Baby & Kid Product Exports / March-April'17

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Tulay Textile, founded in 1987, is primarily operating in women’s, men’s and children’s underwear and sleepwear sectors. Tülay İç Giyim and Devino are leading export brands, which play an important part in overseas exports, and important values for the Turkish Textile Industry. Today, we-Larice Club Larice Kids, as a third generation, are pleased to present our new products. We are all dedicated to bringing you the strong and assertive production infrastructure in the area of children’s pajamas, underwear and home wear-pajamas. We are managed by dedicated professionals having rich industrial experience with a passion for innovation and excellence. We are equipped with the young and dynamic staff to be a world-wide brand. While we are preparing Larice Club and Larice Kids branded products, we always ask ourselves one question: How to make childrens happy? Our source of inspiration is the smile on children’s face. We, as Larice Kids, believe that if children are happy, then the worlds is happy, too. And we also know that the things we are designing today are the best investment value for our future children. Here we are... We are all childishly excited to begin our work together.

Основанная в 1987 году под названием Tülay Tekstil, наша фирма начала набирать активные обороты, опираясь в большинстве на производство мужского, женского и детского нижнего белья, а также пижам для детей и взрослых. Заработав особое место на экспорте товара заграницу, наши марки Tülay Tekstil и Devino с особой значимостью продолжают своё развитие на текстильном рынке Турции. На сегодняшний день мы с радостью представляем вашему вниманию новое, уже третье поколение нашей организации под именами Larice Club-Larice Kids. Под маркой Larice Kids, на основании сильного и конкурентоспособного производства, наша фирма дает высококачественное обслуживание в области нижнего белья, пижам и домашней одежды для детей. Имея за спиной многолетний опыт и не теряя в себе стремление к усовершенствованию, вместе с молодым и энергичным коллективом мы ставим перед собой цель достижения успеха мирового значения. В каждой разработке марок Larice Kids и Larice Club мы задаемся вопросом, как благодаря нашей продукции мы можем подарить детям радость. Прекрасные улыбки на лицах детей- это наш самый главный источник вдохновения для создания новых коллекций. Для нас, сотрудников Л Larice Kids , счастье ребенка означает счастливое будущее для всего мира, на что и направлены все наши усилия. Мы знаем, что то, что мы сегодня посеем , то и будем пожинать в будущем для наших детей. Детский мир с Larice, становится цветнее. В этом году внутреняя энергия детей, встречается c дизайном. Фирма Larice, впервые со своей коллекцией Весна-Лето, ожидает выставку CBME “Мама”и”Малыш”. Коллекцию этого года, украшает незаменимая для Larice веселая и живая тема. С проектом развлечения и поднятия настроения детям, отправляемся в путь. В этом процессе, душевной и денамичной одеждой, хотим открыть мерцающий мир в глазах детей. B коллекции приятный дизайн смешивается с живыми цветами. В этом, году внемание привлекают мальчиковые и девочковые наборы, даполняющие друг друга. Оригинальные узоры одежды - самое красивое отражение веселого детского мира. На одежде, для девочек элегантные штрихи совмещаются с гармоничными цветами. Узоры цветов, в этом году занимают не последнее место. У мальчиков , Larice настаивает на динамичные полосы и живые цвета. Используемые в расцветке нейтральные тона, придают особый вид. Дизайн, привлекает внимание подборкой гармоничных цветов. Иногда контрастами, а иногда переходящими тонами. Larice, в новой коллекции предстанет перед нами в новом виде. В сфере создания узоров на уровне марки и на модельной основе идет в тему. В этом году, мы увидим и комбинированные модели используемые в группе с отдельными изделиями. Во время создания этих комбинаций,следовали тематическим путем. И в следствии этого, появились изделия имеющие целостность и историю от узоров до полос и цветов. Будьте готовы раскрасить лето с Larice!

1 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Best Kids, which in its branding period positioned itself as “Turkey’s pioneering brand in child fashion”, follows world trends, and its young and dynamic team prepares classic and unusual designs with the chic and comfortable suited for modern life.Best Kids produces the modern style of classic and casual children’s wear by combining attention to detail with quality fabrics and today presents its collections designed according to various customer demands to its clients through its selling points abroad and all over Turkey. Our company, following technological innovations in our sector closely and regarding investments in training as the most important investments, continues on its way by acting on this understanding with a management policy that always maintains top quality standards.


2 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey

2017 Şan Bebe is a manufacturer and also wholesaler of baby clothes with “Special for Baby” motto. Şan Bebe was founded in 1975 by Ramazan Alaşan and it is a family-owned company. Şan Bebe manufactures baby clothes from new born up to 4 years with its vast experience. Today it has a huge manufacturing of 100,000 pieces per month capacity with its subcontractor and up to 100 workers. The company has 3 wholesale shops in Merter, Laleli and Sultanhamam. Şan Bebe ensures the high quality and aesthetic. Also Şan Bebe compromises health standards without using carcinogen materials. Şan Bebe has been working with many countries of Greece, Italy, Belgian, Ireland, Russia, Holland, Germany, France etc. for many years. Also there is an export to other countries from Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa etc. To show off these products at your stores, you can give your orders by e-mailing easily. ( )(Email: Let’s make babies happier together!

4 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Publisher H. Ferruh Işık on behalf of İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. General Manager Mehmet Söztutan Editors Aslıhan Yıldız Mehtap Gökdere Design & Graphics Sami Aktaş Foreign Relations İsmail Çakır Responsible Editor Cüneyt Aktürk Corporate Communication Executive Ebru Pekel Chief Accountant Mustafa Aktaş Subscription İsmail Özçelik Printed By İhlas Gazetecilik A.Ş. Merkez Mahallesi 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 A / 41 Yenibosna - Bahçelievler / İstanbul Tel: 0 212 454 30 00 Head Office İSTMAG Magazin Gazetecilik Yayıncılık İç ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti. Evren Mah. Bahar Cad. Polat İş Merkezi B Blok No:3 Kat: 4 Güneşli - Bağcılar - İstanbul / Turkey Tel: +90 212 604 51 00 Faks: +90 212 604 51 35


Turkish Babywear does not recognize border We pass through a period when the world experiences difficult days in terms of economy, also political balances change and terror comprise a threat across the world. While a planning is difficult in the aspect of economics for a long-term, however we exert effort what we can do at the international fairs in the world in order to convert this condition to advantage. This time we have turned our route to Russia with this edition of Baby & Kid Store Product Exports Turkey. We are going to represent the Turkish baby-kid sector at CIF Child & Junior Fair a venue that baby-kid fashion is displayed. As for the home, we will distribute the magazines at Linexpo Lingerie – Hosiery Fair which attracts intensive foreign visitors. Featuring a hub of high in quality production in textile for years, Turkey is breaking its crust by inclining abroad more in recent years. Adopting as a motto, ‘Success comes as long as we produce’, the sector professionals open its arms to innovations by enlarging their visions. They also let trends in the world meet with original styles in the aspect of design. On the other hand, clustering in the fairs both home and abroad, the Turkish baby-kid textile firms raise the bar in the exports. Turkey draws attention due to ranking at 7th supplier position in the world and 3rd in Europe in textile business. Especially directing towards attractive markets through the Production-Development project, the firms promote the Turkish products to the world in the best way. We, as the publisher of the sector, have been in the closest tracking by interpreting through remaining in pursuit position of these fairs in order to guide the firms towards the correct events, and also shedding light by focusing on the sector. We follow the firms, as well as fairs, look at events and offer to our readers. Please follow us! We wish to see in the next edition…

Pink Girls markası 1970 yılından beri, 02-16 yaş arasındaki kız çocuklarının renkli dünyalarını yansıtan abiye ve günlük elbiseler tasarlıyor. Üretimi kendi bünyesinde gerçekleştiren marka, kaliteyi uygun fiyat ile buluşturuyor. İhracat ayağında Azerbaycan, İran, Irak, Filistin, Arabistan, Dubai, Cezayir, Libya, Rusya, Ukrayna gibi ülkelerle çalışan Pink Girls, zengin yurt dışı portföyü ile dikkat çekiyor. Marka tasarımda geniş bir penceren bakarak müşterilerine geniş ürün gamı ile cevap veriyor.

Since 1970, Pink Girls brand has been designing the dressy and daily clothes which reflect the colorful world of girls aged 2 to 16. The brand that carries out the production in its own facility, offers the quality with the competitive price. Pink Girls, which exports to countries such as Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Arabia, Dubai, Algeria, Libya, Russia, and Ukraine, stands out with its rich international product portfolio. The brand which thinks outside the box in the design, responds to its customers with a wide range of products.

Pink Girls марка 1970-года мы в ваших услугах.Наши товары изготовливаетса по возрастам 02-16 лет цветными бархатными однотонными и еше другими видом материалов.Производство изготавливаетса по высоко качественными материалами сделанный под заказ также товар продаетса по доступной цене. Также наши товары поступают и популярны а Азербайчане-иране-ираке-филистине-дубае-чезаирелибии-россии-украине-беларуссии и ешо много другух местах.Наше производство носит имя PINK GIRLS и всегда отвечает за свой товар.

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Lara Tekstil ist im Jahr 1995 in Laleli von Istanbul gegründet und ist mit den Marken DONELLA und DONİ auf den Unterwäschen Markt gekommen. Mit der Marke DONELLA werden Frauen und Mädchen Unterwäsche und mit der Marke DONİ Herren und Jungen Unterwäsche produziert. Unsere Produkte werden vor allem nach Russland, Ukraine, Kirgisien, Polen, Rumänien, Irain und mehr als 70 Länder exportiert. Bei unseren Produkten legen wir auf Qualität und Gesundheit einen präzisen Wert auf, mit einzigartigen Entwürfen und Modellen verfolgen wir die aktuelle Mode und bieten unseren Kunden für Kinder in der Altersgruppe von 0-15 Jahren, Mädchen und Jungen Unterwäsche an.

Lara Textile, formed in 1995 in Istanbul, Laleli, has made an entrance to the underwear sector with the brands DONELLA and DONI. Our company produces female and girls’ wear with DONELLA brand and male, boys’ wear with DONI brand. We export our products to over 70 countries with countries like Russia, Ukraine, Kirghizistan, Poland, Romania, Iran leading on this list. We hold standards like the quality and healthiness of our products as our main goal, and we follow the current fashion closely with our special models and designs and we offer our clients the best of 0-15 years old girls’ and boys’ underwear choices to their liking. Лара Текстиль, учреждённая в 1995 году в Стамбульском районе Лалели, дебютировала в секторе нижнего белья с торговыми марками DONELLA и DONİ. С маркой DONELLA выпускается бельё для женщин и девочек, с маркой DONİ – для мужчин и мальчиков. Наша продукция в общей сложности отправляется на эспорт в более чем 70 стран мира, в том числе в Россию, Украину, Кыргызстан, Польшу, Румынию, Иран. Мы предлагаем клиентам оценить наши изделия, нижнее бельё для девочек и мальчиков возрастной группы от 0 до 15 лет, с собственным уникальным дизайном и моделями, с сохранением на первом плане чувствительного отношения к вопросу качества и здоровья, и следуя тенденциям современной моды.

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Started its commercial life in 1979, Cantoy Bebe continued to operate in the field of baby kid clothing in 1996. Cantoy performs in a 5-storey factory with 22 staff in an area of 2500 sq. in Visne Street, Bursa, and in a five storey office building in the area of 350 sq. with eight employees in Laleli, Istanbul. Cantoy acts with an understanding of fair trade in business by keeping confidence ahead of all. The most important working principle of Cantoy is to be open, clear and honest perfectly in communication with manufacturers clients and suppliers. Cantoy Tekstil is so successful due to its world-class range of products and serving in the professional level. The company never compromises the value of the concessions up to this time and will never as long as there is. Cantoy Tekstil is a global company, which has achieved this success in its country and strives to do it in the world step by step.

Компания «CANTOY» начала своё существование в 1979 году. Наша компания занималась детской игрушкой, а с 1996 года - перешла надетскую одежду-текстиль и продолжает по сегодняшний день. Компания «CANTOY» находится в Бурсе на улице Вишни, располагается на пяти этажах, площадью 2,500 кв.м с персоналом в составе 22 человек. Также у нас есть филиал, который находится в Истанбулеево. Располагается на пяти этажах, площадью 350 кв. м. с персоналом в составе 8 человек. Первым признаком работы нашей компании является- Честность, Порядочность, Внимание и Доверие. Компания «CANTOY» не уступает мировым стандартам по качеству обслуживания и профессионализму нашего персонала и мы на протяжении всех этих лет – развиваемся всё лучше и лучше. Наша компания выбрала правильный путь и продолжает по нему идти. Завоевав доверие в своей стране – мы шаг за шагом выходим на мировой уровень. БУДЕМ РАДЫ – СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВУ С ВАМИ !!!

12 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Elsima Türkiye’nin modern çocuk pijamaları üreten bir tekstil markasıdır. Elsima 1 ve 18 yas arası pijamalar üretmektedir. İlkbahar-Yaz ve Sonbahar-Kış olmak üzere her sene yeni kolleksiyonlar tasarlamaktadır. Şirket 1986 yılında kurulmuştur. Özgün tasarım, kaliteli ürünler, en iyi fiyat ve çocuk sağlığı firmanın temel vizyonudur. Günümüzde Elsima ürünlerini 40 dan fazla ülkeye ihraç etmektedir. Şirketin hedefi dünyanın en çok tanınan çocuk markalarından biri olmaktır.

Elsima is a textile brand which produces modern child’s pyjamas in Turkey. Elsima produces pyjamas between 1 and 18 ages. The company creates new collections as Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter in every year. The company was founded in 1986. Unique design , quality products , best price and health of children are vision of Elsima. Today, Elsima exports its products more than 40 countries. The company aims to be one of the well-known kids brand in the World. Elsima является текстильная бренд, который производит пижамы современного ребенка в Турции. Elsima производит пижаму от 1 до 18 века. Компания создает новые коллекции как весна-лето и осень-зима каждый год. Компания была основана в 1986 году уникальный дизайн, качество продукции, лучшие цены и здоровье детей являются видение Elsima. Сегодня Elsima экспортирует свою продукцию более чем в 40 странах. Компания стремится быть одним из хорошо известной детский бренд в мире.

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Детские Lion City & Крошечные Binimo с ‘’ Одежда Качество начинается с детства « * Для того чтобы предложить лучший переход на органические ткани младенца Lion City, интегрирован в сайт добавит инновации для разработки бренда и ценности «Качество одежды начинается с детства» Детские Lion City Качество Девиз стремится довести уровень в пределах досягаемости каждого и продолжает свою деятельность в этом направлении. Продукты со всех уровней аудитории, заявляющие, что они встречаются с младенцем Lion City генеральный менеджер Фатма Gokce, мать возвращается, которые они получают от своих семей отвечают ожиданиям и мотивировать себя, сказал он. Ребенок Лев Город в соответствии с чувствительной кожей младенцев и детей, разработки продуктов, которые отражают вкусы целевой аудитории и также производит. В этом смысле, полные знаки от клиентов бренда, «Качество это не случайность,» говорит он. Он обращает внимание на успешное взятие младенца Lion City маркетинга. 2017 Коллекция Весна / Лето контакт «лес» с дороги к младенцу города Льва, красота природы детей, ставит своей целью популяризации леса. В коллекции цветовой гамме и зеленые оттенки зеленого, желтого, синего и розового цвета поразительны. Дети принимаются в восхитительном приключении в природе. Они вдохновляют все, что они видят в процессе проектирования в природе, которые разделяют Фатма Gokce, «тратить много усилий все команды, я думаю, что мы пришли в нужное место. В этом смысле результаты не удовлетворяют нас всех «, заключил он свои замечания ..

Baby City & Tiny Binimo with ‘’ Quality clothing starts with babies ‘’ * Aslan Baby City, which switches to organic fabrics in order to offer better, integrates innovations that will develop and value brands. With the motto of ‘Quality clothing starts from babies’, Aslan Baby City aims to bring quality to the level that everyone can reach and continues its activities in this direction. Fatma Gökçe, General Manager of Aslan Baby City, stated that they meet the target audience and products from every level and stated that they have met their expectations and motivated the return they get from their families. Aslan Baby City is designing and producing products that reflect the pleasures of the segment that appeals to baby and children’s sensitive skin. In this sense, the brand that receives a full note from its customers, “Quality is never a coincidence.” Aslan Baby City catches success in the field of marketing is also noticed. Aslan Baby City, which launched in 2017 Spring / Summer collection with the theme of “FOREST”, aims to love the beauties of nature and forests to children. The color scale of the collection is filled with green and green tones, hugs, blues and pinks. Children are thrown into a pleasant adventure in nature. Fatma Gökçe, who shares the inspiration of everything they see in nature during the design process, “I think we have come to the right place by spending a great deal of effort. The result that came out in this sense satisfied all of us. “

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Bektay Ayakkabı has been designing and manufacturing footwear and socks for babies, infants and toddlers in Istanbul,Turkey since 1989. Bektay Ayakkabı Aleading designer and Turkish manufactured brand, provides a variety of excellent designs to suit every taste, from traditional to modern and quirky. Comprising products for babies, toddlers to suit ages between 0-3.Bektay Ayakkabi uses luxurious, soft and safe, carcinogenic and azo dye-free materials to provide total comfort and warmth for little growing feet. Bektay ayakkabi has its own showroom and factory located in Sultangazi, Istanbul and has been exporting to UK, France, Ukraine and Russia. Bektay Ayakkabi Plans to expand wolrdwide to be able to bring its excellent quality and trendy products, to a wider customer base.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Unsere seit 1989 tätige Firma Bektay Schuhe , steht für frisches und modernes Design, verbunden mit Spitzenqualität. Wir fertigen Baby – und Krabbelschuhe und Strümpfe für 0-3 Jährige. Als eine der führenden Unternehmen im Markt, legen wir sehr großen Wert, auf die Gesundheit von Babys und vermitteln mit unseren Waren ein sehr besonderes bequemes Laufgefühl. Wichtige Unternehmenswerte sind: Qualität , Nachhaltigkeit und es werden während der Produktion von Rohmaterialien und Zubehören auf keinen Fall schadstoffgeprüfte Materialen benutzt. Die Kollektion wird in Folge der weltweit berühmten Trendy Modelle vorbereitet. Wir produzieren ausschließlich in unseren eigenen Schuhmanufaktur. Unsere Fabrik und das Showroom ist in Istanbul / Sultangazi. Es werden hochwertig qualitative Rohwaren benutzt. Gleichzeitig exportieren wir Schuhe ins Ausland wie zum Beispiel: England, Frankreich, Ukraine und Russland. Als Unternehmen erzielen wir; unseren Kunden im In und Ausland immer das Beste und das Hochwertige in Verfügung zu stellen. Dabei verzichten wir aber auf keinen Fall darauf ; Neuigkeiten zu verfolgen und Qualität. Lassen Sie sich von uns und unseren Waren überzeugen. Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

20 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey

2017 Bizler Birlik Dış Ticaret A.Ş. olarak bebeklerin sağlıklı gelişimi için, güvenilir ve kaliteli malzemeleri tedarik etmenin sorumluluğunu, hem ebeveyn kimliğimizle hem de sektör profesyonelleri olarak gururla taşıyoruz. Başarımız, bebeklerin ihtiyaçlarını kendi ihtiyaçlarımızdan üstün tutarak, hep daha iyisi düsturuyla kazandığımız 32 yıllık sektör tecrübemizin sonucudur. Lider markamız Bebedor güçlü ve başarılı dağıtım ağıyla 25 ülkede, ebeveynlere ve bebeklere ulaşıyor. Başarımızın temelinde, aynı inançla ve özveri ile çok çalışan, büyük bir ekibin gücü var. Her bir Birlik çalışanı bebeklerin sağlıklı gelişimi ve ailelerinin mutluluğu için üzerine düşen sorumluluğu başarıyla taşıyor. Bebek ürünleri sektöründeki 30 yıllık tecrübemizle, bugün ve gelecekte de bebeklerin ve ebeveynlerinin yanında olacağız. Çünkü onların mutluluğu bizlerin de mutluluğudur… Güveniniz için teşekkür ederiz…. We, first as parents and then as baby care professionals, know the importance given to babies’ healthy growth and the responsibility of supplying safe and quality products. For the 30 years that we have been in the baby care business, we have carried this responsibility with success, keeping baby’s interests above ours. Bebedor, our leading brand, is successfully distributed in 25 countries and caters to the needs of parents and babies alike. This success is based on the human factor in our company; from the general manager to the simple employee, every member of the Birlik family is dedicated to the healthy growth of the babies and the happiness of their families. After all, when baby is happy, mommy and daddy are happy too, and so are we… Thank you for your trust… Мы, как компания «Бирлик Дыш Тиджарет А.Ш.» (Birlik Dış Ticaret A.Ş.), с гордостью несем звание профессионалов сектора и также как ответственные родители несем ответственность за поставку надежных и безопасных материалов для развития здоровья младенцев. Наш успех – это наш 32-х летний опыт работы в секторе, полученный посредством девиза всегда еще лучше, и благодаря тому, что мы ставим потребности младенцев выше, чем наши собственные потребности. Наш бренд-лидер Бебедор (Bebedor) с помощью сильной и успешной сети распределения доходит до родителей и младенцев в 25 странах. В основе нашего успеха имеется сила большой команды, усердно работающей с той же настойчивостью и преданностью. Каждый из сотрудников Бирлик с успехом выполняет обязанности, которые возлагаются на него, для счастья семей и развития здоровья младенцев. Мы благодаря нашего 30-и летнему опыту в секторе продукции для младенцев сегодня и в будущем всегда будем рядом с младенцами и родителями. Потому что их счастье – это и наше счастье... Благодарим за ваше доверие...

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2010 yılında kurulan firma, anne ve 0-3 yaş bebeklerin, bu dönemdeki hayatlarını kolaylaştırıcı konsepte uygun ürün araştırıp, geliştirerek en iyi kalite ve en iyi fiyatta sunmak için yola çıktı. Günden güne ürün ağını geliştirerek Türkiye’nin tüm bölgelerinde tanınan Moje bebek ürünleri, artık kabul gören, güven duyulan bir misyonu bizlere kazandırdı. Firma hedefi, bu ağı daha da geliştirip en iyi ürün, en iyi hizmet anlayışı ile geldiğimiz noktadan daha ileri noktalara ulaşmak. Ürünlerimiz bebek sağlığı düşünülerek üretiliyor. Ürünlerimizde sağlığa zararlı kanserojen hiçbir katkı maddesi bulunmuyor. Ayrıca işlenmemiş doğadaki ilk hali ile kullanılan ürünlerden oluşan ayrı bir gruptaki ürünlerimiz de organik ismiyle ürün çeşidimizin içinde yer alıyor. Tüm ürünlerimizi doğaya zarar vermeyecek ürünlerden seçiyoruz. Bizim için bebeklerimiz kadar doğa ve çevre de önemli. Tüm ürünlerimizin imalatı Türk imalatı olup kendi bünyemizde gerçekleşiyor.

Founded in 2010, the company performs to provide the best quality and best price for the mother and 0-3 year old babies in this period by exploring and developing the products in accordance with the concept that facilitates them. Moje baby products, which are known in all regions of Turkey by developing the product line of day-to-day, have earned a trusting mission that is now accepted. The company aims to further develop this network and reach more points than we have come up with the best product, best service. Our products are produced considering baby health. There are no harmful carcinogenic substances in our products. In addition, our products in a separate group of unprocessed products that are used in the original state of nature are also included in our product range with their organic name. We choose all our products from products that will not harm nature. For us, nature and environment are as important as our babies. All of our products are manufactured in our own facility and they are made in Turkey.

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2017 BİRLİK ÇEYİZ TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ VE SARRAFİYE SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. was founded in 1996 working on home textiles and jewelry branches.In 2010, we started producing baby products under the brand name of HAPPY BABY. Today, we are operating in a 6000 m2 open and 3000 m2 closed production area. We use first quality profile pipes, fabrics and sponges in our products and always keep our quality at the top notch. Our firm, producing secure and comfy products for our kids, is climbing up higher and higher in the sector each and every day. While designing our baby and kids products, our priority is to use certified products for their health and safety and by that we mean international security standards. COMFY AND SECURE AS A MOTHER’S BOSOM Every baby’s desire is to have sweet dreams in his/her mother’s bossom.So, we are inspired by a mother’s bossom while designing our products.We aim to enrich our kids’ imaginary worlds and make them happy and safe by choosing the right colors,ornaments and pattern designs. We practise everthing we think of for one reason:To touch a baby’s life and make him/her happy.And we know that we will get the best present of life in return: A baby’s smile. We thank all of our technical staff and clients for supporting us in the process.

ДЛЯ СЧАСТЛИВЫХ ДЕТЕЙ Компания BİRLİK ÇEYİZ TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ VE SARRAFİYE SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. начала свою деятельность в 1996 году в секторе домашнего текстиля и ювелирного дела. В 2010 году компания начала производство детских товаров под торговой маркой HAPPY BABY. В настоящее время мощности компании включают 6000м2 открытых и 3000м2 закрытых помещений. При производстве продукции мы используем профильные трубы высшего качества, ткани и поролон. Качество нашей продукции всегда самое высокое. Наша компания производит надежные и комфортные товары для детей, являющихся залогом нашего с вами будущего, а также предоставляет различные услуги в этой сфере. Мы используем самые безопасные материалы, и с каждым днем мы занимаем все более высокие позиции в своем секторе. Разрабатывая товары для младенцев и детей, мы прежде всего заботимся об их здоровье и безопасности, поэтому мы учитываем международные стандарты безопасности и используем товары, отвечающие этим требованиям. Удобно и безопасно, словно на руках у матери… Нет ни одного малыша, который бы не видел розовые сны на руках у матери, дарующих покой и безопасность… Поэтому при разработке продукции источником вдохновения послужили материнские объятия. Выбор цветов и узоров продукции обусловлен нашим желанием еще больше обогатить мир детских грёз. Своей деятельностью мы стремимся сделать вклад в счастливое и безопасное детство наших детей, нашего будущего. Все идеи, которые мы претворяем в жизнь, преследуют одну единственную цель – прикоснуться к жизни малыша и сделать его счастливым… Мы знаем, что в ответ мы получим самый важный подарок – его улыбку… Мы благодарим всех наших технических сотрудников и вас, дорогие покупатели, за то, что вы поддерживаете нас на этом пути.

BİRLİK ÇEYİZ TEKSTİL ÜRÜNLERİ ve SARRAFİYE SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 1996 yılında ev tekstili ve kuyumculuk alanında faaliyete başlamıştır. 2010 yılında çocuk araç ve gereçleri imalatına HAPPY BABY markası adı altında başlamıştır. Şuan 6000 m2 açık ve 3000m2 kapalı alanda faaliyet göstermektedir. Ürünlerimizde; birinci kalite profil boru, kumaş ve sünger kullanarak kalitemizi sürekli üst seviyede tutmaktayız. Geleceğimizin teminatı çocuklarımız için güvenilir ve konforlu ürünler ile hizmet veren firmamız ürünlerinde en güvenli malzemeleri kullanarak sektördeki yerini gün geçtikçe daha yükseğe taşımaktadır. Bebek ve çocuk ürünlerimizi tasarlarken öncelikle onların sağlık ve güvenliği doğrultusunda onaylı ürünleri kullanmakta ve bu konuda uluslarası güvenlik standartlarını dikkate almaktayız.. Anne kucağı kadar rahat ve güvenli ….. Evet hiç bir bebek yokturki bir annenin huzurlu ve güvenli kollarında pembe rüyalara dalmasın…bu yüzden ürünlerimizi tasarlerken anne kucağından ilham aldık,seçtiğimiz renkler ve desenlerle onların hayal dünyasını dahada zenginleştirerek, geleceğimiz olan çocuklarımızı mutlu ve güvenli büyütme yolunda bir pencerede biz açalım istedik.. Aklımıza geçen her şeyi tek bir amaçla hayata geçiriyoruz; bir bebeğin yaşamına dokunmak ve onu mutlu etmek...Bunun karşılığında biliyoruz ki hayatın en önemli hediyesini alacağız; bir bebeğin gülümsemesini... Bu aşamada bize destek veren teknik ekibimize ve siz değerli müşterilerimize teşekkür ederiz...

26 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey

2017 Since its establishment in 1984 Hamleteks Textile, started the business with baby stores. In the year 1996, it built up Funny Baby brand and it produced baby booties. Funny Baby is one of the leading companyies in baby booties sector. Hamleteks Textile is developing new goods inside of the baby textile and shoe sector. It is always innovating new product groups, doing new models and increasing the productivity. Hamleteks Textile main goal is, create the new mentality with their high quality and innovator models of the goods in all around the world. Funny Baby knows very well the importance of baby. Because of that, it is tracking all the innovations and it is following all new development in the sector. Then it is giving the best service with its power to the customer. Funny Baby also adapted to quality management system for customer satisfaction on its sales and after sales organization. Because of that, Funny Baby care the human research , education and productivity. Funny Baby is also chosen by the out of local market because of their quality, production and power. Funny Baby will continue the business with its professionalism, best service, high quality production and wide range of products in the future. Hamleteks Tekstil, 1984 yılında bebe mağazacılığıyla ticaret hayatına başlamış, 1996’lı yılların başından itibaren FUNNY markası ile bebe patiği ve konfeksiyonu üretimine devam etmiştir. Kurulduğu günden bu güne sektörünün öncüsü olmuştur Hamleteks. Teks.San.Tc.Ltd. Şti, bebe tekstili ve ayakkabısı sektöründe yenilikler yaratmakta, ürün yelpazesini ve çeşitliligini sürekli geliştirmekte, etkinliğini ve örgütsel verimliliğini artırmaktadır. Hamleteks’in çalıştığı firmalarla ortak amacı, yüksek kalite standartlarında üretilen, yenilikçi, özel isteklere cevap verebilen ürünlerle, Türkiye’de ve dünyada yeni ufuklar açabilmektir. Bebeklerimizin değerini ve önemini iyi bilen Funny Baby, sektöründeki tüm yenilikleri ve trendleri çok yakından takip ederek, müşterilerinin çeşitlilik gösteren gereksinim ve beklentilerinin üzerinde güvenilir ürünleri sunmanın haklı gururunu taşımaktadır. Funny Baby, yukarıda sıralanan hizmetlerinin yanısıra, satış ve satış sonrası hizmetlerinde “Müşteri Memnuniyetini” en üst düzeyde oluşturmak ve devamlılığını sağlamak için Kalite Yönetim Sistemi’ni benimsemiştir. Bu amaçla da, teknolojiye olduğu kadar, insan kaynakları, kaynakların etkin ve bilinçli kullanılması, eğitim vb. konulara da gerekli önemi göstermektedir. Müşterilerinin çeşitlilik gösteren gereksinim ve beklentilerini karşılayacak geniş kapsamlı ve müşteri odaklı çözümleri sunan, kullanıcı ile ergonomi ve modayı buluşturan FUNNY baby, bebeğinizin sağlığına verdiği önemden dolayı sadece yurt içinde değil yurt dışında da tercih edilen bir marka olmuştur. FUNNY baby, Üstün hizmet anlayışı, yüksek üretim kapasitesi, geniş ürün yelpazesi, model, çeşit ve kaliteden ödün vermeyen ilkesi ile yükselen değer olmak için profesyonel ve modern yönetimi ile çalışmalarını devam ettirecektir.

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Stylo is a Turkish brand which produces exclusive bags for mothers to make their life easier. We use the finest and most durable materials on each bag. We market our bags in different stores and also you can order it from websites. We offer different bag styles classic, modern so be sure that you will find your bag style. When consider our quality policy, we care about our brands name, quality of the bags, good feedbacks from our customers and following the trends. Carrying out effective R & D work in order to protect ‘Stylo’ brand, our company pays great attention to every detail from production to offer to end user. Our basic philosophy is quality of the bag, customers ‘ satisfaction and to keep up with the trends at the same time. Our mission is to make our brand known all around the world, and show our current bags and the new bags that we will do. STYLO is the answer when you need the perfect bag.As a result of one-to-one contacts with 1528 parents at all sales points, some following features are required to be in a baby bag; Length, height, width, color combination, area of use, pockets, thermo-part, area of use in the field of wet wipes, fabric and price. All these features carefully designed by La Onikidesing and offered to mothers.

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“Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Учредено в 1994 году. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Осуществляет производству, эксопрту и импорту любые виды Текстильные Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Козметические Изделия для грудных ребёнок, Изделия для заботы для грудных ребёнок 0 – 3 года. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является адрес более 10.000 (ресять тысячь) виды изделий и 120 торговых марок ; с утки для движения – по соску, с люлки – по повозку . “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одно незаменимое предприятие и оказывающее услуги клиентам в городе Стамбуле являющем зрачку Мира для предпринимателей хотящий открывать магазинов и развивать своих фирм в областе изделий для Грудных Ребёнок и Детей. “Бэбе Чейиз Сарайы Текстиль Тиджарет Лимитед Ширкети» : Является одна крыша решительности и надеждности, где встречаются Мировых марок для изделий грудного ребёнка и многолетных опытов в этой областе. Эта марка является продукция 100 % инвестиционного капитала Турции и зарегистрирована под названием «Себи». Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic.Ltd.Şti: was established in 1994. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is for babies between 0-3 ages: It produces, exports and imports Baby Textile products, Baby Cosmetic products, Baby Care products, Baby Equipments, toys.... Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is the address of around 10 000 (ten thousand) type of products and 120 brands from Bodies to Pacifiers, form Cradles to prams. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: It is a unique enterprise rendering services in the apple of world’s eye Istanbul, and which will be preferred by those who wish to open Baby and Children’s stores and to develop their firms in this area. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: This is the trademark where stability, reliability, quality and worldwide baby brands come together under one roof and has many years of experience. This brand is the product of 100% domestic capital and it is the registered trademark of Turkey “Sebi”.

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist 1994 gegründet. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: produziert, importiert und exportiert Baby- Textilien, Baby- Kosmetik, BabyPflege, Spielzeuge, Kinderartikel für Babys 3 bis 3 Jahren. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist die Adresse von 120 Marken und ca. 10.000 (Zehn Tausend) Produkten von Body über Schnuller, Wiege bis hin Kinderwagen. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist ein Unternehmen, das von denen, die beabsichtigen, Laden im Bereich Baby und Kind zu eröffnen und ihren Betrieb in diesem Bereich weiterzuentwickeln, bevorzugt wird. Das Unternehmen geht seinen Geschäften in der Weltstadt Istanbul nach. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: ist eine Marke langjähriger Erfahrung, in der sich Entschiedenheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Qualität sowie weitweite Baby-Marken unter einem Dach zusammentreffen. Diese Marke ist ein Produkt von % 100 inländischem Kapital. Die eingetragene Marke ist „Sebi“

Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: 1994 yılında kuruldu. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: 0-3 Yaş Bebeler için :Bebe Tekstil ürünleri, Bebe Kozmetik ürünleri, Bebe Bakım ürünleri, Bebe Araç, gereç, oyuncak… Üretir, ihraç eder ve ithalatını yapar. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Badiden-Emziğe, Beşikten-Arabaya yaklaşık; 10.000 (On bin) Çeşit ürün ve 120 Markanın aynı çatı altında toplandığı firmadır. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Bebe ve Çocuk alanında mağaza açmak ve bu alanda firmasını geliştirmek isteyenlerin tercih edecek olduğu dünyanın göz bebeği İstanbul’da hizmet veren ve eşi bulunmayan bir işletmedir. Bebe Çeyiz Sarayı Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti: Kararlılığın, güvenin, kalitenin ve Dünya çapında bebe markalarının aynı çatı altında buluştuğu ve yılların deneyiminin markasıdır. Bu marka % 100 Yerli sermayenin ürünü Türkiye’nin tescilli markası “Sebi” dir. 32 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Company “Fatihim Tekstil” (Trademark “Bursa Vişne Bebe”) started its activities in 1987. The company is engaged in manufacturing and wholesale of clothing for babies and children aged 0 to 16 years. Today “Fatihim Tekstil” exports its products to more than 40 countries worldwide.

Company “Fatihim Tekstil” (Warenzeichen “Bursa Visne Bebe”) begann seine Tätigkeit im Jahr 1987. Das Unternehmen ist in der Herstellung und Großhandel von Kleidung für Babys und Kinder im Alter von 0 bis 16 Jahren engagiert ist. Heute “Fatihim Tekstil” exportiert seine Produkte in mehr als 40 Ländern weltweit.

Компания “Fatihim Tekstil” (торговая марка “Bursa Vişne Bebe”) начала свою деятельность в 1987 году компания занимается производством и оптовой продажей одежды для младенцев и детей в возрасте от 0 до 16 лет. Сегодня “Fatihim Tekstil” экспортирует свою продукцию в более чем 40 странах по всему миру.

36 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey

2017 Anne Dokunuşu Gibi… Yıllardır farklı markalar adı altında Üretim, toptan ve perakende satış alanlarında faaliyet gösteren firmamız şimdi yeni markasıyla pazarda yerini almak için yılların tecrübe ve birikimini yeni markası Luggibaby ile yansıtmaya çalışacaktır. Geçmiş dönemde tüketicinin güvenini kazanan marka aynı kararlılık sorumluluk ve emin adımlarla sektörde söz sahibi olmayı hedeflemektedir. Yeni markası ile eski tecrübelerini birleştirerek tüketicilere daha kaliteli ürünler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. “En değerliniz bizim için de değerlidir” sloganı ile yola çıkan Luggibaby %100 pamuk olan sağlıklı ürünleriyle bebeğinize rahatlık, huzur ve mutluluk katacaktır. Luggibaby daha çok kazanç yerine “sağlıklı kaliteli ürün ve müşteri memnuniyeti” anlayışını prensip edinmiştir. Koşulsuz müşteri memnuniyetini ilke edinmiş olan Luggibaby, üretim kalitesi uzman kadrosu ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile pazarlardaki payını her geçen gün müşterilerine sunduğu iyi hizmet ile arttırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ürün grubu yelpazesiyle ne kadar hassas bir noktada olduğunu bilen Luggibaby bütün üretim ve satış aşamalarında bu sorumluluk bilincini göz ardı etmeden hareket etmektedir. Çalışanı, üreticisi ve tüketicisi ile el ele vererek geleceğin büyük insanlarının küçücük bedenlerini sımsıcak saracak; kimyasal katkı maddesi olmayan sağlıklı, naturel ürünler üretmeye kararlılık ile devam edecektir. Birlikte üretip, birlikte kazanmak dileğiyle…

As a mother’s touch Operating in the field of production, wholesale and retail under several brand names with many years of experience for years, our company is now to take place in the market with a new brand, Luggibaby. Winning the confidence of the consumer in the past, the brand aims to be leader with the same responsibility, stability by taking firm steps forward in the sector. Combining old experience with its new brand, the company aims to provide better quality products to consumers. With the motto of ‘Your most valuable is valuable for us’, Luggibaby offers 100% cotton healthy products to provide your baby comfort, peace and happiness. Luggibaby adopts ‘healthy quality products and Customer Satisfaction’ instead of earning more. Adopting unconditional customer satisfaction, Luggibaby increases its market share with production quality, expert staff, good service and social responsibility for its customers each passing day. Being aware of in a sensitive point for range of product, Luggibaby performs in all production and sales processes without ignoring this responsibility. Collaborating with its employees, manufacturers and consumers on offering natural, healthy and without chemical additives products to embrace tiny body of the great people of the future, the company will continue to manufacture with the same principle pertinaciously. Hope to produce together, win together... КАК МАМИНО ПРИКОСНОВЕНИЕ!!!!!! Наша фирма долгие годы работает как оптовым так и розничным производителем детской одежды. С годами набранным опытом работы представляем вам нашу новую марку LUGGI BABY .Профессиональный и ответственный коллектив LUGGY BABY представляет свой качественный товар на Российском рынке . Наша продукция для самых маленьких поэтому мы знаем как нужно аккуратно и внимательно к нему относиться . С девизом ‘’САМОЕ ДОРОГОЕ ДЛЯ ВАС И ДЛЯ НАС ДОРОГО !!!!! ‘’ наша новая марка LUGGY BABY представляет % 100 хлопковая продукция для счастья удобства и спокойствия ваших малышей. Для нас понятие ‘’Здоровый качественный товар и довольный покупатель ‘’ больше чем заработок . НАШ товар не вредит здоровью и не содержит вредных химических веществ . Новая марка с набранным опытом работы представляет еще лучшую качественную продукцию. С ЖЕЛАНИЕМ ВМЕСТЕ РАБОТАТЬ И ВМЕСТЕ ЗАРАБАТЫВАТЬ ………….

38 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


ALG LİFE 1991 yılında perakende sektörüne başlaması ile birlikte, müşteri taleplerinin analizleri sonucunda ve müşterilerine en iyi hizmeti sunabilmek için; ARGE faaliyetlerini yurt içi ve yurtdışı olarak genişletti. Kaliteyi uygun fiyatta müşterileriyle buluşturmayı hedefleyerek, 1996 yılında Gaziantep’te üretim için çalışmalar başladı. 2009 yılında 3500 m2 alanda 1-12 yaş arası kız ve erkek çocuk üretimine başlayarak, yoğun talebi karşılayabilmek için sürekli büyüyerek 2015 yılında 10000 m2 alanda son teknoloji makinelerle fabrikada aylık 1500.000 adet üretim yaparak; yurtiçi ve yurtdışına ALMİ VE ESSU markalarıyla hizmet vermektedir. ALG LİFE, yurtiçi distribütörlüklerin yanında, 2016 itibariyle yurtdışı distribütörlükler vermeye başlamıştır.

Beginning to operate in the retail sector in 1991, ALG LİFE expanded its activities both at home and abroad with its R&D activities in order to provide the best service to the customers as a result of the analysis of the customer requests. The company started to work for production by aiming to meet qualified customers with quality at a reasonable price in 1996 in Gaziantep. It started to produce boys and girls between the ages of 1 to 12 in 3500 m2 area in 2009 and is growing continuously in order to meet the intense demand and by producing 1,500,000 units per month in the factory in 10000 m2 area with the latest technology machines. ALG LİFE serves for domestic and abroad with its ALMİ and ESSU brands. ALG LIFE, besides domestic distributorships, started to give distributorships abroad as of 2016.

ALG LIF 1991 году в секторе розничной торговли до Basler осуществляется, анализ спроса клиентов на результаты и Клиентам предложить лучшее обслуживание; ARGEM страны и за рубежом в расширяющейся КАЧЕСТВА демократичной цене в 1996 году ставит перед собой цель довести КЛИЕНТА Газиантеп ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ДЛЯ РАБОТАЮЩИХ исследований было инициировано. 3500 м2 в 2009 мальчиков и девочек 1-12 ВОЗРАСТ НАЧАЛА производственная площадь на, есть спрос на устойчивый рост удовлетворения к 2015 году 10000m2 AREA В течение последнего ЕЖЕМЕСЯЧНОГО teknojileri с 1500.000ADET машинного производства нашего завода; ALM дома и за рубежом, чтобы служить нашему бренду и Эсси. ALG Внутренняя жизнь ВМЕСТЕ DİSBİRÜTÖRLÜK 2016 DİSBİRÜTÖRLÜK НЕ AS за рубежом началось.

42 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Founded in 1983, Lay Baby Bebe produces child tricot and home textile. Offering quality and healthy products for mothers, expectant mothers and children, firm manufactures dress, tights, festive groups, binary and trio children suits, overalls and dressy. Marketing all its models and collections, which are prepared in-house, in distinguished shop across Turkey through a network of 150 dealers, the company exports knitwear and textiles to many countries including European countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Offering healthy and quality products under its Lay Lay and Babywell brands, Lay Lay Tekstil performs an annual production of 260 thousand units with over 250 employees. Opened to world, combining their skills in model design with originality, Lay Lay fully meets the expectations of global customers. Not only being economical, but also being high quality, reliable and timely delivery of products are playing great role for meeting need in national and international competitive environment. For this purpose, Lay Lay Bebe improves itself with motto of “efficiency and customer satisfaction” and aims to meet customer requests in an economical, high quality, reliable and timely delivery way. “Happy employees, happy employers, happy customers and happy society” but it is possible with the application of social responsibility so Lay Lay performs many work on behalf of social responsibility. Наша компания начала свое производство с трикотажных изделий в 1983 году. На протяжении многих лет фирма занимается экспортом трикотажа во многие страны мира, главным образом в европейские страны. Производство трикотажных изделий для детей и домашнего текстиля продолжается и по сей день. “Счастье начинается с малого”, под этим лозунгом с 2000 года по сегодняшний день нашей целью является промышленность текстиля для «крошек». Мы имеем более 150 брендов дилерской сети по всей Турции. Наша главная цель, производство полезной и качественной продукции для матерей, беременных и детей. Ткани и аксессуары, используемые в наших товарах, не содержат канцерогенных веществ. Наша компания выпускает свои готовые коллекции и эскизы моделей в некоторых магазинах на каждый вкус. Мы не следуем моде, мы являемся ее дизайнерами. На ряду с производством качественной и полезной продукции для матери и ребенка, важным является тот факт, чтобы продукция всем подходила по вкусу . «Лайлай» имеет широкую сеть дилеров по всей Турции и предлагает для Вас самый лучшее качество. Благодаря всем Вашим потребностям и запросам наша фирма продолжает расти и развиваться.

44 Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey


Go ahead one step more with UR-GE! The UR-GE projects organized by the Turkish Chambers of Commerce aim to improve the export capacity of the producer companies, to direct firms to target markets and to ensure stability in exports. With this project, Turkish companies play an active role in the international markets.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

Within the scope of the UR-GE project, mobilization is being initiated by participating in international fairs under the leadership of business associations and organizing visits to target country markets on the basis of the cluster approach. With the UR-GE projects organized under the Ministry of Economy, Turkish companies are one step ahead of the competition. With this project, companies aim to be more active in competition in order to develop themselves, to have an active profile in international arena with their brands and to reach new markets in exports. Effective projects are being developed to provide this. It is planned that the companies participating in the UR-GE project will complete the deficiencies in this area by carrying out actions and activities aimed at exporting such as joint strategic needs analysis, joint learning (training and consulting) and joint marketing (promotion, brand, trade delegation, matching) under the leadership of the project preparation organization. 75% of the cost of these projects is covered by the Ministry of Economy and the remaining 25% is covered by the companies participating in the project.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Reach new markets with UR-GE The cluster of companies that come together is the key to success in the project. The project, which is also a mission to promote exports, brings companies together with new markets and professional business partners thanks to their overseas visits and B2B opinions. Here, 75% incentive provided by the Ministry of Economy attracts attention as a driving force in exports. What is done with UR-GE? “Needs Analysis” is performed first with the project. A common vision is being set up after a preparatory phase. A 3-year strategic plan is being created within the framework of the vision. Macro & micro competitiveness analyzes are based on and the pulse of trends in the sector is kept. On the other hand, companies are analyzing to catch up with new developments and to improve continuously. Steps are taken in order to find out the missing points and to benefit from the studies carried out from this direction. By evaluating foreign market opportunities, the Turkish baby kid industry is brought together with professionals and business partners around the world. Under the UR-GE project; • Foreign Trade Management • International Marketing and Electronic Commerce • Branding • Innovation and Clustering • Institutionalization and Human Resources Management • Information and Communication Technologies • Financial Management and Risk Management • Quality and Efficiency • Project Management and Strategic Management • Fashion and Design • Sector specific issues deemed appropriate by the Ministry as well as important training and consulting activities. Turkish firms have new successes abroad with UR-GE Turkish companies, who show themselves international fairs with government incentive, make new successes in international arenas by blending their original designs with quality. With UR-Ge, cluster companies contribute to the Turkish economy with international fairs and international business trips that create potential for the target sector. As a result of these business trips, high potential markets for export are invited to important Turkish fairs and manufacturing facilities of the companies that bring the sector together. Thus, business partners are made stronger by seeing the production place and knowing companies more closely. Within the scope of the UR-GE project, ‘Information and Communication Technology, Financial Management, and Risk Management, Quality and Efficiency, Generation and Supply Chain Management, procurement of consultancy services on other issues specific to the Ministry of eligible firms need’ activities are supported. UR-GE is organized through the following business associations; • Exporters’ Unions • Provincial Industry / Commerce Chambers • TOBB, TIM and DEIK. • The Technology Development Affairs • Organized Industry Zones • Industry Zones • Sector Manufacturer Associations • Sector Business Trading Company Ltd. (SDS) • Associations, associations or cooperatives established by manufacturers.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

Turkey Children’s Clothing Sector Aims to Grasp the Russian Market Bursa which is the 3rd city of the clothing sector in Turkey continues to be well ahead of the baby and children’s clothing and solely meets 80% of the manufacturing in Turkey. The sector which had the aim for the companies to have awareness on common action, increase in export capacity, penetrate in new markets and create more comprehensive business models in the long term created the Juniokids brand which serves the aims. Juniokids brand, represents 73 manufacturing companies, will add value to the sector with its brand awareness.

Juniokids will exhibit at the next edition of CJF International Exhibition from 20th to 24th of February in Moscow. 17 companies of the cluster will present their latest products in children’s fashion and childcare. The Turkish pavilion Juniokids will be located at the Pavilion No.1, Upper Level, Booth 12A01. Our companies which represent the values that distinguish the Turkish brands of children’s clothing, aim to be the trendsetters in the world with their high quality, distinctive design and comfortable clothing and childcare products. Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Turkey and Russian trade and cooperation develop at all areas!

We conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Aydar Gaşigullin, Russian Trade Representative in Ankara How the use of national currencies in bilateral transactions may effect the relations between Russia and Turkey? Legal base, infra-structure and mechanisms have been established for the use of national currencies in joint investments projects. Seven Turkish bank are in the operation and they use national currency. Denizbank, a bank of Sberbank operates successfully in Turkey. Measures are taken to facilitate the stock exchange in Moscow Bourse trading on Ruble and Turkish Lira. MIR credit cards may soon be used in Turkey. At the Finansbank Cooperation Group meeting held in Sochi on 1011 November 2016, Russian and Turkish bankers discussed measures toe pand relations between banks and to use local currency for tra ding among countries. The possibility of stock market sales with the Ruble and Turkish Lira in the Moscow Stock Exchange and the prob lems with the use of the MİR credit card in Turkey were also discussed. In addition, the parties decided in 1997 to revise the agreement signed by the Central Bank of Russia and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in 1997. We hope that the relations between Russia and the Turkish banks will develop in the future and that the cooperation in this area will be compatible with the rapidly developing commercial and economic cooperation between our countries. Do you think that the target of reaching 100 billion dollars of trade volume between Russia and Turkey


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

will come to the agenda again? How do you evaluate commercial perspectives in 2017? The Russian-Turkish relations developed very intensely. Collaboration continued in almost all areas, from energy to culture. The two leaders were aiming for a trade volume of up to $ 100 billion and conditions were good to do so. Within a few years, the volume of trade with Russia and Turkey exceeded 30 billion dollars; the total volume of trade of goods and services was about 50 billion dol lars each year. Investment cooperation was also actively developing. In order to remove obstacles in bilateral commercial and economic relations, a direct channel was established for joint work and a mechanism was established to solve the problems of Russian and Turkish companies that implement projects in Russia or in Turkey quickly and effectively. There was much to be done in this perspective, such as working on the Intergovernmental Service and Investment Trade Agreement, the establishment of the Russian-Turkish Joint Investment Fund, and the foundation of the intergovernmental Commercial and Economic, Science, Technical and Cultural Cooperation Program for the years 2017-2020. Besides, we also expect the Turkish side to lift restrictions on some Russian products imported to Turkey. According to our assessments, this will lead to a significant increase in trade volume. If we look at the field of concrete cooperation, what level of trade volume can be reached between Russia and Turkey regarding textile and apparel? Turkey is one of the world leaders in textile and apparel exports and is considered to be Europe’s largest texti-

le producer. Russia has always been a reliable and big market for Turkish textile products and shoes. 12-15% of Turkey’s exports to Russia are made up of textiles, ready-made clothes and shoes. Due to problems in bilateral relations, the trade volume in this area has fallen almost 4 fold in 11 months of 2016 compared to the same period of previous year. Although the problems that arise did not directly affect this area, contractors and importers have focused on other markets because of the negative tones of relations between the two countries. The two parties are now working intensively to solve the accumulated problems. We hope that Turkish investors who are active in the field of textile will show their interest again in the Russian market. For example, we can offer several interesting investment projects to the Turkish side in Ivanovo and other Russian regions. There is a very promising project in a sectors not related to raw materials. We are spending efforts for Turkish businessmen to have them make investments in Russian territories and establish factories. In most of the Russian regions, local authorities are providing priorities for foreign investments. There are also Russian companies that want to import textile products, such as technical felts and paddings, to Turkey. What were the first signs that meant the normalization of relations in 2016? What steps are taken now? As it is known, the early signals took place in July, then Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Sankt Petersburg. The ban on touristic journeys to Turkey has been lifted; the Russian-Turkish intergovernmental committee has resumed to work on some agreements and projects. Significant progress has been made in the areas of tourism and airline flights. The ban on export of orange, mandarin, apricot, peach and plum from Turkey to Russia has been lifted. Meanwhile, the total sales of these products, which Russia bought from Turkey, had reached to 300 million dollars per year. Dialogue between economic ministers was reestablished. Until the end of next year, we plan to complete work on the Service and Investment Agreement. Businesspeople are expecting this document because it enhances the level of investor protection and provides new opportunities for those who serve in the fields of tourism, transport, trade and finance. The text of the Medium-Term Program for Trade and Economic, Science, Technical and Cultural Cooperation for 2017-2020 is almost ready. We expect the program to be signed in the Senior Cooperation Council meeting before the leaders of the two countries.

How is the situation of the Russian economy compared to the results of 2016? Could you evaluate the objectives for 2017? According to the results of the year 2016, the Russian economy has fallen by 0.5-0.7% due to falling demand for investment and consumption. However, it is still better than the 2016 forecast. For example, for the first time in the modern history of Russia, the inflation rate was 5.4%, which was the smallest. Russia is on the 13th rank in the world in terms of this indicator. Estimates for 2017 are optimistic. The Russian government expects the inflation rate to drop to 4%. According to estimates of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, in the second half of 2017, the expansion of Russian economy may be more than 2%. Would you like to say something to Turkish businessmen and investors? It’s not easy to re-establish old associations back. I think the most important thing is to listen to each other and solve the problems with emphaty. We pay great attention to the problems of our Turkish partners and expect them to do the same. We are assured that Russia is the most important partner for Turkey in terms of economy. Developing Russian market may become the most important market for Turkish investors, exporters and services. Also the image of Turkish products is very good. Therefore, it would be beneficial for both parties to be major partners and to seek opportunities for their mutual interests, to establish important partnerships for the development of grand plans. Everything depends on the effectiveness of our work on Russian and Turkish businessmen, of the civil servants working on this area, on our country’s new conditions, that is to us. Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Lingerie and hosiery sector shows great interest in Linexpo lingerie and hosiery fair

“Fair stands were sold for nearly five times more than the actual price in the open bidding.”

Members of TİGSAD Lingerie Industrialists’ Association recently had a meeting regarding the LINEXPO Lingerie and Hosiery Fair that will take place on February 9-11, 2017. The distribution of the stands at the fair was made through drawing lots and through open bidding during which the stands were sold for nearly five times more than their actual price. Despite the global crisis, the lingerie sector continues to work by gaining acceleration this year as well. Stating that they mainly focus on exportation, TİSGAD members claim that they have faith in the LINEXPO Fair in order to expand globally. President of TİSGAD, İrfan Özhamaratlı, made the following statement regarding the issue: “As the only single representative of the lingerie sector, TİSGAD is engaged in many successful projects thanks to the powerful support and trust of its members. LINEXPO Istanbul Lingerie and Hosiery Fair which


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is the registered trademark of our association is one of these successful projects. The Fair will take place on February 9-11, 2017 at the Istanbul Expo Center which is located in front of Atatürk Airport. We work hard to invite and host visitors from all over the world… Our members who travel many countries invite such companies that may be a potential customer for our sector. We bear fruits from our successful hard-work over the years… LINEXPO Lingerie Fashion 2016 was a huge success… A record was broken with the demands for our Fair in 2017 and the sales of all the stands were completed months ahead. We are determined to move our sector forward deservedly and to reach every single country including the outmost markets with the motto of “our goal is to reach everywhere in the world”. We work very hard as a team in order to meet our objectives and achieve our goals in this pursuit…

Turkey keeps its appeal with baby textiles Textiles and clothing is one of the most important sectors of the Turkish economy since it is the major force behind Turkey’s exports and employment. Today, the Turkish clothing industry is the 8th largest supplier in the world and the 3rd largest supplier of the EU. Therefore, Turkish textile and clothing industry now has a significant role in world trade and the capability to meet high standards and sophisticated preferences. As a young sub-sector of the large Turkish clothing industry, the babies’ and children’s clothing industry started to develop in the nineties and now has a dominant role in the world. Many companies specialize in babies’ and children’s clothing, while some of them produce both adults and infants clothing. Today, almost all kinds of clothing for babies and children including niche markets are produced in Turkey. Since Turkey is a leading cotton producer and cotton is the best and most preferred fiber for babies’ and children’s clothing, cotton clothing has a large share in production. As a result of the availability of high quality and organic cotton in Turkey, high technology in production, wide use of CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), design capability and the increase in the number of qualified personnel, the products of the Turkish clothing sector have a good reputation in world


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

markets. In addition, with its flexible production structure, the sector can adapt itself to consumers’ changing needs. Today, most of the exporters produce their own creations and almost all of the materials used for export products are obtained from the domestic market. Istanbul is not only a leading production center, but also a worldwide fashion center. Most of the companies have established their production facilities around Istanbul due to its good transportation, workforce and technology opportunities. As a global sourcing hub both in Asia and Europe, it attracts a number of international buying offices, trading

to developments in international markets towards healthier and more environmentally-friendly products by adopting environmental management systems and obtaining eco-labels. Most companies are certified with private eco-labels such as Oeko-Tex Standard 100, etc. Moreover, since Turkey is the largest organic cotton grower in the world, more than 200 companies in both the textile and clothing sectors manufacture organic cotton products ranging from fibers, yarns and fabrics to garments and home textiles which are certified with organic cotton standards such as Global Organic Textile Standard and Organic Exchange Standard 100. EXPORTS The value of clothing exports decreased by 8,7% and amounted to USD 14,85 billion in 2015. Approximately 80% of the clothing exported is cotton clothing. Knitted clothing and accessories, with an export value of USD 8,93 billion, had a share of 60,14% in total clothing exports, and woven clothing had a share of 39,84% with a value of US$ 5.92 billion in 2013. The EU is the most important market for Turkey’s clothing exports. Regarding the babies’ clothing sector, in the year 2015 the total exports increased by 4,67% with an export value of USD 231,12 million despite of the decreasing trend in total clothing exports. Knitted or crocheted babies’ garments constitutes 62,49% of babies’ clothing exports of Turkey. Iraq (13, 81%), Spain (12,30%), Germany (11,07%), the UK (9,02%) and Libya (4,80%) are the major export markets.

Babies’ Clothing Export of Turkey (Millions of USD) 231,12 Source: Ministry of Economy Knitted or Crocheted Babies’ Garments Export of Woven Babies’ Garments Export of Turkey (Millions of USD)

houses and major retailers and department stores. Bursa, which has a traditional background in weaving art, is still one of the major manufacturing centers in textile field. Since many of these companies are in Duaçınarı district of Bursa, they form a natural cluster which creates a synergy for the sector to focus on world markets. Other manufacturers of babies’ and children’s clothing are mainly located in Denizli and Izmir. Today, parents are showing increasing concern for health and environmental issues and demanding products that do not affect their children’s health or the environment. Due to its direct contact with the skin, the reliability of clothing is much more important for babies’ and children’s health. Being aware of these trends, Turkish babies’ and children’s clothing producers are much more sensitive to health and the environment. They have already adapted themselves

Many Turkish clothing companies have expanded their marketing and distribution channels in global markets by opening stores and chain stores all over the world. To promote Turkish fashion products in international markets, they participate in many fashion shows and international fairs abroad. TRADE FAIRS Turkish babies’ clothing products are exhibited in international and national fairs organized in Turkey. Major fairs which will be organized in 2017 are: • 30th International Mothers-Babies-Children Products Fair, Istanbul, 11-14 January 2017, • 7th Junioshow Baby And Kidswear And Kids Necessities Fair, Bursa, 10-14 January 2017, Source: Ministry of Economy Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


KIDS’ TIME, the event anticipated by the whole business sector! 8th International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child, KIDS’TIME will be held in Targi Kielce from 23 to 25 February 2017 and Italy. KIDS’ TIME 2016 used the 7 expo halls; 14,500 square metres of the exhibition space was the showcase for products and services. For the three expo days, the Kielce exhibition and congress centre attracted almost 5.5 thousand business-insiders from 43 countries. A perfect stage for a product launch KIDS’ TIME is often referred to as “the business-sector’s trend-setter”. This is where new brands and products make their début. Thus every year a special competition is organized; innovative, top-quality products gain fame and recognition. The Jury Panel selects award-winning products; these are bestowed the “KIDS’ TIME STAR” title and the statuette. The competition winners as well as the industry insiders agree that this accolade is a valuable marketing tool; the award increases products’ market recognition and makes it much easier to reach different customers, consumers and opinion-forming groups. KIDS’ TIME is Central & Eastern Europe’s greatest event in child-care products and services business sector; the Expo is also regarded one of the world’s most prominent business events of its kind. KIDS’ TIME is a truly Business to Business event- the trade show brings together key market players - producers and distributors of prams and push-chairs, car seats, toys, accessories, clothes, furniture and textiles. Every consecutive expo proves its considerable and always increasing prestige and significance; KIDS’ TIME is ranked among global leaders. The eighth International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 23 to 25 February 2017. Year after year, the Kielce child-product business sector’s expo has recorded double-digit growth. The exhibition’s importance increases every year. Europe’s child-products and services business sector has been rapidly growing. The Kielce expo keeps the industry’s pace. Today KIDS’ TIME is the fastest growing exhibition of all Targi Kielce’s trade shows. It needs to be observed that KIDS’ TIME is one of the 70 annual exhibitions says Katarzyna Prostak, Targi Kielce’s Projects Group Director. - It is encouraging to see the market’s demand for innovations, its big appetite for novelties. - This offers optimistic outlook for the future - adds Mrs. Prostak. Last year’s expo was the showcase for 415 companies from 16 countries of all corners of the world. There were expo stands of companies from Austria, Belgium, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Spain, the Netherlands, Latvia, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA, Great Britain


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

Talking-shop without limits Every year KIDS’ TIME programme encompasses number of substantive meetings: conferences, seminars and presentations. The exhibition programme abounds with such events. With the support of its partners, the Kielce exhibition and congress centre hosts the best experts from around the world. KIDS’ TIME has been the presentation platform for, inter alia Maria Costa PhD of the Spanish AIJU Institute (European Institute of Children’s Products and Leisure) and Reyne Rice - a keynote speaker from New York, one of the world’s most acclaimed specialists and researchers in toy market’s trends. The upcoming edition of KIDS’ TIME will also offer workshops, seminars and conferences galore.

Application starts for Kind + Jugend Innovation Award and Kids Design Award 2017

The starting shot for applying for the KIDS DESIGN AWARD and the Innovation Award 2017 has been fired. Effective immediately, design students or young designers, as well as experienced manufacturers of products of the children’s and baby outfitting industry can apply online for the coveted distinctions of Kind + Jugend. The Kids Design Award promotes product concepts and studies that are not yet commercially available. Ideas, designs, concepts and prototypes of exceptional quality are distinguished. In addition to winning the award, the nominated designers have the chance of being chosen for a product sponsorship by selected industry representatives. The ten best product ideas are nominated and an exhibition at Kind + Jugend 2017 will provide them with a personal stage for presenting them to an international public. An expert jury will select the winner of the Kids Design Award 2017 for the most convincing design from among the nominees.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

To apply Trade-Fair/Events/Kids-Design-Award/Registration/ index.php The Innovation Award distinguishes excellent and innovative products in a total of eight categories, which are presented at Kind+Jugend and will be on sale in retail outlets in the coming season. The Innovation Award winners’ seal is a convincing quality criterion and an internationally recognised sales promotion tool. The winners are nominated by a jury consisting of international trade journalists, health and safety experts. To apply Trade-Fair/Events/Innovation-Award/Online-Registration/ index.php Koelnmesse - Global competence in furniture, interiors and design: Koelnmesse is the world’s top trade fair organiser for the areas of furnishing, living and lifestyle. At the trade fair hub of Cologne, the leading international fair imm cologne as well as the trade fair formats of LivingKitchen, ORGATEC, spoga+gafa, interzum and Kind + Jugend rank among the internationally renowned and established industry meeting places. These fairs comprehensively represent the upholstered and case furniture segment, the kitchen industry, the office furniture sector and outdoor living as well as the innovations of the furniture supply industry. Over the last few years, Koelnmesse has specifically added international fairs in the most important fast-expanding markets to its portfolio. These include the China International Kitchen and Bathroom Expo (CIKB) in Shanghai and Pueri Expo in Sao Paulo. With ambista, the network of the interior decorating industry, Koelnmesse offers direct access to relevant products, contacts, competence and events.

Elegance interpreted in a contemporary key and presented in “just for children” versions International fashion show for children’s wear, Pitti Bimbo Immagine Florence will be held between 19 and 21 January 2017 in Florence

The different worlds of Pitti Bimbo 84: Pitti Bimbo Immagine Florence has an eye on trends from “grown-up” fashion. A journey through big brand fashions, new luxury clothing for infants, kids and teens: international level brands which present and contextualize their collections complete with accessories and projects for retailers. A rich selection of proposals distributed according to a new exhibition game, with an eye on the trends of “adult” fashion. Every year Pitti Immagine organizes a series of fairs in the Fortezza da Basso, the former fortress built by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger in the Order for Alessandro de ‘Medici, which today serves as an international venue. In this context there is also the “Pitti Immagine Bimbo” place. It is one of the most important international trade fairs for children and youth fashion and presents the latest collections by renowned designers and manufacturers. Connected with Baby’s World, Kid’s Design and apartment it also has an exhibition for baby clothes, fittings and accessories. The Pitti Immagine Bimbo will take place on

3 days from Thursday, 19. January to Saturday, 21. January 2017 in Florence. Product groups: baby chlothes, boys’ wear, casual wear, children’s shoes, girls’ wear, sportswear, Industry sectors: Fashion, Shoes & Footwear, Textiles, … Fairs of these Sectors: Fashion Trade Shows, Shoe and Footwear Fairs, Textile Trade Fairs & Exhibitions. Fancy room A journey into children’s lifestyles, from design to mini accessories Fancy Room is the new space dedicated to children’s lifestyles: from design to small accessories, from gadgets to technology, the winner is always creativity. Located on the Lower Level of the Main Pavilion, a catalyzing and entertaining island-space where it is possible to discover a series of special products. Accessories, furnishing elements, games, pocket technology, useful and useless, curious and irresistible objects which have been lined up in order to make their debut in concept stores all over the world. Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Турецко-российские отношения развиваются во всех сферах деятельности. Мы взяли интервью у торгового представителя России в Турции Айдара Гашигуллина. Если расчеты в российско-турецкой торговле будут производится в национальных валютах как это повлияет на двусторонние отношения? С 2009 г. между Россией и Турцией практикуются расчеты с использованием национальных валют, создана нормативная база, соответствующая инфраструктура и отработаны механизмы, позволяющие широко использовать национальные валюты во взаиморасчетах по торговым сделкам в финансировании совместных проектов и взаимных инвестициях. В настоящее время в России работают семь турецких банков, осуществляющих расчеты в национальных валютах двух стран. В Турции успешно работает, принадлежащий Сбербанку турецкий «Денизбанк». Одновременно обсуждаются необходимые меры для обеспечения возможности запуска биржевых торгов валютной парой российский рубль/турецкая лира на Московской бирже, а также намечены шаги по организации приема карт платежной системы «Мир» на территории Турции. Торгпредство находится в постоянном контакте с российским Сбербанком и его дочерним предприятием в Турции DenizBank и осуществляет работу по привлечению российских экономоператоров к услугам российского банка. В период 10-11 ноября 2016 г. в г.Сочи состоялось очередное заседание двусторонней рабочей группы по финансово-банковскому сотрудничеству, где представители российского и турецкого банковского сообщества обсудили пути расширения корреспондентских отношений между коммерческими банками и возможные меры по увеличению использования национальных валют при расчетах в двусторонней торговле. Одновременно подробно обсуждались необходимые меры для обеспечения возможности запуска биржевых торгов валютной парой российский рубль/турецкая лира на Московской бирже, а также намечены шаги по организации приема карт платежной системы


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

«Мир» на территории Турции. Кроме того стороны договорились провести ревизию Меморандума о взаимопонимании между ЦБ России и ЦБ Турции от 1997 года. Рассчитываем, что устоявшиеся связи между банками России и Турции получит дальнейшее развитие и оно будет способно в полном объеме обеспечить расширяющееся торгово-экономическое сотрудничество между нашими странами. Как Вы думаете, вернутся ли стороны к цели по достижению ежегодного двустороннего товарооборота в 100 млрд.долл? каковы перспективы торговли в 2017 г.? Российско-турецкие отношения развивались весьма интенсивно. Сотрудничество велось практически во всех отраслях, начиная с энергетики и заканчивая культурой. Лидерами наших стран была поставлена амбициозная задача довести уровень взаимной торговли до 100 млрд. долл. И у нас были все необходимые условия для ее реализации. На протяжении ряда лет товарооборот между Россией и Турцией стабильно превышал 30 млрд. долл., общий объем торговли товарами и услугами составлял ежегодно порядка 50 млрд. долл. Активно развивалось и инвестиционное сотрудничество. В рамках межведомственного диалога был организован прямой канал связи по координации совместной работы по устранению барьеров в двусторонних торгово-экономических связях, сформирован механизм для оперативного решения возникающих проблем у представителей российских и турецких компаний, реализующих проекты на территории двух стран. Было немало планов на перспективу. Это, например, договоренность о разработке межправительственного Соглашения о торговле услугами и инвестициях, создании РоссийскоТурецкого совместного инвестиционного фонда, формировании Среднесрочной программы торговоэкономического, научно-технического и культурного сотрудничества между Правительством Российской

Федерации и Правительством Турецкой Республики на 2017-2020 годы. Кроме того, мы ожидаем от турецкой стороны снятия тарифных ограничений на ввоз на территорию Турции отдельных видов российской продукции. По нашим оценкам, это позволит значительно нарастить объемы товарооборота. Если рассматривать конкретную область сотрудничества, какой объем товарооборота ожидается в двусторонней торговле текстилем и готовой одеждой? Турция – традиционно один из мировых лидеров по экспорту текстиля и готовой одежды, а также самый крупный производитель текстиля в Европе. Россия же всегда была стабильным и значительным рынком сбыта турецкой текстильной и обувной продукции. В общем объеме экспорта Турции в Россию текстиль, готовая одежда и обувь ежегодно составляют долю 12-15%. За 11 месяцев 2016 г. в сравнении с тем же периодом 2015 г. оборот этой продукцией упал почти в 4 раза. Это было связано с целым комплексом проблем в двусторонних отношениях. Хотя они напрямую и не затрагивали текстильную продукцию, в связи с неблагоприятным фоном в двусторонних отношениях поставщики и мпортеры предпочли переориентироваться на другие рынки. Более того существовали проблемы с возможностью автоперевозок грузов, в том числе в части введения виз для граждан Турции и российских автоперевозчиков. Обе стороны активно работают над решением накопившихся взаимных вопросов. Расчитываем, что турецкие инвесторы, работающие в текстильной отрасли, вновь обратят внимание на российский рынок. Мы, в частности, можем предложить турецкой стороне несколько интересных инвестиционных проектов в Ивановской области и других российских регионах. В нашем реестре достаточно перспективных проектов в несырьевых секторах. Считаем необходимым привлечь турецкий бизнес к инвестициям и размещению производств в российских регионах. Во многих из них местные власти вплотную занимаются созданием приоритетных условий для иностранного капитала. Кроме того есть российские компании, заинтересованные в поставках в Турцию своей текстильной продукции, в частности технического сукна. Каковы были первые сигналы к нормализации отношений в 2016 г.? Каковы будут дальнейшие шаги? Как известно первые сигналы прозвучали в июле, далее состоялась встреча в г. СанктПетербург Президента Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана с Президентом Владимиром Владимировичем Путиным. Наметились серьезные подвижки в области туризма, авиасообщения. Было принято решение об отмене ограничения на реализацию туроператорами путевок в Турцию. Восстановили работу по линии российскотурецкой межправкомиссии, а также переговорный процесс по ряду документов и проектов.

За истекший период были сняты ограничения на ввоз в Россию из Турции апельсинов, мандаринов, абрикосов, персиков и слив (Россия традиционно закупала эту продукцию из Турции на сумму свыше 300 млн. долл. в год). Восстановлен диалог между экономическими ведомствами. Мы взяли на себя обязательства до конца следующего года завершить работу над Соглашением о торговле услугами и инвестициях. Бизнес ждет выхода этого документа, поскольку он повышает уровень защиты инвесторов и создает новые возможности для тех, кто предлагает услуги в сфере туризма, транспорта, торговли и финансовой сферы. Практически готов текст межправительственной Среднесрочной программы торгово-экономического, научно-технического и культурного сотрудничества на 2017-2020 годы. Рассчитываем, что документ будет подписан в присутствии президентов двух стран в ходе очередного заседания Совета сотрудничества высшего уровня. Каково состояние российской экономики по итогам 2016 г.? Какие цели на 2017 г? По итогам прошлого года российская экономика за счет снижения инвестиционного и потребительского спроса сократилась на 0,5-0,7%. Стоит отметить, несмотря на снижение, 2016 г. оказался лучше, чем прогнозировалось. В частности, впервые за всю историю современной России удалось достичь минимального показателя инфляции 5,4%. Сейчас Россия по этому показателю находится на 13-м месте в мире. Прогноз на 2017 г. еще более оптимистичный. Правительство России считает возможным достижение цели по снижению инфляции до 4%. Уже во втором полугодии 2017 г., по прогнозу Министерства экономического развития России, российская экономика выйдет на 2-хпроцентный рост, а возможно и больше. У Вас есть какие-нибудь пожелания турецким бизнесменам и инвесторам? Утраченные связи непросто восстановить. На мой взгляд, самое главное - это слышать друг друга и стремиться к взаимоприемлемому решению вопросов. Мы внимательно относимся к озабоченностям наших турецких партнеров, и ждем того же от них. Мы убеждены, что для Турции Россия как ни одна другая страна представляет наибольший экономический интерес. Рынок в России развивающийся и емкий именно в силу этих его особенностей он может стать основным для турецких инвесторов, экспортеров товаров и услуг. Кроме того турецкая продукция пользуется хорошей репутацией. Имея такие основания, в наших обоюдных интересах найти возможности для реализации всех амбициозных планов по развитию взаимовыгодного сотрудничества, с тем чтобы стать друг для друга ведущими и незаменимыми партнерами. Все зависит от нас: от представителей российского и турецкого бизнеса, чиновников-специалистов, от эффективности нашей работы в новых условиях на благо народов наших стран. Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Turkish Central Bank hints at liquidity tightening

Turkey’s Central Bank governor said that the institution may implement additional monetary tightening “if needed”. Speaking at a news conference ahead of the release of the bank’s quarterly inflation report, Governor Murat Cetinkaya said price stability was the “main objective”. “The Central Bank will continue to use all the instruments at its disposal to achieve the main objective of price stability. “In the upcoming period, monetary policy decisions will be conditional on the inflation outlook,” he said. Cetinkaya said the bank will closely monitor inflation expectations, pricing behaviors plus other factors and “may introduce additional monetary tightening, if needed”. The governor said the inflation rate will fluctuate between 6.6 percent and 9.4 percent through to the end of 2017. He said the mid-point would be eight percent in 2017, up from 6.5 percent in the previous forecast. “Given a tight policy stance that focuses on bringing inflation down, inflation is estimated to converge gradually to the five percent target. Inflation is likely to be eight percent in 2017, and stabilize around five percent in 2019 after falling to six percent in 2018,” he said. He also increased the bank’s food inflation forecast to nine percent, up from seven percent. Cetinkaya also said liquidity steps taken by the bank had produced positive results. Commenting on rating agency S&P’s recent decision to cut Turkey’s outlook to negative, Cetinkaya said he did not agree with the body’s report. “It was hurried. Our job is to take these criticisms into


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

consideration,” he said.The country’s annual inflation rose to 8.53 percent in December from seven percent in November, according to a report from the Turkish Statistical Institute on Jan. 3. On Jan. 24, the bank hiked its overnight lending rate, the highest of the multiple rates it uses to set policy, by 75 points following the Turkish lira’s sharp fall against the U.S. dollar. The overnight lending rate, the rate banks use to borrow from the Central Bank overnight, rose from 8.50 percent to 9.25 percent, in line with expectations. However, Turkey’s overnight borrowing rate, under which banks lend or deposit money to the Central Bank, remained unchanged at 7.25 percent. The oneweek repo rate, known as the policy rate, was also kept at eight percent. The Turkish lira has lost more than 20 percent of its value against the greenback since last November.

All eyes are on Turkey for international shows in July! Turkey attracts attention in the world with its high potential in baby kid textiles. International children’s fashion professionals will meet in Istanbul between 19-22 July 2017 for Istanbul Kids Fashion and 5-8 July 2017 Junioshow fairs, where the route of the baby child’s fashion is determined. Turkey is an important market with natural cotton production in the world ... Lately, baby textiles are becoming more natural. Organic textiles in the world caught their first popularity in 90’s. Since then, baby products made from organic cotton have become popular because of their health. We can say that the interest shown by the consumer to the ‘environmentally friendly’ organic fabrics is the most important factor that the sector attach importance. When to consider my country, it is observed that Turkey has a great potential for the world at the point of organic baby textile production. The innovations in textiles are followed and integrated quickly into the products.

Turkey, known as the textile country, is blending it with high quality production and is being displayed as the target market for Europe and Middle East regions. World’s 7th largest textile producer in Europe, Turkey is in the first rank because of its speed of supply, its quality standard, reasonable prices and unique designs. On the other hand, Turkey is the world’s largest manufacturer of daily and classical children’s apparel after Italy, with a market share of 16.8%. Turkey is the youngest country in Europe and an average of 1 million 250 thousand babies come to the world every year. The number of infants and young children aged 0-3 is 4.7 million, and the number of children aged 0-5 is 7 million, making Turkey on the focus of national and international companies looking for new markets. In our country, which is second in the world with population growth rate, it is estimated that the baby and child products market will gain momentum with the compound growth rate (CAGR) of 12% between 2012-2017.

The pulse of new trends is held in Istanbul Kids Fashion with Junioshow Turkey will be active in July with fairs that have an important mission in baby and child textile. The fairs that host important country markets from different locations of the world every year will keep the pulse of both fashion and industry this year. Fairs that host intense professional visitors from the Middle East, Europe and Russia will keep the pulse of 2017-2018 Fall-Winter fashion. A visual feast is waiting for us with Junioshow and Istanbul Kids Fashion, where brands will exhibit their new creations. Junioshow Fair will be held in Bursa between 05 and 08 July 2017. Each year, delegations from target markets abroad comes to buy in this fair. This year, new trends and deficits will set the course of baby kid fashion. Istanbul Kids Fashion Fair brings together industry professionals in Istanbul on 19-22 July 2017 as every year. While the latest innovations and trends in traditional fair, baby kid fashion show in the world, the sector attracts the visitors with its rich visitor portfolio.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


The future of the Russian textile industry

Foreign investment ranks second in the reform policies set by the Russian government. According to statistics in August 2002, investors from the US ploughed back US$1.5 million into the textile manufacturer from St. Petersburg, Pervomayskaya Zarya, which specializes in women’s clothing. The Russian Textile Alliance invested US$ 4 million in a cotton by-product processing plant in 2004. It also holds stakes in 24 textile producers in Russia. In the 1990s, Russia’s textile industry faced a multitude of challenges, but it is now emerging as a competitive industry. Lately, the Russian authorities invited foreign clothing brands to either source their products in Russia or to establish their own production sites If own production sites are established the foreign companies are benefitting from long term tax breaks up to 2025, according to Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Viktor Vevluklov. In addition the Minister announced that such firms will be endowed with a share of state procurement orders. The effort to localise production in Russia may bring


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

down prices for clothes made in Russia. A consumer goods production requires considerable safety margins in terms of prices and quality, but also of costs, because Russia’s level behind the levels of Asian competitors. Chinese manufacturers view Russia not only as a distribution market for their goods, but seem to be prepared to invest in production. A three year strategic cooperation was signed between the Russian Chamber of Fashion and China Fashion Association. In the mass segment there is a necessity to establish relations with large retail chains and to develop sources for raw materials. For exports serve high the Russian goods, such as Technical Textiles and nonwovens, this market accounts for around 30 % of the industry’s sales. Over the last five years the production of nonwoven fabrics in Russia has been growing eightfold, while exports to the EU, and particularly to Germany account for 50 % of the growth. Vevluklov was elaborating the state support programmes prepare for subsidies in order to partially recover material costs, technical upgrades and new investment projects. Clothing production in Russia increased in the first nine months of 2014 by seven percent, whereas overall economic growth slowed to 0.7 %. Synthetic fibres are imported, but there are considerable efforts to establish a domestic production. There is a large scale project to produce synthetic fabrics in Shakhity in the Rostov Region, according to the Minister. On the other hand, there is less activity to establish new production sites for fashionable fabrics. Experts expressed the opinion that now is the time for foreign investments in the textile sector in Russia, and major companies have reacted positively as to the prospects of the textile industry in Russia, for instance South Korea plans major investment in textile production facilities in Russia and U.S. DuPont decided to establish30 production companies in Russia.

CJF is a key event in the children’s fashion industry Best producers of goods and services for children participate in Mir Detstva and CJF Child and Junior Fashion

CJF is a key trade show for purchasers, manufacturers, suppliers and designers involved in the children fashion industry. The show participants not only showcased their new products but also networked with industry experts, CEOs, and government officials. They discussed the most relevant issues on production and sales, considered proposals of their partners and competitors and evaluated development trends in the children fashion industry. Статья CJF - детская мода – это социально значимый проект «Экспоцентра», ориентированный на насыщение отечественного рынка детских товаров и услуг качественной и безопасной детской продукцией. Выставка отражает динамичное развитие индустрии детской моды в России, свидетельствует о серьезной заинтересованности фирм-участниц и профессиональных посетителей в укреплении деловых связей и развитии бизнеса как в регионах страны, так и за ее пределами. С момента своего возникновения в рамках выставки «Мир детства» салон завоевал репутацию эффективной бизнес-площадки, незаменимого маркетингового канала, действенного способа увеличения продаж и надежного средства получения прибыли от вложенных инвестиций. Выставка «CJF – Детская мода» – это уникальный инструмент коммуникации профессионалов индустрии детской моды в международном масштабе. Выставка способствует укреплению уже сложившихся связей с партнерами, а также заключению новых договоров на поставку продукции. Проведенные маркетинговые исследования говорят о высокой заинтересованности байеров в развитии специализированной выставки детской, юношеской

Since CJF was launched within the Mir Detstva Exhibition, it has rightfully earned its reputation of an effective venue for making business, an indispensable marketing channel, an effective tool to increase sales, and a reliable way to make profit from investments. The CJF – Child and Junior Fashion Exhibition is a unique communication tool for professionals of the children’s fashion industry from all over the world. The exhibition helps to strengthen the existing ties with partners as well as to sign new deals. The recent marketing research indicates that buyers are keenly interested in the growth of the exhibition for clothes and footwear for children, teenagers, and expecting mothers. In addition to an interesting exhibition on the visitors and participants of the exhibition will be a busy business program, as well as unique designs. Catwalk show helps emphasize fashion-experts in their brand, and get prompt feedback, all this can increase the number of pre-orders and to make participation in the exhibition the most effective. Every year the exhibition is increased representation of foreign companies, in February 2017, the exhibition will present the company’s collection from Italy, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Belarus and many other countries.

моды и одежды для будущих мам. Помимо интересной экспозиции на выставке посетителей и участников ждет насыщенная Деловая программа, а также уникальные проекты. Дефиле-шоу помогает акцентировать внимание fashion-специалистов на своей марке, а также получить оперативную обратную связь, все это позволяет увеличить количество предзаказов и сделать участие в выставке наиболее эффективным. С каждым годом на выставке увеличивается представительство зарубежных компаний, в феврале 2017 на выставке представят свои коллекции фирмы из Италии, Германии, Турции, Испании, Польши, Киргизии, республики Беларусь и многих других стран.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Cotton market fundamentals & price outlook RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT 1.3 to 1.2 million) and Vietnam (+200,000 bales, from 4.8 to 5.0 million). In terms of exports, the largest revisions were for Australia (+200,000 bales, from 3.9 to 4.1 million), the U.S. (+200,000 bales, from 12.0 to 12.2 million), and the African Franc Zone (-150,000 bales, from 4.7 to 4.6 million). The forecast for world ending stocks increased 842,000 bales, rising from 88.3 to 89.1 million. The bulk of the global addition was a result of projections for larger gains in exporter stocks, with figures growing for the U.S. (+300,000 bales, from 4.5 to 4.8 million), India (+250,000 bales, from 11.5 to 11.8 million), Australia (+300,000, from 1.8 to 2.1 million), and the African Franc Zone (+180,000 bales, from 1.5 to 1.6 million).

Benchmark prices moved higher in late November and have been flat or marginally lower in December. . Values for the most actively traded March NY futures contract increased from levels near 68 cents/lb in early November to levels as high as 73 cents/lb later in the month. In December, prices have been between 70 and 72 cents/lb. .The A Index rose from levels near 77 cents/lb in early November to as high as 81 cents/lb near the middle of the month. In December, values have been holding to levels just below 80 cents/lb. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE The largest revisions in this month’s USDA report were related to production. The figure for the global cotton harvest was lifted about one million bales, from 103.3 to 104.2 million. At the country-level, the biggest changes were for Australia (+500,000 bales, from 4.0 to 4.5 million) and the U.S. (+362,000 bales, from 16.2 to 16.5 million). For mill-use, there was only a marginal change at the world-level (+95,000 bales, from 112.0 million to 111.9 million), but the stability of the global figure was a result of multiple offsetting changes for usage estimates for individual countries. Countries with notable increases included China (+250,000, from 35.5 to 35.8 million) and Vietnam (+200,000 bales, from 4.7 to 4.9 million). Countries with notable decreases included India (-250,000, from 24.0 to 23.8 million), the U.S. (-200,000 bales, from 3.5 to 3.3 million), and South Korea (-100,000, from 1.3 to 1.2 million). Trade projections were lifted 95,000 bales (from 35.2 to 35.3 million). In terms of imports, changes of significance were for South Korea (-125,000 bales, from


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

PRICE OUTLOOK As the crop year progresses, the buildup of stocks in exporting countries could emerge as a factor putting downward pressure on prices as exporters compete for market share. Other factors that could also be expected to weigh on prices include the strength of the U.S. dollar and an emergent outlook for the upcoming 2017/18 season that indicates there will be a meaningful increase in planted acreage. As part of its long-term forecasting project, the USDA recently released a preliminary forecast for 2017/18 that puts U.S. upland plantings at 10.5 million acres The defining reform related to this effort was the elimination of the most commonly used currency notes. Since many of the transactions that move cotton from Indian farms to gins/merchants/mills are based on cash, these reforms have been disruptive to the process of preparing Indian fiber for shipment. As a result, there has been less Indian cotton available to weigh on the market. Direct interaction between the Chinese market and the rest of the world is limited because of import quotas, but the upward trend in Chinese prices may have had some influence on external prices. Part of the strength in Chinese cotton prices over the past couple months can be attributed to issues related to the accessibility of the harvest. With 78% of Chinese production in Xinjiang province and the vast majority of Chinese mills in eastern provinces, transport is an important variable. The Chinese government released a statement regarding the next round of sales from reserves and the promise of additional supply could also push Chinese prices lower. Sales will recommence March 6. Prices will be determined by the same process as the last release, with each week’s base value derived as a 50/50 average of domestic and international prices (A Index) from the previous week.

Fashion Beats in Istanbul with Istanbul Kids Fashion

Textiles and clothing is one of the most important sectors of the Turkish economy since it is the major force behind Turkey’s exports and employment. Today, the Turkish clothing industry is the 7th largest supplier in the world and the 3rd largest supplier of the EU. Turkish textile and clothing industry now has a significant role in world trade and the capability to meet high standards and sophisticated preferences. Turkey ranks fifth in cotton cloth production in the world, which is most preferred raw material in baby and children textile production. Turkey also has an important role in the cotton production with its cutting-edge high technology, unique designs and labor knowledge and skills. The Istanbul International Babies & Children Clothing and Accessories Fair – CBME Turkey Istanbul Kids Fashion is the largest and single platform for you to discover business opportunities, start partnerships, sign deals. The event is held twice a year – January and July. In January, the event is co-located with the International Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo ( CBME Turkey) and in July, as CBME Istanbul Kids Fashion.It is the must-attend event for buyers looking to find good quality products and reliable sourcing partners. It is possible to find any product range for 0-16 age in Istanbul Kids Fashion, offering from casual wear , denim to evening dresses, from underwear, socks and accessories to baby hometextile, participants of the fair export approximately 65 percent of the production and perform as partners in the production of strong international brands. This is the perfect platform to present new lifestyle and trends for kids fashion.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

In CBME Turkey which was held on 11-14 January 2017, hosted 260 exhibitors and 550 brands in 37000m2. İstanbul Kids Fashion is fashion part of CBME Turkey comprise 165 exhibitors with 290 brands in 20.000sqm area.Many visitors who want to find appropriate and high quality products visit Turkey and at this point our fairs are important reference. Hosting many visitors from all over the world, Istanbul Kids Fashion is especially an indispensable Resource Center for the region of the Middle East, Africa and Russia. With 30 years’ experience in the industry, İstanbul Kids Fashion proves that it is one of the most important fashion fairs every year and raises its target to take part in the summit. İstanbul Kids Fashion will be held between 19 and 22, July 2017 and all visitors will have the chance to see 2017 autum&winter and 2018 spring&summer creations of exhibitors with all the developments and trends in the sector. Our fair will take place at the İstanbul Expo Centre, which is in front of Istanbul Ataturk Airport, where both our local and international visitors can reach easily and quickly. Istanbul Kids Fashion performs intensive marketing efforts to satisfy exhibitors and visitors. Marketing of the fair is being carried out in many places of the world such as Russia and CIS Countries, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Promotional activities for mainly visitors turned out. We use power of being a global brand. Great promotions are acted along with our mailing groups and social media management. Our activities such as ‘new season fashion’, matchmaking programme and road shows, which feature in press and in the industry, will take part in the region’s most powerful textile exhibition.

KIDS FASHION СТАМБУЛ Сердце моды бьется в Стамбуле

Текстиль и одежда - один из самых важных секторов турецкой экономики, так как это - главная сила позади экспорта Турции и занятости. Сегодня, Турция является 7-ой крупнейший поставщик в мире и 3-ым крупнейшим поставщиком готовой одежды ЕС. Турецкой текстильной и промышленности высокими стандартами качества творческого дизайна высокой квалификацией и навыками сотрудников играет важную роль на международной арене.Турция занимает пятое место в производстве хлопка, являющегося самым предпочтительным сырьем в детской одежде и одежде для малышей. Турция также играет важную роль в производстве хлопка с его передовых высоких технологий, уникальных конструкций и трудовых знаний и навыков.Стамбульская Международная выставка Одежда для Младенцев и Детей- – CBME Турция детской моды Стамбул открывающей свои двери ежегодно два раза в год в январе и июне месяце, чтобы обнаружить деловые возможности, партнеров по производству крупнейших мировых брендов. Посетители, желающие найти подходящую и качественную продукцию, посещают Турцию, и в это точке наши выставки являются важным показателем.Можно найти любой ассортимент продукции для 0-16 возраста в Стамбуле Дети моды, предлагая от повседневной одежды, джинсовой ткани до вечерних платьев, от нижнего белья, носков и аксессуаров для ребенка домашний текстиль, участники выставки экспортируют около 65 процентов производства и выполнять в качестве партнеров в производстве сильных международных брендов. Это идеальная платформа представить новый образ жизни и тенденции моды для детей В Турции CBME, которая состоялась 11-14 января 2017, составлял 260 экспонентам и 550 маркам в 37000m2. Стамбул Kids Fashion является модой

часть Турции CBME 165 экспонентов с 290 марками в 20.000 квадратных метров, много посетителей, которые хотят найти соответствующую и высококачественную продукцию, посещают Турцию, наши выставки являются важным показателем. Наша выставка, принимающая посетителей со всех уголков мира, является неизменным ресурсным центром особенно для регионов Ближнего Востока, Северной Африки и России.Своим 30-летним опытом выставка каждый год еще раз доказывает, что она является одним из самых важных выставках моды мире и в международной индустрии детской одежды и одежды для малышей, и повышает свои цели для становления лидером. На выставке, которая будет проходить 19 - 22 июля 2017 года, , и все посетители будут иметь возможность увидеть осень& зима и весной 2018 года и летние творения экспонентов со всеми событий и тенденций, происходящие в этом секторе. Наша выставка будет проходить в Стамбул выставочный центре напротив Аэропорта им. Ататюрка, откуда наши местные и иностранные посетители легко и быстро смогут добраться. Kids Fashion Стамбул готовится с интенсивные маркетинговые усилия для удовлетворения экспонентов и посетителей. Виставки Mаркетинг проводится во многих местах мира, таких как Россия и страны СНГ, Европы, Ближнего Востока и Африки. Рекламные мероприятия для посетителей в основном получилось. Мы используем силу, чтобы быть глобальным брендом. Большие рекламные акции действовали вместе с нашими группами рассылки и управления социальными медиа. Наши мероприятия, такие как «новый сезон моды», программы сватовства и роуд-шоу, которые показывают в прессе и в промышленности, примут участие в самой мощной текстильной выставке региона.

Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017



Kind & Jugend 14-17 September 2017, Cologne Kind + Jugend 2017 look forward to welcoming you from 14 to 17 September 2017 at Kind + Jugend in Cologne. The leading international trade fair for the baby and toddler outfitting sector is regularly one of the most important industry meeting points worldwide. The quality of the exhibitors and visitors as well as the wide-ranging offer of standards, trends and novelties arouses curiosity. Let yourself be inspired by the atmosphere, convinced by the many business options and impressed by the range offered - so that you can subsequently impress your own customers. And above all remain curious!

International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME / 25-27 February 2017, Kielce KIDS’ TIME is Central & Eastern Europe’s greatest event in child-care products and services business sector; the Expo is also regarded one of the world’s most prominent business events of its kind. KIDS’ TIME is a truly Business to Business event- the trade show brings together key market players - producers and distributors of prams and push-chairs, car seats, toys, accessories, clothes, furniture and textiles. Every consecutive expo proves its considerable and always increasing prestige and significance; KIDS’ TIME is ranked among global leaders. The eighth International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS’ TIME is held in Targi Kielce from 23 to 25 February 2017.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

Pitti Bimbo /19-21 January 2017, Floransa Pitti Bimbo 85 will be held between 22 and 24 June 2017. A complete overview of children’s fashions, an extraordinary platform for presenting the new lifestyle trends for kids. The - rising - number of foreign buyers boosted attendance, with Russia (+10%) returning to the top of the buyers’ chart, and increases also for Germany, United Kingdom, Northern Europe, China, Turkey and the Middle East. A journey through big brand fashions, new luxury clothing for infants, kids and teens: international level brands which present and contextualize their collections complete with accessories and projects for retailers. A rich selection of proposals distributed according to a new exhibition game, with an eye on the trends of “adult” fashion.

Junioshow, Bursa Baby, Kidswear & Kids Necessities Fair 5-8 July 2017, Bursa JUNIOSHOW, where the trends of spring-summer season in January 10-14, in the the ready-to-wear sector of baby and kids between the ages of 0-12 will be exhibited, is a significant platform bringing the bests of the sector together in 2017. JUNIOSHOW is organized with the cooperation of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Tuyap Bursa Fair Center, with the significant support of Baby and Kids Clothing Industry Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (BEKSIAD). Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


İstanbul Kids Fashion / 19-22 July 2017 Turkey İstanbul Kids Fashion to be held between 19 and 22 July 2017 in Istanbul. Istanbul Kids Fashion is the central business and order platform for the Turkey and international retail trade in children’s and baby fashion, shoes and accessories products. The event is held twice a year - January and June. In january, the event is co-located with the Istanbul International Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo (CBME Turkey) and im June, as CBME Turkey Istanbul Kids Fashion. It is the must-attend event for buyers looking to find good quality products and reliable sourcing partners.

Mir Detstva 26-29 September 2017 Russia Moscow Every autumn Mir Detstva brings together people for whom this show has long become not merely part of their interesting job but a real festival giving pleasure of networking and fresh ideas. Mir Detstva is not only the beginning of a new business season but also a barometer of the industry success. Last year our trade show celebrated its 20th anniversary with record-breaking figures. Over 18,000 professional visitors from across Russia, neighbouring countries and beyond; 502 exhibitors from 30 countries made our trade show Russia’s absolute leader in the sector of goods for children and teenagers. Mir Detstva overcame more than one crisis together with its exhibitors and visitors. Many companies coped with problems and improved their situation owing to participation in our trade show


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

ABC Kids Expo / 15-18 October 2017, Las Vegas ABC Kids Expo (All Baby & Child), founded in March, 2003, is a partnership of juvenile industry manufacturers and retailers organized for the purpose of promoting the children’s products industry. The main objective and purpose of the corporation is to act as a business league that helps organize and put on trade shows to be held for the benefit of juvenile products manufacturers, specialty store retailers, distributors and manufacturers’ representatives of juvenile products. With over 1000 exhibitors utilizing 3,300 booths in nearly one million square feet of exhibit space, it is currently one of the fastest growing trade show in the nation and ranks 47 out of the largest trade shows in North America.

FIMI İnternational Kids Fashion Fair 23-25 June 2017, Madrid Visitors from 55 countries flock to FIMI to see the latest trends in the universe for children presented in FIMI. FIMI’s new edition will be held in June 2017. FIMI is the unique international and professional fair focused in the universe for children in Spain, organized by FERIA VALENCIA. FIMI focusses its offer in children’s fashion, footwear, accessories and the universe for children. FIMI is the forum par excellence within the kid’s sector, in which professionals all around the world meet to make business and to find latest trends in kids fashion and accessories. Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017


Junioshow Sets the Trend in Baby and Kids Clothing for 2017 25,895 Business Professionals from 50 Countries Visit Junioshow İsmail Kuş, BTSO Vice President: “Junioshow Leads the Value-added Growth of Our Industry”

Organized with the cooperation of Tüyap Bursa Fairs Organization Inc. and BEKSIAD under the leadership of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO), Junioshow managed to attract 25,895 visitors from 50 countries in 5 days. In order to turn Bursa into the center of fairs in Turkey and the immediate region, BTSO has combined its powers with TÜYAP Bursa Fairs Organization Inc. and launched the year 2017 with Junioshow. The fair was held on January 10-14 at Tüyap Bursa International Fair Convention and Congress Center and set the trend in the baby and kids clothing industry for the New Year. SpringSummer 2017 designs were showcased at the fair, which also paved the way for the industry to achieve growth with focus on design and innovation. COMPANIES FROM 50 COUNTRIES AT JUNIOSHOW Young Designers Contest and Junio Fashion Show were held under Junioshow, which was granted a brand new identity for the new year; whereas the “Trend Area” populated by creations of companies in Bursa also attracted a great deal of interest from visitors. In addition, the cooperation between BTSO and TÜYAP Bursa Fairs Organization Inc. culminated in buying committees that connected foreign buyers from 50 countries participating in the fair with companies in Bursa. Foreign buyers that participated in the fair under Commercial Safari and UR-GE (Improving International Competitiveness) projects made important business connections with companies in Bursa.


Baby & Kid Product Exports Turkey 2017

MTHE FAIR BECOMES THE CENTER OF INDUSTRY IN EURASIA WITH 25,895 VISITORS FROM 50 COUNTRIES Evaluating Junioshow, which will be held twice a year starting from 2017 owing to its success, İlhan Ersözlü, the General Manager of Tüyap Bursa Fairs Organization Inc., said the fair achieved 50 percent growth compared to last year and was held in 5 different halls featuring specially decorated stands by nearly 200 domestic manufacturers in an area of 30 thousand square meters. Talking about how they had a good start to 2017 with Junioshow, Ersözlü said, “The fair was organized with a Spring - Summer concept and enabled Bursa to become the center of the baby and kids clothing industry in Eurasia by granting added-value to the economy of both the region and the country as a result of businessmen from 50 different countries placing orders to the tune of a million dollars with manufacturers in Bursa. Business connections made between our participating companies and businessmen attending domestically from 41 provinces, mainly from İstanbul, Denizli, Gaziantep and İzmir, and internationally from Iran, Israel, Italy, Canada, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Qatar, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Chile, Morocco, Palestine, Ghana, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Oman, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Libya, Lebanon, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Greece as part of activities organized under Tüyap foreign offices, BTSO’s Commercial Safari Project and the UR-GE projects by Turkish Ministry of Economy have contributed greatly to the manufacturing, competitiveness and exports of the industry.” ”THE INDUSTRY IS PLEASED WITH THE FAIR” Halil Atalay, President of BEKSIAD, said that products featuring spring-summer fashion were showcased at Junioshow, which was introduced to Bursa with a new vision under the leadership of BTSO. Describing how Junioshow breathed new life into the industry, Halil Atalay said, “The fair met all expectations of our companies. Our companies made very important business connections throughout the fair. Inviting only professional visitors to the fair was a determining factor in this regard. This was an exemplary fair for BTSO, as well as TÜYAP Bursa Fairs Organization Inc. I would like to thank İbrahim Burkay, BTSO Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the Members of the Board of Directors for leading our industry on this subject.”

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