5783 Kol Nidrei Appeal
The Temple Emunah Kol Nidrei Appeal is part of our ongoing efforts to raise funds to ensure we can continue to nurture a vibrant, inclusive and enriching Jewish community. We rely on and are eternally grateful for your support in this endeavor.
From Rabbi Lerner Finding the Hidden Light
Rabbinic Intern 2 President .................................. 3 High Holy Days 4 Adult Education 6 Emunah Team........................... 7 Preschool 8 Minyan Katan / Minyan Story 9 Religious School/Youth .......... 10 Sisterhood............................... 12 Brotherhood............................ 12 Inside: ךותב Library Bereavement................................14Committee......14Disability/Inclusion.............15EmunahIsraelTrip...............15Ladle...................................16 Yahrzeits.........................18-21 Hineni Connecting Donations......................22-24Team....21Halendar........................25-27
According to the Hebrew calendar, we welcomed the year’s final month a few days ago. Elul heralds the new year as we sound the shofar each weekday morning at Shah.arit services. Elul comes from the Akkadian, meaning “harvest;” however, in the Jewish tradi tion, Elul begins a month of introspec tion, forgiveness, and intimacy. Our rabbis see its four Hebrew letters (aleph - lamed - vav - lamed
(continued on page 17)
Each year at Simhat Torah, we complete the Torah reading cycle and start our reading again with Bereisheet (Genesis). Amidst the celebration showing our love of Torah is a special ceremony honoring two people who have shared their accom plishments through their contributions to the religious life of our community. This year’s “groom and bride of the Torah” are Mark Bobrow—Hatan Torah, and Annette Koren— Kallat Bereisheet. They will be honored on Simhat Torah morning (Tuesday, October 18) during our services, which begin at 9:15 am. Watch your email for details. Biographies of the honorees follow: Mark Bobrow Mark and Cindy have been members of Temple Emunah since 1991. They have celebrated the B’not Mitzvah of their daughters Elizabeth and Jennifer, the wedding of Elizabeth, and the naming of their grandchildren Ethan and Eliana with the Temple Emunah community. (continued on page 5) Annette Koren Annette and her husband, Harmon, have been members of Temple Emunah for 35 years. Annette has long been involved with the preschool, holding positions from founding board member to substitute teacher. She has served on the Temple Emunah board and has been active in Sisterhood. for a quotation from the Song of Songs: I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine (6:3). The love of God and the Jewish people for one another takes center stage as we approach the Days of Awe. The recitation of Psalm 27 creates feelings of closeness, which marks the liturgy this season as an integral of part of morning and evening services throughout the month. One of my personal favorites, Psalm 27 was written by someone who yearns for God’s presence, to experience it truly. The psalm opens with a statement of confidence - “God is my light and my salvation, from whom shall I fear?” (27:1) This (continued on page 5) ) as an acronym for a
Fall 2022 Elul 5782 – Kislev 5783
Link to give: com/form/5783-kol-nidrei-appeal.htmlhttps://templeemunah.shulcloud.
ha H desh
Simh.at Torah Honorees
lower-after 2 Meet Our Rabbinic Internha Hodesh . A Newsletter for Temple Emunah members 9 Piper Road, Lexington, MA 02421-8199 www.TempleEmunah.org Main Office: 781-861-0300 Fax: 781-861-7141
Executive Director Raveetal Celine 781-861-0300, ext. rceline@templeemunah.org21
Accounting Manager Alisa Billings 781-861-0300, ext. abillings@templeemunah.org23
Rabbinic Intern Rafi Abramowitz templeemunah.orgRabramowitz@ Emeritus Bernard Eisenman President Linna Ettinger president@templeemunah.org781-863-8511
Director of Media and Bonnie Gold 781-861-0300, ext. 29 Communications bgold@templeemunah.org
Chief of Cong. Advancement Hannah Arwe 781-861-0300, ext. 30 & Manager of Pastoral Admin. harwe@templeemunah.org
Synagogue Educator/Young Tova Weinronk 781-861-0300, ext. 34 Family Engagement Coord. tweinronk@templeemunah.org
Laura Cohen Gordon, Interim Administrative Dir. lcohengordon@templeemunah.org Chaiya Zalles, Interim Administrative Director czalles@ temapleemunah.org
Director of Programming Efrat Assulin 781-861-0300, ext. eassulin@templeemunah.org28
Synagogue Educator Sydney Bluman 781-861-0300, ext. sbluman@templeemunah.org32 Office Administrator Marilyn Pappo 781-861-0300, ext. office@templeemunah.org20
Temple Emunah welcomes its new Hebrew College Rabbinic Intern: Rafi Abramowitz. Growing up between Mexico City, New Jersey, Jerusalem, and London, Rafi was exposed to a wide array of Jewish customs and practices. The grandson of a Conservative Rabbi on one side and Reform Jews on the other, Rafi was actually raised Modern Orthodox and spent his gap-year learning in Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi, before becoming the Gabbai of the Orthodox minyan at Brandeis. While in college, Rafi also started a transportation company and spent four years performing improv comedy. After university, Rafi began a brief career as a playwright and producer. For the past three years, he’s been working on a play about a slave-owning Rabbi who hosts a Passover Seder during the American Civil War. After a while, however, Rafi realized that his true passion lay in Jewish leadership. He spent his first year at JTS, before transferring to Hebrew College where he hopes to explore alternative forms of fun, spiritual, and engaging Jewish practice. Rafi is also a professional High Holiday Chazzan, leads an active lifestyle, is a huge Yankee fan, and spent this past summer leading canoeing trips at Ramah Canada. Rafi would love to meet everyone for a shmooze about life, Torah, Judaism, or really anything at all. He’s so excited to be working at Temple Emunah this year!
Senior Rabbi David G. Lerner 781-861-0300, ext. dlerner@templeemunah.org22 Rabbi Leora Kling Perkins 781-861-0300, ext. lklingperkins@templeemunah.org31
Director of Me’ir Sherer 781-861-0303, ext. 24 Learning msherer@templeemunah.org
Sally DeLucia, Interim Program Sdelucia@templeemunah.orgDirector
At the June installation dinner: Mark Bobrow (immediate Past President), Linna Ettinger (President) and Rabbi David Lerner.
Administrator/Accounts Catherine Corbett 781-861-0300, ext. 26 Payable Assistant ccorbett@templeemunah.org Bulletin Editor Linda Silverstein lindags@comcast.net Meet the 2022-2023 Preschool Team! Lucie Chag, Interim Program lchag@templeemunah.orgDirector
Right: Emunah educators Me’ir Sherer, Sydney Bluman and Tova Weinrock.
Special thanks go to Janet Goldberg and Rabbi Kling Perkins for writing up new Kitchen policies and procedures on which to base future kitchen training sessions to equip our committee members with the skills they need to navigate our kitchen. Stay tuned for details regarding kitchen training.
As citizens of the world, we have undergone significant communal trauma – trauma from the social isolation of COVID19 and other tragedies and calamities that have affected our country and the world.
The president is also responsible for articulating a shared vision for the community. My vision consists of three compo nents: Recovery, Realignment and Re-empowerment.
Some people have asked me what it’s been like to be president of Temple Emunah. The president is respon sible for all synagogue operations, and works closely with each Vice President (Administration – Seth Maislin; Community Affairs - Ken Bruss; Education and Youth – Norma Gaffin; Facilities – Alan Sherman; Finance – Eric Gornstein; Religious Affairs – Dave Geller; and Security – Michael Roskind) to help manage their portfolios, while also working closely with the Preschool (Amram Migdal), Sisterhood (Janet Goldberg), Brotherhood (Scott Damsky), Rabbis Lerner and Kling Perkins, and Executive Director Raveetal Celine. I spend a lot of quality time communicating with super friendly, generous, and capable people.
While we may feel powerless to perfect our world, we each have power over how we conduct ourselves with those closest to us – our family members, and our fellow congregants. As Maimonides says, if we each work on perfecting ourselves and our interactions with those we hold dear, then incrementally, we will work towards perfecting the world. Recovery Using Zoom technology to remain safely connected has taught us a lot about the importance of being inclusive. We are committed to continue to offer remote access to our services because there will always be a situation where somebody is unable to attend in person for health reasons or distance.
An important part of our work includes that of the Keruv committee. Lori Schechner and Doreen Grossman, cochairs of the LGBTQ+ Keruv subcommittee, have arranged for Debbra Zucker to present the latest state of human rights on September 15. Stay tuned for more details. Implementing our new governance structure will also be part of our realignment work. The Community Forums will provide new opportunities for community engagement. Please watch for further details as we create an infrastructure to support these new ideas.
I would like to thank all those who are daily minyan and Shabbat service leaders, service attendees, and board and committee members, for continuing your work to keep Temple Emunah strong. If you are not yet involved and have a little extra time to spare, please reach out so we can discover how together we can help make Temple Emunah even better.
President’s Message
At the same time, our social skills have not been practiced and honed at the same rate at which they would be if we were interacting in person. We need to recall what we used to do before COVID-19 for all of our interactions – communal as well as amongst friends – and take into consideration people’s varying levels of ability to handle risk to their health. Let us work together to try to return to a state of more frequent but safe social engagement through attendance at daily and Shabbat services and participation in programs.
Ken Bruss, Community Affairs VP, is working with Jodie Parmer, Programming Chair, and committee chairs, to create a Community Fair that will showcase all of our committees and their work. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our work, and this will give us a chance to match names to faces and, for those who are interested, a chance to join new commit tees. We invite all members to meet our dedicated committee chairs to discuss ways to get more involved.
Other realignment work includes updating our Employee Handbook. This work was done by an ad-hoc committee work ing closely with our Raveetal Celine. Many thanks to Immediate Past President Mark Bobrow, former Administration VP Eyal Dvir, current Administration VP Seth Maislin, Membership chair Alison Shnidman, and Past President Judy Zola for their long hours in completing the Employee Handbook.
Realignment Politics all around the globe have become divided and divisive, and our social media and news discourse have become bifurcated. We must distance our behavior from the American fad of social assassination through social media. Our year-long work with the USCJ Sacred Spaced project, called Keilim, will help us establish guidelines and policies for members to pro tect the values of respect, community, and inclusion or Kavod, Kehillah, and B’tzelim Elohim. The Keilim ad-hoc committee will be working on policies to protect those who feel they are being bullied or harassed in other ways. The Keilim committee will also work on training people to receive reports of harassment or bullying and give the people receiving reports guidelines on how to respond to the reports.
Some of our society’s traumas have left us feeling para lyzed and vulnerable. The security team, Michael Roskind and Adam Samansky, will be arranging training programs over the coming year. They will make themselves more available to the community to answer questions through “Sit with Security” themed minyans. One training being provided by CJP took place on August 16.
Recovery, Realignment and Re-empowerment
Linna Ettinger, president@templeemunah.org
Tashlikh – Sunday, October 2, 12-2 pm
We have readjusted the times for our youth and teen services to allow all our services for unvaccinated children to be outdoors in a tent and in multiple shifts. We have also combined our Tot and K-2 Family experiences. Here is the new schedule. It is the same for RH Day 1, RH Day 2, and YK.
The Selihot service officially opens the season of the Yamim Nora’im, The Days of Awe, introducing us to its tunes and melodies. Please join us for our annual joint program with Temple Isaiah as the clergy of both synagogues teach about Selih.ot and the themes of the High Holy Days. This event will begin with a joint Havdalah and mean ingful service with singing, meditation and changing of the Torah mantles. Lulav/Etrog Orders
Participation is limited, so early registration is suggested. Tashlikh at Potter Pond
For the second year, Emunah’s Climate Change group will host a Reverse Tashlikh through a collaborative environ mental cleanup. This event reverses the customary practice of Tashlikh, by removing human ‘sins’ (marine debris) from a local water site. To register, please contact: Annette Koren - annette.koren@gmail.com
Joelle Gunther - joellegunther@gmail.com
Monday, September 26 (First Day of Rosh Hashanah)
Selih.ot Program & Service at Temple Isaiah Saturday, September 17 at 6:45 pm
9:30–10:15 am Tot & K-2 Family Service 1 10:15–10:30 am Tot & K-2 Oneg 10:30 am–12 noon Grade 3-5 Family Service
Families with Children
Join Tova Weinronk and our clergy for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur experiences. Services are FREE and all are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Tova Weinronk, Synagogue Educator and Young Family Engagement Coordinator, tweinronk@templeemunah.org.
If you are interested in ordering your own Lulav and Etrog set, prices are assembled $60/unassembled $50. Orders are due Sept. 21 and pickup is October 6-7. Questions? Contact Efrat Assulin at eassulin@templeemunah.org. To order, go to com/form/5783-lulavim-and-etrogim-orders1.htmlhttps://templeemunah.shulcloud.
4 High HolyReverseDays
Tashlikh (casting off) symbolizes the act of throwing away our sins. While we typically throw bread crumbs into the water during the ceremony, this is not environmentally friendly and can harm fish and ducks. This year, please bring oats instead of bread. Thank you to our members involved in climate and environmental work for finding us this safer alternative! Meet at the Temple Emunah parking lot at 4:30 pm and walk together to Potter Pond or join us at the Pond at 5:00 pm for a reflective and joyful experience. Pets are welcome.
Teen Services (Grades 6-12) Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 10:30-12:00 in the Sanctuary Join Me’ir Sherer and Tova Weinronk for these services, which are included in synagogue membership. There is a suggested donation of $36 for members’ guests. For more information, contact Me’ir Sherer, Director of Congregation Learning, msherer@templeemunah.org.
Teen Kol Nidrei Experience (Grades 6-12) Erev Yom Kippur in the Sanctuary
Join Me’ir Sherer and Tova Weinronk for a program follow ing the Kol Nidrei service! We will participate in minhah and Kol Nidrei in the main service and then congregate as a sepa rate youth community to reflect on the themes of the holiday. For more information, contact msherer@templeemunah.org.
Simh.at Torah!
High Holy Days Family Table, a program of Jewish Family & Children’s Service (J&CS), the only kosher food bank in the greater Boston area, needs our assistance in providing food to their recipients. There will be a collection of small bags and small boxes of brown rice and whole wheat crackers on Kol Nidrei, Tuesday evening, October 4. This year there will be red bins at the main entrance for you to drop your donations. If you prefer to make a financial dona tion towards the purchase of the food, we welcome your support. Your generous dona tions will be sent to Family Table. You can make a donation by sending a check made out to Temple Emunah, and in the memo line, indicate Family Table, or you can go online and make a donation to: Familynah.shulcloud.com/payment.phphttps://templeemuandselectTableintheTYPEline.
Super Sukkot Community Gathering! Monday, October 10, starting at 10 am Save the date for this amazing event filled with games, nature exploration, Kiddush lunch, Tot Sukkot, bouncy house, special dessert and more!
Professionally, Mark has worked in the medical diagnos tics industry for almost four decades, developing diagnostic methods in infectious diseases, maternal/prenatal health, newborn screening, genetics, and oncology. He currently is a technical advisor to several companies through the National Institutes of Health Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative as well as privately.
Mark Bobrow Mark is now in his nineteenth year on the Temple Emunah Board, having served in eight different positions, and is cur rently the immediate past president.
We wish everyone a Shanah Tovah and we thank you for your ongoing contributions throughout the year. Todah Rabbah. Michelle and Mark Abramson, Nancy Lefkowitz Family Table Coordinators
High Holy Days
Simh.at Torah Honorees continued from page 1 5
Monday, October 17 Tuesday, October 18, 9:15 am
Annette Koren She works for the Racial Justice Action Group, is a mem ber of the Climate Change working group, an advocate for composting, and co-organizer of Reverse Tashlikh.
Annette celebrated an adult bat mitzvah at Emunah and graduated from the first Me’ah program. She reads Torah and attends daily minyan, Shabbat services, and the Wednesday breakfast study group. She was a research consultant at the Bureau of Jewish Education and a research scientist at the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. She holds a PhD. in history.
6 pm Family Simh at Torah Dinner Join us as we celebrate the joy of Torah with 8 pm Adults-Only Cocktail Night Hakafot, singing, and dancing! Join us for this fun evening with Hakafot, We will also honor our special singing and dancing! Hatan Torah and Kallat Bereisheet: More details to come soon Mark Bobrow and Annette Koren Tot Simh at Torah Program: 11 am A special Simh at Torah program for families with children ages 0-5. Details to come soon.
Tired of having to read the transliterations in the siddur?
All are welcome to the meditations regardless of meditation experience! Please contact Barbara Neustadt at barbneus7@ gmail.com if you like more information or have questions.
Adult Education Brought to You from the Adult Education Desk
If one of your goals for the year is to add joy to your life, then you’ll want to try Israeli Dancing, which meets on Monday evenings. For more information contact Stuart Jacobson (sjacobscooper@gmail.com).
Emunat haLev Meditation Institute
Our morning meditation group meets every Tuesday on Zoom from 8:30-9:20 am. Barbara Neustadt begins with a guided meditation followed by 25 minutes of silent sitting.
Watch for more information about our new Me’ah Select class: The Diverse Cultures of Contemporary Israel: Exploring A Multiplicity of Identities Through Story and Film starting at the end of October. Classes are still being added! Check your inbox for infor mation about the Lexington Institute of Jewish Studies and the new learning opportunities we’re planning. L’Shanah Tovah! Terri Swartz Russell and Sandy Goldstein Co-chairs of Adult adulted@templeemunah.org.Education
Ivrit LaKol
Barbara Neustadt
Rosh Hashanah is rapidly approaching, which means it’s a great time to decide what you’d like to learn in the year 5783! We have plenty of classes to choose from: some in person and some on Zoom, so choose what works for you.
Some of the meditations and teachings can be found on the Emunah website in the Emunat HaLev section.
Commit to yourself this year and make time for medi tation. Meditation reduces stresses and helps you be more present in the moment. On Tuesday mornings at 8:30 a.m., join Rabbi Lerner and Barbara Neustadt (barbneus7@gmail. com) either in person or on Zoom to connect with others in a guided meditation. Shabbat meditations with Rabbi Lerner and Paul Neustadt (probneus@gmail.com) are offered peri odically. Experienced meditators and those brand-new are equallyThewelcome.
We hope to see you in an Ivrit LaKol class soon! The Talking with God Project led by Meli Solomon and Rabbi Lerner Come and join a conversation about our prayer lives and what is means to us, deepening our spiritual lives. More details and timing TBA.
Cantor Louise Treitman ends our meditation with a niggun and Rabbi Lerner shares a teaching. The Zoom link can be found on the Emunah calendar.
Looking to sharpen your Hebrew conversational skills? Want to stay one step ahead of your kids in Hebrew school? Join us by taking a class through Ivrit LaKol (Hebrew for All)
Bess Ezekiel Rosh Hodesh Group, for all who identify as women, welcomes all to the monthly informal, participant-inspired get-togethers as well as to help run the committee. Members of the community lead meetings on a variety of topics of interest to women. Contact Anna Nerenberg at bernberg@comcast.net for more information.
Perek Yomi meets regularly to read and discuss the Bible. If you’d like to join in these engaging discussions, contact Larry Marin (lbmlbm@aol.com). Or, if Talmud is more your style, join in Talmud Study with Dr. Isaac Ely Stillman (contact Louis Stuhl at lstuhl@verizon.net). Perhaps you want to keep up with Parshat Hashavua. For more information, contact Naomi Sacks (sacks.naomi@gmail.com).
The Ivrit LaKol program is beginning its 24th year of teach ing Hebrew to our community. Over the years, we have offered a range of classes: Biblical Hebrew, Conversational Hebrew, Learning to Read, Siddur Literacy, and Hebrew for Travelers. With classes for absolute beginners all the way up to advanced speakers, we truly have Hebrew for All! It’s never too late to start. Whether you want to learn basic conversational skills for the Temple Emunah trip to Israel, improve your accent so your Israeli family better understands you, or hope to read the Hebrew side of the Chumash at Shabbat services, Ivrit LaKol will help you reach your goals. Please let us know what type of Hebrew class would best meet your needs. If you are unsure, please reach out to one of us and we will connect you with the instructor teaching the class. If there’s enough interest, we can form new classes to meet your needs. We welcome your suggestions and would love to hear from you. Please contact: Nancy Lefkowitz (nan cylef@usa.net) or Sandy Goldstein (sandgold4@gmail.com).
Make 5783 the year you participate more at Shabbat. Learn to chant Torah or Haftarah! You’ll both learn a new skill and help Emunah. Those who wish to learn how to read Torah can contact Marc Sacks at torah@templeemunah.org. Want to try Haftarah chanting? Get in touch with Marcy Lidman (Marcy. Lidman@gmail.com).Our
Shabbat morning meditation, led by Paul Neustadt, meets once a month from 9:30-10:15 am on Zoom. The Zoom link can be found either in the Shabbat Shalom email or on the calendar. Please join us on Yom Kippur afternoon for an outdoor meditation. The meditation will be held after Musaf and will be led by Rabbi David Lerner and Barbara Neustadt.
rabbis will continue teaching on Wednesday morning after minyan. If morning doesn’t work, we still have a Lunch and Learn, a Dessert and Discussion, and several other opportunities to learn with our rabbis.
7 Meet the Temple Emunah Team! Rabbi David Lerner Rabbi Leora Kling Perkins Raveetal Celine Me’ir Sherer Senior Rabbi Associate Rabbi Executive Director Director Congregationalof Learning Rafi Abramowitz Hannah Arwe Efrat Assulin Alisa Billings Sydney Bluman Hebrew College Chief of Congregational Director of Accounting Manager Synagogue Educator Rabbinic Intern Advancement & Manager Programming of Pastoral Administration (on maternity leave) Lucie Chag Catherine Corbett Sally DeLucia Bonnie Gold Laura Cohen Gordon Preschool Interim Administrator/Accounts Preschool Interim Director of Media Preschool Interim Program Director Payable Assistant Program Director & Communications Administrative Director Sostheng (Sos) Kituyi Marilyn Pappo Jorge Valle Tova Weinrock Chaiya Zalles Preschool & School Administrative Assistant Facilities/Custodial Synagogue Educator Preschool Interim Custodian & Young Family Administrative Director Engagement Coordinator
Lucie Chag and Sally DeLucia will be our Program Directors. They will be working with teachers on the cur riculum and running the day-to-day preschool program, with Lucie focusing on the morning program and Sally on the afternoon Keshet program. Parents will see Lucie at drop off and Sally at pick up.
Children may enroll in our half-day (9 am–1 pm) or full-day program (9 am–3:30 pm) Monday–Friday. We offer Early Birds 8-9 am daily and Keshet Plus Program from 3:30-5:30 pm Monday-Thursday. For more information or to receive an application packet, please call the BDPS office at 781-861-0708 or contact
Lucie Chag: lchag@templeemunah.org Summer fun at BDPS
Billy Dalwin Preschool NOW ENROLLING!
Laura Cohen Gordon and Chaiya Zalles will be our Administrative Directors. While they are new to BDPS, Laura has long been a part of the Temple Emunah community, and Chaiya and Laura both bring many years of experience running early childhood centers. They will work on maintaining our school’s high standards, supporting the professional develop ment of our teachers, and ensuring adherence to regulations and best practices. We welcome our Leadership Team and look forward to a year of joyful Jewish learning with Chaiya, Laura, Lucie, Sally, and all of the teachers and students of BDPS!
Early childhood education is one of many fields facing hiring challenges. Billy Dalwin Preschool is a supportive and joyful workplace, and we’ve been fortunate that many in our community have honored us by working in the Preschool over the years. Please help spread the word that we are seeking certified teachers and non-certified staff, particularly in the afternoons. Please send referrals to amrammig@gmail.com – thanks!
Summer kicked off with a week of June fun camp and continued with a spectacular session of our Kaytana Program. Camp Director Sally DeLucia and our teachers created a summer packed with joyful learning, activities, and special visitors for the children! 2022-2023 Leadership Team We are thrilled to announce our BDPS Leadership Team for 2022-2023! We have four talented veteran educators working together to plan and deliver another fantastic year of learning and community for our children.
Congratulations to our graduating Pilonim students. We can’t wait to see you thrive in kindergarten and beyond! Mazal tov to all our Billy Dalwin Preschool classes, families, teachers, and staff on the completing a terrific year! And a huge thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to Jane Aronson, who cared for our children and supported our community as our Preschool Director this year. We send you hatzlacha, our best wishes for good fortune, in your next endeavors!
We Need YOUR Help
Toddlers: 2, 3 or 5-day programs 3 year olds: 3 or 5-day programs 4 year olds: 5-day program
Amram President,MigdalBilly Dalwin Preschool Board of Directors
Billy Dalwin Preschool (BDPS) Update
Billy Dalwin Preschool capped the 2021-2022 school year with a special day as a community. Parents joined their children in the outdoor classrooms, singing together in our All-School Shabbat Sing in the courtyard. We celebrated with ice cream and our end-of-year car parade.
Join us at minyan – help make sure we have at least ten people to pray. If you have a minyan story, please send it to Dawny@aboutfacepr.com so we can share it here.
Dawny Gershkowitz
We have had mourners who came to us from the North Shore and southern New Hampshire because ours was the nearest daily minyan they could find. I recall three or four Jews who came to us because the community with which they are affiliated does not offer daily minyan. In the past year, three mourners came to say Kaddish and have stayed as active Emunah members. I remember one time when a man showed up as we were leaving evening services; he said his father had just passed. Even though there were no longer ten of us, we grabbed a few Siddurim Lev Shalem and, with him, prayed the alternate Kaddish (found on the left margin of page 30). He returned regularly for eleven months and still marks significant milestones with Emunah.
Minyan Story: Nine Other Jews
We are pleased at Temple Emunah to say, “When you need nine other Jews, we’ll be here for you.” This has not been just a catchy phrase or an empty promise.
Carl Mikkelsen: carl.mikkelsen@gmail.com Louis Stuhl :Lstuhl@verizon.net Wendy Russman-Halperin: russmanw@aol.com
/ Minyan Story
Recently, an elderly gentleman came to our door. He had been a member of Emunah up until thirty years ago when he moved to a distant town. Both of his sons had become b’nei mitzvah at Emunah. Sadly, one of those sons had passed away. This man came to us to pray for his son’s soul. In addition to saying Kaddish, he was able to connect with several current Emunah members he hadn’t seen in three decades.
Minyan Katan
It does not happen every week or every month, but some one in search of a minyan has often discovered a community at Emunah. On more than one occasion, when arriving for evening services, we have found a stranger in the parking lot who expresses a deep need to say Kaddish. Usually, it is someone who has suffered a bereavement, sometimes just a day or two before. Our minyan will gather around that individual or family and help them pay homage to their grief.
It is an honor to be one of the nine Jews who are there for others in their time of most passionate need. When you come to daily minyan, you never know the profound effect your pres ence may have on someone you haven’t yet met.
Buzz Hausner
Durng the past year, members of Minyan Katan have man aged to stay actively connected through a creative combination of remote and in-person events. We have held Zoom “hangout” sessions, Zoom D’var Torah sessions during Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat mornings, outdoor Tashlich and Shofar blowing events, Zoom and in-person dinners, and Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah events. Over the past few months, we have taken advantage of the good weather for outdoor events, including a Kabbalat Shabbat at a member’s home and a preparatory high holy day visit to the DeCordova Museum. We are planning an outdoor Kol Nidrei service, our annual Sukkah hangout, and a family catch-up event. We have planned a couple of Shabbat morning services and a H.anukkah get- together. Additional planned events for 2022-23 may include Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah services, as well as an outdoor post-Pesah. party and film and/or theater trips. For further information, contact Minyan Katan co-chairs Carl Mikkelsen or Louis Stuhl. Anyone wishing to be included in the Minyan Katan mailing list should contact Wendy Russman-Halperin.
I enter this year refreshed and excited for all the possibili ties before us. I hope you do, too! This fall, we will hold our first grades 3-12 retreat with Temple Aliyah in Needham and Temple Israel in Natick. Sydney Bluman joined the ranks of our Education Team at the beginning of the summer, and together with Tova Weinronk, the three of us, along with our youth advisors and faculty, are most looking forward to a great year.
Shanah Tova u’Metukah,Me’irDirectorShererofCongregationalmsherer@templeemunah.orgLearning
Classes begin for Gr. K-7 Sun., Sept. 11, 9 am - noon
NO Religious School Wed., Nov. 23 - Sun., Nov. 27 (includes YAD)
Tri-SynagogueSocialRetreat 3-12 Fri., Nov. 4 - Sun., Nov. 6 10
I had the good fortune of spending Shabbat in Haifa with the principal of our partner school and Galit Ben Shlomo, the teacher with whom we have been working for the past six years. I saw friends and acquaintances I haven’t seen in 25-35 years. And, I bumped into folks everywhere I went. Kfir says I know more people in Israel than he does! I was able to spend a few moments with some of our teens who were in Israel for the summer on different programs (see photos on back page) I went Israeli Folk Dancing in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv. I went to Kabbalat Shabbat services at the Tel Aviv Port. An experi ence that fills the soul! I didn’t see President Biden during his brief visit, but I stood outside the King David Hotel waiting for him and listened to everyone complain about the traffic being rerouted due to his visit. I also saw thousands of youth in Israel for the Maccabiah Games.
Temple Emunah hosts a kindergarten through twelfth grade Religious School for children and teens. Children in Gan through Kitah Zayin (grades K-7) attend our Kindergarten through Seventh Grade program. Children in Kitah Het through Kitah Yud Bet (grade 8-12) continue with us and attend YAD (Y’mei Dalet), our Wednesday night program.
Emunah children enjoyed summer overnight camps. See photos on next page and page 24.
YAD begins Wed., Sept. 14, 6:15-8:15 pm
The summer is a time for rejuve nation. Workdays are often shorter. Schedules are usually less full. We have time to reflect on the year that has passed and plan for the year to come. This past summer, I had the good fortune to return to Israel for the first time in three and one-half years to learn at the Hartman Institute’s Rabbinic Torah Seminar at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. It was wonderful being back in Israel and at Hartman. We explored the topic of Liberal Zionism and the different ways to explore the question, Why Israel?
What a gift to learn with over 170 participants from all over the world and hear from scholars such as Rabbi Donniel Hartman.
Program Grades Date
Pizza in the Hut events see Youth Programs below Kabbalat Panim for Gan and Mon., Oct. 17 New Students
Gr. 3-4 Tuesday sessions begin Tues., Sept. 13, 4-6 pm
Fall Religious School Calendar
Pizza in the Hut* 5-6 Wed., Oct. 12, 4-6 pm Pizza in the Hut* 7-12 Wed., Oct. 12, 6:15
* Day School students welcome Simhat Torah Teen 6-12 Mon., Oct. 17, 6:45 pm Ice Cream
Fall Youth Programs (Gr. 3-12)
Gr. 5-6 Wed. sessions begin Wed., Sept. 14, 4-6 pm Gr. 7 classes begin Wed., Sept. 14, 6:15-8:15 pm
Fall Youth Day 3-12 Sun., Sept. 11 12 noon-5:45 pm Pizza in the Hut* 3-4 Tues., Oct. 11, 4-6 pm
School / Youth
From the Director of Congregational Learning
I truly felt I was able to shed the past three years and breathe. I reunited with colleagues and friends. I visited the three main cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. There is so much building in each of them. Jerusalem is building new apartment complexes, a new business center at the entrance to the city, and expanding its Light Rail. Tel Aviv is also building new apartment complexes, completing its subway line, and building a number of lines for its Light Rail system. Haifa has built entire new neighborhoods over the past few years and a new cable car system that takes passengers from the entrance of the Kriyot to Haifa University. In each city you could feel people embracing life and living it to its fullest.
More than simply “learning” about Judaism, at Temple Emunah we want our children (both Religious School and Day School) to experience it for themselves at our synagogue. We, therefore, identify and promote opportunities for children to experience Jewish life. We call these opportunities Communal Jewish Experiences. To encourage our children to participate in CJEs, we have developed an incentive based system. Each Communal Jewish Experience in which a child participates gives him/her 1-5 credits, depending on the CJE. Kindergarten through second graders are expected to accrue 4 CJE credits during the year. Students in grades 3-7 are expected to accrue 18. By basing the requirement over the year, families can choose when to attend shul together. Between September and May, there are numerous opportunities in which children (and families) may participate.Toencourage maximum participation, students who accrue 4 or more CJE credits (K-2) or 18 or more CJE credits (3-7) by the end of the school year receive a gift card to Rancatore’s Ice Cream in Lexington Center. For more information on CJEs and a calendar for this year, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@templ eemunah.org.
Friday, November 4 - Sunday, November 6
Sunday, September 11 (following our Gr. K-7 program)
This past May, we ran a wonderful program to discuss the Jewish values that build a welcoming community, introduce LGBTQ concepts and terms, and look at LGBTQ allyship and intervention. Now, it's time to bring our parents together for a similar program. We have chosen to run this program dur ing Hol HaMo’ed Sukkot, when we leave the sides of our suk kot open to welcome all in. The evening will include dinner and social time, followed by a program run by Keshet. This program is being co-sponsored by our Religious School and the LGBTQ+ group of Emunah's Keruv Committee. For more information please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@ templeemunah.org.
Join us for our Annual Fall Youth Day, open to all students ingrades 3-12. We will start the afternoon together with lunch at Temple Emunah. Children will be divided into three groups: grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Please, send your child with a cold, dairy lunch. After lunch, we will board a bus and head to Kimball Farm. The cost is $45. For more information, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@templeemunah.org.
This past summer, some sixty Temple Emunah children and teens attended Jewish Day and Overnight Camps or trav eled to Israel on an Israel teen travel program. No matter the camp or program, our third through twelfth graders returned with stories, ideas, new passions, points of connection, and an infectious energy. Join us on Camp Israel Shabbat to hear from some of our teens about their summer experiences.
11 Youth
Wednesday, October 12, 6:15-8:15
At Temple Emunah, we believe in working to build strong and durable Jewish foundations with our youth; if you or your child has any interest in making the next summer a Jewish one, we are here and want to help. To learn more about Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Teen Travel, please contact Me’ir Sherer, Director of Congregational Learning.
Saturday, October 29, Shabbat Morning Services
This fall, we are running our first-ever retreat for third through twelfth graders. In addition, it will be our first ever retreat with Needham’s Temple Aliyah and Natick’s Temple Israel. The retreat will have three tracks: grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. We are holding pre-retreat events on Sunday, September 18 (Apple Picking) and Sunday, October 16 (Simhat Beit HaShoevah at Temple Aliyah) to introduce the three communities to each other. For more information, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@templeemunah.org.
the expense for shiva meals
Flower sponsorship this year has been wonderful and helped us to meet our fundraising goals needed to fulfil our annual financial obligations. Flowers are now back in the sanctuary for Shabbat, and we are also continuing the weekly tradition, offering “virtual flowers donations” to help brighten these days and weeks when not everyone can come together in our sanctuary. Flower sponsorship can be for any occasion – holiday greetings, yahrzeit or other remembrances, birthdays, anniversaries, or new babies –or simply to express your appreciation and well wishes.
Flower sponsorship is $90, with virtual flower support at $54. Please email Sheila Kojm at Bimahflowers@gmail. com to arrange your sponsorship. Our budget for 2022-2023 includes financial commitments for the upcoming year: $5000 To a specified need. Last year was “sanctuary sound system.” Religious School Music Program Temple Program
Some of the programming ideas we are working on include: Paid-up membership dinner with a Sukkah program and the movie “If These Knishes Could Talk – The story of the New York Accent”; Coffee & Conversations; our signature dinner and a movie in November featuring the film “In Search of Israeli Cuisine”; H. anukah Cookie Decorating; a tour of the Mob Museum, Las Vegas; a tour of Kehila Kedosha Janina (the Holy Community of Janina) where we will learn about the community of Kehila Kedosha Janina and discover the nearly 2,300-year-old history of the Romaniote Jews of Greece and their American descendants; Ivy Stand Up Comedy with comedian Shaun Eli Breidbard; Sundaes on Sunday and much more. As always, Sisterhood will continue to partner with many Temple Emunah committees for our programming.
Sisterhood/Brotherhood will purchase the Etz Hayim for B’nai Mitzvah
This summer I feel a renewed strength, even though there are increases in COVID variant cases. As much as we’d like to put our COVID operations behind, we can’t do so at this time. Our operating committee is still working on programs for 2022/23 with great difficulty. We want to leave the “Zoom” world and have in-person events, but there are still COVID constraints in our way. With that said, we will plan our events as best as possible with a mix of Zoom and in person events.
$2500 Religious School Special Needs Aides Purchase Siddurim for grade 3 students
$2500 To help offset
Sisterhood’s operating committee (our board) and our membership are resil ient, creative, and caring. We captured many key moments to find time to have Zoom programming, offer financial support to committees and to Temple Emunah, and to help many of those in need with meals, phone calls, or driveway visits.
JanetL’shalom,Goldberg, Sisterhood janet.goldberg2@verizon.netPresident
I welcome those who may not have sent their dues in this year but wish to do so to support Sisterhood and the things we do. Membership dues are $36.00 per year and can be paid either through the office or directly to Sisterhood.
Last summer, my bulletin article was written following months of daily COVID-19 outbreak news. We all know that COVID had upended temple life as we had known it.But with the ‘bad” always comes the “good.” We realized that in the face of all this disruption, we could make Sisterhood successful.
Many thanks to everyone who reached out to support Sisterhood through membership, RH Honey and Bimah flower sponsorship. Your generosity has enabled us to provide programming free of cost for 2021/22 and we hope to do the same for this year too.
I look forward with hope and anticipation for what lies ahead for our Temple Emunah Community. Early wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year aways.
Summer Maintenance Work see article on page 24
We’ll be starting up our speaker series in October and plan to have another excellent lineup this year, led again by AlanTempleSilver. Emunah will be hosting the New England Region Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs 2022 Keeper of the Flame dinner, which has now been renamed the Mo Diamant Keeper of the Flame Award. In addition to having the event renamed, we will be honoring Mo during this event. This very special event will occur on Sunday, November 6 and we look forward to this very special night where we will also be honoring this year’s Keeper of the Flame, Scott Lerman. All members of the congregation are welcome to sign up and attend this wonderfulLookingevent.ahead, we are planning pub nights and board breakfasts (lox and bagels and more), and we encourage any men who are interested to join us—check the calendar on the website for dates.
The entire Temple Emunah community is invited to attend as BH honors David at its Annual Membership Dinner
Sunday, September 18 5:30 pm at Temple Emunah
5783 Keeper of the Flame
Brotherhood Shalom H.averim!
Our traditional deli dinner will include meat, vegetarian and vegan options. The Brotherhood will send out information about choosing your meal in advance. Check your email for updates. Cost: $10.00 per person. Donations to Temple Emunah in honor of David are encouraged. Questions? Contact Howard Epstein hepstein42@gmail.com or (617) 794-5702. Come to the event to try this year’s Temple Brewed Beer!
We are excited that this fall, we will be able to get together in person onceSpeakingagain! of being in person, I wanted to recognize our Temple Emunah Brotherhood softball team, led by Ken Zimmerman, for finishing a strong season and making it to the playoffs! Great job guys!
L’Shanah Tovah!
Brotherhood will begin the fall by celebrating our Brotherhood Man of the Year dinner for David Geller on Sunday, September 18. All are welcome to attend!
I look forward to seeing you this fall at Emunah. Please reach out with any questions about the Brotherhood.
Temple Emunah Brotherhood and the New England Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs will salute Scott for his contributions to the Brotherhood and our community on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 at Temple Emunah
Scott Damsky, Brotherhood brotherhood@templeemunah.orgPresident
David Geller
Mazal Tov to Scott Lerman
The event has been renamed the Mo Diamant Keeper of the Flame. Temple Emunah PresentsBrotherhoodthe
For the Brotherhood, the new year starts before Rosh Hashanah with Yizkor book assembly and Sukkah building, so we will be ready for Yom Kippur and Sukkot. We’ll be getting together Sunday mornings starting September 18 to do these important tasks, and we welcome anyone who would like to help (COVID guidelines followed, of course).
“Nice” Jewish Girls, by Julie Merberg & Georgia Rucker, 160 pages
The Bereavement Committee has been providing valuable life-affirming support to bereaved families in their darkest time of need. The Temple Emunah community expresses its genuine appreciation to our Bereavement volunteers for bringing their light to us when we need it the most: Bereavement Committee
Monthly Volunteers: Beth Levine, Miriam Sadofsky, Ellen Mazow, Annette Koren, Doreen Grossman, Phyllis Udell, Wendy Russman-Halperin, Jonina Schonfeld, Garry and Eileen Feldman, Sandra Levine, Anita Feld, Phyllis Goldman
Bubbe and Bart’s Matzoh Ball Mayhem, by Bonnie Grubman Frank, Who Liked to Build: The Architecture of Frank Gehry, by Deborah Blumenthal & Maria Brzozowska, ages 4-9
A Rainbow Thread: An Anthology of Queer Jewish Texts from the First Century to 1969, by Noam Sienna, 452 pages Stop, Look, Listen: Celebrating Shabbos Through a Spiritual Lens, by Nehemia Polen, 272 pages Who by Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai, by Matti Friedman, 224 pages Women Who Would Be Rabbis: A History of Women’s Ordination, 1889—1985 , by Pamela Nadell, 324 pages Young Adult/Youth
14 Library / Family Table Library News
Israel: An Echo of Eternity, by Abraham Joshua Heschel, 248 pages In the Midst of Civilized Europe: The Pogroms of 1918–1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust, by Jeffrey Veidlinger, 480 pages
Featured Committee of the Month: Temple Emunah Bereavement Committee
The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler, by David I. Kertzer, 672 pages
The Boy on the Wooden Box: How the Impossible Became Possible on Schindler’s List: A Memoir, by Leon Leyson, Marilyn Harran, & Elisabeth Leyson, 10 years and up, 256 pages Linked, by Gordon Korman, ages 8-12
Bereavement Letters: Jenny Brown
Chutzpah: Why Israel Is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, by Inbal Arieli, 272 pages
C0-Chairs: Helen Marcus, Sandra Levine
Minyan Leader: 20 in the past, none during COVID Please contact Committee co-chairs Helen Marcus and Sandra Levine if you would like to help the Bereavement com mittee.
The Summer of Lost Letters, by Hannah Reynolds, 400 pages, ages 12 and up Graphic Books Exit Wounds, by Ruth Modan Tunnels, by Rutu Modan A Visit to Moscow, by Anna Olswanger, adapter, & Yevgenia Noyberg, illustrator. 72 pages Children Alone Together on Dan Street, by Erika Lyons, ages 4-7
Great New Books in the Emunah Library Non-Fiction
The People’s Painter: How Ben Shahn Fought for Justice with Art, by Cynthia Levinson, ages 4-8 L’Shanah Tova! Toni Stechler and Marci (emunahlibrary@gmail.com)Hopkins
Bereavement Meals: Carole Feifke – orders; Miriam Franzen, Linda Skolnik – deliveries
I’m writing this from a peaceful spot in the foothills of the White Mountains in July. You’re reading this (I hope) as the new year starts. We have an important request: Please return the overdue books that you have borrowed over the past three years. Our new books include amazing memoirs of the life of Leon Leyson and Leonard Cohen and histories about the ori gins of the Holocaust, women rabbis, Jewish texts on LGBTQ people, as well as new graphic books and children’s biographies of Ben Shahn and Frank Gehry (nee Ephraim Owen Goldberg).
House Sitters: 25 in the past, none during COVID
3. What things make you happy? Are they the flowers you planted this spring? Bring them in, or remember to plant them next spring.
2. Are there volunteer positions where it would be interesting to spend time?
2. Can we talk more openly about what worries us, rather than hiding behind our stock answers: “We’re good,” or “All is fine”, or “Good to see you”?
3. Are we wiling to finally declutter our extra dishes, silverware, or clothes?
4. If we look around our home, are we feeling calmer or do we wish the spaces we have were more organized? Can you be uplifted, happier, and less tense?
1. Is this the year we choose to spend more time with our extended families and our closest friends?
Temple Emunah is planning a trip to Israel in February, 2023, which will include an optional post-trip extension to the UAE. We already have one bus fully subscribed and are opening a second bus. Once again we will be using MAKOR Educational Journeys and Ezra Korman to lead our trip.
For information about our itinerary, flights, UAE exten sion, pricing and registration, go to: https://makorjourneys. com/journey/temple-emunah-2023/
1. Which of your friends and family keep you laughing? Stick with them.
Financial assistance is available; please be in touch with Rabbi Lerner for more information. This is a wonderful community building program with touring options for both first timers and returnees to Israel. We hope you can join us!
As we examine these questions, we can approach Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah with uplifted spirits. Seeing people in person is uplifting. Temple Emunah is our community, where we see our children and grandchildren grow up surrounded by their parents and friends.
Exciting News: Our committee on Disabilities and Inclusion has received a $1000 grant from CJP and we will be planning after the ShanahChagim.Tova from Sandy Miller-Jacobs and Doreen Grossman, Co-chairs. Sandy Miller-Jacobs Chair, Inclusion Committee sandymj@gmail.com
In general, we wish each other a healthy and happy New Year. After almost three years of the pandemic, such a wish seems a bit shallow. Perhaps we should consider what might make our next year not only better, but also more meaningful. What do we want this new year to look like?
2. Which of your friends bring you down? Change up the conversation or spend less time with them. Choose your friends carefully.
Disability & Inclusion
New Year, New Ideas
After the heat wave of the summer, autumn’s breath of fresh air will encourage us to get out a walk in nature. Somehow, autumn and Rosh Hashanah provide the opportunity to clear our heads and do some serious thinking.
Next year in Jerusalem, Rabbi Lerner
4. Are we willing to reach out to others who may be more alone than we are? What changes are we willing to make in this next year?
4. How uplifting are conversations over the phone, on the iPad or in person? All of those are better than just sitting and watching TV. Select the TV programs that make you laugh. How about Grace and Frankie (Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda)? We recommend these oldies: Seinfeld, The Golden Girls, and All in the Family (Archie Bunker)!
If you have questions, contact Rabbi Lerner (dlerner@tem pleemunah.org) or Me’ir Sherer (msherer@templeemunah.org).
The pandemic that began in March 2020 has changed our lives, not necessarily for the better. Several people have shared difficulties and pleasures brought on by the pandemic: friendships changed and became smaller; family became more important. Reconnecting with old friends was a positive. Learning about friends and family members who are gravely ill or are deceased was especially difficult.
1. Are we willing to go to the movies, the theater, or a concert?
3. Are we going to take better care about our health, eating, and exercise?
The Ladle Fund Content provided by David Ezekiel
The Ladle Fund is committed to supporting our community by fostering community connections through participatory events, perhaps adapting them depending on the COVID rules in effect at the time. Bob Russman-Halperin and Joelle Gunther will continue to arrange our Themed Minyanim, incorporating discussions about a pre-selected theme/topic after evening minyan (prayer service). Have an interest you want to share with others at a Theme Night? Please contact Bob (bob.halperin@gmail.com) or Joelle (joellegunther@gmail.com)
and we will help you make it happen. We also welcome applications for funding activities and events that will encourage community connections. As we gradually return to in-person events, we look forward to hearing from you about what activities interest you. Contact David Ezekiel (david@servoflo.com) or Meli Solomon (meli. solomon@gmail.com) for more information. In the coming weeks, the Ladle Fund members will be reaching out to other Temple Emunah programming com
What you put in the pot, comes out in the ladle! Ladle Fund mittees to seek any synergy between our mission and their programming ideas. We also will gather as a committee to plan some community strengthening events for the coming year. We always would welcome new members to our Ladle Fund Committee. Please email David Ezekiel if you have any questions or interest. Ladle Fund Committee: Mark Bobrow, David Ezekiel, Fred Ezekiel (founder Emeritus), Robin Goldstein, Joelle Gunther, Bob Russman-Halperin, Helen Marcus, Linda Skolnik, Terri Swartz Russell, Meli Solomon (co-chair), Arleen Chase (co-chair). Thank you, Arleen Chase and Meli Solomon, Ladle Co-Chairs chasearleenr@gmail.com; 617-312-7258 It was wonderful to be together again at the ice cream social!
It is hoping, looking to the future with strength and cour age - no matter how challenging the present situation - that allow us to survive and thrive. The Jewish people have been through many difficult times, numerous moments where we faced likely extinction. Still, somehow, through it all, we survived.Ourhope is intertwined with our connection to each other. Seeking each other’s faces, returning to each other’s presence, feeling the kindness and the compassion that each of us can bring to another can transform our state of mind. It moves from fear to hope, from a closed mindset, a closed face, to an open one that looks to the future with the courage we need. Just as our people have utilized hope to carry us through the hardships of the past, so too does our yearning to help us face what lies before us. Shanah tovah – may this year bless you, your families, our people, and the world with peace, health, and blessing, Rabbi David Lerner Lerner (continued from page 1) David Srebnick charges his soul and his car at Temple Emunah
It is the final message of the Psalm: “Hope in Adonai; be strong and of good courage! Hope in Adonai!” (27:14)
17 Rabbi
What does it mean to see someone’s face? It is to know them, to recognize them. To really see someone’s face is “to get them ”in the common parlance, “I see you.” I understand you, I appreciate where you are coming from.
There are two aspects of this text that point us in positive directions. The first is the notion of God’s face. The psalm states: On your behalf, my heart says: ‘Seek my face!’ Adonai, I seek Your face. Do not hide your face from me. (27:8-9) There is a deep intimacy to seeing someone’s face. While the author wants to see God’s face, we may want to simply see another person’s face – maybe even without a mask.
* * * * * *
tone characterizes much of the psalm. “When the wicked, my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.” (27:2) The author continues to describe fearful situations, but he does not fear, he trusts. Paradoxically, the more the poet speaks, the more we feel that he is actually afraid; he “doth protest too much.” He wants to be confident, to trust, but it’s unclear if God has actually sheltered or pro tected“Dohim.not hide Your face from me... Abandon me not, nor forsake me.” (27:9) * * * * * * For many of us, the past few years have been fearful. There are enemies. There are evildoers. There are dangers. How can we not be afraid? Where is God’s presence? Where is the Protector that can conceal us in the innermost recesses of the Divine tent as the Psalmist desires? Where is the Force that can shield us on top of a rock? (27:5) Our reality has been one of uncertainty and unease. Like the psalmist, we yearn for confidence, for security, for some protection. Perhaps we can recall a time when we may have experienced it in the past. Remembering those moments may provide a foundation on which we can build hope.
And God’s face? It is a face of kindness and compassion. Just as an infant turns to the face of its parents, so do we turn to the Holy One for protection and understanding. * * * * *
Over the summer one of Israel’s great writers, A.B. Yehoshua, passed away. In his memory, I decided to read one of his classic works. Mr. Mani is a fascinating journey tracing the arc of one Jewish family back in time and space, from 1983 to the 1700s.
A good part of his narrative deals with early Zionism, including the dreaming that occurred at the Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. Yehoshua captures the excitement of the Jews in atten dance. Beyond the conference, many Jews around the globe were swept up in the desire to return to our ancient homeland as this mythical wish suddenly became a real possibility. Despite the complexity and improbability of a Jewish state, Jews started to hope. And this hope became palpable.
Abraham Lerner Grandfather of Rabbi David Lerner and father-in-law of Anne Lerner Harry Pesin
Father of Stuart Pesin Sep 17 / 21 Elul Benjamin Aaron Grandfather of Steven Aaron Isadore Aaron Father of Steven Aaron Louis Blotner Father of Barbara Michelson Henry Boreen Father of Susan Hailman Roy Hardiman Father of Beth Hardiman Viktor Morgenstern Father of Paul Morgenstern Donata Salvucci Grandmother of Denise Forbes Mildred Turney Grandmother of Linda Skolnik Sarah Wollins Grandmother of Jill Wollins Sep 18 / 22 Elul Lily Plotkin Stepmother of Irving Plotkin Ed Turtletaub Grandfather of Stephanie Buckler Ralph Warrington Husband of Freda Warrington Sep 19 / 23 Elul Hyman Cooper Father of Sheila Frankel Frances Feldman Mother of Mitchell Feldman Melvin Liederman Stepfather of Ronald Sterling John McCauslin, Jr. Father of Scott McCauslin Natalie Rothberg Mother of Susan Shnidman Mother-in-law of Maury Goldman Betty Smith
Father of Barbara Posnick Frieda Solomon Great-grandmother of Carolyn Keller Sep 9 / 13 Elul Hester Canter Mother of Joe Canter Richard B. Simches Father of Lorri Owades Sep 10 / 14 Elul Dora Galani Mother of Zvi Galani Martin Greenberg Father of Mark Greenberg Dr. Ralph S. Levitt Father of Alisa Billings Sep 11 / 15 Elul David Ben-Horin Brother of Gideon Ben-Horin Albert Brosgol Father of Ben Brosgol Elmer Brown Father of Elizabeth Sumner Bella Yael Garber-Goldberg Daughter of Dara Tye & Joshua Goldberg
Uncle of Marsha Tucker Ida Oxman Aunt of Lois Bruss Edward Weinstein Father of Clifford Weinstein Sep 5 / 9 Elul Freida Bromberg Mother-in-law of Carol Bromberg Frances Feinzig Grandmother of Benjamin Bloomenthal Israel Smith Father of Jerome Smith Ada Vernick Mother of Laurence Vernick Sep 6 / 10 Elul Anna Zager Kaplan Mother of Michael Kaplan Terry Klein Mother of Craig Klein Allen P. Wasserman Son of Maxine Wasserman Anna Zaleznik Grandmother of Lois Bruss Sep 7 / 11 Elul Amy Edelman Aunt of Teddi Marin Anna Gordon Aunt of Bob Gordon Rosalie Hochman Mother of David Kuznick Pearl Hofman Mother of Debra Hofman Raye Jacobsohn Sister-in-law of Minna Halperin Dr. Bernard Jacobson Husband of Margaretha Jacobson Helen Mikkelsen Hess Sister of Carl Mikkelsen Jerome Myers Father of Michael Myers Sep 8 / 12 Elul Baruch Ackerman Grandfather of Alan Musnikow Helen Bernstein Mother of Alan Bernstein Leah & Baruch Gershkowitz Dina & Yaakov Grober Grandparents of Donna Gershkowitz Tauby Lerner Grandmother of Rabbi David Lerner and mother-in-law of Anne Lerner Abraham Posnick
Grandmother of Jerome Smith Harold Israel Wiesen Father of Jeffrey Wiesen Sep 20 / 24 Elul Robert Dangel Brother of Stephen Dangel Dorothy Plotkin Mother of Irv Plotkin Frances B. Schonfeld Mother of Jonathan Schonfeld Sep 21 / 25 Elul Martin Bernard Father of Maddy Teitelbaum Harvey Fischler Brother-in-law of Stan Pomeranz Yetta Goott Mother of Carole Feifke Solomon Isky Grandfather of Sandra Levine Nathan Rothschild Father of Rachel Weiskopf Sarah Tassel Mother-in-law of Janet Tassel Sep 22 / 26 Elul Iris Gilbert Aunt of Marsha Goldman Soloway Nathaniel Hirschtick Father of Jon Hirschtick Michael Jordan Ross Friend of Rabbi David Lerner Bert A. Taylor Father-in-law of Gail Taylor Sep 23 / 27 Elul Abraham Berg Father of Jerome Berg Morris Cohen Father of Harris Cohen Jonathan Green Cousin of Rabbi David Lerner, Anne Lerner, Beth Levine and Marcia Kaufner
David Smith Son of Sharon & Jerome Smith Sidney Zabelle Brother of Elaine Wiesen Sep 12 / 16 Elul Jeannette Bloom Mother of Jacob Bloom Robert Jauvtis Brother of Harvey Jauvtis Frank G. Lichtenstein Father of Mark Lichtenstein Harry A. Schatz Father-in-law of Sylvia Schatz Nellie Streit Grandmother of Miriam Sadofsky Sep 13 / 17 Elul Helen Glaser Mother-in-law of Eva Glaser Yehuda Goldminz Father of David Goldminz David Kamowitz Husband of Sharon Kamowitz Henry Mintz Father-in-law of Ruby Mintz Sep 14 / 18 Elul Ada & John Abromson Grandparents of Leslie Sherman Jacob Boltson Father of Barbara Mintz Deborah J. Brosgol Wife of Benjamin Brosgol Mother of Daniel Brosgol Isaac Moises Perez Brother-in-law of Janette Lawrence Sep 15 / 19 Elul Sol Belkin Father-in-law of Charlie Brecher Moshe Israel Ettinger Father of Gil Ettinger David Kissel Father of Jeremiah Kissel Fanny Obstein Grandmother of Mike Ablove Milton Pomeranz Brother of Stan Pomeranz Miriam Schrager Mother of Daniel Schrager Sarah Wagman Grandmother of Garry Feldman Sep 16 / 20 Elul Stanley J. Brody Father of Laurel Brody David Ginsburg Father of Rona Cohen Deborah Hermann Mother of Katharine Hermann-Wu
Elul William Katz Father of Leonard Katz Eric “Budgie” Lack Father of Heidi Lack Harry Richelson Father-in-law of Irwin Alpert Sam Shraga Uncle of Michelle Weiner Sep 2 / 6 Elul Helen Miller Mother of Bonnie Levy Mother-in-law of Harry Levy Grandmother of Aron and Lucas Levy Frank Rothstein Father of Ellen Rothstein Sep 3 / 7 Elul Billy Dalwin Son of Bruce and Naomi Dalwin Albert Jacobs Father of Fran Jacobs Minette Klein Mother of Michael Klein Daniel I. Palant Husband of Barbara Palant Zachary Shwartz Brother of Rachel Tye Patricia L. Stayn Wife of John Stayn Sep 4 / 8 Elul Sidney Klinghoffer
The following loved ones will be remembered at our worship services in the coming months:
Freyda Greenberg Miller Wife of Arnie Miller Davida Newman Sister of Gail Taylor Harold B. Orenstein
Sep 1 / 5
Father of Barry Orenstein Grandfather of Julia Mabuchi Diane Rudnick Sister of Arnold Tarmy Maurice Super Father of Michael Super Sep 24 / 28 Elul Richard W. Billings Father-in-law of Alisa Billings Janet Diane Feinberg Sister of Robyn Samuels Blanche Koffler Aunt of Lisa Diamant Sep 25 / 29 Elul Robert Frolich Brother of Rochelle Zohn Frank M. Garvey Father of Peggy Moses Nyereh Pouradi Grandmother of Eleanor Perlmutter & Babak Shirazi Leah Weisz Mother of Yossi Livni
Robert Stuhl Father of Louis Stuhl Jakub Susskind Father of Sara Susskind
Oct 11 / 16 Tishrei Ann Brill Mother of Lori Reubenstein Fred Lion Father of Rudie Lion Joanne Schreibman Mother of Phillip Schreibman
Oct 6 / 11 Tishrei Charlotte Levine Mother of Debi Levine Sevy Levy Brother-in-law of Ralph Levine Doris Solomon Mother of Meli Solomon Oct 7 / 12 Tishrei Leon Bass Father-in-law of Esther Bass
19 Oct 5 / 10 Tishrei Frances Bailey Mother of Zelda Cohen Stanley Dickholtz Father of Myra Marshall Richard Landau Husband of Ann Landau Harry Levinson
Stanton Willins Brother of Ed Willins Oct 8 / 13 Tishrei Ida Goldminz Mother of David Goldminz Mindy Kantor Kaplan Sister of Natalie Warshawer Oct 9 / 14 Tishrei Harold Mintzer Father of Linda Cohen Helen Weiner Grandmother of Michelle Weiner Oct 10 / 15 Tishrei Greg Aaron Nephew of Bob Frankel Lena Brown Grandmother of Barbara Palant Jerry Friedman Father of Julie Shapiro Bella Liberman Mother of Joanne Fray Sally Munash Grandmother of Carolyn Keller Ruth Musnikow Mother of Alan Musnikow
Stephen Foster Husband of Gloria Foster Carl Friedman Father-in-law of Betty Friedman Edward Gilman Father of Richard Gilman Kieve Liskov Father of Nathan Liskov Gabriel Schonfeld Father of Jonathan Schonfeld
Alice Tauber Mother of Stephen Tauber Oct 12 / 17 Tishrei Adah Jaffer Mother of Aubrey Jaffer Jean Kriegler Mother of Vicki Markuse Oct 13 / 18 Tishrei Minnie Shefshick Blotner Aunt of Barbara Newman Jack Camac Father-in-law of Marcia Camac Ruth Haas Moos Mother of Eveline Weyl Eve Karen Mother of Jeff Karen Walter Kielar Father of Alan Kielar Oct 14 / 19 Tishrei Nancy Kaufman Mother of Margo Reder Bella Lidman Grandmother of Ed Lidman Dena Shnidman Mother of David Shnidman Oct 15 / 20 Tishrei Bernard Hurwitz Father of Phyllis Goldman Ida Lerman Grandmother of Scott Lerman Harry Mason Father of Marvin Mason Charlotte Sole Rotenberg Grandmother of Elliiot Lovy Zelotta Cohen Zlotnick Grandmother of Michelle Abramson Oct 16 / 21 Tishrei Sylvia Diamant Mother-in-law of Lisa Diamant Bertha Pearl Grodstein Mother of Joel Grodstein Harold Jaffer Father of Aubrey Jaffer Sol Rosenberg Father of Mike Rosenberg Ilse Rothman Mother of Johanna Rothman Mitchell Schram Uncle of Karen Musnikow
Grandfather of Ellen Schwartz Abraham Solomon Grandfather of Meli Solomon
John Weiss Father of Ben Weiss Pauline Wolf Grandmother of Howard Reubenstein Sep 27 / 2 Tishrei Bernard Blieden Father of Ira Blieden Annette Gessman Sister of Doris Morgenstern Benjamin Jacobson Grandfather of Stu Jacobson Robert Katz Father of Daniel Katz Nurit Weiss Mother of Ben Weiss Sep 28 / 3 Tishrei Esther Barron Mother-in-law of Marilyn Tracey Hasse Kopen Halley Mother of Liza Halley Vera Hurwitz Aunt of Larry Woods Charles Kimerling Father of Lionel Kimerling Annie Rost Mother of Claudia Handwerker Sarah L. Wolfe Mother of Mitchell Wolfe Pauline Wolpert Aunt of Bob Russman-Halperin Sep 29 / 4 Tishrei Rose Cohen Mother of Ben Cohen Abraham L. Karp Father of Carolyn Karp Nathan Lidman Uncle of Ed Lidman William Matzner Grandfather of Linda Skolnik Sep 30 / 5 Tishrei Joseph Reubenstein Father of Howard Reubenstein Milton Robinson Father-in-law of Fred Ezekiel Grandfather of David Ezekiel Sharon Sugarman Mother of Leah Sugarman Claire Yablin Grandmother of Seth Maislin Oct 1 / 6 Tishrei Gertrude Block Mother of Betsy Nissenbaum Mark Goldman Brother of Marsha Goldman Soloway Marshal Howard Miller Brother of Arnie Miller Kathleen Petersen Grandmother of Liz Levin Alvin Sadow Father of Carolyn Leshin Max Ted Zell Father of Michael Zell Oct 2 / 7 Tishrei Bruce Bober Father of Jeff Bober Isadore Greenberg Father of Sharon Smith Thomas Klein Father of Michael Klein Anna Leblang Grandmother of Ellen Schwartz Selma Pomeranz Wife of Stan Pomeranz William Roskind Father of Michael Roskind Jacob Roth Nephew of Ryan Asher Margarethe Schudawa Mother of Barbara Delfiner Nanette Weinstein Mother of Cliff Weinstein Oct 3 / 8 Tishrei Gerald Goldman Father of Howard Goldman Michael Kreiger Brother of Arthur Kreiger Oct 4 / 9 Tishrei Esther Bernstein Great-aunt of Myra Marshall Nathan Brostoff Father of Carolyn Lichtenstein Marvin Drellich Father of David Drellich Nathaniel Schreibman Brother of Phillip Schreibman Phyllis Seresky Sister of Krana Rosen Leonard Srebnick Father of David Srebnick (continued on page 20)
Oct 17 / 22 Tishrei Anne Goldstein Aunt of Jane Singer Louis Pomeranz Father of Stan Pomeranz Andre Ranford Uncle of Harold Masters Jeanne Segaloff Mother of Harvey Segaloff Oct 18 / 23 Tishrei Harold Blumenthal Father of Eileen Kahan Bertha Jaffe Sister of Larry Marin Aunt of Jeremy Marin Helen Kushner Mother of Ann Kushner Laurie Neustadt Sister of Paul Neustadt M. James Pion Father of Dan Pion Nathan Ribock Father of Susan Shnidman Father-in-law of Maury Goldman Sanford Solomon Uncle of Carolyn Leshin Micheline Zenner Mother of Sylvie Haffer Oct 19 / 24 Tishrei Hadassah Blocker Aunt of Barbara Palant William Davis Father of Roger Davis Benjamin Kaplan Father of Marlene Karshbaum Claire Pfeffer Mother of Avi Pfeffer Nathan Savage Grandfather of Nancy Liberman Benjamin Zola Brother-in-law of Judith Zola Oct 20 / 25 Tishrei Esther Fray Mother of Lionel Fray Rita Kahn Mother of Peter Kahn Sara A. Liberty Grandmother of Terri Swartz Russell Eyal Lind Brother of David Goldminz Julius Mass Father of Charlotte Kupiec David Spero Grandfather of Sharon Smith Sep 26 / 1 Tishrei David Lincoln Epstein Brother of Judy Marcus Uncle of Joel Marcus Barbara Feldman Mother of Garry Feldman Stephanie Goldman Niece of Carol Thrope Anna Shefshick Leader Mother of Barbara Newman Leonard Levinson Father of Ellen Schwartz Zara Matzner Grandmother of Linda Skolnik Sam Pressman Father of Bob Pressman
Nov 5 / 11 H.eshvan Jack Asta Father of Daniel Asta Bess Ezekiel Wife of Fred Ezekiel Mother of David Ezekiel Stanley Littman Uncle of Stu Jacobson Pearl Mason Mother of Marvin Mason Symon Mushkat Father of Norma Gaffin Lillian Sandberg Mother of Ruby Mintz
Grandfather of David Abelman Elizabeth Blotner Mother of Barbara Michelson Louis Brown Father of Myrna Fox Martin Shwimer Father of Joel Shwimer Jeanne Zeller Grandmother of Dara & Jordan Tye Great-grandmother of Emma Garber-Goldberg
Oct 21 / 26 Tishrei Max Delfiner Father-in-law of Barbara Delfiner Edith Meyerson Mother of Roni Woods Freda E. Posnick Mother of Barbara Posnick Gertie Rothfeld Aunt of Marsha Tucker Oct 22 / 27 Tishrei Stanley Bleich Husband of Caron Bleich Father of Lauren Bleich Robert Curhan Father of Gary Curhan Natalie Goldstein Sister of Shirley Shapiro Marjorie Gardner McCauslin Mother of Scott McCauslin Oct 23 / 28 Tishrei Tillie “Lee” Liederman Mother of Ronald Stering Dorothy Lippman Mother of Susan Mason Harris Shapiro Brother-in-law of Shirley Shapiro Gertrude Silverzahn Mother of Arthur Kress and Cheryl Lowenthal Phyllis Klein Thrope Wife of Martin Thrope Oct 24 / 29 Tishrei Doris Asher Grandmother of Ryan Asher Donald Brick Husband of Phyllis Brick Amalia Dan Mother of Ervin Dan Natan Gaon Grandfather of Asaf Gaon Bess Russman Grandmother of Russman-HalperinWendy Oct 25 / 30 Tishrei Myron Cohen Brother of Judith Wisnia Gertrude Dinner Mother of Charleen Alper Sidney Willins Father of Edward Willins Oct 26 / 1 H.eshvan Rena Coen Sister of Nina Nidus Leonard Fox Brother of Jor Fox Ellen Bernstein Godolphin Mother of Matthew Stephenson 20
Nettie Lubofsky Mother-in-law of Pearl Lewis Edward Rothman Father of Johanna Rothman Nov 11 / 17 H.eshvan Philip Ablove Brother of Mike Ablove Maurice Fray Father of Lionel Fray Samuel Getman Father of Marvin Getman Leon Groisser Father of Susan Lipson Nellie Kaplan Mother of Donald Kaplan Sylvia Margolis Mother of Gail Fields Barnett Mazow Father of Richard Mazow Nov 12 / 18 H.eshvan Sarah Obstein Ablove Mother of Mike Ablove Abraham Bloomenthal Grandfather of Ben Bloomenthal Lucille K. Kendall Mother of Stephanie Kendall Martin Weiner Father of Mark Weiner Nov 13 / 19 H.eshvan Esther Brown Mother of Jeff Brown Harry Samuel Feifke Father of Derek Feifke Doris Greenberg Grandmother of Julie Greenberg Martin Kalus Father of Joseph Kalus Jay Katz Father of Amy Goldminz Sylvia Krich Mother of Steven Krich Louis Krieger Father of Gloria Foster Nov 14 / 20 H.eshvan Doris Lichtenstein Mother of Mark Lichtenstein Cici Powell Friend of Susan Mayer Mary Spano Rawlings Mother of Bob Frankel Rose Sugarman Grandmother of Stew Leshin Nov 15 / 21 H.eshvan Mary Brosgol Mother of Ben Brosgol Morris Jacobsohn Father of Minna Halperin Golda Moses Mother-in-law of Peggy Moses Lillian Mazow Mother of Dick Mazow Ruth Bloom Rittenburg Mother of Janice Rossbach Oct 27 / 2 H.eshvan Alan M. Binder Husband of Paulette Binder Father of Malka Berndt Harris Cohen Father of Ben Cohen Cass Olderman Father of Jerry Olderman Herbert Wolfe Brother-in-law of Susan Wolfe Oct 28 / 3 H.eshvan Maeir Yechiel Burstyn Brother of Don Burstyn Lester Cherny Father of Miriam Boucher Barbara Klinghoffer Peluso Cousin of Marsha Tucker Daniel Tassel Husband of Janet Tassel Oct 29 / 4 H.eshvan Bernice Bass Mother-in-law of Esther Bass Ruth Ettinger Mother of Gil Ettinger Laura Fisher Mother of Art Fisher Elizabeth Forbes Grandmother of Denise Forbes Stephen Marcus Husband of Helen Marcus Ervin Miller Father of Ellen Mazow Alice Perlman Aunt of Steve Tavan Oct 30 / 5 H.eshvan Paul Alper Husband of Charleen Alper Myrna Alpert Wife of Irwin Alpert Alvin Block Husband of Audrey Block Sylvia Friedlander Grandmother of Louis Stuhl Jack Markovitz Father of Dennis Markovitz Allen Mintz Husband of Ruby Mintz Seth Eric Rubenstein Brother of Sidney Rubenstein Rabbi Moshe Zemer Uncle of Michael Kaplan Oct 31 / 6 H.eshvan Olga Forrai Mother of Judy Dan Bernard Nidus Brother of Louis Nidus
Nov 1 / 7 H.eshvan Abraham Abelman
Nov 2 / 8 Heshvan Albert Ifrah Brother of Miriam Sidman Ruth Schoenberg Mother of Peggy Menzin Esther Stup Grandmother of Marsha Tucker Elizabeth Wolk Mother of Sid Wolk
Nov 3 / 9 H.eshvan Howard Brown Father of Steve Brown Hannah Hattenbach Mother of Esther Bass Rica Rita Levy Grandmother of Eyal Dvir David H. Meltzer Father of Lis Zimmerman Masha Skolnik Grandmother of Ira Skolnik Shirley Thrope Mother of Marty Thrope Moshe Weisz Father of Yossi Livni Nov 4 / 10 H.eshvan Angela Forbes Mother of Denise Forbes Melvin Lewis Husband of Pearl Lewis Shirley Musikant Mother of Musikant-WeiserLaura Frances Tavan
Jolley-Anne Weinstock Mother of David Weinstock Fred Ephraim Yarkoni Father of Sharon Kalus Nov 6 / 12 H.eshvan Benjamin Botbol Brother of Donna Jauvtis Max Sadow Grandfather of Carolyn Leshin Marlene Zaleznick Cousin of Lois Bruss Nov 7 / 13 H.eshvan Peter Forbes Grandfather of Denise Forbes Leonard Friedman Husband of Betty Friedman Bernhard Moses Father-in-law of Peggy Moses Solomon Schwartz Father of Myrna Olderman Robert Stupp Uncle of Marsha Tucker Nov 8 / 14 H.eshvan Ruth Fuhrman Mother of Juliet Fuhrman Wolf Anna Kanarek Aunt of Sara Susskind Marcus Krichmar Father-in-law of Babsy Krichmar Barbara Meltzer Mother of Lis Zimmerman June Marselle Somers Mother of Rhoda Feldman Esther Taylor Mother-in-law of Gail Taylor Irving Wolfe Brother-in-law of Susan Wolfe Nov 9 / 15 H.eshvan Frederic Sumner Clayton Father of Aaron Clayton Saul J. Copellman Father of Ruby Mintz Audrey Slutsky Mother of Shelley Misiph Janice Weil Mother of Marilyn Weil-Abelman Nov 10 / 16 H.eshvan Oscar Berman Father of Sylvia Perlman Eva Brecher Mother of Charlie Brecher Julius Elowitch Grandfather of Leslie Sherman Rina Gershkowitz Mother of DawnyGershkowitz Minerva Jacobsohn Grandmother of Russman-HalperinRobert Samuel Jordan Father of Harmon Jordan
Grandmother of Steve Tavan
Nov 29 / 5 Kislev Marilyn Zwerdling Burstyn Mother of Don Burstyn Ruth Chernoff Mother of Barbara Galler Alan T. Paller Brother of Joan Bines Aaron Sacks Uncle of Marc Sacks Betty Schwartz Mother of Ruth Antonoff Abraham Slutsky Father of Shelley Misiph
Nov 16 / 22 H.eshvan Harriet Baum Mother of Jerry Baum Marlene Clayton Mother of Aaron Clayton Ira Eisenstein Father of Davette Abkowitz Morris Stup Grandfather of Marsha Tucker Nov 17 / 23 H.eshvan Gertrude Bruss Mother of Ken Bruss Mollie Camac Mother-in-law of Marcia Camac Violet Gale Mother of Ron Gale Grandmother of Mike Gale Miriam Greenbaum Grandmother of Ellen Laderman Mitchell Landman Father of Marc Landman Norma Segal Schein Mother of Joseph Katz Nov 18 / 24 H.eshvan Lawrence Baum Father of Jerry Baum Ethel Bresloff Grandmother of Ethel Rothmel Brian Flynn Brother of Maureen Kaplan Barbara A. Hoen Mother of Susan Blieden
Nov 30 / 6 Kislev Lawrence Domash Father of Aliya Domash Richard Michelson Husband of Barbara Michelson Father of Eric and Jerry Michelson and Rhonda Solomon Goldie Pressman Mother of Bob Pressman Anita Sperling Roos Mother of Dan Roos Allen A. Stein Father of Sharon Stein
Nov 20 / 26 H.eshvan Nov 19 / 25 H.eshvan Charles Diamond Brother of Margo Zelermyer Leon Isaac Kuperberg Father of Gina Kuperberg Evelyn Cohen Mother of Susan Cohen Anna Kroopnick Aunt of John Stayn Anne Lowell Mother of Harvey Lowell Nathan Rosenbaum Brother of Charles Rosenbaum Nov 21 / 27 H.eshvan Evelyn Darer Mother of Rick Darer Ethel Eizengart Mother-in-law of Irina Zeylikman Saul Glick Father of Charles Glick Lillian Gordon Sister of Larry Marin David Govenar Father of Helen Zelinsky Loyd Krueger Father of Kim Lovy Zeta Levine Sister of Ralph Levine
The Hineni Connecting Team 1:1 Match Program Temple Emunah’s Hineni Connecting Team has been paring mem bers together since 2013. Caring member volunteers are matched with congregants in need of connection. The HCT volunteers provide visits, telephone calls and friendship to our members who are homebound, ill or isolated. The HCT is in need of new matches. If you are a mem ber who’d like some more connection, someone to check in and enjoy someone’s company or you’d like to be an HCT volunteer, paired with someone, making a difference, it’s a terrific time to start!
Please contact Linda Skolnik, Hineni Connecting Team Coordinator for more information. Linda Skolnik, LRskolnik@msn.com
Nov 22 / 28 H.eshvan Maurice Ginsburg Father of Beth Levine Nathan Ledewitz Brother of Phyllis Blumberg Harry Milgram
Nov 26 / 2 Kislev Mildred Kluger Grandmother of Yael Schwartz Isiah Lutwak Stepfather of Susan Lutwak Fred Rantz Brother-in-law of Stan Pomeranz Morris Shindell Father of Paula Dangel
As we begin a new year, make 5783 the year you also begin a new Emunah community connection!
Laurel Brody and Janice Rossbach enjoying the 1:1 match and each other’s company! 21
Father of Marsha Stark Albert Schwartz Father of Shelly Schwartz Bessie Steer Mother of Dorothy Seltzer Douglas Wells Father of Barbara Wells Nov 23 / 29 H.eshvan Bertha Doodlesack Mother of Phyllis Fish Joan Fowler Mother of Kathie Becker Joseph Gordon Uncle of John Stayn Bernard Rothmel Father of Ethel Rothmel Ann Seltzer Grandmother of Judy Zola Nov 25 / 1 Kislev Robert Bresnick Grandfather of Laura Jarbeau Marcia Bleyaert Krueger Mother of Kim Lovy Martin J. Shapiro Father of Eric Shapiro
Nov 27 / 3 Kislev Leslie Asher Grandfather of Ryan Asher Nathan Cutler Father of Krana Rosen Warren Munash Uncle of Carolyn Keller Samuel Perlmutter Father of Burt Perlmutter Nov 28 / 4 Kislev Helen Drellich Mother of David Drellich Gloria Karoll Mother of Doreen Karoll Harold Richman Father of Elise Richman Ezekiel Dolly Wasserman Mother-in-law of Maxine Wasserman
In appreciation of Carolyn Keller Wayne Goldstein Holy Book Fund In honor of Susan & Steven Lipson, in celebration of the birth of their grandson, Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser
Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Moses Susan & Steven Lipson Israel Committee In honor of the birth of Clara Soni Silver, beloved granddaughter of Alan Silver & Ruth Aronson Ed Willins & Alison Dick Yahrzeit of: Carl Silver, beloved father Alan Silver & Ruth Aronson Israel Trip Tzedakah In honor of Alan Silver & Ruth Aronson, in celebration of the birth of Alan’s grandchild Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser Ladle Fund In honor of: Miriam Sidman’s special birthday David & Krana Rosen Fred Ezekiel’s birthday David & Krana Rosen In memory of: Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein David & Carol Srebnick Yahrzeit of: Annette Kovnat, beloved mother Susan Ezekiel Landscape In honor of: The birth of Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron, beloved daughter of Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Jerome & Sharon Smith In memory of Sam Silverman, beloved partner of Rachel Rosenblum Jerome & Sharon Smith Yahrzeit for Bessie Spero, beloved grandmother of Sharon Smith Jerome & Sharon Smith
Marty & Alice Gordon
The birth of Clara Soni Silver, beloved grand daughter of Alan Silver & Ruth Aronson Harmon Jordan & Annette Koren Miriam Sidman’s 85th birthday Linda Goulston
For a speedy recovery of Phil Stark
The birth of Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron, beloved daughter of Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Bob & Kathie Becker Mike & Dawn Rosenberg The engagement of Scott & Wendy Damsky’s son, Jacob Damsky, to Ophira Barr Mazel Tov to Ilene & Mark Weiner Bob & Kathie Becker
Bob & Kathie Becker
In memory of: Lester Izbicki, beloved father of Howard Izbicki Allen & Debbie Sheldon Sam Silverman, beloved partner of Rachel Rosenblum, and father of Ann Limor, Will Silverman, Nancy Tobi, Gila Silverman, and Aaron BarbaraAskanaseMintz
Norma Bank, beloved mother & grandmother of the Ronco family Donald & Barbara Galler Barbara Abramson, beloved mother of Mark Abramson Israel & Charlotte Kupiec Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein Israel & Charlotte Kupiec Mike & Dawn Rosenberg Sam Silverman, loving partner of Rachel Rosenblum Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser David Slate, beloved father Ralph & Sandra Levine Ya’akov Mizrahi, beloved father of Kfir Mizrahi Caron Bleich Emily Samansky Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Moses, and father of Jessie & David Marcia Camac Mike & Dawn Rosenberg Samuel Rubinovitz, beloved husband of Phyllis Rubinovitz Beth Rossheim Yahrzeit of: Zvi Shpilner, beloved husband Micki Shpilner David Davidson, beloved father Susan Davidson Mildred Paynor, beloved mother Michael Paynor Golda Dockser Fund In memory of: Our dear friend Golda Dockser David & Krana Rosen Golda Dockser, beloved wife of Robert Dockser Marsha Tucker Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Moses Joel Alper & Nancy Lefkowitz Michael Lindheimer, beloved father of Tammy Sadok Amy & Ronen Marcus Yahrzeit of: Arthur Lefkowitz, beloved father Nancy Lefkowitz & Joel Alpert
The congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions: Hadera Fund Jonathan Feifer Clifford Entes Nir TzlilOhadMelamoudZeligerRozensteinDaraGrossman
In memory of: Caroline Klein, beloved mother Lester Blumberg & Robin Hasenfeld
Beautification In honor of: The birth of Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson, beloved grandchild of Susan & Steven Lipson Harry & Bonnie Levy Susan Rubenstein, and in gratefulness, for her deep support of our family Peggy Moses Yahrzeit of: Gladys Hurwitz, beloved mother of Phyllis Goldman Leon & Phyllis Goldman Robert Alper, beloved brother-in-law Charleen Alper Gladys Cohen, beloved mother Norm & Linda Cohen Bereavement Fund In memory of: Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein Gideon & Ann Ben-Horin Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Moses Frank Garvey Bess Ezekiel Memorial Fund In memory of Ruth Davidson & Jacob Goldberg Susan Davidson Billy Dalwin Preschool In honor of: The birth of Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron, beloved daughter of Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Ed Willins & Alison Dick In memory of: Ruth Ettinger, beloved mother of Gil Ettinger Billy Dalwin Preschool Teachers & Staff Emunah Scholarship Fund In memory of: Eleanor Wollins, beloved mother of Jill Wollins Ed Willins & Alison Dick Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein Arleen Chase Family Education In honor of Stephen Quatrano & Doreen Karol on the birth of their granddaughter Ken & Lois Bruss Family Table In memory of Barbara Abramson, beloved mother of Mark Abramson David & Susan Shnidman Yahrzeit for Albert Kerstein, beloved father Larry & Kathy Kerstein General Scott & Anne Miller Alan & Leslie Sherman In honor of: Linna Ettinger Ari & Rana Strod Jon Hirschtick Mandy & Eric He The birth of Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson, beloved grandson of Susan & Steve Lipson Marsha Tucker Bob & Kathie Becker
Our Aliyah for our 11-year anniversary Jay & Fara Goldberg Elizabeth Pressman’s special birthday Alvan & Marcia Kaunfer Minna Halperin’s 100 th birthday Judy & Barry Alpert
Abkowitz Family Israel & Camp Scholarship In memory of: Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Mose s Garry & Eileen Feldman Yahrzeit of: Ida Rosen, beloved mother David & Krana Rosen Arlene Savage, beloved mother Nancy Liberman Adult Education In celebration of the marriage of Jill Weiner & Daniel Burge Alison Dick & Ed Willins In honor of Elizabeth Pressman’s special birthday David & Merle Harris Yahrzeit for Eveline Librach, beloved mother-in-law Miriam Librach Afghan Refugee Support Fund In memory of Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein Ken & Lois Bruss Yahrzeit for Morris Birnbaum & Stanley Kleeman Stuart Kleeman
Temple Emunah appreciates the many donations made by Sisterhood over the years. Recently, Sisterhood made a $2500 donation to help fund shiva meals. Historically, $1000 is set aside annually from memorial plaque sale to fund these meals, but Sisterhood realized that additional funds were needed and wanted to make that there were adequate funds for all shiva meals.
Library In honor of: Louis Stuhl, Michael Rosenberg, Marcy Lidman, Hal & Sandy Miller-Jacobs, Paul & Barbara Neustadt, Toni Stchler, Larry Marin, Benjamin Einsidler - members who teach and lead our community
In honor of the birth of Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson, beloved grandson of Susan & Steve Lipson Ed Willins & Alison Dick Yahrzeit of: Martin Livingston, beloved uncle of Bob Becker Bob & Kathie Becker
Wednesday Minyan Study Group
In appreciation of: Rabbi Kling Perkins, for the wonderful service Judy & Susan Mintz Rabbi Kling Perkins for the Tekes Brit of our beloved daughter, Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Rabbi Leora Kling Perkins Fred TempleEzekielEmunah Brotherhood Synagogue Council of Massachusetts In honor of: The birth of Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson, beloved grandson of Susan & Steve Lipson Garry & Eileen Feldman
The Adult Ed Committee Yahrzeit of: Andrew Tane, beloved son Betty Pious Heindel Frances Feldman, beloved mother Mitchell Feldman & Andrea Fribush & family Mak’haylah In memory of Caroline Klein, beloved mother of Max Klein Alison Dick & Ed Willins Phyllis Klein Thrope Memorial Fund Yahrzeit of: Ethel Goldman, beloved aunt Lenny Katz Norman Thrope, beloved father Marty & Carol Thrope Rabbi Kling
Youth Fund
Thank You to Sisterhood!
Rabbi Raphael Kanter In honor of: The Tekes Brit of our beloved daughter, Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Rabbi David Lerner, for yizkor for our family members Don Burstyn & Lissa Natkin
Rabbi David Lerner Fred TempleEzekielEmunah
Irwin Lebow Steven & Stephanie Bernstein Simh.at Mitzvah Fund In appreciation of Annette Koren, Joelle Gunther & Janet Goldberg for volunteering in the kitchen for the Tekes Brit of our daughter, Sarah Devorah Lerman Effron Scott Lerman & Malcah Effron Sisterhood In honor of: Miriam Sidman’s special birthday Betty Friedman Leon & Phyllis Goldman Ralph & Sandra Levine Sid & Deanna Wolk Janet Goldberg, for her generosity and comfort to our family Peggy Moses In memory of Lester Izbicki, beloved father of Howard Izbicki Mark & Pam Goldstein Social Justice Committee In honor of: Susan & Steven Lipson, in celebration of the birth of their grandson, Lionel Tae-hyeon Lipson Beth, Josh, Havi, and Isaac Kuritzky Larry & Ann Chait Aaron Warneck, and the Warneck/Schultz family, on Aaron’s graduation from Lexington High School Larry & Ann Chait A special thank you Judi & Mark Canter In memory of: Eleanor Wollins, beloved mother of Jill Wollins Susan & Steve Lipson Winnie Buonaiuto, beloved mother of Michael Buonaiuto Judi & Mark Canter
Help us wrap up our interrupted Celebrate Emunah@60 Aliyot by the Decades! On Shabbat, October 8 we will honor our pioneer members (those who joined between 1959-1969) with a special blessing after an aliyah during services. We will also recognize all other members who were not able to join us for the Shabbat honoring their membership cohort during our 2019/2020 celebration. We hope to see you there!
In memory of: Ya’akov Mizrahi, beloved father of Kfir Mizrahi David & Carol Srebnick
In addition, the Sisterhood purchased a new BBQ, cover and grilling equipment which can be used for the upcoming BBQ on September 9. Thanks again to Sisterhood for sustaining our community! Emunah@60 Decades Shabbat
Saturday, October 8
Gary & Sharon Curhan, on the marriage of their daughter Mrs. Alan Sternlieb Yahrzeit of: Hilda Strauss, beloved mother of Myrna Herniter Jerome Herniter & Myrna Herniter Rabbi Lerner’s Discretionary Fund
Brotherhood In memory of: Ya’akov Mizrahi, beloved father of Kfir Mizrahi Arleen Chase Yahrzeit of: Hilda Strauss, beloved mother of Myrna Herniter Jerome Herniter & Myrna Herniter Religious School In memory of: Ya’akov Mizrahi, beloved father of Kfir Mizrahi Judi & Mark Canter
In the summer, when the religious school is on break and there are fewer social events at the Temple, we take advantage of the time for building and grounds maintenance. Several projects are going on this year.
Updating an earlier bulletin article (Rewilding Emunah – https://files.constantcontact.com/adc0ed98001/0792d2c5e42d-4a0a-86ee-87b0c429c47e.pdf)
Jeremy Marin reports on the continuing effort to remove “… the same non-native invasive species that most of us see in our yards and neighborhoods: Black Swallowwort, Garlic Mustard, Oriental Bittersweet, Japanese Knotweed, Buckthorn, and Tree of Heaven. A small group with experience tackling these problem plants has been fanning out across the property to tackle them here as well.” If you’d like to help with this effort at Temple Emunah, please contact Jeremy Marin at jsmarin@aol.com. No experience is necessary. Another major undertaking this summer is fixing up the exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS). The EIFS is a build ing surface made up of panels of stucco. The surface is being painted to protect it from decay, and the space between panels caulked to prevent water from penetrating the building. And, of course, it’s being done in a way to preserve the aesthetics of the building. This is a very labor-intensive job as there are a lot of panels to paint and a larger number of seams to caulk. At the same time, additional maintenance work is being done to replace damaged gutters and otherwise weatherproof the exterior of the building. The complexity of the Temple Emunah rooftop is an additional challenge throughout all of this work, and the experienced crew is making steady progress. There’s always something else to be done with respect to the building. To prepare, the House Committee is working with the Finance Committee and Temple leadership to assess and prioritize current and future capital needs for budget and resource planning. If you are interested in becoming involved in planning or managing House projects, please contact Alan Sherman at aj.sherm@verizon.net or Susan Rubenstein at sdr59@ comcast.net. 24
David Goldberg
Emunah children at overnight camps
A Busy Summer for Maintenance and Improvements
Summer Improvements / Summer Camp
in the sanctuary
S M T W Th F S September 2022 / Elul 5782-Tishrei 5783 Mazel Tov to Our September B’nei Mitzvah Friday,
Zivah daughterChessman,ofJosh & Holly Chessman (Sept. 3)
in the courtyard
Brianna Cohen, daughter of Matt & Juliana Cohen (Sept. 10) Xander Grossman, child of Steve & Shaena Grossman (Sept. 17) 25 6 10 Elul Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 13 17 Elul Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 20 24 Elul Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Ma’arivam 6 pm 27 2 Tishrei Rosh Hashanah II Services 8:20 am Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am Gr. 3-5 Family Service 10:30 am Teen Service 10:30 am Mini-Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/Havdalah6:30pm 7 11 Elul Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 14 18 Elul Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 21 25 Elul Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Spiritualityam of Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 28 3 Tishrei Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Studyamw/Rabbis 7:35 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 1 5 Elul Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm Perek Yomi 8 pm 8 12 Elul Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 15 19 Elul Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 22 26 Elul Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Parashatam Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 29 4 Tishrei Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Parashatam Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 4 8 Elul Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 11 15 Elul Shaharit 9 am Fall Youth Day 12-5 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 18 22 Elul Services 9 am USY Apple Picking 1 pm BH Man of Year 5:30 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 25 29 Elul Erev Rosh Hashanah Shaharit 9 am Minhah and Erev RH Ma’ariv 6 pm 5 9 Elul Labor Day Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 12 16 Elul Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 19 23 Elul Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Ma’arivam 6 pm 26 1 Tishrei Rosh Hashanah I Services 8:20 am Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am Gr. 3-5 Family Service 10:30 am Teen Service 10:30 am Tashlikh 5 pm RH 6:30Minhah/Ma’arivpm 3 7 Elul Shabbat service 9:30 am Zivah Chessman Bat Mitz. HavdallahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/6:45pm 10 14 Elul Shabbat service 9:30 am Brianna Cohen Bat Mitz. Tot Shabbat 11 am Niggun Saloon in person in the woods1 pm HavdalahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/6:45pm 17 21 Elul Services 9:30 am Xander Grossman B. Mitz. Selihot & Ma’ariv at Temple Isaiah 6:45 pm 24 28 Elul Shabbat service 9:30 am HavdalahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/6pm 2 6 Elul Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm ShabbatMinhah/Kabbalat/Ma’ariv5:30 pm 9 13 Elul Shaharit 7 am ShabbatMinhah/Kabbalat/Ma’ariv5:30 pm BBQ & Barekhu 6:45 pm 16 20 Elul Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm ShabbatMinhah/Kabbalat/Ma’ariv5:30 pm 23 27 Elul Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 NiggunamSaloon 1 pm ShabbatMinhah/Kabbalat/Ma’ariv5:30 pm 30 5 Tishrei Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 am ShabbatMinhah/Kabbalat/Ma’ariv5:30 pm Sept. 5:30 Minhah, Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Maariv 6:45 Kiddush BBQ
Saturday, October 8 See page 23 for details
1 service:
S M T W Th F S October 2022 / Tishrei- H eshvan 5783
Yom Kippur (continued) Meditation 2 pm Learning session 3 pm Minhah 4 pm Ne’ilah 5:30 pm Havdalah 7:15 pm Community Break-Fast 7:30 pm 26 4 9 Tishrei Erev Yom Kippur Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 am Minhah 5:40 pm Kol Nidrei 6 pm 11 16 Tishrei Sukkot II Sukkot Service 9:15 am Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/Mini-HavdalahinGarberSukkah6:30pm 18 23 Tishrei Simhat Torah Shaharit/Hakafot 9:15 am Tot Simhat Torah Service 10:30 am Mini-Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/Havdalah5:45pm 25 30 Tishrei Rosh Hodesh Heshvan Shaharit 6:45 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 5 10 Tishrei Yom Kippur Services 9 am Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am Gr. 3-5 Family Service 10:30 am Teen Service 10:30 am continued below 12 17 Tishrei Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shaharit 6:45 am Spirituality of Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 19 24 Tishrei Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Study w/Rabbis 7:35 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 26 1 Heshvan Rosh Hodesh Heshvan Shaharit 6:45 am Spirituality of Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 6 11 Tishrei Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm Perek Yomi 8 pm 13 18 Tishrei Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shaharit 6:45 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 20 25 Tishrei Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 27 2 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 2 7 Tishrei Shaharit 9 am Reverse Tashlikh 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 9 14 Tishrei Erev Sukkot Shaharit 9 am inMinhah/Ma’ariv/KiddushGarberSukkah6pm 16 21 Tishrei Hoshana Rabbah Shaharit 8:30 am Minhah/Shemini Atzeret Ma’ariv 6 pm 23 28 Tishrei Shaharit 9 CommunityamFair 10 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 30 5 Heshvan Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 3 8 Tishrei Shaharit with Selihot 6:55 Ma’arivam7:30 pm 10 15 Tishrei Sukkot I Columbus Day Sukkot Service 9:15 am Tot Sukkot Service 11 am Minhah/Ma’ariv/KiddushinGarberSukkah6pm 17 22 Tishrei Shemini Atzeret Shaharit, Plaque Ded. & Yizkor 9:15 am Minhah 5:45 pm Simhat Torah Dinner & Celebration 6 Ma’ariv/Hakafotpm6:30 pm Teen Ice Cream Social 6:30 Kabbalatpm Panim 6:45 pm Adult Cocktail Nt. 8 pm 24 29 Tishrei Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 31 6 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 1 6 Tishrei Shabbat Service* 9:30 am Tot Shabbat 11 am Niggun Saloon in person in the woods1 pm HavdalahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/6:00pm 8 13 Tishrei Shabbat Service 9:30 am Decades Shabbat HavdalahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/5:45pm 15 20 Tishrei Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shabbat Service 9:30 am Bella Beals Bat Mitzvah HavdalahMinhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/5:45pm 22 27 Tishrei Shabbat Service 9:30 am Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:30 pm 29 4 Heshvan Abkowitz Israel/Camp ShabbatShabbat Service 9:30 am Jeremy Bleich & Hanna Davidson aufruf Tot Shabbat 11 am Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:15 pm 7 12 Tishrei Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Shabbat/Ma’arivMinhah/Kabbalat5:30 pm 14 19 Tishrei Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shaharit 6:45 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Minhah & Shabbat Ma’ariv 5:30 pm 21 26 Tishrei Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma’ariv 5:30 pm 28 3 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat/Ma’ariv 5:30 pm
*Guest speaker Oct. Mike Rosenberg
Mazel Tov to Our October Bat Mitzvah Bella Beals, daughter of Yael & Dexter Beals (Oct. 15)
Mazel Tov to Our November B’nei Mitzvah Mattea LaFlamme, daughter of Shaina & Kenneth LaFlamme (Nov. 19) Gideon Borisy, son of Alexis Borisy & Lia Meisinger (Nov. 12) 27 November 2022 / H eshvan-Kislev 5782 6 12 Heshvan Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 13 19 Heshvan Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 20 26 Heshvan Shaharit 9 am Women Headcoveringand 11 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 27 3 Kislev Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 3 9 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm Perek Yomi 8 pm 10 16 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 17 23 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Parashat Hash. 12 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 24 30 Heshvan Rosh Hodesh Kislev Thanksgiving Day Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 4 10 Heshvan Shaharit 6:45 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm 11 17 Heshvan Veterans Day Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm 18 24 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm 25 1 Kislev Rosh Hodesh Kislev Shaharit 6:45 am Niggun Saloon 1 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm 7 13 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 14 20 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 21 27 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 28 4 Kislev Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 2 8 Heshvan Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 9 15 Heshvan Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 16 22 Heshvan Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 23 29 Heshvan Shaharit 7 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 30 6 Kislev Shaharit 9 Spiritualityamof Shabbat Dinner, Discussion & Modern Midrash 6:15 Observance 7:30 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 5 11 Heshvan Shabbat Service 9:30 am Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:15 pm 12 18 Heshvan Shabbat Service 9:30 am Gideon Borisy Bar Mitz. Tot Shabbat 11 am Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:15 pm 19 25 Heshvan Shabbat Service 9:30 am Mattea La Flamme Bat M. Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 4 pm 26 2 Kislev Shabbat Service 9:30 am Minhah/Musaf Musings/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 4 pm 1 7 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 8 14 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 15 21 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 22 28 Heshvan Shaharit 7 am Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 7:30 pm Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 29 5 Kislev Shaharit 9 am Ma’ariv 7:30 pm S M T W Th F S WOODLANDSisterhood/BrotherhoodGARDEN–aworkinprogress.Enjoy!
Me’ir Sherer visits Emunah teens on Israel programs. Non-Profit Organization U.S. PermitPAIDPostageNo.57433Boston,MA