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I have always been a pacifist, that is up until I got matched with a roommate, freshman year of college, who was disrespectful and unthoughtful. My pacifism stayed for the first couple of months, then enough was enough!

Anger is a rare feeling for me. The only times I can recall being so angry that I wanted to scream was when I first went vegan and no one else cared enough about the environment or the animals… and no… this is not about veganism… I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I was vegan before we continued…

I walked in on it.

I walked in, trying to be quiet because it was still morning. I slowly twisted the doorknob. Quietly, I pushed the door open. Patiently, I tiptoed into my own room, making sure to not wake up my roommate.

I guess I did not process what I was hearing until it was too late.

When I first heard the squeak of the bed, I thought that maybe she had just woken up and was starting to wiggle her feet to the floor. Before I understood the sound, my eyes fell on to the bare rump of a particular German, whom I do not appreciate. I swear, it was not even a second of me standing there, still on my tippy toes, and in that single second he pumped out four hip thrusts.

It looked like one of those old cartoons where Jerry gives Tom repeated whacks on the head, back to back to back. I walked right out.

I left the room just as quiet, but this time brisk and fast. I stood outside of my room with my two hands on my temples. My eyes were dead staring out onto the floor, a couple of feet in front of me. I had no words.

Nothing could sum up the four hip seizes, or the innocent mistake I made about the bed moving. I stood there for a solid fifteen minutes. There were no thoughts in my head. After some time passed, I ended up going for a walk. I walked for two hours. With each step I took, there was a flashback of a rump cheek twitching… so fast. Internally I felt like falling to my knees, hip thrust one, with, hip thrust two, anxiety, hip thrust three, god help, hip thrust four, no air. Externally, however, I walked with one foot in front of the other, eyes dried from the lack of blinking, with my fingers still on my temples.

Obviously I had to return to my room, it was Halloween and I wanted to put on a costume, so I hesitantly made my way back to the scene of the incident. I stood about five inches from the door, staring into the chestnut wood with a dull expression. Inhale. My left hand rises. Exhale. I form a fist and tap a wimpish knock on the door. I knew I had already seen the scariest thing this Halloween had to offer.

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