Baby Market Baby Fair Shopping Magazine April 17

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Newborn Care

Tips & Tricks New Moms Need To Know

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Crazy Deals

(up to 90% off)

pg 20

pg 52

Pregnancy Care Preparing for Labour

pg 12

pg 10

Traditional or Baby-LED Weaning

Hospital Bag Checklist

pg 26

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Pregnancy Care

10 12

Preparing for Labour Hospital Bag Checklist

Labour & Birth

Confinement It’s Crucial


Participating Brands and Products


Baby Care

Your Step by Step Breastfeeding Guide Newborn Tips & Tricks New Moms Need to know Baby Development Milestone Traditional or Baby-LED Weaning? On Solid Ground

17 20 22 26 29

Home & Lifestyle

Organising - A Mummy-Baby Friendly Nursery

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(Biggest Baby Fair in S.E.A) Shopping Checklist Brand Listings Massive Floor Plan New Launches Amazing Star Deals (Up to 90% off) “Save More” Coupons

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We Care!


When you’re shopping with a bump or baby, It’s the little extras that make the difference!

Feeding Area Changing Room Resting Zone

Demo & Fun Activities

Nursing Room

We CARE and We believe In making a difference Specially designed with mums-to-be and New parents in mind, the event has been Recommended by mummies in Singapore! Our dedicate team is providing Free facilities essential for both you and your little one, to make shopping easier and happier for all you family. Resting Zone Nursing Rooms Official Title Sponsor :

DEMO & Fun Activities Hot water Dispensers Official Retail Partner :

Feeding Area Diaper Changing Rooms

Official Card :

Nursing Room Sponsor :

And More... Diaper Changing Room Sponsor :

Pregnancy Care

r o f g n i r a p e r P

Labour Although the labour process can start at any stage during your pregnancy, in most cases it does not start until the 37th week at the earliest – three weeks before the due date.

Forward planning As your delivery date approaches, it’s very important to be prepared for labour as it can happen at any time. Make sure you know how you will get to the hospital and have a bag packed with everything you will need (as you won’t know how long the labour process will be). You should get a few things ready at least four weeks before your due date. Packing your bag You may want to include the following: something old, loose and comfortable to wear during labour for example an old shirt which should not restrict you from moving around or make you too hot three changes of clothes three comfortable, supportive bras, including nursing bras if you are planning to breastfeed - remember your breasts will be much larger than usual super-absorbent sanitary towels (also known as maternity sanitary pads) breast pads

10 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

a wash bag with toothbrush, hairbrush, flannel, lip balm and other toiletries fruit juices and boiled sweets to give you energy in labour things that can help you pass the time and relax for example books, magazines, IPad a sponge or water spray to cool you down front-opening nightdresses or pyjamas if you are going to breastfeed five or six pairs of (old) pants or disposable pants a loose, comfortable outfit to come home in a shawl or blanket to wrap the baby in car seat for taking baby home any other letters or test results It is likely the hospital will be able to provide some or all of these, but you will probably feel more comfortable taking your own things. The list above is not necessarily complete - so have a think about anything else you might need.

Pregnancy Care

How will you know you're in labour? When you go into labour, one or more of the following things will happen (the labour process is different for everyone): contractions start occurring regularly, with increasingly shorter intervals between each one the contractions become increasingly longer, and stronger your waters will break (although this is only a sign of labour starting if it is accompanied by contractions) you may feel cramps, much like period pains, and pains in the lower back you may notice some vaginal discharge, of a brown or pink colour (this is known as ‘the show’) if you are not sure if labour has started or not, call your doctor or midwife and they will be able to tell you.

If you are overdue If your pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, you will be offered an induction for between 41-42 weeks (seven - 14 days after your due date). Labour can be induced if your baby is overdue or there is any sort of risk to you or your baby’s health – for example, if you have high blood pressure or if your baby is failing to grow and thrive. Induction is always planned in advance, so you will be able to talk over the benefits and disadvantages with your doctor and midwife and find out why they recommend your labour is induced.

The Essential

Hospital Bag Checklist

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 11

Pregnancy Care

For baby

For mom Essentials




Identification Card

Books or magazines

Warm Blanket

Nursing Pillow

Nursing Bra / Tank Top

Flip Flops for shower

Going home outfit

Nursing Cover

Breast Pads

Nursing Pillow

Car Seat

Cotton Wool Balls

Nursing Pads




Milk Storage Bags / Containers

Wet Wipes

Bottle / Formula Milk If you are planning to bottle feed

Change of clothes

Ear Plugs If you are sharing a room

Mittens / Booties

Nipple Cream Pajamas Sanitary Pads Warm Socks Sweater Glasses or contact lenses

For dad Essentials Identification Card

Handphone Charger

Change of Clothes



Coins for vending machine

Glasses or contact lenses Toiletries Camera It’s a once and a lifetime moment

12 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9


Labour & Birth

t n e m e n i Conf IT’S CRUCIAL! While every newborn infant needs care around the clock, it is important for every mother not to neglect her own needs immediately after childbirth. Following are the finer points to note of during the traditional confinement period, which will aid in your postnatal recovery, and a better transition for the family.

The past 16 hours had been one of the most gruelling periods of my life: I had laboured long and hard, and the final hour was also the toughest, spent pushing my first-born son into the wide world. I was drenched in sweat and felt like I’d just run a marathon. A little while later, all stitched up and back in the ward, I found myself gripped by the desire to get scrubbed and clean. My baby had been whisked away to the neonatal ward and my spouse was somewhere, I suppose. No one else seemed to be paying me much attention, so off I went—to the bathroom cubicle, where I spent close to the next half hour under the shower, even though I was still feeling a little dizzy from loss of blood and my legs were none too steady either. The moment I stepped out of the shower, in the middle of towelling dry my hair, a sudden hush seemed to fill the air as I hobbled over to my bed. I noticed more than a few women staring at me, making me feel distinctly uncomfortable… then the tense, awkward silence was finally broken by a disembodied voice somewhere, exclaiming: “aiyoooo… did that girl actually just bathe?!” For me, that was my abrupt awakening to the confinement period—or, the crucial duration of rest and recovery after a woman gives birth, which is supposed to start the very moment your baby is delivered; whether via natural birth or Caesarean section.

In a predominantly Asian society like in Singapore, old traditions die hard, no matter how modern everyday life seems to be. Obviously my post-delivery shower had broken a time-cherished rule, but there was no turning back, except to be careful not to commit any further taboos. It’s likely my own mother had forewarned me of several of these practices, but knowing my headstrong, stubborn and rebellious temperament, it’s just as likely that all her well-meaning advice went over my head. I can’t say for sure whether that impulsive decision made nearly 17 years ago has caused me any health detriments. I’m older, but by no means “old”, which could possibly indicate I’m not out of the woods yet when it comes to problems like rheumatism. I guess I am wiser for the experience too—enough to know that the confinement period is important for all mothers, and should be given due respect and serious consideration. So, from one mother to another, here’s some essential advice… Educate yourself as much as you can about the confinement period, and armed with that knowledge, I can assure you that you’ll indeed be a happy (and confined) camper.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 13

Labour & Birth Bodily concerns

Confinement restrictions—fact or fiction?

A woman spends 40 weeks, or thereabouts, being pregnant, and her body has transformed throughout to endure the many demands of carrying her baby to term. After undergoing so much physical change, her body naturally needs to heal and recover (and that’s a challenge even apart from returning to its original pre-pregnancy state!). Surely this process needs time and care, and that’s what confinement is all about.

While Chinese, Malay or Indian traditions might have different practices when it comes to postnatal confinement, they have one aim in common, which is to help the mother regain her strength after childbirth. The length of the confinement period also varies with each culture, but on average, the duration is typically 30-40 days. Besides being crucial to the mother’s recovery, this downtime is just as essential for the newborn to adjust to the world beyond the womb and to bond with the family. Although the pregnancy and birth may be over, the new mother now has the responsibility of breastfeeding her baby, and in order to lactate optimally, she must obtain sufficient rest and also eat enough healthy and nutritious foods.

Following the baby’s delivery, the uterus takes about four to six weeks to shrink back to its pre-pregnancy state. Breastfeeding is encouraged to help the uterus contract faster, and in order to produce nutrient-rich milk and lactate optimally, the mother must obtain sufficient rest and also eat enough healthy and nutritious foods. Other major internal organs, which may have been shifted out of place by the enlarged uterus during the pregnancy, will also be settling back to their original positions.

Following the delivery, some mothers may feel pain in the lower abdomen or experience back pain, which is due to uterine contractions as well as relaxation of the uterus ligaments and the pelvic floor muscles. These were previously stretched taut to hold your baby within the womb, and after your baby’s birth, these muscles and ligaments will not snap back into their original condition immediately; in fact, they are now looser, and naturally, weaker. In severe cases, the pelvic floor muscles become so weak that they are unable to support the uterus, causing it to slip into the vagina, in a condition known as uterine prolapse. Other women may experience urine incontinence as the pelvic floor muscles are also responsible for controlling the flow of urine. During the confinement period, women are advised not to carry heavy objects, stand for extended periods, and to refrain from squatting whenever possible. They should also try to resume regular bowel habits as constipation can also cause an increase in abdominal pressure which heightens the risk of uterine prolapse. It usually takes between six to eight weeks for the postpartum abdominal wall to recover from being stretched during the pregnancy. Women are advised to do “kegels”, which are exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These can be done standing, sitting or lying down, or even as you walk. “Squeeze these muscles so that you can feel the contraction internally. Try and hold them in contraction for as long as possible. It is not uncommon for you to have difficulty feeling this contraction soon after birth, but it is very important that you keep trying,” advises remedial and sport injury therapist Sally Jacobs. “At first they may feel very weak and you may only be able to hold the contraction for a few seconds. Work up to holding for a full minute, which may take several weeks to accomplish. Practice the exercise several times a day.” 14 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Occasionally, the confinement period lasts longer than tradition calls for, based on the mother’s health during the postpartum period. Mothers who had a C-section may also have a lengthier confinement period as the incision wound takes longer to fully heal compared to an episiotomy.

Keeping clean after birth Most Asian cultures believe that a body’s vitality is due to maintaining the right balance of inner energy, in what is commonly known (especially in Chinese tradition) as the forces of yin and yang. It is believed that the loss of blood during childbirth causes the yang (hot) energy to be depleted and subsequently, a mother’s body has excess yin (cold) energy. That is why any activity that introduces yin energy into the body is discouraged, such as bathing or washing of the hair (one can now see why my simple shower in the hospital ward elicited such shock). As such, “wind” that is not eliminated after pregnancy is believed to increase the likelihood of developing ailments such as rheumatism, headaches and backaches at a later stage in life. Despite the reasoning behind these practices of not bathing or washing of the hair, there is actually no scientific basis to back up these purported risks to future health. However, while this tradition continues to be practised widely in many Asian countries following childbirth, it is no longer as strictly enforced. In fact, the personal hygiene of the new mother is now considered above everything else and not maintaining basic sanitary habits could put her fragile newborn’s health at risk as a baby’s natural immunity to germs and bacteria is still immature and developing. This is especially so if she is breastfeeding her baby and skin-to-skin contact is unavoidable. An expectant mother usually has more blood circulating throughout her body which was to promote blood flow to the uterus and placenta, which was the baby’s source of nourishment. After the birth, as the uterus contracts and as the amount of blood in your body gradually decreases, you will experience vaginal discharge for about

Labour & Birth four to six weeks, which is called lochia. If you’ve had a vaginal birth, you may also have had an episiotomy to facilitate the easier exit of your baby’s head as it crowns. A new mother must thus keep her vaginal area clean to reduce the possibility of infection even if she doesn’t intend to take a full-on bath. Sanitary pads and panties must be changed regularly and proper care of the perineal wound involves cleansing with warm water and patting the area dry. If you have given birth via caesarean, it is advised to wait seven to 10 days postpartum before taking a bath and to minimise infection of the wound. Warm sponge baths are preferable in the meantime, but at all times, care must be taken to ensure that the wound is kept clean and dry. The rationale of this “no-bathing-allowed” confinement practice is to minimise the risk of catching a chill (excess yin energy) following exposure to water. To counter that, here are some suggestions. At the very least, new mothers should take warm sponge baths if they are still adverse to the idea of completely immersing themselves in water. You can also take a quick rinse under warm water using a shower rather than spending extended periods soaking in the bathtub (a tub bath may cause contaminated water to enter the reproductive tract and cause infection). Wash your hair every other day if not daily, and wear a shower cap to prevent your head from getting wet. When coming out of the bathroom, set the air-conditioner to low or use a fan for natural ventilation so that you won’t feel too chilly either.

It is not unusual for a new mother to be presented with a bottle of Yomeishu after delivery. This Japanese herbal liqueur is a commonly consumed health tonic meant to reinvigorate, nourish and warm the body while helping blood production and circulation. However, its alcohol content is about 14 percent—equivalent to a glass of wine—and it has been well established that alcohol can be transmitted through breast milk to your baby. Alcohol can also reduce milk production as it inhibits the release of oxytocin, a hormone necessary to stimulate milk flow; studies have also shown that nursing mothers who drink heavily may cause their infant to have developmental delays during childhood.

Confinement nanny: nay or yay? The times, they are a-changin’: today’s modern mother in Singapore is likely to be educated and already in the workforce before she took maternity leave to deliver and care for her baby. This employee entitlement has since been extended to 16 weeks—which doesn’t seem like much, especially when compared with mothers from earlier generations, where childbirth and childrearing were typically ingrained into a role that was primarily domestic. But it isn’t just lifestyles that have changed; attitudes have as well. With so many working women in contemporary society, mothers now are faced with the challenge of having limited time on their hands after the birth, for anything from bonding with their babies to getting back into shape and looking good. As a result, more of them are turning to postnatal services that have since sprung up in a new and burgeoning industry catered to helping them cope and adjust to the additional demands of motherhood. Indeed, time is luxury, and the constraint of time before returning to work means mothers are, more than ever, willing to fork out significant sums of money if it means an easier and breezier transition to life with baby. However, some women do choose to accept the help of their own mothers or mothers-in-law when it comes to taking charge immediately after the birth.

Diet The most important thing to remember is that you must be comfortable with what you eat as your body recovers. Although this is the confinement period, you are definitely not a prisoner in solitary confinement where jailhouse food is expected to be subpar. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, where healthy eating is paramount, nutritious food can be just as delicious and palatable. Again, the yin and yang rule will arise, and mothers will be advised not to consume cold or iced drinks as these may shock and weaken the immune system. While there is no scientific evidence to support this theory either, drinking anything warm—be it plain water, milk, tea or soup—is always nice and comforting, and even better if it helps optimise your production of breast milk.

For others, there is now a choice of hiring a confinement nanny. Nearly all of these specialist nannies are adept at multi-tasking, meaning they are hired to oversee and be hands-on when it comes to managing an entire family’s needs during the confinement period. These include feeding, bathing, and other forms of care for the baby when the mother is resting; as well as household chores such as cooking and cleaning (they will also be experienced in whipping up a confinement meal menu). There are confinement nannies available during the day or who live with the family during this period (similar to a foreign domestic worker); a live-in nanny will handle the baby’s feeding during the night so that the mother can get enough rest. Individual families have different needs, but it’s important to engage a confinement lady who you feel comfortable with, from communication to entrusting the baby’s care to her. Whether you are a first-time or seasoned mother, you should never feel inadequate when sourcing for such help. Recovering from childbirth is definitely not an overnight process, and acquiring the services of a confinement nanny can save you undue stress and overexertion in the critical weeks ahead. If the idea of a confinement nanny is beyond your budget or you are not prepared to welcome a professional “stranger” into your home during this period, you can still seek some form of assistance; for example, ordering home-catered meals with special confinement dishes just for your dietary needs.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 15

Labour & Birth Mommy massage In Singapore, postnatal massage is widely practised and regardless of race, this form of therapy is most often based on Indonesian or Malay tradition using traditional jamu (herbal medicine). A mother can pre-book sessions with a massage therapist for a series of post-natal massages which can either be conducted in the privacy of her own home or in blissed-out spa surroundings.

Confinement can also be a timely reminder to slow down and to take things easy during this period of enforced rest. Once you understand and accept the necessity of this process, you can also use this as a breather for self-reflection and embrace your new life with baby in the picture. Maximise your recovery… you deserve it!

Women who have delivered naturally can commence post-natal massage as soon as they are ready. However, if you have given birth via C-section, the incision must be properly healed before receiving such massage; it is also advised to consult your ob-gyn in advance to address any concerns.


This form of post-natal massage is done to expel wind out from the body; shrink the uterus to its original size; reduce fluid retention; promote blood circulation and fat burning; relieve ache and pains; tone and firm saggy skin, especially over the abdomen; and aid in overall detoxification and skin renewal. The treatment may begin with a breast massage to encourage milk production and help clear any blocked ducts. The therapist will then proceed by massaging your entire body with an oil concoction that contains lemon, lemongrass and eucalyptus. Particular attention is paid to the stomach area and a jamu paste will be applied, following which the therapist will have you sit up as she binds your tummy tightly with several rounds of bengkung, a cotton cloth several metres in length. The wrap may feel uncomfortable and restrictive at first, but it has to be wound tightly to an extent in order for the herbs to penetrate the skin and push up the uterus while holding in the stomach at the same time. As the saying goes, “no pain no gain”, and that could well describe the initial period following the massage: first, the binding must be kept on for at least 10 hours; then the entire process is repeated consecutively for at least five days. Some women even go without bathing during this period for fear of washing away the beneficial jamu. One thing is certain, however, which is the enduring popularity of this traditional post-natal massage with generations of mothers who attest to its benefits: testimony indeed that the treatment has to be effective in achieving its intended aims. Most mothers wait until at least one month after the birth to undergo these massage sessions. For some women, the therapy serves as a kind of celebration of sorts to mark the culmination, or end, of their confinement period. Restrictions notwithstanding, it is hoped that every mother will experience a restful confinement and recover to the best of her ability during this period. Whichever way you go about it, remember that your body has been through a lot for nearly an entire year and taking it easy is the kindest thing you can for yourself as well as your precious new arrival. Don’t be guilty or afraid to ask for help either when you need it, whether it’s to do with caring for your baby or even for yourself on some days when you feel off-kilter.

No peas included, but here are three confinement period recipes that you can’t go wrong with. Bon appetit! 1. Red date and longan tea Drink this to purify your blood and improve blood circulation. Ingredients: 20 seeded red dates (pre-soak in water for 10 minutes; deseeding optional), 20 pcs dried longan, small handful of wolfberries, ginger slices (about 1/4inch each, about three), rock sugar to taste. Method: 1. Boil around 1 litre of water in a pot 2. Rinse all ingredients and place into the boiling water; simmer for 20-45 minutes 3. Strain bigger pieces and add sugar to taste 4. Serve warm 2. Fish and papaya soup Fish is recommended for nursing mothers to boost milk production. Ingredients: 200 g green [unripe) papaya, 1 whole fish [e.g. carp, sea bream, pomfret and threadfin), slices of ginger Method: 1. Scale and clean fish 2. In a pot, add enough water to cover and simmer fish together with the papaya and ginger for 1-2 hours or until the fruit turns soft 3. Debone fish and serve soup warm 3. Black sesame seed rice porridge Sesame is a good restorative ingredient for warming the body and replenishing blood. Ingredients: 200 g black sesame seeds, 30 g rice, rock sugar Method: 1. Cook the rice porridge 2. Blend sesame seeds and add to the porridge 3. Add rock sugar to taste and serve warm



BREASTFEEDING GUIDE You’ve been preparing for your baby for nine months and now that he or she’s finally here, you are probably feeling a mixture of euphoria and exhaustion! The process of breastfeeding starts right away but don’t worry, you’re going to do great!

breastfeeding all together. Simply place your baby on your chest right after birth, if feasible, and practice latching with your baby when he or she is showing hunger cues. Do this by gently navigating his head towards your breast. This is a great time to practice nursing since your baby will probably be alert, before falling asleep. Don’t stress if your baby doesn’t latch right away! Be patient. This can take time and a few tries before you and baby get it right.

When your baby is ready to feed, watch for these signs Increased alertness Bringing a hand toward the mouth and sucking on a fist or finger Rooting around or turning the head with searching movements of the lips and tongue Crying is a late feeding cue. If your baby is crying, calm and soothe him or her and then attempt to feed.

The latch on Find a comfortable position that works for both of you. Side-lying hold Cradle hold Cross-cradle hold

Like most aspects of motherhood, breastfeeding is a topic everyone has an opinion on, both positive and negative. Because breastfeeding a baby is one of the hardest things in the world, it makes sense that many new moms turn to those with more knowledge when they have questions or concerns. But so many different people can give you conflicting advice, making you feel even less confident than before.

Loosen your baby's blanket so arms can move. Breastfeeding will work better for both of you if your baby’s arms are free to move and touch your breast.

It’s okay to not be an expert on breastfeeding from the start, so we’ve consolidated our most useful tips to help you get started successfully.

Bring your baby to your breast. The chin should reach your breast first and your nipple should be above your baby’s upper lip, opposite of his or her nose.

Starting Out

Be patient and wait until your baby opens the mouth very wide. You will see your baby’s tongue move down to cup your nipple as he or she latches to the breast.

The first step to breastfeeding your newborn baby is to enjoy some skin-to-skin contact. This is known to improve your baby’s blood sugar levels, stabilize blood saturation, keep your baby warm, reduce crying, and improve

Your baby's lips should make a seal around the breast and he or she will begin to suckle.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 17

Baby Care

For the Tough Days

Choosing the Right Breast Pump

When nursing a newborn, you can expect sensitive nipples but breastfeeding shouldn’t be a painful experience! To soothe sore nipples, use pure lanolin cream by applying a small amount after breastfeeding or even try applying a couple drops of your breast milk. Within 3-5 days after birth, your breasts may become engorged due to an increase in milk and fluid build-up. If you’re nursing frequently and effectively, the engorgement should gradually subside on its own within 1-2 days. A cold compress can help with swelling between feedings, and a warm compress can help with your milk flow before nursing. Pain, bleeding or cracking are all signs that your baby has not properly latched. If your baby won’t latch properly and your sensitivity is greater than normal without improvement, again, don’t hesitate to call a lactation consultant for help!

If a mother is working full or even part time, she may want to pump while she is at work so that her baby can continue to have breast milk exclusively. In some circumstances, a baby is unable to nurse, but the mother wants her baby to have breast milk, so she needs to pump milk so that her baby can be fed the milk from a bottle. In these cases, she needs a high-quality electric pump that can stand up to pumping multiple times a day

Don't Let Your Baby Hang From Your Breast Breastfeeding pillows can be a big help for nursing moms, but they can also potentially cause sore, painful nipples. Many moms let babies lay on the breastfeeding pillows and hang from their breast, causing sore nipples. The mouth needs to be open very wide for effective and comfortable nursing, and a good latch and position can help you avoid sore and chapped nipples.

Nurse Your Baby More For An Increase In Supply If your baby is a good nurser, the best way to increase your milk supply is to nurse a lot. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your body will produce in order to meet baby's needs.

Electric pumps are attached to a motor and run via an outlet or battery-power. They are available in single and double versions. Single Electrics pump one breast at a time. An example of such a pump is the Medela Swing. Double Electrics (for example, the Medela Freestyle) pump both breasts simultaneously which can be a huge time saver. Typically, doubles can also be easily configured to pump just one breast if desired. Manual pumps are hand-operated and pump one breast at a time via a flange and manual lever which creates suction. They are less expensive than electric pumps as well as light and small so easily fit into a purse or carry on for an outing, overnight, or travel.

Be Mindful Of The Bras You Wear Suffering from a blocked duct or mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue, is no fun and can be incredibly painful. Moms should avoid wearing bras to bed and definitely avoid bras that are too tight so you can decrease your risk of a blocked duct or infection.

Babies Have No Time Limit On Eating Babies' tummies are tiny when they are born and they need lots of tiny feedings as opposed to fewer big feedings. Babies are also born with a strong sucking reflex, which can be confusing to new parents who think a baby should be finished nursing by a set number of minutes. It's important to keep the milk flowing from your breast so you can avoid any engorgement or swelling, so do not time feed, as to keep the milk flowing for as long as your baby wants to feed.

How do I know my baby is feeding enough? Your breasts will feel softer after your baby feeds well. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your body will make, so feed your baby often. Your baby will relax and look satisfied after a good feeding. Babies often "cluster feed" or want small frequent feedings several times throughout the day, but then may sleep for several hours after these small feedings. Your baby should have 4 wet diapers and 4 soft yellow poops by day 4 of life. By one week of age, expect your baby to have 6 to 8 wet diapers and at least 4 yellow poops each day. Your baby will return to birth weight by 10 to 14 days of life. Call your pediatrician with any questions or concerns about your baby’s feeding progress.

18 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Getting the right kind of help, Gaining the right kind of knowledge Sign up for a lactation workshop to learn and understand more about breastfeeding. Be armed with the right knowledge because when you run into problems, you will have the right information and know what steps to take and who you can turn to for help. There are Lactation Consultants who work hand in hand with established brands such as Medela, who provide complimentary Lactation Workshops to better educate parents about breastfeeding and guide them on this sacred journey. Breastfeeding is work. Most nursing moms takes about 2-3 months to get the hang of it. Stick with it, keep offering, develop a support system of other moms that have nursing experience. Above all, we wish every parent a stress-free and nurturing feeding experience with their baby.

Baby Care


TIPS & TRICKS NEW MOMS NEED TO KNOW Going home with a new baby is exciting, but it can be scary, too. Newborns have many needs, like frequent feedings and diaper changes. Babies can have health issues that are different from older children and adults, like diaper rash and cradle cap. Your baby will go through many changes during the first year of life. Check out the toolbox of tips to help care for your baby.

T ips 1 Do the elbow-to-the-knee move to eliminate gas. My babies had serious cases of gas. Drops weren’t cutting it. New bottles weren’t either. What did help was a neat body move that expelled the gas immediately. Lie your baby down on his back. Then, move his right arm and left leg towards each other as if the right elbow and left knee were going to touch. Do the same with the opposite elbow and knee. Alternate a few times until your baby stops farting.

T ips 2 Keep newborns awake no longer than an hour and a half.

Newborns sleep a lot. They may not sleep in long stretches, but over the course of the day, newborns will be mostly sleeping. Or, more importantly, newborn babies can’t stay awake for long periods of time. An hour and a half max.

T ips 3 Track your baby’s feeding and diapers.

You’ll want to track how often your baby feeds and at what time. If he’s breastfed, track how many minutes he nurses and on which breast. If he’s bottle-fed, track how many ounces he drinks. Besides feeding, track your baby’s diapers, noting whether they peed or pooped. You’ll also want to record what poop your baby had, such as color, texture, and how often they peed or pooped. I know, not exactly enticing, but necessary.

T ips 4 Follow the eat/awake/sleep routine.

Do your nurse or feed your baby to sleep? Nursing to sleep wasn’t the way to go. The newborn stage is challenging enough as it is. Feed your baby (eat) when she wakes up (awake) so she’ll have energy for her awake time. She won’t rely on milk to fall asleep. And she’ll have something to transition from sleep to awake. After your baby has been awake for an hour and a half, then you put her sleep drowsy but awake (sleep). She can explore different ways to put herself to sleep, such as sucking on her thumb or rolling her head side to side. And once she’s asleep, you can tend to yourself (you) and repeat the cycle.

Baby Care

T ips 5 Find alternative ways to hold your baby.

Your baby’s preferred position? The snuggling is good, but not sustainable. After all, you need your arms for other things, and it’s not always safe to fall asleep with the baby in your arms. A swing A baby carrier or wrap Pushing your baby in a stroller An infant cushion Try different ways to put your baby to sleep or to hold your baby using any of these methods. The more options you have, the less likely you have to convince your baby to sleep away from your arms.

T ips 6 Swaddle your baby to sleep.

Everything should be comfortable and tight. You want to mimic the snugness of being in your womb. The moro reflexes typical of the newborn stage also cause her to flail her arms. This wakes her up, either because of the motion or she hit herself on the face.

T ips 7 Use white noise so your baby doesn’t startle. Your baby listened to the white noise of your womb. To go from that to a pitch-quiet room is a big change. Help your baby sleep longer with a white noise machine or a fan. There should be enough sound to keep her from jumping at the slightest sound.

T ips 8

T ips 10

Hang darkening curtains.

Newborn Baby Massage

T ips 9

The newborn stage is tough enough as it is. You’re not getting any sleep. Forget about hobbies or leisure time. And your baby takes up nearly all the hours of the day.

Your baby has no sense of day or night when she was in the womb. Out in the real world, she’ll need help adjusting to the hours. Help her get into a routine by hanging darkening curtains, especially at night. Her body will adjust and she’ll know that nights and dark mean long stretches of sleep.


Breastfeeding is a great way to feed your baby, but many new moms find that breastfeeding is tougher than they’d anticipated. But you really can breastfeed your baby AND work towards better, longer sleep!

A bath may not be the most relaxing activity you can do with your baby, but baby massage is a VERY relaxing activity! Baby massage has been shown to help babies (and parents!) relax, and to promote better sleep.

With these newborn tips, you’ll have an easier time caring for your baby. You’ll know the best way to relieve your baby of gas and how to help her sleep longer. And you can finally enjoy the newborn months a little bit more.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 21

Baby Care

Baby Development Milestones (0-12months) ck? a r T n O d il h C r u o Y Is A first smile. A first step. A first word. These are the milestones that parents are eager to share with family and friends. But they are not the only milestones your baby will achieve that first year. Each month, your baby will master important skills that serve as the building blocks for continued growth and development. Throughout your baby’s first year, growth and development are measured in inches, pounds, and milestones—predictable skills that all normal children are expected to achieve at some point in time. Knowing when children typically achieve various milestones can help parents recognize developmental delays early on and seek appropriate care. Your child’s health care provider will discuss various milestones with you during your child’s check-ups to ensure that your child is growing as expected. Developmental milestones are divided into five categories: Gross motor skills. These skills involve the body’s large muscles (trunk, arms, legs, and neck). Examples of gross motor skills include controlling the head, sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, and riding a bike. Fine motor skills. These skills require precision movements of the hands and fingers: picking up a pea, writing with a pen or pencil, painting a picture, or playing a flute. Language skills. Early language skills include communicating through facial expressions, body movements, crying, cooing, and laughing. Babies build on these early skills to develop the ability to communicate with words. Social and play skills. These skills are essential to interacting and playing together, as well as solving problems collaboratively. They include giving, sharing, taking turns, and engaging others in play. Cognitive skills. Your child’s ability to solve problems, adapt to new situations, and know right from wrong are examples of cognitive development.

22 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Brain Development Brain development in the early years a baby’s brain grows faster than at any other time. What they feel, see and hear at this time affects how their brain develops. ‘Good’ experiences lead to good brain development. Babies need warm, loving people to care for them and to respond to their needs kindly and consistently. They need to feel safe and secure in the world. This helps them to develop confidence and trust. In their first few weeks, babies like looking at faces. If a face is close, they'll focus on it and follow it. By the two weeks, most babies begin to recognise their parents. It's essential to encourage your child's learning in these early weeks, and talking to your baby is a great way to start. A health professional, usually a health visitor, will carry out a new baby review during these weeks. They'll talk to you about feeding your baby, becoming a parent and how you can help your baby to grow up healthily. As a minimum, your baby should be weighed with no clothes on at birth and again at five and 10 days.

0-3 Mths

Babies have feelings from birth. They may feel content or uncomfortable but are not able to think about why they feel that way. They may ‘pick up on’ and ‘match’ your feelings such as when you are happy, calm or upset. From birth babies may:

Watch your face when you talk to them Turn to the side to suck when their cheek is touched Blink at sudden noises such as hand claps or door slamming Open their eyes to normal speech sounds just as they doze off Suck well from breast or bottle. By 8 weeks they may: Smile at you Move both eyes together most of the time Lift their head when lying on their tummy Kick both legs strongly Seem to listen to you and watch your face Make sounds other than crying, and ‘talk back’ to you Have sleep patterns which vary greatly. By 2–3 months they should follow your face or a moving light with their eyes.

Baby Care DEVELOPMENT TIP: Engage in skin-to-skin and eye-to-eye contact; massage your baby (learn how here); carry her in your arms or in a sling; feed her on request (at the first sign of hunger). FEEDING TIP:

Small, frequent breastfeedings (at least eight feedings in each 24 hours) will ensure that your baby is getting “What babies hear, see and feel in the early years affect enough to eat and help you build a good milk supply. Watch your how their brain develops. develop best her in lips warm, baby for cues that she’s getting They hungry—she may smack or suck on her hands. Crying is a late sign of hunger. Don’t wait for your nurturing relationships.” baby to cry before offering the breast; it’s harder for a crying baby to latch on well.

3-6 Mths

Relationships and feelings Make eye contact as you smile at each other Enjoy being played with, laugh and kick by 4 months Chuckle softly and laugh aloud by 3–5 months.

Out of step? Don’t seem interested in things around them Don’t show delight in being with people Don’t seem to know parents or other familiar people. Doing, seeing and hearing Enjoy looking at people and bright objects Enjoy watching people do things React to familiar things by smiling, cooing and excited movements Turn their head to moderate sounds such as a normal speaking voice by 3 months Look at their own hands and play with their fingers by 3 months. By 3–5 months: Hold on to an object placed in their hand and briefly look at it Lift their head and chest when lying on their tummy Quieten or smile at the sound of your voice, or if they see you Turn their head or eyes towards you when you speak from beside or behind them. By 5–7 months Learning to talk Roll from their back to their tummy. Make lots of little voice sounds such as squeals or grunts Take turns when ‘talking’ with parents Turn their head towards a person talking by 5 months. DEVELOPMENT TIP:

Hold your baby on your chest so she can peer over your shoulder; provide ample tummy time to improve neck control; play with your baby’s hands; have “conversations” with your baby—make sounds and encourage your baby to repeat them; read books with large, colourful pictures.

FEEDING TIP: Expect growth spurts during which your baby will want

to breastfeed more often. This is nature’s way of bumping up your milk supply to meet your growing baby’s needs. Ready for solids? Signs that your baby is ready include sitting up without support, controlling her head, bringing food to her mouth, and swallowing without choking. The AAP recommends babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. If your baby seems distracted during feedings, you may have more luck breastfeeding in a quiet place. Most 4-month-olds can see more clearly now and are fascinated by the world around them.

24 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

“Responding to babies’ cries warmly and consistently helps them feel safe and secure.”

6-9 Mths

Relationships and feelings Know familiar people and are unsure of strangers Are upset when separated from main carer Delight in playing ‘peek-a-boo’ games.

Out of step? Don’t show pleasure when seeing people they know well Don’t make eye contact Cannot be comforted by a parent or close carer. Doing Swap small items from one hand to the other Pick up items with their thumb and one finger Bang objects together Roll from their back to their tummy Get into a crawling position on their hands and knees Start to look at and feel objects before taking them to their mouth Start to hold food such as a biscuit and feed themselves Look in the right direction for things that have fallen down Start to drink from a cup held by an adult by 6–9 months Move around more and roll and creep on their tummy by 8 months. Hearing and learning to talk Turn towards quiet sounds Babble with sounds like ‘dada’ and ‘baba’ and then try to put babbling sounds together Recognise several words, e.g. looks for Daddy if ‘Daddy’ is said Copy sounds made by other people. DEVELOPMENT TIP:

Bounce to music; poke at bubbles; play with balls; “hide” objects.

FEEDING TIP: At around 6 months of age, most babies are ready for solid foods. Expect messy mealtimes! Exploring and handling her food is part of your child’s learning process. Don’t worry if more food ends up on the floor than in her mouth. It can take 10 or more offerings before a new taste is accepted.

9-12s Mth Relationships and feelings Know familiar people and withdraw from strangers by 9 months Give cuddles Become anxious if main carer is out of sight Stretch up arms to be picked up Love to be talked to and played with Copy gestures such as coughing or waving Cannot understand ‘no’ or ‘danger’. Out of step? Don’t show pleasure when seeing people they know well Don’t make eye contact Cannot be comforted by parent or close carer Doing Point with their index finger Drop and throw things on purpose Pass objects easily from one hand to the other Sit unsupported Pull up to standing (walk while holding on to furniture) Find a toy hidden under a cloth Pick up a crumb with tips of finger and thumb Stand by themselves and take a few steps forward by 11–13 months. Hearing and learning to talk Look for quiet sounds made out of sight Shake their head for ‘no’ and nod their head for ‘yes’ Show pleasure in babbling loudly Like to look at picture books and can say some sounds at certain pictures Turn to the direction a sound comes from by 10–12 months Know and respond to their own name by 12 months Babbling develops further. Can say 3 ‘words’ such as ‘mama’, ‘baba’ ‘dada’ by 12 months.


If you haven’t already, be sure to baby-proof your home so your baby can explore her world safely.

FEEDING TIP: Even though your baby may be ready for finger foods, most babies have only a few teeth at this age, so start with mushy foods like small bits of banana or well-cooked carrots. If your baby is bottle-fed, begin to transition her from the bottle to a cup to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

“Babies are born ready to learn. They learn and develop best when you spend time talking and playing with them.” As parents, we are always quick to question whether our children are “normal.” It is important to understand that milestones are guidelines and not hard and fast rules. Many children celebrate their first birthday prior to taking their first step. Other children have mastered a handful of words before they turn. Keep in mind that every child develops at her own pace, and there is generally little need for worry or concern. Relax. Enjoy your child. And remember, the joy is in the journey.

Baby Care

Traditional OR BABY-LED

WEANING? If you are asking the question – Should I do baby-led or traditional weaning then please keep reading. Like every aspect of raising a child, there are so many opinions out there and it can be difficult to decide what is best. This is a summary of my experience of both methods. Of course everyone is different, as is every baby. What is great for one person may not be for another. There are two basic approaches to weaning: the traditional method, where you offer purees to start with, and the baby-led method. I went down the traditional weaning route with Finn and I am now three months into weaning Rory using the baby-led method. Both have been a positive experience but have their pros and cons.

Tradition Weaning Advantages You know the amount of food eaten It was easier to ensure baby is gaining the right nutrients (e.g. iron) Less messy Able to use jars / pouches when out and about

Disadvantages Preparing separate purees was time consuming Having to spoon feed at meal time made it harder to enjoy a meal together

Baby Led Weaning Advantages Avoid the time-consuming process of pureeing Able to enjoy meals at the same time as baby Baby able to join in with meal times from the beginning Baby able to explore a range of flavours and textures which would not be possible if food was all blended together No transitioning from smooth to lumpy / mashed / whole food

26 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Disadvantages Messy Food Waste Uncertainty on what was eaten Eating out Other people’s opinions. Our parents generation generally fed through purees so be prepared for the unsolicited advice from people who do and do not know you Choking

Baby Care

Top tips to make feeding your baby easy:


Feed them what you eat


Freeze some for later


Buy healthy packaged foods

By 10 or 12 months, your baby should be having the family meals. Sometimes we put infant nutrition up on a pedestal and think we need special foods for them, but your baby can eat what you eat if you’re preparing wholesome meals and you don’t add any salt. Preferably you won’t add any sugar either, but that’s not quite so taxing on them as salt. All you need to do is take a small portion of the family meal and process it in one of those little food processor bowls.

When you cook, put some additional portions in the freezer so you have something to pull out for the baby if you’ll be out for lunch or you don’t have time to prepare something.

There are some really great products out there, while it’s an expensive way to do it for every day and it’s not fresh food, it’s great when you’re travelling or you’re out for a meal. Those kinds of products are absolutely fine to fall back on.

“It’s difficult to get enough meat into your baby this way they’re not going to be able to chew and digest it. You’ll have to mince up some meat for them to ensure they get enough iron. Back when we were hunter-gatherers, we would have chewed the meat for our babies and ground certain foods between stones to make it easier to digest. Human babies take a long time to develop and become self-sufficient compared to other animals, so parents need to help them get enough nutrition out of food for quite a long time.” Choose What’s Right for You and Your Baby Baby Led Weaning is a great way to feed your infant, but it’s not the only way. Your goal is to offer her a variety of healthy choices and help her move toward a solid-food diet. Exactly how you do that is up to you and your child. A combination of methods works well for many families. Whatever method you pick, remember to go at your baby’s pace, and make mealtime a good time for everyone.


GROUND When introducing solids, feed babies according to their own developmental skills and appetites rather than according to a predetermined age. Here’s everything else that’s necessary to know and to ensure as smooth a transition to solids as possible. Once your baby is between four to six months old, most parents will begin wondering if it’s time to introduce solid foods into their infant’s diet. “Weaning is really important because babies grow so rapidly during the first year of their life and their organs like their brain are developing,” says child nutritionist and author Annabel Karmel. Today, infant feeding involves matching good nutrition with individual developmental and intestinal readiness, which varies widely from baby to baby. Some babies eagerly take solids by six months, while others show little interest as late as nine to 12 months. Understanding your baby’s feeding cues, introducing solid foods gradually, and being patient and encouraging all lead to the important principle of creating healthy feeding attitude and habits.

Biologically built Baby's tongue movements and swallowing skills are the first clues to delaying solid foods. In the early months, babies have a tongue-thrust reflex that causes the tongue to automatically protrude outward when any foreign substance is placed on it. This may be a protective reflex against choking on solids too early. Between four and six months this tongue-thrust reflex diminishes. Before six months of age many infants do not have good coordination of tongue and swallowing movements for solid foods. An added sign that babies are not to consume solid foods from birth is that teeth seldom appear until six or seven months, further evidence that the young infant is primarily designed to suck, rather than to chew.

A baby's immature intestines are not equipped to handle a variety of foods until around six months, when many digestive enzymes begin to be produced. Research shows that starting solids before six months increases the risk of allergies. As such, paediatricians may discourage early introduction of foods especially if there is a strong family history of food allergies. Babies whose systems tend to be allergy-prone may show delayed willingness to accept solids. As a baby’s intestines mature, they become more nutritionally selective, filtering out offending food allergens. Maturing intestines secrete the protein immunoglobulin IgA, which protects the intestines and prevents the passage of harmful allergens (cow's milk, wheat, and soy are common examples of foods causing allergies when introduced early). Babies are still producing low amounts of protective IgA in the early months, which does not reach peak production until they are around seven months.

The Transition If you still feel confused and overwhelmed about the conflicting advice on when to feed your baby, don’t worry, you certainly aren’t the first parent to feel that way. “First of all, when do you start to wean? The usual advice is to wait until six months, but then you go to the supermarket and look at jars of baby food and it says suitable from four months. I think I agree that six months is probably the best but some babies just aren't satisfied with milk alone and therefore you could introduce very simple purées like potato, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut squash,” says Karmel. “Babies need calories to grow so good fats like cheese , avocado or meat are foods that babies should be having more of earlier on.” Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 29

Baby Care

Perhaps one way to know when baby might be ready for solid foods is when he starts to show signs that he is interested, like observing you closely as you eat. Some babies may even reach out to try and grab at your food, or imitate eating motions such as opening their mouths wide. Sometimes babies are more interested in the utensils than the actual food. Even better if baby has the ability to sit up in a high chair and pick up food with thumb and forefinger. All these are encouraging signs and good indications that baby may be ready to expand his diet beyond liquids.

Nine to 12 Months The previous stage was mainly to make the transition from liquids to solids, from sucking to mouthing, and chewing food. Most beginning eaters dabble a bit with foods, eating only a small amount of a few select solids. Breast milk and/or formula should still make up about 90 percent of their diet.

Although baby seems eager, it’s best not to rush through the weaning process. The move from milk to solid food should happen gradually with your baby slowly introduced to new foods. Starting out very slowly is important, and that means even if your baby responds well , you still want to give only small amounts so that your baby’s digestive system will not suffer from being overwhelmed with all the new kinds of food. Initially, solids should take the place of one of the milk feeds. Then, over the next three or four months, introduce more solid food and cut down on the milk. Of course no two babies are the same and there are no rules regarding exact timing. Appetites vary and your baby will tell you by her actions whether she’s still hungry. If she is, keep her satiated with a bottle of milk.

Breaking it down In the later part of the first year, baby's swallowing mechanism greatly matures. The tongue-thrust reflex is nearly gone, the gag reflex diminished, and swallowing is more coordinated. This allows a gradual progression from strained or puréed foods to mashed and lumpier foods. This introduction to textures should be when baby is around seven or eight months of age; if you continue to offer smooth purées for too long, babies may become lazy to chew. The muscles used for chewing are the same muscles used for their speech development, so it’s best to get those muscles moving!

Weaning strategies As mentioned, all babies are different in their progress, and knowing when your baby is ready for solids usually depends on monitoring your baby. You usually can tell your baby’s appetite has grown if you notice that he is waking up more frequently at night to feed, or if he finishes his bottle rapidly but seems to want more. Now that you’ve spotted the first clues that your baby is ready for weaning onto solid foods, you need to have some essential knowledge before you begin. During the initial stages of weaning to solids, make sure to still maintain breast milk and/or formula as a regular part of your baby's diet, as it still is one of the most essential food sources of your baby in the first year. When starting new foods, you only do it one day at a time, and one food at a time. When introducing baby to something new, observe your child for a few days to see if they experience any stomach problems, any rashes, or any kinds of allergic or dangerous reactions. Keep a food diary to record meals and other important notes if necessary.

Six to Nine Months Breast milk or commercial formula with iron or a combination of the two contains all the essential nutrients your baby needs for the first six to nine months. Consider solid foods as an addition to, not a substitute for, breast milk or formula. For a breastfeeding baby it's best to start solid foods slowly which should not replace the more nutritious breast milk.

30 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Baby Care

What to feed

When to feed

Most parents will begin solid foods with baby rice cereal. This cereal is easy to swallow and digest and is usually a powdery substance that is mixed with milk or formula. Rice cereal has a low protein content and is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. As weaning progresses, rice also has the advantage as it can be mixed with both puréed vegetables and fruit for a more nutritious meal.

Infant feedings are usually very time-consuming. Choose a time of the day that is most convenient for you, since a little mess is part of the process. If breastfeeding, offer solids when your milk supply is at its lowest and feed your baby solids in between breastfeeding. Solid foods may interfere with absorption of the iron from breast milk if both solids and breast milk are fed at the same time.

Tips and tricks

Weaning your baby can sometimes be extremely frustrating and a test in patience! It is not uncommon for babies to suddenly become extremely resistant to feeding attempts from a spoon, and this can be upsetting. If your baby shows signs that he does not want to eat right now, don’t force it. It is likely that he just wants to play, sleep, or simply is not interested or hungry. Babies don't sit still very long in one place even to play, let alone to eat. Since babies have no concept of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you can actually try feeding them small amounts of solids throughout the day as well.

Remember to introduce foods one at a time rather than several foods mixed together. In case baby is allergic to or dislikes a food, offering a single food also makes it easier to identify the culprit. Once you have tried out several foods without incident, you can combine them in one meal. Start with solids that are the least allergenic and the closest to breast milk in taste and consistency. Examples of ideal first foods include mashed ripe bananas or rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. Remember, your initial goal is to introduce baby to the new taste and touch of solids, not to stuff baby. It’s been known that some parents have resorted to adding a little sugar to the food to encourage baby to eat. Although it’s tempting, don’t! Whether sugar, salt or other condiments, refrain from attempting to make foods more palatable to baby in this manner as this could lead to them developing preferences which in turn could lead to unhealthy eating habits later in life. Gradually vary the texture and amount according to the eating skills and appetite of your baby. Some babies prefer foods with thinner consistency and want a larger amount; some do better with thicker solids and smaller amounts. Expect erratic eating habits. Your baby may take a whole jar one day, but only a teaspoon the next.

How much to feed How much you feed baby is another question most parents would like to know. Again this varies, but don’t expect baby to consume much in the first couple of sessions as the primary goal is to get them used to the taste, mode of feeding, and the new sensation of swallowing something other than the liquids that they have become used to. As weaning progresses, gradually increase the amount. Remember that babies’ tummies are smaller, about the size of their fists, so don't expect baby to take in more than one fistful-sized portion of food at one sitting. Also, be realistic and be prepared for erratic eating patterns. Baby may eat a couple tablespoons one day and only one the next.

How do I actually feed baby solids? It may seem like the most natural thing in the world to eat from a spoon, so some parents may be embarrassed to ask how they should get baby acquainted, then accustomed to this feeding technique. It’s actually a perfectly logical question, as baby has spent the first few months taking in nourishment by suckling and swallowing. If your first tries at shovelling food into baby’s mouth using a spoon have been futile more than fruitful, here’s a tip: try using your finger instead. Allow baby to suck off the small bit of food on your finger and to get used to the new taste. If baby likes it, then this is encouraging, as they will be more receptive to accepting this from a spoon the next time round. Gradually increase the amount and thickness of the food, and try plopping the portion toward the middle of baby's tongue. As you place a spoonful of solids in your baby's mouth, gently lift the spoon upward, allowing the upper lip to sweep off the food. If the food comes right back out again, be patient. Your infant has not yet learned the developmental skill of sealing the mouth shut, sweeping the food from front to back, and then swallowing.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 31

Baby Care Other considerations If you are vegetarian and want your baby to avoid meat and fish, this should not be a problem. The same nutrients present in meat are also available in other foods and you will be familiar with what is required for a balanced diet. However, if you are a vegan, your baby could miss out on certain vitamins as well as sufficient protein. Prolong breastfeeding as long as possible , and take expert advice on any necessary supplements. However don't introduce solid foods too late as baby may find it difficult to adapt to swallowing food. Refrain from overfeeding your baby before bedtime to prevent potential digestion problems. Cereals are often advised as fillers, something to feed your baby to lengthen the intervals between breast or bottle feeding and to encourage baby to sleep through the night. However, controlled studies have shown that infants who are fed solids before bedtime do not necessarily sleep longer through the night. When getting baby to begin solid foods, keep your expectations realistic and allow your baby to explore and get used to the process. Although sometimes it seems that baby is playing or creating a mess more than eating any substantial amounts, milk, either breast or formula, is still the most important nutrition at this stage.

At a Glance: Feeding in the first year 4-6 months

Foods to introduce: bananas, rice cereal, pears, applesauce Texture and consistency: strained and puréed Developmental skills: tongue-thrust and gag reflexes lessen; accepts solids; may sit upright in high chair

7-9 months

Foods to introduce: avocados, mashed potatoes, carrots, peaches, barley cereal, sweet potatoes or yams, teething biscuits, pear and apple juice, diluted Texture and consistency: puréed and mashed Developmental skills: begins teething; may drink from cup; holds bottle; thumb-and-forefinger pickup begins (for self-feeding); munches food

9-12 months

Foods to introduce: oatmeal, spinach, egg yolk, cheese, yoghurt, poultry, beans, peas, tofu Texture and consistency: coarse and lumpy; bite-sized Developmental skills: holds trainer cup; self-feeding skills improve; attempts using utensils; points and pokes

The Essential Weaning Checklist Ensure you have all these items on standby before you begin the process of introducing baby to eating solid foods. Bibs Unbreakable bowls and spoons—better if BPA-free, safe for use in microwave and dishwasher Lidded containers for freezing home cooked food in batches A food processor to purée, blend or roughly chop food High chair

32 Shopping Magazine, Issue 9

Home & Lifestyle


A MUMMY-BABY FRIENDLY NURSERY A baby is arriving and getting the nursery ready for a newborn is one of the top to-dos on your list. Should you paint the walls pastel pink or soft blue? And how about creating a starry night above, or setting up a stuffed animal farm? But as you imagine a cosy setting and making the room picture-perfect, don’t forget who else will be sharing that room with baby…YOU! A great deal of time (both day and night) will be spent in the nursery accompanying baby, so forget about that solid 8-hour sleep in your own bed! Designing the room with your comfort and convenience in mind will help ease your mummy duties and make bonding time more enjoyable. Of course, we are not saying that you have to move your bed to the nursery, or forgo all those cute adornments. But focusing on a few essential things can help you avoid unnecessary re-arrangements later on.



Give yourself a budget.

It is easy to overbuy baby items because they are cute and you think, “my baby will love this”. Truth is, your baby will only need a few basic items in their first year. A nursery can be simple, functional and yet does not have to be costly.

So get cracking. Take measurements of your nursery space layout and write them down, so you have a reference to avoid buying items that are too big or too small.



Get the basic items! Cot: Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your baby’s development. As a parent, you should be choosy about your child’s cot. As babies start moving by their fourth month, you should get a cot with an adjustable bed base, so once your baby is old enough to sit up, the bed base can be lowered for their safety. Consider placing the cot away from windows and doors. Strong wind and sunlight from the window can be disturbing to your baby. Moreover, being away from the door means you can “ninja” your way out without baby waking!

Consider flexible and modular furniture that can accommodate your growing child, so that you can save some money along the way as well.




Before going shopping, you’d need to think about what sort of activities will be taking place in the room (for example, nursing, play, or just sleeping). From there, you can plan out what furnishings you would need, and where these would likely be placed. At the same time, you can also create a mummy-zone for yourself – a comfortable space with everything you need within reach whilst nursing your little one. Isn’t that great?

Micuna My Friend Baby Cot

Shopping Magazine, Issue 9 33

Home & Lifestyle

Mattress: A baby’s disrupted sleep could be caused by heat rash, so look for firm, well-ventilated cot mattresses that come with machine-washable covers and meet strict safety standards. After all, your baby will spend up to 20 hours a day in the cot, so having a good base will keep him or her safe and sound.

Changing station: Having a comfortable place to change your baby’s diapers is important. A changing station that is too high or too low will put a strain on your back and shoulders. Having easy access to diapers, cleaning supplies and clothes will also make changing a whole lot easier, and ensure your baby is never left unattended. A changing table with extra storage space below is a practical choice to consider. When you no longer need it, the entire changing table can be converted into a handy table/shelf unit in the future, so you do not need to throw it away!

Side table: For your convenience, you can use this to place any other important items you need within arm’s length, so that you will not need to get up so often when cradling your little one. Couch/Armchair/Sofa: A mummy-zone will not be complete without a comfortable couch or armchair to sit in whilst nursing your baby or putting them to sleep. Choose an armchair with low armrests and extra pillows to make mother and baby more comfortable during breast- or bottle-feeding sessions.

Micuna changing table

Turn Over for Mega Floor Plan

SOUTHEAST ASIA’S BIGGEST BABY FAIR Discover your world of massive savings!

Super HUGE Shopping Area almost the size of 3 football fields! SHOP TILL YOU DROP!!


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PAYMENT METHOD BRING ENOUGH CASH to shorten payment time and in case if some vendors do not accept cards. - Some vendors accept credit card, most accept nets and ALL accept cash. - Each booth will have their own cashiers. ATMs BRING ENOUGH CASH to avoid walking all the way to the ATM machines. DELIVERY SERVICE If you intend to buy a lot of things, don't worry. There will be a delivery service company at Booth J23A.

COMFORT Wear comfortable shoes cause if you spend 5 mins at each booth, u will need to shop for 11 hours with no break! (and we open for 10 hours daily only!) SHOPPING TROLLEY Bring those pulling shopping trolleys that you see many people use to carry groceries home to Baby Market. It will help a lot with carrying all your miscellaneous items home. MOST IMPORTANTLY Make sure Daddy pays for everything! :D

BRANDS LISITING 4moms A.King AAG ABC-Design Aces by Raf Raf Aden + Anais Aeromoov Aerosleep AIA Ailebebe Aleva Naturals Alice and Lee Alkurma Aloha & Light Alzipmat Amcrest Ameda American Express Anello Ange (Korea) AnneeMatthew Annko Apple Tree Aprica Aprisin Aqua Sphere Ardo Arm's Reach Ashleys Attipas Autumnz Autumnz Avennetz Technology Aviva B-Sensible B.I.D Trading B&B B&G Life Casting Baa Baa Sheepz Babiators Babience Babies Bellies Baby And Kids Baby and Tots Baby Beachbums Baby Beannie Baby Beanbag baby brezza Baby City Baby Comfort Baby Dash Baby Einstein Baby Home Baby Joy Baby Kingdom Baby Love Baby N Me Baby One Baby One Baby One Baby One (Korea) Baby Shusher Babydream BABYEATSBYJUSTLIXA

G13 G01,H01,J01 G21 F21 B29 A35 F13 F13 D43 E21 A35 K41 L10 A17 J17 J32 H17 C09 B13 A03 A11 A31 J17 H08 H08 H24 H17 E17 D22 B13 A29 H25 C22B H31 H09 K13 A35 L25 D13 H24 B30 D25 F24 G30 H24 J21 K29 B17,C17, D17 E17 J17 B29 H09 B32 A03 G01,H01,J01 A08A, A08B, B09 K41 G01,H01,J01 B17,C17, D17 A08A, A08B, B09 A03 A08A, A08B, B09 G01,H01,J01 A17

BABYFOOFSHOMEMADEBYIBUANIS Babyhome Babyinlove babyken BabyLove BabyPrime BabySafe BABYSING BabySpa BabyToon Bambini Photography Bambino Bambo Ban Choon Marketing Bao Diaper Collection Barbara's BC Globe Beanie Nap Beatrix Beauty.Mums & Babies Bebe Avenue Bebe Bamboo BeBear Bebefolie Bebelock (Korea) BebeZap Beblum Becute Becute Bedhead Bellamom Bellamy Bellybuds Beluga Kids Bestway Betime Marketing Bfree Big Shot Photography Bingbling Binky Boppy Bio-oil BioCair Biolane Blackmores Boba Bodywork Clinic Boikido Bonbijou Bookland Boon BOTTLE OF WELLNESS BOTTLE OF WELLNESS Brainsmith Branded Babies Breathable Baby Brevi Brica Bright Starts Britax Brother Max Brushies Bubble Bum Bumkins BUMWEAR

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

A17 G13 E23 B13 J29 E30 D09 F33 L31 G21 B31 K09, L09 B13 L07 L15 A35 A23 B13 B13 A21 E25 E25 E33 J17 A03 E25 K13 K29 D01,E01,F01 H24 A03 Milk & Diaper Pavilion B21 H24 L31 B24 B43 L25 K09, L09 J33 F30 J25 B24 J29 D13 A21 F21 J17 C25 F13 A17 J30 H31 L11 A35 G01,H01,J01 J17 H09 H17 G29 B33 A08A, A08B, B09 D13 D24

BRANDS LISITING ByCikNuie BYTQAHNASIR Cabana Life California Baby California Kids Caluby Cambert (F.E.) Pte Ltd Cancer Council CANSENSE Cares Carlson Carriwell Carter Carter's Carters Casual Play Charleston Charleston Global Charlie Banana Cheeky Bon Bon Cheeky Chompers Chewy Bibs Chillafish Chinchilla Ching-Ching CHU-CHU Chungho Nais Cimilre CiPU Claessens' Kids Clevamama Close Parents Colorland Combi Comfi-Home Comflor Comflor Prime Comfort & Harmony Comotomo Cookie4Milk COOLA Cordlife Cosatto Cotton Home Cottoncubs COUNTRYSAVE Cream & Cloud Creamhaus Crok Crok Frok Cryoviva Singapore Pte Ltd Cuddle Co CuddleCo CuddleMe D'elgance Daiichi Daily Care Darol DeBerry Delphin Demby Desitin DHAQQ DIDYMOS Difrax

A17 A17 H24 A24 A24 A09 F30 B22B C22B B33 E30 B21 B32 F33 D22 A13 E29 E29 A35 H09 B13 B33 J33 F24 D01,E01,F01 L27 E24 A08A, A08B, B09 B13 A13 A35 E17 B32 J13 B21 L23 L23 H09 A08A, A08B, B09 A08A, A08B, B09 H24 C01 A08A, A08B, B09 B43 B22B D24 C31 C31 D13 K01 J17 B17,C17, D17 H25 L15 A35 J31A C13 D22 F21 D01,E01,F01 A24 L10 A17 F21

Diono Disney Disney Cuties Disney Stationery Doo Doo Mooky Doona Dr Brown's Dream Baby dreamgenii Drypers Drypers Dumex Mamil Gold DuWei Toys Dwinguler Dye4u Dynamic Resources Dyson E.D Inter Early Star Earth Mama Angel Eastar Asia EasyGoBaby Ecokids Edshed Edu Play Eionizer Embe Emmanuel Ener369 Enerfiber Enertime Enertri Enfagrow Enfant Ergococoon Ergopouch ETL Learning Euky Bearub Evenflo Everything SG Exposure Ezpz Face Studio FARM FRESH Fedora Feng He Garden Ferragold Ferrari Ferrari Fibrelux Fiffy Fil'Up / Tonga Fill N Squeeze Fisher Price Fisher Price Fisher Price Five Two Global Flash Concepts Flatbox Flexcils Footer FOR AISHA Formongde Fortune Seafood Spread

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

J17 F33 K29 A24 D13 B17,C17, D17 E13 H09 L27 A01 Milk & Diaper Pavilion Milk & Diaper Pavilion H23A L23 D22 D09 B21 F33 F21 A24 L31 C13 F17 H31 J17 L10 E17 K21 L10 L10 L10 L10 Milk & Diaper Pavilion G29 B21 B21 G31 H23B J17 D30 A07 B33 J24 A17 B21 G25 G25 K09, L09 H08 J17 D01,E01,F01 D13 G29 L01 E13 G29 C33 E24 B33 B33 B33 A17 C31 G22

BRANDS LISITING Foscam France Paris Freds Swim Academy Freemie Fridge To Go Friso Friso Friso Gold Frisomum Funny Lon Gaksimil Galt Ganen / SSM gdiaper Geck Huat Gelite GenX Ghee Hiang Gleecare Global Outsource Solutions Glorious Mission Gobebe GOJO GOO.N Goodbaby Graco Grande Affari Great Eastern Green People Organic Grolier Guavamitts Haakaa HABBASYI OIL Haenim (Korea) Haenim Toys Halex Woolton Hana Baby Hape Happy Baby HAPPY BABY WRAPS Happy Cots Happy Hopperz HAPPY TIME Happyganics Hauck HEILINA Heinz Hello Baby Hengrich Heveababy Highway Kick 1 HiPP Hock Seng Food Honest Trading Honeysuckle Hong Da Hot Spring Baby Hudson Baby Hüella Hugaboo Huggies I-Angel I.Belibaby Ieducate

J32 E32 B13 A35 A03 B01 Milk & Diaper Pavilion B01 B01 A08A, A08B, B09 B21 J17 E33 A13 G25 K13 A31 G25 E29 A35 H23A E25 D33 L27 A08A, A08B, B09 G01,H01,J01 E33 H29 A24 H21 A35 L05 A17 A03 A08A, A08B, B09 K23 E25 E21 A24 A17 B17,C17, D17 A08A, A08B, B09 E32 A19 H08 A17 H13 J32 L25 A35 A13 L07 G22 H32 A08A, A08B, B09 D13 B32 C29 D31 J33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion G01,H01,J01 K29 A09

iimo Illumine Import - Export Marketing Design Imama INDAJANI Infantino Infantree ING ORGANIC Ingenuity Inglesina Innoplus Alliance Innovative Kids Inomata Insular INTEX iPLAY Isa Uchi Isara ISE International J.Direct J&E Baby & Mothercare Jack & Lily Jack N Jill Jaco Perfection JAMMYFINK Jarrons & Co Javalock (Korea) JBM International JCS Biotech Jelly Sili Beads Jette Jitta Trading JJ Cole Joie joovy Joy Baby Jump Eat Cry Jumpy juni june JUST3C K-Mom K's Kids Kamida Kanga Care Karlatech Kayden KCA Kean KEENZ Kemona Kettler Ki ET La Kiddimoto Kidditec Kiddy Kiddylicious Kids Fly Safe Kidzloft Kidzparadize Kiinde Kiwy Kizingo Kokadi La Belle Collection

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

E31B D23 C13 A17 J17 H17 D33 H09 K13 K29 A24 G29 F33 L31 D24 F17 A13 D33 L27 E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17 L21 A35 C13 A17 B17,C17, D17 A03 J33 J25 B33 H17 J43 A35 H08 A13 G21 A22 G31 F09 E23 L11 E21 F33 B33 E31B J31B F32 F33 F09 L21 B17,C17, D17 B13 J33 F21 K29 A08A, A08B, B09 B33 H09 L10 F17 B43 B33 J33 A32

BRANDS LISITING LACTOMOMMA Laforetty Laiticiousmom Lamaze LAO BAN NIANG Lascal Lassig LBB2 Le Husk Le Petit Society LeapFrog Learning Toys Asia Lec Japan LennyLamb Lesbebes LG Hausys Little bernie Little Bunny Closet Little by Little Little Fairy Collection Little Green Radicals Little Me Little Splashes Swim School Little Tikes Little Tot's Little Tots Little Tree Little Zebra LITTLEFROG Living Codi LLUIE LOLBaby Lollababy Singapore Looping Lovely World LOVI Lovis Luvable Friends Maclaren Made4Baby MadeforBaby Magic Container Mama Love Mama warehouse MAMABEAR Mambo Mamilon MAMOM Mamypoko Manhattan Toys Manner of Living Marcel De Sacs Marcus & Marcus Masterkidz Maternal Diva Inc Matimati Maxi Cosi Maymom Mccoy Components Medela Meeno Babies Mei Hua Brand MERRICART Merries

A17 J31A A17 E21 G25 H17 H08 L22 A08A, A08B, B09 C32 H17 E21 H32 J33 K13 L01 A18 E30 L15 L13 L21 D21 L17 H08 G43, H41 L15 H17 A23 A17 F09 C33 D31 B22A K09, L09 D01,E01,F01 B33 A31 C29 B43 L25 A21 F24 A08A, A08B, B09 L05 A17 C13 B21 A17 Milk & Diaper Pavilion A24 J21 B22A J17 A24 A11 B33 K13 K09, L09 G31 F17 F22 G25 F33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion

MGroup MICRELL Micuna MIGE MILC Milestone Milkies Milkmakers Milkwithlove Milky Way MILTON (UK) Mini by Easywalker Minizone MOEDER Mom More Milk Mom's care Mom's Closet MOMMA Momma Mommy’s Helper MOMS CHOCOLATE Monkey Mat Montague Moo Moo Kow MooGoo Moon Angel Moony Mother Nest Mother Nest MOTHER NUTURE Mother-K Mother's Choice MOTHERCOT Mt Alvernia Mum 2 Mum Mummies Liquid Gold Mummykidz Mums&Babies Mumspick Munchkin Mustela Musty Musty My Brest Friend My First Shoots My Miracle Baby MyBee MyBee Naforye Naforye Naif Nan Nania Nanny Nanotronic Natrasan Neat Solutions Nellie's Nestlé Cerelac Nestlé Gerber Nestlé Mom & Me Nestlé NAN OPTIPRO 3 Neuner’s Next

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

F33 D33 B17,C17, D17 F33 L10 B13 A08A, A08B, B09 A08A, A08B, B09 A17 C33 D33 K13 G21 A17 A17 B32 G43, H41 A17 F21 A08A, A08B, B09 A17 B33 K31 D13 A08A, A08B, B09 A31 Milk & Diaper Pavilion K29 D01,E01,F01 A17 L11 F29 A22 E09 A35 L10 C13 L25 B33 J17 D09 B13 D13 F17 B22B B21 G43, H41 C13 A24 A08A, A08B, B09 B33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion H08 J17 B32 A08A, A08B, B09 A08A, A08B, B09 D13 G09 G09 G09 G09 A08A, A08B, B09 B32

BRANDS LISITING NGVI Nice Baby nihon ikuji NIP NIP Njoy No Rinse NONA Numnum Nuna Nurtria Oball Obebe OCA Ocean Clean Singapore Okiedog Ollilie Onwards Paper Products Oogaa Orbit Baby ORGA PLUS Organic Story OurOne&Only OXO Tot Pabobo Pacific Baby Padrino Global Solutions Palmax PALMER'S Pampers Pantern Parklon Paxley Peachy Peachy Pediped Peg Perego Perioe Petite Hearts International Pharmazen Medicals Pharmed Import & Export Philips Avent Pigeon Piggy Paint Pit A Pat Playette Playgro Plum Organics Plush Pockit Poco Nido POGNAE PomTree Kids Pooter Positive Icon Pram Wash Pre Natal & Post Natal & Javanese Massage Prego Premium Baby Hub PRET-A-PREGGER Primeprod Services Prince Lion Heart PROVON

G21 J13 F09 B13 D13 B43 A11 A17 B33 H08 C29 H09 H09 B43 D21 K31 A41 F32 B33 B17,C17, D17 C25 J31A A29 B17,C17, D17 A35 B13 H23B A01 C24 Milk & Diaper Pavilion A31 L01 H24 L10 G24 L21 K13 B30 D31 L22 C24 D01,E01,F01 G01,H01,J01 A24 K21 H09 A35 A24 B13 A35 L02 C25 A24 B13 A13 J31B D25 K13 F09 A30, K33, L03 H23A F13 D33

Prudential Pu Hua International Puku Puku Kingdom Pumpkin Queen Pur Pura PUREEN PURELL Quinny Radicam Radio Flyer Raf Raf Baby Raf Raf Bratz Raf Raf International Raf Raf Princess Real Kids Shades Recaro Redmart Reflo Regin Baby Sling Renewalife (Korea) Revco2000 Richgi RIVADOUCE RIVADOUCE BÉBÉ Rock Star Baby Rockin' Baby RONELLA Rotho RUFFLE BUTTS RWPrince S-26 Sacred Tea for Nursing Mom Safety 1st Sambucol Sarah Wells SCENZE Scholatic Seebaby SG Baby Club SG Digital Lock Shears Sincero Premium Chocolates Shennao Science and Technology Shining Girl Shopping Paradise Shrinkx Belly Shrinkx Hips Sili Squeeze Silly Souls Simple Wishes Simplicity Sing Mui Heng Skip Hop SKK Sleep Night Small Small World Smart Trike Snapkis Snoozebaby Sophie La Girafe Sorbebe Sparco

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

K17 H22 D01,E01,F01 D01,E01,F01 G30 L05 H09 G33 D33 K13 K41 E21 B29 B29 B29 B29 H24 G17 D32 B33 L15 J43 F29 A31 D33 D33 H09 C32 L10 B13 D24 C29 Milk & Diaper Pavilion K41 H09 A24 L05 D33 J17 C13 H33 J32 A01 G22 H23A A31 A24 B21 B21 B33 A24 F17 K09, L09 G29 B17,C17, D17 J17 B17,C17, D17 L01 E13 A35 B13 B13 K25 A08A, A08B, B09

BRANDS LISITING Spectra Splash About SPLASHABOUT Spuni Stemcord Pte Ltd Steve & Leif Steward's Little Stroller World Studio Memories Studio Skinky StudioPlay Summer Infants Summit Company Sunday 2000 SUPERWOMAN BODYSHAPER Sussex SWEETS Maternity Swimava SWIMTRAINER SwimZip Taf Toys Tai Sing Corpn. TAMAR TAMAR E Tavo Tender Soft TERMINUS Tessell TFK The Fashion People The First Years The Little One The Milk Story The Outcall Spa thelittleonesinmylife Theraline Tian Long Citronella Oil Tiny Love TLO TMCC Todbi Tollyjoy Tommee Tippee TONGTAI Tots By SmarTrike Touched by Nature Trejoy Tropika Trunki TULA Tummy with Mummy TWELVEOUNCES TWISTSHAKE Tykes Marketing Uinlui UMMA LACTO Unilove UNILOVE Unimom uPang UPSIZE 3D Puzzle Uyeki V-Coool VISIOFOCUS

K09, L09 H24 D24 B33 E09 J32 L13 B43 G32 A24 A07 A35 G33 G23 A30, K33, L03 K13 A30, K33, L03 B21 B13 H24 J17 J13 A17 A17 K13 K23 D30 F09 H08 A08A, A08B, B09 H17 K25 E30 B23 A03 B17,C17, D17 A32 B17,C17, D17 A03 B30 A35 G01,H01,J01 A35 B25 E17 C29 G24 A17 B17,C17, D17 D24 B13 A17 A18 E25 A03 A17 K29 E29 A35 K09, L09 A24 E25 K09, L09 F17

Von and Rom Babies Ways Baby Wel B Wel-B Baby Whamisa Winghouse With Organic Woombie Yale Yamatoya Yelly (Korea) Yijan Yoga Sprout Yoomi Yoomi Youhaveababy Young Living Yu Shan Tang 玉善堂 Yummy Mitt Zenoff Zoli Baby ZURI BABY COUTURE Zycom Zzandr 360

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

F22 L15 J43 J43 J31A J33 J23B E25 J32 J21 A03 K29 C29 K09, L09 K29 H25 K41 F31 B33 F17 D13 D23 E31B A30, K33, L03


A01, A35, B09, B17/C17/D17, B21, B43, E21, E33, F21, G01/H01/J01, G13/G17, G29, G43/H41, H08, H17, H23A, H23B, K09/L09, J13, J17, K13, K29

Stroller (Single/Double)

A01, A13, A35, B09, B17/C17/D17, B21, B43, C13, D01/E01/F01, D13, E29, F09, F21, F33, G01/H01/J01, G13/G17, G29, H08, H17, K09/L09, J13, J17, K13, K29

Baby Carrier, Sling, Wrap

A13, A35, B32, C13, C25, C29, D13, D24, E17, E25, E29, E33, F29, G01/H01/J01, G21, G29, G43/H41, H08, H09, H17, H25, J13, J21, J33, K25, K29, K41, L15

Bucket/Carseat/Stroller Liner, Baby Carrier Accessories, Stroller Bag/Fan, Carseat Protector

A03, A35, B09, B17/C17/D17, B43, C13, D13, D24, D31, E17/F13, E25, F22, F33, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H08, H09, J17, K13, K41

FEEDING A01, A13, B09, B17/C17/D17, C13, D01/E01/F01, F21, G01/H01/J01, G13, H08, H09, H17, J13, J17, J21, K29 A03, A35, B13, B17/C17/D17, B33, D13, E13/F13/G13, F33, G01/H01/J01, G29, H09, H17, J13, J17, L05 A01, A03, A35, B13, B17/C17/D17, B33, D01/E01/F01, D13, E13/F13/G13, F21, G01/H01/J01, G29, H17, J13, J17, L05

High Chair Baby Utensils Bowls Baby Bottle / Sippy Cups

A01, A03, A13, A18, A35, B09, B13, B17/C17/D17, B33, D01/E01/F01, D13, E13/F13/F17, F21, F30, F33, G01/H01/J01, G29, H09, H17, H32, J17, K09/L09, K29, L05, L11


A03, A13, A18, A35, B09, B33, D13, E13/F17, F21, G01/H01/J01, H09, H17, K09/L09, K29, L05


A01, A03, A29, A35, B09, B13, B25, B32, B33, C13, C21, C29, D13, D24, E17, E25, F21, F29, F33, G01/H01/J01, G21, G43/H41, H17, H25, J13, J17, K29, K41

Drying Rack

C13, E13/F13, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H17, H25, J17

Sterilizer Tongs

A03, A35, E13, G01/H01/J01

Milk Bottle Container

A01, A18, A35, B33, D13, H17, J17

Splat Mat / High Chair Cover

A01, C13

Baby Food Equipment

A03, B17/C17/D17, B33, C13, D01/E01/F01, D13, F21, G01/H01/J01, G24, K41, L05, L07

Baby Snacks / Food

A08A, A17, A24, A35, G01/H01/J01, G09, H13, J43, L07


A01, A09, A13, A17, A31, B09, B13, B25, B32, C13, C21, C29, C32, D13, D22, D23, E25, F29, F33, G21, G29, G43/H41, K21, K29, L02, L13

Tops / Dresses

A13, A22, A31, A41, B13, B25, C13, C32, D13, D22, D23, F29, F33, G21, G43/H41, K21, L02, L13

Leggings / Pull-on Pants

A13, A22, A31, A35, B13, B32, C13, C21, C32, D13, E25, F29, F33, G43/H41, K21, K29, L02, L13

Caps / Hats / Mittens / Socks/ Booties / Headband

A01, A35, B09, B13, B25, B29, B32, C13, C21, C29, D13, D23, E25, F29, G21, G43/H41, H09, H24, H25, K21, L02, L13

Baby Shoes

A24, B13, B29, C13, D23, F33, G43/H41, J13, K21, L02, L13, L21

Organic / Bamboo Clothes

A01, B25, C29, C32, D13, D31, E25, H09, L21


A09, A31, B25, B32, C13, C29, C32, D13, E25, F29, G21, G43/H41, K21, L02, L13

Baby / Kids Bathrobe

B13, B25, B32, E25, G43/H41

Baby Gift Set

A01, A09, A13, A35, B32, C29, C32, D13, D22, D23, F29, G29, G43/H41, H32, K21, L02

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


A01, F32, G43/H41, J29, K41, L27

Cloth Diaper

A01, A13, A35, B29, B33, D13, D24, E17, G33, G43/H41, L15

Swim Diapers

A35, B29, D13, D24, E17, H24, L27, L31

Training Pants

A35, B29, B32, D13, D24, E17, G43/H41, H25

Baby Wipes

A01, A35, B09, B24, B29, B30, D09, D13, E13, E30, F29, F30, G01/H01/J01, G33, H17, H32, J13, J31A, K23, K41, L11, L27

Diaper Bag / Wet Bag

A03, A09, A13, A29, A35, B13, B17/C17/D17, B32, B33, C13, D13, E13/E17, E25, G21, G43/H41, H24, H25, J17, K09/L09, K29, K41, L05, L17

Diaper Stacker/Organiser

B17/C17/D17, B32, G43/H41

Diaper Rash Cream / Ointment

A21, A24, A35, B09, B24, B33, C24, D09, D33, E13, G33, H17, J30

Napkin Liner / Infant Insert

A01, B29, D13, D24, E17, G01/H01/J01, G33, G43/H41, L15


A11, A22, A30, C13, C21, C33, F17, F21, G29, G43/H41, H25, J13, K33


A03, A08B, A35, B09, B21, B33, D01/E01/F01, F17, F21, G01/H01/J01, H17, H25, K09/L09, L05

Breastfeeding Supplies (Nipple Cream / Pads)

A08B, A11, A35, B21, B24, B33, C13, D01/E01/F01, E13/F17, E25, E30, F21, F30, G43/H41, H17, H25, L05, L10, L27

Milk Storage Bags

A03, A35, B09, C13, D01/E01/F01, E13/F17, E30, F21, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H17, H25, J17, K09/L09, L05, L11 A01, A03, A35, B33, D01/E01/F01, D33, E25, F17, F21, G01/H01/J01, G21, H09, H17, H25, K09/L09

Pumping Supplies (Cooler Bag / Bottle Sterilizers / Bottle Warmers) Baby Bottle Cover


Nursing Covers / Wraps

A03, A11, A17, C13, D13, D24, F17, F21, G43/H41, H17, H25, K09/L09, L10, L15

Nursing Pillow

A35, B09, B17/C17/D17, D01/E01/F01, F17, F21, G21, H09, H17, K29, L27

Nursing Supplements/Tea

A01, A17, A24, B09, E30, F21, K41, L07, L10

Lactation Cookies/Brownies/Herbs

A17, B09, E30, F21, G25


A13, A35, B33, D13, E13, E25, G01/H01/J01, H09, H17, J13, L05

Teething Products

A03, A35, B09, B13, B17/C17/D17, B33, C33, D13, E13, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H09, H17, J13, J17, K41, L05

Drool Pads

A03, A29, C13, D24, E33, G43/H41, K41

SAFETY Baby Monitor

A35, D01/E01/F01, J32

Safety Gates

D01/E01/F01, D13, F09, H09, H17, J17, J32, L31

Window Safety Grill


Safety Bed Rail

F09, H09, H17, J17

Digital Door Lock / Digital Safe / Baby Camera

J32, K41

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


A01, A35, B09, B13, B32, C13, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H17, J13, J17, K13, L31

Towels / Wash Cloth

A01, A23, A29, A35, B13, B29, B32, C13, C21, C29, D13, D22, E25, G01/H01/J01, G21, G43/H41, H25, L15, L17

Shampoo / Body Wash / Hair Conditioner)

A11, A17, A19, A21, A24, B09, B22B, B24, B30, B33, D09, D33, E13, G01/H01/J01, G33, H17, J13, K29

Baby Skin Care

A17, A21, A24, B09, B22B, B24, B30, B33, C24, D09, D33, G01/H01/J01, H17, H24, J13, J30, L25

Kids Sunscreen

A24, B22B, B30, D09, D33, H17

Grooming Kits (Nail Clippers, Comb,

A03, A24, A29, A35, B30, E13, G01/H01/J01, G21, G33, H09, H17, L05, L11

Nasal Aspirator

A03, A35, B22A, G01/H01/J01, H09, H17


A35, F17, G01/H01/J01, H17

Baby Potty / Toilet Training

A01, B09, C13, E17/F13, G43/H41, H17, J13

Laundry Detergent / Basket

A19, A35, B30, D13, D24, G01/H01/J01, G33, H17, L11

Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Powder)

PLAYTIME Infant Swing

A01, G01/H01/J01, H08, H09, J13

Bouncer / Rocker

A01, B09, B17/C17/D17, B21, G01/H01/J01, G13, H08, H09, K29


A01, A13, A23, B21, C31, D01/E01/F01, D31, F13, G01/H01/J01, H08, H09, J17, L31

Play Fence / Play Yard

A13, B09, C23/L23, D01/E01/F01, D31, F09, H09, J17

Play Mats / Baby Gym / Place Mats / Play Tent

A01, A03, A09, A24, A35, B09, B13, B17/C17/D17, B33, C23/L23, C31, D31, E21, F09, G21, H08, H09, J17, L01, L31


A09, A24, A35, B13, B17/C17/D17, C25, E21, E25, F13, F21, F33, G21, G43/H41, H08, H09, H17, H23A, H23B, J13, J17, L05, L31


A13, F22, F33, G01/H01/J01, H08, H09, L31

Stationary Entertainer Educational

A24, B17/C17/D17, H08, H09 A24, B33, C25, F09, G21, G30, G31, G43/H41, H09, H21, L17, L31

Balance Bike / Electric Toy Cars / Tricycles / Scooters Music

A13, A24, A35, B09, B17/C17/D17, E13, E21, E31B, F24, H08, J33, K09/L09

Baby Bean Bag / Toy Storage

B09, C31, H09, K29

A24, B13, L31

BEDDING Cot Bedding Set

A01, A23, A35, B17/C17/D17, B43, D01/E01/F01, D31, E17, G01/H01/J01, H09, J17, J21, K13

Fitted Cot Sheets

A01, A13, A35, B17/C17/D17, B43, C29, D09, D13, E17, E25, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H08, H09, K13, L15

Mattress Pads & Waterproof Pads

A29, A35, B17/C17/D17, B22B, B25, B43, C13, C31, D09, D13, D24, D31, E25, G01/H01/J01, G33, G43/H41, H08, H09, H25, K41, L15

Baby Blankets

A01, A03, A29, A35, B09, B13, B25, B32, C13, C21, C29, D13, D22, D24, D31, E17, E25, F29, G21, G43/H41, L15

Dual sided Minky Taggie Blankets

A03, A29, F29

Swaddles/Swaddling Blankets

A01, A03, A09, A29, A35, B13, B21, B25, B32, C13, C21, C29, D13, E17, E25, F29, G43/H41, H09, H17, H25, K41, L15 A35, B25, C31, E25, G43/H41, L15

Sleeping Bag

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


B17/C17/D17, B43, D01/E01/F01, D31, E17, G01/H01/J01, J17, J21, K13

Cot Mattress & Pillows

A01, A23, A35, B13, B17/C17/D17, B43, C13, C31, D01/E01/F01, D09, D13, D31, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H09, J17, J21, K13

Baby Furniture

B17/C17/D17, J21

Changing Table / Mat

A29, B09, B13, B17/C17/D17, B25, B32, D13, E25, G01/H01/J01, G33, G43/H41, K13, L05

Rockers / Bouncers / Infant Swing / Swing Chair

A01, B17/C17/D17, B21, G01/H01/J01, G13, H08, H09, J13, K29

MISCELLANEOUS First/Full Month Packages

E23, L31

Massage / Spa / Slimming

A21, B23, D25, L25, L31

Confinement Related

E25, F31, G25

Shapewear, Maternity /Postpartum Support Belt

A11, A30, G43/H41, K33

Stretch Mark / Moisturizing / Organic Body Cream

B24, C24, D09, D33

Sanitary Pads / Panties

E25, G33, G43/H41

Lactation Support

A21, K09/L09, L25

Photography / Photobook Health & Wellness

A07, B31, E32, G32, J24, L25 A21, D33, F31, J30, L22

Life Casting Services

A21, L25

Cordblood Banking

C01, E09, K01

Skin Care

A24, B09, C24, D09, D33, J13, J30

Air purifier / Essential Oils

A24, K41, L10

Honey / Vitamin Baby Swim Wear / Float

F31, J29 B13, B21, B32, D24, G43/H41, H24, K29, L17, L31

Insect Repellent / Mosquito Net

A09, A24, A32, B09, B22B, C29, D33, E25, F17, G33, H17, J13, J32

Milk Formula

B01, G09, L07

Bottle Cleanser / Sterilizing Tablets

A19, A35, B30, D33, G01/H01/J01, G33, H09, H17

Wet Wipes Dispenser Container & Lid Cover

A03, B17/C17/D17, F30

Mobile App for Smarter Commute


Water Dispenser/ Filtration


Pram Wash/Rental Service



A24, D33, H17, H32

Disinfectant Spray / Solution / Machine

D33, F30, H17, H32, J25

Cot Mobile

B17/C17/D17, G43/H41, J17

Smartwatch for Kids



A09, B17/C17/D17, D22, D30, E17, G43/H41, J33, L05

Night Lights

B13, J17

Financial Insurance

D43, H29, K17

Credit Cards


All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

MOVE Backpack Stroller The Move Backpack stroller, designed to be 100% portable, easy to use, lightweight and perfect for travel. Suitable for use by children from 6 months and who can sit up unaided, up to 15kg.This revolutionary stroller folds down in just a few easy steps into a compact size for ease of transportation and storage making traveling with young children a breeze.

Micuna My Friend Co Sleeper Cot

Unilove Azraa Stroller The Azraa jogger can be used from the birth of your baby. This jogger is equipped with fully function seat which can be used in a forward facing and rearward facing. The seat can also be used in a full lie down position to a sit-up position with interim sitting positions for comfort.




Twistshake bottles

Terminus Urban Dad Backpack

A good quality yet functional backpack style diaper bag that able to fit the purpose in term of compartment and size, good for travelling with kids.

Twistshake’s baby bottle is perfect to use in combination with regular breastfeeding. The unique system TwistFlow actively reduce baby colic and ensures an even flow. The bottle has a wide neck, making it easy to clean. It also has a grip friendly design that retains heat.

Baby's Water Water Filtration

Recaro Privia Evo Carseat D30

With only 4.1 kilogram the Privia Evo is one of the lightest infant carriers on the market, making every-day-life easier. In addition, it offers the approved RECARO comfort and safety features for a good feeling on tour. With one click the Privia Evo is set on the RECARO Smartclick Isofix base in the car but it can also be fixed with the car's 3-point belt.



World’s first water purification system for babies. It is certified to remove 142 harmful substances from tap water using the 7-stage purification process.

NIP Cool Twister When your baby is hungry, you need to move very fast. However, cooling hot water in a cold water bath or under a running tap takes time. The Cool Twister is here to put things right. Boiling water can be cooled to drinking temperature in just 80 seconds, leaving it germ-free and at the correct temperature in an environmentally friendly way.


Puku Folding Bath Tub

Make bath time fun and easy with Puku Folding Bathtub! The fold-flat design saves space at home and make it easy to bring along for travels without compromising on a full size tub for baby! The water stoppers also act as temperature indicators, making sure that temperature of water would be just right for baby's bath!


Micuna - World's No.1 Cot with PATENTED Relax system that aids babies breathing minimising spitups and colic is here! With this new cot you can now sleep close to your baby as a co-sleeper or to use it as a cot for your baby’s room.

Tender Soft Baby Wipes K23


MILTON Home Bundle Set

Trusted in homes and hospitals for over 90 years as the safe and effective way to protect babies from harmful germs in their most vulnerable early years. Milton range of hygiene and sterilising products have keep been specifically developed to be used around babies, and to provide a safe and clean environment so that babies and their families can keep on living the happy life they want.

Our baby wipes are paraben free, alcohol free and dermatologically tested. It is safe for both baby and adult in all occasions- travelling, outdoor activities and dining out. Come with two ranges, Fragrance and Fragrance Free.

Annee Matthew Hands Free Pumping Bra Dual function bra for

A11 nursing & hands-free pumping. Band is made longer than the other bras for better comfort. Cups are able to stretch up to K cup. Excellent support and comfort.


Sorbebe Airo Robic

Laforetty Cereal Baby Wipes


Airo Robic As light as a Cup of Take Out Coffee Airo is a light-weighted hipseat carrier that helps one hold growing babies more easily. It was designed to reduce the weight on one’s shoulders as much as possible. Robic is stronger than regular nylon and strong against friction and damage the material has a far lower absorption rate than cotton, proving to have a great waterproofing effect.


Laforetty cereal baby wipes, organically-grown oat powder extract. Purified oxygenated water for better moisturization . Thick and soft wipes with calming & soothing botanical extracts. Dermatologist tested suitable for sensitive skin.

2-in-1 Mummy Bag Portable Folding Baby Cot Newborn babies requires many feeding time, diaper changing and sleeping which makes mothers difficult to travel around. But this versatile bag is specially designed for mothers and infant. With the bag, the mother can easily feed and allows the baby to sleep more comfortably.

Living Codi Deluxe Space Folder Mat (L40) D22

Carrier Dying Services

Jack N Jill Wipes


Jack N’ Jill Gum & Tooth Wipes can be safely used from birth. Individually wrapped, they are both hygienic and convenient when out and about.


Want to get really innovative with your baby carrier? Now you can with this highly raved about Carrier Dyeing Service! You can make it lively, colourful and unique! No more boring carrier for your baby.



Living Codi Deluxe Space Folder Mat is the most popular folder mats in Korea now due to its superb quality, unique designs and color combination. Unlike most other space folder mat brands that have only the Primary and Pastel color combinations, Living Codi’s exciting range of folder mats also includes the unique Designer Folder, the Milk Folder and the Dual Folder.


Dfang Nordic Premium Play Mats Dfang mats are inspired by Scandinavian designs. They are made with soft comfortable non-toxic materials, embossed for air circulation and non-slip to support your baby’s first crawl and first steps, protecting them from falls. The mats are among the thickest mats in the market @16mm.


Haenim Bluetooth Breastpump Introducing Haenim 7S, the ONLY Breastpump that you can control with Bluetooth technology! With your mobile phone, you can now record ur expressed volume after each pump. The great thing is you are able to analyse your milk expressed daily, weekly or even monthly!

Clevamama Mum2Me Pod


The Mum2Me Pod supports mum’s entire body from back to bump, hips and knees during those times when getting comfortable seems impossible. After baby is born, it gives your baby a safe and snug sleeping environment.

Charleston Lite+ Stroller

MOVE Easyfold Stroller

Combi Miracle Turn J13 Elegant 2

The Move Easy Fold Stroller is unlike any other design. Its revolutionary 2 steps folding system means it is ready to go in second and is just as quick and easy to store. Suitable for use by children from 6 months and who can sit up unaided, up to 15kg.

New & improved! With unprecedented shock absorbing features. What makes the newly improved Miracle Turn Elegant II even more unigue is its Air Louver at the back of the seat. Helps in heat reduction, keeping baby cool throughout the stroll.

The new Charleston Lite+ series strollers, the epitome of class, elegance and sophistication. At first glance, the beautiful leather fabric provides a sense of sophistication yet with a bit of luxury thrown in. It’s multi position reclining seat is able to recline up to 175 degrees, which is suitable from newborn onwards.


Graco's Pack ‘n Play® Playard Nimble Nook™ makes it easy to move from room to room, keeping baby always close. Its slim, lightweight design moves with you (with integrated wheels and folding feet for an even smaller fold) so that it's convenient to care for baby around the home.




Inside every purple pediped® box is an outstanding award-winning shoes. Our stylish designs are the ultimate in comfort, and each pair is specifically engineered to promote healthy foot development. Kids can feel the difference!


Safety 1st Circus Playpen

2 in 1: it can be used as a travel cot or playpen. Measuring 100 x 100 x 76 cm, it offers enough place for baby toplay safely. It's easy to carry thanks to its compact folding and its transport bag with handles.

Mother's Choice Infant Set

E23 Baby in Love - Baby Shower Package

Celebrate the arrival of your newborn with Baby In Love Baby Shower Package! Unique with a touch of personalization, Baby In Love creates an assortment of baby shower confectionary that is not only heartful and decorated, but also delectable!

LOLbaby Bumper Bed


LOLBaby Bumper Bed is 100% handmade in Korea, available in Premium Microfiber and 100% Premium Cotton material. It is more than a bed; it is a bed that grows with your child, with the ability to make over itself from a bed into a play-yard, playhouse and much more creative play


The Room² Twin Nursery Center is the perfect accessory for the Room² playard. Easy to install, this practical accessory converts your Room² into a convenient center that is great for use with one baby, twins, and multiples.

Pediped Shoe

Graco Pack N Play Nimble Nook (Woodland)


Joovy Room 2 Twin Nursery Centre

Living Codi XPE Dual Sided Baby Play Mat F09

Let baby be stylish with this matchy set of apparels! Choose from the wide array of rompers, bodysuit, bibs, hat, booties and more! Made from soft cotton, Mother's Choice Baby Apparels makes for an Unlike other low cost play mats that are adorable gift for your mainly made in China, Living Codi XPE Dual Sided Baby Play Mat is 100% made in Korea. newborn! It is dual sided, and has a wide selection of designs. Developed specifically with babies Babyhood -Kaylula Clear 5 in 1 Cot and toddlers in mind, it uses premium food A world first, Sova Clear Cot is a revolution in design. grade PE (polyethylene) material and the Revolutionary, with its unique clear panels which latest manufacturing methodologies. allow your baby to wake free as bird each morning


and see straight out into the world ahead. Versatile, as the cot evolves - from babyhood to adulthood. Starting from a Bassinet + Cot + Toddler Bed + Adult Table and Chairs Set + Playpen.


Dr Ato Euky Bearub Pramwash Service


Instead of trying to figure out how to dismantle the fabrics from its frame to get a thorough and proper cleaning, leave it to PramWash. We are Singapore’s first pram cleaning specialist aiming to provide great value to busy parents who also want the best for your baby.

Happyganics All Natural Kids Shampoo & Conditioner A19 Happyganics all-natural products are made in USA with pure plant-based ingredients, safe for your baby and family. There’s no animal byproducts or animal testing, cruelty free. It is biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

Bottle of Wellness J30 New Born Gift Set The newborn essentials! Handpicked from a mother to another. They are 100% natural, organic & handmade! It comes with balms that could help ease respiratory problems, minor skin irritations, troubled tummies & oil massage for fussy little ones. Safe for delicate skin.



WaterWipes are the only wipes made using just water and a J32 drop of grapefruit seed extract. That’s why 97% of midwives believe WaterWipes are Hello Baby (Baby Monitor) suitable for use on the skin of The HelloBaby HB24 is a wireless newborn babies. video baby monitor that enables you to always keep an eye on your baby. It provides a crystal clear image without grainy or pixelated texures.


Scuderia Ferrari Bicycle 12” Designed and textured according to the Ferrari line of vehicles, the FB1201 features a 12” wheel or 16" wheel and lightweight alloy frame that allows the child to maneuver the bicycle with ease. This bicycle is a gem that is easy to pack in cars for trips to the parks or beach.


Breathe easier, sleep better with this eucalyptus-based chest rub. Natural vapours provide cold & flu relief without medication.

Dr.ato, by BORYUNG Medicine with decades of experience in research and development of child skincare in Korea, is specially formulated to provide sensitive skin with everything it needs. The ingredients used are approved in clinical science and is safe for all skin types.

Scoot & Ride A13 Highwaykick 1 The Highwaykick 1 is the ideal companion for children aged one to five. Because of its stability this product gives the little ones the opportunity to move safely and comfortably. The patented -safety padoffers extra security.


Bandes Box Pleat Maternity Culottes Bandes is a range of bottoms defined by its well-loved elasticised foldover waistband and excellent cut.



07 - 09 April 2017 | Singapore Expo Hall 5


1500+ Coupons & Deals

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Babies Bellies Javanese Massage Booth D25

1 Day Trial Jamu Post Natal Massage @ $60 U.P. $100

Exclude House Call Transport Fee & Deposit of $35 for Bengkung (Refundable). 1 hour Pre-Natal Massage is available at $39.90*. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------babyken Booth B13

Enjoy additional 10% discount

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Swiss made. SHADEZ helps shield your eyes against the harmful effects of blue light. Filters the harmful of blue light and only allows the good portion of blue light to pass through.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cream & Cloud Pte Ltd Booth C31

Enjoy additional $20 OFF

Purchase any 2 sets of FORMONGDE Nap Bedding Set and enjoy additional discount!

Terms and conditions: Only applicable during 7-9 April at Baby Market. Please present coupon before payment.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cream & Cloud Pte Ltd Booth C31

Enjoy additional $20 OFF

Get additional discount when you purchase Inua Bumper Bed & Inua Haus Set!

Terms and conditions: Only applicable during 7-9 April at Baby Market. Please present coupon before payment.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cream & Cloud Pte Ltd Booth C31

Enjoy 10% OFF Formongde Nap Mat Purchase Creamhaus Ice Castle and get FORMONGDE nap mat at another 10% off!

Terms and conditions: Only applicable during 7-9 April at Baby Market. Please present coupon before payment.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29

Gleecare Hipseats @ $84 U.P. $249

Terms and conditions apply.

Charleston Global Booth E29

Unilove Azraa Stroller @ $389 U.P. $699

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29

Charleston Lite Stroller @ $189 U.P. $499 Terms and conditions apply.

Charleston Global Booth E29

Charleston Lite+ Stroller @ $239 U.P. $599 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


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Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

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Binky Boppy Booth J33

Enjoy 20% OFF plus FREE two coin purses on Super Toki Be Right Back Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dhaqq Nutritions Booth L10

Spend $100 and get $10 OFF Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dhaqq Nutritions Booth L10

Buy Ener369 and get $30 OFF Terms and conditions apply.

Dhaqq Nutritions Booth L10

Buy 1 Enertri and get 1 FREE Minifiber Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eastar Asia Booth L31

BabySPA Swim Pants @ $1 per piece U.P. $2/piece

Terms and conditions apply.

Five Two Global Booth C33

Milky Way BANDES Bundle $99 for 1 Long Pant + 1 Culotte U.P. $138

NEW RELEASE! Lovers of the Milky Way Bandes Bottoms can now get your ultra comfortable linen long pants and culottes with $39 savings! Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hong Da Booth D13

Additional $5 OFF

With minimum $80 purchase of Moo Moo Kow Products

Terms and conditions apply.

Hong Da Booth D13

Moo Moo Kow Training Pants 2 for $30 U.P. $70

Terms and conditions: While stocks last.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honest Trading Booth H32

Hong Da Booth D13

Additional $5 OFF

With minimum $80 purchase of Baa Baa Sheepz Products

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honest Trading Booth H32

Mums & Babies Booth L25

Enjoy Bliss Facial 1st Time Trial @ $48 U.P. $138

Packed with antioxidants to promote cell regeneration, Bliss facial harness the active healing properties of Chamomile Extracts, enable the skin to heal and transform itself naturally. Terms and conditions: Valid for 1st time trial customer only Available at our Suntec City outlet #02-728/729/730 within Bove @ Spring Maternity

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Mums & Babies Booth L25

Enjoy Genesis Facial 1st Time Trial @ $68 U.P. $228

Using proprietary and tested formula, Genesis treatment provide a safe and effective solutions to acne and pigmentation issues with added hydrating boost that nourish your skin, releasing the natural glow. Terms and conditions: Valid for 1st time trial customer only Available at our Suntec City outlet #02-728/729/730 within Bove @ Spring Maternity


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidsfullstop Booth A09

2-in-1 Bundle Deal Any play tent series + 100% Cartoon Play Mat @ $80 U.P. $219.80

Create a cozy, safe and colorful play area for kids with our cute play tent series and colorful play mat. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Innoplus Alliance Booth K29

Pink I.belibaby Highchair @ $35 U.P. $79.90

Pink colour only.

Terms and conditions: While stock last.

Kidsfullstop Booth A09

Enjoy $5 OFF

For purchases $50 and above.

Terms and conditions: Voucher is not stackable. One redemption per customer only.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Innoplus Alliance Booth K29

Additional 10% OFF any I.belibaby bundle price Terms and conditions: While stock last.

Innoplus Alliance Booth K29

Kiddy Bundle Special @ $399 U.P. $948

Kiddy Evolution Pro 2 + Kiddy Guardian Pro 2 – From newborn to 12 years old Terms and conditions: While stock last.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Innoplus Alliance Booth K29

Kiddy Guardian Pro (RUMBA) @ $299 U.P. $549

Terms and conditions: Only 10 sets available! Rumba colour only. Trade in not applicable.

Innoplus Alliance Booth K29

FREE 450ml Disney Cuties Shampoo

With any purchase of any Yijian Hairclipper.

Terms and conditions: While stocks last for free gifts.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Karlatech Booth E31B

Additional $10 OFF iimo #02 Foldable Tricycle U.P. $248

Winner of Harperʼs Bazaar Toy Awards 2016. Award-winning Japanese foldable 3-in-1 tricycle. Transforms and converts from a push to a walker to an independent tricycle as child grows. Available in 3 colours – Eternity Red, Comfort Brown & Gentle White. Terms and conditions apply.

Karlatech Booth E31B

Additional $10 OFF iimo x macaron Foldable Tricycle (limited edition) U.P. $258 Limited edition Japanese design 3-in-1 foldable tricycle for children aged 1.5 to 4 years old. Converts from push car to walker to independent tricycle to suit a growing child. Available in 3 colours – Banana Yellow, Mint Blue & Sugar Pink Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Karlatech Booth E31B

Additional $10 OFF iimo x macaron baby helmets

U.P. $98 (Limited stocks! Exclusive to Baby Market)

Cute matching helmets for iimo x macaron tricycles. For 1 year and above. Size 47-52 cm. Adjustable. Available in 3 colors - banana yellow, mint blue & sugar pink. Limited stocks only so grab one while stocks last. Terms and conditions apply.

Tian Long Citronella Oil Booth A32

FREE NEW 120ml TLC Citronella Oil + 2 Hulus With purchase of three 500ml TLC Citronella Oil.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

FREE Musical Mobile (Assorted Design) U.P. $49.90

With Micuna Cot purchases above $600 Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

FREE Bedsheet (Assorted Colours/Design) U.P. $16.90

With purchase of any Happy Series Cot Set. (Set: Cot + Mattress + Bedding)

Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

10% OFF ALL Doona Accessories Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

$100 OFF purchase of Doona Carseat Stroller

With purchase of any Cot + Mattress + Bedding Set.

Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

Sleepnight 100% 3” Natural Latex Mattress @ $169/$199 U.P. $259/$315 Size: 60cm x 120cm / 70cm x 130cm

Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

2nd Bedding Set @ $80 (Applicable to the lower or equal value bedding set) U.P. $129-$169

Bedding Set includes 1 Pillow with casing, 1 Bolster with casing, 1 Fitted Sheet (Suitable for 60x120cm & 70x130cm Cot), 1 Comforter & 1 Full Bumper. Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

20% OFF Tiny Love Regular Price Items Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17, D17

20% OFF ALL Selected Skip Hop Products

Terms & Conditions: Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Little Totʼs Booth H41

Bundle of 3 Jumpsuits @ $28 (Assorted Designs available) U.P. $29.90/pc Terms and conditions apply.

Momʼs Closet Booth G43

Bundle of 3 Nursing Bras @ $28 (Assorted Designs available) U.P. $29.90/pc

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Little Splashes Swim School Booth L17

$10 Cash Voucher

Includes: 1x Swim Trial + 1x Wet Bag + 1x Microfiber Large Towel + 1x MooMooKow Swim Diaper + $10 Cash Voucher U.P. $69.90 Terms and conditions apply.

Maternal Diva Inc Booth A11

Buy 5 Items and Get 1 Free

Applicable for all items (inclusive of Starbuys) except for Buy 1 get 1 deals. Cheapest items will be the free item.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Kidzloft Booth H09

Additional $10 OFF Ingenuity Baby Base

Starbuy Price: $79.90 U.P. $119 Available in Pale Blue, Pink Flambe, Poppy Red, Slate Grey, Ultra Marine.

Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidzloft Booth H09

Additional $20 OFF Ingenuity ConvertMe Swing to Seat

Starbuy Price: $169 U.P. $269 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidzloft Booth H09

150ml Infant Feeding Bottle (without sleeve) @ $10 250ml Insulated Bottle with Sippy Spout (without sleeve) @ $20 U.P. $29.90/$49.90

Terms and conditions apply.

My Miracle Baby Booth B21

Ergopouch @ $34.90

U.P. $45.90

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Miracle Baby Booth B21

Additional 10% OFF For Carriwell products over $100.

Terms and conditions apply.

My Miracle Baby Booth B21

Enjoy $50 OFF Fedora C3 Carseat & L5, S7, S9 Strollers Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGroup Booth F33

Merricart Stroller @ $299 U.P. $699

Terms and conditions apply.

MGroup Booth F33

FREE Pacifier Clip

With purchase of any 2 Kimono Rompers. U.P. $29.90 NOW $14.90

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGroup Booth F33

FREE Wooden Toys

With purchase of any 2 Kimono Set. U.P. $49.90 NOW $29.90

Terms and conditions apply.

MGroup Booth F33

Enjoy $2 OFF

With purchase of anyfeeding items.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mummykidz Booth C13

Enjoy $5 OFF

With $80 spent.

Terms and conditions: One coupon per transaction.

Babytoon Booth G21

USA Cuddle Baby Roll Up Bib 2pcs Set @ $19.90 U.P. $53.80

Color : Blue /Pink / Yellow / Green • Wide and soft silicone pockets perfect for catching those stray bits of food • Suits 6M + • BPA, PVC, and phthalate free Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Mumspick Booth B33

FREE Micro Mat

With every purchase of EZPZ Mats, Mini Mat or Bowl.

Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mumspick Booth B33

Enjoy 50% OFF second item purchase

The Original Squeeze™ is the original reusable squeeze pouch with a spill-proof spout™. Made of durable silicone and 100% toxin-free materials.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mumspick Booth B33

Enjoy 40% OFF second item purchase

KIZINGO products are designed to promote successful self-feeding, giving confidence to parents and children. Little ones learning to feed themselves can get frustrated and most utensils are not well designed for how toddlers want to hold and use them. As a result, parents often take over feeding which can have unintended consequences. KIZINGO spoons are curved to work with the way children hold utensils, making it easier for kids to successfully do it themselves. Terms and conditions apply.

Mumspick Booth B33

Yummy Mitt @ $29.90 Second purchase @ 30% OFF

The YUMMY MITT TEETHING MITTEN is Functional, Stylish & Modern all in One geared to infants 3-12 months. Designed to replicate the natural feel and look of an infant's hand.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mumspick Booth B33

Enjoy 50% OFF second item

Innovative products designed especially for breastfeeding mummies, as well as products for alternative feeding and soothing, safe for the babyʼs natural suckling reflex. Terms and conditions apply.

Mumspick Booth B33

Buy 1 FREE 1

Teething Necklaces 1. All of our silicone jewelry are made of 100% food grade silicone (similar to pacifiers & nipples). 2. Mommy chic, baby safe. 3. With FDA,CE, LFGB, BPA free, Phthalate free, 8 toxic metals free certifications.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mumspick Booth B33

Enjoy 10% OFF Sale Price

Momo loves to make brushing fun! Collect all four! For Ages 4 weeks to 4 years. BPA and Phthalate free. Non-toxic and 100% food grade silicone. Designed by Two Doctor Moms and Made in the USA. Terms and conditions apply.

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Additional 20% OFF 2nd piece of nihon ikuji Safety Gate or Bed Rail

Think Safety! Think nihon ikuji!

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Additional $30 OFF juni june 4 sided Deluxe Fabric Play Yard With Playmat One of the BEST 'legless' fabric yard in the world! Terms and conditions: 1st 20 per day, self collection only!

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Additional $10 OFF ALL Living Codi Soft Cushion PVC Mats

A better & safer PVC mat for your babies. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Additional $40 OFF juni june 6 sided Deluxe Fabric Play Yard With Playmat One of the BEST 'legless' fabric yard in the world!

Terms and conditions: 1st 20 per day, self collection only!

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Additional $30 OFF Keenz 7S Premium Deluxe Foldable Wagon-Stroller Terms and conditions: 1st 10 per day, self collection only!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Palmax Booth A01

Shears Premium Latex Mattress @ $145 60x120cm / 71x132cm

Shears Premium Latex Mattress, Exclusive air-channel design helps maintain a constant sleeping temperature. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears Maternity Pillow @ $65

Provides the perfect support during pregnancy when you need it most.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears 1 Piece Fleece Blanket @ $10

Shears appears in colorful embroidered detail on plush fabric with floral print -- perfect for naps, playtime or wrapping in hug-like warmth. Terms and conditions apply.

Palmax Booth A01

Shears 2 Piece Organic Blanket @ $5

The perfect accent to any nursery, stroller ride, or playtime. Made with 100 percent organic cotton fabric.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears Neck Cushion @ $6

Polyester Ages 0-3 years For use in the car, on a plane or while waiting to get aboard Terms and conditions apply.

Palmax Booth A01

Shears Steriliser @ $55 Kill germs. Sterilise 6 standard or wide-neck bottles in 8 minutes with 50ml. water poured in light.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears Food & Milk Warmer @ $22

Age: Newborn and up Features efficient PTC and thermostatically controlled, self-regulating heat sensor maintains a constant safe temperature.

Terms and conditions apply.

Palmax Booth A01

Shears 4pc Bedding Set @ $59 Consists of 1pc Quilt, 1pc Bumper, 1pc Fitted sheet,1pc Dust ruffle.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears Fitted Sheet @ $10 Fitted sheet with streched elastic. 100%COTTON.

Terms and conditions apply.

Palmax Booth A01

Shears Cloth Diaper w/ 1pc Insert @ $9

Three raws snaps to adjust diaper into suitable size for defferent size of babies.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Palmax Booth A01

Shears Bean Sprout Husk Pillow @ $12

Organic pillow bean sprout husk pillow.

Terms and conditions apply.

Pharmed Booth C24

Palmerʼs Baby Wash 250ml + baby Lotion 250ml Set @ $14.80 U.P. $29.60

Cleanse and moisture with Palmerʼs Cocoa Butter Formula Baby Care Products. - Hypoallergenic - FREE of nasties (Parabens, Phthalates, Sulphates, Dyes) - Rich in anti-oxidants - Suitable for babyʼs sensitive skin.

Terms and conditions: Liimted to first 100 customers.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Positive Icon Booth A13

Joovy Bottles 5oz PP Bottle @ $5 5oz Glass Bottle @ $9 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RedMart Booth D32

Enjoy $10 OFF Your First RedMart Order

Get $10 off & Free Delivery for your first order of $80 with coupon code "BMAPR17".

Terms and conditions: Get $10 off & Free Delivery for your first order of $80. Valid till 30 April 2017. For full coupon conditions, please visit

RedMart Booth D32

Enjoy 5% OFF Your Next RedMart Order

Get 5% off Baby & Child category with minimum spend of $100 with coupon code "BABYBW5". Terms and conditions: 5% off is applicable for first 1,000 orders placed by 16 April 2017. Limited to one redemption per household. For full coupon conditions, please visit

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RedMart Booth D32

Buy Any 3 MamyPoko Extra Dry Super Jumbo Diapers and Save $11.85 Enjoy great savings when you purchase MamyPoko Diapers from RedMart. Visit RedMart's booth for more details.

Terms and conditions apply.

SG Digital Lock Booth J32

Enjoy $10 OFF Starbuy Price

For HelloBaby Baby Monitor (HB24 / HB32)

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SG Digital Lock Booth J32

Enjoy $10 OFF Starbuy Price

With purchase of 2 x Foscam R2.

Terms and conditions apply.

SG Digital Lock Booth J32

Buy 5 FREE 1 REMSAFE Window Restrictor FREE Installation.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SG Digital Lock Booth J32

Yale YDME50 @ $199 U.P. $299 Bedroom Lock. Card / Pin / Key Access. Free Installation.

Terms and conditions apply.

SG Digital Lock Booth J32

FREE Foscam C1

With purchase of any digital door lock above $499.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posh Baby Shop Booth A08a

FREE Kiddylicious Crispie Tiddlers (Banana) / Fruit Wriggles (Tropical) Sugar Free, Gluten Free, all natural kids snack from UK!

Terms and conditions apply.

Posh Baby Shop Booth B09

FREE 2pc x Fun Wipes Soft absorbent wipes with no chemical added

Terms and conditions: Applicable for minimum purchase of $50 at Posh Baby Shop booth.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOW TO WIN : 1. LIKE Pognae SG Facebook page “� & Follow Us on Instagram @Pognae_sg 2. Take a picture at our booth and hashtag on Facebook or #Pognae_sg on instagram. 3. Fill up this lucky draw coupon, get Pognae Stamp & drop it in lucky draw box at POGNAE BOOTH C25 at Baby Market Expo. *Result will be announced LIVE on our Facebook daily 07-09 April 2017 at the end of the show. T&C: This valid between 07-09 April 2017 at Baby Market Expo only. The Management of Pognae Singapore reserves the right to change the T&Cs without prior notice. @pognae_sg

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Tykes Marketing Booth E25

Hana Baby Organic Carrier @ $140 U.P. $189

Our soft structured carrier can be adjusted in width and length, so it accommodates babies from 3.5kgs without the need of an insert and grows with your baby into toddlerhood until 20kgs. Made of certified organic cotton. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tykes Marketing Booth E25

Enjoy $15 OFF Bamboo Muslin Swaddle (Pack of 2)

The breathable fabric helps reduce the risk of overheating, while the signature prints complement your unique style. Generous size makes swaddling easy 47" x 47". Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tykes Marketing Booth E25

Enjoy $5 OFF

For purchases $88 and above.

Terms and conditions: Voucher is not stackable. 1 redemption per customer only.

Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33

Tummy Tucker Belt @ $35 U.P. $59

Instantly shapes your waist and shrink your tummy using lightweight breathable fabric. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33

4 Sets of Pro Feed Nursing Bra @ $50 U.P. $180

Free Bra extenders + Laundry bag + Set of bamboo breast pads. Terms and conditions apply.

Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33

2 Sets of Hands Free Pumping Bra @ $50 U.P. $98

Free Laundry bag.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sweets Maternity Booth A30

3 in 1 Maternity Belly Pelvic and Back Support Belt @ $35 U.P. $59

A must-have supportive belt from 2nd trimester onwards to postpartum. Terms and conditions apply.

Sweets Maternity Booth A30

4 Sets of SWEETS Maternity Snap ʻNʼ Clip Nursing Bra @ $50 U.P. $180 Free Bra extenders + Laundry bag + Set of bamboo breast pads.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sweets Maternity Booth A30

Hospital Grade Maternity 100% Cotton Belly Binder @ $35 U.P. $69

Quick dry and ultra comfortable for long hours skin contact. Wear them beneath your clothing during confinement and back to work.

Terms and conditions apply.

Igleyʼs Bambino Booth L03

Designer Baby Romper Set of 5 @ $29

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms and conditions apply.

Igleyʼs Bambino Booth L03

Designer Muslin Wrap Buy 1 FREE 1 from $15 Terms and conditions apply.

Igleyʼs Bambino Booth L03

100% Cotton Pyjamas Set Buy 2 FREE 1 from $15

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

4 Moms Rockaroo @ $219 U.P. $399 Multi Plush.

Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Aeromoov @ $199 U.P. $299

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Tots - Hooded Towel @ $19.90 U.P. $34.90 Assorted Designs.

Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Smart Trike Touch Steering Zoo Cow @ $159 U.P. $329

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Visiofocus Thermometer @ $79 U.P. $119 Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Montague Foldable Backpack @ $15.90 U.P. $49.90 Assorted Designs.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Close Parents Middle Box Mixed BB 2014 @ $159 U.P. $369 Boy Print (Robot/Lion), Girl Print (Doll & Hippo).

Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Okiedog Wildpack Suitcase @ $23.90 U.P. $59.90

Panda, Tiger, Dog, Rabbit, Owl, Hippo.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Okiedog Wildpack Trolley (S) @ $21.90 U.P. $49.90 Elephant, Rabbit, Dragon, Owl, Hippo, Fox, Dinosaur.

Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Okiedog Wildpack Trolley (L) @ $27.90 U.P. $64.90 Tiger, Owl, Hippo, Rabbit.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Lil pet Pals Travel Bag @ $15.90 U.P. $38.90 Dragon, Cat, Elephant, Giraffe.

Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13, F13, G13, E17, F17, G17

Diaper Bag - Damask Trek @ $39.90 U.P. $129.90 Petrol Blue.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Philips Avent 125ml PP Natural Bottle (Twin Pack) @ $20 U.P. $30.90 Available in Pink and Blue.

Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Philips Avent 260ml Natural Bottle (Single Pack) @ $10 U.P. $20.90 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

4 in 1 Healthy Baby Food Maker Basic Bundle @ $239 U.P. $404.80

Consists of: 4 in 1 Baby Food Maker, Toddler Mealtime Set 6M+, Straw Cup 260ml (Blue/Pink), 4pcs Towel Set, VIA Cup 180mlx2pcs, Toaster. Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Philips Avent 2x125ml PES Bottle (Single Pack) + 260ml PES Bottle (Twin Pack) @ $44 U.P. $84.70 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Philips Avent 2x260ml PES Bottle (Twin Pack) @ $42 U.P. $85.80 Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Philips Avent 3x330ml PES Bottle (Single Pack) @ $43 U.P. $86.70 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

PUKU Metal Playpen @ $99 U.P. $249 Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Play Mat - Happy Zoo @ $40 U.P. $75 1.6x1.8m. Thickness: 10mm. Printed at both side.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

PUKU A+ Stroller @ $199 U.P. $439 Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Bath Tub with Stand @ $59 U.P. $95.80 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01, E01, F01

Playpen @ $99 U.P. $259


Terms and conditions apply.

Face Studio Booth J24

Enjoy Upgrade to 10”x10” Table Top (UV Coating with Frame) & 5 additional Soft Copy from all shots Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Graco Lovin Hug Plug Swing Chair @ $199 U.P. $399

10 Melodies and 6 Swing Speed. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Additional $20 OFF Graco Modes Click Connect Stroller Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Additional $10 OFF Graco Logico LX Carseat (4-7 Years Old)

Applies for Lion colour only. Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Additional $10 OFF Graco Extend2fit Convertible Carseat (Newborn to 30kg)

Free Car Seat Undermat.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

ChingChing Rabbit Slide & Swing @ $199 U.P. $319 Delivery charges @ $15.

Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Lerado Big Top Picnic @ $109 U.P. $199 130x130x52cm. Delivery charges @ $15.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Lerado Rocking Butterfly @ $49.90 U.P. $88


Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

BabyDream 100% Natural Latex Mattress @ $149/$169 U.P. $259/$319

Size: 60x120cm / 70x130cm Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Graco Citilite R Up Stroller (Limited Edition) @ $310 U.P. $699

FREE Graco Hello Kitty Sweat Absorbing Pad (Worth $59.90) Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Roopop Zero (TS Carrier) @ $199 U.P. $239


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Additional $20 OFF Milano 4 in 1 Convertible Cot

Only applies for Package 4 ($509).

Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Graco Junior Maxi Booster Seat @ $110 U.P. $239 Available in Midnight / Pompeian. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Graco Milestone All In One Carseat @ $390 U.P. $839

(Newborn to 36kg)

FREE Car Seat Undermat (worth $24.90) Terms & Conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

Graco Pack ʻN Play @ $155 U.P. $299

(Stratus, Typo, Bear Trail, Byler) Free 2” Antidustmite mattress (worth $39)

Terms & Conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

i-Angel Mesh Hipseat Carrier @ $128 U.P. $249 Available in Black, Navy, Orange, Plum and Violet.

Terms & Conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01, H01, J01

i-Angel Rainbow Hipseat Carrier @ $180 U.P. $349 Available in Solid Black, Solid Navy, Solid Orange, Solid Plum Solid Violet and Flower Plum.

Terms & Conditions apply.




-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


TMCC Booth B30

FREE 1pc Babience Herringbone Wet Wipes (10 sheets) Travel Pack with purchase of any Starbuy Deal from 11am-1pm.

Star Buy Deals : 2-for-$25 any Skincare / 2-for-$19 Sterilized Oral Wipes / 2-for-$19 Feeding Bottle Wash. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TMCC Booth B30

FREE SG Delivery

With min. purchase of $100 worth of any Babience products.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stroller World Booth B43

FREE $10 Coupon

For purchases above $150.

Terms and conditions apply.

Stroller World Booth B43

FREE $30 Coupon

For purchases above $500.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stroller World Booth B43

FREE Mosquito Net

For every purchase of baby cot set.

Terms and conditions apply.

thelittleonesinmylife Booth A03

3rd Gen Haenim UV Steriliser with Bluetooth AND Haenim Breastpump with Bluetooth @ $538

FREE 2pc Osram UV Lamps + Free Bamboo Nursing Shawl + Free Additional 2 sets Haenim Milk Bottles with teats + Blessing For You Tote Bag (Made in Korea) + Blessing For You Lunch Bag (Thermal Bag) Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Babytoon Booth G21

2 Sets of 3pack Organic Angel Kid Underwear (Boy/Girl) @ $12.90 U.P. $33.80

Terms and conditions apply.

thelittleonesinmylife Booth A03

Yelly Mat - The Intelligent Talking Mat @ $299 U.P. $399

Comes in SIX languages + FREE 6pc Chinese Posters + FREE 6pc English Posters Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Babytoon Booth G21

Joyous Baby 3pcs Bedding Set W/ Duvet Cover @ $29.90 U.P. $69.90 Set includes: 1 x Flat Sheet ( 150x110cm ), 1 x Duvet cover (130x110cm),1 x Pillow case ( 50x30cm).

Terms and conditions apply.

OurOne&Only Booth A29

1 Buckwheat Inner Pillow with 2 Pillow Cases @ $25(Short)/$30 (Long) Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OurOne&Only Booth A29

100% Premium Cotton Bath Towel @ 3 for $30 Terms and conditions apply.

OurOne&Only Booth A29

Large Waterproof Changing Mat @ $16.90 FREE Medium Changing Mat worth $9.90 with every Large Changing Mat purchased. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Market Coupon can only be used at Baby Market Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 7th April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th April 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 7th of April 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 9th of April 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby Market is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby Market reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


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