BT Woodbridge News January

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January / Enero 15, 2013

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NEWS Community Bulletin | Boletín Informativo para la Comunidad | Woodbridge, VA | Vol. 1, No. 12

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Inside / Adentro:

¿Será 2013 su año de suerte?

Todavía hay algunas personas en el mundo que piensan que el número 13 es un número de mala suerte. Hay muchos ejemplos en el folclore que supuestamente apoyan esta creencia para aquellos que se inclinan hacia la superstición. Continúa Página 2

LUCKY ‘13’ - Will 2013 be your lucky year?

By H. Dale Keeton, Ph.D.

There are still some people in the world who think the number 13 is an unlucky number. Many examples in folklore supposedly support this belief for those inclined toward superstition. Traditionally, thirteen is reported as the number of steps leading to the gallows. In numerology, twelve is considered the number of completion; thus, thirteen disturbs that balance. Witches were claimed to gather in covens of twelve, and during the ceremony the devil would appear as the thirteenth attendee. But I believe that 13 can be as lucky as 12! My wife and I were married on Friday the 13th, considered the unluckiest day on the calendar. I believe it was one of the luckiest days of my life, and 47 years later Mary says she agrees (although she states that her agreement is not always consistent!). Think of a few things that might

represent good luck as 2013 has approached: (1) The world did not come to an end as the Mayans predicted hundreds and hundreds of years ago; (2) We did not fall off the “Fiscal Cliff” (even though it feels like we may still be hanging); (3) the Redskins won the NFC East division title.

Actually, I don’t believe in luck. When things go right for us, it is sometimes considered good luck, and when things go wrong, it is often viewed as bad luck. In reality, the good or bad outcomes are more likely related to our behaviors and attitudes. The motivational speakers who chant your altitude is determined by your attitude are actually preaching good psychology. With a positive attitude, we raise the ceiling of possibilities while gaining motivation to exercise responsible behaviors: a winning combination for success. One of my mantras is this: We are not responsible for the outcome

but we are responsible for doing the next right thing. B-Thrifty is neither counting on good luck in 2013 nor worried about bad luck. We are, however, committed to doing “the next right thing” as we can best understand it. This applies not just to the success of our company, but also to the work satisfaction for our staff and employees, to the mutual benefit of our non-profit partners, to the material needs that are presented by individuals and families, and to the numerous community service projects that we engage in on a regular basis. Whether it be concerns about the end of the world, economic cliff-falling, or sports competition, just doing the next right thing will more likely lead us to our desired outcome than depending on luck. Happy 2013! MAKE it your lucky year.

FREE Fruits & Vegetables

Thursday, January 24 - 12 - 2 pm rain or shine, first come, first served There are no requirements to receive the food More info call:


¿Quieres saber lo que está de moda en las compras de segunda mano en este momento? SWEATERS! Brrrr el invierno está aqui! Ahora es el momento perfecto para crear algunos accesorios agradables para usted y su casa, aprovechando los precios fabulosos de suéteres en tiendas de segunda mano. Continue Page 8

Social Network projects at Bthrifty Online

So, you have many ways to be connected with us, not only trough our Facebook fan page, you can also follow us on Twitter. Continue Page 10

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