B-thrifty Woodbridge news February

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February / Febrero 15, 2013


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NEWS Community Bulletin | Boletín Informativo para la Comunidad | Woodbridge, VA | Vol. 2, No. 13

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Inside / Adentro:

Entrega de comida gratis en B-Thrifty Más de 12.000 libras de alimentos fueron entregados a los residentes locales el 24 de Enero. Esta fue la primera de una serie de eventos mensuales que se celebrarán en B-Thrifty, con el apoyo del Capital Food Bank, el Ejército de Salvación, Old Bridge United Methodist Church, y los Boy Scouts del Distrito Occoquan. Continúa Página 2

The Salvation Army, Capital Food Bank and Old Bridge United Methodist Church are helping the community with a food give-away event at B-thrifty By H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. More than 12,000 pounds of food were given away to local residents on January 24. This was the first of a monthly event to be hosted by B-Thrifty with support of The Capital Food Bank, The Salvation Army, Old Bridge United Methodist Church, and The Boy Scouts of the Occuquan District. Captain George Hackbarth of The Salvation Army reported that 178 families came for food, representing more than 800 people. Several of these were military veterans. The community partnership offering assistance to “cashstrapped” families was praised by many of the individuals who came to collect the groceries. No inquiries are made about income or

financial need for those who participate. The available food items included cabbage, sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions, bread and pastries, and canned goods. Alonso Zamora, founding partner at B-Thrifty, as well as Captain Hackbarth of The Salvation Army were both interviewed for the news clip. The message each sent out was, “We just want to give back to our community.” Thirty-two volunteers helped the sponsoring organizations stock, arrange, and disperse the food. Captain Hackbarth stated, “We can use more volunteers on Feburary 28, since we expect to feed even more families.” Individuals who would like to volunteer should go to the B-Thrifty website: www.b-

thrifty.com. The food will be available from 12 noon until 2 PM. While B-Thrifty provided the physical facility and many of the volunteers, this service is largely dependent on the resources provided by other community partners. A special thanks is due pastor Burton Robinson and his team of helpers from Old Bridge United Methodist Church. We are also grateful for the generosity of The Capital Food Bank for providing the food. The Channel 8/7 news clip can be viewed on the B-Thrifty website at www.b-thrifty.com. Next Food Give-Away date: February 28, 12 noon until 2 PM.

FREE Fruits & Vegetables

Thursday, February 28 | 12-2 pm rain or shine, first come, first served There are no requirements to receive the food More info call:


Stay Safe and Healthy During Extreme Cold Weather Although we expect winter weather many of us do not prepare for its arrival. Preparation is the key to one’s survival should an emergency arise. The Department of Fire and Rescue (www.pwcgov. org/fire) suggests safety tips to keep you and your home safe and warm during the winter months. Continue Page 8

El significado de Amor y Amistad

Febrero es el mes oficial “Del Amor y la Amistad”. Por lo tanto, vamos a empezar a definir un poco, lo que es Amor y la Amistad.

Continue Page 10

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General Manager

Antenor Rambal

contact@bthriftynews.com Managing Editor

H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. drdale@b-thrifty.com

Advertising / Public Relations

Margarita Trujillo


El Ejército de Salvación, el Capital Food Bank y la Old Bridge United Methodist Church ayudan a la comunidad con una entrega de comida gratis en B-Thrifty By H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D. Más de 12.000 libras de alimentos fueron entregados a los residentes locales el 24 de Enero. Esta fue la primera de una serie de eventos mensuales que se celebrarán en B-Thrifty, con el apoyo del Capital Food Bank, el Ejército de Salvación, Old Bridge United Methodist Church, y los Boy Scouts del Distrito Occoquan. Capitán George Hackbarth del Ejército de Salvación informó que 178 familias vinieron en busca de alimentos, estos representan a más de 800 personas. Varios de ellos eran veteranos militares. Esta asociación comunitaria que ofrece asistencia a familias con “problemas de liquidez” fue elogiado por muchas de las personas que acudieron a recoger los comestibles. No se hacen preguntas

acerca de los ingresos o si existe alguna necesidad financiera a ninguno de los participantes. Los alimentos disponibles incluyen repollo, patatas dulces, zanahorias, papas, cebollas, pan y pastas, además de productos enlatados. Alonso Zamora, socio fundador de B-Thrifty, así como el capitán Hackbarth del Ejército de Salvación fueron entrevistados para el clip de noticias. El mensaje que cada uno envió fue: “Sólo queremos dar algo de vuelta a nuestra comunidad.” Treinta y dos voluntarios ayudaron a las organizaciones patrocinantes, a organizar y distribuir el alimento. El Capitán Hackbarth declaró: “Podemos utilizar a más voluntarios en FEBRERO 28, ya que esperamos poder alimentar a más familias”. Las personas que deseen ser voluntarios

deben ir a la página web de B-Thrifty: www.b-thrifty.com. La comida estará disponible a partir de las 12 del mediodía hasta las 2 PM. Mientras B-Thrifty, facilitó su instalación física y muchos de los voluntarios, este servicio depende en gran medida de los recursos proporcionados por los socios de la comunidad. Un agradecimiento especial se debe al pastor Burton Robinson y su equipo de ayudantes de Old Bridge United Methodist Church. También estamos agradecidos por la generosidad del Capital Food Bank por proporcionar los alimentos. El clip del Canal 8 de noticias se puede ver en el sitio web de B-Thrifty en www.b-thrifty.com. Próxima Entrega de Comida: 28 de Febrero, 12 pm hasta las 2 PM.

Frutas & Vegetales GRATIS

Jueves, 28 de Febrero - de 12 a 2 pm

no importa el clima, se hará por orden de llegada No se pedirá ningún requisito para recibir alimentos Más información:


Alonso Zamora

alonso@b-thrifty.com © 2012 Woodbridge News. All rights reserved. All property rights for the entire contents of this publication shall be the property of Woodbridge News. No part hereof may be reproduced without prior written consent. BThrifty www.bthriftynews.com contact@bthriftynews.com ads@bthriftynews.com (703) 496.5100 x1000 13412 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Woodbridge, VA 22191

Inspirations “It is necessary to help others, not only in our prayers, but in our daily lives. If we find we cannot help others, the least we can do is to desist from harming them.” Dalai Lama “We cannot do great things unless we are willing to do the small things that make up the sum of greatness.” Theodore Roosevelt “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” Albert Einstein “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” Thomas Edison

February / Enero 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 3

B-Thrifty 13412 Jefferson Davis Hwy Woodbridge, VA 22191 Thursday, February 28th

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The Hipsters Trend www.b-thrifty.com/the-thriftyshopper-community www.thriftyhipster.com

La tendencia Hipster Se origina en los 1940s

Origins in the 1940s The term itself was coined during the jazz age, when “hip” emerged as an adjective to describe to the fans of the growing scene. Although the adjective’s exact origins are disputed, some say it was a derivative of “hop” a slang term for opium, while others believe it comes from the West African word “hipi,” meaning “to open one’s eyes.” Nevertheless, “hip” eventually acquired the common English suffix -ster (as in spinster and gangster), and “hipster” entered the language. The first dictionary to list the word is the short glossary “For Characters Who Don’t Dig Jive Talk” which was included with Harry Gibson’s 1944 album, Boogie Woogie in Blue. The entry for “hipsters” defined them as “characters who like hot jazz.” Initially, hipsters were usually middleclass white youths seeking to emulate the lifestyle of the largely black jazz musicians they followed. In The Jazz Scene (1959), author Eric Hobsbawm (originally writing under the pen name Francis Newton) described hipster language—i.e., “jivetalk or hipster-talk”—as “an argot or cant designed to set the group apart from outsiders.” However, the subculture rapidly expanded, and after World War II, a burgeoning literary scene grew up around it. Jack Kerouac described 1940s hipsters as “rising and roaming America, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere as characters of a special spirituality.” In his essay “The White Negro,” Norman Mailer characterized hipsters as American existentialists, living a life surrounded by death—annihilated

by atomic war or strangled by social conformity—and electing instead to “divorce themselves from society, to exist without roots, to set out on that uncharted journey into the rebellious imperatives of the self.” Knowing a little bit about the origins of the Hipster Movement in B-thrifty we believe this trend is becoming more popular due to many factors but especially to the economic difficulties we are experiencing. Young people, who never let down their guard as to be unnoticed in fashion wherever they go, are the main leaders of this movement. That’s where a store like ours comes into play because that is preciselythe main objec-

El término en sí fue acuñado durante la era del jazz, cuando “hip” surgió como un adjetivo para describir a los aficionados de la creciente escena. Aunque los orígenes exactos del adjetivo se discute, algunos dicen que era un derivado de “salto”, un término del argot para el opio, mientras que otros creen que viene de la palabra África Occidental “hipi”, que significa “para abrir los ojos de uno”. Sin embargo, “Hip” con el tiempo adquirió el sufijo común Inglés-ster (como spinster y gángster), y “hipster” entró en el lenguaje. El primer diccionario que enlista la palabra es el breve glosario “para personajes que no entienden un dialecto “, que fue incluido en 1944 en el álbum de Harry Gibson, Boogie Woogie In Blue. La entrada de los “hipster” los definió como “personajes que les gusta el jazz caliente”. Inicialmente, los hipsters eran generalmente

got o jerga diseñado para establecer el grupo, aparte de los de afuera “. Sin embargo, la subcultura se expandió rápidamente, y después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una floreciente escena literaria creció a su alrededor. Jack Kerouac describe los hipsters en 1940 como “el aumento y la itinerancia Américana , holgazaneando y haciendo paradas en todas partes como personajes de una espiritualidad especial”. En su ensayo “El Negro Blanco”, Norman Mailer caracteriza los hipsters como existencialistas estadounidenses, viviendo una vida rodeada de muerte, aniquilada por la guerra atómica o estrangulados por factores sociales de la conformidad y la elección en lugar de “divorciarse de la sociedad, de existir sin raíces, establecido en ese viaje sin mapa hacia los imperativos rebeldes del yo. “ Conociendo un poco los orígenes del Movimiento Hipster, en B-thrifty creemos que esta tendencia se está volviendo más popular en los últimos años debida a muchos factores pero principalmente, a las dificultades económicas que estamos viviendo todos. Los jóvenes que nunca bajan la guardia en cuanto a verse a la moda y no pasar inadvertidos a donde vayan, son los principales gestores de este movimiento. Es ahi en donde una tienda como la nuestra entra en acción ya que ese es justamente el objetivo principal de B-thrifty -”llevar un alivio efectivo a su bolsillo sin sacrificar su estilo”- y para demostrarlo, próximamente tendremos un desfile “Hipster” para demostrar que con unos pocos dólares se puede conseguir lucir bien y a la moda - sin prejuicios ni reglas. Eso significa ser un Hipster. Algunos grupos Hipsters recomendados:

tive of B-thrifty - “bring effective relief to your pocket without sacrificing your style” - and to prove it, we will have a hipster fashion show. With a few dollars you can look good and fashionable - without prejudice or rules. That means being a Hipster. Some “Hipsters Community” that we would like to recommend you:

jóvenes de clase media blanca que tratan de emular el estilo de vida de los músicos de jazz en gran parte negros, que ellos siguieron. En la escena del jazz (1959), el autor Eric Hobsbawm (originalmente escrito bajo el seudónimo de Francis Newton) describe el lenguaje Hipster, “jive-talk o hipster-talk”, como “un ar-

www.b-thrifty.com/the-thriftyshopper-community www.thriftyhipster.com

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Stay Safe and Healthy During Extreme Cold Weather • Have a safe alternate heating source and alternate fuels available. o Protect against CO poisoning and install a CO detector to alert you of the presence of the deadly, odorless, colorless gas. Check batteries regularly.

Prepare for weather-related emergencies, including power outages • Stock food that needs no cooking or refrigeration and water stored in clean containers (supplies to last up to three days). • Keep an up-to-date emergency kit to include: Although we expect winter weather many of us do not prepare for its arrival. Preparation is the key to one’s survival should an emergency arise. The Department of Fire and Rescue (www. pwcgov.org/fire) suggests the following safety tips to keep you and your home safe and warm during the winter months.

Winterize your home • Insulate water lines that run along exterior walls. • Have your heating system serviced professionally to make sure that it is clean, working properly and ventilated to the outside. • Inspect and clean fireplaces and chimneys. • Install a smoke detector. Test batteries monthly.

o NOAA Weather Radio (stay informed of local weather and changing weather patterns). o Battery operated flashlights and/or lanterns.

o Extra batteries.

o First-aid kit.

o Extra medicine.

Winterize your vehicle • Service the radiator and maintain antifreeze level; check tire tread or, if necessary, replace tires with all-weather or snow tires. • Keep gas tank full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. • Use a wintertime formula in your windshield washer. • Prepare a winter emergency kit and

keep in your car in case you become stranded. Be sure to Include:

o Blankets.

o Food and water.

o Booster cables, flares, tire pump, and a bag of sand or cat litter (for traction).

o Compass and maps.

o Flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries.

o Small shovel.

o Ice/snow scraper.

o Car charger for your cell phone.

o First-aid kit.

o Plastic bags (for sanitation).

Working, traveling or enjoying outdoor winter activities • Be aware of the chill factor. • Dress appropriately: o Wear layers of light, warm clothing to include mittens, hats, scarves and waterproof boots. • If working outside, work slowly. • If participating in outdoor activities, take a buddy and an emergency kit. • ALWAYS carry a cell phone.

Traveling • Prior to travel, be aware of current and forecast weather conditions.

• Avoid traveling when the weather service has issued advisories. • If you must travel, inform a friend or relative of your proposed route and expected time of arrival. • Allow extra time to reach your destination. • If you become stranded in your car: o Stay with your car unless safety is no more than 100 yards away. na.

o Stay visible:  Put bright cloth on the anten-

 Turn on the inside overhead light (when engine is running).  Raise the hood (when snow stops falling).  Run the engine and heater (10 minutes every hour). • Keep a downwind window open. • Make sure the tailpipe is not blocked.

Caring for Others • Check on family, friends and neighbors who are at risk from cold weather hazards, have medical needs or may be ill. • If you have pets who primarily reside outside, bring them inside or provide adequate warm shelter and unfrozen water to drink. For more winter safety tips, visit the CDC at www.cdc.gov, FEMA at www. ready.gov or the AAA at midatlantic. aaa.com.

February / Enero 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 9

US Marine Corps Museum

Love and Friendship meaning What about “love”?

Calendar of Events Feb - Mar 2013

Here are some definitions, you can adopt all the ones can match in your life: Love is flirting outrageously and still remembering that the person at your side is not obligated to do anything. - It’s respect.

Sat Feb 16 MRE Cook-Off The Museum will hold its first MRE Cook-Off with celebrity judges and prizes for the best culinary skills.

Love is an imperfection in yourself not bothering you. - It’s acceptance. Love is passing up an opportunity because the time isn’t right yet. It’s patience.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Sat Mar 2

Love is a back massage that starts above the hairline and ends around the insoles. - It’s exploration.

Curator’s Chat Museum specialist Carrie Bowers will present a discussion of the history of female Marines in Marine Corps aviation. 1:00 pm Sat Mar 9 Family Day - Model Making The National Capital Modelers will show off their models and talk about model making. Children will also have the opportunity to make a model of their own to take home. 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm


February is the “Love & Friendship” official month. So, let’s start defining a little bit, what is friendship? True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure. Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better

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than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal. Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won’t hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since time immemorial. There are famous stories about friends in mythologies of different religions all over the world. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.

If you like to read a good book, we highly recommend “Love and Friendship” by Jane Austen. Love and Friendship is a juvenile story by Jane Austen, dated 1790. From the age of eleven until she was eighteen, Jane Austen wrote her tales in three notebooks. The notebooks still exist – one in the Bodleian Library; the other two in the British Museum. They include among others Love and Friendship, written when Jane was fourteen, and The History of England, when she was fifteen. Love and Friendship (the misspelling is one of many in the story) is clearly a parody of romantic novels Austen read as a child. This is clear even from the subtitle, “Deceived in Friendship and Betrayed in Love”, which completely undercuts the title.

Page 10 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | February / Febrero 15, 2013

El significado de Amor y Amistad

Febrero es el mes oficial “Del Amor y la Amistad”. Por lo tanto, vamos a empezar a definir un poco, lo que es la amistad? La verdadera amistad es tal vez la única relación que sobrevive a las vicisitudes del tiempo y sigue siendo incondicional. Una mezcla única de afecto, lealtad, amor, respeto, confianza y mucha diversión es quizás lo que describe

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el verdadero significado de la amistad. Intereses similares, como el respeto mutuo y el apego fuerte a los demás son lo que los amigos compartan entre sí. Estos son sólo los rasgos generales de una amistad. Para experimentar lo que es la amistad, hay que tener amigos verdaderos, que son realmente raro tesoro. La amistad es el sentimiento de confort y seguridad emocional de una per-

sona. Es cuando usted no tiene que analizar sus pensamientos, ni medir sus palabras. Es cuando alguien te conoce mejor que tú mismo y asegura que estará a tu lado en cada crisis emocional. La amistad va mucho más allá de la estar juntos y compartir buenos momentos, es cuando alguien viene a rescatarte de la peor fase de tu vida. La amistad es eterna.

El amor es una de tus imperfecciones y no te molesta. Eso es aceptación.

Diferentes personas tienen diferentes definiciones de la amistad. Para algunos, es la confianza en la persona él / ella no te hará daño. Para otros, es el amor incondicional. Hay algunos que piensan que la amistad es compañerismo. Las personas forman definiciones basadas en el tipo de experiencias que han tenido. Esta es una relación que se ha nutrido desde tiempo inmemorial. Hay historias sobre famosos amigos en mitologías de diferentes religiones de todo el mundo. Dicen que un hombre que ha encontrado un fiel amigo ha encontrado un tesoro invaluable.

Si te gusta leer un buen libro, te recomendamos “Love and Friendship”, de Jane Austen.

Que significa el amor? Estas son algunas definiciones, puedes adoptar todas las que coincidan en tu vida: El amor coquetea descaradamente y te recuerda que la persona que está a tu lado no está obligado a hacer nada. Eso es respeto.

Amor es dejar pasar una oportunidad, porque todavía no es el momento. Eso es paciencia. El amor es un masaje en la espalda que comienza en la línea del cabello y termina alrededor de las plantillas. Eso es exploración.

“Love and Friendship” es una historia juvenil de Jane Austen, de 1790. A partir de los once años hasta que cumplió los dieciocho años, Jane Austen escribió sus cuentos en tres cuadernos. Los portátiles aún existen - una en la Biblioteca Bodleian y los otros dos en el Museo Británico. Estos incluyen, entre otros “Love and Friendship”, escrita cuando Jane tenía catorce años, y la historia de Inglaterra, cuando tenía quince años. “Love and Freindship” (la falta de ortografía es uno de muchos en la historia) es claramente una parodia de las novelas románticas leídas por Austen cuando era niño. Esto es evidente incluso desde el subtítulo, “Engañado y traicionado en el amor”, que socava completamente el título.

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February / Enero 15, 2013 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | Page 11

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honest, excellent references, moderate rates. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. FREE ESTIMATES. (571) 277.1315 ______________________

yoUr 5 Senses! Call Jay for appointment. 571 471 2635. TENS Unit. $20. In/out calls. 571-471-2635. ______________________

FERRET HOME IMPROVEMENTS - Faux finishing, painting interior & exterior, drywall, carpentry, roof, plumbing, electrical, carpet, hardwood flooring, crown molding, power washing: decks, patios, fences - stain. Bathroom, kitchen, Basement remodeling. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. (571) 276.7539 ______________________

HOME RENOVATIONS HOLIDAY SPECIALS--FLOORS SANDED STARTING AT .89 CENT PER SQ.FT,CARPETS,painting 45.00 per room min 5 rooms-cabinets, bathrooms, roofing, landscaping, power washing , INSURED, BONDED - 347-635-3603 ______________________

Ventura gold Works - Se arreglan computadoras, optimización, protección antivirus, actualización de la memoria configuración de la conexión inalámbrica, instalar nuevas partes - La revisión es gratis, ven ahora mismo con tu laptop o tu pc. 703-296-3725 / 703-9869652 / 703-982-4559 ______________________ CARINAS FASHION III Joyas brasileras laminadas en oro, Pantalones colombianos, ropa de mujer, hombres y niños. Venta por mayor y menor. 571-314-5666 / 202431-9211 ______________________

Compañía multi-millonaria está buscando personas con deseo de superación y perseverancia. No inversión, no ventas, no presión, solo seriedad y responsabilidad. Entrenamiento y capacitación gratis para ayudarte a lograr tus metas y sueños. Para más información llamar al 703-362-3882 ______________________ Mary Kay Products - 10% off discount in all Mary Kay Products. Rossy: 718-9160220 - Gloria: 917-569-7969 ______________________ 2001 honda accord, 4dr, 5sp, leather, 220k miles, $3250. 202-294-8614 ______________________

ROPA COLOMBIANA & FRAGANCIAS - Venga a nuestra tienda dentro de Bthrifty. Les ofrecemos fajas Colombianas, ropa interior, jeans, variedad de perfumes y mucho más. 703-889-7584 ______________________

2003 audi a4, 3.0 quattro 6sp, one owner, 190k, $4750. 202-294-8614 ______________________

Charles Jenkins tree service: insured / bonded / licensed. tree removal / topping / trimming / stump grinding / fire wood / mulch delivery. 703-830-2654 ______________________

1998 jeep cherokee sport, 110k miles, automatic, 4x4, $2500. 202-294-8614 ______________________

Unique Massage5. Strictly professional. Relax ALL

1997 ford expedition, 7 seats, 146k, $2500. 202294-8614 ______________________

2001 ford taurus wagon, automatic, 156k, $1900. 202294-8614 ______________________ ______________________

Page 12 | www.mywoodbridgenews.com | February / Febrero 15, 2013

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