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Interdisciplinary Capstone Course and Senior Design Projects YEAR AT A GLANCE

After students are assigned to projects, teams work with their sponsors to generate structured lists of system requirements and metrics for evaluating nal designs and prototypes.

Following approval of the Systems Requirements Memo, teams conduct research and brainstorm to produce preliminary or conceptual designs.

System Requirements Memo

In this structured document, against which all designs, tests and prototypes are gauged, students de ne requirements for completed projects in consultation with sponsors.

Preliminary Design Review

Based on feedback from sponsors and mentors at the Preliminary Design Review, teams modify their preliminary designs and create detailed manufacturable designs to create prototypes for Craig M. Berge Engineering Design Day.

In this formal review, sponsors and mentors critique conceptual designs –for which sponsor approval is required – challenge assumptions and help teams re ne their plans.

Critical Design Review

At this milestone, sponsors and mentors ensure their teams are meeting all requirements and have feasible plans to manufacture and test prototypes within budget.

Following the Critical Design Review and approval of the Critical Design Report, teams begin purchasing parts and manufacturing custom components to produce their prototypes.

Final Design Presentation

In this formal exchange, sponsors and mentors provide project feedback as teams address any last-minute changes.

During the last phase of the program, teams collaborate closely with sponsors to assemble and test their prototypes. They also prepare their presentations and demonstrations for Craig M. Berge Design Day.

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