Building & Investment July-August 2020

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KDN: PP 7080/10/2012 (030780) ISSN: 0128 472X RM20.00 / USD10.00 JULY-AUGUST 2020



Endorsed/Supported by: CIDB | PAM | BMDAM | MGBC ARCASIA | MATRADE | ILAM


DĂůĂLJƐŝĂΖƐ ůĂƌŐĞƐƚ ŐůĂƐƐ ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ŐƵĂƌĂŶƚĞĞĚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ince its establishment in 1996, Nam Heng Glass Group has a ƐƚƌŽŶŐ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ĂƐ the largest glass producer in Malaysia, with manufacturing plants located in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johor Bahru, Penang and Sabah, with plans to further expand its corporate empire overseas. The company is renowned for its extensive ĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ĂƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĂů ĂŶĚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ŐůĂƐƐ products namely tempered glass, laminated ŐůĂƐƐ͕ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŶŐ ŐůĂƐƐ ĂŶĚ ŇŽĂƚ ŐůĂƐƐ͘ /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ůŽĐĂů ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͕ EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ Group’s products are also exported to Cambodia and Bangladesh. GLASS THAT BEAUTIFULLY BALANCE PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS Nam Heng Glass Group is an advocate and arguably a leading producer of safety glass in Malaysia. The company has obtained ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƟŽŶƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ DĂůĂLJƐŝĂŶ /ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂů ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ŐĞŶĐLJ ;^/Z/DͿ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ŽĂƌĚ ; / DĂůĂLJƐŝĂͿ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ performance of its safety glass products, in compliance with the country’s standard ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ͘

WHY SAFETY GLASS? ^ĂĨĞƚLJ ŐůĂƐƐ ŝƐ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐĂůůLJ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ůĞƐƐ ůŝŬĞůLJ ƚŽ ďƌĞĂŬ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ ŽĨ ƐĞǀĞƌĞ ǀŝďƌĂƟŽŶ Žƌ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ͕ ĂŶĚ ůĞƐƐ ƉƌŽŶĞ ƚŽ ŝŶŇŝĐƟŶŐ ŝŶũƵƌLJ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ďƌĞĂŬƐ͘ ^ŝŶĐĞ ƚŚĞ early 20th century, safety glass has been ǁŝĚĞůLJ ƵƐĞĚ ŝŶ ĂƵƚŽŵŽďŝůĞƐ͕ ĂŝƌĐƌĂŌƐ ĂŶĚ high-rise buildings. EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ĨŽƵŶĚĞƌ͕ ĂƚƵŬ Tan Lai Huan, pointed out that many ĐŽŶƐƵŵĞƌƐ͛ ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ŝƐ ŽŌĞŶ ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ ĂĞƐƚŚĞƟĐƐ͖ ƚŚĞ ƵƐĞ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ ŝƐ ĨƌĞƋƵĞŶƚůLJ ŶĞŐůĞĐƚĞĚ ĚƵĞ ƚŽ ůĂĐŬ ŽĨ ĂǁĂƌĞŶĞƐƐ ĂŶĚ ƵŶǁŝůůŝŶŐŶĞƐƐ ƚŽ bear the extra costs. For this reason, the company adheres to the concept “Quality First, Safety First” when producing a new range of products. Safety glass produced by EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ŝƐ ƐƵďũĞĐƚĞĚ ƚŽ ŵƵůƟͲůĂLJĞƌĞĚ ƐƚƌŝĐƚ ĐŚĞĐŬƐ ŝĞ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ ƚĞƐƚƐ ƚŚĂƚ ĐŽŵƉůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ĂƵĚŝƚ ǀĞƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶ ďLJ ƚŚŝƌĚͲƉĂƌƚLJ ĂŐĞŶĐŝĞƐ ƚŽ ĞŶƐƵƌĞ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͘ /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ĂĞƐƚŚĞƟĐƐ͕ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ ĂŶĚ safety, Nam Heng Glass Group stays ahead ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ ďLJ ŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ƵƉͲƚŽͲĚĂƚĞ with the latest consumer trends for high ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͕ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ƐĂǀŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ŐůĂƐƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͛Ɛ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ĨŽƌ ŐůĂƐƐ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ ǁŝƚŚ ĂĚĚĞĚ ĨƵŶĐƟŽŶƐ ƐƵĐŚ ĂƐ ŚĞĂƚ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŽŶ͕ ƐŽƵŶĚ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŽŶ͕ ĚĞĐŽƌĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ etc. /Ŷ ŚŽƉĞƐ ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ ĂŶĚ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͕ EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ͛Ɛ manufacturing plants uses the latest glass ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŝŶŐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ĮƌƐƚͲƌĂƚĞ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ĐĂƉĂĐŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͘ dŚĞ

ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ ĂůƐŽ ƐƚƌŝǀĞƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŶƟŶƵŽƵƐ ŝƚƐĞůĨ͕ ďLJ introducing value-added products from around the world including Low-E Glass and ^ŽůĂƌͲZĞŇĞĐƟǀĞ ŐůĂƐƐ͘

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PUBLISHER B & I Worldwide Sdn Bhd EDITOR Eric Tan DEPUTY EDITOR Selina Messner

EDITOR’SNOTE The World Bank noted in its ‘Global Economic Prospects’ report that the on-going COVID-19 pandemic has caused the broadest collapse of the global economy since 1870; the world economy is projected to contract by 5.2% this year, the worst recession in 80 years.



people jobless. Based on the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the country’s

Pete Wong

gross domestic product (GDP) grew at just 0.7%, down from 3.6% in the fourth

Christopher Fernandez

quarter of 2019. This is the lowest growth recorded since the third quarter of

SENIOR DESIGNER Mohamad Azhar Kasim

2009 – negative 1.1%.


continue to forecast various doomsday scenarios for the remainder of 2020, but


According to recent reports, there will disruption and challenges for the


acceleration of vital megatrends.

Datuk Merlyn Kasimir

Dato’ Dr Ken Yeang

and consequently facilitate your business growth. With “going digital”

Datuk Ar Tan Pei Ing

fast becoming the new normal, our new business model focuses on digital

Ar Chan Seong Aun

circulation for a wider effective reach and facilitate access anytime, anywhere.


Further, via EDM (e-broadcast) programme, our Advertisers will be able to

Suite 201, Block A

deliver their advertisement digitally within 24 hours, especially to Building

Mentari Business Park

Professionals, Developers, Contractors etc. with new and ongoing projects.

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Malaysia is also said to be facing its worst economic recession. The 3 months

long MCO has driven many companies out of business, and over 800,000

For real estate, many outlets including Corporate CEOs and data pundits

some experts believe that we may be overestimating the impact of COVID-19. sector, however in the long term, COVID-19 is likely to act as a catalyst in the B&I stands fully committed as the trusted platform to expand your expertise

We look forward to your continuous support in our digital transformation

for mutual benefit. For advertising and editorial services, please contact Josephine Lim, WhatsApp or Tel: 019-273 8333; E-mail: Thank you.

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) Architects Regional Council of Asia (ARCASIA)


Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia (BMDAM) Malaysian Green Building Confederation (MGBC) Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) 4 Building & Investment  |

This magazine and its contents are provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory. The Publisher does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the contents and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in the contents. The content available in the magazine and its website represents the opinions and judgments of the respective information provider.

CONTENTS J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0




42 44 46

A round up of events and happenings within the industry

PROJECTS 18 20 24

Atlassian Sydney Headquarters Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital The Milestone


COVID-19 Impact on asia pacific real estate investment in first half of 2020

Ryogoku Yuya Edoyu Kyiv Food Market Vikasa On 24


The Discovery Slides @ Singapore

REGULARS 04 52 64 66

Editor’s Note B & I Project Report Malaysia Exhibitions & Conferences Advertisers’ Index



Rail Baltic Ülemiste Terminal

PRODUCTS & SERVICES 32 34 36 38 40

CSC Steel: realcolor® Primero Nippon Paint: Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21! Midea Airstill IBS-Impact Certification Pan United Contactless Technologies



48 Building & Investment  | 5


Nippon Paint, Malaysia’s no.1 coating solutions provider, officially launched its e-commerce platform.

Nippon Paint launches Malaysia’s first e-store for the coatings industry Malaysia’s No. 1 coating solutions provider, Nippon Paint Malaysia has officially launched its e-store, the first e-commerce platform for a one-stop online shop for painting needs within the coatings industry in Malaysia. The new e-store aims to provide consumers with a seamless experience journey, as close to what one would experience when buying paint at a physical store. From paint category selection, colour selection, as well as painting tools, the e-store provides a step-by-step guide for customers. Customers can expect deliveries to be fulfilled within three to seven working days. Nippon Paint’s e-store is accessible via: “The roll-out of Nippon Paint’s e-store was timely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and consumers shift to prioritise their health and safety while observing social distancing. This is one of the many ways that we look to innovate and pivot during this unprecedented time, as we respond to the shifting needs of our customers,” said Gladys Goh, Group General Manager of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group. Through Nippon Paint’s e-store, customers will be able to access paint solutions closest to their locations and also get in touch with the Customer Engagement Advisory team for guidance and recommendation via Online Chat. Further, customers will be able to utilise features such as Paint Calculator and Paint Estimator to help provide better gauge on the right amount of paint required for their homes. Nippon Paint Malaysia has also hosted a Business Retail Transformation Talk for more than 150 business partners to share interesting insights on the changing consumer landscape in the coatings industry, and how they can remain relevant in today’s digitised business world. The new e-store is part of Nippon Paint’s transformation journey, which aims to continuously inspire consumers to be creative in the comfort of their own homes amidst the pandemic. Being the market leader in the coatings industry with a database of over 10,000 paint formulations and a network of more than 3,000 6 Building & Investment  |

Gladys Goh, Group General Manager of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group.

dealers nationwide, Nippon Paint will continue to push boundaries and pivot, implement innovative solutions, opportunities for its consumers and business partners during this time. Winning the hearts of Malaysians for the 15th year running, Nippon Paint was recently awarded the Platinum Award for the Paint Category in the prestigious Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Award 2020. This year marks Nippon Paint’s 5th year consecutive year of receiving the Platinum Award. The Reader’s Digest Award recognises consumers’ most trusted brands and industry players amongst various industries across 5 countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Star Residences’ biggest Mosaic Tiles Wall Mural Art.

Star Residences shines with Malaysia Book of Records entry for biggest mosaic tiles wall mural art

The RM3 billion Star Development located on Jalan Yap Kwan Seng in the KLCC Central Business District of Kuala Lumpur continues its award-winning, record-setting ways with an artful entry into the Malaysia Book of Records for the nation’s biggest mosaic tiles wall mural art, which is visible from up to two kilometers away. The three imposing 3-storey mural walls with a combined length of 58.77meters are installed on the highest floor of the three towers comprising Star Residences, a 57-storey tower and two 58-storey towers, including the Ascott Star KLCC Kuala Lumpur. The stunning glass tile works in a bold palette of platinum, gold, white and black hark back to opulent Roman murals but with a contemporary twist. Inspired by nature, myth and environmental conservations the abstract installation was envisioned and conceptualized by the Chief Executive Officer of Alpine Return Sdn Bhd, Mr Alan Koh. “Place making sets Star Residences apart making it aspirational icon of the KLCC area. We challenged ourselves to create a visual narrative that could capture the opulence, elevation and brightness of Star Residences. We believe that these majestic glass tile mosaic mural walls art, the longest and the tallest at an elevation of over 250 meters are a first in Malaysia, and possibly in the region. This is a gift to our residents and guests, and to visitors to Kuala Lumpur as it is visible from afar,” Mr Alan Koh says.

Alan Koh (CEO of Alpine Return Sdn Bhd) received the award certificate from Jwan Heah Yeow Hooi (Director, Business Development of Malaysia Book of Records).

The process of assembling the mega murals took three months, and a further two months to install by hand. Approximately 6.7 million Mozetti Classic mosaics were used to bring the three murals to life with detailed colour transitions for a seamless finish. Total costs for the project is estimated at RM1.5million. Alpine Return Sdn Bhd is a 50:50 joint venture company between established Malaysian property developers, Symphony Life Bhd and United Malayan Land Bhd (UM Land). Building & Investment  | 7


Grundfos proceeds to acquire Eurowater Grundfos has entered into an agreement to acquire Eurowater, adding to its value proposition within the water treatment business. “Eurowater brings a broad portfolio of solutions and a deep understanding of water treatment applications and endusers. This will enable us to strengthen our value proposition to customers. When complete, this acquisition will further advance us in our important work to address water challenges on a global scale,” says Ulrik Gernow, Group Executive Vice President, CMO, at Grundfos and continues: “Eurowater is an outstanding company and we are truly impressed by its organization and the people we have met”. The Eurowater and Grundfos businesses share many similarities, including a sharp focus on innovation and offering high-quality products and value-added services to customers. “A better buyer does not exist! It is with peace of mind that we leave ownership of our life’s work to Grundfos. We took over the company 17 years ago from the Scherfig family, who has owned the company since its foundation in 1936. With the global reach and presence of Grundfos and our extensive experience in producing first class products, we see great opportunities to boost the development of innovative and water efficient solutions to the benefit of our many customers,” says Torben Buhl, Managing Director for Eurowater. Headquartered in Denmark, Eurowater serves primarily the European markets with a range of water treatment offerings, with a focus on customers in the industrial and municipal sectors.

Grundfos’ new iSOLUTIONS lab is the first of its kind by the company in Asia-Pacific.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and is expected to be closed during autumn 2020.

CIDB-SOCSO organise COVID-19 testing session, attracting 700 foreign construction workers More than 13,000 foreign workers in the construction sector have undergone COVID-19 testing under the SOCSO Prihatin Screening Programme (PSP) since it was launched on 27 April 2020. In line with the government’s directive to provide targeted testing, PSP has conducted COVID-19 testing for foreign workers working in the construction and security service sectors in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. To date, 33,613 foreign workers across sectors have undergone the COVID-19 testing, of which 40% are from the construction sector. In an effort to encourage more contractors to send their foreign workers for COVID-19 testing, the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) has collaborated with SOCSO to organise a group testing session at CIDB Convention Centre on 5 July 2020. The initiative has successfully attracted participation from 700 foreign workers from 59 construction companies from Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor. With effect from 1 June 2020, the scope of PSP has been expanded including the provision of a subsidy of up to RM150 per test to employers who had conducted the COVID-19 testing for their employees, who are SOCSO contributors, and the COVID-19 tests are conducted in any clinic or hospital approved by the Ministry of Health. 8 Building & Investment  |

For employees who have not yet contributed to SOCSO, they can register as contributors prior to the testing. CIDB Malaysia also called on all contractors in the areas stated to send their foreign workers for COVID-19 testing through the PSP programme.

Commercial Building – Swissma Doppelwelt® Standing Seam Roof

Swissma Doppelwelt® Standing Seam Roof

Swissma Snapwelt® Roofing

Sin Chew Business The BrandLaureate 2015 - 2016 Excellence Awards 2016 – President’s Award – Product and Service Excellence

The BrandLaureate 2016 - 2017 – Most Sustainable Brand Award

The BrandLaureate 2017 - 2018 – Most Valuable Brand

Building & Investment  | 9


KITA Ria - affordable yet spacious serviced apartments to build lifetime memories with your families.

LBS successfully launched another project in KITA @ Cybersouth LBS Bina Group Berhad (LBS) sets off with an unprecedented take-up rate for KITA Ria serviced apartment, with its first block already fully booked. Due to the strong demand, LBS has subsequently open second block for sale. This overwhelming response is a testament that LBS projects meet consumer’s demand on affordable homes that comes with facilities and amenities. Sited on a Malay Reserved Land township KITA @ Cybersouth, KITA Ria is set to bring in an estimated Gross Development Value (GDV) of RM268 million. In a statement, LBS Group Managing Director Tan Sri Lim Hock San said, “This 22-storey serviced apartment, with a total of 812 residential units, offers practical built-up of 602 and 901 sq ft – with prices start from RM250,000 and RM343,800 respectively. This apartment is thoughtfully designed to provide practical spaces that are comfortable, while equipped with various facilities and communal area such as adult and kids swimming pools, outdoor gymnasium, multipurpose court, and takraw court.” Tan Sri Lim also stated that the reintroduction of HOC will reduce the burden of homebuyers significantly, and LBS #DudukRumah Deals Plus Campaign will further incentivise home ownership. 10 Building & Investment  |

“LBS has established a solid foundation in crafting homes with conducive environment for people. Affordability, connectivity and community living - are the three core pillars that LBS embraces when we curate our products. KITA Ria is an affordably priced home with good connectivity as well as sustainable environment that promotes family bonding and community living. With such positive market response, we are really happy that many families and individuals found new homes in KITA Ria.” Tan Sri Lim elaborated, “Since its first launch in April 2019, KITA @ Cybersouth township has been and remains a focus for LBS. Almost all units KITA Bayu – comprised of double storey terrace house and townhouse were sold out. In addition to these, KITA Harmoni’s double storey terrace house has a takeup rate of 75%; meanwhile 964 units of KITA Impian’s serviced apartments were fully sold.” KITA @ Cybersouth is a 633 acres township development located within the growing Southern Klang Valley. It is easily accessible via major highways and within close proximity to various key public amenities such as commercial hubs, financial institutions, local and international higher education institutions, governmental administration centre, international airport, healthcare providers and many others.

Platinum Victory launches Vista Danau Kota, its latest affordable urban project In line with Malaysia’s national agenda and increasing market demand for affordable homes, Platinum Victory will be launching their latest Vista Essential Homes project, Vista Danau Kota, a development set within 3.721 acres of land area. The project is under the Affordable Housing Scheme (RUMAWIP) that sits comfortably in the prime locality of Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. Vista Danau Kota is a one-block development comprising 910 units priced at RM300,000. “As a seasoned property developer in the industry for over two decades, Platinum Victory understands the market needs, without compromising the fundamental elements that most consumers look for in a property: location, value for money, convenience and accessibility. In this regard, Vista Danau Kota checks these boxes and at the same time, makes the most of the space allotted for a practical living. This affordably-priced development means many Malaysians are eligible to apply and potentially own a house in this much-anticipated development,” said Gan Yee Hin, Executive Director of Platinum Victory. This affordable home is equipped with lifestyle facilities such as swimming pools for adults and kids, a multipurpose hall, laundry room, surau, community space, nursery, shop lots and 24-hour security - making for a comprehensive and comfortable living experience in an urban setting. This latest offering is also a short drive away to a network of public transportation and has direct access to major expressways with the likes of Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2), Lebuhraya DutaUlu Kelang (DUKE) and Jalan Genting Klang. It is also within close

proximity to a number of commodities, educational institutions and healthcare amenities, as well as numerous recreational attractions and cultural hotspots. “In the pipeline, we have other upcoming projects that cater to homebuyers under Platinum Victory’s Vista Essential Homes segment. With the national agenda’s focus on affordable homes, understandably, this particular category of homebuyers would be one of Platinum Victory’s key target markets as well,” Gan concluded. Vista Danau Kota will be officially launched on 4th July 2020, with its sales gallery open for public enquiries and show unit for viewing. Building & Investment  | 11


From left: Mdm Nur Aiena (HS) receiving the PPE from Ar Mumtazah (PAM).

PAM donates 1,000 sets of PPE to Hospital Serdang Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM), the professional body for architects in Malaysia, has handed over 1,000 sets of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical frontliners in Hospital Serdang recently. PAM’s Architect members and staff donated the funds for the materials in this joint collaboration with the Malaysia Bumiputra Designer Association (MBDA), whose volunteers designed and sewed the PPE. PAM Community & Social Responsibility Chair, Ar Mumtazah Mustajab, who handed over the PPE at the hospital said, “We are grateful for the noble efforts of our medical frontliners who are working tirelessly to deal with the outbreak.” She said the donation of PPE is one of PAM’s initiatives during the MCO/CMCO period, which included rallying architect and engineer volunteers to assist the Government in identifying buildings to be converted into temporary quarantine centres. According to PAM President, Ar Lillian Tay, the public health crisis has compelled a revisit on how we design our buildings, homes, and workplaces as well as our 12 Building & Investment  |

living environment, especially in big cities. She also called for city authorities to focus on creating healthier cities and towns in the post-COVID future, in setting out the Structure Plan and Local Plans for our cities. “We need our Government and local authorities to ensure there are more easily accessible urban parks and public squares in our increasingly high-rise, dense cities and to ensure that when we live and work in the city, we are always within walking distance of green open areas.” Ar Lillian Tay also said that PAM has called for the forthcoming COVID-19 Bill to provide temporary relief measures, such as short-term insurance coverage. This will help employers to protect their employees who may face additional health risks in their jobs as businesses start to operate and return to normal before the public health situation is over. “The pandemic crisis has also brought to light the conditions of construction workers’ housing. Our authorities through CIDB, Ministry of Works and Ministry of Human Resources have already in place regulations and standards on workers’ housing including the latest amendments

PAM President Ar. Lillian Tay.

passed last year to the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing & Amenities Act 1990 (Act 446),” said the PAM President. “However, the recent issues on outbreaks in workers’ housing show there is a need for increased enforcement to ensure that such regulations are adhered to by their employers. These include the contractors or labour sub-contractors who are responsible for ensuring that construction workers are always properly housed and not just in the present COVID-19 pandemic,” she added.



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Bentley Systems’ Acceleration Fund launches The Cohesive Companies, advancing infrastructure digital twins to improve asset performance Bentley Systems, Incorporated, a leading global provider of comprehensive software and digital twins services for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure, recently announced that its Acceleration Fund has launched The Cohesive Companies, a wholly owned subsidiary, anchored by the acquisition of Atlanta-based Cohesive Solutions. The new business venture will include the services team from Bentley’s AssetWise business and the offerings of Bentley, Cohesive, and IBM’s Maximo to support the digital transformation of infrastructure owner-operators. The Cohesive Companies will act as a digital integrator to help infrastructure asset owners upgrade their enterprise environments to leverage digital twins – digital representations and simulations of a physical asset, synchronizing digital context (current existing conditions), digital components (engineering content), and digital chronology (lifecycle change management). Infrastructure digital twins can empower asset operators with immersive visualization and analytics visibility to predict and optimize performance. Cohesive Solutions is the largest North American reseller of IBM’s Maximo enterprise asset management (EAM) software. With a successful track record of delivering integrated EAM solutions for owner-operators in utilities, energy, and facilities sectors, Cohesive Solutions’ domain expertise and consulting capabilities can now be extended to advance EAM to infrastructure digital twins. As digital integrators for infrastructure asset performance, The Cohesive Companies’ unique charter is the convergence, through digital twin cloud services, of digital engineering models (ET), with IT and OT, for infrastructure and facilities assets. Asset performance digital twins can provide continuous operational insights, enhanced through machine learning, for reliability, efficiency, compliance, safety, resilience and decision support to adaptively sustain and advance fitness for purpose.

Noah Eckhouse, SVP Bentley Systems, and CEO of The Cohesive Companies.

Noah Eckhouse, SVP Bentley Systems, and CEO, The Cohesive Companies, said, “Infrastructure asset owners know their success in going digital is based on both technology as well as experienced and dedicated resources for change management. I’m excited to fully meet the opportunity for asset performance digital twins with Bentley Acceleration Fund’s substantial commitment to this digital integrator venture.” George Lowry, President, Cohesive Solutions, said, “The Bentley Acceleration Fund’s digital integrator initiative for advancing infrastructure – by combining world-class software with best practices consulting, in going digital for asset performance – completes the reach of our mission, from the start, at Cohesive Solutions. Our founders are delighted to now extend our scope, as a long-standing IBM Business Partner, to include advancing Maximo with Bentley’s digital twin cloud services.”

AT Systemization acquires Pearl Glove Sdn Bhd for RM22 million AT Systemization Bhd (ATS) has announced that it has signed a Share Sale Agreement (SSA) to acquire 100% of Pearl Glove (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (PGSB), for an amount of RM22 million. In a statement, it said the immediate outlook for Pearl Glove’s existing business, as a trusted and tested OEM/ODM manufacturer of safety gloves is extremely positive as the demand for the industrial safety gloves increases proportionately with improving workplace health and safety practices globally. With the proposed acquisition, ATS said it intends to turn PGSB into a full-fledged medical grade nitrile examination gloves manufacturer, capable for producing up to 3 billion pieces of gloves, within 36 months. 14 Building & Investment  |

ATS also added that the current market conditions are extremely favourable for turnkey operators to begin new production lines to take advantage of spot prices of gloves. Excess demand provides new players with opportunities, with the top four producers’ supply lines booked solid into 2021. “With ATS’ existing engineering facilities already primed for industrial automation systems, the synergies of the acquisition are manifold,” it added. Increased health standards, workplace health and safety standards and a shift to more automated and precision style engineering for manufacturers will allow ATS to be fully exposed as a full-fledged participant.

SHARP Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd Managing Director (sixth from left) trying out Remote Fitness, one of SHARP’s Remote Life Solutions.

SHARP new remote life solutions, ecosystems to spur economic momentum Sharp Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (SHARP) sees great opportunity for its technology and solutions to aid the nation’s recovery. Evolving with present day needs, SHARP is determined to help users, in businesses, classrooms, and households, to embrace the new normal through an ecosystem of solutions, debuted at the SHARP Virtual Dealer Convention recently. “Over the past few months, the whole world has been driven to adopt digital solutions faster than we’ve ever seen before. Given the current emphasis on seamless communication and safety of consumers as we embrace the ‘new normal’, the introduction of SHARP’s Remote Life concept this year is intentional and timely for smarter and connected environments in classrooms and offices,” explained Executive Managing Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, ASEAN Business and Chairman, SHARP Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd, Robert Wu. The new Remote Life concept comprises three solutions for three key areas namely, Remote Meeting for businesses, SHARP Remote Education Systems for classrooms and Remote Lifestyle for the general user or household to operate effectively and safely in the new normal. To support the recovery of businesses within its dealer network, SHARP also took to opportunity to introduce its new e-commerce platform, eSHARP, at the virtual convention. Setting itself apart, SHARP developed eSHARP to drive revenue back to dealers. “Our eSHARP platform represents a ‘second floor’ retail business concept for our customers to shop at and extend our authorised dealers’ physical store presence and compliment their business. Customers are assured of a secure online shopping experience and peace of mind knowing the quality of genuine

From left: SHARP Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd Managing Director, Ting Yang Chung, and Deputy Managing Director (Sales Division), Tok Sang Man, introducing eSHARP, the new e-commerce platform, at the virtual convention.

SHARP products from authorised dealers. This new business strategy will help our dealers gain online revenue and enhance customer engagement,” explained Wu. The consumer electronics solutions giant also announced at the virtual convention its plans to debut a new product line-up including its signature BIG AQUOS TV range and home appliances this year. Determined to grow its market share, SHARP also highlighted its partnership with BACFREE® to introduce water products. The partnership will complement SHARP’s ‘Air of Confidence’ Solutions comprising of Air Purifiers, Air Conditioners and Air Cooler products fitted with Plasmacluster technology. SHARP aims to retain its position as the no.1 Japanese brand in Malaysia. Its growth strategy for the future is supported by a strong market presence and SHARP plans to leverage further on business partnerships or co-branding of new businesses or products. These will diversify and expand the SHARP brand presence and portfolio to better serve the evolving needs of customers. Building & Investment  | 15


Korea’s Dr Clo makes timely Malaysian debut After selling out over 1.5 million units to households across Asia in 2019, Dr Clo has made its debut in Malaysia and is now available on the shelves of selected pharmacies and via e-commerce platforms. An innovation from South Korea’s NON Corporation, these multi-purpose patented portable sterilisation devices are customised for use in various aspects of modern lifestyles. It is the only liquid-based Chlorine Dioxide product in the world certified by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA). Chlorine Dioxide is a key agent to sterilise, sanitise and disinfect viruses and pathogens in a matter of seconds. The product has also been widely tested in both Korea and Japan and is registered as a safe product for use in the general living spaces. Its debut in Malaysia is timely, given the heightened health and safety concerns both locally and globally as the COVID-19 pandemic has generated much interest and awareness among consumers worldwide and in Malaysia on the importance of cleaner air and environment. Dr Clo’s range of sterilisation devices offers all-in-one solution that is carcinogen-free and contains non-toxic material, while acting as a potent formula and preventive measure against viruses, bacteria and pathogens. Yet, it is harmless to infants, the sick and the elderly alike. The easy-to-use Dr Clo sterilisation device just requires the user to hold both ends of the sterilisation device and bend it once to break the capsule inside. The indicator will turn yellow within 12-24 hours once activated. It is then mounted at the desired

Keep food fresh, Dr. Clo can! Suppresses the growth of moulds and extends food freshness. No carcinogens, safe to store with food.

Refrigerated for 10 days

Dr. Clo in use

not in use

Dr. Clo in use

not in use

Refrigerated for 45 days


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Dr Clo sterilisation devices are available in four variants for home, bathroom, refrigerator and car.

location using the suction holder provided. The device can be used for up to 50 days and then can be replaced with a new one. Dr Clo sterilisation devices are available in four different variants – Home, Bathroom, Refrigerator and Car. The Home variant is ideal for living spaces or even office spaces since it sterilises space and eliminate odours generated from food waste, mould and smoking. It is also handy for use in shelves, closets and in shoe cabinets to secure an odour-free storage space. Meanwhile, the Bathroom variant has been specifically designed for use in humid and wet bathrooms and showers. The Refrigerator variant can be used both for refrigerators and chillers to seal in freshness of food and drinks stored there as well as ensure bacteria-free storage space for longer periods, while eliminating unpleasant odours. The Car variant, which can withstand heat, is available for vehicles as it sterilises the vehicle’s interior, while removing any odour generated through the air-conditioner. Malaysians can now certainly look forward to a revolution in personal sterilisation, disinfection and deodorisation that is safe and effective in protecting the family’s personal space and lifestyle.

Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

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PROJECT AT A GLANCE Classification: Commercial Location: Sydney, Australia Approx. Project Cost: $1 billion Approx. Commencement Date: 2020 Approx. Completion Date: 2025



ustralian tech giant Atlassian has announced plans to build the world’s tallest hybrid timber building in Sydney, which will serve as its new headquarters. The building will be around 40 storeys high and accommodate up to 4,000 of Atlassian employees when complete in 2025. It is part of the New South Wales Government’s plan develop a new tech precinct at Central station, expected to host 25,000 workers. Atlassian is the first anchor tenant to sign up to the plan, and has chosen New York-based architect SHoP, and Australian practice BVN as the design team of its new building. DEVELOPMENT COMPOSITION The new Atlassian headquarters features a ground-breaking design of timber, with a glass and steel façade that include a mix of outdoor and indoor spaces, and uses an energyefficient approach that features natural ventilation and large planted terraces giving access to nature. The existing Railway Square YHA at the site will be revitalized and incorporated into the lower levels of the new building. The existing heritage parcel shed will also be incorporated into the development. In line with Atlassian’s commitment to operate on 100%

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Artist impression: Atlassian’s new headquarters sets to become the tallest hybrid timber building in the world. (Source: SHoP Architects and BVN)

Artist impression.

(Source: SHoP Architects and BVN)

Artist impression.

(Source: SHoP Architects and BVN)

Artist impression.

(Source: SHoP Architects and BVN)

renewable energy and reach net zero emissions. The project will target: • 50% less embodied carbon in construction compared to a conventional building. • 50% less energy consumption compared with a new conventionally operated building and solar panels in the vertical facades, to generate green power on-site. • The building will operate on 100% renewable energy from day one and include solar panels built into the façade. “Our collective work around the world focuses on elevating the experience of the public realm in urban environments, so we really welcome this opportunity to work with such wonderful partners to create a high-performance landmark for Sydney's new tech district, at ground level and in the skyline,” said Bill Sharples, Founding Principal at SHoP. Coren Sharples, SHoP Founding Principal, said, “Atlassian brought

together an amazing team of global leaders in innovation to develop the criteria for this project, and we SHoP and BVN are thrilled to be able to play a part in contributing the iconic architecture that will complete that vision.” The building is leading edge in its application of Mass Timber Construction (MTC). MTC is one of the most hopeful technologies in moving the construction industry toward real solutions to the global climate crisis. The novel hybrid timber structure is significantly lower in embodied carbon and offers a substantial reduction in the building’s carbon footprint. This is assisting Atlassian’s goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. In addition, the timber provides a warm and inviting environment for Atlassians and visitors. Measuring at approx. 180 metres / 590 feet high - this will be the tallest commercial hybrid timber building in the world. SHoP/BVN found an elegant way to tie a structural element of the building to one of the building’s most aesthetic attributes

Artist impression.

(Source: SHoP Architects and BVN)

– the façade. The tower includes a steel exoskeleton that supports the mega floors between neighbourhoods. The current design also incorporates an electricitygenerating façade system with self-shade capabilities to reduce direct heat gain internally. Combined with the use of mass timber, the innovative façade enables the project to leverage Sydney's temperate climate to help reduce carbon emissions and generate on-site energy. Park spaces have been integral in the design of this workplace, creating a staggered outdoor garden in a Sydney high rise tower. Level 1 communal activities are located at the first of the elevated parks of the tower, providing protected outdoor spaces that will be comfortable all year round. Combined with the novel use of mass timber, the innovative façade enables the project to leverage Sydney's temperate climate to reduce carbon emissions by 50% over a 10 years period. (Source: and

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PROJECT AT A GLANCE Classification: Medical Location: Shijiazhuang, China Approx. Project Cost: Undisclosed Approx. Commencement Date: Undisclosed Approx. Completion Date: Undisclosed



ur planet’s population is now going through the biggest shared experience in decades due to COVID-19, and the way people think about life and illness today is incomparable with any time in history. Prolonged social distancing has cast a limelight on the importance of mental health as part of our wellbeing. People’s expectations for medical buildings have gone beyond equipment and technicalities and been more focused on their ability to encourage positivity. There have also been calls for a greener and more humanised environment. Philip Wong, LWK + PARTNERS Director who leads the practice’s Healthcare and Senior Living Team, shares the trends of healthcare spaces and the role of design in improving people’s experience in these complex facilities, using his latest project Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital Development in China as a prime example. DEVELOPMENT COMPOSITION As medical practitioners take increasingly holistic approaches to healing and rehabilitation, a green, welcoming vibe is now considered essential to the health and wellbeing of all users. “Contemporary architecture has taken up the mission to heal,” noted Philip, who has over 18 years of experience designing and

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Artist impression. (Source: LWK + PARTNERS)

Artist impression: Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital. (Source: LWK + PARTNERS)

more advanced building technologies mean that landscaped spaces are now a positive element in less sensitive areas. All these lead to a more relaxed or less pressured feeling to the space and hence higher positivity being associated with the healing experience.”

Artist impression. (Source: LWK + PARTNERS)

managing healthcare and senior housing projects in Hong Kong and throughout Southeast Asia. Shijiazhuang Zhao Hua Hospital is more than just a place to see the doctor, it is also a dynamic community landmark with lush greenery where people come to restore their minds and souls. The complex has a Gross Floor Area of 206,460sqm; it has 10 levels including two levels underground, housing various facilities including a general hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a children hospital, a postpartum care centre and a specialist clinic, as well as an array of facilities serving multiple community functions. Philip sees a global trend to have larger portions of civic, cultural and green

spaces in healthcare facilities. At Zhao Hua, the team takes a patient-oriented approach to create a space that promotes wellness from all dimensions. They bring in extensive open areas, terraced gardens, sunken plazas, retail spaces and even teaching facilities and event venues into the programme, making up a pleasant and inclusive environment not only for patients, their families and staff, but for overall community to enjoy. “In the past,” he said, “spaces like chapels, rest areas and activity rooms were tucked away in corners, whereas today they are made more exposed to the visitors. Plants used to be banned in the main areas of hospitals due to concerns of drainage and bacteria growth, but

Restoration For Body And Mind “The Zhao Hua project is designed to evoke life, energy and movement,” said Philip, “Its architecture takes inspiration from mountain landscape and diverges from the usual rectangular form, resulting in a distinctive design that blends with nature.” Buildings adopt a streamlined design, creating harmony with the community and reiterating a smooth internal circulation. Facades incorporate natural materials such as stone and terracotta, featuring vertical lattices that come in a series of light-hearted, dynamic colours. Lighting and ventilation are critical to creating a comfortable space. Depending on the types of patient intakes and the operator’s model of care, this may affect interior layouts as well as elevation design, corridor arrangements and more. “Rooms at Zhao Hua are all designed according to international standards,” said Philip, “They are south-facing to optimise natural lighting and ventilation, while natural light is also regulated through layered lattices on the facades before it comes through the windows.” Building & Investment  | 21


Artist impression: The project takes a patient-oriented approach to will upend the traditionally depressive atmosphere of hospitals.


(Source: LWK + PARTNERS)


Design For Efficiency Circulation planning is key to the operations of medical facilities as it ensures efficient delivery of patients, supplies and equipment. ‘Clean’ and ‘dirty’ items are to flow through separate routes without crossing, while the visitor traffic must be diverted and discharged to avoid disrupting the operations. At Zhao Hua, this is even more critical as a larger pool of people from the public is drawn into the complex due to its rich community functions. “We came up with a decentralised design,” Philip explained. “Each building has its own entry points. Healthcare users are quickly directed to their intended department, rather than waffling through crowds of people and numerous wards before arriving at their destination, which is normally the case in mainland China. Every building has its own theme colour and distinctive icons, further assisting way-finding.” Rehab Becomes Mainstream According to the World Health Organization, rehabilitation is ‘a set of interventions needed when a person is experiencing or is likely to experience limitations in everyday functioning due to ageing or a health condition’. Establishing a system of good rehab services can reduce both the length of hospitalisation and the risk of readmission. “Rehab is gaining traction in mainland China, where the public healthcare system is facing a lot of pressure,” said Philip. “In many parts of the world, especially where the population is ageing, it is also becoming a more accepted part of daily life and a vital component for integrated healthcare.” Architects are not only reserving larger areas in their projects for rehab, but rendering their built and landscaped areas friendly for chronic patients. 22 Building & Investment  |







Artist impression. (Source: LWK + PARTNERS)

“In some developments, pavements are designed in loops to help those with dementia stay in focus,” shared Philip. “And the pavements are kept simple to allow exercise spaces for the injured.” These principles are also extending from healthcare spaces to residential and institutional planning to account for the needs of elderly people, chronic patients and people with disabilities. People recover best where services are efficient, facilities are friendly and care is at hand. Future healthcare spaces, therefore, are tasked with helping people support each other, activating the right energies and keeping them flowing. (Source: LWK + PARTNERS)

Penang Second Bridge

Conventional Fixed-Base System Seismic Isolation System

High Damping Rubber Bearing (Seismic Base Isolator) for Buildings & Bridges

Claudio Vicuna Hospital, Chile


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THE MILESTONE PROJECT AT A GLANCE Classification: Mixed Development Location: Stuttgart, Germany Approx. Project Cost: Undisclosed Approx. Commencement Date: 2018 Approx. Completion Date: To Be Announced


Artist impression: Dutch firm MVRDV has unveiled ‘crystal rock’ design for The Milestone, a 6,500sqm mixed use office building in Esslingen am Neckar, Stuttgart, Germany.

urope consists of thousands of small towns that compete for recognition. This include Esslingen am Neckar, located in the Stuttgart Region of BadenWürttemberg in southern Germany. Esslingen am Neckar is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful cities, where medieval half-timbered houses and innovative architecture meet in perfect harmony that has become a symbol for the diversity of its citizens and culture. Dutch firm MDRDV has recently announced plans for The Milestone, a new mixed-use office building in the “Neue Weststadt”, a former freight depot with a diverse industrial history. Featuring a distinct, part-reflective “crystal rock” facade and open geometric core, the building sets to become a new landmark for the city. The project was commissioned by RVI GmbH, a developer based in Saarbrücken, Germany, and the construction is scheduled to begin in 2020. DEVELOPMENT COMPOSITION Formally known as “Block E”, The Milestone building marks the center of this newly developed district, which will further accommodate a university, housing developments and retail stores. In total, The Milestone will contain 6,500 sqm of floor space across 12 storeys. MVRDV’s ambition is to generate a building that shows the

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(Source: MVRDV)


Artist impression. (Source: MVRDV)

Artist impression. (Source: MVRDV)

city of Esslingen and at the same time, opens up to its surrounding and its users. The Milestone is the epitome of the phrase “We Are Here” as it will showcase Essligen’s pride, its history and its future. The façade traces the boundaries of Esslingen and the topography of its landscape, which is pushed in through a series of pixels that form an “Esslinger Room”. A series of stairs, terraces, and platforms emerge and leads to the other side, reaching a viewpoint in the shape of the city centre for public use, where visitors can enjoy the views of the vineyards and surrounding hills. The façade is designed as partially mirrored, with fritted glass containing PV cells that mirror the environment, the town, its hills and its people. It shows the pixelated map of the area of Esslingen and around. Each pixel carries different information, featuring the stories of the city and its inhabitants. Accompanied by a smartphone app one can discover its richness, creating the public library of the town. On the ground level, the crystal rock opens up to the public square located in front, connecting the city with the building and providing public amenities including a restaurant, café and meeting areas. On the upper levels, modern office spaces are created to encourage a healthy work-life balance. In contrast, at night, the building becomes a beacon for Esslingen, illuminated through its façade, creating an extraordinary atmosphere. This turns the public square in front into a new meeting point for its inhabitants and the city’s next milestone.

Artist impression. (Source: MVRDV)

(Source: and

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he full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was felt deeper in Asia Pacific real estate markets in the second quarter of 2020 than the previous quarter, contributing to investment volumes and rental prices declining across most major commercial asset classes in the first half of the year. According to newly released data by JLL (NYSE: JLL), first half investment volumes in Asia Pacific declined by 32% year-on-year, with second quarter activity down by 39% year-on-year accelerating from a 26% drop in the first quarter. The decline in investment volumes continued as more economies introduced lockdowns and travel restrictions, further impacting investors’ short-term capital deployment plans. Singapore (-68%) and Hong Kong (-65%) registered the largest year-on-year investment declines in the second quarter, while drops in Australia (-58%), South Korea (-45%) and China (-15%) were offset by a resumption of activity in the latter parts of the second quarter. Investment activity in Japan (-20%) remained resilient due to transactions in the multi-family sector and strong domestic liquidity. “The sharp decline in deal activity in the second quarter is reflective of the lack of willing sellers and the general uncertainty that exists around market recovery. Liquidity remains very high, and we expect transaction activity is poised to rebound in the second half as economies further reopen and pricing expectations are adjusted in certain markets,” said 26 Building & Investment  |

• Investment volumes in 1H decline 32% year-onyear, but healthy yield spreads mean appetite for assets remains high • Leasing markets subdued with some bright spots emerging



Stuart Crow, CEO of Asia Pacific Capital Markets at JLL, in a statement. Asia Pacific’s office sector continues to report the highest investment volume, supported by strong institutional investor appetite for core markets. Defensive and operation-critical assets - logistics, education and data centres – are also gaining attention from investors, leading to a flurry of fund raisings and new joint ventures. Deal activity for retail and hotels remained stagnant in the first half. With interest rates declining in most major markets, JLL data show a healthy spread between prime yields and bond yields in most sectors in Asia Pacific, providing an attractive environment for global investors looking to deploy approximately $40 billion1 in dry powder into the region. MUTED LEASING ACTIVITY Across Asia Pacific, office leasing was generally subdued during the first half, with only select markets posting quarter-on-quarter price increases. Office rentals in Hong Kong’s Central district observed the most substantial decline (-9.3%) with the backdrop of rising vacancies and weaker leasing demand. Beijing (-4.1%), Melbourne (-3.9%), Sydney (-3.5%) and Singapore (-3.3%) also reported sizable declines in the office rental prices. Osaka and Seoul’s CBD office markets bucked the trend and outperformed in the second quarter, with rents rising 1% to 2%. “Office leasing activity was relatively muted during the second quarter across Asia Pacific’s major markets, as heightened economic uncertainty influenced decision-making and lockdowns created inspection challenges,” said Jeremy Sheldon, Head of Markets, Asia Pacific, JLL. “While there were some relative bright spots in select areas, the market does remain unpredictable and all sides will be watching closely as the second half unfolds.” Retail was the most severely impacted by lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing, curtailing demand throughout the second quarter. Hong Kong’s (-13.3%) retail leasing market 1

JLL Capital Markets estimates.


posted the biggest decline across major Asia Pacific markets. Rents also declined across most of Southeast Asia, with Singapore (-8.5%) recording a significant moderation in prices. The logistics and industrial sector proved the region’s most resilient in the second quarter. Rental growth remained positive in Shanghai (+1.2%) and Sydney (+1.0%) and was largely stable in Singapore, Beijing, Sydney and Melbourne. “There is still significant uncertainty about growth and the shape of recovery amid the COVID -19 pandemic. Supply and demand remain the drivers of leasing performance and, inevitably, as markets continue to experience periods of lockdown, there is a direct impact on demand,” said Roddy Allan, Chief Research Officer, Asia Pacific, JLL. “The impact of COVID-19 will remain, but our research indicates investors will approach the market in the second half with measured optimism, which we believe will accelerate further in early 2021.” (Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated, JLL)

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Tallinn’s new multi-modal traffic hub that serves both the network and the local community for the future Rail Baltic Line


he British architecture firm, Zaha Hadid Architects, working together with Estonia’s Esplan, have been awarded the first place in the design competition for the new terminal of the Rail Baltic railway at Ülemiste, Tallinn. Rail Baltic is a planned 870 km electrified railway from Tallinn in Estonia to the LithuanianPolish border. The Ülemiste terminal will be the starting point of the Rail Baltic line connecting Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius with the European high-speed rail network.

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The Rail Baltic Ülemiste terminal is scheduled to be completed by 2026 and the total construction of the project will cost €40 million (approx. US$45.6 million). Upon completion, Rail Baltic will enable passengers to travel from Tallinn to Parnu in 40 minutes and from Tallinn to Riga in two hours. A MULTI-MODAL TRAFFIC HUB THAT DOUBLES AS A PUBLIC BRIDGE Zaha Hadid’s winning design, titled “Light Stream”, imagines the station as a giant sinuous bridge, snaking perpendicularly

Artist impression.

(Source: / Zaha Hadid Architects)

Artist impression.

(Source: / Zaha Hadid Architects)

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Artist impression.

(Source: / Zaha Hadid Architects)

to the railway tracks and gradually twisting 45 degrees at its center. This form is dictated by the layout of the station’s circulation routes, which will include a public pedestrian bridge, and the intersection of bus, tram and rail lines. The aim is to create a dynamic and vibrant transportation hub by integrating possible commercial facilities with public functions and architectural interventions. Further, the physical integration and visual interconnectivity between pedestrian, public transportation and various programmes flux will bring a strong civic identity to the site and provide a recognisable spatial identity for the different parts of the site. In addition, great care will be given to the design of the concourse. Immediately accessible from the entrances of North and South squares, and bridging over the railway, the concourse serves as a large gathering space from where all the different journeys will originate in a clear and ordered manner. The facilitation of obvious and easy access, as well as the smooth visual guidance will be the fundamental ethos of the design. The architectural language will be 30 Building & Investment  |

Artist impression.

(Source: / Zaha Hadid Architects)

Artist impression.

(Source: / Zaha Hadid Architects)

geared towards the articulation of movement and will allow for the smooth integration of people flows and traffic lines that intersect within the stations. An open and dynamic quality of the architectural figure will be pursuit within the interior of the stations where the trajectories of the travellers are determining the geometry of the space and natural light. “I have been constantly informed about the developments in the Ülemiste area and in light of the works presented to the public, I am more than convinced that the area is becoming one of the most attractive and, in terms of infrastructure, synergistic in Tallinn,” said Taavi Aas, Estonia’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure. “A true multi-modal transport hub is emerging, with rail, bus and air traffic coming together there in the future.” The Rail Baltic Ülemiste terminal has been designed and planned to BREEAM benchmarks and guidelines. The most challenging part of the project will be the construction of the terminal deck above the railways that consists of inverted precast T-beams and is covered by the cast in-situ topping, which together form a composite cross-section. Zaha Hadid Architects has proposed a modular structural system so the terminal can be built in phases to enable on-going operations on the rail lines will continue throughout the construction. (Source: and

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CSC Steel’s top brand of high performance polyester coated galvanised steel takes the spotlight in the making of Pensonic’s new base of operations in Selangor


ounded in 1965 by Dato’ Seri Chew Weng Khak as a small retailer cum workshop for electrical home appliances formerly trading under the name of Keat Radio Co., Pensonic has quickly grown into one of the largest conglomerate in Malaysia. Headquartered in Pulau Pinang, Pensonic has also established several branches throughout Malaysia to house the fast expanding business under one umbrella group, which include a new establishment comprising an office block and a warehouse in Kapar, Klang. The construction of the new establishment is indeed befitting its status as Pensonic’s base of operations in Selangor. Case in point, the warehouse is topped by Astino® Clip Lock 710, a premier roofing profile by Astino Berhad, one of the leading industrial enterprises in the field of building products. For the roof structure, which covers an area of 15,000m2 with the longest span measuring 66m, Astino® Clip Lock 710 is deemed the perfect choice as it combines concealed fastening feature with structural performance that eliminates leakage occurrences and provide years of worry-free experience. The distinctive appearance of Astino® Clip Lock 710 makes it ideal for a wide range of applications from low pitched roofs to vertical ribbed cladding, and well suited for industrial, commercial and residential projects. The roofing profile is designed with deep rigid ribs that allow safe and wide support spacing. It can also be installed easily and quickly, thanks to the specially designed Astino Clip Interlocking system that delivers a guaranteed and reliable performance. The form and function of Astino® Clip Lock 710 is further enhanced by realcolor® Primero, CSC Steel’s high performance polyester coated galvanised steel.

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For more than 20 years, CSC Steel is renowned for its strength in meeting all building construction challenges through continuous delivery of flat steel products of the highest quality. One of CSC Steel’s top brands is realcolor® Primero, which satisfies most common roofing and cladding applications as it covers every requirement in terms of quality, durability, flexibility and aesthetics. realcolor® Primero is specially formulated with excellent surface hardness and flexibility as well as optimal colour selection. It also provides maximum protection against corrosion, good formability and affordable. realcolor® Primero high performance polyester coated galvanised steel is also packaged with warranty up to 10 years against colour fade/ chalk*, and up to 20 years against perforation*. *Terms & conditions apply

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Nippon Paint introduces



f gifted painters like Rembrandt and Constable were alive today, they will surely be fascinated by the sheer choice of colours produced by the Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21 (TBC 2020/21), a series of core colour themes launched by Nippon Paint Malaysia Group, Malaysia’s No.1 Paint & Coatings Expert. Even the surrealist artist Salvador Dali will gawk in admiration at this truly Asian Colour Palette! In forecasting this series of enthralling Asian colour palettes, Nippon Paint collaborated with Colour Hive, a company with 19 years of experience in forecasting colour trends across continents, to curate forward-thinking colour inspirations for the Asian region. Leveraging on Nippon Paint’s leadership position in the coatings industry, Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21 is an extension of Nippon Paint’s inspirational vision to continuously encompass colour innovation through research and development whilst taking into consideration the most sought after colour palettes by consumers across the Asian market. The Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21 features eight new shades across four themes, varying from vibrant and bold hues to delicate and pastel shades of the colour spectrum. The four themes are Raw Beauty, Precious Tale, Gentle Whisper, and Pop Life – each representing a specific persona and style inspired by the technological, economic, political, social and environmental influences that shape them, observing the balance between global trends and a touch of localism and regionalism in Asia.

THEME: RAW BEAUTY Core Colours: Aztec, Shitake Colours under the RAW BEAUTY theme are inspired by shades that sit between the boundaries of neutrals and tints. The warm neutrals – a combination of brown and beige shades – tend to bring with them an underlying warmth and rosiness, thus reflecting the influence of an earthy nature. The various shades of greens illustrate the importance of preserving nature in all their glorious diversity alongside a touch of orange, symbolising its goal to comfort and uplift. Be inspired with more colours under this theme! 34 Building & Investment  |

Colours are a huge part of our everyday lives and by understanding the psychology of colours, it can improve the overall experience for an individual within a home or throughout their retail journey. Colours play a significant role in creating brand recall amongst consumers, and it also affects one’s emotions and decision making process. The colours featured in Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21 will definitely inspire consumers to choose a colour theme that best fits their way of life.” – Ms Serene Pang,

Asia Pacific Sales and Marketing Director of ColourHive, The Duha Group.

THEME: PRECIOUS TALE Core Colours: Turkish Tile, Winter Moss The core colours of the theme, Turkish Tile and Winter Moss, are rich shades often known as the colours of positivity – bringing peace to a home, as well as good fortune to the owner. When paired together with other warm hues within the similar colour spectrum such as orange and red, the combination of colours will create an elegant and rustic look and feel to any space! Be inspired with more colours under this theme!

THEME: GENTLE WHISPER Core Colours: Plymouth Notch, Castle in the Air Plymouth Notch and Castle in the Air – core colours under this theme – are neutral yet delicate shades, offering a fresh breath of colour amongst the other monochromatic hues within the same palette (think slate blue, and deep shades of purple). Embracing the concept of serenity and tranquility, these two shades will give the space a polished and luxurious feel when used. Be inspired with more colours under this theme!

THEME: POP LIFE Core Colours: Golden Charmer, Pink Floss The vivid and bold nature of Golden Charmer and Pink Floss inject a sense of joy and contentment into any space, especially when complemented with neutral or beige tones for a stark contrast. For a modern and chic space, the bright tones can be paired together with the textured paint series for a unique and refreshed look – one that will surely grab the attention of others! Be inspired with more colours under this theme!

Scan this QR code for a free download of the Trend Beyond Colours 2020/21:

NIPPON PAINT (M) SDN. BHD. (196701000578) Lot I-17, Taman Perindustrian Subang Utama, Jalan SU4, 40300 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Customer Careline: 1-800-88-2663 E-mail: Website: Building & Investment  | 35




All-new air-conditioner cooling inverter series

hat if we can ‘discard’ the wind, but leave just the cool? World no.1 brand Midea continues past year’s cooling inverter air-conditioner with launch of the second generation of split-type air conditioner, the AirStill Collection. Over the past 50 years, Midea has worked tirelessly in strengthening its market position as one of the world’s leading home appliance manufacturers through innovations, proprietary technologies, patents and technological know-how “to provide surprisinglyfriendly solutions for the one who treasure those tiny moments at home”. The all-new AirStill Collection adopted the R32 eco-friendly refrigerant, making it the ideal air-conditioner for homeowners in search of real comfort and experience new cooling conditions, yet not too stiff or too cold for those with special needs especially babies, elderly and even pets.

airflow, offering multiple levels of softness of cooling. The hourglassshaped mini-holes, each of different sizes and directions, ensure an even air dispersion effect and prevent water condensation on the deflectors. • All-New Rapid Cooling with Boost Mode and Cooling Mode that cools down you room in an unbelievable speed. • All-New Air Flow Distribution for 360° cooling experience in a still air environment. In addition, the all-new aerodynamic design of the air duct and fan lets cool air pass through smoothly with minimal friction, The AirStill Collection is designed with: resulting in operating noise as low as • All-New Air Dispersion Technology 20dB. featuring World’s 1st Twin FlapTM with • MideaAIR app with versatile smart Mini-holes that promises no more icy functions that allows you to remotely blasts of wind! With an outer and an control your AC away from home. inner flap, you can choose exactly how In addition to turning ON/OFF soft you want the breeze to be. The your AC and control the humidity double deflectors can evolutionarily deflect, bent and scatter the cold Cooling level between 30%-90%, it also SPEED | All-New Rapid

automatically cleans the AC’s interior, and is able to programme a smart climate curve while you sleep. GLOBAL RECOGNITION Midea has won over 40 design awards at various global design shows such as reddot, iF, and the Good Design Awards. Midea also became the first manufacturer to receive the Eco-Friendly Blue Angel certification from the German environment agency after launching the world’s first eco-friendly air conditioner.

Cool your space in the Boost mode thanks to the high-speed fan and powerful compressor. Temperature (°C)

40s Speedy Cooling


Air-outlet temperature drops to 23°C in 40s

Time (s)

36 Building & Investment  |

High-Frequency Inverter Quattro

R32 Inverter Wall Mounted Split

Sole Distributor:

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No. 16, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: 03-9221 1033

Fax: 03-9221 7204 / 03-9221 1434 / 03-9221 3509

• PENANG No. 35, Jalan Perniagaan Gemilang 1, Pusat Perniagaan Gemilang, 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang. Tel: 04-548 3938 Fax: 04-548 9698 • JOHOR No. 25, Jalan Seri Impian 1, Taman Impian Emas, 81300 Skudai, Johor. Tel: 07-562 4898 Fax: 07-557 7898 • PERAK No. 38, Persiaran Perindustrian Pengkalan 10, Kawasan Perindustrian Pengkalan, 31500 Lahat, Perak. Tel: 05-323 2529 Fax: 05-323 2529 • PAHANG No. 258, Ground Floor, Jalan Air Putih, Taman Air Putih Mewah, 25350 Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur. Tel: 09-560 6668 Fax: 09-09-560 5050

• MALACCA No. 385-L, Taman Peringgit Jaya, 75400 Peringgit, Melaka. Tel: 06-292 1940 Fax: 06-286 7107 • KOTA BHARU PT 1436, Ground Floor, Taman Koperatif, Tanjung Chat, 15300 Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Tel/Fax: 09-743 1202 • SABAH Lot 3, Lorong Kompleks BSA, Kompleks BSA Kolombong, 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Tel: 088-421 428 Fax: 088-431 427 • SARAWAK 1st Floor , Lot 8517, Stutong Commercial Centre, Jalan Stutong, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak. Tel: 082-363 167 Fax: 082-366 167

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A comprehensive system by SIRIM QAS in ensuring continuous delivery of quality IBS products

ince its inception in March 1997, SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd has built a strong rapport with local and international customers from various economies, providing onestop solutions for their testing, inspection and certification needs. An internationally recognised conformity assessment body, SIRIM QAS offers a full range of expert evaluation and testing on products and materials. Recently, SIRIM QAS has introduced IBSIMPACT, a certification scheme to ensure the IBS end-products and components are of high quality and meet the specified requirements and optimum material usage. The certification is a prerequisite for manufacturers to obtain an IBS Manufacturer & Product Assessment & Certification (IMPACT) approval from CIDB-IBS Sdn Bhd. “It is important for contractors and all industry players to obtain the IBSIMPACT Certification and participate in this programme as it falls under the focus area of the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP 20162020), which is an important part of

Miswary Mat Yaacob, Technical Expert of Civil & Construction Division at SIRIM QAS. 38 Building & Investment  |







the 11 Malaysia Plan,” said Miswary Mat Yaacob, Technical Expert of Civil & Construction Division at SIRIM QAS. th

HOW IBS-IMPACT CERTIFICATION ADD VALUE TO YOUR PRODUCTS? • Numerous accreditations that will help you comply with all required regulations. • Detect failures of critical components early to reduce costly downtime. • Increased site safety and tidiness. • SIRIM QAS’ license and reports assure of products conformity to National and International Standards. • Enhance acceptance by consumers and partners. • Get recognised by CIDB with IBSIMPACT approval. It is noteworthy that the certification of IBS products and components based on CIS 24: 2018 and its reference standards involving the application process, evaluation, verification, testing and product certification is in line with the code of practice used by stakeholders

such as manufacturers, consultants, contractors and other industry players. The IBS-IMPACT approval from CIDB-IBS is expected to be mandatory within this year. Some 30% of construction players have already applied to obtain the IBSIMPACT certification. Certification could be granted as soon as two months after application, should manufacturers of IBS satisfy all the requirements. In an effort to support construction and building industry players during the COVID-19 outbreak, SIRIM QAS is now offering a 20% rebate on most of its services including the IBS-IMPACT Certification, from 1 June to 31 Dec 2020. SIRIM QAS has also upgraded its customer support to ensure continuous uninterrupted services to its customers – from applying via online for testing and certifications, as well as get the updates and information on SIRIM QAS through its free webinars. Additionally, SIRIM QAS is able to perform remote audits or inspections through digital means as an alternative to on-site audits.




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Singapore’s leading concrete technology innovator takes concrete steps to implement safer construction workplace practices As Singapore enters Phase Two of its reopening, concrete innovations and digitalisation can play a leading role in enhancing safe distancing at worksites. Pan-United Corporation Ltd has introduced initiatives that will minimise physical interactions and improve productivity at construction worksites. These concrete innovations include: 1. PanU New Generation Self-Compacting Concrete (PanU NewGen SCC) Pan-United has enhanced its product mix design of a specialised rheologic concrete that flows easily to reach hard-to-fill corners. Unlike regular concrete, which requires several concreting workers to manually vibrate and compact the material into place, the PanU NewGen SCC requires just a single worker to guide the concrete pumping pipe. It allows workers to better keep a safe distance from each other during concreting work. Besides reducing the manual labour required, the PanU NewGen SCC can also improve productivity by 75% and reduce casting time by 40%, resulting in faster construction completion. Previous generations of SCC have been used to build skyscrapers in densely populated areas eg Tanjong Pagar Centre and HDB projects. 2. AiM (Artificial Intelligence Mixing) in-transit concrete management system The company has also equipped its concrete mixer trucks with an in-transit concrete management system called AiM, which calibrates each truck’s concrete consistency during the journey from the batching plant to the project site. If changes in concrete consistency are detected, the system will remotely adjust the concrete mix, maintaining the specified concrete properties by the time the mixer truck reaches its destination. This system eradicates the need for quality assessors and product technicians to be physically present at the worksite to

The AiR platform digitalises the entire supply chain. 40 Building & Investment  |

With PanU NewGen SCC, only one worker is required to guide the concrete pumping pipe around the slab area.

Pan United’s AiM in-transit concrete management system calibrates the consistency of concrete in mixer trucks.

test and approve the concrete quality from each mixer truck. Apart from minimising the number of workers and employees on-site, the system also increases product quality consistency and minimises the risks of project delays. 3. AiR (Artificial Intelligence for Ready-Mix Concrete) operations optimisation platform Digitalisation of concrete operations across the entire supply chain, through the development of an optimisation platform called AiR, has enabled the automation of back-end processes such as delivery orders and invoices. Pan-United issues electronic delivery orders (“eDOs”) and electronic customer invoices (e-invoices) that make it far easier for the customers’ employees to work from home, and save them time and costs from not having to logistically collate and despatch physical documents around everyday. This minimises physical contact among employees at its premises, and between employees and customers or workers at construction sites.

Concepts & Designs


(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

Kubo Tsushima architects renovates and extends ‘Edoyu’ spa in Tokyo with curtain-like façade


ubo Tsushima Architects has renovated and extended Ryogoku Yuya Edoyu, a spa and bathhouse facility in Tokyo’s Kamezawa district. As the site is located in close proximity to the Sumida Hokusai Museum – an institution dedicated to Katsushika Hokusai – the design of the spa is inspired by the work of the famous artist. “While staying true to Hokusai’s world, in our design, we also tried to emphasize the concept of the word ‘yu’ in Edo-yu, which means freely wandering and enjoying. The design thus allows visitors to enjoy the experience of wandering through various “nooks of comfort” created throughout the bathhouse,” explains the design team. Externally, Kubo Tsushima Architects added a façade to the building that is reminiscent of whitish grey bathhouse ‘noren’ (split curtains hung outside the bathhouse entrance) blowing in the wind. This entrance to Edoyu is made up of four tall 42 Building & Investment  |

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

(Picture source: Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners Inc)

aluminium panels that hide the junction between the existing building and a new annex, which doubles the spa’s floor space area to about 802 sqm. The panels have been punctured with a ‘Seigaiha’ pattern that gradually disappears as it nears the upper floors of the building, representing the refined tastes of the people of the Edo period, for whom the intricateness of these patterns was a source of competition (for the more intricate the pattern, the more skilled the artisans that lords had). Passing through the curtain-like façade symbolizes the transition from the city to the spa retreat. Thanks to its reinforced concrete structure, the annex has no columns or beams. This gave the architects more freedom in determining the interior layout. “We designed small spaces through the use of bathtubs, furniture, finishing materials, ceilings and differences in lighting environments – all so that they would form a continuous

sequence,” says the design team. Although the spa can accommodate up to 400 visitors, the architects designed the spaces so that all guests can find their own private areas. The women’s bathing area has been designed to evoke the feeling of ‘floating in the clouds’. The tubs are set at different heights, while apertures cut into the ceiling take the form of clouds. Starting with the ‘kakeyu’ (water poured on oneself before entering the bath) to the high concentration carbonated bath to the jet bath to the water bath, the bathtubs are designed in unique cloud shapes at different heights so that visitors can wander and enjoy the various styles of the baths. The cloud-like ceiling contains lighting and exhaust vents. Other areas of the scheme, including a rest area composed of four different sections, hot stone spa and salon treatment area, as well as a co-working space called “yu work” (“yu” means bath) in the old building that keeps the image of the former spa intact, were all designed around a central luminous ceiling and connected through a staggered passageway. “While our inspiration derives from Hokusai’s world, our goal was to construct the Edo world from a modern, or perhaps even near future, perspective,” say the architects. (Source:

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Concepts & Designs

The market’s Level 3 space overlooks Level 2, which includes a silver show kitchen for special master classes or cooking presentations. (Source: Balbek Bureau)

KYIV FOOD MARKET @ Kiev, Ukraine


An historic military arsenal transformed into a food market cross Kiev, hundred-year-old military arsenals have been sitting empty. These buildings are prime examples of industrial architecture with an authentic character that comes from their storied histories. One such building has been transformed by a local architecture firm to give its interiors a new, social meaning. Slava Balbek – founder and lead architect at Balbek Bureau – formed a collaborative vision with his team that came together in the Kyiv Food Market. The 2,000sqm space brings together some of Kiev’s finest restaurants under one roof to showcase a variety of dishes with only one rule – menu options cannot cross to reduce competition and satisfy visitors’ taste buds. Inspired by the work of Ukrainian restaurateur Alex Cooper’s Odessa City Food Market, Cooper himself helped Balbek with the development of the Kyiv Food Market.

44 Building & Investment  |

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

A starting point in the spatial planning involved arranging the food stands in a circle along the perimeter, guided by public perception and behavioural psychology. This layout allows for 300 seating places to fit in the center of Level 1, giving diners an opportunity to enjoy the openness of the space in an intimate setting. “High-bar or half-bar counters dominate here, while the tables are mostly of the communal type, with a minimum of 4 seating places,” Balbek says. “There is less distance between [the tables], which encourages communication and creates a greater people flow.” On Level 2, the seating is organized to create a quiet atmosphere around the wine bar, accented with brass shelf frames. A lightweight and airy chandelier compliments the laconic and functional design theme throughout the Kyiv Food Market. Made up of two-sided thin acrylic tubes, light streams towards the tables below. To pay further homage to its history, the original brickwork is left bare “as reminders of the building’s rich past,” according to Balbek. While honouring the building’s original structure has given the Kyiv Food Market a completely unique foundation for its interior design, its antiquated construction provided a few challenges for Balbek. “Based on historical references, decisions

(Source: Balbek Bureau)

were made as to which architectural elements had to be retained, thus preserving as much of original fabric as possible,” he says. For example, the geometry of the façade windows remains in its original appearance, yet challenges arose when modern technological infrastructure ¬had to be installed, such as telecommunications and WiFi. The problem was solved by “concealing various engineering solutions from the public view underground,” Balbek says, noting this was one of the project’s biggest obstacles. The design team also was tasked with enhancing the durability of existing structural elements. On Level 3 – the space dedicated to observation with unrivaled views of Arsenalna subway station and the surrounding areas – sunlight streams in through skylights in the roof. Balbek calls this feature a “peculiarity of the building,” having had to dismantle the roof’s lath then restore, repaint, and reinforce it, before completing the reinstallation. “The main bearing structuring of the roof and trusses was preserved in their authentic form,” he says, which is why all the extra work had to be done. And in the end, the work definitely paid off. (Source:

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Concepts & Designs


Bangkok @ Thailand Rattan offers a meditative focal point in yoga studio by Enter Projects Asia


he Vikasa Yoga Retreat sits on a hillside on the Thai island of Ko Samui, a cluster of gabled bungalows rising on stilts above lush greenery, overlooking a turquoise sea. But when Vikasa’s founder Kosta Miachin decided to open a studio in the capital of Bangkok, he knew he couldn’t simply transport the retreat’s rustic aesthetic to the heart of the metropolis. The new facility would have to be both meditative and modern, its peaceful interior also a reflection of the vivid pulse of the city outside. Located in the slick neighbourhood of Sukhumvit, the 5,000-square-foot Vikasa on 24 occupies the second floor of a concrete, steel, and glass building – a conventional urban structure built originally as a showroom for the luxury apartment block that rises behind it. “The client wanted something non-traditional, immersive, and holistic,” says Australian architect Patrick Keane, founder and director of Enter Projects Asia, the multi-national firm Miachin hired to design the centre.

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(Source: Edmund Sumner)

(Source: Edmund Sumner)

(Source: Edmund Sumner)

(Source: Edmund Sumner)

(Source: Edmund Sumner)

Treating the button-down structure as a vessel to be explored, the architect introduced a series of sinuous rattan tubes that snake through the interior, occasionally ballooning overhead like clouds. This nexus of oversize biomorphic pipes, which he describes as “a material guide to the space,” seems alive, more sentient being than architecture. During the day, they connect the various parts of the studio like a complex system of veins and arteries; at night, lit from within by LEDs, they become neural pathways, channelling energy from one end of the facility to the other and visible to passers-by on the street below. “We started by looking at the Klein bottle,” Keane continues, referencing the mind-bending geometric object that’s like a 3D Möbius strip, its exterior turning inward and swallowing itself. “The idea of an external surface becoming an interior, that’s what you’re looking for in yoga. The work you do on your body transforms your soul and the work you’re doing inside manifests in your way of being in the world.” The first of the rattan tubes begins as a bulbous, synapseshape lantern looming above the open entry stairwell. The pipe then crosses the reception-area ceiling before dropping down to create a curving, weightless front desk and bench. Two large yoga studios sit on either side of reception, each cocooned in a wood shell with a palm-leaf thatch exterior. Their interiors are lit by rattan tubes that loop and float overhead like enormous Isamu Noguchi light sculptures before exiting through the walls, only to expand dramatically and, in deft imitation of a Klein bottle, curve back on themselves to form bowerlike wicker enclosures that serve as small private yoga studios. Though the design emerged through high-tech digital manipulations, the materials used throughout come directly from the craft traditions of the Thai countryside. The curved walls and ceiling of the large yoga studios, for instance, are clad in shiplap-style panels of teak marine plywood manufactured by one of the many boat builders populating Thailand’s 1,750-mile coastline. In the locker rooms, the straightforward functionality of honed-slate flooring and grey cement walls is softened by custom teak benches handcrafted by Ian Sykes, a Bangkok-based English carpenter. Finding crafts-people who could translate the complicated tube designs into reality proved especially difficult. It was only upon encountering Supinya Colin, the French-Thai director of a small company hand-making mostly synthetic-rattan furniture who was willing to work with the natural material, that it became possible to pull off the project through descending orders of technology: Designing the convoluted forms on computers, printing to-scale models, and finally executing them by hand with Colin’s master craftsmen. Vikasa on 24 is a true showcase of technology absorbed and indigenized through the use of traditional materials and craft implementation. More than just an optimistic expression of a region in transformation, the yoga studio regards the past, present, and future as points that exist not on a timeline, but rather on the surface of a Klein bottle: fluid and continuous, one forever leading to another, a neural pathway built from an ancient material, shot through with light. (Source:

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(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)

(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)

(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)


A new adventurous sliding attraction designed like “a shiny jewel” in the green forest valley of Canopy Park at Jewel Changi Airport 48 Building & Investment  |

(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)


n 2015, Singapore-based playground specialist Playpoint, working together with Dutch design firm Carve, won a tender for an adventurous sliding attraction inside the Jewel Changi Airport development, designed by Moshe Safdie Architects. The Discovery Slides is located in the Canopy Park on the highest level of the new development, which includes a shopping mall, an attraction park and a garden, all in front of Terminal 1. In this canopied park, more than 1,400 trees and palms will be housed alongside many other attractions – thus creating the ultimate airport experience, and convincing travellers to go through Singapore’s Changi Airport instead of others.

(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)

THE “SHINY JEWEL” IN CANOPY PARK In the original concept, the Discovery Slides was designed like a sculpture resembling a gemstone; with parts that are carved out – the slides, stairs and rope climbs – revealing the coloured interior of the gem. In this way the playground presents itself in duality; a gem balancing on the fifth ring of Jewel with a slide attraction hidden inside. At first the sinuous shell was designed with mirror tiling over the whole structure. During the design process with the client, this manifested as a continuous and seamless polished steel skin wrapping around the three cones holding up the large access platform, thus giving the Discovery Slides an appearance of a shiny jewel in the green forest valley of the Canopy Park that will attract people even from afar. The shell, with its liquid mercury form directs and accentuates focus on its surroundings and visitors can experience infinite and surreal reflections of themselves. The rubber patterning on the floor was even Building & Investment  | 49


Artist impression.

(Source: Playpoint (SINGAPORE) Pte Ltd)

designed to create a spiralling abstract reflection in the shell of the playground. The viewing deck of the Discovery Slides will be the highest accessible point in the complex, giving a fantastic view of the entire interior of the airport terminal. Naturally this will not only make the playsculpture a crowd-pleaser and social media magnet, but also invite and attract children of all ages and families for adventure and play. Going up and down the challenging slides, this “WOW” experience of sliding through the cones and landing at the bottom will make visitors come back time and time again. The bright yellow inside of the playsculpture contains four slides – a family slide, a steep drop slide and two glass-covered spiral slides coming down from the highest point. The Discovery Slides structure has a complete double curved steel surface. Curved glass was used as balustrades, in the viewing floor, as spiralslide covers and on the double curved lid of the highest cone. Fibre optic lights were integrated in the rubberized floor surrounding the structure, point lights in the highest cone and LED strips on the perimeter of the curved glass balustrade. Airconditioning was also integrated into the sculpture’s viewing deck to provide a comfortable temperature when children are playing on the slides directly under the building’s roof. The Discovery Slides playground spans over 18 metres by 16.7 metres in length and stands at 7.5 metres high at the highest point of the platform. Built and produced in three different parts of the world it is indeed a very complex and unique playsculpture. From concept design to realisation, the project took over two years to complete. (Source:

50 Building & Investment  |





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A-201, Mentari Business Park, Jalan PJS 8/5, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. E-mail: Website: Building & Investment  | 51

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA BEST SILVER DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD Residensi Laman Sari @ Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7387 CLASSIFICATION  Serviced Apartment STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot PT 16163 , Jalan Lingkaran Tengah II, Mukim Batu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.230215, 101.666458) APPROX. PROJECT COST  > RM100 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2018 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  3Q 2023 DEVELOPER Best Silver Development Sdn Bhd 30-1, Jalan Indrahana 1, Taman Indrahan Jalan Kuchai Lama 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7980 6666  Fax: +603-7980 7394 E-mail: Contract Manager: Mr Hui Wan Tong Consultant Project Manager ARCHITECT Willie Ngu Architect H-2-11, Block H, Jalan PJU 1A/20E Dataran Ara Damansara 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7842 2286  Fax: +603-7842 2287 E-mail: Architect: Mr Farhan C & S ENGINEER Asia Pacific Engineering Consortium Sdn Bhd B-2-18 Block B Merchant Square Jalan Tropicana Selatan 1, PJU 3 47410 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7883 0690  Fax: +603-7883 0650 E-mail: Structure Engineer: Mr Chuah Siong Thiam M & E ENGINEER EP Consult Sdn Bhd B-3A-8, Kuchai Exchange 43 Jalan Kuchai Maju 13 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7982 9758  Fax: +603-7982 9692 E-mail: Electrical Engineer: Mr JH Ng QUANTITY SURVEYOR Care of developer MAIN CONTRACTOR Best Silver Development Sdn Bhd 30-1, Jalan Indrahana 1, Taman Indrahan 52 Building & Investment  |

Jalan Kuchai Lama 58100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7980 6666  Fax: +603-7980 7394 E-mail: Contract Manager: Mr Hui Wan Tong BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed RUMAWIP development comprises

two residential blocks housing 1,000 units of affordable apartment on top of a 8-floor carpark podium. The apartments come with a standard built-up area of 900 sq ft, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, at a fixed price of RM300,000. It offers wide variety of facilties including a gym, a swimming pool, cafe, multipurpose hall, playground, and etc.

CL ELITE DEVELOPER SDN BHD Wisma Aman Elite @ Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7386 CLASSIFICATION Commercial STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot 52902-52918 and PT 9370, Jalan Desa Aman 1, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.094900, 101.739778) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM140 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  2Q 2017 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2023 DEVELOPER CL Elite Developer Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of CWK Group) A-27-17, Level 27, Tower A Menara UOA Bangsar 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2282 6166  Fax: +603-2282 6168 E-mail: Director: Mr James Chan Consultant Project Manager ARCHITECT Perunding Alam Bina Sdn Bhd 18, Jalan Pahang Barat 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4023 3522  Fax: +603-4021 0401 E-mail: Architect: Mr David Teoh C & S ENGINEER TP Ng Perunding Consulting Engineer 42-C, Jalan Perdana 10/14 Pusat Perdagangan Tasik Perdana 55300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9274 3890  Fax: +603-92743902 Pincipal: Ir Ng Teng Poh M & E ENGINEER Global Alliance Consulting Engineers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 5 & 7, Jalan Daya 11 Taman Daya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6276 3146  Fax: +603-6272 6168 E-mail: Director (M&E): Ir Vincent Tan QUANTITY SURVEYOR Jurukur Bahan FPS Sdn Bhd Suite 11-1-2, Jalan 4/101C Cheras Business Centre Jalan Cheras

56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9131 8787  Fax: +603-9131 8759 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Ms Cindy Chan MAIN CONTRACTOR CTSM Geotechnology Sdn Bhd 56-1 Jalan Puteri 1/2, Bandar Puteri Puchong 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8063 5163  Fax: +603-8063 5203 E-mail: Director: Mr Cheah Tatt Mun

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development is a freehold commercial hub situated on a 1.5-acre land directly opposite to MRT station. It comprises office, retail and lifestyle components, which will be developed in multiple phases. Phase 1 is still under construction with 14 lots of 5-storey shop offices comprising 70 strata units; the lots will have Gross Floor Area between 9,935.2 13,153.6 sq ft. A 136-room hotel in is the works for Phase 2. Building & Investment  | 53


Bandar Baru Setia Awan Perdana @ Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7388 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION PT 45837 - PT 45864, Plot 3948 - Plot 3975 at parts of GRN 166179 - Lot 74524, Lot Lama 16684, Mukim Sitiawan, Daerah Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 4.222014, 100.786828) APPROX. PROJECT COST Undisclosed APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2016 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  1Q 2023 DEVELOPER Taraf Nusantara Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Setia Awan Holdings Sdn Bhd) 131, Persiaran PM2/1 Pusat Bandar Seri Manjung Seksyen 2, Mukim Sitiawan 32040 Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-688 1268  Fax: +605-688 8822 E-mail: Contract Manager: Ms Julia Yap Consultant Project Manager ARCHITECT Arkitek Azman Zainonabidin 19A, Persiaran Dataran 2 Bandar Seri Iskandar 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-3712796  Fax: +605-3712797 E-mail: Architect: Mr Mohd Agos C & S ENGINEER Koh Perunding 13, Jalan Labrooy 30100 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-506 1040 Fax: +605-506 2736 E-mail: C&S Engineer: Ms Rosy Trevores M & E ENGINEER Primedge Consult B-1-14, Tingkat 1, Intan Bussines 2 Lebuh Medan Ipoh, Bandar Baru Medan 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-546 8080  Fax: +605-546 9080 E-mail: Electrical Engineer: Mr Edwin QUANTITY SURVEYOR Ukur Rentas Sdn Bhd 78, Jalan Kompleks Sukan 54 Building & Investment  |

31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-545 6678  Fax: +605-548 3678 Manager: Mr Tiang You Tiong MAIN CONTRACTOR Rantau Urusan (M) Sdn Bhd 131, Persiaran PM2/1 Pusat Bandar Seri Manjung Seksyen 2, Mukim Sitiawan 32040 Seri Manjung, Perak, Malaysia. Tel: +605-688 1268 / 7785  Fax: +605-688 8822 E-mail: Director: Mr Doh Jee Chai BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development is poised to be the

single largest master-planned township with 10,500 affordable landed homes over an area of 2,428ha, to be developed in phases. Phase 1 comprises 1,147 unit of singlestorey terrace house with lot size 20’ x 65’ (up to 1,300 sq feet). Phase 2 comprises 1,555 units of single-storey terrace house, as well as 1,476 units Semi-D Cluster with lot size 33’ x 60’ (up to 1,980 sq feet). Subsequent phases will be focused on the construction of the remaining landed homes, commercial hub, public facilities and amenities. The project also features exclusive club house, ultra modern golf driving range, indoor gym, as well as a multi-purpose hall among other luxury amenities.

FDM DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD 121 Residences @ Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7389 CLASSIFICATION  Serviced Apartment STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot PT 2 (Lot 121), Package C, Lorong Masjid 1, Mukim Pekan Kayu Ara, Daerah Petaling, Selangor, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.135355, 101.614265) APPROX. PROJECT COST  >RM300 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  2Q 2020 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  1Q 2024 DEVELOPER FDM Development Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Glomac Berhad) Level 15, Menara Glomac Glomac Damansara, Jalan Damansara 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603-7723 9000  Fax: +603-7729 7000 E-mail: Project Manager: Mr Wong Kim Chun Consultant Project Manager ARCHITECT Gabungan Arkitek Sdn Bhd 86, 1st Floor, Jalan 1/27F KLSC Section 5, Wangsa Maju 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4143 3542  Fax: +603-4142 1590 E-mail: Principal: Ar. Rosli Bin Ahmad C & S ENGINEER Arup Jururunding Sdn Bhd Level 6, Wisma Fiamma 20 Jalan 7A/62A Bandar Manjalara 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: +603-6273 2223 Fax: +603-6273 2227 E-mail: Head of Structural Engineering: Ir Ng Say Gim M & E ENGINEER Perunding Wangsa Sdn Bhd 81-2, Jalan Wangsa Delima 5 Pusat Bandar Wangsa Maju 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4143 6414  Fax: +603-4149 3501 E-mail: Director/Mechanical Engineer: Ir Nik Areez Arifin Engineer: Mr Shamsudin Bin Rashidi QUANTITY SURVEYOR Jurukur Bahan FPS Sdn Bhd Suite 11-1-2, Jalan 4/101C

Cheras Business Centre, Jalan Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9131 8787  Fax: +603-9131 8759 Email: Quantity Surveyor: Ms Tan MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed leasehold development comprises

two residential towers that sits atop carpark podium, covering an area of 3.1 acres of land. Both towers are 33-storey high and there is a total of 834 units, inclusive of both SOHO (450 sq ft) and serviced apartments (750 sq ft), with a layout of 1+1 bedroom or 3 bedrooms. The development is surrounded by a 4-tier security system and features a garden podium as well as various sports and leisure facilities.

Building & Investment  | 55


Hermoso Residences @ Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7390 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Lot 13888, Jalan Tanjung Lumpur, Mukim Kuantan, Daerah Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.776893, 103.327133) APPROX. PROJECT COST Undisclosed APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  1Q 2018 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2022 DEVELOPER Tunas Land Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Tunas Manja Group) Wisma Tunas Capital, A-9901 Ground Floor, Jalan Hj. Ahmad 25300 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel: +609-517 2088  Fax: +609-517 2126 E-mail: Project Manager: Ms Theresa Lim ARCHITECT Akitek Akiprima Sdn Bhd E-01-4, Subang Square Business Park (East Wing), Jalan SS15/4G 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5633 5877  Fax: +603-5633 0769 E-mail: Director: Dato’ Cheah Kah Lip C & S Engineer GNL Engineering Consultancy 24-1, Jalan Seri Bayan 7 Taman Seri Bayan 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: +603-335 9198  Fax: +606-337 3198 E-mail: Director: Ir Ng Hock Seng M & E ENGINEER PKV Consulting Engineers 552-552B Taman Melaka Raya 75000 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: +606-284 0757  Fax: +606-283 3875 E-mail: Electrical Engineer: Mr Lam Choon Kay QUANTITY SURVEYOR MKS CQS Sdn Bhd 3-2B Jalan PJU 1/3F Sunway Mas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7805 1318  Fax: +603-7805 1321 E-mail: 56 Building & Investment  |

Quantity Surveyor: Ms Wai Meng MAIN CONTRACTOR Tunas Manja Realty Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary Tunas Manja Group) Wisma Tunas Capital, A-9901 Ground Floor, Jalan Hj. Ahmad 25300 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Tel: +609-517 2088 Fax: +609-517 2126 E-mail: Project Manager: Ms Theresa Lim BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development comprises 380 resort-

inspired homes covering an area of 50-acres of freehold land, to be developed in phases. It comprises 3-storey garden superlink homes with built-up size of 22’ x 75’, 3-storey semi-detached villas with built-up size of 40’ x 70’ and 40’ x 80’ and bungalows with built-up size of 50’ x 80 and 60’ x 90’. The development also has one 12-storey residential tower with 168 serviced apartment units (built-up area from 1,534sq ft onwards) with 2-storey alfresco retail and 4-storey elevated carpark, and one 12-storey tower with 144 condominium units (built-up area from 6881,204sq ft) with 4-storey elevated carpark.


Tresna Teratai @ Saujana Perdana, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia. (Phase 3D) PROJECT REF. 0620-7391 CLASSIFICATION Residential STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Pt 9148 (Lot 6240) and Pt 9147 (Lot 6243), Mukim Ijok, Daerah Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.214760, 101.476991) APPROX. PROJECT COST  >RM100 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2021 DEVELOPER Kelana Kualiti Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Glomac Berhad) 9, 11, 13, Lorong Elmina 4, Fasa 6A Sungai Buloh Country Resort 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6038 6160  Fax: +603-6038 5486 E-mail: Project Architect: Mrs Erna Shakila ARCHITECT Arkitek Juruperunding Suria Rahim 14-2, Jalan Anggerik Vanila R31/R Kota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5121 9329  Fax: +603-5121 9379 E-mail: Architect: Mrs Nurul Diana Binti Sarajuddin C & S ENGINEER CYS Jurutera Perunding B-3A-5 & 6, Jalan 2/142A Megan Phoenix 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9101 1613  Fax: +603-9102 2619 E-mail: Engineer: Ms Eva Chia Jurutera Perunding Primareka Sdn Bhd 9B, Jalan Kenari 2, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel:+603-5882 7913  Fax: +603-5882 7631 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Phoon Mun Kin M & E ENGINEER Tunas Bakat Sdn Bhd C-1-11 Block CMegan Phoenix Cheras Jalan 2/142A 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2303 9366  Fax: +603-9102 5481 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Terence Leong

QUANTITY SURVEYOR WT Partnership (M) Sdn Bhd Box # 398, Lot 7.27, 7th Floor Wisma Central, Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2161 2063  Fax: +603-2161 7530 E-mail: Director: Mr Hoh Ngai Seng

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Tresna Teratai is Phase 3D of Saujana Perdana, a mixed development within Glomac’s mature and developing township, Saujana Utama in Sungai Buloh. It comprises 240 units of 2-storey linkhouses with lot size of 20’ x 70’ and built-up area from 1,750 - 1,782 sq ft.

MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed Building & Investment  | 57

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA ICONIC DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD SANBUMI SAWMILL SDN BHD - JV Iconic Point @ Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7392 CLASSIFICATION Commercial STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Lot 458, Mukim 14, Jalan Simpang Empat Tasek, Seberang Perai Selatan, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 5.283605, 100.476312) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM127 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  2Q 2018 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  3Q 2021 DEVELOPER Iconic Development Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Iconic Group of Companies) 70-1-30, D’Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri 11900 Bandar Bayan Baru, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-643 1888  Fax: +604-643 1777 E-mail: Project Manager: Mr Woon Yeap Por -JVSanbumi Sawmill Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Iconic Worldwide Berhad) 1-2, Jalan Icon City, Icon City 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-390 3699  Fax: +604-390 3636 Director: Mr James Tan ARCHITECT KH Tan Architect 368-5, Bellisa Row, Jalan Burmah 10350 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-227 7348/58 Fax: +604-227 7360 E-mail: Architect: Ms Khor C & S ENGINEER PLT Consultancy 5-2-5 Hunza Complex Jalan Gangsa, Island Park 11600 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-658 5410  Fax: +604-658 0410 E-mail: Principal/Engineer: Ir PL Tan M & E ENGINEER Care of developer QUANTITY SURVEYOR Perunding Kos Bersatu Sdn Bhd 58 Building & Investment  |

723Q-2 Vanda Business Park Jalan Sungai Dua 11700 Gelugor, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-660 6686  Fax: +604-660 6689 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Ms Ooi MAIN CONTRACTOR SPK Asas Sdn Bhd 26, 1st Floor Lorong Perusahaan Sungai Lokan 2 Kawasan Perindustrian Sungai Lokan 13800 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

Tel: +604-356 3599 / 4599  Fax: +604-356 6599 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Tiu Chan Wei BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development is a new commercial hub, to be developed on a freehold 8.7-acre land. It comprises 48 units of 3-storey semidetached shop-offices, a 3-storey detached shop-office; a 4-storey 48-room boutique hotel; and three units of 2-storey drive-thru concept detached shops.

WORLDWIDE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SDN BHD Halya @ Daunan Worldwide, Alam Perdana, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. (Phase 1) PROJECT REF. 0620-7393 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot 4288, Bandar Alam Perdana, Bandar Puncak Alam, Mukim Ijok, Daerah Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.262624, 101.457205) APPROX. PROJECT COST  >RM67 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2018 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2021 DEVELOPER Worldwide Property Management Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Worldwide Holdings Berhad) Mercu Worldwide, 7, Persiaran Sukan Laman Seri Business Park, Seksyen 13 40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5526 2525 E-mail: Project Executive: Mr Mohd Rizzal Shamat ARCHITECT ArqhitectNIA 5G Jalan Wangsa Delima 1A Section 5, Wangsa Maju 53300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4143 0093  Fax: +603-4142 0093 E-mail: Architect: Mr Nashraf C & S ENGINEER SK Engineers Sdn Bhd 5-2, Jalan PJU 5/21 The Strand, Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6142 3110  Fax: +60- 6142 3101 E-mail: Director: Mr Mohamad Sulahuddin Ramli M & E ENGINEER Mega Jati Consult Sdn Bhd 25-2-1, Jalan Medan Putra 3 (3/62D) Medan Putra Business Centre Bandar Menjalara 52200 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6277 4695 / 4696  Fax: +60-6277 4697 E-mail: Mech. Engineer: Mr Mohd Asrad Mohd Arish Electrical Engineer: Mr Ridzuan Shah QUANTITY SURVEYOR Juruukur Bahan Pertama Sdn Bhd 6-2 Jalan PJS 10/2, Subang Indah

46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5637 0255  Fax: +603-5637 0522 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Mohd Amin Hj Abu Bakar MAIN CONTRACTOR Kitacon Sdn Bhd 24A & B, Jalan Rengas, Taman Selatan 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603- 3372 4162  Fax: +603-3372 4342 E-mail: Project Manager: Ms Rosy Tan

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development is Phase 1 of Daunan Worldwide, a 439-acre leasehold township in Alam Perdana. It comprises 147 units of 2-storey terrace house with open-plan concepts, with lot size 20’ x 65’ and built-up area of 1,3611,386 sq ft (4 bedrooms + 3 bathrooms). Daunan Worldwide @ Alam Perdana will have a total of 2,546 two-storey terraced houses and 1,300 units of affordable homes, which will be developed in phases and expected to be completed over next 10 years. Building & Investment  | 59

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA HBA PROPERTY VENTURES SDN BHD Taman Villa Mirah @ Kota Marudu, Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0620-7394 CLASSIFICATION Residential STAGE OF PROJECT  Planning & Conceptual LOCATION Kota Marudu, Daerah Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 6.518448, 116.765573) APPROX. PROJECT COST Undisclosed APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE 2021 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE 2023 DEVELOPER HBA Property Ventures Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of HBA Group) Lot 4, Ground Floor, Wisma KKM KM 8.5, Jalan Tuaran 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-380 352  Fax: +6088-386 352 E-mail: Director: Ar Ho Hao Yun Consultant Project Manager ARCHITECT Haoyun Architect Lot 4, Ground Floor, Wisma KKM KM8.5 Jalan Tuaran 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-380 352 / 385 352 Fax: +6088-386 352 E-mail: Associate: Mr Chang Chiew Bong C & S ENGINEER Progressive Consultant TB4424, 2nd Floor, Block C Jalan Dunlop, Sabindo Square 91000 Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6089-766 125  Fax: +6089-766 125 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Shia Sin San M & E ENGINEER To be appointed QUANTITY SURVEYOR To be appointed MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development comprises 222 units of single storey terraced house, with a built-up area of 3,275.2 sq ft and consists of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. 60 Building & Investment  |

KEMENTERIAN PENGANGKUTAN MALAYSIA New Mukah Airport @ Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. (Package 2) PROJECT REF. 0620-7395 CLASSIFICATION Infrastructure STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION KM7, Jalan Mukah-Oya, Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 2.897016, 112.040244) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM302.64 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2017 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  3Q 2020 DEVELOPER Kementerian Pengangkutan Malaysia (Bahagian Pembangunan) 26, Jalan Tun Hussein, Presint 4 62100 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8000 8000  Fax: +603-8888 0158 E-mail: Under Secretary (Aviation Division): Mr Mohamad Radzuan Mazlan Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad Level 1, Block B, Malaysia Airports Corporate Office, Persiaran Korporat KLIA 64000, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8777 7000  Fax: +603-8777 7778 E-mail: Managing Director: Datuk Badlisham Ghazali Jabatan Kerja Raya Sarawak (Bahagian Kuching) Jalan Batu Lintang 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-203 400 / 401 / 402 Fax: +6082-245 321 E-mail: Tender Admin: Ms Juliana anak Bagah ARCHITECT Arkitek Visireka Sdn Bhd Lot 295, 1st and 2nd Floor Lorong 9, Jalan Rubber 93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-246 878 Fax: +6082-246 877 E-mail: Architect: Mr Hanirck C & S ENGINEER Jurutera Minsar Consult Sdn Bhd Level 2 & 3, West Moore House Twin Tower Centre, Rock Road 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-421 061  Fax: +6082-415 040 E-mail: minsar @ Managing Director: Ir Hii Yuh Tung

M & E ENGINEER Epsilon Jurutera Perunding Sarawak Sdn Bhd 75, 1st Floor, Jalan Sekama 93300 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-332 288  Fax: +6082-484 428 E-mail: Mechanical Engineer: Mr Irwan Podin Electrical Engineer: Mr Fung Yip Hin QUANTITY SURVEYOR JUBSAR Sdn Bhd (formerly JUBM Sarawak) 2nd Floor, Lot 142 Bangunan WSK, Jalan Abell 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-417 357  Fax: +6082-426 416 Director: Mr Wong Hai Ong MAIN CONTRACTOR Ibraco Construction Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Ibraco Group) 898, Jalan Wan Alwi, Tabuan Jaya

93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082-361 111  Fax: +6082-362 233 (Sales Dept) E-mail: Project Director: Mr Felix Su Asst Managing Director: Mr Charles Kho BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed construction and completion of the new Mukah Airport via Package 2, which consists of the final formation, airfield pavement access road, landside infrastructures and building works. The new airport is situated on a 285ha site along the Mukah-Oya road, 7km from Mukah town, at an estimated cost of RM500 million. The airport will initially be capable of handling turboprop aircraft (ATR) carrying up to 72 passengers, but may well be extended to accommodate larger jet airliners such as the Boeing 737 and Airbus 320. Building & Investment  | 61

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA HBA PROPERTY VENTURES SDN BHD Marc Residences @ Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0720-7396 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Lot 12035 Jalan Song Ban Kheng, Mukim 14, Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah, Bukit Mertajam, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 5.349637,100.460060) APPROX. PROJECT COST Undisclosed APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  2Q 2017 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE 2022 DEVELOPER Auspicious Properties Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Jayamas Property Group) 11 Jalan Casa Residensi Pusat Perniagaan Casa Residensi 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-291 3078 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Tan Eu Peng ARCHITECT KH Tan Architect 368-5, Bellisa Row, Jalan Burmah 10350 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-227 7348 / 7358  Fax: +604-227 7360 E-mail: Architect: Mr Leow C & S ENGINEER C Slaun Consultants 17, Jalan Services 10050, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-227 7568  Fax: +604 226-8857 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Lee Chee Beng M & E ENGINEER O&A Consult Sdn Bhd 381A-2-10, Jalan Perak 11600, Jelutong, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-281 9100  Fax: +604-281 9200 E-mail: Managing Director: Ir Ooi Yong Ping Mechanical Engineer: Mr William QUANTITY SURVEYOR Jurukur KP Dan Rakan 45 Tingkat 1, Jalan Free School 11600, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-2828 519  Fax: +604-2828 519 E-mail: Director: Mr Chua Kok Peng 62 Building & Investment  |

MAIN CONTRACTOR Jayamas Property Construction Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Jayamas Property Group) 11 Jalan Casa Residensi Pusat Perniagaan Casa Residensi 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: +604-291 3078 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Tan Eu Peng

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed project is a mixed development comprises a 26-storey tower atop a 1.84 acres of freehold land. It has 110 residential units with dual-key concepts and built-up areas ranging between 1,130 sq ft - 2,242 sq ft; 40 serviced apartment units with tri-key concept and built-up area of 1,070 sq ft, and 8 units of shop office.


Rimbun Impian @ Seremban 2 Heights, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0720-7397 CLASSIFICATION Residential STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION on part of Lot PT 37152 HSD 232577 Lot baru 74728, Mukim Labu, Daerah Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 2.717481, 101.894686) APPROX. PROJECT COST Undisclosed APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE 2022 DEVELOPER Seremban 2 Holdings Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of IJM Corporation Berhad) Pt 10786, Seremban 2 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Tel: +606-761 3888  Fax: +606-761 9888 E-mail: Contract Executive: Mr Albert ARCHITECT Arkitek Kitas Sendirian 39A Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4042 1233  Fax: +603-4042 0420 E-mail: Architect: Mr Ahmad Bukhari Bin Khaidir C & S ENGINEER Virgo Jurutera Perunding Sdn Bhd 325 1st Floor, Jalan S2 B8 Uptown Avenue, Seremban 2 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Tel: +606-601 1136  Fax: +606 601 1137 E-mail: Principal: Ir Lee Kim Hock M & E ENGINEER YF Perunding NS Sdn Bhd Lot 170-2, 2nd Floor Jalan Toman 8, Kemayan Square 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Tel: +606-763 1341  Fax: +606-763 6341 E-mail: Director: Mr Yong Kee Chong QUANTITY SURVEYOR Care of developer MAIN CONTRACTOR Road Builder (M) Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of IJM Corporation Berhad) Pt 10786, Seremban 2

70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Tel: +606-761 3888  Fax: +606-761 9888 E-mail: Contract Executive: Mr Albert BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development is the latest installment in Seremban 2 Heights comprising 345 units of 2-storey linkhouses, spanning over 41.6 acres of land. The units are available in two layouts;

Type A houses will have a land area of 22’ x 78’ (1,716 sq ft) or 22’ x 75’ (1,650 sq ft); while Type B houses are built on a massive 24’ x 75’ (1,800 sq ft) land area with a built-up area starting from 2,820 sq ft. All residential units will have four bedrooms and bathrooms. Seremban 2 Heights is a 1,500-acre (600ha) freehold township that is an extension of IJM Land’s Seremban 2 and has a GDV of RM2.4 billion. Building & Investment  | 63

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12TH ERBIL BUILDING 19 - 22 May 2021

DESIGN BUILD 2020 27 - 29 October 2020

R+T Asia 2021 16 - 18 March 2021

5TH EDITION CAMBODIA ARCHITECT & DECOR 2020 05 - 07 November 2020

DUBAI EXPO 2020 20 October 2020 - 10 April 2021

RACC 2020 15 - 17 November 2020

EXPORT FURNITURE EXHIBITION 2020 27 - 29 August 2020

ROOF INDIA EXHIBITION 2020 10 - 12 September 2020

GUANGZHOU ELECTRICAL BUILDING TECHNOLOGY (GEBT) 2020 30 September - 03 October 2020 china/en.html

SHANGHAI SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY (SSHT) 2020 02 – 04 September 2020 http://shanghai-smart-home-technology.

INAGREENTECH 2020 26 - 28 August 2020

SIBAT 2020 02 - 04 December 2020

JAPAN BUILD OSAKA 2020 09 - 11 September 2020

SMART HOME + CITY INDONESIA 2021 30 March - 01 April 2021

LAOBUILD 2020 15 - 17 October 2020

SMART NATION 2020 EXPO 08 - 10 September 2020 (VIRTUAL EDITION) 23 - 25 March 2021 (LIVE EDITION)

6TH SMART CITIES INDIA 2020 20 - 22 October 2020 ARCHIDEX 2020 16 - 19 December 2020 ASIAWATER 2020 30 November - 02 December 2020 BAUMA CHINA 2020 24 - 27 November 2020 BAUMA CONEXPO AFRICA 2021 13 - 16 October 2021 BAUMA CONEXPO INDIA 2020 03 - 06 November 2020 BAUMA CTT RUSSIA 2020 25 - 28 May 2021 BUILDTECH ASIA 2021 10 - 12 March 2021 CAMBUILD 2020 02 - 04 September 2020 CERAMICS CHINA 2020 25 - 28 November 2020 CHICAGO BUILD 2020 29 - 30 October 2020 CHINA XIAMEN INTERNATIONAL STONE FAIR 2020 27 - 30 October 2020 CONCRETE ASIA 2020 09 - 11 September 2020 CONSTRUCTION, POWER & MINING MYANMAR 2020 21 - 23 October 2020 index.asp CONTROL WORLD EXPO 2020 22 - 24 September 2020 64 Building & Investment  |

LED CHINA 2020 17 - 19 September 2020 LED EXPO MUMBAI 2020 18 – 20 September 2020 https://led-expo-mumbai.

SYDNEY BUILD 2021 03 - 04 February 2021 THE 17TH CHINA-ASEAN EXPO 2020 18 - 21 September 2020

LIGHT + BUILDING 2020 27 September - 02 October 2020 frankfurt/en.html

THE 2020 TOTALLY CONCRETE EXPO 16 – 18 September 2020

LIGHT INDIA 2020 15 – 17 October 2020 newdelhi/en.html

THE 26TH WINDOOR EXPO CHINA 2020 13 - 15 August 2020

LIGHTING AND BUILDING SERVICES TECHNOLOGY 2020 (RUSSIA) 14 - 17 September 2020 com/moscow/en.html METALTECH 2020 10 - 13 November 2020 MINING VIETNAM 2021 07 - 09 April 2021 OMAN DESIGN & BUILD WEEK 2021 22 - 24 March 2021 PISCINE GLOBAL EUROPE 2020 17 - 20 November 2020

THE 7TH ANNUAL SOLARTECH | INDONESIA 2021 30 March - 01 April 2021 WIRE 2020 07 - 11 December 2020 WORLD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS SUMMIT (IFLA) 2020 19 - 21 August 2021 WORLD TUNNEL CONGRESS 2020 11 - 17 September 2020 YAPI - TURKEYBUILD ISTANBUL 2020 24 - 28 August 2020


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CSC Steel Sdn Bhd .............................................................................. 33

Nam Heng Glass Group ................................................................... 03

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Nippon Paint (M) Sdn Bhd ............................................................ 34, 35

ETX Industries Sdn Bhd ............... 51, Inside Back Cover, Back Cover

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Inovar Contracts Sdn Bhd .................................................................. 13

SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd ..................................................... 39

Malaysian Timber Industry Board .................................................... 02

Swissma Building Technologies Sdn Bhd ........................................ 09

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd ................................................................... 41

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