolar-H2 Medium 1x L3-03-101 Teacher`s manual leXsolar-H2 Medium page 69 1x 9101 leXsolar- SmartControl Medium page 19


Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometermodule 1x 1100-26 leXsolar-Light bulb module 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear 1x 1100-28 Color dics - Set I 1x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 1x 1100-31 Solarmodule 2,5V, 420mA 1x 1213-01 Gas storage module H2/O2 1x 1213-02 Reversible fuel cell (including electrolyser) 1x 1214-01 Box 1214 1x 1602-01 leXsolar-Base unit Small 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-01-020 insert 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals

extras needed • • • •

1x L2-04-022 Lamp with table clamp page 66 2x L2-06-031 Short-circuit plugs page 66 1x 9100-03 IV-Module page 66 1x 9100-05 Power-Module page 65

Key data • • • •

Understanding the physical basics of electrolysis and the fuel cells Mainly quantitative experiments Three different fuel cell technologies Highly didactic instruction manuals

Experiments • • • • • • • • •

Unilluminated IV-curve of the solar module Illuminated IV-curve of the solar module Set up of an electrolyzer and the different fuel cells What does an electrolyzer do? What does a PEM-fuel cell do? Characteristics of the SOFC-fuel cell Application of the SOFC-fuel cell Faraday and energy efficiency of the electrolyzer Faraday and energy efficiency of the PEM-fuel cell

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

extras available • • • • • • •

2x 1218-02 PEM-fuel cell 1x 1700-01 ethanol-fuel cell 1x 1200-17 H2 Charger page 65 1x 1200-18 H2 Storage page 65 1x L3-03-044 Student’s manual leXsolar-H2 Large page 68 1x L3-03-060 Teacher’s manual leXsolar-H2 Large page 69 1x 9102 leXsolar-SmartControl Large page 19

1x 12218-01 SOFC-fuel cell module 3x 1218-02 PEM-fuel cell module 1x 1218-03 Electrolyzer module 1x 1218-04 Box 1218 1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear 1x 1100-31 Solar module 2.5V, 420mA 1x 1213-01 Gas storage module H2/O2 1x 1100-19 leXsolar-base unit large, incl. circuit scheme 2x L2-06-134 Hose clamp 1x L2-06-133 Gas burner small 1x L3-01-013 lid for box 1x L3-01-117 inlay “H2 Large” 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD 1x L2-02-017 propeller (yellow)

extras needed • • • • •

1x L2-04-022 Lamp with table clamps 1x 9100-03 IV-module 1x 9100-05 power-module 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black 25cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red 25cm

page 66 page 66 page 65 page 66 page 66


LeXsolarinnovations leXsolar Innovationen

14 leXsolar-H2 Demo Item-No. 1209

leXsolar-H2 Demo is a complete experimentation system that conveys the basics of PEM-Fuel cell technologies on the basis of diverse demonstration experiments.

Topic H2 1

For this reason, leXsolar-H2 Demo can be optimally employed as an introductory explanation of the experiments. Within the teacher-centered instruction, the leXsolar-H2 Demo replaces student experiments completely. Altogether more than 20 experiments from chemistry and physics education are possible.

SOFC-Fuel cell module powered by eZelleron Item-No. 1218-01 In cooperation with the technology company eZelleron, leXsolar now offers the world’s first SOFC-fuel cell for educational purposes!SOFC stands for solid oxide fuel cell and is already used today in the commercial generation of electricity. The big advantages that set it apart from the PEM-technology are the high efficiency, the independence from expensive resources like platinum and the ability to work directly with natural gas or biogas instead of pure hydrogen. eZelleron has developed a SOFC-technology that can, in contrast to previous SOFC-cells, start fast and allows for a high number of operating cycles. These cells are therefore also ideal for educational purposes.



Key data • • •

H2 CHarger Item-No. 1200 -17 The H2 Charger allows for the easy and safe generation of hydrogen. You only need a power socket and water. The H2 Charger is instantly ready to use. The hydrogen can then be stored with the H2 Storage.

Simple and fast set up Demonstration kit for teacher-centered approach. Both teacher and professors appreciate it

Experiments • • • • • • •

H2 Storage Item-No. 1200 -18 The H2 Storage allows for the easy and safe storage of hydrogen with a metal hydride storage tank and, thus, omits the need for gas containers. The stored hydrogen can also be used for other applications within the leXsolar experimentation systems.

Characteristics of a solar module Dependence of photocurrent from the distance and angle of incidence Characteristics of a electrolyzer Water = 2 parts Hydrogen + 1 part Oxygen Characteristics of a fuel cell Parallel- and serial connection of fuel cells More than 20 experiments in physics and chemistry

Components • • • • • • • • •

1x Solar module 1x PEM electrolyzer 1x PEM double-fuel cell 1x Consumer module 1x measurement device 1x Supporting frame 1x Manual 1x lamp with illuminant Hoses, hose clamps, wires



Novelty: SOFC-Fuel cell




12 leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go 2.0 Item-No. 1219

leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go offers the entire spectrum of current fuel cell technology for the classroom. The product was completely reworked and now contains the world’s first SOFC-fuel cell for educational purposes. Solar module, electrolyzer, and fuel cell permit the assembling and examination of a solar-hydrogen cycle. Working principles, efficiency and characteristics curves of electrolyzer and fuel cell are just some of the topics covered.

Beside the PEM-fuel cell and the SOFC-fuel cell, it also contains an ethanol-fuel cell in order to compare the different technologies. H2 Charger and H2 Storage allow for the easy generation and storage of hydrogen.True to the traditions of the Ready-to-go series all ancillary equipment is already included in the robust aluminum suitcase. available from: May 2014

Key data • • • • •

Comprehensive experimentation system on fuel cell technology Three different fuel cell technologies: PEM-, ethanol- and SOFC-fuel cells Buildable fuel cell stacks with three PEM-fuel cells Easy hydrogen generation and storage with H2 Charger and H2 Storage Includes all ancillary equipment

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Set up of an electrolyzer and the different fuel cells What does an electrolyzer do? I-V curve of an electrolyzer Hydrogen generation with the H2 Charger Hydrogen storage with the H2 Storage What does a PEM-fuel cell do? I-V curve of a PEM-fuel cell What does anEthanol-fuel cell do? I-V curve of an Ethanol-fuel cell Characteristics of the SOFC-fuel cell Application of the SOFC-fuel cell Faraday and energy efficiency of the electrolyzer Faraday and energy efficiency of the PEM-fuel cell Parallel- and series connection of the PEM-fuel cell


Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 12218-01 SOFC-fuel cell module 3x 1218-02 PEM-fuel cell module 1x 1218-03 Electrolyzer module 1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module 1x 1700-01 leXsolar-Ethanol-fuel cell module 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear 1x 1100-31 Solar module 2.5V, 420mA 1x 1213-01 Gas storage moduleH2/O2 1x 1100-19 leXsolar-base unit large, incl. circuit 1x 2105-00 Power supply 2x L2-06-134 Hose clamp 1x L2-06-133 Gas burner small 1x L2-04-022 Lamp with table clamps 1x L2-06-128 H2 Charger 3x L2-06-129 H2 Storage 2x L2-06-012 Test lead, black, 25cm 2x L2-06-013 Test lead, red, 25cm 1x L2-06-014 Test lead, black, 50cm 1x L2-06-015 Test lead, red, 50cm 1x L3-01-075 Aluminum suitcase “H2 Ready-to-go” 1x L3-01-103 Inlay “H2 Ready-to-go” 1x L2-02-017 Propeller yellow 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD 2x L2-06-011 Digital multimeter

extras available • •

1x L3-03-095instructions manual leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go page 68 1x L3-03-100Teacher’s manual leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go page 68




leXsolar-BioFuel Large Item-No. 1702

The entire process of producing biofuels can be demostrated with leXsolar-BioFuel Large. It starts with the biological step of alcoholic fermentation. Afterwards the produced mash will be distilled with the help of the leXsolar-condenser, which was developed just for this experiment. The last step demonstrates the conversion of the produced biofuel into usable energy, such as electrical energy, using the provided Ethanol-fuel cell. leXsolar-BioFuel Large does not only cover the topic of the production of bioethanol, but also the production of biodiesel through transesterification of fats.


Key data • • • •

Production of biofuel displayed in experiments for students Covers bioethanol and biodiesel production Interdisciplinary experiments for chemistry, physics and biology Includes an Ethanol-fuel cell for the generation of electrical energy out of biofuel

Experiments Part 1: Biodiesel production • Transesterification from fat to Biodiesel (FAME) • Determination of fat parameters • Extraction of fats from foods and oil plants Part 2: Alcohol fermentation • Ansetzen einer Maische / alkoholischen Gärung • Production of a mash/ alcoholic fermentation • Fermentation of different sugar types (including catalytic splitting of starch) • Proof of fermentation gases Part 3: Distillation and production of Bioethanol • Distillation of mash • Characteristics of the produced Ethanol Part 4: Ethanol fuels • Introduction Ethanol fuel cell • I-V curve of Ethanol fuel cells • Dependency of Ethanol fuel cells on concentration and temperature • Energy balance of the whole process

lexsolar-BioFuel deals with the different technologies of producing and using biomass fuel. Biofuels have two important advantages: they store renewable energies and they can easily replace fossil fuel in transportation.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear 1x 1700-01 leXsolar-Ethanol fuel cell 1x 1702-01 Plug with hose 1x 1702-02 Yeast 1 x 1702-03 Box 1702 4 x L2-02-016 Bumpon t 1x L2-06-017 propeller yellow 1x L2-06-016 laboratory thermometer 1x L2-06-070 distillation attachment 1x L2-06-071 cooler 1x L2-06-072 alcohol meter 1x L2-06-075 Erlenmeyer flask 1000 mL 1x L2-06-076 fermentation lock 1x L2-06-077 rubber plug 1x L2-06-079 densitometer 1x L2-06-082 beaker 250 ml 3x L2-06-083 test tube 1x L2-06-084 lamellar plug 3x L2-06-085 Pasteur pipette 1x L2-06-086 measuring cylinder 100 mL 1x L2-06-087 syringe 1x L2-06-110 silicone ring 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals 1 x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1 x L3-01-078 Insert „BioFuel-Large“

extras needed • • • • • • • • •

1x L2-06-119 stand rod 60 cm, M10 1x L2-06-120 double clamp 1x L2-06-118 stand base plate 2x 9100-03 IV-Module 2x L2-06-012 testing lead, black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 testing lead, red, 25 cm 1x L2-06-116 universal stand clamp 1x L2-06-114 Bunsen burner 1x 1700-02 Chain clamp

page 66 page 66 page 66

extras available • •


L3-03-096 Student´s manual leXsolar-BioFuel Large page 68 L3-03-103 Teacher´s manual leXsolar-BioFuel Large page 69


LeXsolarinnovations leXsolar Innovationen

14 leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go


Item-No. 1703

The entire process of producing biofuel is demonstrated with leXsolar-Biofuel Ready-to-go in the form of student experiments. The suitcase contains all necessary parts and components and can be used from any location. The first step is resource selection and fermentation. The resulting mash is then distilled with custom-built leXsolar-Cooler and the resulting ethanol will be characterized. Lastly, the produced bio fuel needs to be converted into usable energy – for example into electricity with the provided ethanol fuel cell. leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go does not only cover bio ethanol production but also the generation of biodiesel through transesterification of fats.

Topic BioFuel 1

Experiments Part 1: Biodiesel production • Transesterification of fat into biodiesel (FAME) • Measurement of fat parameters of biodiesel • Extraction of fats from edibles or oil crops Part 2: Alcoholic fermentation • Setting up a mash / fermentation • Fermentation of different sugars (including catalytic decomposition of starch into monosaccharide) • Detection of fermentation gases Part 3: Distillation and generation of bioethanol • Distillation of a mash • Characterization of the produced ethanol Part 4: Ethanol fuel cell • Introduction ethanol fuel cell • Characteristics of ethanol fuel cell • Dependency of the ethanol fuel cell on concentration and temperature • Energy balance of the entire process

extras available • •


1x L3-03-148 Student‘s Manual leXsolarBioFuel Ready-to-go 1x L3-03-149 Teacher‘s Manual leXsolarBioFuel Ready-to-go

page 68 page 69

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-Motor module without gear 1x 1700-01 leXsolar-Ethanol fuel cell 1x 1702-01 plug with hose 1x 1702-02 yeast 1x 1700-02 chain clamp 2x L2-06-011 digital multimeter 2x L2-06-012 testing lead, black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 testing lead, red, 25 cm 4x L2-02-016 bumpon 1x L2-06-017 propeller yellow 1x L2-06-016 laboratory thermometer 1x L2-06-070 distillation attachment 1x L2-06-071 cooler 1x L2-06-072 alcohol meter 1x L2-06-075 Erlenmeyer flask 1000 mL 1x L2-06-076 fermentation lock 1x L2-06-077 rubber plug 1x L2-06-079 densitometer 1x L2-06-082 beaker 250 ml 3x L2-06-083 test tube 1x L2-06-084 lamellar plug 3x L2-06-085 Pasteur pipette 1x L2-06-086 measuring cylinder 100 mL 1x L2-06-087 syringe 1x L2-06-110 silicone ring 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD 1x L3-01-099 suitcase “BioFuel Ready-to-go” 1x L3-01-107 inlay “BioFuel Ready-to-go” 1x L2-06-114 Bunsen burner 1x L2-06-116 universal stand clamp 1x L2-06-119 stand rod 60 cm, M10 1x L2-06-120 double clamp 1x L2-06-118 stand base plate

leXsolar-Condensor Item-No. L2-06-071 leXsolar has developed an innovative cooling system that doesn’t require a constant flow of cooling water. Instead, one filling is enough to distill up to 0.5 l of liquid. This makes it ideal for classrooms without individual access to water.


leXsolar-Ethanol fuel cell Item-No. 1700-01 The direct conversion of ethanol into electric energy can be impressively demonstrated with the leXsolar-Ethanol fuel cell. The cell is robust, easy to use and the most powerful on the market that is intended for experimentation.






leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go Item-No. 1304

This experimentation system allows for the application of different technologies of solar thermal energy transformation in class. The product does not only contain various solar collector systems, which can be operated with or without pumps, but also CSP-technology (Concentrated Solar Power) and a Peltier element for the direct generation of electricity. Another main feature are the experiments regarding the basics of thermodynamics, like absorption of heat radiation and the convective flow of heat, that provide a comprehensive understanding of the applied physical effects. Like the other products of the Ready-to-go line, the leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go amazes with its flexible and location-independent usability that doesn’t require any additional equipment.

Key data • • •

Experimentation system for solar thermal energy conversion Quantitative experiments for different collector systems Flexible and location-independent usage

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Absorptivity and reflectivity of different materials Focusing of light by a Fresnel lens Thermal convection and layering Thermal conduction Thermal insulation Solar thermal collector with pump circulation Solar thermal collector with thermosiphon circulation Variation of the flow speed Collector circuit with heat exchanger Collector circuit with paraffin heat reservoir Parabolic channel collector with pump cycle Defocussing Qualitative demonstration of the functional principle Investigating the thermoelectric generator Quantitative determination of the electrical power

The theme world leXsolar-ThermalEnergy combines various technologies for the production of renewable heat energy. This includes solar collectors as well as the so called CSP-technology (Concentrated Solar Power) for the generation of electricity from solar heat.



LeXsolarinnovations leXsolar Innovationen

Topic ThermalEnergy Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1100-19 leXsolar-base unit large incl. circuit scheme 1x 1100-23 leXsolar-Potentiometer module 1x 1300-03 solar collector 1x 1300-04 parabolic collector 1x 1300-05 absorber tube 1x 1300-06 lens module 1x 1300-07 absorber module for lens 1x 1300-08 absorber S/W 1x 1300-09 pump module 1x 1300-10 Peltier module 1x 1300-11 heat exchanger water 1x 1300-12 heat exchanger paraffin 1x 1300-13 tube set 1x 2105-00 universal power supply 1x 1100-27 leXsolar-motor module without gear 1x L2-04-080 lamp housing 1x L2-04-116 lamp 120W, 12° 2x L2-06-011 digital multimeter 1x L2-06-016 laboratory thermometer 1x L3-01-100 suitcase “ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go” 1x L3-01-109 inlay “ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go” 1x L2-06-125 cooling pad 1x L2-06-123 temperature measuring sensor 2x L2-02-007 sorting rubber bandd=65, mark P 1x L2-02-017 propeller yellow 1x L2-06-082 beaker glass 250ml 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals 2x L2-06-014 testing lead, black, 50cm 2x L2-06-015 testing lead, red, 50cm


The leXsolar-parabolic collector enables the representationof a parabolic trough power plant on a laboratory scale. The realistic depiction of the basic processes gives students well-grounded information about the application of solar thermal power plants.


Paraffin heat exchanger Item-No. 1300-12 The paraffin heat exchanger represents a latent heat storage. The physical effect of the phase change of a storage medium is used here to store heat. With the leXsolar-Paraffin heat exchanger, this can be demonstrated impressively with simple experiments.

extras available • •

1x L3-03-047 Student’s manual leXsolar- ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go page 68 1x L3-03-063 Teacher’s manual leXsolar- ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go page 69



Parabolic collector Item-No. 1300-04





leXsolar-EStore Large Item -No. 1802

This product teaches students the physical and technical foundations and applications of different battery technologies. The highly-topical issue of electric mobility is explored with an electric model car. Dimensioning and application of different battery types are just as much a topic as life expectancy or charging methods. The characteristics of various battery types are analyzed with qualitative and quantitative experiments. The product is expandable with a Lithium-Polymer and a lead battery module. Considering the storage problems with renewable energies, these topical issues should find their way into the curriculum.

Key data • • • •

Battery technology for educational purposes Various battery types like NiZn, LiFePo, capacitor Includes fuel cell „E-Mobility” with electric model car

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Connection between current, resistance and voltage Nominal voltage of voltage sources Internal resistance of voltage sources Series connection of voltage sources I-V curve of different battery modules I-V curve of the fuel cell Charging method of a rechargeable battery modules Discharging method of a rechargeable battery module Charging behavior of a capacitor Discharging behavior of a capacitor Hydrogen production in a reversible fuel cell Hydrogen consumption in a fuel cell Efficiency of the fuel cell Capacity measurement of a rechargeable battery module Operation of the electric car with different battery types Operation of the electric car with a fuel cell Ri-efficiency of different battery types Overall efficiency of a battery

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1801-07 base unit EStore 1x 1800-08 leXsolar-battery module NiMh 1xAAA 1x 1118-09 leXsolar-battery module 3xAAA 1x 1801-06 battery LiFePo AAA 1x L2-01-102 battery NiZn AAA 1x 1118-11 leXsolar-capacitor module 1x L2-06-067 reversible fuel cell 2x 1800-01 resistor module 3-fold 2x 1800-03 resistor plug element 1 Ohm 3x 1800-04 resistor plug element 100 Ohm 3x 1800-05 resistor plug element 10 Ohm 1x 1800-06 resistor plug element 33 Ohm 1x 1801-02 electric model car with module board

extras needed • • • • • •

1x 9100-03 IV module 1x 9100-05 power module 1x L2-06-012 testing lead,black, 25cm 1x L2-06-013 testing lead, red, 25cm 1x L2-06-014 testing lead, black, 50cm 1x L2-06-015 testing lead, red, 50cm

page 66 page 65 page 66 page 66 page 66 page 66

extras available • • • • • •

1x 1800-07 leXsolar-Lithium-polymer battery module 1x 1800-13 leXsolar-Lead battery module 1x 1800-09 battery adapter cable 1x L3-03-146 Student’s manual leXsolar-EStore Large 1x L3-03-147 Teacher’s manual leXsolar-EStore Large 1x9102 leXsolar-SmartControl Large

leXsolar-EStore is dealing with storage technologies for renewable energies. Electricity from wind and solar energy needs to be storable in the future. That is why basic knowledge of storage technology is necessary for a sustainable energy revolution. With the products of the leXsolar-EStore theme world, students can discover the characteristics and fields of application of different battery and storage technologies.



page 68 page 69 page 19

14 leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go Item No. 1803

This product teaches the physical and technical foundations and applications of different battery technologies. Eight different battery types like lithium-polymer battery, capacitor or fuel cell allow for the study of characteristics like lifespan and charging methods. Qualitative and quantitative experiments are used to explore the properties of various battery types. The electric model car can be run with all included storage types and, therefore, allow for E-Mobility experiments. Like the other products of the Ready-to-go series, the leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go amazes with its flexible and location-independent usability that doesn’t require any additional equipment.

Key data • • • •

Extensive experimentation system for battery technology Eight different storage types Various experiments for E-mobility possible No additional equipment needed

Experiments • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Relation between current, resistance and voltage Nominal voltage of voltage sources Internal resistance of voltage sources Series connection of voltage sources I-V curve of different battery modules I-V curve of the fuel cell Charging method of a rechargeable battery module with resistors Discharging method of a rechargeable battery module Charging behavior of a capacitor Discharging behavior of a capacitor Hydrogen production in a reversible fuel cell Hydrogen consumption in a fuel cell Efficiency of the fuel cell Capacity measurement of a rechargeable battery module Operation of the electric car with different battery types Operation of the electric car with a fuel cell Ri-efficiency of different battery types Overall efficiency of a battery

extras available • •


Components • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1801-07 base unit EStore 1x 1800-08 leXsolar-battery module NiMh 1xAAA 1x 1118-09 leXsolar-battery module NiMH 3xAAA 1x 1801-06 battery LiFePo AAA 1x L2-04-102 battery NiZn AAA 1x 1118-11 leXsolar-capacitor module 1x L2-06-067 reversible fuel cell 2x 1800-01 resistor module 3-fold 2x 1800-03 resistor plug element 1 Ohm 3x 1800-04 resistor plug element 100 Ohm 3x 1800-05 resistor plug element 10 Ohm 1x 1800-06 resistor plug element 33 Ohm 1x 1801-02 electronic model car with module board 1x 1118-02 leXsolar-motor module Pro 1x 1800-07 leXsolar-lithium-polymer battery module Pro 1x 1800-09 battery adapter cable 1x 1800-13 leXsolar-lead battery module Pro 1x 2105-01 universal power supply Pro 1x L2-04-059 safety testing lead, red, 50cm 1x L2-04-060 safety testing lead, black, 50cm 1x L2-04-066 safety testing lead, red, 25cm 1x L2-04-067 safety testing lead, black, 25cm 2x L2-06-011 digital multimeter 1x L3-01-072 aluminum suitcase with inlay

1x L3-03-154 Instructions manual EStore Ready-to-go page 68 1x L3-03-155 Experimentation manual EStore Ready-to-go page 69




leXsolar-SmartGrid Small Item-No. 1601

The leXsolar-SmartGrid Small melds solar energy, wind energy and storage possibilities into one product. That is why students from elementary school up to an age of 13 years are able to acquire knowledge about the basics and applications of these technologies. Another strength of the product is its curriculum-based themes of energy and energy conversion for experiments. The product requires no external voltage source – neither a power supply nor a battery. Students will generate the required energy with a hand generator. The additionally available leXsolar-LearningApp SmartGrid Small + connects the real experiments with digital learning contents. (see p. 70)


Experiments Solar energy • • •

From solar energy to motion From the solar cell to the solar module Influence of angle of incidence

Wind energy • •

From solar energy to light Influence of wind direction

Energy storages

• Solar energy storage • Wind energy storage

Fuel cell • • •

What is a electrolyzer What is a fuel cell The fuel cell powers a motor

Saving energy • •

Energy demand of different consumers Comparison light bulb – LED

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1602-01 Base unit small 1x 1602-02 Hand generator 1x 1400-19 Wind machine module 1x 1100-07 Solar panel 1.5 V, 280 mA 1x 1100-02 Solar panel 0.5 V, 840 mA 1x 1100-20 Lighting module 1x 1400-22 Wind turbine module (also usable as motor) 1x 1213-01 Gas storage module H2/O2 1x 1213-03 leXsolar-Fuel cell small (reversible) 1x 1100-26 Buzzer module 1x 1400-08 LED-module 2 mA, red 1x 1100-26 Lamp module 1x 1400-07 Capacitor module 0.22 F/ 2.5 V 2x L2-06-012 Test-lead black, 25 cm 2x L2-06-013 Test-lead red, 25 cm 2x L2-06-033 Short circuit plugs 1x 1400-21 Wind rotor set (mounted) 1x 1100-28 Color screens with mounting 1x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD with manuals 1x 1601-01 Box 1601 1x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 1x L3-01-104 Insert Wind universal

extras available • • •

The term SmartGrid is used for the efficient networking and steering

L3-03-049 Student´s manual leXsolar- SmartGrid Small page 68 L3-03-104 Teacher´s manual leXsolar- SmartGrid Small page 69 6001 SmartGrid Small + page 71 Now also as leXsolar-LearningApp from page 70.

of energy sources, energy storage, and consumers within an intelligent power grid. Only with Smart-Grids the goal of 100% Renewables is reachable!



4 3 Smartmeter


Understanding the energy revolution with leXsolarSmartGrid

The grid reports an ample energy supply –time for the smartmeter to start the pre-programmed washing machine. The leXsolar-Smartmeter works like a real intelligent electricity meter. It can, depending on the energy supply, switch consumers on or off and keeps the grid stable and the electricity bill small.

Pumped storage power plant Wind farm

The storage is almost full! Now, the smart e-mobility fleet needs to be involved to provide sufficient storage capacity!

The wind farms run at full power!Where to go with the excess energy? Do the storages have enough capacity?


Daily profile wind velocity


Right now there’s a stiff breeze –great conditions for wind power plants!The leXsolar-Power module controls the wind speed according to the daily profile.


2 1

The future of energy supply is called Smart Grid! The energy revolution is only possible if consumers are equipped with smart meters and renewable energies are embedded into an The new products of the leXsolar-SmartGrid series allow students to build a real smart grid themselves. Premade or self-arranged scenarios teach students the challenges of power grid



intelligent grid with enough storage capabilities.




It’s cloudy and the solar radiation is therefore quite weak. The lighting is controlled by the leXsolar-dimmer module according to a pre-set daily profile.

management. The sample scenario shown here can be built with leXsolar-SmartGrid Large or leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go. Details for these products can be found on the subsequent pages.


Solar park


The conditions are bad and the photovoltaic plants are only running at 20% capacity!Luckily, the wind farms in the north are at full power.



Network control center


Electronic vehicles are an important part of the SmartGrid of the future!They serve as a decentralized “storage fleet”.

This is where all data comes together: current energy production, available storage capabilities and the energy consumption. This information enables the student to manage their grid themselves. The communication works wireless with SmartControl technology (see p.14). The integrated platform-independent software allows control with any mobile device.

In a real household, different consumers are needed at different times. Thus, their behavior yields a certain consumption profile.








leXsolar-SmartGrid Large

leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go

leXsolar-SmartGrid Large allows the construction of a smart grid with various renewable energies as a student experiment. It is possible to choose different energy generation profiles and observe their effect on the system. The various available storage units and consumers allow complex Smart Grids and enable a multitude of possible scenarios to analyze.

Ready-to-go stands for a fully equipped product of the leXsolar-SmartGrid line in a durable aluminum suitcase that is ready anytime and anywhere. leXsolar-SmartGrid Ready-to-go allows the construction of a Smart Grid with various renewable energy sources on a laboratory scale. It’s possible to choose different energy generation profiles and observe their effect on the system. The various available storage units and consumers allow complex Smart Grids and enable a multitude of possible scenarios to analyze.

Item-No. 1606

Item-No. 1605

The energy flow within the smart grid can be read with a smartmeter or measured manually by the student. The system is controlled manually in the basic version. The expansion SmartControl Large complements it with additional smartmeter with WirelessConnect modules that allow for computer-based measuring and control via software.

The energy flow within the smart grid can be read directly with a smartmeter or wirelessly with software. This enables the students to control the system manually or with the help of the SmartControl-software. All necessary SmartControl components for measuring and control are already included as well as the platform-independent mobile device support!This allows every student to use their own mobile device to supervise the network control center. The package includes wind and solar power components and, thus, the foundation for the most important basic experiments.

The package includes wind and solar power components and, thus, the foundation for the most important basic experiments.

Sample scenarios and experiments • • • •

The wind farm goes offline.How long do the supplies last while satisfying all consumers? Which consumers need a constant energy flow and which can be switched onin times of ample supply? How can the grid be stabilized by using more efficient consumers? How can an e-mobility fleet add to grid stability?

extras available • •

1 x 9102 SmartControl Large xtension E-Mobility E


page 19

Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Plastic box with inlay leXsolar-Base unit lamp with dimmer solar module 5W, 5V power module leXsolar-Wind generator leXsolar-Wind turbine charge controller storage module Supercap-capacitor light bulb module motor module LED module 2x smartmeter

Components • • • • • • • • • • • •

Plastic box with inlay leXsolar-base unit Lamp with dimmer module Solar module 5W, 5V leXsolar-Wind generator leXsolar-Wind turbine Charge controller Storage module Supercap-capacitor Light bulb module Motor module Electronic car Reversible fuel cell

• LED module • Set of testing leads • SmartControl components: - 2x IV module - Power module - 4x Smartmeter - 3x USBConnect - SmartControl server - WirelessStick - 5x WirelessConnect - SmartControl software




leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go Item-No. 1502

Thanks to the leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go, discussions about energy becomes more tangible. The approach is holistic: the students focus first on issues like global energy consumption, climate change or energy consumption at private households. Based on the question-at-hand, students will make measurements based on the problem; for instance things like room temperature or climate, water and energy consumption, etc. The goal is to foster the ability to identify potentials for improvements and savings.

Key data •

With the help of this combination of instruments, the following topics can be analyzed and optimized: - Electrical energy consumption. - Heating behavior. - Air quality. - Water consumption of a school / household. - Lighting • Optimal for energy saving projects in the classroom. • Many measurements can utilize an automatic Data Logging System. • Includes a detailed introduction to the topics for students, exercise sheets for the respective measurements and an experiment guide for teachers.

Experiments Understanding Energy • • • • • • •

Primary- and secondary energy, resources and reserves Units and conversions, key sizes Production of electricity, comparison of power plants Worldwide energy consumption Climate change and CO2 Why save energy? Where do we need energy?

Learn more about your school – Which energy sources are used? What are their locations & costs? Temperature in the classroom Heat loss of buildings Air quality Heating and ventilating: correct behavior Humidity

Heating • • • • •


Components • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The topics of energy efficiency and saving energy are the key elements for

x L2-06-038 Base station including 2 temperature sensors 1 1 x L2-06-054 Power supply 1 x L2-06-039 Humidity + temperature sensor 1 x L2-06-037 Temperature sensor 1 x L2-06-040 Temperature sensor for outside use 1 x L2-06-034 Light Meter 1 x L2-06-035 Infrared thermometer 2 x L2-06-036 Electricity meters 1 x L2-06-041 Flow meter 1 x L3-01-041 Aluminum case Esave Ready-to-go 8 x L2-06-030 Battery AAA LR03 1,5 V 1 x L3-03-016 leXsolar-CD 1 x L3-01-053 Foam inserts Esave Ready-to-go

• • •

Learn more about your school – Where does drinking water come from? Where does the used water go? What are the annual consumption & costs, etc. Hot water preparation Where is water consumed: correct behavior

Electricity Consumption • • • • •

Learn more about your school – Which energy supplier are use? What are the annual consumption & costs? Electrical energy in everyday life Electrical energy in the kitchen Energy guzzler Hidden loss: stand-by-mode and the “off” position.

• • •

Light in the classroom Comparison of different light sources Researching different brightnesses


a successful realization of a renewable energy supply, because the bare replacement of capacities for generating energy is virtually impossible.

extras available

Also the demand has to be reduced. The goal of leXsolar-ESave is tracking down and benefit from potential savings - without sacrificing comfort.

• • •


1x 1500-01 CO2-Temperature-Sensor 1x L3-03-050 Student‘s Manual leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go page 68 1x L3-03-064 Teacher‘s Manual leXsolar-Esave page 69


leXsolar-H2 Charger Item-No. 1200 -17


The H2 Charger is an independent and easy solution for the production of hydrogen. The system is compatible with all PEM-fuel cell systems of the leXsolar experimentation kits. Components like gas cylinders are not needed as the hydrogen is stored directly in the metal hydride storage of the H2 Storage.

Technical data • • • • • • •

Weight: 1.8kg Usable water: de-ionized or distilled water (10 … 40°C) Water usage: approx. 20ml/h Release pressure: 0 … 3.0 MPa Gas generation: up to 3 l/h Purity of produced hydrogen: 99.99% Charging time for an H2-Storage: approx. 4 hours

leXsolar-H2 Storage Complete Item-No. 1200 -19

The H2 Storage allows for the simple and safe storage of hydrogen in a metal hydride. The storage module is easily filled with the H2 Charger or from a gas cylinder. The included adjustable valve releases the hydrogen again.

Technical data • • • • •

Capacity: 10 l (approx. 0.9 g hydrogen) Max. pressure: 3 … MPa (20°C) Release pressure: 0 … 3.0 MPA (25°C) Connection: M6-winding Including valve

Also available without valve (Item-No. 1200-18)

leXsolar-PowerModule Item-No. 9100-05

An experimentation system is only as good as its manual. This is why we hold our literature to the highest standard. The same also applies to accessories and basic equipment.

The PowerModule replaces the power supply in the leXsolar experiments. With manual operation the voltage can be changed incrementally in 0.5V steps from 0 to 12V. When using the software, the voltage can be altered continuously and even be set time-dependent.

Technical Data • • • •

Output voltage 0-12V DC Maximum current 2A Voltage increment 0.5V (manually) or continously (software) Input voltage 110 - 230 V AC




The IV module measures current and voltage and replaces conventional multimeter completely. The touch field switches between current and voltage reading.

Anemometer for use with the leXsolar-Wind Large. Also usable with mount for plugging onto main board or onto wind turbine module.

Item-No. 9100-03

Technical data • •

Voltage reading 0 … 12 V Current reading 0 … 1 A

Item-No. 1400-02

Technical data • • • • • • • •

Displays wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knot Display minimum: 0.2 m/s 5 % Display maximum 30 m/s 5 % LCD backlit display Automatic shut-off power supply Water-resistant Measures: 38 x 17 x 98 mm (1.5 x 0.7 x 3.9 inch) Includes battery CR 2032

Lamp with Table Clamp

leXsolar Giveaway Series

Lamp with table clamp for attachment to the edge of a table. Optimal for providing lighting for the solar panels during indoor experiments.

Experiment kits are attractive to adults and children alike – these are products from the leXsolar Giveaway series. The kits allow discovering what renewables are while playing. The leXsolar Giveaway series connects sophisticated design, learning effect, and a favorable price. Due to the possibility of an individual branded design of the kits the leXsolar Giveaway products are suitable for use as great advertising gifts.

Item-No. L2-04-022

230V, 35W

Laboratory-thermometer Item-No. L2-06-016

Alcohol laboratory thermometer with red liquid. Measurement range: -10..+ 110°C, graduation: 1°C

leXsolar-PV Giveaway Item-No. 1112

leXsolar-PV Giveaway is the ideal PV experiment kit for the desk. That is why it is the perfect gift for customers if the gift has to be more than just a pen. Despite minimal costs you will receive a product which meets the high leXsolar-quality standards. In addition, each kit comes with a detailed manual which describes the working principle of solar cells and also explains a couple of experiments. leXsolar-PV Giveaway does not only look good, the user can also learn more about photovoltaics.

Test lead black or red black: red:

Item-No. L2-06-012: 25cm | L2-06-014: 50 cm Item-No. L2-06-013: 25cm | L2-06-015: 50 cm

PVC-test lead, with two 4mm banana plugs

Measurements without measuring devices Item-No. 1106

This expansion increases the functionality of the leXsolar-PV Large and leXsolar-Wind Large for students between the ages of 11 and 15. Three consumer modules (motor, buzzer, and lamp) allow additional qualitative and descriptive experiments .


leXsolar-Wind Giveaway Item-No. 1407

Experiments dealing with wind energy for every age group are offered by leXsolar-Wind Giveaway. Whether as small experiment kit for children or as gift for adults, the learning effect is guaranteed! How strong do I have to blow to have the horn make noise? Which blade position is the optimal one for that? What does pitch regulation mean? With leXsolar-Wind Giveaway you can better answer all these questions. leXsolar-Wind Giveaway can also be branded according to your cooperate design. That is why it is the ideal advertising gift. From logo imprint to package branding – everything is possible.


Schüler- und Lehrerhefte Jedem leXsolar-Experimentierystem liegt die leXsolar-CD mit allen Schüler- und Lehrerheften als pdf- und Word-Dokument bei. Alle Hefte sind zusätzlich als gedruckte Version bestellbar:

Student‘s Manual

Teacher‘s Manual

Every leXsolar product includes a comprehensive and age-appropriate instructions manual with various experiments. The manuals can be printed out and used as templates for simplicity’s sake.The experiments are then done step by step with the help of the printed experiment description and a layout. Table and diagram templates are already included.

In addition to the student’s manual, the teachers also have access to a teacher’s manual with extensive solutions and background information for all experiments. This allows for a quick comparison of experimental data of the students and the conveyance of well-grounded background information.

Equipment needed Task


Layout Diagrams

The digital versions of both manuals are included as Word and PDF documents with every product. Printed versions can also be ordered.








leXsolar- SmartGrid Small + Item-No. 6001

SmartGrid Small + is the beginning of cooperation between Elesapiens –the award-winning experts for app-based learning software – and leXsolar. The learning app SmartGrid Small + combines the experimentation kit of the same name by leXsolar with the interactive learning software of Elesapiens. This allows even the youngest to learn about renewable energies in a playful manner. It includes interactive instructions as well as videos, games and quiz elements.

Content • •

5 units: - Energy, the motor of all things - Energy and Humans - Where is energy? - Energy and environment - A sustainable world With over 100 pages in 36 sections

The leXsolar units establish a direct connection between app and experiment:

The new theme world leXsolar-LearningApps bridges the gap between

Other units are e.g. videos or quiz elements

the digital learning world and the leXsolar experimentation kits. The leXolar-LearningApps offer interactive instructions for leXsolar kits and use today’s technologies to teach students about renewable energies even better.





„Energy aLIVE“ curriculum Item-No. 4006

The energy aLIVE curriculum was created by leXsolar as a tool to promote renewable energies at school. The curriculum delivers an action plan for one school year at Junior High School / middle school including a broad variety of renewable energy topics. Its essence is an extensive skill development that is motivated by the social, political, economic and ecological context of our time. All leXsolar products needed to implement the curriculum are included.


Key data • • •

Renewable energy curriculum for Junior High School / middle school 24 learning units (each 90 min) for an entire school year All needed leXsolar products included

• • • • •

limate change. Mankind and nature C Saving energy.Don’t just say, do Energy politic. A question of war and peace Types of power plants. Possibilities and limitations Blackout. Power grids on the edge of collapse

Components • • • • •

1 tutor manual with annual plan and didactic concept „energy aLIVE” 1x 1502 leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go 3x 1214 leXsolar-H2 Medium 3x 1403 leXsolar-Wind Medium 3x 1115 leXsolar-PV Small

Complex requirements for modern learning environments need complex solutions. Complete didactic concepts and problem-oriented curricula are highly sought-after. This is what we offer you with the leXsolar-Turnkey Solutions. We combine experimentation equipment, software, basic laboratory components and service with our expertise for renewable energies into fitting solutions for your problems.





leXsolar-TurnkeySolutions Physics

leXsolar-TurnkeySolutions Technology

This turnkey solution integrates renewable energies into physics class. Basic experiments for wind power, photovoltaic, solar thermal energy and fuel cells are included as well as their connection with the SmartGrid with leXsolar-SmartControl Large. The set is completed with the addition of the corresponding leXsolar-Academy modules. There, our trained staff sets up all products to be ready for class right out of the box. At the same time, you will be brought up to date in terms of the current state of technology.

The leXolar-turnkey Solution Technology leaves no question unanswered when it comes to the technological foundations of renewable energies. The different technologies can be modeled and cross-linked on a laboratory scale. Current issues regarding the application of renewable energies are just as much a topic as their physical and technical foundation. In addition to the hardware, you will also receive training within the corresponding leXsolar-Academy modules. There, our trained staff sets up all products to be ready for class right out of the box. At the same time, you will be brought up to date terms of the current state of technology.

Item-No. 4007

Item-No. 4009

Key data • • • •

Renewable energies for physics class Enough for 6 work stations (12 students) Scalable for entire class set Setup and training included

Components • • • • • • • •

2x 1103 leXsolar-PV Large 2x 1404 leXsolar-Wind Large 2x 1218 leXsolar-H2 Large 1x 1304 leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go 1x 1200-17 H2 Charger 3x 1200-18 H2 Storage 6x 9102 leXsolar-SmartControl Large leXsolar-Academy Modules PV1, WP1, FC1

Key data • • • •

Renewable energies for technology class Enough for 6 work stations (12 students) Scalable for entire class set Setup and training included

Components • • • • • • •

2x 1802 leXsolar-EStore Large 2x 1304 leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go 2x 1605 leXsolar-SmartGrid Large 1x 1502 leXsolar-ESave Ready-to-go leXsolar-Academy Modules ES1 setup and service 1x 1200-17 H2 Charger 3x 1200-18 H2 Storage

14 leXsolar-TurnkeySolutions Industry Item-No. 4010

The applications are numerous: Contact with local schools, the establishment of student’s laboratories or nationwide PR-campaigns with schools the leXsolar-TurnkeySolutions Industry is customizable and scalable. Our references on page 80 will show you some of our already realized projects. Contact us! Together, we can create innovative and publicly visible education projects.

14 leXsolar-TurnkeySolutions Chemistry Item-No. 4008

• • •

This turnkey solution offers renewable energies for chemistry class. It is comprised of a set on the topic of bio fuels and one regarding the basics of fuel cell technology in the form of our experimentation system H2 Large. With the H2 Charger and the corresponding H2 Storage, you also get the safe and economical solution for the production of hydrogen. You only need water and a power socket to generate hydrogen for the leXsolar experimentation systems or other uses. Besides the experimentation kits, you will also get to take part in the leXsolar-Academy to get to know the products and their usage. At the same time, you will be brought up to date in terms of the current state of technology.

Renewable energies for chemistry class Enough for 6 work stations (12 students) Scalable for entire class set Setup and training included


Thematically adaptable and scalable solution Individually customizable Complete solution including customerspecific branding and training Ideal for PR or school contact for industry companies

Components Sample solution: Renewable energies student’s laboratory with 6 work stations.

Key data • • • •

Key data

Components • • • • •

3x 1702 leXsolar-BioFuel Large 3x 1218 leXsolar-H2 Large 1x 1200-17 H2 Charger 3x 1200-18 H2 Storage leXsolar-Academy Modules BF1 and FC1

• • • • • • • • • • •

1x 1105 leXsolar-PV Ready-to-go 1x 1405 leXsolar-Wind Ready-to-go 1x 1219 leXsolar-H2 Ready-to-go 1x 1703 leXsolar-BioFuel Ready-to-go 1x 1304 leXsolar-ThermalEnergy Ready-to-go 1x 1803 leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go 1x 1200-17 H2 Charger 3x 1200-18 H2 Storage leXsolar-Academy Modules Branding of all products Individual project design



leXsolar-Academy Participants of the leXsolar-Academy gain widespread knowledge about the basics and applications of renewable energies. The leXsolar-Academy integrates practical orientated experiments with the leXsolar-experimental systems into the theoretical lectures in a unique way. This guaranteesthe optimal learningprocess. The leXsolar-Academy is module based, so that for every single technology of renewable energies numerous modules are available. Those are on one side both theory and application orientated and on the other side suitable for beginners and advanced listeners. Because of this specific courses for every need are possible. Especially for teachers of the general school system the “leXsolar-Academy Basic” courses were developed. Independent from the pre-defined courses all leXsolar-Academy modules are separate bookable. Content of the courses leXsolar-Academy Basic: leXsolar-Academy Comprehensive modules 1: Renewable energies - general overview leXsolar-Academy Comprehensive modules 2: Renewable energies – Current state, numbers, facts leXsolar-Academy Photovoltaics 1: Introduction to the physics of photovoltaics leXsolar-Academy Photovoltaics2: Introduction to the applications of photovoltaics leXsolar-Academy ThermalEnergy 1: Introduction to the technology of solar thermal energy leXsolar-Academy Wind 1: Introduction to the physics of wind power leXsolar-Academy EStore 4: Introduction to the technology of energy stores leXsolar-Academy BioFuels 1:Introduction to the technology of biofuels leXsolar-Academy H2: Introduction to the physicsof fuel cells Objectives and Contents • • • • • • • •

Gain insight into the utilization of renewable energy sources Insight into the possibilities of storage and integration of renewable energies Insight and analysis of problems and challenges connected to renewable energies Explanation of energy conversion chains from the source till consumer Linking of basic physical principles and effects with technical applications from today and future Steep learning curve: from basic knowledge of physic to solid practical knowledge Broad general view over the complete topic All contents supported by experiments from the leXsolar experiment systems

Duration: 3 training days

The leXsolar Academy provides you with the necessary knowledge to all renewable energy technologies and makes you a competent contact person on this topic for their students and colleagues.



leXsolar-Academy Here you can find exclusive modules, which are particularly important for teachers of general schools.

Goals: Participants • Gain an insight into the several possibilities to generate solar thermal power and its possible applications. • Lead this process back to the three main principles of thermal radiation, heat conduction and convection.

Module CM 1: Renewable energies: general view Contents: • Motivation towards renewable energies • Renewable energies potential

Module WP 1: Introduction to the physics of wind energy Contents: • Compare different types of wind generators (functions and features) • Control ofthe wind turbine system

Goals: Participants • Gain an insight into the structure and sources of renewable energies. • Know what renewable energies mean for future energy supply

Goals: Participants • Know the different settings and applications for resistance and armature • Analyze the influence of different parameters of wind generations on their performance.

Module CM 2: Renewable energies: updated status, numbers and facts Contents: • Current percentage of renewable energies at energy mix • Future perspective of renewables

Module ES 4: Energy saving and batteries Contents: • Overview over different energy storage methods (chemical, thermic, mechanical,…) • Use of energy storage: an example E-Mobility

Goals: Participants • Get an overview of the current market situation of renewables. • Know the cost-effectiveness and the payback period of the renewable energies system.

Goals: Participants • Gain an insight into the different methods to save energy and analyze their possible applications and possible problems. • Determine the suitability of different types of storage batteries for E-Mobility purposes.

Module PV 1: Introduction into the physics of photovoltaic Contents: • Functional principles and explanatory models of photovoltaic • Several concepts about photovoltaic • Characteristics and specific values of solar cells

Module BF 1: Introduction to the technologies of biofuels Contents: • Production of different biofuels (Biodiesel, bioethanol) • Use of biofuels: ethanol fuel cells

Goals: Participants • Have deep knowledge of the functions and types of solar cells. • Characterize and measure independent solar cells. .

Module PV 4: : Introduction to application of photovoltaic Contents: • Solar cells as a source of power • Problems and solutions regarding the technical application of photovoltaic Goals: Participants • Examine the solar cells´ behaviour under load • Determine the structure and technique of solar modules for practical purposes


Module ST 1: Einführung in die Technologie der Solarthermie Contents: • Construction and functional principles of the different solar heat systems • Application possibilities of solar heat

Goals: Participants • Compare different types of bio fuels. • Know analytic process for fuels: for example, the distinction between vegetable oil and biodiesel

Module FC 1: Introduction to the physics of fuel cells Contents: • The functioning of different fuel cells • Energy cycle electrolyzer / fuel cells Goals: Participants • Analyze the characteristics and efficiency of bio fuels and electrolyzer • Know the problems and the potential of the hydrogen technique as energy storage.


leXsolar cooperations and references

„We were looking for an option to make the topics of photovoltaic and renewable energies accessible to students. leXsolar worked with teachers and our experts for solar technology to create custom suitcases and the corresponding experiments that were adjusted for the curricula of the different school types. This sponsoring model enabled us to offer schools these suitcases for a reduced price. With leXsolar we’ve had an always very competent and dependable partner for this project.“ Christina Rettig Public Relations Manager Marketing and Communication SCHOTT AG

In cooperation ... „We are attending the leXsolar-Academy in Dresden regularly with teachers from secondary schools in

with a multitude of companies and energy providers,

Baden-Württemberg within the educational program of EnBWE nergie Baden-Württemberg AG. The

we do our part for the success of renewable energies.

combination of technical and didactic competence with the cultural highlights of Dresden always makes the

Many years of experience, high quality standards

event unforgettable for all attendees“

and a great innovative potential allowed us to realize educational projects with many partners already. Now,

Andreas Reichert Corporate Communication EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

we’d like to create your project with you! For example: •

Take social responsibility through school

sponsoring. We design leXsolar products just

for you: from your logo on the product to entire

custom made products, everything is possible.

Equip entire training laboratories. Train your

teachers and students into experts on

renewable energies with leXsolar systems.

Strengthen your regional connections!

Support local schools and improve your public

image by lending our leXsolar products through

the leXsolar-Lending model.

Further educate your teachers! If in a single

event or accompanying a project: The leXsolar-

Academy conducts further education for

experiment with different battery types, fuel cells and the electronic model car.“

teachers and train-the-trainer courses.

Karen Herrmann Enervie Gruppe Corporate Communication

„We’ve been supporting secondary schools with leXsolar products and services within the framework of our support program since 2010. We have confidence in the innovative experimentation systems and their quality. The workshops with the developers and the service of the leXsolar-Academy also regularly convince the teachers of their didactic quality in such a way that they can experiment with their students the very next day. We are pleased to announce that in the year 2014, we will set our focus on e-mobility, battery technology and its application in storing renewable energies with the “leXsolar-EStore Ready-to-go” and enable schools to

Our references show some of our realized projects. © by ENERVIE - Südwestfalen Energie und Wasser AG

„We, as leXsolar customer from the beginning, are awed again and again by the competent and reliable service that always stands out with individual support through friendly and courteous staff. We use the photovoltaic experimentation sets in the further education programs of the DGS Solarschule, but also for public schools. Nothing is more suitable to teach engineers, technicians and also students the basics of solar technology. We like to show small-scale demonstrative experiments with solar cells that can be done with the help of the leXsolar-sets.“ Antje Klauss-Vorreiter Thuringian branch of the German Association for Solar Energy e.V.



leXsolar innovation and quality made in Dresden The source of innovation and quality … of the leXsolar products is located in the Saxon capital and that not without reason. Dresden is home to a unique and inspiring cultural and scientific landscape. Ten universities and colleges, three Max Planck-, four Leibnitz- and eleven Fraunhofer-institutes are supplemented by numerous competence centers and facilities for the transfer of technologies. On the other side, Semperoper, GrünesGewölbe, Sächsische Staatskapelle or the Frauenkirche make for an unrivaled cultural richness. Imbued by this inspiring setting, new ideas will continue to be developed here in order to help your students understand new energies.




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