IoT & Big Data in Rail

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# 2019 09,50 Euro Austria 09,50 € Switzerland 14,10 SFR BeNeLux 09,50 €


Digital Business // A wide field of Innovation // Internet of trains // RETHINKING RAIL FRIGHT // Preventative Maintenance // Cybercrime // Data Acquisition for Rail infrastructure // Train Staff

Manage assets smarter. Ensure 100% system availability. Create tangible value. With RailigentÂŽ. RailigentÂŽ makes intelligent use of rail data and allows rail operators to improve the return from their assets. Artificial intelligence and sophisticated data analytics are the key to achieve up to 100% availability, optimized maintenance and improved operations. With the best-in-class rail applications from its large partner network the open ecosystem allows for even more comprehensive asset management!


Dear readers, Connected, accepted and profitable. The “Internet of Things” (IoT) plays an ever-increasing role for manufacturers, suppliers and users in the railway sector. From process optimization over cost reduction to service innovation — the industry is aware of the tremendous economic potential of IoT, big data and cloud solutions, and increasingly relies on connected products. Our special issue deals with the topic of customercentered IoT solutions in detail. It quickly becomes clear that the challenge lies in identifying the multitude of possible use cases and selecting the most optimal one for one’s own company or product. Investments are needed – especially small and medium-sized companies often shy away from the investments that go hand in hand with IoT projects. Other reasons are often high complexity, many partners, and a late return on investment. Many risks can be significantly minimized – making the right approach and the right architectural decisions at an early stage is crucial. Not that easy after all, because the sooner investments are made and the more offensive companies get involved, the more risk-taking they have to bring. Our maxim – start small but start!


Dennis Peizert Publisher


8 IOT & Big Data in Rail


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Editorial Top-News

IoT & Big Data in Rail Cover Trying to read a binary series of ones and zeros can be a daunting task. However, you can find out the value of the number with a little logical thinking. People have become accustomed to the decimal system (tens system), simply because they themselves have ten fingers. Computers, however, have only two „fingers“, the states on and off or zero and one. For this reason, the binary system was developed. The term cloud (German: „Wolke“) means the interaction of several servers. The servers take on tasks such as data storage or complicated program sequences. At the same time, the cloud user does not notice how many servers are behind the cloud.


Decisive for the Future of Railway The Rise of IoT and Big Data in Rail was the title of the high-caliber twoday conference.

Digital Business 12


Interview I A bahn manager Interview with Peter Reinshagen, Managing Director of Ermewa SA, on increasing freight transport by rail, climate targets and digital innovations.

Interview II An interview with Gerhard Kress from Siemens about the question how

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data changes not only just rail freight, but our entire rail industry.


Digital thaw With effect from 1 July 2019, Russia partly abolished the ban on imports of agricultural products, cheese and food in transit, thanks to new digital technology.


Rethinking rail freight How railway companies can inspire employees and customers and create a new rail freight experience


ACHAT Infrastruktur Berlin With the construction of a state-ofthe-art washing plant for the trains of the S-Bahn Berlin, the company ACHAT Infrastruktur made its brilli-

ant debut on the German market in 2016.




Conference in Vienna Following overwhelming success in the previous year, another Alpine Rail Optimization Conference will take place in Vienna on October 31, 2019. bahn manager is a media partner.

From Big Data Increasing demand for rail services is putting pressure on network operators across Europe. Finding technological solutions to boost asset reliability and availability isn’t just a nice thing to do it has become a necessity.


DARI® – Data Acquisition With the database solution DARI®, the Goldschmidt Thermit Group developed a globally established platform which intelligently connects your products to a digital interface.


Interview IV At the Munich conference on IoT and Big Data in rail, bahn manager held an interview with the leading French specialist for innovation and digital management at SNCF Fret, Bertrand Minary.


Alliances against cyber criminality Roland Busch, Chief Technical Officer of the Munich-based Siemens Group, makes things clear.

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Imprint Backcover


Interview III In an interview with bahn manager, the longtime CEO of SBB Cargo International Michail Stahlhut breaks a lance for railway personnel and railways, automation and driver assistance.

IOT AND BIG DATA – DECISIVE FOR THE FUTURE OF RAILWAY „THE RISE OF IOT AND BIG DATA IN RAIL“ WAS THE TITLE OF THE HIGH-CALIBER TWO-DAY CONFERENCE, WHICH THE BRITISH ORGANIZER ROTAIA MEDIA HELD FOR THE SECOND TIME AT THE INFINITY HOTEL IN MUNICH AT THE END OF MAY 2019. THE NEXT SUCH CONFERENCE WILL TAKE PLACE AT MUNICH ON 15 AND 16 APRIL 2020. „This is a great opportunity,“ conference producer Holliday told bahn manager, „to bring together providers, transportation companies, and infrastructure managers to discuss how they use the Internet of Things to achieve their transportation capacity goals increase, shorten times and also, to reduce

the maintenance costs of vehicles.“ English was, not surprising in IT topics, conference language. Thus, the German-speaking participants learned that in English language, there are no „data mountains“, but „data lakes“. Figuratively speaking, the English-speaking world collects unsorted data in a Data Lake and makes sure that it does not turn into a data dump. The French expression „Lac de données“ means the same. Only the Germans have to climb a „data mountain“ to get an overview. At the Munich conference, it was innovation specialist Bertrand Minary who „“tamed“ Big Data for the French freight company Fret SNCF. „For several years now, we believe that digital is not just a tool to get good results, but the key to the revolution to find a new model,“ Minary told bahn manager. „We are aware that we have not changed rail freight for decades, we still have old processes, but it’s been 8 months since we’ve been given permission to operate

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the digital train system in real trains. Operate the boxes and sensors from the Traxens solution, then you can automate the brake test from the locomotive cab with only one person inside with one simple device – we have a simple tablet, and the procedure lasts less than fifteen minutes versus an hour and a quarter before, and it’s inevitably less dangerous.“ At present, SNCF Fret has 400 freight cars that communicate digitally with each other. The conference participants of DB Cargo did not want to stand behind. „At the moment, we only have automatic brake tests on experimental vehicles,“ explained DB Cargo manager for intelligent cars, Gerrit Koch to Krax, to bahn manager. „But self-sufficient telematics and sensor systems, that is, freight cars that constantly transmit status data, are already in use for Deutsche Bahn in large quantities – currently over 17,000!“ Any new technical solution is only as

effective as the quality of the data it should process. This was recalled by the representative of the Dutch State Railways NS. Trains of the NS equipped with the corresponding sensors are already reporting data on irregularities in axle bearings and bogies, as well as defective ERTMS balises. Interesting solutions and case studies were also presented by SKF, Trenitalia, Nexiot, Voestalpine, Siemens, ÖBB, Railnova, Frauscher, Infrabel, Plasser & Theurer and Thales. Data security was also discussed – by the companies Waterfall / Osisoft and the security expert of DB Netz. He advised to remove any remote access windows set up when installing complex data systems after completing the installation. Digital attackers like to use such gaps for attacks, said Christian Schlehuber: „It’s like closing a door, but in the lock you leave the key!“

Conference manager Ben Holliday was happy: „This time we’ve attracted over 300 people, so the event is growing in the right direction. As we’ve seen from many presentations, railways are spending millions on wasted funds due to poor maintenance. Such a conference is a great opportunity to bring together railways and suppliers who offer digital technologies to improve maintenance.“ The consistently stimulating and professional lectures changed every 15 minutes. In Munich, the Who Is Who of the railway and data industry came together and used breaks and evening hours for animated networking. The next Ben Holliday-produced conference under the motto „The Rise of IoT and Big Data in Rail“ in Munich will take place on 15 and 16 April 2020. With pleasure, bahn manager will again be a media partner. One may be sure that also in April 2020, the conference will be worth visiting.

More about the IoT Conference from May 2019 can be found on the bahn manager’s video platform on youtube: The conference organizer Ben Holliday in English in the VIDEO interview and a VIDEO with a conference summary in German. Information and registration of attendees under and

Hermann Schmidtendorf Editor in Chief bahn manager Magazine





No more parallel existence: Digitalisation is scheduled for arrival

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Menlo79 Operations Hub: Innovative digital products focus on user and costumer experience and enable a completely new rail freight experience

Rail freight is facing a huge challenge. For years the sector has been struggling with high costs and declining resource productivity while often failing to deliver a reliable and modern transportation service for its customers. Many reasons behind the dilemma are clear and have been known for years. Poor infrastructure development, manual operative processes and lack of modern ITsystems are keeping companies from successfully managing the constantly increasing complexity of our world. Even more, the sector is facing a serious shortage of digital talent with competence in IT and transformation, a situation that must be addressed immediately to turn the ti-

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de. High environmental targets such as 30 percent modal split for rail are beacons to guide us all – however we need to have courage and change our mindset and thinking to reach these goals. THE CHALLENGE New technologies such as Smart Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain have the potential to be the long-awaited solutions that make rail the transport choice of the 21st century – if used correctly. We need a strong will, absolute determination and a new mindset to utilize these opportunities. Many questions are waiting for answers: How can we simplify and support processes with new tools? How can the new technologies help us manage the complexity that has always held us back? How will we interact with our customers in the coming years and decades and what will they expect from a future transportation provider? And finally, how can we make our employees proud again of working in one of the world’s most important industries? It is time for us to RETHINK RAIL FREIGHT. Here is a short guide on how you can join the ride. SET THE RIGHT STRATEGY Start with an honest and open assessment of your compaEXE_ERMEWA PUB TARMAC 182x80mm.pdf



ny’s situation and challenges. Openly discuss limiting constraints such as overcomplex and immobile IT-structures, bad data quality and availability or missing competence in digital transformation. You and your team must understand the road you are going to take – is it a cut through the local woods or are you aiming for the peak of the Everest? Furthermore, you must have a clear target and strategy and you must understand how your business and operating model can and must adapt in the digital age. You can learn a lot from companies that have already gone through the transformation or simply are “digital natives”. Digital business models and companies must be built around new ideas such as user centricity, customer experience and data sharing via platforms. IT’S ALL ABOUT CULTURE Begin fostering a new mindset and culture into your organization. Understand how managing products instead of projects can help you to inspire first your employees and through them your customers with great solutions. Products always look for problems that can be mitigated by creating user value. The user – mostly the employee or customer – is always in the center of your effort, so you need to make sure that you understand his problems and needs to be able to build something useful.



UNDERSTAND YOUR TOOLS It is important to understand which opportunities are coming from using new technologies such as Smart Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain – to name a few. New solutions will change the way your business operates. The way locomotives or drivers and staff will be dispatched and how they will interact with your systems will be transformed with AI. Jobs and job descriptions will change – but will be more exciting in the future. Crossing borders with trains might be as easy as going to the supermarket if blockchains can be established for trust and transparency and customers might be able to change their shipments just hours before departure when live-platforms and IoT are operational. Imagine you could build a new railway company from scratch – how would transports be managed and how would customers interact? Be sure – someone has already started working on it so better not stay behind. While disruptions are already strong in the freight forwarding and trucking industry it doesn’t mean that rail will not be next on the list. Hint: Does your target operational model include a cloud-based IoT platform and a near-time data hub and do you know what you can achieve with such systems? If not – start over.

modern APIs and transformation-hubs to benefit from creativity and open-mindedness. Also do this together with partners to reach a wider audience and to really make a change. We are currently witnessing the fourth industrial revolution. Make sure you have your partners by your side when the tides get higher. Let’s start rethinking rail freight. Together.

CHRISTIAN ALLNER, FABIAN STÖFFLER & STEFAN WAGNER Allner, Stöffler and Wagner combine more than 30 years of operative and strategic experience in rail freight and are thought leaders for railway transformation. With their start-up Menlo79 they are developing innovative digital products, rethinking rail freight and creating a new rail freight experience to inspire both employees and customers.

COOPERATE Understand that you are not alone and form cooperation’s – also with competitors. You have to build alliances and start creating an ecosystem of innovation that empowers start-ups and the cross-company exchange to reinvent rail freight and secure your business by contributing towards a seamless transport experience for your customers. We have made the experience that difficult access to data is one of the main reasons for failure of new ideas and transformation. Establish think-tanks, data platforms with

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Also motivate your most talented experts to take the lead down the tracks and hire new talent where needed despite your overflowing overhead. You need people who take responsibility and you need to empower them to do so. Also, you will have no choice but to start thinking like a software company in the coming years. You must understand how software will change your business model and also that being in control of these new systems will probably be your future core business. Better start now.

velopment; track structure, construction, maintenance and operation of railway networks; intelligent solutions in passenger services; and financial issues in railway development. For the first time, conference languages will be Hungarian, English, and German. Detailed information and registration under See you soon in Budapest. (hfs)



DB Engineering & Consulting Railways for the world of tomorrow. Foto: Claus Weber


In 2017, bahn manager Magazine was the media partner of the railway innovation conference INNORAIL. We are looking forward to being the media partner of the follow-up conference in 2019 as well. The patron will be the Hungarian State Secretary for Transport Mr. László MOSÓCZI (photo) – a partner of bahn manager who gave us some times ago a detailed interview on the development of railways in Hungary. The INNORAIL 2019 will take place from 12.-14. November in Hungary’s capital Budapest – an excellent place for professionals from the European railway industry to discuss, among others, environmental awareness in traction; directions of transport policy; strategies, regulatory environment and financial issues in rail infrastructure de-

As a leading engineering and consulting company in the rail sector, we offer sustainable, made-to-measure mobility and transport solutions. From light rail to high-speed traffic, from industrial railway to complex logistics concepts. No matter what challenges you face – we will find the best solution for your project while always considering the environment. Engineering Design Project management and project control Realization management and construction supervision Design review and acceptance test for rail systems Environment, geotechnics and surveying

Consulting Business Consulting Operations and maintenance Logistics consulting Data analytics and digital solutions DB Rail Academy




CEO of HUPAC Intermodal since mid-2018, previously CEO of SBB Cargo International AG since 2010. After a commitment as an officer of the Bundeswehr, he was previously responsible for management duties in freight transport of DB as well as the railway companies Eichholz, Osthannoversche Eisenbahn and Arriva.

Machines have to be controlled. So on the one hand there may be a few people less, but elsewhere other training goals have to come to it. I think that automation is not a shame, you have to talk about it, it also offers a chance. Because I wonder, where do all the people we need come from. As a railway manager

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fluctuation. If we decide now that we want to grow in Model Split today in the freight transport sector in Germany, then we have a need for at least 5,000 people over the next 13 to 15 years. That’s 400 people a year. The Deutsche Bahn, if it trains 1000 people for signal boxes, for train drivers, for wagon masters, then that’s only a fraction. That means we have to take care of people. Even if we think about automation, people, driving personnel are necessary in the future. We need people – intelligent, good staff.

bahn manager magazine: It seems to be a difficult task for Europe’s transport companies to find staff. Michail Stahlhut: In the end, the staff is the key to success. They have machines in the range of four to five million euros value before each train. People move a device that has a really high balance sheet value. Therefore, it makes no sense to have untrained, poorly trained, poorly motivated colleagues on board. At SBB Cargo, we take care of the deployment of these people internationally. And I think the sector too needs to be much, much more concerned with the staff. Imagine: In freight traffic in Germany we have about 6,000 train drivers. If you see the fluctuation in the next few years – we have an age pyramid that is somewhere in the mid-50’s – then over the next 13 years we will lose some 3,000 people due to age

The interview was conducted by Dennis Peizert and Hermann Schmidtendorf


we stand for bringing the railways forward. Rail is the solution of the future, is the solution for this networked continent. Old grown industries need to be networked with ’rail pipelines’. We do it with staff, with intelligence, and for that we need internationally thinking people and acting people. That means, even a train driver is allowed to speak English. You certainly do not have to write the declaration of love in English, but you have to understand when talking in formats, in commands, what the dispatcher says in Holland or in Switzerland and in Italy. And English should not be a hurdle. The engine driver will continue to be essential for system preservation of our industry in the future. We always assume that Switzerland is a country that is particularly well-to-do and well-performing, and that has full employment. So probably it is not so easy for SBB in the own country to find staff? I’ve been in Switzerland for 8 years. It’s a phenomenon for me – everyone lives by rail. It is „our“ SBB in Switzerland. And without difficulties you find people who want to work for the railway. Quite different in Germany or in other countries, where over the years one has tried by „train bashing“ to put the railroad in the corner. We railwaymen can put us forward and can proudly show what we have created.

We will reduce stowage in the future. We will help reduce global warming, so we will use less CO2. The trucking industry is not asleep, but you find people in Switzerland who say I’m up for it, that’s what I want to do. And I want to help. And in other countries, like Holland, I think that’s going to happen at some point. Let’s get more excited about railways! I think that will convince many people to do the right thing. We are currently discussing the subject of driver assistance systems. There are individual rail freight operators who dare, but also clearly say that the train driver has to accept this. Was this also talked about at SBB Cargo International? Are there any current projects, considerations of introducing such a thing? There are attempts in Switzerland for automated driving in passenger traffic, there are test tracks to do so. I think we were the first in Europe to test that in passenger transport. We will continue this. Of course, driver assistance systems are super important, I think again of CO2 and global warming. If we use less energy in smarter use of vehicles, we help, and we use that. It is natural, you have to say that fairly, also a challenge in an infrastructure, where you are constantly standing and driving as freight – I drive regularly with and accompany train drivers at their service. The worst thing I ex-

perienced was a ride between Mannheim and Basel, when we were queued in Rastatt – before the interruption – behind a passenger train because we were one minute late. We have certainly had 10 to 12 stops on the open track and had extrapolated in kilowatt hours and money 200 Euro more energy consumption. We regularly measure energy consumption. Train drivers have highscore rankings among themselves, and driver assistance systems are a real help. So on the one hand energy efficiency, on the other hand we have the big issue of wear. Is cost savings actually measurable at the end as well, is there any initial empirical value? Compared to energy, we cannot say that yet. Energy is measurable pretty quickly. You can have that just in time. When the shift is done, we know what we have consumed in energy. With wear this is certainly also dependent on measuring points. Measuring points means, when do you set repair intervals, and when can you just measure this wear. But it is clear that if you brake less, if you put in less energy, you will also have less wear. Rolling instead of braking! Rolling instead of standing. For the goods traffic railway is quite well suited. Steel on steel, wheels are super energy efficient, little braking is really great. And this creates fun at the track.


Copyrights Reprint or other reproductions – as well in extracts and / or with the aid of electronic data carriers – only with prior written permission of the publisher. Articles signed by name do not represent the opinion of the editorship. All exploitation rights apply to the publisher. Copyright 2019 for all contributions belongs to the publisher. Liability For manuscripts and illustrations submitted unsolicited no liability accepted. No liability for the correctness of the publications, despite careful checks by the Editors unless acted willfully or grossly negligent. The non-explicit mention of trademarks does not mean that a product is without legal protection. Authors, correspondents and interview partners Nick Brooks, Hermann Schmidtendorf (hfs), Peter Reinshagen, Gerhard Kreß, Christian Allner, Fabian Stöffler, Stefan Wagner, Louis Saadé, Dr. Claudia Stein, Dennis Peizert, Michail Stahlhut, Bertrand Minary

Publishing House Hanse-Medien Verlag GmbH Munstermannskamp 1 21335 Lüneburg Phone 04131 78 98 144 www. hanse-verlag. de Register court and registration number Amtsgericht Lüneburg HRB 206117 Tax number 33/206/02227 Managing Director / Editor Dennis Peizert Editor in chief / office Berlin Hermann Schmidtendorf Bruchsaler Straße 3 10715 Berlin E-Mail Editorial office Dennis Peizert (V.i.S.d.P.) Telefon 04131 78 98 145 E-Mail redaktion@bahn-manager. de Internet www. bahn-manager. de Ads and subscription management Roland Schenke Telefon 04131 78 98 144 E-Mail schenke@bahn-manager. de Graphics/Design MPDesigns Printing House Kössinger AG, Schierling Publication of the German-language magazine 6 times a year ISSN 2367–1998

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31 OCTOBER 2019

WHERE HEAVY RAIL MEETS THE FUTURE: OPTIMISING THE DIGITAL TRENDS THAT ARE REVOLUTIONISING THE ALPINE RAIL SECTOR Following the overwhelming success of the 2018 event, the Alpine Rail Optimisation conference will return to Vienna on the 31st October 2019 at the Industry’s request. Firmly established now as the key event in people’s diaries to access the latest updates and investments for the region, the conference has become the number one platform to bring together the region’s Infrastructure Managers, Rail Operators and leading technology providers to discuss how they are harnessing the latest digital trends that are revolutionising the rail sector for better quality, improved reliability and greater customer service.

KEY TOPICS INCLUDE: ÖBB’s digital business strategy update whilst addressing how they are managing their connected assets through effective CBM and predictive maintenance applications SBB’s strategy of optimising new digital technologies to enable the automation of traditional railway processes DB Netze’s approach to utilise opportunities of digitalization whilst highlighting the benefits as well as its challenges RFI’s methods of improving maintenance through effective post-processing of diagnostic data SNCF’s challenge of taking advantage of the latest digital innovations whilst ensuring they are implemented in an efficient way Rail Cargo Group’s answer to overcoming the challenges in digitalisation when working in a traditional and complex environment DB Cargo’s methods of digitalising its locomotives whilst overcoming the challenges of having a mixed fleet of vehicles

To register your attendance at this exclusive event, please visit: For speaking and sponsoring opportunities, please contact Ben Holliday at to discover how you can be involved.




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