Bailgun Magazine issue #3

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Ausgabe 3 /// August 2006

Twaddle. Hey lovers of Bailgun Magazine! You’ve probably already read it on our homepage or noticed it whilst downloading it: this issue is not as extensive as the previous issues. Oooooh, please don’t be sad now! On the contrary! You should be happy because: We decided to publish more often from now on but with less content. Why? Ask the 56k modem users. Yes, there are still more of them than you would guess! From now on you don’t need to download 40 megabytes or more just because you are interested in one certain article. Got it? Anyway, we will see how our fine little weapon will develop (Flash, flash!). Ah, by the way: you can also check out Bailgun in fullscreen mode! And if you have a broadband connection, have a look at the 150 dpi version! Although it is called “print quality” it does not mean that it is for printing only. No, you will have a better resolution on your screen and you will not encounter ugly pixel-effects, well, unless you have a screen the size of a wall… Ok, so this was enough stupid twaddle, right? Damn, just “turn the page” really quickly. There are the card-players from Copenhagen waiting for you… Markus & Gerd

Cover: Anders Tellen, carve grind. Photo: Gerd Rieger Right photo: Gerd Rieger

Playing Cards in Cope nhagen Photos|Gerd Rieger Text|Markus Mhueller & Gerd Rieger

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


re you ready for a little trip to Denmark’s capital? Well, get on board of Adio’s Teambus and join us on our little journey to Copenhagen! I am sure you can play Mau-Mau (German card game). But why does it have to be Mau-Mau?! Well, you have to find out for yourselves… Ok, it is Easter. Yes, right, it is really already Easter again – well, at least in this text here, because it is about the European Adio Easter Tour 2006. The guys were supposed to ride a little demo at a Copenhagen contest. Hang on! “Were supposed to”?! Eeehhh, in case you have trouble with the past tense, then just imagine that we travel back in time with the team bus, just like Marty McFly and “Doc” Brown used to do! Or will do? Whatever! It all comes down to: Anders fills the Flux Capacitor with some old socks and… “Wooooooow, burning skidmarks. Hey,look, an Easter bunny…”

Right: Chris Aström, wallride. Opener: Anders Tellen, fs ollie, Malmö.

Dardan Sabovich, bs ip.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


e took off in Münster, Westphalia. On board were Anders Tellen and Heike. Dardan Sabovich and Thomas Nowak were dragged into our car in Osnabrück. We would meet the rest of the Adio Team in Copenhagen, but we had to get there first…

Above: Thibaud Fradin, Alex Tushev, Dardan Sabovich, Chris Aström, Jani Leivo.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen

After we were fed up with staring at the passing motorway verges, we decided to challenge each other to Mau-Mau duels in order to while away the long journey time. This monotony lasted until the sea, which all of a sudden appeared between our car and Denmark. This was no problem for Anders though! Skilfully he parted the water… nonsense! Skilfully he steered the car onto one of those big cubicles which ship over the water and in a flash, 45 minutes later, we were on the other side. Before going onshore the whole crew was equipped with Beck’s executive cases, which were acquired on board of the ferry. Beck’s-what?! Well, Beck’s-24-packs which had the size of an executive case. With this special luggage we arrived in the evening in our Copenhagen hotel, where Chris Aström from Sweden, Jani Leivo from Finland, Alex “Sascha” Tushev from Russia and Thibaud Fradin from France were waiting for us.

Jani Leivo, nollie heelip to fakie.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen

Jani Leivo, switch varial heelip.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


uickly the “executive cases” vanished, instead hunger increased. A nearby Pakistani provided us with a proper meal. It was so proper that half of the crew was defeated the same night: First the Pakistani appeared grinning in our dreams, then our stomachs rumbled and finally it came: Montezuma’s horrible revenge. Good if you did not lie in bed anymore and already made it to the loo. However, the Pakistani could not keep us 15 guys from skating through Copenhagen the next day… The Faelledparken is THE city’s outdoor park. It already exists since the 80’s and was continuously updated. There’s a halfpipe, several street obstacles, a mini-ramp and a cool self-made bowlcorner – well, in short, there’s everything a skateboarder’s heart desires! Anders insisted on pulling some nice smith grinds on the really thick corner’s poolcoping. Thibaud Fradin did a lien to tail. Gnarly!

Right: Anders Tellen, fs smith grind.

Thibaud Fradin, switch kickip.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


fter this little trip we headed back to the hotel with several little interruptions, and let me tell you, we were really knackered from skating! So knackered that we couldn’t make it to our rooms anymore but instead broke down in the corridor – playing Mau-Mau… Sascha’s Russian vodka gave us the rest… Oh dear! The next day we went to the aforementioned contest. The guy’s demo was in between the heats and everybody enjoyed Copenhagen’s good indoor park. The only catch here was: The weather was really good and we would have preferred to skate outside rather than sailing through the dusty park… We somehow managed to escape the four giant walls, just in time to check out a cool spot near the beach! There was finest concrete as far as the eye could see, with beautiful curbs, double sets, wallrides, etc. and whilst the sun set it was clear to us that we would return!

Right: Chris Aström, kickflip to fakie.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen

Alex Tushev, ollie staleďŹ sh grab.

Alex Tushev, kickip transfer to fakie.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


f course the weather turned bad the next day! Nevertheless, we went to the beach spot. On our way there, we discovered a sculpture, which just had to be skated! Well, from afar it looked quite good but when we got closer we could see the spot’s difficulty: There was no run-up. One had to put the board onto the sculpture, take a run-up, jump on the board and hope to have enough speed for the bank and the trick. Chris Aström managed this with a 360 flip, Jani with a nollie flip. We found another spot, which seemed to be fallen down straight from architecture’s heaven! It was a square with approximately ten flatrails and a huge bank at its end. Hmmm, we were not really sure whether this place was designed for skateboarding or whether some crazy architect tried to create something really extravagant. Chris threw himself with a kickflip out of the bank over the high fence; Sascha did a really stylish stalefish.

Left: Chris Aström, kickflip over the fence.

Chris Aström, 360 flip to fakie.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen

Alex Tushev, bs kickямВip off the wall.

Playing Cards in Copen hagen


inally we reached the beach and started skating the double set immediately. The sun came out again and we skated till dusk. What a day... Less than 24 hours later we went shortly to the indoor park again, then Chris, Jani and Sascha had to go to the airport in order to catch their planes towards home. The rest of the group still had some spare time and the weather was good, so we decided to make a detour to Malmö, again across the sea. This time captain Anders found a bridge across the sea. Amazing! In Malmö there has been the Dreamland Park for some time now, which we shredded for a couple of hours before returning to Germany – being completely Mau-Mau… So here we are again, back to the future or rather in the here and now! Malmö and Copenhagen are worth a visit and shouldn‘t be missing in your summer-tour plans! The only requirement is to take a card game…

Left: Anders Tellen, 5-0 grind.

Imprint Editors

Gerd Rieger (V.i.S.d.P.) | Markus Mhueller |

Photo Editor Gerd Rieger


Markus Mhueller

Translations Katrin Friedel


Bailgun Magazine Gerd Rieger Zumsande Str. 32 48145 Münster Germany


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©2006 Bailgun Magazine ///

Photo: Gerd Rieger

Coming soon: The Australian Vacation Issue...

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