A new year and a new team. Year 3 expert Brett Massey was joined by Craig Newton and Dirk Benson to guide the boys through this pivotal year. Year 3 bridges the years of early childhood schooling and the upper years of the junior school.
Year 3 Teachers
The boys adapted beautifully, and as their first NAPLAN experience was only a few short months away, we approached these tests as a Celebration of Learning. With a focus on the knowledge and skills needed to succeed, the boys, superbly supported by specialists in their field, approached the tests with enthusiasm. Confident in their ability and well-prepared the results were simply outstanding. This Year 3 cohort achieved at the highest level, topped all Gold Coast schools in Spelling and in Numeracy and with sister school St Hilda’s were perched at the top of all Gold Coast schools in Year 3 NAPLAN. The boys are to be congratulated for their hard work. Thank you also to the parent reps for the wonderful celebration BBQ.
As the year progressed learning programs continued in earnest, and the boys continued to succeed. Mathematics results across all groups continued to soar. Year 3 ICAS results were extraordinary, with multiple Credit and Distinction certificates. Master of Prep Spelling results saw a
high number of boys receive awards on stage.
The Year 3 Choir performed exceptionally at Eisteddfod and our rugby teams excelled on the field. The culmination of the year, the Year 3 Sleepover, is a deserved activity that recognises the work of the boys and their growing maturity.
Year 3 Geography was certainly an interesting and relevant experience as the boys grappled with the concept of sustainable development. They studied the proposed billion dollar cruise ship terminal, hotels, shopping precincts and casino, all planned for the Southport Spit. At certain points along the way the boys stated their position (for or against the development), and it was encouraging that many changed their stance based on their learning. Highlights included a day at the Spit where the boys surveyed the public, photographed the area and participated in a movement study through art. The boys learnt about the workings of the local council and State Government and their interactions with developers. A visit from a representative of Save the Spit convinced many boys to preserve and improve the natural environment. Each boy presented their persuasive PowerPoint, wrote a letter to the State Premier and wrote