Baltimore Jewish Home - 8-25-22

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Biker Cholim Cycles to New Heights! Wishing all of our teachers and students a schoolsuccessfulyear! לולאב ב״י-בא ז״כVol. 8 Issue #17 | August 25-September 8 | 1014 Life with Lyme: How a Mother’s Intuition Helped Heal Her Child42 Over 5,000 Issues Printed | Over 10,000 Readers | VISIT US ON THE WEB! WWW.THEBJH.COM Inaugural Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference Draws Hundreds

2 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM EVERY PENNY COUNTS at Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund With people spending more time indoors, and our children ...especially before yom tov ! Mail a check to: Ahavas Yisrael Charity Fund 115 Sudbrook Lane, Suite E Baltimore Maryland 21208 Or go to: and donate the amount of the contents of your box, plus a 3% processing fee under general tzedaka st a i m a n c o m st a i m a n . c o m st a i m a n . c o m Have the kids open your Ahavas Yisrael Tzedakah box and count the money. After counting any money - change or bills - be sure to scrub your hands well! Local Rabbonim have suggested putting one dollar a day in their Pushka at home and then send it to Ahavas Yisrael Call: 410-358-2525

This Rosh Hashana start the new year with a Mitzvah. Train to Blow Shofar!

This initiative is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Bruce and Lois Kauffman in loving memory of Mr. Philip Kauffman, ה׳׳ע, and Mrs. Rosalie Zwagil, ה׳׳ע.


Shofar-Blowing Training sessions will take place on: Sunday, August 28th, 11:30 AM Thursday, September 8th, 8:30 PM Sunday, September 11th, 11:30 AM Wednesday, September 14th, 8:30 PM Sessions to be held at the Ari Fuld, a"h, Rear Building, behind 3209 Fallstaff Rd. No prior sign-up necessary. For any questions, email or call 410-653-3333.

The Chesed Fund Limited is dedicated in memory of Mordechai & Rebecca Kapiloff, ה”ע, Dr. Bernard Kapiloff, ה”ע, and Rabbi Norman & Louise Gerstenfeld, ה”ע. Project Ezra of Greater Baltimore, Inc. is dedicated in memory of M. Leo and Hannah Storch, ה”ע Pick up a free shofar and join a shofar-blowing training session so you can do this important chesed for your community.

Dear Readers, Summer in Baltimore: Fact & Opinion

Fact: It’s beautiful to see the Bachurim who are home for Bain Hazmanim learning in shuls throughout the community.

Fact: The Orioles are on pace to win 85 games this year. They won 52, 54, and 47 games in each of the prior three full seasons

Opinion: Mike Elias, the Orioles general manager, has set the team up for long-term success. This team will be good for a long time!

Opinion: Some of the best memories for teens are the times spent away in sleepaway camp.

Fact: Summers in the bungalow, AKA “The Country,” provide an oasis of relaxation and an amazing place for children to enjoy the outdoors and good old-style fun.

Fact: The girls who run backyard day camps infuse the camps with so much energy and creativity!

Opinion: Not everyone looks good in Spandex.

Opinion: Softball is not meant to be played with a clincher ball.

Opinion: The Royal Farms in Greenspring has probably sold more Slurpees than any other store in Baltimore- almost all from young day-campers.

Enjoy the rest of summer!

SEND YOUR NEWS TO BJH! Send us your: community events, articles & photos, and mazal tovs to to be featured in coming editions! IMPORTANT NUMBERS Police & Fire 911 Hatzalah 410-358-0000 Shomrim 410-358-9999 NWCP 410-664-6927 Chaverim 410-486-9000 Misaskim 443-265-2300 CONTACT INFORMATION Moshe Meir Rubin PUBLISHER Berish Edelman LAYOUT Yitzy Halpern MANAGING EDITOR Michael Czermak ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE AMF Creative DESIGN Aaron Menachem COPY EDITOR

Fact: Baltimore summers are from the most unbearable in the entire country.

Fact: Summer vacation is an integral time for our Rabbeim, Morahs, and teachers to recharge their batteries.

Opinion: If you walk to a simcha that’s more than 10 minutes away on a summer Shabbos, you will absolutely sweat right through whatever you’re wearing.

Opinion: Eight+ weeks of vacation is way too long for kids (and their parents)!

Opinion: It would be wonderful to have a place nearby during the summer for the Baltimore community to get away from the torrid heat and humidity and city life.

Fact: Baltimore boys have always been the best softball players in sleepaway camps.

Aaron Menachem

Fact: There is nothing like rishus cold ices on a long Shabbos afternoon

4 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM The Baltimore Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. All opinions expressed by the journalists, contributors and/or advertisers printed and/or quoted herein are solely their opinions and do not reflect the opinions of BALTIMORE JEWISH HOME, their parent company or affiliates, and may have been previously disseminated by them on television, radio, Internet or another medium. The Baltimore Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The BJH contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. COMMUNITYContents Around the Community 6 Community Calendar 36 JEWISH THOUGHT Rabbi Zvi Teichman 32 FEATURE Life with Lyme How a Mother’s Intuition Helped Heal Her Child 42 HUMOR & ENTERTAINMENT Centerfold 54 Notable Quotes 56 Kids Coloring Contest 68 LIFESTYLES Forgotten Heroes 40 Tech Triumphs 45 Parenting Pearls 46 Mental Health 48 Dirshu 52 Your Money 60 Israel Today 61 Dating Dialogue 62 In the Kitchen 66 NEWS Israel 18 National 24 That’s Odd 26 For ad submissions please 443-990-1941ads@baltimorejewishhome.comemail|

Fact: Bike-a-Thons are a really creative and fun way to raise money for organizations.

Opinion: Marino ices are much more authentic than Luigi ices.


How do the STAR-K rabbinic co ordinators of these events sum them up?Rabbi Sholom Tendler mentions, “It is always an honor to host these seminars. We get to meet and interact with people from such a wide array of backgrounds and experiences. Their interest in kashrus - and their ques tions - keep us on our toes. As much as they feel they gain from us, we also certainly gain from them.” Rabbi Zvi Goldberg concludes, “We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the tzibur by teaching and demonstrating how kashrus works at a large agency…We very much look forward, iy”H, to next year’s pro grams!”

Around the Community

“After lengthy negotiations, the mesivta’s hanhala was able to secure a recently renovated property just across the street of the bais medrash for use as the dorm,” the mesivta’s founding menahel and maggid shiur Rabbi Men del Kaminker says. “Naturally, this location is truly ideal and convenient, and will also enable us to look after the wellbeing of the talmidim throughout the day, without the need of being in two separate locations.” “Also, the mesivta has expanded its faculty”, continued Rabbi Kaminker, “to accommodate additional talmidim, and bez”h will have 2 classes.”


Q & A with HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlit’a, during the 19th Annual Kashrus Training Program

Baltimore’s New Chabad Mesivta Expands Faculty and Premises

By: Anash The newly established Baltimore Mesivta has expanded its faculty to accommodate additional talmidim, and has secured the property adjacent to its Bais Medrash for use as its dormitory, has learned.

Mrs. Chaya Lew, a Brooklyn, New York-based party planner, was one of five outnumbered women who attend ed the Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar.“Asa party planner, I find myself in many situations where I have had to call a Rav or a mashgiach to find out an answer, and I felt such a course would help me become more educated and knowledgeable. I am very grate ful for this course. I really feel like I learned a lot. As I get older, and party planning gets more physically chal lenging, I am considering becoming a mashgicha – especially since I have a lot of experience working with nu merous different caterers and shuls on many different types of events.”

From Israel, Peru, and Manchester, too:

By: Margie Pensak STAR-K Kosher Certification’s back-toback 19th Annual Kashrus Training Program (July 25-28) and Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar (August 1-3) attracted participants from as far away as Ramla, Israel; Lima, Peru; and, Manchester, UK, to its Baltimore corporate headquarters. Both certificate programs featured a Q & A session with STAR-K Rabbinic Administrator HaRav Moshe Heinemann, shlit”a, and a variety of lectures by STAR-K Kashrus Administrators, a handson vegetable checking practicum, and tours of STAR-K-certified establishments.Forthepast two years, Joe Malay worked as a mashgiach in catering, in addition to visiting several factories, in Peru. His 3,545-mile trip, he shared, was well worth it.

The mesivta is located in Balti more’s Greenspring neighborhood and is based in a newly-renovated and beautifully-furnished Beis Medrash, fully stocked with an all-new library of sifrei nigleh and chassidus. Along with a newly-built state-ofthe-art mikvah, nourishing meals, ded icated staff and comfortable dormitory facilities, the new Mesivta will be a place of personal growth and success for its talmidim b’gashmius ub’ruch nius

STAR-K Certification’s Popular Summer Kashrus Training Programs’ Far Reach

The expanded faculty includes: Rabbi Mendel Kaminker – Me nahel/Maggid Shiur; Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sufrin –Maggid Shiur; Rabbi Aron Goldberg – Mashpia; Rabbi Sruly Bressinger – Mash pia; Rabbi Mendy Vishedsky – Bo churim mentorship and Farbrengens.

As the Mara D’Asra of Bais Torah U’Tefilah in West Hempstead, NY, and Director of Pastoral Care at Gur win Jewish Nursing Facility in Com mack, NY, Rabbi Uri Lesser hopes to share his new knowledge with his community, as well as the mashgichim and dining service management at his facility.“Through the Kashrus Train ing program, I gained a tremendous amount of both knowledge and prac tical advice in many different areas of Kashrus… My favorite part of the program was the personal time spent with Rav Heinemann, shlit”a. It is not every day that a person gets to sit with a Gadol B’Yisroel and hear first-hand his thoughts and different calculations both in Halacha and Hashkafa…. No amount of time learning Sefarim or reading articles can compare to per sonally hearing and being involved in the transmission of our Mesorah.”

“I signed up for the STAR-K Kashrus Training Program to learn more from an important institution and its expert rabbis. Where I work, I must do everything…now, I will be able to apply the experience, and the ory I Rabbilearned.”Menachem Zev Kramer, Rav of the Orlando Torah Center, and member of the Orthodox Vaad of Or lando, noted, “The program provided a real taam and flavor and opened my eyes as to what to look for and how to plan…. Our kashrus division is very small, but what I learned enabled me to expand our vision in a very real way. Iy”H, the contacts I was able to make will be translated into tangible and concrete results down the line.”


19th Annual Kashrus Training

Kurcfeld, STAR-K Assistant Director of Supervision, trains Foodservice Seminar attendees in bug checking


SHEVAWEDDINGBRACHOSFORSHPEIL Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Eichenstein (Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah) on the marriage of their son Avrohom Dovid to the daughter of the Viznitzer Rav of Monsey and the granddaughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey and the Skverer Rebbe. Mazel Tov as well to the chosson’s zeides, the Zidichover Rebbe of Chicago and Moreinu Harav Yaakov Eliyahu Unsdorfer Shlita of Montreal. The Aufruf/Forshpiel was in Baltimore at Mercaz Torah U’Tefillah followed by the wedding in Monsey in the presence of the Viznitzer Rebbes and the Skverer Rebbe. The final Sheva Brachos took place in Baltimore together with the Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey, the Vinitzer Rebbe of Montreal, and the Skelener Rebbe.

The dais at the chasunah, including the Viznitzer Rebbe of Kiamesha Lake, the Vizniter Rebbe of Monsey and the Skever Rebbe, along with HaRav Unsdorfer and HaRav Eichenstien


Baal Habatim dancing with the choson at the special Baltimore receptionA partial view of the chassidim who attended the wedding

Around the Community Chasunah of HaChosson Avrohom Dovid Eichenstein

The Eichenstien family dancing at the simchaChoson dancing with his grandfather, Moreinu HaRav Yaakov Eliyahu Unsdorfer shlita, from Montreal Choson dancing with his father, HaRav Eichenstein

The Vitzner Rebbe of Monsey, dancing with his brother, the Viznitzer of Montreal The choson, together with the Viznitzer Rebbe of MonseyThe choson dancing with the kallahs great grandfather, the Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey


By: Rochelle Goldberg

Photo Credits: B. Ansbacher Photography The heat wave ended. The weather was perfect. The excitement in the air was palpable, as the 160 cyclists rode off on the glorious scenic routes of Maryland at 50, 25, and 10-mile challenges respectively. Sunday’s Sinai Lifebridge 9th Annual Bikur Cholim Men’s Bike a thon raised a staggering $205,000 with money still coming in hourly. For the ninth year in a row, Bikur Cholim of Baltimore/LifeBridge Health Men’s Biker Cholim and After Party BBQ event was an over whelming success, with more cyclists, more fun, more challenges, and more money raised. This laudable event was once again chaired by Mordechai Gottlieb and his committee of Liz Rothstein, Yaakov Berkowitz, Tzvi Feigenbaum, Noam Shiman, Aki va Goldberg, Eli Portnoy, Pinchos Rabinowitz, and Rochelle Goldberg The excitement began at 7:45 a.m. as the “50 milers,” pumped and helmeted, left the beautiful grounds of Ateres Elke followed by the “25 milers” at 9:00 a.m., and finally the “10 milers” at 10:30 a.m. The beau tiful weather and scenic country-side routes made this the “most enjoyable and pleasant ride,” remarked one of our long-time cyclists. Family and friends were on hand to cheer each group at the finish line with homemade signs and tremendous ap plause. Laughter, excitement and a tre mendous feeling of accomplishment by cyclists and spectators pervaded the parking lot of Ateres Elke. After the ride, everyone enjoyed the lavish and delicious barbeque prepared by YaffaMastercaterers.ofCeremonies, Rabbi Pin chos Rabinowitz, spoke straight from the heart in his remarks, explaining that just as a non-cyclist cannot fath om a person riding a bike for 50 miles, so too “we cannot understand what is going through the minds of those facing a medical crisis or the feeling of relief when after one phone call to Bikur Cholim, one knows that all his needs will be taken care of and he can just focus on his loved one-the choleh ( the person with the illness).”

Mordechai Gottlieb, event chair men awarded the trophies to this top fundraisers: Bill Goldberg ($18,204), Avie Rock ($10,528) who was riding in memory of his dear brother-in-law, Yoel Benyowitz z”l, Kenny Freidman ($7,562), SIC Team, Yitzchok Polsky, Gill Neu man, and Mahti Topas ($8,579) and our top mileage rider, clocking in at a mind-blowing 2,214 miles, Howard Shiman. While the fundraising was incredi ble and is vital to continuing our Mission of Kindness, we are especially proud of the atmosphere of achdus (togetherness) as people from all over our community come together, cycle together, and laugh together for a great cause.Bikur Cholim of Baltimore will uti lize these much-needed funds to ser vice the needs of the cholim and their families in our community. Please check our website at BaltimoreBikur and get involved, there are opportunities for all, www.baltimore bikurcholim.orgAsweturn the page on another successful Biker Cholim, we say thank you to our sponsors, thank you to our cyclists, and thank you to our volun teers for always enabling us to raise the bar! Start training for our 10th ANNIVERSARY Biker Cholim 2023!


Around the Community Biker Cholim Cycles to New Heights!



The Concise Shaar HaBitachon addresses the countless perplexing challenges that confront every Jew in the con temporary world. For any Jew who wants to come closer to Hashem, The Concise Shaar HaBitachon is required reading.

The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has created a unique 40-day program to jump start our shemiras halashon and make positive speech a wonderful new habit! 40 Days of Caring includes:


· The “Daily Dilemma”: A short, relatable shemiras halashon scenario emerging from an everyday situation.

index A Project of chofetz

The guidance and principles Shaar HaBitachon (Reliance on Hashem) of Chovos HaLevavos, written nearly a thou sand years ago, continue to resonate with our generation.

As a work of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Tal mud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words.

life. Also


· “Go for It”: A daily practical step for us to implement.

The Easiest Way to Study or Review Shaar HaBitachonA40-Day

Mission Blessings! special section of true that bring the power of shemiras halashon and ahavas Yisrael to includes a comprehensive topic and source Chaim

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· “Growing One Day Greater”: A few brief paragraphs providing an insight into speech and its impact on our relationships.

Heritage Foundation Fallstaff Shopping Center 6830 Reisterstown Rd Baltimore Maryland 21215 Phone: (410) 358-2200


Baltimore Community Member Chaim Abramson Honored by BPD for Assistance in Ephraim Gordon Murder Case


abbi Chesky Tenenbaum, Director of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland (JUSA) and Baltimore Police Chaplain presented Baltimore Police NW Major Boyd and Sgt. Hamond the JUSA Salute to our Heroes card to thanked them for their service.

JUSA has an ongoing campaign were children write Salute to our Hero cards that are presented to the brave men and women in uniform, to thank them for their service.

altimore City Police Commissioner Michael Harrison awarded community member Chaim Abramson with a Certificate of Recognition.Chaimworked alongside Balti more Police Detectives & Council man Isaac Yitzy Schleifer to recover camera footage that led to the arrest and guilty plea of the suspects who murdered Ephraim Gordon, Z’L, H’yd.Councilman Schleifer & Commis sioner Harrison both credit Chaim’s relentless work with gathering evi dence that was ultimately critical in closing out this case.


Bikur Cholim of Baltimore is Expanding to Better Service our Growing Community For decades, Bikur Cholim has worked tirelessly to service all the Bikur Cholim needs of our community. From kosher Pinchos Rabinowitz and Mrs. Bonnie Pollak, accompanied by numerous service coordinators and hundreds of community volunteers, work around the clock to provide for the Baltimore community and those coming from out As the community grows and more vital services are needed, Bikur Cholim is working hard to meet the ger presence in over 10 hospitals and rehabilitation centers in the region, upgrade our numerous services, grow our volunteer base, launch new com munity-centric initiatives, and pursue the vision to provide a more robust pa tient advocacy service, Bikur Cholim is excited to announce the recruitment of a new Executive Director and tran sitory roles of our current staff.

Mrs. Bonnie Pollak, serving Bikur Cholim for over 10 years, will serve as the new Director of Operations, overseeing all non-clinical Bikur Cho lim services provided for patients and their families. Constant communica tion with the service coordinators and dedicated volunteers will ensure our community continues to receive the excellent services Bikur Cholim pro vides.We look forward to enhancing our current activities and launching even more programs in the near future. We thank the broader Jewish community for your generous support. For more information, find us at https://balti To reach our dedicated staff, request services, or to volunteer, please call 410.999.3700, or email us at info@baltimorebikur

Rabbi Moshe Dear has been re cruited to serve as the new Execu tive Director of Bikur Cholim. Rabbi Dear returns to Baltimore after over 25 years in leadership positions in Los Angeles and Boca Raton and is a veteran of structuring and managing organizations to maximize their im pact. Rabbi Dear’s executive role will enable Rabbi Pinchos Rabinowitz to dedicate his time solely to assisting patients and their families navigate the complex medical world in the form of medical referrals, clinical advo cacy, and improved communication between patients and healthcare pro viders. As the new Director of Clinical and Religious Services, Rabbi Rabinowitz will serve as the region’s primary liaison for optimizing med ical care and improving patient clin ical experiences. In addition, Rabbi Rabinowitz will expand his influence on educating hospital staff as to the religious nuances of our community, including sensitive end-of-life issues, medical halacha, Shabbos and Yom Tov observance and Kashrus needs.

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Around the Community Baltimore Police NW Major Boyd Presented with JUSA Salute to our Heroes Card

By: BJLife Newsroom

Registration Deadline - September 15 LTC is proud to announce a scholarship program that allows you to train as a Junior Accountant while concurrently employed in a professional capacity at LTC. Practice while you learn, earn college credits, and begin your accounting career with $0 invested in your education. Learn Accounting I and II and Microsoft Excel with certification and transferable credits. 732.987.7700 Courses subsidizedfullyby LTC$ Growth opportunity within the company Remote availableoptions Registration open for the October ‘22 cohort. Limited slots available. Acceptance to this course is not guaranteed and will be determined by LTC. This is a ‘Learn And Work’ Program and is only available to those who will be concurrently employed by LTC To find out more details and to receive an application, please email with “Accounting Apprenticeship” in the subject line. *stu ts p or oo s r str t o * In Conjunction With BTI Open SeptemberHouse7 SAVE THE DATE

In a session titled “My co-work er was wondering…” Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer, President of the Vaad HaR abbonim of Baltimore and Rav of Shearith Israel Congregation, and Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky answered challenging questions submitted by the attendees on a variety of work place – and klal-oriented topics.

It was an honor to participate in this event that brings spirituality, ruchnios, into our daily business practices,” said Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky. “Ensuring that our businesses are run in accor dance with halacha is of the upmost importance to our communities.”

The event closed with an evening keynote session that featured speech es from Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Rosh Yeshivas Ner Yisrael, Baltimore and Naftali Horowitz, managing director at Morgan Stanley Wealth Manage ment. Rabbi Frand spoke extensively about the importance of honesty and the evils of dishonesty. He stressed the need to represent Hashem in the work place by conducting oneself according to the highest standards and the dam age one can do by being dishonest. Naftali Horowitz spoke about emu nah, and not letting ‘the way things are supposed to work’ limit us. He also stressed the importance of help ing others achieve success.

All of the audio and video of the event and its many sessions is avail able at

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The packed schedule included key note addresses, individual sessions, and panels covering a wide range of topics – from business management on Shabbos, to interest, to loshon hara. Additionally, there were special ses sions for men and for women about gender-related practices in the work place.Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh Ye shiva of the Yeshiva Gedolah of Great er Washington, kicked off the confer ence, setting the tone with the opening keynote. Rabbi Lopiansky stated that rather than just being an opportunity to review some relevant piskei hala cha, the conference would serve as an opportunity for attendees to develop a new layer of avodas Hashem. Through the integration of Torah into day-today business life, Rabbi Lopiansky explained, one makes one’s Torah learning part and parcel of one’s life, elevating one’s very reality.

“The Agudah’s Business Halachah Conferences are a great service to the Frum business community,” said one attendee. “Giving an opportunity for those in business to hear from the leading poskim and gedolim of today at the same time as being able to net work with each other is a service that is not offered anywhere else.”


Inaugural Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference Draws Hundreds Seeking to Improve the Level of Halacha and Hashkafa in their Business Operations Over 300 men and women gathered at the Pikesville DoubleTree Hotel for the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Business Halacha Conference in Baltimore. The conference was a first-of-itskind large-scale opportunity for working people in and around Maryland to gather to network, and, more importantly, receive inspiration and practical guidance from leading rabbonim on the areas of business halacha in today’s workplace.

Howard Tzvi Friedman, former president and chairman of AIPAC, Ronnie Wilheim, president of the long term care division at CommuniCare Health Services, and Duvy Gross, founder of Regency Nursing and pres ident of Regency Global Acquisitions, emphasized, in a panel on how busi ness leaders can impact the Klal, the importance that caring plays in help ing the Klal: “The most important thing that you need is not an organiza tion and resources, but to care.”

“It was amazing to see so many people take off a day to come togeth er for the purpose of learning halacha and receiving chizuk to enhance the standards of their business practices,” said Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, executive di rector of Agudath Israel of Maryland. “We look forward to providing the community with other opportunities of raising the level of mitzvah obser vance in the years to come.”


Following the draft, teams were provided with their team jerseys, sponsored by Sushi Sakura (special ly designed for the first time to in clude player names.) All eight teams will compete for seven regular season games, with the top four teams facing off in a round of playoffs. The playoffs winners will then battle each other in the Mailman Law, LLC championship.

Read on for some of the highlights from the first week of the season: Fired Up Promotions 12 Diamond Medical Laboratories 11 In a roller coaster of a game, Fired Up Promotions snatched the lead in the final inning (the 7th), despite enter ing the inning down 9-6. Fired Up 3B Binyomin Golden berg singled to start the 7th. A hit by Yoni Strauss and then an RBI single by Mark Stutman scored Goldenberg. Shimmy Messing continued the hit ting parade, singling to score Strauss and Yoni Addi followed with another single plating another run. All-Star Jeremy Kramer then brought everyone home, clearing the bases with a 2-run bomb to RF, giving Fired Up a lead they would not relinquish. In the bottom of the 7th, with the game on the line, Diamond Medical had the tying run at 3rd but an incred ible throw from 1B Shimmy Messing to Catcher Navid Raoofian closed out the Thegame.Catcher position proved to be critical in this game as David “I’m Fired Up” Addi caught one at home in the first inning from LF Kramer that saved a run as well.

KD Gold & Coin Exchange 14 Jewish Day Camp 13 Excited to finally be back for the 2022 JCNSL season, KD took the field against Jewish Day Camp. The “campers” jumped to an ear ly 7-0 lead in the first few innings. In the bottom of the 3rd, KD shook off the rust and scored 2 with some clutch hitting by Yaki Strauss. JDC respond ed, putting up 6 more runs to bring the lead to 13-2. But Baruch Glazer (KD’s pitcher) then settled down and summarily shut down the JDC bats. In the 6th, things turned around for KD. Moe Krohn smashed a line drive to get the party started. Yaakov Spatz followed with a line drive down the 3B line that turned into a double. Hits by Moshe Miller and Mayer Gold smith continued the onslaught. The rest of the team caught the fever and the hits continued. Following a few more singles, KD had pulled within 5. Avrumi Freund then drilled a 2-run HR to RF, bringing the score to 13-11. KD turned a 1-2-3 inning in the top of the 7th, thanks to gold glove left fielder Akiva Katz’s defensive play and came back up to bat, down by 2. A couple hits and a few doubles lat er, KD had 2 runs in, a runner on 2nd, and Freund back at the plate. On a 2-2 pitch, he hit a ball that carried out to center field and scored Yaki Strauss from 2nd base for the walkoff win. On the evening, KD’s Menashe Minkin led his team with impres sive defense and strong motivational speaking, encouraging his team when they needed it most.

Park Heights Roofing 12 Jewish Day Camp 8 PHR was quick out of the gate in their second game of the evening, opening with a 6 run first. Avi Sa fren remained clutch with a 4 RBI performance, Binyamin Guttman came through in key spots, as did Brian Ponczak, and Moshe Tuchman. Eli Englander again had a multi-hit performance and Scott Leder struck out 5. Jewish Day Camp attempted a late rally in the 5th but came up short, thanks to strong defense by PHR’s rookie brothers, Moshe Shmuel and Koby Leder, who provided multiple acrobatic catches.

Prior to opening week, the league’s 96 players were divided between eight different teams via a draft system, en suring parity in competition. The eight teams are each named for their indi vidual team sponsors: Clothier, Diamond Medical Laboratories, Donny Ankri Architects, Fired Up Promo tions, Jewish Day Camp, KD Gold & Coin Exchange, Park Heights Roofing, and Shimz Cars

The Jewish Community Night Softball League (JCNSL) by “Tripping Kosher” Returns for 3rd Season

On the evening, Fired Up tallied 20 hits with Dovid Addi, Shimmy Mess ing, Aharon Schnur, Jeremy Kramer, Yoni Strauss, Mark Stutman, and Bin yomin Goldenberg all collecting mul tiple hits.


KD Gold & Coin Exchange 11 Diamond Medical Laboratories 1 KD opened the game by retir ing the side 1-2-3, and came up to bat in the bottom of the first. A leadoff single from Eliezer Katz, and hits from Baruch Glazer, Me nashe Minkin, and Yaki Strauss, and KD was up 3-0 going to the 2nd. In the 3rd, a double from Mayer Gold smith and a hit from Moshe Miller brought the lead to 4-0. Diamond Medical got 1 run in the 3rd to make it a little closer but Glazer pitched out of a jam to keep the score as is. From that point on, it was all KD all the time. In the 4th, Yaakov Spatz crushed a 2-2 pitch over the left-center fielder’s head for a bases clearing tri ple. In the 5th, the highlight was a run ning leaping catch by LF Akiva Katz for the 3rd out. And when the dust set tled, KD’s record had improved to 2-0 on the season.

Park Heights Roofing 15 Shimz Cars 9 Park Heights Roofing came out slugging in the first inning, scoring 5 runs, thanks to 4-hit performanc es from rookies’ Moshe Shmuel Leder and Eli Englander. PHR was in complete command until a 6-run 5th by Shimz Cars tied it up. In the 6th, rookie sensation Shaya Swi atycki slugged a bases clearing triple that sealed the win. Of note was the solid play from PHR veterans, Shlomo Rosenstein and Avi Safren, who each had key hits.

Around the Community

The Jewish Community Night Softball League (sponsored by Tripping Kosher) began their third season on Sunday evening (August 14th) at the beautiful Reisterstown Regional Fields - by Web Interactive Technologies. As expected, the fields were impeccably groomed, thanks to the support of the 2022 grounds crew sponsor, Blue Mountain Delivery.

17 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM Making sure your childs Bar/Bat Mitzvah meaningful is not simple. STOP WORRYING AND LEAVE IT TO US. ALL INCLUSIVE Bar & MitzvahBatPackage isnot sim ikaMngsureyourchilds Bar/ A sit down Kiddush lunch after services for up to 50 guests Up to 18 months of private Bnei Mitzvah lessons Hebrew Reading/Chanting/ Key MeetingsPrayerswith Rabbi Shapiro Rabbi Shapiro will help your child write their speech Bnei Mitzvah / Hall Rental for a WeeklyPartySunday morning Bnei Mitzvah Class with peers Three years of shul membership at MMAE. (Includes High Holiday seats for your family.) FOR MORE INFORMATION BNEIMITZVAH@MMAE.ORG

Fatal Fall Rescue workers in Indonesia, as sisted by Magnus, an Israel organiza tion operating in the country, said they have recovered the body of Israeli mountain climber Boaz Ben-Anan of Tel Aviv. Ben-Anan’s body will be returned to Israel for burial despite a lack of diplomatic ties between the countries and Indonesia’s leader’s out spoken criticism of the Jewish State.

The first flight from an Israeli air port carrying dozens of Palestinians to Cyprus took off from Ramon Inter national Airport in southern Israel on Monday. Israel’s Arkia Airlines oper ated the flight.

Palestinians OKed for Flying

Despite reports of Palestinian Au thority officials contacting passengers to convince them to turn down the of fer, demand for flights remains very high among potential travelers.

“The rescue efforts were carried out while dealing with difficult, moun tainous terrain and extreme weather conditions,” the group was quoted as saying.Indonesia, which is home to the largest population of Muslims around the world, has defended Palestinian efforts to create an independent state, while repeating anti-Semitic tropes common in the Muslim world. BenAnan had entered the country on a Portuguese passport, as Israel does not have ties with Indonesia. Officials said Ben-Anan, 37, died after reaching a height of approxi mately 3,760 meters while climbing Mt. Rinjani, before apparently falling into a 150-meter-deep crevice. His body was recovered three days after the fatal fall.

Russia Holds Off on Closing of Jewish Agency

COGAT, the Israeli military body responsible for governing civil af fairs in Judea and Samaria, said it was working on instating direct flights for Palestinian residents to Turkey, Dubai, and possibly Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai Peninsula. Contrary to previous reports, however, Turkey is not currently a destination for flights from Ramon Airport.

Amir Assi, a strategic consultant working with the Arab sector, said 43 residents of the West Bank cities of Bethlehem, Jericho, Ramallah and Nablus were flown from Israel to Lar naca,“TheyCyprus.will be driven in chartered local buses to the Armistice Line that serves as a temporary border with Isra el until the completion of formal peace negotiations. After a security check, they will be transferred to an Israeli bus that will take them to Ramon Airport, a drive of about two and a half hours,” he was quoted as saying. It appears that in addition to the regular security inspection upon re turning to Israel, Palestinian travel ers will undergo an additional check similar to the routine security checks undertaken by all passengers flying worldwide.Theywill be free to move around the terminal, enjoying all airport facil ities until the plane takes off.

Russian media has reported that a


The Week In News Aharon Gornbein (Baltimore) & Shayna Peled (North Miami Beach) Mordechai McKenney (L.A.) & Yocheved Baumer (Baltimore) Melech Givre (Baltimore) & Aviva Beck (Baltimore) Shaul Benjamin (Baltimore) & Yehudis Beer (Lakewood) Danile Zellis (Philly) & Shalva Rishe (Baltimore) Engagements Want to see your simcha here? Email or text 443-675-6507 to submit your simcha!

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“I hope things work out, but it’s out of our control,” attorney Andrei Grishayev said outside the courthouse. In late June, Russia warned the Agency of its intentions to close down its operations in the country due to claims it was urging prominent Jewish residents to move to Israel as a result of the war in Ukraine. Though Israeli officials initially saw Russia’s moves against the Jew ish Agency as a diplomatic maneuver aimed at putting pressure on Jeru salem, they now consider it part of a broader Russian crackdown on all civil society. In recent years, Moscow has forced a number of international organizations to shut down or severely curtail their operations in the country. Last week, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog spoke to Russia’s President Putin, with the two promising to con tinue discussing the issue. Prime Minister Lapid has warned that banning the Jewish Agency would be “a grave event” with “consequenc es” for bilateral ties between the two countries, before appearing to tone down his comments and voicing op timism that the issue could be decided within the frameworks of diplomatic dialogue.


local court has postponed the Krem lin’s decision on the closing of the Jewish Agency in the hopes of reach ing an agreement with Israel before steps are taken to shutter the organi zation.During the hearing on Friday, Jew ish Agency lawyers asked the judge for additional time to gather new ev idence that could prove that it hadn’t violated any laws. According to re ports, officials also said the agency had already taken steps to change its policy in accordance with requests by government officials. Despite the court overthrowing a request by the defense team to move the trial to a direct mediation process with the Russian government, the agency’s lawyer said he still hopes to move the proceedings outside of the court system.

Flying Over Saudi Airspace

This week, a historic flight flew over Saudi airspace. This was the first time an Israeli commercial flight flew over Saudi airspace to a non-Gulf des tination. The flight, from Ben Gurion to the Republic of Seychelles, depart ed after midnight on Tuesday, with the new route shortening the duration of the flight by 20 minutes. In a statement ahead of the flight, Arkia’s chief pilot Din Gal said, “To night, an Arkia plane will become the first Israeli licensed plane to fly over Saudi Arabia – not to Dubai, but to the Seychelles. The route will go through Jordan in the area of the Dead Sea and turn left to Petra, continuing along Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea shores. From there, it will continue on its regular route through Eritrea…We soon hope to see shorter flights to India and Sri Lanka.”Since the 2020 Abraham Accords normalization agreements, Saudi Ara bia has allowed Israeli airlines to use its airspace for flights to and from the UAE and Bahrain. But that authoriza tion was not extended to flights depart ing and arriving at other destinations until last month as part of a multilat eral agreement to transfer control of a pair of Red Sea islands from Egypt to Saudi Arabia that was brokered by the BidenThatadministration.dealwasreached during U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to the Mid east, with Washington and Jerusalem framing the Saudi decision to open its airspace to all commercial flights as a first step toward normalization with Israel, given that no other country had been barred from such flyovers until then. Riyadh, though, insists that its decision to allow the flights does not have anything to do with normaliza tion.Jerusalem hopes that Oman will follow Saudi Arabia’s lead, which would open up entirely new routes for destinations in the Far East, such as India and Thailand — popular vaca tion spots for Israelis. Using Saudi and Omani airspace to reach those destina tions would reduce travel time by two to four hours and would potentially reduce ticket prices as well, given that airlines would save money on fuel.

The Week In News BALTIMORE IRENESPre-Chag Sale Hosted by Devorah Goldstein 6305 Lincoln Ave text 443-414-9461 with any questions! Fully stocked in our new collection! Lacetops • Falls • Blunts • Huge selection of clearance! Cut will be available on the spot Sunday, September 11th 11am – 8pm Monday, September 12th 10am – 3pm


On Monday, Rav Shalom Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Porat Yosef in Yerushalayim, passed away. He was 91. Rav Cohen was influential in the Shas political party, leading the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah. Shas party chairman Aryeh Deri announced Rav Cohen’s death in a statement, calling Chacham Shalom “our father, our teacher and our lead er.”Deri likened the rav’s death to “a ship losing its captain.” Chacham Shalom had taken over Rav Ovadia Yosef’s zt”l role in the Shas party af ter Rav Ovadia passed away in 2014. Chacham Shalom was vocal in his views. He predicted the demise of the current government, run by Bennett and Lapid, noting it would not with stand. Earlier this year, when the gov ernment collapsed, Chacham Shalom said, “A government that harmed and tried to destroy Judaism and the sanc tity of Israel and harmed the weak has been driven from the world.” Thousands came from all over Is rael in respect to join in the levaya of the tzaddik. He was buried in Sanhe dria near Rav Ovadia. Yeshivas urged their bochurim to go. Stores and ye shivas were closed so men and boys could attend the levaya of the tzaddik.

Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid also credited Herzog with much of the progress made in talks with Turkey. “This restoration of diplomat ic relations is a continuation of the positive direction in the development of relations over the past year, since President Herzog’s diplomatic visit to Ankara, and the reciprocal visits of the foreign ministers to Jerusalem and Ankara,” read a statement on behalf of the Prime Minister’s office. Tensions between Israel and Tur key came to a boiling point following the 2010 commando raid on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship trying to break the blockade of Gaza. Ten Turk ish activists were killed when they at tacked Israeli soldiers trying to board the boat, hitting them with metal rods and other self-improvised weapons. A number of IDF soldiers were also bad ly injured in the melee. This was followed by a series of accusations from both sides, with Er dogan calling Israel a “child-murder ing” country and comparing current Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked to Hitler. Then-Prime Minister Benja min Netanyahu, in turn, took a swipe at Erdogan, blasting him for killing KurdishTurkey,civilians.currently facing an eco nomic crisis and regional isolation, was eager to engage Israel in a concil iatory process that began with the first El Al flight to the country in 10 years and gained strength when local secu rity thwarted an Iranian assassination plot in July, arresting agents who were planning to kidnap and kill Israeli tourists and diplomats.

The Week In News


Turkey, Israel to Restore Ties After restoring full diplomatic ties and announcing that their ambas sadors would return to each other’s countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke to his Israeli counterpart Isaac Herzog, thanking him for playing a significant role in the process. The two leaders discussed steps to strengthen the bonds between their countries, with Herzog praising Erdogan for his peace-making efforts in the war in Ukraine.

Chacham Shalom Cohen, zt”l


Liberal critics are protesting a new Texas law requiring state schools to display posters with the national mot to of “In G-d We Trust” in every cam pus building along with a picture of the American and state flag.

The Council on American-Islam ic Relations (CAIR) took a different approach, saying the initiative could pave the way for inter-faith dialogue.

Opponents of the law believe it imposes religion in public schools. “In the broader context, it’s hard not to see them as part of the larger Christian na tionalist project,” Sophie Ellman-Go lan, director of strategic communica tions at Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), told The Guardian. Ellman-Golan said the bill also af fected other issues such as women’s health and education.

Busing Migrants from TX to NY, DC The largest group of migrants, numbering at least 140, arrived in NYC from Texas last week, according to the mayor’s office of immigrant af fairs. The group, consisting of at least 10 children, was the latest to be sent by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who blames the Biden administration for fomenting the current migrant crisis. While the asylum seekers them selves say they are happy to be bused out of Texas to be headed for desti nations such as Washington, D.C., and New York City, border officials and representatives continue to point the finger at President Biden’s border policies which have seen hundreds of thousands enter the U.S. in the past yearNewalone.York Mayor Eric Adams and other Democratic Party officials, in the meantime, have accused Abbott of using the crisis as a cynical political ruse aimed at undermining his politi cal opponents despite the governor’s claims that the migrants have come willingly after signing a waiver con senting to the trip. Mayor Adams has repeatedly said in the past that New York City is a sanctuary city that wel comesIncludingmigrants.the hundreds bused in from Texas, about 6,000 asy lum seekers have arrived in New York from border states since May, according to the mayor’s immigrant affairs office.

State Rep. Tom Oliverson, one of the co-authors of the bill, referred to it as a “great opportunity” to display the national motto, while Sen. Bryan Hughes, another co-author, praised the measure for “asserting our collec tive trust in a sovereign G-d.”

“In G-d We Trust” in TX Schools

While the bill, dubbed SB 797, also states that the required insignia must be donated by private institu tions, some view the move as an in fringement on religious liberty and the separation of church and state. Backers of the new law, however, see it as an indication that America is still a country governed by Christian ideals and that schoolchildren should be proud of their national heritage.

“The notion of trusting G-d is common across faiths,” CAIR’s di rector Corey Saylor said. “Applied through that lens, the posters can fos ter discussions among Texas students about their various faiths and enhance understanding.”


“Texas has also bused over 7,000

The Week In News • Do you own or manage a small business? • Are you unsure of your obligations under Federal and Maryland employment law? • Are you aware of the consequences of non-compliance with those obligations? E M P L O Y M E N T L A W L U N C H & L E A R N TOPICS: On-boarding and Wage & Hour Compliance DATE: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 TIME: 12:00 PM PLACE: Dougie's BBQ & Grill - 600 Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208 RSVP or 410-522-1020 Join experienced employment attorneys from LUCHANSKY LAW for a complimentary

25 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM EST 1984 VISIT TOVPIZZAMENU.COM TO PLACE YOUR ORDER ONLINE DAILY MINCHA MINYAN AT 2:30PM 6313 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, MD 21215 BJH - Dine in or Carry Out - Exp. 9/25/2022 Tov Pizza reserves the right to resolve all issues pertaining to its coupons. Special orders may incur a service fee at the discretion of Tov Pizza. Sunday: 11:00-8:00 Monday-Thursday: 11:30-8:00 Friday: 11:00-2:30 Motzei Shabbos: 1 Hour Shabbos-MidnightAfter SUMMERMondaySPECIALS $5 falafel Tuesday $5 Slice and medium fountain drink Wednesday $5 mac and cheese Thursday $5 spaghetti Friday your choice of any $5 special offer COME TRY OUR NEW MENU ITEMS! CHEDDAR CHEESE FRIES TOV NACHOS SNO-BALLS ARE BACK!

The district will also provide up to $41 million in food assistance through the summer’s Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer program that was announced in July, providing more than 80,000 children and teenagers access to healthy meals during the summer and school year. Schools in D.C. start on August 29.

“The idea is to help people turn the page and start their new beginning here in New York in a better way,” Masbia Executive Director Alexander Rapaport was quoted as saying fol lowing the day’s events.

Fast Food Love to eat out? What about fast food? What about eating a lot of fast food fast?

“We know that back-to-school time can be an expensive time of year for families — new uniforms, haircuts, supplies. There are a lot of expenses all at once,” Bowser said. “So we are disbursing these funds now to give families an extra cash bump during a busy time of year so that our students and families can have a strong start to an important school year.”

The one-time payments are just one of several programs offering financial assistance to D.C. families after the district updated its TANF priorities from focusing solely on helping adults find work to also including provisions for families and schoolchildren.

migrants to our nation’s capital since April and over 900 migrants to New York City since August 5,” read a press release from Governor Abbott’s office. “The busing mission is provid ing much-needed relief to our over whelmed border communities.”

Jewish groups have been at the forefront of efforts to ease the plight for migrants in the Big Apple. Aid workers from the Jewish community response group Masbia Relief were on hand on Friday providing basic amenities to the newcomers while welcoming the refugees with signs in English, Hebrew, and Spanish.

Surf’s Up Two men got to see Venice in a unique way last week. Last Wednesday morning, the pair was filmed surfing on Venice’s Grand Canal. Riding eFoils – electric surf boards raised out of the water on hy drofoils – they raced up and down the canal, dodging water buses and water taxis.Locals – and politicians – were not pleased with the surfing stunt. The Grand Canal is not just the center of the UNESCO World Heritage site lined with historical buildings; it’s also the main thoroughfare of Venice. As they passed under the Acca demia Bridge, one of the surfers fell off his board but made sure to hold what appeared to be his phone out of the water, filming his companion. Mayor Luigi Brugnaro tweeted a video of the surfers, calling them “two overbearing idiots making a mockery of the city.” He offered a free dinner to anyone able to identify the Ultimately, the law caught up with the pair, whose surfboards (worth around $24K each) were confiscat ed for not being insured. Each of the surfers were fined around $1,500 and were expelled from the city. Sounds like they’re in hot water.

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Recently, two chefs filmed them selves visiting 69 fast food restaurants in a 24-hour period in New York. Chefs Nick DiGiovanni and Lynn Davis, aka Lynja, chose Manhattan as the location for their attempt at the Guinness World Record because they could visit all 69 eateries with a single 8-mileThewalk.TikTok stars, who previ ously earned records by cooking up the world’s largest chicken nug get and world’s largest cake pop, were accompanied on their restaurant-hop ping adventure by Guinness World Records adjudicator Andrew Glass. The duo was required to purchase and consume at least one food or drink item at each location – but the rules didn’t stipulate they had to do the consuming themselves, so at sev eral locations other customers waiting

Last week, Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that low-income families in the district will be receiving a one-time payment of $1,000 ahead of the school year. Families who are enrolled in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Fam ilies are going to be getting the money, which is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, over the coming weeks. Roughly 1,500 fam ilies are enrolled in the TANF pro gram, according to the mayor’s office.

D.C.: $1K Per Family


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The chefs had 24 hours to com plete the record, but they managed to visit all of the restaurants within 7 hours and 15 minutes, despite some time lost by getting stuck in an eleva tor at Macy’s on 34th Street. Sounds like they had a lot on their plate.

The family soon realized the ob ject was a pearl.

The Week In

Hidden Gem When Scott Overland went out to eat last week, he got more than he bar gained for – in a good way. The man from Pennsylvania was eating clams with his family when they made an unusual discovery: a purple pearl. “At first, my wife thought it was, like, a bead, or one of those – it looked like one of those ‘Dot’ candies on the paper,” Overland said. “We thought the chef dropped something in there.”

News ד״סב AUGUST 2022

“We had never heard of a pearl in a clam. I always thought they came in oysters,” Overland added. Pearls produced by quahog clams are often button-shaped, like Over land’s, and can be white, brown or purple. They are “exceptionally rare” – occurring in about one in 5,000 shells, according to the International GemTimSociety.Parsons, a spokesman for Ballard Clams and Oysters, which supplied the restaurant with the northern quahog clam that produced Overland’s purple pearl, said the

28 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST in line were treated to free food. Where to begin? Their journey started bright and early, at 8:30 a.m., at the McDonald’s in Times Square. Along the way, they stopped at oth er eateries including Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Taco Bell, Shake Shack, Burger King, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy’s, Chipotle and Five Guys.

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As long as their daughter still lived at home, her parents and siblings showered her with love and support, hoping that despite her starting to stray from the path their warm affection would keep her close. But when she unexpectedly made them aware that she plans to move away from home, her parents were overcome with angst and worry. With tears in their eyes and pain in their voices they contacted Tehilim Kollel begging for their daughter to be saved from spiritual devastation. They signed up for a Tehilim membership and Tehilim Kollel took this task with the appropriate seriousness. With complete emunah in HKB”H, the members davened for her well-being and that she should stay on the path of ourTheforefathers.othernight the mother pulled up a chair for an open, heart-to-heart conversation with her daughter. To her great surprise — and the surprise of professionals who had tried every tactic before — the girl told her mother that she regrets her actions and wishes to return to the fold. It didn’t take long until she completed her turnaround, all through the power of Tehilim recited by 100+ paid Tehilim Kollel members! annual mermbership: 718.705.7174


company generally learns of two or three pearl discoveries per year in the oysters and clams it supplies to restau rants.“Usually, it’s over a dentist claim,” Parsons quipped. “But you can defi nitely get it graded and they are worth money.”Overland said he is planning to have the pearl appraised. Pearls like the one he found can be valued from $600 to $16,000. But the couple may not sell the gem. “We are still deciding what to do with it, but we are leaning towards keeping it as a cool family heirloom and something to remember the trip by,” Overland says. “We may turn it into a nice piece of jewelry, but I am going to have to keep eating a lot of clams to find a second one if my wife wantsStartearrings!”shucking those clams, Scott.

World’s VineyardSmallest

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The world’s smallest vineyard only makes only 29 bottles of wine a year, but its owner says it’s worth it. Tullio Masoni created the tiny orchard on top of a building in Italy named Via Mari 10. That’s the build ing’s address and also the name of the wine“Myitself.father was into winemaking,” he said. “I inherited an actual vine yard in the countryside around Reg gio Emilia, but when I looked at the books, I realized I’d have spent more money on it than I’d have made, so I sold“However,it. 20 years later I regret ted it, so I made myself a pocket-size vineyard.”Thevineyard is only 200 square feet. At that size, it only yields 29 bot tles of wine a year. But those bottles come at a price. Masoni prices them at a jaw-dropping price of 5,000 euros each – around $5,000. At that price, you can’t buy your booze in a store; bottles are sold in an art gallery a few blocks away. “My wine is a form of artistic ex pression, a philosophical provocation, something to keep in your living room so you can chat about it with your friends and tell them about the luna tic who put a vineyard on his rooftop,” said“MyMasoni.vineyard is like that: It’s un expected; it stimulates the brain; it sparks new Masoni’sthoughts.”wineisbabied since its inception. It’s aged in oak barrels that are also sculptures by another local artist, Lorenzo Menozzi. Masoni also got Giuseppe Camuncoli, an estab lished Marvel comic book artist who was born in Reggio Emilia, to draw a special edition of his wine label. As a result, he encourages his buyers to never open the bottles but treat them like“I’martworks.theonly wine producer in the world who says you shouldn’t drink his wine,” he said. Even before the wine is put into cas kets, it’s treated with kidskin gloves. The vines are fed with eggs, bananas, seaweed, and nightingale droppings, according to Masoni, but he says their “diet” also includes the voices coming from the neighborhood – the quarrels and the various dialects that enrich and contaminate the fruit, giving it an edge over countryside grapes, which enjoy onlyPressedsilence.on what the wine is really like in the glass – we dare not taste it at that price –Masoni offers some unique tasting notes: “At the first sip, you get a lot of perplexity, but after a few sec onds, something comes alive in your palate that opens up your mind to a new dimension,” he said. “My wine does not offer tranquili ty, rather it traces a red vertical line in side your mind, that conveys a feeling of infinite speed.” Of course, we will just have to take his word for it. And that makes us want to whine.

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I had the privilege several years ago to offer words of encouragement to a wonderful group of extraordinary teachers who teach very special chil dren under the umbrella of Shemesh, a community-wide program in Bal timore that provides the education al support for Jewish children with learning differences to reach their full intellectual, academic, emotional, and social potential in a Jewish setting. I related that the Chida avers that when the Torah refers to Yaakov as an םת שיא, it doesn’t mean ‘wholesome’, but rather a ‘simpleton’, deficient in his intellectual capacity. He was the first ‘special’ student, who overcame his weakness and became the embod iment of Torah among the Patriarchs. (דוד ינפ) How did his teachers; Avraham and Yitzchok, Shem and Ever, accom plish this task? I suggested the answer lay in the description of his activity of learning as a םילהא בשוי, literally an abider of tents By Rabbi Zvi Teichman

The Holy Alshich explains that there is a very defined message in theseWewords.are‘all’, in the plural, םינב, His children, each one of us individ ually. And although it is true, that we are a collective entity, an שודק םע, a holy people, nevertheless we must re member, רחב ךבו, that G-d ‘has chosen you’, with the emphasis on the singu lar, to be a הלוגס, treasured. The trea sures of the King are not valued by the sum of its objects, but rather each item in the holdings of the King is a price less entity unto itself. As our children begin a new school year, laden with all its prom ise and hope, we must seek to emu late this attribute of Hashem, in for tifying our children’s sense of worth, thus enabling them to deal with those moments of challenge and disappoint ment, and never falter.

One of the most endearing descriptions of our relationship with G-d is expressed in Re’eh. You are children to Hashem... ( בד א אי םיר) We are a beloved child to Hash em. His attitude towards us can only be approximated by our fathoming the love of a human loving father to his child and multiplying it endlessly to grasp how much love Hashem harbors for us. This sentiment though, is placed amidst an injunction to refrain from grieving as the pagans do. Upon the loss of a relative the nations would in flict pain upon themselves by pulling out their hair and mutilating their flesh as a reaction to death. The phenomenon of self-harm has been much studied. Some suggest that when facing trauma, one feels totally lost and detached from one’s identity. When experiencing overwhelming emotional pain, it crushes our very sense of self and worthiness. To regain some level of control, and awareness of our self, many express it through the infliction of pain which asserts a mastery over self and a sensation that ‘screams out’ they are indeed present andOften,alive. we become so attached to a person; be it a parent, spouse, child, spiritual leader, or friend, that with the sudden removal of that linchpin in our lives, we feel bereft from life itself. The less self-esteem we possess the more of a sense of non-existence we feel. One who is secure in one’s own identity and role in life will be able to surf the powerful waves of grief with out ever losing balance. G-d’s affirmation of our identity as His child wasn’t merely an expres sion of encouragement to those who are mourning to trust Him that all that transpires is for the best. It is rather a declaration that each one of us are worthy in His eyes, and never defined solely by the relationship we have with any other individual. We can march forward in life with the awareness we are cherished for who we are and what we each do. One never has to take the reality check of pinching oneself with pain in knowing that we exist.

The Midrash points out that there are three expressions in the verse of how cherished we are in Hashem’s eyes. You are children of the Lord, your G-d.For you are a holy people to the Lord, your G-d, and the Lord has cho sen you to be a treasured people for Him, out of all the nations that are upon the earth. (ב-א די םירבד)

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The first premise of Elul, to bond with one another in unity of purpose. The verse then goes on to describe the tent of Moshe that Yisro entered together with him, in his quest for inspiration — הלה�ה ו�ביו, then they came to the tent This month of לול�, adding the number of its letters to the value of its letters equal 71, the same numerical value of הלהאה ואביו!

plus. Salary

בשוי doesn’t mean to just sit, but more specifically to be ‘settled’. Chil dren with processing problems are easily distracted and constantly seek ing stimulation. If we can still the wa ters, we can gain the child’s focus. But how?The next word is key, םילהא. A tent is a fortress of solitude amidst a wilderness of wildlife and action. If we create embracing environments of warmth, looking the child directly in the eye, conveying validation and ap preciation, we will instill the calm the child needs to focus.

Elul is our fortress of solitude where we calmly pay attention, feel ing worthy and capable, restoring our relationship with our adoring Father. You may reach the author at:

Children who struggle with learn ing issues feel disenfranchised and in ferior. In that traumatic state, they too, often disrupt their learning space with a need for a reality check that they exist, which is easily attainable when they stir up a ruckus and get validation in the reaction of a frustrated teacher. As the child matures and begins to feel valued and validated, he becomes less disruptive, more mindful of his abilities, and appreciative of his spe cialWequalities.areall special children in both of its intimations. We are ‘learning’ deficient, often incapable of shedding our distractions and not attentive to our lessons. We often feel discouraged and rejected reacting with great frus tration.We must insulate ourselves in a proverbial tent, where we can focus calmly, and without distraction, on the warmth and inspiration of the Torah’s message.Elulis that time, where we enter a refuge in time, placing a barrier be tween us and our regular habits in try ing to focus on what is being taught, and contemplating our inherent great ness.One of the earliest allusions to the mission of Elul is encrypted in the encounter between Yisro and Moshe where the Torah describes how: א�שיו ול — and they inquired, והערל שיא — each about the other’s, םולשל — welfare, with the first letters in these words spelling out ז חי תומש) .לול�)



and experience. Contact Avrohom

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38 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM We thank you for the immeasurably valuable work you have done for our participants and families! Your dedication is essential to the work that we do – there is no MENUCHA without you! We appreciate the positive energy and a beautiful intensity you bring on a daily basis: THANK YOU to our amazing staff and volunteers! Rochel Neuberger Executive Coordinator Rivka Hack Program Manager Bella Herman Administrative Manager Reb Nechemya Jakobovits Rabbi Mordechai Abrahams Program Manager Binny Schwartz Program Manager Jordana Novice Emuna Seinfeld Dassi RenaRivkaShalvaRabensteinDavidovichBailaHoffmanEstherKerchner CAMP STAFF Temima Baalhaness Aliza AvigayilRivkaShoshanaEstherRivkaShanaMiriamRachelliChayaFahkeriHackHackIsbeeKaplonKatzKushinskySametSchoemannBerkowitz SUNDAY FUNDAY Avigayil Berkowitz Dassi Berry Rikki MalkyChaniNechamaEstherRenaGittelBerryBrodyCohnDanzigerDudovitzFeldmanFeldman PROGRAMEVENING Ester ChayaLeahRacheliEstherMalkyShalvaGabbiBaylahLeahDassiShanaBerkowitzSarahRochelBrachaAllanBambergerBerkowitzMalkahBirnbaumBondiCharnerCohenDanenbaumDavidovichDavidsonMalkaDixlerFinkFederLeahFeldman SHABBOS - GIRLS Gittel Brody Kayla Feder Sarah Feldman Rena Gross SHABBOS - BOYS Eli AviAbbiElefantPreroWolman NER PROGRAMMISHMARISRAEL Aryeh Boehm Avi YonasonYeshayaMosheYedidyaMeirYitziChaimCreightonGibberHauptmanKleinMoskowitzOratzPolenRappaport Mindy MalkaYaelRevaChaniAhuvaRachaelMiriamMahgreftehMenuchahDevorahEstherChanaChanaSoraMikiAdiraFortunaAdinaRochelDevorahMeravShaindyFrankelFriedlandGolburghGoodwinDevoraHackHackermanHalwaniHermanHermanHoffmanBaylaKatzLebaKlainbergAvivaKosmanLivingstoneMeyerNelkinNeubergerNeubergerRothmanSeidelShane Chava Meth Esther Nadler Miri LeahMalkyTehillaChavivaTirtzahRevaEmunaAvigayilEttiSarahAriellaDevorahChayaIlanaNeubergerPaskoffPollockPreiserRosenbergDinaRubelowRubinSchuchmanSeinfeldShapiroSondhelmStorchStorchWeinrebWolfish Russi Flamm Gittel Friedman Rivka Garry Sara Esty Glazer Penina Green Chana Greengart Esti YehudisRochyRinaRivkaChayaShoshanaShaindyGittiChayaElishevaShiraTziporahKiraBailaRenaSarahHexterJavaKatzKhulinKleinKleinKreindlerKrollKushinskyLefkovitzLefkovitzLiederLeahLinzerLinzerLipskyMarkowitzMarkowitz Aliza RachelNaomiTehilaTamarEstyLeahAyeletDaniellaSaraLeahYehudisTzipaBasyaRikiChanaHuvySaraTziporaRivkaGurvitzBailaHoffmanHyattLowenthalMauerGoldaMeisterMeyersPolskyPreiserPreiserPretterBrachaShearShoobSobolSteinbergWaldbaumWaldmanWegWeilYasnyiAyelet Sobol Rena Miriam Steger Chaya'la Taub Chani Weissman

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Today, Swiss Army knives can have up to 181 different functions including MP3 players and USB drives, although the knives issued to soldiers are much more modest.


A Swiss army knife from World War II

Forgotten Her es Firsts on the Battlefield

By Avi Heiligman

T hroughout history, armies have always looked for innovations, new technology, and better weap ons to give themselves an advantage on the battlefield. Not all of these innova tions go well at first and, in some cases, took centuries to perfect. The history be hind many military inventions is quite fascinating, and the first time these in ventions were in combat often produced unexpected results. Here is the history behind some inventions and innovations and their first time in battle. Gunpowder is believed to have come from China somewhere in the 9th centu ry. The first documented case of it being used in battle was in 1132. A Chinese general used hand cannons called huo chong to capture a city. More practical cannons that were wheeled around were used in the 13th century, with one histo rian detailing the Mamluks’ use of can non against the Mongols in 1260. The first European use of big cannon was during the Hundred Years War at the Battle of Crecy when the English used a volley gun for the first time in battle. By the end of the Middle Ages, in the 1500s, firearms were fairly new and not always reliable. As time went on, inventers came up with better firearms. Flintlock firearms first appeared in 1547 and became popular among armies who used them to replace replaced handheld cannons. During the American Civil War, rifles saw an upgrade to increase the rate of fire and repeating rifles first saw action in battle. The sword was becoming less pop ular at that time, but that didn’t mean that sharp metal weapons were aban doned. Bayonets are a knife, sword or a spiked weapon that can be fitted onto the end of a rifle or firearm. The first use of the bayonet was in 1606 by the Chi nese, but the results were underwhelm ing as the bayonet could easily break or damage the gun. New types of trench knives that were an upgrade from oth er stabbing weapons were used during World War I during bitter fighting that often resulted in hand-to-hand combat. Not all weapons used on the battle field were designed to hurt the enemy. In the 1880s, the Swiss military decided they needed a multi-tool, and in 1891, Swiss inventor Karl Elsener’s new gadget was in the hands of military personnel. The first edition only came with four tools: a knife, a reamer, screwdriver and a can opener. However, when officers complained about the blade and its lack of other practical tools, Elsener rede signed the blade and added a corkscrew and a razor blade. The famous red grips were soon added to be easier to spot if it landed in the snow. It was dubbed the Swiss Army Knife by American GIs during World War II who struggled to pronounce its original name. Today, Swiss Army knives can have up to 181 dif ferent functions including MP3 players and USB drives, although the knives is sued to soldiers are much more modest. X-rays were discovered in 1895 and in the years leading up to World War I were further developed to be used on a wide-scale basis. Their first military use was during the 1896 Abyssinian War. Italian Lieutenant Colonel Giuseppe Alvaro successfully used x-rays twice to determine the position of bullets on two different soldiers that had been shot in the forearm. During World War I, efforts by leading scientists including Noble Prize laureates were put into creating the first mobile x-ray units that were sent to the frontlines. Vehicles were outfitted with x-ray machines and dark room equipment to process the x-rays. An electric generator was put into the vehicles so that x-ray machine could run. These vehicles helped battlefield doctors and surgeons quickly diagnose a soldier’s conditions and operate more efficiently.Before the 20 th century, militaries avoided fighting at night due to the dark ness causing confusion and difficulties in communicating properly. Two World War II inventions sought to solve this problem. Night vision technology was being developed by both the Germans and Americans. German Panther tanks had night vision and rangefinder devic es mounted that the tank commander would operate. At the same time, Amer ican inventors were coming up with inferred night-sighting devices called sniperscopes. During the next two de cades, this technology was advanced, and by the Vietnam War, Starlight

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contribu tor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for fu ture columns and can be reached at

41 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM scopes could be fitted onto a M16 rifle and relied on ambient light from the moon to operate. One of the devices created to solve communication issues is known today as the walkie talkie. Two-way commu nication devices that did not use wires were invented by Canadian Don Hings in the late 1930s. By the end of World War II, the SCR-300 was in the hands of American GIs in both Europe and the Pacific. It was carried in a backpack that weighed 40 pounds, had a range of five miles, and, while in use in the Pacific, could reach up to 15 miles over water.


The SCR-536, known as the “HandieTalkie,” resembles the modern-day walkie talkie. Developed by the Galvin Manufacturing Company (Motorola) and the U.S. Army, it was the first hand-held portable two-way radio and was used in many operations including the landings at Normandy. It came in a waterproof case weighing less than six pounds and was distributed on a wide-scale basis. As one could imagine, anything to do with GPS (global positioning system) can be traced back to the military. In fact, the study of satellites in orbit trans mitting data back to Earth dates to the 1960s. Over the next two decades, sev eral satellites were launched into space. The first handheld unit was available for military use in the late 1980s and was used to direct troops to their intended targets during the night or inclement weather. It proved to be a game changer during Desert Storm as the American troops used GPS to outmaneuver the Iraqis in all types of weather and terrain. After the war, Corps Commander Lieu tenant General Frederick Franks noted, “They [GPS receivers] were invaluable in avoiding fratricide (friendly fire inci dents) and allowing accurate navigation and artillery fires.” Inventors and innovators are always looking for ways to improve something or fix a problem. During wartime, they often come up with ingenious ideas out of necessity. Not all of these ideas come to fruition, but if they do see the battlefield, they often become history makers.

A soldier wearing a SCR-300A x-ray machine on a hospital ship in 1918 Medical Expenses

On OctOber 5, Dr. Bleich examined Peshy. He felt that her joint pain was more related to her flat-footed ness and to the fact that she’s a very active child. He suggested I make sure all her shoes, including her Shabbos ones, had good sup port. In the meantime, we would wait and see what the Western Blot test, the blood test for Lyme, showed. After the appointment, I promptly took Peshy to the store and picked up a brand new pair of shoes for her.

All names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family. It was the summer of 2021. My family planned on spending July and August in the Catskill Mountains. This was my first time. I called a friend to ask what I needed to pack and what I needed to know. She was kind enough to go over her packing list with me, and as we finished schmoozing, she mentioned in passing that at the end of each summer, she always takes her entire family to the doctor to do bloodwork. Although she was careful about checking her kids each day, she still wanted to make sure that none of her kids still had any undetected tick bites lingering on their skin. Now that I was aware of how populous ticks were in that area, I adopted her vigilance and was very careful to check my kids every night before they went to sleep to see if there were any signs of tick bites. One night, early in July, as I was putting my daughter Peshy to sleep, I noticed a tick on her face, right below her hairline. I carefully took it off and put it aside. As common sense dictated, I calculated that it could not have been there for too long since it was on her face. I figured that I surely would have noticed it earlier, and if not me, someone else definitely would have seen it.

A few days later, I received a call from the doctor’s office with the results of the bloodwork. I breathed a sigh of relief when the nurse told me it was negative. What I didn’t know then was that, according to the CDC, in or der for a Western Blot to be positive for Lyme, the patient needs to have a minimum of 2 positive bands of IGM,


How a Mother’s Intuition Helped Heal Her Child

Life with Lyme

The next morning, I called Dr. Bleich’s office and asked for guidance. I was told that either I could test the tick to see what, if any, diseases it might be carrying, or wait and see if Peshy developed any symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, mildly stiff neck, aching or the classic bullseye rash. She never developed a rash, and she never developed a fever. But I had in my mind that we would test the whole family anyway when the summer was over. When we came back home, life returned to its fre netic pace that punctuates returning home, starting the school year, and, of course, yom tov. On top of that, we celebrated a family simcha. To say we were busy was an understatement. For Peshy, the stress of the new year included beginning middle school. Compounded by Rosh Hashana coming before Labor Day, we were getting back by the skin of our teeth. When Peshy started to act out and complain of feeling anxious, it was very easy to attribute it to all the changes that were happening very, very quickly. When her teach ers called me to introduce themselves, I told them that my daughter was nervous about starting school, and they assured me that they would help in any way possible to ease the transition. Shortly before the appointment for bloodwork, Peshy began to complain of ankle pain. My internal antenna shot up. This was a major red flag for me, knowing that she had a tick bite. I was nervous of the condition I had read about known as Lyme arthritis, in which Lyme bacteria enters the joint fluid, and the joint becomes inflamed. Lyme bacteria is what is the most common ly caused infectant from tick bites. I felt grateful that we had our upcoming appointment on the near future. I was prepared to talk to Dr. Bleich about it and have her bloodwork done.

As told to ChAiA FrishmAn

Around November time, at Parent Teach er Conferences, in speaking with the teachers, I brought up the topic of my Peshy’s anxiety, and I asked the teachers how she was doing in school. They mentioned that there were a few times in school where she became very emotional and seemed inconsolable. This was out of character for her, and so I asked them if there was a social worker who could see her in school on a regular basis. The teacher referred her to the social work department, and we were able to arrange for a so cial worker to see Peshy weekly and work with her on recognizing and coping with her emotions. After a few weeks, the social worker called to tell me she was making great progress in school. I was sur prised – this was not what I was seeing at home. Peshy would come from school, and within minutes she would transform from happy to devastated and she would begin crying hysterically about something from much earlier in the day as if it just happened. This started to happen as often as four times a week! My previously confident and calm child was inexpli cably transforming. She no longer had the capacity to balance or regulate her conflicting emotions, and the end result would be hysterical crying. I had no indication of which way she was going and could not prepare myself when her emotions were so erratic. In February 2022, while catching up with my friend Shulamis over coffee, she confided in me that her daughter Sarale was just recently diagnosed with Bar tonella, a common co-infection of Lyme Disease. She told me how her daughter was bitten by a tick in camp four years earlier, and her doctor did not run the proper testing on the tick or her daughter. Shulamis described how for four years she watched as Sarale progressively deteriorated. Sarale’s symptoms fell into three categories, which included neurological, psychological, and gastro-intes tinal. She described how hard it was to find a doctor to run the tests to evaluate if her symptoms were related to the bite throughout the four years. She ran from doctor to doctor, but they all dismissed the symptoms. Fortu nately, she finally found a doctor willing to test her for Lyme and the co-infections. My blood ran cold, and suddenly, a frightening thought popped into my head. What if all the symp toms Peshy was exhibiting were actually linked to the tick bite? It seemed pretty clear to me as we reviewed the timeline from the bite correlating with the list of symptoms that had been growing slowly but progressively.Thisinformation was very hard to process. I was honestly hoping that it wasn’t true, and as the information sunk in, the realization of how much she regressed from the time of the bite was terrifying Peshy was no longer the same child as she was before the trip to the country. The disease clearly en tered her system and in a slow and insidious way did it damage. I felt as though I was racing against the clock. I needed to get moving on this. I started reading every thing I could about Lyme and the co-infections from reputable and more importantly experienced medical sources. Around the same time that this was all unfolding, Peshy started developing facial tics. It began as a simple blinking, then progressed to scrunching her nose, even tually it turned into jerking her neck back. My husband and I noticed this immediately, and it only strengthened our decision to move ahead quickly on the testing.

43 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM which show a recent infection or 5 positive bands of IGG, which show an older infection, to be considered positive for Lyme. In actuality, Peshy had 2 bands of IGG present on the western blot, but according to the CDC, this is not enough and so the test was interpreted as negative. We continued into the winter without much relief to Peshy’s leg pain. Her anxiety continued to be a problem and there were more and more episodes of her becoming “uncomfortable,” Peshy’s code word to describe when she was feeling anxious. Since Peshy was beginning middle school, this was the first time she was eligible to receive school lunch. My daughter, always a fantastic and eclectic eater, be gan complaining that the foods offered in school were making her nauseous. While this was frustrating for me, because now I was making her alternate lunches, I attributed it to the fact that she was not used to the options they offered. This spilled over into her complaining about the foods I was offering at home. She was starting to com plain about the foods that she had always enjoyed. She would complain that her usually favorite foods were making her so nauseous that she had to leave the room. Nausea progressed to stomach aches, and she began to complain often that her stomach was bothering her. I found her spending more time in the bathroom than ever before.

It is because of the complexity of chronic illness that we needed to create a more holistic and balanced regi men. Peshy began taking two different antibiotics and several different vitamins to help support her immune system and rid her body of the infection. Dr. Plier also included a probiotic to help support her gut while tak ing the antibiotics. We focused on incorporating specific foods into her diet to help the good bacteria thrive. There are also herbal treatments that have shown positive re sults in helping to clear the infections, but these often come with strong smells and tastes, and because of her age, Peshy was not ready to tolerate them.

Despite the fact that Peshy continues to remain CDC negative for Lyme, we are seeing tremendous progress with a near resolution of symptoms. She is finishing her third month of this regimen now, and the goal is to wean her off of the antibiotics in the near future and see how she manages.

Throughout my research, I learned about Life for Lyme, a volunteer organization that provides support and guidance to those suffering with Chronic Lyme Dis ease and co-infections. From my first call with them, the volunteer that I spoke with gave me a lot of time and explained so much. He provided me with resources and a list of all the relevant testing we should be asking for from Dr. Bleich’s office. Next, I reached out to Dr. Bleich. We spoke over the phone and verbalized the concerns I had. I told him that I was coming in for my Peshy’s annu al well-visit shortly and I wanted to have all of the tests run – total of approximately 30 different tests. I am not sure that he was in agreement with my assessment, but he did say, “You can never discount a mother’s intuition,” and he ordered the tests. A few days later, the tests came back, and now that I had greater knowledge on what I was looking for, I asked for a copy of the test results. In bold red letters, two bands were positive. I began shaking. I couldn’t be lieve it. I felt validated. All the questioning I had since Peshy’s tick bite, the growing list of symptoms, all had a reason. I called Dr. Bleich to discuss the results and felt like my train came to a crashing halt when he said, “It’s not positive.” I didn’t understand. Peshy had a known tick bite. We had a clear timeline of symptoms but according to the CDC, there weren’t enough positive bands and so she didn’t qualify for an tibiotics. I didn’t know what to do. Did this mean I was supposed to watch my daughter worsen? What more symptoms did she need to prove to be eli gible for treatment? I felt lost and helpless. But I refused to give in. I pleaded my case to Dr. Bleich. I told him I was not walking away without anti biotics. Eventually, he agreed, but I didn’t feel the regimen he proposed was adequate from all of the research I had done. I wanted another opinion. Thank G-d, we were able to find another doctor, Dr. Plier, who was more familiar with newer testing options and treatment protocols for Lyme and the co-infections. He was able to order more specific testing from more sensitive lab oratories to get a better picture of what was going on. Dr. Plier explained to me that once someone has Lyme or any of the co-infections spread throughout the body, the infection is now referred to as chronic. As with any chronic illness, the downstream effects include a disruption of hormones, immune system imbalance and nervous system dysregulation. This can look like thyroid dysfunction, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, neuropsychological disorders, and autoimmune disorders, to name a few.

It is easy to miss the first signs of Lyme disease. The severity of symptoms vary, and if they are too mild, they can be missed entirely. While most people are waiting for a classic bullseye rash, the reality is that up to 60 percent of those bit do not develop the rash, and the percentage is even greater in kids. Anyone who has a known tick bite should get tested approximately 4-6 weeks later. Lyme disease is called “The Great Imitator” because it can literally mim ic anything – physical, neurological, emotional, psychiatric, such as anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, Bell’s palsy, back or joint pain, cardiac issues, hearing or vision issues, to name a few.

A few things I have learned along the way. In the last seventy years, the amount of trees on the eastern seaboard has doubled. The amount of deer in United States has increased by one hundred fold in the last ninety years. The amount of Americans living in the suburbs has reached 53% of the population. Combine all these factors together, and you have more people interacting with nature in an area that has an increased probability of harboring deer and subsequently ticks. Deer are not the only animals to carry ticks. Dogs, cats, and woodchucks are examples of other animals that carry ticks. The list goes on. Ticks don’t always carry Lyme. Sometimes they carry Bartonella; sometimes they carry Babesia, Mycoplasma, Ricketsial Diseases, and Powassan Virus, to just name a few. Be sure to look up all of them if you still have no resolution to your concern. Sometimes they carry a few at a time. These are referred to as the co-infections. Whenever possible, it’s best to test the tick at a reputable lab to make sure the tick is not carrying anything. Whenever someone is in fected with more than one of the above mentioned, treatment becomes more complex and must account for the different infections involved. Ticks vary in size. Sometimes, you may not even see the tick. Just because you didn’t see a bite, it doesn’t mean much if your symptoms line up with Lyme and the co-infections. If you are concerned, get tested. Contrary to what many believe, ticks do not need to be attached for 12 hours to transfer these infections. There have been studies showing that cer tain infections can be transferred in 15 minutes. Some ticks carry diseases in their saliva. Common sense would dictate that if it’s harbored there, it is transferred as soon as the tick attaches itself to its target. The longer it is at tached, the greater the likelihood of transmission, but it can happen as soon as the tick bites.

Number five: To the owners of sleepaway camps and bungalow colo nies: Spray your properties. Unfortu nately, sometimes camps and bungalow colonies are the most common place of getting bit by a tick. For all those children who never saw a tick bite, do it for them.

The best resource we and many of our friends with loved ones infected with Lyme Disease found was

Editor’s Note: This is one person’s experience with Lyme disease. As always, when it comes to medical concerns, please discuss your concerns with your or your child’s doctor. My childconfidentpreviouslyandcalmwasinexplicablytransforming.

Number one is to increase awareness. Lyme disease and the co-infections are on the rise. For anyone who reads this story and the thought pops into your mind of a friend, cous in or neighbor who may be struggling to find answers to unexplained symptoms, this is for you. You can reach out and be a light to point someone else in the right direction.

If you or your child already have any form of chronic illness or struggles with any of the following effects of chronic illness: thyroid dysfunction, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal issues, neuropsychological disorders, or autoim mune disorders, talk to your provider, and when appropriate, begin antibiotics for a 30-day course. This will provide a better chance of eradicating any bac teria from the body before it becomes chronic.

44 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM HOdu l’HasHem k I tOv. I know this journey is still in progress, and we are still navigating our path with Hashem’s help. My goal is to maintain the progress we have made with keeping her immune system strong and trying to incorporate some mild herbal treatments to help kill off any bacteria that may still be lingering. I feel it is important to tell Peshy’s story for a few reasons.

Number two: For those of you reading this and may be trying to find answers for yourself, your spouse or your children, understand that Lyme Disease and the co-infections are complex. It is some thing that your primary care physician may not be able to manage individually due to its complexity and the amount of time and effort this takes. Doctors are bound by managed care companies and how they are reimbursed and therefore may not be able to dedicate the time to this. There is new and emerging information on Lyme and the co-infections and how the body responds to chronic infections. There is a holistic component needed as part of a collaborative team. This can include infectious dis ease specialists, nutritionists, or herbalists. Functional and integrative medicine providers can also be of great help here. Understand that there are many who are facing this challenge with you. Ask around; connect to another patient, parent or caregiver of some one who is going through this. We are out there. There is tremendous benefit in speaking with others who can help you along the way. You are not alone.

Number three: To the medical professionals: Lyme and the co-infections is a growing concern. It is some thing that in the past may have been more suited for specialists. It is unfortunately knocking down everyone’s door, and it is becoming more common on a primary care level. Educate yourselves on the emerging research and the testing options. Test early for Lyme and the co-infections, and if you feel like a patient requires more time than you can realistically give, refer them to some one who has the time and knowledge.

To contact Life for Lyme, use the following link: https://www.chaiforlyme. org/

Number four: To the parents whose children are returning from camp: if your child spent time in an area that was common for ticks, test them for evidence of Lyme disease and the co-infections when they return. They should be tested, not right away, but approximately 4-6 weeks after they return; earlier may not show re sults. Be on the lookout for changes in your child or symptoms that don’t add up.

Currently, the gold standard for testing among mainstream practitioners is the Western Blot, however, there are shortcomings. Some labs will only report on the bands that the CDC is looking for. In my daughter’s case, the first lab came with only two positive bands, but later testing from a more sensitive lab showed a few more questionable bands which, had they been included in the first tally of the required 5 bands, may have been the tipping point for her to receive antibiotics from the very first appointment we had.


Kinderlach, it is my hope that one day I will watch you too take to sail, Your very own homes to fortify with kedusha May the holy yiddisha mama within you prevail. May you grow up to be erlicha lechtiga yiddisha Maydaughters,Hashem bless you to be like Sara, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. With all my heart, Mommy Did You Know? There is a common misconception that if a device is filtered, then it is safe. A device can have a filter on it and still have certain categories allowed which can contain unsuitable content. The image filtering may be set to a low level, which will allow for inappropriate pictures or videos to be shown. When installing a filter, be sure to go through all the categories and options to make sure they are set to your standards.

To my dear children my life my very own, I am sitting to write you a letter My feelings I want to become known. Last night I attended an event A kinus for women of every stripe, As a time capsule I etch my takeaways To share with you when the time is ripe. To be part of something so huge How awestriking is the notion, Thousands of women gathering to grow That alone provokes much emotion. A common thread that was woven Into every chushuva speech, Was the impact of us, Yiddisha Mamas How consequential is our reach.

Teyera kinderlach, There is so much in my life That I do for you alone, In actions, words and thoughts you children to build and to hone. I take my kinderlach everywhere I go You dominate my being in whatever I do, I am channeling my hisoirerus to change Kinderlach, I am doing it for you. Take a glimpse on our illustrious past From mothers of mesiras nefesh we hail, In every generation’s turbulent storm It was the yiddisha mama who manned the sails. With her conviction to stand strong She would sacrifice no matter how much, It was she who guided her family through The links of our lineage thus remained untouched.

Teyera Lechtiga Kinderlach Submitted Anonymously O u r t e a m i s p r o f i c i e n t i n a l l a r c h i t e c t u r a l s t y l e s , f r o m f r e n c h c o u n t r y t o u l t r a m o d e r n a n d e v e r y t h i n g i n b e t w e e n Tech Triumphs

Now with pride I myself step up To the battle, to fight real hard, To fortify you kinderlach with my undertakings I’m a yiddisha mama, I stand guard. My home I reinforce Walls of shemira I erect, I strive to fill my G-d given role To nourish, to stand watch and protect. I adjust the sails of our ship To navigate the stormy seas, With a tefilla to the One Above To be at my side in times like these.

To share a tech triumph or story of chizuk, please email or call 410-449-1824 and choose option 5. This is a service of TAG Baltimore. TAG Baltimore is an organization that provides technology awareness, education, and support. They can be reached at 410-449-1824 or help@


Parenting Pearls

You Go First Before we can help our children, we need to help ourselves. It took me a while to exit my bedroom after hearing the news as I needed time to compose my self. My children would have their own emotional needs, and it would only com plicate their healing if I spoke before I was ready. We don’t need to prevent chil dren from seeing any form of sadness or mourning; it’s natural and healthy for children to know their parents grieve, too, but we need to keep a healthy bal ance. Usually in those first moments of shock we’re not prepared to be emotion ally balanced in front of children. It’s incredibly tempting to run out and scream, “What happened?” but we need to control that urge. If we’re in shock, we can only imagine how our chil dren will feel seeing such an emotionally charged response. Give yourself the time you need and the space to focus on your feelings and immediate needs before be ing there for your children. We can only give what we have, and we need our own strength to give our children strength.

Use Appropriate Language Little children, in particular, don’t really understand death and what it means. Using words like “passed away,” “sleeping forever” or “went away for a long time” are both unclear and confus ing. Some children may even become fearful from some of these well-inten tioned phrases. It’s best to use simple language that’s accurate. I explained about the burial of the body and the neshama living on. We discussed that the neshama is in a good place but wasn’t coming back (I left out t’chiyas hasmeisim) and that the family was sad because they are going to miss her. The talk need not be drawn out. The entire discussion with my youngest kids took two to three minutes and that in cluded my youngest son interrupting to ask about chocolate milk. Yes, I an swered his question about chocolate milk – and didn’t rebuke the inappropri ateness of the question – because that’s how a young mind works. He, too, needs to process the information in a way his mind comprehends. Death can be sad, but it doesn’t need to be fearful to young children.Older kids will already have a basic understanding of what death means but will still need to be told gently and have an adult’s listening ear. Interestingly, my children all wanted to share with me how much they appreciated that Bubby Genes brought them gum, making sure to buy the particular hechsher our family

Explaining Loss

By Sara Rayvych, MSEd

W aking up, I discovered a sus picious number of text mes sages on my phone. I learned early on that many messages at once is often not for the best of reasons. Sadly, it was informing me of the sudden passing of the beloved mother of a close family friend.Inaddition to the levaya information was a request for me to set up the shi va house. Naturally, I quickly agreed, grateful to do something practical to assist – despite not knowing what I was supposed to do. A few quick calls later, and I knew to set out water for washing, cover the mir rors, and prepare the table for the food others would be delivering. Misaskim – the organization we all appreciate ex ists but never want to need – showed up with all the mourners would required. Before we left, the house was ready for the avelim to walk in after the levaya and immediately begin the difficult process of mourning Bubby Genes. Besides the difficulties in figuring out how to cover mirrors without damaging the walls (clothespin clips with cobalt plastic tablecloths worked and were easy for aveilim to remove after shiva), I ran into a much thornier issue. As our families are so close, my children knew and loved Bubby Genes. Additionally, my children would definitely be interacting with Bubby Genes’ biological grandchil dren and would need to know how to be sensitive to their needs. What follows is a brief overview and some suggestions when having this dif ficult conversation with children. The closer the child is to the niftar, the more help in coping the child may require. Ad ditionally, some children are naturally more sensitive than others, and we need to respect those additional needs. No ar ticle can fully cover this emotional topic, and parents should avail themselves of the many resources readily available in our community.

If you see your child is having a diffi cult time coping with the news, you will want to speak to a professional and en sure your child gets the help they need.

Any changes in your child’s behavior can be a sign of distress and should be taken seriously.


Children learn from our cues and speaking in a calm way gives over more than words.

uses. Older children are more prepared to have adult-like questions and emo tions.Children learn from our cues and speaking in a calm way gives over more than words. It’s best to not sound dra matic, exaggerated or overly emotional as children will pick up on this and re spond similarly. As frum Jews we can, and should, explain using what we know about the neshama, but we need to recognize that children have limited understanding of such abstract concepts. Someone must have told my son that Hashem is in the sky and no matter how hard I tried, my little guy couldn’t get out of his head an image of the neshama flying in the sky with Hashem. Surprisingly, that image somehow made sense to him. Be Available Like most important topics, this may not be a one-and-done conversa tion, and each child may require their own talk. Assume your child may need to digest the information in small pieces and come back with more questions. You shouldn’t feel the need to have the entire discussion in one sitting – this can take some of the pressure off all parties.

Be prepared to address your child’s questions, concerns, and emotions as they come up. It is comforting for a child to know they can speak with their par ents. Try to not downplay or push aside their feelings. Seeing our children hurt can be painful for us, too, but we need to hold ourselves back from telling them “it’s no big deal” in a false attempt to protect them from their feelings. Particularly when one person per manently leaves your child, they need to know others are still there. Your child may need extra time with loved ones and reassurance that you and other close family and friends are still available.

Always a Teaching Moment

Even – or especially – in times of sadness and grief, we are our children’s greatest teachers. Learning how to expe rience pain and sadness in an emotional ly healthy way is an important life skill. We may wish to protect our children from all hurt but that’s neither realistic nor healthy for their development. We have the opportunity to teach them how to interact with others that are in mourning. I gave my children some “do’s and don’ts” about being sensitive with Bubby Genes’ grandchildren. As close as my children felt to her, it doesn’t compare to the feelings her real grand children are experiencing. This is an opportunity to educate children in thinking of others and what they really need. For example, I may not have known how to set up a shiva house, but we do what the mourners need, not just what’s easy for us. As I did the setup, I explained to my daughter how we were trying to do things in a way that best met the mourners’ needs. This is also a meaningful way to share the halachos of mourning and the hashkafos of aveilus. As we covered mirrors and prepared water for washing, the children were interested in learning why we were doing each step and how it fit in with Jewish thoughts on death and mourning.Beingthere for our children in each situation is an important but difficult part of parenting. May Hashem give us the wisdom to continuously guide our children in the right way, and may we soon see the day when this article will no longer be necessary.

This article was written l’ilui nishmas Henna Rivka bas Yaakov Yehuda. Sara Rayvych, MSEd, has her master’s in general and special education. She has been homeschooling for over 10 years in Far Rock away. She can be contacted at RayvychHo

It is interesting to note that many of the is sues that face investors are the same issues that perpetuate problem gambling. In this article, we will discuss of few of these par adoxical, but common, behaviors.

Gambler’s Fallacy – This is a common cognitive bias that we all have that we as sume that random results are influenced by what occurred previously. For example, if you flipped a coin five times in a row and the result was heads each time, you still have a 50-50 chance that the next time the result will be heads. However, we commonly think that since six heads in a row is highly unlike ly, therefore the chance of the next one being heads is much less that 50-50. Regarding in vestments or gambling, you might think that if there was a previous loss it is now “time for a win” since it is unlikely to have so many successive losses. This has no basis in reality whatsoever, but it is a trap that is very easy to fallWeinto.are in many ways irrational be ings. The Torah contains many Halachos that reflect this reality such as not allowing relatives to testify or be judges. The suffer ing that families experience when a family member is caught in the trap of problem gambling or investing is hard to describe. It is often very difficult to convince the in dividual with the addiction to seek help. In such a situation, a licensed clinician who is experienced in gambling addic tions can be invaluable in guiding the fam ily through this most unfortunate quagmire. This is a service of Relief Resources. Relief is an organization that provides mental health referrals, education, and support to the frum community. Rabbi Yisrael Slansky is director of the Balti more branch of Relief. He can be con tacted at 410-448-8356 or at yslansky@

Problem Gambling By Rabbi Azriel Hauptman Mental Health Corner 25


Behavioral Finance and

Investing is a legitimate profession that provides a steady source of income for many families. However, emotions can get in the way and can cause people to act in complete ly irrational ways that undermine their ability to invest and can lead them to financial ruin.

The Disposition Effect – This refers to the tendency of investors to sell stocks or other assets that have increased in their val ue, and hold onto assets that have lost value. A purely objective perspective would dictate that you hold onto those assets that have an excellent track record and unload those as sets that have not lived up to their expecta tions. Unbelievably, very often the opposite occurs. One of the theories proposed to ex plain this well-documented phenomenon is that we loath averse. Therefore, if an asset gains value, we sell it right away to “lock-in” the gain, but if the asset is losing value, we hold onto it in a desperate attempt to have it regain its lost value so we should not have experienced a loss. Similarly, a gambler who has lost a lot of money will keep on gambling to avoid suffering a loss, which only sinks him deeper into more and more losses. Reward Uncertainty – It is common knowledge that dopamine is a neurotransmit ter which is behind the feelings we experi ence when engaging in pleasurable activities. Additionally, addictive substances are addic tive because they trigger large surges of do pamine in the brain. An additional condition that triggers a dopamine surge is facing the possibility of a reward. The anticipation of a potential win will produce an effect that is similar to ingesting an addictive substance. This is part of what makes gambling addic tive and can be an impetus for making risky investment decisions. The Near-Miss Effect – When you al most win, you may feel an excitement that is experienced in the brain as a dopamine surge in a similar fashion as a real win. Subcon sciously, we feel that the fact that we almost won is significantly different than losing by a longshot. Imagine how you would feel if your lottery ticket was off by just one num ber. Thus, the near-win will encourage you to keep on trying. The Sunk-Cost Fallacy – This is similar to the disposition effect. This describes the illogical notion that many people have that it is worthwhile to hold onto to a losing en deavor since if they pull out then all of the work and resources that they have put into it will have gone to waste. If you purchased an investment that turns out to have been a bad idea, the rational response would be to cut your losses and move on. Alas, we humans are not always so sensible. This is sometimes called “Escalation of Commitment.”


Meet Shelly Levine of Tivuch Shelly, Israel’s leading Real Estate Company and learn about new Properties in Isreal 35+ years of experience building communities in Israel

Anglo’s are flocking to this area and it already has a thriving Ashkenazi Shul for its growing Shomer Shab bat

Tivuch Shelly has been privileged to be involved in developing all the major Anglo communities in Israel over the past 30+ years. We are bring ing with us many wonderful possibil ities for both investors and new olim. In the last few months, Tivuch Shelly has had much success leading scores of buyers from overseas to settle or in vest in property in Israel. We currently represent many residential develop ments throughout the country ranging from the most exclusive to moderate ly priced. Each project is located in a community that has (or will have) all the community services one would need such as; schools, religious com munal life, parks, shopping, restau rants, and medical facilities. We have continually found the “right” projects to suit the varied needs and budgets of our Anglo religious clientele. Below are a few of our offerings that we know will grow into active and vibrant new communities.

Ramat Yohanan, Neve Shamir, Ramat Beit Shemesh Due to the high volume of sales in Ramat Yohanan, the builder has agreed to sell the apartments with a payment schedule of 20% at con tract and 80% at key! The project consists of 800 units (60% are sold). There are 2,3 & 4 bedroom apts with great layouts, garden apartments, and penthouses. All with stunning views, beautiful sukkah balconies, storage & parking. The neighborhood will also have kindergartens, schools, and com munity centers. Religious life will in clude Synagogues and a Mikvah. This community will be a soft landing for Anglo Olim and investors as it is al ready developing into an exception al community.CarmeiGat An up-and-coming new neighbor hood is being built in the northern part of Kiryat Gat and is only 35 - 40 min ute train ride to Tel Aviv, Be’er She va, Jerusalem and Ben Gurion airport. The Carme Gat project will include 10,000 units including 2-4 bedroom apartments, duplexes, and single-fam ily homes, all at very attractive prices.


WeNetanyacommunity.arecurrently representing 4 residential developments in the best 3 Anglo communities from North Netanya to Ir Yamim, ranging from the most exclusive to moderately priced. Each area is close to the beach and beautiful promenade, with various recreation areas, shopping, and restau rants nearby. These neighborhoods include schools, kindergartens, and Synagogues with Anglo communities.

By popular demand, Shelly Levine of Tivuch Shelly Real Estate is com ing to Baltimore. We have had many requests for in-person sessions in Bal timore and will be conducting private meetings in the coming weeks. We are truly looking forward to visiting and meeting with the wonderful Balti more Jewish community!

We are confident one of these projects will serve the needs and budget of just about everybody who is looking. Buy now and enjoy life by the Sea. Jerusalem Tivuch Shelly has had much suc cess building up the Anglo community in Arnona and we are now working on a second Arnona property that is cur rently under construction. This new building is comprised of 2-3 bedroom, spacious balcony apartments, (some sukkah balconies) and underground parking. Penthouses & mini penthous es are available as well. The property is on a quiet street off Hevron road, not far from Baka or Talpiot areas, and within walking distance to shopping, restaurants, and excellent public trans portation. In addition to Arnona, we have Nevi’im St (a short walk to the Old City and Kotel) and wonder ful new projects in New Katamon, Kiryat HaYovel, German Colony, and Ramat Eshkol. With our additional locations and projects, we are confident that we have the right one for you! Shelly Levine is currently in the States and available for today and join your neighbors who have already bought through Tivuch Shelly! Shelly Levine - 646-704-1185 * tivuchshellylevine@gmail.comYoni-USA-516-737-3180 * Yoni1.tivuchshelly@gmail.comWeb:


Iyun or Bekius?

The venerated Rosh Yeshiva conclud ed by saying, “Ashreichem!.”

Rav Dovid Cohen Hails Dirshu’s New Chaburas Shas Program as Golden Opportunity For Avreichim

“If we offer bekius programs,” Dir shu’s Hanhala asked next, “shouldn’t we worry that people will choose one of the limudim and neglect the other? “You do not have to worry about that,” Rav Gershon replied. “The nature of a person is to learn b’makom shelibo chafetz, where his heart pulls him. Peo ple have different natures. Some people are naturally inclined to bekius and oth ers to iyun. That is why I feel that you should have many types of programs. Each person will find the program that appeals to his particular skillset, the place that is libo chafetz.” Dirshu then asked the Rosh Yeshiva about the age restriction in its Kinyan Halacha in-depth halacha program. Un til now, Dirshu limited the program to avreichim over thirty years old who al ready learned in kollel for several years and now wanted to begin pursuing indepth halacha learning. There are many people under thirty, however, who wish to join the program?”

“The main thing,” the Rosh Yeshiva repeated, “is that every person should learn in accordance with his natural in clination. Chazal teach us that this is the way to truly grow in Torah!”

On a recent trip to Eretz Yisrael, Dir shu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, gave an iyun shiur in the sugya of Masechta Bava Kama in which the program was holding. The shiur was given in the Zvhill Beis Medrash right near the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim. Many avreichim learning in the Mir participated in the shiur along with avreichim from yeshivos and kollelim from all over Yerushalayim. The well-attended shiur was received with great enthusiasm by the lomdim and afterwards, many of them expressed their deep hakoras hatov to Rav Hofstedter for providing them with such a program. One yungerman said, “We should pay to be able to learn in such a pro gram, but instead we are getting paid for excellent test results in the monthly tests!”


a yungerman to truly be koneh bekius in large parts of Shas, if he perseveres, while simultaneously enabling him to really understand the tzuresa d’shemaatsa, the structure of the Gemara in a comprehen sive“Anotherway. tremendous quality of the program is that it is most often learned during night seder. Therefore, a yunger man can learn two solid sedarim in his kol lel and then join Chaburas Shas and have another seder that will enable him to make a siyum haShas b’iyun kal in about twenty years.”What an opportunity!

HaRav Dovid Cohen meeting with Hanhalas Dirshu regarding the Chaburas Shas Program Rav Dovid Hofstedter discussing the Chaburas Shas program with HaRav Gershon Edelstein in his home

The newest Dirshu program has al ready created waves of excitement in the olam haTorah. The Chaburas Shas pro gram, Dirshu’s latest iyun program created for mature bnei Torah, is already gaining wide popularity and has been enthusiasti cally encouraged by leading senior Gedo lim both in Eretz Yisrael and America.

Gedolim such as HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, HaGaon HaRav Shlo mo Feivel Schustal, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Tiferes Yerachmiel and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, have all praised the program as a worthy one for bnei Torah who find sat isfaction in a limud that combines iyun kal with a clear schedule of learning and chaz arah that, over time, empower the partici pant to cover large parts of Shas with iyun The program began masechta Bava Kama this past Rosh Chodesh Iyar. Re ports thus far from the lomdim have been effusive. The structure and even more im portantly the maareh mekomos provided by Dirshu have enabled the more than 2,000 participants to learn ten blatt a month, and not just learn them superficially but to re ally gain a grasp of the sugya with iyun and deep havanah The Chaburas Shas features the learn ing of two and a half blatt each week, (an amud per day) with Friday and Shabbos consecrated for chazarah. There are two tracks: Track one is Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos with a thirty-question test every month. Track two features Gemara, Rashi, Tosafos, the special kuntress published by Dirshu with maarei mekomos of the prima ry Rishonim and Acharonim on the sugyos beingRavlearned.DovLandau: The Program Is Ex cellent And Has All The Maalos!

The “Golden Opportunity” for Avrei chimRav Dovid Cohen explained that one of the reasons he is so enthusiastic about the Dirshu Chaburas Shas program is because it offers a beautiful synthesis of bekius and b’iyun in what is today called iyun kal “When I was a bachur,” Rav Cohen reminisced, “and I learned bekius, after I finished learning the Gemara with Rashi and Tosafos I wanted to catch a glimpse of the rishonim and acharonim on the sugya I would quickly look into the Ketzos Ha choshen, Avnei Miluim, Rabi Akiva Eiger, Rav Chaim Brisker, the Brisker Rav… There were otzros, treasures of kushyos and approaches to the sugya. It is a pity to forgo all those wonderful treasures! It took me time to find the treasures. The amazing thing about the Chaburas Shas program is that you don’t have to spend time looking for the rishonim and acharonim that shed light on the sugya. The maareh mekomos prepared by Dirshu has saved you the time it takes to look around. It is ready for you. Those maareh mekomos are a tremendous help to be able really penetrate to the heart of the sugya and to access the basic lomdus and ‘rayd’ on every sugya

A Discussion with the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, Hagaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, Shlita Iyun or bekius? How much of each should one learn. Is there a formula? This is a very common question in the yeshiva world. Some bachurim are more drawn towards iyun, others get satisfac tion from covering ground and knowing large amounts. What is really the best way?Before Tisha B’Av this year leading members of Dirshu’s hanhalah posed this very question to the senior Gadol Hador, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edel stein, shlita It was the day before the massive Dirshu Hachana event attended by some 4,000 bachurim entering yeshiva gedolah. In past years, Rav Gershon was a main speaker at this gathering and was slated to address the kinnus in person, but he had been hospitalized a week ear lier and therefore could not personally be present at the asifa. Nevertheless, despite his weakened condition he felt com pelled to address Dirshu’s hanhalah at an informal meeting at his home around his kitchen table the day after he was dis charged from the hospital. “Should we focus on programs that stress depth and quality of learning,” was the question, “or should we focus on programs that stress quantity?” Rav Gershon smiled and answered, “Both.” He said, “Dirshu should be of fering both options. Options that stress more iyun knowledge of less material and programs that stress more bekius knowledge of more material.”

By Chaim Gold Dirshu

The Rosh Yeshiva replied that they should allow those under thirty to join as well. “There are young avreichim who will thrive learning in such a program.

“In truth, the better a person under stands the sugya, the better he remembers it. This is why the Iyun Kal program not only serves as an iyun seder but also helps your bekius, helping you retain the many blattRavlearned.”Dovid Cohen concluded, “I think the Chaburas Shas program presents a golden opportunity for all yungeleit. It gives you the best of both worlds. It allows

When the hanahala of Dirshu recently went to meet with Rav Dov Landau, pre senting him with the details of the program and a sample of the maareh mekomos, he exclaimed, “The program is excellent and has all the maalos! For avreichim who ap preciate this way of learning, it is wonder ful!”

53 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM Look at this amazing gum transformation! Call T oday! C a l l U s T o d a y T o S c h e d u l e a C o n s u l t a t i o n ! 4 1 0 . 6 5 0 . 4 3 5 0 A f t e r B e f o r e M A R Y L A N D C E N T E R F O R P E R I O D O N T I C S & D E N T A I M P L A N T S D r . M a r t i n L e y b o v i c h & A s s o c i a t e s 4 1 0 . 6 5 0 . 4 3 5 0

Normally, I do not go because I am poor. — Brooke Miller My favorite thing to pack on trips are all the clothes I never wear at home and then … not wear them while I’m away.

Be Kidding Me!

– Mark Twain I’ve been to almost as many places as my luggage. – Bob Hope This is the first year I’m not going to Fiji because of COVID-19.

– Adam Rippon I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. – Henry Youngman Boy, those French. They have a different word for everything. – Steve Martin Kilometers are shorter than miles. Save gas. Take your next trip in kilometers.

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.


The worst thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognize you as a tourist. – Russel Baker When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.

– Susan Heller

Riddle Me This Why wouldn’t the skeleton ride any roller coasters? Answer: He just didn’t have the stomach for them.

– George Carlin A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.

– Robert Orben

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine – it’s lethal. – Paulo Coehlo

Vacation-ally Speaking


I***was at an amusement park with my friends.They all said the invisibleattraction.seedidn’tcoasterrollerwasgreat,butIthe

The receptionist replies, “No problem, sir. This is the lobby.”

A man is staying in a hotel. He walks up to the front desk and says, “Sorry, I forgot what room I’m in. Can you help me?”

2. Leap the Dips, at Lakemont Park in Altoona, Pennsylvania, is the oldest ACTIVE roller coaster in the U.S. Made out of wood, it has a 9-foot drop and a top speed of 20 mph. In what year did it open? a. 1902 b. 1917 c. 1936 d. 1953 3. Where is the tallest roller coaster in the world located, with a height of 456 feet? a. Cedar Point Park, Ohio b. Ferrari Park, Dubai c. Six Flags Great Adventures, New Jersey d. Wonderland, Canada 4. The most expensive roller coaster ever built is Expedition Everest, located in the Animal Kingdom Park of Orlando’s Walt Disney World. How much did it cost to build it in 2006? a. $55 million b. $100 million c. $240 million d. $1.2 billion

Wisdom Key 6-7 correct: You are probably the worst person to go to an amusement park with. “Come on, why are you scared? It’s only a 400-foot drop! I can do it without holding on!” 3-5 correct: You have a healthy relationship with roller coasters. You approach them with some trepidation but also can overcome your fear and enjoy the experience. 0-2 correct: You need a roller coaster to mix up that brain of yours…may help you do better at trivia.

Roller Coaster Trivia

1. What is the clicking sound that you usually hear when a roller coaster climbs upwards? a. It is an artificial sound that is meant to make the ride scary b. It is caused by riding over the screws on each plank c. It is caused by the spokes of the wheels d. It is a safety locking mechanism so that if the roller coaster loses power the cart won’t fall backwards…rather it will stay in position until it’s fixed. (That is comforting. I’ll just hang out here at a 90 degree angle, 350 feet in the air, while the union guys finish their lunch break so they can get started on working on the outage.)


5. What medical condition can be helped by riding a roller coaster, according to a 2016 study in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association? a. Headaches b. Kidney stones c. Neurosis d. Arthritis 6. According to the National Weather Service, the odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 15,300. What are the odds of being seriously injured on a roller coaster, according to Internationalthe Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA)? a. 1 in 35,000 b. 1 in 204,000 c. 1 in 3 million d. 1 in 15.5 million 7. When did Coney Island’s Cyclone open? a. 1913 b. 1927 c. 1944 d. 1962 Answers 7-B6-D5-B4-B3-C2-A1-D


1) Maybe POTUS’ party’ll avoid losses. 2) Things look good for out party. 3) Things look REALLY good for out party. 4) Hold on, maybe POTUS’ party won’t lose as many seats as thought. 5) Could POTUS’ party avoid wipeout? 6) WIPEOUT.

– Tweet by political commentator David Drucker

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

#CancelStudentDebt and go as broad and as deep as the hurt is.

– Don Trump Jr. at a political rally in Florida

It was, ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of a targeted nuclear device detonated over the most emotionally vulnerable elements of our most privileged population. You can picture the carnage, the wailing, the swooning… then fumbling for Xanax and expensive handbags. Not since the orange man seized the White House in a Russian coup have more 46-year-old Cornelleducated lawyers with weak husbands wept shamelessly in public.

- Tucker Carlson, Fox News

I have taken a break from social media for my mental health because I find Instagram and Twitter to be overstimulating, to be overwhelming. - Hollywood actor Tom Holland Imagine the pandemonium at SoulCycle studios across the Northeast this morning when Tony Fauci announced his retirement. Ugly doesn’t begin to describe it. Picture the chaos, if you can, in the organic chaga aisle at Whole Foods in Brooklyn. Try to envision the panic and hysteria that must have broken out at espresso bars in Edgartown and Aspen and Santa Monica and Bethesda as thousands of masked ladies in Lululemon discovered, all at once, that the one religious leader they still revered, their own even tinier version of the Dalai Lama, had decided to retreat forever from public life.

Donald Trump has the nuclear codes! In the linen closet at Mar-a-Lago!

– Tweet by squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) urging Pres. Biden to cancel student loans Can he send me back my investment in my children’s future? I could use that money just to buy groceries under this great economy. Can Biden eliminate the IRS too? That would help a LOT of Americans! I paid mine back. Do I get reimbursed? Blue collar families paying white collar debts. Regressive. Punitive. Inflationary. Unjust.

With the stroke of a pen, @POTUS can change lives and save lives. He must

By the way, for the record, I say that if Donald Trump actually still had the nuclear codes, it would probably be good. Our enemies – our enemies –might actually be like, “OK, maybe, let’s not mess with them!”

Some of the tweets in response Midterm cycles since ‘06 have certain rhythm:

57 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COMFriday Night Shabbos Day FreeName:delivery to*: DeliveryCell: date: Special requests: CHOOSE 1 ❍ ❍ You deservea breakl lLet your family enjoy too! 2 Challahs 2 LondonDips Broil 2 qt Cholent Box of AppetizerCookiesCHOOSE 1 ❍ 1 lb Liver & 1 lb Egg Salad ❍ Liver Sauté & 1 lb Egg Salad ❍ Gefilta Fish ❍PremiumSalmon Deli CHOOSE 1 ❍ Corned Beef ❍ Roast Beef ❍ Pastrami ❍6-8BrisketPieces Chicken CHOOSE 1 ❍ Grilled Chicken Strips ❍ Shnitzel Fingers Parve Salads CHOOSE 2 ❍ Coleslaw ❍ Potato Salad ❍ Cous Cous ❍ Cucumber Salad ❍ Israeli Salad ❍ Baby Corn Salad ❍ Chickpea Salad ❍ Quinoa ❍ Corn Salad ❍ Garden Salad ❍ Cesar Salad Deli CHOOSE 1 ❍ Turkey Pastrami ❍ Salami ❍ Bologna ❍ Gourmet Turkey ❍ Classic Turkey ❍ Honey Turkey ❍ Smoked Turkey ❍ Mexican Turkey 8x5 Kugels CHOOSE 1 ❍ Potato ❍ Sweet Noodle ❍ Yerushalmi Shabbos Day 2 Challahs 2 Dips 2 qt Chicken Soup 6 Matzoh Balls Box of AppetizerCookiesCHOOSE1 ❍ 7 pcs Salmon Wellington ❍ 7 pcs Gefilta Fish + 2 pcs Salmon Main Dish CHOOSE 1 ❍ Brisket with Gravy ❍ Pastrami Stuffed Chicken ❍ Roast Chicken ❍ Grilled Chicken ❍ Shnitzel Parve Salads CHOOSE 2 ❍ Coleslaw ❍ Potato Salad ❍ Cous Cous ❍ Cucumber Salad ❍ Israeli Salad ❍ Baby Corn Salad ❍ Chickpea Salad ❍ Quinoa ❍ Corn Salad ❍ Garden Salad ❍ Cesar Salad Side 1 CHOOSE 1 ❍ Rice ❍ Roasted Potatoes ❍ Potato Kugel ❍SideFarfal2CHOOSE 1 ❍ Roasted Vegetables ❍ Green Beans Friday Night AVAILABLEWITHEITHERPACKAGEADDONS SUBMIT ORDER VIA EMAIL OR PHONE | 410.484.5850 x1 * Free delivery within Eruv $169.99FEEDS 6 $169.99FEEDS 6 ❍ Salmon Appetizer • $5 pp ❍ Turkey Salad • $11 / lb (min. 1 lb) ❍ London Broil • $9 pp ❍ Brisket and Gravy • $9 pp ❍ Glazed Corned Beef • $9 pp ❍ Salmon Wellington • $14 / loaf ❍ Grilled Chicken • $5 pp ❍ 8x5 Yapchick • $14 ❍ 8x5 Apple Cobbler • $12 ❍ Cookies • $8 / box ❍ Turkey Salad • $11 / lb ❍ Pastrami & Kishka Stuffed Chicken Breast • $10 / piece

Fauci admitted he lied about the efficacy of masking, fearing it would instigate a shortage.


I’ve covered extremism and violent ideologies around the world over my career. Have never come across a political force more nihilistic, dangerous & contemptible than today’s Republicans. Nothing close.

Was it an evolution in science that compelled Fauci to tell Americans, “[t]here’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” only to implore them to strap on two masks a few months later?

In the early days of the pandemic, Fauci kept citing the estimate of 60-70 percent vaccination level for reaching herd immunity. Later, he claimed it would be “70, 75 percent.” And finally, “75, 80, 85 percent.” Fauci later admitted lying about that, as well, because “polls said only about half of all Americans would take a vaccine.”


Tweet by Financial Times Associate Editor Edward Luce

– David Harsani, The Federalist Next time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise. The steady drop in gas prices over the last few months has turned into an unexpected form of economic stimulus

I agree. And I was the CIA Director .-Reply by Former CIA Director and fellow “swamp creature” Michael Hayden They are a destructive force in American politics. They are basically a domestic terrorist cell operating in America. Their goal is to end democracy.

“We really need to save the masks for the people who need them most,” he later said.

- Democratic National Committee advisor Kurt Bardella talking about Republicans on MSNBC

- Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC

– Statement by Kitson’s owner Ross Frasier explaining why he banned masks in his Los Angeles department stores

With Covid, things that we thought we knew at the beginning as the months went by turned out not to be the case... That was interpreted as flip flopping when it really was the evolution of the science.

- CNN Business senior writer Chris Isidore, forgetting to mention that two years ago gas was almost half the price than it is today At Kitson, we prioritize the safety of our staff and customers. We noticed a disturbing trend of individuals wearing masks to avoid identification in various situations including, but not limited to, shoplifting, verbal harassment, and physical assault. The mask mandate may have begun as a health precaution, but we believe it is now being used by some people for nefarious purposes. To that end, we enacted our own mandate of sorts. We do not allow the wearing of masks in the store during regular business hours.

The real need is not to reclaim the Constitution, as many would have it, but instead to reclaim America from constitutionalism.

[Trump’s] fiercest critics really accuse him of breaking norms, but what we’re seeing here, and what we’ve seen constantly over time, is that they do that exact thing. They break all the norms in order to try to get Trump.

Jared Kushner in an interview with Mark Levin on Fox News

- From the rules of a “Person of Color Theme House,” which is a racist co-op located near University of California Berkeley

The Ukraine war is not over. And privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on.

There is deep mistrust between the White House and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky— considerably more than has been reported.

-Thomas Freedman, The New York Times

- From a New York Times essay, titled “The Constitution Is Broken and Should Not Be Reclaimed,” by law professors Ryan D. Doerfler of Harvard and Samuel Moyn of Yale

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By Allan Rolnick, CPA


When it comes to raising taxes, Washington usually targets the middle class for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks – because that’s where the money is.

Remember 1935? Bread lines across a country still mired in Depres sion, dust storms ravaging the Plains, the Lindbergh kidnapping trial. Good times. That’s when Washington passed the Revenue Act of 1935, raising the top tax rate to 79% on incomes over $5 million ($108 million in today’s dol lars). Just one American paid that top tax rate, and his name was Rockefeller. Back then, votes meant more than dol lars – we didn’t have billionaires buying up governors’ mansions and Senate seats for themselves and their minions. (To day, Forbes estimates that Rockefeller’s descendants are worth just 8.4$ billion combined, ranking them behind almost 100 American billionaires.) When it comes to raising taxes, Wash ington usually targets the middle class for the same reason Willie Sutton robbed banks – because that’s where the mon ey is. But sometimes they target smaller groups for specific proposals, usually to send a political message. Senator Eliza beth Warren’s proposed “Ultra-Million aire” tax on net worth over $50 million, which would hit just 75,000 families, fits that bill. The current estate tax, which hits fewer than 3,000 families per year, is another. Now Democrats are advanc ing a bill, dubbed the “Inflation Reduction Act,” which began life with two proposals targeting small groups of taxpayers and one more affecting us all. The first proposal, which the Sen ate already agreed to drop, would have tightened the infamous “carried inter est” loophole to raise $14 billion/year. Hedge fund and private equity manag ers typically charge investors a fixed fee plus a slice of their profits. Since inves tors get to pay lower capital gain rates on those profits, a group of about 5,000 managers (who are already out-earning 99% of Americans) get the same benefit on their slice. If you’re wondering how much everyone else resents it, Donald Trump and Joe Biden both proposed nixing it. Better luck next year! Figuring out who kills that reform is like a game of Clue, except the murderer is always a lobbyist. If Congress ever does succeed in driving a stake through its heart, grab some popcorn and watch real estate prices crash in the Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, and Aspen. The second proposal, which seems bound to pass, is a 15% minimum tax on corporate “book income” over $1 billion. This takes aim at about 100 companies like Amazon, Netflix, and T-Mobile that report big profits to shareholders, then use (perfectly legal) deductions to avoid tax at the regular 21% rate. However, they can still use targeted tax credits (research & development, clean energy technology, etc.) and accelerated depreciation deduc tions to continue paying less. This new levy is expected to raise $319 billion over the next decade. Finally, the bill includes one provision affecting all of us: $79 billion in new IRS spending over the next 10 years. Politi cians hate boosting the IRS budget, but at current levels the agency can barely oper ate. $30 billion would go towards desper ately needed new technology. (The Ser vice still uses computers they bought in the Johnson administration. Ok, not An drew, but Lyndon.) Most of the rest will go towards auditing taxpayers earning over $400,000. (Fun fact: In 2018, the IRS received over 4 million partnership returns, and audited just 140 of them.)

Your Money Isn’t It Special?

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

The IRS estimates that every dollar it in vests in enforcement raises $5-9 in taxes that are legally owed but not collected. Contrary to some claims, the bill won’t raise rates on any individuals. However, it will make it easier for the IRS to col lect taxes already legally owed. That won’t change any of the planning we might al ready have done for you. But it will make careful execution even more important. Call us to evaluate your exposure, and don’t leave your plans to chance.

Of my many students, few are as unassuming or as enterpris ing as Shira. She is gifted, loves learning, yet remains reserved enough to go unnoticed. I worried about her at the beginning of 10th grade. I occasional ly mistook her quiet nature for a lack of knowledge. My impressions of her quick ly changed upon reading her essays; they were full of insight, sharp observations, andAtclarity.theend of her 9th grade, a represen tative from Brauda, a college in the city of Karmiel, half an hour away from Ma’alot, addressed students and offered them an after-school program covering the A to Zs of RPV’s – remotely piloted vehicles. Interested in the course, Shira decided to enroll; the only student of approximate ly 100 in her year to do so. This means that, in addition to her regular school pro gram, she takes a bus over the hill once a week, oftentimes not returning home until after 8 p.m. I’ve seen her getting off the bus as I make my way home after a late Ma’ariv. After beginning her school day at 8:30, that takes dedication. One shouldn’t underestimate the scope of Shira’s regular study course, which leaves her little room for travel time, the extra curriculum, and the late evening arrivals home. If she tackled a busy schedule in 10th grade, the sheer number of hours in 11th grade is a challenge to all students; the hours are long, and it is the year in which the bulk of their state exams take place.

Shira says there are two major bene fits to the course: learning new things and making new friends.

61 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM Flying High By Rafi Sackville Israel Today

I have oftentimes tried to schedule ap pointments with 11th grade students only to discover that in some cases there isn’t one hour available from Sunday through Friday.Ofone thing I am certain: Shira will cope. When, in two years’ time, she comes through the other side of the course, the options she will have in her young life will have greatly widened in scope. Shira is frank about the pressure, saying she’s not afraid her 11th grade schedule will affect her studies. This is because those running the course are well aware of the potential for schedule conflict. They have discussed this with the students and have pledged to accom pany them throughout the year to help them prepare not only for the army but for the psychometric (SAT) examination. This will go a long way in relieving the pressure at school. Knowing they will be there by her side helps maintain Shira’s enthusiasm and dedication to the long hours she has put in and to face the com ing busy two years. The ultimate aim of the course about drones is to train pre-army students in the hope that of the many who pass through their doors, and ultimately the course –the few who are diligent enough – will become eligible for this burgeoning and important military field. This explains why the course is coordinated with the army and why some of Shira’s teachers are from the armed forces.

“I have made new friends for life and learned new things that I didn’t think I would or could necessarily like and con nect with,” she shares. In this, Shira is an anomaly, as postcovid students have evolved into an world that is more insular than it used to be. In my humble experience as an educator, I have found that since the pandemic, stu dents tend to be less engaged or willing to volunteer. For example, it is common practice for students to dedicate at least 90 hours over the course of their three high school years volunteering in the community. Getting them to help out in any fashion at school has become an up hill battle. This is somewhat reflected in society at large, where many people have chosen not to return to work. I have de tected an air of student slothfulness that borders on disengagement with their sur roundings.Thisiswhy I am impressed by Shira’s determination to see the course through. She is animated when talking about the different aspects of her course. For exam ple, she described some of the material she has studied about batteries – their differences, their advantages and dis advantages, what to do in case a battery swells, how to act when it emits smoke, or how she learnt that a battery should not be left unattended while charging. She is also learning how to program the onboard computers, to fly the vehicle, and how to build them from scratch. I was surprised to learn how only three students from the original thirty-five have dropped out. That’s a high retention rate and a reflection of the course’s success. Shira is looking past the army. She believes the field is flourishing enough to become a viable future profession.

If there is one thing that Shira can teach her peers, it is that there is no lim it to what one can learn and accomplish.

Rafi Sackville, formerly of Cedarhurst, teach es in Ort Maalot in Western Galil.

Covid may have changed the lives of many of our children, but that doesn’t mean they need to be hindered in what they can ac complish. The world may have become a little crazier, a little harder to navigate, but level-headedness can be nurtured and developed by making the correct de cisions. Shira had the initiative to make the decisions herself. It is incumbent upon educators to help our youth make wise educational decisions. Their future depends on it.

“It is good to learn things at an early age,” she says. “I enjoy learning the mate rial, and even though it is true that I don’t know what I want to do in the army (I’m only 16 years old), I get a lot of enjoyment studying in the course.”

Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.

Dating Dialogue

WouldWhat You Do If…


Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters

My siblings and I are concerned about my mother. She wants to start dating after losing our father a bit over a year ago. She’s reaching out to shadchanim, friends, even family members, almost obsessively to try to find a new husband. She has always been a powerhouse and doesn’t let feelings penetrate, trying to keep a happy face despite any challenges. We’ve always admired her resilience but now we are concerned.Dowehave good reason to be concerned? Is a year too soon if one has not really mourned?


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T hank you for writing! I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. The weight of loss is immeasurable and dif ferent for everyone, and I just want to express my condolences and acknowl edge you and your feelings as well as your mom’s. Feeling our feelings and allowing grief to penetrate is of utmost im portance in the grieving pro cess. I understand why you and your siblings are concerned about your mother, believing she hasn’t worked through the emotions of your losing your father. She is strong and keeps it all together, putting on a brave face and plowing through. Some may view her behavior and effect as a result of her resilience, and some may wonder if she is avoiding feeling the loss of her husband. As you watch your mother begin to express an interest in dating, a sure sign she is ready for the next chapter of her life to begin, you are naturally left wondering if she is dating so soon to avoid dealing with the deeply painful, gut wrenching feelings of your father’s loss.

There may be things to say to her which can be healthy but respectful. Get help and communicate very care fully and respectfully with mom.



The Shadchan Michelle Mond Iam so sorry you’re dealing with this painful challenge. Neither you, your siblings, nor us panelists can assess when the best time is for a grieving par ent to move on. What we can all agree on, however, is watching a parent move on while the kids are still grieving must be excruciatingly painful. The most important thing for you and your siblings to do is show respect for your mother’s personal decisions. As hard as it is, try not to let your pain damper her ability to move on if she feels ready. It might be helpful to go to family therapy to process the tragedy together as a family, if you have not already done so.

A brave face and a smiling mouth are not feelings.hersynonymousnecessarilywithnotfeelingher

The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S. Ifind your concern about your mother very touching. However, your mother is an adult woman with developed judg ment and life skills. If she decided she is ready and is reaching out to start dating, then you must respect that and trust her instincts, especially if you siblings are adults. You can be sure that others are questioning her readiness to remarry and bringing up the effect on her chil dren.You and your siblings may not see the whole situation. She may have mourned in her own way to which you may not be privy. Her resilience may be based on strong coping skills as well as the abil ity to be in touch with her own feelings and process them privately and/or with help. Your father may have told her to start dating soon, understanding her needs and ability to move forward in a healthy way. You are your siblings may want to talk things through with a thera pist as a group. Perhaps you are not ready to have her move on. Perhaps you are afraid of losing your mother shortly after losing your father. It may be a good idea to consult a grief therapist to process your own grief and feelings about your mother’s reaction and plans.

The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists

Wishing you and your family only health, happiness and simcha going for ward. The Single Tzipora Grodko

The Zaidy Dr. Jeffrey Galler I f your mother feels that she is ready to start dating, who are you to say oth erwise? In reality, it seems that it is you and your siblings who are not ready for this new phase of life. Many widows and widowers, es pecially those who have had happy and fulfilling marriages, often seek to remarry fairly quickly. For an active adult, it is very difficult to be a single in a world of married couples. My advice: Don’t stand in Mom’s way. She has gone through a very dif ficult time. Don’t make it more diffi cult for her by impeding what is best for her. Think of the fun you can have pre-screening her dates, interviewing prospective suitors, and giving her mar italIfadvice.andwhen your mother remarries, it is not to replace your father; rather, it is to provide your mom with a com panion. No matter how loving, caring, and supportive you and your siblings might be, you cannot take the place of a husband.

Pulling It All Together

ear Concerned Siblings, Parents are supposed to live for ever. It hurts to me know that you and your siblings are struggling with this ex traordinarily painful challenge. Mourn ing does not have generic rules, and everyone learns to heal and cope differ ently. Loneliness is one of the worst feel ings in the world, and it seems like your mom is very determined to move forward (based on your short description). I’m not concerned about your mom; however, I am concerned about you and your siblings. What do all of you think about your mom’s decision? Is it possi ble that you’re projecting your own con cerns onto her? Allowing the possibility of a new step-parent into your life can feel inappropriate and painful (and pos sibly not something a child can ever feel “ready” for). The answer is not simple, nor can anyone provide you with an answer expect ing you to be comfortable with it. I encourage you to continue having open con versations with your mom and siblings expressing your feelings and gaining support, closure, and clarity throughout the process.


In a nutshell, I don’t have the answer to your question. And I don’t believe you will have the answer to your ques tion either. That is because the question doesn’t belong to you or me. The ques tion belongs to your mother. When the door to your mother’s bedroom closes at night and she lays her head on her pil low, we don’t know what she is think ing and we don’t know how she feels. A brave face and a smiling mouth are not necessarily synonymous with her not feeling her feelings. I cannot tell you whether or not you have reason to be concerned. You may likely to come alongside your mother. Express your loving concern and show her enormous support for her decision to start dating. Most people on Earth do not want to be alone. While some widows and widowers choose to remain alone, many want to get remarried to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of part nership and companionship. This can be the most normal thing in the world and actually a sign of life – wanting to moveUltimately,forward. your mother needs to make this decision for herself. When a parent moves on after the death of the up all sorts of feelings for the children, no matter how old. Children are always children. And those feelings a child has for a parent never ever go away. If feelings about your mother moving on are stirring up your own feelings about your father, alav hashalom , you may find speaking with a professional to be and your family all the best. Sincerely,

No matter how loving, caring, and supportive you and your siblings might be, you cannot take the place of a husband.


Ingredients ◦ 1

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

Kosher salt Canola oil

Tomatoes usually ripen and are in full picking season in August. I try to use tomatoes as much as I can when their flavor is at their peak. This is one of my most popular recipes served at my Shabbat table. large eggplant

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved ½ red onion sliced into half-moon rings Juice of a fresh lemon

Many of my readers know of my love for tomatoes.


2 cloves fresh crushed garlic teaspoon cumin Olive oil

By Naomi Nachman In The K tchen

Eggplant and Tomato Salad

◦ ½

Preheat oven to 400°F. Slice the eggplant lengthwise into 4 spears, and then cut each spear across into 1-inch chunks. Arrange the eggplant in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle with kosher salt, then drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

TossPlacewell.the cookie sheet into the oven for 30 minutes or until the eggplant has become brown and soft in the center. After the eggplant has cooled, placed in a salad bowl. Add tomatoes, onion, lemon, garlic and cumin. Drizzle with a little olive oil and add some salt if desired. Garnish with fresh chopped cilantro or parsley.


to The Candy Store Win $10 KIDS!HEY Take a picture with your artwork and submit it to to enter a raffle for a chance to win $10 to The Candy Store! See your picture in print the following week! Two winners e•very week• Submissions due Sunday, September 4th Download extra coloring sheets from

69 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM TOCONGRATULATIONSLASTEDITION’SRAFFLEWINNERs!MORESUBMISSIONS Yakira Mandelbaum, 7 Yael Friedman Yaakov Chervony, 7Tzippy Shafner, 9Temimah Becker, 10Tehilla Rosenbaum, 5 Ari Rosenbaum, 5 Leah Kaufman, 10 Yossi Radzyner, 8 Rumi Friedman, 6 Tani Feld, 4 Yehudis Bulka, 13 Note: Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your artwork for another chance to be featured!

70 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM EVEN MORE Yoni Lichter, 6 Yitzy Bulka, 5 Yehuda Schwartz Shoshana P. Cohen, 5Sara, 8Michal, 11Ruchama Plotnik, 8Rivka Rosenbaum, 5 Naamah Plotnik, 5Myer Kaufman8Moshe Simha, 3Moshe F, 7 Fishel Kaufman, 7Elisheva, 4Eliana Chernitzky,Leeba8Eli SchoemannEli Chervony, 10 Benny KhaverBella Shugarman, 6Ayelet Simha, 5Avigayil Levi, 13 Aliza Baskin, 7Akiva Kaplan, 8Ahuva Malitzky, 5Ahron Stein,Note:11 Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your artwork for another chance to be featured!

71 HOMEJEWISHBALTIMORETHE 202225,AUGUST WWW.THEBJH.COM SUBMISSIONS Esti S. 2 Yisrael Weissmann,Meir9 Yehudis, 12 Tehilla Kayla Hammelburger Tani Friedman, 5Esther B, 8Tamar Weiss, 7T Gross, 11 Riki Kleiner, 6Pearly Kiewe, 6Nechama Shapiro,11 Meira Sonnenblick,Leah Kaufman, 10Jojo Dollman, 7Jake, 8 And Lily K. 6Golda Kaufman, 12 Chonon Tzvi ShugarmanChezky, 6Chaya G, 8Chaim F, 3Blimi Rabinowitz Aryeh Newmark, 9Ari Rosenbaum, 5Aliza Wecker, 4Aliza Goldberg,Note:8 Not all submission have been published. Keep sending in your artwork for another chance to be featured!

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