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Dubai Open Data, Upload, Scan, Repro, Online, PDF, Download Version 06.12.2017

Keywords: Dubai Architectural Stories, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Architectural Stories, Story-Lines Map, 2017, Art in the city, thejamjar, WTD Magazine, Architectural Biennale, Open call, participate, trip to dubai, architecture, sightseeing, film, sketches, texts, sharing, photos

Dubai Architectural Stories. 2017






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Introduction Q&A with Sonia Brewin-Mi.iller


Dubai Architectural Stories Dubai Story-Lines Map


Dubai Architecture on Film


Draw Your Dubai Story-Lines Map Share Your Stories


Hetal Pawani Director


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Saira Ansari Writer



Luma Darowich Project Assistant



Dianne Polkarpio Vrinda Bhandula Designers


Dianne Policarpio Noor Alsaqqa Illustrator



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Published with ArtMap Issue 26, October 2017~ The ArtMap is published by ArtintheCity in strategic partnership with Dubai Culture & Arts Authority. For regular updates direct to your email sign up for our fortnightly Art Alert on

T ! +9714 3417303 www PO BOX 27554,

Dubai, UAE All Rights Reserved © thejamjar



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Dubai's identity can be best defined through storytelling. No longer new, and not quite a sage yet, the city is constantly evolving, morphing through different stages and personalities. People often experience the city through advice and anecdotes passed on by colleagues, friends, taxi drivers and even strangers. DUBAI ARCHITECTURAL STORIES is a concept built entirely on these foundations. It started out as a small sociological experiment by the Dubai based architectural firm SVENM where they collected personal narratives of a few residents discussing their favourite location, building or area of Dubai. The compiled texts were then exhibited in the SVENM Alserkal Avenue space, titled Everyday Masterpieces: The Art of Buildings DUBAI ARCHITECTURAL STORIES, the booklet, builds upon the original project and is a unique collaboration between ArtMap and SVENM that celebrates more of such stories. It also lays out the conceptual footprints for the Dubai-based Architectural Biennale 2018, founded by the team of SVENM. In a further partnership, the visuals for this supplement have been provided by WTD Magazine, a Dubai-based publication that provides a platform for discourse for Architects and Designers. These stories and visuals help to repudiate the popular misconception that every storyteller in this city Is transient and that their experiences aren't tied to anything concrete. And they encourage us to understand the semantics of design that make up the fabric of a dynamic city that has equally mounting and challenging needs. The supplement includes an Interview with Sonia Brewin-Milller, Co-director at SVENM and Co-founder of the Architectural Biennale. She talks about how they hope the DUBAI ARCHITECTURAL STORIES concept and the Arch. Season '17 programming will help educate, inform and ignite interest in the urban landscape of Dubai and propel us towards a dynamic and Inclusive Architectural Biennale 2018. Also included, is a visual mapping of these stories across the city, with artwork created specifically for this issue. The booklet ends with notes and materials on making a mapping project, collecting personal accounts and building your own narrative of the city. As another Fall season rolls in and Dubai gears up to host experts and showcase new influences in contemporary design, It Is Important to encourage dialogue around sustainability, utility, function and form. It is time to pause, and ask: in a bid to build a modern society, what gets left behind and what is looked for in the future. We hope this special issue connects with the ordinary resident and activates discussion, bringing In a higher understanding of what It means to live in and build a city like Dubai.


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Q&A with Sonia Brewin-Muller Co-director of SVENM and Co-founder of the Dubai Architectural Biennale

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What is t he level of partic ipation expected?

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Seven years ago I co-founded the Architecture and Design Studio SVENM with my partner Sven Muller. We opened our business in Dubai because the volume of contemporary architecture and design being developed here makes the city feel actively full of human imagination; this is perennially refreshing and we wanted to contribute.

As the aim is to illuminate Dubai's diverse architectural

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What is your relationship to t he stories In this supplement? The first SVENM exhibition at Alserkal Avenue, Everyday Masterpieces: The Art of Buildings, was developed through an open-call for stories about favourite Dubai places. The positive public response to this show has grown since then into our next initiative to collectively begin the Architectural Biennale of Dubai. What is the Architectural Biennale? The city's architecture is the underlying fabric of our shared lived experiences here. Let's celebrate that! The Biennale is not-for-profit and collaborative in spirit and is a city-wide summit for architecture to be hosted every two years, beginning in 2018. WhatdoestheArcl1itectural Biennale bring to Dubai? As a resource bringing people together to communicate

about urban space, it champions a wide variety of architectural interests in-depth, but accessibly. It encompasses exhibitions, talks, tours and workshops and I believe will extend knowledge of Dubai's profound impact on the architecture of the twentyfirst Century, supporting further development of new philosophies and technologies.

We kick off the season on Saturday, November 11, with a city-picnic for architectural practitioners, while Saturdays, November 18 and 25, are all about learning opportunities for families with adventures and student challenges. For Fridays, November 17 and 24, we 'go behind the scenes' at two OpenHouse sites and Wednesday, November 22, sees us inspired by the sounds of the city in a unique sonic-experience. We close on November 26 with an unforgettable survey and discussion between practitioners who make structures across the city. Why is November such a good time for this? November makes perfect sense climate-wise as it is a great time in the UAE to walk around buildings, places and spaces. Plus the Arch. Season has symmetry with key events in local calendars, such as Abu Dhabi Art (8 - 11), Dubai Design Week (13 - 18), and The Big 5 Construction Exhibition (26 - 29). So this November will be an even richer time for audiences alert to contemporary culture and interested in trans-disciplinary dialogue. So, do you have a favourite Dubai building or place yourself?

Who is your audience? Anyone can attend and every activity is free! The Biennale is a resource for professionals and curious non-professionals alike. It would be super for individuals or institutions hosting projects during the season to reach out to audiences that are new to them. Q&A with Sonia Brewin-Muller

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Yes, it is a house SVENM designed. A meditation on minimalism, I hope it stays here forever.

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What is happening this November? A taster 'Arch. Season' of activities is being showcased this November for practitioners and public to connect with the Biennale and understand how to contribute for 2018.

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Artmap: Can you briefly Introduce yourself?

landscape everyone in the city can participate. First-hand experience of the urban environment here is all that is required to get involved.



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A passage in between two houses

The Emirates Macaroni Factory

My favourite place in Dubai is a passage in between two houses that leads to the Jumeirah beach. Every time I try to enter the beach from that exact point. Park the car, take of my shoes and step onto the sand of the sidewalk. It colours my beginning. There is a serene tropical feel about it. An old Jumeirah beach house on the right has its garden extended onto the beach, with surf boards, fisherman's nets and hammocks shaded by palms. There is someth ing fragile about it. Not sure how long it will last. I love passages, t hese mystica l tra nsition zones that connect and reveal, w~

Nemanja Valjarevic

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Between the seemingly endless car showrooms and the overblown Muscovite classicism of the JW Marriott hotel stands the Emirates Macaroni Factory. It is in entirely the wrong place on the Sheikh Zayed Road, in a spot where you often get stuck in traffic. Those enforced intervals have forced me to contemplate this relic on the edge of the Al Quoz Industrial Area. The building isn't much, a group of grain silos beside a representational building in a late modern, slightly sub-Richard Meier style. Although, with production facilities dating from 1979, this pretty much counts as heritage here. But in the way the industrial forms crash into the commercial, and in the way the building stands as a reminder of how the city has exploded - swelling up what was once an industrial quarter into its new downtown - it supplies a sense of the soeed of a rchitectural history here. One day, perhaps it will make way for a cultural building, a Bentley showroom or a block of luxury apartments. Till then, it will make me smile every time. Edwin Heathcote

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Dubai Architectural Stories


Emirates NBD Headquarters

National Bank of-Dubai Headquarters I will always have a soft spot for the National Bank of Dubai headquarters in Deira. It is the building we moved to Dubai for. My dad was a structural engineer and was called over from Canada to project manage the construction. We'd kind of just heard of Dubai. It was 1993. By 1998 the building was complete and at 125m it was the fifth tallest structure in Dubai. At the time no building was allowed to be taller than Dubai World Trade Center at 158m. Elegantly timeless. Sitting right on the edge of the Creek, it was inspired by the dhow with its t hree parts: t he hull, t he mast and the sail, The curved golden glass facade reflects the sun's rays and distorts the Creek's movements. It is quite a striking spectacle every day at dusk. Nina Valjarevic

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Apart from the old favorites, which disappear on a daily basis to provide space for glitzy new developments, my favourite site must of course be one of the projects where I was involved as the co-designer and executive Architect. The most famous of these is the Emirates NBD Headquarters, a daring design which was internationally recognised and praised as the most beautiful building of its time. The buildings is iconic and appeared on the one Dirham coins of the UAE to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the bank. Dubai's early economy, and therefore the financial strength of the bank, was based on the trading route of the Creek and its boats, which is why the building's form symbolises the open sail of a dhow. Locally however this buildings is familiarly referred to as 'the pregnant building' a nd. or 'the electric s haver' among ot her names. Although people beyond the UAE perhaps know little about the significance of this work (which I spent seven years of my life from concept to completion working on) the design of the Emirates NBD Headquarters has brought me lifelong creative acknowledgment, In the local community. Amir Rahbar

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Dubai Architectural Stories

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Mythlcol bound•ry wall. WTO Mogazlno

Dubai ArchllC!Ctural Stories

The Courtyard

Bani Vas Square There are very few public spaces or squares in Dubai (malls don't count). The most notable and oldest one is Bani Yas Square previously called Nasr Square, and it's my favourite space in Dubai. Fantastic for people watching especially with a shawarma and cocktail juice in hand. It is vibrant, alive and a reminder of the Dubai that I grew up in. Like the people in and around the square (without whom the city would not be possible) it i~ a part of town not celebrated and largely unnoticed.


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A brave move by its founder Dariush Zandi, when it opened in 1998, the Courtyard is a community business centre that marks the beginning of arts and creativity in Dubai in general and in Al Quoz in particular. I love exploring the various creative spaces and concepts it houses as well as feasting on its beautiful aesthetics, greenery and many pretty things. What is most striking about it for me though is the undeniable feeling of zen I get as soon as I step into the Courtyard. Jj; is a welcome escape from hectic pace beyond.


Mohamed Somji Hala Salhi


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Dubai Architectural Stories

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The National Cement Factory If people meet in architecture and buildings are a form of shelter, this building which excludes people disembodies our understanding of spacetheory and traditional modes of encounter. This structure, an open plan (which we all know brings no closure), is a typology celebrated due to its association with modernism or relationship to genius; it sits somewhere between OMA's 'junks pace' an d Marc Auge's 'non -place' and is .yet not a counte r s pace. This 'is a colossal shell filled with air and debris, almost hovering over the city, protecting the fundamental material this city is founded on and constructed with. An enclosure for wanderers building in their imaginary landscapes, their form of utopian no-place a place where meetings cannot occur anyway. Meitha Al Mazrooei

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The Office of the Future - Emirates Towers Footprint


I recently parked and walked towards the new white structures on the footprint of the Emirates Towers. The continuous curved lines - made from a mixture of cement and other material aggregates - forming the organic edges of these structures, make a distinct contrast to the glass and steel geometric regularity of the imposing Emirates Towers beyond. The 'Office of the Future' was inaugurated in May 2016 as the world's first full scale 30 printed building. As the oculus-shaped structures are recessed into greenery to the front, with a vertical garden to the rear, it makes one hope that the workspaces of our future will return us to nature. As I approached the building for the first t ime, I thought of the infinite possibilities opened up by this technological achievement and imagined designing, printing and producing my own office precisely where I might choose, and I appreciated a tranquil sense that this building might really shape a new vision for the work-life balance of people everywhere. Aya Hurbli

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Dubai Architectural Stories



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The Water Tower


It was abandoned for over a decade and I was always intrigued by this location as I drove past. This striking forty metre high structure contributed to Dubai's early modernism and is an optimistic emblem, a signpost forwards pointing to a new generation of bui ldings. The tower at Al Khazzan Park, built In the 1980's, once essentially supplied the district with water but now, with this purpose retired, you are most likely to find guests coming to this landmark to sip coffee in the tranquil surrounding gardens, reopened in 2016. Sven Muller

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Khazzan Dubai, a project by Cultural Engineering (designed by Ahmed Bin Shabib and Rashid Bin Shabib) is set to highlight the importance of vernacular architectural intervention in Dubai. Built by using locally sourced materials such as coral stones, used containers and dhow wood, it opens up a new discursive platform on sustainability and respecting the human scale. The location is set in an existing public park from the SO's with its iconic water tower which holds a sense of nostalgia and place in several local residents memory. Running itself on solar energy, Khazzan Dubai is the newest urban space which provides a platform to promote a diverse and active cultural community allowing intellectual exploration and entertainment. Umer Butt

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Dubai Opera

An Urban Neighbourhood Located at one of the most remote spots years ago, for years this quarter was smiled at and living spaces were cheap. Emaar started to build a water channel, then there were the first six signature towers and everybody was wondering what was going to happen and who was going to move there? Today it has developed into t he most dense of Dubai's sites, Including not only homes but Dubai Tram, a fully developed beachside with restaurants and boutiques and a promenade separated from other traffic, which is ideal for families with children. The success of Dubai Marina among all of Dubai's projects, is the most pleasantly surprising to me.




Despite the extensive growth of the arts and cultural scene in dubai during the past decade, what the city still lacks are dedicated buildings for cultural activities. Dubai Opera helps fill this gap and does so with style. Located in Downtown Dubai it's easy to miss, dwarfed by its neighbour the Burj Khalifa. The building in form is reminiscent of a traditional dhow boat, its decorative features came secondary to their function, as it provides excellent acoustics and views of the stage. Experiencing world-class live performances firsthand is an ultimate luxury and something I value greatly. Dubai Opera gives us that opportunity.

DOWNTOWN DUBAI oJ> .:,,IJ .:,91>

Laura Egerton

Florian Beckmueller




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Dubai Architectural Stories


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Dubai Story-Lines












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My Grandmother's House

The 23 story tall 0-14 office-tower with its 102m height is, while not among the highest towers in Dubai, by far one of the most innovative designs when it comes to advanced sustainable constructions in high rise buildings. With 1,326 openings of different size the elegant perforated shell of 0-14 may have earned it the local nickname the ~.:.chee~e· Tower but the concrete shell is not only a design feature, it is the loadbearing structural exoskeleton. The core and the perforated shell receive all vertical loads, which allows for a flexible, column free interior. In addition the shell shades the glass fa~ade and thereby minimises the heat load. There is a one-meter space between the concrete shell and the windows, which allows the building to be cooled by a convection air stream. Amidst a sea of more generic counterparts, with its sculptural appearance, innovation and sustainability 0-14 is a sophisticated structure that truly stands out. Dominic Wanders

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BUSINESS BAY .,,s;t.,..;:1 1 ~ 1

I often recall my grandmother's old house. I remember what it felt like circling the house bare foot . I remember the texture of the concrete floor outside; cold, covered with chicken feathers, dry flowers and sand. I remember riding a t iny bicycle on one side of the house by the giant tree. I distinctly remember her small store with cupboards that went up to the ceiling (I now understand they were only 2.5 to 3 metres high) filled with jars of vegetables and pickled fruit that she had mad e. Inside this special house there were florals on the Arabic cush ions and walls and all the accents were sweet and feminine. Noor Al Khaja

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I Dubai Architectural Stories


Burj Khalifa

Burj Al Arab Driving along Umm Suqeim from Al Khail is one of my favourite architectural experiences because the Burj Al Arab beckons you toward it like a lighthouse. As you drive on Umm Suqeim, the journey can feel like a rollercoaster with the rolling up and down due to the valleys and peaks of the road. As you go up, you see the full Burj Al Arab, as you go down it begins to disappear and you see only the top of its sails. This rocking motion re peats a few times as you continue along the road. In my mind, I feel like imaginary desert dunes are bringing me to meet the water's edge. The pleasure of watching the bobbing majestic Burj is a highlight on my commute and I look forward to this experiential encounter daily. Jolaine Frizzell


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It is not just 100 km of water pipe, 163 floors , 24,000 windows and a world record, it is the best dav or night out. in the city. You eat ice cream at Fortnum's, you take that photo with it growing out of your head, you walk hand in hand, you get tickets to the opera, you dress up, you gawp at the fountain and there along the promenade it rises.


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Jean Phillips

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Dubai Architectural Sto ries


Pineapple as home II. WTD Magazine.

Framed Infrastructure. WTD Magazine.

Dubai Architectural Stories

My Landy's Defender Rooftop At night, in the middle of the desert, a near perfect relaxing moment, typically following a grilled, melting pure filet dinner around a small log fire, when the camp is settling into desert silence under a million stars. A entle re z ca r sing. A pure moment, peacefully waiting for the magic beauty of the slow rising beams of light coming from the sunrise. Dorian Pauwels

Jumeirah Beach THE DESERT


My favourite place in Dubai would be Jumeirah Beach as the whole experience of going there holds a dear memory to my heart. It is a place that reminds me of my childhoods' best days with my siblings and late father (May god have mercy on his soul). We used to go there every Friday morning, swim, go to Al Safa Union Co-op or Choitrams (which I believe no longer exists). buy candy as we were only allowed to have it at the weekend and then, go back home together for Friday prayer.


Khawla Darwish

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Dubai Architectural Stories

The Seashell Rococo Beachfront Villa

Dubai Design District My favourite space in Dubai is Duba i Design District (d3). The overall design focus permeates from the interior focal concepts and spans outward to the buildings. I love the elegant architecture, which varies in size and to a degree decoration while maintaining a cohesive fluidity. The buildings themselves become an extension of their purpose . • Despite the substantial architecture, there is a feeling of openness surrounding these towers. This space is often activated in an interesting way with innovative design solutions to seating, bike racks and pockets of art. Around each corner, or within the towers, there is a sense of surprise for the unfamiliar visitor who can stumble across a t rove of treasures in art galleries, eateries. or cool design concepts. d3 offers an experience that cannot be found elsewhere in Dubai and offers an assurance that there is no limit to possibility. Alison Roche



You can see the roofline of this villa looming over Jumeirah Road but it has to be experienced up close. To me it represents the effervescence of Dubai, combining very opulent aesthetics wit h fu t urist ic touches. It is completely its own style and I have never seen anything else like it. I take all of my visiting guests to see it. I have no idea who lives there or what it looks like inside but if it is anything like the exterior it must be amazing. It is so over the top but somehow works in its own way.



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Dubai Architectural Stories




Lesley Gray

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Th"e Apple Store

Hyatt Regency

The exterior glazing is completely frameless, which is quite an achievement given its height of what appears to be 15-16m. The glazing is braced with glass mullions comprised of (5) layers of la minated glass that are co ntinuous from floo r to celling. The ceilings are immaculate, down to the custom escutcheon wells for the sprinkler heads. The display tables are flawless with all cabling concealed inside the table and legs. I know my selection of the Apple Store' is so very cliche coming from an Architect, but so many of the details have stayed in my mind since seeing it for the first time.


A hotel and residential building that opened in 1980. A gem of a building in Deira with horizontal concrete and glass stripes that shimmer with a golden glow during sunsets. Tina Turner's UAE debut was at the Hyatt Regency in 1981 and the hotel was also a backdrop for Dubai's one time Grand Prix in 1981. Today it is the weekend backdrop instead to kushti wrestling and cricket but the Hyatt Regency is still eclectically a home to old time Dubai favourites like Al Dawaar rotating restaurant, Hibiki Karaoke Lounge, Premiere Nightclub, a cinema, an ice-skating rink, a secret garden and a mini-golf park.

DEIRA o~.)

Jon Meier Hind Mezaina

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Dubai Architectural Stories

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Concrete The idea of Concrete had been in my mind from the early days when Alserkal Avenue first started. At the time, the land where Concrete now stands still bore evident reminders of the old marble factory that my family used to own and operate. Now, when I stand in the centre of Concrete, it takes me back to the days when I stood in the marble factory. The walls bear the trademarks of OMA and its team of architects, but the essence of that old industrial plant, where marble slabs were cut and polished, still remains, in the details and in the whole. To me, Concrete is a transfiguration from old !Q_rum and it commands attention. There's something captivating about the way that its walls shimmer in the low evening sun. Abdelmonem bin Eisa Alserkal

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Dubai Architectural Stories

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The Emirates Towers

Bosphorous Designed by the developer Emaar, the facades of the buildings on Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard are made in grey but the interiors of the businesses and restaurants on this strip are all unique. Filled with distinct fixtures and fittings, Bosphorous is particularly mesmerizing to me. Each design element seems well considered, from the fencing, seats, tables and flooring, up to the ceiling lights. If you visit the space at night the dining rooms bustle and glow and waiting for food becomes a sensual treat as if this location in the heart of Downtown Dubai were a li t tle slice of Istanbul night-li fe.


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From plump dates and hot gawa in the lobby to attending an auction in the ballroom, you exist momentarily on a plain where anything is possible at the Emirates Towers. Simply rising upward in the glass elevator and stopping at the fiftieth floor, looking out to admire the breadth of Dubai, one immediately gets abstract ideas swirling in the mind. Now in a satisfyingly synchronized feat of urban planning, a special government office has appeared on the footprint three hundred metres below. The Dubai Future Foundation is the new space of dreams, opening exactly two decades after work began to create the innovative Towers.

Hadeel Hisham Rebecca Iglesias

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Dubai Architectural Stories

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Dubai Architecture on Film

Code 46 (Dir. Micheal Winterbottom, 2003)

(2003 ·riJ~ ~.9

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The film is a love story set in the future starring Tim Robbins (William . Geld) and Samantha Morton (Maria Gonzales).

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Genetics are controlled by the state through embryo splitting and cloning techniques. If genetic reproduction does occur naturally, i~ is termed a Code 46 violation. William has to choose between his career and family or his love for Maria. To flee, they have to go to Jebel Ali in Dubai.


Filmed primarily in Shanghai and Dubai, this is a future that is multiethnic and the language includes non-English phrases, but it also has a class structure. The high-rise glossy architecture of Shanghai represents a utopia - the "Inside'', where the healthy and the affluent live in a technologically advanced society. Dubai in this film stands for the "Outside" where people escape to. "I'd always dreamt of Jebel Ali. The Jebel Ali of my father's stories. He told me you could do anything there, as long as you wanted it enough."

Architectural Film Recommendation

by aritist and writer,

~ind Mezaina.

Discover more of her work here

Dubai Architecture on Film

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Do you have a story or memory connected to a building or space in Dubai? Share it with us!

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This November Arch. Season '17 are hosting an exhibition of new Dubai Architectural Stories.


in Dubai? - Why do you personally value this loc~tion? What do you do there? What does it look like?

.. Write 50 - 150 words on your chosen spot and submit your story to the Biennale Team.

Submission deadline is Monday /3 October. Stories will be credited to participants by name. Sencl your 11ame and text to the

tea m@a rch itectu rn Ibie nna

Share Your Stories


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Join in and inform the collective narrative being made about our city's built environment.

• Which is your favourite 1>uilding, place or space



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Study trip

Fall semester 2017

Study trip to the United Arab Emirates Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Masdar City from October Monday 23rd to Friday 27th

Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture Institute of Architecture IAR Technikumstrasse 21 CH-6048 Horw, Lucerne Switzerland +41 41 349 33 11 Head Institute of Architecture Prof. Käferstein, Johannes

Master of Arts in Architecture Focus Architecture & Implementation Prof. Deon, Luca von Arb, Stefan

Participants Prof. Deon, Luca von Arb, Stefan Grossenbacher, Philippe Andres, Dominique Students Guignard, Gilles Hustinx, Charlotte Janssens, Justine Kobayashi, Yuzuko Meier, Guilherme JosĂŠ Roth, Dominic Rumpel, Lars Schweizer, Philip Veireman, Nicolai


Guide Architecture Community for Tourism (ACT): Waleed Hashem


People involved American University of Sharjah, Department of Architecture: George Katodrytis Head of Architecture Department Marcus Farr Juan Ronaldi Benoy: Neil Serridge Masdar Institute: Michelle Sabti Louvre Abu Dhabi: Sarah Louise Nunn Nour Nidal Julio Cesar Rodriguez


Front photo: Burj al Arab Back photo: Yas Viceroy Hotel 6

Part 1 Week Program - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday

p. p. p. p. p.

Part 2 Text reading - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday

and disucssing no text p. 14 p. 32 p. 46 p. 54

8 10 11 12 13

Part 3 Photos by the participants - Monday p. 66 - Tuesday p. 72 - Wednesday p. 74 - Thursday p. 78 - Friday p. 81














Text 1 - Tuesday Marc Angélil Indizien: Zur politischen Ökonomie urbaner Territorien, Niggli Verlag, Sulgen 2006 ISBN 9783721205909 p.52 Dubai Incorporated Zur politischen Ökonomie des Territoriums Hustinx, Charlotte Meier, Guilherme José 14


















Text 2 - Wednesday Rem Koolhaas Delirious New York: Ein retroaktives Manifest fĂźr Manhattan Arch+Verlag, Aachen 1999 ISBN 9783931435004 p.25-28, 63-67, 78-81, 96-97 Needle vs. Globe Rumpel, Lars Schweizer, Philip 32














Text 3 - Thursday Elisabeth Blum, Peter Neitzke Dubai: Stadt aus dem Nichts Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, 2009 ISBN 9783764399528 p.150-156 George Katodrytis: The Dubai Experiment Janssens, Justine Kobayashi, Yuzuko Veireman, Nicolai 46








Text 4 - Friday Otl Aicher Gehen in der WĂźste Fischer S., 2005 ISBN 9783100004307 p.10-17, 22-25, 128-135, 138-139 Die Kur, Gehen mit dem Begleiter, Gehen ist nicht gleich Gehen, Gehen bei Nacht Guignard, Gilles Roth, Dominic 54














Burj Khalifa, SOM

Observation Deck Burj Khalifa





World Trade Center, John Harris

Infinity Tower, SOM





View from Infinity Tower

Palm Jumeirah



Tuesday American University of Sharjah, AUS


College of Architecture, AUS





Burj al Arab, Atkins & Partners

0-14 Tower, Reiser + Umemoto





Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Y. Abdelky

Chandelier at Sheikh Zayed Mosque Wednesday




Masdar City, Foster + Partners

Masdar City, Library building





Masdar City

Boat Ride, Dubai Creek





Al Bastakiya, Traditional buildings

Desert, Dubai-Hatta Road




Study trip group photo


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