Copyright Š 2011-2012 Baller Athletics all rights reserved league coordinator playbook. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without permission from the organization, Baller Athletics.
CONTENTS LEAGUE INFORMATION Purpose Sstatement and Values .......................................................2 Introduction ............................................................................................3 Guiding Principles ................................................................................4 SECTION ONE // LEAGUE COORDINATOR League Coordinator Opportunities ....................................................5 Recruit Coordinating Team .................................................................6 Define League Time Line ........................................................................7 SECTION TWO // PROMOTION Promote League .....................................................................................8 Recruit Coaches and Referees ............................................................9 SECTION THREE // PLAYERS Register Players ...................................................................................10 Organize Teams .....................................................................................11 SECTION FOUR // OPERATIONS Practices .................................................................................................12 Life Lessons Outline...............................................................................13 Gospel Summary .................................................................................14 Games.................................................................................................15-16 Notes ..................................................................................................17-18 i
Dedicated to cultivating sports culture, the athlete and the sport.
VALUES athletic excellence
We aspire to see athletics thrive globally.
life development
We seek to create environments for participants to be the best they can be in life through character and spiritual development.
social change
We desire to use athletics as a platform to offer hope and generate social change.
Introduction Welcome to Baller Basketball. This playbook is designed to provide key information and stepby-step guidelines in assisting you as the league coordinator for this season. The information on the following pages includes guiding principles for the league, league coordinator opportunities, league time line and promotion outlines, player responsibilities, order information, and practice and game day instructions for Baller Basketball. We have also created an accompanying cd that supplies you with printable forms need for the season. Thank you for volunteering to be a league coordinator. this league would not happen without you. Together we can make a difference and have a successful season. Sincerely,
guiding principles • Be the best player you can be. • Be a player of character. • Be a player that works hard. • Be a team player. • Be a player that respects the game. • Be a player that enjoys the game. • Be a player that honors God.
LEAGUE COORDINATOR OPPORTUNITIES As a league coordinator, you have the opportunity to make an impact on the success of this league. Please read the following commitments associated with being a league coordinator:
recruit coordinating team.
Gather a team to assist you. Communicate coordinating opportunities, delegate responsibilities, train and empower team members, and serve as main point of contact for the league.
define league information.
Establish league time line and determine registration fees. Select key dates for promotion and sign-up period, practices, and games.
promote league.
Get the word out. Display posters and distribute brochures in key areas where potential players will see the league information.
recruit coaches and referees.
Seek out potential coaches and referees face to face. Communicate coaching opportunities and guiding principles and values of the league. Train and empower coaches for the season.
register players.
Have a plan when receiving player brochures. Organize and process brochures and make sure key information is filled out and league fees are paid.
organize teams.
Players will either sign up as a team or individually. Place individual players on teams. Put orders in for player packages. Distribute schedules.
set up practices.
Schedule gym time, provide needed equipment, and administer set up and clean up. Have a team member organize and monitor practice time. Distribute player packages to coaches.
operate game day.
Prepare the gym for games. Provide needed equipment for teams and scorers table. Communicate with scheduled referees. Have fun.
RECRUIT COORDINATING TEAM 1. communicate coordinating opportunities
Spread the vision and the values of the league. Make a list of all the coordinating opportunities that you need help with and that still need to be filled. Communicate with potential team members the various opportunities to serve on the coordinating team for this league. Be specific on league time line, commitment level, responsibilities, and expectations.
2. gather a team
A team will assist you in coordinating all of the league opportunities. The league is not designed for you to operate it by yourself. Gather team members that are responsible, have strengths in the designated areas of service, and are excited about the league. Meet with potential team members face to face.
3. delegate responsibilities
Assign and communicate the responsibilities for each team member. Certain team members can be assigned more than one responsibility.
4. train and empower team
Meet with team members one on one, in a group meeting, or via email. Make sure every team member is equipped and feels confident to serve with their delegated responsibilities.
5. be available
Serve as the main point of contact for your team members and the rest of the league. Provide regular and consistent communication with the coordinating team and various league coach’s and volunteer’s.
DEFINE LEAGUE INFORMATION 1. establish league time line
Discuss a potential league time line with a key staff person and those responsible for gym calendar. Make sure gym schedule is open for desired league time line. Think through the whole league time line, from beginning to end.
2. select key dates
The key dates will help fill in the details of the league time line. The key dates include the period for promotion and sign ups, practice schedule, and game schedule. Be aware and make adjustments with key dates that might conflict with major holidays during the league time line.
3. determine registration fees
Baller Basketball charges a flat fee for each player. This is an all inclusive fee for league promotional material, league coordinator and coaches material, and player packages. Establish a league budget. Determine what additional equipment and material is needed to operate the league. Determine if the registration fee needs to be raised to accommodate scholarships, shipping cost, referee cost, and gym and equipment cost. Determine if you will have a late registration fee.
4. contact baller basketball league reps
Baller Basketball league reps will assist you on establishing a league time line, selecting key dates, and determining your registration fees. Notify reps when you have finalized league information to begin the promotional period.
PROMOTE LEAGUE 1. get the word out
Begin with sharing the league information and vision with people in your circles of influence. Your circles of influence might be at church, work, and your neighborhood. Think about key people and outlets that would be interested in a youth basketball league. target youth groups and small groups of churches. Get people excited about the opportunities to serve and participate in this league.
2. display posters
Display posters in key areas where potential players and coaches will see the league information. Examples could include youth rooms, gyms, social areas in the community, and in schools. Receive confirmation from key authorities before displaying posters.
3. distribute brochures
Distribute brochures in all the key areas you display posters. Additionally, follow up with players that signed up and have them distribute a brochure to a friend and others in their neighborhood or school. Meet with school athletic directors and administration to ask for permission to distribute brochures to those interested in basketball.
4. media
Post league information on a website. Explore options of promoting the league through the local newspaper, radio, and movie theater ads.
5. train staff
Train staff and volunteers to answer all the key league information: league time line, key dates, registration dead-lines, practice and game schedules, and league coordinating contacts.
Seek out potential coaches face to face. Begin with sharing the league information and purpose. Communicate coaching opportunities, responsibilities, guiding principles, and values of the league. Explain the coaching playbook that will be provided to help guide them throughout the season and confirm your support to them through the league coordinating team.
2. train coaches
Meet with coaches and take them through the coach playbook. Ensure that each coach is trained and familiar with the responsibilities for the season. Answer any questions or concerns that they might have.
3. seek out referees
Seek out referees face to face. Share the league information, guiding principles, and values. Explain the league’s emphasis on having our players and coaches support the refereeing during the games.
4. follow up with families
Follow up with parents or family members of players that have signed up for the league as potential coaches and referees. Talk to youth group and youth organization leaders in pursuit of potential volunteers.
5. communicate with local schools
Colleges or seminaries might have students that are interested or need volunteer hours.
Baller Basketball league reps will assist you in ways to recruit coaches and referees and in training sessions for the league.
REGISTER PLAYERS 1. have a plan
When the registration brochures are received, have a plan to organize and process the brochures. Communicate drop off location and collection process with staff. Set up a filing system. Keep record of all key information on brochures.
2. check key information
Make sure that all the key information is filled out on the brochures. Highlight information that is not filled out and make necessary contact to complete registration process. Communicate with staff or registration collecting volunteers to check for all necessary information needed when receiving the brochures. check that registration fees are paid.
3. communicate league time line
After brochures are turned in and filled out correctly, inform the players and families about the next step in the league process. Communicate the dates and schedules for the league.
Baller Basketball league reps will assist you in how to register players for the league.
ORGANIZE TEAMS 1. finalize teams
Confirm each player and coach roster information. Add players that signed up individually to teams. Fill out forms for team rosters and schedules. Forms are located on league coordinator cd.
2. distribute team rosters and schedules
Pass out team rosters and contact information, practice and game schedules to coaches. Have coaches contact team players. also post schedules in the gym and key locations.
3. confirm team orders
Fill out forms for each player package and the coaches t-shirt size. Confirm that you have the correct order information.
4. place team orders
Place order and email forms for all gear and material with baller basketball league reps.
5. organize player packages
Prepare and distribute all gear and material to each team.
Support - Baller Basketball league reps will assist you organize
players for the league.
PRACTICES 1. organize
Have a league coordinator team member organize and monitor practice time. Schedule gym practice time. Be a point of contact for the league. Communicate on a regular basis with the coaches.
2. gym set up
Make sure gym is open and set up for practices. Provide basketballs and needed equipment for each team. Set up seating areas for people accompanying the players to practice. Make sure restrooms are open and available. administer gym set up and clean up. Ensure that gym floor is swept.
3. distribute team packages
Distribute player packages to each coach before or at the first practice. Make sure coaches have their shirts as well.
4. oversee
Confirm that life lessons and skill development are being performed by each coach.
know the game plan
read Gods word
there is no off-season
always pray
train for battle
grow in Godliness
service call
serve others
identity crisis
be light to outsiders
reputation status
read Gods word
more than athletes
be apart of the mission of God
the giver vs the gift
worship God and not the gifts
the war within
sin destroys everything
the star player
Jesus overcomes
GOSPEL SUMMARY If we are honest, we will admit that something is wrong in our world. Even further, we will admit that something is wrong within us. What is it? And more importantly, how do we fix it? The problem is sin. If sin is debt toward God, we owe a lot. How can our debt be paid? All religions try to do good and make things right. But ask yourself: how good is good enough? We try to do good works, pray, meditate, chant, and hope for the best. Here is what makes the Christian faith unique: you can’t fix you. Only God can.
Keys to understanding the gospel: g= god Is holy and the creator of all life. God calls us to be holy and despises sin. All things were created to glorify God. o= our We are God’s masterpiece out of all creation, created in his image and likeness. From the beginning, man walked with God in perfect unity. Life was full in his presence because this is how God intended it to be. However, sin changed everything. s= sins We rebelled against God and messed everything up. Sin separates us now, from the presence and unity of God, and for eternity. Sin brings death, physically at some point in this life, and in the life to come in hell. Sin is the worst problem. p= payment The only way to fix this problem, is for someone to die in your place. The person must be perfect because this is what god requires. If the person is not perfect, the payment is not permanent. Since the only one who can meet God’s requirements is God, God sent himself as Jesus, to pay the cost for us by dying on the cross. His death functions as payment. He wrote a check with his life. But he also came back from the dead, as he promised, by the power of God, restoring all of creation. e= everyone We all have full access to now return to perfect unity with God through repentance and faith in Jesus. l= life By believing in Christ alone, we receive life, now and forever.
God - Our - Sins - Payment - Everyone - life i
GAMES 1. organize
Have the league coordinating team organize and monitor game day. Schedule gym time for games. Schedule referees for games. Post game schedule for entire season.
2. gym set up
Make sure gym is open and set up for games. provide basketballs and needed equipment for game days. Set up seating areas for fans attending the games. Make sure restrooms are open and available. Administer gym set up and clean up. Ensure that gym floor is swept before games are played.
3. game format • time - Games consist of four 10-minute quarter’s (40 minutes) and on a running clock, besides the clock stopping in the last 2-minutes of the fourth quarter. • breaks - Each quarter has a 45-second break and halftime is 1 minute and a half break.
• overtime - Games ending in a tie will play one 2-minute overtime only. Clock stops during this period.
• tournament - Last week of play will be a tournament format. Seeds will be determined by the wins and losses for each team.
Each player must play a minimum of 2- quarters in each game. Playing time can be distributed in multiple quarters, for a total of 2-quarters (16 minutes). But playing time rule must be followed.
One timeout per half (two per game). Timeouts do not carry over from the first half to the second half and to the overtime period. Use your timeouts wisely. One timeout is rewarded for a overtime period.
Full court press
Press is allowed during the entire game until a 25 point lead is established.
All players must be placed on a team roster by the league coordinators. No random additions of players to any team besides scrimmages.
Will be called for teams that do not have enough players at the start of a scheduled game. A minimum of 4 players is needed to have a game. The team with more than four players will play with an equal number of players as the other team.
The referees and coordinators have the authority to substitute players for a break or suspend for any misconduct by players or coaches. Technical fouls will also be applied as needed.
all other rules for play
Baller Basketball play is governed by the national federation of state high school associations’ (NFHS) rules book. (website: