Bailgun Magazine issue #9

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ISSUE #9 - SPRING 2009


EDITORIAL - Roadtrip to southern Sweden - Dean na Templeton photo exhibition - Roadtrip to northern Sweden - COS-Cup 2008 flashback - 20 years of the Berg Fidel Skatepark preview

- Cover: John Magnusson - bs ollie - Photo: Gerd Rieger TITLE: Sailor at the Naval Air Base wears the new type protective clothing and gas mask designed for use in chemical warfare, Corpus Christi, Texas. These uniforms are lighter than the old type CALL NUMBER: LC-USW36-51 <P&P>[P&P] REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-fsac-1a34870 (digital file from original transparency) LC-USW361-51 (color film copy slide) RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication. MEDIUM: 1 transparency : color. CREATED/PUBLISHED: 1942 August CREATOR: Hollem, Howard R., photographer. The Library of Congress


Basti Wolters, GER

Southern Sweden

Photos and Text: Gerd Rieger

John Magnusson floats an ollie at Sibbarp park.

Southern Sweden A Roadtrip to Malmö and Göteborg

In the week after Easter we took off for a little road trip to southern Sweden. After a 4-5 hour drive from Hamburg we arived at Stapelbäddsparken in Malmö on a nice and sunny afternoon. We sessioned the park and the keyhole pool for a few hours and met up with John Magnusson who showed us the new DIY project at Sibbarp Park. This is a smaller park compared to Stapelbäddsparken but a really fun one. It has little weired trannies and curbs everywhere and the locals just added a new 1/4 pipe for some airtime. As the sun was setting we had a beer by the beach a enjoyed the nice view.

For day 2 of the trip we had planed to drive up to Göteborg to meet up with our friend Axel from and skate the new Action Park that was built by Stefan Hauser and crew. On the way we made a reststop in Falkenberg and also checked out the contruction site of a new park that Ben Schroeder is building. The next stop was just a little later when we tried too find an old 70´s bowl that I skated around 1980 and again in 87.

Latitude: 56.93693 Longitude: 12.41105

Karsten Retzlaff, bs Bertleman slide on the weathered concrete of some 70´s bowl in southern Sweden. 1987 Photo: Fredrik Olson

Wolfganster fs Bertleman slide

Wolfganster rolling into the bowl

Some halfpipe skeleton


Skrea Strand in Falkenberg

Wolfganster grinding the deep end at Action Park

Wolfganster sweeping up the shallow end of the pool at Action Park

Action Park Overview

gettin’ aggro in budweis

The Halfpipe-Bowl at Area 51 The AREA 51 Skatepark is located inside a hill and the tunnlesystem was used by the SKF bearing company for production during WW II. But nowadays there´s all kinds of ramps and bowls in the labyrinth like tunnels of AREA 51.

Magnus Olsevik - invert on the extention


- Meet the hermaphrodit-

Photos: Gerd Rieger What interview?: Lorenzo Taurino


Hell-oh, boys and girls. This is uncle Lorenzo. I’m in Zagreb right now and guilty for not having sent Signor Rieger the promised interview with Ed & his wife Deanna Templeton just in time. Blame my weak mind. I had some funky talkings with a guy who owes me a 5-digit-amount of money and instead of “solving” that problem I just numbed myself. Other things had to be done but I refused to “work” so it all went down the river. Isn’t floating a beautiful thing?

Deanna talking to Werner Lippert and the press


I sit in front of my laptop at a youth hostel. I’m on a SloCroTour

throughout Slovenia & Croatia with a bunch of German riders called “unitedskateboardartists” and I could begin the 3rd sentence in this second chapter with another “I”, but ... now for something completely different. I only got 20 minutes left. The others already left the hostel. We’ll meet at their second skate spot. So, sorry for the stream-of-unconsciousness mess. Wait, ‘sorry‘ is a word only losers use. So? Be it!

Ed checking out Deannas work


Hell well, just bailed my first try. Had to catch the others. So heres ano-

ther try, lets call it a rebate. Im sitting here at a girl’s laptop in Zagreb. Its 3.31 on a Tuesday morning and while shes having a shower ... Uh-oh, here she comes. Will continue tomorrrow. lalalater & love. But, wait ... ”If you need to write something, go ahead. Do you want me to roll a cigarette?“ Superb. Lalalater anyway. Greets & may fatum & fun be with you.

Journalist taking notes

Ed and his Leica


A new day, a new experience. I met that girl from yesterday night at a club. Before approaching her sister (yes, I didn’t know nor did I notice that they look similar – cuz they definitely didn’t. Just ask my uncle, Captain Morgan. He will agree) ... Wait, this sentence is getting too long. Never mind the stale fish. Grab a fresh new sentence and make it a real roastbeef. O.k. Computer, meat is mass murder, but real farmers do it better and with a conscious. So, yeah, fresh meat. Before walking up to that lady I told Patrick Zingerle,

Ed drawing on Daniel Rosins leg

Ed and Daniel Rosin

an Austrian and good and funny character, that it won’t take long. Before coming back alone. But I didn’t come back alone. Mademoiselle First Choice left after a solid intro and her sister, Miss Second Choice, stayed. Later on I stayed at hers. But the best thing was that both of us had 1, 2 healthy slams (sk8&bike) but we were laughing our dumb asses off. I pushed and she gave me her hand cause she wanted to pull me. I was stoked and kissed it. Aaah, romance is wherever you want to seek and see it.

Lorenzo and Deanna


Edeanna also known as Ed and Deanna Templeton stand for what I’m stri-

ving for. I want to meet a person that is free and willed to fall in love. And when we meet we will recognize and spend the rest of our lives t.o.g.e.t.h.e.r. Isn’t romance a beautiful thing? It is! You just be honest to yourself and you will ewoke that feeling that you suppressed for such a long time for whatever reason.

It’s up to you to unleash the beauty of the ’beast!’ Deanna and Ed, for example, stick together. In a golden age of hedonism where not everything that shines is worth digging for, it is great to have a treasure island you can always swim to. And unlike Atlantis that island meant to rise above. Enjoy your holidays. Always. Ever. Ultra. End of depeche mode.


Yup, of course I did do an ordinary interview with Edeanna but essence, the essence is more important to me. Don’t hate the text, hate the writer, beloved reader. By the way, the beloved interview partners can tell me whatever they want. That’s a very common thing with interviews, but in Edeanna’s case I think that everything’s good. Fortunately, I developed the great and bad habit to just see and hear what I’m searching for. And I’m glad that I met a couple that lives what I’m looking for. THANX, EDEANNA!


Deanna and her favorite photo

Northern Sweden

Photos and Text by Fred „el gato negro“ Ferand

“THE PICTUREBOOKS”, budweis hostel, early in the morning

Northern Sweden A Roadtrip to Stockholm and Avesta

When 3 skaters from Marseille, France ask you to join them on a skatetrip, you don‘t spend time second guessing, you pack and hit the road. Marseille has a great skatepark and many locals don‘t bother skate somewhere else. Too bad for them when Sweden is the destination, specially when one of the party is half Swedish. We headed to stockholm, jumped in a hired German car and went straight to a spot extravaganza in 4 days we skated the bjorns tradgard skatepark in Stockholm downtown, the Stockholm skatepark, an indoor facility with a huge vert ramp, a nice and large mini whith a hip and a small peanut bowl with pool coping, the Avesta skatepark, a huge concrete thing in the middle of the country (aprox a hundred kilometers from Stockholm) including a street park and bowls really well made and finaly a wooden private bowl with a clamshell in an industry zone. The country itself is very quiet, we enjoyed having a sauna in the house, we felt like locals, and since three of us were way past their forty years old it was a great way to rest and get some strengh for the upcoming session. We met a lot of great people and are ready to spend another week there, roadtrips are the best, those who stays at home choosing to be the king of their spot are really missing the best part of skateboarding.

Jean - grind - Stockholm


Local -bs smith - Stockholm

Tomas - carve grind - Stockholm

Fredrik Johansson, SWE – Backflip


X - nollie fakie - Avesta

Claude - carve - Avesta

Christophe smith grind - Stockholm

X- fs air - Nordbowl

Kevin Wenzke - grind

COS-BOWL series 2008 Photos: Ludger Aundrup

This is a little flashback on last years COS - Bowl series with

some impressions of the contests at Munich and Oschatz.

München The Keyhole Skatepark, Samstag 26.07.2008: Ca. 32 Grad im Schatten, Bowl Fahrer aus Deutschland und Österreich, 2 Pools, gute Laune und jede Menge krasse Tricks im Deep- und Lowend – München, The Keyhole Bowl: 3 Stunden Session in der Mittagshitze, Fotografen und Filmer die jeden Trick einfangen und Tobi Albert mit über Kopf hohen Airs über die Hips. Tobi gewinnt vor Thilo Nawrocki und Oliver Gorden auf dem dritten Platz konnte durch jede Menge Airs, schönen Grinds und viele Doubles mit diversen Deutschen und Österreichischen Skatern überzeugen. Das neue Contest Format – eine zwei bis drei stündige, offene Session – wurde von allen Fahrern gut angenommen. Alle können ihre härtesten Tricks versuchen, so dass die Zuschauer, Fotografen und Filmer voll auf ihre Kosten kommen. Auch das Bewertungssystem – die Teilnehmer bewerten sich selbst – ist eine sehr faire Sache.

1 Tobias Albert 2 Thilo Nawrocki 3 Oliver Gordon 4 Mario Müller 5 Tobi Fleischer 6 Dominik Kaviani 7 Benjamin Buchwald 8 Markus Suchanek

München Münster Pavel, TSG, Concrete Wave, Koloss Kufstein Vans, 5Boro, Irie Daily, Pilotto Dorfen Boneless Skateshop München Titus München München Kufstein Mäff München Boneless Skateshop

Tobi Albert - big fs air from deep to sallow

tim, on stage, prague

Oschatz Landesgartenschau, Samstag 02.08.2008: Erst Regen, dann Sonnenschein, 2 Stunden Contest Session mit Jürgen H., Kevin W., Thilo N., Daniel B., und viele gute Lokals aus der nahen und ferneren Umgebung. Bifi fuhr entspannt wie immer und landete auf dem sechsten Platz. Daniel Beck zeigte Backside und Frontside Smith am Visor und Dennis Ortmann fette Backside Ollies und Frontside Airs. Jürgen konnte den Contest wegen eines Muskelfaserrisses leider nicht bis zum Schluss skaten und wurde somit Dritter. Thilo sicherte sich mit fetten Modannas über den großen Spine, hohen Airs über die Hips und unendliche vielen Flip- und Grindkombinationen den zweiten Platz. Gewinner Kevin überzeugte durch 540 Boneless, Handplants, Millerflips im Visor, Airs im Deepend, Crailslide im Visor und ewig langen Stay On Runs … Alles in allem war es ein sehr schöner zweiter Tourstop mit viel Spaß, sehr vielen guten Tricks und einem guten Ansager – Mack Mc Kelton. Danke an alle Beteiligten die diesen Tag möglich gemacht haben: Skater, Ansager, Sponsoren, Veranstalter, Filmer, Fotografen, Medienpartner, dem Platsch Erlebnisbad und natürlich den Zuschauern ….

1 Kevin Wenzke Herne 2 Thilo Nawrocki Münster 3 Jürgen Horrwarth Berlin 4 Dennis Ortmann Erfurt 5 Daniel Beck Echzell 6 Manuel „Bifi“ Urban Dresden 7 Christof Friedrich Döbeln 8 Octavio Trinidade Eisenach

Pavel, Quiksilver, Independent, Vans, Wolfsmensch, Fua Skateshop Pavel, TSG, Concrete Wave, Koloss Trap, Etnies, Volcom, Redbull, Nixon, Eastpak, TSG, Fiat Orange Jungle, Pendel Tattoo Independent, Urban Supplies Titus Dresden Rise Above Skateboards Orange Jungle Skateshop

Jack Rowe, USA – Heartattack

Thilo Nawrocki - likes big judo airs over hips

Mack Mc Kelton - desaster

20 Years of

the Monster Bowl Jack Rowe, USA – Tsunami Backflip


Monster Bowl also know as the Berg Fidel Skatepark is celebrating it´s 20th anniversary this year. There have have been some rad sessions over the years with skaters from all over the world. When the Monster Mastership contest was still in Münster one could witness some heated sessions with the top pros shredding the pool and snake run. Names like Hosoi, Miller, Gator, Stratton, Burnquist, Way come to mind doing amazing tricks and lines. Steve Claar lived in Münster for a while in the early 90´s and did the highest ollies over the channel and not to forget Lee Ralph skating barefoot doing smith grinds in the pool. More history and a feature of the 20th anniversary party - the Bergfest in the next issue.

Daniel Beck - fs pivot on edge - Photo: Gerd Rieger Next spread: Claus Grabke - fs rock in the snake run - Photo: Uli Niewöhner

Anders Tellen - blasting a stale fish over the channel - Photo: Gerd Rieger

The BAILGUN BLACK BLOG book - over 256 pages from the Bailgun Black Blog Available at

IMPRINT Editor in ChieF

Gerd Rieger (V.IS.d.P.)


Hanne Wakker

TransLation/ ProGramming

John Young


Lorenzo Taurino Fred Ferand Hanne Wakker Thilo Nawrocki


Fred Ferand Ludger aundrup Claus Grabke Uli Niewöhner


Bailgun Magazine Zumsandestr. 32 48145 Münster Germany


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