Mummys Market Pregnancy & Baby Guide April 2021

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13/4/21 3:56 PM

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Editor's Note.indd 1

12/4/21 12:10 AM


EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW What is Cord Blood? Cord blood, also known as “placental blood”, is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of a baby and after the umbilical cord is cut after delivery. Cord blood banking is the process of collecting your baby’s cord blood and storing it in cryogenic tanks until a release is requested by the family. Cord blood is a rich source of Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) with the lifesaving potential to differentiate into a series of cells found in the body.


Red Blood Cells

White Blood Cells


Transports oxygen to all cells in the body

Produces antibodies and fights infection

Assists in blood clotting in the event of injury


CORD BLOOD VS. CORD LINING CORD BLOOD • Rich in Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) • Replenishes blood and regenerates the immune system

CORD LINING • Rich in Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs) • Aids in the repair of injured tissues and organs • Immune-modulating characteristics (suitable for your baby and other family members)

By choosing to store both your baby’s cord blood and cord lining, you are availing your children and family of an exclusive & readily available source of HSCs, MSCs and CLEpSCs with growing applications in the fields of regenerative medicine & stem cell therapy.

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13/4/21 3:52 PM


Treatment of over 80 diseases

Cord blood can be used to treat over 80 types of diseases1 such as leukaemia, lymphoma, thalassemia and immune disorders. Clinical trials are also underway to use cord blood for the treatment of autism, cerebral palsy, Type 1 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury and many more². Clinical trials are one of the key driving forces in medical breakthroughs and it represents hope for families with conditions that have no known cure.

Guaranteed Match for Autologous transplants Cord blood stem cells are a guaranteed match for autologous transplants (where the donor and recipient are the same individual). Based on Cordlife’s data, 67% of cord blood units stored with them were released for autologous treatment of non-genetic diseases and cancers without the risk of rejection3. In addition, should an autologous transplant be required, there is a lower risk of Graft vs Host disease (GvHD) when cord blood stem cells are used, as compared to bone marrow stem cells.

DID YOU KNOW? mm_cordlife_ad-2.indd 2

Readily Available Supply of HSCs Should a time-critical situation ever arise where cord blood stem cells are needed, parents have a readily available supply of HSCs for the family’s exclusive use. This will reduce the cost and time to conduct a national or international search for a matched donor. Unlike bone marrow which requires a perfect match between donor and patient, the probability of finding a match among family members using cord blood stem cells is higher. Furthermore, studies have also shown that there is a 95% survival rate for transplants using related cord blood as compared to 61% for unrelated cord blood4.

Cord Blood Stem Cells are Younger & Primitive Another unique ability of HSCs is that they are able to differentiate into different types of cells as they are in their naïve and most primitive form. Therefore, these cells are faster in generating healthy cells, and are also more tolerant to tissue mismatches which may happen in transplants involving a donor.

There is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood: minutes after birth. Cord blood collection is a safe and risk-free process for both mother & baby, and it doesn’t interfere with the birthing process – whether it is a c-section of vaginal delivery.

Increased Potential of Cord Blood for Autism & Cerebral Palsy With medical advancements, researchers are continuously looking into expanding and increasing the potential of umbilical cord blood stem cells for treatment. Such research has shown great developments in treating conditions like cerebral palsy, autism and many more. A 2017 study saw prominent improvements in brain connectivity and motor function skills after children with cerebral palsy received an infusion of their own umbilical cord blood5. More recently, a research study conducted in 2020 by renowned cord blood pioneer and expert Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg showed significant results in the use of autologous umbilical cord blood for the treatment of childhood autism6. In Singapore, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) is currently conducting a clinical trial for the treatment of autism using the child’s own cord blood stem cells that are stored with a family cord blood bank.


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As hospitals may not have a kit available on your delivery day, you may miss the only chance for collection. By deciding early, you don’t have to worry about the logistics on your delivery day!

13/4/21 3:52 PM





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As there is only one chance to collect your baby’s cord blood, it’s important to do it with the right partner. Choose a family cord blood bank that has a long-standing establishment as it assures parents that their baby’s precious lifesaving stem cells are stored with a trusted and reliable partner who will be with them for the long haul.


A helpful tip will be to go with the largest family cord blood bank in Singapore, as they have over 19 years of experience under their belt. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation, an independent resource and non-profit foundation, has also ranked the Top 10 Family Cord Blood Banks worldwide, and a quick search can tell you if any of these are in Singapore.

INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATIONS Consider family cord blood banks that have been accredited by international bodies such as the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) or Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). These accreditations ensure that the family cord blood bank adheres to the highest quality standards when it comes to the handling, processing and storing of your baby’s cord blood through regular and rigorous audits. It also ensures that your child’s cord blood stem cells will remain viable should the need for transplantation ever arise. There are only eight family cord blood banks worldwide that are internationally dual certified by both AABB and FACT. Do your research and one of these eight would be a family cord blood bank worth considering.

Find out more about the life-saving benefits of cord blood banking here!


Watch a short educational series about umbilical cord banking here!

TRANSPLANT TRACK RECORD Another important consideration is the proven transplant track record of your chosen family cord blood bank. A quick tip is to check if the family cord blood bank has released numerous cord blood units for clinical trials such as the ongoing trial conducted by KKH in Singapore for the treatment of autism. This is an indication that the family cord blood bank is experienced in successfully releasing cord blood stem cells for transplants. It also confirms that the cord blood stem cells stored under their care are in accordance with the highest standards and remains viable for transplantation.

FULLY-OWNED PROCESSING AND STORAGE FACILITY Proper protocols go into ensuring the viability of your child’s cord blood stem cells which is why it’s also important to choose a family cord blood bank that has full ownership over their processing and storage facilities. This means that they maintain direct control over critical services, quality, licencing and accreditations which assures parents of the well-being of their child’s cord blood that are stored under the bank’s care. This also provides the family cord blood bank with immediate access to resources in the event of an emergency.

ADDITIONAL SERVICE OFFERINGS Besides storing cord blood stem cells, check if your chosen family cord blood bank offers additional services as it would give you access to more medical options for your child and family members. One of the family cord blood banks in Singapore is also a patented technology provider in the processing and storage of cord lining cells, which contains 2 types of cells found in the umbilical cord lining – Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Cord Lining Epithelial Stem Cells (CLEpSCs). By storing a combination of cells, it increases your child and family’s medical options for possible therapeutic and regenerative applications in the future, especially for conditions that currently have no known cure.

FINANCIAL STABILITY As stem cell transplants or therapies may take place now or later in life, choosing a family cord blood bank with a sound, transparent and sustainable financial status is vital as it ensures that the family cord blood bank will be one that you can trust to be with you for the long haul. Public-listed companies offer financial transparency for increased assurance. Some other factors to take note of also include the family cord blood bank’s processing technology, customer service and enrolment process, just to name a few.

e References:

1For the full list of treatable diseases and references, please refer to https://

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²Diseases and Disorders that have been in Clinical Trials with Cord Blood or Cord Tissue Cells page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation website. https://parentsguidecordblood. org/en/diseases#trial. Accessed March 3, 2021.

3Based on Cordlife’s cord blood release track record as of September 2020.

4Bizzetto R, Bonfim C, Rocha V, et al. Outcomes after related and unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation for hereditary bone marrow failure syndromes other than Fanconi anemia. Haematologica. 2011; 96(1):134-141.

5Umbilical cord blood improves motor skills in some children with cerebral palsy page. Duke Department of Pediatrics website. umbilical-cord-blood-improves-motor-skills-some-children-cerebral-palsy. Accessed March 10, 2021.

6Results from the Duke ACT Study of Cord Blood for Autism: The Inside Scoop from Dr. Kurtzberg page. Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood website. Accessed March 3, 2021.

13/4/21 3:52 PM


Cho ing to Love In April 2019, Carol & Janson found that they were pregnant, and subsequently discovered that their baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome a few weeks later. Carol, mother to now 20-month-old Jacob shared her initial feelings:

“We didn’t take the diagnosis well at all…

In fact, that’s an understatement. I cried daily for one month straight and at that time, we were not the sort of parents who would immediately choose to keep our baby no matter what. I really admire parents like that. However, Janson and I felt an assurance of peace to continue carrying our baby. We chose to love and chose to keep Jacob.

I Am Unique

Cele ating sma wins

Jacob is one of Mustela Singapore’s “I Am Unique” 2020 casting call winners!

In 2019, Mustela Singapore started its first casting call for all babies aged 6 to 36 months. In 2020, the theme was one with an inclusive call for all participants to celebrate their individual distinctiveness, be it their personality traits, quirks or interests! Other than featuring beautiful, unique babies, this initiative also shed light on the various experiences faced by parents, and their unique stories, emphasising Mustela’s commitment to babies of all skin types, conditions and backgrounds.

Since he was 6 months old, Jacob has been going for early intervention classes at THK EIPIC Centre and Down Syndrome Association to develop his motor development and communication skills. Children with Down syndrome tend to have low muscle tone (known as hypotonia) and this may affect their speech as the tongue is also a muscle. At the centres, warm-up activities and various exercises are taught by the teachers, speech therapists and physiotherapists to increase Jacob’s muscle tone by activating the muscles. There are many other interactive activities like circle time, music, story time and various sensory play.

Before he was born, we did a lot of research about Down syndrome and told ourselves that Jacob would only be a blessing in our lives, never a burden.”

“Our w ld is better with Jacob in it.”

Witnessing Jacob’s progress has been a rewarding journey for Carol and Janson.

“We just feel so blessed and privileged to

be his parents, to see him thrive and enjoy life like any other children. It is a misconception that children or adults with Down syndrome will suffer. We’ve read many encouraging testimonials of adults with Down syndrome all over the world who are living fulfilling lives, contributing to society. Some are married with children!”

Jacob was born in August 2019, weighing 3.27 kilograms and measuring 50 centimetres. He went through a heart surgery at 2.5 months old and recovered well. In fact, the scar is hardly visible now, thanks to the doctor’s skills.

Just like how Carol and Janson hope to dispel unhelpful stereotypes and assert inclusion and diversity of those who are differentlyabled, Mustela hopes to advocate for all babies to be loved and heralded in their own unique ways, in a more understanding and accepting community. Jacob may have Down syndrome, but his winning smile and joyful expressions have made him the “spokesbaby” for infants and toddlers like him around the world. Mustela Singapore is proud to have him as one of the key faces of the brand, appearing on various platforms such as social media, e-commerce and more. The Down Syndrome Association proudly calls him ‘their youngest disability advocate’.

Raising a child with Down syndrome is not the easiest of journeys, but Carol and Janson are thankful to have a strong support network.

“We want to take this opportunity to thank

WHAT IS DOWN SYNDROME? It is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. A baby born with Down syndrome has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two. In 1866, an English doctor, John Langdon Down, published a description of the condition, which subsequently took his name. In 1959, Professor Jérome Lejeune proved that Down syndrome is a chromosomal irregularity. Instead of 46 chromosomes usually present in each cell, Lejeune noted 47 in the cells of people with Down syndrome. It is not yet known what causes the presence of an extra chromosome 21, and there is currently no way of predicting its occurrence. Nothing done before or during pregnancy can cause Down syndrome as it occurs in all races, social classes and in all countries throughout the world. RESOURCES FOR DOWN SYNDROME:

all our friends & family members, especially my parents who took his diagnosis way better than me, and always said that Jacob is a gift from God. They have been so supportive and have shown kindness and love to us in this journey.”

Do you know? World Down Syndrome Day falls on March 21 annually. The 21st day of the 3rd month signifies the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome. Because socks are shaped like our chromosomes, advocates around the world take part in the #rockyoursocks social movement by wearing bright or mismatched socks.

Words of encouragement to struggling parents To my fellow mums and dads who may have children with Down Syndrome, or who may be struggling in their own parenthood journeys, I just want to give a big hug to you! You’re not alone. My hubby and I have benefitted greatly from a close group of fellow parents who are going through similar journeys. I strongly believe there is a plan for each of our wonderful children. Our world is better with them in it.

Scan to watch behind the scenes of our Casting Call

tcm in pregnancy >>

Unlike Western Medicine, TCM does not identify pregnancy as a phase with altered human physiology with its unique vulnerabilities.


Between 15% and 50% of women use some form of herbs in pregnancy.

the pregnancy concept in tcm

understanding tcm

The practice of TCM originates from the writings of HuangDi NeiJin more than two thousand years ago. It remains a cornerstone of healthcare in modern China. In fact, the philosophies underpinning TCM has interwoven into the cultural DNA of Chinese people all over the world, shaping their lifestyles, disease prevention, and sickness management. The bedrock of TCM is to achieve homeostasis, or physiological balance, of the Yin and Yang. The Yin-Yang philosophy encompasses the entire natural world, both large and small. The ebbs and wanes of the Yin-Yang opposing forces presides the health of man, as man interacts with the environment. The Yin-Yang forces conduct through the Qi and Blood energy, along meridians that organizes the organ systems of man. TCM promotes the holistic approach to maintain equilibrium by the use of natural medicine.

use of herbs Many pregnant women use herbs or complementary therapies to have more energy, to feel well, and to strengthen the body to cope with the pregnancy. The widespread belief is that Chinese herbs being natural are mild and harmless, and should not have the noxious effects of western processed medications. This is far from true as ingested herbs have potent and unintended effects. The ancient Shennong’s Herbal Classic asserts that toxic herbs are those that effect a cure, and non-toxic herbs restore deficiencies. All herbs are invariably toxic, and excessive doses of even a “weak” herb can cause

TCM In Pregnancy.indd 1

extensive injury. The classic TCM pharmacopoeia warns against the dispensing of many individual herbs and medicinal material that are poisonous, that may cause miscarriage and injure the pregnancy. These include animal products (e.g. scorpion, beetle, toad, leeches, and centipedes), heavy metals (e.g. arsenic, mercury, and lead) and many other purgative, invigorating, and harsh plants. The common Chinese medications used during pregnancy are ones like BaZhen Tang, Si-Wu Tang, AnTai-Yin, compound powder like Dang-Gui-Saho-Yao-San, and single herbs like Ginseng and Huanglian. The expert TCM practitioner has to master the functions

and characteristics of hundreds of herbs. He has also to understand how these herbs interact when combined – either to synergize, to antagonize, or equilibrate the desired effect. Herbal concoction is to exert its impact on different patient eco-systems, which are intrinsically different according to gender, age, genetics, and lifestyles. If a TCM prescription that involves more than three herbal products and aspires to be curative, its formulation according to the classical methodology will be arduous. Countless man-hours and innumerable patient encounters were consumed to derive effective decoction, with many misses along the way. Chinese

Pregnancy ill health is similarly managed as in the non-pregnant women, by stabilizing the Yin-Yang balance, using herbs and acupuncture that manipulate the Qi movements. There is a weak appreciation of the interaction between the growing fetus and the pregnant mother. The pregnant mother and the fetus are managed as one. TCM textbooks only discuss few pregnancy related conditions like threatened miscarriage and fetal mal-presentation. Pregnancy-related disorders are not considered unique conditions; they are treated according to the presenting complaints, such as abdominal pain, leg swelling, headaches and so forth. herb prescribing is more of an art, resting on the experience of the master herbalist. To meddle with herbs while inexperienced is dangerous. Natural herbs may have more than one function, and their potency varies according to where they are harvested. Some natural herbs have opposing functions depending on their chemical state. The preparation of the herbs changes their properties. Thankfully, the safety of using herbs is improving fast when modern TCM practice applied the latest technologies.

26/5/20 11:12 AM

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21/9/20 2:20 PM

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11/4/21 11:24 PM

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8/4/21 4:54 PM

Ways To Sleep Better During Your Pregnancy Your back in aching and legs are swelling so much, all you want to do is have a good night sleep at the end of a long day at work. So what’s stopping you? Sometimes pregnancy insomnia just gets the better of us and though we want to drift off to snooze-nation, it’s not that easy! Here, we share the sleep secrets for pregnant womevn. Have a good night, Mummies!

Skip the late-night suppers and snacks We know baby (or you) is hungry, but refrain from having that late-night indulgence 2 hours before bedtime. There’s the likelihood that it

Sleep in a cool environment

will cause reflux or heartburn and that would keep you wide awake and uncomfortable.

Your body heat increases during pregnancy. You might be feeling hot all the time, and if your room is too stuffy, you might have trouble sleeping. So if possible, turn down the temperature on your air-con if you’re feeling warm.

Don’t keep tossing in bed Seems counterintuitive, but if you can’t sleep,

Sleep on your side You probably know you should sleep on your side if possible, since it’ll reduce the amount of pressure on your uterus and help you breathe better. Plus, the position will help relieve backaches. And there actually is a “better” side to sleep on. Sleeping on your left side can actually help increase the amount of blood and

don’t just lie in bed miserable. Get up and do something that might make you bored for a few minutes! Try walking around your house or folding laundry. It might feel weird, but we all know that mundane chores are sometimes a bore—so use it to your advantage. After you’ve calmed down a bit, go back to bed and see if you can fall asleep.

nutrients that flow to baby.

Keep afternoon naps short

Make your bed super comfy

If you have time to nap (lucky you!), go for it, but

A comfortable bed is key. Since your spine feels

don’t nap for more than 30 minutes. If you sleep

more pressure than normal, get different size

for longer than that, your body will enter the stage

pillows and rearrange them to elevate your body

of deep sleep and this will make it harder for you

or relieve back pain. You might need more to get

to wake up and will leave you feeling groggy.

comfy. Also, if you’re not getting enough support

Don’t worry—even though you’re only allowed a

from your mattress because you’re finding that

half hour for a nap, you can take a few each day.

you have a lot of back pain or sore muscles, you

It’s the perfect treatment for daytime fatigue.

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might need to add a mattress pad.

21/9/20 2:12 PM


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Dr Brown's AD.indd 1

12/4/21 12:09 AM


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Standing at the Starting Line Starting out can feel intimidating, but the moment you get exercising, it’ll all fall into place! For the first one or two weeks, all you need to do is exercise for 10 to 15 minutes per day, and then increase it by 5 to 10 minutes until you hit 30 minutes. Try not to go beyond 30 minutes of working out unless you were already physically active before your pregnancy. Most importantly though, you should check with your healthcare practitioner before you start exercising. If you were exercising regularly before pregnancy and there are no complications in your pregnancy, you can continue working out as you’ve done before, but with a focus on duration instead of intensity.


Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy: - Reduces backaches, constipation, bloating, swelling - Increases energy levels - Improves mood - Improves posture - Builds muscles, strength, and endurance - Can help prevent or treat gestational diabetes - Better sleep - Best of all, being active during pregnancy will make it easier for you to get back in shape after baby is born 1. Eating Enough Calories Remember that you should be eating around 1.3 people’s worth of food and calories in a day, and that exercise burn calories, so you’ll have to eat quite a bit more depending on your exercise routine.

You’ll need to be well nourished for both you and baby, and if your body mass index (BMI) is within a healthy range of 18 and 25, you should eat 340 more calories a day during your second trimester, and 450 more calories a day during your third trimester. 2. Wearing the Proper Attire Always keep cool. Pregnant ladies tend to get overheated faster, and should wear loose clothes with breathable fabric. Ensure good support - a maternity bra with the right amount of support is recommended.

big part of forming the placenta, which baby relies on to receive nutrients during your pregnancy, and will form the amniotic sac later in pregnancy. 4. Don’t Overexert Exercising until you’re gasping and out of breath while pregnant is a major no-no. If you’re unable to have a comfortable conversation at your current pace, bring your exercising pace and intensity a notch down.

3. Hydrating Yourself Drink lots of water before, during, and after your workout to keep dehydration at bay. It’s vital for pregnant women to stay well-hydrated, as water helps your baby to develop healthily. Water is a

27/12/19 3:43 PM

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ASK THE EXPERT DR ANNABELLE CHOW ANNABELLE PSYCHOLOGY UEN: 201836771G Clinic Line: 8202 3385, Royal Square Medical Centre #17-12, 101 Irrawaddy Rd, Singapore 329565

Here are some tips!

1. GIVE CLEAR AND DIRECT RULES Leave little to the imagination or ambiguity. Your child is less likely to cross the line if your instructions are singlestep rules for them to understand and follow. Remember, they are still developing their cognitive and language capabilities, and every child develops at a different pace! Your language should be directive and close-ended, and not open-ended or open for misinterpretation. Let’s have a look at two instructions:

with your toys?” your toys.” The second instruction is direct, close-ended and impactful. It is more effective in getting your point across to your child. Not only will your child understand what you want quickly, they would also be able to know how firm you stand by these rules.

2. EXPLAIN WHAT, WHEN, WHY Once your child is able to understand simple instructions and grasp the concept of cause and consequence, it might be time to start explaining what you need them to do, when you need them to do it, and why you have set the rule. For example, children might often fight you during teeth brushing time because it is an activity they might not enjoy. Instead of entering into a shouting match with your child, explain what the activity involves. Demonstrate the act of brushing by brushing your teeth together with them. Explain when the activity is necessary and tell them why you have asked them to do so. You might even show them a picture from Google of a boy with dental cavities and decaying teeth and explain that is a consequence of not brushing their teeth regularly!

MM_AnnabellePsychologyArticle_D2.indd All Pages

3. APPROPRIATE, CONGRUENT BODY LANGUAGE We’ve all heard about how the words we use contributes only a small percentage of how convincing a message is. This applies to children as well! When teaching or disciplining your child, maintain appropriate eye contact, speak with a firm voice, and have a neutral facial expression. Consider giving eye contact at their eye-level, which means that you must lower your body to match their gaze. This is done so as not to frighten or intimidate your child. Do not attempt to discipline them while laughing or smiling – if you don’t think that you would be convinced when someone does this to you, chances are, your child won’t as well. As long as whatever you say is congruent with your demeanour and actions, your child will understand that you’re serious about what you say. This makes them more likely to keep within the set boundaries.

We know that our kids need limits and boundaries. But we also know that setting boundaries is the easy bit – enforcing them is a much harder task! It is uncomfortable for many parents to start putting boundaries into place, especially if you haven’t before! We love our kids and we would never want to see them upset over something we did. But setting limits for our children is not only necessary, but beneficial for them. It can has the added bonus of make our parenting journey a lot easier as our children grow up!

Don’t worry even if you feel they might be too young to be taught boundaries.

It can be tempting to withdraw whatever you’ve said or done but do know that empty threats are not the way to solve things, either. While they may make your child happy with you for now, empty threats just show your child that you are not serious about the boundaries. They might choose to defy these boundaries in the future.

5. RECOGNISE WHEN THEY HAVE STUCK BY THE BOUNDARIES YOU’VE SET TOO! This is a great way to show your child that you still love them even though they did something wrong! When they’ve done something good, praise them and acknowledge their efforts. Children love to be acknowledged and praised for something they did, especially when it’s from their parents! This makes them feel loved and cherished. They will thus be more motivated to stick to these boundaries in order to feel these positive feelings again. Positive reinforcement is a great strategy to maintain a child’s good behaviour.



In an ideal world, our children will never be upset. Especially not with us.

Understand what can be done at certain ages and what might be too advanced for your child. This prevents you from setting expectations that are too high and will save you lots of agony later.

However, know that it’s alright if your child is upset with you in the process of setting boundaries. They need to learn what is acceptable behaviour and what is not. They will not always agree with you in what you deem to be in their best interest, especially if it means reducing their TV or computer game time or having to eat their vegetables. Moreover, the experience can also help them learn how to cope with negative emotions in a healthy, rational way. These lessons you have for them are necessary and beneficial for them, so don’t feel bad for it.

Look up what healthy expectations you can have for your child and use these as yardsticks for their growth. You can keep track of their progress and let them know about their improvement! This can also serve as motivation for them to continue sticking to your limits and exhibiting prosocial behaviour.

Learning about boundaries early in early childhood equips children with the necessary social skills to chart their way through life and navigate future relationships, such that they are less likely to do things that hurt others or make others uncomfortable. Children are all attempting to explore their environment at this stage, keenly observing their environments, imitating behaviours they observe, remembering the relationships of cause-and-effect and forming beliefs about rules based on what they see. Learning what is socially acceptable behaviour and what is not is an important life skill for parents to teach our young.

Next, comes the important question: how do we go about teaching children boundaries in a healthy way, such that they are able to learn and still understand that we still love them?

7. DON’T GIVE THEM TOO MUCH POWER AND CONTROL IN THE FAMILY Basically, try not to spoil your child. Children develop an inflated sense of influence and authority when they are given discretion or leeway to bend the rules (e.g. its ok not to go to sleep as long as I’m with dad…). The boundaries that you’ve set for them might get blurred in the process. They might feel emboldened to test the limits set and will be less inclined to stick to what you’ve told them. This effectively sets the stage for future parent-child conflicts and power struggles when they grow older. Worse still, if not curbed from young, it might become more challenging to place limits on your child as they enter adolescence, which is a stage highly associated with independence-seeking and identity-formation.

8. CONSISTENCY IS KEY! Consistency encourages compliance. By enforcing rules consistently, children quickly get a sense of the structure and the discipline expected of them, both of which are important elements for effective parenting. It would be easier for your children to know how to stay within the limits that you impose. Moreover, they would also know that you are serious about the boundaries, which helps teach them about being accountable for their actions even if you are not around to enforce them. Hopefully, this will make them think twice before they commit a (potential) transgression! Loving our children means teaching them the right, albeit difficult, lessons to better navigate life, values, and relationships. Teaching them appropriate behaviour happens to be one of these important lessons. We can start doing so in their childhood as they are keenly exploring their environment. Not only will an early head start help them in life, it will also make your parenting journey an easier one as time passes by!

5/4/21 1:44 AM


YOU WILL NEED: 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 cup of wheat flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/⁄2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

150ml water

1/2 cup of ic GERBER Organ inoa Oatmeal Millet Qu Cereal

1 e gg


In a large bowl, mix ingredients together


Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat.


Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

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8/4/21 5:24 PM

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Monster Sippy Cup

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4G+ Steriliser

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12/4/21 4:51 PM

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28 Days Postnatal Nutritional Herbal Soup Receipes

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Refreshing Gel Hand Sanitiser

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Newborn Diapers

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Confinement Nanny

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Anti Bacterial Seamless Nursing Bra

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Tooth-Friendly Pacifier

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Signatur Rosa Generös

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12/4/21 4:51 PM




Post-Natal Massage

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Goats Milk

Awards Write Up.indd 11

12/4/21 4:51 PM

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Cintronella Oil

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Confinement Food

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X1 Plus Stroller


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Freestyle Flex

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Clean Steam Bottle Sterilizer and Dryer Awards Write Up.indd 13

12/4/21 4:51 PM

WHAT’S REALLY IN MY INFANT FORMULA? The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. In circumstances where breastfeeding may not be possible, infant formula is the next best alternative. There are countless choices in the market, and each claim to include the best ingredients in their products. This makes understanding the differences between brands and choosing the right infant formula for your child a challenging proposition. While most parents would focus on the amount of DHA and ARA in infant formula brands, few stop to consider what forms the bulk of infant formula – the milk (or lack thereof)!


It is not uncommon to find skimmed milk or whey listed as the first ingredient, indicating that they are present in order of higher percentages than the other ingredients in the formula milk. What is skimmed milk and whey, and why do the various infant formula brands use these ingredients as the base ingredient in their formula milk? Skimmed milk is made by removing the natural milk fats from whole milk (also known as full cream milk). By removing the natural milk fats from whole milk, skimmed milk contains little to no fat. In addition, vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin D that are fat-soluble are also lost due to the removal of the natural milk fats and must be added back into the skimmed milk after the skimming process. Natural whole milk contains two types of naturally occurring proteins; casein and whey. To make whey, the casein proteins and natural milk fats are removed from whole milk.


Other common ingredients used in formula milk include Corn Starch, Glucose, Sucrose and Corn Syrup. These ingredients are cheap and serve useful purposes from the manufacturer’s point of view, such as being a source of easy-to-digest carbohydrates, as a sweetener or helping to thicken the milk formula. In addition, most Corn Starch, Glucose and Corn Syrup are made from GMO corn. Corn Starch is commonly added as a source of carbohydrates and as a thickener for infant formula. It is also used to keep your baby feeling fuller for longer, as corn starch is a complex carbohydrate that is harder to digest than sugars.

Glucose and sucrose are simple sugars that are commonly made from the starches in corn and sugar cane. Corn syrup is produced in a similar way to how corn-based glucose syrup is produced. Glucose and Corn Syrup are also much sweeter than Lactose, which is a naturally occurring sugar in breastmilk and cow’s milk.


Unfortunately, most infant formula brands choose palm oil as the primary fat source (the first vegetable fat) due to its low cost and the palmitic acid found within. Being cheap and relatively easy to grow, the cultivation of palm oil has led to detrimental impacts on the environment. Not only is it a leading contributor to deforestation and wildlife displacement on a massive scale, but this oil may also have harmful effects on your child. One of the negative effects of palm oil for children is constipation. Palm oil has been shown to combine with calcium to form hard, insoluble soaps in your child’s sensitive digestion system, which in turn leads to constipation with all the associated symptoms such as pain, lack of appetite and, of course, disrupted sleep for your child. Research has shown that babies who drink formulas without palm oil have softer stools, like that of breastfed babies.

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26/5/20 10:48 AM

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13/4/21 3:54 PM

Natural Ways

To Boosts Baby’s Immunity It is pretty normal for babies to catch about 8 – 10 colds in their first year of their life, so if you’re baby is constantly falling sick, don’t worry too much about it! Their little immune systems are slowly developing. But while this is unavoidable, you can give them a helping hand to fend off illnesses a little quicker! Here are 10 immunity boosters – the natural way!


Go Outdoors!

As much as you can, aim to breastfeed baby for the first 6 months! You’re providing her with antibodies, as well as disease-fighting white blood cells. It’s truly a powerful liquid!

Take baby outside for a stroll in the day is a great way to give her a dose of vitamin D. A little sun rays will help with their immunity and also aids in her body to absorb calcium.

Stay active

Sweet potato

Physical play can build baby’s physical strength and help to fight the bug quicker. Get on the floor and crawl around with her!

Sweet potato is packed with carotenoids which is known to aid the immune system and is also loaded with antioxidants and vitamin A!



Yoghurt is filled with good bacteria that helps to fend off the bad ones. If baby has started on solids, offer her some natural yoghurt!

More Fish Fish like salmon, contains essential fatty acids that are beneficial to your baby to build up her disease-fighting white blood cells.


You’ve probably introduced multiple antibacterial products in your household – soaps, cleaners, wipes, etc. By doing so, you’re lowering their resistance to diseases!

PG 20 Natural Way to Boost Immunity.indd 1

Antibiotics is not always the cure to your baby’s illness. Especially if it’s just a common cold. The danger of having too much of it is that over time, your baby will get immune to its effects.

Some Berries!

Berries are full of antioxidants and babies loves them! Cut them into bite sizes pieces or puree them to ensure safe weaning though!

Fruits & Veggies This goes without saying, and you probably are aware of it by now. It is important to have lots of fresh fruits and veggies in their diet. If you’re still breastfeeding, eat right yourself!

8/1/21 3:32 PM

All Freebies_Dec-2020.indd 1

13/4/21 3:53 PM

POSTPARTUM BLEEDING What is it, How long does it last and Tips for you!

After delivery, you will experience bright red bleeding that is very heavy. Any vaginal bleeding can seem to be too much, after not bleeding for 9 months! Bleeding after giving birth can be normal as this is the way that your body gets rid of the womb after you deliver your baby.

WHAT DOES POST- PARTUM BLEEDING LOOK LIKE? The flow of lochia (bleeding after giving birth) will be very heavy and bright red at first. It might have clots in it. The colour of the flow will change gradually to pink, and then to brown. Eventually, the flow will change to yellow-white, much like your period.



You might need to change a pad hourly, or every two hours to start with, then every three or four hours in the coming days or weeks. Ensure that you wash your hands before and after changing your pad. Other than regularly changing your maternity pad, take a shower at least once a day, to ensure that this part is kept clean so as to prevent infections. If you have vaginal stitches, don’t be afraid to clean it. Blood will tend to get trapped around the wound, so be gentle but don’t neglect that area!


Immediately after you deliver, you will have lochia from your vagina. The discharge will change color to pinkish in a week’s time, and eventually become yellowish or white after about 10 days. You may have lochia lasting for about 2 to 4 weeks, and might come and disappear for like two months. Red lochia will reduce within the first few weeks as the flow gradually becomes less. However, if you try to do a lot of activity too soon, the flow might reappear. A sign that you need to slow down on your level of activity is the appearance of bright red blood.

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Other than stocking up on maternity pads, you really do not need to do anything out of the ordinary. Two or three packs of maternity pads will do. It is advised that you do not use tampons for the first six or so weeks, as using tampons can introduce a bacteria into your uterus that is still healing, which might cause an infection.


As the flow can be pretty heavy, it is not advisable to wear your favourite underwear to soon. The chances of you staining them will be high. It’s convenient to use disposables and it saves you the trouble of having to wash them! During confinement, anything to save you time and effort is always a great idea.

21/9/20 2:34 PM

Gerber.indd 1

8/4/21 5:17 PM


Symptoms, Causes And Solutions

A newborn’s tummy is extremely delicate. His system is still developing, and occasional tummy troubles are bound to happen. This in turn will cause you to go into panic mode as he’s crying, and you don’t know what’s the cause! Learn how to recognise the common issues and tackle it like a pro.


GAS PAIN What it is: Air can get into baby’s belly and, as she’s digesting, get stuck. Think of it like a balloon of air in the intestines! It causes pressure, which can be painful. Causes: Babies are prone to gas. But it’s totally natural— it gets produced by the normal bacteria that live in baby’s gut. Crying, fussing and bottle-feeding can all put extra air bubbles there too. How to spot it: If baby has gas pain, his belly might look inflated, or he might be arching his back or squirming a lot because it’s uncomfortable. Baby’s probably fussy too, which can make the gas even worse, since he could swallow a bunch of air while crying. Usually, gas pain is at its worst when baby is about 6 to 8 weeks old. But know that gas pains aren’t usually cause for medical concern, and soon baby will outgrow getting them so badly. How to help: Try to get the gas out - Lay baby down and gently bicycle his legs forward and backward, and try pushing his knees to the chest, repeating several times. If you’ve seen a doctor for this, they will give you gas drops for baby, that could help too.

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What it is: We’re sure you know what this is, because you’ve probably been slimed many times already! What can cause it: Chalk it up to an immature digestive system. The valve that closes the stomach off from the oesophagus and prevents food and drink from going back up isn’t as strong in babies as it is in adults. The result? Baby’s food can easily make a reappearance —especially when she eats too much or too fast. How to spot it: Spitting up is just spitting up, as long as baby seems perfectly content afterward. It will only be a medical problem if baby is coughing, choking, gagging, has poor weight gain or projectile vomiting. How to help: Work on prevention. Stop halfway through a feeding (when you switch breasts or baby’s had half the bottle) for a burp so baby has extra time to digest and you get excess air out before it gets stuck in there. Then burp baby at the end of the feeding too. If you’re having trouble getting the burp out, try some different positions. Also try keeping baby upright for about 20 minutes after the feeding, while she’s digesting. Other than that, there isn’t much more you can do. If you’ve got a frequent spitter-upper, accept that you’re going to have to be super-prepared with extra clothes, bibs and burp cloths when you take baby out. You’ll probably do a ton of laundry too. It’s a pain, but temporary—it usually gets better when baby is around 6 months to one year old.

DIARRHOEA CONSTIPATION What it is: It’s not what you probably think—babies can poop anywhere from 8 to 10 times a day to once every 7 to 10 days and still be considered just fine, as long as they’re not uncomfortable. Rather, constipation is about them having trouble pooping when they actually have to go. What can cause it: Baby can get constipated when you switch to a new food, like from breast milk to formula, formula to regular milk, or when you introduce new solids. How to spot it: Keep an eye on consistency. If baby is constipated, the poop will come out as hard little balls or he’ll be farting a lot and will be straining to try to poop. Also, beware of black, red or maroon baby poop, which could mean there’s blood in it. Blood could be a sign of something more serious, so call baby’s doctor if you see it. Yellow, green and brown poops are fine! How to help: First, ask baby’s doctor to recommend a treatment. Depending on baby’s age, the doctor may say it’s okay to give baby some apple or pear juice.

What it is: Diarrhoea in babies refers to frequent, loose, really watery stools. Diarrhoea is scary in babies because it can cause them to become dangerously dehydrated. What can cause it: Diarrhoea usually only happens if baby’s exposed to a virus (maybe through a big sibling) or if she’s eaten something that was contaminated or spoiled, though certain foods can also cause a problem. How to spot it: Normal poop in babies, especially if breastfed, tend to be runnier than the normal poop in adults—so don’t mistake that for the big D. What you’re looking for is an “excessive watery stool”. How to help: Since baby is losing the fluid she needs, diarrhoea requires a visit to the doctor to make sure baby is not losing too much weight and to detect the root of the problem. Make sure baby’s drinking plenty of liquids (breast milk or formula) and is wetting at least four to five diapers a day if he or she’s an infant (as opposed to the three to four for toddlers). Avoid giving baby juice as juice can make it worse because all its sugar content causes the gut to excrete more water.

8/1/21 10:08 AM




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