MAY 21, 2020
Think You Can Be a Navy SEAL? (This riddle is from a book written by retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson, titled, “Deadly Skills Puzzle and Activity Book” to help people practice their observation and analytical skills) Complete the grid. Every tree has one tent either above, below, or beside it. No tent can be in a square touching another tent (even diagonally). The numbers beside each row and column tell you how many tents are in that row or column. Can you fill in all the tents?
B A LT I M O R E J E W I S H H O M E . C O M
You gotta be
Twins, Jimbo and Bob, come across a U.S. Air Force recruitment table at a local Memorial Day Parade. The recruiter looks at Jimbo and says, “What skills can you bring to the Air Force?” Jimbo looks at him and says: “I’m a pilot!” The recruiter gets all excited, turns to his aide and says: “Let’s get him the paperwork so he can start training ASAP.”
The recruiter then looks at Bob and asks: “What skills to you bring to the Air Force?” Bob says: “I chop wood!”
“Son,” the recruiter replies, “we don’t need wood choppers in the Air Force. What do you know how to do?” “I chop wood!” “Young man,” huffs the recruiter, “you are not listening to me. We don’t need woodchoppers – this is the 21th century!” “Well,” Bob says, “you hired my brother!” “Of course, we did,” says the general. “He’s a pilot!” Bob rolls his eyes. “So what?! I have to chop it before he can pile it!”