Baltimore Jewish Home - 5-21-20

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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home


Health & F tness

B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M


MAY 21, 2020

The Pros of Cheesecake By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN


havuos is a yom tov we all look forward to with one delicious highlight: cheesecake! Everyone is ready to pack in the cheesecake along with other dairy delicacies. The downside of all the delicious dairy food is the unwanted calories that come along with it. In order to make your yom tov enjoyable, and not feel guilty about all the excess calories, let’s focus on some of the many benefits of dairy. Dairy foods are rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and vitamins A, D, and E. Milk, cheeses, and yogurts are a great source of protein which help many Americans meet their daily protein needs. One cup of milk contains approximately 8-10g of protein. A half of a cup cottage cheese has approximately 13g of protein. One-and-a-half ounces of cheese such as cheddar contains 9-11g of protein. The Institute of Medicine recommends that 10-35% of total daily calories should come from protein – about 50-175 grams per day if you normally eat about 2,000 calories each day. Protein is needed for all of our muscles, hair, skin, and nails. Protein is also used to make enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals. Basically, protein is essential in every cell in our body! A great way to meet the daily recommendations for protein is from dairy products. Another main nutrient found in dairy products is the mineral calcium. Dairy products are the main source of calcium in American’s diets. Calcium is the most abundant mineral, and one of the most important ones in the human body. Calcium has many various functions that have vast benefits. Calcium is well-known for its key role in building bones and teeth as well as maintaining bone mass. Adequate calcium intake is vital in adolescents to build strong bone mass and help prevent osteoporosis later in life. If there is not enough calcium intake to maintain sufficient amounts of calcium in

the blood, the parathyroid glands will be activated to secrete more parathyroid hormone (PTH). PTH will then pull calcium out of the bones to supply more calcium to the blood stream.

seins and whey – have similar effects to blood pressure-lowering medications. Additional benefits of calcium include reducing PMS symptoms and aiding in weight loss. Research has

This causes a loss of bone substance, which eventually can lead to osteoporosis. Calcium is also essential for cardiac function by regulating heart and muscle contraction and nerve conduction.

also shown that calcium plays a role in preventing certain cancers. For example, calcium with vitamin D may help protect against breast cancer in premenopausal women. In order for calcium to be able to

Protein is essential in every cell in our body

Another benefit of calcium is its role in controlling high levels of magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium in the blood. Doctors use calcium supplementation to help control these levels. There’s also good evidence that calcium can help prevent or control high blood pressure. The proteins that are found in low-fat dairy – ca-

perform its many jobs, it requires the assistance of vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed for calcium to be absorbed from the digestive tract. Thus, Vitamin D helps maintain normal blood calcium levels. Dairy products are a great source of vitamin D. One cup of milk has 25% of the daily value of vitamin D. Many Americans are lacking

adequate amounts of vitamin D and therefore many brands of milk are fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential in promoting healthy bones by aiding in calcium absorption. Vitamin D is also involved in immune health and controlling blood pressure. Dairy products are also a rich source of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Deficiency of vitamin B12 has been associated with negative neurologic outcomes, such as dementia and cognitive impairment. Folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 play important roles in the homocysteine cycle. Without adequate amounts of these nutrients, the homocysteine cycle is impaired, and homocysteine builds up in the bloodstream. High levels of homocysteine cause an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, which is also associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Dairy products are a rich source of many vital nutrients which have essential functions in our body. Due to the high nutrient concentration, high intake of low-fat dairy products is associated with strong bone health, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and with lower blood pressure in adults. So, when taking a bite of the rich cheesecake over Shavuos, be positive, and focus on the many benefits of the dairy products it contains instead of feeling guilty about those calories! Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a private nutrition consultant and conducts nutrition workshops in assisted livings, senior centers, and nursing homes. She can be reached at or 917623-6237. Follow us on instagram @EatBetterandFeelBetter.

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