4 minute read


Janet and Emilia have always been best friends, they met for the first time when they were in kindergarten, and they never left each other since They lived in a town that is surrounded by beautiful green hills which are covered with fields of colorful flowers. But there was that one hill that is the furthest from town, it had a great tree sitting on top of it Having a picnic together under that beautiful tree was the dream of Janet and Emilia when they were ten years old.


"Emilia, aren't you excited for us to grow up so we can go visit Lady T?!" said ten years old Janet "Lady T? who is that?" replied Emilia with visible confusion "It's that big tree we want to visit! I named it Lady T because it looks so majestic, like a royal lady!" explained Janet excitedly. "Ah I get it! the full name is lady tree! I love that name!" they giggled and agreed to call the tree Lady T from now on

When Janet and Emilia turned fourteen years old, they talked from time to time about Lady T, Janet still seemed to be excited about going there, but Emilia on the other hand was losing interest day by day One day, Janet decided to ask Emilia something.

by: Jawaher Alzaid

"Emilia, are you not excited anymore to go to have a picnic with Lady T?" asked Janet with a sad tone "No it's nothing like that! it's just it's just that my father keeps refusing and telling me it's too far from home and dangerous.." Emilia answered with a startled voice "Then why doesn't he just come with us! it would be a great idea!" "I don't think so Janet, not for now at least "

Throughout the years, Janet kept asking Emilia if her father gave her permission yet, but Emilia seems to always say no, giving more and more excuses. "My father said it's too far" "My Father said it's unsafe" "My father said there are probably dangerous stray animals there" Janet started to sense something wrong with Emilia, the bruises on her arms and face, the way she doesn't take care of how she looks, her eyes that lost the light in them, it was not the Emilia that Janet always knew. Janet tried her best to understand what was happening with her friend, but Emilia kept giving short answers like "I fell off the stairs" or "I didn't have the time to get ready" Janet couldn't take the situation anymore so she decided to visit Emilia's house to check on her.

At Emilia's house porch, stood Janet while knocking on the door after a few minutes, Emilia opened the door very quietly with a pale face as if she was trying to not get caught. "Emilia I'm sorry for showing up so suddenly, but I just wanted to check on you, you have been acting very strange lately, is there something wrong? you can tell me, I'm your best friend!" Janet's voice was rising with each sentence expressing her sadness and stress

But Emilia gestured with her hands for Janet to lower her voice. "I'm so sorry Janet but I can not talk right now, not here, please leave and we can talk at school" said Emilia with a distressed voice Suddenly a scream came from the inside of the house followed with loud steps walking on the stairs " Emilia! are you trying to run away?! did I not tell you to never open the door without my permission?!" Emilia pushed Janet away from the door while saying "No father! it is just a sales person!" Then closed the door.

Janet was afraid, she was now sure that her friend was in trouble, but had no idea what to do, she was only 18 years old She spent the whole week messaging Emilia but received no replies. She thought about calling the police, but what if that was just a misunderstanding? Janet did not know what was the right decision to make

That week passed by without Emilia showing up to school, Janet was extremely worried about her but was too afraid to visit again That is until she knew, even if she went there, Emilia will not be there anymore "Class, we are so sorry to inform you that your classmate Emilia has passed away, we give her family and you moral support" When the teacher spoke those words, Janet felt them as a blow She was just speaking with her last week, she could not believe her ears so she went hurriedly to ask the teacher privately if she was sure.

Emilia's father has admitted to stabbing her out of rage, he insisted that he had no intention of killing her.

He then explained that he did not want Emilia to leave his said like his wife did, but Emilia kept saying that she wanted to go out like normal people and visit what the father called "stupid Lady T".He then confessed about his addiction, anger issues and abusiveness

The police arrived at Janet's house to interrogate her about an envelope that was found in Emilia's room with Janet's name on it Janet told them everything she knew then they left leaving the envelope with her Janet did not have the courage to open the envelope so she kept it in the drawer for months

After around six months of leaving the envelope untouched, Janet decided to pull herself together and open it. She picked it up and went on a long walk through the hills, to her and her friend's dream spot, Lady T When she was finally standing in front of that magical looking tree, her heart shrinked with sadness, she could've visited this huge tree whenever she wanted, but she refused every time, she wanted to visit it with her dear friend Emilia

"I'm finally here Lady T, but it's not the feeling that I thought I would have when I arrive" murmured Janet. She then held the envelope in her hands and opened it

"To my best friend Janet, I feel like I have been treating you harshly lately, but I just don't know how to express myself anymore, when my mom suddenly left us a few years ago, father started treating me worst than ever, I lost every hope to be able to visit Lady T with you, or maybe I should sneak out someday? Also, I am so sorry for shutting the door on your face when you were visiting me, I was startled when I heard father screaming and I didn't know what to do, here is a little apology gift in the envelope, I hope you love it-your best friend, Emilia"

Janet looked inside the envelope to find a golden necklace with a bell ornament on it, she held it in the air to hear the ringing of the bell. She then wore the necklace while tears were running down her face.

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