SAPR recruiting Victim Advocates ... The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program is recruiting active-duty members and government service civilians to serve as Victim Advocates (VA) for the Naval Air Station Pensacola SAPR Team. DoD currently requires all VAs and Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARC) to be certified effective fiscal year 2013. The last day to apply for DoD certification is July 31. In order to be certified, a 40-hour VA class is required. The new VA class is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 17-21 at the NASP Conference Center. A VA registration packet and personal interview with one of the NASP SARCs is required prior to attending class. The deadline for the packet/interview is June 13. If you are interested in becoming a VA for sexual assault victims or would like more information, contact one of the SARCs, Lillie Johnson (452-5109, or Rachel Phillips (452-5328, You can also call the Fleet and Family Support Center at 452-5990, ext. 0.
Vol. 77, No. 23
June 7, 2013
NAS Pensacola marks Midway anniversary Veterans honored 71 years after historic battle Story, photo by Jennifer Eitzmann NASP PAO Intern
More than 200 active-duty service members, retired veterans, civilians and distinguished guests recognized the heroism of World War II veterans at the 71st annual commemoration ceremony for the Battle of Midway at the National Naval Aviation Museum onboard NAS Pensacola June 4. The Battle of Midway took place June 4-7, 1942, and has been said to be the turning point in the battle for the Pacific during World War II. Japanese forces were planning an attack on Midway Island due the tactical advantage it provided. Midway is approximately 1,100 miles from Hawaii and Japanese forces wanted control over the island so it could be used as a Japanese military base. Commander of the Naval Education and Training
Peak season has started for shipping personal property From HHG/PPO
Peak season is now here for shipping your personal property. NASP’s Household Goods-Personal Property Office (HHG/PPO) has a few tips to share to make your move a success. It is highly recommended that as soon as you receive your new orders you start your move process. Currently there are no available dates through June 17, and the remaining dates for June are booking up very fast. Requested pick-up dates must be at least three weeks out. That time frame may change during the peak moving season. To improve your moving experience and See Ship on page 2
Command (NETC), Rear Adm. Donald P. Quinn, was the guest speaker at the commemoration. “Those of us who serve today stand on the shoulders of these giants,” Quinn said after recognizing the Midway veterans in attendance. With Navy cryptology and carrier aviation being key elements in the Battle of Midway, Quinn also acknowledged the continuing role in training played locally. “The next generations of warriors in those communities train with us here in Pensacola,” Quinn said. “Today the Center for Information Dominance trains cryptology and intelligence professionals, and all naval aviation pilots and flight crews pass through the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training.” Thanks to Navy cryptologists the United States was able to decipher Japanese messages that eluded to the impending Battle
See Midway on page 2
Commander, Naval Education and Training Command, Rear Adm. Donald P. Quinn, presents Battle of Midway combatant Gordon Pierce with a commemorative paddle at the 71st annual Battle of Midway commemoration at the National Naval Aviation Museum onboard NASP June 4.
DeCA scholarships awarded to five military children Story, photo by Janet Thomas Gosport Staff Writer
The Pensacola commissary has awarded $1,500 scholarship to five college students through the Scholarships for Military Children program. Naval Air Station Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt. Keith Hoskins was the guest speaker at a reception May 30 attended by scholarship winners and their families. Hoskins, who handed out certificates, pins and
gift baskets, congratulated the recipients for their achievements. “The commissary received 31 applicants for this, so the competition was tough,” he said. “But I think they made the right decisions and selections.” Scholarship winners are: • Caitlin A. Fournier, who is majoring in chemical engineering at Mississippi State University. • Daniell E. Dils, who is majoring in computer sciences at The Citadel, The
Military College of South Carolina. • Riley Robison, who is majoring in general business at the University of West Florida. She also won a scholarship in 2012. • Justin P. Ratté , who is majoring in sports management at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Fla. Ratté was a scholarship winner in 2011. He was unable to attend the reception, but his father, Cliff Ratté , was present to accept his
See DeCA on page 2
From left, NAS Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt. Keith Hoskins stands with Cliff Ratté, father of Justin Ratté; Daniell E. Dils; Caitlin A. Fournier; Riley R. Robison; Gabriel Lugo, store director, DeCA (Defense Commissary Agency) Pensacola; and CMDCM Jeffery Grosso, NASP Command Master Chief. Scholarship recipient Zachary T. Allen was unable to attend the awards reception.
Navy Medicine Operational Training Center (NMOTC) Commanding Officer Capt. James Norton signs a “check” for $465,226.05 for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS), officially closing the NMCRS Northwest Florida 2013 Active Duty Fund Drive.
NMOTC-NMCRS active-duty fund drive ‘highly successful’ Story, photo by MC1 Bruce Cummins NMOTC PAO
Representatives from the global leader in operational medicine and aviation survival training raised nearly $10,000 more than previous Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) fund drives in the Northwest Florida region, NMCRS coordinators said May 29. Navy Medicine Operational Training Center (NMOTC), one of the commands aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola, spearheaded the six-week NMCRS Fund Drive which involved commands from NAS Pensacola, NASP Corry Station, NAS Whiting Field, Panama City and other elements in the Gulf Coast region and netted more than $465,000, the most successful Pensacola-area NMCRS active-duty fund
See NMOTC-NMCRS on page 2
Published by Ballinger Publishing, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Navy. Opinions contained herein are not official expressions of the Department of the Navy nor do the advertisements constitute Department of the Navy, NAS Pensacola or Ballinger Publishing’s endorsement of products or services advertised.
June 7, 2013
Stormwater mangement: keep it clean From NavFacSE
Regardless of whether you live on or off installation, everyone shares a unique natural resource, water. This vital resource includes the groundwater consumed and surrounding waters such as bayous, creeks and bays. Everyone depends on clean water for health, the environment and the economy. NAS Pensacola works diligently to ensure its water resources are protected and managed efficiently and effectively. One important aspect of this stewardship is stormwater management. Three primary challenges of stormwater management are: draining stormwater quickly for
flood prevention, ensuring stormwater has not picked up contaminants along the way, and allowing stormwater to recharge groundwater and drinking water supplies. Personally, each of us has a responsibility to protect water for ourselves and future generations, especially with respect to the second challenge of stormwater management; keeping stormwater clean and free of contaminants. Here are some ways you can participate: • Never dump anything down storm drains or into gutters. Only rain water is allowed to go to storm drains. • On base, utilize the official installation wash racks or local car wash locations instead of spreading contaminants to sur-
Soil excavation to cause minor traffic detours June 10-24
face waters. Lots of pollutants are in the waste water from washing your car, and lots more can be added as the water travels from your car to a storm drain, including oils and grease, metals, detergents, carcinogens and phosphorous (harmful to fish and other aquatic life). NASP designated carwash locations: Bldg. 645 on Radford Blvd., Bldg. 606 and Bldg. 600. • Buy environmentally preferred products. • Know what to do in case of a spill and who to notify. • Check your car for leaks and recycle your used motor oil. • Keep gutters and drains debris free. Debris can clog systems or be transported Midwayfrom page 1
of Midway. Because of the early knowledge of the attack, the United States was able to put together a defensive strategy that allowed it to use its minimal resources to the fullest potential. The American victory at Midway marked the end of major Japanese advances. The Navy only had three aircraft carriers available to deploy to Midway. Newton E. Delchamps and Wiley Bartlett served aboard two of those carriers, the USS Yorktown (CV 5) and the USS
Hornet (CV 8) respectively. The two joined the Navy together in 1940 in Mobile, Ala., before deploying to the Battle of Midway two years later. Delchamps’ ship was hit by three bombs and two torpedoes during the battle. “They said abandon ship and threw lines overboard,” Delchamps said. “I crawled over the side and lowered myself into the water. I was eventually picked up by a destroyer.” The bombing of the USS Yorktown nearly took Delchamps’ life and that of Bartlett’s friend, but after the three-day battle was
DeCA from page 1
NASP traffic detour map, June 10-24 From NASP PAO
NAS Pensacola’s Public Works Department will be conducting a soil excavation project adjacent to Taylor Road and Murray Road, June 10-24, Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. During this time, Murray Road will be closed at Taylor Road, and Taylor Road will be narrowed to two lanes in the vicinity of the project. Personnel driving aboard the air station are asked to anticipate these detours and plan accordingly. Ship from page 1
streamline the process for those who support it, the Department of Defense (DoD) developed a new program called the Defense Personal Property System (DPS). This new program focuses on meeting the needs of armed forces members, DoD civilian employees and their families by promoting a high service quality. All moves are initiated by the service member online at by using the Defense Personal Property System (DPS). Currently only Explorer, Firefox and Safari browsers work and users must make sure the pop up blocker is turned off. First time DPS users must obtain an Electronic Transportation Acquisition (ETA) login identification (ID) and password before accessing DPS.
To obtain an ETA login ID and password, log on to: http://www. Once you have accessed “,” click on the DPS registration tab, and then click on DoD Service Member and Civilian Registration. After registering, enter your customer information and your shipment request. Upon completion of your shipment request, select “submit.” Submit to your local PPO NAS Pensacola. The final step is to (if possible) print your DD1299 and DD1797, bring/e-mail a copy along with your orders to our office at 121 Cuddihy St., Bldg. 680, Suite C, or e-mail HHG_pensacola Residency is not needed at destination to set up your move. For more information contact Lucinda Sykes, Anthony Gambles or Julius Hammond at 452-4654.
Vol. 77, No. 23
drive in history. According to NMOTC Commanding Officer and 2013 NAS Pensacola NMCRS Chairman Capt. James Norton, this year’s NMCRS Active Duty Fund Drive was successful through the efforts of the NMOTC and NMCRS staff, but most importantly through the donations by Sailors, Marines, retirees and Department of Defense civilian employees. “We couldn’t have had a successful NMCRS fund drive without the thousands of contributions Sailors and Marines throughout the area made,” he said. “Each cent these shipmates generously gave is going to help a Sailor or Marine and their families during the next year. My hat’s off to all those who participated in this – truly – a Navy-Marine Corps team effort.” Each year, one of the larger NAS Pensacola commands coordinates the NMCRS fund drive, with NMOTC awarded the honor of leading this year’s campaign. The six-week drive began March 1 and concluded April 15, with numerous events including a charitable golf tournament and 5K Fun Run.
Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla.: A Bicentennial Defense Community Commanding Officer — Capt. Keith Hoskins Public Affairs Officer — Harry C. White The Gosport nameplate pays homage to the 100th anniversary of naval aviation in 2011: the Centennial of Naval Aviation, or CONA. The image on the left side of the nameplate depicts Eugene Ely taking off in a Curtiss pusher bi-plane from the USS Pennsylvania Jan. 18, 1911. While Ely had taken off from the USS Birmingham two months earlier after his plane had been loaded on the ship, the USS Pennsylvania event was the first time a plane landed on and then took off from a U.S. warship.
awards. • Zachary Allen, a pre-med student at Trinity University in Texas, who was unable to attend the reception. The scholarships program was created in recognition of the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community. The program offers all military children up to $1,500 towards a four-year college or university. The Fisher House Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides assistance to service members and their families, serves as the program
NMOTC-NMCRS from page 1
June 7, 2013
The image on the right side is the Navy’s most modern fighter aircraft, the F-18 Super Hornet. Established in 1921 as the Air Station News, the name Gosport was adopted in 1936. A gosport was a voice tube used by flight instructors in the early days of naval aviation to give instructions and directions to their students. The name “Gosport” was derived from Gosport, England (originally God’s Port), where the voice tube was invented. Gosport is an authorized newspaper published every Friday by Ballinger Publishing,
to waterways posing a hazard to wildlife. • Place vegetation to cover bare spots in your yard. Using native plants has many benefits including decreased irrigation needs. • Use fertilizers sparingly and avoid pesticides. • Direct down spouts away from paved surfaces (preferably to a rain garden). • Pick up after your pet. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into storm drains and eventually into local bodies of water. Each individual can make a difference! For more tips and information, visit over, both had survived. They continue to be friends 71 years later. Quinn, along with Naval Air Technical Training Center Commanding Officer Capt. James V. Daniels and NASP Commanding Officer Capt. Keith Hoskins, honored the five Midway veterans in attendance by presenting them with commemorative paddles and command coins. After the commemoration, guests in attendance were invited to the Battle of Midway exhibit inside of the museum for a cake cutting and reception.
administrator and contracts with Scholarships Managers of Providencetown, N.J., to evaluate the program’s applications. Since the inception of the program in 2000, $7.3 million has been given out to more than 5,000 children. Commissary vendors, manufacturers, broker, suppliers and the general public donate money to the program, and every dollar donated goes directly to funding scholarships. Shasta Sales sponsored the 2013 scholarships for the Pensacola commissary. Tim Moore, district manager for Advantage Sales, provided gift baskets that were handed out to scholarship recipients at the reception.
Donations toward last year’s Pensacola-area NMCRS Active-Duty Fund Drive totaled $323,000, a number significantly trumped by the $465,000 raised during the 2013 campaign. Norton said this was indicative of both the willingness of service members to donate and the tireless efforts of NMOTC Administrative Officer and Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society 2013 NASP Coordinator Lt. Dawn Torrusio. Norton also said that individual commands including AMS-2, HTS-18, Naval Air Technical Training Center, Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity, Naval Recruiting Orientation Unit and VT-3 – boasted marked achievements in donations, ranging from the highest dollar amount per contributor to the highest dollar amount contributed by command. According to NAS Pensacola NMCRS Director Mark Harden, nearly $1 million in financial assistance was provided to roughly 2,400 financial cases in the Pensacola area in 2011, a clear indicator of both the NMCRS’s reach as well as the organization’s willingness to help those in need.
The Rhodes Building, 41 North Jefferson Street, Suite 402, Pensacola, FL 32504, in the interest of military and civilian personnel and their families aboard the Naval Air Station Pensacola, Saufley Field and Corry Station. Editorial and news material is compiled by the Public Affairs Office, 150 Hase Road, Ste.A, NAS Pensacola, FL 32508-1051. All news releases and related materials should be mailed to that address, e-mailed to National news sources are American Forces Press Service (AFPS), Navy News Service (NNS), Air Force News Service (AFNS), News USA and North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS). Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Department of Defense, United States Navy, officials of the Naval Air Station Pensacola, or Ballinger Publishing. All advertising, including classified ads, is arranged through Ballinger Publishing. Minimum weekly circulation is 25,000. Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to rank, rate, race, creed, color, national origin or sex of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed rejection of this policy of equal opportunities by an advertiser will result in the refusal of future advertising from that source.
For classified ads, call: (850) 433-1166, ext. 24 For commercial advertising: Simone Sands (850) 433-1166, ext. 21 Simone@ballingerpublishing.Com Visit Us On The Web At: Ballinger Publishing.Com Mail To: Gosport, NAS Pensacola, 150 Hase Road, Ste.-A, Pensacola, FL 32508-1051
Gosport Editor
Scott Hallford 452-4466 Gosport Associate Editor
Mike O’Connor 452-2165 michael.f.oʼ Gosport Staff Writer
Janet Thomas 452-4419
June 7, 2013
Garnishment process can be complicated By LN1 Sharlissa Barefield RLSO SE Branch Office Corpus Christi
efense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) Garnishment Operations in Cleveland processes all court ordered garnishments for military members, military retirees and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian employees. Types of garnishment include: child support, alimony, commercial debts, Chapter 13 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy orders, and division of military retired pay under the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act. Child support and alimony The Consumer and Credit Protection Act (CCPA) limits the amount that can be garnished for child support or alimony to a percentage of an individual’s disposable pay. Disposable pay includes wages, salary, bonuses and incentive pay less authorized deductions, such as income tax withholding or debts owed to the government. The maximum percentage that can be deducted from pay is as follows:
• 50 percent when the obligor provides more than half the support of dependents, other than those for whom the support is to be deducted, and has not accrued an arrearage (back pay). • 55 percent when the obligor provides more than half the support of dependents, other than those for whom the support is to be deducted, and has accrued an arrearage. • 60 percent when the obligor does not support other dependents and has not accrued an arrearage. • 65 percent when the obligor does not support other dependents and has accrued an arrearage. If the ordered amount of child support or alimony is lower than the maximum per-
centage allowable, then the full amount will be deducted. Commercial debt Active-duty members are typically not subject to garnishment for commercial debt; however, they can be forced to set up involuntary allotments. The percentage cap cannot total more than 25 percent of pay. If there is no pay available to comply with the court order due to garnishments for child support or alimony, DFAS will return the garnishm e n t o r d e r without action, and the creditor will have to re-apply when there is sufficient pay available. Involuntary withholding for the collection of a commercial debt from civil service employees is limited to a maximum of 25 percent of pay. If the governing state caps the percentage at a lower rate, then that rate prevails. Orders for child support, alimony and related arrearages have priority over any commercial garnishment. Retired military or civil service members’ pay is exempt from garnishment for
commercial debts; however, pay due pursuant to the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, child support, spousal support, or a property division can be garnished. Taxes If DFAS is served with a levy by the Internal Revenue Service, DFAS must honor the tax levy irrespective of whether the obligor is active duty or retired. In the case of garnishments, the coll e c t i o n action is mandatory and a n y rebuttal concerning the levy must be addressed with the IRS. Levies are continuous, and collection will run until the entire amount is either collected or the IRS informs DFAS that they are released from collecting the levy amount. Bankruptcy DFAS can withhold up to 100 percent of the obligor’s pay. If DFAS withholds 50 percent for child support, DFAS will withhold the remaining 50 percent of pay for the bankruptcy order. The automatic stay provisions of the bankruptcy law require that all commercial garnish-
ments, involuntary allotments and debt collections stop once a person files for bankruptcy; however, child support, alimony, and their arrearages do not terminate. Assistance available Garnishments are very complicated. For more information, go to the DFAS website at garnishment or contact your nearest legal assistance office. If you need assistance with a legal issue, you can contact the NAS Pensacola Region Legal Service Office at 161 Turner St., Bldg. 624, Suite B, second deck. The phone number is 452-3730. For more information, go to w w w. j a g . n a v y. m i l / l e g a l _services/rlso/rlso_southeast .htm.
Commentary rules Commentaries are the opinion of the writer and should not be interpreted as official government, Navy or command policy statements. Reader submission are welcome but should not exceed 800 words. Submissions must be bylined and include a daytime phone number or e-mail contact for the writer. All submissions are subject to editing to comply with policy and standards. Address Commentary submissions to Janet.Thomas.
June 7, 2013
CID CO visits Pensacola Tiger Bay Club Story, photo by Gary Nichols CID PAO
Capt. Susan K. Cerovsky, commanding officer of the Center for Information Dominance (CID), spoke to members of the Pensacola Tiger Bay Club May 17 at the New World Landing in downtown Pensacola. Vice President of Program Jolinda Jones, said she had heard Cerovsky speak last fall at the Pensacola Rotary Club and requested that Cerovsky speak to her group. The Panhandle Tiger Bay Club, established in 1977 by the late Pensacola News Journal columnist Pat Lloyd and John Broxson, is a diverse, non-partisan group of men and women who are interested in public policy issues and politics. The club brings in speakers who address topical issues and present ideas that are intended to provoke curiosity and provide insight, as well as generate debate and community discussion. The Panhandle Tiger Bay Club holds monthly luncheon programs and an annual dinner meeting. Past speakers have included Martha Raddatz and Claire Shipman of ABC News, political commentator and columnist Dick Morris, Jeff Birnbaum of the Washington Post, and pollster John Zogby.
Capt. Susan K. Cerovsky, commanding officer of the Center for Information Dominance (CID), spoke to members of the Pensacola Tiger Bay Club May 17 at the New World Landing in downtown Pensacola. She discussed the training mission of CID and the role it plays in defending national security.
Although she was speaking to a diverse group, there was one thing they all shared in common: they all had personal smart devices, and were all connected to the internet. Cerovsky asked for a show of hands of anyone in the audience that had a cell phone, smart phone, tablet, e-reader or computer. She wasn’t too surprised when every hand in the room
shot up. This emphasized the point to the audience of how many people – not just in that room, but across our society and the globe – have become integrated into and dependent on the internet for much more than just e-mail and paying bills. “For many of us, the thought of being unplugged is almost unthinkable,” Cerovsky said. For many in the audience,
CID is a non-descript base on the west end of Pensacola, and they were a bit fuzzy on its training mission and how CID impacts national security. She explained that CID is the Navy’s learning center that leads, manages and delivers Navy and joint force training in information operations, information warfare, information technology, cryptology and intelligence. There was also a mistaken notion that CID exists only in Pensacola. Cerovsky explained that CID’s footprint is vast, with schoolhouses ranging from New England to the West Coast, Hawaii and Japan, and personnel from all the armed services learn to defend and maintain those vital networks everyone in the room has come to depend on. Cerovsky then discussed current threats, such as phishing, spear phishing, whaling, tab nabbing and others the members might encounter on their own computers. At the end of the discussion, Cerovsky left the members with one final bit of advice regarding unknown links or e-mails. “Remember,” she said. “When in doubt, delete; do not open unknown files; do not click on unknown URLs; do not open images or audio files. Again, when in doubt, delete.” Jones explained that club members, if they had questions
for Cerovsky, could fill out a query card that was available on each table and submit it for a question-and-answer session at the end of her talk. “We had a number of questions submitted, but ran out of time before we could ask Capt. Cerovsky to respond to all of them,” Jones said. At the end of Cerovsky’s 40minute talk, she fielded questions from the podium for another half hour. Clearly interested in what she had to say, many club members stayed behind while the room was being cleaned to chat with Cerovsky for another 20-30 minutes. “How gracious of her to spend so much time afterward answering questions and meeting our members. They were clearly delighted by her,” Jones said. “We rarely have people staying for so long after a meeting, but Capt. Cerovsky went out of her way to listen and interact with each person wanting to talk with her.” With a staff of nearly 1,300 military, civilian and contracted staff members, CID oversees the development and administration of 226 courses at four commands, two detachments, and 16 learning sites throughout the United States and Japan. CID provides training for approximately 24,000 members of the U.S. Armed Services and allied forces each year.
Hurricane evacuation entitlement FAQ • How many cars will I be reimbursed for when evacuating? One car per family member 16 and older listed on the page 2/DEERS. (Note: license plate numbers will be required on claims). • What is the amount of mileage paid per mile? 55 cents/mile. (Note: license plate numbers will be required on claims). • How far am I authorized to go for evacuation? Evacuation distance is determined by the safe haven location or mile radius authorized by the commanding officer. • What is the max hotel rate I can receive? Lodging rate of safe haven location (does not include taxes). Check the following website for per diem rates: http://www.defensetravel. perdiem/ perdiemrates.html. • How many hotel rooms am I authorized? Member is entitled to one room and family members are entitled to a room, based on number of dependents. • What are the Meals, Incidentals & Expenses (MI&E) rate per day? MI&E rates are based on safe haven location. (Each service member/employee and each dependent age 12 and older is entitled to 100 percent of the MI&E; age 12 and younger is 50 percent). (Rates fluctuate, check website: http://www.defensetravel. dod. mil/
perdiem/ perdiemrates.html) • What receipts do I need to turn in? Itemized hotel receipts, (you do not need to provide gas receipts for POVs, you will be paid a flat mileage rate), and receipts for purchase more than $75. Who will need to file a voucher upon return? Member will submit vouchers for both, member and dependents. Are my spouse and children entitled to MI&E, mileage, hotel room, etc.? Yes. What can my Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) be used for? Use for fuel, food, lodging, rental car, and airline tickets. Not to be used for: clothing and leisure items (i.e. souvenirs, etc.) (You must be on official TDY orders to use your GTCC. Every transaction will be reviewed by the regional GTCC administrator and any unauthorized transactions are punishable by the UCMJ and disciplinary action for Department of the Navy employees.) I am not eligible for a GTCC, can I get a travel advance via DTS or PSD? Yes, up to 75 percent of the estimated cost of the evacuation per diem, however, advances are direct deposit only and banking information is required at the time of request. It may take 24-48 hours to post to account and can only be provided at the safe haven.
(A Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society representative will be there at the safe haven if you require a loan. Military only). If I do get an advance, when do I have to pay it back? Advances are paid back upon liquidation of the travel claim, if you received less that 75 percent, there will be no additional payments required. If you were overpaid, you will have to pay the overage after a letter of indebtedness has been issued. Can I get a loan from Navy Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS)? Yes, but the member is responsible for direct repayment to NMCRS, not via their travel liquidation (Military only). If my personal vehicle breaks down during the evacuation, will I be reimbursed for it by the government? No. Will I be reimbursed for people who are not listed as dependents? No, only dependents listed in your page 2/DEERS will be reimbursed. Also, the government is not responsible for the lodging cost of non-dependent personnel. How long will it take to get reimbursed after submitting my travel claim? Travel claims are processed at PSD Norfolk and could take up to 30-60
days to process for payment. Is a rental car authorized if I do not own a vehicle? No, for members that do not have a POV a local travel allowance of $25 per day will be authorized to assist with unexpected local transportation cost at the evacuation destination. If I stay with a friend or a family member during the evacuation, will I still receive lodging reimbursement? No, but you will receive MI&E. You must provide the exact address of the family member’s/friend’s residence on the travel claim. Will I be reimbursed for pet fees charged by a hotel? No. Where will my travel orders come from? The Financial Management Office will distribute to department heads for dissemination. Will I be reimbursed for phone calls and movies at the hotel? Only official calls are reimbursable; movies are not reimbursable. Am I required to use my GTCC or can I use my personal credit card? It is highly recommended to use your GTCC, if you have one, since no interest will be accrued and it’s easier to prove expenses used when filing a claim. For a complete list of the FAQ, visit nstallations/nas_pensacola.html.
June 7, 2013
LHD-6 flight deck crash team trains at NATTC Photos, story by Lt. Jonathan Bacon NATTC Public Affairs
The amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard’s (LHD-6) flight deck crash and salvage team completed proficiency and refresher training at Naval Air Technical Training Center (NATTC) onboard Naval Air Station Pensacola May 25. The crew members came to Pensacola after the ship successfully completed its Inspection and Survey (InSurv) inspection. While at the training center, they received hands-on training fighting flight deck fires, practicing proper crash and salvage procedures, and safely lifting and moving damaged aircraft. Navy crash and salvage teams must receive the specialized training for new members and refresh veteran members’ skills every year and a half or when 40 percent of the team has
changed out since the last training. AB3 Jessica Rivera, and AB3 Aaron Meriwether agree that the hands on nature of the training is what makes the course popular and successful. “Our ship doesn’t have a stricken aircraft, known as a dud, that we can practice lifting,” Meriwether said. “The only way we can gain that experience is by coming to NATTC and lifting their duds.” Rivera said the live firefighting is the most important training. “Actual experience is so much better than just reading about a procedure, or simulating it. When we’re fighting an aircraft fire, we need to know that our new teammates know their procedures and have got our backs,” Rivera said. “There’s no better way to get the firefighting experience we need than the live firefighting. There’s nothing like the heat of the fire, and having live flames to put out
ABH1 John Back, an NATTC crash and salvage team training instructor, shows a liquid oxygen (LOX) bottle to the crash and salvage team from the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) during the classroom phase of their training.
Crash and salvage team members from the USS Boxer (LHD 4) disconnect a stricken MV 22 Osprey from Tilly, the flight deck crash crane, during crash and salvage team training at NATTC. The team from LHD6 went through the same training.
that you can’t experience any other way.” As fleet returnees and subject matter experts NATTC instructors understand the importance of the training. “The training we provide helps team members think outside of the box, and react quickly, without hesitation, to save lives and rescue the pilots during an aircraft fire or flight deck emergency,” said AB1 Roderick McCarty. AB1 Chris Surowiec said being a NATTC instructor is challenging, rewarding and an awesome experience. “I get to pass my fleet experience to the first timers in this course. It’s great to know the difference that my experience is making in getting them ready,” he said.
Since its commissioning in 1942, NATTC has been committed to delivering training and increasing readiness within the Naval Aviation Enterprise. NATTC graduates approximately 15,000 Navy and Marine students annually. The majority of the student population is made up of enlisted personnel attending “A” schools, where they are learning the skills and knowledge required to perform as apprentice level technicians in the fleet. The center also provides airman apprenticeship training, personal financial management, and shipboard aircraft firefighting training. Advanced schools provide higher level technical knowledge for senior petty officers, and technical training for officers in aviation fuels, carrier
air traffic control center operations, amphibious air traffic control center operations, aircraft launch and recovery equipment, and shipboard aircraft fire fighting. Additionally, NATTC supports the fleet by providing team training to ships personnel during their pre-deployment work-ups, to ensure that shipboard personnel have the proficiency required to take their ship on deployment, after a prolonged period in port. For more information about Naval Air Technical Training Center, visit the website at For more news from Naval Education and Training Command, visit local/cnet/.
June 7, 2013
VT-6 earns Chief of Naval Operations safety award Story, photo by Jay Cope NASWF PAO
With a short, simple ceremony, during of all things – a safety standown – Training Air Wing Five Commodore Capt. James Fisher presented the prestigious Chief of Naval Operations Safety Award to Training Squadron Six (VT-6) in the Naval Air Station Whiting Field auditorium May 17. The award is presented annually to commands that display the vigilance and dedication to preserving the wellbeing of the military service members in their charge. “What’s important to me today is what is always important when we fly,” Fisher stated to the assembled squadron. “Safety is always the number one priority. It trumps everything.” VT-6 Commanding Officer Cmdr. Donald Jamiola received the award on behalf of the squadron and was one of the driving forces behind the 13,813
Training Air Wing Five Commodore Capt. James Fisher presents the Chief of Naval Operations Safety Award to Cmdr. Donald Jamiola, commanding officer Training Squadron Six. VT-6 received the award during a safety standown May 17.
safely flown flight hours, a grade of “outstanding” on the annual flight instructor standardization and training
inspection, and strict adherence to ASAP safety principles. ASAP is an anonymous, safety checklist that each
pilot must fill out online upon completion of a flight. The process provides for total accountability of mission oriented events, mishaps or near misses. The emphasis on the program reflects a safety first mentality across the entire squadron. Former Secretary of the Navy, Gordon R. England, established the Safety Excellence Award in 2002. His goal was to promote safe practices throughout the Department of the Navy and to recognize those commands that standout within the safety guidelines and procedures. The award citation commended the squadrons “outstanding safety record” and praised the unit’s leadership and airmanship. “Throughout the year, you consistently demonstrated the utmost professionalism, superb skill, and the highest level of operational readiness. Your exemplary record and superior performance significantly contributed to the Navy’s overall safety record,” the award stated.
MWR ‘flexes’ to expand fitness opportunities Story, photo by Jay Cope NASWF PAO
Naval Air Station Whiting Field’s Fitness Center recently downsized their fitness classes to meet budget constraints imposed due to sequestration and the 2013 continuing resolution. However, due to creative efforts of the staff and fitness enthusiast Raelyn Latchaw, additional group classes are now available. Latchaw used to lead five group workout classes a week but the mandated reduction in classes limited her contract to only two weekly classes. Out of dedication to her students, and an authentic belief in the physical results of her group workouts, Latchaw volunteered to continue teaching the “Anything Goes” classes on Thursday mornings free of charge. “It’s my passion and hopefully God will let me continue
to do what I love,” she said of her fitness classes. Latchaw spoke of the importance of keeping a set workout schedule. She knows that for most people a well-defined plan and group support are key elements in committing to a lifetime of fitness. MWR is offering her water fitness classes again this year at a fee comparable to outside facilities. Many loyal followers have already purchased passes for the first block of sessions that commenced May 20. These reasonably priced courses offer a multitude of health benefits to include cardiovascular, muscle conditioning, and flexibility to their participants. Lt. Ryan Dahlman, a participant in her classes, spoke highly of Latchaw’s water fitness class. “I found the workout very challenging and rewarding. I believe she tailors the class to
Raelyn Latchaw leads a fitness class at NAS Whiting Field.
meet each individuals needs to provide them the best workout possible. I am looking forward to seeing her class back on the schedule again this summer,” he said. Classes are available in four- and five-week blocks and feature punch cards offer-
ing multi-session discounts. Sixty minute sessions will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings from now through August. Drop-in pricing is available to all with discounted rates for active duty members. Visit MWR’s Facebook page for full details.
“I would never have tried this (water fitness) class if it weren’t for Raelyn. I trusted her after going to her other classes. She is so fun and likable,” Kelly Dahlman, another of Latchaw’s clients said. “She is understanding of what everyone’s fitness level is and she knows how to push me harder.” Latchaw emphasizes that the class is suitable for both the beginner and the elite athlete. It is a low-impact workout that still burns between 400 to 700 calories per session. Those interested in participating in Latchaw’s water fitness classes may contact the Fitness Center at 623-7412 or e-mail Latchaw at NAS Whiting Field’s Fitness Center will continue offering spin, yoga, Anything Goes and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) free of charge.
June 7, 2013
Museum reducing weekend hours
The National Naval Aviation Museum has announced new weekend and holiday hours. The museum will open at 10 a.m. on weekends and holidays, and it will close at the normal time of 5 p.m. Hours will continue to be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MondayFriday. The National Naval Aviation Museum features free admission and a full slate of events throughout the year. For a complete list of events, exhibits and attractions, go to or call 453-2389.
Memorial golf tournament to be June 8
The 24th annual Bonnie and Cliff Jernigan Memorial Golf Tournament is scheduled for tomorrow, June 8, at Cypress Lake Golf Club. Proceeds support Escambia Christian School. Cost is $65 per player (includes green fees, cart, range balls). There will be $10,000 cash and other major prizes. Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. Tee time is 8:30 a.m. with a shotgun start. An awards lunch will follow play. For details, call 456-5045 or 288-1263.
Snack bars, barbershop taking cards
The Navy Exchange (NEX) has announced that the snack bars in the Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit and Marine buildings are now accepting debit and credit cards. Officials also announced that the NEX Sherman Field Barbershop now accepts the Military Star Card along with credit and debit cards. The barbershop is located in Bldg. 3245 and hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. For more information, call 458-3334.
Exchange offering event for women
An Intimate Fit Clinic for women is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 19 at the Navy Exchange (NEX) Mall at 5600 Highway 98 West. Call Mall Customer Service at 458-8254 to book an appointment in advance.
Budget for Baby classes scheduled
Officials at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society are offering Budget for Babies classes. Classes at NAS Pensacola are scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 13 and June 27 at the NMCRS facility in Bldg. 191 at 91 Radford Blvd. A class at NAS Whiting Field is scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon June 22 in the atrium building. For more information or to make reservations, call 452-2300.
Association running concession stand
Members of the First Class Petty Officers Association will be running the concession stand at the Barrancas ballpark for the remainder of the Captain’s Cup softball games. The concession stand will be open from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday through June 11 when games are being played. For more information, contact BM1 Tarnisha Jenkins by phone at 452-3995 or by e-mail at
Summer basketball camps announced
The 34th Chip Boes Championship Basketball Camp sponsored and hosted by the City of Pensacola Department of Leisure Services and the City of Gulf Breeze Department of Recreation will conduct three summer sessions for boys and girls ages 7 to 13. Brochures and information can be obtained regarding the June 24-28, July 15-19 and July 22-26 sessions at the Vickery Community Center in Pensacola and the South Santa Rosa Recreation Center in Gulf Breeze. For more information, call 968-9299 or send an e-mail to
STARBASE planning summer sessions
STARBASE Atlantis is accepting applications and military volunteers for the summer program. Students who will complete the 4th and 5th grade during the 2012-2013 school year are eligible. The program focuses on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Sessions are scheduled for June 10-13, June 1720, June 24-27 and July 8-11. The classroom is located at NASP Bldg. 1907, 461 San Carlos Road. Cost is free. Volunteers also are needed to help with the program. For more information, call 452-8287 or go to
Gathering planned to mark Juneteenth
The 10th annual Sankofa Juneteenth Heritage Gathering is scheduled for 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. June 15 at The Belmont Building, 432 West Belmont Street. The theme is “Restoring the Forgotten Heritage to the Forgotten People.” The event will feature music, displays, dance presentations, a storyteller, youth activities, a heritage market and food vendors. For more information, contact Elder Columbus Thompson or Ima Linda Thomas at 316-0376 or send an e-mail to
Show to feature coins and currency
Pensacola Numismatic Society Coin & Currency Show is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 15 and
Submission guide You can submit information for possible publication in Partyline by sending an e-mail to Submissions must include the organization’s name and details about events including times, dates, locations and any costs involved. Contact information also is required. All submissions are subject to editing to comply with established standards. Items should be submitted at least one week in advance. The deadline is noon Friday for the next week’s publication.
achievement, community service involvement, and English language competency. Highlights of their time in our country include cultural events, outdoor activities and spending time with a host family. The council is looking for families with teens who are willing to share their family life from July 9–21 with one or two Iraqi boys, ages 15 and 16. The local program will keep the teens busy during the workday hours. Host family teenagers are welcome to participate in some of the local Pensacola activities, but are not required to do so. If you would like to host an IYLEP participant, call 595-0817. To read more about the program, go to
DFC Society plans to meet June 13
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 16 at the Hadji Shrine Temple, 800 West Nine Mile Road. Admission will be $1 for adults and free for children 12 and younger. There will be hourly door prizes and raffles for two gold American Eagles and 10 Silver Eagles. For more information, contact the show chairmen Bud Cooly or Steve Gerlach by phone at 473-1515 or by e-mail at
The Pensacola Chapter of the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) Society will meet at Franco’s restaurant, 523 East Gregory St., at 11:30 a.m. June 13. The military award of the DFC is made to aviators and crew members of all services and civilians for heroism and achievement during aerial flight. Meetings are open to members, active duty and retired, spouses, significant others and those interested. Meetings are the second Thursday of every other month. For more information, call Joe Brewer at 453-9291 or go to
Coin collectors to meet June 20
Teens to be on stage for ‘Macbeth’
Members of the Pensacola Numismatic Society, a coin collecting club, will meet at 6:30 p.m. June 20 at Sonny’s Real Pit Bar-B-Q restaurant, 630 North Navy Blvd. There will be a presentation on Mexican currency. A coin auction will be held after completion of the meeting. There is no cost to attend unless you plan to have dinner. For information, call Mark Cummings at 332-6491.
Enter your team in the Doggie Bowl
Individuals, teams and sponsors are invited to participate in the Humane Society of Pensacola’s Doggie Bowl, which is scheduled for 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. June 29 at Cordova Lanes. The Humane Society of Pensacola is a no-kill shelter for cats and dogs located at 5 North Q St. Teams of four to six people cost $20 per person with shoe rental and five door prize tickets included. The grand prize is a trophy and a $100 gift certificate for a team dinner. Other activities include a team costume contest. Sponsorships are also available. Deadline for sponsor sign up is June 12. For details or entry forms, go to www.humane and click on News and Events. You can also send an e-mail to
Newcomer’s Club offers games, lunch
Members of the Newcomer’s Club of Greater Pensacola gather monthly on the second Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the Pensacola Yacht Club for games and a luncheon/meeting. The cost is $14 and includes lunch. The club is open to all women who have resided in Pensacola two years or less. The monthly activities include a book club, Bunco, bowling, chef’s night out and other events. For more information, call Valerie Zubke at 530-3926 or e-mail her at For more details about the club, go to
Free tennis clinics being offered
The Pensacola Sports Association (PSA) has announced the following dates and locations for the 2013 Pensacola Racquet Round Up, a series of free tennis clinics for area youth: • June 14 at University of West Florida tennis courts. Ages 6-8 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and ages 9-12 (10 a.m. to noon). • June 26 at Hollice T. Williams Park (under I110). Ages 6-8 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and ages 9-12 (10 a.m. to noon). • July 25-26 at Gulf Breeze Recreation Center. Ages 6-8 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and ages 9-12 (10 a.m. to noon). • July 29 at Naval Air Station Pensacola tennis courts. Ages 6-8 (8 a.m. to 10 a.m.) and ages 9-12 (10 a.m. to noon). All skill levels are welcome. Area tennis professionals will lead the instruction. Participants are encouraged to bring rackets if they have them, appropriate tennis shoes and clothes, water bottle and sun screen. Racquets will be available to use during the clinic. Parents can register their children online at or by visiting tennis centers or pro shops to fill out a paper form.
Host families needed for Iraqi teens
The Gulf Coast Citizen Diplomacy Council is a local organization that partners with the U.S. Department of State on professional and student exchange programs. For the fourth year in a row, Pensacola is one of five cities to host a family week for nine Iraqi high school students in the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP). IYLEP is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy of Baghdad to develop a cadre of young adults who have a strong sense of civic responsibility, a commitment to community development and an awareness of current and global issues. IYLEP students are selected based on academic
A 21-member cast of actors age 5 to 20 will be featured in a Southeastern Teen Shakespeare Company production of “Macbeth.” The performance is set during the Viking era. Due to some violence, the show may not be appropriate for small children. The Southeastern Teen Shakespeare Company is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing teens in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties with instruction and performance opportunities that lead to their significant growth as artists and community members. Shows are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today, June 7, and tomorrow, June 8, and 2:30 p.m. June 9. Performances continue at 7:30 p.m. June 14 and June 15 and 2:30 p.m. June 16 at Pensacola Little Theatre, 400 S. Jefferson St. Tickets are $10. For more information, call 4322042.
Students can try out for stage workshop
Pensacola State College has scheduled auditions for the 2013 Summer High School Onstage Workshop. The workshop is open to students who will be in grades 9-12 in the 2013-2014 school year, as well as May graduates. This year’s production will be “The Wedding Singer.” Auditions for the musical are 8 a.m. June 17-18 at the Ashmore Fine Arts Auditorium, Bldg. 8, on the Pensacola campus. Featured roles include several men and women and a large chorus. Auditions include singing and dancing. Students should bring sheet music or a background tape and wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Performances are scheduled for July 26-28 and Aug. 2-4 at the Ashmore Fine Arts Auditorium. For more information, call 484-1847.
Basketball referee camp scheduled
The Miracle Strip Basketball Officials Association will be conducting a beginning basketball referee instructional camp June 28-29 at Pensacola State College. The camp is open to men and women ages 18 years and older that have an interest in becoming a certified high school basketball referee. Cost is $25. A camp brochure and additional information may be obtained by contacting Chip Boes by phone at 968-9299 or by e-mail at
Crepe myrtles for sale in Milton
The Santa Rosa Clean Community System is holding its annual crepe myrtle sale at the Green-Up Santa Rosa nursery at 6758 Park Ave. in Milton. Hundreds of trees are available in a variety of colors and mature sizes. One-gallon plants are $5.99 and three-gallon plants at $9.99. A further discount is available on bulk purchases of 10 or more. All of the proceeds from the sale go to funding the organization’s programs. The nursery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. For more information, call 623-1930.
Dance workshop scheduled at PSC
Pensacola State College (PSC) will present the 32nd annual Summer Dance Workshop June 17-21 on the Pensacola campus. An online registration form is available at Walk-in registration is available through June 17 in the Registration Office in Bldg. 2. The workshop draws hundreds of dancers nationwide. Top dance instructors teach classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced dancers in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary/modern, improvisation, theatre dance and pilates. Students may earn college credit and audition for scholarships. Cost varies. For more information, contact LaVonne French by e-mail at or by phone at 484-1809.
June 7, 2013
never be bored
June 7, 2013
Navy League hosts enlisted recognition breakfast, military spouse appreciation luncheon See page B2 Spotlight
Old Glory’s birthday: Flag Day Flag Day honors American ideals, sacrifices By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service
n June 14, the United States observes National Flag Day, an annual tribute to the American flag, the ideals it stands for and the sacrifices made to preserve them.
Combat Team would take that inspiration with them to Iraq, where they lost 19 Soldiers securing Route Irish and its surrounding Baghdad neighborhoods during their yearlong deployment. Among those killed was Army Staff Sgt. Christian Engledrum, a New York firefighter who, like Minning, worked amid the dust and smoke immediately following the World Trade Center attack. Engledrum, the first New York City employee to die serving in Iraq, became a symbol of the unit that went from Ground Zero to Iraq’s Sunni Triangle, and after his death, to the mountains of Afghanistan. The flag and what it represents continue to motivate unit members during their deployment to Afghanistan as embedded trainers for the Afghan National Army, he said. Minning said he recognizes when he saw Old Glory flying at his tiny forward operating base there that he and his fellow Soldiers were following in the footsteps of the earliest U.S. patriots and defending the same values they fought for. “The flag is a symbol of everything the United States stands for – from our Founding Fathers up until now, all that we have accomplished, and the hurtles our country has overcome,” he said. As a Soldier, Minning said, he and his fellow Soldiers recognized that it’s up to them to continue carrying the torch forward. “It is the American Soldier who keeps the country moving forward and will never let it be taken down by any adversity. It is what we fight for and, if we fall in battle, what our coffins are draped with,” he said. “And it’s what we are committed to protecting and defending, no matter what the price.”
President Woodrow Wilson recognized during his first Flag Day address in 1915 that the freedoms the U.S. flag stands for weren’t and never would be free. “The lines of red are lines of blood, nobly and unselfishly shed by men who loved the liberty of their fellowship more than they loved their own lives and fortunes,” he said. “God forbid that we should have to use the blood of America to freshen the color of the flag.” But American blood has spilled time and time again to preserve American liberties, most recently in the war against violent extremism. Three current or retired service members have shared their personal perspectives about how the flag has inspired them through their proudest as well as darkest days as a symbol of patriotism, strength and resilience. Army Capt. Joe Minning – 9/11 terror attacks Few Americans will forget the image of three firefighters raising an American flag over the World Trade Center ruins in New York just hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But for Army Capt. Joe Minning and his fellow New York National Guard Soldiers, many of them New York City firefighters and police officers, the “Ground Zero” flag took on a very personal significance as they desperately sifted through the rubble looking for survivors. “Seeing the flag raised above all of the rubble and ruins of the World Trade Center instilled a new sense of pride in me for our country,” he said. “No matter what happens to the United States – on foreign ground, on U.S. soil – we, the American people, will always continue to move forward, rebuild and face any challenges that lie ahead.” Three years later, Minning and the “Fighting 69th” Brigade
Marine CWO Charles W. Henderson – Beirut embassy bombing Back in April 1983, rescue workers picking through the rubble of what had been the U.S. Embassy in Beirut following a terrorist attack uncovered the body of 21-year-old Marine Cpl. Robert V. McMaugh. Beside his body lay the tattered remains of the U.S. flag that had once stood proudly beside his guard post in the embassy’s main lobby. McMaugh’s fellow Marine security guards draped their fallen comrade in a fresh American flag and carried him away on a stretcher. A squad of Marines snapped to attention and saluted. “It was a poignant moment,” recalled retired CWO Charles W. “Bill” Henderson, a spokesman attached to 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit in Lebanon at the time of the bombing. “Everyone had been digging and digging, then suddenly, everything stopped. Not a word was said. Seeing the body of a fellow Marine covered with the American flag … it was an electrifying moment,” he said. While stationed in Beirut, Henderson said, he came to appreciate the flag, not just as a piece of material, but as a symbol of courage. “Each Marine (in Lebanon) wore an American flag on his shirt,” he said. “It did more than show that we were
Americans. It showed that we were representing this country and what it stands for: freedom for all people.” Henderson said terrorist attacks that followed that initial salvo and the thousands of Americans who have died as a result have only deepened the flag’s symbolism. “What’s behind it are the blood and tears of hundreds of thousands of Soldiers who have sacrificed. The symbolism behind the flag is this long tradition of sacrifice to preserve liberty,” he said. “Yes, it is just a piece of cloth,” he said. “But what it represents are the lives of thousands of Americans who have given everything for this nation – who ask nothing in return but felt an obligation of duty to their country.” Henderson said he doesn’t take disrespect for the flag lightly. “When you insult our flag, you insult the lives and the sacrifices of all the men and women who have served this country,” he said. On the other hand, honoring the flag is showing respect and appreciation for all they have done. “You are honoring everything that we, as a nation, have accomplished, what America has done and what America represents to the world,” he said. Air Force Col. David M. Roeder – Iranian hostage crisis
Gosling Games
Word Search ‘Flying free’ E C N E D N E P E D N I A N L
The Betsy Ross house in Philadelphia, Pa. According to legend, in 1776, George Washington commissioned Philadelphia seamstress Ross to create a flag for the new nation. Scholars debate this legend, but agree that Ross most likely knew Washington and sewed flags. Photo by Mike O’Connor
Color Me ‘These colors don’t run’
Now-retired Col. David M. Roeder remembers living without the freedoms he had worked to protect when he and more than 50 other Americans were taken hostage for 444 days in Iran in November 1979. Roeder, assistant Air Force attache to the U.S. embassy in Tehran at the time, watched helplessly as U.S. flag burnings became almost daily media events. His captors taunted the hostages by carrying garbage from one area of the embassy compound to another, wrapped in the American flag. Through it all, Roeder said, he never lost faith in his country or the flag that symbolizes its ideals. “When you talk about a flag, whether it’s standing in a place of honor at a ceremony or draped over a casket or waving from someone’s house, you’re talking about a symbol,” he said. “But the importance of that symbolism is monumental. It represents what we are, wherever we are in the world,” he said. “And no matter what anyone else says about it or does to it, the flag never loses dignity. It only gains dignity, because when someone attacks the American flag, it’s because they recognize all that it represents and the greatness of this country.”
Jokes & Groaners Only in America ... Only in America ... can a pizza get to your house faster than an ambulance. Only in America ... are there handicapped parking places in front of our skating rinks. Only in America ... do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. Only in America ... do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage. Only in America ... do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won’t miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place. Only in America ... do drugstores have the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions, while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front. Only in America ... do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet soda.
Naval Hospital Pensacola, March 25-April 21, 2013 Lola Raine Rogers, was born to Spc. Alvin and Alisha Rogers, March 25. Kason Bentley Diamond, was born to ABE2 Tyler and Amanda Diamond, March 26. Allison Noel Aubuchon, was born to Lt. Raymond and Kathleen Aubuchon, March 28. Wesley James Purcell Jr., was born to Ens. Wesley and Laura Purcell, March 30. Jaythan Dewane Parker, was born to SN Antony and Shayna Parker, April 1. Abigail Jay Wiggins, was born to Ens. Lawrence and Caitlin Wiggins, April 4. Brealynn Kiera Grenier, was born to Jeremy Grenier and Samantha Gromer, April 4. Bella Malia Casci, was born to Capt. Andrew and Jacquelyn Casci, April 9. Nolan Thomas Henson, was born to James and Lt. Bridget Henson, April 10. Paisley Grace Anthony, was born to ABH1 Bradley and Amelia Anthony, April 11. Wesley James Woodason, was born to Ens. Nathan and Courtney Woodason, April 14. Parker Charles Brown, was born to Capt. Adam and Jennifer Brown, April 15. Irelynn Monroe Willow, was born to AWR2 Samuel and Heather Willow, April 17. Kaydin Timothy Pickle, was born to ABH2 Zachery and Michaelle Pickle, April 18. Jackson Thomas Netherton, was born to Lt. j.g. Thomas and Jennifer Netherton, April 18. Lilliana Renee Burt, was born to Cpl. Philip and Shelby Burt, April 20. Jace Andrew Muenchrath, was born to CWO2 Jeffrey and Dallas Muenchrath, April 20. Gabriel Isaac Chmielewski, was born to Jacob Chmielewski and Lance Cpl. Andrea Stephens, April 21.
June 7, 2013
Navy League hosts enlisted recognition breakfast, military spouse appreciation luncheon for NASP personnel From Pensacola Chapter of the Navy League
The Pensacola Chapter of the Navy League of the United States honored 19 enlisted service members at a recognition breakfast May 29 at Heritage Hall at Seville Quarter. Each year, the organization honors outstanding enlisted persons from E-1 to E-9 who have been nominated from the 18 to 22 local commands. Naval Air Station Pensacola Commanding Officer Capt. Keith Hoskins was the guest speaker at the event. Awardees for 2013 include: • AM2 Chad Baugh from the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels. • BU2 Matthew Dawson from Naval Aviation Schools Command. • CTNSN Paul Diediker from Naval Information Operations Command Pensacola. • Cpl. Joshua Drummond from Marine Aviation Training Support Group 21. • Staff Sgt. John Farmer from Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training. • OS1 Jonathan Figliola from Naval Air Station Pensacola.
• LSC Brian Garfield from Naval Hospital Pensacola. • Master Sgt. Denise C. Gaylord from 350th Civil Affairs Command. • HM1 Robert Harbaugh from Naval Aviation Medicine Institute. • CTT3 Ronnie Mathis from the Center for Information Dominance • LN1 Korrie McKinney from Defense Service O f f i c e Southeast, Detachment Pensacola. • Cpl. Bacilio Mendez from Marine Aviation Maintenance Squadron One. • Staff Sgt. Nicholas Miles of the 479th Flying Training Group. • PO1 Carlton Prescott from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Cypress. • AT2 Arthur Randall from Naval Air Technical Training Center. • YN2 Edward Russell from Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit. • Tech Sgt. Carlos Sepulveda from Detachment 1, 359th Training Squadron. • Sgt. Jason Spardella from Aviation Maintenance Squadron Two. • AFCM Dwayne Wyant from Naval Education and Training Command.
Fawn T. Peralta, wife of Air Force Tech. Sgt. Roberto Peralta, has taken top honors as the military spouse of the year. The award was announced at the Eighth Annual Military Spouse Appreciation Luncheon presented by the Pensacola Chapter of the Navy League of the United States May 22 at New World Landing. The guest speaker was Dr. Jill Stein. WEAR-TV news anchor Sue Straughn was master of ceremonies. Peralta maintains an active presence the military and local community. Her accomplishments include reinvigorating the detachment’s military spouse club. She led five fundraisers and netted more than $2,500 in supporting morale events. She is an active member of the PTA and dedicated more than 50 hours of babysitting for military families. She also has housed victims of domestic violence. She is active in the March of Dimes organization, Boy Scout Troop 104 and the Pensacola Police Department’s Explorer program. In addition, she organized a team that participated in the Perdido Bay Relay for Life and raised more than $6,500 as a contribution for a cure to cancer. Peralta was one of 10 military spouses nominated for this year’s honor. The other nominees were Sally Lynn Alander, Angela N. Rhinehart, Allison Nicole Hand, Tandi Lynn Blake, Kharisa B. Szczerba, Luisa Rivalta Fitzgerald, Holley Harrington, Shannon Adams Morgan and Candice D. Anderson.
June 7, 2013
Program brings the world to local students From The Global Corner
Baeyla Gutierrez, who is from a Navy family, models Indian clothing that would be worn to a celebration. Photo by Jeanne Hooper
During the week of May 6, students at Navy Point Elementary School had a special visit from representative of The Global Corner. Each year, the local nonprofit organization spends a week at the school to take the children on a virtual adventure to another country. This year, the students “visited” India and learned about its language, writing, music, dance, art, architecture, culture and celebrations. Military family members joined in on the fun and informative activities. Kore Faniel and the other
children learned about traditional Indian clothing. Baeyla Gutierrez, who is from a Navy family, tried on some Indian clothing that would be worn to a celebration. In the music and dance class, Anthony Rollins and Devon McKnight practiced a namaskar, the traditional way to begin an Indian dance and how dancers ask the Earth for permission to dance on it. Anthony is from a Navy family, while Devon is an Air Force dependent. The Global Corner is based in Pensacola and was started by retired Navy Capt. Lee Little Hansen. Hansen
retired in 2006 after her tour as commodore of Training Air Wing Six. The organization’s goal is to help children understand world languages and cultures in order to create a future workforce that could be globally competitive. Since its founding in 2007, The Global Corner has led students in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties on more than 38,000 virtual adventures to places such as Japan, Spain, Egypt, Brazil, Russia and India. To learn more about The Global Corner and its activities, go to www.theglobal
Students at Navy Point Elementary learned about India in May during a week of activities presented by The Global Corner. Photo by Jeanne Hooper
June 7, 2013
Morale, Welfare and Recreation
A big crowd turned out May 23 for the first Evenings in Olde Seville Square concert of the season. The summer concert series will continue each Thursday in dowtown Pensacola. Photo from
Musical evenings continue New group presenting popular summer concert series in Seville Square From Evenings in Olde Seville Square
Everyone is welcome to hang out under the heritage oak trees at the park for Evenings in Olde Seville Square, a series of free summer concerts scheduled for every Thursday through the middle of August. Seating is not provided, so you should bring a blanket or folding chairs to sit on. Many concertgoers bring picnic dinners, but there also are vendors along Alcaniz Street offering a variety of items. The history of the event goes back to 1966, but this year a new non-profit organization — Events Pensacola — is presenting the concerts. Last year, the Pensacola
Heritage Foundation announced that the concerts would be ending. Fortunately for Pensacola music fans, a proposal was made to save the concert series. The new group received the blessing of the Pensacola Heritage Foundation, which granted it use of the iconic name, Evenings in Olde Seville Square. The 2013 Evenings in Olde Seville Square concerts kicked off on May 23 with performances by the The McGuire’s Pipe Band and the Pensacola Civic Band. The rest of concerts on the schedule feature a variety of music ranging from jazz and country to swing and rock ’n’ roll.
DETAILS WHAT: Evenings in Olde Seville. WHEN: 7 to 9 p.m. each Thursday. WHERE: Seville Square in downtown Pensacola. COST: Concerts are free. Band schedule • June 13 — Reunion Band with The Palafox Horns. • June 20 — Sawmill Band. • June 27 — Sarah Mac Band. • July 11 — Heritage Band. • July 18 — Delta Reign. • July 25 — Mass Kunfusion. • Aug. 1 — Dr. Breeze. • Aug. 8 — The Swingin’ Dick Tracys. • Aug. 15 — Super Funk Fantasy and surpise guests. CONTACT: 261-2200 or
At the movies FRIDAY
“The Great Gatsby” (3D), PG-13, 5 p.m., 8 p.m.; “Tyler Perry’s Peeples,” PG-13, 5:30 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (2D), PG-13, 7:30 p.m.
“Iron Man 3” (3D), PG-13, noon, 2:20 p.m.; “The Great Gatsby” (3D), PG-13, 5:20 p.m.; “The Great Gatsby” (2D), PG-13, 8:10 p.m.; “Scary Movie 5,” PG-13, 12:20 p.m.; “Tyler Perry’s Peeples,” PG-13, 2:20 p.m.; “Mud,” PG-13, 4:30 p.m.; “Pain & Gain,” R, 7:30 p.m.
“Tyler Perry’s Peeples,” PG-13, noon; “The Great Gatsby” (3D), PG-13, 2 p.m.; “Oblivion,” PG-13, 4:50 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (3D), PG-13, 7:20 p.m.; “Mud,” PG-13, 12:10 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (2D), PG-13, 2:50 p.m.; “The Big Wedding,” R, 5:30 p.m.; “Pain & Gain,” R, 7:30 p.m.
“Scary Movie 5,” PG-13, 5 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (3D), PG-13, 7 p.m.; “Tyler Perry’s Peeples,” PG-13, 5:20 p.m.; “Mud,” PG-13, 7:20 p.m.
“The Big Wedding,” R, 5:20 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (3D), PG-13, 7:20 p.m., “Tyler Perry’s Peeples,” PG-13, 5 p.m.; “The Great Gatsby” (3D), PG-13, 7 p.m.
WEDNESDAY “Oblivion,” PG-13, noon (free); “The Big Wedding,” R, 5:10 p.m.; “The Great Gatsby” (3D),
PG-13, 7:10 p.m.; “Scary Movie 5,” PG-13, 12:30 p.m. (free); “Mud,” PG-13, 5 p.m.; “Pain & Gain,” R, 7:30 p.m.
“Scary Movie 5,” PG-13, 5:10 p.m.; “The Great Gatsby” (3D), PG-13, 7:10 p.m.; “Pain & Gain,” R, 5 p.m.; “Iron Man 3” (2D), PG-13, 7:30 p.m.
Regular: $3 adults, $1.50 children ages 6-11, free for 5 and younger 3D shows: $5 adults, $3 children ages 6-11, free for 5 and younger
Details: 452-3522 or
Support Our Troops
The NASP Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) department has a number of upcoming events and activities that the whole family can participate in. For more information, call 452-8285 or visit the MWR website: • Summer swimming: Outdoor pools are open at Mustin Beach and Corry Station. Admission is free for active duty and dependents, military retirees and children younger than 5. Cost is $2 for retiree dependents, $3 for DoD employees and $4 for guests. Pool passes are available at the Aquatic Office, Bldg. 3203, behind Mustin Beach Club. The pools are closed on Monday. Lifeguards man Barrancas Beach daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call 452-9429. • Rent a boat: The MWR rental fleet features a wide range of boats, canoes, kayaks and paddle boards. You can go fishing on a Boston Whaler or Cape Horn from Sherman Cove or sail out of Bayou Grande or the Blue Angel marinas, where sailing lessons are offered. For more information, call 452-3806. • Matinee movies: Portside Cinemas is offering free matinee movies every Wednesday in June. Movie times are noon and 12:30 p.m. For more information, call 452-3522. • Movies on the Lawn: Movies begin at dusk on second and fourth Saturday of month through August on the lawn in front of Portside Gym, Bldg. 627. “Wreck It Ralph” is on the schedule for tomorrow, June 8, and “Escape from Planet Earth,” is scheduled for June 22. Bring blankets, chairs and coolers. Movies and popcorn are free. Check MWR website for notices in case of rain. For information, call 452-2372. • Tennis clinics: Monday and Wednesday at A.C. Read Courts. Ages 10 and younger, 3:15 to 4 p.m.; ages 11 to 17, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Private and groups lessons also available. Instructor is USPTA tennis professional Cameron Jones. For more information, call 292-3502. • Summer Reading Program: Starts June 13 and continues through Aug. 1. 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday for third grade to eighth grade. 1:30 to 3 p.m. Thursday for toddler to second grade. Free for children. Crafts, refreshments, stories and prizes. Sign up at NASP Library, Bldg. 634. For more information, call 452-4362. • British soccer camps: June 10-14 at the Navy Youth Sports Complex on Highway 98. Four age groups. Register before April 26 and receive a British soccer jersey. Register online at For more information, call 452-3810 or 452-2417. • “Pinocchio” auditions: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. June 24 at the Naval Aviation Schools Command auditorium. For ages 13-18. Rehearsals will be 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. June 25 to 28. Performance will be 5:30 p.m. June 29. For more information, call 452-2417. • Youth bowling camps: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 26-28, July 16-18 and Aug. 14-16 at Corry Bowling Center. For ages 5 to 18. Cost is $60. Each camp includes bowling, lunch and learning sections with coach. For more information, call 452-6380.
Liberty activities Liberty program events target young, unaccompanied active-duty military. Regular events are scheduled at the main Liberty Center in the Portside Entertainment Complex. Hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and holidays and 10:30 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday. Off-base trips leave from the NASP Liberty Center, but you must sign up in advance. For more information, call 452-2372 or visit htm.
To Advertise in this paper, call Simone Sands at 433-1166 ext.21
June 7, 2013
Fleet and Family Support Center
Help for victims of sexual assault in the DoD community is a call, click or text away. The SafeHelpline provides live, one-on-one crisis support and information by trained staff. Call (877) 995-5247; go to; or text: 55-247 CONUS; (202) 470-5546 OCONUS (may be additional charges for OCONUS). The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program provides prevention, intervention and a 24/7/365 response to adult victims of sexual assault. Active-duty and adult family member sexual assault victims have a choice of reporting options, unrestricted and restricted. Unrestricted reporting allows a victim to have an advocate, seek medical care, counseling, legal services and safety interventions such as a Military Protective Order (MPO), separation from offender, expedited transfer, etc. To access an unrestricted report, the victim may report to his/her chain-of-command, security/law enforcement, NCIS, SAPR VA, SARC, and his/her CO shall commence an investigation. Restricted reporting allows a victim to have a confidential report, which does not trigger either command nor law enforcement notification and the victim may have a SAPR VA, and seek medical care and/or counseling. To access restricted reporting, the victim may disclose his/her sexual assault only to the SARC, a current SAPR VA, a health care provider and/or a chaplain. To contact the NASP 24/7 Victim Advocate, call 449-9231/2. To contact the SARC during working hours, call 452-5990 x0; or during and after working hours, call the SARC cell at 554-5606.
The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), 151 Ellyson Ave., Bldg. 625, is offering the following classes: • Personal Financial Management Program: Offering “How to Come Up With that 20 Percent; Surviving a Furlough.” Class is open to all active duty, retirees, family members and DoD and contract employees. For information or to register, call 452-5609. • Welcoming new personnel: Everyone in the military has to transfer sooner or later. Commands should
ensure 100 percent sponsor assignment. Training is offered monthly. Trained sponsors can provide reliable information to incoming personnel and their families. To register for the next training session, call 452-5609. • Positive Parenting: Being an effective parent rewarding and challenging. Classes provide a practical approach to raising happy, respectful, self-reliant, healthy, confident, cooperative and responsible children. Six weeks of classes. Call 452-5609 to register.
Community Outreach NASP Community Outreach is seeking volunteers for opportunities including: • USO Northwest Florida: The USO is seeking volunteers that are committed to supporting America’s troops and their families. If you are interested, contact Faye White at 4558280, option 4. • Ronald McDonald House: A group can volunteer to complete family chores or provide a meal for families in residence. You can also help by hosting special events or conducting a “Wish List” Drive to collect items for the house. For more information, contact
Too much stuff? Here’s the best and cheapest way to clear out the garage. List your stuff in a Gosport Classified. Rates are $9 for the first ten words and fifty cents for each additional word. Over 25,000 people see the Gosport every week. Go online to or call 433-1166 ext. 24 to place your ad today.
Vicky Bell at 477-2273. • Meals on Wheels: Council on Aging of West Florida, 875 Royce St., is seeking volunteers to deliver meals to homebound elderly citizens of Escambia County. Contact Brenda Turner at 432-1475, ext. 410, or visit • American Red Cross of Northwest Florida: Help is always needed for other projects. For information, call 432-7601. For more information, contact NASP Community Outreach at 452-2532 or e-mail NAS PensacolaCommunityOutreach@
Worship schedule The Naval Aviation Memorial Chapel and the Lady of Loreto Chapel are closed for renovations. During renovations, Sunday services are being held at the auditorium at Naval Aviation Schools Command (NASC), Bldg. 633. NAS Pensacola Protestant
•Communion service, 8 a.m. Sunday, All Faiths Chapel. • Protestant Sunday School, 9 a.m. Sunday, J.B. McKamey Center. • Worship service, 10:15 a.m. Sunday, NASC auditorium. • Contemporary service, 6 p.m. Sunday, All Faiths Chapel. • Women’s Bible study, 9 a.m. Tuesday, J.B. McKamey Center. • Fellowship dinner, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. • Bible study, 6 p.m. Wednesday, J.B. McKamey Center. Roman Catholic
• Sacrament of Penance, 3:45 p.m. Saturday, All Faiths Chapel. • Mass, 4:30 p.m. Saturday, All Faiths Chapel. • Mass, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, NASC auditorium.
• Mass, noon Monday, Thursday, and Friday, All Faiths Chapel. Latter Day Saints
• Service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday, All Faiths Chapel. NASP Corry Station Protestant
• Adult Bible study, 9 a.m. Sunday, chapel conference room. • Chapel choir, 9 a.m. Sunday, sanctuary. • Worship service, 10 a.m. Sunday. • Fellowship, 11:30 a.m. Sunday. • Praise and worship, 7:30 p.m. Sunday. • Bible study and dinner, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, fellowship hall. Roman Catholic
• Mass, noon Sunday. • Mass, 11 a.m. Tuesday, small chapel. Whiting Field Chapel Roman Catholic
• Mass, 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Friday. Protestant
• Bible study, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. • Weekly chapel service, 11:30 a.m. Thursday. For more information, call 452-2341.
June 7, 2013
To place an ad go online at or call 433-1166 ext.24.
Military Marketplace ★ Motor ★ Merchandise ★ Employment ★ Real Estate ★ and more
Real Estate
PENSACOLA PARACON: A Sci-Fi, Anime, G a m i n g , Costuming & H o r r o r Convention Aug 17, 18. 941-4321. Pensacolaparac
Buying/Selling 20% rebate r e a l t o r commission to m i l i t a r y members. Resort Realty, 850-221-8024
HAUL OFF FREE! Lawn M o w e r s , Appliances, Scrap Metal. 850-944-2394, 850-602-7337
• GE older model electric stove, $30. K e n m o r e electric dryer, older model but works great $40. Kenmore Dishwasher, older model but works great $20. Call Kathy 850-453-3775.
B a s e b a l l /Softball net. Over 25’x80’, used, but whole and good condition. $50 firm 607-7535
Magazine collection, 1996 to present, $200 obo. 932-3467
Carasand rug, no smoking, no pets, navy sarouk, 5’9” x 9’, original collection, new condition, $350. 384-0122
Real Estate Plan for retirement!!! Small business for sale, Orange Beach, Ala. Turnkey neighborhood s h i p p i n g business in same great location for 20+ years. Strong gift/retail sales. Inventory conveys/no real estate conveys. Lease available to new owner. $129,000. Surf Song Realty LLC. (251) 9803000
Wa t e r f r o n t condos. For sale or rent. 1/1 o w n e r financed. 5 minutes from downtown. 10 minutes from NAS. 9829800 or 6371555. Sale prices starting at $69,500, rentals starting at $575. Home for sale
3/2 space on water w/dock, close to NAS, $95,500. Chris, 850-375-4201
I t a l i a n Greyhound pups. All shots, excellent champion background, male & females, $100 and up. 981-0228
Too much stuff ?
Hounds mix, fixed adults, free to excellent home. 542-7642 Wooden bunk bed with Here’s the best Articles for sale m a t t r e s s e s , and cheapest excellent way to clear out condition, $170. the garage. List • New Model 805-248-9479 R u g e r your stuff in a B l a c k h a w k , Fun, .357, Blued Family Gosport Styx River Finish, Asking Classified. Go $400. If Resorts. Rafting, online to interested call s w i m m i n g www.gosportpe 850-232-2612. pools, hot tubs, Ask for Jason. c h i l d r e n ’ s playground, or call 433• GE Stove with many extras. Pd 1166 ext. 24 to over the range $8,000, sell for vent hood, $100 $2,000. 251place your ad and GE 213-8293 today. Dishwasher, $40 OBO. Call Mac, 850-232-1068
Advertise with us! Call
Zenith DTT901 digital tuner converter box, 1.27ct. 14K new in box, all white gold documents, $30. diamond ring. 932-3467 Mint condition, $ 1 , 4 0 0 A R 1 5 obo. Have all midlength 16” paperwork and bbl DTI upper r e c e i p t s . NFA lower 6pos O r i g i n a l l y stk w/cable lock $3,400. David, and 30 round 619-7560 magazine, $800. 405-537-7916 New wedding gown, small M4 carbine 16” train, lots of bbl RedX upper beads, $65. 456NFA lower 6pos 1368 stk w/cable lock Oil paintings and 30 round and other magazine, $800. framed pictures. 405-537-7916 456-1368 Stereo with speakers. Radio, cassette and CD player. $35. 4561368
Solid wood dining table set w/6 chairs, $950. Very nice! Call Daniel, 393-8312
Leather G-1 navy flight jacket, original 1944 pattern, government issued, mouton collar, new cuffs and waistband. No squadron patches. Size 42. soft M i c r o w a v e , Great condition. $150. stainless steal, 497-9780 GE, 24”, $85. 384-0122 JVC VHS video Hummal vase goose girl no. 1106. Highway collectible. $165. 384-0122 $5,500/obo Beautiful walnut satin Steinway upright piano w/bench. Model 1098. Excellent condition & must see to appreciate. 261-9121
tape player, VCR Plus with cable channel c h a n g e r , ultraspec drive, dual quickset, hi-fi, $25. 4979780 High back office chair, black vinyl, with arms and adjustable features, swivels and with four casters, nice, $25. 497-9780
Gosport mailed to your door $60 per year for 50 issues Fill out the form below and drop off or mail to: Ballinger Publishing 41 N. Jefferson St. Suite 402 Pensacola, FL 32502
Name and address where you want Gosport delivered. Please print clearly.
Simone Sands at 433-1166 ext. 21 Payment: Cash Card Number Exp. Date
June 7, 2013
Ads placed by the Military are FREE To place a FREE Military Marketplace classified ad
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Military Marketplace ★ Motor ★ Merchandise ★ Employment ★ Real Estate ★ and more
Real Estate
Real Estate
Rifle, black powder, new, unfired, in the box. All papers. CVA, 50 caliber, optima, stainless bergara barrel, camouflage stock. $150. 497-1167
Autos for sale
Misc. Motor
‘96 25’ I/O cuddy with trailer, hard top and detachable tower. 2002 5.7 engine. Many extras. $13,500. 455-4973, 5167962
Creighton Rd, 2820 Helen St., furnished 2/1 mobile home, c/h, p a i d water/garbage, private lot. 2815399
Roommate, no smoking inside house, one furnished room in apartment, $350 per month, i n c l u d e s utilities. Near NAS Fairfield and Mobile. 292-4662 or 473-6364. Background check, reference required.
Black 1998 Ford Mustang, 5 speed V6, power windows, power locks, cruise control, 150,000 miles. Car runs great, doesn’t need anything. Great on gas. $2,800. 291WWII souvenir 4627 rifle. German, 1980 CJ5 Jeep 8mm mouser, Renegade, KAR 98. All $5,500. Straight o r i g i n a l , 6, 4x4 w/soft m a t c h i n g top. Runs great! Daniel, n u m b e r s , Call 393-8312 s h o o t i n g condition. $275. Motorcycles 454-9486 2004 Kawasaki Bridge fishing Vulcan Classic 800, 7,500 miles gear, 12 working on ODO. Garage rods and reels, kept, many all types, all u p g r a d e s , sizes, in full 3- weather proof tray tackle box. cover, new tires. $4,000 obo. 804$65 for all. 417888-4193 for 1694 more info and pictures.
• 1991, 23 ft. Fish Hawk with walk-around cuddy cabin. NEWER Vortec 350 Engine & Outdrive engine has less has 300 hours. Real Estate Asking $5,200. Looks great, Homes for rent runs great. Just in time for boating season. Regency Park Call Mac at 850- 8246 Emperor Rd. 3/2,den, 232-1068. s u n r o o m , B l a c k / y e l l o w fireplace, c/h, 2004 Suzuki fenced yard, 2GSX-R 750. car garage, 12,800 miles. $950/$950. 432New tires, 5652 brakes, plugs, air filter, coolant, Davis Hwy/9th oil/filter. Ave., 531 Looks/runs like Wynnehurst St, new. $6,000 for new tile/carpet, bike, $7,000 for sitting bike plus all c/h, porch, carport, gear. 317-363$650/$650. 3248395 5286
3/1 central heat/air, fenced yard, recently renovated. $795/ month, $795 deposit. Lease required. 2063331 Roommates
R o o m a t e wanted in nice newer 4/3 home, 15 minutes to base, nonsmoking male, no pets, $375/month. 291-4591.
Housemate to share 4/3 home with pool in Gulf Breeze. 10 minutes to the beach, dog okay. $550/month, plus one-half utilities. Room for rent 207-9361 in 3/2 house fenced yard, F u r n i s h e d garage, hot tub, bedroom with $ 6 0 0 / m o n t h cable. Share including all living quarters. u t i l i t i e s $125 weekly. All electricity/cable/ utilities paid. internet 5 miles NAS Perdido Bay from subdivision. 776- Pensacola 804888-4193 1758
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
e w l y renovated 3/2, 1,225 sqft., new roof, paint, carpet/vinyl f l o o r s , kitchen/bath cabinets, interior d o o r s , dishwasher, stove, ceiling fans, window blinds. Almost new AC. Fenced backyard. $53,000. 108 Tomahawk Trail, 456-2303
Home for sale by owner: 3/2, huge fenced yard, new remodel. Myrtle Grove. $125k. 554-7436
25 acres Lakeview 3 stream-beds, hardwoods. S u r v e y e d VAG/VR fish, hunt. 124k obo. 554-3873 or 384-6926
it could
Homes for sale N
3/2 house, open floor plan, lots of upgrades. Call K a r e n Krasnosky, 7484144, MLS# 444121 By owner, 2/2 mobile home with lots of upgrades. Front/back covered decks. 2 sheds, brick walks, large shady quiet lot. Many extras. 3700 Estil Dr. Pace. 54.900. 830-4647/6893387 Beautiful home for sale, 4/3 2,343 sqft. Blackberry R i d g e Subdivision MLS# 421178. 525-7932, $219,900
Garcon PT. 5/3 brick home + 1 acre and access to East Bay. 2,100 sqft, fireplace, 2-car garage, quiet neighborhood, ideal for 4/2 newly families. $168K. r e m o d e l e d 418-1031 home, fenced yard, all electric, Place FP, inside laundry, good neighbors. 4621 your ad Bridgedale, $74,900. 291today and 4591
be here next week.
June 7, 2013