Recipe inspiration - Christmas 2021 (Eng)

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Bakels recipe inspiration


y h c n Cru ad e r b r e g n i g GINGERBREAD COOKIES INGREDIENSER Bakels Gingerbread Cake Mix 1000 g Butter 400 g Egg 100 g

METHOD Mix all ingredients with a beater until smooth. Roll out to lengths and cut in desired sizes. Bake in 170°C about 12-15 minutes.

SOFT GINGERBREAD CAKE WITH SAFFRON TOPPING INGREDIENTS Soft Gingerbread Cake Bakels Gingerbread Cake Mix 1000 g Egg 240 g Water 240 g Lingonberries 100 g Saffron Topping Bakels White Fudgice Aromatic Saffron Extract

800 g 15 g

METHOD Soft Gingerbread Cake Mix Gingerbread Cake Mix, egg and water with a paddle for 1 minute on slow speed. Scrape down the edges and mix on medium speed for another 5-6 minutes. Add the lingonberries at the end. Fill upp 450 g in desired baking tin. Bake in 160°C for about 40 minutes. Flip upside down and release the tin directly after baking. Saffron Topping Mix White Fudgice and Saffronextract, pipe it on the cooled cake. Decorated as desire.

CRUNCHY CORN INGREDIENTS Shortbread Wheat flour Sugar Butter

3000 g 1000 g 2000 g

Decoration Bakels Truffle Roasted Corn Bakels Chockex Premium Light

METHOD Shortbread Mix flour, sugar and butter to a short pastry. Put in fridge to rest. Roll out to 2 mm thickness and press out 5 cm circles. Bake in 160°C for 10 minutes to golden. Decoration Pipe Light Truffel on the shortbread circles, dip in crushed Roasted Corn. Dip in Chockex Premium Light.

Corn and chocolate - a great combo!



Moist shopped almonds with some salted water.

INGREDIENTS Petit Choux Bakels Pettina Choux Paste Complete Water 50°C Caramel Mousse Bakels Brilliant Cream Water Heavy cream Bakels Millionaires Caramel Whipped double cream

1000 g 1500 g 320 g 800 g 200 g 150 g 300 g

Petit Choux Mix water and Pettina Choux Paste with a paddle for 4-5 minutes until a smooth texture. Pipe circles in desired size and sprink som almonds on top. Put in the oven at 210°C and bake it in 190°C. Open the valve after 10 minutes and bake for another 20 minutes. Caramel Mousse Whisk Brilliant powder, water and 200 g heavy cream for 3 minutes. Preferably the day before usage. Scale 150 g of the custard. Warm some Millionaires and mix with the custard, fold in 300 g of the lightly whipped cream. Cut the choux-rings in half, pipe som custard on the base and pipe caramel mousse on top. Decorate as desired.

SUSHI OATROLL BIRKES INGREDIENTS Pistachio sponge Bakels Multimix Cake Base Egg Oil Water Aromatic Pistachio Flavour

1000 g 365 g 300 g 230 g 60 g

Rice mousse Bakels Fond Royale Water Rice porridge Whipped double cream

250 g 200 g 1000 g 400 g

Filling Bakels Les Fruits Strawberry Decoration Bakels Digestive Bisquit Crumb Cinnamon, grounded

METHOD Pistachio sponge Mix Multimix, water, oil and eggs with a beater slowly for 1 minute and another 5 minutes on medium speed. Fill 1200 g in a 20x30 capsule and bake at 170°C for 30 minutes. When the capsule has cooled off divide it horizontally and cut out lenghts. Rice mousse Mix Fond Royale with water and blend in the rice porridge. Fold in the lightly whipped cream. Spread the mousse on cling film, about 1 cm thick and 10 cm wide. Place at stick of pistachio sponge along the base and pipe Les Fruits Strawberry along the sponge. Let set for a moment and carefully roll it up into a roll. Put in freezer. Season Digestive Bisquit Crumb with cinnamon. Remove the plastic from the frozen rice mousse and cover it with Digestive Bisquit Crumb. Cut in desired sizes to make it look like Sushi rolls.


OAT BIRKES SAFFRON DOUGHNUT INGREDIENTS Doughnut Bakels Berliner Mix Water Yeast Egg

2000 g 600 g 180 g 400 g

Ginger Cookie Crumbles Bakels Ginger Cake Mix Butter

600 g 150 g

Topping Bakels White Fudgice Aromatic Saffron Extract

800 g 15 g

METHOD Doughnut Mix, water, egg, yeast and Berliner Mix to a smooth dough. Let prove for 20 minutes. Roll out to 1 cm thickness and press out round 8 cm pieces. Put on a wooden tray and let prove another 30 minutes covered with plastic. Boil in 180°C oil. Ginger Cookie Crumbles Mix Ginger Cake Mix and butter to crumbles with a paddle. Roast in oven to golden brown and chrunchy. Topping Mix Fudgice White with Saffron Extract, add few drops of water if needed. First dip the doughnuts in Saffron Fudgice and afterwards the Ginger bread cookie crumbles.

X-MAS FLAVOUR INFERNO INGREDIENTS Puff Pastry Bakels Karitè Gold Wheat flour Egg yolk Salt Water


1000 g 1300 g 120 g 15 g 600 g

Rum raisin Aromatic Rum Flavour Raisin

160 g 800 g

Saffron Crumble Bakels Multimix Cake Base Aromatic Saffron Extract Butter

550 g 20 g 200 g

Mulled wine Jelly Bakels Saphire Glaze Mulled wine

250 g 150 g

Rum mousse Bakels Fond Royale Water Whipped double cream

500 g 400 g 2000 g

METHOD Puff Pastry Mix water, egg yolks, salt and flour. Roll out and fold 2x3 and 2x4. Chill well between folding. Roll out the pastry 2 mm and prick it well. Bake in 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Rum raisin Soak the raisins with Rum Flavour, preferable a couple of days before usage. Saffron Crumble Mix Multimic Cake Base with butter and Saffron Extracts to crumbles. Roast in 180°C to crunchy and golden crumbles. Mulled wine jelly Blend Saphire and mulled wine. Heat until dissolved and fill immediately in silicon moulds. Put in freezer. Rum mousse Mix water and Fond Royale and add the raisins. Fold in the lighty whipped cream in portions. Fill up 1cm thick in a capsule. Put in freezer. When the mousse is deepfrozen put it on top of a sheet of puff pastry. Put another layer of puff pastry and a frozen mousse. Finish with the last sheet of puff pastry. Cut to desired sizes and put a mulled wine jelly together with saffron crumble on top.

n i s t c u Prod e p i c e r r ou CAKE MIX


Art nr: Bakels Multimix Cake Base 3721 Art nr: Bakels Berliner Mix 3760 Art nr: Bakels Ginger Bread Cake Mix 3827 Art nr: Bakels Digestive Bisquit Crumb 3781 Art nr: Bakels Pettina Choux Paste Complete 3295

Art nr: Bakels Chockex Premium Light 5207 Art nr: Bakels Light Truffle 5378



Art nr: Bakels Fond Royale 4212 Art nr: Bakels Brilliant Cream 3367 Art nr: Bakels Millionaires Caramel 4718

Art nr: Bakels Karité Gold 1695


Art nr: Bakels White Fudgice 5797

Art nr: Aromatic Saffron Extract 6040 Art nr: Aromatic Pistaschio Flavour 6262 Art nr: Aromatic Rum Flavour 6370

FRUIT FILLING Art nr: Bakels Les Fruits Strawberry 8808


Visit our website for more inspiration

Bakels Sweden AB | Box 13099 | 402 52 Gothenburg, Sweden +46 (0)31 755 35 00 | | | @bakels.sweden

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