November/December Apartment News 2020

Page 18

AMA Patron Profile Roofing Southwest 7620 N. Hartman Lane, Suite 120, Tucson, AZ 85743

By Peter Madrid

Building relationships and maintaining them is the cornerstone of the Roofing Southwest way of business. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in

“The best part of being a member of AMA are

the spring, Roofing Southwest reminded its

the relationships we have built along the way,

employees of the importance of those rela-

both with other industry professionals and


property management companies,” Dowse

“Anyone would agree that COVID-19 has taught us that we should never take anything for granted,” said Roy Dowse, Operations Manager of Roofing Southwest in Tucson. “In the beginning of this pandemic outbreak, the

said. “As a Patron Member, we have been able to grow life-long relationships with various professionals in the state, bringing in new business opportunities which have allowed our company to grow.”

fear of the unknown is what affected every

How has Roofing Southwest weathered the

person out there, which in return affected

COVID-19 storm? Dowse said COVID-19 has

businesses as well. “People were scared to show up to work or simply go out in public. However, Roofing Southwest was quick to implement new means and methods to keep our employees and customers safe. We adapted to

brought on a variety of

Our people are what make the difference and have allowed us to weather the storm together” – Roy Dowse

the pandemic quickly as

challenges that no one is a stranger to. “Our people are what make the difference and have allowed us to weather the storm together,” he said. “Our team members are devoted, loyal, honest, fun loving, team players,

we already had virtual meeting platforms in

humble, grateful, and care about the end

place. We are fortunate to have a great team of

product and the process to get there. Their

leaders that were able to provide the resources

trust in the company accompanied with their

for all of us to succeed during this time.”

hard work, grit, and perseverance have kept

Roofing Southwest has been an AMA member for more than two decades, but its affiliation extends beyond that. Roofing Southwest was

Roy Dowse Operations Manager (520) 336-3410

as going. We couldn’t be more thankful for our team of experts that give their all, day in and day out.”

founded in Phoenix in 1971; it has worked alongside the association since its founding. –Continued on next page

Apartment News | November/December 2020


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