Baby World Fair Magazine Jan 2017

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Over 1000+

Sleep Safe + Beyond The Bassinet pg 34 For Sleep’s Sake!

Baby Care

Feeding Guide For The First Year

Breastfeeding Medicines For Two

Over 150,000+ Brands & Products Directly from distributors / Brand Owners!

Crazy Deals

(up to 90% off) pg 63

Pregnancy Care

The Essential Hospital Bag Checklist

Look Inside! (PG 73)

“ Save More” coupons


It’s Time, Mommies-to-Be! It’s a brand new year: a time of new beginnings, new hopes, new experiences, and your new arrival! Or perhaps, you’re newly expecting—and joyfully awaiting to announce this wonderful news. Anticipation is in the air, and when that happens, it’s guaranteed that there’s something to look forward to. For now, it’s time to look ahead to Baby World Fair, happening at Singapore EXPO Hall 5 from 13-15 January. As Singapore’s largest and most prominent parenting-lifestyle exhibition with over 120,000 brands under one roof, there’s certainly plenty of ground to be covered—so planning in advance will really help if you intend to check out all those exciting new product launches, alluring star deals, discounts and much more! Mummys Market is showcasing its labour of love early this year: in fact, Baby World Fair is the FIRST exhibitor-event of the calendar year dedicated to all things baby and maternity! Most of us are familiar with the saying, “the early bird catches the worm”, which gives due recognition to those who show up on time or even earlier, and how they are bound to be rewarded as a result of their industrious efforts. For Baby World Fair, the reward for us is in sharing the excitement and thrill of being part of your pregnancy and welcoming your cherished cherub into the family fold soon! On the flip side of the same coin, what’s the reward for all the lovely ladies, whether you are basking in the glow of pregnancy or motherhood? Attractive starbuy discounts, a handy consolidated wishlist, the latest scoop on new product debuting in 2017, ‘Save More’ discount coupons and even a choice of goody-bag! It’s literally splitting at the seams with irresistible stuff (choose between Pregnancy & Newborn OR Little Baby Bag). There are no coincidences, and the early bird that will soon be strutting out is the Fire Rooster, which is decidedly ushering in the Lunar New Year slightly ahead of preceding years (January 28, to be exact). Babies born in the Chinese zodiac year of the Rooster will no doubt be ruling the roost upon their arrival, especially during the first four months before their circadian rhythms (or internal body clocks) get ticking.

From the

As you get accustomed to these new awakenings in the initial months of your newborn’s arrival, here’s an interesting fact about their astrology animal, the rooster. Japanese scientists have pinpointed the reason why roosters crow in the morning, and it appears that this distinct wakeup call can be traced back to their very own internal clocks, rather than to sources of sound and light! So there you have it… it’s not just humans but animals too, that could be hardwired with internal body clocks! PS: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if newborn babes could be like roosters and wake up on cue at the break of dawn every morning after sleeping through the night?

r o t i d E

Happy 2017, see you at Baby World Fair, and we know you’ll find the music in your baby’s call of nature! From,

The Mummys Market Team

WHAT’S INSIDE? 02 08 10 15 18 21 24 29 31 34 39 42 46 48 54 58 63 73

From the Editor

Pregnancy Care

The Essential Hospital Bag Checklist


Participating Brands and Products

Breastfeeding Medicines for Two

Baby Care

Baby Development Milestones Care for your newborn Feeding Guide For the First Year On Solid Ground Ready, Steady, (HELLO) Baby The Essential Bringing-Baby-Home Checklist

Sleep Safe + Beyond the Bassinet For Sleep’s Sake!

Home & Lifestyle

Organising A Mummy-Baby Friendly Nursery

Baby World Fair

Shopping Checklist Massive Floor Plan Brand Listings New Launches Early Bird Special! Amazing Star Deals (Up to 90% off) “Save More” Coupons




MORE Coupons

Everything Under One Roof Strollers, Prams, Carseats, etc


And More!

Cots, Playards, Rockers, Highchairs, Walkers, Cradle, Playgyms, Playmats, Co-Sleeper, etc

And More!

Carriers, Wraps, Slings etc

And More!

Baby Wear, Cloth Diaper, Swaddlers, Pillows, Mattresses, Bibs, Blankets, Accessories etc



kids & baby sleepwear

And More! All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

Everything Under One Roof Diapers, Baby Wipes, Milk Powder, etc

And More!

Breastpumps, Sterilisers, Bottles, Food Processor, Warmers, etc

And More!

Baby Food, Skincare, Health, Wellbeing & Services

Maternity Wear, Nursing Cover, Shapewear, Breastfeeding, Diaper Bag, Pregnancy Pillow, Prenatal Care, etc

And More!

And More!

Education, Toys, Photogratphy, Baby Gadgets, Monitors, Cameras, Services, etc

And More! All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

Pregnancy Care

The Essential Hospital Bag


The final weeks of pregnancy can feel like an eternity, but your baby will soon be arriving, and it is important to be prepared and have your hospital bag ready so that you’re all set to go as soon as your baby’s ready to arrive. Here are some tips on how to prepare your hospital bag:


Prepare your hospital bag at least TWO weeks in advance, before your delivery due date to avoid any mad rush or missing items.


You may want to pack more than one bag: a small overnight bag for the items you’ll need during labour, a larger bag for everything else you’ll need for the remainder of your hospital stay, a hospital bag for your partner, and another for your newborn baby.


Every hospital does things differently. So ask ahead of time what you need to bring from home and what they provide for babies and mothers, and take those items off your list.

If you forget anything that the hospital can’t provide, you can ask visitors to bring items in or you can send your hubby on a last minute shopping trip. So don’t fret! Packing your hospital bag can actually be a nice experience as it means you are that bit closer to the big day. Enjoy and start packing; you are going to have a baby!


Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

THE MUST-HAVES: Important documents such as your identification cards, doctor’s papers, and health insurance papers Comfort items that can help you relax while on labour such as your pillow or iPod player Mobile phone and charger Pyjamas/Bathrobe/Change of clothes in case you are not comfortable in what the hospital provides Nursing essentials such as breast pump and milk storage bags if you are breastfeeding Daily necessities such as undergarments and toiletries (best if you have them in travel size!) Change of clothes and toiletries for your husband (for the overnight stays on the couch) Car seat for which to bring baby home in, especially if you are driving Feeding essentials such as milk powder and feeding bottles if you are bottle feeding Baby clothes to keep baby warm. Make sure to bring enough for the number of days of your stay in the hospital Diapers

g a B l a t i p s Ho

t s i l k c e h C



Identification card

Identification card

2 Sets of pyjamas (Button upfront for breastfeeding)

Coins (For vending machine drinks & snacks)

Change of clothes (loose and roomy clothes from the third trimester)

Change of clothes (Something comfy to wear as you wait)

Underwear / disposable underwear Nursing Bra / tank

Handphone charger or battery pack

Light jacket / shawl



Toothbrush and toothpaste

Tissues / wet wipes

Camera / (if not relying on your phone’s) Camcorder


Breast pump Milk storage bags / containers Breast / nursing pads Nipple cream Maternity pads

Car seat Bottle / formula milk (If you are planning to bottle feed)

Flip flops for shower

2-3 sleepers / onesies (Newborn sized sleepers vary in shape)

Brush / hair tie (for longer hair)

Going home outfit

Face wash

Mittens / booties or socks

All-purpose moisturiser


Lip balm

Swaddling blanket


Burp rag

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Baby wipes

Eye glasses (if needed)

Nursing pillow

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 9


Medicines FOR T WO Here’s how to safely take medicines while breastfeeding.

At some time during lactation, most mothers will need medicines to deal with an illness. Besides wondering how the drug will behave in your own body, you now have another body to consider. Most drugs taken by the mother enter her milk, but usually only around 1 percent of the dose appears in the milk. General Considerations Before taking any medication during breastfeeding, consider the following: Will the medicine harm your baby? Will the medicine diminish milk production? Are there safer but equally effective alternative treatments? Are there ways to juggle medicine taking and breastfeeding to lessen how much of the drug gets into your baby? You should be aware that advice for a mother about a medication is sometimes based more on legal considerations that on scientific knowledge. A physician who does not know if a drug is safe may tell the mother not to breastfeed. Pharmaceutical companies also legally protect themselves with warnings printed on their packaging and by advising a mother not to breastfeed while taking a certain drug. This precautionary advice is usually less expensive than researching how much of the medicine enters breast milk and its effect on the baby. Occasionally however, because of erroneous advice given about a harmless medication, babies are often weaned prematurely, abruptly, and unnecessarily. 10 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Juggling Medicine Taking and Breastfeeding If you need to take a medicine, here’s how to reduce the amount that gets into your baby.

Ask yourself if you really need the medicine. If you have a cold, can you achieve the same benefits by steam, extra fluids, and a tincture of time? Can you get by with a single-ingredient rather than a multiple-ingredient cold medicine?

Find out if you can delay your treatment. If you need a diagnostic procedure (for example, X-ray studies with a radioactive material) or elective surgery, can you wait until baby is a few weeks or months older? The drug may affect exclusively breastfed newborns more than an older infant who has alternative sources of nutrition and whose more-mature systems are better able to handle the drug. Choose a medicine that passes poorly into your milk. Let your doctor know how

important breastfeeding is to you and your baby and that you don’t want to stop unless medically necessary. Your doctor can choose a medicine (such as an antibiotic) that passes poorly into your milk. Also, your doctor can choose an alternative route of administration so that more of the medicine gets directly tothe site of the problem and less gets into your bloodstream. For example, instead of pills try locally applied creams for skin infections, inhalant medications for asthma or bronchitis, and decongestants sprayed into the nose instead of taken orally. Because they clear more quickly from your milk, short-acting

Breastfeeding medicines (taken three to four times a day) are generally regarded as safer during breastfeeding than long-acting drugs (taken once or twice a day).

Juggle feeding and medicine times. Ask your doctor when the time of peak concentrations is. (This is when the medicine reaches the highest level in your blood – usually the same time that it’s highest in your milk). Most drugs reach their peak concentration one to three hours after you take the medicine and are nearly cleared from the milk after six hours. If there is doubt about the safety of a drug, try these tactics:


If possible, before beginning the medicine, pump and store a few feedings' worth of milk.


Breastfeed just before taking the medicine.


Take the medicine just prior to baby’s longest sleep period, usually after the last feeding at night.


If baby requires a feeding within the next three to six hours, use the “safe” milk from your storage supply, or use formula.


Pump and dump. Because most drugs leave the breast milk as quickly as they enter it, some authorities feel that waiting six hours is just as effective as pumping and discarding the milk, but pumping may help prevent engorgement. In addition, some fat-soluble drugs are stored in the fat of breast milk, so it may be helpful to pump and discard a feeding’s worth of milk up to three or four hours after taking the medication.

This timing of the sequence is a general guide and may vary according to the type of medication and the feeding pattern of your baby. (Some radioactive medications may take 24 hours to clear from your system, for example.) Check with your doctor on the best juggling schedule. If the safety of a drug you must take is questionable, but medically your baby must breastfeed (for example, baby is allergic to formula), besides observing the preceding juggling tips, consult your doctor about monitoring the amount of drug that enters your milk or baby’s blood.

Most Common Medications The following guidelines will help you when dealing with some of the most frequently used drugs.

Pain and fever relievers. Acetaminophen is the safest analgesic to use during

breastfeeding; only 0.1-0.2 percent of the maternal dose enters the milk. Several doses of narcotic analgesics such as codeine after delivery or surgery may cause baby to be temporarily sleepy, but not enough to discourage breastfeeding. Prolonged use of narcotic pain relievers may not be safe during breastfeeding.

Cold, cough, and allergy remedies. These non-prescription medicines are safe

to take while breastfeeding, but observe the following precautions: Try single-ingredient medications (either decongestant or antihistamine, for example) before using combinations; short-acting medicines are usually safer than long-acting ones. Before bedtime, cough syrup containing codeine is all right, although dextromethorphan (DM) is preferable. It is best to take these remedies after breastfeeding and before bedtime. Watch baby for hyperirritability following your taking decongestant medications or for excessive sleepiness after an antihistamine, and adjust the medicines accordingly. Nasal sprays (steroids, decongestants) are safer than oral medications while breastfeeding.

Antibiotics. Nearly all antibiotics are safe to take while breastfeeding,

especially if taken for the usual one to two-week course for common infections. Even though only a trace amount of the most commonly used antibiotics enter the milk, baby may be allergic to the antibiotic (allergy-type rash) or develop oral thrush or diarrhoea from a prolonged effect of the antibiotic on the intestines. Your doctor may take special precautions with the prolonged use of any antibiotic such as tetracycline, with some high-dose intravenous antibiotics, or with special antibiotics like Flagyl.

Caffeine and chocolate. No, you don’t have to give up your coffee, tea, soft drinks, or chocolate candy during breastfeeding. Studies show that only 0.5-1 percent of the maternal dose of caffeine or chocolate enters the breast milk. The occasional baby may become irritable, showing a hypersensitivity to caffeine or the theobromine in chocolate.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 11

Breastfeeding Oral contraceptives. Most authorities believe the low-dose progestin-only pill (the "minipill") is safe while breastfeeding. And for mothers who exclusively breastfeed, the minipill is as protective as the older progestin-oestrogen combination, which decreases the quality and quantity of milk and is not safe. Studies have shown the progestin-only pill does not alter the quantity or quality of breast milk or interfere with infant growth, and some studies show that this type of pill may even enhance milk production. An occasional mother, however, may report a decreasing milk supply even with the minipill. Although an eight-year follow-up of breastfed infants of mothers taking a 50mcg progestin pill showed no harmful development or effects, the primary concern is the possible long-term effects when these babies begin to procreate. Like the progestin-only pill, levonorgestrel implants are generally regarded as safe, but their long-term effects are also unknown. Because longer-term effects of oral contraceptives on breastfed infants are being studied, consult your gynaecologist for the latest information on the safety of oral contraceptives while breastfeeding.

Antidepressants and other psychiatric medications. These drugs are in the use-with-caution category. Most of these drugs appear in breast milk in greater or lesser amounts, and there is little information available about long-term effects on infants. However, a mother who is suffering from serious postpartum depression may benefit from medication, and treating the mother’s depression will indirectly benefit the baby. The most commonly used antidepressants are collectively known as SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). They boost the brain’s levels of serotonin, a mood-elevating neurochemical. Zoloft (sertraline) seems to be the safest SSRI to use while breastfeeding. Studies of infants whose mothers are taking Zoloft have found either insignificant amounts of the drug in the infant's blood, or the drug has been undetectable. Paxil (paroxetine) is the next best choice, and Prozac (fluoxetine) is also considered compatible with breastfeeding.

the dose the greater the effect. Studies in animals show that alcohol reduces milk production. A study in humans has shown that infants take less milk from the breast in feedings following their mother’s consumption of alcohol. It’s possible that alcohol alters the flavour of human milk, making it less appealing to babies. In another study, the infants of breastfeeding mothers who regularly consumed two or more alcoholic drinks daily scored slightly lower on tests of motor development at one year. For these reasons mothers would be wise to limit their alcohol consumption during breastfeeding or eliminate alcohol altogether. The occasional In addition to medication, consider professional counselling and peer support. glass of wine with a special dinner should not be a problem. Sip it slowly with food, Getting help at home, regular exercise, and the relaxing effects of breastfeeding and, if possible, wait an hour or two before breastfeeding your baby. can also help mothers weather a mild depression. Life-style changes are important, even if you are also taking medication. Smoking. Nicotine passes into mother’s milk, into the baby, and causes colicky symptoms. Second-hand smoke irritates a baby’s nasal and respiratory passages, Other psychiatric medications that are sometimes prescribed for mothers include causing frequent colds, runny noses, and difficulty breathing. Studies show that antidepressants from the tricyclic category. Your doctor can choose one of these mothers who smoke have a delayed milk-ejection reflex and a decreased milk that is safe to take while breastfeeding. An occasional dose of Valium (diazepam) is supply, and they tend to wean earlier than non-smoking women. Mothers who considered safe while breastfeeding, but prolonged use is not advisable. Lithium, smoke also have lower prolactin levels. used to treat bipolar disorder, is in the yellow-light category (that is, use it with caution) for mothers whoare breastfeeding. If treatment with lithium is necessary Clearly, there are plenty of reasons to quit smoking before you become a parent and for mother and premature weaning is undesirable, the levels of lithium in the even more reasons not smoke around your baby. If you smoke, you are encouraged baby's blood should be closely monitored, approximately every two to four weeks. to seek help if quitting is difficult for you. If you cannot quit, do not smoke around your baby and do not smoke while breastfeeding. If you must smoke, have one Herbs and vitamin supplements. Herbs and dietary supplements are drugs. Use cigarette immediately after feeding your baby, allowing the nicotine to clear from the same caution about taking these as you would about taking any your body before the next feeding. over-the-counter medication. Prenatal vitamins are fine to take while breastfeeding, but mega doses of vitamins may not be a good idea while Recreational drugs. Research on the effects of some recreational drugs on the breastfeeding. Herbal teas promoted as “galactagogues” (substances that breastfeeding infant is inconclusive at this time. The problem chemical in marijuaincrease your milk supply) are harmless and may work, though there are not na, THC, appears in the breast milk of users, and marijuana has been found to lower scientific studies that confirm this. Herbs to be avoided or used with caution the levels of prolactin in the mother. Animal studies have shown structural changes during lactation include comfrey, sassafras, ginseng, and liquorice. in brain cells of breastfeeding infants after their mothers were exposed to marijuana. These experimental hazards, in additional to the possibility that marijuana may Alcohol. New research is questioning the wisdom of traditional breastfeeding lower a mother's attentiveness to her baby, dictate, by common sense, that mothers folklore that wine is good for relaxing the breastfeeding mother and beer is good avoid marijuana if breastfeeding. for increasing milk supply. Studies suggest two major concerns when a mother drinks alcohol while breastfeeding. First, alcohol enters breast milk very rapidly Cocaine, a more dangerous and powerful drug, enters the milk of the breastfeeding and in concentrations nearly equal to that in the maternal blood. Second, the tiny mother and agitates the baby's nervous system, causing irritability, sleeplessness, infant may have a limited ability to detoxify the alcohol from his or her system. and colicky symptoms. This drug, as well as depressing addicting drugs such as Alcohol has also been shown to inhibit the milk-ejection reflex, and the higher heroin, should obviously be completely avoided.

12 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

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IN A NUTSHELL Pregnancy is a time of many changes, both for you and your growing baby. A normal, full-term pregnancy can range from 37-42 weeks and is divided into three trimesters, each of which is marked by specific fetal developments. Infants delivered before the end of week 37 are considered premature.

First Trimester (0 to 13 weeks)

Second Trimester (14 to 26 weeks)

Third Trimester (27 to 40 weeks)

The first trimester is the most vital to your baby's development. During this period, your baby's body structure and organ systems develop. Most miscarriages and birth defects occur during this period. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy diet, including adding an adequate amount of folic acid to prevent birth defects. Cut out any bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol, as both have been related to serious complications in pregnancy.

The second trimester of pregnancy is often called the "golden period" and is often the most comfortable period of time for the majority of pregnant women. Most of the unpleasant effects of early pregnancy will gradually disappear, and you’re likely to enjoy a more restful night’s sleep and increased energy levels during the daytime.

You have now reached your final stretch of pregnancy and are probably very excited and anxious for the birth of your baby. Some of the same discomforts you had in your second trimester will continue. Plus, many women find breathing difficult and notice they have to go to the bathroom even more often. Not to worry, this is because your baby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on your organs. Additional symptoms you may experience during this period include:

Your body is also going through enormous changes during the first trimester, as it accommodates a growing foetus. Your hormone levels change significantly and can trigger symptoms even in the very first weeks of pregnancy, including nausea, fatigue, mood swings, breast tenderness and frequent urination. Fortunately, most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. And some women might be lucky and not feel any discomfort at all!

Your abdomen will expand and start to look pregnant, as your baby continues to grow, and you may experience a whole new set of symptoms such as: Body aches (back pain, abdomen ache, thigh pain, etc) Stretch marks on your abdomen, breasts, thighs, or backside Darkening of your areolas, the skin around your nipples “Mask of pregnancy” – brownish patches of dark spots that tend to appear on the forehead and cheeks Leg cramps Constipation Heartburn And before this trimester is over, you may feel your baby's first fluttering movements!

14 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Shortness of breath Haemorrhoids and constipation Swelling of ankles, fingers, and face Sleeping problems Frequent urination, caused by your enlarged uterus and the pressure of your baby on your bladder Contractions, which can be a sign of real or false labour Your cervix will also become thinner and softer (called effacing) as you near your due date. This is a normal, natural process that helps prep the vagina to open during the birthing process. Get excited–the final countdown has begun!

Baby Care

Baby Development Milestones (0-12months) ck? Is Your Child On Tra A first smile. A first step. A first word. These are the milestones that parents are eager to share with family and friends. But they are not the only milestones your baby will achieve that first year. Each month, your baby will master important skills that serve as the building blocks for continued growth and development. Throughout your baby’s first year, growth and development are measured in inches, pounds, and milestones—predictable skills that all normal children are expected to achieve at some point in time. Knowing when children typically achieve various milestones can help parents recognize developmental delays early on and seek appropriate care. Your child’s health care provider will discuss various milestones with you during your child’s check-ups to ensure that your child is growing as expected. Developmental milestones are divided into five categories: Gross motor skills. These skills involve the body’s large muscles (trunk, arms, legs, and neck). Examples of gross motor skills include controlling the head, sitting, standing, walking, running, jumping, and riding a bike.

Brain Development Brain development in the early years a baby’s brain grows faster than at any other time. What they feel, see and hear at this time affects how their brain develops. ‘Good’ experiences lead to good brain development. Babies need warm, loving people to care for them and to respond to their needs kindly and consistently. They need to feel safe and secure in the world. This helps them to develop confidence and trust. In their first few weeks, babies like looking at faces. If a face is close, they'll focus on it and follow it. By the two weeks, most babies begin to recognise their parents. It's essential to encourage your child's learning in these early weeks, and talking to your baby is a great way to start. A health professional, usually a health visitor, will carry out a new baby review during these weeks. They'll talk to you about feeding your baby, becoming a parent and how you can help your baby to grow up healthily. As a minimum, your baby should be weighed with no clothes on at birth and again at five and 10 days.

0-3 Mths

Babies have feelings from birth. They may feel content or uncomfortable but are not able to think about why they feel that way. They may ‘pick up on’ and ‘match’ your feelings such as when you are happy, calm or upset. From birth babies may:

Watch your face when you talk to them Turn to the side to suck when their cheek is touched Blink at sudden noises such as hand claps or door slamming Open their eyes to normal speech sounds just as they doze off Suck well from breast or bottle By 8 weeks they may: Smile at you Move both eyes together most of the time Lift their head when lying on their tummy Kick both legs strongly Seem to listen to you and watch your face Make sounds other than crying, and ‘talk back’ to you Have sleep patterns which vary greatly. By 2–3 months they should follow your face or a moving light with their eyes.

Fine motor skills. These skills require precision movements of the hands and fingers: picking up a pea, writing with a pen or pencil, painting a picture, or playing a flute. Language skills. Early language skills include communicating through facial expressions, body movements, crying, cooing, and laughing. Babies build on these early skills to develop the ability to communicate with words. Social and play skills. These skills are essential to interacting and playing together, as well as solving problems collaboratively. They include giving, sharing, taking turns, and engaging others in play. Cognitive skills. Your child’s ability to solve problems, adapt to new situations, and know right from wrong are examples of cognitive development.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 15

Baby Care

DEVELOPMENT TIP: Engage in skin-to-skin and eye-to-eye contact; massage your baby; carry her in your arms or in a sling; feed her on request (at the first sign of hunger). FEEDING TIP:

Small, frequent breastfeedings (at least eight feedings in each 24 hours) will ensure that your baby is getting “What babies hear, see and feel in the early years affect enough to eat and help you build a good milk supply. Watch your how their brain develops. develop best her in lips warm, baby for cues that she’s getting They hungry—she may smack or suck on her hands. Crying is a late sign of hunger. Don’t wait for your nurturing relationships.” baby to cry before offering the breast; it’s harder for a crying baby to latch on well.

3-6 Mths

Relationships and feelings Make eye contact as you smile at each other Enjoy being played with, laugh and kick by 4 months Chuckle softly and laugh aloud by 3–5 months

Out of step? Don’t seem interested in things around them Don’t show delight in being with people Don’t seem to know parents or other familiar people Doing, seeing and hearing Enjoy looking at people and bright objects Enjoy watching people do things React to familiar things by smiling, cooing and excited movements Turn their head to moderate sounds such as a normal speaking voice by 3 months Look at their own hands and play with their fingers by 3 months By 3–5 months: Hold on to an object placed in their hand and briefly look at it Lift their head and chest when lying on their tummy Quieten or smile at the sound of your voice, or if they see you Turn their head or eyes towards you when you speak from beside or behind them By 5–7 months Learning to talk Roll from their back to their tummy Make lots of little voice sounds such as squeals or grunts Take turns when ‘talking’ with parents Turn their head towards a person talking by 5 months DEVELOPMENT TIP: Hold your baby on your chest so she can peer over your shoulder; provide ample tummy time to improve neck control; play with your baby’s hands; have “conversations” with your baby—make sounds and encourage your baby to repeat them; read books with large, colourful pictures. FEEDING TIP: Expect growth spurts during which your baby will want

to breastfeed more often. This is nature’s way of bumping up your milk supply to meet your growing baby’s needs. Ready for solids? Signs that your baby is ready include sitting up without support, controlling her head, bringing food to her mouth, and swallowing without choking. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. If your baby seems distracted during feedings, you may have more luck breastfeeding in a quiet place. Most 4-month-olds can see more clearly now and are fascinated by the world around them.

16 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

“Responding to babies’ cries warmly and consistently helps them feel safe and secure.”

6-9 Mths

Relationships and feelings Know familiar people and are unsure of strangers Are upset when separated from main carer Delight in playing ‘peek-a-boo’ games

Out of step? Don’t show pleasure when seeing people they know well Don’t make eye contact Cannot be comforted by a parent or close caregiver Doing Swap small items from one hand to the other Pick up items with their thumb and one finger Bang objects together Roll from their back to their tummy Get into a crawling position on their hands and knees Start to look at and feel objects before taking them to their mouth Start to hold food such as a biscuit and feed themselves Look in the right direction for things that have dropped Start to drink from a cup held by an adult by 6–9 months Move around more and roll and creep on their tummy by 8 months Hearing and learning to talk Turn towards quiet sounds Babble with sounds like ‘dada’ and ‘baba’ and then try to put babbling sounds together Recognise several words, e.g. looks around for father if ‘daddy’ is said Copy sounds made by other people DEVELOPMENT TIP:

Bounce to music; poke at bubbles; play with balls; “hide” objects.

FEEDING TIP: At around 6 months of age, most babies are ready for solid foods. Expect messy mealtimes! Exploring and handling her food is part of your child’s learning process. Don’t worry if more food ends up on the floor than in her mouth. It can take 10 or more tries before a new taste is offered and accepted.

9-12s Mth Relationships and feelings Know familiar people and withdraw from strangers by 9 months Give cuddles Become anxious if main caregiver is out of sight Stretch up arms to be picked up Love to be talked to and played with Copy gestures such as coughing or waving Cannot understand ‘no’ or ‘danger’ Out of step? Don’t show pleasure when seeing people they know well Don’t make eye contact Cannot be comforted by parent or close caregiver Doing Point with their index finger Drop and throw things on purpose Pass objects easily from one hand to the other Sit unsupported Pull up to standing (walk while holding on to furniture) Find a toy hidden under a cloth Pick up a crumb with tips of finger and thumb Stand by themselves and take a few steps forward by 11–13 months.

Hearing and learning to talk Look for quiet sounds made out of sight Shake their head for ‘no’ and nod their head for ‘yes’ Show pleasure in babbling loudly Like to look at picture books and can say some sounds at certain pictures Turn to the direction a sound comes from by 10–12 months Know and respond to their own name by 12 months Babbling develops further. Can say three ‘words’ such as ‘mama’, ‘baba’ ‘dada’ by 12 months DEVELOPMENT TIP: If you haven’t already, be sure to baby-proof your home so your baby can explore her world safely. FEEDING TIP: Even though your baby may be ready for finger foods, most babies have only a few teeth at this age, so start with mushy foods like small bits of banana or well-cooked carrots. If your baby is bottle-fed, begin to transition her from the bottle to a cup to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

“Babies are born ready to learn. They learn and develop best when you spend time talking and playing with them.” As parents, we are always quick to question whether our children are “normal.” It is important to understand that milestones are guidelines and not hard and fast rules. Many children celebrate their first birthday prior to taking their first step. Other children have mastered a handful of words before they turn. Keep in mind that every child develops at their own pace, and there is generally little need for worry or concern. Relax. Enjoy your child. And remember, the joy is in the journey.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 17

Care for your newborn Caring for a newborn, especially your first, is one of life’s biggest challenges. You and your partner will probably feel overwhelmed at the beginning—after all, there’s so much to learn! But don’t worry: you’ll soon know your baby’s needs and how to respond to them.

Picking up and holding your baby

Burping your baby

There are several safe, comfortable ways to carry a baby. Whatever position you choose, always support your newborn’s head and neck—a baby cannot hold his head up. Start by laying your baby on his back and scoop him up with two arms; one should support his bottom while the other rests comfortably against the back of his head.

Babies tend to swallow air during feeding, causing them to spit up or become fussy if they’re not burped frequently. Try these three common burping methods.

Lay him across one arm with his head in the crook of your elbow and his bottom in your hand. Your other arm is now free to offer support and gentle caressing. You can also nestle the newborn at your neck. One hand should support the head and neck, and the other should support the baby’s bottom.

Feeding your baby Newborns usually eat every three to four hours; some feed as often as every two hours. Breastfed babies feed more frequently than bottle-fed infants because breast milk is easier to digest. As your baby grows, she will feed less frequently but her mealtimes will lengthen. Your baby will let you know when she’s full, usually by turning away from the nipple or bottle. Because healthy infants rarely become dehydrated, it’s unnecessary to give them supplemental feedings of juice or water. In fact, the usual intake of breast milk or formula meets all of an infant’s fluid needs for at least the first six months of life, says the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). If you think your baby may be dehydrated, watch for these signs: lethargy; fewer than eight wet diapers a day; refusal to feed; and dry, sallow skin and mucous. In more serious cases, a sunken soft spot will appear on the top of the baby’s head.

18 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Using one arm, hold your baby upright against your shoulder. Gently pat his back with your other hand. Sit the baby upright on your lap, support his chest and head and pat his back. Lay the baby on your lap face down, and gently pat your hand on his back.

Putting your baby to bed Only Rip Van Winkle sleeps more than infants! Some newborns sleep 10 hours a day, while others sleep as many as 21 hours daily. They usually mix up nights and days during the first several weeks. What’s more, most babies do not sleep through the night until they are about four months old. To teach newborns that daytime is for playing and nighttime is for sleeping, try these parent-proven strategies: Avoid turning up the lights or prolonging nighttime diaper changes. Be sure to put your little one right back down after feeding and changing at night. If your newborn naps longer than three or four hours during the day, wake her up to engage with her. Remember, when it comes to infants: too much sleep during the day will interfere with longer slumber at night. Position your baby on a firm, flat mattress. Do not place soft, fluffy objects—pillows, stuffed animals, comforters, sheepskin—under your newborn while she sleeps. Though seemingly harmless, these plush products can increase the risk of death due to suffocation.

Baby Care Calming a crying baby

Be [over]prepared

Burp your baby frequently, even if she shows no discomfort. If you nurse, burp her each time after you switch breasts. If you bottle-feed, burp her after she consumes two or three ounces of formula.

One thing's for sure: you never know what to expect when it comes to a newborn! When you leave the house, make sure you are equipped with an extra change of clothes for baby, plenty of diapers and wipes, an extra towel, pacifier and a bottle of milk or formula in case she gets hungry earlier than you anticipated. Best to cover all bases than go helpless and flustered!

Stop feeding if she’s fussy or turns her head away from the nipple or bottle. Rock or sway your baby in your arms from side to side. Singing, talking or playing soft music can also quell tears.

Get some alone time

Every day, set aside some time that is just for you. Between feeding, changing and trying to get your baby to sleep, you may find yourself emotionally Motion often has a calming effect on newborns. depleted. Take a quick bath, read a magazine for 10 minutes or paint your Give your baby a warm bath. Keep these baths short—no more than a couple toenails while baby enjoys the swing or bouncy seat. of minutes—and limit them to two or three times a week. Too many baths, Stay calm can dry out a baby’s sensitive skin and lead to chapping and diaper rash. If you are feeling frustrated, take a timeout. Put baby in the crib or another safe spot and take a 10-minute breather. If you're stressed, baby will pick up Try and try again on your tension. While you are learning what your baby will respond well to–when it comes to putting him to sleep, feeding time and even play–don't be afraid to try different techniques. If she is fussing while you are rocking her in your arms, try putting her up against your shoulder; if you put her down and she starts crying, offer her a pacifier or try putting her in the infant swing. While you are getting used to your baby’s likes and dislikes, resort to trial and error several times before you successfully interprete most of her cues. Take your little one for a ride in the car or stroller.

Let your baby tell you what she needs Instead of forcing a schedule on a newborn, take a few days to assess her needs and tendencies. Let her eat on-demand without applying an "every two hour" schedule. She may need to eat more often than that, especially in the first few weeks.

Don't overexpose While it’s not a must to rush your baby home from the hospital and keep him isolated in the house for the first two months of his life, it's not a bad idea to limit his exposure to big crowds and lots of other kids, especially during flu season.

Listen to your gut As a new mom, you may get more advice on how to raise your child than you ever hoped to hear! Take it all with a grain of salt—just because grandma put her kids down to sleep on their stomachs, doesn't mean you should too. Things have changed! Ultimately, you know your baby best. Observe her and pay attention to your own instincts.

Get some zzz's Lack of sleep might be one of the most difficult parts of new motherhood! So if baby settles down for a morning snooze, follow suit and lie down. Even if you don't actually fall asleep, the downtime will re-energise you.

Make sure baby’s car seat is properly installed Your baby's safety is paramount, and having a car seat won't protect your baby to the fullest extent if it's not installed properly. Read the instructions carefully and when in doubt, check with the retailer for advice and guidance.

20 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Feeding Guide For the First Year Month by Month Baby Feeding Schedule The following is a month by month baby feeding schedule chart to be used as a guide for your infant growth. Keep in mind that every baby is different, and will have unique growth patterns, however the charts can be used as a guide to ensure that your baby is getting the proper amount of nutrition for his/her age. It is always recommended to slowly introduce different types of foods, especially those which could be a potential allergen gradually into a child’s diet. The most important factor however is your baby’s feeding cues. Your baby will be the one to tell you when he/she is having a growth spurt, when he/she is ready for solids, and which types of food they prefer. Your job as the parent is to be aware of these cues, feed them appropriately and guide them into a future of good feeding habits.

Recommended feeding guide for the first year Don't give solid foods unless your child's health care provider advises you to do so. Solid foods should not be started before age 4 months because: Breast milk or formula provides your baby all the nutrients that are needed for growth. Your baby isn't physically developed enough to eat solid food from a spoon. Feeding your baby solid food too early may lead to overfeeding and being overweight.

Most babies will drink about this much each day (2approx. over 24 hours): Age

0-1 mth

1-2 mths

2-3 mths

4-5 mths

5-6 mths

Weight Range

2.5 to 5kg

3 to 6.5kg

3.5 to 7.5kg

4.5 to 9kg

5 to 9.5kg


On demand 8-12 times

On demand 7-10 times

On demand 6-9 times

On demand 6-8 times

On demand 6-8 times

IronFortified Formula

On demand 400-900ml

On demand On demand On demand 470-1100ml 600-1300ml 650-1360ml

On demand 700-1450ml

Breastfeeding is best for your baby and you Breast milk has all the nutrients your baby needs. It’s fresh, clean, always ready at the right temperature, and it costs less than formula. Breast milk is more easily digested than formula; it protects against diarrhea and infections; and babies usually aren’t allergic to it. Breastfeeding will give you a special closeness with your baby, and can help burn off the extra weight gained during pregnancy.

Consider breastfeeding. Talk it over with people who are important to you—set your goal, make your plan, and enlist the support of your family and friends. Ask other women about their experience. Connect with friends that have breastfed and learn about their breastfeeding experience. Discuss your feeding questions with your nutritionist, physician, or your child’s paediatrician. They can help you find a breastfeeding information class or even a support group to join. For healthy babies weighing 2.5kg or more, the World Health Organization recommends 150ml milk per Kg body weight per day for a breastfed baby. When introducing solids such as vegetables and fruits, it’s a good idea to start with the vegetables so your baby will be more willing eat them. Fruit, as we know is much sweeter than veggies so babies who have fruit before veggies aren’t as interested. Who would want to eat mashed peas when you can have juicy peaches? Studies have shown when veggies are introduced prior to fruit babies adjust to a more well- rounded diet.

Using formula to feed your baby Start with smaller amounts at feedings. Your baby will let you know when she is ready to eat more at each feeding. Support your baby’s head when you burp her until she is strong enough to hold her head up on her own. To reduce the risk of choking and baby bottle tooth decay, do not put your baby to bed with a bottle. Only put formula, breast milk or water in a bottle (no cereal). Heat bottle by placing it in a pan of warm water, do not use a microwave. Mixing powdered formula: Follow the instructions on the tin and always use the scoop that comes inside when dispensing the powder For an eight ounce bottle mix 4 scoops with 8 ounces of water Measure the water in the bottle first, then add the powder Store opened cans of powdered formula at room temperature * Always wash your hands with hot water and soap before making your baby’s bottle. Caution: Always prepare formula using the directions on the can. Adding extra water, or not enough water, can make your baby sick. Also make sure the powder in the scoop is level, not heaped. Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 21

Baby Care

Feeding your baby with a bottle Newborns have tiny stomachs and need many small meals—usually 8-12 feedings or more each day. Watch for signs of hunger so you can feed her on demand, or every three hours at least. Babies enjoy being held at feeding time Brush your baby’s lips with the nipple and wait for him to accept the teat in his mouth Hold the bottle flat so that your baby can drink at his own pace Hold you baby in your left arm for one feeding then switch to the right arm for the next session Your baby will let you know when he is finished, do not force him to finish the bottle which can lead to over feeding Signs of hunger:

Newborn feeding schedule Signs of Hunger

Foods to Introduce

Formula or breast milk ONLY Newborns need to be feed on demand by breastfeeding and every few hours by formula feeding. For breastfed babies, you will want to check the following to see if your baby is getting enough breast milk. 1) Baby is relaxed after feeding; 2) Breasts are softened and less full; 3) Your baby has a steady weight gain each week; 4) Three bowel movements a day; 5) Five to six wet diapers daily.

Amount of Feeding

For formula-fed babies, feed about 75ml of formula per pound of body weight each day. Around the first few weeks of life, a 7 pound infant will need about 60-90ml of formula per feeding, every three to four hours. By the end of the first month, this will be arund 120ml per feeding after every four hours.

Sucks on her fist Looks like she’s going to cry Makes fussy sounds Crying is a late sign of hunger. If you watch and listen to your baby, she will let you know she is hungry even before she cries. Signs of fullness: It is also important to watch for signs of fullness so you do not overfeed your baby. He will let you know he has had enough when he: Closes his lips Stops sucking Spits the nipple out Turns head away

Displays “rooting reflex.” Turns head inward searching for nipple

Feeding Tips

Stick to only breast milk or formula at this time. Your baby’s tummy won’t be able to digest solid foods until after four months.

How fast will my baby grow? Your baby will have many growth spurts during the first year. You can tell he’s having a growth spurt when he eats more at a time, or eats more often. Birth weight usually doubles by about five months and triples by baby’s first birthday.

Baby Care

Feeding guide for Baby (6 to 8 months) Item

4 to 6 months

7 months

8 months

Breastmilk or formula

4 to 6 feedings per day or 28 to 32 ounces per day

3 to 5 feedings per day or 30 to 32 ounces per day

3 to 5 feedings per day or 30 to 32 ounces per day

Dry infant cereal with iron

3 to 5 tbs. single grain iron fortified cereal mixed with formula

3 to 5 tbs. single grain iron fortified cereal mixed with formula

5 to 8 tbs. single grain cereal mixed with formula


1 to 2 tbs., plain, strained / 1 to 2 times per day

2 to 3 tbs., plain, strained / 2 times per day

2 to 3 tbs., strained or soft mashed / 2 times per day


1 to 2 tbs., plain, strained / 1 to 2 times per day

2 to 3 tbs., plain, strained / 2 times per day

2 to 3 tbs., strained, mashed, soft / 2 times per day

Meats and protein foods

1 to 2 tbs., strained / 2 times per day

1 to 2 tbs., strained / 2 times per day

Juices, vitamin C fortified

4 oz. from a cup

4 oz. from a cup

Arrowroot cookies, toast, crackers

Arrowroot cookies, toast, crackers, plain yogurt

Start finger foods and cup.

Formula intake decreases; solid foods in diet increase.

Snacks Development

Make first cereal feedings very soupy and thicken slowly.

Feeding guide for the first year (9 to 12 months) Item

9 months

10 to 12 months

3 to 5 feedings per day or 30 to 32 ounces per day

3 to 4 feedings per day or 24 to 30 ounces per day

5 to 8 tbs. any variety mixed with formula

5 to 8 tbs. any variety mixed with formula per day

2 to 4 tbs., strained or soft mashed / 2 times per day

2 to 4 tbs., mashed or strained, cooked / 2 times per day

2 to 4 tbs., mashed, soft, bite-sized pieces / 2 times per day

2 to 4 tbs., mashed, soft, bite-sized pieces / 2 times per day

Meats and protein foods

2 to 3 tbs. of tender, chopped / 2 times per day

2 to 3 tbs., finely chopped, table meats, fish without bones, mild cheese / 2 times per day

Juices, vitamin C fortified

4 oz. from a cup

4 oz. from a cup

Breastmilk or formula Dry infant cereal with iron Fruits Vegetables

1/4-1/2 cup mashed potatoes, macaroni, spaghetti, bread / 2 times per day




Arrowroot cookies, assorted finger foods, cookies, toast, crackers, plain yogurt, cooked green beans

Arrowroot cookies, assorted finger foods, cookies, toast, crackers, plain yogurt, cooked green beans, cottage cheese, ice cream, pudding, dry cereal

Eating more table foods. Make sure diet has good variety.

Baby may change to table food. Baby will feed himself or herself and use a spoon and cup.

* 1 fluid ounce (fl. oz.) = 29.57ml Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 23

ON SOLID GROUND When introducing solids, feed babies according to their own developmental skills and appetites rather than according to a predetermined age. Here’s everything else that’s necessary to know and to ensure as smooth a transition to solids as possible. Once your baby is between four to six months old, most parents will begin wondering if it’s time to introduce solid foods into their infant’s diet. “Weaning is really important because babies grow so rapidly during the first year of their life and their organs like their brain are developing,” says child nutritionist and author Annabel Karmel. Today, infant feeding involves matching good nutrition with individual developmental and intestinal readiness, which varies widely from baby to baby. Some babies eagerly take solids by six months, while others show little interest as late as nine to 12 months. Understanding your baby’s feeding cues, introducing solid foods gradually, and being patient and encouraging all lead to the important principle of creating healthy feeding attitude and habits.

Biologically built Baby's tongue movements and swallowing skills are the first clues to delaying solid foods. In the early months, babies have a tongue-thrust reflex that causes the tongue to automatically protrude outward when any foreign substance is placed on it. This may be a protective reflex against choking on solids too early. Between four and six months this tongue-thrust reflex diminishes. Before six months of age many infants do not have good coordination of tongue and swallowing movements for solid foods. An added sign that babies are not to consume solid foods from birth is that teeth seldom appear until six or seven months, further evidence that the young infant is primarily designed to suck, rather than to chew. 24 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

A baby's immature intestines are not equipped to handle a variety of foods until around six months, when many digestive enzymes begin to be produced. Research shows that starting solids before six months increases the risk of allergies. As such, paediatricians may discourage early introduction of foods especially if there is a strong family history of food allergies. Babies whose systems tend to be allergy-prone may show delayed willingness to accept solids. As a baby’s intestines mature, they become more nutritionally selective, filtering out offending food allergens. Maturing intestines secrete the protein immunoglobulin IgA, which protects the intestines and prevents the passage of harmful allergens (cow's milk, wheat, and soy are common examples of foods causing allergies when introduced early). Babies are still producing low amounts of protective IgA in the early months, which does not reach peak production until they are around seven months.

The transition If you still feel confused and overwhelmed about the conflicting advice on when to feed your baby, don’t worry, you certainly aren’t the first parent to feel that way. “First of all, when do you start to wean? The usual advice is to wait until six months, but then you go to the supermarket and look at jars of baby food and it says suitable from four months. I think I agree that six months is probably the best but some babies just aren't satisfied with milk alone and therefore you could introduce very simple purées like potato, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, butternut squash,” says Karmel. “Babies need calories to grow so good fats like cheese, avocado or meat are foods that babies should be having more of earlier on.”

Baby Care

Perhaps one way to know when baby might be ready for solid foods is when he starts to show signs that he is interested, like observing you closely as you eat. Some babies may even reach out to try and grab at your food, or imitate eating motions such as opening their mouths wide. Sometimes babies are more interested in the utensils than the actual food. Even better if baby has the ability to sit up in a high chair and pick up food with thumb and forefinger. All these are encouraging signs and good indications that baby may be ready to expand his diet beyond liquids.

Nine to 12 Months The previous stage was mainly to make the transition from liquids to solids, from sucking to mouthing, and chewing food. Most beginning eaters dabble a bit with foods, eating only a small amount of a few select solids. Breast milk and/or formula should still make up about 90 percent of their diet.

Although baby seems eager, it’s best not to rush through the weaning process. The move from milk to solid food should happen gradually with your baby slowly introduced to new foods. Starting out very slowly is important, and that means even if your baby responds well, you still want to give only small amounts so that your baby’s digestive system will not suffer from being overwhelmed with all the new kinds of food. Initially, solids should take the place of one of the milk feeds. Then, over the next three or four months, introduce more solid food and cut down on the milk. Of course no two babies are the same and there are no rules regarding exact timing. Appetites vary and your baby will tell you by her actions whether she’s still hungry. If she is, keep her satiated with a bottle of milk.

Breaking it down In the later part of the first year, baby's swallowing mechanism greatly matures. The tongue-thrust reflex is nearly gone, the gag reflex diminished, and swallowing is more coordinated. This allows a gradual progression from strained or puréed foods to mashed and lumpier foods. This introduction to textures should be when baby is around seven or eight months of age; if you continue to offer smooth purées for too long, babies may become lazy to chew. The muscles used for chewing are the same muscles used for their speech development, so it’s best to get those muscles moving!

Weaning strategies As mentioned, all babies are different in their progress, and knowing when your baby is ready for solids usually depends on monitoring your baby. You usually can tell your baby’s appetite has grown if you notice that he is waking up more frequently at night to feed, or if he finishes his bottle rapidly but seems to want more. Now that you’ve spotted the first clues that your baby is ready for weaning onto solid foods, you need to have some essential knowledge before you begin. During the initial stages of weaning to solids, make sure to still maintain breast milk and/or formula as a regular part of your baby's diet, as it still is one of the most essential food sources of your baby in the first year. When starting new foods, you only do it one day at a time, and one food at a time. When introducing baby to something new, observe your child for a few days to see if they experience any stomach problems, any rashes, or any kinds of allergic or dangerous reactions. Keep a food diary to record meals and other important notes if necessary.

Six to nine months Breast milk or commercial formula with iron or a combination of the two contains all the essential nutrients your baby needs for the first six to nine months. Consider solid foods as an addition to, not a substitute for, breast milk or formula. For a breastfeeding baby it's best to start solid foods slowly which should not replace the more nutritious breast milk.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 25

Baby Care

What to feed

When to feed

Most parents will begin solid foods with baby rice cereal. This cereal is easy to swallow and digest and is usually a powdery substance that is mixed with milk or formula. Rice cereal has a low protein content and is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. As weaning progresses, rice also has the advantage as it can be mixed with both puréed vegetables and fruit for a more nutritious meal.

Infant feedings are usually very time-consuming. Choose a time of the day that is most convenient for you, since a little mess is part of the process. If breastfeeding, offer solids when your milk supply is at its lowest and feed your baby solids in between breastfeeding. Solid foods may interfere with absorption of the iron from breast milk if both solids and breast milk are fed at the same time.

Tips and tricks

Weaning your baby can sometimes be extremely frustrating and a test in patience! It is not uncommon for babies to suddenly become extremely resistant to feeding attempts from a spoon, and this can be upsetting. If your baby shows signs that he does not want to eat right now, don’t force it. It is likely that he just wants to play, sleep, or simply is not interested or hungry. Babies don't sit still very long in one place even to play, let alone to eat. Since babies have no concept of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you can actually try feeding them small amounts of solids throughout the day as well.

Remember to introduce foods one at a time rather than several foods mixed together. In case baby is allergic to or dislikes a food, offering a single food also makes it easier to identify the culprit. Once you have tried out several foods without incident, you can combine them in one meal. Start with solids that are the least allergenic and the closest to breast milk in taste and consistency. Examples of ideal first foods include mashed ripe bananas or rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. Remember, your initial goal is to introduce baby to the new taste and touch of solids, not to stuff baby. It’s been known that some parents have resorted to adding a little sugar to the food to encourage baby to eat. Although it’s tempting, don’t! Whether sugar, salt or other condiments, refrain from attempting to make foods more palatable to baby in this manner as this could lead to them developing preferences which in turn could lead to unhealthy eating habits later in life. Gradually vary the texture and amount according to the eating skills and appetite of your baby. Some babies prefer foods with thinner consistency and want a larger amount; some do better with thicker solids and smaller amounts. Expect erratic eating habits. Your baby may take a whole jar one day, but only a teaspoon the next.

How much to feed How much you feed baby is another question most parents would like to know. Again this varies, but don’t expect baby to consume much in the first couple of sessions as the primary goal is to get them used to the taste, mode of feeding, and the new sensation of swallowing something other than the liquids that they have become used to. As weaning progresses, gradually increase the amount. Remember that babies’ tummies are smaller, about the size of their fists, so don't expect baby to take in more than one fistful-sized portion of food at one sitting. Also, be realistic and be prepared for erratic eating patterns. Baby may eat a couple tablespoons one day and only one the next.

26 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

How do I actually feed baby solids? It may seem like the most natural thing in the world to eat from a spoon, so some parents may be embarrassed to ask how they should get baby acquainted, then accustomed to this feeding technique. It’s actually a perfectly logical question, as baby has spent the first few months taking in nourishment by suckling and swallowing. If your first tries at shovelling food into baby’s mouth using a spoon have been futile more than fruitful, here’s a tip: try using your finger instead. Allow baby to suck off the small bit of food on your finger and to get used to the new taste. If baby likes it, then this is encouraging, as they will be more receptive to accepting this from a spoon the next time round. Gradually increase the amount and thickness of the food, and try plopping the portion toward the middle of baby's tongue. As you place a spoonful of solids in your baby's mouth, gently lift the spoon upward, allowing the upper lip to sweep off the food. If the food comes right back out again, be patient. Your infant has not yet learned the developmental skill of sealing the mouth shut, sweeping the food from front to back, and then swallowing.

Baby Care Other considerations If you are vegetarian and want your baby to avoid meat and fish, this should not be a problem. The same nutrients present in meat are also available in other foods and you will be familiar with what is required for a balanced diet. However, if you are a vegan, your baby could miss out on certain vitamins as well as sufficient protein. Prolong breastfeeding as long as possible, and take expert advice on any necessary supplements. However don't introduce solid foods too late as baby may find it difficult to adapt to swallowing food. Refrain from overfeeding your baby before bedtime to prevent potential digestion problems. Cereals are often advised as fillers, something to feed your baby to lengthen the intervals between breast or bottle feeding and to encourage baby to sleep through the night. However, controlled studies have shown that infants who are fed solids before bedtime do not necessarily sleep longer through the night. When getting baby to begin solid foods, keep your expectations realistic and allow your baby to explore and get used to the process. Although sometimes it seems that baby is playing or creating a mess more than eating any substantial amounts, milk, either breast or formula, is still the most important nutrition at this stage.

At a Glance: Feeding in the first year 4-6 months

Foods to introduce: bananas, rice cereal, pears, applesauce Texture and consistency: strained and puréed Developmental skills: tongue-thrust and gag reflexes lessen; accepts solids; may sit upright in high chair

7-9 months

Foods to introduce: avocados, mashed potatoes, carrots, peaches, barley cereal, sweet potatoes or yams, teething biscuits, pear and apple juice(diluted) Texture and consistency: puréed and mashed Developmental skills: begins teething; may drink from cup; holds bottle; thumb-and-forefinger pickup begins (for self-feeding); munches food

9-12 months

Foods to introduce: oatmeal, spinach, egg yolk, cheese, yoghurt, poultry, beans, peas, tofu Texture and consistency: coarse and lumpy; bite-sized Developmental skills: holds trainer cup; self-feeding skills improve; attempts using utensils; points and pokes

The Essential Weaning Checklist Ensure you have all these items on standby before you begin the process of introducing baby to eating solid foods. Bibs Unbreakable bowls and spoons—better if BPA-free, safe for use in microwave and dishwasher Lidded containers for freezing homecooked food in batches A food processor to purée, blend or roughly chop food High chair

28 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Baby Care

Ready, Steady,

(HELLO) Baby

For any first-time parent, knowing you have baby’s essentials prepped in advance will help in your confidence, soothe any jitters, and ease the transition from hospital to home, so that you can fully focus on marvelling and caring for your little bundle of joy.


Few events can be as lifechanging as bringing home your precious baby for the first time. It is definitely an exciting time as you get down to adjusting to an altered lifestyle with your baby.

Some parents wait for massively popular under-one-roof events to make the bulk of their essential purchases, like BabyWorld Fair (13-15 January 2017), which has over 120,000 products and brands catered for a baby’s every need, and with attractive discounts and savings to boot. It’s convenient too, as most of baby’s essentials can be bought at one go (even better if you’ve done prior research on shortlisted products). Throw a baby shower! Celebrating the impending due date of your baby with those near and dear to you is a fantastic opportunity to acquire new memories… and new items for baby too. Expect to receive handy presents such as baby product hampers; pampering gift sets for both mother and baby; toys; basic furniture even; and perhaps gift cards or vouchers, which you can use for other intended future purchases. In fact, it’s advised to wait until after the baby shower before you begin tackling your newborn checklist proper. As such, it’s a good idea not to hold this little party too close to your delivery date to avoid panic purchasing for things you thought you’d receive but didn’t!

As with any major life event, thorough and proper planning in advance is not only crucial, it is a must. And if you’ve enjoyed a relatively smooth-sailing pregnancy, you’ve fortunately had the luxury of a few months at least to get prepared (unless procrastination is your bugbear). Getting things in order before baby’s arrival doesn’t just entail purchasing and stockpiling either (believe us, there is a system to this!). Being organised beforehand could also involve other activities, from refurbishing your home to decluttering your lifestyle. Before you begin to tick items off the checklist (see “The Essential Bringing-Baby-Home Checklist”), here are several strategies to set you in the right direction:


Be realistic. Differentiate between needs and wants, and identify what else falls in between: it’s true that some items are more necessary than others; decide which stuff you can or can’t do without (clue: these are items which will help make life easier for you and baby, especially during the first few months).


How much to spend? Products from more established brands and which are fancy rather than no-frills tend to cost more. For every family, it’s always best to begin with a budget and plan around that as you go along.

Where’s the source? After you’ve made up a preliminary list (which usually consists of the most glaringly obvious items), start considering where and how you’re going to obtain them:


Ask for advice. This may not appeal to everyone, since there is always the likelihood that you’ll be swamped with loads of opinions (some well-meaning, others a tad or more pushy!). However, if you have a few close friends who are already parents, it won’t hurt to suss them out on their own checklists. Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 29

Baby Care


Are you fine with second-hand stuff? Again, this may not appeal to everyone, and your personal choice may depend on budget and practicality too. If you aren’t particular, you can decide to accept hand-me-downs from friends and family (this can be anything from clothes, bedding and toys, to more substantial items like stroller or car seat). While it’s always nice to tog baby out according to your style and taste, remember that tots outgrow their clothes fairly quickly (on average, every three months). Also, some items are preferable to be purchased new—milk bottles for example, as plastic ones especially may degrade with extended use and run the risk of leeching chemicals if there is wear and tear).


Do you plan to breastfeed? This decision will likely impact your need to purchase items such as extra bottles, nipples and infant formula.


Consider buying products that go the distance. What this means are products that have multi purposes or modes, or which can be “transformed” to suit your growing baby. For example, crib to toddler bed; baby carrier to car seat; bassinet to play yard; drinking apparatus with different spouts and so on. Value-add products are sometimes made of more resilient material, like wipe-down plastic bibs.

With these pointers in mind, hopefully you can make the most of your newborn checklist and have all bases covered! Before your baby arrives, some moms also take advantage of their nesting instinct to further sort out and organise their living space. Certainly that’ll be ideal, as after all, it’s best to have baby’s nursery all set up and with everything ready and in their proper place about three to four weeks before you deliver. With that, we wish you all the best and enjoy welcoming home your precious new baby!

30 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

Baby Care

The Essential Bringing-Baby-Home Checklist To make things more smooth-sailing for all mums- and dads-to-be, the seasoned folks here at Mummys Market have compiled the essential list of all lists—or so we’d like to think!—that cover everything that a newborn babe will need to settle seamlessly into life beyond the womb. While no checklist will have you prepared for everything, this one ought to come close! We’ve also added useful advice to some items on the checklist, so that you’ll be better informed when making purchasing decisions. You may also notice that some items on the list won’t be needed until baby is older… but it’s always better to be prepared for what lies ahead!

Equipment essentials Must-haves for your baby’s comfort, rest and safety, at home and about. Bassinet/Co-sleeper This can be used until baby is 3-4 months of age, and still requires nursing every two to four hours. There are bassinet types available that are freestanding, designed to fit closely to the parents’ bedside, or can even be attached to your bed. Night light Baby sling/carrier Be sure it provides proper neck and head support, and is made of a washable fabric. It should feel comfortable on you and permit you to carry your baby facing in or out. Baby monitoring system Optional, but for enhanced peace of mind for new parents

Crib or playpen There is a plethora of crib designs available, from convertible ones that can be transformed into a toddler bed, to a multipurpose crib that may include a change table, dresser or storage shelves. Playpen models (popularly known as Pack-N-Plays in the US) have gotten snazzier too, and may also incorporate a changing table. Whichever option you settle on, ensure that you buy one that meets safety standards. Changing mat/changing table A plastic pad to be placed on any surface where you choose to change your baby. You can put a towel on top or use a cover so your baby won't feel the cold plastic. If you have the budget, you can purchase a changing table. Infant carrier/car seat If you intend to leave the hospital with your newborn, have this installed at least one week before your due date. Some carriers can be converted to a car seat or even into a stroller to meet several needs without the need to buy separate items. Infant pram/stroller You can buy this when your baby is slightly older if you have decided to initially rely on the baby sling/carrier to carry baby around. Baby proofing items These will be important once baby is older and more mobile, so you can always get these later since they are not immediately necessary when you bring baby home from the hospital. Consider safety gates, corner/edge bumpers, electrical outlet covers and safety locks.

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 31

Baby Care Bedding essentials Must-haves for baby’s sleeping comfort During the first six months, wash your baby’s clothes separately from other laundry. Use only quality, breathable materials and avoid cramming your baby’s sleeping space with too many pillows, bolsters or soft toys which could be a suffocation risk. Mattress and mattress protector Make sure that the mattress fits snugly against the sides of the sleeping cot so that baby won’t get stuck in any gaps. A mattress protector is recommended to extend the life of the mattress and for better hygiene. Choose one that promotes good ventilation and protects against dust, bacteria and other allergens. Fitted cotton bedsheets (at least three) Blanket (at least two) Sleep sack Optional, but popular among some parents as it keeps baby warm at night without the need for swaddling with a blanket. It’s rather like a sleeping bag just for baby, and usually has openings at the arms and a zipper to accommodate easy diaper changes. Pillow and bolster set (at least two) Padded cot bumper (for use with crib)

Clothing essentials Must-haves to dress baby Babies can't regulate their temperature very well until they're about six months old; until then, they also lose heat faster from the tops of their heads. Consider getting practical clothing that can accommodate multiple diaper changes with easy access.

Nursing essentials Must-haves for feeding baby, whether breast- or bottle-feeding. Breast pump (can be electric or hand pump) Nursing bras (at least two to four) Breast pads (disposable or washable) Nipple cream Breast milk storage containers Tin of baby formula powder Get this if you are not breastfeeding or intend to supplementary feed. Don’t stock up yet until you have determined that baby can digest this with no problems. Formula powder tiered container (for use on-the-go and usually has separate compartments for individual portions) Insulation bag (for warming or cooling) Baby bottles (buy BPA-free ones, at least six to eight) Bottle teats (can be silicone or rubber ones; slow-flow ones are recommended

4-6 sleepers (baby pyjamas)

Sanitising system/sanitiser pills (for bottles and breast pump parts)

5-7 “onesies” (one-piece jumpsuits/rompers)

Dishwashing liquid for baby bottles

5-7 comfortable day outfits

Bottle brush

3-4 bibs

Burp cloths to deal with spit-ups and dribbles

4-5 pairs of socks or booties 4-5 pairs of hand mittens 3 cotton/knitted caps/hats Sweater or jacket

Baby Care

Supply essentials Must-haves for day-to-day use and to make life together easier for parents and baby Diapers Sterile cotton wool (cotton balls/cotton pads) A newborn baby may need a diaper change up to 12 times a day. Baby brush/comb Whether you plan to use disposable or cloth diapers, be sure to have plenty on hand. However, remember that cloth diapers will require Rubbing alcohol (for umbilical cord care) diaper pins as well. Diaper covers are cute and make baby look more presentable, but aren’t really necessary and entirely optional. Nose suction bulb syringe (to clear any mucus) Baby wet wipes Unscented, alcohol-free ones make a good choice.

Saline nasal spray

Hooded towels, washcloths and/or bathing sponge

Hypoallergenic laundry detergent

Anti-slip mats (you’ll want to be more careful in the bathroom when handling baby)

Baby-size hangers

High chair (not immediately essential, only when baby is around 5-6 months old and can sit up independently)

Toys and rattles

Cooling gel pads

Antibacterial hand gel

Baby soaps and lotions

Activity mat/ baby gym/ crib mobile/play yard

Tearless shampoo

Baby rocker/ swing

Baby thermometer

Teething rings (for older babies)

Bath tub

Roomy baby bag for going out

Bath toys


Baby oil

Q-tips (cotton buds)

Diaper rash remedy

3-4 pacifiers

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 33

Sleep Safe & Beyong the Bassinet



leep’s ake!

Whether you’re currently in the clutches of extreme sleep deprivation, or gradually making the transition back to a semblance of fully-functioning normalcy, any information and advice regarding your baby’s sleep patterns during the first 12 months would likely be welcomed by most parents who seek to better understand their drowsing cherub. For most parents, settling their newborn into a regular sleeping pattern can be a challenge. They fall asleep at unpredictable times, rouse easily, and wake up at seemingly random intervals, making for an overall erratic sleep-wake cycle. This is part of what makes the first several months such a difficult stage for many parents; in accommodating the baby's irregular patterns, it is hard to get enough sleep for yourself. During the first 12 months of life, a baby will require more frequent feeding because of constant growth spurts and this biological need naturally leads to more interrupted sleep for both parents. Coping with a newborn’s demands can be particularly taxing for breastfeeding mothers, and stress and exhaustion may interfere with milk supply. While baby’s growth and well-being is naturally the top priority, the round-the-clock sessions of nursing and intermittent sleep can quickly take a toll. It’s important to remember that parents need sufficient sleep too, as you may be unable to care properly for your newborn if you are worn out. Without enough sleep, your baby will become fretful, irritable and inconsolable. In the long term, sleep deprivation may even interfere with a baby’s natural ability to have periods of deep, restful sleep as he grows older. Babies and young children who have insufficient sleep may also have health disorders that affect behaviour, attention, mood regulation, memory and learning ability.

34 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

The big sleep Most parents—mothers especially—reveal that the hardest part of welcoming a newborn into the family is adjusting to the lack of sleep. It’s not unusual for parents to misinterpret the facts surrounding a newborn’s sleep needs too, especially in the first three months. A baby this young usually sleeps between 16-20 hours a day, which leads some parents to believe that compromising on their sleep will be minimal. “Initially, I was convinced that I’d be able to cope with any disruptions,” says 28-year-old Sonia, whose daughter, Ellie, is now 16 months. “In fact, I thought that I was unlike other parents, as I could usually function on just five hours of sleep every night. I figured if my newborn baby slept 16 hours, I would be able to slip in those five hours somewhere in between. It made me wonder if all these other parents were exaggerating!” Alas, it never crossed Sonia’s mind that her five hours of requisite sleep would be fragmented, as a baby’s sleep cycles are not only much shorter, but more frequent as well. From birth, the sleeping patterns of a newborn are biologically programmed to be different from an adult’s. So, even though some babies can sleep up to a staggering 20 hours a day, that large requirement is normally fulfilled with a culmination of short sleep cycles interspersed with even shorter periods of wakefulness. Each sleep cycle lasts about 50 minutes whereas that of an adult’s spans around 90-100 minutes; what’s more, most of that time is spent in light and active sleep, unlike an adult’s deep slumber. Research has shown that spending extended periods in light sleep are beneficial to a newborn’s brain development, as the brain remains in a more active state. Active sleep is also known as REM sleep in which dreaming usually occurs, and a

Sleep Safe & Beyong the Bassinet

baby is prone to waking easily during this stage and when passing into deeper sleep. It also takes him longer to return to sleep once roused. While bleary-eyed parents will lament all this, a newborn’s sleeping patterns are part of basic survival as the baby is innately prompted to wake up to feed. This ensures that hunger is not prolonged: an infant’s stomach is very small and can only take in a corresponding amount; it also empties quickly, more so if the baby is sustained on breast milk alone, which digests faster than formula.

Taking [back] control Ensuring your own personal TLC may be the least of new mothers’ concerns, especially when most of the attention is being channelled to the latest member of the family. Some of them even run themselves ragged, biting off more than they can chew during whatever precious waking hours they have. Shares Sonia: “Once Ellie fell asleep at any time during the day, I would take the opportunity to do some housework, like laundry, some sweeping and mopping… stuff like that.” Eventually, playing supermom caught up with her—stressed and strung out, Sonia’s breastmilk production was affected, which forced her to supplement with formula. She also found herself increasingly emotional and short-tempered with her spouse, and would have frequent meltdowns accompanied with what she describes as hysterical crying fits. “Not being able to nurse Ellie 24/7 was bad enough already and I was on a constant guilt trip,” Sonia said. “One day, when she was about to turn three months, I completely turned a deaf ear to her crying, and it was the first time I had ever ignored her.” If this was the trigger for her to seek medical treatment, what came next was the tipping point: “Suddenly, it crossed my mind how helpless she was, and how I had the power to end her life by smothering her with a pillow.” The thought horrified Sonia, but fortunately, she recognised the early symptoms of postpartum depression. Although still frightened to confront the possibility that she “might be this monster”, the idea that she could harm her baby was far worse, pushing her to quickly seek help for her condition before it escalated. Sleep is essential for physical and mental rejuvenation, a functioning immune system, healthy growth, and emotional wellbeing. Although Sonia’s story sounds extreme, it may not be as uncommon as you think. Every family has its own share of problems, but whatever the cause, ensuring everyone gets adequate rest can only make matters better. Don’t risk running off the road like a driver who falls asleep behind the wheel. Ultimately, getting back on course is a choice that is within your control.

Co-sleeping: Have you considered it? Co-sleeping is an effective infant care technique that has, to the chagrin of its supporters, been misunderstood in varying degrees. In fact, co-sleeping serves as a more natural transition for baby from mother’s womb to the outside world. Despite that, co-sleeping, especially in western cultures, is still considered strange, unhealthy and dangerous, which Dr James McKenna, director of the Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, describes as “a curious fact”. Dr McKenna, who is also a professor at the university’s Department of Anthropology, is recognised as the world’s leading authority on infant co-sleeping, and he says that the practice has received a bad rap among western parents as they feel that co-sleeping will make a baby overly dependent on its parents, and heightens the risk of accidental suffocation. “Definitions are important here,” highlights Dr McKenna, who frowns on medical authorities and media reporters who have failed “to distinguish what type of co-sleeping was involved and… inappropriately suggest that all types of co-sleeping are the same, dangerous, and all the practices around co-sleeping carry the same high risks, and that no co-sleeping environment can be made safe.”

For example, bedsharing, in which baby sleeps with its parents on the same bed, has potential risks, particularly if a parent is prone to falling into an extremely sound and deep slumber and may be unaware if the baby falls off the bed or gets into a position that compromises breathing. Indeed, it is this fear that has caused many parents to misunderstand co-sleeping altogether, as they have come to associate bedsharing exclusively with that term. However, according to Dr McKenna, the term co-sleeping “refers to any situation in which a committed adult caregiver, usually the mother, sleeps within close enough proximity to her infant so that each, the mother and infant, can respond to each other’s sensory signals and cues. Unfortunately, the terms co-sleeping, bedsharing and a well-known dangerous form of co-sleeping, couch or sofa co-sleeping, are mostly used interchangeably by medical authorities, even though these terms need to be kept separate.” With this revelation of the broader definition, most new parents settle on room-sharing as their preferred co-sleeping solution, especially if their baby is experiencing sleep problems (usually no fault of its own). Whether you are breast or bottle feeding, if the numerous night-time waking sessions are interfering with daily waking life, co-sleeping with your baby can be a good temporary or long-term solution as long as it is in line with your overall parenting philosophy. While this is a personal decision for each family, the main consideration is to co-sleep as safely as possible.

Sleep safe

Arm’s Reach Mini Bassinet Cot

As soon as you have made the decision to co-sleep with your infant, you will need to create a suitable environment for this arrangement. As far back as 1991, all crib manufacturers and retailers in the US have had to meet stringent federal guidelines issued by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC; the most recent update was in June 2011). Although

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 35

Sleep Safe & Beyong the Bassinet

Singapore has no independent regulations for cribs and cots, such products are covered by the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations 2011 (CGSR) under SPRING Singapore. The CGSR regulations stipulate that general consumer goods should comply with internationally accepted standards, which means that furniture and bedding items that are imported from the US are expected to conform to CPSC safety standards. When choosing a co-sleeper for their infant, parents should check that the product meets or exceeds the existing safety standards from its country of manufacture and is accordingly endorsed. Key considerations include the compliance of width between slats (no more than 6cm to prevent a baby’s head or limbs getting stuck); a gap that does not exceed ½ inch (1.27cm) between the co-sleeper and adult bed; use of non-toxic paint and materials; anti-loosening devices on hardware and security of decorative parts. One style of baby cot bed that is fast catching on is known as a co-sleeper, which is designed to fit snugly against the side of your bed to offer convenience, especially for breastfeeding moms, who can simply reach over to draw baby close to nurse. A good choice is the Arm’s Reach line of Co-Sleeper® bedside bassinets that can be secured to your bed safely and easily with the attachment strap and resistant anchor plate. Available in sturdy wood frames or with breathable mesh sides, Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper® solutions feature at least two user-friendly modes of either bedside sleeper or freestanding bassinet. Another popular style is the Mini Ezee™ 3 in 1 bedside portable bassinet, which has an added play yard mode and can be quickly and conveniently folded into a nylon carrying case for easy storage and portability.

mattress must be firm in order to promote the development of baby’s neck and spine, which is still growing. Cold foam is one material that is highly resilient and meets the highest safety standards for comfort and support. While conventional polyether foam mattresses are considered cheap, cold foam is superior in quality as it has higher elasticity and durability as well as better air circulation and moisture evaporation. Naturally, it is recommended to extend the life of your baby’s mattress with a mattress protector; even better if this complementary product is from the same manufacturer. AeroSleep, a Belgian sleep product specialist, features a Sleep Safe pack for babies that comes with a mattress, mattress protector, fitted sheet and cot bumper. The mattress is made of cold foam and the other sleep essentials, such as the fitted sheet, is neither too heavy nor thick for optimum ventilation. What makes this sleep system especially safe for baby is the breathable mattress protector, as it is the only item featuring AeroSleep’s proprietary 3D honeycomb structure that maintains a layer of air that cannot be compressed. Besides this air-permeable layer, an absorbent layer captures moisture while the watertight layer provides natural protection against bacteria and allergens. Altogether, this creates a safer, healthier and more comfortable environment for your baby, who will still be able to breathe freely and inhale less potential pollutants—even when he rolls onto his stomach.

Beyond the bassinet

AeroSleep Sleep Safe Mattress Protector

A bedside bassinet designed to fit safely and securely to parents’ bed can usually be used until baby reaches five months, or when the baby can pull himself to an upright position with some means of support. After that, parents will have to move their older infant to another crib or cot; whether or not you decide to place this in your room remains a personal parenting choice. One overlooked item in baby bedding accessories is the all-important surface which baby will sleep on—that is, the mattress. Mattresses also have specific safety regulations to adhere to, and most experts recommend that a mattress fulfils four basic criteria: firmness (the firmer the better), promotes optimum air-flow, is hygienic and fits according to the bed’s dimensions. For starters, the

36 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8

All this translates to a much sounder and tranquil sleep for your baby. And if baby can sleep uninterrupted for longer periods of time (hopefully through the night!), parents will naturally wake with more refreshing sleep. It’s true, what goes around comes around… that’s why the importance of your baby’s sleeping arrangement, environment and bedding essentials can’t be emphasised enough. While it may require a few tweaks before you get the balance right, every bit counts and adds up to the total number of quality hours your sleeping angel requires and receives. Address these fundamental sleeping issues from your baby’s birth to lay a strong foundation that is critical for your family to function harmoniously as a complete unit. Remember, don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep: consider adopting a beneficial co-sleeping solution, stick to it steadfastly and preferably from the start (babies respond well to routines), make the right associations with sleeping (introduce less light during bedtime at night) and don’t neglect substance for style.

Sleep Safe & Beyong the Bassinet

How much sleep does my baby need? When referring to these approximate sleep requirements, take note that every baby has its own sleep temperament. “There are definitely individual differences in how babies sleep, just as there are light sleepers and heavy sleepers among adults,” says paediatrician Scott Cohen. Relief is on the horizon when your baby is around three months old and starts producing a chemical in their brains known as melatonin, which helps to regulate sleep. Because melatonin production is affected by exposure to light, help your baby differentiate day/night by dimming the lights significantly at bedtime, which will also encourage the release of melatonin to prep them for longer sleep. Take heart that as your newborn grows older, he will also gradually be accustomed to sleeping more during the night than the day. His stomach capacity is growing too, and able to contain more breast milk or formula, which means he can tolerate longer lapses between feeds.

0-3 months: 16-22 hours of sleep. The baby will sleep one to three hours

between meals. Some babies sleep a little longer in the night, but most will not sleep beyond three.

3-6 months: 14-20 hours of sleep. Sleeps three to four stretches during the day. Sleeps more hours in the night, but still needs a night feed.


Babies under 6 months tend to lose heat from the tops of their heads, so keep them warm with a stocking hat if necessary. You can also choose to swaddle your baby until he is either 3-4 months old, as the cocooning blanket will prevent him from squirming about and possibly waking up more frequently

6-12 months: 13-16 hours. Gets the most sleep during the night, but sleeps two to three times during the day. By now, baby can keep awake for up to five hours. 1-2 years: 13-14 hours. Still needs a daytime nap but sleeps mostly at night. 2-3 years: 11-12 hours. Some tykes will still need a nap during the day. 8 benefits of co-sleeping Contrary to widespread belief, it appears that babies who co-sleep with their parents from the beginning have an easier time making the transition to sleeping alone. In the long run, they actually show more signs of independence and are less clingy and needy; have higher self-esteem and less anxiety, and are more comfortable with affection. Here are the more immediate advantages: Baby is right next to you for easier bonding. Some studies indicate 1 that while co-sleeping babies have a tendency to rouse more often, they are awake for shorter average periods than solitary babies who fuss longer upon waking. Although they may wake more frequently, co-sleeping tots also cry much less, which may be due to the parent’s reaction time in soothing them back to sleep.


Baby is nearby for convenient night feedings (regardless of whether or not you are breastfeeding).


A baby in a bedside bassinet is naturally comforted by the smaller and more confined space, as well as the sound of its mother’s breathing and perceived presence.

38 Shopping Magazine, Issue 8


Babies who co-sleep spend more time sleeping on their back or side, which decreases the risk of suffocation. Some research also speculates that a baby’s breathing may be stimulated by the carbon dioxide exhaled by the nearby parents.


Parents feel more at ease as they can respond faster to any emergency or situation that may arise, such as a baby who is choking or experiencing respiratory difficulties.


Most parents naturally want to check on their baby; now they can do so more frequently and without stumbling out of bed.


Parents are within earshot to their baby’s cries and can attend to her sooner: soothing a less fretful baby is easier than one who is in a full-blown crying tantrum.


Especially beneficial for mothers who have delivered via C-section and are less mobile in the initial days after birth. Co-sleeping with baby aids in the recovery.

Home & Lifestyle


A MUMMY-BABY FRIENDLY NURSERY A baby is arriving and getting the nursery ready for a newborn is one of the top to-dos on your list. Should you paint the walls pastel pink or soft blue? And how about creating a starry night above, or setting up a stuffed animal farm?

So get cracking. Start by taking the necessary measurements within the nursery space and write these down, so you have a reference to avoid buying items that have the wrong dimensions.

But as you imagine a cosy setting and making the room picture-perfect, don’t forget who else will be sharing that room with baby…YOU! A great deal of time (both day and night) will be spent in the nursery accompanying baby, so forget about that solid eight-hour sleep in your own bed!


Designing the room with your comfort and convenience in mind will help ease your mummy duties and make bonding time more enjoyable. Of course, we are not saying that you have to move your bed to the nursery, or forgo all those cute adornments. But focusing on a few essential things can help you avoid unnecessary re-arrangements later on.



Give yourself a budget

It is easy to overbuy baby items because they are cute and you think, “my baby will love this”. Truth is, your baby will only need a few basic items in the first year. A nursery can be simple and functional without being too costly.


Get the basic items! Cot: Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your baby’s development. As a parent, you should be choosy about your child’s cot. As babies start moving by their fourth month, you should get a cot with an adjustable bed base, so once your baby is old enough to sit up, the bed base can be lowered for their safety. Consider placing the cot away from windows and doors. Strong wind and sunlight from the window can be disturbing to your baby. Moreover, being away from the door means you can stealthily make your way out without baby rousing!

Consider flexible and modular furniture that can accommodate your growing child, so that you can save some money along the way as well.




Before going shopping, you’d need to think about what sort of activities will be taking place in the room (for example, nursing, play, or just sleeping). From there, you can decide on the furnishings needed, and where these would likely be placed. At the same time, you can also create a mummy-zone for yourself—a comfortable space with everything you need within reach whilst nursing your little one. Isn’t that great?

Micuna Sweet Bear Basic Cot

Shopping Magazine, Issue 8 39

Home & Lifestyle

Mattress: A baby’s disrupted sleep could be caused by heat rash, so look for firm, well-ventilated cot mattresses that come with machine-washable covers and meet strict safety standards. After all, your baby will spend up to 20 hours a day in the cot, so having a good support will keep him or her safe and comfortable.

Changing station: Having a comfortable place to change your baby’s diapers is important. Before you buy, check if its height is right, as a changing station that is too high or low may put a strain on your back and shoulders. Having easy access to diapers, cleaning supplies and clothes will also make changing a whole lot easier, and ensure your baby is never left unattended. A changing table with extra storage space below is a practical choice to consider. When required for its primary use, the entire changing table 5 can be also converted into a handy EXPO HALL table/shelf unit for many more years of handy use!


13-15 January 2017 | SINGAPORE

Shopping Tips..


your convenience, you can to use shorten this to place any other BRINGForENOUGH CASH payment important items you need within arm’s reach, so that you will if some vendors not need to get up sodo oftennot whenaccept attending to cards. your little one.



time and in case


- Some vendors accept credit card, most accept nets and Couch/armchair/sofa: ALL accept cash. A mummy-zone will not be complete without a comfortable - Eachcouch booth will have their own cashiers. or armchair to sit in whilst nursing or putting your baby to sleep. Choose an armchair with low armrests and extra to make mother and baby more comfortable during ATMscushions breast- or bottle-feeding sessions.

BRING ENOUGH CASH to avoid walking all the way to the ATM machines.


If you intend to buy a lot of things, don't worry. There will be a delivery service company at Booth J22.


Wear comfortable shoes cause if you spend 5 mins at each booth, u will need to shop for 11 hours with no break! (and we open for 10 hours daily only!)


Bring those pulling shopping trolleys that you see many people use to carry groceries home to Baby World. It will help a lot with carrying all your miscellaneous items home.


Look out for booth alphabet indicators on the floor.


Make sure Daddy pays for everything! :D All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

A21 A19

Micuna changing table










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Car Seat / Booster Seat

A01, A35/A37, B01, B09, B17/C17, C21, G01/H01/J01, G09, G17, G21, G29, G43/H41, H08/L09, H13, H17, J17, K09, K13, K29

Stroller (Single/Double)

A13, A35/A37, B01, B09, B13, B17/C17, C13, C21, D01/E01/F01, E29, F09, F13/G13/G17, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G29, H08/L09, H13, H17, J17, K09, K13, K29

Baby Carrier, Sling, Wrap

A13, A17, A35/A37, B09, B32, C13, C29, D09, D13, D24, E25, E29, F13/G17, G09, G21, G29, G43/H41, H09, H13, H25, J21, J25, J33, K13, K41, L15

Bucket/Carseat/Stroller Liner, Baby Carrier Accessories, Stroller Bag/Fan, Carseat Protector

A35/A37, B01, B09, B17/C17, B33, C21, C25, E25, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G17, G43/H41, H09, J17, J25, K41, L15

FEEDING High Chair

A13, B01, B09, C13, D01/E01/F01, F13/G13, G01/H01/J01, G09, H09, H13, H17, J17, J21, K13

Baby Utensils

A03, A35/A37, B09, B13, B33, D13, G01/H01/J01, G09, G13, G29, H09, H13, H25, J17, L23


A03, A35/A37, B09, B13, B21, D01/E01/F01, D13, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G13, G29, H13, H17, J17, L23

Baby Bottle / Sippy Cups

A03, A13, A35/A37, B01, B09, B13, B21, B33, D01/E01/F01, D13, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G13, G29, H08/L09, H09, H13, H17, H32, J17, K13, L11, L23


A13, A35/A37, B01, B13, B21, B33, E13/F17, G01/H01/J01, G09, G21, H08/L09, H09, H17, K13, L23


A03, A35/A37, B01, B09, B25, B32, B33, C13, C29, D13, D29, E17, G09, G43/H41, H13, H17, J17, K13, K41, L03, L23

Drying Rack

G09, G13, G43/H41, H25, J17

Sterilizer Tongs

A35/A37, G01/H01/J01, G09

Milk Bottle Container

A35/A37, F17, G01/H01/J01, G09, G43/H41, J17

Splat Mat / High Chair Cover Baby Food Equipment

D13, G09

Baby Snacks

A17, A24, A35/A37, B01, J43, L07

A03, B09, B21, B33, D01/E01/F01, E33, G09, G13, G29, H08/L09, H17, H25, K41, L07


A01, A09, A31, B01, B25, B32, C13, C29, C32, D13, D29, E17, F33, G29, G43/H41, H22, K13, K21, L03, L13, L15

Tops / Dresses

A08A, A13, A22, A31, B25, C13, C32, E17, G43/H41, H22, J25, K21, L13

Leggings / Pull-on Pants

A08A, A22, A31, A35/A37, B25, B32, C13, C29, D29, E17, G43/H41, K13, K21, L03, L13

Caps / Hats / Mittens / Socks / Booties / Headband

A08A, A35/A37, B25, B32, C13, C29, D29, E25, G43/H41, H09, K21, L03, L13

Baby Shoes

A08A, B29, G43/H41, H13, K21, L03, L13

Organic / Bamboo Clothes

A01, A22, B25, C29, C32, E17, E25, H09, H22


A09, A31, B25, B32, C13, C29, C32, D13, E17, E25, F24, G43/H41, K21, L03, L13

Baby / Kids Bathrobe

A08A, B25, B32, E25, G43/H41

Baby Gift Set

A01, A08A, A09, A13, A24, A35/A37, B32, C29, G09, G29, G33, G43/H41, H22, L03

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


Disposable Diapers / Pull Ups

A01, B13, C29, F32, G09, J13, K41, L27

Cloth Diapers

A01, A13, A35/A37, B29, D13, D24, E17, G33, G43/H41, K31, L15

Swimming Diapers

A35/A37, B29, D13, D24, E17, L23, L27, L31

Training Pants

A35/A37, B29, B32, C29, D13, D24, E17, G43/H41, H25, L15, L23

Baby Wipes

A01, A35/A37, B13, B24, B29, B30, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, H13, H32, J13, K41, L11, L27

Diaper Bag / Wet Bag

A09, A35/A37, B13, B29, B32, C13, C29, D13, E25, G09, G43/H41, H08/L09, J17, J25, K13, K31, K41, L15

Diaper Stacker / Organiser

B17/C17, B32, G43/H41, L23

Diaper Rash Cream / Ointment A21, A24, A35/A37, B24, D09, D33, G09, G33, H22 Napkin Liner / Infant Insert

A01, B29, D24, G01/H01/J01, G33, G43/H41, L15


A03, A11, A22, A30, C13, C33, D29, F17, G29, G43/H41, H17, H25, J25, K33, L23

Breast Pumps

A35/A37, B21, D01/E01/F01, F17, G01/H01/J01, G21, H08/L09, H17, K29, L23

Breastfeeding Supplies (Nipple Cream / Pads)

A03, A11, A35/A37, B21, B24, C13, D01/E01/F01, E25, F17, G01/H01/J01, G09, G21, G43/H41, H17, H25, K29, L10, L23

Milk Storage Bags

A03, A29, A35/A37, B01, C13, D01/E01/F01, D24, F17, G01/H01/J01, G21, G43/H41, H08/L09, H17, H25, J17, L11, L23

A03, A29, A35/A37, B21, D01/E01/F01, D33, E13/F17, E25, F33, G01/H01/J01, G21, Pumping Supplies (Cooler Bag / Bottle Sterilizers/ H08/L09, H09, H17, H25 Bottle Warmers) Baby Bottle Cover

A35/A37, E13/F17

Nursing Covers / Wraps

A03, A11, A17, C13, F17, G43/H41, H17, H25, J25, L10, L15

Nursing Pillow

A01, A35/A37, B01, D01/E01/F01, F17, H09, H17, K13, L27

Nursing Supplements / Tea

A17, A24, B01, G25, H17, K41, L07, L10

Lactation Cookies / Brownies

A17, B01, H17

BEDDING Cot Bedding Set

A01, A23, A35/A37, B17/C17, C21, D01/E01/F01, E17, G01/H01/J01, H09, J17, J21

Fitted Cot Sheets

A01, A13, A35/A37, B09, B17/C17, C21, C29, D09, E17, E25, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, H09, J21, K09, L15

Mattress Pads & Waterproof Pads

A29, A35/A37, B01, B17/C17, B25, C13, C21, D09, D24, E17, E25, G01/H01/J01, G33, G43/H41, H09, H25, J21, K41, L15

Baby Blankets

A01, A03, A08A, A29, A35/A37, B01, B17/C17, B25, B32, C13, C29, D13, D24, D29, E25, G33, G43/H41, K21, L03, L15

Dual sided Minky Taggie Blankets

A03, A29, B17/C17

Swaddles / Swaddling Blanket

A01, A03, A09, A35/A37, B17/C17, B25, B32, C13, C29, D13, D29, E25, F17, G21, G43/H41, H09, H25, J25, J33, K29, K41, L15

Sleeping Bag

A01, A08A, A35/A37, B17/C17, B25, E25, G43/H41, L15 All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


Baby Bath Tub

A01, A35/A37, B01, B13, B17/C17, B32, C13, G01/H01/J01, G09, G43/H41, H13, J17, K09, L31

Towels / Wash Cloth

A01, A08A, A23, A29, A35/A37, B01, B29, B32, C13, C29, D13, D29, E25, G01/H01/J01, G43/H41, L15, L23

Shampoo & Body Wash

A01, A11, A17, A21, A24, B01, B21, B24, B30, D09, D33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, H13, H22, J30A, K13

Baby Skin Care

A17, A21, A24, B01, B21, B24, B30, D09, D33, G01/H01/J01, G09, H13, H22

Kids Sunscreen

A24, D09, D33, G09

A03, A29, A35/A37, B30, D13, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, H09, L11 Grooming Kits (Nail Clippers, Comb, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Powder) Nasal Aspirator

A03, A35/A37, B22A, G01/H01/J01, H09


A35/A37, F17, G01/H01/J01, G09

Baby Potty / Toilet Training

A01, B01, C13, G43/H41, H13, J17, L23

Laundry Detergent / Basket

A19, A35/A37, B30, D24, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, K31, L11


A13, B17/C17, B23, C21, D01/E01/F01, E17/F13/G13, G01/H01/J01, G09, J17, J21, K09

Cot Mattress & Pillow

A01, A13, A23, A35/A37, B01, B17/C17, C13, C21, D01/E01/F01, D09, D13, F13, G01/H01/J01, G09, G43/H41, H09, J17, J21, K09

Baby Furniture

G01/H01/J01, H22, J21

Changing Table / Mat

A29, B17/C17, B25, B32, D13, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, G43/H41, L01, L15

Rockers / Bouncers / Infant Swing / Swing Chair

A01, B01, B09, B23, G01/H01/J01, G09, H09, G13, G43/H41, H13, K13, K29


A03, A13, A35/A37, B13, B21, B33, E13/F17, G01/H01/J01, G09, G21, H09, H13, J33

Teething Products

A03, A35/A37, B01, B21, B33, C30, D24, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G13, G43/H41, H09, H13, J17, J25, K41, L01

Drool Pads

A03, D24, G43/H41, J25, K41

SAFETY Baby Monitor

A35/A37, D01/E01/F01, G09, G21, J32

Safety Gates

D01/E01/F01, F09, G21, H09, L31

Window Safety Grill


Safety Bed Rail

F09, H09

Digital Door Lock / Digital Safe J32, K41 / Baby Camera All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


Infant Swing

A01, B09, B23, G01/H01/J01, H09

Bouncer / Rocker

A01, B01, B09, G01/H01/J01, G09, G13, G43/H41, H09, K13, K29

Playpen Play Fence / Play Yard

A01, A13, A23, B09, B23, C21, D01/E01/F01, F13, G01/H01/J01, G09, H09, J17, K29, L31 A01, A13, B01, B23, C23, D01/E01/F01, F09, G09, H09, J17

Play Mats / Baby Gym / Place Mats / Play Tent

A03, A09, A24, A35/A37, B01, B09, B33, C13, C23, F09, F24, G09, H09, H13, J17, L01, L31


A03, A09, A24, A35/A37, B01, B09, B33, C13, F09, F24, G09, H09, H13, H17, J17, L01, L31

Walker / Jumper

A13, B09, F33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G21, H09

Stationary Entertainer

A24, B09, G21, H09


A24, C25, C31, D22, E23, F33, G43/H41, H09, H21, J33, L17

Balance Bikes / Electric Toy Cars / Tricycles / Scooters Music

A24, A35/A37, B01, B09, B17/C17, D32, E13, J33

Baby Bean Bag / Toy Storage

A29, B01, F17, H09, J21, K13, K31, L31

A24, L31

MISCELLANEOUS First/Full Month Package

B21, L31

Massage / Spa / Slimming

A21, D25, F23, G25, H22, H24, L31 E25, G25 A11, A30, G25, G43/H41, J25, K33, L15

Confinement Related Shapewear, Maternity/Postpartum Support Belt

Stretch Mark / Moisturizing / Organic Body Cream A24, B21, B24, D09, D33, G33 Sanitary Pad / Panties

E25, G33, G43/H41, L23

Lactation Support Photography / Photobook

A21, G25, L15 A07, B31, E32, H30, J24, J29, L19, L25

Health & Wellness

A21, B21, D33, H22, L31

Life Casting Services

A21, L25

Cordblood Banking Skin Care

C01, E09 A24, D09, D33, H13, H22, J30A

Air Purifier / Essential Oils

A24, G09, H22, K41

Honey Baby Swim Wear / Float

J31B B32, D24, G43/H41, K13, K29, L31

Insect Repellent

A09, A24, A32, B01, C29, D33, E13, G09, G33, H22, J32

Milk Formula


Bottle Cleanser / Sterilizing Tablets

A19, A35/A37, B30, D33, G01/H01/J01, G09, G33, H09

Wet Wipes Dispenser Container & Lid Cover

A30, G01/H01/J01, H32

Household Product

E24 L10 B22B A24, D33, E13/F17, H32

Water Dispenser / Filtration Spinal Checkup Sanitizer


C24, D33, E25, H32 B17/C17, B23, G43/H41, J17 C31 A09, G43/H41, H08/L09, J25, J33, L15

Night Lights


Financial Insurance

B43, D21, K17

Credit Cards


Disinfectant Spray / Solution / Machine Cot Mobile Smartwatch for Kids

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.


13-15 January 2017 | SINGAPORE EXPO HALL 5





(Management Office)


A31 H30 A29


A23 K31

A21 A19


Shopping Tips.. PAYMENT METHOD

BRING ENOUGH CASH to shorten payment time and in case if some vendors do not accept cards. - Some vendors accept credit card, most accept nets and ALL accept cash. - Each booth will have their own cashiers.


BRING ENOUGH CASH to avoid walking all the way to the ATM machines.


If you intend to buy a lot of things, don't worry. There will be a delivery service company at Booth J22.


Central Delivery Service


Wear comfortable shoes cause if you spend 5 mins at each booth, u will need to shop for 11 hours with no break! (and we open for 10 hours daily only!)


Bring those pulling shopping trolleys that you see many people use to carry groceries home to Baby World. It will help a lot with carrying all your miscellaneous items home.


Look out for booth alphabet indicators on the floor.


Make sure Daddy pays for everything! :D All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

BRANDS LISTING 13 Honey 13Thirteen 4moms A La Maison de Provence A.King AAG ABC-Design Aces by Raf Raf Aden + Anais Aeromoov Aerosleep AH GOO BABY Ai Le Bao AIA Album Networks Aleva Naturals Alice and Lee Alkurma AllTenTic Jamu Massage Aloha & Light Altitude Alliance Alzipmat American Express Anello ANGE Ange (Korea) Annee Matthew Annko Ao Le Apple Tree Aprica Aprisin Arm's Reach Attipas Autumnz Autumnz AXA Life Insurance B-Sensible B&B B&G Lifecasting B.I.D Trading Baa Baa Sheepz Babience Babies Bellies Baby And Kids Baby Beanbag Baby Beannie Baby City Baby Comfort Baby Dash Baby Einstein Baby Home Baby Joy Baby Kingdom Baby Love Baby N Me Baby One Baby One Baby One Baby One (Korea) Baby Roo Baby Shusher Babydream BABYEATSBYJUSTLIXA

J31B J25 G13 J30A G01,H01,J01 Baby Toon Booth H17 B29 A35, A37 F13 F13 L23 B23 B43 J29 A35, A37 K41 L10 G25 A17 D21 J17 C09 B13 L23 A03 A11 A31 B23 J17 B09 B09 F13 B13 A29 H25 D21 H09 A35, A37 L25 K09 D13 B30 D25 D32 K13 J21 E17 J17 B29 H09 B32 A03 G01,H01,J01 B01 K41 B17, C17 G01,H01,J01 B01 A03 J25 B01 G01,H01,J01 A17

BABYFOOFSHOMEMADEBYIBUANIS Babyhome babyken BabyRuler BabySafe BABYSING BabySPA BabyToon Bacoff Bambini Photography Bambino BAMBINO MIO Bambo Ban Choon Marketing Bao Diaper Collection Barbara's BC Globe Beanie Nap Beatrix Beauty.Mums & Babies Bebe Avenue Bebe Bamboo Bebelock (Korea) Bebezap Beblum Becute Becute Bellamom Belly Hipster Wrap Bellybuds BEN BAT Bestway Betime Marketing Bfree Biconi Bigshot Photostudio Bingbling Binky Boppy Biocair Biolane Boba Boba Bodineeds Bodywork Clinic Boikido Bonbijou BOOKLAND Boon BOTTLE OF WELLNESS Branded Babies BRAVADO Breathable Baby Brevi Brica Bright Starts Britax Brother Max Bubble Bum Bumkins BUMWEAR By CikNuie BYTQAHNASIR California Baby California Kids

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

A17 F13 B13 G29 D09 F33 L31 H29 A24 B31 H08, L09 L23 B13 L07 L15 A35, A37 A23 B13 B13 A21 E25 E25 A03 E25 K09 D01, E01, F01 K13 A03 G25 K29 L23 L31 B24 C21 B21 L25 H08, L09 J33 C24 B24 J25 D13 G25 A21 H17 J17 C25 G13 A17 L11 L23 A35, A37 G01,H01,J01 J17 H09 G01,H01,J01 G29 B01 D13 D24 A17 A17 A24 A24

BRANDS LISTING Caluby Carriwell Carter Carter's Casual Play Chaleston Charleston Global Charlie Banana Cheeky Bon Bon Cheeky Chompers Chewy Bibs ChicChug Creations Chicco Chillafish Chimparoo Chinchilla Ching-Ching CHU-CHU CIMILRE CiPU Claessen's Kids Clevamama Close Parents Cocoveda Colorland Combi Comfi-Home Comflor Comfort & Harmony Comotomo Cookie 4 Milk Cordlife Cosatto Cotton Home COUNTRYSAVE Crayola Crok Crok Frok Cryoviva Singapore Cuddle Co Cuddleme D'elgance Daiichi Darol Delphin Demby DHAQQ DIDYMOS Difrax Diono Disney Disney Disney Cuties Disney Stationery Doo Doo Mooky Doona Dr Bronners Dr Brown's Dream Baby DREAMGENII DRYPERS Drypers Dumex Mamil Gold Dwinguler Dynamic Resources

A09 K29 B32 F33 A13 E29 E29 A35, A37 H09 B13 B33 H30 G09 J33 J25 D32 D01, E01, F01 L27 B01 B13 A13 A35, A37 E17 H22 B32 H13 K29 C23 H09 B01 B01 C01 B01 C21 D24 G21 D13 K01 J17 H25 L15 A35, A37 C13 H17 D01, E01, F01 L10 A17 H17 J17 L01 F33 K13 A24 D13 B17, C17 J30A E13 H09 L27 A01 Milk & Diaper Pavilion Milk & Diaper Pavilion C23 D09

Dyson E.D Inter Early Star Earth Mama Angel Eastar Asia EasyGoBaby Ecokids Edu Play Edushape Eionizer Embe Emma Jean Emmanuel Ener369 Enerfiber Enertime Enertri Enfagrow Enfant Ergococoon Ergopouch ETL Learning Evenflo Evenflo Ezpz Face Studio FARM FRESH Fedora Ferrari Fibrelux Fiffy Fil’Up / Tonga Fill N Squeze Fisher Price Fisher-Price Fisher-Price FisherPrice Five Two Global Flatbox Flexcils Foldaway Footer Family Foot Measure FOR AISHA Foscam France Paris Freds Swim Academy Freemie Fridge To Go Friso Full Potential Chiropractic Fun Wipes Funny Lon Gaksimil Gdiaper Gelite GenX Geoby GLAMOURMOM Gleecare Global Outsource Solutions Glorious Seed Gobebe GOJO GOO.N

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

K29 F33 H17 A24 L31 C13 E13 J17 G21 L10 F17 F17 K21 L10 L10 L10 L10 Milk & Diaper Pavilion G29 K29 K29 C31 J17 B01 B33 J24 A17 K29 B09 J17 D01, E01, F01 D13 G29 G29 L01 E13 B09 C33 B33 B33 F24 B33 A17 J32 E32 B13 A35, A37 A03 Milk & Diaper Pavilion B22B B01 B01 K29 A13 K09 A31 B01 L23 E29 A35, A37 H22 E25 D33 L27

BRANDS LISTING Goodbaby Graco Green People Organic Grolier Grow N Up Guavamitts HABBASYI OIL Haenim (Korea) Haenim Toys Hana Baby Wrap HAPPI TUMMI Happy Baby HAPPY BABY WRAPS Happy Cots Series Happy Hopperz HAPPY TIME Happyganics HEILINA Hengrich Heveababy Hipp Honest Trading Honeysuckle Hong Da Hot Spring Baby Hudson Baby Hugaboo Huggies I.Belibaby Ieducate Imama INDAJANI Infantino Infantouch ING ORGANIC Ingenuity Inglesina Innoplus Alliance Innovative Kids Inomata Insular Interstar Intex Invisible Window Grille IPLAY Isa Uchi Isara ISE International J.Direct J&E Baby & Mothercare Jack N Jill Jaco Perfection Jacq JAMMYFINK Jarrons & Co. Javalock (Korea) JBM International JCS Biotech Jelly Sili Beads Jitta Trading JJ Cole Joie Joovy Joy Baby

B01 G01,H01,J01 A24 H21 G21 A35, A37 A17 A03 B01 E25 L23 A24 A17 B17, C17 B01 E32 A19 A17 L25 A35, A37 L07 H32 B01 D13 B32 C29 J33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion K13 A09 C13 A17 J17 G21 D33 H09 K09 K13 A24 G29 F33 J33 L31 G24 D24 F17 A13 D33 L27 E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17 A35, A37 C13 J31B A17 B17, C17 A03 J33 C24 B33 J43 A35, A37 B09 A13 Baby Toon Booth

Jump Eat Cry Jumpy juni june K-Mom Kamida Kanga Care Karihome KCA Diaper Kean kEENZ Kettler Ki ET La Kiabi Kidditec Kiddomoto Kiddy Kiddylicious Kids Fly Safe Kidzloft Kiinde Kiwy Kokadi Kokadi Koochi La Belle Collection LACTOMOMMA Laiticiousmom Latido Le Husk LE LECHE LEAGUE Le Petit Society Le Toy Van LEARN N TURN Lec Japan Legate Enterprise Lemongrass confinement shower gel LennyLamb LennyLamb Lesbebes Leshade LG Hausys Little Bean Little by Little Little Fairy Collection Little Life Little Me Little Merfins Little Splashes Swim School Little Tikes Little Toader Little Tot's Little Tots Little Zebra LITTLEFROG Living Codi LLUIE LollaBaby Looping Lovely World Lovi Lovis Lush Marketing Luvable Friends Maclaren

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

A22 C31 F09 L11 F33 B33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion F32 F33 F09 B17, C17 B13 A13 H17 J33 K13 B01 B33 H09 E13 C21 J33 E17 B01 A32 A17 A17 B01 B01 L23 C32 J33 L23 H32 G24 G25 J33 J25 K09 G24 L01 G21 L15 L13 J33 D29 E23 L17 B09 J33 G43, H41 L15 A23 A17 F09 C30 B22A H08, L09 D01, E01, F01 B33 A31 F23 C29 C21

BRANDS LISTING MadeforBaby Madison Renesmee Magic Container MAM Mama Love MAMABEAR Mambo Mamilon MAMOM Mamypoko Mamypoko Manduca Manhattan Toys Manner of Living Marcel De Sacs Marcus & Marcus Masterkidz Maternal Diva Inc Maxi Cosi MayMom Mccoy Components Medela Melrose MERRICART Merries Merrybubs Metal I-grille MGroup MICRELL Micuna MIGE MILC Milestone Milkies Milkmakers Milkwithlove Milky Way Maternity and Nursing Wear MILTON (UK) Mini by Easywalker Minizone MOEDER Mom More Milk Mom's care Mom's Closet Momma MOMS CHOCOLATE Monkey Mat Montessori Essentials Moo Moo Kow Moogoo Moon Angel Moony Moony & Moonyman Mother Nest Mother Nest MOTHER NUTURE Mother-K Mother’s Nature MOTHERCOT Mt Alvernia Multi Wall Mum 2 Mum Mummies Liquid Gold

A21 K31 D32 B21 B01 A17 C13 K29 A17 J13 Milk & Diaper Pavilion J25 A24 J21 B22A J17 A24 A11 K09 H08, L09 C31 F17 J30A F33 Milk & Diaper Pavilion F24 G24 F33 D33 B17, C17 F33 L10 B13 B01 B01 A17 C33 D33 K09 Baby Toon Booth A17 A17 B32 G43, H41 H17 A17 B33 D22 D13 B01 A31 Milk & Diaper Pavilion J13 D01, E01, F01 K13 A17 L11 G25 A22 E09 G24 A35, A37 L10

Mummy's Helper Mummykidz Mumspick Munchkin Mustela Musty My Brest Friend My Miracle Baby MyBee MyBee Naforye NAFORYE Naforye Nan Nania Nanny Nanotronic Natrasan Neat Solution Nellie Neobear Neuner'S Next NGVI Nibbly Bits NiceBaby nihon ikuji NIP Njoy No Rinse NONA NUK Numnum Dips Nuna Nursing Helpez Nurtria Oball Obebe OCA Ollilie Onwards Paper Products OOGAA Organic Origins Oskar & Ellen Ourone&Only Pabobo Pacific Baby Palmax Pampers Pantern Parklon Peachy Peg Perego Perioe Philips Avent Photobook Express Pigeon Piggy Paint Pit A Pat Playette Playgro Plum Organics Plush Pockit

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

B01 C13 B33 J17 D09 B13 F17 K29 G43, H41 C13 A24 L23 B01 Milk & Diaper Pavilion B09 J17 B32 B01 B01 D13 J33 B01 B32 Baby Toon Booth L01 H13 F09 B13 C21 A11 A17 G01 B33 B09 G25 C29 H09 H09 C21 A08A F32 B33 J30A J33 A29 A35, A37 B13 A01 Milk & Diaper Pavilion A31 L01 E33 K09 B30 D01, E01, F01 J29 G01,H01,J01 A24 K21 H09 A35, A37 A24 B13 A35, A37

BRANDS LISTING Poco Nido POGNAE Pomtree Kids Pooter Positive Icon Pre Natal & Post Natal & Javanese Massage Prego Premium Baby Hub PRET-A-PREGGER PRETTYMUMS Prince Lion Heart PROVON Prudential Puco Puku Puku Kingdom Pura Pureen PURELL Quinny Radicam Raf Raf Baby Raf Raf Bratz Raf Raf International Raf Raf Princess Recaro REFLO Regin Baby Sling Renewalife (Korea) Richgi RIVADOUCE RIVADOUCE BÉBÉ Rock Star Baby Rockin' Baby Rotho RUFFLE BUTTS RWPrince S-26 Sacred Tea Sacred Tea for Nursing Mom Safety 1st Sambucol SCENZE Scholatic Seebaby SENSIBLE LINE Sevi Sew with Love SG Baby Club SG Digital Lock SHEARS SHILOH Shimono Shining Girl Shopping Bag Shopping Paradise Shrinkx Belly Shrinkx Hips Sili Squeeze Silly Souls Simple Wishes Simplicity Sing Mui Heng

L03 C25 A24 B13 A13 D25

Sitsafe SKIP HOP SKK Sleep Night Small Small World Smart Trike Snapkis K09 Snoozebaby F09 Snugglebundl K33 Sofzsleep L23 Sophie La Girafe E17 Soul D33 Sparco K17 Spectra F24 Spuni D01, E01, F01 Stemcord D01, E01, F01 Stephen Joseph H09 Stephen Joseph G33 Steve & Leif D33 Steward's Little K09 Stroller World K41 Studio Memories B29 Studio Skinky B29 StudioPlay B29 Suavinex B29 Summer Infants G17 Summit Company B33 Sunday 2000 L15 SUPERWOMAN BODYSHAPER J43 Sussex (Childcare) A31 Sweetie SG D33 SWEETS Maternity D33 Swimava H09 SWIMTRAINER C32 Swish! Swimming B13 SX Logistics D24 Taf Toys C29 Tai Sing Corpn. Milk & Diaper Pavilion TAMAR G25 TAMAR E K41 Tavo H09 The Castile Soap Shop A24 THE DIAPER CLUTCH D33 The Fashion People J17 The Outcall Spa C13 thelittleonesinmylife L23 Tian Long Citronella Oil J33 Tiger 3in1 H22 Tiny Touch H33 TLO J32 TMCC A01 Todbi B23 Tommee Tippee E24 Tongtai A31 Tots G09 Tots By SmarTrike A24 Touched By Nature K29 Traditional & Holistic Post-Natal Centre K29 Trejoy B33 Tropika A24 Trudi F17 TULA H08, L09 TUM TUM G29 Tummy with Mummy

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

G21 L23 J17 B17, C17 L01 E13 A35, A37 B13 J33 B17, C17 B13 J25 B01 H08, L09 B33 E09 A24 J33 J32 L13 C21 L19 A24 A07 G21 A35, A37 G33 E17 K33 K09 B23 A30 K29 B13 E23 E30 J17 H13 A17 A17 K09 J30A L23 B01 H24 A03 A32 B01 G21 A03 B30 A35, A37 A35, A37 B25 B17, C17 E17 C29 F23 E33 A17 J33 D24 L23 B13

BRANDS LISTING Turf Carpet TWELVEOUNCES Tykes Marketing UICCP Uinlui UMMA LACTO Unilove Unimom uPang UPSIZE 3D Puzzle Uyeki V-Coool Vija Design VISIOFOCUS Ways Baby Wel-B Wel-B Baby

G24 A17 E25 J13 A03 A17 K13 A35, A37 H08, L09 A24 E25 H08, L09 J25 F17 L15 J43 J43

Wing House Woombie Xiao Yao Lan Yale Yamatoya Yelly (Korea) Yijan Yoga Spout Yoomi Yoomi Youhaveababy Young Living Yuet Meng Trading Yummy Mitt Zenoff Zoli Baby Zzandr 360

J33 E25 B23 J32 J21 A03 K13 C29 H08, L09 K13 H25 K41 E24 B33 F17 D13 A30, K33

All information stated is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

Turn over for AMAZING DEALS!

Mutsy Strollers


Bringing a new person into this big, wide world. It is what makes us human. Since 1937 Mutsy has been making it simpler for brilliant parents. And lighter, smoother, more versatile, compact and comfortable. Enjoy your simple, human, magic with Mutsy.


SitSafe Original Life Infant Car Seat

Chimparoo Air-O-Sling


The Chimparoo Air-O-Sling is an ultra lightweight, quick-drying ring sling that folds down compactly, yet extremely supportive (holds up to 30kg)! It is perfect for beach outings, lazy days by the pool, or just for daily use in hot and humid Singapore! Suitable for use from newborn.

SitSafe Original Life Car Seats are your babies' perfect travel companion on the road. In collaboration with Volkswagen, they have undergone 100% real car collision test and are proven to have complied to safety standards ensuring your baby SitSafe throughout the car ride.

Babysafe Waterproof Pillow Protector Our Waterproof Pillow Protector is made of the same quality fabric as our mattress protector! This absorbent layer reduces the need to wash your latex pillows, and ensures your baby has a good night’s sleep.

Winghouse Bags Winghouse uses nontoxic fabrics and materials for their bags, and are safe for use. Available in various sizes and popular characters such as Disney, Paul Frank and Marvel.

H09 Ingenuity's™ Trio 3-in-1 SmartClean High Chair™ is every chair baby will ever need because it's three chairs in one! Three modes of use include a full-size high chair, booster seat, and toddler chair.


Taf Toys MP3 stereo owl mobile


Rich Moist Gold 99.9% Pure Water Baby Wipes

AeroMoov 2 in1 Portable Cot + Playpen You can set up and pack up the AeroMoov instant travel cot in seconds! This lightweight, compact travel cot is easy to take with you wherever you go and meets the strictest safety standards.


Ingenuity SmartClean Trio 3-in-1 High Chair

The Gold Rich Moist Baby Wipes is 2.2 times more moisture with hyaluronic acid. It is extra moist and thick, gentle to baby’s bottom and protects their skin.

Choose your baby's music! Let your little one enjoy endless musical variety with the Taf Toys MP3 mobile.


H32 F13

Little Zebra Latex Relax Mattress The mat provides the best cushion to babies and toddlers. It is light weight and portable. Your child can have her sleeping and playing corner wherever she goes, no matter it is indoor or outdoor.


Chinese New Year Romper Made from super soft and comfy material, your little one will surely make heads turn with these oriental rompers this Chinese New Year! Available in various colours & designs!

Biconi Hair Revitalising Shampoo Bar Biconi Hair Revitalising Shampoo Bar works at the cellular level to restore and revitalise scalp from deep within. This creates a healthy inner balance conducive for hair regrowth, all without the use of harsh chemicals.


Sweaker Non-Slip Swim Sock With Sweakers® non-slip swim socks, slipping belongs to the past. Sweakers have open toes, are light weight and comfortable to wear. They are also anti-bacterial.



Crayola Qwikflip Activity Center K13

Creative easel features Magnetic and dry erase surfaces. Versatile design to quick flips over and converts into a desk station for reading and activity fun. Paper clips for holding paper for painting.

Maclaren Twin Techno 2016 If you need to look after two babies you shouldn't cut corners when it comes to safety. That's why the Twin Techno has a high-quality aluminium frame to make it extremely robust yet relatively light. A total of six double wheels provide optimal stability, so your twin buggy will never hit the skids.


Looping Squizz The Squizz compact possesses not only all the assets you can wish for a stroller, but also the added extras that make it outstands.

C21 L09

AeroSleep Sleep Safe

Cosatto Supa Single (NEW Color)


AeroSleep develops sleep products for babies to ensure that your little one can breathe freely in a healthy and safe sleep environment. The Sleep Safe Packs are a new addition to the range and consist of a quality baby mattress and a Baby Protect mattress protector.These packs are an excellent way to ensure everything matches.

Show off your tot from day dot in the features champ. Move with movies, music and magic gadgets in Cosatto Supa - the awesomely adjustable pushchair all pushchairs want to be when they grow up. Go beyond the stroll.


Half the weight of most other portable playards! The TravelSimple™ Playard from Ingenuity™ makes travel easier than ever before. It's lightweight, folds super fast and comes with its own durable travel bag and shoulder strap.

The Bestway Canopy Play Pool is a great paddling pool or ball pit with a fun clown fish underwater world design. Complete with removable canopy with easy to use fasteners, families and children can play in the pool safely whilst the sunshade blocks harmful summer sun rays.

Milton Mini Soother Sterilizer


Toki Doki x Zoli Fun meets functional with our new Tokidoki x ZoLi collaboration! With a variety of iconic characters to choose from, you can be sure to find a favorite or collect them all. Double-walled stainless steel keeps your food or drink hot or cold for hours. Get yours while these limited edition prints last!



Renewallife Korean Baby Puff All new Ddo Ddo Mamma Brown Rice Puffs, made from chemical free brown rice. All Korean grown ingredients, no preservative, no colouring and no artificial flavourings.

Bright Starts 5-in-1 Your Way Ball Play Activity Gym This isn't your average play gym! The 5-in-1 Your Way Ball Play™ Activity Gym from Bright Starts™ is a 48" jumbo mat and play gym with walls that can be adjusted up or down.

99.9% Pure Water Baby Wipes - Pokemon 99.9% Pure Water Wipes is the purest, safest wipes formulated for baby with sensitive skin.




Bestway Canopy Play Pool


Milton mini steriliser is a trusted solution for keeping dummies & soothers clean while out and about. The watertight dome can provide 24 hrs of cleansing and attach to a stroller/bag.


Ingenuity Travel Simple Playard

Bible story in a frame, perfect for nursery room. Very portable, can be hung on the wall or stand on its own. Warm light and does not emit heat

Be more sensational Design and features that stun you! Your eyes will be stunned by the sophisticated design and your hands will be amazed by the comfortable grip and foldability. The amazing S5 will blow your mind away. Birth to 36 Months, Max. 15kg

The carriers were developed by the founder of the company, Berit Kessler, who is also a babywearing consultant. The carriers are very comfortable and because of the many ways to adjust the Huckepacks,they grow with your child.



Fedora S5

Baby Roo Carrier

BabySPA Color Folder Mat The BabySPA Color Folder Mat features impact absorbing materials and offers superb thickness to protect your child from cold hard floors. Available in 4-Fold and 5-Fold colors, the BabySPA Color Folder Mat is the safest and most comfortable playmat for your child.



Fedora C3 Organic ISOFIX


Maclaren Techno XLR 2016

We always gives safety to our children at any position, and at any movement. Fedora C3 Allround expect to give the better world to our children. Birth to 7 years old, Max. Less than 25Kg

The top of the range buggy from Maclaren. The Techno XLR buggy is based on the ever popular Techno XT but is made wider. As a buggy it features a full recline facility to use from birth, a padded liner, matching head support, padded cushions for the shoulder straps and a removable boot end (footmuff) to protect from the cold.


Cosatto Zoomi with Anti-Escape System Keenz Foldable Wagon Stroller Keenz is the first company who increased the functionality of the wagons and makes it remarkably better than any other brands. Our premium deluxe stroller wagon combines all the advantages from existing strollers and wagons pursuing ergonomic design.


Joovy Foodoo

Every cutie needs a tough transporter. Harness the power of Cosatto’s Zoomi child car seat (Group 123). Converting from baby hugger through to booster seat for big kids, Zoomi’s a long-haul cuddle. Go shop the well-adjusted all-rounder…



Materna Baby Highchair

Parklon Silky Picnic Mat This extra large size picnic mat is made from PE + silky fabric. With a size of 240 x 180cm and 4mm thickness, it can fit about 7 to 8 adults comfortably. The mat comes packed folded in a carry bag.


A stylish design with a beautiful organic shape in compliance to European safety standards. It combines both beauty and comfort. Adjustable seat board and footrest height for growing child. Usable from 6-month old child up to adult. Protection guard and belt for extra safety of a child. Guard type is intended to use together with your dining table.


Newborn ready, the Foodoo allows baby to be with you in the kitchen from day one. As baby grows, the Foodoo grows with him up to 50 lbs. Easy height and recline adjustments make meals comfortable at any table.

nihon ikuji Smart Gate II



Bright Starts Rock & Swing 2-in-1™

Brother Max Weaning Range Brother Max’s weaning range includes multiple weaning necessities to help you and your little one on their weaning journey. From Pots to Bowls to Trainer Cups and Beakers, Brother Max have your parenting journey covered.

It's a rocker! It's a swing! It's both! Bright Starts™ Rock and Swing 2-in-1™ saves families money and space by designing a swing that converts to a rocker!


nihon ikuji Smart Gate II is the most ultimate safety gate that you can ever find in the market. It is made mainly of plastics and is designed to be extra tall at a 91 cm height. Besides using a "Double Action" locking system with one latch each at the top and bottom parts of the gate, it also has an additional manual lock for extra safety and peace of mind (a total of 3 latches now!).

Hana Baby Organic Carrier The Hana Baby Carrier is made of soft organic cotton canvas, and can be adjusted in width and length, so it accommodates babies from 3.5kgs /7.7lbs without the need of an insert and grows with your baby into toddlerhood until 20kgs/44lbs.



Arm’s Reach Mini (New Colors) The Mini Co-Sleeper® bassinet is a unique creation that allows you and your baby to sleep comfortably next to each other from the moment your baby arrives.

GOO.N Super Premium Diapers GOO.N Super Premium Diapers are even better then GOO.N Premium. In Japan, its called “Angel Baby Clothes”. Made with carefully selected high quality materials, results in unmatched softness which is ideal for new born babies’ delicate skin.



Veda Baby Skin Care Coco Veda's range of Baby Care Products uses Cold Processed Virgin Coconut Oil as the base oil, which is then blended with other Essential Oils to provide these amazingly effective & affordable products. Coco Veda's Baby Care range keeps baby's skin well moisturised and nourished all the time.

Peachy Baby Food

Mustela Triple Treats Specially formulated for use right from day one, Mustela Gentle Cleansing Gel* is a soap-free hair and body wash ideal for your baby’s daily hygiene. *previously known as Dermo-Cleansing Gel



Peachy is made in family factory which has over 30 years' experience in local and international food production. Peachy is FDA approved and has GMP, HACCP and Halal cetification. by real parents... Peachy makes it easier for parents to provide little ones with the right kind of food for developing healthy eating habits to last a lifetime.


Combi Miracle Turn


The Combi Miracle Turn is the most advanced stroller ever made and the top of the Combi stroller range. Weighing only 6.3kg. It’s brilliant automatic wheel switching system locks the back wheels and unlocks the front wheels whenever you reverse the handle!

D13 H13

NIP Step by step-from the first day to letting them drink on their own - nip has the right product for every stage in a baby‘s development. From newborn soother to leakproof training beaker and non-slip baby food dish, the nip product range is tailored to the individual requirements of your child and supports a healthy and natural development right from the start.

Baby Tooth Box Is your child growing up too fast? Preserve these precious memories of your little one with this Wooden Baby Tooth Keepsake Box! This box allows you to keep your child's milk teeth when they drop and keep them safe - always!

Disney Baby Finding Nemo Collection H09 by Bright Starts It’s the most fun baby will have above sea level! Introduce baby to Nemo, Dory and all their colorful pals with this gear collection from Bright Starts.

Isara Baby Carrier


Folding Bath Tub The foldable bath tub provides a convenient solution for bathing your children at home or whilst traveling, easy to fold and store. With a non-slip base to prevent your little one slipping and sliding and is easy to use, unfold, fill up and enjoy bath time with your baby. Suitable from birth and up.


ISARA is a stylish multidimensional adjustable ergonomic baby carrier created by a babywearing consultant since 2013. It is designed to perfectly fit your baby for improve comfort to both baby and parents.

13 Honey


Good health stems from the Chinese principles of Cleansing, Rejuvenating, and Revitalising, and all these can be achieved through the consumption of quality honey with 13honey. Through years of innovative and intensive research and development, you can be assured that the purest of honey is produced in environmentally friendly ways, and that every spoonful of golden goodness you savour is contributing to a better environment for all of us.

Lollababy Battery Operated Nasal Aspirator


LollaBaby Battery Operated Nasal Aspirator, the only nasal aspirator approved by Health Science Authority Singapore launching at Baby World, 2017. It is the ideal solution to clear your baby's nose and help facilitate his breathing effectively and easily.

Cimilre UV Mini Sterilizer Mini in size, the Cimilre UV Mini Sterilizer is super convenient & portable to bring around or even store at your work place or in-laws! Its the only UV sterilizer that sterilizes from top and bottom.

B22A B01


nihon ikuji 6 Panels Premium Musical Play Yard (DX version)

Protect your little darlings' knees from bruises and scrapes when they are curiously crawling.

The Japan No. 1 and World No. 1 plastic play yard brand is back with a new launch! Now you can finally have 2 different toy panels within the same play yard (2nd toy panel sold separately). Getting bored with the regular rectangular play yard and want something different? nihon ikuji 6 Panels Premium Musical Play Yard (DX version) can also be configured as a hexagonal yard with exact fit play mat!

SootheTime Good to Go Tote

Flatbox Insulated Lunch Box

Knee Pad


Good-to-go tote™ makes it easy to carry baby’s essentials and provides a safe resting place wherever you are!


The FlatBox-LunchBox by Solvetta converts to a placemat for fun, waste-free lunchtime snacking. Machine washable and tear-resistant neoprene (the same material as wetsuits) promises years of great use to and from the office, the cafeteria, and anywhere else you might tote a lunch bag.


Ingenuity InReach Mobile H09 Lounge & Bouncer Introducing the first-of-its-kind InReach Mobile Lounger and Bouncer™! This revolutionary new design allows baby to move with you from room to room – keeping baby in reach and in sight – in any room.

Babies Bellies Javanese Massage Booth D25


Exclude House Call Transport Fee & Deposit of $35 for Bengkung (Refundable). Pre-Natal Massage is available at $39.90*. Terms and conditions apply.



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Five Two Global Booth C33


Hot favourite Milky Way Bandes shorts stocked in yummy new colours. Stop by the our booth to discover new styles of pants and other outfits for CNY at discounted rates too. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tykes Marketing Booth E25

$5 OFF


Terms and conditions: Voucher is not stackable. 1 redemption per customer only.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tykes Marketing Booth E25

BUY 1 FREE 1 MIRACLE SHIELD BAMBOO QUILTED WATERPROOF MATTRESS PROTECTOR This hypoallergenic, 100% waterproof mattress protector provides complete protection from spilled liquid, bedwetting, perspiration and stains. Anti dust mite and highly breathable. Terms and conditions apply.

Tykes Marketing Booth E25


The breathable fabric helps reduce the risk of overheating, while the signature prints complement your unique style. Generous size makes swaddling easy 47" x 47". Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33

4 SETS OF PRO FEED NURSING BRA @ $50 U.P. $180 Free Bra extenders + Lingerie washing bag + Extra set of bamboo breast pads. Terms and conditions apply.

Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33


Free Lingerie washing bag. Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pret-a-Pregger Booth K33

3IN1 MATERNITY BELLY PELVIC AND BACK SUPPORT BELT @ $35 U.P. $59 A must-have supportive belt from 2nd trimester onwards to postpartum.

Terms and conditions apply.

Superwoman Bodyshaper Booth K33

TUMMY TUCKER BELT @ $35 U.P. $59 Instantly shapes your waist and shrink your tummy using lightweight breathable fabric.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Sweets Maternity Booth A30


Free Bra extenders + Lingerie washing bag + Extra set of bamboo breast pads. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sweets Maternity Booth A30

HOSPITAL GRADE MATERNITY 100% COTTON BELLY BINDER @ $35 U.P. $69 Quick dry and ultra comfortable for long hours skin contact. Wear them beneath your clothing during confinement and back to work.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emmanuel Booth K21

BABY ROMPER @ $5 U.P. $12.90

Terms and conditions apply.

Kidzloft Booth H09

$10 OFF

With total nett purchases of $200 from Booth H09.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidzloft Booth H09

PURA 150ML NEWBORN SIZE BOTTLE @ $10 and/or PURA 250ML INSULATED SIPPY BOTTLE @ $20 U.P. $29.90/$49.90

With any purchase of Pura product(s). Terms and conditions: Not applicable for trade-in $5 deduction.

Kidzloft Booth H09


With any purchase of Dreambaby gate or bedrail.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGroup Booth F33


Simply LIKE our Facebook page "Merrilike Kids" and redeem your FREE gift. Terms and conditions: 1. One coupon may only be used once per Facebook account with a unique profile pic. 2. Free gifts varies and value could be different. Only available while stock last. 3. Mgroup reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time or to modify any coupon's terms and conditions

MGroup Booth F33


With purchase of any Kimono (2pc Set).

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGroup Booth F33

$50 OFF MERRICART TANDEM STROLLER (RED MODEL) Terms and conditions apply.

MGroup Booth F33


With purchase of any 2 Kimono Rompers.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGroup Booth F33

MIGE 2-IN-1 TRAVEL SYSTEM STROLLER @ $180 Terms and conditions apply.

OurOne&Only Booth A29

PREMIUM BATH TOWEL @ 3 FOR $30 Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17


With Micuna Cot purchases above $600 Not applicable with any other promotion.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17


(ASSORTED COLOURS/DESIGN) U.P. $16.90 With purchase of any Happy Series Cot Set. (Set: Cot + Mattress + Bedding)

Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17


With every purchase of Doona Carseat Stroller

Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17


Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17

$100 OFF DOONA CAR SEAT STROLLER With purchase of any Cot + Mattress + Bedding Set. Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17

SLEEPNIGHT 100% 3� NATURAL LATEX MATTRESS @ $169/$199 U.P. $259/$315

Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17


U.P. $129-$169

Bedding Set includes 1 Pillow with casing, 1 Bolster with casing, 1 Fitted Sheet (Suitable for 60x120cm & 70x130cm Cot), 1 Comforter & 1 Full Bumper.

Not applicable with any other promotion.

Jarrons & Co. Booth B17, C17

ASSORTED FITTED SHEET (100% COTTON) @ $9.90 U.P. $16.90 Suitable for 60x120cm & 70x130cm Cot.

Not applicable with any other promotion.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Miracle Baby Booth K29

MAMILON @ $3.90/BOX U.P. $5.90/BOX 30pcs in a box.

Terms and conditions apply.

My Miracle Baby Booth K29

ERGOPOUCH @ $34.90 U.P. $45.90

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Miracle Baby Booth K29

10% FURTHER DISCOUNT For Carriwell products over $100.

Terms and conditions apply.

My Miracle Baby Booth K29

$50 OFF FEDORA C3/C4 CARSEAT AND L5, S7, S9 STROLLER Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Puku Booth E01, F01

PUKU 123 STROLLER @ $169 U.P. $399

Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth E01, F01


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth E01, F01

PLAYPEN @ $129 U.P. $229 150x130x60cm. Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth E01, F01

PLAY MAT - HAPPY ZOO @ $45 U.P. $75

1.6x1.8m. Thickness: 10mm. Printed at both side.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01


Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth D01

SILICONE TEATS 6M+ 4H @ 6 FOR $30 U.P. $47.40

Terms and conditions apply.

Puku Booth D01


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Puku Booth E01, F01


Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09


ADDITIONAL $10 OFF ALL LIVING CODI SOFT CUSHION PVC MATS A better & safer PVC mat for your babies.

One of the BEST 'legless' fabric yard in the world!

Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions: 1st 20 per day, self collection only!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Premium Baby Hub Booth F09

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09



One of the BEST 'legless' fabric yard in the world!

Terms and conditions: 1st 20 per day, self collection only!

Terms and conditions: 1st 10 per day, self collection only!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29

Premium Baby Hub Booth F09



Think Safety! Think nihon ikuji!

Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29


Charleston Global Booth E29


U.P. $209

U.P. $209

Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29

CHARLESTON LITE @ $189 U.P. $399

Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

Charleston Global Booth E29

CHARLESTON LITE+ @ $239 U.P. $449

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charleston Global Booth E29


Terms and conditions apply.

Charleston Global Booth E29


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

$10 OFF GRACO LOVIN HUG PLUG IN INFANT SWING (CIRCUS) 10 classic melody and 6 swing speed! Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 10 customers per day..

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


12 Riding option.

Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Free Car Seat Undermat worth $24.90. Suitable for 0-7 years old.

Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 20 customer per day.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


44x27x6cm. Color choice: Pink / Blue Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 20 customers per day..

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

ADDITIONAL $20 OFF GRACO MODES SELECT TRAVEL SYSTEM (STROLLER+CARSEAT+BASE) Free Graco Bath Tub +Feeding Set. Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Free 4� Anti Dustmite Mattress & 7 in 1 Bedding Set.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


137cm slide, 160cm wide. Delivery charge of $15.

Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 50 customers only.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


130cm x 130cm x 52cm. Delivery charge of $15. Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


115cm x 35cm x 102cm.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


56cm x 38cm x 28cm. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

BREVI B MAX ON THE ROAD STROLLER @ $299 U.P. $439 Made in Italy. Terms and conditions apply.

Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01


Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

BABYDREAM 100% NATURAL LATEX MATTRESS @ $149 / $169 U.P. $259/$319 $149 (Size 60 x 120cm) $169 (Size 70 x 130cm)

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Kingdom Booth G01,H01,J01

BABYDREAM PREMIUM 100% COTTON 7 IN 1 BEDDING SET @ $99 / $169 U.P. $169/$319

$99 (Suitable for Baby Cot 60 x 120cm & 70 x 120 cm) $169 (Size 70 x 130cm) Consists of 1 x fitted sheet, 2 x half bumper, 1 x comforter, 1 x pillow, 2 x bolster. Terms and conditions apply.

Maternal Diva Booth A11


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maternal Diva Booth A11


Terms and conditions apply.

Maternal Diva Booth A11


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sophie & Friends Booth B13

FREDS SWIM ACADEMY @ $29.90 U.P. $39.90

Get it now with this coupon @ $29.90 when you LIKE our fanpage Terms and conditions apply.

Sophie & Friends Booth B13


Get it now with this coupon @ $39.90! LIKE our fanpage to get a FREE Sophie keychain with purchase of a Sophie Holiday bag

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.






-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honest Trading Booth H32

Honest Trading Booth H32

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KidsFullStop Booth A09

MUSHROOM PLAYTENT @ $30 U.P. $69.90 Terms and conditions apply.

thelittleonesinmylife Booth A03

SPECIAL PRICE FOR 3G HAENIM UV STERILISER @ $299 Simply present this coupon & show on your mobile that you've liked our Facebook Page (Haenim Singapore) before making payment.

Terms and conditions: Coupon & proof of FB page like must be shown BEFORE making payment. No refunds if coupon is not presented BEFORE payment.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thelittleonesinmylife Booth A03

SPECIAL PRICE FOR YELLYMAT + MAGIC SOUND PEN @ $299 The patented interactive mat from Korea! Speaks in SIX languages! Protect your child while

giving a fun & interactive learning space! Simply present this coupon & show on your mobile that you've liked our Facebook Page (thelittleonesinmylife) before making payment.

Terms and conditions: Coupon & proof of FB page like must be shown BEFORE making payment. No refunds if coupon is not presented BEFORE payment.

thelittleonesinmylife Booth A03

BUY 5 FREE 2 BEBELOCK ICE TOK TOK & AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS Korea's #1 food storage system! Make nutritious home made food for your baby and store with ease for your baby's caregivers! Simply present this coupon & show on your mobile that you've liked our Facebook Page (thelittleonesinmylife) before making payment.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.



-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth F17


Free Isa Uchi Bottle Warmer. Terms and conditions apply.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13


Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth G17

RECARO YOUNG SPORT @ $299 Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 10 customers per day.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth G13


Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 10 customers per day.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth F13


U.P. $499

Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 10 customers per day.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth F13

BABYHOME TASTE @ $99 U.P. $249

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17

BABYZEN ZEN @ $399 U.P. $1,399

Terms and conditions: Limited to 1st 10 customers per day.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth G13

4MOMS HIGH CHAIR @ $399 U.P. $699 Free gift set.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E17


Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17



Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17


Large size.

Terms and conditions apply.

J&E Baby & Mothercare Booth E13,F13,G13,E17,F17,G17


Small size.

Terms and conditions apply.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby World Coupon can only be used at Baby World Fair, and shall be valid from 11:00:00 13th January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th January 2017. Terms & Conditions Apply.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.

Terms & Conditions - Coupon shall be valid from 11:00 13th of January 2017 and must be redeemed by 19:59:59 15th of January 2017, unless cancelled / terminated earlier in accordance with terms & conditions. - A coupon may only be used once. - Coupon carries no cash value and cannot be transferred, negotiated or sold and cannot be redeemed against cash. - Coupon cannot be combined with any other coupons or any other offer or discount / promotion. - User using coupon in any manner shall be deemed to have read, understood & accepted these terms & conditions - Baby World is not responsible for any typographical error leading to an invalid Coupon. - Baby World reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time. - Promotion is not applicable for early bird use.


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