Landscape News Autumn 2022

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The official journal of the British Association of Landscape Industries

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National Chair’s Welcome DEAR MEMBERS

At the time I never realised how much my love of the outdoors would shape my choice of career. Even when stuck in the classroom, I spent most of my time looking out of a window, wanting to be outside. I have been running my own landscaping company, Acre Landscapes, for nearly 15 years and I have experienced the same challenges, successes, and failures many of you will also have gone through. It is with that in mind that I am excited to start my tenure as your new National Chair.

Alongside the rest of our industry, I feel a deep sense of loss and sadness at the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. She had an intense love of the outdoors and all that it stood for, which resonates with us all. We send our heartfelt sympathy to His Majesty King Charles III and The Royal Family.

As I write this, we are witnessing the shocking invasion of Ukraine by Russia. It is heartbreaking to watch this play out on our screens, and my heart goes out to all the people of Ukraine and any members who have staff and relatives affected.

I would first like to thank Richard Kay for his stewardship over the last two years. His work and adaptability through the lock down period was commendable and we will all miss you.

Thank you to all those who voted. I will do my best to keep the ever-increasing momentum going by working closely with Wayne Grills as Chief Executive, Kirsty Wood and the dedicated team at Landscape House, as well as the progressively diverse and supportive Board of Directors. I’m going to support the team to continue with what already works and

introduce in a few positive changes. I will aim to ensure our industry is represented more than ever at Government level - we need to keep reinforcing how much our industry contributes to the UK. Most importantly I want to support you - our members, as much as I can. After all, the Association exists for you and thrives because of your support.

I have been involved with the Association since 1987 when I sat in a Midlands meeting with my employer discussing the use of imported peat with fellow landscapers until closing time. 25 years later I still thrive on discussing industry related issues with fellow landscapers.

I encourage all of you to keep going to local events and national initiatives, the knowledge shared can save valuable time - someone will always have the knowhow that can change how you can do something for the better. It also provides opportunity for collaboration - something that can really strengthen your business.


My passion is GoLandscape, which we devised some 6 years ago. Every event David Dodd and I attended was swamped with calls for more relevant ‘work ready’ landscapers to join the industry, and as a result we developed GoLandscape. We attended colleges, schools and careers events and have been successful in attracting graduates and career changers into landscaping. We now have over 85 GoLandscape ambassadors who give up their time to promote landscaping as a career.

Tessa Johnstone from Johnstone Landscapes will be supporting me as Vice Chair. Her inspiring work on Inclusion

New members (7 June - 2 September 2022)

Accredited Contractor

East Anglia

• The Cambridge Landscaper

North West

• Sapphire External

• N M S Civil Engineering Scotland

• Land Technology South Thames

• Cultura Group

• Brika Contractors

• Hewitt Landscapes

• Total Protection (GB) T/A

TP Surfacing & Coatings

• Total Protection (Landscaping) T/A

Greenstone Landscapes

South West

• Artisan Landscapes

Yorkshire & North East

• Ainsty Timber Marketing


Accredited Supplier Midlands

• Agrovista UK

• Frank P Matthews

North Thames

• Bilco Access Solutions

T/A Howe Green

• Contar Resins

North West

• The Landscape Academy Scotland

• BSW Timber South Thames

• Canoports UK

• Hillier Nurseries

• Positec (UK & Ireland)

Associate Designer South Thames

• Will Wareing

and Diversity will continue, alongside fellow Board director, Adrian Wickham. Within that work, they will embrace another challenge: to make sure that all membership levels and individuals feel represented within the organisation. You can read more about our vision going forwards on page 42.

I look forward to meeting you at industry events over the coming months. The Association is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year - if you have a regional event happening please let me know about it, as I would like to meet as many of you as I can and understand how the Association can continue to best support you going forward.

Take care

Associate Contractor

East Anglia

• Huntingdonshire District Council

South Thames

• Gemini Landscaping


• View Unlimited Landscape Architecture Studio of CUCD

• Chengdu Dream Design Master Co.

• The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art Co.

Student South West

• Alison Jeffery

South Thames

• Emanuela Giacometti

Yorkshire & North East

• Simon Needham Training Provider Midlands

• Fencing and Construction Training North West

• Pennine Partnership

Credit: Scout Johnstone

Editor’s Welcome


The summer of 2022 will go down as one of the warmest and driest yet, with people up and down the country relishing the use of outdoor spaces.

Highlights of the summer have included the Association’s attendance at several shows including RHS Chelsea, RHS Hampton and RHS Tatton. The 50th anniversary celebrations went off with a bang at RHS Tatton with an incredible installation created by Accredited Designer Lee Bestall and the Bestall & Co team that absolutely wowed visitors. The jubilation continued at the gala dinner with the industry coming together to mark 50 years of landscaping excellence and toast to a prosperous future - see more on page 12 and read about the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that took place earlier in the day on page 8.

As the industry continues to move forward in a period that has for many been their busiest yet, the Association

continues to provide ways to support members to get the most out of their membership. Our digital marketing partner, Adtrak share ‘The top three digital trends for landscapers to consider for 2023’, on page 38, and on page 46 we shine a spotlight on how you can advertise your vacancies with BALI Jobs, powered by Horticulture Careers.

This issue of Landscape News marks my final one as the time has come for me to say goodbye as I embark on my next challenge. I am delighted to confirm that Katharine Hughes has been appointed as the Association’s new Marketing and Communications Manager and will be your point of contact going forward. Thank you to all of you for your support, it has been a joy and privilege to learn more about this fantastic industry and I wish you every continued success.

Best wishes. Olivia McCullough

Editor: Katharine Hughes


T: +44(0)24 7669 8656

M: 07800 573351

Sales: Diane McCulloch


T: +44(0)24 7518 5614

Registered address: British Association of Landscape Industries

Landscape House Stoneleigh Park Warwickshire CV8 2LG

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Print and mailing:

Copy Deadline (Winter 2022): Friday 11th November 2022

Contents 6 Chief Executive’s Report 8 Association News 16 Member News 24 Feature: Collaboration 26 Feature: Award Winners 30 Technical 38 Feature: Digital Trends 42 Interview 46 Member Benefit Spotlight 48 Education 50 Events 6 4238 46 50 24 3026 8 16

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Focus on growth over the political summer

We are all feeling the immense loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, who has led our country for 70 years with grace, dignity and strength. As Nigel has said, The Queen was passionate about the outdoors, something we all share across our industry. Our thoughts remain with His Majesty King Charles III and the entire Royal Family at this sad time.

Over the past few months, there has been so much focus on the politics in Westminster, as the Conservative Party voted on the next Prime Minister, with Liz Truss emerging victorious as the UK’s new leader.

She is now charged with steering the UK through a cost-of-living crisis, levelling up the country and driving us towards net zero. All while war rages in Eastern Europe.

This choice made by Conservative members will therefore impact on every community, household and

business. Our finances, our future ambitions, our quality of life, will all be defined by this decision.

That’s why the idea of tax cuts has been such a hot topic. But here we urge caution: tax cuts may be popular, but they are not a comprehensive solution to the cost-of-living crisis. Because they don’t address the underlying causes of weak growthand it’s growth we need to boost the UK’s economy.

Sustainable growth. Shared growth. Not growth that relies only on government or household consumption, which is considered to be risky. Nor measures designed to fuel spending during a period of high inflation, which will likely feed it and add to the public debt.

We need government and business to work together pursuing clear opportunities for greater growth. The CBI reiterated this message in an open letter to the leadership candidates from the

Director-General, Tony Danker, and will be working hard to ensure that there isn’t stasis over the summer, and the message is front of mind with officials and in day-one packs for the new Cabinet.

REC launch new report

A new study from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) says that labour and skills shortages risk significant damage to the UK economy, reducing our productivity and ability to invest, grow and raise wages sustainably. Inaction could lose the UK almost the equivalent of the entire defence budget.

With no action to reduce the shortages, the progress on levelling up, delivering economic growth, and the transition to net zero would be jeopardised.

The REC’s report, Overcoming shortages: How to create a sustainable labour market, provides a number of recommendations for both


business and government on what can be done and urges both firms and politicians to put workforce at the heart of their thinking.

Whatever the outcome of the above, there is likely to be tougher times ahead and your Association will be here to help support you and your business.

Membership engagement

Following a great show season with many Association members winning a myriad of show medals, I would like to congratulate every one of them for ensuring that our industry is continually promoted as a professional industry and for keeping the general public and business engaged in the fantastic industry that we are in.

I have been undertaking a number of member visits as well as the rest of the team here at Landscape House, whether it be meeting with members at their business, shows and exhibitions or as part of one of a number of forum meetings.

Special thanks go out to Mark Gregory at Landform Consultants for his support and help at both RHS Chelsea Flower Show and RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival and to Lee Bestall and Bestall and Co along with CED Stone, Lindum Turf and Hedges Direct for the superb feature installation at RHS Tatton Flower Show as part of the Association’s 50th anniversary celebrations, which created a huge amount of interest at the show and for the Association, from the general public.

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal has gone extremely well, and I am pleased to report that we are well ahead of last year, as well as finishing the year with well over 920 Accredited Members and over 1,800 total. Having approved 47 new members since April this year, we also have 15 members going through the application and approval process. This is great news and shows

that there is a great appetite for the Association and what it can offer its members.

National Landscape Awards

The National Landscape Awards is looking like another fantastic year. This year also sees another high number of first-time entrants submitting projects into the Awards, proving that the largest landscaping Awards in Europe still succeed in entering the history books 46 years on.

The Adjudicators led by Chair of the Judging Panel John Melmoe, spent the summer visiting applicable entries and undertook final deliberations at Landscape House at the end of August. This year’s winners were announced early September - please see page 28 for the full list of winners, and how to book your tickets for this year’s ceremony on 2nd December 2022 at JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane, London.

Congratulations to all those that have won awards and wishing you all the very best for those coveted Principal and Special Awards, and of course the Grand Award, on the day of the ceremony.

Membership Satisfaction Survey

The Association will be sending out its annual membership satisfaction survey in the next month or so. This is a great opportunity to feedback your thoughts on your membership with the Association and to shape our business plan and focus on you, the member. I look forward to seeing your feedback and how you feel the team at Landscape House are working on your behalf. As always, this is your opportunity to feedback on a whole host of services and products that you have as part of your membership benefits including the staff at Landscape House who, I hope, you feel represent you as a member in the most professional of ways.

Events to watch out for Watch the event calendar for what we are up to in the Autumn including

industry shows and exhibitions/ events along with a whole range of regional events and webinars already in the diary. If you’re unsure what your regional committee have planned, please feel free to contact them to ask, call Tina or Sharn from the membership team at Landscape House, or see what’s on at

We look forward to seeing many of you at these events!

Whilst the industry seems to be booming at present with great order books ahead, we shouldn’t forget of course, those who are not quite as fortunate and those that have already experienced real hardship and, in some cases, have had to close down their business and let staff go as it has no longer been viable or possible to keep the business going. I would remind all our members that at times like these we should turn to the myriad of help and support provided by the charities in our sector to see if they can help.

Landscape House Team

Like many businesses, we have experienced the loss of some of the team and have been busy recruiting their replacements so, I would ask for your patience whilst we get new members of the team up to speed and be aware that we will look to continue our excellent service in the interim.

As always, thank you for your continued support and promotion of the association.

50th installation at RHS Tatton wowed the crowds

National Annual General Meeting 2022

OnThursday 15 September 2022 the British Association of Landscape industries held its National Annual General Meeting (AGM) at The Vox, Resorts World, Birmingham.

Over 50 members joined Executive Board Directors, including Immediate Past Chair Matt O’Conner, Vice-Chair Nigel Bowcock, Honorary Treasurer Richard Stone and Chief Executive Wayne Grills for the formal meeting, which was followed by two informative and educational presentations delivered by guest speakers Sophie Stephens, Head of Environment and Sustainability, Ground Control discussing Ground Control’s journey to becoming carbon net zero, including useful tips on how members can begin their journey and promote corporate sustainability within their business; and Rob Neil OBE, Director, Krystal Alliance talking about diversity in the workplace and how members can create a more inclusive workplace.

During the AGM, the propositions passed and approved included the adoption of the financial accounts for the year ending 31st March 2022, the proposal to increase membership fees; the election of Board Directors offering themselves for re-election and the re-appointment of Auditors Benee Consulting.

National Chair Richard Kay has retired from the Board. The Board of Directors and the team at Landscape

House extend their gratitude to Richard for his support and guidance over the numerous years he has served the Association and Industry. Matt O’Conner will therefore continue as Immediate Past Chair. A further four Board Directors retired at this year’s AGM – Rosemary Coldstream, Clive Ivil, Richard Kay and Tony Woods. Again, the Board and the team at Landscape House extend their thanks for the support and time they have given to the Association.

Members unanimously accepted the Director’s recommendations to appoint Nigel Bowcock, Acre Landscapes as National Chair and Tessa Johnstone, Johnstone Landscapes as Vice-Chair.

The Board extends a warm welcome to its four new Directors – Jake Catling, The Landscaping Consultants; Richard Gill, Green-tech; Jenny Hall, W Crowders and Sons; and Tim Howell, Mitie.

Jake Catling

Owner/Director The Landscaping Consultants

Jake is the South Thames Regional Chair and has been heavily involved in the development of the BALI Academy initiative, which he hopes to continue. He also hopes to continue his focus towards further supporting GoLandscape and recruitment across the industry.

Richard has a long history with the Association and is current Vice-Chair of the Yorkshire and North East Committee, as well as a GoLandscape Ambassador. He aims to continue his focus across these areas, as well as supporting the promotion of the Association.

Jenny Hall Head of Sales and Estimating W Crowder and Sons

Jenny, part of a 7th generation family business, with 23 years industry experience has a passion for customer service and brings experience of collaborative working and strategic planning.

Tim Howell Managing Director Mitie

Tim is currently the Chair of BALI-NCF. He would like to see a balance of ensuring the Association is listening to larger organisations, but also ensure these organisations give back, especially in areas such as health and safety, and emerging technologies. He is also keen to support initiatives, including GoLandscape.

Richard Gill Sales Director Green-tech

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From strength to strength for regional events

Our members have enjoyed an incredibly busy summer and, despite the challenges posed by this years unprecedented weather conditions, have prevailed to pull together some fantastic meetings and events across the country.

Networking fun

The summer has seen some creative networking with events including a Yorkshire & North East go karting afternoon and a private tour of the legendary Beth Chatto Gardens with networking dinner, and live talks,

demonstrations and a tour at Griffin Nurseries.

Looking forward, we have some fantastic events coming up for members and non-members, including ‘Explore the electric future with our South West members’, where we will be showcasing the most current equipment and vehicles available to members, giving you the chance to try the products for yourself and see what will benefit your business moving forwards.

Webinar series

We have seen webinars featuring specialists on several subjects including guidance on avoiding disputes with independent expert Leslie Hewitt, how to specify and use preservative treated wood products for landscapers with Gordon Ewbank Director of the WPA, and create time, reduce errors, and scale your profits in as little as 90 days with Nick Ruddle.

We are continuing to develop our range of webinars, and have some interesting topics coming up over the next few months including protecting and planting trees in development projects/ construction with Jeremy Barrell from

TDAG, and a series of webinars with Oracle Solicitors covering a range of legal topics across employment, personal injury and tax.

Mental Health

Our mental health first aid initiative has also been continuing to support members throughout the summer to upskill their teams and make their workplaces a safer and more inclusive space for all.

Places are still available for our October and November courses. Take advantage of our half price offer and secure a place for your business.

Feedback from previous participants

“Absolutely incredible course - Bianca you were outstanding. Totally pleased to have been able to do this. I hope it will help others and myself too.”

“A really wonderful but hard-hitting course. Bianca was just superb and was professional but nurtured us through a difficult course too. Really good content and it has encouraged to go further with how I use the skills learned.”

“The course was very helpful, really feel that I learned a lot in the space of 2 day - Bianca Jones was amazing throughout the course and came across extremely knowledgeable, so a big thank you from me!”

Looking forward

We look forward to many more exciting events and exclusive access tours for the remainder of the year, with our regional committees currently planning for bigger and better events each month. Please visit page 50 to see all upcoming regional events.

If you would like to be a part of this creative and influential process, then we encourage you to engage with your local committee. Your Regional Support Officer Francesca Bienek will happily help you to connect with other members locally.

Beth Chatto Garden Tour Go Karting Winners

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Celebrating 50 AMAZING YEARS

David Spencer, Michael Chance, Peter Killen Jack Moody Landscaping and Civil Engineering Wayne Grills leads the tribute to Her Majesty The Queen

Association members, current and past Board Directors and Chairs joined the Landscape House team at The Vox, Resorts World, Birmingham for a fantastic evening to celebrate the Associations 50th anniversary

Recognising the gravity of recent events, the evening started with a 1 minute silence to reflect and remember Her Majesty Queen

Elizabeth II. This was followed by a toast to all those dear to us who have passed over recent years.

Wayne Grills also led a toast to all the past Chairs who were able to attend the evening, including Peter Jennins, John O Newton, Bill Peebles, David Spencer, Richard Gardiner, Paul Cowell, Robert Field, Paul Downer, and Immediate Past Chair Matt O'Conner.

Following a 3 course meal, the evening kicked up a gear thanks to the amazing band – The Score – who kept guests entertained until the early hours playing a mixed set, which got everyone off their seats and onto the dancefloor, culminating in Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis.

It was a fantastic evening and the team at Landscape House are delighted everyone who attended had such a great night not only celebrating 50 years, but looking forward to the

Nigel Bowcock and Paul Downer The Score entertained late into the evening Easigrass Robert and Dee Field Richard Gardiner and Lynn Skidmore Guests from Adtrak enjoying the evening Ricky Whiteman, Tessa Johnstone, Emily Feeney
Visit website

Farewell from previous Chairman Richard Kay

Iam privileged to have been the Association’s Chair for the past two years and feel honoured to have followed in the footsteps of many industry legends.

I have been involved with the British Association of Landscape Industries for over 20 years, starting at grassroots level representing Green-tech on the Yorkshire and North East regional Committee.

This led to me joining the Board, and in 2020, taking on the role of National Chair. During my time with the Association, I have witnessed the huge strides in member benefits and professionalism which have been delivered over the last 20 years.

Reflecting on my chairmanship

The end of my term as your elected National Chair has gone immensely quick. It goes without saying that my chairmanship was not what I had in mind. Becoming Chair six months into a global pandemic set the tone for many virtual meetings,

board meetings, Regional Connect gatherings, AGM’s and the first virtual National Landscape Awards.

During my time as Chair, I am pleased to report that the strategy and board objectives, from the business plan, have delivered the following over the last three years:

• Growing the membership

• Increased member benefits and support

• Led many collaborative industry initiatives

• Collaborated with the Ornamental Horticulture Round Table Group (OHRG) to commission an independent report “Growing a Green Economy: The importance of ornamental horticulture and landscaping”

• Held the Association’s first Diversity and Inclusion event

• National Contractors Forum reporting on key industry metrics

• GoLandscape going from strength to strength

• Produced the Association’s new three-year strategic plan 2022-2025

The Association’s new overarching strategic themes reflect many of the core values which the Association was founded upon. Raising standards of training and workmanship remains

core to today’s values and is reflected in our stringent vetting and regular re-vetting of members. But this key purpose is delivered alongside a portfolio of membership benefits, including the education, skills, and careers initiative GoLandscape; an active and supportive regional membership network, technical and business support and information, Health & Safety and training accreditation through ROLO and LISS/CSCS; and the annual National Landscape Awards, the largest in Europe. 50 years of landscaping excellence

This year marks the Association’s 50th anniversary and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate all that has been accomplished in partnership with our members. The Association has grown into a UK powerhouse of more than 900 members across nine membership categories with a much larger industry and political focus.

The British Association of Landscape Industries is a grassroots organisation with a national focus. The Association’s success is a great testament to our commitment to providing a first-class membership organisation.

Thank you

As my time as chair draws to a close, I feel indebted to the whole of the Association. BALI is supported by high calibre staff at Landscape House, committed board directors, a dedicated National Landscape Awards judging panel, enthusiastic regional committees, and an expert team of QSR and vetting officers.

The Association is in great shape

This commitment, combined with constant innovation, effort, perseverance, versatility, and a best-in-class mindset, will see the Association continue to succeed over the next 50 years and I, for one, wish it and its membership continued good fortune.

Richard J Kay

National Chairman 2020-2022 Green-tech Chairman 1994- 2022

(L-R) Wayne Grills, Richard Stone, Paul Downer, Matt O'Conner, Richard Kay

Green-Tech supplies custom bioretention soil to experimental City Centre Rain Garden

Liverpool is England’s third largest city with a rich industrial heritage. However, like many cities, it has suffered its fair share of urban decline. Over the past few decades there has been a flurry of redevelopment initiatives to address this decline, all placing Liverpool firmly as one of the UK’s up and coming business destinations.

The urban rain garden at Upper Pitt Street, is an exemplar project (100% externally funded through the EU URBAN GreenUP, showcasing how landscape design combined with SuDS principles can be successfully retrofitted across our cityscapes.

Green considerations

As part of any urban regeneration, it is vital that consideration is given to the green infrastructure. The benefits are many; from the cooling effect from trees, both from the shade and the moisture they give off through transpiration or the filtering of pollution and carbon sequestration via the leaves and the substrates; and the attenuation of rainwater, slowing down the flow of storm water into our overburdened drainage system. In addition, the potential for added biodiversity; the added shrubs, trees or wildflowers providing vital habitats to bees, insects, and other pollinators.

Two of the best and most cost-effective ways of dealing with rainwater and runoff are green roofs, or at ground level, rain gardens. Rain gardens are one of the

leading types of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) put in place to try to mimic water run-off as closely as possible to that in the countryside.

Like bio-swales, rain gardens are designed to take water runoff from impermeable surfaces such as roads and pavements. They filter out contaminants and debris such as silt and vehicular contaminants washed off the road surface by rainfall, whilst holding onto the excess water and slowing down the release, which in turn reduces the pressure on the storm drains. They are effective in removing up 90% of pollutants, and up to 80% of sediments from this surface water runoff.

Liverpool’s urban rain garden is designed to partially attenuate water within Polypipe’s ‘Permavoid’ underground storage crates. This stored water provides passive irrigation to the vegetation above, as well as storm water attenuation.

Rain gardens will usually feature plants that can withstand waterlogging up to 48 hours at a time, as most swales will drain over a period of 12 - 48 hours. Large feature rocks and pebbles also help in the filtration process. For the urban rain garden in Liverpool, plants were chosen for their drought resilience, to suit the specially blended free-draining nature of the substrate.

Green-tech involvement

Accredited Supplier Green-tech has been manufacturing soils since 2004 under the brand name Green-tree. These soils are widely regarded to be amongst the best in

the country, suitable for a wide range of standard and specialist landscaping purposes.

Green-tree offers a wide range of lightweight green roof and podium substrates, as well as rain garden and bioretention soils, all using their British Standard manufactured topsoil as a base.

In this instance, as Liverpool had no previous experience using rain gardens as a “green solution”, it was proposed to create a test area to demonstrate what could be achieved.

Working in partnership with the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), Green-tech supplied three different bioretention blends for testing:

Blend 1 is the standard Green-tree bioretention mix, featuring screened silica sand, green compost and blown clay particles. This provides sufficient permeability to avoid waterlogging, while at the same time providing enough nutrients and organic matter for the shrubs and other vegetation.

Blend 2 is Green-tree’s High Performance bioretention soil, which allows a greater percolation rate, whilst maximising the ability to sequester pollutants from the surface runoff.

Blend 3 is an experimental custom soil containing brick fragments, that in theory should aid permeability, whilst improving filtration. It will be interesting to see how this performs against the more traditional mixes.

The performance of each bed will be monitored by Liverpool City Council, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool and The Merseyside Forest organisation.

The various testing parameters will include:

1. Water flow during storm events and the velocity of discharge.

2. Using moisture probes to monitor moisture and temperature levels between the beds.

3. How the different soils affect: vegetation, pollinators, water quality (and pH levels) and air quality

Commenting on this project Martha Redman, Chartered Landscape Architect from the Sports Turf Research Institute said, “STRI have worked with Green-tech for several years now. Throughout this time, Green-tech has provided invaluable support in developing and delivering customised substates to meet our ever changing, often challenging, design requirements across a variety of sectors.”

Liverpool Rain Garden Credit: Dan Dean Photography

Accredited Supplier Dura Composites’ reversible decking boards were installed on the terrace within the communal garden of The Lock at Greenford Quay in West London to enhance the area’s natural beauty, whilst meeting strict safety standards.

The Lock at Greenford Quay is a development of 194 waterfront apartments, located in the London Borough of Ealing in West London, featuring a beautifully landscaped

garden with innovative seating areas and a stunning rooftop terrace with panoramic views.

Landscape Architects and Environmental Planners, Standerwick Land Design, worked with landscape services specialists, Valley Provincial, to bring the new areas to life. With over 45 years’ experience, Valley Provincial has won multiple awards for its high-end commercial and residential projects.

The company was responsible for the installation of Dura Composites’ Class Bfl fire-rated Dura Deck Flip decking and A2 fire-rated substructure system on the terrace and within the communal garden. Wanting to create a natural look and feel that enhanced the attractive waterside setting, but which met stringent safety protocols, Valley Provincial chose Dura Deck Flip in the Weathered Cedar and Pebble Grey colour pairing.

Dura Deck Flip comes in lengths of 3.66m and is easy to install thanks to its subsurface fixing system, meaning no screws or nails are needed fix the boards in place - leaving a perfect, clean, barefoot friendly deckperfect for the yoga sessions which are already running for new residents on the roof terrace.

The deck is supported by aluminium Dura Pedestal and Dura Bearers with an anti-glare anthracite coloured powder-coated finish which achieves a Class A2 fire rating in accordance with EN13501-1 and can be combined in 42 different ways to create a precise height, which can be as small as a 10mm adjustment when installing any bearer option in combination with the 25.5mm pedestal. Find out more at

gardens and a green roof, to supply their quality topsoil and green roof substrates to help execute the vision. Plot 15 will be defined by four key themes: Reuse, Display, Inspire and Remember, and will take its design inspiration from John Evelyn’s approach to experimental planting, focusing on year-round interest, adaptation to a changing climate, and improvements to air quality and well-being.

Accredited Supplier and landscaping products specialist, Boughton has partnered with leading landscape design firms, Gillespies and Andy Sturgeon Design, across multiple plots on a 40-hectare, multi-million-pound masterplan to regenerate the historic dockyard site in Deptford, London.

First developed in 1513 by King Henry VIII to build vessels for the

Royal Navy, Convoy Wharf was at the heart of Deptford and holds great historic significance within the City of London. The area is a now a neglected 16.6 ha brownfield site but is set to be completely transformed under exciting plans by international architect, Farrells.

Boughton has been specified by Andy Sturgeon Design on Plot 15, a residential plot incorporating

Boughton is also working with global firm Gillespies, which has been involved in the designs for plots 7, 14 and 21. These plots will provide a range of open plazas for cultural events, green pocket gardens, residential streets with integrated SuDs, and a sequence of safe and effective linkages that will sensitively connect the new development to the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Boughton’s NBS specified product portfolio includes a range of topsoil, subsoil, green roof substrates, and urban tree soil. For more information, visit

Dura Composites completes decking project for The Lock, Greenford Quay
Boughton joins forces on ambitious redesign of historic royal dockyards, Convoys Wharf

Accredited Supplier ISEKI’s machines are helping to maintain the Garden of Cosmic Speculationan incredible 30-acre sculpture garden located at Portrack House, near Dumfries in South West Scotland.

Forty major areas, gardens, bridges, landforms, sculptures, terraces, fences and architectural works, the Garden of Cosmic Speculation is a sight to behold. The masterpiece features landscape work based on the Big Bang, geometric fractals, twisting DNA helixes, and black holes.

Groundcare Manager at Portrack House, Ben Wakefield, admits that he is fortunate to work at such a magical site. In maintaining the vast area, Ben claims he needs every machine to be a ‘workhorse’ and it is for this reason that there was only one brand he considered when he needed a new tractor.

Ben said: “The machinery we have had from ISEKI in the past has covered all the bases. We have found them to be reliable, trustworthy, strong and they have taken literally everything we have thrown at them.”

Ben recently added the ISEKI TXGS24 compact tractor to his fleet. Used in a huge range of applications where a small multi-use sub compact tractor is required, the TXGS24 is the ultimate compact multi-purpose tractor.

“We use it for everything,” said Ben. “It has the digger bucket on it, so we use it for excavating and landscaping purposes. It also has a trailer attachment, so we use it a lot for collecting grass and leaves. It is our generalpurpose machine - basically if we can attach something to it, then we can use it.”

Ben also has the ISEKI TXG237 compact tractor to assist him, as well as the ISEKI SXG323 ride-on mower. The SXG Range is the ultimate in cut and collection mowers, with the ability to perform exceptionally even in the wet conditions.

While Ben and his team are surrounded by a garden inspired by modern cosmology, he admits that he has his very own set of stars.

“Quite simply, ISEKI has a range of machinery that caters exactly for what we need. I would recommend these machines to absolutely anyone.”

Cosmic ISEKI stars at Portrack House Contact your local dealer to book a demo on your site today! “We already had a SXG ride-on mower and a compact tractor tractor from ISEKI, we wanted to extend our fleet and so purchased another TXGS24 subcompact tractor. The machinery we have had from ISEKI in the past has covered all the bases for landscaping the gardens and keeping the lawns looking immaculate. We have found them to be reliable, trustworthy, strong and they have taken literally everything we have thrown at them… and even a little bit more.” BenWakefield,Groundcare Manager,Portrack House,Garden of Cosmic Speculation DEMAND QUALITY, WHY COMPROMISE?
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Accredited supplier Hy-Tex UK supplied over 400m² of their popular CoirMesh™, a biodegradable woven coconut fibre mesh, to Banchory Skate Park in Scotland this past summer.

Hy-Tex were approached by Banchory Skate Park Group alongside Deeside Climate Action Network, a group of volunteers living in Royal Deeside in Aberdeenshire, who want to lead positive shifts to minimise climate change, reduce waste and decrease the loss of biodiversity.

Spearheaded by Russ Crichton, chairman of the Banchory Skate Park Group, the major expansion and renovation of the skate park in Kincardineshire has really started to take shape. At the time of print, the project is still ongoing, however Hy-Tex’s CoirMesh™ has now been laid around the skate park, with further developments and an official case study to follow as the vegetation establishes around the skate park perimeter as planned.

The volunteer group wanted to ensure that the back slopes of the new skate park

renovation were stabilised before planting wildflowers and perennial shrubs. One of the key elements of the village project was to be wildlife friendly, so when the group discovered Hy-Tex’s CoirMesh™ erosion control matting range controls soil loss and creates a favourable microclimate to promote growth, it was perfect for them.

Hy-Tex’s CoirMesh™ are open weave, pure coconut, meshes that offer the strongest and most durable natural fibre surface erosion control solution - and work effectively on sites where erosion forces are harsh, or plants are slow to develop. There are 3 primary grades of CoirMesh™ which can help for when holding down turf and heather brashings, general erosion control of banks and slopes and when erosion control is required alongside rivers, streams, swales, and run-off ditches.

In other news, Hy-Tex UK recently exhibited at APF 2022 - the UK’s largest forestry, woodland, arboriculture, fencing and biomass event in Warwickshire. The Kent based company showcased their new Eco-Haven™ Tree Guards, an entirely new range of fully biodegradable - but highly durable - tree guards, shrub shelters and vine sleeves.

For further information and updates on Hy-Tex UK, visit

under development for a long-time. It is now a standard feature on the Tiny Pro X and is a simple 3-step feature for the end user, allowing them to customise fields for events or occasions in a way that was not easily possible before.

The ’Multi-Select’ tool is another timesaving and efficient new feature which enables users to queue up multiple fields to be marked out in a specific order.

A simple yet revolutionary feature is the new low paint alert system. When the robot is running low on paint, an automatic alert is sent to the user’s hand-held tablet notifying them of the paint levels. This is a muchwelcomed feature which avoids time being wasted marking out a field with no paint in the tank.

New Robotic line marker launched by Tiny Mobile Robots

Accredited Supplier Origin Amenity Solutions, UK distributor of Tiny Mobile Robots is delighted to announce the launch of the Tiny Pro X robotic line marker to the UK market. The Tiny Pro X hosts a range of brand new features designed to enhance the end

users experience and make GPS robotic line marking easier and more accurate than ever.

Perhaps the most sought-after new feature is the ability to mark out custom logos. This is something that the company has been asked for constantly and has been

In addition to these, the Tiny Pro X offers many more improvements, including general upgrades to the hardware and software for a largely improved experience on what was already a solid offering from the existing range of robots. The electronics within the robot have been enhanced, allowing for more reliable and powerful line marking in a range of project areas, and the external design has been enhanced, with the addition of buttons to activate pump and nozzle, enabling users to prime, clean and test without using the tablet.

Hy-Tex supply biodegradable erosion control mesh for new skate park renovation in Scotland
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Remote fleet management made easy with innovative telematics solutions

There’s no doubt that the past couple of years have had an impact on fleet management - with challenges brought about by pandemic and the national lockdown. Vehicles, trailers and machinery were either sat idle at closed depots, sites and yards or parked up on employees’ driveways.

Fast forward to summer 2022 and while it has been ‘back to business as usual’ for many, some companies have continued with the viable option of home, flexible or hybrid

working. So, with many companies changing their way of working, is it time to introduce new measures and solutions to adequately manage a mixed fleet remotely?

With staff, vehicles and assets spread over a wider area, innovative telematics solutions provider and Accredited Supplier ABAX is fully aware of the challenges and headaches of managing vehicles, plant and tools.

The data and technology are tried and tested to overcome issues like vehicle tracking, minimising vehicle downtime,

UltraScape’s summer romance with the RHS

A number of UltraScape materials were used in the construction of Rachel’s Covid Recovery Garden including pro-bed HS bedding mortar, pro-prime slurry primer, flowpoint fine in Natural Grey and slipbond brick slip adhesive.

improving driving behaviour, cutting down on wasted administration time, curbing any vehicle misuse as well as increasing security and monitoring.

Theft continues to create issues for businesses, with a 2021 CensusWide study revealing that stolen vehicles or equipment costs fleet-based businesses an average of £12,250 each year. The report found that GPS asset tracking devices are used in only half (52%) of vehicles. Even fewer businesses were using GPS tracking on portable assets such as tools (32%), construction equipment (24%) and on cargo pallets (21%).

However, this is something that ABAX has first-hand experience and success of helping customers with, including Redcliffe Tree Surgery - which used its ABAX installed trackers to recover a van that was stolen overnight from the owner Richard Boettcher’s driveway. Having reported the vehicle missing to police, Richard was able to use the ABAX app to accurately track the whereabouts of the van and alert officers to its location. From reporting the vehicle missing to its recovery it took just 40 minutes!

For information on ABAX’s smart solutions visit

designing BBC Radio 2 and The One Show’s ‘Sow Grow and Show Garden’ at 2022 RHS Tatton Park. Created to celebrate and encourage ‘growing our own’ Joe’s stunning garden featured a potting bench, raised beds full of carrots, salad leaves and potatoes, and an ‘abundance of beautiful grasses and perennials’.

Claude Monet once famously said, “My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece”, and after their market-leading materials featured in three award-winning RHS gardens, this is a sentiment certainly shared by UltraScape.

A Silver Gilt Medal, Best Construction Award and Best Young Designer are three prestigious accolades awarded to Rachel Platt at RHS Tatton Park for her stunning ‘Covid Recovery Garden’. Designed to ‘give those suffering from long Covid an accessible, restorative space’, Rachel’s breath-taking garden featured a tree with messages of support and remembrance, transparent arbour and rain garden.

Silver Gilt Medal Award winner, Bea Tann, the youngest gardener to feature at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, used UltraScape slipbond and cempoint to install the reclaimed rough stone bricks in her ‘Enchanted Rain Garden’. Inspired by a rainy day in Manchester, Bea’s gorgeous garden features ‘robust, deep green planting with waxy textures that glisten when wet.’

Joe Swift, much-loved garden designer and TV Presenter, had the honour of

UltraScape’s bedding and priming materials were used to install the paving in the eyecatching garden, which framed the beautiful wooden seating areas.

Gareth Wilson, a highly respected and regarded Garden and Landscape Consultant, advised on the design and build of each of these spectacular gardens. On working with UltraScape, he commented: “Over the last few years I’ve worked closely with UltraScape using a wide range of their products, especially when I’ve been building RHS show gardens at Chelsea, Hampton Court and Tatton, where product reliability and peace of mind are essential. Not only are UltraScape products British Standard backed but also the UltraScape team are an absolute dream to work with. For all your all your landscaping product needs I highly recommend UltraScape.”

UltraScape were honoured to have supported, and sponsored, each of these beautiful gardens.


Covid Recovery Garden, Rachel Platt Sow Grow and Show Garden, Joe Swift


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How collaboration can be the key to success

Mark Stanton, group civils manager at builders’ merchant, Beesley & Fildes, and Andrew Miller, head of sales for independent builders merchants at Accredited Supplier Marshalls, explain how collaboration is benefiting both companies and their customers.

As Beesley & Fildes sole supplier of concrete paving and kerbs for civils projects, Marshalls has forged a strong relationship with the independent builder’s merchant. For more than two decades, the businesses have been working together to bolster their offer for customers, create a reliable supply chain and drive sales.

In 2016, Marshalls decided to grow its business with independent builders’ merchants, creating further benefits for both companies and their customers.

“We wanted to work more closely with independents to further strengthen our supply chain,” explains Andrew Miller. “To achieve this, Marshalls launched an independent Merchant Trading Channel

in 2016. The team which included both external and internal sales teams in addition to a dedicated trade marketing resource are solely focused on supporting merchant growth through their award-winning Marshalls and Stonemarket brand propositions”.

Creating new opportunities

As part of this strategy, Marshalls’ partnership with Beesley & Fildes has continued to strengthen and evolve. Most recently, this has seen the merchant bring Marshalls’ landscaping products into its branches, including Indian stone and block paving.

The range is centred on more premium, higher priced products, with the strength of the Marshalls brand helping to attract contractors and consumers into branch. This has also enabled Beesley & Fildes to broaden its existing landscaping offer. Customers can now choose from a much wider variety of paving that can meet all budgets which also provides opportunities for upselling in branch.

“We have a really strong brand alignment with Marshalls and that’s

been key to the development of our partnership,” says Mark Stanton. “We share the same values in terms of safety and quality, and focus on more than just the price of products. To attract customers, we consider our whole proposition, including the quality of our service.”

Beesley & Fildes’ extensive branch network and the strength of is people are additional factors in the partnership’s evolution. With 11 large branches across the North West, the merchant has the space to stock

Mark Stanton, Group Civils Manager, Beesley & Fildes Marshalls Key Kerb

Marshalls broad product range, and the resources to deliver direct to site, helping to attract contractors.

As a family business, Beesley & Fildes provides a personal service and has strong expertise in branch delivered by long-standing staff members, strengthening Marshalls’ offer to customers.

Balancing supply and demand

An effective salesforce combined with a strong brand is helping to drive demand for Marshalls’ products at Beesley & Fildes, which is bolstered by initiatives such as the Marshalls Register of Accredited Landscape Contractors and Driveway Installers.

Independent, professional installers that wish to join the scheme are thoroughly assessed to ensure installation standards are maintained. End users are offered a Hard Landscape Guarantee, which covers the failure of the product for 10 years and workmanship for five years.

Approved installers benefit from sales referrals and other rewards that help to strengthen their relationship with Marshalls, and local stockists are proactively promoted, helping to drive footfall and sales.

“Ensuring products continue to sell well in branch is essential for both parties,” says Mark. “The trade marketing support we receive is key

to this and we also work closely with Marshalls to develop our sales plans.”

As demand grows, so does the need to maintain high stock levels.

“To enable us to compete successfully, certainty of supply is far more important than price,” explains Mark. “Our customers expect an independent merchant to provide a reliable and agile service, so it’s essential that our suppliers have consistently high stock availability. The good stock levels Marshalls can provide enables us to meet customer expectations regarding supply. This is crucial to prevent site delays.”

Delivering results

The success of this collaborative approach has seen Beesley & Fildes become a significant stockist of Marshalls products. Within the last two years, sales of Marshalls products at Beesley & Fildes have increased from £250,000 to £1.6m and are expected to rise to £2.2m by the end of the next financial year.

At Marshalls, the strategic move to focus on the independent builders’ merchant market has achieved strong growth. Over the last six years, sales through independent merchants have increased by more than 180 percent.

“The profile of independent builders merchants has never been higher, driven by a strong appetite for more

than just products” reflects Andrew. “Every month, we seek feedback from circa 1,200 registered installers and on average, 73 percent want to do more business with the independents because of the service they provide, broad product range and the expertise in branch.

“That’s why we’ll continue to focus on developing relationships with independents like Beesley & Fildes which have a strong reputation in their region.”

Concludes Mark: “An understanding of the strengths of both of our businesses coupled with some strategic support, has not only kept sales strong but enabled us to manage the expectations of our customers in challenging times - and deliver the best possible service.”

Find out more about Accredited Supplier Marshalls at

Marshalls standard block paving Marshalls Firedstone Adara Grey Hero

This Year’s National Landscape Award Winners Announced

The British Association of Landscape Industries is excited to announce 63 winners of the 2022 National Landscape Awards.

It is a year of multiple awards, with 13 members scooping more than one, including Accredited Contractor Nurture Landscapes receiving an unprecedented six and Wright Landscapes close behind with five. In total, 39 members were recognised with awards across 27 categories. All will now be looking to December to compete for the Principals, Specials and sought-after Grand Award at this year’s ceremony.

The National Landscape Awards’ expert Judging Panel, led by experienced Chair, John Melmoe, were joined by Chief Executive, Wayne Grills and Events Project Manager, Emily Feeney for three days of deliberation, where every entry was reviewed and scrutinised. This process is no easy task, requiring meticulous attention to detail to ensure the highest level of standards are met and recognised.

John Melmoe commented on this year’s entries: “The most difficult element of any project to deliver, is the final 5 percent. It is this small difference that separates average schemes from great ones. Experienced, well managed members respond to clients or

programme pressures with the required resources and are determined to ensure the highest standards are maintained. During the review and deliberation process, we often comment on the elusive and, in many cases critical last 5 percent. We have seen some basic, relatively low budget schemes executed to a remarkable standard. We have also seen high value, iconic projects missing that vital last step. It is self-evident from the number of entries and client’s reactions over the years, that the kudos of receiving a National Landscape Award remains highly respected within the industry. This year’s entries continue to showcase the complex and diverse nature of our industry, with some truly exemplary projects.”

Chief Executive, Wayne Grills adds: “Year on year I am amazed by the skill and creativity the Association’s members have in creating exceptional spaces for their clients and this year’s winners have been no exception. Everyone on the Judging Panel feels the responsibility to ensure they are recognising truly exceptional, client focussed solutions. We are also excited to see a growing focus towards integrating environmental and sustainable solutions within the practical requirements of the project.”

Following a spectacular return to a physical event in 2021, the National Landscape Awards ceremony will once again be held at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House, Park Lane, in London on 2 December 2022. This year’s ceremony will be hosted by actor and writer Ralf Little, best known for television comedy and the roles of Antony Royle in The Royle Family and Jonny Keogh in the first six series of Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. He is an accomplished awards host and a charismatic and entertaining presenter.

The team at Landscape House, the board of directors and the Judging Panel wishes to congratulate every Association member who has won a 2022 National Landscape Award and thank every member that entered this year. We extend our gratitude to our committed and loyal sponsors, including headline sponsor Greentech, for their continued support, as well as our welcome and thanks to our new sponsors.

View the winners and buy tickets online at

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2022 National Landscape Award Winners

Domestic Garden ConstructionUnder £30K, sponsored by Hedges Direct

• Graduate Gardeners for Private Garden in Cheltenham

• Water Gems (Alba) for Orwell Cottage

• Water Gems (Alba) for Abbotsford Crescent

• PWP Landscape for Private Garden in Horsforth

Domestic Garden ConstructionBetween £30K - £60K, sponsored by Ecoscape UK

• FirstLight Landscaping for Ridgeway

• Shoots & Leaves for New House, New Garden

Domestic Garden ConstructionBetween £100K - £250K, sponsored by Van den Berk Nurseries

• HG Landscapes for Bathgate

• Ellicar for Wildlife & Water Garden in Nottinghamshire

• Graduate Gardeners for Private Garden in Painswick

• The Garden Company for West Hill

Domestic Garden ConstructionOver £250K, sponsored by Europlants UK

• Bowles & Wyer for A Contemporary Garden in Hampstead

• Wright Landscapes for Private Garden in Cheshire

• Bluestone Landscapes for Orchard View

Domestic Garden ConstructionSoft Landscaping

• Ellicar for Wildlife & Plant Enthusiasts Garden

• Ellicar for Yorkshire Plant Lovers Garden

Soft Landscaping Construction (non-domestic) - Under £500K, sponsored by Hillier Nurseries

• Wright Landscapes for Blackfriars Pub

• Frosts Landscape Construction for SACO Hotel

Soft Landscaping Construction (non-domestic) - Over £500K, sponsored by Johnsons of Whixley

• Living Landscapes for Circle Square

Hard Landscaping Construction (non-domestic) - Under £500K

• Tivoli Group for Microsoft Twycross - Pond Project

• Elmtree Garden Contractors for Camping Field at The Wave

Hard Landscaping Construction (non-domestic) - Over £500K, sponsored by MCM

• idverde for Alfred Place

• P. Casey (Land Reclamation) for Kampus Manchester

• Elite Landscapes for Borough Yards

• Maylim for Exchange Square Community & Schools Development

• Landform Consultants for RHS Hilltop

• idverde for Abbotts Lane Linear Park

• Ground Control for Planting a Legacy

Maylim - Lancer Square

Regeneration SchemeOver £500K, sponsored by ICL Turf & Landscape

• Wright Landscapes for Castle Irwell Development Scheme

• Frosts Landscape Construction for Reading International Business Park

Grounds Maintenance - Free Public Access, sponsored by Reesink UK

• Landform Consultants for The Garden at 120

• Nurture Landscapes for Cranfield University

• Nurture Landscapes for Kings Cross Estate

• Tony Benger Landscaping for Cranbrook Country Park

Grounds MaintenanceLimited Public Access

• Nurture Landscapes for Winnersh Triangle Business Park

Accredited Contractor & Accredited Designer Joint Submission, sponsored by Easigrass

• Karen McClure MBALI & Verde Landscapes for Great Art Picks up Where Nature Ends…

Interior Landscape - Installation

• Nurture Landscapes for Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Interior Landscape - Maintenance

• Nurture Landscapes for 250 Bishopsgate

Residential Roof Garden or Podium Landscaping - Over £250K

• Maylim for Lancer Square

Commercial Roof Garden or Podium Landscaping - Under £500K, sponsored by Bourne Amenity

• Bowles & Wyer for 78 St James’s Street

Commercial Roof Garden or Podium Landscaping - Over £500K, sponsored by Green-tree Topsoil

• Elite Landscapes for London Dock - C1-C3

Exterior Living Wall Installation

• Bowles & Wyer for 15 Grosvenor Square

• Biotecture for Canary Wharf Estate Greening Phase One

Nature Conservation & Biodiversity Enhancement, sponsored by Ground Control

• Wright Landscapes for Castle Irwell Development Scheme

• Tony Benger Landscaping for Newlands

Design Excellence - Overall Scheme

Under £50K, sponsored by RSK Habitat Management

• Rosemary Coldstream MBALI for A Rooftop Oasis

Design Excellence - Overall Scheme Over £100K, sponsored by Polypipe Civils & Green Urbanisation

• John Wyer MBALI for A Contemporary Garden in Hampstead

• James Scott MBALI for West Hill

International - International Members, sponsored by Landscape Institute

• The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art for Reconnect to Nature

• ECOLAND Planning and Design Corp. for A Sustainable Waterfront Park

• DDON Planning and Design Co. for The Cifi Central Plaza of Lu’an

• DDON Planning and Design Co. for Oriental Zen in Modern Dwelling

• DDON Planning and Design Co. for The Jinmao Ease Villa Show Flats

• DDON Planning and Design Co. for Nanjing Mountain and City Garden

• GND Design for CITIC - Lake Forest

• Chengdu Dream Design Master Co. for Fengqitai Art and Life Museum

Supplier Exceptional Service, sponsored by idverde


• Adtrak

• The Landscape Academy

Employer Excellence - Turnover Under £2.5M, sponsored by Wright Landscapes

• Garden Club London

Employer Excellence - Turnover Over £2.5M, sponsored by Fresh Horticultural Careers

• Thirteen Housing Group

• Nurture Landscapes

• Wright Landscapes

• London Stone

Thank you to this year’s Special Award sponsors CED Stone Group, Makita UK and Springbridge Direct, as well as headline sponsor Green-tech. All Special Award winners and the Grand Award will be announced at this year’s ceremony on the 2 December 2022.

Wright Landscapes - Private Garden in Cheshire

Amenity grass and climate change

Judged by area alone, domestic lawns are the most common feature of urban green space worldwide. Research suggests in the UK they may cover up to 248,000ha, an area more than seven times the area of local nature reserves in the UK, whereas in America turf grass and lawn coverage are estimated at 16,400,000ha, making it the single largest irrigated crop.

Whilst the lawn, as part of a designed landscape, can be traced to aristocratic palaces in the 1600s, lawns as part of a residential

property increased as developments expanded from urban centres into surrounding rural land, allowing more space between homes. Grass around houses as part of a development helped create the illusion of a continuous green field and fostered a sense of community; maintenance of grass in a front garden allowed the homeowner to contribute to keeping the neighbourhood neat and tidy.

As well as an important component for amenity or recreation, research has shown turf in towns and cities has an important role in reducing urban heat island effect. Grass reflects around

25% of incoming radiation from the sun (compared to 15% by trees and 10% by the built environment) but also removes energy as latent heat by the process of evapotranspiration (water drawn up through the roots and stems evaporates from the leaves, which cools the surface of the leaves and the surrounding air). Studies have shown greenspace surfaces are significantly cooler than tarmac and concrete (up to 25oC) even in temperate countries such as the UK.

Until, that is, a shortage of rain renders the sward brown and lifeless.


Although still alive and useable for amenity and sports, when summer droughts inhibit the water supply to shallow-rooted plants such as turf, they close their stomata to limit the water lost through transpiration.

Transpirational cooling is therefore reduced and areas of grass in this state will not provide any cooling to counter the urban heat island.

When in this dormant phase grass behaves like bare soil: it heats up in the day even more than the built environment due to lack of thermal mass.

It is during hot, dry periods of the year when humans seek green spaces for cooling, and droughts often occur at the same time as Temporary Use (hose pipe) Bans when irrigation of green spaces competes with other demands for water such as health, hygiene, and commercial uses.

Research suggests the threat of drought is likely to worsen with

climate change; in the UK summer temperatures are anticipated to rise whilst precipitation falls, increasing evapotranspiration and limiting water supplies. Whilst such droughts therefore have the potential to reduce the cooling effectiveness of turf, without additional irrigation they also have the potential to render large areas brown for longer periods of the year. Whilst the turf is unlikely to die, it’s amenity use is reduced.

Whilst brown turf has represented little more than an inconvenience for most in the UK this summer, for Association members who cultivate and sell turf to the trade and public, the drought has proved a significant challenge and prompted trials into alternatives.

Turf growers must consider not only the suitability of the finished product for consumers, but also ensure turf can be successfully cultivated year-round throughout the country, in farms without the need

for unsustainable reliance on irrigation.

Accredited Supplier Harrowden Turf grow and sell turf throughout the country and, whilst the drought did not interrupt sales this year, the business is mindful of the challenges they are likely to face in the future from climate change and invested in technology and new products to combat this.

The most obvious solution to water shortages is cultivating and selling grass species which are drought tolerant. Members who have visited countries with hotter climates or more acute shortages of water will have noticed broader-leaved species in turf mixes prevalent in domestic gardens and public areas. Examples of this are Buffalo turf or Buffalo grass, which are native to North America but frequently found in warmer climates due to their drought resistance and low maintenance.


This species, commonly referred to as tall fescue, is deeper rooting and has remarkable drought and heat tolerance which makes it ideal for the recent hot, dry weather the UK has just experienced. It has a dark green colour which is comparable to conventional turf mixes in the UK.

These species tend to feature leaves which are much broader and provide a sward which tends to be less formal than the turf traditionally cultivated in the UK. It also does not tolerate close mowing to the same extent as traditional turf with narrow leaves. These grasses are also vulnerable to cooler weather; whilst they remain green during prolonged periods of hot, dry weather, they tend to turn brown if the temperature falls below 10oC.

Turf growers in countries with a temperate climate are therefore faced with a challenge - reduce reliance on traditional mixtures which tolerate lower temperatures and offer some resistance to drought, or trial mixtures more suited to warmer climates at the expense of hardiness in cold weather. There is no perfect solution, particularly given the range of benefits associated with traditional seed mixes: low maintenance, close mowing capability, high shoot density and resistance to disease.

The solution being trialled by Harrowden Turf is a middle-ground

Poa Supina mix (right)

This species is native to areas such as Morocco and Mongolia. As an Alpine grass it has great shade tolerance whilst also coping with heat fairly well. It is also very hardwearing so can cope with heavy traffic. The only potential downside to this species is its pale green colour, which is distinct from lawn mixes traditionally sown in the UK. However, it recovers very quickly from stress so will green up much quicker than conventional turf mixes.

between traditional narrow-leaved turf species traditionally cultivated in temperate climates and species found in much warmer climates. Species such as Poa supina and Poa pratensis have been chosen, which maintain their green colour during drought conditions, whilst withstanding close mowing, hardiness in the winter and low maintenance. During this year’s long, dry summer, the turf grown at the farm in Thetford remained significantly greener than traditional mixes.

As the climate changes, concessions may have to be made by growers and specifiers which mean some degree of flexibility on traditional features.

Turf sward commonly found in temperate climates. Featuring narrow leaved grass species which form a fine, smooth surface.

Turf sward commonly found in warmer climates. Featuring broader leaves and a coarser surface.

Festuca Arundinacea mix (left)
Photo by Erik Mclean on unsplash Design by
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Effects of climate change on tree health

Shortly after the UK temperature record was broken in July this year, the Met Office confirmed the period between January and June was the driest in England since 1976. Research suggests warmer, drier summers are likely to become more common in future years, so what will the long-term effect be of this hotter, drier weather on plant health in the UK?

For landscape professionals the summer weather has always trodden a fine line between delight and frustration, depending largely on whether a business earns money from growing plants or maintaining them.

Research into the effects of climate change on trees has previously raised concerns regarding increase in temperature as well as a lack of precipitation. While a gradual increase in temperature may favour some species, it is also likely to increase the effect of evapotranspiration which can result in soil water deficits. This, combined with a lack of rainfall for

successive years, has the potential to cause a significant change in the landscape.

Severe drought events have been rare in the UK. Whilst the profession has become accustomed to grass turning brown at the height of summer, most mature, native plants are adapted to tolerate the historic extremes of UK summers and rarely show obvious external symptoms or long-term damage.

By the end of July this year, mature trees and shrubs started to show signs of drought stress.

Many mature deciduous trees and some conifers undergo a period of abscission - the process of deciduous trees dropping leaves or coniferous trees dropping needles - when under drought stress; a practice that has been observed in the UK during the summer. This is part of a trees defence mechanism - shedding the part of the plant that is responsible for water loss via transpiration. However, this response also means the tree is losing surface area of the component

responsible for photosynthesis, making this process a delicate balance.

Most of the dropped leaves originate from the lower, interior of the canopy rather than the top of the tree or tips of branches. The process sacrifices the least productive leaves, which are shaded by the leaves above and on the outside of the canopy. As in autumn, the leaves are likely to turn yellow before being shed, which is caused by the plant harvesting the nutrients from the excess leaves before dropping them.

An increased frequency of hot, dry summers in the UK may have a more serious impact on tree health than a single event. Research has suggested many European tree species will be negatively affected by increasing intensity and frequency of hot, dry conditions in a future climate.

Stressed trees have a higher susceptibility to diseases, parasites and insects, whose spread and reproductive success is heightened by rising temperatures. The intensity and


number of stress factors occurring at the same time influence the degree of loss of vitality and can vary greatly within a genus or a species as well as between species.

Research has outlined the benefit of healthy trees in urban areas, where they have the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change, but these benefits rely on the trees having a high level of resistance and adaptability to climate and soil conditions to survive.

Research investigating the effects of climate change on European street trees has concluded Quercus and Aesculus face severe challenges from hotter and drier climate conditions and predicts these species may be lost from the urban tree canopy of European cities that continue to experience intense heat effects. In contrast, studies have shown Tilia and Platanus species are well adapted to dryer and waterstressed urban climates.

Research has also considered the effect of maturity on a trees ability to resist the effects of climate

change. Studies which looked at Pinus specimens discovered trees less than 40 years of age were more resistant to extreme droughts compared to trees aged between 40 and 120 years. It is believed older trees which are larger in size face a greater hydraulic challenge in terms of lifting water from roots to crown against the effects of gravity. In addition, mature larger trees are often associated with larger crowns which are directly exposed to increased solar radiation and higher evaporative demand during drought events.

Challenging climatic conditions emphasise the need for greater focus on the aspects to which specifiers and contractors continue to have control; correct planting, suitable soil and adequate management can help prevent the failure of trees. Existing species susceptible to heat must be monitored and maintained appropriately to increase life expectancy and prevent premature felling.

Where specimens are replaced or planted on new sites, greater consideration should be given

to drought tolerance and heat tolerance, in addition to the more commonly considered factors of frost tolerance, air pollution, ability to resist compacted soil and resistance to pests and diseases.

Cases of trees shedding all leaves due to lack of water is currently uncommon in all but neglected young trees but may become more common in the future if the climate continues to change in the ways predicted. The ability of a tree to recover from more serious shortages of water varies between trees; some will be unable to produce sufficient photosynthates to properly harden off and survive winter later in the year.

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The top 3 digital trends for landscapers to consider for 2023


part of your membership benefits, the Association is collaborating with Adtrak to support your brand and business grow with expert marketing support and advice. Our digital marketing partner, UK digital marketing agency, Adtrak, take a look at the top trends in the digital industry and why landscape professionals should be aware of them going into 2023.

1. The power of rebranding

The word ‘brand’ is widely misunderstood. It can be quite

daunting from the outset, and even confusing as to what it actually covers. It’s ironic then that something which is all about identity does not have a clear identity itself.

The most common misconception that people have is that your brand is your logo. This is wrong. A brand is not a logo. It is not a colour scheme. And it is not a font. These elements all form part of your visual message, but that’s only part of the story.

Your brand is how your customer perceives you. This can be quite scary, because it means that they are, in fact, in control of your brand. You can’t control how a person feels, but you can encourage them to feel a certain way. A well-thought-out brand, built on solid foundations, will speak to the customer how you want it to.

Why should you rebrand? Rebrand to differentiate - In a highly competitive market, your brand can

provide an extra edge. Brand drives awareness and people naturally gravitate towards the brand that presents itself best and speaks the clearest.

Take the landscaping industry, for example. Most people are trying to say a similar thing, and present themselves in the same way. It’s green, it’s landscaping - it’s difficult to stand out and choose one company from another.

Rebrand to change perception - Is your message communicated how you would like it to be? How do consumers feel about you? Do they feel much at all? Your brand can lead this perception.

Businesses can use branding to present themselves in a fresh and more coherent light to attract new customers and demographics.

Rebrand for corporate changeOften, the right time for a rebrand will be in alignment with corporate


change; whether this is at a time of business growth, new offerings or a shift in corporate structure.

Whatever the change, the brand should move with it, and choosing the right route to communicate your new message can become a highly charged symbol of a new strategic direction.

Rebrand to simplify - A business can already be well established, but a clearer, simpler message is more familiar and more memorable. It’s human nature to shorten people’s names, so many brands are doing the same with theirs in order to become more accessible and approachable.

A strong brand will provide value to your organisation well beyond your physical assets. If you’re looking to buy a new television, will you buy it from a small online business with a basic website? Or will you spend a little extra to buy it from a household name? You’ll go with the brand you trust, and you’ll be happy to pay that bit extra because of the perceived value the brand has.

2. The rise of social media commerce

The crossover of social media and e-commerce is predicted to be one of the biggest rising trends over the next few years. So, what does this mean for the landscaping industry?

What is social commerce and how could it work for you?

Social commerce allows users to buy your products directly via social media channels. Sounds simple, right?

Tapping into this market with effective social media advertising puts your business directly in front of people who fit your target audience.

Social commerce is also particularly suited for low-cost purchases or impulse buys, all without having to redirect the consumer externally.

One example of an e-commerce advertising option is Facebook Product Ads, whereby adverts use your very own product catalogue in order to show the relevant ads to relevant users. These ads are ideal for instant purchasing or just to usher users further down the purchasing funnel.

Who is it for?

Social commerce could well apply to a lot of landscaping businesses, regardless of size. That’s because any company of any size or scale can enjoy the benefit of social media advertising when it connects you with your target consumers and generates more business online.

Research has indicated that a large percentage of millennials are more likely to become loyal customers who engage with brands online.

Know your audience

So, how can you launch your social media commerce strategy to ensure a great experience? Well, it all starts with getting to know your audience.

Data is very important, allowing you and your marketers to make informed, stats-backed decisions on who to target with adverts. Website analytics and social media platforms can give you this valuable insight into user behaviour and how consumers are interacting with your brand online.

Utilising Facebook (now ‘Meta’) Pixel - a piece of code that can be built into your website - will allow you to gain insights from those who have already visited your website.

Finally, support your ads with content

As well as creating a social marketing and advertising strategy, you’ll also want to make sure that your social media platforms are performing at their best. After all, they’ll be functioning as your virtual shopfront for potential customers, so it’s important they do their job well. Scheduling regular content and posts makes your company more trustworthy and authoritative in the eyes of consumers. High-quality imagery is crucial, with videography increasingly becoming the preferred medium for communicating with social users.


3. Core web vitals: improving website performance

Building and maintaining a healthy website for your business is an absolute must. In the past couple of years, there has been a surge in consumers moving to online channels due to the pandemic, so it’s crucial to stay up to date and relevant when it comes to the digitalisation of your business.

What are core web vitals?

Google issued an update in June 2021 that added more criteria on which websites are assessed and ranked, otherwise referred to as the ‘page experience update’. The aim of this is to reward pages that offer better user experience (UX) based on various ‘page experience signals’, of which Core Web Vitals is one. This is made up of three main areas:

1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the point in the loading process where the page’s main

content has appeared; the quicker this happens, the more user-friendly it is.

2. First Input Delay (FID) refers to the time it takes for a visitor to the website to carry out an action - such as clicking on a link - and the page beginning to process that action.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a term used for how much the site moves when it is loading - the lower the CLS, the more user-friendly it is.

Why should you care about core web vitals?

In a nutshell, if you neglect your vitals, then you’ll end up neglecting your users.

Businesses should care about Core Web Vitals because it provides a better user experience for visitors to their website, which helps to foster trust in their brand and is rewarded by Google. When combined with other website improvements, such as safe

browsing and mobile-friendly design, it can also contribute to a gradual climb in organic rankings.


The top 3 digital key trends for Landscapers in 2023 are:

1. The Power of Rebranding

2. The Rise of Social Media Commerce

3. Core Web Vitals: Improving Website Performance

For more information and advice on digital marketing, get in touch with Adtrak to learn more about how you can improve the digital performance of your business.

Find more member benefits by logging in to your members’ area at

The Garden Company. Designed by James Scott MBALI
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Join the leading membership network for landscape professionals and access a range of exclusive benefits: • Save time and money with HR, Health & Safety and legal support • Promote your accreditation to your clients • Access expert technical support and advice • Regional events, training, networking and more!

Strategy, careers and communication

Looking forward to a bright future

Nigel Bowcock and Tessa Johnstone are the new Chair and Vice Chair of the British Association of Landscape Industries. They are keen to support the senior management team with the Association’s progression and support members. Here they talk about the new strategy and the issues facing the industry.

There’s many benefits to being an Association member, “It’s more than just putting a sticker on a van to validate your business - you earn your membership by being an exemplar landscaper, supplier or designer and that badge is just the first layer of how the membership can help your business” says Tessa.

Nigel adds, “Many members don’t know about our dispute resolution process, our technical bulletins or BALI Insure or they don’t engage with the Association locally. We must look at how our messages go out and how members can engage with us.”

Nigel knows everyone is facing similar challenges. Labour shortages, inflation and access to materials are real problems. Industry constraints such as the removal of red diesel usage and Brexit affect everyone. He believes the new strategy is the framework to provide clarity on the vision, it’s mission and exactly what the Association’s values are.

Tessa: “The Association’s lobbying of Government is vital for the UK landscaping industry.”

She also feels strongly about validating jobs other people perceive as unskilled work. She added, “Whatever your skill base is, you definitely have something to bring to the party.”

Image Credit Scout Johnstone
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Nigel started the GoLandscape initiative with David Dodd. It remains a viable solution to solving the skills gap. The premise is, ambassadors give their time to visit schools, colleges and industry events to attract school leavers and career changers into the industry. Anyone from the army to accountants have moved into landscaping and for the past seven years, hundreds of school leavers have too. More than 200 events have been attended so far.

Nigel: “For the next three years we intend to get our ambassador numbers up to three figures. We currently have 85 ambassadors. We want three events attended per ambassador per year. Crucially we are looking for a new Education Officer. If anyone knows anyone who can fill the role they can get in touch with the team at Landscape House.”

Career options across the industry cover a huge spectrum. Nigel explains, “Our church is so broad you could be a designer, an irrigation engineer, a soil scientist, a landscaper… there’s huge breadth to the industry; there’s a role for everyone.”

Tessa is equally as passionate about GoLandscape, “For me it’s about the Association not just talking about the skills shortage, but creating a viable initiative such as this that delivers at grass roots level.”

Nigel’s passion for GoLandscape is clear, “GoLandscape is a serious force for change. Already the initiative has brought many young people into the industry, who before meeting one of our ambassadors might not have considered it a career. It really is life changing.”

The BALI Academy

The Association is aware how bad the resourcing levels are at colleges. Government cuts to funding mean colleges are offering the bare minimum of training, students are not industry ready.

Nigel said the big goal for the next two years is the BALI Academy. “This will ensure the industry is training its people to the correct standards. We will also be able to offer further training for existing members. The planned trial will be based in Surrey, in the South Thames region. Once we’ve learned from this trial, we will look at a National Academy.”


GObuilding real careers

Tessa added, “It’s all part of the support and endeavour side of the Strategy. We can help people identify and achieve their ambitions and invest time and resources developing skills.” Association members are known for being generous with their knowledge and documenting standards will be a part of the Academy’s remit.

Inclusion and diversity

Tessa and Nigel are excited about the industry becoming more accessible and appealingespecially to teenagers. Diversity is being embraced as a positive to help the industry grow and thrive. Tessa “Differences really do make for a stronger team. Celebrate people’s individuality and what they bring. Look to people you might not immediately look to when filling a role. Help those who show potential and are perhaps a little unsure if they will fit in.”

Nigel agrees with Tessa; representation across society is needed - if you want to extend your reach.

Mental health

An initiative which has so much meaning is training Mental Health First Aiders.


Tessa undertook the course with Bianca Jones, EDP Training of Bristol.

“Bianca’s empathy and lived experience makes the course so authentic. It’s intense and I admit to struggling with some demons myself as I undertook the course. But it was invaluable and so worth it.”

The mental health course is over two days. The hope is, by the end of 2023, every Association company will have a Mental Health First Aider.

Nigel said, “I’m not sure there has been anything more important or rewarding, it’s incredible. When you shout about stuff people do listen. We want members to get involved.”

Mental health is an issue personal to so many, everyone knows someone who would appreciate some extra assistance. It’s harder for small businesses to accommodate the course into the working week, but Tessa and Nigel know it’s worth and know members know this too.


Communication is the thread which runs through everything. Nigel: “We need to improve communication. It is crucial members know relevant information. A recent example is, thanks to Government lobbying, we

were exempt from the hosepipe ban. If we could have got that message out quickly, there would be less panic and worry.”

Improving communications in all areas is an ongoing process. Whether it’s headlines on your phone or simply engaging more locally.

“Regional events, meetings, networking… you learn more from speaking with your peers than anyone else, it’s the same as talking to your employees - those golden nuggets. Industry players are happy to impart their information for free and that is invaluable.”

Nigel believes the challenge is to openly communicate with all levels of membership. There is a real need to be more coherent and strive for more membership engagement.

“I’m an industry person and have worked my way up. I have an appreciation and can empathise with any position our members hold at this moment and any business challenges anyone is experiencing.

I think I’m a fair representation of time spent as an industry landscaper. I can communicate solutions and support where needed.”

“ “

Nigel concluded. “If you’re working hard and have an issue that is affecting your business, if you want to us to lobby the Government, talk to us and we can take action. I am happy for members to contact me”


All the themes tie in beautifully with each other. Tessa and Nigel intend on delivering the Strategy full stop. Tessa said, “It really is important we represent, support and accredit the landscape industry.”

With the synergy these two have, it is clear communication is at the forefront of the support they want to offer.

The final word went to Tessa, “It’s important to remember, if you are an Association member, you’ve earned your membership and are doing more than a good job.”

If you’re working hard and have an issue that is affecting your business, if you want to us to lobby the Government, talk to us and we can take action.

BALI jobs powered by Horticulture Careers

With the recruitment of staff continuing to be a key issue for many of you, we are pleased to offer BALI Jobs as one of the key benefits of your membership. BALI Jobs is a specific online job board to recruit or advertise your current vacancies in partnership with Horticulture Careers, delivered by Eljays44 and the home of Pro Landscaper.

As an Association member you can advertise any horticulture and landscaping vacancies on this website. The sign-up process is simple, quick and with a 33% discount on their packages for members, it is very cost effective.

What’s in the package?

All job advertisements can be purchased at a special rate and will be advertised on the job board at They will also feature on weekly emails to Pro Landscaper’s extensive client database which is made up of over 21,000 professionals in the industry and covers all experience levels, from entry-level landscapers to senior professionals.

There are three packages available and Association membership gives

you 33% discount on the price of each Package.

Bronze package

The Bronze package includes a 28day job listing on the website, one tweet on the Pro Landscaper Twitter page, one refresh to put the vacancy back at the top of the job board and one listing in Pro Landscaper magazine job page.

Standard price: £275 Member price: £184.25

Silver package

The Silver package includes a 28-day job listing on the website, one tweet on the Pro Landscaper Twitter page, one refresh to put the vacancy back at the top of the job board, one inclusion on job mailer sent out via email to Pro Landscaper’s database and one listing in Pro Landscaper magazine job page.

Standard price: £345

Member price: £231.15

Gold package

The Gold package includes a 28-day job listing on the website, two tweets on the Pro Landscaper Twitter page, one refresh to put the vacancy back at the top of the job board, two inclusions on job mailer sent out via email to Pro Landscaper’s database

and one listing in Pro Landscaper magazine job page.

Standard price: £425 Member price: £284.75

As an added bonus, all first-time users of the Horticulture Careers website get a job posting free of charge (note this doesn’t include all the extra advertising benefits of the paid packages). For a free job posting, create an account at and select the ‘free job posting online’ package.

Where do I start?

To book a package and upload a vacancy, contact Mark Wellman at Eljays44 by email at or call on +44(0)1903 777583. If you would like to ask a question or have a query related to the packages above, please contact The Association’s Membership Officer Sharn Dymond, or Senior Membership Officer Tina Taylor, or call +44(0)24 7669 8651.

All prices exclude VAT.


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A spotlight on the BALI Chalk Fund

Supporting education and training in the landscape sector

Since its inception in 1975, the Association’s very own charity, the BALI Chalk Fund has supported students within the landscape sector in a variety of ways, such as travel scholarships to broaden horizons and incentivising students to excel by offering prizes for the best students in each landbased college. We are delighted that nearly fifty years on, the latter initiative is still alive and kicking in 2022.

With many exciting new plans in fruition, this makes this possibly the most exciting point in the charity’s history.

Enrichment Programme

Over the past few years, the BALI

Chalk Fund has been working with selected colleges to improve the employability of their students. We are all too familiar with the funding issues surrounding all educational establishments including those serving the land-based sector.

One impact of the funding crisis is that students rarely receive industry recognised certification for the highly desirable skills acquired during their time at college, skills such as pesticide use, use of abrasive wheels or even ROLO health, safety, and environmental training. This often results in employers having to re-train and certificate students as they join the workforce, costing the industry many thousands of pounds in the process.

To combat this, the BALI Chalk Fund has identified that by spending modest sums of money, to cover registration and assessment fees, students not only gain the knowledge and skills required, but also the certification enabling students to leave college “work ready”, complete with PA1 & 6a/w, abrasive wheels certificating, ROLO


cards and even CSCS cards giving them access to construction sites.

By applying the funding at this stage, it’s proving to be an extremely costeffective initiative.

The BALI Academy

I’m sure many of you have heard that the Association is launching its very own academy, with the aim of combating the acute skills shortage within the industry. The BALI Chalk Fund are hugely excited by the prospect of the Association delivering world-class learning at strategic UK locations, utilising the very best facilities and trainers in the landscape sector. As the details emerge, the Chalk Fund will be seeking ways to support the academy and ensure these first-rate courses are accessible to all.

It may be that we develop a range of scholarships, extend our enrichment program to include academy attendees or sponsor course development. In any case you can be sure that we will be leveraging our funds as much as possible, and focussing on both the student and the employer benefits.

Become a Champion!

As our ambitions grow, so too do the demands on our funds, that’s why we

launched our Chalk Fund Champions scheme in 2021.

We now have a number of industry partners we call “Champions”, whose commitment and subscriptions support our efforts to make a difference. In return they can display the BALI Chalk Fund “Champion” logo on their paper and digital stationary, website and other marketing material. They also refer to their industry support in tender or award bids to demonstrate their responsible approach to helping develop the future of this great industry. Best of all they get to benefit from more, better quality, work ready graduates leaving colleges and training establishments and seeking employment with companies like theirs and yours.

There are three tiers of BALI Chalk Fund Champions and below is a short explanation of what your support could enable us to achieve:

Bronze Champions

£250 per year

£250 per year will ensure our enrichment programme produces five students leaving college with a LISS/CSCS Card and are ready to go on your site, this is a saving to future employers of around £600.

Silver Champions

£500 per year

£500 per year is equal to the prize money awarded annually to the nations “Top Student”.

Gold Champions

£750 per year

£750 per annum will see you becoming the ultimate supporter of training and development in the landscape sector. Spending the money at the critical point enables our enrichment programme to leverage your funds, saving future employers many thousands of pounds.

We really hope that you can see the benefits of supporting the BALI Chalk Fund and you could even come up with ingenious ways of raising your subscription funds, and the allimportant awareness of our work.

So go on, why not challenge one of your local competitors to a 5 a side match or a tug of war, the loser buys the winner a years’ Champion status, and you’ll all be “Champions” in our eyes!

Find out more at


A look at what’s to come

Confirmed dates for industry shows and events September - December 2022. Correct at time of print. For the most up-to-date listings

28 - 29 September Trade show: LANDSCAPE Show

29 September Regional event: Griffin Nurseries tour, talks, demos and networking with BALI South Thames

3 - 4 October

Mental Health First Aid course

25 October Webinar: Protecting and planting trees in development projects and construction, presented by TDAG

2 - 3 November Trade show: SALTEX 2022

14 - 15 November

Mental Health First Aid course

15- 16 November Trade show: FutureScape Expo 2022

2 December National Landscape Awards

SALTEX 2022 returns to NEC

SALTEX 2022 held at Birmingham NEC from 2 - 3 November continues to attract the best in the business - with visitor registrations from over 30 countries already confirmed, a roll call of domestic and international exhibitors signed-up, and an impressive line-up of expert speakers and industry specialists standing ready to provide support, insight, and real solutions to key industry issues.

Free to attend, the show includes the ever-popular Learning LIVE programme - a key element in the SALTEX offering, which has this year been extended to over 30 free sessions with influential speakers addressing a range of key issues

impacting the industry. High on the agenda are sustainability and environmental issues.

SALTEX attracts the most exhibitors in the industry to one place at any one time. And new exhibitors keep coming on board weekly, with 2022 already set to be the biggest and best show yet.

Overseas visitors’ enthusiasm for the event is at an all-time high with over 30 countries already registered bringing with them insights into how they do things in their countries.

SALTEX is an event grounds people have always made the time to attend. Visitor and exhibitor feedback surveys confirm that the networking opportunities are a massive draw

and never more so than in the postpandemic landscape. 2021 survey data showed that almost half (46%) of visitors attend for networking opportunities; over two-thirds (68%) attend to source new products, services, and suppliers; topped by an extremely high satisfaction rating of 83% voting the show as good, very good or excellent.

SALTEX does not disappoint and registering for a free ticket to Europe’s largest sports turf, amenities and landscaping trade exhibition has never been easier thanks to the event’s new website -


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